

In organic chemistry, an alkene, or olefin, is a hydrocarbon containing a carbon–carbon double bond.[1] The double bond may be internal or in the terminal position. Terminal alkenes are also known as α-olefins.

A 3D model of ethylene, the simplest alkene

The International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) recommends using the name "alkene" only for acyclic hydrocarbons with just one double bond; alkadiene, alkatriene, etc., or polyene for acyclic hydrocarbons with two or more double bonds; cycloalkene, cycloalkadiene, etc. for cyclic ones; and "olefin" for the general class – cyclic or acyclic, with one or more double bonds.[2][3][4]

Acyclic alkenes, with only one double bond and no other functional groups (also known as mono-enes) form a homologous series of hydrocarbons with the general formula CnH2n with n being a >1 natural number (which is two hydrogens less than the corresponding alkane). When n is four or more, isomers are possible, distinguished by the position and conformation of the double bond.

Alkenes are generally colorless non-polar compounds, somewhat similar to alkanes but more reactive. The first few members of the series are gases or liquids at room temperature. The simplest alkene, ethylene (C2H4) (or "ethene" in the IUPAC nomenclature) is the organic compound produced on the largest scale industrially.[5]

Aromatic compounds are often drawn as cyclic alkenes, however their structure and properties are sufficiently distinct that they are not classified as alkenes or olefins.[3] Hydrocarbons with two overlapping double bonds (C=C=C) are called allenes—the simplest such compound is itself called allene—and those with three or more overlapping bonds (C=C=C=C, C=C=C=C=C, etc.) are called cumulenes.

Structural isomerism edit

Alkenes having four or more carbon atoms can form diverse structural isomers. Most alkenes are also isomers of cycloalkanes. Acyclic alkene structural isomers with only one double bond follow:[6]

  • C2H4: ethylene only
  • C3H6: propylene only
  • C4H8: 3 isomers: 1-butene, 2-butene, and isobutylene
  • C5H10: 5 isomers: 1-pentene, 2-pentene, 2-methyl-1-butene, 3-methyl-1-butene, 2-methyl-2-butene
  • C6H12: 13 isomers: 1-hexene, 2-hexene, 3-hexene, 2-methyl-1-pentene, 3-methyl-1-pentene, 4-methyl-1-pentene, 2-methyl-2-pentene, 3-methyl-2-pentene, 4-methyl-2-pentene, 2,3-dimethyl-1-butene, 3,3-dimethyl-1-butene, 2,3-dimethyl-2-butene, 2-ethyl-1-butene

Many of these molecules exhibit cistrans isomerism. There may also be chiral carbon atoms particularly within the larger molecules (from C5). The number of potential isomers increases rapidly with additional carbon atoms.

Structure and bonding edit

Bonding edit

Ethylene (ethene), showing the pi bond in green

A carbon–carbon double bond consists of a sigma bond and a pi bond. This double bond is stronger than a single covalent bond (611 kJ/mol for C=C vs. 347 kJ/mol for C–C),[1] but not twice as strong. Double bonds are shorter than single bonds with an average bond length of 1.33 Å (133 pm) vs 1.53 Å for a typical C-C single bond.[7]

Each carbon atom of the double bond uses its three sp2 hybrid orbitals to form sigma bonds to three atoms (the other carbon atom and two hydrogen atoms). The unhybridized 2p atomic orbitals, which lie perpendicular to the plane created by the axes of the three sp2 hybrid orbitals, combine to form the pi bond. This bond lies outside the main C–C axis, with half of the bond on one side of the molecule and a half on the other. With a strength of 65 kcal/mol, the pi bond is significantly weaker than the sigma bond.

Rotation about the carbon–carbon double bond is restricted because it incurs an energetic cost to break the alignment of the p orbitals on the two carbon atoms. Consequently cis or trans isomers interconvert so slowly that they can be freely handled at ambient conditions without isomerization. More complex alkenes may be named with the EZ notation for molecules with three or four different substituents (side groups). For example, of the isomers of butene, the two methyl groups of (Z)-but-2-ene (a.k.a. cis-2-butene) appear on the same side of the double bond, and in (E)-but-2-ene (a.k.a. trans-2-butene) the methyl groups appear on opposite sides. These two isomers of butene have distinct properties.

Shape edit

As predicted by the VSEPR model of electron pair repulsion, the molecular geometry of alkenes includes bond angles about each carbon atom in a double bond of about 120°. The angle may vary because of steric strain introduced by nonbonded interactions between functional groups attached to the carbon atoms of the double bond. For example, the C–C–C bond angle in propylene is 123.9°.

For bridged alkenes, Bredt's rule states that a double bond cannot occur at the bridgehead of a bridged ring system unless the rings are large enough.[8] Following Fawcett and defining S as the total number of non-bridgehead atoms in the rings,[9] bicyclic systems require S ≥ 7 for stability[8] and tricyclic systems require S ≥ 11.[10]

Isomerism edit

In organic chemistry,the prefixes cis- and trans- are used to describe the positions of functional groups attached to carbon atoms joined by a double bond. In Latin, cis and trans mean "on this side of" and "on the other side of" respectively. Therefore, if the functional groups are both on the same side of the carbon chain, the bond is said to have cis- configuration, otherwise (i.e. the functional groups are on the opposite side of the carbon chain), the bond is said to have trans- configuration.

For there to be cis- and trans- configurations, there must be a carbon chain, or at least one functional group attached to each carbon is the same for both. E- and Z- configuration can be used instead in a more general case where all four functional groups attached to carbon atoms in a double bond are different. E- and Z- are abbreviations of German words zusammen (together) and entgegen (opposite). In E- and Z-isomerism, each functional group is assigned a priority based on the Cahn–Ingold–Prelog priority rules. If the two groups with higher priority are on the same side of the double bond, the bond is assigned Z- configuration, otherwise (i.e. the two groups with higher priority are on the opposite side of the double bond), the bond is assigned E- configuration. Cis- and trans- configurations do not have a fixed relationship with E- and Z-configurations.

Physical properties edit

Many of the physical properties of alkenes and alkanes are similar: they are colorless, nonpolar, and combustible. The physical state depends on molecular mass: like the corresponding saturated hydrocarbons, the simplest alkenes (ethylene, propylene, and butene) are gases at room temperature. Linear alkenes of approximately five to sixteen carbon atoms are liquids, and higher alkenes are waxy solids. The melting point of the solids also increases with increase in molecular mass.

Alkenes generally have stronger smells than their corresponding alkanes. Ethylene has a sweet and musty odor. Strained alkenes, in particular, like norbornene and trans-cyclooctene are known to have strong, unpleasant odors, a fact consistent with the stronger π complexes they form with metal ions including copper.[11]

Boiling and melting points edit

Below is a list of the boiling and melting points of various alkenes with the corresponding alkane and alkyne analogues.[12][13]

Melting and boiling points in °C
Number of
Alkane Alkene Alkyne
2 Name ethane ethylene acetylene
Melting point −183 −169 −80.7
Boiling point −89 −104 −84.7
3 Name propane propylene propyne
Melting point −190 −185 −102.7
Boiling point −42 −47 −23.2
4 Name butane 1-butene 1-butyne
Melting point −138 −185.3 −125.7
Boiling point −0.5 −6.2 8.0
5 Name pentane 1-pentene 1-pentyne
Melting point −130 −165.2 −90.0
Boiling point 36 29.9 40.1

Infrared spectroscopy edit

The stretching of C=C bond will give an IR absorption peak at 1670–1600 cm−1, while the bending of C=C bond absorbs between 1000 and 650 cm−1 wavelength.

