
Anatomical terms of location

Standard anatomical terms of location are used to unambiguously describe the anatomy of animals, including humans. The terms, typically derived from Latin or Greek roots, describe something in its standard anatomical position. This position provides a definition of what is at the front ("anterior"), behind ("posterior") and so on. As part of defining and describing terms, the body is described through the use of anatomical planes and anatomical axes.

The meaning of terms that are used can change depending on whether an organism is bipedal or quadrupedal. Additionally, for some animals such as invertebrates, some terms may not have any meaning at all; for example, an animal that is radially symmetrical will have no anterior surface, but can still have a description that a part is close to the middle ("proximal") or further from the middle ("distal").

International organisations have determined vocabularies that are often used as standards for subdisciplines of anatomy. For example, Terminologia Anatomica for humans and Nomina Anatomica Veterinaria for animals. These allow parties that use anatomical terms, such as anatomists, veterinarians, and medical doctors, to have a standard set of terms to communicate clearly the position of a structure.

Introduction edit

Because of differences in the way humans and other animals are structured, different terms are used according to the neuraxis and whether an animal is a vertebrate or invertebrate.

Standard anatomical and zoological terms of location have been developed, usually based on Latin and Greek words, to enable all biological and medical scientists, veterinarians, doctors and anatomists to precisely delineate and communicate information about animal bodies and their organs, even though the meaning of some of the terms often is context-sensitive.[1][2] Much of this information has been standardised in internationally agreed vocabularies for humans (Terminologia Anatomica)[2] and animals (Nomina Anatomica Veterinaria).[1]

Different terms are used for groups of creatures with different body layouts, such as bipeds (creatures that stand on two feet, such as humans) and quadrupeds.[1] The reasoning is that the neuraxis is different between the two groups, and so is what is considered the standard anatomical position, such as how humans tend to be standing upright and with their arms reaching forward.[2] Thus, the "top" of a human is the head, whereas the "top" of a dog would be the back, and the "top" of a flounder may be on either the left or right side. Unique terms are also used to describe invertebrates as well, because of their wider variety of shapes and symmetry.[3]

Standard anatomical position edit

A male and female human in the standard anatomical position

Because animals can change orientation with respect to their environment, and because appendages like limbs and tentacles can change position with respect to the main body, terms to describe position need to refer to an animal when it is in its standard anatomical position.[1] This means descriptions as if the organism is in its standard anatomical position, even when the organism in question has appendages in another position. This helps avoid confusion in terminology when referring to the same organism in different postures.[1] In humans, this refers to the body in a standing position with arms at the side and palms facing forward, with thumbs out and to the sides.[2][1]

Combined terms edit

Anatomical terms can be combined to be more specific. This is a dorsolateral view of the frog Mantophryne insignis.

Many anatomical terms can be combined, either to indicate a position in two axes simultaneously or to indicate the direction of a movement relative to the body. For example, "anterolateral" indicates a position that is both anterior and lateral to the body axis (such as the bulk of the pectoralis major muscle).

In radiology, an X-ray image may be said to be "anteroposterior", indicating that the beam of X-rays passes from their source to patient's anterior body wall through the body to exit through posterior body wall.[4] Combined terms were once generally hyphenated, but the modern tendency is to omit the hyphen.[5]

Planes edit

Anatomical planes in a human

Anatomical terms describe structures with relation to four main anatomical planes:[2]

  1. The median plane, which divides the body into left and right.[2][6] This passes through the head, spinal cord, navel, and, in many animals, the tail.[6]
  2. The sagittal planes, which are parallel to the median plane.[1]
  3. The frontal plane, also called the coronal plane, which divides the body into front and back.[2]
  4. The horizontal plane, also known as the transverse plane, which is perpendicular to the other two planes.[2] In a human, this plane is parallel to the ground; in a quadruped, this divides the animal into anterior and posterior sections.[3]

Axes edit

Organisms where the ends of the long axis are distinct (Paramecium caudatum, above, and Stentor roeselii, below)

The axes of the body are lines drawn about which an organism is roughly symmetrical.[7] To do this, distinct ends of an organism are chosen, and the axis is named according to those directions. An organism that is symmetrical on both sides has three main axes that intersect at right angles.[3] An organism that is round or not symmetrical may have different axes.[3] Example axes are:

  • The anteroposterior axis[8]
  • The cephalocaudal axis[9]
  • The dorsoventral axis[10]

Examples of axes in specific animals are shown below.

Modifiers edit

Terms can be modified with prefixes and suffixes. In this image showing the jellyfish species Chrysaora, the prefix 'ab-', is used to indicate something that is 'away from' the mouth, for example the aboral. Other terms are combined to indicate axes, such as proximodistal axis.

Several terms are commonly seen and used as prefixes:

  • Sub- (from Latin sub 'preposition beneath, close to, nearly etc') is used to indicate something that is beneath, or something that is subordinate to or lesser than.[12] For example, subcutaneous means beneath the skin.
  • Hypo- (from Ancient Greek ὑπό 'under') is used to indicate something that is beneath.[13] For example, the hypoglossal nerve supplies the muscles beneath the tongue.
  • Infra- (from Latin infra 'under') is used to indicate something that is within or below.[14] For example, the infraorbital nerve runs within the orbit.
  • Inter- (from Latin inter 'between') is used to indicate something that is between.[15] For example, the intercostal muscles run between the ribs.
  • Super- or Supra- (from Latin super, supra 'above, on top of') is used to indicate something that is above something else.[16] For example, the supraorbital ridges are above the eyes.

Other terms are used as suffixes, added to the end of words:

  • -ad (from Latin ad 'towards') and -ab (from Latin ab) are used to indicate that something is towards (-ad) or away from (-ab) something else.[17][18] For example, "distad" means "in the distal direction", and "distad of the femur" means "beyond the femur in the distal direction". Further examples may include cephalad (towards the cephalic end), craniad, and proximad.[19]

Main terms edit

Superior and inferior edit

Superior (from Latin super 'above') describes what is above something[20] and inferior (from Latin inferus 'below') describes what is below it.[21] For example, in the anatomical position, the most superior part of the human body is the head and the most inferior is the feet. As a second example, in humans, the neck is superior to the chest but inferior to the head.

Anterior and posterior edit

Anterior (from Latin ante 'before') describes what is in front,[22] and posterior (from Latin post 'after') describes what is to the back of something.[23] For example, for a dog the nose is anterior to the eyes and the tail is considered the most posterior part; for many fish the gill openings are posterior to the eyes but anterior to the tail.

Medial and lateral edit

These terms describe how close something is to the midline, or the medial plane.[2] Lateral (from Latin lateralis 'to the side') describes something to the sides of an animal, as in "left lateral" and "right lateral". Medial (from Latin medius 'middle') describes structures close to the midline,[2] or closer to the midline than another structure. For example, in a human, the arms are lateral to the torso. The genitals are medial to the legs. Temporal has a similar meaning to lateral but is restricted to the head.

The terms "left" and "right" are sometimes used, or their Latin alternatives (Latin: dexter, lit.'right'; Latin: sinister, lit.'left'). However, it is preferred to use more precise terms where possible.

