

Eurocentrism (also Eurocentricity or Western-centrism)[1] is a worldview that is centered on Western civilization or a biased view that favors it over non-Western civilizations. The exact scope of Eurocentrism varies from the entire Western world to just the continent of Europe or even more narrowly, to Western Europe (especially during the Cold War). When the term is applied historically, it may be used in reference to an apologetic stance toward European colonialism and other forms of imperialism.[2]

A map of the Eastern Hemisphere from Adams Synchronological Chart or Map of History. "The bright colors denote those countries that are the Subjects of history, previous to the discovery of America".

The term "Eurocentrism" dates back to the late 1970s but it did not become prevalent until the 1990s, when it was frequently applied in the context of decolonisation and development and humanitarian aid that industrialised countries offered to developing countries. The term has since been used to critique Western narratives of progress, Western scholars who have downplayed and ignored non-Western contributions, and to contrast Western epistemologies with Indigenous ways of knowing.[3][4][5]

Eurocentrism is the dominant point of view on Wikipedia, in particular the English Wikipedia.[6][7]

Terminology edit

Eurocentrism as the term for an ideology was coined by Samir Amin in the 1970s

The adjective Eurocentric, or Europe-centric, has been in use in various contexts since at least the 1920s.[8] The term was popularised (in French as européocentrique) in the context of decolonisation and internationalism in the mid-20th century.[9] English usage of Eurocentric as an ideological term in identity politics was current by the mid-1980s.[10]

The abstract noun Eurocentrism (French eurocentrisme, earlier europocentrisme) as the term for an ideology was coined in the 1970s by the Egyptian Marxian economist Samir Amin, then director of the African Institute for Economic Development and Planning of the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa.[11] Amin used the term in the context of a global, core-periphery or dependency model of capitalist development. English usage of Eurocentrism is recorded by 1979.[12]

The coinage of Western-centrism is younger, attested in the late 1990s, and specific to English.[13]

History edit

According to historian Enrique Dussel, Eurocentrism has its roots in Hellenocentrism.[14]

European exceptionalism edit

During the European colonial era, encyclopaedias often sought to give a rationale for the predominance of European rule during the colonial period by referring to a special position taken by Europe compared to the other continents.

Thus Johann Heinrich Zedler, in 1741, wrote that "even though Europe is the smallest of the world's four continents, it has for various reasons a position that places it before all others.... Its inhabitants have excellent customs, they are courteous and erudite in both sciences and crafts".[15]

The Brockhaus Enzyklopädie (Conversations-Lexicon) of 1847 still expressed an ostensibly Eurocentric approach and claimed about Europe that "its geographical situation and its cultural and political significance is clearly the most important of the five continents, over which it has gained a most influential government both in material and even more so in cultural aspects".[16]

European exceptionalism thus grew out of the Great Divergence of the Early Modern period, due to the combined effects of the Scientific Revolution, the Commercial Revolution, and the rise of colonial empires, the Industrial Revolution and a Second European colonisation wave.

The assumption of European exceptionalism is widely reflected in popular genres of literature, especially in literature for young adults (for example, Rudyard Kipling's 1901 novel Kim[17]) and in adventure-literature in general. Portrayal of European colonialism in such literature has been analysed in terms of Eurocentrism in retrospect, such as presenting idealised and often exaggeratedly masculine Western heroes, who conquered "savage" peoples in the remaining "dark spaces" of the globe.[18]

The European miracle, a term coined by Eric Jones in 1981,[19] refers to the surprising rise of Europe during the Early Modern period. During the 15th to 18th centuries, a great divergence took place, comprising the European Renaissance, the European age of discovery, the formation of European colonial empires, the Age of Reason, and the associated leap forward in technology and the development of capitalism and early industrialisation. As a result, by the 19th century European powers dominated world trade and world politics.

In Lectures on the Philosophy of History, published in 1837, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel saw world history as starting in Asia but shifting to Greece and Italy, and then north of the Alps to France, Germany and England.[20][21] Hegel interpreted India and China as stationary countries, lacking inner momentum. Hegel's China replaced the real historical development with a fixed, stable scenario, which made it the outsider of world history. Both India and China were waiting and anticipating a combination of certain factors from outside until they could acquire real progress in human civilisation.[22] Hegel's ideas had a profound impact on western historiography and attitudes. Some scholars disagree with his ideas that the Oriental countries were outside of world history.[23]

Max Weber (1864-1920) suggested that capitalism is the speciality of Europe, because Oriental countries such as India and China do not contain the factors which would enable them to develop capitalism in a sufficient manner.[24][need quotation to verify] Weber wrote and published many treatises in which he emphasized the distinctiveness of Europe. In The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism (1905), he wrote that the "rational" capitalism, manifested by its enterprises and mechanisms, only appeared in the Protestant western countries, and a series of generalised and universal cultural phenomena only appear in the west.[25]

Even the state, with a written constitution and a government organised by trained administrators and constrained by rational law, only appears in the West, even though other regimes can also comprise states.[26] ("Rationality" is a multi-layered term whose connotations are developed and escalated as with the social progress. Weber regarded rationality as a proprietary article for western capitalist society.)

Recent usage edit

Journalists detected Eurocentrism in reactions to Russia's invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, when the depth and scope of coverage and concern contrasted with (for example) that devoted to longer-running, bloodier and more vicious contemporary wars outside Europe such as those in Syria and in Yemen.[27]

Anticolonialism edit

Even in the 19th century, anticolonial movements had developed claims about national traditions and values that were set against those of Europe in Africa and India. In some cases, as China, where local ideology was even more exclusionist than the Eurocentric one, Westernisation did not overwhelm longstanding Chinese attitudes to its own cultural centrality.[28]

Orientalism developed in the late 18th century as a disproportionate Western interest in and idealisation of Eastern (i.e. Asian) cultures.

By the early 20th century, some historians, such as Arnold J. Toynbee, were attempting to construct multifocal models of world civilisations. Toynbee also drew attention in Europe to non-European historians, such as the medieval Tunisian scholar Ibn Khaldun. He also established links with Asian thinkers, such as through his dialogues with Daisaku Ikeda of Soka Gakkai International.[29]

The explicit concept of Eurocentrism is a product of the period of decolonisation in the 1960s to 1970s. Its original context is the core-periphery or dependency model of capitalist development of Marxian economics.[citation needed]

Debate since 1990s edit

Eurocentrism has been a particularly important concept in development studies.[30] Brohman (1995) argued that Eurocentrism "perpetuated intellectual dependence on a restricted group of prestigious Western academic institutions that determine the subject matter and methods of research".[30]

In treatises on historical or contemporary Eurocentrism that appeared since the 1990s, Eurocentrism is mostly cast in terms of dualisms such as civilised/barbaric or advanced/backward, developed/undeveloped, core/periphery, implying "evolutionary schemas through which societies inevitably progress", with a remnant of an "underlying presumption of a superior white Western self as referent of analysis" (640[clarification needed]).[31] Eurocentrism and the dualistic properties that it labels on non-European countries, cultures and persons have often been criticised in the political discourse of the 1990s and 2000s, particularly in the greater context of political correctness, race in the United States and affirmative action.[32][33]

In the 1990s, there was a trend of criticising various geographic terms current in the English language as Eurocentric, such as the traditional division of Eurasia into Europe and Asia[34] or the term Middle East.[35]

Eric Sheppard, in 2005, argued that contemporary Marxism itself has Eurocentric traits (in spite of "Eurocentrism" originating in the vocabulary of Marxian economics), because it supposes that the third world must go through a stage of capitalism before "progressive social formations can be envisioned".[3]

Andre Gunder Frank harshly criticised Eurocentrism. He believed that most scholars were the disciples of the social sciences and history guided by Eurocentrism.[4] He criticised some Western scholars for their ideas that non-Western areas lack outstanding contributions in history, economy, ideology, politics and culture compared with the West.[36] These scholars believed that the same contribution made by the West gives Westerners an advantage of endo-genetic momentum which is pushed towards the rest of the world, but Frank believed that the Oriental countries also contributed to the human civilisation in their own perspectives.

Arnold Toynbee in his A Study of History, gave a critical remark on Eurocentrism. He believed that although western capitalism shrouded the world and achieved a political unity based on its economy, the Western countries cannot "westernize" other countries.[37] Toynbee concluded that Eurocentrism is characteristic of three misconceptions manifested by self-centerment, the fixed development of Oriental countries and linear progress.[38]

There has been some debate on whether historical Eurocentrism qualifies as "just another ethnocentrism", as it is found in most of the world's cultures, especially in cultures with imperial aspirations, as in the Sinocentrism in China; in the Empire of Japan (c. 1868–1945), or during the American Century. James M. Blaut (2000) argued that Eurocentrism indeed went beyond other ethnocentrisms, as the scale of European colonial expansion was historically unprecedented and resulted in the formation of a "colonizer's model of the world".[39]

Indigenous philosophies have been noted to greatly contrast with Eurocentric thought. Indigenous scholar James (Sákéj) Youngblood Henderson states that Eurocentricism contrasts greatly with Indigenous worldviews: "the discord between Aboriginal and Eurocentric worldviews is dramatic. It is a conflict between natural and artificial contexts."[5] Indigenous scholars Norman K. Denzin and Yvonna S. Linco state that "in some ways, the epistemological critique initiated by Indigenous knowledge is more radical than other sociopolitical critiques of the West, for the Indigenous critique questions the very foundations of Western ways of knowing and being."[40]

Academic discourse edit

The terms Afrocentrism vs. Eurocentrism have come to play a role in the 2000s to 2010s in the context of the academic discourse on race in the United States and critical whiteness studies, aiming to expose white supremacism and white privilege.[41] Afrocentrist scholars, such as Molefi Asante, have argued that there is a prevalence of Eurocentric thought in the processing of much of academia on African affairs.[42][43][44]

In contrast, in an article, 'Eurocentrism and Academic Imperialism' by Professor Seyed Mohammad Marandi, from the University of Tehran, states that Eurocentric thought exists in almost all aspects of academia in many parts of the world, especially in the humanities.[45] Edgar Alfred Bowring states that in the West, self-regard, self-congratulation and denigration of the 'Other' run more deeply and those tendencies have infected more aspects of their thinking, laws and policy than anywhere else.[46][47] Luke Clossey and Nicholas Guyatt have measured the degree of Eurocentrism in the research programs of top history departments.[48]

Some authors have focused on how scholars who denounce Eurocentrism often inadvertently reproduce Eurocentrism.[49][50] The methodologist Audrey Alejandro refers to this process as a "recursive paradox": "It is a methodo-epistemological recursive paradox that [International Relations] critical scholars experience, producing a discourse that is implicitly counter-productive to the anti-Eurocentric values they advocate."[51]