NMR spectroscopy edit

In 1H NMR spectroscopy, the hydrogen bonded to the carbon adjacent to double bonds will give a δH of 4.5–6.5 ppm. The double bond will also deshield the hydrogen attached to the carbons adjacent to sp2 carbons, and this generates δH=1.6–2. ppm peaks.[14] Cis/trans isomers are distinguishable due to different J-coupling effect. Cis vicinal hydrogens will have coupling constants in the range of 6–14 Hz, whereas the trans will have coupling constants of 11–18 Hz.[15]

In their 13C NMR spectra of alkenes, double bonds also deshield the carbons, making them have low field shift. C=C double bonds usually have chemical shift of about 100–170 ppm.[15]

Combustion edit

Like most other hydrocarbons, alkenes combust to give carbon dioxide and water.

The combustion of alkenes release less energy than burning same molarity of saturated ones with same number of carbons. This trend can be clearly seen in the list of standard enthalpy of combustion of hydrocarbons.[16]

Combustion energies of various hydrocarbons
Number of
Substance Type Formula Hcø
2 ethane saturated C2H6 −1559.7
ethylene unsaturated C2H4 −1410.8
acetylene unsaturated C2H2 −1300.8
3 propane saturated CH3CH2CH3 −2219.2
propene unsaturated CH3CH=CH2 −2058.1
propyne unsaturated CH3C≡CH −1938.7
4 butane saturated CH3CH2CH2CH3 −2876.5
1-butene unsaturated CH2=CH−CH2CH3 −2716.8
1-butyne unsaturated CH≡C-CH2CH3 −2596.6

Reactions edit

Alkenes are relatively stable compounds, but are more reactive than alkanes. Most reactions of alkenes involve additions to this pi bond, forming new single bonds. Alkenes serve as a feedstock for the petrochemical industry because they can participate in a wide variety of reactions, prominently polymerization and alkylation. Except for ethylene, alkenes have two sites of reactivity: the carbon–carbon pi-bond and the presence of allylic CH centers. The former dominates but the allylic sites are important too.

Addition to the unsaturated bonds edit

typical electrophilic addition reaction of ethylene

Hydrogenation involves the addition of H2 resulting in an alkane. The equation of hydrogenation of ethylene to form ethane is:

H2C=CH2 + H2→H3C−CH3

Hydrogenation reactions usually require catalysts to increase their reaction rate. The total number of hydrogens that can be added to an unsaturated hydrocarbon depends on its degree of unsaturation.

Similar to hydrogen, halogens added to double bonds.

H2C=CH2 + Br2→H2CBr−CH2Br

Halonium ions are intermediates. These reactions do not require catalysts.

Structure of a bromonium ion

Bromine test is used to test the saturation of hydrocarbons.[17] The bromine test can also be used as an indication of the degree of unsaturation for unsaturated hydrocarbons. Bromine number is defined as gram of bromine able to react with 100g of product.[18] Similar as hydrogenation, the halogenation of bromine is also depend on the number of π bond. A higher bromine number indicates higher degree of unsaturation.

The π bonds of alkenes hydrocarbons are also susceptible to hydration. The reaction usually involves strong acid as catalyst.[19] The first step in hydration often involves formation of a carbocation. The net result of the reaction will be an alcohol. The reaction equation for hydration of ethylene is:

Example of hydrohalogenation: addition of HBr to an alkene

Hydrohalogenation involves addition of H−X to unsaturated hydrocarbons. This reaction results in new C−H and C−X σ bonds. The formation of the intermediate carbocation is selective and follows Markovnikov's rule. The hydrohalogenation of alkene will result in haloalkane. The reaction equation of HBr addition to ethylene is:

H2C=CH2 + HBr → H3C−CH2Br

Cycloaddition edit

a Diels-Alder reaction

Alkenes add to dienes to give cyclohexenes. This conversion is an example of a Diels-Alder reaction. Such reaction proceed with retention of stereochemistry. The rates are sensitive to electron-withdrawing or electron-donating substituents. When irradiated by UV-light, alkenes dimerize to give cyclobutanes.[20] Another example is the Schenck ene reaction, in which singlet oxygen reacts with an allylic structure to give a transposed allyl peroxide:


Oxidation edit

Alkenes react with percarboxylic acids and even hydrogen peroxide to yield epoxides:


For ethylene, the epoxidation is conducted on a very large scale industrially using oxygen in the presence of silver-based catalysts:

C2H4 + 1/2 O2 → C2H4O

Alkenes react with ozone, leading to the scission of the double bond. The process is called ozonolysis. Often the reaction procedure includes a mild reductant, such as dimethylsulfide (SMe2):

RCH=CHR' + O3 + SMe2 → RCHO + R'CHO + O=SMe2
R2C=CHR' + O3 → R2CHO + R'CHO + O=SMe2

When treated with a hot concentrated, acidified solution of KMnO4, alkenes are cleaved to form ketones and/or carboxylic acids. The stoichiometry of the reaction is sensitive to conditions. This reaction and the ozonolysis can be used to determine the position of a double bond in an unknown alkene.

The oxidation can be stopped at the vicinal diol rather than full cleavage of the alkene by using osmium tetroxide or other oxidants:


This reaction is called dihydroxylation.

In the presence of an appropriate photosensitiser, such as methylene blue and light, alkenes can undergo reaction with reactive oxygen species generated by the photosensitiser, such as hydroxyl radicals, singlet oxygen or superoxide ion. Reactions of the excited sensitizer can involve electron or hydrogen transfer, usually with a reducing substrate (Type I reaction) or interaction with oxygen (Type II reaction).[21] These various alternative processes and reactions can be controlled by choice of specific reaction conditions, leading to a wide range of products. A common example is the [4+2]-cycloaddition of singlet oxygen with a diene such as cyclopentadiene to yield an endoperoxide:

Polymerization edit

Terminal alkenes are precursors to polymers via processes termed polymerization. Some polymerizations are of great economic significance, as they generate the plastics polyethylene and polypropylene. Polymers from alkene are usually referred to as polyolefins although they contain no olefins. Polymerization can proceed via diverse mechanisms. Conjugated dienes such as buta-1,3-diene and isoprene (2-methylbuta-1,3-diene) also produce polymers, one example being natural rubber.

Allylic substitution edit

The presence of a C=C π bond in unsaturated hydrocarbons weakens the dissociation energy of the allylic C−H bonds. Thus, these groupings are susceptible to free radical substitution at these C-H sites as well as addition reactions at the C=C site. In the presence of radical initiators, allylic C-H bonds can be halogenated.[22] The presence of two C=C bonds flanking one methylene, i.e., doubly allylic, results in particularly weak HC-H bonds. The high reactivity of these situations is the basis for certain free radical reactions, manifested in the chemistry of drying oils.

Metathesis edit

Alkenes undergo olefin metathesis, which cleaves and interchanges the substituents of the alkene. A related reaction is ethenolysis:[23]


Metal complexation edit

The Dewar-Chatt-Duncanson model for alkene-metal bonding.
Structure of bis(cyclooctadiene)nickel(0), a metal–alkene complex

In transition metal alkene complexes, alkenes serve as ligands for metals.[24] In this case, the π electron density is donated[clarification needed] to the metal d orbitals. The stronger the donation is, the stronger the back bonding from the metal d orbital to π* anti-bonding orbital of the alkene. This effect lowers the bond order of the alkene and increases the C-C bond length. One example is the complex PtCl3(C2H4)]. These complexes are related to the mechanisms of metal-catalyzed reactions of unsaturated hydrocarbons.[23]