Terms derived from lateral include:

  • Contralateral (from Latin contra 'against'): on the side opposite to another structure.[24] For example, the right arm and leg are controlled by the left, contralateral, side of the brain.
  • Ipsilateral (from Latin ipse 'same'): on the same side as another structure.[25] For example, the left arm is ipsilateral to the left leg.
  • Bilateral (from Latin bis 'twice'): on both sides of the body.[26] For example, bilateral orchiectomy means removal of testes on both sides of the body.
  • Unilateral (from Latin unus 'one'): on one side of the body.[27] For example, a stroke can result in unilateral weakness, meaning weakness on one side of the body.

Varus (from Latin 'bow-legged') and valgus (from Latin 'knock-kneed' ) are terms used to describe a state in which a part further away is abnormally placed towards (varus) or away from (valgus) the midline.[28]

Proximal and distal edit

Anatomical directional reference

The terms proximal (from Latin proximus 'nearest') and distal (from Latin distare 'to stand away from') are used to describe parts of a feature that are close to or distant from the main mass of the body, respectively.[29] Thus the upper arm in humans is proximal and the hand is distal.

"Proximal and distal" are frequently used when describing appendages, such as fins, tentacles, and limbs. Although the direction indicated by "proximal" and "distal" is always respectively towards or away from the point of attachment, a given structure can be either proximal or distal in relation to another point of reference. Thus the elbow is distal to a wound on the upper arm, but proximal to a wound on the lower arm.[30]

The terms are also applied to internal anatomy, such as to the reproductive tract of snails. Unfortunately, different authors use the terms in opposite senses. Some consider "distal" as further from a point of origin near the centre of the body and others as further from where the organ reaches the body's surface; or other points of origin may be envisaged.[31]

This terminology is also employed in molecular biology and therefore by extension is also used in chemistry, specifically referring to the atomic loci of molecules from the overall moiety of a given compound.[32]

Central and peripheral edit

Central and peripheral refer to the distance towards and away from the centre of something.[33] That might be an organ, a region in the body, or an anatomical structure. For example, the central nervous system and the peripheral nervous systems.

Central (from Latin centralis) describes something close to the centre.[33] For example, the great vessels run centrally through the body; many smaller vessels branch from these.

Peripheral (from Latin peripheria, originally from Ancient Greek) describes something further away from the centre of something.[34] For example, the arm is peripheral to the body.

Superficial and deep edit

These terms refer to the distance of a structure from the surface.[2]

Deep (from Old English) describes something further away from the surface of the organism.[35] For example, the external oblique muscle of the abdomen is deep to the skin. "Deep" is one of the few anatomical terms of location derived from Old English rather than Latin – the anglicised Latin term would have been "profound" (from Latin profundus 'due to depth').[1][36]

Superficial (from Latin superficies 'surface') describes something near the outer surface of the organism.[1][37] For example, in skin, the epidermis is superficial to the subcutis.

Dorsal and ventral edit

These two terms, used in anatomy and embryology, describe something at the back (dorsal) or front/belly (ventral) of an organism.[2]

The dorsal (from Latin dorsum 'back') surface of an organism refers to the back, or upper side, of an organism. If talking about the skull, the dorsal side is the top.[38]

The ventral (from Latin venter 'belly') surface refers to the front, or lower side, of an organism.[38]

For example, in a fish, the pectoral fins are dorsal to the anal fin, but ventral to the dorsal fin.

Rostral, cranial, and caudal edit

In the human skull, the terms rostral and caudal are adapted to the curved neuraxis of Hominidae, rostrocaudal meaning the region on C shape connecting rostral and caudal regions.

Specific terms exist to describe how close or far something is to the head or tail of an animal. To describe how close to the head of an animal something is, three distinct terms are used:

  • Rostral (from Latin rostrum 'beak, nose') describes something situated toward the oral or nasal region, or in the case of the brain, toward the tip of the frontal lobe.[39]
  • Cranial (from Greek κρανίον 'skull') or cephalic (from Greek κεφαλή 'head') describes how close something is to the head of an organism.[40]
  • Caudal (from Latin cauda 'tail') describes how close something is to the trailing end of an organism.[41]

For example, in horses, the eyes are caudal to the nose and rostral to the back of the head.

These terms are generally preferred in veterinary medicine and not used as often in human medicine.[42][43][44] In humans, "cranial" and "cephalic" are used to refer to the skull, with "cranial" being used more commonly. The term "rostral" is rarely used in human anatomy, apart from embryology, and refers more to the front of the face than the superior aspect of the organism. Similarly, the term "caudal" is used more in embryology and only occasionally used in human anatomy.[2] This is because the brain is situated at the superior part of the head whereas the nose is situated in the anterior part. Thus, the "rostrocaudal axis" refers to a C shape (see image).

Other terms and special cases edit

Anatomical landmarks edit

The location of anatomical structures can also be described in relation to different anatomical landmarks. They are used in anatomy, surface anatomy, surgery, and radiology.[45]

Structures may be described as being at the level of a specific spinal vertebra, depending on the section of the vertebral column the structure is at.[45] The position is often abbreviated. For example, structures at the level of the fourth cervical vertebra may be abbreviated as "C4", at the level of the fourth thoracic vertebra "T4", and at the level of the third lumbar vertebra "L3". Because the sacrum and coccyx are fused, they are not often used to provide the location.

References may also take origin from superficial anatomy, made to landmarks that are on the skin or visible underneath.[45] For example, structures may be described relative to the anterior superior iliac spine, the medial malleolus or the medial epicondyle.

Anatomical lines are used to describe anatomical location. For example, the mid-clavicular line is used as part of the cardiac exam in medicine to feel the apex beat of the heart.

Mouth and teeth edit

Special terms are used to describe the mouth and teeth.[2] Fields such as osteology, palaeontology and dentistry apply special terms of location to describe the mouth and teeth. This is because although teeth may be aligned with their main axes within the jaw, some different relationships require special terminology as well; for example, teeth also can be rotated, and in such contexts terms like "anterior" or "lateral" become ambiguous.[46][47] For example, the terms "distal" and "proximal" are also redefined to mean the distance away or close to the dental arch, and "medial" and "lateral" are used to refer to the closeness to the midline of the dental arch.[48] Terms used to describe structures include "buccal" (from Latin bucca 'cheek') and "palatal" (from Latin palatum 'palate') referring to structures close to the cheek and hard palate respectively.[48]

Hands and feet edit

Anatomical terms used to describe a human hand

Several anatomical terms are particular to the hands and feet.[2]

Additional terms may be used to avoid confusion when describing the surfaces of the hand and what is the "anterior" or "posterior" surface. The term "anterior", while anatomically correct, can be confusing when describing the palm of the hand; Similarly is "posterior", used to describe the back of the hand and arm. This confusion can arise because the forearm can pronate and supinate and flip the location of the hand. For improved clarity, the directional term palmar (from Latin palma 'palm of the hand') is commonly used to describe the front of the hand, and dorsal is the back of the hand. For example, the top of a dog's paw is its dorsal surface; the underside, either the palmar (on the forelimb) or the plantar (on the hindlimb) surface. The palmar fascia is palmar to the tendons of muscles which flex the fingers, and the dorsal venous arch is so named because it is on the dorsal side of the foot.

In humans, volar can also be used synonymously with palmar to refer to the underside of the palm, but plantar is used exclusively to describe the sole. These terms describe location as palmar and plantar; For example, volar pads are those on the underside of hands or fingers; the plantar surface describes the sole of the heel, foot or toes.

Similarly, in the forearm, for clarity, the sides are named after the bones. Structures closer to the radius are radial, structures closer to the ulna are ulnar, and structures relating to both bones are referred to as radioulnar. Similarly, in the lower leg, structures near the tibia (shinbone) are tibial and structures near the fibula are fibular (or peroneal).