Transformations of eurocentrism edit

Authors show that since its first conceptualisation, the concept of eurocentrism has evolved. Alina Sajed and John Hobson[52] point to the emergence of a critical eurocentrism, stressing that ‘while [critical IR theory] is certainly critical of the West, nevertheless its tendency towards “Eurofetishism” —by which Western agency is reified at the expense of non-Western agency— leads it into a “critical Eurocentrism”. Expanding on their work, Audrey Alejandro has put forward the idea of a postcolonial eurocentrism, understood as an emerging form of Eurocentrism that

follows the criteria of Eurocentrism commonly mentioned in the literature – denial of ‘non-Western’ agency, teleological narrative centred on the ‘West’ and idealisation of the ‘West’ as normative referent —but whose system of value is the complete opposite of the one embodied by traditional Eurocentrism: With postcolonial Eurocentrism, Europe is also considered to be the primary “proactive” subject of world politics— but, in this case, by being described as the leading edge of global oppression, not progress. Indeed, according to postcolonial Eurocentrism, European capacity to homogenise the world according to its own standards of unification is considered to be a malevolent process (i.e. the destruction of diversity) rather than a benevolent one (i.e. a show of positive leadership). In both forms of Eurocentrism, the discourse performs “the West” as the main actor capable of organising the world in its image. European exceptionalism remains the same —although, from the postcolonial Eurocentric view, Europe is not considered to be the best actor ever, but the worst.’[53]

Latin America edit

Eurocentrism affected Latin America through colonial domination and expansion.[54] This occurred through the application of new criteria meant to "impose a new social classification of the world population on a global scale".[54] Based on this occurrence, a new social-historic identities were newly produced, although already produced in America. Some of these names include; 'Whites', 'Negroes', 'Blacks', 'Yellows', 'Olives', 'Indians', and 'Mestizos'.[54] With the advantage of being located in the Atlantic basin, 'Whites' were in a privileged to control gold and silver production.[54] The work which created the product was by 'Indians' and 'Negroes'.[54] With the control of commercial capital from 'White' workers. And therefore, Europe or Western Europe emerged as the central place of new patterns and capitalist power.[54]

In 1627, when English colonisers arrived in Barbados, they slaughtered the local indigenous inhabitants, and claimed the island for themselves.[55]

Effect on beauty standards in Brazil edit

The beauty ideal for females in Brazil is the "morena"; a mixed-race brown woman who is supposed to represent the best characteristics of every racial group in Brazil.[56] According to Alexander Edmond's book Pretty Modern: Beauty, Sex, and Plastic Surgery in Brazil, whiteness plays a role in Latin American, specifically Brazilian, beauty standards, but it is not necessarily distinguished based on skin colour.[57] Edmonds said the main ways to define whiteness in people in Brazil is by looking at their hair, nose, then mouth before considering skin colour.[57] Edmonds focuses on the popularity of plastic surgery in Brazilian culture. Plastic surgeons usually applaud and flatter mixtures when emulating aesthetics for performing surgery, and the more popular mixture is African and European.[58] This shapes beauty standards by racialising biological and popular beauty ideals to suggest that mixture with whiteness is better.[57] Donna Goldstein's book Laughter Out of Place: Race, Class, Violence, and Sexuality in a Rio Shantytown also addresses how whiteness influences beauty in Brazil. Goldstein notes that in Brazil, there is a hierarchy for beauty that places being mixed race at the top and pure, un-admixed black characteristics at the bottom, calling them ugly.[59][60]

Challenging these standards of beauty in Brazil would require society to "question the romantic and sexual appeal of whiteness."[59] Goldstein said as a result, black bodies would have to be decommodified, and black women in particular have had to commodify their bodies to survive.[59]

In Erica Lorraine William's Sex Tourism in Bahia: Ambiguous Entanglements, Williams addresses how European and white beauty standards have more privileges than darker skinned and black women in Brazil.[61] Black women in Brazil have to strategise ways to receive more respect in spaces popular for sex tourism.[61] Williams cites Alma Gulliermoprieto when she explains that there is a superiority given to light-skinned black women over darker-skinned black women as light-skinned women were considered more beautiful because they were "improved with white blood."[62]

Islamic world edit

Eurocentrism's effect on the Islamic world has predominantly come from a fundamental statement of preventing the account of lower-level explanation and account of Islamic cultures and their social evolution, mainly through eurocentrism's idealist construct.[63] This construct has gained power from the historians revolving their conclusions around the idea of a central point that favours the notion that the evolution of societies and their progress are dictated by general tendencies, leading to the Islamic world's evolution becoming more of a philosophical topic of history instead of historical fact.[63] Along with this, eurocentrism extends to trivialise and marginalise the philosophies, scientific contributions, cultures, and other additional facets of the Islamic world.[64]

Stemming from Eurocentrism's innate bias towards Western civilisation came the creation of the concept of the "European Society," which favoured the components (mainly Christianity) of European civilisation and allowed eurocentrists to brand diverging societies and cultures as "uncivilized."[65] Prevalent during the nineteenth century, the labelling of uncivilised in the eyes of eurocentrists enabled Western countries to classify non-European and non-white countries as inferior, and limit their inclusion and contribution in actions like international law. This exclusion was seen as acceptable by individuals like John Westlake, a professor of international law at the University of Cambridge at the time, who commented that countries with European civilisations should be who comprises the international society, and that countries like Turkey and Persia should only be allowed a part of international law.[65] The figurative superiority resulting from the rise of "European Civilization" and the labels of "civilized" and "uncivilized" are partly responsible for eurocentrism's denial of Islamic social evolution, giving westerners the advantage of an early dismissal of such ideas regarding Oriental civilisations through comparisons to the West. Along with that, the rooted belief of the inferiority of non-white and non-Europeans has given justification for racial discrimination and discredit to the Islamic world, with much of these feelings still present today.[citation needed]

Orientalism edit

Eurocentrism's reach has not only affected the perception of the cultures and civilisations of the Islamic world, but also the aspects and ideas of Orientalism, a cultural idea that distinguished the "Orient" of the East from the "Occidental" Western societies of Europe and North America, and which was originally created so that the social and cultural milestones of the Islamic and Oriental world would be recognised. This effect began to take place during the nineteenth century when the Orientalist ideals were distilled and shifted from topics of sensuality and deviating mentalities to what is described by Edward Said as "unchallenged coherence."[66] Along with this shift came the creation of two types of orientalism: latent, which covered the Orient's constant durability through history, and manifest, a more dynamic orientalism that changes with the new discovery of information.[66] The eurocentric influence is shown in the latter, as the nature of manifest Orientalism is to be altered with new findings, which leaves it vulnerable to the warping of its refiner's ideals and principles. In this state, eurocentrism has used orientalism to portray the Orient as "backwards" and bolster the superiority of the Western world and continue the undermining of their cultures to further the agenda of racial inequality.[66]

With those wanting to represent the eurocentric ideals better by way of orientalism, there came a barrier of languages, being Arabic, Persian, and other similar languages. With more researchers wanting to study more of Orientalism, there was an assumption made about the languages of the Islamic world: that having the ability to transcribe the texts of the past Islamic world would give great knowledge and insight on oriental studies. In order to do this, many researchers underwent training in philology, believing that an understanding of the languages would be the only necessary training. This reasoning came as the belief at the time was that other studies like anthropology and sociology were deemed irrelevant as they did not believe it misleading to this portion of mankind.[67] Through this action, eurocentric researchers' understanding of Oriental and Islamic culture was intentionally left undermined, foregoing the reasoning behind the actions and reasoning for the changes in culture documented by Islamic and Oriental texts and allowing for further possible Western influence on orientalism, and increasing the difficulty of identifying what is truly Oriental and what is considered Oriental by the West.[citation needed]

In the beauty industry edit

Due to colonialism, Eurocentric beauty ideals have had varying degrees of impact on the cultures of non-Western countries. The influence on beauty ideals across the globe varies by region, with Eurocentric ideals having a relatively strong impact in South Asia but little to no impact in East Asia.[68] However, Eurocentric beauty ideals have also been on the decline in the United States, especially with the success of Asian female models, which may be signaling a breakdown in the hegemony of White American beauty ideals.[69] In Vietnam, Eurocentric beauty ideals have been openly rejected, as local women consider Western women's ideal of beauty as being overweight, masculine and unattractive.[70]

Another study questioning the impact of Eurocentric beauty ideals in South Asia noted that Indian women won a relatively high number of international beauty pageants, and that Indian media tends to use mostly Indian female models. The authors cite the dominance of the Bollywood film industry in India, which tends to minimize the impact of Western ideals.[71]

Clark doll experiment edit

In the 1940s, psychologists Kenneth and Mamie Clark conducted experiments called "the doll tests" to examine the psychological effects of segregation on African-American children. They tested children by presenting them with four dolls, identical in all but skin tone. The children were instructed to choose which doll they preferred and were asked the race of the doll. Most of the children chose the white doll. The Clarks stated in their results that the perceptions of the African-American children had been altered by the discrimination they faced.[72] The tested children also labelled the white dolls with positive descriptions.

One of the criticisms of this experiment is presented by Robin Bernstein, a professor of African and African American studies and women, gender, and sexuality, who argues that the Clarks' tests were scientifically flawed, though they did reflect a negative portrayal of black dolls in American theater and media that dates back to the Civil War era. Bernstein posits that the choices made by the subjects of the Clark doll tests were not necessarily an indication of black self-hatred. Instead, it was a cultural choice between two different toys—one that was to be loved and one that was to be physically harassed, as exemplified in performance and popular media. According to Bernstein, this argument "redeems the Clarks' child subjects by offering a new understanding of them not as psychologically damaged dupes, but instead as agential experts in children's culture."[73]

Mexican doll experiment edit

In 2012, Mexicans recreated the doll test. Mexico's National Council to Prevent Discrimination presented a video where children had to pick the "good doll", and the doll that looks like them. By doing this experiment, the researchers sought to analyse the degree to which Mexican children are influenced by modern-day media accessible to them.[74] Most of the children chose the white doll; they also stated that it looked like them. The people who carried out the study noted that Eurocentrism is deeply rooted in different cultures, including Latin cultures.[75]

Beauty advertisements edit

In East Asia, the impact of Eurocentrism in beauty advertisements has been minimal, and there have even been anti-European undercurrents in local advertisements for female products. European models are hired for around half of advertisements made by European brands such as Estee Lauder and L’Oreal, while local Japanese cosmetics brands tend to use exclusively East Asian female models.[76]

The use of European female models has actually declined within Japan, and some Japanese skincare companies have discontinued the use of Western female models entirely, while others have even portrayed white women as explicitly inferior to Asian women.[77] There is a widespread belief in Japan that Japanese women's skin color is "better" than white women's,[78] and the placement of European female models in local advertisements does not reflect any special status of white women within Japan.[79]

Skin lightening edit

Skin lightening has become a common practice in some countries. One study found that, in Tanzania, motivation for the use of skin lightening products is to look more 'European'.[80] However, in East Asia, the practice began long before exposure to Europeans – tan skin was associated with lower-class field work, and thus constant exposure to sun, while having pale skin signified belonging to the upper-class.[81][82] Skin bleaching can have negative health effects.[83] One study observed that, among the female population of Senegal in West Africa, 26% of women were using skin lightening creams at the time. The most common products used were hydroquinone and corticosteroids. 75% of women who used these creams showed adverse cutaneous effects, mainly acne.[84]

South Korea edit

Cosmetic surgery is popular in South Korea, often called the "plastic surgery capital of the world".[85][86] Prevalence of cosmetic surgery in South Korea is not rooted in Western beauty standards,[85] but is instead primarily due to other factors, such as more general dissatisfaction with appearance and better chances on the job market.[87][88] According to the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, South Korea has the highest rates of plastic surgery procedures per capita in 2014.[89] The most requested procedures are the blepharoplasty and rhinoplasty.[90] Another procedure done in Korea is having the muscle under the tongue that connects to the bottom of the mouth surgically snipped. Parents have their children to undergo this surgery in order to pronounce English better.[91]

Eurocentrism on Wikipedia edit

Despite the fact that Wikipedia promotes a “neutral point of view” as one of its "Five Pillars", the most recent studies highlight the fact that Wikipedia (and in particular the English Wikipedia) has a “western cultural bias” (or “pro-western bias”) [92] or “Eurocentric bias”[93].