Reaction overview edit

Reaction name Product Comment
Hydrogenation alkanes addition of hydrogen
Hydroalkenylation alkenes hydrometalation / insertion / beta-elimination by metal catalyst
Halogen addition reaction 1,2-dihalide electrophilic addition of halogens
Hydrohalogenation (Markovnikov) haloalkanes addition of hydrohalic acids
Anti-Markovnikov hydrohalogenation haloalkanes free radicals mediated addition of hydrohalic acids
Hydroamination amines addition of N−H bond across C−C double bond
Hydroformylation aldehydes industrial process, addition of CO and H2
Hydrocarboxylation and Koch reaction carboxylic acid industrial process, addition of CO and H2O.
Carboalkoxylation ester industrial process, addition of CO and alcohol.
alkylation ester industrial process: alkene alkylating carboxylic acid with silicotungstic acid the catalyst.
Sharpless bishydroxylation diols oxidation, reagent: osmium tetroxide, chiral ligand
Woodward cis-hydroxylation diols oxidation, reagents: iodine, silver acetate
Ozonolysis aldehydes or ketones reagent: ozone
Olefin metathesis alkenes two alkenes rearrange to form two new alkenes
Diels–Alder reaction cyclohexenes cycloaddition with a diene
Pauson–Khand reaction cyclopentenones cycloaddition with an alkyne and CO
Hydroboration–oxidation alcohols reagents: borane, then a peroxide
Oxymercuration-reduction alcohols electrophilic addition of mercuric acetate, then reduction
Prins reaction 1,3-diols electrophilic addition with aldehyde or ketone
Paterno–Büchi reaction oxetanes photochemical reaction with aldehyde or ketone
Epoxidation epoxide electrophilic addition of a peroxide
Cyclopropanation cyclopropanes addition of carbenes or carbenoids
Hydroacylation ketones oxidative addition / reductive elimination by metal catalyst
Hydrophosphination phosphines

Synthesis edit

Industrial methods edit

Alkenes are produced by hydrocarbon cracking. Raw materials are mostly natural-gas condensate components (principally ethane and propane) in the US and Mideast and naphtha in Europe and Asia. Alkanes are broken apart at high temperatures, often in the presence of a zeolite catalyst, to produce a mixture of primarily aliphatic alkenes and lower molecular weight alkanes. The mixture is feedstock and temperature dependent, and separated by fractional distillation. This is mainly used for the manufacture of small alkenes (up to six carbons).[25]

Cracking of n-octane to give pentane and propene

Related to this is catalytic dehydrogenation, where an alkane loses hydrogen at high temperatures to produce a corresponding alkene.[1] This is the reverse of the catalytic hydrogenation of alkenes.

Dehydrogenation of butane to give butadiene and isomers of butene

This process is also known as reforming. Both processes are endothermic and are driven towards the alkene at high temperatures by entropy.

Catalytic synthesis of higher α-alkenes (of the type RCH=CH2) can also be achieved by a reaction of ethylene with the organometallic compound triethylaluminium in the presence of nickel, cobalt, or platinum.

Elimination reactions edit

One of the principal methods for alkene synthesis in the laboratory is the elimination reaction of alkyl halides, alcohols, and similar compounds. Most common is the β-elimination via the E2 or E1 mechanism.[26] A commercially significant example is the production of vinyl chloride.

The E2 mechanism provides a more reliable β-elimination method than E1 for most alkene syntheses. Most E2 eliminations start with an alkyl halide or alkyl sulfonate ester (such as a tosylate or triflate). When an alkyl halide is used, the reaction is called a dehydrohalogenation. For unsymmetrical products, the more substituted alkenes (those with fewer hydrogens attached to the C=C) tend to predominate (see Zaitsev's rule). Two common methods of elimination reactions are dehydrohalogenation of alkyl halides and dehydration of alcohols. A typical example is shown below; note that if possible, the H is anti to the leaving group, even though this leads to the less stable Z-isomer.[27]

An example of an E2 Elimination

Alkenes can be synthesized from alcohols via dehydration, in which case water is lost via the E1 mechanism. For example, the dehydration of ethanol produces ethylene:

CH3CH2OH → H2C=CH2 + H2O

An alcohol may also be converted to a better leaving group (e.g., xanthate), so as to allow a milder syn-elimination such as the Chugaev elimination and the Grieco elimination. Related reactions include eliminations by β-haloethers (the Boord olefin synthesis) and esters (ester pyrolysis). Diphosphorus tetraiodide will deoxygenate glycols to alkenes.

Alkenes can be prepared indirectly from alkyl amines. The amine or ammonia is not a suitable leaving group, so the amine is first either alkylated (as in the Hofmann elimination) or oxidized to an amine oxide (the Cope reaction) to render a smooth elimination possible. The Cope reaction is a syn-elimination that occurs at or below 150 °C, for example:[28]

Synthesis of cyclooctene via Cope elimination

The Hofmann elimination is unusual in that the less substituted (non-Zaitsev) alkene is usually the major product.

Alkenes are generated from α-halosulfones in the Ramberg–Bäcklund reaction, via a three-membered ring sulfone intermediate.

Synthesis from carbonyl compounds edit

Another important class of methods for alkene synthesis involves construction of a new carbon–carbon double bond by coupling or condensation of a carbonyl compound (such as an aldehyde or ketone) to a carbanion or its equivalent. Pre-eminent is the aldol condensation. Knoevenagel condensations are a related class of reactions that convert carbonyls into alkenes.Well-known methods are called olefinations. The Wittig reaction is illustrative, but other related methods are known, including the Horner–Wadsworth–Emmons reaction.

The Wittig reaction involves reaction of an aldehyde or ketone with a Wittig reagent (or phosphorane) of the type Ph3P=CHR to produce an alkene and Ph3P=O. The Wittig reagent is itself prepared easily from triphenylphosphine and an alkyl halide.[29]

A typical example of the Wittig reaction

Related to the Wittig reaction is the Peterson olefination, which uses silicon-based reagents in place of the phosphorane. This reaction allows for the selection of E- or Z-products. If an E-product is desired, another alternative is the Julia olefination, which uses the carbanion generated from a phenyl sulfone. The Takai olefination based on an organochromium intermediate also delivers E-products. A titanium compound, Tebbe's reagent, is useful for the synthesis of methylene compounds; in this case, even esters and amides react.

A pair of ketones or aldehydes can be deoxygenated to generate an alkene. Symmetrical alkenes can be prepared from a single aldehyde or ketone coupling with itself, using titanium metal reduction (the McMurry reaction). If different ketones are to be coupled, a more complicated method is required, such as the Barton–Kellogg reaction.

A single ketone can also be converted to the corresponding alkene via its tosylhydrazone, using sodium methoxide (the Bamford–Stevens reaction) or an alkyllithium (the Shapiro reaction).

Synthesis from alkenes edit

The formation of longer alkenes via the step-wise polymerisation of smaller ones is appealing, as ethylene (the smallest alkene) is both inexpensive and readily available, with hundreds of millions of tonnes produced annually. The Ziegler–Natta process allows for the formation of very long chains, for instance those used for polyethylene. Where shorter chains are wanted, as they for the production of surfactants, then processes incorporating a olefin metathesis step, such as the Shell higher olefin process are important.

Olefin metathesis is also used commercially for the interconversion of ethylene and 2-butene to propylene. Rhenium- and molybdenum-containing heterogeneous catalysis are used in this process:[30]


Transition metal catalyzed hydrovinylation is another important alkene synthesis process starting from alkene itself.[31] It involves the addition of a hydrogen and a vinyl group (or an alkenyl group) across a double bond.

From alkynes edit

Reduction of alkynes is a useful method for the stereoselective synthesis of disubstituted alkenes. If the cis-alkene is desired, hydrogenation in the presence of Lindlar's catalyst (a heterogeneous catalyst that consists of palladium deposited on calcium carbonate and treated with various forms of lead) is commonly used, though hydroboration followed by hydrolysis provides an alternative approach. Reduction of the alkyne by sodium metal in liquid ammonia gives the trans-alkene.[32]

Synthesis of cis- and trans-alkenes from alkynes

For the preparation multisubstituted alkenes, carbometalation of alkynes can give rise to a large variety of alkene derivatives.

