

An androgen (from Greek andr-, the stem of the word meaning "man") is any natural or synthetic steroid hormone that regulates the development and maintenance of male characteristics in vertebrates by binding to androgen receptors.[1][2] This includes the embryological development of the primary male sex organs, and the development of male secondary sex characteristics at puberty. Androgens are synthesized in the testes, the ovaries, and the adrenal glands.

Drug class
Testosterone, the major androgen
Class identifiers
SynonymsAndrogenic hormone; Testoid
UseHypogonadism, transgender men, performance enhancement, bodybuilding, others
ATC codeG03B
Biological targetAndrogen receptor, mARs (e.g., GPRC6A, others)
External links
In Wikidata

Androgens increase in both males and females during puberty.[3] The major androgen in males is testosterone.[4] Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) and androstenedione are of equal importance in male development.[4] DHT in utero causes differentiation of the penis, scrotum and prostate. In adulthood, DHT contributes to balding, prostate growth, and sebaceous gland activity.

Although androgens are commonly thought of only as male sex hormones, females also have them, but at lower levels: they function in libido and sexual arousal. Also, androgens are the precursors to estrogens in both men and women.

In addition to their role as natural hormones, androgens are used as medications; for information on androgens as medications, see the androgen replacement therapy and anabolic steroid articles.

Types and examples Edit

The main subset of androgens, known as adrenal androgens, is composed of 19-carbon steroids synthesized in the zona reticularis, the innermost layer of the adrenal cortex. Adrenal androgens function as weak steroids (though some are precursors), and the subset includes dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA), dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEA-S), androstenedione (A4), and androstenediol (A5).

Besides testosterone, other androgens include:

  • Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) is a steroid hormone produced in the adrenal cortex from cholesterol.[5] It is the primary precursor of both the androgen and estrogen sex hormones. DHEA is also called dehydroisoandrosterone or dehydroandrosterone.
  • Androstenedione (A4) is an androgenic steroid produced by the testes, adrenal cortex, and ovaries. While androstenedione is converted metabolically to testosterone and other androgens, it is also the parent structure of estrone. Use of androstenedione as an athletic or bodybuilding supplement has been banned by the International Olympic Committee, as well as other sporting organizations.
  • Androstenediol (A5) is a steroid metabolite of DHEA and the precursor to sex hormones testosterone and estradiol.
  • Androsterone is a chemical byproduct created during the breakdown of androgens, or derived from progesterone, that also exerts minor masculinising effects, but with one-seventh the intensity of testosterone. It is found in approximately equal amounts in the plasma and urine of both males and females.
  • Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) is a metabolite of testosterone, and a more potent androgen than testosterone in that it binds more strongly to androgen receptors. It is produced in the skin and reproductive tissue.

Determined by consideration of all biological assay methods (c. 1970):[6]

Female ovarian and adrenal androgens Edit

The ovaries and adrenal glands also produce androgens, but at much lower levels than the testes. Regarding the relative contributions of ovaries and adrenal glands to female androgen levels, in a study with six menstruating women the following observations have been made:[7]

  • Adrenal contribution to peripheral T, DHT, A, DHEA and DHEA-S is relatively constant throughout the menstrual cycle.
  • Ovarian contribution of peripheral T, A and DHEA-S reaches maximum levels at mid-cycle, whereas ovarian contribution to peripheral DHT and DHEA does not seem to be influenced by the menstrual cycle.
  • Ovary and adrenal cortex contribute equally to peripheral T, DHT and A, with the exception that at mid-cycle ovarian contribution of peripheral A is twice that of the adrenal.
  • Peripheral DHEA and DHEA-S are produced mainly in the adrenal cortex which provides 80% of DHEA and over 90% of DHEA-S.
Ovarian and adrenal contribution to peripheral androgens during the menstrual cycle[7]
Androgen Ovarian (%) (F, M, L) Adrenal (%)
DHEA 20 80
DHEA-S 4, 10, 4 90–96
Androstenedione 45, 70, 60 30–55
Testosterone 33, 60, 33 40–66
DHT 50 50
F = early follicular, M = midcycle, L = late luteal phase.

Biological function Edit

Male prenatal development Edit

Testes formation Edit

During mammalian development, the gonads are at first capable of becoming either ovaries or testes.[8] In humans, starting at about week 4, the gonadal rudiments are present within the intermediate mesoderm adjacent to the developing kidneys. At about week 6, epithelial sex cords develop within the forming testes and incorporate the germ cells as they migrate into the gonads. In males, certain Y chromosome genes, particularly SRY, control development of the male phenotype, including conversion of the early bipotential gonad into testes. In males, the sex cords fully invade the developing gonads.

Androgen production Edit

The mesoderm-derived epithelial cells of the sex cords in developing testes become the Sertoli cells, which will function to support sperm cell formation. A minor population of nonepithelial cells appear between the tubules by week 8 of human fetal development. These are Leydig cells. Soon after they differentiate, Leydig cells begin to produce androgens.