This Eurocentrism, says Anna Samoilenko “reiterates similar biases that are found in the ‘ivory tower’ of academic historiography”.[94]

See also edit

References edit


  1. ^ Hobson, John (2012). The Eurocentric conception of world politics : western international theory, 1760-2010. New York: Cambridge University Press. p. 185. ISBN 978-1107020207.
  2. ^ Eurocentrism and its discontents, American Historical Association
  3. ^ a b Sheppard, Eric (November 2005). "Jim Blaut's Model of the World". Antipode. 37 (5): 956–962. doi:10.1111/j.0066-4812.2005.00544.x.
  4. ^ a b Payne, Anthony (2005). "Unequal Development". The Global Politics of Unequal Development. pp. 231–247. doi:10.1007/978-1-137-05592-7_9. ISBN 978-0-333-74072-9.
  5. ^ a b Youngblood Henderson, James (Sákéj) (2011). "Ayukpachi: Empowering Aboriginal Thought". In Battiste, Marie (ed.). Reclaiming Indigenous Voice and Vision. UBC Press. pp. 259–61. ISBN 9780774842471.
  6. ^ Christoph Hube, ‘Bias in Wikipedia’ (2017)
  7. ^ Anna Samoilenko, Cultural Neighbourhoods, or approaches to quantifying cultural contextualisation in multilingual knowledge repository Wikipedia (June 2021)
  8. ^ The German adjective europa-zentrisch ("Europe-centric") is attested in the 1920s, unrelated to the Marxist context of Amin's usage. Karl Haushofer, Geopolitik des pazifischen Ozeans (pp. 11–23, 110-113, passim). The context is Haushofer's comparison of the "Pacific space" in terms of global politics vs. "Europe-centric" politics.
  9. ^ A Rey (ed.) Dictionnaire Historique de la langue française (2010): À partir du radical de européen ont été composés (mil. XXe s.) européocentrique adj. (de centrique) « qui fait référence à l'Europe » et européocentrisme n.m. (variante europocentrisme n.m. 1974) « fait de considérer (un problème général, mondial) d'un point de vue européen » ."
  10. ^ Hussein Abdilahi Bulhan, Frantz Fanon and the Psychology of Oppression (1985), 63ff: "Fanon and Eurocentric Psychology", where "Eurocentric psychology" refers to "a psychology derived from a white, middle-class male minority, which is generalized to humanity everywhere".
  11. ^ "Anciens directeurs" (uneca.org) 6 August 2018 at the Wayback Machine ("Samir AMIN (Egypte) 1970-1980").
  12. ^ Alexandre A. Bennigsen, S. Enders Wimbush , Muslim National Communism in the Soviet Union: A Revolutionary Strategy for the Colonial World (1979), p. 19.
  13. ^ "pluralistic cultural coexistence as opposed to Western centrism and Asian centrism" (unhyphenated) in: Mabel Lee, Meng Hua, Cultural dialogue & misreading (1997), p. 53. "our incomplete perception of Chinese behavior, which tends to be 'Western-centric.'" (using scare-quotes) in: Houman A. Sadri, Revolutionary States, Leaders, and Foreign Relations: A Comparative Study of China, Cuba, and Iran (1997), p. 35. "Euro- or western-centrism" in the context of the "traditional discourse on minority languages" in: Jonathan Owens (ed.), Arabic as a Minority Language (2000), p. 1. Use of Latinate occido-centrism remains rare (e.g. Alexander Lukin, Political Culture of the Russian 'Democrats' (2000), p. 47).
  14. ^ Dussel, Enrique (2011) Politics of Liberation: A Critical World History London: SCM Press p.11 ISBN 9780334041818
  15. ^ "[German: Obwohl Europa das kleinste unter allen 4. Teilen der Welt ist, so ist es doch um verschiedener Ursachen willen allen übrigen vorzuziehen.... Die Einwohner sind von sehr guten Sitten, höflich und sinnreich in Wissenschaften und Handwerken.] "Europa". In: Zedlers Universal-Lexicon 11 September 2011 at the Wayback Machine, Volume 8, Leipzig 1734, columns 2192–2196 (citation: column 2195).
  16. ^ "[German: [Europa ist seiner] terrestrischen Gliederung wie seiner kulturhistorischen und politischen Bedeutung nach unbedingt der wichtigste unter den fünf Erdtheilen, über die er in materieller, noch mehr aber in geistiger Beziehung eine höchst einflussreiche Oberherrschaft erlangt hat.] Das große Conversations-Lexicon für die gebildeten Stände, 1847. Vol. 1, p. 373.
  17. ^ Jordison, Sam (12 January 2016). "Reading beyond Rudyard Kipling's imperial crimes: the complexities of Kim". The Guardian.
  18. ^ Daniel Iwerks, "Ideology and Eurocentrism in Tarzan of the Apes," in: Investigating the Unliterary: Six Readings of Edgar Rice Burroughs' Tarzan of the Apes, ed. Richard Utz (Regensburg: Martzinek, 1995), pp. 69-90.
  19. ^ Jones, Eric (2003). The European Miracle: Environments, Economies and Geopolitics in the History of Europe and Asia. ISBN 978-0-521-52783-5.
  20. ^ de Boer, Karin (6 June 2017). Moyar, Dean (ed.). "Hegel's Lectures on the History of Modern Philosophy". Oxford Handbooks Online. 1. doi:10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199355228.013.29.
  21. ^ Iarocci, Michael P. (2006). Properties of Modernity: Romantic Spain, Modern Europe, and the Legacies of Empire. Vanderbilt University Press. ISBN 9780826515223.
  22. ^ Farmer, Edward L. (1985). "Civilization as a Unit of World History: Eurasia and Europe's Place in It". The History Teacher. 18 (3): 345–363. doi:10.2307/493055. JSTOR 493055.
  23. ^ Baker, Gideon (2013). "On the Origins of Modern Hospitality". Hospitality and World Politics. doi:10.1057/9781137290007.0006. ISBN 9781137290007.
  24. ^ Bendix, Reinhard; Roth, Guenther (1980). Scholarship and partisanship : essays on Max Weber (California Library reprint series ed.). Berkeley: University of California Press, volume 110. ISBN 978-0520041714. OCLC 220409196.
  25. ^ The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism. 3 July 2017. doi:10.4324/9781912282708. ISBN 9781912282708. S2CID 166670406.[page needed]
  26. ^ Marks, Robert (2015). The origins of the modern world: a global and environmental narrative from the fifteenth to the twenty-first century (3rd ed.). Lanham, Maryland. ISBN 9781442212398. OCLC 902726566.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: location missing publisher (link)[page needed]
  27. ^ "Ukraine invasion: Arab journalists call out 'orientalist, racist' double standards on Ukraine coverage". The New Arab. London. 28 February 2022 [28 February 2022]. Retrieved 1 March 2022. Arab journalists have called out the 'racist, orientalist' news coverage on the war in Ukraine, which they've accused of Eurocentric bias and ignoring the reality of conflict for many in the Middle East and North Africa.
  28. ^ Cambridge History of China, CUP,1988
  29. ^ McNeill, William (1989). Arnold J. Toynbee: A Life. New York and Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp. 272–73. ISBN 978-0-19-505863-5. From Toynbee's point of view, Soka Gakkai was exactly what his vision of the historical moment expected, for it was a new church, arising on the fringes of the 'post-Christian' world.... Convergence of East and West was, indeed, what Toynbee and Ikeda sought and thought they had found in their dialogue. In a preface, written in the third person, Toynbee emphasized and tried to explain this circumstance. 'They agree that a human being ought to be perpetually striving to overcome his innate propensity to try to exploit the rest of the universe and that he ought to be trying, instead, to put himself at the service of the universe so unreservedly that his ego will become identical with an ultimate reality, which for a Buddhist is the Buddha state. They agree in believing that this ultimate reality is not a humanlike divine personality.' He explained these and other agreements as reflecting the 'birth of a common worldwide civilization that has originated in a technological framework of Western origin but is now being enriched spiritually by contributions from all the historic regional civilizations.' ... [Ikeda's] dialogue with Toynbee is the longest and most serious text in which East and West—that is, Ikeda and a famous representative of the mission field that Ikeda sees before him—have agreed with each other. In the unlikely event that Soka Gakkai lives up to its leader's hopes and realizes Toynbee's expectations by flourishing in the Western world, this dialogue might, like the letters of St. Paul, achieve the status of sacred scripture and thus become by far the most important of all of Toynbee's works.
  30. ^ a b Brohman, John (1995). "Universalism, Eurocentrism, and Ideological Bias in Development Studies: From Modernisation to Neoliberalism". Third World Quarterly. 16 (1): 121–140. JSTOR 3992977.
  31. ^ Sundberg, Juanita (2009). "Eurocentrism". International Encyclopedia of Human Geography. pp. 638–643.
  32. ^ Green, John. Crashcourse "Eurocentrism" (2012):
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  34. ^ Martin Lewis and Kären Wigen in their book, The Myth of Continents (1997): "In physical, cultural and historical diversity, China and India are comparable to the entire European landmass, not to a single European country. A better (if still imperfect) analogy would compare France, not to India as a whole, but to a single Indian state, such as Uttar Pradesh." Lewis, Martin W.; Kären E. Wigen (1997). The Myth of Continents: a Critique of Metageography. Berkeley: University of California Press. pp. ?. ISBN 978-0-520-20742-4.
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  36. ^ Frank, Andre Gunder (1998). ReOrient : global economy in the Asian Age. Berkeley: University of California. ISBN 9780520921313. OCLC 42922426.[page needed]
  37. ^ Toynbee, Arnold (1987). A study of history. New York: Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-0195050813. OCLC 16276526.[page needed]