Rearrangements and related reactions edit

Alkenes can be synthesized from other alkenes via rearrangement reactions. Besides olefin metathesis (described above), many pericyclic reactions can be used such as the ene reaction and the Cope rearrangement.

Cope rearrangement of divinylcyclobutane to cyclooctadiene

In the Diels–Alder reaction, a cyclohexene derivative is prepared from a diene and a reactive or electron-deficient alkene.

Application edit

Unsaturated hydrocarbons are widely used to produce plastics, medicines, and other useful materials.

Name Structure Use
  • Monomers for synthesizing polyethylene
vinyl chloride
  • Precursor to PVC

Natural occurrence edit

Alkenes are pervasive in nature. Plants are the main natural source of alkenes in the form of terpenes.[citation needed] Many of the most vivid natural pigments are terpenes; e.g. lycopene (red in tomatoes), carotene (orange in carrots), and xanthophylls (yellow in egg yolk). The simplest of all alkenes, ethylene is a signaling molecule that influences the ripening of plants.

IUPAC Nomenclature edit

Although the nomenclature is not followed widely, according to IUPAC, an alkene is an acyclic hydrocarbon with just one double bond between carbon atoms.[2] Olefins comprise a larger collection of cyclic and acyclic alkenes as well as dienes and polyenes.[3]

To form the root of the IUPAC names for straight-chain alkenes, change the -an- infix of the parent to -en-. For example, CH3-CH3 is the alkane ethANe. The name of CH2=CH2 is therefore ethENe.

For straight-chain alkenes with 4 or more carbon atoms, that name does not completely identify the compound. For those cases, and for branched acyclic alkenes, the following rules apply:

  1. Find the longest carbon chain in the molecule. If that chain does not contain the double bond, name the compound according to the alkane naming rules. Otherwise:
  2. Number the carbons in that chain starting from the end that is closest to the double bond.
  3. Define the location k of the double bond as being the number of its first carbon.
  4. Name the side groups (other than hydrogen) according to the appropriate rules.
  5. Define the position of each side group as the number of the chain carbon it is attached to.
  6. Write the position and name of each side group.
  7. Write the names of the alkane with the same chain, replacing the "-ane" suffix by "k-ene".

The position of the double bond is often inserted before the name of the chain (e.g. "2-pentene"), rather than before the suffix ("pent-2-ene").

The positions need not be indicated if they are unique. Note that the double bond may imply a different chain numbering than that used for the corresponding alkane: (H
is "2,2-dimethyl pentane", whereas (H
is "3,3-dimethyl 1-pentene".

More complex rules apply for polyenes and cycloalkenes.[4]

Naming substituted hex-1-enes

Cistrans isomerism edit

If the double bond of an acyclic mono-ene is not the first bond of the chain, the name as constructed above still does not completely identify the compound, because of cistrans isomerism. Then one must specify whether the two single C–C bonds adjacent to the double bond are on the same side of its plane, or on opposite sides. For monoalkenes, the configuration is often indicated by the prefixes cis- (from Latin "on this side of") or trans- ("across", "on the other side of") before the name, respectively; as in cis-2-pentene or trans-2-butene.

The difference between cis- and trans- isomers

More generally, cistrans isomerism will exist if each of the two carbons of in the double bond has two different atoms or groups attached to it. Accounting for these cases, the IUPAC recommends the more general E–Z notation, instead of the cis and trans prefixes. This notation considers the group with highest CIP priority in each of the two carbons. If these two groups are on opposite sides of the double bond's plane, the configuration is labeled E (from the German entgegen meaning "opposite"); if they are on the same side, it is labeled Z (from German zusammen, "together"). This labeling may be taught with mnemonic "Z means 'on ze zame zide'".[33]

The difference between E and Z isomers

Groups containing C=C double bonds edit

IUPAC recognizes two names for hydrocarbon groups containing carbon–carbon double bonds, the vinyl group and the allyl group.[4]


See also edit

Nomenclature links edit

  • Rule A-3. Unsaturated Compounds and Univalent Radicals IUPAC Blue Book.
  • Rule A-4. Bivalent and Multivalent Radicals IUPAC Blue Book.
  • Rules A-11.3, A-11.4, A-11.5 Unsaturated monocyclic hydrocarbons and substituents IUPAC Blue Book.
  • Rule A-23. Hydrogenated Compounds of Fused Polycyclic Hydrocarbons IUPAC Blue Book.

