
Hedgehogs in culture

Hedgehogs have appeared widely in popular and folk culture, particularly in Europe, one of their native continents. Though not native to Oceania, hedgehogs have been introduced to New Zealand, leading to their appearance in New Zealand's culture. With many prominent roles in folktales, hedgehogs are also common in modern culture and media, with appearances in books, video games, television shows, and films.

Europe edit

As animals native to Europe and Africa, hedgehogs hold a place in European folklore.[1][2]

In most European countries, hedgehogs are believed to be a hard-working no-nonsense animal[citation needed]. This partially results from the folk belief that hedgehogs collect apples and mushrooms and carry them to their secret storage.

It is unclear exactly how old this belief is, though the Roman author Pliny the Elder mentions hedgehogs gathering grapes by this method in his Naturalis Historia. In medieval bestiaries and other illuminated manuscripts dating from at least the 13th century onwards, hedgehogs are shown rolling on and impaling fruit to carry back to their dens. However, hedgehogs do not gather food to store for later consumption, relying on their deposited fat to survive hibernation. Nor is apple included in their usual diet (it has been suggested, however, that the hedgehogs may use the juice of wild apples to get rid of parasites, similar to anting). The image remains an irresistible one to modern illustrators. Therefore, hedgehogs are often portrayed carrying apples – partially, to make them look cuter.[citation needed]

Hedgehogs are often pictured as fond of milk; as late as the 19th century, some English villagers even believed that these creatures would suck milk out of cows' udders.[3] In reality, however, hedgehogs are lactose-intolerant.

Hedgehogs are also often seen in pictures with an autumn-themed background since the animal hibernates in piles of leaves. This also adds to the cute reputation of hedgehogs. In Great Britain, however, the human habit of lighting bonfires to celebrate Bonfire Night on 5 November has led to an increased risk to hedgehogs, who often choose to sleep in the piles of wood accumulated in gardens and parks beforehand. Television messages now remind viewers who might be lighting bonfires to check them first for the presence of hibernating hedgehogs.

During the 1970s and 1980s, hedgehogs were one of the poster animals for environment activists throughout Europe. A large number of hedgehogs were killed by traffic, and since the hedgehog was widely seen as a cute, friendly animal, the choice was effective.

In a Veps legend, the (female) hedgehog appears in a creation myth. According to it, early on, there was no dry land; the entire world was just a big lake. It was a giant hedgehog that brought soil and sand with its needles, creating dry land.[1]

A hedgehog plays a role in a Lithuanian and Latvian creation story as well: when God made heaven and earth, he did not take good measurements, so the earth was made larger than the heaven; on the hedgehog's wise suggestion, God squeezed the earth, so that it would fit into the heaven. (In some versions of the legend, the process of "shrinking" the earth resulted in the creation of mountain ranges). To reward the clever hedgehog, God equipped him with a suite of needles.[1] A similar legend is attested among the Banat Bulgarians and Romanians as well.[2][4]

The wisdom of the hedgehog is presented in other folk legends in the Balkans as well. In a Bulgarian legend, the Sun decided to marry the Moon and invited all the animals to the wedding. The hedgehog was the only one who failed to appear. The Sun went to look for the hedgehog and found him gnawing on a stone. When the Sun inquired what he was doing, the hedgehog explained: "I am learning to eat stones. Once you marry, you'll have many Sun children born to you, and when they all shine in the sky, everything will burn, and there will be nothing to eat". The Sun then decided to call off the wedding, and the world's inhabitants were saved from starvation.[2][5]

In the Balkan Slavic and Belarusian folklore, the wise hedgehog (along with the tortoise) sometimes appears as the animal capable of finding the raskovnik, a magic plant that could be used to open locks and to find hidden treasures.[2][4][6]

In many Balkan (Bulgarian,[7] Macedonian,[8][9] Greek[10]) folk songs the (male) hedgehog often appears romantically interested in a (female) tortoise. His advances are usually unwelcome, and the tortoises often resort to legal means to deal with the harasser.[7][11]

United States edit

Hedgehogs remain largely unseen in modern-day American culture. On several occasions, British educational programmes have been revised to refer to hedgehogs as porcupines (at least one such example being Bob the Builder and Littlest Pet Shop). The Wacky Wheels video game makes humorous use of hedgehogs as projectiles, and they are also seen reading the newspaper while sitting on the toilet in the middle of the race course.

One notable exception is Sonic the Hedgehog, the video game character created by Yuji Naka and Naoto Ohshima for SEGA.

May has been designated Hedgehog Month by the International Hedgehog Association. [citation needed]

Oceania edit

New Zealand's McGillicuddy Serious Party were unsuccessful in their attempt to get a hedgehog elected to Parliament.

Also in New Zealand, hedgehogs feature in the Bogor cartoon by Burton Silver, via which they also appeared on a postage stamp.

Technology edit

A hedgehog transformer is an early type of electrical transformer designed to work at audio frequencies (AF). They resemble hedgehogs in size, colour and shape and were used in the first part of the 20th century.[12]

Cuisine edit

Pork hedgehogs with slivered almond quills

In some supermarkets in the UK, a type of speciality loaf named Hedgehog Bread can be found for sale. The loaf has a hard top crust shaped before baking into a series of small spikes, resembling a hedgehog.