  38. ^ Lang, Michael (2011). "Globalization and Global History in Toynbee". Journal of World History. 22 (4): 747–783. doi:10.1353/jwh.2011.0118. S2CID 142992220.
  39. ^ Hugill, Peter J. (1995). Review of The Colonizer's Model of the World: Geographical Diffusionism and Eurocentric History. pp. 259–261. JSTOR 216077.
  40. ^ Denzin, Norman K.; Lincoln, Yvonna S. (2008). "Critical Methodologies and Indigenous Inquiry: Locating the Field: Performing Theories of Decolonizing Inquiry". In Tuhiwai Smith, Linda (ed.). Handbook of Critical and Indigenous Methodologies. SAGE Publishing. p. 152. ISBN 9781412918039.
  41. ^ Alison Bailey, "Philosophy and Whiteness" in Tim Engles (ed.) Towards a Bibliography of Critical Whiteness Studies Center on Democracy in a Multiracial Society (2006), p. 9.: "Philosophical methods are well suited for unpacking the political, ontological, and epistemological conditions that foster racism and hold white supremacy in place. However, on the whole, philosophy as a discipline has remained relatively untouched by interdisciplinary work on race and whiteness. In its quest for certainty, Western philosophy continues to generate what it imagines to be colorless and genderless accounts of knowledge, reality, morality, and human nature".
  42. ^ Molefi Kete Asante, "The Painful Demise of Eurocentrism," The World & I, Vol. 7, No. 4, April 1992, pp. 305-317.
  43. ^ Molefi Kete Asante, "Afrocentricity: Toward a New Understanding of African Thought in the World," in Molefi Kete Asante, Yoshitaka Miike, and Jing Yin (Eds.), The Global Intercultural Communication Reader, New York: Routledge, 2014, pp. 101-110.
  44. ^ Molefi Kete Asante, "Afrocentricity," In Reiland Rabaka (Ed.), Routledge Handbook of Pan-Africanism, London: Routledge, 2020, pp. 147-158.
  45. ^ "Eurocentrism and Academic Imperialism". ZarCom Media. 27 October 2011. Retrieved 14 October 2015.
  46. ^ E. C. Eze, Race and the Enlightenment: A Reader (Blackwell, 1997)[page needed]
  47. ^ Alam, M. Shahid (2003). "Articulating Group Differences: A Variety of Autocentrisms". Science & Society. 67 (2): 205–217. JSTOR 40404071.
  48. ^ Clossey, Luke; Guyatt, Nicholas (2013). "It's a Small World After All". Small World History. Simon Fraser University. Retrieved 24 December 2015.
  49. ^ Kuru, Deniz (April 2016). "Historicising Eurocentrism and anti-Eurocentrism in IR: A revisionist account of disciplinary self-reflexivity". Review of International Studies. 42 (2): 351–376. doi:10.1017/S0260210515000315. ISSN 0260-2105. S2CID 143069651.
  50. ^ Duzgun, Eren (1 June 2020). "Against Eurocentric Anti-Eurocentrism: International Relations, Historical Sociology and Political Marxism". Journal of International Relations and Development. 23 (2): 285–307. doi:10.1057/s41268-018-0146-0. ISSN 1581-1980. S2CID 149655538.
  51. ^ ALEJANDRO, AUDREY (2020). WESTERN DOMINANCE IN INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS? : the internationalisation of ir in brazil and india. [Place of publication not identified]: ROUTLEDGE. p. 164. ISBN 978-0-367-54010-4. OCLC 1145913401.
  52. ^ Hobson, John M.; Sajed, Alina (1 December 2017). "Navigating Beyond the Eurofetishist Frontier of Critical IR Theory: Exploring the Complex Landscapes of Non-Western Agency". International Studies Review. 19 (4): 547–572. doi:10.1093/isr/vix013. ISSN 1521-9488.
  53. ^ Alejandro, Audrey (10 October 2018). Western Dominance in International Relations?: The Internationalisation of IR in Brazil and India. Routledge. p. 163. doi:10.4324/9781315170480. ISBN 978-1-315-17048-0. S2CID 158923831.
  54. ^ a b c d e f Quijano, Aníbal (29 June 2016). "Coloniality of Power and Eurocentrism in Latin America". International Sociology. 15 (2): 215–232. doi:10.1177/0268580900015002005. S2CID 144941229.
  55. ^ "His parents urged him to keep their 'dodgy' family history quiet. Now Benedict Cumberbatch could pay". ABC News. 3 January 2023.
  56. ^ Liebelt, Claudia; Böllinger, Sarah; Vierke, Ulf (24 August 2018). Beauty and the Norm: Debating Standardization in Bodily Appearance. Springer. p. 229. ISBN 978-3-319-91174-8. "In Brazil and Jamaica, national discourses of race mixture shaped alternative beauty ideals. For example, the morena (mixed race brown woman) is the quit-essential icon of a longstanding ideology of racial democracy in Brazil, portrayed in eroticized images of carnival, samba, and football. The morena supposedly embodies the positive characteristics of each race in Brazil."
  57. ^ a b c Edmonds, Alexander (2010). Pretty Modern: Beauty, Sex, and Plastic Surgery in Brazil. Duke University Press. p. 142.
  58. ^ Edmonds, Alexander (2010). Pretty Modern: Beauty, Sex, and Plastic Surgery in Brazil. Duke University Press. p. 141.
  59. ^ a b c Goldstein, Donna (2013). Laughter Out of Place: Race, Class, Violence, and Sexuality in a Rio Shantytown. Univ of California Press. p. 133.
  60. ^ Vartabedian, Julieta (22 May 2018). Brazilian 'Travesti' Migrations: Gender, Sexualities and Embodiment Experiences. Springer. p. 77. ISBN 978-3-319-77101-4. "A purely African appearance with no mixture of white characteristics is perceived as ugly in Brazil (Goldstein 2003; Wade 2009)."
  61. ^ a b Williams, Erica Lorraine (2013). Sex Tourism in Bahia: Ambiguous Entanglements. University of Illinois Press. p. 45.
  62. ^ Williams, Erica Lorraine (2013). Sex Tourism in Bahia: Ambiguous Entanglements. University of Illinois Press. pp. 50–52.
  63. ^ a b Amin, Samir (1989). Eurocentrism. New York: Monthly Review Press. pp. 124–125. ISBN 9781583672075.
  64. ^ Burney, Shehla (2012). "Erasing Eurocentrism: 'Using the Other as the Supplement of Knowledge'". Counterpoints. 417: 143–172. JSTOR 42981703.
  65. ^ a b Heraclides, Alexis (2015). Humanitarian Intervention in the Long Nineteenth Century: Setting the Precedent. Manchester, United Kingdom: Manchester University Press. pp. 31, 37. ISBN 9781526133823.
  66. ^ a b c Said, Edward (2000). Orientalism. New York, New York: New York University Press. pp. 111–112. ISBN 9780394740676.
  67. ^ Lockman, Zachary (2009). Contending Visions of the Middle East: the History and Politics of Orientalism. Cambridge, United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press. pp. 68. ISBN 9780521133074.
  68. ^ Laboratory, International Socioeconomics (28 December 2020). Across the Spectrum of Socioeconomics: Issue II. International Socioeconomics Laboratory. p. 33.
  69. ^ Hune, Shirley; Nomura, Gail M. (August 2003). Asian/Pacific Islander American Women: A Historical Anthology. NYU Press. p. 201. ISBN 978-0-8147-3633-3. "The dawning of the new millennium may signal a shift in the cultural importance of racialized gendered bodies. On October 14, 2000, a Filipina American, Miss Hawaii Angela Perez Baraquio, was crowned Miss America for 2001. A few years earlier another Miss Hawaii, a mixed-race part-Asian American woman named Brook Antoinette Mahealani Lee, won not only the Miss USA competition but the title of 1997 Miss Universe. Such victories do not necessarily mean full acceptance for Asian Americans into the American body politic. However they do signal a breakdown in the hegemony of European-American cultural standards of beauty."
  70. ^ Drury, Benjamin (2 February 2021). SAGE Readings for Social Problems. SAGE Publications. p. 58. ISBN 978-1-0718-4163-1. "In fact, the women made it very clear to me that they considered Western and Viet Kieu (overseas Vietnamese) women's ideals of beauty unattractive, overweight and masculine." "Dai describes a regional standard of beauty that is much more nuanced than a simple aspiration to Western ideals. Indeed, the tone of Dai's comments illustrates how sex workers use distinctly Asian standards of beauty to resist the ideals of the West. Women's deliberate rejection of Western standards illustrates how local, regional, and global ideals converge in their practices."
  71. ^ Li, Eric P. H.; Min, Hyun Jeong; Belk, Russell W. (2008). "Skin Lightening and Beauty in Four Asian Cultures". ACR North American Advances. NA-35. "One reason for this may be the recent globalization of Indian beauty as affirmed by a number of Indian winners of such global beauty contests as Miss World and Miss Universe. From 1990-2006 Indian models won 11 of these titles. The dominance of Bollywood film in India also diminishes the impact of Hollywood ideologies in Indian culture. Indian celebrities appear to be the dominant body ideals for Indian women."
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  78. ^ Mire, Amina (4 September 2019). Wellness in Whiteness: Biomedicalization and the Promotion of Whiteness and Youth among Women. Routledge. p. 114. ISBN 978-1-351-23412-2. "My informants, mainly women insisted that Japanese skin was superior to Caucasian skin. Although many of my informants had little personal contact with Westerners, they all made more or less identical negative comments about Caucasian women's skin, saying, for example, that it was rough, aged quickly and had too many spots. ashikari (2005) p.82" [...] "When my informants look at a beautiful young Caucasian model in an advertisement with a slogan, such as, 'for making your skin beautiful and young', they can simply see 'young' and 'beauty' in the model's face. They are looking at a beautiful woman in the advertisement, but not particularly a beautiful Caucasian woman. p,82"
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External links edit

  • Franzki, Hannah. "Eurocentrism." 2012. InterAmerican Wiki: Terms - Concepts - Critical Perspectives.