Rotational direction edit

Image showing an anteverted uterus lying above the bladder (left), compared with a retroverted uterus undergoing bimanual examination facing towards the rectum (right)

Anteversion and retroversion are complementary terms describing an anatomical structure that is rotated forwards (towards the front of the body) or backwards (towards the back of the body), relative to some other position. They are particularly used to describe the curvature of the uterus.[49][50]

  • Anteversion (from Latin anteversus) describes an anatomical structure being tilted further forward than normal, whether pathologically or incidentally.[49] For example, a woman's uterus typically is anteverted, tilted slightly forward. A misaligned pelvis may be anteverted, that is to say tilted forward to some relevant degree.
  • Retroversion (from Latin retroversus) describes an anatomical structure tilted back away from something.[50] An example is a retroverted uterus.[50]

Other directional terms edit

Several other terms are also used to describe location. These terms are not used to form the fixed axes. Terms include:

  • Axial (from Latin axis 'axle'): around the central axis of the organism or the extremity. Two related terms, "abaxial" and "adaxial", refer to locations away from and toward the central axis of an organism, respectively
  • Luminal (from Latin lumen 'light, opening'): on the—hollow—inside of an organ's lumen (body cavity or tubular structure);[51][52] adluminal is towards, abluminal is away from the lumen.[53] Opposite to outermost (the adventitia, serosa, or the cavity's wall).[54]
  • Parietal (from Latin paries 'wall'): pertaining to the wall of a body cavity.[55] For example, the parietal peritoneum is the lining on the inside of the abdominal cavity. Parietal can also refer specifically to the parietal bone of the skull or associated structures.
  • Terminal (from Latin terminus 'boundary or end') at the extremity of a usually projecting structure.[56] For example, "...an antenna with a terminal sensory hair".
  • Visceral and viscus (from Latin viscera 'internal organs'): associated with organs within the body's cavities.[57] For example, the stomach is covered with a lining called the visceral peritoneum as opposed to the parietal peritoneum. Viscus can also be used to mean "organ".[57] For example, the stomach is a viscus within the abdominal cavity, and visceral pain refers to pain originating from internal organs.
  • Aboral (opposite to oral) is used to denote a location along the gastrointestinal canal that is relatively closer to the anus.[58]

Specific animals and other organisms edit

Different terms are used because of different body plans in animals, whether animals stand on one or two legs, and whether an animal is symmetrical or not, as discussed above. For example, as humans are approximately bilaterally symmetrical organisms, anatomical descriptions usually use the same terms as those for other vertebrates.[59] However, humans stand upright on two legs, meaning their anterior/posterior and ventral/dorsal directions are the same, and the inferior/superior directions are necessary.[60] Humans do not have a beak, so a term such as "rostral" used to refer to the beak in some animals is instead used to refer to part of the brain;[61] humans do also not have a tail so a term such as "caudal" that refers to the tail end may also be used in humans and animals without tails to refer to the hind part of the body.[62]

In invertebrates, the large variety of body shapes presents a difficult problem when attempting to apply standard directional terms. Depending on the organism, some terms are taken by analogy from vertebrate anatomy, and appropriate novel terms are applied as needed. Some such borrowed terms are widely applicable in most invertebrates; for example proximal, meaning "near" refers to the part of an appendage nearest to where it joins the body, and distal, meaning "standing away from" is used for the part furthest from the point of attachment. In all cases, the usage of terms is dependent on the body plan of the organism.

Asymmetrical and spherical organisms edit

Asymmetrical and spherical body shapes. (a) An organism with an asymmetrical, amoeboid body plan (Amoeba proteus – an amoeba). (b) An organism with a spherical body plan (Actinophrys sol – a heliozoan).

In organisms with a changeable shape, such as amoeboid organisms, most directional terms are meaningless, since the shape of the organism is not constant and no distinct axes are fixed. Similarly, in spherically symmetrical organisms, there is nothing to distinguish one line through the centre of the organism from any other. An indefinite number of triads of mutually perpendicular axes could be defined, but any such choice of axes would be useless, as nothing would distinguish a chosen triad from any others. In such organisms, only terms such as superficial and deep, or sometimes proximal and distal, are usefully descriptive.

Four individuals of Phaeodactylum tricornutum, a diatom with a fixed elongated shape

Elongated organisms edit

In organisms that maintain a constant shape and have one dimension longer than the other, at least two directional terms can be used. The long or longitudinal axis is defined by points at the opposite ends of the organism. Similarly, a perpendicular transverse axis can be defined by points on opposite sides of the organism. There is typically no basis for the definition of a third axis. Usually such organisms are planktonic (free-swimming) protists, and are nearly always viewed on microscope slides, where they appear essentially two-dimensional. In some cases a third axis can be defined, particularly where a non-terminal cytostome or other unique structure is present.[44]

Some elongated protists have distinctive ends of the body. In such organisms, the end with a mouth (or equivalent structure, such as the cytostome in Paramecium or Stentor), or the end that usually points in the direction of the organism's locomotion (such as the end with the flagellum in Euglena), is normally designated as the anterior end. The opposite end then becomes the posterior end.[44] Properly, this terminology would apply only to an organism that is always planktonic (not normally attached to a surface), although the term can also be applied to one that is sessile (normally attached to a surface).[63]

A cluster of Euplectella aspergillum sponges (Venus flower baskets), showing the apical–basal axes

Organisms that are attached to a substrate, such as sponges, animal-like protists also have distinctive ends. The part of the organism attached to the substrate is usually referred to as the basal end (from Latin basis 'support/foundation'), whereas the end furthest from the attachment is referred to as the apical end (from Latin apex 'peak/tip').

Radially symmetrical organisms edit

Radially symmetrical organisms include those in the group Radiata – primarily jellyfish, sea anemones and corals and the comb jellies.[42][44] Adult echinoderms, such as starfish, sea urchins, sea cucumbers and others are also included, since they are pentaradial, meaning they have five discrete rotational symmetry. Echinoderm larvae are not included, since they are bilaterally symmetrical.[42][44] Radially symmetrical organisms always have one distinctive axis.

Cnidarians (jellyfish, sea anemones and corals) have an incomplete digestive system, meaning that one end of the organism has a mouth, and the opposite end has no opening from the gut (coelenteron).[44] For this reason, the end of the organism with the mouth is referred to as the oral end (from Latin ōrālis 'of the mouth'),[64] and the opposite surface is the aboral end (from Latin ab- 'away from').[65]

Unlike vertebrates, cnidarians have only a single distinctive axis. "Lateral", "dorsal", and "ventral" have no meaning in such organisms, and all can be replaced by the generic term peripheral (from Ancient Greek περιφέρεια 'circumference'). Medial can be used, but in the case of radiates indicates the central point, rather than a central axis as in vertebrates. Thus, there are multiple possible radial axes and medio-peripheral (half-) axes. However, some biradially symmetrical comb jellies do have distinct "tentacular" and "pharyngeal" axes[66][67] and are thus anatomically equivalent to bilaterally symmetrical animals.