A "hedgehog cake" recipe appears in English cookbooks as early as the 18th century.[13]

"Hedgehogs" may also be created by moulding ground meat in a teardrop shape, embedding pastry slivers or slivered almonds in the surface to resemble quills, and adding eyes and ears of peppercorns, olives, or whole almonds. The technique dates back to at least 1390[14] and was referenced in an episode of Two Fat Ladies.

Hedgehogs in popular culture edit

In books edit

  • In Good to Great by James C. Collins, he describes a fundamental attribute of successful businesses as their "Hedgehog Concept".
  • Hans My Hedgehog is a German fairy tale collected by the Brothers Grimm. A wealthy but childless merchant wishes he had a child, even a hedgehog, and comes home to find that his wife has given birth to a baby boy who is a hedgehog from the waist up. After many trials Hans My Hedgehog marries a princess and becomes a handsome young man. An even more popular tale in this collection, The Hare and the Hedgehog, is about the race between a hare, who is proud of his swift legs, and a hedgehog. The hedgehog teams up with his wife who hides on the other side of the field across which the hare and the hedgehog are to race. The hedgehog does not race all the way but simply cowers in his furrow after a few steps. When the hare has crossed the field, Mrs. Hedgehog raises her head on the other side and announces "I am here already." They repeat the race until finally, the hare dies of exhaustion. The story illustrates the dangers of pride on the side of the hare who cannot overcome the common hedgehog's cunning.
  • The French author the Comtesse de Ségur devotes a chapter in the children's classic Les petites filles modèles (in French) to a story featuring hedgehogs. A mother hedgehog and her three offspring are killed by a caretaker because, as he explains it, they destroy little rabbits and partridges, to the great consternation of the children in the story.
  • In Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, the Queen of Hearts uses hedgehogs and flamingoes to play croquet.
  • Beatrix Potter's Mrs. Tiggy-Winkle stars a hedgehog.
  • Two hedgehogs of the school-child age feature in Kenneth Grahame's The Wind in the Willows.
  • In the 1927 British detective novel The Ellerby Case by John Rhode, in the chapter entitled "The Green Hedgehog," Doctor Lancelot Priestly, the investigator who solves the case, is nearly murdered by a hedgehog dyed green whose spines have been impregnated with a virulent poison.
  • British author Terry Pratchett incorporates hedgehogs into several of his Discworld novels, and one of the characters is known for singing a lewd song called "The Hedgehog Can Never Be Buggered at All".
  • Jan Brett has featured a hedgehog as the main character in many of her books, including The Mitten and Hedgie's Surprise.
  • Hedgehogs are common characters in Brian Jacques's book series, Redwall.
  • Dick King-Smith has written a story for younger children about a family of hedgehogs threatened by traffic, The Hodgeheg.
  • In The Animals of Farthing Wood by British author Colin Dann, several hedgehogs were part of the group of animals that travelled from Farthing Wood to the nature reserve White Deer Park. The oldest two hedgehogs were run over on a motorway near the end of the journey.[15] The rest of the hedgehogs safely made it to White Deer Park and appeared sporadically in the remainder of the series. In the television adaptation, only two hedgehogs were part of the group. As in the novel, both were killed on the motorway.[16]
  • Isaiah Berlin, in The Hedgehog and the Fox, takes the hedgehog as the type of person who knows "one big thing", as opposed to the fox, who knows many things. This was taken from a poem by Archilochus.
  • Similarly, Stephen Jay Gould refers to a persistent sticking to one strategy, "hedgehog-like" behaviour in his discourse on the humanities versus science in The Hedgehog, the Fox, and the Magister's Pox.
  • In Rudyard Kipling's Just So Stories, a Hedgehog named Stickly-Prickly is one of the main protagonists in the story "The Beginning of the Armadillos".
  • One of the most popular book-length children's poems in Serbian is Branko Ćopić's Ježeva kućica, (The Hedgehog's Little House)
  • Fuzzypeg, a friend of Little Grey Rabbit.
  • Yona, the Hedgehog, is a mythical character in Richard Adams' Watership Down.
  • Shakespeare referenced hedgehogs in The Tempest and Midsummer Night’s Dream. He referred to them as "hedgepigs" and "urchins."[17]
  • Kiroileva siili (Finnish for "The swearing hedgehog") is a comic strip written and drawn by Finnish artist Milla Paloniemi.