eurocentrism, also, eurocentricity, western, centrism, worldview, that, centered, western, civilization, biased, view, that, favors, over, western, civilizations, exact, scope, varies, from, entire, western, world, just, continent, europe, even, more, narrowly. Eurocentrism also Eurocentricity or Western centrism 1 is a worldview that is centered on Western civilization or a biased view that favors it over non Western civilizations The exact scope of Eurocentrism varies from the entire Western world to just the continent of Europe or even more narrowly to Western Europe especially during the Cold War When the term is applied historically it may be used in reference to an apologetic stance toward European colonialism and other forms of imperialism 2 A map of the Eastern Hemisphere from Adams Synchronological Chart or Map of History The bright colors denote those countries that are the Subjects of history previous to the discovery of America The term Eurocentrism dates back to the late 1970s but it did not become prevalent until the 1990s when it was frequently applied in the context of decolonisation and development and humanitarian aid that industrialised countries offered to developing countries The term has since been used to critique Western narratives of progress Western scholars who have downplayed and ignored non Western contributions and to contrast Western epistemologies with Indigenous ways of knowing 3 4 5 Eurocentrism is the dominant point of view on Wikipedia in particular the English Wikipedia 6 7 Contents 1 Terminology 2 History 2 1 European exceptionalism 2 1 1 Recent usage 2 2 Anticolonialism 2 3 Debate since 1990s 2 4 Academic discourse 2 5 Transformations of eurocentrism 3 Latin America 3 1 Effect on beauty standards in Brazil 4 Islamic world 4 1 Orientalism 5 In the beauty industry 5 1 Clark doll experiment 5 2 Mexican doll experiment 5 3 Beauty advertisements 5 4 Skin lightening 5 5 South Korea 6 Eurocentrism on Wikipedia 7 See also 8 References 9 External linksTerminology edit nbsp Eurocentrism as the term for an ideology was coined by Samir Amin in the 1970sThe adjective Eurocentric or Europe centric has been in use in various contexts since at least the 1920s 8 The term was popularised in French as europeocentrique in the context of decolonisation and internationalism in the mid 20th century 9 English usage of Eurocentric as an ideological term in identity politics was current by the mid 1980s 10 The abstract noun Eurocentrism French eurocentrisme earlier europocentrisme as the term for an ideology was coined in the 1970s by the Egyptian Marxian economist Samir Amin then director of the African Institute for Economic Development and Planning of the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa 11 Amin used the term in the context of a global core periphery or dependency model of capitalist development English usage of Eurocentrism is recorded by 1979 12 The coinage of Western centrism is younger attested in the late 1990s and specific to English 13 History editAccording to historian Enrique Dussel Eurocentrism has its roots in Hellenocentrism 14 European exceptionalism edit Further information Great Divergence The European Miracle Age of Discovery Colonialism Progressivism and Western world During the European colonial era encyclopaedias often sought to give a rationale for the predominance of European rule during the colonial period by referring to a special position taken by Europe compared to the other continents Thus Johann Heinrich Zedler in 1741 wrote that even though Europe is the smallest of the world s four continents it has for various reasons a position that places it before all others Its inhabitants have excellent customs they are courteous and erudite in both sciences and crafts 15 The Brockhaus Enzyklopadie Conversations Lexicon of 1847 still expressed an ostensibly Eurocentric approach and claimed about Europe that its geographical situation and its cultural and political significance is clearly the most important of the five continents over which it has gained a most influential government both in material and even more so in cultural aspects 16 European exceptionalism thus grew out of the Great Divergence of the Early Modern period due to the combined effects of the Scientific Revolution the Commercial Revolution and the rise of colonial empires the Industrial Revolution and a Second European colonisation wave The assumption of European exceptionalism is widely reflected in popular genres of literature especially in literature for young adults for example Rudyard Kipling s 1901 novel Kim 17 and in adventure literature in general Portrayal of European colonialism in such literature has been analysed in terms of Eurocentrism in retrospect such as presenting idealised and often exaggeratedly masculine Western heroes who conquered savage peoples in the remaining dark spaces of the globe 18 The European miracle a term coined by Eric Jones in 1981 19 refers to the surprising rise of Europe during the Early Modern period During the 15th to 18th centuries a great divergence took place comprising the European Renaissance the European age of discovery the formation of European colonial empires the Age of Reason and the associated leap forward in technology and the development of capitalism and early industrialisation As a result by the 19th century European powers dominated world trade and world politics In Lectures on the Philosophy of History published in 1837 Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel saw world history as starting in Asia but shifting to Greece and Italy and then north of the Alps to France Germany and England 20 21 Hegel interpreted India and China as stationary countries lacking inner momentum Hegel s China replaced the real historical development with a fixed stable scenario which made it the outsider of world history Both India and China were waiting and anticipating a combination of certain factors from outside until they could acquire real progress in human civilisation 22 Hegel s ideas had a profound impact on western historiography and attitudes Some scholars disagree with his ideas that the Oriental countries were outside of world history 23 Max Weber 1864 1920 suggested that capitalism is the speciality of Europe because Oriental countries such as India and China do not contain the factors which would enable them to develop capitalism in a sufficient manner 24 need quotation to verify Weber wrote and published many treatises in which he emphasized the distinctiveness of Europe In The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism 1905 he wrote that the rational capitalism manifested by its enterprises and mechanisms only appeared in the Protestant western countries and a series of generalised and universal cultural phenomena only appear in the west 25 Even the state with a written constitution and a government organised by trained administrators and constrained by rational law only appears in the West even though other regimes can also comprise states 26 Rationality is a multi layered term whose connotations are developed and escalated as with the social progress Weber regarded rationality as a proprietary article for western capitalist society Recent usage edit Journalists detected Eurocentrism in reactions to Russia s invasion of Ukraine in February 2022 when the depth and scope of coverage and concern contrasted with for example that devoted to longer running bloodier and more vicious contemporary wars outside Europe such as those in Syria and in Yemen 27 Anticolonialism edit Even in the 19th century anticolonial movements had developed claims about national traditions and values that were set against those of Europe in Africa and India In some cases as China where local ideology was even more exclusionist than the Eurocentric one Westernisation did not overwhelm longstanding Chinese attitudes to its own cultural centrality 28 Orientalism developed in the late 18th century as a disproportionate Western interest in and idealisation of Eastern i e Asian cultures By the early 20th century some historians such as Arnold J Toynbee were attempting to construct multifocal models of world civilisations Toynbee also drew attention in Europe to non European historians such as the medieval Tunisian scholar Ibn Khaldun He also established links with Asian thinkers such as through his dialogues with Daisaku Ikeda of Soka Gakkai International 29 The explicit concept of Eurocentrism is a product of the period of decolonisation in the 1960s to 1970s Its original context is the core periphery or dependency model of capitalist development of Marxian economics citation needed Debate since 1990s edit Eurocentrism has been a particularly important concept in development studies 30 Brohman 1995 argued that Eurocentrism perpetuated intellectual dependence on a restricted group of prestigious Western academic institutions that determine the subject matter and methods of research 30 In treatises on historical or contemporary Eurocentrism that appeared since the 1990s Eurocentrism is mostly cast in terms of dualisms such as civilised barbaric or advanced backward developed undeveloped core periphery implying evolutionary schemas through which societies inevitably progress with a remnant of an underlying presumption of a superior white Western self as referent of analysis 640 clarification needed 31 Eurocentrism and the dualistic properties that it labels on non European countries cultures and persons have often been criticised in the political discourse of the 1990s and 2000s particularly in the greater context of political correctness race in the United States and affirmative action 32 33 In the 1990s there was a trend of criticising various geographic terms current in the English language as Eurocentric such as the traditional division of Eurasia into Europe and Asia 34 or the term Middle East 35 Eric Sheppard in 2005 argued that contemporary Marxism itself has Eurocentric traits in spite of Eurocentrism originating in the vocabulary of Marxian economics because it supposes that the third world must go through a stage of capitalism before progressive social formations can be envisioned 3 Andre Gunder Frank harshly criticised Eurocentrism He believed that most scholars were the disciples of the social sciences and history guided by Eurocentrism 4 He criticised some Western scholars for their ideas that non Western areas lack outstanding contributions in history economy ideology politics and culture compared with the West 36 These scholars believed that the same contribution made by the West gives Westerners an advantage of endo genetic momentum which is pushed towards the rest of the world but Frank believed that the Oriental countries also contributed to the human civilisation in their own perspectives Arnold Toynbee in his A Study of History gave a critical remark on Eurocentrism He believed that although western capitalism shrouded the world and achieved a political unity based on its economy the Western countries cannot westernize other countries 37 Toynbee concluded that Eurocentrism is characteristic of three misconceptions manifested by self centerment the fixed development of Oriental countries and linear progress 38 There has been some debate on whether historical Eurocentrism qualifies as just another ethnocentrism as it is found in most of the world s cultures especially in cultures with imperial aspirations as in the Sinocentrism in China in the Empire of Japan c 1868 1945 or during the American Century James M Blaut 2000 argued that Eurocentrism indeed went beyond other ethnocentrisms as the scale of European colonial expansion was historically unprecedented and resulted in the formation of a colonizer s model of the world 39 Indigenous philosophies have been noted to greatly contrast with Eurocentric thought Indigenous scholar James Sakej Youngblood Henderson states that Eurocentricism contrasts greatly with Indigenous worldviews the discord between Aboriginal and Eurocentric worldviews is dramatic It is a conflict between natural and artificial contexts 5 Indigenous scholars Norman K Denzin and Yvonna S Linco state that in some ways the epistemological critique initiated by Indigenous knowledge is more radical than other sociopolitical critiques of the West for the Indigenous critique questions the very foundations of Western ways of knowing and being 40 Academic discourse edit The terms Afrocentrism vs Eurocentrism have come to play a role in the 2000s to 2010s in the context of the academic discourse on race in the United States and critical whiteness studies aiming to expose white supremacism and white privilege 41 Afrocentrist scholars such as Molefi Asante have argued that there is a prevalence of Eurocentric thought in the processing of much of academia on African affairs 42 43 44 In contrast in an article Eurocentrism and Academic Imperialism by Professor Seyed Mohammad Marandi from the University of Tehran states that Eurocentric