Spiders edit

Special terms are used for spiders. Two specialized terms are useful in describing views of arachnid legs and pedipalps. Prolateral refers to the surface of a leg that is closest to the anterior end of an arachnid's body. Retrolateral refers to the surface of a leg that is closest to the posterior end of an arachnid's body.[68] Most spiders have eight eyes in four pairs. All the eyes are on the carapace of the prosoma, and their sizes, shapes and locations are characteristic of various spider families and other taxa.[69] Usually, the eyes are arranged in two roughly parallel, horizontal and symmetrical rows of eyes.[69] Eyes are labelled according to their position as anterior and posterior lateral eyes (ALE) and (PLE); and anterior and posterior median eyes (AME) and (PME).[69]

See also edit

References edit

Citations edit

  1. ^ a b c d e f g h i Dyce, Sack & Wensing 2010, pp. 2–3.
  2. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o Gray's Anatomy 2016, pp. xvi–xvii.
  3. ^ a b c d Kardong's 2019, p. 16.
  4. ^ Hofer, Matthias (2006). The Chest X-ray: A Systematic Teaching Atlas. Thieme. p. 24. ISBN 978-3-13-144211-6.
  5. ^ "dorsolateral". Merriam-Webster. 29 September 2023.
  6. ^ a b Wake 1992, p. 6.
  7. ^ Collins 2020, "axis", accessed 17 July 2020.
  8. ^ Merriam-Webster 2020, "Anteroposterior", accessed 14 October 2020.
  9. ^ Merriam-Webster 2020, "Cephalocaudal", accessed 14 October 2020.
  10. ^ Merriam-Webster 2020, "Dorsoventral", accessed 14 October 2020.
  11. ^ Pellerito, John; Polak, Joseph F. (2012). Introduction to Vascular Ultrasonography (6th ed.). Elsevier Health Sciences. p. 559. ISBN 978-1-4557-3766-6.
  12. ^ Merriam-Webster 2020, "Sub-", accessed on 3 July 2020.
  13. ^ Merriam-Webster 2020, "Hypo-", accessed on 3 July 2020.
  14. ^ Merriam-Webster 2020, "Infra-", accessed on 3 July 2020.
  15. ^ Merriam-Webster 2020, "Inter-", accessed on 3 July 2020.
  16. ^ Merriam-Webster 2020, "Super-" and "Supra-", accessed on 3 July 2020.
  17. ^ Merriam-Webster 2020, "-ad", accessed on 3 July 2020.
  18. ^ Merriam-Webster 2020, "an-", accessed on 17 July 2020.
  19. ^ Gordh, Gordon; Headrick, David H (2011). A Dictionary of Entomology (2nd ed.). CABI. ISBN 978-1845935429.
  20. ^ Collins 2020, "superior", accessed 2 July 2020.
  21. ^ Collins 2020, "inferior", accessed 2 July 2020.
  22. ^ Collins 2020, "anterior", accessed 2 July 2020.
  23. ^ Collins 2020, "posterior", accessed 2 July 2020.
  24. ^ Collins 2020, "contralateral", accessed 2 July 2020.
  25. ^ Collins 2020, "ipsilateral", accessed 2 July 2020.
  26. ^ Collins 2020, "bilateral", accessed 2 July 2020.
  27. ^ Collins 2020, "unilateral", accessed 2 July 2020.
  28. ^ Collins 2020, "varus" and "valgus", accessed 17 July 2020.
  29. ^ Wake 1992, p. 5.
  30. ^ "What do distal and proximal mean?". The Survival Doctor. 2011-10-05. Retrieved 2016-01-07.
  31. ^ Hutchinson, J.M.C. (2022). "Lippen are not lips, and other nomenclatural confusions". Mitteilungen der Deutschen Malakozoologischen Gesellschaft. 107: 3–7.
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  37. ^ Collins 2020, "superficial", accessed 2 July 2020.
  38. ^ a b GO 2014, "dorsal/ventral axis specification" (GO:0009950).
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  40. ^ Merriam-Webster 2020, "cranial" and "cephalic", accessed 3 July 2020.
  41. ^ Merriam-Webster 2020, "caudal", accessed 3 July 2020.
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  46. ^ Pieter A. Folkens (2000). Human Osteology. Gulf Professional Publishing. pp. 558–. ISBN 978-0-12-746612-5.
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  49. ^ a b Collins 2020, "anteversion", accessed 17 July 2020.
  50. ^ a b c Collins 2020, "retroversion", accessed 17 July 2020.
  51. ^ William C. Shiel. "Medical Definition of Lumen". MedicieNet. Retrieved 12 December 2020.
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  55. ^ Merriam-Webster 2020, "parietal", accessed 3 July 2020.
  56. ^ Merriam-Webster 2020, "terminal", accessed 3 July 2020.
  57. ^ a b Merriam-Webster 2020, "visceral", accessed 3 July 2020.
  58. ^ Morrice, Michael; Polton, Gerry; Beck, Sam (2019). "Evaluation of the extent of neoplastic infiltration in small intestinal tumours in dogs". Veterinary Medicine and Science. 5 (2): 189–198. doi:10.1002/vms3.147. ISSN 2053-1095. PMC 6498519. PMID 30779310.
  59. ^ Wake 1992, p. 1.
  60. ^ Tucker, T. G. (1931). A Concise Etymological Dictionary of Latin. Halle (Saale): Max Niemeyer Verlag.
  61. ^ Merriam-Webster 2020, "rostral", accessed 14 October 2020.
  62. ^ Merriam-Webster 2020, "caudal", accessed 14 October 2020.
  63. ^ Valentine, James W. (2004). On the Origin of Phyla. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. ISBN 978-0-226-84548-7.
  64. ^ Collins 2020, "oral", accessed 13 October 2020.
  65. ^ Merriam-Webster 2020, "aboral", accessed 13 October 2020.
  66. ^ Oliveira, Otto Müller Patrão de. "Chave de identificação dos Ctenophora da costa brasileira". Biota Neotropica. Retrieved 6 April 2023.
  67. ^ Ruppert et al. (2004), p. 184.
  68. ^ Kaston, B.J. (1972). How to Know the Spiders (3rd ed.). Dubuque, IA: W.C. Brown Co. p. 19. ISBN 978-0-697-04899-8. OCLC 668250654.
  69. ^ a b c Foelix, Rainer (2011). Biology of Spiders. Oxford University Press, US. pp. 17–19. ISBN 978-0-19-973482-5.

General sources edit

  • "Collins Online Dictionary | Definitions, Thesaurus and Translations". collinsdictionary.com.
  • Dyce, KM; Sack, WO; Wensing, CJG (2010). Textbook of veterinary anatomy (4th ed.). St. Louis, Missouri: Saunders/Elsevier. ISBN 9781416066071.
  • "GeneOntology". GeneOntology. The Gene Ontology Consortium. Retrieved 26 October 2014.
  • Standring, Susan, ed. (2016). Gray's anatomy: the anatomical basis of clinical practice (41st ed.). Philadelphia: Elsevier Limited. ISBN 9780702052309. OCLC 920806541.
  • Kardong, Kenneth (2019). Vertebrates: comparative anatomy, function, evolution (8th ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill. ISBN 9781260092042.
  • "Dictionary by Merriam-Webster: America's most-trusted online dictionary". www.merriam-webster.com.
  • Wake, Marvale H., ed. (1992). Hyman's comparative vertebrate anatomy (3rd ed.). Chicago: University of Chicago Press. ISBN 9780226870113.