In other media edit

  • Sonic the Hedgehog is Sega's anthropomorphic corporate mascot and one of the stars of the video game series of the same name, six TV series, OVA, two movies, animated shorts, and five comic series, one published in the USA and one in the UK. Aside from being bipedal and cobalt blue, he resembles a real hedgehog, having large spines, a long nose, and a penchant for curling into a spiky ball. Among his many co-stars are four more hedgehogs: Amy Rose, Shadow, Silver and, in the Archie comic series, Scourge. Other hedgehogs in the TV Series were Sonia, Manic, Queen Aleena and Uncle Chuck.
  • In the Nintendo game Animal Crossing, the Able Sisters are 2 female hedgehogs that own a tailor shop for the player to purchase some clothing. In Animal Crossing: City Folk, a third Able sister was introduced named Labelle (also known in later instalments as Label).
  • The Mysteries of Alfred Hedgehog stars an anthropomorphised hedgehog.
  • Mr. Pricklepants is an animated, stuffed toy hedgehog from the 2010 Disney/Pixar film Toy Story 3, who likes to act in stage plays. He is voiced by actor Timothy Dalton.
  • Lindsfarne Dewclaw, from the online comic strip Kevin and Kell, is a hedgehog. She is highly intelligent and is studying to be a scientist, fascinated with genetics, astronomy and spaceflight. She has recently graduated from university with her bachelor's degree and married her high school sweetheart Fenton Fuscus, a bat.
  • Jeż Jerzy (George the Hedgehog in English) is a Polish comic book title written by Rafał Skarżycki [pl] and drawn by Tomasz Lew Leśniak [pl].
  • Igel Ärgern is a popular German board game, first published in 1990 by Doris Matthaus & Frank Nestel (the makers of Ursuppe). The title roughly translates as "Hedgehog Irking," but the game is usually called "Hedgehogs in a Hurry" in English. In the game, each player races a team of four hedgehogs across a track, avoiding mud pits and occasionally piling atop one another.
  • In a 1970 episode of Monty Python's Flying Circus, there was a fake news profile of a crime lord named Dinsdale Piranha, a notorious criminal known for nailing people's heads to the floor. Piranha believed a giant invisible hedgehog named "Spiny Norman" was following him everywhere, and when he came to believe Spiny Norman was hiding out in an aeroplane hangar, he blew the hangar up with a nuclear bomb. During the closing credits of the show, Spiny Norman is seen stalking London and shouting "Dinsdale!"
  • In 1981 an Album called "Hedgehog Sandwich" was released by BBC Records, featuring comedy sketches from the Not the Nine O'Clock News television series.
  • In the Israeli version of Sesame Street, Rechov Sumsum, one of the main characters was a pink human-sized, orange-spiked hedgehog named "Kippy Ben Kippod " (Kippy Hedgehogson). The same character later appeared in the Israeli/Palestinian co-production of the series, Rechov Sumsum Shara'a Simsim
  • In the Spanish version of Sesame Street, one of the main characters was a pink human-sized hedgehog called "Espinete" (Little spine).
  • In the anime Saint Tail, the main character Haneoka Meimi acquires a pet brown hedgehog named Ruby while in her titular alter ego of the superthief Saint Tail. Ruby helps Saint Tail out on one caper, is the inspiration for one of the latter's magic tricks, and acts as a mascot.
  • In the UK, the magazine Old Glory (which covers the vintage vehicle preservation movement) had a cartoon strip called "Hedgehogs Revenge". It featured hedgehogs destroying steamrollers in various creative ways, including driving one off a cliff. The strip was part of the Young Restorers page ran in the 1990's, and was drawn by someone known only as "AJ".
Hedgehog in the Fog commemorated on a Soviet postage stamp
  • Hedgehog in the Fog is a 1975 animation directed by Yuriy Norshteyn about a hedgehog who travels through a very foggy wood to visit his friend, a bear.
  • Harry Hedgehog is an enemy on Yoshi's Island. He is an enemy that runs around and extends his quills when Yoshi gets near.
  • Mega Man 3 on the NES had a robotic hedgehog enemy in Needleman's stage, referred to as "Needle Harry" in Nintendo Power. In Mega Man II on the Game Boy, this enemy returns along with Needleman, and in the "list of enemies" at the end is referred to as "Hari Harry" (note that in Japanese a hedgehog is a "harinezumi" or a "needle mouse"). It attacks by firing its spines, and can also roll, during which it is invulnerable.
  • In the "Timeless Time" episode of the BBC television show One Foot in the Grave, Victor, on his way back into the house in the early morning hours after returning from turning off his faulty car alarm, accidentally steps into a rotting hedgehog and walks it into the house, like a slipper.
  • A series of animated road safety advertisements featuring a family of hedgehogs aired between 1997 and the mid-2000s on various British television channels, as part of the Think! road safety campaign of the British government. The ads (e.g. King of the Road, Stayin' Alive, Glow in the Dark, Green Man, etc.) were aimed primarily at a child audience, teaching them about the basics of road safety through songs and the younger hedgehogs' humorous misadventures. A promotional website supplemented the television advertisements. It was relaunched in 2003, along with the redesigned version of the ads, but discontinued in 2008. An officially archived version survives.[18][19][20]
  • In Katekyo Hitman Reborn, Kyoya Hibari uses a hedgehog nicknamed Roll as one of his signature weapons besides his tonfas.
  • In the final episode of the second series of Bottom Richie mistakingly believes that Red Indians eat hedgehogs and Eddie Hitler mistakes a hedgehog for a womble.
  • The Incredible String Band has a song called "The Hedgehog's Song" in their album The 5000 Spirits or the Layers of the Onion. It was written by Mike Heron.
  • In Littlest Pet Shop, Russell Ferguson (voiced by Samuel Vincent), is a male orange hedgehog and the organizer of the group. Usually, he keeps everyone in the Littlest Pet Shop on track, making sure the others won't wreck it in the process. He is often mistaken for a porcupine.
  • In the 2012 film "The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey", the wizard Radagast has a pet hedgehog named Sebastian.
  • A hedgehog named Russell is one of the major characters in the film Once Upon A Forest.