thought exists in almost all aspects of academia in many parts of the world especially in the humanities 45 Edgar Alfred Bowring states that in the West self regard self congratulation and denigration of the Other run more deeply and those tendencies have infected more aspects of their thinking laws and policy than anywhere else 46 47 Luke Clossey and Nicholas Guyatt have measured the degree of Eurocentrism in the research programs of top history departments 48 Some authors have focused on how scholars who denounce Eurocentrism often inadvertently reproduce Eurocentrism 49 50 The methodologist Audrey Alejandro refers to this process as a recursive paradox It is a methodo epistemological recursive paradox that International Relations critical scholars experience producing a discourse that is implicitly counter productive to the anti Eurocentric values they advocate 51 Transformations of eurocentrism edit Authors show that since its first conceptualisation the concept of eurocentrism has evolved Alina Sajed and John Hobson 52 point to the emergence of a critical eurocentrism stressing that while critical IR theory is certainly critical of the West nevertheless its tendency towards Eurofetishism by which Western agency is reified at the expense of non Western agency leads it into a critical Eurocentrism Expanding on their work Audrey Alejandro has put forward the idea of a postcolonial eurocentrism understood as an emerging form of Eurocentrism that follows the criteria of Eurocentrism commonly mentioned in the literature denial of non Western agency teleological narrative centred on the West and idealisation of the West as normative referent but whose system of value is the complete opposite of the one embodied by traditional Eurocentrism With postcolonial Eurocentrism Europe is also considered to be the primary proactive subject of world politics but in this case by being described as the leading edge of global oppression not progress Indeed according to postcolonial Eurocentrism European capacity to homogenise the world according to its own standards of unification is considered to be a malevolent process i e the destruction of diversity rather than a benevolent one i e a show of positive leadership In both forms of Eurocentrism the discourse performs the West as the main actor capable of organising the world in its image European exceptionalism remains the same although from the postcolonial Eurocentric view Europe is not considered to be the best actor ever but the worst 53 Latin America editEurocentrism affected Latin America through colonial domination and expansion 54 This occurred through the application of new criteria meant to impose a new social classification of the world population on a global scale 54 Based on this occurrence a new social historic identities were newly produced although already produced in America Some of these names include Whites Negroes Blacks Yellows Olives Indians and Mestizos 54 With the advantage of being located in the Atlantic basin Whites were in a privileged to control gold and silver production 54 The work which created the product was by Indians and Negroes 54 With the control of commercial capital from White workers And therefore Europe or Western Europe emerged as the central place of new patterns and capitalist power 54 In 1627 when English colonisers arrived in Barbados they slaughtered the local indigenous inhabitants and claimed the island for themselves 55 Effect on beauty standards in Brazil edit The beauty ideal for females in Brazil is the morena a mixed race brown woman who is supposed to represent the best characteristics of every racial group in Brazil 56 According to Alexander Edmond s book Pretty Modern Beauty Sex and Plastic Surgery in Brazil whiteness plays a role in Latin American specifically Brazilian beauty standards but it is not necessarily distinguished based on skin colour 57 Edmonds said the main ways to define whiteness in people in Brazil is by looking at their hair nose then mouth before considering skin colour 57 Edmonds focuses on the popularity of plastic surgery in Brazilian culture Plastic surgeons usually applaud and flatter mixtures when emulating aesthetics for performing surgery and the more popular mixture is African and European 58 This shapes beauty standards by racialising biological and popular beauty ideals to suggest that mixture with whiteness is better 57 Donna Goldstein s book Laughter Out of Place Race Class Violence and Sexuality in a Rio Shantytown also addresses how whiteness influences beauty in Brazil Goldstein notes that in Brazil there is a hierarchy for beauty that places being mixed race at the top and pure un admixed black characteristics at the bottom calling them ugly 59 60 Challenging these standards of beauty in Brazil would require society to question the romantic and sexual appeal of whiteness 59 Goldstein said as a result black bodies would have to be decommodified and black women in particular have had to commodify their bodies to survive 59 In Erica Lorraine William s Sex Tourism in Bahia Ambiguous Entanglements Williams addresses how European and white beauty standards have more privileges than darker skinned and black women in Brazil 61 Black women in Brazil have to strategise ways to receive more respect in spaces popular for sex tourism 61 Williams cites Alma Gulliermoprieto when she explains that there is a superiority given to light skinned black women over darker skinned black women as light skinned women were considered more beautiful because they were improved with white blood 62 Islamic world editEurocentrism s effect on the Islamic world has predominantly come from a fundamental statement of preventing the account of lower level explanation and account of Islamic cultures and their social evolution mainly through eurocentrism s idealist construct 63 This construct has gained power from the historians revolving their conclusions around the idea of a central point that favours the notion that the evolution of societies and their progress are dictated by general tendencies leading to the Islamic world s evolution becoming more of a philosophical topic of history instead of historical fact 63 Along with this eurocentrism extends to trivialise and marginalise the philosophies scientific contributions cultures and other additional facets of the Islamic world 64 Stemming from Eurocentrism s innate bias towards Western civilisation came the creation of the concept of the European Society which favoured the components mainly Christianity of European civilisation and allowed eurocentrists to brand diverging societies and cultures as uncivilized 65 Prevalent during the nineteenth century the labelling of uncivilised in the eyes of eurocentrists enabled Western countries to classify non European and non white countries as inferior and limit their inclusion and contribution in actions like international law This exclusion was seen as acceptable by individuals like John Westlake a professor of international law at the University of Cambridge at the time who commented that countries with European civilisations should be who comprises the international society and that countries like Turkey and Persia should only be allowed a part of international law 65 The figurative superiority resulting from the rise of European Civilization and the labels of civilized and uncivilized are partly responsible for eurocentrism s denial of Islamic social evolution giving westerners the advantage of an early dismissal of such ideas regarding Oriental civilisations through comparisons to the West Along with that the rooted belief of the inferiority of non white and non Europeans has given justification for racial discrimination and discredit to the Islamic world with much of these feelings still present today citation needed Orientalism edit Eurocentrism s reach has not only affected the perception of the cultures and civilisations of the Islamic world but also the aspects and ideas of Orientalism a cultural idea that distinguished the Orient of the East from the Occidental Western societies of Europe and North America and which was originally created so that the social and cultural milestones of the Islamic and Oriental world would be recognised This effect began to take place during the nineteenth century when the Orientalist ideals were distilled and shifted from topics of sensuality and deviating mentalities to what is described by Edward Said as unchallenged coherence 66 Along with this shift came the creation of two types of orientalism latent which covered the Orient s constant durability through history and manifest a more dynamic orientalism that changes with the new discovery of information 66 The eurocentric influence is shown in the latter as the nature of manifest Orientalism is to be altered with new findings which leaves it vulnerable to the warping of its refiner s ideals and principles In this state eurocentrism has used orientalism to portray the Orient as backwards and bolster the superiority of the Western world and continue the undermining of their cultures to further the agenda of racial inequality 66 With those wanting to represent the eurocentric ideals better by way of orientalism there came a barrier of languages being Arabic Persian and other similar languages With more researchers wanting to study more of Orientalism there was an assumption made about the languages of the Islamic world that having the ability to transcribe the texts of the past Islamic world would give great knowledge and insight on oriental studies In order to do this many researchers underwent training in philology believing that an understanding of the languages would be the only necessary training This reasoning came as the belief at the time was that other studies like anthropology and sociology were deemed irrelevant as they did not believe it misleading to this portion of mankind 67 Through this action eurocentric researchers understanding of Oriental and Islamic culture was intentionally left undermined foregoing the reasoning behind the actions and reasoning for the changes in culture documented by Islamic and Oriental texts and allowing for further possible Western influence on orientalism and increasing the difficulty of identifying what is truly Oriental and what is considered Oriental by the West citation needed In the beauty industry editDue to colonialism Eurocentric beauty ideals have had varying degrees of impact on the cultures of non Western countries The influence on beauty ideals across the globe varies by region with Eurocentric ideals having a relatively strong impact in South Asia but little to no impact in East Asia 68 However Eurocentric beauty ideals have also been on the decline in the United States especially with the success of Asian female models which may be signaling a breakdown in the hegemony of White American beauty ideals 69 In Vietnam Eurocentric beauty ideals have been openly rejected as local women consider Western women s ideal of beauty as being overweight masculine and unattractive 70 Another study questioning the impact of Eurocentric beauty ideals in South Asia noted that Indian women won a relatively high number of international beauty pageants and that Indian media tends to use mostly Indian female models The authors cite the dominance of the Bollywood film industry in India which tends to minimize the impact of Western ideals 71 Clark doll experiment edit Main article Kenneth and Mamie Clark Doll experiments In the 1940s psychologists Kenneth and Mamie Clark conducted experiments called the doll tests to examine the psychological effects of segregation on African American children They tested children by presenting them with four dolls identical in all but skin tone The children were instructed to choose which doll they preferred and were asked the race of the doll Most of the children chose the white doll The Clarks stated in their results that the perceptions of the African American children had been altered by the discrimination they faced 72 The tested children also labelled the white dolls with positive descriptions One of the criticisms of this experiment is presented by Robin Bernstein a professor of African and African American studies and women gender and sexuality who argues that the Clarks tests were scientifically flawed though they did reflect a negative portrayal of black dolls in American theater and media that dates back to the Civil War era Bernstein posits that the choices made by the subjects of the Clark doll tests were not necessarily an indication of black self hatred Instead it was a cultural choice between two different toys one that was to be loved and one that was to be physically harassed as exemplified in performance and popular media According to Bernstein this argument redeems the Clarks child subjects by offering a new understanding of them not as psychologically damaged dupes but instead as agential experts in children s culture 73 Mexican doll experiment edit In 