anatomical, terms, location, standard, anatomical, terms, location, used, unambiguously, describe, anatomy, animals, including, humans, terms, typically, derived, from, latin, greek, roots, describe, something, standard, anatomical, position, this, position, p. Standard anatomical terms of location are used to unambiguously describe the anatomy of animals including humans The terms typically derived from Latin or Greek roots describe something in its standard anatomical position This position provides a definition of what is at the front anterior behind posterior and so on As part of defining and describing terms the body is described through the use of anatomical planes and anatomical axes The meaning of terms that are used can change depending on whether an organism is bipedal or quadrupedal Additionally for some animals such as invertebrates some terms may not have any meaning at all for example an animal that is radially symmetrical will have no anterior surface but can still have a description that a part is close to the middle proximal or further from the middle distal International organisations have determined vocabularies that are often used as standards for subdisciplines of anatomy For example Terminologia Anatomica for humans and Nomina Anatomica Veterinaria for animals These allow parties that use anatomical terms such as anatomists veterinarians and medical doctors to have a standard set of terms to communicate clearly the position of a structure Contents 1 Introduction 1 1 Standard anatomical position 1 2 Combined terms 1 3 Planes 1 4 Axes 1 5 Modifiers 2 Main terms 2 1 Superior and inferior 2 2 Anterior and posterior 2 3 Medial and lateral 2 4 Proximal and distal 2 5 Central and peripheral 2 6 Superficial and deep 2 7 Dorsal and ventral 2 8 Rostral cranial and caudal 3 Other terms and special cases 3 1 Anatomical landmarks 3 2 Mouth and teeth 3 3 Hands and feet 3 4 Rotational direction 3 5 Other directional terms 4 Specific animals and other organisms 4 1 Asymmetrical and spherical organisms 4 2 Elongated organisms 4 3 Radially symmetrical organisms 4 4 Spiders 5 See also 6 References 6 1 Citations 6 2 General sourcesIntroduction edit nbsp Because of differences in the way humans and other animals are structured different terms are used according to the neuraxis and whether an animal is a vertebrate or invertebrate Standard anatomical and zoological terms of location have been developed usually based on Latin and Greek words to enable all biological and medical scientists veterinarians doctors and anatomists to precisely delineate and communicate information about animal bodies and their organs even though the meaning of some of the terms often is context sensitive 1 2 Much of this information has been standardised in internationally agreed vocabularies for humans Terminologia Anatomica 2 and animals Nomina Anatomica Veterinaria 1 Different terms are used for groups of creatures with different body layouts such as bipeds creatures that stand on two feet such as humans and quadrupeds 1 The reasoning is that the neuraxis is different between the two groups and so is what is considered the standard anatomical position such as how humans tend to be standing upright and with their arms reaching forward 2 Thus the top of a human is the head whereas the top of a dog would be the back and the top of a flounder may be on either the left or right side Unique terms are also used to describe invertebrates as well because of their wider variety of shapes and symmetry 3 Standard anatomical position edit Main article Standard anatomical position nbsp A male and female human in the standard anatomical positionBecause animals can change orientation with respect to their environment and because appendages like limbs and tentacles can change position with respect to the main body terms to describe position need to refer to an animal when it is in its standard anatomical position 1 This means descriptions as if the organism is in its standard anatomical position even when the organism in question has appendages in another position This helps avoid confusion in terminology when referring to the same organism in different postures 1 In humans this refers to the body in a standing position with arms at the side and palms facing forward with thumbs out and to the sides 2 1 Combined terms edit nbsp Anatomical terms can be combined to be more specific This is a dorsolateral view of the frog Mantophryne insignis Many anatomical terms can be combined either to indicate a position in two axes simultaneously or to indicate the direction of a movement relative to the body For example anterolateral indicates a position that is both anterior and lateral to the body axis such as the bulk of the pectoralis major muscle In radiology an X ray image may be said to be anteroposterior indicating that the beam of X rays passes from their source to patient s anterior body wall through the body to exit through posterior body wall 4 Combined terms were once generally hyphenated but the modern tendency is to omit the hyphen 5 Planes edit Main article Anatomical plane nbsp Anatomical planes in a humanAnatomical terms describe structures with relation to four main anatomical planes 2 The median plane which divides the body into left and right 2 6 This passes through the head spinal cord navel and in many animals the tail 6 The sagittal planes which are parallel to the median plane 1 The frontal plane also called the coronal plane which divides the body into front and back 2 The horizontal plane also known as the transverse plane which is perpendicular to the other two planes 2 In a human this plane is parallel to the ground in a quadruped this divides the animal into anterior and posterior sections 3 Axes edit nbsp Organisms where the ends of the long axis are distinct Paramecium caudatum above and Stentor roeselii below The axes of the body are lines drawn about which an organism is roughly symmetrical 7 To do this distinct ends of an organism are chosen and the axis is named according to those directions An organism that is symmetrical on both sides has three main axes that intersect at right angles 3 An organism that is round or not symmetrical may have different axes 3 Example axes are The anteroposterior axis 8 The cephalocaudal axis 9 The dorsoventral axis 10 Examples of axes in specific animals are shown below nbsp Anatomical axes in a human similar for other orthograde bipedal vertebrates nbsp Anatomical axes and directions in a fish nbsp Spheroid or near spheroid organs such as testes may be measured by long and short axes 11 Modifiers edit nbsp Terms can be modified with prefixes and suffixes In this image showing the jellyfish species Chrysaora the prefix ab is used to indicate something that is away from the mouth for example the aboral Other terms are combined to indicate axes such as proximodistal axis Several terms are commonly seen and used as prefixes Sub from Latin sub preposition beneath close to nearly etc is used to indicate something that is beneath or something that is subordinate to or lesser than 12 For example subcutaneous means beneath the skin Hypo from Ancient Greek ὑpo under is used to indicate something that is beneath 13 For example the hypoglossal nerve supplies the muscles beneath the tongue Infra from Latin infra under is used to indicate something that is within or below 14 For example the infraorbital nerve runs within the orbit Inter from Latin inter between is used to indicate something that is between 15 For example the intercostal muscles run between the ribs Super orSupra from Latin super supra above on top of is used to indicate something that is above something else 16 For example the supraorbital ridges are above the eyes Other terms are used as suffixes added to the end of words ad from Latin ad towards and ab from Latin ab are used to indicate that something is towards ad or away from ab something else 17 18 For example distad means in the distal direction and distad of the femur means beyond the femur in the distal direction Further examples may include cephalad towards the cephalic end craniad and proximad 19 Main terms editSuperior and inferior edit Superior from Latin super above describes what is above something 20 and inferior from Latin inferus below describes what is below it 21 For example in the anatomical position the most superior part of the human body is the head and the most inferior is the feet As a second example in humans the neck is superior to the chest but inferior to the head Anterior and posterior edit Anterior redirects here For other uses see Anterior disambiguation Anterior from Latin ante before describes what is in front 22 and