References edit

  1. ^ a b c Civjan, Tatjana; Razauskas, Dainius (2004), "Еж в космогонических преданиях (Балто-балканский ареал) / Hedgehog in Cosmogonic and Etiological Legends of the Balto-Balcanic Area", Folklore Studies, XXI: 79–91. English abstract also available separately.
  2. ^ a b c d Gura, A.V. (А.В. Гура) (1999), "Еж [Hedgehog]", in Tolstoy, Nikita (Никита Толстой) (ed.), Славянские древности: этнолингвистический словарь в пяти томах [Slavic Antiquities: Ethnolinguistic Dictionary in Five Volumes] (in Russian), vol. 2, Международные отношения, pp. 181–182, ISBN 5713309827
  3. ^ "Hedgehogs" in: Simpson, Jacqueline; Roud, Stephen (2000), A Dictionary of English Folklore, Oxford University Press, pp. 472–473, ISBN 019210019X
  4. ^ a b Slovenska mitologija: enciklopedijski recnik, Beograd: Zepter BookWorld, 2001, pp. 245–246, ISBN 8674940250, quoted in: Tales From The Past – Folklore, Fairy Tales, Mythology and Magic 19 June 2015 at the Wayback Machine
  5. ^ One version of this story, called СОНЧЕВАТА ЖЕНИДБА (The Sun's Wedding), was collected by Marko Cepenkov in the 19th century, in what is today North Macedonia; in it, the hedgehog (who rides a donkey) offers stones to his donkey to eat. In another version of the story, it is a tortoise rather than a hedgehog who warns the sun about the consequences of the wedding; in yet another version, it is an old man who offers a piece of quartz to his donkey. These other two versions can be found e.g. in Predanija i Legendi, ed. Kiril Penuševski, Skopje, 1969.
  6. ^ "Raskovnik" (Расковник) in: Агапкина, Т. А (2009), Славянские древности: этнолингвистический словарь в пяти томах [Slavic Antiquities: Ethnolinguistic Dictionary in Five Volumes] (in Russian), vol. 4, Международные отношения, p. 396, ISBN 978-5713307035
  7. ^ a b Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, ed. (1896), "Желва и еж (Tortoise and Hedgehog)", Sbornik za narodni umotvorenii͡a︡ i narodopis ... (in Bulgarian), vol. 13, Bŭlgarskata akademii͡a︡ na naukite., pp. 38–39
  8. ^ Stefanovski, Božo (БОЖО СТЕФАНОВСКИ), ed. (1995), "Кинисала мома желка (The Girl Turtle went out)", Цут цутила черешвица. Македонски народни песни од Мариово [A Cherry Tree Was Blooming. Macedonian folk songs from Mariovo] (in Macedonian), Skopje{{citation}}: CS1 maint: location missing publisher (link)
  9. ^ Song no. 28 ("Свадба отъ ракови-те' [Lobsers' Wedding]) in the Bulgarian Folk Songs. Edited by the Miladinov brothers. Zagreb, 1861. (in Bulgarian)
  10. ^ Stuart Glennie, John S., ed. (1885), "Nursery Rhyme No. VI", Greek folk-songs from the Turkish provinces of Greece, 'Η δουλη 'Ελλασ: Albania, Thessaly (not yet wholly free), and Macedonia: literal and metrical translations by Lucy M. J. Garnett, classified, revised, and edited with an historical introduction on the survival of Paganism, by John S. Stuart Glennie, p. 173, based on Song no. 195 from Panagiotis Aravantinos' "Συλλογή δημωδών ασμάτων της Ηπείρου" (Athens, 1880)
  11. ^ Shapkarev, Kuzman (1891), "No. 1236, Ежовите и жельките (The hedgehogs and the tortoises)", Sbornik ot bŭlgarski narodni umotvorenii͡a, Volume 3, Issues 1–2 (in Bulgarian), Pechatnitsa na "Liberalniĭ klub,", p. 137
  12. ^ Havyatt, Rick. . TelephoneCollecting.org. Archived from the original on 8 September 2006.
  13. ^ Ayto, John (2012), The Diner's Dictionary: Word Origins of Food and Drink, Oxford University Press, p. 170, ISBN 978-0199640249
  14. ^ "The Forme of Cury, A Roll of Ancient English Cookery, Compiled, about A.D. 1390, by the Master-Cooks of King Richard II, Presented afterwards to Queen Elizabeth, by Edward Lord Stafford", contains a recipe for sausages "made after an urchoun [i.e., hedgehog] withoute legges" with "smale prikkes of gode past [pastry]". http://www.fullbooks.com/The-Forme-of-Cury2.html
  15. ^ Dann, Colin (1979). "Chapter 26: The Motorway". The Animals of Farthing Wood (2006 ed.). London: William Heinemann Ltd. p. 239.
  16. ^ "Between Two Evils". The Animals of Farthing Wood. Series One. Episode Ten. 10 March 1993. 19:32 minutes in. BBC.
  17. ^ "22 things you didn't know about hedgehogs". MNN - Mother Nature Network. Retrieved 11 December 2019.
  18. ^ "Helping hedgehogs to cross the road – games in the UK Government Web Archive". blog.nationalarchives.gov.uk. The National Archives. Retrieved 28 January 2017.
  19. ^ "Hedgehogs to deliver road safety message". The Guardian. 28 August 2003. Retrieved 28 January 2017.
  20. ^ "Stop Look Listen Live". hedgehogs.gov.uk (via The National Archives). Department of Transport / The National Archives. 7 November 2008. Archived from the original on 7 November 2008. Retrieved 30 January 2017.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: bot: original URL status unknown (link)