References edit

  1. ^ a b c Wade, L.G. (2006). Organic Chemistry (6th ed.). Pearson Prentice Hall. pp. 279. ISBN 978-1-4058-5345-3.
  2. ^ a b IUPAC, Compendium of Chemical Terminology, 2nd ed. (the "Gold Book") (1997). Online corrected version: (2006–) "alkenes". doi:10.1351/goldbook.A00224
  3. ^ a b c IUPAC, Compendium of Chemical Terminology, 2nd ed. (the "Gold Book") (1997). Online corrected version: (2006–) "olefins". doi:10.1351/goldbook.O04281
  4. ^ a b c Moss, G. P.; Smith, P. A. S.; Tavernier, D. (1995). "Glossary of Class Names of Organic Compounds and Reactive Intermediates Based on Structure (IUPAC Recommendations 1995)". Pure and Applied Chemistry. 67 (8–9): 1307–75. doi:10.1351/pac199567081307. S2CID 95004254.
  5. ^ "Production: Growth is the Norm". Chemical and Engineering News. 84 (28): 59–236. 10 July 2006. doi:10.1021/cen-v084n034.p059.
  6. ^ Sloane, N. J. A. (ed.). "Sequence A000631 (Number of ethylene derivatives with n carbon atoms)". The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences. OEIS Foundation.
  7. ^ Smith, Michael B.; March, Jerry (2007), Advanced Organic Chemistry: Reactions, Mechanisms, and Structure (6th ed.), New York: Wiley-Interscience, p. 23, ISBN 978-0-471-72091-1
  8. ^ a b Bansal, Raj K. (1998). "Bredt's Rule". Organic Reaction Mechanisms (3rd ed.). McGraw-Hill Education. pp. 14–16. ISBN 978-0-07-462083-0.
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alkene, confused, with, alkane, alkyne, olefin, redirects, here, material, olefin, fiber, organic, chemistry, alkene, olefin, hydrocarbon, containing, carbon, carbon, double, bond, double, bond, internal, terminal, position, terminal, alkenes, also, known, ole. Not to be confused with alkane or alkyne Olefin redirects here For the material see olefin fiber In organic chemistry an alkene or olefin is a hydrocarbon containing a carbon carbon double bond 1 The double bond may be internal or in the terminal position Terminal alkenes are also known as a olefins A 3D model of ethylene the simplest alkene The International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry IUPAC recommends using the name alkene only for acyclic hydrocarbons with just one double bond alkadiene alkatriene etc or polyene for acyclic hydrocarbons with two or more double bonds cycloalkene cycloalkadiene etc for cyclic ones and olefin for the general class cyclic or acyclic with one or more double bonds 2 3 4 Acyclic alkenes with only one double bond and no other functional groups also known as mono enes form a homologous series of hydrocarbons with the general formula CnH2n with n being a gt 1 natural number which is two hydrogens less than the corresponding alkane When n is four or more isomers are possible distinguished by the position and conformation of the double bond Alkenes are generally colorless non polar compounds somewhat similar to alkanes but more reactive The first few members of the series are gases or liquids at room temperature The simplest alkene ethylene C2H4 or ethene in the IUPAC nomenclature is the organic compound produced on the largest scale industrially 5 Aromatic compounds are often drawn as cyclic alkenes however their structure and properties are sufficiently distinct that they are not classified as alkenes or olefins 3 Hydrocarbons with two overlapping double bonds C C C are called allenes the simplest such compound is itself called allene and those with three or more overlapping bonds C C C C C C C C C etc are called cumulenes Contents 1 Structural isomerism 2 Structure and bonding 2 1 Bonding 2 2 Shape 2 3 Isomerism 3 Physical properties 3 1 Boiling and melting points 3 2 Infrared spectroscopy 3 3 NMR spectroscopy 3 4 Combustion 4 Reactions 4 1 Addition to the unsaturated bonds 4 2 Cycloaddition 4 2 1 Oxidation 4 3 Polymerization 4 4 Allylic substitution 4 5 Metathesis 4 6 Metal complexation 4 7 Reaction overview 5 Synthesis 5 1 Industrial methods 5 2 Elimination reactions 5 3 Synthesis from carbonyl compounds 5 4 Synthesis from alkenes 5 5 From alkynes 5 6 Rearrangements and related reactions 6 Application 7 Natural occurrence 8 IUPAC Nomenclature 8 1 Cis trans isomerism 8 2 Groups containing C C double bonds 9 See also 10 Nomenclature links 11 ReferencesStructural isomerism editAlkenes having four or more carbon atoms can form diverse structural isomers Most alkenes are also isomers of cycloalkanes Acyclic alkene structural isomers with only one double bond follow 6 C2H4 ethylene only C3H6 propylene only C4H8 3 isomers 1 butene 2 butene and isobutylene C5H10 5 isomers 1 pentene 2 pentene 2 methyl 1 butene 3 methyl 1 butene 2 methyl 2 butene C6H12 13 isomers 1 hexene 2 hexene 3 hexene 2 methyl 1 pentene 3 methyl 1 pentene 4 methyl 1 pentene 2 methyl 2 pentene 3 methyl 2 pentene 4 methyl 2 pentene 2 3 dimethyl 1 butene 3 3 dimethyl 1 butene 2 3 dimethyl 2 butene 2 ethyl 1 butene Many of these molecules exhibit cis trans isomerism There may also be chiral carbon atoms particularly within the larger molecules from C5 The number of potential isomers increases rapidly with additional carbon atoms Structure and bonding editBonding edit nbsp Ethylene ethene showing the pi bond in green A carbon carbon double bond consists of a sigma bond and a pi bond This double bond is stronger than a single covalent bond 611 kJ mol for C C vs 347 kJ mol for C C 1 but not twice as strong Double bonds are shorter than single bonds with an average bond length of 1 33 A 133 pm vs 1 53 A for a typical C C single bond 7 Each carbon atom of the double bond uses its three sp2 hybrid orbitals to form sigma bonds to three atoms the other carbon atom and two hydrogen atoms The unhybridized 2p atomic orbitals which lie perpendicular to the plane created by the axes of the three sp2 hybrid orbitals combine to form the pi bond This bond lies outside the main C C axis with half of the bond on one side of the molecule and a half on the other With a strength of 65 kcal mol the pi bond is significantly weaker than the sigma bond Rotation about the carbon carbon double bond is restricted because it incurs an energetic cost to break the alignment of the p orbitals on the two carbon atoms Consequently cis or trans isomers interconvert so slowly that they can be freely handled at ambient conditions without isomerization More complex alkenes may be named with the E Z notation for molecules with three or four different substituents side groups For example of the isomers of butene the two methyl groups of Z but 2 ene a k a cis 2 butene appear on the same side of the double bond and in E but 2 ene a k a trans 2 butene the methyl groups appear on opposite sides These two isomers of butene have distinct properties Shape edit As predicted by the VSEPR model of electron pair repulsion the molecular geometry of alkenes includes bond angles about each carbon atom in a double bond of about 120 The angle may vary because of steric strain introduced by nonbonded interactions between functional groups attached to the carbon atoms of the double bond For example the C C C bond angle in propylene is 123 9 For bridged alkenes Bredt s rule states that a double bond cannot occur at the bridgehead of a bridged ring system unless the rings are large enough 8 Following Fawcett and defining S as the total number of non bridgehead atoms in the rings 9 bicyclic systems require S 7 for stability 8 and tricyclic systems require S 11 10 Isomerism edit Main articles Cis trans isomerism and E Z notation In organic chemistry the prefixes cis and trans are used to describe the positions of functional groups attached to carbon atoms joined by a double bond In Latin cis and trans mean on this side of and on the other side of respectively Therefore if the functional groups are both on the same side of the carbon chain the bond is said to have cis configuration otherwise i e the functional groups are on the opposite side of the carbon chain the bond is said to have trans configuration nbsp structure of cis 2 butene nbsp structure of trans 2 butene nbsp E But 2 ene nbsp Z But 2 ene For there to be cis and trans configurations there must be a carbon chain or at least one functional group attached to each carbon is the same for both E and Z configuration can be used instead in a more general case where all four functional groups attached to carbon atoms in a double bond are different E and Z are abbreviations of German words zusammen together and entgegen opposite In E and Z isomerism each functional group is assigned a priority based on the Cahn Ingold Prelog priority rules If the two groups with higher priority are on the same side of the double bond the bond is assigned Z configuration otherwise i e the two groups with higher priority are on the opposite side of the double bond the bond is assigned E configuration Cis and trans configurations do not have a fixed relationship with E and Z configurations Physical properties editMany of the physical properties of alkenes and alkanes