Androgen effects Edit

The androgens function as paracrine hormones required by the Sertoli cells to support sperm production. They are also required for the masculinization of the developing male fetus (including penis and scrotum formation). Under the influence of androgens, remnants of the mesonephron, the Wolffian ducts, develop into the epididymis, vas deferens and seminal vesicles. This action of androgens is supported by a hormone from Sertoli cells, Müllerian inhibitory hormone (MIH), which prevents the embryonic Müllerian ducts from developing into fallopian tubes and other female reproductive tract tissues in male embryos. MIH and androgens cooperate to allow for movement of testes into the scrotum.

Early regulation Edit

Before the production of the pituitary hormone luteinizing hormone (LH) by the embryo starting at about weeks 11–12, human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG) promotes the differentiation of Leydig cells and their production of androgens at week 8. Androgen action in target tissues often involves conversion of testosterone to 5α-dihydrotestosterone (DHT).

Male pubertal development Edit

At the time of puberty, androgen levels increase dramatically in males, and androgens mediate the development of masculine secondary sexual characteristics as well as the activation of spermatogenesis and fertility and masculine behavioral changes such as increased sex drive. Masculine secondary sexual characteristics include androgenic hair, voice deepening, emergence of the Adam's apple, broadening of the shoulders, increased muscle mass, and penile growth.

Spermatogenesis Edit

During puberty, androgen, LH and follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) production increase and the sex cords hollow out, forming the seminiferous tubules, and the germ cells start to differentiate into sperm. Throughout adulthood, androgens and FSH cooperatively act on Sertoli cells in the testes to support sperm production.[9] Exogenous androgen supplements can be used as a male contraceptive. Elevated androgen levels caused by use of androgen supplements can inhibit production of LH and block production of endogenous androgens by Leydig cells. Without the locally high levels of androgens in testes due to androgen production by Leydig cells, the seminiferous tubules can degenerate, resulting in infertility. For this reason, many transdermal androgen patches are applied to the scrotum.

Fat deposition Edit

Males typically have less body fat than females. Recent results indicate androgens inhibit the ability of some fat cells to store lipids by blocking a signal transduction pathway that normally supports adipocyte function.[10] Also, androgens, but not estrogens, increase beta adrenergic receptors while decreasing alpha adrenergic receptors- which results in increased levels of epinephrine/ norepinephrine due to lack of alpha-2 receptor negative feedback and decreased fat accumulation due to epinephrine/ norepinephrine then acting on lipolysis-inducing beta receptors.

Muscle mass Edit

Males typically have more skeletal muscle mass than females. Androgens promote the enlargement of skeletal muscle cells in a coordinated manner by acting on several cell types in skeletal muscle tissue.[11] One cell type, called the myoblast, conveys androgen receptors for generating muscle. Fusion of myoblasts generates myotubes, in a process linked to androgen receptor levels.[12] Higher androgen levels lead to increased expression of androgen receptor.

Brain Edit

Circulating levels of androgens can influence human behavior because some neurons are sensitive to steroid hormones. Androgen levels have been implicated in the regulation of human aggression and libido. Indeed, androgens are capable of altering the structure of the brain in several species, including mice, rats, and primates, producing sex differences.[13] Although more recent studies showing the general mood of transgender men, who have undergone transgender hormone replacement therapy replacing estrogens with androgens, do not show any substantial long-term behavioral changes.[14][15][16]

Numerous reports have shown androgens alone are capable of altering the structure of the brain,[17] but identification of which alterations in neuroanatomy stem from androgens or estrogens is difficult, because of their potential for conversion.

Evidence from neurogenesis (formation of new neurons) studies on male rats has shown that the hippocampus is a useful brain region to examine when determining the effects of androgens on behavior. To examine neurogenesis, wild-type male rats were compared with male rats that had androgen insensitivity syndrome, a genetic difference resulting in complete or partial insensitivity to androgens and a lack of external male genitalia.

Neural injections of Bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) were applied to males of both groups to test for neurogenesis. Analysis showed that testosterone and dihydrotestosterone regulated adult hippocampal neurogenesis (AHN). Adult hippocampal neurogenesis was regulated through the androgen receptor in the wild-type male rats, but not in the TMF male rats. To further test the role of activated androgen receptors on AHN, flutamide, an antiandrogen drug that competes with testosterone and dihydrotestosterone for androgen receptors, and dihydrotestosterone were administered to normal male rats. Dihydrotestosterone increased the number of BrdU cells, while flutamide inhibited these cells.

Moreover, estrogens had no effect. This research demonstrates how androgens can increase AHN.[18]

Researchers also examined how mild exercise affected androgen synthesis which in turn causes AHN activation of N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptors.

NMDA induces a calcium flux that allows for synaptic plasticity which is crucial for AHN.