hedgehogs, culture, hedgehogs, have, appeared, widely, popular, folk, culture, particularly, europe, their, native, continents, though, native, oceania, hedgehogs, have, been, introduced, zealand, leading, their, appearance, zealand, culture, with, many, promi. Hedgehogs have appeared widely in popular and folk culture particularly in Europe one of their native continents Though not native to Oceania hedgehogs have been introduced to New Zealand leading to their appearance in New Zealand s culture With many prominent roles in folktales hedgehogs are also common in modern culture and media with appearances in books video games television shows and films Contents 1 Europe 2 United States 3 Oceania 4 Technology 5 Cuisine 6 Hedgehogs in popular culture 6 1 In books 6 2 In other media 7 ReferencesEurope editAs animals native to Europe and Africa hedgehogs hold a place in European folklore 1 2 In most European countries hedgehogs are believed to be a hard working no nonsense animal citation needed This partially results from the folk belief that hedgehogs collect apples and mushrooms and carry them to their secret storage It is unclear exactly how old this belief is though the Roman author Pliny the Elder mentions hedgehogs gathering grapes by this method in his Naturalis Historia In medieval bestiaries and other illuminated manuscripts dating from at least the 13th century onwards hedgehogs are shown rolling on and impaling fruit to carry back to their dens However hedgehogs do not gather food to store for later consumption relying on their deposited fat to survive hibernation Nor is apple included in their usual diet it has been suggested however that the hedgehogs may use the juice of wild apples to get rid of parasites similar to anting The image remains an irresistible one to modern illustrators Therefore hedgehogs are often portrayed carrying apples partially to make them look cuter citation needed Hedgehogs are often pictured as fond of milk as late as the 19th century some English villagers even believed that these creatures would suck milk out of cows udders 3 In reality however hedgehogs are lactose intolerant Hedgehogs are also often seen in pictures with an autumn themed background since the animal hibernates in piles of leaves This also adds to the cute reputation of hedgehogs In Great Britain however the human habit of lighting bonfires to celebrate Bonfire Night on 5 November has led to an increased risk to hedgehogs who often choose to sleep in the piles of wood accumulated in gardens and parks beforehand Television messages now remind viewers who might be lighting bonfires to check them first for the presence of hibernating hedgehogs During the 1970s and 1980s hedgehogs were one of the poster animals for environment activists throughout Europe A large number of hedgehogs were killed by traffic and since the hedgehog was widely seen as a cute friendly animal the choice was effective In a Veps legend the female hedgehog appears in a creation myth According to it early on there was no dry land the entire world was just a big lake It was a giant hedgehog that brought soil and sand with its needles creating dry land 1 A hedgehog plays a role in a Lithuanian and Latvian creation story as well when God made heaven and earth he did not take good measurements so the earth was made larger than the heaven on the hedgehog s wise suggestion God squeezed the earth so that it would fit into the heaven In some versions of the legend the process of shrinking the earth resulted in the creation of mountain ranges To reward the clever hedgehog God equipped him with a suite of needles 1 A similar legend is attested among the Banat Bulgarians and Romanians as well 2 4 The wisdom of the hedgehog is presented in other folk legends in the Balkans as well In a Bulgarian legend the Sun decided to marry the Moon and invited all the animals to the wedding The hedgehog was the only one who failed to appear The Sun went to look for the hedgehog and found him gnawing on a stone When the Sun inquired what he was doing the hedgehog explained I am learning to eat stones Once you marry you ll have many Sun children born to you and when they all shine in the sky everything will burn and there will be nothing to eat The Sun then decided to call off the wedding and the world s inhabitants were saved from starvation 2 5 In the Balkan Slavic and Belarusian folklore the wise hedgehog along with the tortoise sometimes appears as the animal capable of finding the raskovnik a magic plant that could be used to open locks and to find hidden treasures 2 4 6 In many Balkan Bulgarian 7 Macedonian 8 9 Greek 10 folk songs the male hedgehog often appears romantically interested in a female tortoise His advances are usually unwelcome and the tortoises often resort to legal means to deal with the harasser 7 11 United States editHedgehogs remain largely unseen in modern day American culture On several occasions British educational programmes have been revised to refer to hedgehogs as porcupines at least one such example being Bob the Builder and Littlest Pet Shop The Wacky Wheels video game makes humorous use of hedgehogs as projectiles and they are also seen reading the newspaper while sitting on the toilet in the middle of the race course One notable exception is Sonic the Hedgehog the video game character created