2012 Mexicans recreated the doll test Mexico s National Council to Prevent Discrimination presented a video where children had to pick the good doll and the doll that looks like them By doing this experiment the researchers sought to analyse the degree to which Mexican children are influenced by modern day media accessible to them 74 Most of the children chose the white doll they also stated that it looked like them The people who carried out the study noted that Eurocentrism is deeply rooted in different cultures including Latin cultures 75 Beauty advertisements edit In East Asia the impact of Eurocentrism in beauty advertisements has been minimal and there have even been anti European undercurrents in local advertisements for female products European models are hired for around half of advertisements made by European brands such as Estee Lauder and L Oreal while local Japanese cosmetics brands tend to use exclusively East Asian female models 76 The use of European female models has actually declined within Japan and some Japanese skincare companies have discontinued the use of Western female models entirely while others have even portrayed white women as explicitly inferior to Asian women 77 There is a widespread belief in Japan that Japanese women s skin color is better than white women s 78 and the placement of European female models in local advertisements does not reflect any special status of white women within Japan 79 Skin lightening edit Skin lightening has become a common practice in some countries One study found that in Tanzania motivation for the use of skin lightening products is to look more European 80 However in East Asia the practice began long before exposure to Europeans tan skin was associated with lower class field work and thus constant exposure to sun while having pale skin signified belonging to the upper class 81 82 Skin bleaching can have negative health effects 83 One study observed that among the female population of Senegal in West Africa 26 of women were using skin lightening creams at the time The most common products used were hydroquinone and corticosteroids 75 of women who used these creams showed adverse cutaneous effects mainly acne 84 South Korea edit See also Korean beauty standards and K beauty Cosmetic surgery is popular in South Korea often called the plastic surgery capital of the world 85 86 Prevalence of cosmetic surgery in South Korea is not rooted in Western beauty standards 85 but is instead primarily due to other factors such as more general dissatisfaction with appearance and better chances on the job market 87 88 According to the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery South Korea has the highest rates of plastic surgery procedures per capita in 2014 89 The most requested procedures are the blepharoplasty and rhinoplasty 90 Another procedure done in Korea is having the muscle under the tongue that connects to the bottom of the mouth surgically snipped Parents have their children to undergo this surgery in order to pronounce English better 91 Eurocentrism on Wikipedia editDespite the fact that Wikipedia promotes a neutral point of view as one of its Five Pillars the most recent studies highlight the fact that Wikipedia and in particular the English Wikipedia has a western cultural bias or pro western bias 92 or Eurocentric bias 93 This Eurocentrism says Anna Samoilenko reiterates similar biases that are found in the ivory tower of academic historiography 94 See also editAfrocentrism Americentrism Colonial mentality The Crest of the Peacock Non European Roots of Mathematics The Eastern Origins of Western Civilisation Discovery doctrine Hellenocentrism History of Western civilisation Orientalism Pan Arabism Pan European identity Universalism in geography Western culture SinocentrismReferences editNotes Hobson John 2012 The Eurocentric conception of world politics western international theory 1760 2010 New York Cambridge University Press p 185 ISBN 978 1107020207 Eurocentrism and its discontents American Historical Association a b Sheppard Eric November 2005 Jim Blaut s Model of the World Antipode 37 5 956 962 doi 10 1111 j 0066 4812 2005 00544 x a b Payne Anthony 2005 Unequal Development The Global Politics of Unequal Development pp 231 247 doi 10 1007 978 1 137 05592 7 9 ISBN 978 0 333 74072 9 a b Youngblood Henderson James Sakej 2011 Ayukpachi Empowering Aboriginal Thought In Battiste Marie ed Reclaiming Indigenous Voice and Vision UBC Press pp 259 61 ISBN 9780774842471 Christoph Hube Bias in Wikipedia 2017 Anna Samoilenko Cultural Neighbourhoods or approaches to quantifying cultural contextualisation in multilingual knowledge repository Wikipedia June 2021 The German adjective europa zentrisch Europe centric is attested in the 1920s unrelated to the Marxist context of Amin s usage Karl Haushofer Geopolitik des pazifischen Ozeans pp 11 23 110 113 passim The context is Haushofer s comparison of the Pacific space in terms of global politics vs Europe centric politics A Rey ed Dictionnaire Historique de la langue francaise 2010 A partir du radical deeuropeen ont ete composes mil XXe s europeocentrique adj de centrique qui fait reference a l Europe et europeocentrisme n m variante europocentrisme n m 1974 fait de considerer un probleme general mondial d un point de vue europeen Hussein Abdilahi Bulhan Frantz Fanon and the Psychology of Oppression 1985 63ff Fanon and Eurocentric Psychology where Eurocentric psychology refers to a psychology derived from a white middle class male minority which is generalized to humanity everywhere Anciens directeurs uneca org Archived 6 August 2018 at the Wayback Machine Samir AMIN Egypte 1970 1980 Alexandre A Bennigsen S Enders Wimbush Muslim National Communism in the Soviet Union A Revolutionary Strategy for the Colonial World 1979 p 19 pluralistic cultural coexistence as opposed to Western centrism and Asian centrism unhyphenated in Mabel Lee Meng Hua Cultural dialogue amp misreading 1997 p 53 our incomplete perception of Chinese behavior which tends to be Western centric using scare quotes in Houman A Sadri Revolutionary States Leaders and Foreign Relations A Comparative Study of China Cuba and Iran 1997 p 35 Euro or western centrism in the context of the traditional discourse on minority languages in Jonathan Owens ed Arabic as a Minority Language 2000 p 1 Use of Latinate occido centrism remains rare e g Alexander Lukin Political Culture of the Russian Democrats 2000 p 47 Dussel Enrique 2011 Politics of Liberation A Critical World History London SCM Press p 11 ISBN 9780334041818 German Obwohl Europa das kleinste unter allen 4 Teilen der Welt ist so ist es doch um verschiedener Ursachen willen allen ubrigen vorzuziehen Die Einwohner sind von sehr guten Sitten hoflich und sinnreich in Wissenschaften und Handwerken Europa In Zedlers Universal Lexicon Archived 11 September 2011 at the Wayback Machine Volume 8 Leipzig 1734 columns 2192 2196 citation column 2195 German Europa ist seiner terrestrischen Gliederung wie seiner kulturhistorischen und politischen Bedeutung nach unbedingt der wichtigste unter den funf Erdtheilen uber die er in materieller noch mehr aber in geistiger Beziehung eine hochst einflussreiche Oberherrschaft erlangt hat Das grosse Conversations Lexicon fur die gebildeten Stande 1847 Vol 1 p 373 Jordison Sam 12 January 2016 Reading beyond Rudyard Kipling s imperial crimes the complexities of Kim The Guardian Daniel Iwerks Ideology and Eurocentrism in Tarzan of the Apes in Investigating the Unliterary Six Readings of Edgar Rice Burroughs Tarzan of the Apes ed Richard Utz Regensburg Martzinek 1995 pp 69 90 Jones Eric 2003 The European Miracle Environments Economies and Geopolitics in the History of Europe and Asia ISBN 978 0 521 52783 5 de Boer Karin 6 June 2017 Moyar Dean ed Hegel s Lectures on the History of Modern Philosophy Oxford Handbooks Online 1 doi 10 1093 oxfordhb 9780199355228 013 29 Iarocci Michael P 2006 Properties of Modernity Romantic Spain Modern Europe and the Legacies of Empire Vanderbilt University Press ISBN 9780826515223 Farmer Edward L 1985 Civilization as a Unit of World History Eurasia and Europe s Place in It The History Teacher 18 3 345 363 doi 10 2307 493055 JSTOR 493055 Baker Gideon 2013 On the Origins of Modern Hospitality Hospitality and World Politics doi 10 1057 9781137290007 0006 ISBN 9781137290007 Bendix Reinhard Roth Guenther 1980 Scholarship and partisanship essays on Max Weber California Library reprint series ed Berkeley University of California Press volume 110 ISBN 978 0520041714 OCLC 220409196 The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism 3 July 2017 doi 10 4324 9781912282708 ISBN 9781912282708 S2CID 166670406 page needed Marks Robert 2015 The origins of the modern world a global and environmental narrative from the fifteenth to the twenty first century 3rd ed Lanham Maryland ISBN 9781442212398 OCLC 902726566 a href Template Cite book html title Template Cite book cite book a CS1 maint location missing publisher link page needed Ukraine invasion Arab journalists call out orientalist racist double standards on Ukraine coverage The New Arab London 28 February 2022 28 February 2022 Retrieved 1 March 2022 Arab journalists have called out the racist orientalist news coverage on the war in Ukraine which they ve accused of Eurocentric bias and ignoring the reality of conflict for many in the Middle East and North Africa Cambridge History of China CUP 1988 McNeill William 1989 Arnold J Toynbee A Life New York and Oxford Oxford University Press pp 272 73 ISBN 978 0 19 505863 5 From Toynbee s point of view Soka Gakkai was exactly what his vision of the historical moment expected for it was a new church arising on the fringes of the post Christian world Convergence of East and West was indeed what Toynbee and Ikeda sought and thought they had found in their dialogue In a preface written in the third person Toynbee emphasized and tried to explain this circumstance They agree that a human being ought to be perpetually striving to overcome his innate propensity to try to exploit the rest of the universe and that he ought to be trying instead to put himself at the service of the universe so unreservedly that his ego will become identical with an ultimate reality which for a Buddhist is the Buddha state They agree in believing that this ultimate reality is not a humanlike divine personality He explained these and other agreements as reflecting the birth of a common worldwide civilization that has originated in a technological framework of Western origin but is now being enriched spiritually by contributions from all the historic regional civilizations Ikeda s dialogue with Toynbee is the longest and most serious text in which East and West that is Ikeda and a famous representative of the mission field that Ikeda sees before him have agreed with each other In the unlikely event that Soka Gakkai lives up to its leader s hopes and realizes Toynbee s expectations by flourishing in the Western world this dialogue might like the letters of St Paul achieve the status of sacred scripture and thus become by far the most important of all of Toynbee s works a b Brohman John 1995 Universalism Eurocentrism and Ideological Bias in Development Studies From Modernisation to Neoliberalism Third World Quarterly 16 1 121 140 JSTOR 3992977 Sundberg Juanita 2009 Eurocentrism International Encyclopedia of Human Geography pp 638 643 Green John Crashcourse Eurocentrism 2012 Loewen James lies My teacher told me 1995 Martin Lewis and Karen Wigen in their book The Myth of Continents 1997 In physical cultural and historical diversity China and India are comparable to the entire European landmass not to a single European country A better if still imperfect analogy would compare France not to India as a whole but to a single Indian state such as Uttar Pradesh Lewis Martin W Karen E Wigen 1997 The Myth of Continents a Critique of Metageography Berkeley University of California Press pp ISBN 978 0 520 20742 4 Hanafi Hassan The Middle East in whose world Primary Reflections Nordic Society for Middle Eastern Studies The fourth Nordic conference on Middle Eastern Studies The Middle East in globalizing world Oslo 13 16 August 1998 Archived from the original on 18 October 2013 Retrieved 26 October 2016 unedited paper as given at the Oslo conference An updated and edited version has been published in Utvik and Vikor The Middle East in a Globalized World Bergen London 2000 1 9 Please quote or refer only to the published article The expression Middle East is an old British label based on a British Western perception of the East divided into middle or near and far Frank Andre Gunder 1998 ReOrient global economy in the Asian Age Berkeley University of California ISBN 9780520921313 OCLC 42922426 page needed Toynbee Arnold 1987 A study of history New York Oxford University Press ISBN 978 0195050813 OCLC 16276526 page needed Lang Michael 2011 Globalization and Global History in Toynbee Journal of World History 22 4 