are similar they are colorless nonpolar and combustible The physical state depends on molecular mass like the corresponding saturated hydrocarbons the simplest alkenes ethylene propylene and butene are gases at room temperature Linear alkenes of approximately five to sixteen carbon atoms are liquids and higher alkenes are waxy solids The melting point of the solids also increases with increase in molecular mass Alkenes generally have stronger smells than their corresponding alkanes Ethylene has a sweet and musty odor Strained alkenes in particular like norbornene and trans cyclooctene are known to have strong unpleasant odors a fact consistent with the stronger p complexes they form with metal ions including copper 11 Boiling and melting points edit Below is a list of the boiling and melting points of various alkenes with the corresponding alkane and alkyne analogues 12 13 Melting and boiling points in C Number ofcarbons Alkane Alkene Alkyne 2 Name ethane ethylene acetylene Melting point 183 169 80 7 Boiling point 89 104 84 7 3 Name propane propylene propyne Melting point 190 185 102 7 Boiling point 42 47 23 2 4 Name butane 1 butene 1 butyne Melting point 138 185 3 125 7 Boiling point 0 5 6 2 8 0 5 Name pentane 1 pentene 1 pentyne Melting point 130 165 2 90 0 Boiling point 36 29 9 40 1 Infrared spectroscopy edit The stretching of C C bond will give an IR absorption peak at 1670 1600 cm 1 while the bending of C C bond absorbs between 1000 and 650 cm 1 wavelength NMR spectroscopy edit In 1H NMR spectroscopy the hydrogen bonded to the carbon adjacent to double bonds will give a dH of 4 5 6 5 ppm The double bond will also deshield the hydrogen attached to the carbons adjacent to sp2 carbons and this generates dH 1 6 2 ppm peaks 14 Cis trans isomers are distinguishable due to different J coupling effect Cis vicinal hydrogens will have coupling constants in the range of 6 14 Hz whereas the trans will have coupling constants of 11 18 Hz 15 In their 13C NMR spectra of alkenes double bonds also deshield the carbons making them have low field shift C C double bonds usually have chemical shift of about 100 170 ppm 15 Combustion edit Like most other hydrocarbons alkenes combust to give carbon dioxide and water The combustion of alkenes release less energy than burning same molarity of saturated ones with same number of carbons This trend can be clearly seen in the list of standard enthalpy of combustion of hydrocarbons 16 Combustion energies of various hydrocarbons Number ofcarbons Substance Type Formula Hco kJ mol 2 ethane saturated C2H6 1559 7 ethylene unsaturated C2H4 1410 8 acetylene unsaturated C2H2 1300 8 3 propane saturated CH3CH2CH3 2219 2 propene unsaturated CH3CH CH2 2058 1 propyne unsaturated CH3C CH 1938 7 4 butane saturated CH3CH2CH2CH3 2876 5 1 butene unsaturated CH2 CH CH2CH3 2716 8 1 butyne unsaturated CH C CH2CH3 2596 6Reactions editAlkenes are relatively stable compounds but are more reactive than alkanes Most reactions of alkenes involve additions to this pi bond forming new single bonds Alkenes serve as a feedstock for the petrochemical industry because they can participate in a wide variety of reactions prominently polymerization and alkylation Except for ethylene alkenes have two sites of reactivity the carbon carbon pi bond and the presence of allylic CH centers The former dominates but the allylic sites are important too Addition to the unsaturated bonds edit nbsp typical electrophilic addition reaction of ethylene Hydrogenation involves the addition of H2 resulting in an alkane The equation of hydrogenation of ethylene to form ethane is H2C CH2 H2 H3C CH3 Hydrogenation reactions usually require catalysts to increase their reaction rate The total number of hydrogens that can be added to an unsaturated hydrocarbon depends on its degree of unsaturation Similar to hydrogen halogens added to double bonds H2C CH2 Br2 H2CBr CH2Br Halonium ions are intermediates These reactions do not require catalysts nbsp Structure of a bromonium ion Bromine test is used to test the saturation of hydrocarbons 17 The bromine test can also be used as an indication of the degree of unsaturation for unsaturated hydrocarbons Bromine number is defined as gram of bromine able to react with 100g of product 18 Similar as hydrogenation the halogenation of bromine is also depend on the number of p bond A higher bromine number indicates higher degree of unsaturation The p bonds of alkenes hydrocarbons are also susceptible to hydration The reaction usually involves strong acid as catalyst 19 The first step in hydration often involves formation of a carbocation The net result of the reaction will be an alcohol The reaction equation for hydration of ethylene is H2C CH2 H2O H3C CH2OH nbsp Example of hydrohalogenation addition of HBr to an alkene Hydrohalogenation involves addition of H X to unsaturated hydrocarbons This reaction results in new C H and C X s bonds The formation of the intermediate carbocation is selective and follows Markovnikov s rule The hydrohalogenation of alkene will result in haloalkane The reaction equation of HBr addition to ethylene is H2C CH2 HBr H3C CH2Br Cycloaddition edit Main article cycloaddition nbsp a Diels Alder reaction nbsp Alkenes add to dienes to give cyclohexenes This conversion is an example of a Diels Alder reaction Such reaction proceed with retention of stereochemistry The rates are sensitive to electron withdrawing or electron donating substituents When irradiated by UV light alkenes dimerize to give cyclobutanes 20 Another example is the Schenck ene reaction in which singlet oxygen reacts with an allylic structure to give a transposed allyl peroxide nbsp Oxidation edit Alkenes react with percarboxylic acids and even hydrogen peroxide to yield epoxides RCH CH2 RCO3H RCHOCH2 RCO2H For ethylene the epoxidation is conducted on a very large scale industrially using oxygen in the presence of silver based catalysts C2H4 1 2 O2 C2H4O Alkenes react with ozone leading to the scission of the double bond The process is called ozonolysis Often the reaction procedure includes a mild reductant such as dimethylsulfide SMe2 RCH CHR O3 SMe2 RCHO R CHO O SMe2 R2C CHR O3 R2CHO R CHO O SMe2 When treated with a hot concentrated acidified solution of KMnO4 alkenes are cleaved to form ketones and or carboxylic acids The stoichiometry of the reaction is sensitive to conditions This reaction and the ozonolysis can be used to determine the position of a double bond in an unknown alkene The oxidation can be stopped at the vicinal diol rather than full cleavage of the alkene by using osmium tetroxide or other oxidants R CH CR 2 1 2 O 2 H 2 O R CH OH C OH R 2 displaystyle ce R CH CR2 1 2 O2 H2O gt R CH OH C OH R2 nbsp This reaction is called dihydroxylation In the presence of an appropriate photosensitiser such as methylene blue and light alkenes can undergo reaction with reactive oxygen species generated by the photosensitiser such as hydroxyl radicals singlet oxygen or superoxide ion Reactions of the excited sensitizer can involve electron or hydrogen transfer usually with a reducing substrate Type I reaction or interaction with oxygen Type II reaction 21 These various alternative processes and reactions can be controlled by choice of specific reaction conditions leading to a wide range of products A common example is the 4 2 cycloaddition of singlet oxygen with a diene such as cyclopentadiene to yield an endoperoxide Polymerization edit Main article polyolefin Terminal alkenes are precursors to polymers via processes termed polymerization Some polymerizations are of great economic significance as they generate the plastics polyethylene and polypropylene Polymers from alkene are usually referred to as polyolefins although they contain no olefins Polymerization can proceed via diverse mechanisms Conjugated dienes such as buta 1 3 diene and isoprene 2 methylbuta 1 3 diene also produce polymers one example being natural rubber Allylic substitution edit The presence of a C C p bond in unsaturated hydrocarbons weakens the dissociation energy of the allylic C H bonds Thus these groupings are susceptible to free radical substitution at these C H sites as well as addition reactions at the C C site In the presence of radical initiators allylic C H bonds can be halogenated 22 The presence of two C C bonds flanking one methylene i e doubly allylic results in particularly weak HC H bonds The high reactivity of these situations is the basis for certain free radical reactions manifested in the chemistry of drying oils Metathesis edit Alkenes undergo olefin metathesis which cleaves and interchanges the substituents of the alkene A related reaction is ethenolysis 23 CH 3 3 C CH C CH 3 2 diisobutene CH 2 CH 2 CH 3 3 C CH CH 2 neohexane CH 3 2 C CH 2 displaystyle overset text diisobutene ce CH3 3C CH C CH3 2 color red ce CH2 CH2 longrightarrow overset text neohexane ce CH3 3C CH color red ce CH2 ce CH3 2C color red ce CH2 nbsp Metal complexation