by Yuji Naka and Naoto Ohshima for SEGA May has been designated Hedgehog Month by the International Hedgehog Association citation needed Oceania editNew Zealand s McGillicuddy Serious Party were unsuccessful in their attempt to get a hedgehog elected to Parliament Also in New Zealand hedgehogs feature in the Bogor cartoon by Burton Silver via which they also appeared on a postage stamp Technology editA hedgehog transformer is an early type of electrical transformer designed to work at audio frequencies AF They resemble hedgehogs in size colour and shape and were used in the first part of the 20th century 12 Cuisine edit nbsp Pork hedgehogs with slivered almond quills In some supermarkets in the UK a type of speciality loaf named Hedgehog Bread can be found for sale The loaf has a hard top crust shaped before baking into a series of small spikes resembling a hedgehog A hedgehog cake recipe appears in English cookbooks as early as the 18th century 13 Hedgehogs may also be created by moulding ground meat in a teardrop shape embedding pastry slivers or slivered almonds in the surface to resemble quills and adding eyes and ears of peppercorns olives or whole almonds The technique dates back to at least 1390 14 and was referenced in an episode of Two Fat Ladies Hedgehogs in popular culture editIn books edit In Good to Great by James C Collins he describes a fundamental attribute of successful businesses as their Hedgehog Concept Hans My Hedgehog is a German fairy tale collected by the Brothers Grimm A wealthy but childless merchant wishes he had a child even a hedgehog and comes home to find that his wife has given birth to a baby boy who is a hedgehog from the waist up After many trials Hans My Hedgehog marries a princess and becomes a handsome young man An even more popular tale in this collection The Hare and the Hedgehog is about the race between a hare who is proud of his swift legs and a hedgehog The hedgehog teams up with his wife who hides on the other side of the field across which the hare and the hedgehog are to race The hedgehog does not race all the way but simply cowers in his furrow after a few steps When the hare has crossed the field Mrs Hedgehog raises her head on the other side and announces I am here already They repeat the race until finally the hare dies of exhaustion The story illustrates the dangers of pride on the side of the hare who cannot overcome the common hedgehog s cunning The French author the Comtesse de Segur devotes a chapter in the children s classic Les petites filles modeles in French to a story featuring hedgehogs A mother hedgehog and her three offspring are killed by a caretaker because as he explains it they destroy little rabbits and partridges to the great consternation of the children in the story In Alice s Adventures in Wonderland the Queen of Hearts uses hedgehogs and flamingoes to play croquet Beatrix Potter s Mrs Tiggy Winkle stars a hedgehog Two hedgehogs of the school child age feature in Kenneth Grahame s The Wind in the Willows In the 1927 British detective novel The Ellerby Case by John Rhode in the chapter entitled The Green Hedgehog Doctor Lancelot Priestly the investigator who solves the case is nearly murdered by a hedgehog dyed green whose spines have been impregnated with a virulent poison British author Terry Pratchett incorporates hedgehogs into several of his Discworld novels and one of the characters is known for singing a lewd song called The Hedgehog Can Never Be Buggered at All Jan Brett has featured a hedgehog as the main character in many of her books including The Mitten and Hedgie s Surprise Hedgehogs are common characters in Brian Jacques s book series Redwall Dick King Smith has written a story for younger children about a family of hedgehogs threatened by traffic The Hodgeheg In The Animals of Farthing Wood by British author Colin Dann several hedgehogs were part of the group of animals that travelled from Farthing Wood to the nature reserve White Deer Park The oldest two hedgehogs were run over on a motorway near the end of the journey 15 The rest of the hedgehogs safely made it to White Deer Park and appeared sporadically in the remainder of the series In the television adaptation only two hedgehogs were part of the group As in the novel both were killed on the motorway 16 Isaiah Berlin in The Hedgehog and the Fox takes the hedgehog as the type of person who knows one big thing as opposed to the fox who knows many things This was taken from a poem by Archilochus Similarly Stephen Jay Gould refers to a persistent sticking to one strategy hedgehog like behaviour in his discourse on the humanities versus science in The Hedgehog the Fox and the Magister s Pox In Rudyard Kipling s Just So Stories a Hedgehog named Stickly Prickly is one of the main protagonists in the story The Beginning of the Armadillos One of the most popular book length children s poems in Serbian is Branko Copic s Jezeva kucica The Hedgehog s Little House Fuzzypeg a friend of Little Grey Rabbit Yona the Hedgehog is a mythical character in Richard Adams Watership Down Shakespeare referenced hedgehogs in The Tempest and Midsummer Night s Dream He referred to them as hedgepigs and urchins 17 Kiroileva siili Finnish for The swearing hedgehog is a comic strip written and drawn by Finnish artist Milla Paloniemi In other media edit Sonic