Researchers injected both orchidectomized (ORX) (castrated) and sham castrated male rats with BrdU to determine if the number of new cells was increased. They found that AHN in male rats is increased with mild exercise by boosting synthesis of dihydrotestosterone in the hippocampus.

Again it was noted that AHN was not increased via activation of the estrogen receptors.[19]

Androgen regulation decreases the likelihood of depression in males. In preadolescent male rats, neonatal rats treated with flutamide developed more depression-like symptoms compared to control rats.

Again BrdU was injected into both groups of rats in order to see if cells were multiplying in the living tissue. These results demonstrate how the organization of androgens has a positive effect on preadolescent hippocampal neurogenesis that may be linked with lower depression-like symptoms.[20]

Social isolation has a hindering effect in AHN whereas normal regulation of androgens increases AHN. A study using male rats showed that testosterone may block social isolation, which results in hippocampal neurogenesis reaching homeostasis—regulation that keeps internal conditions stable. A Brdu analysis showed that excess testosterone did not increase this blocking effect against social isolation; that is, the natural circulating levels of androgens cancel out the negative effects of social isolation on AHN.[21]

Female-specific effects Edit

Androgens have potential roles in relaxation of the myometrium via non-genomic, androgen receptor-independent pathways, preventing premature uterine contractions in pregnancy.[22]

Androgen insensitivity Edit

Reduced ability of an XY-karyotype fetus to respond to androgens can result in one of several conditions, including infertility and several forms of intersex conditions.

Miscellaneous Edit

Yolk androgen levels in certain birds have been positively correlated to social dominance later in life. See American coot.

Biological activity Edit

Androgens bind to and activate androgen receptors (ARs) to mediate most of their biological effects.

Relative potency Edit

Determined by consideration of all biological assay methods (c. 1970):[6]

Androgen Potency (%)
Testosterone 40
5α-Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) 100
Androstenediol .0008
Androstenedione .04
Dehydroepiandrosterone .02
Androsterone .06

5α-Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) was 2.4 times more potent than testosterone at maintaining normal prostate weight and duct lumen mass (this is a measure of epithelial cell function stimulation). Whereas DHT was equally potent as testosterone at preventing prostate cell death after castration.[23]

Non-genomic actions Edit

Androgens have also been found to signal through membrane androgen receptors, which are distinct from the classical nuclear androgen receptor.[24][25][26]

Biochemistry Edit

Steroidogenesis, showing the relation between several androgens, is at bottom left. Estrone and estradiol, in contrast, are estrogens.[27]

Biosynthesis Edit

Androgens are synthesized from cholesterol and are produced primarily in the gonads (testicles and ovaries) and also in the adrenal glands. The testicles produce a much higher quantity than the ovaries. Conversion of testosterone to the more potent DHT occurs in prostate gland, liver, brain and skin.

Production rates, secretion rates, clearance rates, and blood levels of major sex hormones
Sex Sex hormone Reproductive
production rate
secretion rate
clearance rate
Reference range (serum levels)
SI units Non-SI units
Men Androstenedione
2.8 mg/day 1.6 mg/day 2200 L/day 2.8–7.3 nmol/L 80–210 ng/dL
6.5 mg/day 6.2 mg/day 950 L/day 6.9–34.7 nmol/L 200–1000 ng/dL
150 μg/day 110 μg/day 2050 L/day 37–250 pmol/L 10–70 pg/mL
60 μg/day 50 μg/day 1600 L/day <37–210 pmol/L 10–57 pg/mL
Estrone sulfate
80 μg/day Insignificant 167 L/day 600–2500 pmol/L 200–900 pg/mL
Women Androstenedione
3.2 mg/day 2.8 mg/day 2000 L/day 3.1–12.2 nmol/L 89–350 ng/dL
190 μg/day 60 μg/day 500 L/day 0.7–2.8 nmol/L 20–81 ng/dL
Estrone Follicular phase 110 μg/day 80 μg/day 2200 L/day 110–400 pmol/L 30–110 pg/mL
Luteal phase 260 μg/day 150 μg/day 2200 L/day 310–660 pmol/L 80–180 pg/mL
Postmenopause 40 μg/day Insignificant 1610 L/day 22–230 pmol/L 6–60 pg/mL
Estradiol Follicular phase 90 μg/day 80 μg/day 1200 L/day <37–360 pmol/L 10–98 pg/mL
Luteal phase 250 μg/day 240 μg/day 1200 L/day 699–1250 pmol/L 190–341 pg/mL
Postmenopause 6 μg/day Insignificant 910 L/day <37–140 pmol/L 10–38 pg/mL
Estrone sulfate Follicular phase 100 μg/day Insignificant 146 L/day 700–3600 pmol/L 250–1300 pg/mL
Luteal phase 180 μg/day Insignificant 146 L/day 1100–7300 pmol/L 400–2600 pg/mL
Progesterone Follicular phase 2 mg/day 1.7 mg/day 2100 L/day 0.3–3 nmol/L 0.1–0.9 ng/mL
Luteal phase 25 mg/day 24 mg/day 2100 L/day 19–45 nmol/L 6–14 ng/mL
Notes and sources
Notes: "The concentration of a steroid in the circulation is determined by the rate at which it is secreted from glands, the rate of metabolism of precursor or prehormones into the steroid, and the rate at which it is extracted by tissues and metabolized. The secretion rate of a steroid refers to the total secretion of the compound from a gland per unit time. Secretion rates have been assessed by sampling the venous effluent from a gland over time and subtracting out the arterial and peripheral venous hormone concentration. The metabolic clearance rate of a steroid is defined as the volume of blood that has been completely cleared of the hormone per unit time. The production rate of a steroid hormone refers to entry into the blood of the compound from all possible sources, including secretion from glands and conversion of prohormones into the steroid of interest. At steady state, the amount of hormone entering the blood from all sources will be equal to the rate at which it is being cleared (metabolic clearance rate) multiplied by blood concentration (production rate = metabolic clearance rate × concentration). If there is little contribution of prohormone metabolism to the circulating pool of steroid, then the production rate will approximate the secretion rate." Sources: See template.