posterior from Latin post after describes what is to the back of something 23 For example for a dog the nose is anterior to the eyes and the tail is considered the most posterior part for many fish the gill openings are posterior to the eyes but anterior to the tail Medial and lateral edit These terms describe how close something is to the midline or the medial plane 2 Lateral from Latin lateralis to the side describes something to the sides of an animal as in left lateral and right lateral Medial from Latin medius middle describes structures close to the midline 2 or closer to the midline than another structure For example in a human the arms are lateral to the torso The genitals are medial to the legs Temporal has a similar meaning to lateral but is restricted to the head The terms left and right are sometimes used or their Latin alternatives Latin dexter lit right Latin sinister lit left However it is preferred to use more precise terms where possible Terms derived from lateral include Contralateral from Latin contra against on the side opposite to another structure 24 For example the right arm and leg are controlled by the left contralateral side of the brain Ipsilateral from Latin ipse same on the same side as another structure 25 For example the left arm is ipsilateral to the left leg Bilateral from Latin bis twice on both sides of the body 26 For example bilateral orchiectomy means removal of testes on both sides of the body Unilateral from Latin unus one on one side of the body 27 For example a stroke can result in unilateral weakness meaning weakness on one side of the body Varus from Latin bow legged and valgus from Latin knock kneed are terms used to describe a state in which a part further away is abnormally placed towards varus or away from valgus the midline 28 Proximal and distal edit Proximal and distal redirect here For the linguistic terms see Demonstrative Distal and proximal demonstratives For the dental terms see Glossary of dentistry nbsp Anatomical directional reference nbsp Look up proximal or distal in Wiktionary the free dictionary The terms proximal from Latin proximus nearest and distal from Latin distare to stand away from are used to describe parts of a feature that are close to or distant from the main mass of the body respectively 29 Thus the upper arm in humans is proximal and the hand is distal Proximal and distal are frequently used when describing appendages such as fins tentacles and limbs Although the direction indicated by proximal and distal is always respectively towards or away from the point of attachment a given structure can be either proximal or distal in relation to another point of reference Thus the elbow is distal to a wound on the upper arm but proximal to a wound on the lower arm 30 The terms are also applied to internal anatomy such as to the reproductive tract of snails Unfortunately different authors use the terms in opposite senses Some consider distal as further from a point of origin near the centre of the body and others as further from where the organ reaches the body s surface or other points of origin may be envisaged 31 This terminology is also employed in molecular biology and therefore by extension is also used in chemistry specifically referring to the atomic loci of molecules from the overall moiety of a given compound 32 Central and peripheral edit Central and peripheral refer to the distance towards and away from the centre of something 33 That might be an organ a region in the body or an anatomical structure For example the central nervous system and the peripheral nervous systems Central from Latin centralis describes something close to the centre 33 For example the great vessels run centrally through the body many smaller vessels branch from these Peripheral from Latin peripheria originally from Ancient Greek describes something further away from the centre of something 34 For example the arm is peripheral to the body Superficial and deep edit These terms refer to the distance of a structure from the surface 2 Deep from Old English describes something further away from the surface of the organism 35 For example the external oblique muscle of the abdomen is deep to the skin Deep is one of the few anatomical terms of location derived from Old English rather than Latin the anglicised Latin term would have been profound from Latin profundus due to depth 1 36 Superficial from Latin superficies surface describes something near the outer surface of the organism 1 37 For example in skin the epidermis is superficial to the subcutis Dorsal and ventral edit These two terms used in anatomy and embryology describe something at the back dorsal or front belly ventral of an organism 2 The dorsal from Latin dorsum back surface of an organism refers to the back or upper side of an organism If talking about the skull the dorsal side is the top 38 The ventral from Latin venter belly surface refers to the front or lower side of an organism 38 For example in a fish the pectoral fins are dorsal to the anal fin but ventral to the dorsal fin Rostral cranial and caudal edit nbsp In the human skull the terms rostral and caudal are adapted to the curved neuraxis of Hominidae rostrocaudal meaning the region on C shape connecting rostral and caudal regions Specific terms exist to describe how close or far something is to the head or tail of an animal To describe how close to the head of an animal something is three distinct terms are used Rostral from Latin rostrum beak nose describes something situated toward the oral or nasal region or in the case of the brain toward the tip of the frontal lobe 39 Cranial from Greek kranion skull or cephalic from Greek kefalh head describes how close something is to the head of an organism 40 Caudal from Latin cauda tail describes how close something is to the trailing end of an organism 41 For example in horses the eyes are caudal to the nose and rostral to the back of the head These terms are generally preferred in veterinary medicine and not used as often in human medicine 42 43 44 In humans cranial and cephalic are used to refer to the skull with cranial being used more commonly The term rostral is rarely used in human anatomy apart from embryology and refers more to the front of the face than the superior aspect of the organism Similarly the term caudal is used more in embryology and only occasionally used in human anatomy 2 This is because the brain is situated at the superior part of the head whereas the nose is situated in the anterior part Thus the rostrocaudal axis refers to a C shape see image Other terms and special cases editAnatomical landmarks edit The location of anatomical structures can also be described in relation to different anatomical landmarks They are used in anatomy surface anatomy surgery and radiology 45 Structures may be described as being at the level of a specific spinal vertebra depending on the section of the vertebral column the structure is at 45 The position is often abbreviated For example structures at the level of the fourth cervical vertebra may be abbreviated as C4 at the level of the fourth thoracic vertebra T4 and at the level of the third lumbar vertebra L3 Because the sacrum and coccyx are fused they are not often used to provide the location References may also take origin from superficial anatomy made to landmarks that are on the skin or visible underneath 45 For example structures may be described relative to the anterior superior iliac spine the medial malleolus or the medial epicondyle Anatomical lines are used to describe anatomical location For example the mid clavicular line is used as part of the cardiac exam in medicine to feel the apex beat of the heart Mouth and teeth edit Main article Dental terminology Special terms are used to describe the mouth and teeth 2 Fields such as osteology palaeontology and dentistry apply special terms of location to describe the mouth and teeth This is because although teeth may be aligned with their main axes within the jaw some different relationships require special terminology as well for example teeth also can be rotated and in such contexts terms like anterior or lateral become ambiguous 46 47 For example the terms distal and proximal are also redefined to mean the distance away or close to the dental arch and medial and lateral are used to refer to the closeness to the midline of the dental arch 48 Terms used to describe structures include buccal from Latin bucca cheek and palatal from Latin palatum palate referring to structures close to the cheek and hard palate respectively 48 Hands and feet edit Plantar redirects here For the fictional frog family see List of Amphibia characters nbsp Anatomical terms