the Hedgehog is Sega s anthropomorphic corporate mascot and one of the stars of the video game series of the same name six TV series OVA two movies animated shorts and five comic series one published in the USA and one in the UK Aside from being bipedal and cobalt blue he resembles a real hedgehog having large spines a long nose and a penchant for curling into a spiky ball Among his many co stars are four more hedgehogs Amy Rose Shadow Silver and in the Archie comic series Scourge Other hedgehogs in the TV Series were Sonia Manic Queen Aleena and Uncle Chuck In the Nintendo game Animal Crossing the Able Sisters are 2 female hedgehogs that own a tailor shop for the player to purchase some clothing In Animal Crossing City Folk a third Able sister was introduced named Labelle also known in later instalments as Label The Mysteries of Alfred Hedgehog stars an anthropomorphised hedgehog Mr Pricklepants is an animated stuffed toy hedgehog from the 2010 Disney Pixar film Toy Story 3 who likes to act in stage plays He is voiced by actor Timothy Dalton Lindsfarne Dewclaw from the online comic strip Kevin and Kell is a hedgehog She is highly intelligent and is studying to be a scientist fascinated with genetics astronomy and spaceflight She has recently graduated from university with her bachelor s degree and married her high school sweetheart Fenton Fuscus a bat Jez Jerzy George the Hedgehog in English is a Polish comic book title written by Rafal Skarzycki pl and drawn by Tomasz Lew Lesniak pl Igel Argern is a popular German board game first published in 1990 by Doris Matthaus amp Frank Nestel the makers of Ursuppe The title roughly translates as Hedgehog Irking but the game is usually called Hedgehogs in a Hurry in English In the game each player races a team of four hedgehogs across a track avoiding mud pits and occasionally piling atop one another In a 1970 episode of Monty Python s Flying Circus there was a fake news profile of a crime lord named Dinsdale Piranha a notorious criminal known for nailing people s heads to the floor Piranha believed a giant invisible hedgehog named Spiny Norman was following him everywhere and when he came to believe Spiny Norman was hiding out in an aeroplane hangar he blew the hangar up with a nuclear bomb During the closing credits of the show Spiny Norman is seen stalking London and shouting Dinsdale In 1981 an Album called Hedgehog Sandwich was released by BBC Records featuring comedy sketches from the Not the Nine O Clock News television series In the Israeli version of Sesame Street Rechov Sumsum one of the main characters was a pink human sized orange spiked hedgehog named Kippy Ben Kippod Kippy Hedgehogson The same character later appeared in the Israeli Palestinian co production of the series Rechov Sumsum Shara a Simsim In the Spanish version of Sesame Street one of the main characters was a pink human sized hedgehog called Espinete Little spine In the anime Saint Tail the main character Haneoka Meimi acquires a pet brown hedgehog named Ruby while in her titular alter ego of the superthief Saint Tail Ruby helps Saint Tail out on one caper is the inspiration for one of the latter s magic tricks and acts as a mascot In the UK the magazine Old Glory which covers the vintage vehicle preservation movement had a cartoon strip called Hedgehogs Revenge It featured hedgehogs destroying steamrollers in various creative ways including driving one off a cliff The strip was part of the Young Restorers page ran in the 1990 s and was drawn by someone known only as AJ nbsp Hedgehog in the Fog commemorated on a Soviet postage stamp Hedgehog in the Fog is a 1975 animation directed by Yuriy Norshteyn about a hedgehog who travels through a very foggy wood to visit his friend a bear Harry Hedgehog is an enemy on Yoshi s Island He is an enemy that runs around and extends his quills when Yoshi gets near Mega Man 3 on the NES had a robotic hedgehog enemy in Needleman s stage referred to as Needle Harry in Nintendo Power In Mega Man II on the Game Boy this enemy returns along with Needleman and in the list of enemies at the end is referred to as Hari Harry note that in Japanese a hedgehog is a harinezumi or a needle mouse It attacks by firing its spines and can also roll during which it is invulnerable In the Timeless Time episode of the BBC television show One Foot in the Grave Victor on his way back into the house in the early morning hours after returning from turning off his faulty car alarm accidentally steps into a rotting hedgehog and walks it into the house like a slipper A series of animated road safety advertisements featuring a family of hedgehogs aired between 1997 and the mid 2000s on various British television channels as part of the Think road safety campaign of the British government The ads e g King of the Road Stayin Alive Glow in the Dark Green Man etc were aimed primarily at a child audience teaching them about the basics of road safety through songs and the younger hedgehogs humorous misadventures A promotional website supplemented the television advertisements It was relaunched in 2003 along with the redesigned version of the ads but discontinued in 2008 An officially archived version survives 18 19 20 In Katekyo Hitman Reborn Kyoya Hibari uses a hedgehog nicknamed Roll as one of his signature weapons besides his tonfas In the final