Metabolism Edit

Androgens are metabolized mainly in the liver.

Medical uses Edit

A low testosterone level (hypogonadism) in men may be treated with testosterone administration. Prostate cancer may be treated by removing the major source of testosterone: testicle removal (orchiectomy); or agents which block androgens from accessing their receptor: antiandrogens.

See also Edit

References Edit

  1. ^ Moini, Jahangir (2015). Fundamental Pharmacology for Pharmacy Technicians. Cengage Learning. p. 338. ISBN 978-1-30-568615-1. Androgen is the generic term for any natural or synthetic compound, usually a steroid hormone, which stimulates or controls the development of masculine characteristics by binding to androgen receptors.
  2. ^ Gylys, Barbara A; Wedding, Mary Ellen (2017). Medical Terminology Systems: A Body Systems Approach. F.A. Davis. p. 82. ISBN 978-0-80-365868-4. Generic term for an agent (usually a hormone, such as testosterone or androsterone) that stimulates development of male characteristics.
  3. ^ "15 Ways To Get Rid of Pimples Overnight Natural". Fast Health Fitness. 17 May 2016.
  4. ^ a b Carlson, Neil (22 January 2012). Physiology of Behavior. Reproductive Behavior. Vol. 11th edition. Pearson. p. 326. ISBN 978-0205239399.
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  6. ^ a b Steroid Biochemistry and Pharmacology by Briggs and Brotherton, Academic Press.
  7. ^ a b Abraham GE (1 August 1974). "Ovarian and Adrenal Contribution to Peripheral Androgens During the Menstrual Cycle". The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism. 39 (2): 340–346. doi:10.1210/jcem-39-2-340. PMID 4278727.
  8. ^ Scott F. Gilbert; with a chapter on plant development by Susan R. Singer (2000). Scott F. Gilbert (ed.). Developmental Biology (6th ed.). Sunderland, Massachusetts: Sinauer Associates. ISBN 978-0-87893-243-6.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)[page needed]
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  16. ^ Johnson, Justin M.; Nachtigall, Lisa B.; Stern, Theodore A. (1 November 2013). "The Effect of Testosterone Levels on Mood in Men: A Review". Psychosomatics. 54 (6): 509–514. doi:10.1016/j.psym.2013.06.018 – via ScienceDirect.
  17. ^ Zuloaga DG, Puts DA, Jordan CL, Breedlove SM (May 2008). "The role of androgen receptors in the masculinization of brain and behavior: what we've learned from the testicular feminization mutation". Hormones and Behavior. 53 (5): 613–26. doi:10.1016/j.yhbeh.2008.01.013. PMC 2706155. PMID 18374335.
  18. ^ Hamson DK, Wainwright SR, Taylor JR, Jones BA, Watson NV, Galea LA (2013). "Androgens increase survival of adult-born neurons in the dentate gyrus by an androgen receptor-dependent mechanism in male rats". Endocrinology. 154 (9): 3294–304. doi:10.1210/en.2013-1129. PMID 23782943.
  19. ^ Okamoto M, Hojo Y, Inoue K, Matsui T, Kawato S, McEwen BS, Soya H (2012). "Mild exercise increases dihydrotestosterone in hippocampus providing evidence for androgenic mediation of neurogenesis". PNAS. 109 (32): 13100–13105. Bibcode:2012PNAS..10913100O. doi:10.1073/pnas.1210023109. PMC 3420174. PMID 22807478.
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  22. ^ Makieva S, Saunders PT, Norman JE (2014). "Androgens in pregnancy: roles in parturition". Hum. Reprod. Update. 20 (4): 542–59. doi:10.1093/humupd/dmu008. PMC 4063701. PMID 24643344.
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  26. ^ Lang F, Alevizopoulos K, Stournaras C (2013). "Targeting membrane androgen receptors in tumors". Expert Opin. Ther. Targets. 17 (8): 951–63. doi:10.1517/14728222.2013.806491. PMID 23746222. S2CID 23918273.
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androgen, this, article, about, androgens, natural, hormones, androgens, medications, anabolic, steroid, replacement, therapy, redirects, here, articles, related, adrenaline, epinephrine, noradrenaline, norepinephrine, adrenergic, androgen, from, greek, andr, . This article is about androgens as natural hormones For androgens as medications see Anabolic steroid and Androgen replacement therapy Androgenic redirects here For articles related to adrenaline epinephrine or noradrenaline norepinephrine see Adrenergic An androgen from Greek andr the stem of the word meaning man is any natural or synthetic steroid hormone that regulates the development and maintenance of male characteristics in vertebrates by binding to androgen receptors 1 2 This includes the embryological development of the primary male sex organs and the development of male secondary sex characteristics at puberty Androgens are synthesized in the testes the ovaries and the adrenal glands AndrogenDrug classTestosterone the major androgenClass identifiersSynonymsAndrogenic hormone TestoidUseHypogonadism transgender men performance enhancement bodybuilding othersATC codeG03BBiological targetAndrogen receptor mARs e g GPRC6A others External linksMeSHD000728In WikidataAndrogens increase in both males and females during puberty 