used to describe a human handSeveral anatomical terms are particular to the hands and feet 2 Additional terms may be used to avoid confusion when describing the surfaces of the hand and what is the anterior or posterior surface The term anterior while anatomically correct can be confusing when describing the palm of the hand Similarly is posterior used to describe the back of the hand and arm This confusion can arise because the forearm can pronate and supinate and flip the location of the hand For improved clarity the directional term palmar from Latin palma palm of the hand is commonly used to describe the front of the hand and dorsal is the back of the hand For example the top of a dog s paw is its dorsal surface the underside either the palmar on the forelimb or the plantar on the hindlimb surface The palmar fascia is palmar to the tendons of muscles which flex the fingers and the dorsal venous arch is so named because it is on the dorsal side of the foot In humans volar can also be used synonymously with palmar to refer to the underside of the palm but plantar is used exclusively to describe the sole These terms describe location as palmar and plantar For example volar pads are those on the underside of hands or fingers the plantar surface describes the sole of the heel foot or toes Similarly in the forearm for clarity the sides are named after the bones Structures closer to the radius are radial structures closer to the ulna are ulnar and structures relating to both bones are referred to as radioulnar Similarly in the lower leg structures near the tibia shinbone are tibial and structures near the fibula are fibular or peroneal Rotational direction edit nbsp nbsp Image showing an anteverted uterus lying above the bladder left compared with a retroverted uterus undergoing bimanual examination facing towards the rectum right Anteversion and retroversion are complementary terms describing an anatomical structure that is rotated forwards towards the front of the body or backwards towards the back of the body relative to some other position They are particularly used to describe the curvature of the uterus 49 50 Anteversion from Latin anteversus describes an anatomical structure being tilted further forward than normal whether pathologically or incidentally 49 For example a woman s uterus typically is anteverted tilted slightly forward A misaligned pelvis may be anteverted that is to say tilted forward to some relevant degree Retroversion from Latin retroversus describes an anatomical structure tilted back away from something 50 An example is a retroverted uterus 50 Other directional terms edit Several other terms are also used to describe location These terms are not used to form the fixed axes Terms include Axial from Latin axis axle around the central axis of the organism or the extremity Two related terms abaxial and adaxial refer to locations away from and toward the central axis of an organism respectively Luminal from Latin lumen light opening on the hollow inside of an organ s lumen body cavity or tubular structure 51 52 adluminal is towards abluminal is away from the lumen 53 Opposite to outermost the adventitia serosa or the cavity s wall 54 Parietal from Latin paries wall pertaining to the wall of a body cavity 55 For example the parietal peritoneum is the lining on the inside of the abdominal cavity Parietal can also refer specifically to the parietal bone of the skull or associated structures Terminal from Latin terminus boundary or end at the extremity of a usually projecting structure 56 For example an antenna with a terminal sensory hair Visceral and viscus from Latin viscera internal organs associated with organs within the body s cavities 57 For example the stomach is covered with a lining called the visceral peritoneum as opposed to the parietal peritoneum Viscus can also be used to mean organ 57 For example the stomach is a viscus within the abdominal cavity and visceral pain refers to pain originating from internal organs Aboral opposite to oral is used to denote a location along the gastrointestinal canal that is relatively closer to the anus 58 Specific animals and other organisms editDifferent terms are used because of different body plans in animals whether animals stand on one or two legs and whether an animal is symmetrical or not as discussed above For example as humans are approximately bilaterally symmetrical organisms anatomical descriptions usually use the same terms as those for other vertebrates 59 However humans stand upright on two legs meaning their anterior posterior and ventral dorsal directions are the same and the inferior superior directions are necessary 60 Humans do not have a beak so a term such as rostral used to refer to the beak in some animals is instead used to refer to part of the brain 61 humans do also not have a tail so a term such as caudal that refers to the tail end may also be used in humans and animals without tails to refer to the hind part of the body 62 In invertebrates the large variety of body shapes presents a difficult problem when attempting to apply standard directional terms Depending on the organism some terms are taken by analogy from vertebrate anatomy and appropriate novel terms are applied as needed Some such borrowed terms are widely applicable in most invertebrates for example proximal meaning near refers to the part of an appendage nearest to where it joins the body and distal meaning standing away from is used for the part furthest from the point of attachment In all cases the usage of terms is dependent on the body plan of the organism nbsp Anatomical terms of location in a dog nbsp Anatomical terms of location in a kangaroo nbsp Anatomical terms of location in a fish nbsp Anatomical terms of location in a horseAsymmetrical and spherical organisms edit nbsp Asymmetrical and spherical body shapes a An organism with an asymmetrical amoeboid body plan Amoeba proteus an amoeba b An organism with a spherical body plan Actinophrys sol a heliozoan In organisms with a changeable shape such as amoeboid organisms most directional terms are meaningless since the shape of the organism is not constant and no distinct axes are fixed Similarly in spherically symmetrical organisms there is nothing to distinguish one line through the centre of the organism from any other An indefinite number of triads of mutually perpendicular axes could be defined but any such choice of axes would be useless as nothing would distinguish a chosen triad from any others In such organisms only terms such as superficial and deep or sometimes proximal and distal are usefully descriptive nbsp Four individuals of Phaeodactylum tricornutum a diatom with a fixed elongated shapeElongated organisms edit In organisms that maintain a constant shape and have one dimension longer than the other at least two directional terms can be used The long or longitudinal axis is defined by points at the opposite ends of the organism Similarly a perpendicular transverse axis can be defined by points on opposite sides of the organism There is typically no basis for the definition of a third axis Usually such organisms are planktonic free swimming protists and are nearly always viewed on microscope slides where they appear essentially two dimensional In some cases a third axis can be defined particularly where a non terminal cytostome or other unique structure is present 44 Some elongated protists have distinctive ends of the body In such organisms the end with a mouth or equivalent structure such as the cytostome in Paramecium or Stentor or the end that usually points in the direction of the organism s locomotion such as the end with the flagellum in Euglena is normally designated as the anterior end The opposite end then becomes the posterior end 44 Properly this terminology would apply only to an organism that is always planktonic not normally attached to a surface although the term can also be applied to one that is sessile normally attached to a surface 63 nbsp A cluster of Euplectella aspergillum sponges Venus flower baskets showing the apical basal axesOrganisms that are attached to a substrate such as sponges animal like protists also have distinctive ends The part of the organism attached to the substrate is usually referred to as the basal end from Latin basis support foundation whereas the end furthest from the attachment is referred to as the apical end from Latin apex peak tip Radially symmetrical organisms edit Radially symmetrical organisms include those in the group Radiata primarily jellyfish sea anemones and corals and the comb jellies 42 44 Adult echinoderms such as starfish sea urchins sea cucumbers and others are also included since