edit nbsp The Dewar Chatt Duncanson model for alkene metal bonding nbsp Structure of bis cyclooctadiene nickel 0 a metal alkene complex In transition metal alkene complexes alkenes serve as ligands for metals 24 In this case the p electron density is donated clarification needed to the metal d orbitals The stronger the donation is the stronger the back bonding from the metal d orbital to p anti bonding orbital of the alkene This effect lowers the bond order of the alkene and increases the C C bond length One example is the complex PtCl3 C2H4 These complexes are related to the mechanisms of metal catalyzed reactions of unsaturated hydrocarbons 23 Reaction overview edit Reaction name Product Comment Hydrogenation alkanes addition of hydrogen Hydroalkenylation alkenes hydrometalation insertion beta elimination by metal catalyst Halogen addition reaction 1 2 dihalide electrophilic addition of halogens Hydrohalogenation Markovnikov haloalkanes addition of hydrohalic acids Anti Markovnikov hydrohalogenation haloalkanes free radicals mediated addition of hydrohalic acids Hydroamination amines addition of N H bond across C C double bond Hydroformylation aldehydes industrial process addition of CO and H2 Hydrocarboxylation and Koch reaction carboxylic acid industrial process addition of CO and H2O Carboalkoxylation ester industrial process addition of CO and alcohol alkylation ester industrial process alkene alkylating carboxylic acid with silicotungstic acid the catalyst Sharpless bishydroxylation diols oxidation reagent osmium tetroxide chiral ligand Woodward cis hydroxylation diols oxidation reagents iodine silver acetate Ozonolysis aldehydes or ketones reagent ozone Olefin metathesis alkenes two alkenes rearrange to form two new alkenes Diels Alder reaction cyclohexenes cycloaddition with a diene Pauson Khand reaction cyclopentenones cycloaddition with an alkyne and CO Hydroboration oxidation alcohols reagents borane then a peroxide Oxymercuration reduction alcohols electrophilic addition of mercuric acetate then reduction Prins reaction 1 3 diols electrophilic addition with aldehyde or ketone Paterno Buchi reaction oxetanes photochemical reaction with aldehyde or ketone Epoxidation epoxide electrophilic addition of a peroxide Cyclopropanation cyclopropanes addition of carbenes or carbenoids Hydroacylation ketones oxidative addition reductive elimination by metal catalyst Hydrophosphination phosphinesSynthesis editIndustrial methods edit Alkenes are produced by hydrocarbon cracking Raw materials are mostly natural gas condensate components principally ethane and propane in the US and Mideast and naphtha in Europe and Asia Alkanes are broken apart at high temperatures often in the presence of a zeolite catalyst to produce a mixture of primarily aliphatic alkenes and lower molecular weight alkanes The mixture is feedstock and temperature dependent and separated by fractional distillation This is mainly used for the manufacture of small alkenes up to six carbons 25 nbsp Cracking of n octane to give pentane and propene Related to this is catalytic dehydrogenation where an alkane loses hydrogen at high temperatures to produce a corresponding alkene 1 This is the reverse of the catalytic hydrogenation of alkenes nbsp Dehydrogenation of butane to give butadiene and isomers of butene This process is also known as reforming Both processes are endothermic and are driven towards the alkene at high temperatures by entropy Catalytic synthesis of higher a alkenes of the type RCH CH2 can also be achieved by a reaction of ethylene with the organometallic compound triethylaluminium in the presence of nickel cobalt or platinum Elimination reactions edit One of the principal methods for alkene synthesis in the laboratory is the elimination reaction of alkyl halides alcohols and similar compounds Most common is the b elimination via the E2 or E1 mechanism 26 A commercially significant example is the production of vinyl chloride The E2 mechanism provides a more reliable b elimination method than E1 for most alkene syntheses Most E2 eliminations start with an alkyl halide or alkyl sulfonate ester such as a tosylate or triflate When an alkyl halide is used the reaction is called a dehydrohalogenation For unsymmetrical products the more substituted alkenes those with fewer hydrogens attached to the C C tend to predominate see Zaitsev s rule Two common methods of elimination reactions are dehydrohalogenation of alkyl halides and dehydration of alcohols A typical example is shown below note that if possible the H is anti to the leaving group even though this leads to the less stable Z isomer 27 nbsp An example of an E2 Elimination Alkenes can be synthesized from alcohols via dehydration in which case water is lost via the E1 mechanism For example the dehydration of ethanol produces ethylene CH3CH2OH H2C CH2 H2O An alcohol may also be converted to a better leaving group e g xanthate so as to allow a milder syn elimination such as the Chugaev elimination and the Grieco elimination Related reactions include eliminations by b haloethers the Boord olefin synthesis and esters ester pyrolysis Diphosphorus tetraiodide will deoxygenate glycols to alkenes Alkenes can be prepared indirectly from alkyl amines The amine or ammonia is not a suitable leaving group so the amine is first either alkylated as in the Hofmann elimination or oxidized to an amine oxide the Cope reaction to render a smooth elimination possible The Cope reaction is a syn elimination that occurs at or below 150 C for example 28 nbsp Synthesis of cyclooctene via Cope elimination The Hofmann elimination is unusual in that the less substituted non Zaitsev alkene is usually the major product Alkenes are generated from a halosulfones in the Ramberg Backlund reaction via a three membered ring sulfone intermediate Synthesis from carbonyl compounds edit Another important class of methods for alkene synthesis involves construction of a new carbon carbon double bond by coupling or condensation of a carbonyl compound such as an aldehyde or ketone to a carbanion or its equivalent Pre eminent is the aldol condensation Knoevenagel condensations are a related class of reactions that convert carbonyls into alkenes Well known methods are called olefinations The Wittig reaction is illustrative but other related methods are known including the Horner Wadsworth Emmons reaction The Wittig reaction involves reaction of an aldehyde or ketone with a Wittig reagent or phosphorane of the type Ph3P CHR to produce an alkene and Ph3P O The Wittig reagent is itself prepared easily from triphenylphosphine and an alkyl halide 29 nbsp A typical example of the Wittig reaction Related to the Wittig reaction is the Peterson olefination which uses silicon based reagents in place of the phosphorane This reaction allows for the selection of E or Z products If an E product is desired another alternative is the Julia olefination which uses the carbanion generated from a phenyl sulfone The Takai olefination based on an organochromium intermediate also delivers E products A titanium compound Tebbe s reagent is useful for the synthesis of methylene compounds in this case even esters and amides react A pair of ketones or aldehydes can be deoxygenated to generate an alkene Symmetrical alkenes can be prepared from a single aldehyde or ketone coupling with itself using titanium metal reduction the McMurry reaction If different ketones are to be coupled a more complicated method is required such as the Barton Kellogg reaction A single ketone can also be converted to the corresponding alkene via its tosylhydrazone using sodium methoxide the Bamford Stevens reaction or an alkyllithium the Shapiro reaction Synthesis from alkenes edit The formation of longer alkenes via the step wise polymerisation of smaller ones is appealing as ethylene the smallest alkene is both inexpensive and readily available with hundreds of millions of tonnes produced annually The Ziegler Natta process allows for the formation of very long chains for instance those used for polyethylene Where shorter chains are wanted as they for the production of surfactants then processes incorporating a olefin metathesis step such as the Shell higher olefin process are important Olefin metathesis is also used commercially for the interconversion of ethylene and 2 butene to propylene Rhenium and molybdenum containing heterogeneous catalysis are used in this process 30 CH2 CH2 CH3CH CHCH3 2 CH2 CHCH3 Transition metal catalyzed hydrovinylation is another important alkene synthesis process starting from alkene itself 31 It involves the addition of a hydrogen and a vinyl group or an alkenyl group across a double bond From alkynes edit Reduction of alkynes is a useful method for the stereoselective synthesis of disubstituted alkenes If the cis alkene is desired hydrogenation in the presence of Lindlar s catalyst a heterogeneous catalyst that consists of palladium deposited on calcium carbonate