3 The major androgen in males is testosterone 4 Dihydrotestosterone DHT and androstenedione are of equal importance in male development 4 DHT in utero causes differentiation of the penis scrotum and prostate In adulthood DHT contributes to balding prostate growth and sebaceous gland activity Although androgens are commonly thought of only as male sex hormones females also have them but at lower levels they function in libido and sexual arousal Also androgens are the precursors to estrogens in both men and women In addition to their role as natural hormones androgens are used as medications for information on androgens as medications see the androgen replacement therapy and anabolic steroid articles Contents 1 Types and examples 1 1 Female ovarian and adrenal androgens 2 Biological function 2 1 Male prenatal development 2 1 1 Testes formation 2 1 2 Androgen production 2 1 3 Androgen effects 2 1 4 Early regulation 2 2 Male pubertal development 2 3 Spermatogenesis 2 4 Fat deposition 2 5 Muscle mass 2 6 Brain 2 7 Female specific effects 2 8 Androgen insensitivity 2 9 Miscellaneous 3 Biological activity 3 1 Relative potency 3 2 Non genomic actions 4 Biochemistry 4 1 Biosynthesis 4 2 Metabolism 5 Medical uses 6 See also 7 ReferencesTypes and examples EditThe main subset of androgens known as adrenal androgens is composed of 19 carbon steroids synthesized in the zona reticularis the innermost layer of the adrenal cortex Adrenal androgens function as weak steroids though some are precursors and the subset includes dehydroepiandrosterone DHEA dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate DHEA S androstenedione A4 and androstenediol A5 Besides testosterone other androgens include Dehydroepiandrosterone DHEA is a steroid hormone produced in the adrenal cortex from cholesterol 5 It is the primary precursor of both the androgen and estrogen sex hormones DHEA is also called dehydroisoandrosterone or dehydroandrosterone Androstenedione A4 is an androgenic steroid produced by the testes adrenal cortex and ovaries While androstenedione is converted metabolically to testosterone and other androgens it is also the parent structure of estrone Use of androstenedione as an athletic or bodybuilding supplement has been banned by the International Olympic Committee as well as other sporting organizations Androstenediol A5 is a steroid metabolite of DHEA and the precursor to sex hormones testosterone and estradiol Androsterone is a chemical byproduct created during the breakdown of androgens or derived from progesterone that also exerts minor masculinising effects but with one seventh the intensity of testosterone It is found in approximately equal amounts in the plasma and urine of both males and females Dihydrotestosterone DHT is a metabolite of testosterone and a more potent androgen than testosterone in that it binds more strongly to androgen receptors It is produced in the skin and reproductive tissue Determined by consideration of all biological assay methods c 1970 6 Female ovarian and adrenal androgens Edit The ovaries and adrenal glands also produce androgens but at much lower levels than the testes Regarding the relative contributions of ovaries and adrenal glands to female androgen levels in a study with six menstruating women the following observations have been made 7 Adrenal contribution to peripheral T DHT A DHEA and DHEA S is relatively constant throughout the menstrual cycle Ovarian contribution of peripheral T A and DHEA S reaches maximum levels at mid cycle whereas ovarian contribution to peripheral DHT and DHEA does not seem to be influenced by the menstrual cycle Ovary and adrenal cortex contribute equally to peripheral T DHT and A with the exception that at mid cycle ovarian contribution of peripheral A is twice that of the adrenal Peripheral DHEA and DHEA S are produced mainly in the adrenal cortex which provides 80 of DHEA and over 90 of DHEA S Ovarian and adrenal contribution to peripheral androgens during the menstrual cycle 7 Androgen Ovarian F M L Adrenal DHEA 20 80DHEA S 4 10 4 90 96Androstenedione 45 70 60 30 55Testosterone 33 60 33 40 66DHT 50 50F early follicular M midcycle L late luteal phase Biological function EditMale prenatal development Edit Testes formation Edit During mammalian development the gonads are at first capable of becoming either ovaries or testes 8 In humans starting at about week 4 the gonadal rudiments are present within the intermediate mesoderm adjacent to the developing kidneys At about week 6 epithelial sex cords develop within the forming testes and incorporate the germ cells as they migrate into the gonads In males certain Y chromosome genes particularly SRY control development of the male phenotype including conversion of the early bipotential gonad into testes In males the sex cords fully invade the developing gonads Androgen production Edit The mesoderm derived epithelial cells of the sex cords in developing testes become the Sertoli cells which will function to