they are pentaradial meaning they have five discrete rotational symmetry Echinoderm larvae are not included since they are bilaterally symmetrical 42 44 Radially symmetrical organisms always have one distinctive axis Cnidarians jellyfish sea anemones and corals have an incomplete digestive system meaning that one end of the organism has a mouth and the opposite end has no opening from the gut coelenteron 44 For this reason the end of the organism with the mouth is referred to as the oral end from Latin ōralis of the mouth 64 and the opposite surface is the aboral end from Latin ab away from 65 Unlike vertebrates cnidarians have only a single distinctive axis Lateral dorsal and ventral have no meaning in such organisms and all can be replaced by the generic term peripheral from Ancient Greek perifereia circumference Medial can be used but in the case of radiates indicates the central point rather than a central axis as in vertebrates Thus there are multiple possible radial axes and medio peripheral half axes However some biradially symmetrical comb jellies do have distinct tentacular and pharyngeal axes 66 67 and are thus anatomically equivalent to bilaterally symmetrical animals nbsp Aurelia aurita another species of jellyfish showing multiple radial and medio peripheral axes nbsp The sea star Porania pulvillus aboral and oral surfaces Spiders edit See also Glossary of spider terms and Spider anatomy Special terms are used for spiders Two specialized terms are useful in describing views of arachnid legs and pedipalps Prolateral refers to the surface of a leg that is closest to the anterior end of an arachnid s body Retrolateral refers to the surface of a leg that is closest to the posterior end of an arachnid s body 68 Most spiders have eight eyes in four pairs All the eyes are on the carapace of the prosoma and their sizes shapes and locations are characteristic of various spider families and other taxa 69 Usually the eyes are arranged in two roughly parallel horizontal and symmetrical rows of eyes 69 Eyes are labelled according to their position as anterior and posterior lateral eyes ALE and PLE and anterior and posterior median eyes AME and PME 69 nbsp Aspects of spider anatomy This aspect shows the mainly prolateral surface of the anterior femora plus the typical horizontal eye pattern of the Sparassidae nbsp Typical arrangement of eyes in the Lycosidae with PME being the largest nbsp In the Salticidae the AME are the largest See also editChirality Geometric terms of location Handedness Laterality Proper right and proper left Reflection symmetry Sinistral and dextralReferences editCitations edit a b c d e f g h i Dyce Sack amp Wensing 2010 pp 2 3 a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o Gray s Anatomy 2016 pp xvi xvii a b c d Kardong s 2019 p 16 Hofer Matthias 2006 The Chest X ray A Systematic Teaching Atlas Thieme p 24 ISBN 978 3 13 144211 6 dorsolateral Merriam Webster 29 September 2023 a b Wake 1992 p 6 Collins 2020 axis accessed 17 July 2020 Merriam Webster 2020 Anteroposterior accessed 14 October 2020 Merriam Webster 2020 Cephalocaudal accessed 14 October 2020 Merriam Webster 2020 Dorsoventral accessed 14 October 2020 Pellerito John Polak Joseph F 2012 Introduction to Vascular Ultrasonography 6th ed Elsevier Health Sciences p 559 ISBN 978 1 4557 3766 6 Merriam Webster 2020 Sub accessed on 3 July 2020 Merriam Webster 2020 Hypo accessed on 3 July 2020 Merriam Webster 2020 Infra accessed on 3 July 2020 Merriam Webster 2020 Inter accessed on 3 July 2020 Merriam Webster 2020 Super and Supra accessed on 3 July 2020 Merriam Webster 2020 ad accessed on 3 July 2020 Merriam Webster 2020 an accessed on 17 July 2020 Gordh Gordon Headrick David H 2011 A Dictionary of Entomology 2nd ed CABI ISBN 978 1845935429 Collins 2020 superior accessed 2 July 2020 Collins 2020 inferior accessed 2 July 2020 Collins 2020 anterior accessed 2 July 2020 Collins 2020 posterior accessed 2 July 2020 Collins 2020 contralateral accessed 2 July 2020 Collins 2020 ipsilateral accessed 2 July 2020 Collins 2020 bilateral accessed 2 July 2020 Collins 2020 unilateral accessed 2 July 2020 Collins 2020 varus and valgus accessed 17 July 2020 Wake 1992 p 5 What do distal and proximal mean The Survival Doctor 2011 10 05 Retrieved 2016 01 07 Hutchinson J M C 2022 Lippen are not lips and other nomenclatural confusions Mitteilungen der Deutschen Malakozoologischen Gesellschaft 107 3 7 Singh S 8 March 2000 Chemistry design and structure activity relationship of cocaine antagonists Chemical Reviews 100 3 925 1024 doi 10 1021 cr9700538 PMID 11749256 a b Collins 2020 central accessed 17 July 2020 Collins 2020 peripheral accessed 17 July 2020 Collins 2020 deep accessed 2 July 2020 Collins 2020 profound accessed 2 July 2020 Collins 2020 superficial accessed 2 July 2020 a b GO 2014 dorsal ventral axis specification GO 0009950 Merriam Webster 2020 rostral accessed 3 July 2020 Merriam Webster 2020 cranial and cephalic accessed 3 July 2020 Merriam Webster 2020 caudal accessed 3 July 2020 a b c Hickman C P Jr Roberts L S and Larson A Animal Diversity McGraw Hill 2003 ISBN 0 07 234903 4 Miller S A General Zoology Laboratory Manual McGraw Hill ISBN 0 07 252837 0 and ISBN 0 07 243559 3 a b c d e f Ruppert EE Fox RS Barnes RD 2004 Invertebrate zoology a functional evolutionary approach 7th ed Thomson Belmont Thomson Brooks Cole ISBN 0 03 025982 7 a b c Butler Paul Mitchell Adam W M Ellis Harold 1999 10 14 Applied Radiological Anatomy Cambridge University Press p 1 ISBN 978 0 521 48110 6 Pieter A Folkens 2000 Human Osteology Gulf Professional Publishing pp 558 ISBN 978 0 12 746612 5 Smith J B Dodson P 2003 A proposal for a standard terminology of anatomical notation and orientation in fossil vertebrate dentitions Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 23 1 1 12 doi 10 1671 0272 4634 2003 23 1 APFAST 2 0 CO 2 S2CID 8134718 a b Rajkumar K Ramya R 2017 Textbook of Oral Anatomy Physiology Histology and Tooth Morphology Wolters kluwer india Pvt Ltd pp 6 7 ISBN 978 93 86691 16 3 a b Collins 2020 anteversion accessed 17 July 2020 a b c Collins 2020 retroversion accessed 17 July 2020 William C Shiel Medical Definition of Lumen MedicieNet Retrieved 12 December 2020 NCI Dictionary of Cancer Terms lumen National Cancer Institute Retrieved 12 December 2020 abluminal Merriam Webster com Medical Dictionary Retrieved 12 December 2020 David King 2009 Study Guide Histology of the Gastrointestinal System Southern Illinois University Retrieved 12 December 2020 Merriam Webster 2020 parietal accessed 3 July 2020 Merriam Webster 2020 terminal accessed 3 July 2020 a b Merriam Webster 2020 visceral accessed 3 July 2020 Morrice Michael Polton Gerry Beck Sam 2019 Evaluation of the extent of neoplastic infiltration in small intestinal tumours in dogs Veterinary Medicine and Science 5 2 189 198 doi 10 1002 vms3 147 ISSN 2053 1095 PMC 6498519 PMID 30779310 Wake 1992 p 1 Tucker T G 1931 A Concise Etymological Dictionary of Latin Halle Saale Max Niemeyer Verlag Merriam Webster 2020 rostral accessed 14 October 2020 Merriam Webster 2020 caudal accessed 14 October 2020 Valentine James W 2004 On the Origin of Phyla Chicago University of Chicago Press ISBN 978 0 226 84548 7 Collins 2020 oral accessed 13 October 2020 Merriam Webster 2020 aboral accessed 13 October 2020 Oliveira Otto Muller Patrao de Chave de identificacao dos Ctenophora da costa brasileira Biota Neotropica Retrieved 6 April 2023 Ruppert et al 2004 p 184 Kaston B J 1972 How to Know the Spiders 3rd ed Dubuque IA W C Brown Co p 19 ISBN 978 0 697 04899 8 OCLC 668250654 a b c Foelix Rainer 2011 Biology of Spiders Oxford University Press US pp 17 19 ISBN 978 0 19 973482 5 General sources edit Collins Online Dictionary Definitions Thesaurus and Translations collinsdictionary com Dyce KM Sack WO Wensing CJG 2010 Textbook of veterinary anatomy 4th ed St Louis Missouri Saunders Elsevier ISBN 9781416066071 GeneOntology GeneOntology The Gene Ontology Consortium Retrieved 26 October 2014 Standring Susan ed 2016 Gray s anatomy the anatomical basis of clinical practice 41st ed Philadelphia Elsevier Limited ISBN 9780702052309 OCLC 920806541 Kardong Kenneth 2019 Vertebrates comparative anatomy function evolution 8th ed New York McGraw Hill ISBN 9781260092042 Dictionary by Merriam Webster America s most trusted online dictionary www merriam webster com Wake Marvale H ed 1992 Hyman s comparative vertebrate anatomy 3rd ed Chicago University of Chicago Press ISBN 9780226870113 Retrieved from https en wikipedia org w index php title Anatomical terms of location amp oldid 1213713727 Proximal and distal, wikipedia, wiki, book, books, library,


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