episode of the second series of Bottom Richie mistakingly believes that Red Indians eat hedgehogs and Eddie Hitler mistakes a hedgehog for a womble The Incredible String Band has a song called The Hedgehog s Song in their album The 5000 Spirits or the Layers of the Onion It was written by Mike Heron In Littlest Pet Shop Russell Ferguson voiced by Samuel Vincent is a male orange hedgehog and the organizer of the group Usually he keeps everyone in the Littlest Pet Shop on track making sure the others won t wreck it in the process He is often mistaken for a porcupine In the 2012 film The Hobbit An Unexpected Journey the wizard Radagast has a pet hedgehog named Sebastian A hedgehog named Russell is one of the major characters in the film Once Upon A Forest References edit a b c Civjan Tatjana Razauskas Dainius 2004 Ezh v kosmogonicheskih predaniyah Balto balkanskij areal Hedgehog in Cosmogonic and Etiological Legends of the Balto Balcanic Area Folklore Studies XXI 79 91 English abstract also available separately a b c d Gura A V A V Gura 1999 Ezh Hedgehog in Tolstoy Nikita Nikita Tolstoj ed Slavyanskie drevnosti etnolingvisticheskij slovar v pyati tomah Slavic Antiquities Ethnolinguistic Dictionary in Five Volumes in Russian vol 2 Mezhdunarodnye otnosheniya pp 181 182 ISBN 5713309827 Hedgehogs in Simpson Jacqueline Roud Stephen 2000 A Dictionary of English Folklore Oxford University Press pp 472 473 ISBN 019210019X a b Slovenska mitologija enciklopedijski recnik Beograd Zepter BookWorld 2001 pp 245 246 ISBN 8674940250 quoted in Tales From The Past Folklore Fairy Tales Mythology and Magic Archived 19 June 2015 at the Wayback Machine One version of this story called SONChEVATA ZhENIDBA The Sun s Wedding was collected by Marko Cepenkov in the 19th century in what is today North Macedonia in it the hedgehog who rides a donkey offers stones to his donkey to eat In another version of the story it is a tortoise rather than a hedgehog who warns the sun about the consequences of the wedding in yet another version it is an old man who offers a piece of quartz to his donkey These other two versions can be found e g in Predanija i Legendi ed Kiril Penusevski Skopje 1969 Raskovnik Raskovnik in Agapkina T A 2009 Slavyanskie drevnosti etnolingvisticheskij slovar v pyati tomah Slavic Antiquities Ethnolinguistic Dictionary in Five Volumes in Russian vol 4 Mezhdunarodnye otnosheniya p 396 ISBN 978 5713307035 a b Bulgarian Academy of Sciences ed 1896 Zhelva i ezh Tortoise and Hedgehog Sbornik za narodni umotvorenii a i narodopis in Bulgarian vol 13 Bŭlgarskata akademii a na naukite pp 38 39 Stefanovski Bozo BOZhO STEFANOVSKI ed 1995 Kinisala moma zhelka The Girl Turtle went out Cut cutila chereshvica Makedonski narodni pesni od Mariovo A Cherry Tree Was Blooming Macedonian folk songs from Mariovo in Macedonian Skopje a href Template Citation html title Template Citation citation a CS1 maint location missing publisher link Song no 28 Svadba ot rakovi te Lobsers Wedding in the Bulgarian Folk Songs Edited by the Miladinov brothers Zagreb 1861 in Bulgarian Stuart Glennie John S ed 1885 Nursery Rhyme No VI Greek folk songs from the Turkish provinces of Greece H doylh Ellas Albania Thessaly not yet wholly free and Macedonia literal and metrical translations by Lucy M J Garnett classified revised and edited with an historical introduction on the survival of Paganism by John S Stuart Glennie p 173 based on Song no 195 from Panagiotis Aravantinos Syllogh dhmwdwn asmatwn ths Hpeiroy Athens 1880 Shapkarev Kuzman 1891 No 1236 Ezhovite i zhelkite The hedgehogs and the tortoises Sbornik ot bŭlgarski narodni umotvorenii a Volume 3 Issues 1 2 in Bulgarian Pechatnitsa na Liberalniĭ klub p 137 Havyatt Rick ATCS Newsletter Hedgehog Transformers TelephoneCollecting org Archived from the original on 8 September 2006 Ayto John 2012 The Diner s Dictionary Word Origins of Food and Drink Oxford University Press p 170 ISBN 978 0199640249 The Forme of Cury A Roll of Ancient English Cookery Compiled about A D 1390 by the Master Cooks of King Richard II Presented afterwards to Queen Elizabeth by Edward Lord Stafford contains a recipe for sausages made after an urchoun i e hedgehog withoute legges with smale prikkes of gode past pastry http www fullbooks com The Forme of Cury2 html Dann Colin 1979 Chapter 26 The Motorway The Animals of Farthing Wood 2006 ed London William Heinemann Ltd p 239 Between Two Evils The Animals of Farthing Wood Series One Episode Ten 10 March 1993 19 32 minutes in BBC 22 things you didn t know about hedgehogs MNN Mother Nature Network Retrieved 11 December 2019 Helping hedgehogs to cross the road games in the UK Government Web Archive blog nationalarchives gov uk The National Archives Retrieved 28 January 2017 Hedgehogs to deliver road safety message The Guardian 28 August 2003 Retrieved 28 January 2017 Stop Look Listen Live hedgehogs gov uk via The National Archives Department of Transport The National Archives 7 November 2008 Archived from the original on 7 November 2008 Retrieved 30 January 2017 a href Template Cite web html title Template Cite web cite web a CS1 maint bot original URL status unknown link Retrieved from https en wikipedia org w index php title Hedgehogs in culture amp oldid 1196968403, wikipedia, wiki, book, books, library,


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