support sperm cell formation A minor population of nonepithelial cells appear between the tubules by week 8 of human fetal development These are Leydig cells Soon after they differentiate Leydig cells begin to produce androgens Androgen effects Edit The androgens function as paracrine hormones required by the Sertoli cells to support sperm production They are also required for the masculinization of the developing male fetus including penis and scrotum formation Under the influence of androgens remnants of the mesonephron the Wolffian ducts develop into the epididymis vas deferens and seminal vesicles This action of androgens is supported by a hormone from Sertoli cells Mullerian inhibitory hormone MIH which prevents the embryonic Mullerian ducts from developing into fallopian tubes and other female reproductive tract tissues in male embryos MIH and androgens cooperate to allow for movement of testes into the scrotum Early regulation Edit Before the production of the pituitary hormone luteinizing hormone LH by the embryo starting at about weeks 11 12 human chorionic gonadotrophin hCG promotes the differentiation of Leydig cells and their production of androgens at week 8 Androgen action in target tissues often involves conversion of testosterone to 5a dihydrotestosterone DHT Male pubertal development Edit At the time of puberty androgen levels increase dramatically in males and androgens mediate the development of masculine secondary sexual characteristics as well as the activation of spermatogenesis and fertility and masculine behavioral changes such as increased sex drive Masculine secondary sexual characteristics include androgenic hair voice deepening emergence of the Adam s apple broadening of the shoulders increased muscle mass and penile growth Spermatogenesis Edit During puberty androgen LH and follicle stimulating hormone FSH production increase and the sex cords hollow out forming the seminiferous tubules and the germ cells start to differentiate into sperm Throughout adulthood androgens and FSH cooperatively act on Sertoli cells in the testes to support sperm production 9 Exogenous androgen supplements can be used as a male contraceptive Elevated androgen levels caused by use of androgen supplements can inhibit production of LH and block production of endogenous androgens by Leydig cells Without the locally high levels of androgens in testes due to androgen production by Leydig cells the seminiferous tubules can degenerate resulting in infertility For this reason many transdermal androgen patches are applied to the scrotum Fat deposition Edit Males typically have less body fat than females Recent results indicate androgens inhibit the ability of some fat cells to store lipids by blocking a signal transduction pathway that normally supports adipocyte function 10 Also androgens but not estrogens increase beta adrenergic receptors while decreasing alpha adrenergic receptors which results in increased levels of epinephrine norepinephrine due to lack of alpha 2 receptor negative feedback and decreased fat accumulation due to epinephrine norepinephrine then acting on lipolysis inducing beta receptors Muscle mass Edit Males typically have more skeletal muscle mass than females Androgens promote the enlargement of skeletal muscle cells in a coordinated manner by acting on several cell types in skeletal muscle tissue 11 One cell type called the myoblast conveys androgen receptors for generating muscle Fusion of myoblasts generates myotubes in a process linked to androgen receptor levels 12 Higher androgen levels lead to increased expression of androgen receptor Brain Edit Circulating levels of androgens can influence human behavior because some neurons are sensitive to steroid hormones Androgen levels have been implicated in the regulation of human aggression and libido Indeed androgens are capable of altering the structure of the brain in several species including mice rats and primates producing sex differences 13 Although more recent studies showing the general mood of transgender men who have undergone transgender hormone replacement therapy replacing estrogens with androgens do not show any substantial long term behavioral changes 14 15 16 Numerous reports have shown androgens alone are capable of altering the structure of the brain 17 but identification of which alterations in neuroanatomy stem from androgens or estrogens is difficult because of their potential for conversion Evidence from neurogenesis formation of new neurons studies on male rats has shown that the hippocampus is a useful brain region to examine when determining the effects of androgens on behavior To examine neurogenesis wild type male rats were compared with male rats that had androgen insensitivity syndrome a genetic difference resulting in complete or partial insensitivity to androgens and a lack of external male genitalia Neural injections of Bromodeoxyuridine BrdU were applied to males of both groups to test for neurogenesis Analysis