747 783 doi 10 1353 jwh 2011 0118 S2CID 142992220 Hugill Peter J 1995 Review of The Colonizer s Model of the World Geographical Diffusionism and Eurocentric History pp 259 261 JSTOR 216077 Denzin Norman K Lincoln Yvonna S 2008 Critical Methodologies and Indigenous Inquiry Locating the Field Performing Theories of Decolonizing Inquiry In Tuhiwai Smith Linda ed Handbook of Critical and Indigenous Methodologies SAGE Publishing p 152 ISBN 9781412918039 Alison Bailey Philosophy and Whiteness in Tim Engles ed Towards a Bibliography of Critical Whiteness Studies Center on Democracy in a Multiracial Society 2006 p 9 Philosophical methods are well suited for unpacking the political ontological and epistemological conditions that foster racism and hold white supremacy in place However on the whole philosophy as a discipline has remained relatively untouched by interdisciplinary work on race and whiteness In its quest for certainty Western philosophy continues to generate what it imagines to be colorless and genderless accounts of knowledge reality morality and human nature Molefi Kete Asante The Painful Demise of Eurocentrism The World amp I Vol 7 No 4 April 1992 pp 305 317 Molefi Kete Asante Afrocentricity Toward a New Understanding of African Thought in the World in Molefi Kete Asante Yoshitaka Miike and Jing Yin Eds The Global Intercultural Communication Reader New York Routledge 2014 pp 101 110 Molefi Kete Asante Afrocentricity In Reiland Rabaka Ed Routledge Handbook of Pan Africanism London Routledge 2020 pp 147 158 Eurocentrism and Academic Imperialism ZarCom Media 27 October 2011 Retrieved 14 October 2015 E C Eze Race and the Enlightenment A Reader Blackwell 1997 page needed Alam M Shahid 2003 Articulating Group Differences A Variety of Autocentrisms Science amp Society 67 2 205 217 JSTOR 40404071 Clossey Luke Guyatt Nicholas 2013 It s a Small World After All Small World History Simon Fraser University Retrieved 24 December 2015 Kuru Deniz April 2016 Historicising Eurocentrism and anti Eurocentrism in IR A revisionist account of disciplinary self reflexivity Review of International Studies 42 2 351 376 doi 10 1017 S0260210515000315 ISSN 0260 2105 S2CID 143069651 Duzgun Eren 1 June 2020 Against Eurocentric Anti Eurocentrism International Relations Historical Sociology and Political Marxism Journal of International Relations and Development 23 2 285 307 doi 10 1057 s41268 018 0146 0 ISSN 1581 1980 S2CID 149655538 ALEJANDRO AUDREY 2020 WESTERN DOMINANCE IN INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS the internationalisation of ir in brazil and india Place of publication not identified ROUTLEDGE p 164 ISBN 978 0 367 54010 4 OCLC 1145913401 Hobson John M Sajed Alina 1 December 2017 Navigating Beyond the Eurofetishist Frontier of Critical IR Theory Exploring the Complex Landscapes of Non Western Agency International Studies Review 19 4 547 572 doi 10 1093 isr vix013 ISSN 1521 9488 Alejandro Audrey 10 October 2018 Western Dominance in International Relations The Internationalisation of IR in Brazil and India Routledge p 163 doi 10 4324 9781315170480 ISBN 978 1 315 17048 0 S2CID 158923831 a b c d e f Quijano Anibal 29 June 2016 Coloniality of Power and Eurocentrism in Latin America International Sociology 15 2 215 232 doi 10 1177 0268580900015002005 S2CID 144941229 His parents urged him to keep their dodgy family history quiet Now Benedict Cumberbatch could pay ABC News 3 January 2023 Liebelt Claudia Bollinger Sarah Vierke Ulf 24 August 2018 Beauty and the Norm Debating Standardization in Bodily Appearance Springer p 229 ISBN 978 3 319 91174 8 In Brazil and Jamaica national discourses of race mixture shaped alternative beauty ideals For example the morena mixed race brown woman is the quit essential icon of a longstanding ideology of racial democracy in Brazil portrayed in eroticized images of carnival samba and football The morena supposedly embodies the positive characteristics of each race in Brazil a b c Edmonds Alexander 2010 Pretty Modern Beauty Sex and Plastic Surgery in Brazil Duke University Press p 142 Edmonds Alexander 2010 Pretty Modern Beauty Sex and Plastic Surgery in Brazil Duke University Press p 141 a b c Goldstein Donna 2013 Laughter Out of Place Race Class Violence and Sexuality in a Rio Shantytown Univ of California Press p 133 Vartabedian Julieta 22 May 2018 Brazilian Travesti Migrations Gender Sexualities and Embodiment Experiences Springer p 77 ISBN 978 3 319 77101 4 A purely African appearance with no mixture of white characteristics is perceived as ugly in Brazil Goldstein 2003 Wade 2009 a b Williams Erica Lorraine 2013 Sex Tourism in Bahia Ambiguous Entanglements University of Illinois Press p 45 Williams Erica Lorraine 2013 Sex Tourism in Bahia Ambiguous Entanglements University of Illinois Press pp 50 52 a b Amin Samir 1989 Eurocentrism New York Monthly Review Press pp 124 125 ISBN 9781583672075 Burney Shehla 2012 Erasing Eurocentrism Using the Other as the Supplement of Knowledge Counterpoints 417 143 172 JSTOR 42981703 a b Heraclides Alexis 2015 Humanitarian Intervention in the Long Nineteenth Century Setting the Precedent Manchester United Kingdom Manchester University Press pp 31 37 ISBN 9781526133823 a b c Said Edward 2000 Orientalism New York New York New York University Press pp 111 112 ISBN 9780394740676 Lockman Zachary 2009 Contending Visions of the Middle East the History and Politics of Orientalism Cambridge United Kingdom Cambridge University Press pp 68 ISBN 9780521133074 Laboratory International Socioeconomics 28 December 2020 Across the Spectrum of Socioeconomics Issue II International Socioeconomics Laboratory p 33 Hune Shirley Nomura Gail M August 2003 Asian Pacific Islander American Women A Historical Anthology NYU Press p 201 ISBN 978 0 8147 3633 3 The dawning of the new millennium may signal a shift in the cultural importance of racialized gendered bodies On October 14 2000 a Filipina American Miss Hawaii Angela Perez Baraquio was crowned Miss America for 2001 A few years earlier another Miss Hawaii a mixed race part Asian American woman named Brook Antoinette Mahealani Lee won not only the Miss USA competition but the title of 1997 Miss Universe Such victories do not necessarily mean full acceptance for Asian Americans into the American body politic However they do signal a breakdown in the hegemony of European American cultural standards of beauty Drury Benjamin 2 February 2021 SAGE Readings for Social Problems SAGE Publications p 58 ISBN 978 1 0718 4163 1 In fact the women made it very clear to me that they considered Western and Viet Kieu overseas Vietnamese women s ideals of beauty unattractive overweight and masculine Dai describes a regional standard of beauty that is much more nuanced than a simple aspiration to Western ideals Indeed the tone of Dai s comments illustrates how sex workers use distinctly Asian standards of beauty to resist the ideals of the West Women s deliberate rejection of Western standards illustrates how local regional and global ideals converge in their practices Li Eric P H Min Hyun Jeong Belk Russell W 2008 Skin Lightening and Beauty in Four Asian Cultures ACR North American Advances NA 35 One reason for this may be the recent globalization of Indian beauty as affirmed by a number of Indian winners of such global beauty contests as Miss World and Miss Universe From 1990 2006 Indian models won 11 of these titles The dominance of Bollywood film in India also diminishes the impact of Hollywood ideologies in Indian culture Indian celebrities appear to be the dominant body ideals for Indian women Brown at 60 The Doll Test NAACP LDF naacpldf org Archived from the original on 13 September 2018 Retrieved 28 July 2018 Professor Revisits Clark Doll Tests The Harvard Crimson Mexicans recreate black doll white doll experiment to measure skin color preference south of the border theGrio theGrio 6 January 2012 Retrieved 28 July 2018 Mexicans Recreate Black Doll White Doll Experiment to Measure Skin Color Preference South of the Border rollingout com 3 January 2012 Retrieved 28 July 2018 Li Min amp Belk 2008 Jones Geoffrey 25 February 2010 Beauty Imagined A History of the Global Beauty Industry OUP Oxford p 314 ISBN 978 0 19 160961 9 Pola discontinued the use of foreign models in 2000 Kao undertook a successful launch of Asience shampoo with television advertisements of Zhang Ziya who became the first Chinese Miss World in 2007 showing off her long black hair to the jealous gasps of Western women In 2007 Shisedo launched the blockbuster shampoo brand Tsubaki with a 40 million advertising campaign which featured famous Japanese women and the slogan Japanese women are beautiful Mire Amina 4 September 2019 Wellness in Whiteness Biomedicalization and the Promotion of Whiteness and Youth among Women Routledge p 114 ISBN 978 1 351 23412 2 My informants mainly women insisted that Japanese skin was superior to Caucasian skin Although many of my informants had little personal contact with Westerners they all made more or less identical negative comments about Caucasian women s skin saying for example that it was rough aged quickly and had too many spots ashikari 2005 p 82 When my informants look at a beautiful young Caucasian model in an advertisement with a slogan such as for making your skin beautiful and young they can simply see young and beauty in the model s face They are looking at a beautiful woman in the advertisement but not particularly a beautiful Caucasian woman p 82 Bonnett Alastair 8 October 2018 White Identities An Historical amp International Introduction Routledge p 74 ISBN 978 1 317 88037 0 The partial dethroning of European heritage people as representatives of a superior white race does not necessarily imply the abandonment of whiteness as an ideal or model in Japan The ugliness of European whiteness as compared with Japanese whiteness was mentioned by several of his informants More specifically it was argued that European heritage people do not possess white skin but transparent skin Three respondents views are cited below This may be completely unscientific but I feel that when I look at the skin of a Japanese woman I see the whiteness of her skin When I observe Caucasian skin what I see is the whiteness of the fat underneath the skin not the whiteness of the skin itself I have seen Caucasians closely only a few times but my impression is that their skin is very thin almost transparent while our skin is thicker and more resilient The Caucasian skin is something like the surface of a pork sausage while the skin of a Japanese resembles the outside of kamaboko a white spongy fish cake cited by Wagatsuma 1968 pp 142 3 Lewis Kelly M Robkin Navit Gaska Karie Njoki Lillian Carol 1 March 2011 Investigating Motivations for Women s Skin Bleaching in Tanzania Psychology of Women Quarterly 35 1 29 37 doi 10 1177 0361684310392356 ISSN 0361 6843 S2CID 71613149 Retrieved 29 April 2021 Why Do East Asians Want Pale Skin It Has Nothing to Do with Western Beauty Standards NextShark 14 February 2019 Retrieved 19 April 2021 Yeung Evelyn 19 April 2021 White and Beautiful An Examination of Skin Whitening Practices and Female Empowerment in China On Our Terms 3 2015 doi 10 7916 D82N51DW Olumide Yetunde M Akinkugbe Ayesha O Altraide Dan Mohammed Tahir Ahamefule Ngozi Ayanlowo Shola Onyekonwu Chinwe Essen Nyomudim April 2008 Complications of chronic use of skin lightening cosmetics International Journal of Dermatology 47 4 344 353 doi 10 1111 j 1365 4632 2008 02719 x PMID 18377596 S2CID 8159382 del Giudice Pascal Yves Pinier February 2002 The widespread use of skin lightening creams in Senegal a persistent public health problem in West Africa International Journal of Dermatology 41 2 69 72 doi 10 1046 j 1365 4362 2002 01335 x PMID 11982639 S2CID 37891827 a b Jacobs Harrison 28 June 2018 People have the wrong idea about the 3 most popular procedures in South Korea the plastic surgery capital of the world Business Insider Retrieved 29 April 2021 Forever young beautiful and scandal free The rise of South Korea s virtual influencers CNN 31 July 2022 Jang Ho Kyeong 9 January 2018 Why is Plastic Surgery so Popular in South Korea KOREA 101 KOREA EXPOSE Retrieved 29 April 2021 Park Rachel H Myers Paige L Langstein Howard N November 2019 Beliefs and trends of aesthetic surgery in South Korean young adults Archives of Plastic Surgery 46 6 612 616 doi 10 5999 aps 2018 01172 ISSN 2234 6163 PMC 6882691 PMID 31079443 Heidekrueger Paul I Juran S Ehrl D Aung T Tanna N Broer P Niclas August 2017 Global aesthetic surgery statistics a closer look Journal of Plastic Surgery and Hand Surgery 51 4 270 274 doi 10 1080 2000656X 2016 1248842 ISSN 2000 6764 PMID 27844485 S2CID 24451816 Euegene Carol 6 March 2017 For many South Koreans beauty standards represent a cultural struggle The Varsity Retrieved 28 July 2018 Lah Kyung Plastic surgery boom as Asians seek western look CNN Retrieved 28 July 2018 Christoph Hube Bias in Wikipedia 2017 Anna 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