showed that testosterone and dihydrotestosterone regulated adult hippocampal neurogenesis AHN Adult hippocampal neurogenesis was regulated through the androgen receptor in the wild type male rats but not in the TMF male rats To further test the role of activated androgen receptors on AHN flutamide an antiandrogen drug that competes with testosterone and dihydrotestosterone for androgen receptors and dihydrotestosterone were administered to normal male rats Dihydrotestosterone increased the number of BrdU cells while flutamide inhibited these cells Moreover estrogens had no effect This research demonstrates how androgens can increase AHN 18 Researchers also examined how mild exercise affected androgen synthesis which in turn causes AHN activation of N methyl D aspartate NMDA receptors NMDA induces a calcium flux that allows for synaptic plasticity which is crucial for AHN Researchers injected both orchidectomized ORX castrated and sham castrated male rats with BrdU to determine if the number of new cells was increased They found that AHN in male rats is increased with mild exercise by boosting synthesis of dihydrotestosterone in the hippocampus Again it was noted that AHN was not increased via activation of the estrogen receptors 19 Androgen regulation decreases the likelihood of depression in males In preadolescent male rats neonatal rats treated with flutamide developed more depression like symptoms compared to control rats Again BrdU was injected into both groups of rats in order to see if cells were multiplying in the living tissue These results demonstrate how the organization of androgens has a positive effect on preadolescent hippocampal neurogenesis that may be linked with lower depression like symptoms 20 Social isolation has a hindering effect in AHN whereas normal regulation of androgens increases AHN A study using male rats showed that testosterone may block social isolation which results in hippocampal neurogenesis reaching homeostasis regulation that keeps internal conditions stable A Brdu analysis showed that excess testosterone did not increase this blocking effect against social isolation that is the natural circulating levels of androgens cancel out the negative effects of social isolation on AHN 21 Female specific effects Edit Androgens have potential roles in relaxation of the myometrium via non genomic androgen receptor independent pathways preventing premature uterine contractions in pregnancy 22 Androgen insensitivity Edit Main article Androgen insensitivity syndrome Reduced ability of an XY karyotype fetus to respond to androgens can result in one of several conditions including infertility and several forms of intersex conditions Miscellaneous Edit Yolk androgen levels in certain birds have been positively correlated to social dominance later in life See American coot Biological activity EditAndrogens bind to and activate androgen receptors ARs to mediate most of their biological effects Relative potency Edit Determined by consideration of all biological assay methods c 1970 6 Androgen Potency Testosterone 405a Dihydrotestosterone DHT 100Androstenediol 0008Androstenedione 04Dehydroepiandrosterone 02Androsterone 065a Dihydrotestosterone DHT was 2 4 times more potent than testosterone at maintaining normal prostate weight and duct lumen mass this is a measure of epithelial cell function stimulation Whereas DHT was equally potent as testosterone at preventing prostate cell death after castration 23 Non genomic actions Edit Androgens have also been found to signal through membrane androgen receptors which are distinct from the classical nuclear androgen receptor 24 25 26 Biochemistry Edit Steroidogenesis showing the relation between several androgens is at bottom left Estrone and estradiol in contrast are estrogens 27 Biosynthesis Edit Androgens are synthesized from cholesterol and are produced primarily in the gonads testicles and ovaries and also in the adrenal glands The testicles produce a much higher quantity than the ovaries Conversion of testosterone to the more potent DHT occurs in prostate gland liver brain and skin vte Production rates secretion rates clearance rates and blood levels of major sex hormones Sex Sex hormone Reproductivephase Bloodproduction rate Gonadalsecretion rate Metabolicclearance rate Reference range serum levels SI units Non SI unitsMen Androstenedione 2 8 mg day 1 6 mg day 2200 L day 2 8 7 3 nmol L 80 210 ng dLTestosterone 6 5 mg day 6 2 mg day 950 L day 6 9 34 7 nmol L 200 1000 ng dLEstrone 150 mg day 110 mg day 2050 L day 37 250 pmol L 10 70 pg mLEstradiol 60 mg day 50 mg day 1600 L day lt 37 210 pmol L 10 57 pg mLEstrone sulfate 80 mg day Insignificant 167 L day 600 2500 pmol L 200 900 pg mLWomen Androstenedione 3 2 mg day 2 8 mg day 2000 L day 3 1 12 2 nmol L 89 350 ng dLTestosterone 190 mg day 60 mg day 500 L day 0 7 2 8 nmol L 20 81 ng dLEstrone Follicular phase 110 mg day 80 mg day 2200 L day 110 400 pmol L 30 110 pg mLLuteal phase 260 mg day 150 mg day 2200 L day 310 660 pmol L 80 180 pg mLPostmenopause 40 mg day Insignificant 1610 L day 22 230 pmol L 6 60 pg mLEstradiol Follicular phase 90 mg day 80 mg day 1200 L day lt 37 360 pmol L 10 98 pg mLLuteal phase 250 mg day 240 mg day 1200 L day 699 1250 pmol L 190 341 pg mLPostmenopause 6 mg day Insignificant 910 L day lt 37 140 pmol L 10 38 pg mLEstrone sulfate Follicular phase 100 mg day Insignificant 146 L day 700 3600 pmol L 250 1300 pg mLLuteal phase 180 mg day Insignificant 146 L day 1100 7300 pmol L 400 2600 pg mLProgesterone Follicular phase 2 mg day 1 7 mg day 2100 L day 0 3 3 nmol L 0 1 0 9 ng mLLuteal phase 25 mg day 24 mg day 2100 L day 19 45 nmol L 6 14 ng mLNotes and sourcesNotes The concentration of a steroid in the circulation is determined by the rate at which it is secreted from glands the rate of metabolism of precursor or prehormones into the steroid and the rate at which it is extracted by tissues and metabolized The secretion rate of a steroid refers to the total secretion of the compound from a gland per unit time Secretion rates have been assessed by sampling the venous effluent from a gland over time and subtracting out the arterial and peripheral venous hormone concentration The metabolic clearance rate of a steroid is defined as the volume of blood that has been completely cleared of the hormone per unit time The production rate of a steroid hormone refers to entry into the blood of the compound from all possible sources including secretion from glands and conversion of prohormones into the steroid of interest At steady state the amount of hormone entering the blood from all sources will be equal to the rate at which it is being cleared metabolic clearance rate multiplied by blood concentration production rate metabolic clearance rate concentration If there is little contribution of prohormone metabolism to the circulating pool of steroid then the production rate will approximate the secretion rate Sources See template Metabolism Edit Androgens are metabolized mainly in the liver Medical uses EditMain article Anabolic steroid Medical A low testosterone level hypogonadism in men may be treated with testosterone administration Prostate cancer may be treated by removing the major source of testosterone testicle removal orchiectomy or agents which block androgens from accessing their receptor antiandrogens See also EditAndrology Endocrine system Exercise and androgen levels Androgen insensitivity syndrome Androgen insufficiency syndrome Testosterone and the cardiovascular system List of steroid abbreviations List of androgens anabolic steroids List of androgens anabolic steroids available in the United StatesReferences Edit Moini Jahangir 2015 Fundamental Pharmacology for Pharmacy Technicians Cengage Learning p 338 ISBN 978 1 30 568615 1 Androgen is the generic term for any natural or synthetic compound usually a steroid hormone which stimulates or controls the development of masculine characteristics by binding to androgen receptors Gylys Barbara A Wedding Mary Ellen 2017 Medical Terminology Systems A Body Systems Approach F A Davis p 82 ISBN 978 0 80 365868 4 Generic term for an agent usually a hormone such as testosterone or androsterone that stimulates development of male characteristics 15 Ways To Get Rid of Pimples Overnight Natural Fast Health Fitness 17 May 2016 a b Carlson Neil 22 January 2012 Physiology of Behavior Reproductive Behavior Vol 11th edition Pearson p 326 ISBN 978 0205239399 Androgens DIAsource Archived from the original on 8 August 2014 Retrieved 26 June 2013 a b Steroid Biochemistry and Pharmacology by Briggs and Brotherton Academic Press a b Abraham GE 1 August 1974 Ovarian and Adrenal Contribution to Peripheral Androgens During the Menstrual Cycle The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology amp Metabolism 39 2 340 346 doi 10 1210 jcem 39 2 340 PMID 4278727 Scott F Gilbert with a chapter on plant development by Susan R Singer 2000 Scott F Gilbert ed Developmental Biology 6th ed Sunderland Massachusetts Sinauer Associates ISBN 978 0 87893 243 6 a href Template Cite book html title Template Cite book cite book a CS1 maint multiple names authors list link page needed Stephen Nussey Saffron Whitehead 2001 Saffron A Whitehead Stephen Nussey eds Endocrinology an integrated approach Oxford British Institute of Organ Studies ISBN 978 1 85996 252 7 page needed Singh R Artaza JN Taylor WE Braga M Yuan X Gonzalez Cadavid NF Bhasin S January 2006 Testosterone inhibits adipogenic differentiation in 3T3 L1 cells nuclear translocation of androgen receptor complex with beta catenin and T cell factor 4 may bypass canonical Wnt signaling to down regulate adipogenic transcription factors Endocrinology 147 1 141 54 doi 10 1210 en 2004 1649 PMC 4417624 PMID 16210377 Sinha Hikim I Taylor WE Gonzalez Cadavid NF Zheng W Bhasin S October 2004 Androgen receptor in human skeletal muscle and cultured muscle satellite 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