and treated with various forms of lead is commonly used though hydroboration followed by hydrolysis provides an alternative approach Reduction of the alkyne by sodium metal in liquid ammonia gives the trans alkene 32 nbsp Synthesis of cis and trans alkenes from alkynes For the preparation multisubstituted alkenes carbometalation of alkynes can give rise to a large variety of alkene derivatives Rearrangements and related reactions edit Alkenes can be synthesized from other alkenes via rearrangement reactions Besides olefin metathesis described above many pericyclic reactions can be used such as the ene reaction and the Cope rearrangement nbsp Cope rearrangement of divinylcyclobutane to cyclooctadiene In the Diels Alder reaction a cyclohexene derivative is prepared from a diene and a reactive or electron deficient alkene Application editUnsaturated hydrocarbons are widely used to produce plastics medicines and other useful materials Name Structure Use Ethylene nbsp Monomers for synthesizing polyethylene 1 3 butadiene nbsp For manufacturing synthetic rubber vinyl chloride nbsp Precursor to PVC styrene nbsp precursor to polystyreneNatural occurrence editAlkenes are pervasive in nature Plants are the main natural source of alkenes in the form of terpenes citation needed Many of the most vivid natural pigments are terpenes e g lycopene red in tomatoes carotene orange in carrots and xanthophylls yellow in egg yolk The simplest of all alkenes ethylene is a signaling molecule that influences the ripening of plants Selected unsaturated compounds in nature nbsp Limonene a monoterpene nbsp Humulene a sesquiterpene nbsp Taxadiene a diterpene precursor to the diterpenoid taxol an anticancer agent nbsp Squalene a triterpene and universal precursor to natural steroids IUPAC Nomenclature editAlthough the nomenclature is not followed widely according to IUPAC an alkene is an acyclic hydrocarbon with just one double bond between carbon atoms 2 Olefins comprise a larger collection of cyclic and acyclic alkenes as well as dienes and polyenes 3 To form the root of the IUPAC names for straight chain alkenes change the an infix of the parent to en For example CH3 CH3 is the alkane ethANe The name of CH2 CH2 is therefore ethENe For straight chain alkenes with 4 or more carbon atoms that name does not completely identify the compound For those cases and for branched acyclic alkenes the following rules apply Find the longest carbon chain in the molecule If that chain does not contain the double bond name the compound according to the alkane naming rules Otherwise Number the carbons in that chain starting from the end that is closest to the double bond Define the location k of the double bond as being the number of its first carbon Name the side groups other than hydrogen according to the appropriate rules Define the position of each side group as the number of the chain carbon it is attached to Write the position and name of each side group Write the names of the alkane with the same chain replacing the ane suffix by k ene The position of the double bond is often inserted before the name of the chain e g 2 pentene rather than before the suffix pent 2 ene The positions need not be indicated if they are unique Note that the double bond may imply a different chain numbering than that used for the corresponding alkane H3 C 3 C CH2 CH3 is 2 2 dimethyl pentane whereas H3 C 3 C CH CH2 is 3 3 dimethyl 1 pentene More complex rules apply for polyenes and cycloalkenes 4 nbsp Naming substituted hex 1 enes Cis trans isomerism edit If the double bond of an acyclic mono ene is not the first bond of the chain the name as constructed above still does not completely identify the compound because of cis trans isomerism Then one must specify whether the two single C C bonds adjacent to the double bond are on the same side of its plane or on opposite sides For monoalkenes the configuration is often indicated by the prefixes cis from Latin on this side of or trans across on the other side of before the name respectively as in cis 2 pentene or trans 2 butene nbsp The difference between cis and trans isomers More generally cis trans isomerism will exist if each of the two carbons of in the double bond has two different atoms or groups attached to it Accounting for these cases the IUPAC recommends the more general E Z notation instead of the cis and trans prefixes This notation considers the group with highest CIP priority in each of the two carbons If these two groups are on opposite sides of the double bond s plane the configuration is labeled E from the German entgegen meaning opposite if they are on the same side it is labeled Z from German zusammen together This labeling may be taught with mnemonic Z means on ze zame zide 33 nbsp The difference between E and Z isomers Groups containing C C double bonds edit IUPAC recognizes two names for hydrocarbon groups containing carbon carbon double bonds the vinyl group and the allyl group 4 nbsp See also edit nbsp Look up alkene in Wiktionary the free dictionary nbsp Wikiquote has quotations related to Alkene Alpha olefin Annulene Aromatic hydrocarbon Arene Dendralene Nitroalkene RadialeneNomenclature links editRule A 3 Unsaturated Compounds and Univalent Radicals IUPAC Blue Book Rule A 4 Bivalent and Multivalent Radicals IUPAC Blue Book Rules A 11 3 A 11 4 A 11 5 Unsaturated monocyclic hydrocarbons and substituents IUPAC Blue Book Rule A 23 Hydrogenated Compounds of Fused Polycyclic Hydrocarbons IUPAC Blue Book References edit a b c Wade L G 2006 Organic Chemistry 6th ed Pearson Prentice Hall pp 279 ISBN 978 1 4058 5345 3 a b IUPAC Compendium of Chemical Terminology 2nd ed the Gold Book 1997 Online corrected version 2006 alkenes doi 10 1351 goldbook A00224 a b c IUPAC Compendium of Chemical Terminology 2nd ed the Gold Book 1997 Online corrected version 2006 olefins doi 10 1351 goldbook O04281 a b c Moss G P Smith P A S Tavernier D 1995 Glossary of Class Names of Organic Compounds and Reactive Intermediates Based on Structure IUPAC Recommendations 1995 Pure and Applied Chemistry 67 8 9 1307 75 doi 10 1351 pac199567081307 S2CID 95004254 Production Growth is the Norm Chemical and Engineering News 84 28 59 236 10 July 2006 doi 10 1021 cen v084n034 p059 Sloane N J A ed Sequence A000631 Number of ethylene derivatives with n carbon atoms The On Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences OEIS Foundation Smith Michael B March Jerry 2007 Advanced Organic Chemistry Reactions Mechanisms and Structure 6th ed New York Wiley Interscience p 23 ISBN 978 0 471 72091 1 a b Bansal Raj K 1998 Bredt s Rule Organic Reaction Mechanisms 3rd ed McGraw Hill Education pp 14 16 ISBN 978 0 07 462083 0 Fawcett Frank S 1950 Bredt s Rule of Double Bonds in Atomic Bridged Ring Structures Chem Rev 47 2 219 274 doi 10 1021 cr60147a003 PMID 24538877 Bredt s Rule Comprehensive Organic Name Reactions and Reagents Vol 116 2010 pp 525 8 doi 10 1002 9780470638859 conrr116 ISBN 978 0 470 63885 9 Duan Xufang Block Eric Li Zhen Connelly Timothy Zhang Jian Huang Zhimin Su Xubo Pan Yi Wu Lifang 28 February 2012 Crucial role of copper in detection of metal coordinating odorants Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 109 9 3492 7 Bibcode 2012PNAS 109 3492D doi 10 1073 pnas 1111297109 PMC 3295281 PMID 22328155 Nguyen Trung Clark Jim 23 April 2019 Physical Properties of Alkenes Chemistry LibreTexts Retrieved 27 May 2019 Ophardt Charles 2003 Boiling Points and Structures of Hydrocarbons Virtual Chembook Retrieved 27 May 2019 Hanson John Overview of Chemical Shifts in H NMR ups edu Retrieved 5 May 2019 a b Nuclear Magnetic Resonance NMR of Alkenes Chemistry LibreTexts 23 April 2019 Retrieved 5 May 2019 Organic Compounds Physical and Thermochemical Data ucdsb on ca Retrieved 5 May 2019 Shriner R L Hermann C K F Morrill T C Curtin D Y Fuson R C 1997 The Systematic Identification of Organic Compounds Wiley ISBN 0 471 59748 1 Bromine Number Hach company Retrieved 5 May 2019 Clark Jim November 2007 The Mechanism for the Acid Catalysed Hydration of Ethene Chemguide Retrieved 6 May 2019 Smith Michael B March Jerry 2007 Advanced Organic Chemistry Reactions Mechanisms and Structure 6th ed New York Wiley Interscience ISBN 978 0 471 72091 1 Baptista Mauricio S Cadet Jean Mascio Paolo Di Ghogare Ashwini A Greer Alexander Hamblin Michael R Lorente Carolina Nunez Silvia Cristina Ribeiro Martha Simoes Thomas Andres H Vignoni Mariana Yoshimura Tania Mateus 2017 Type I and Type II Photosensitized Oxidation Reactions Guidelines and Mechanistic Pathways Photochemistry and Photobiology 93 4 912 9 doi 10 1111 php 12716 PMC 5500392 PMID 28084040 Oda Masaji Kawase Takeshi Kurata Hiroyuki 1996 1 3 5 Cyclooctatriene Organic Syntheses 73 240 doi 10 15227 orgsyn 073 0240 a b Hartwig John 2010 Organotransition Metal Chemistry From Bonding to Catalysis New York University Science Books p 1160 ISBN 978 1 938787 15 7 Toreki Rob 31 March 2015 Alkene Complexes Organometallic HyperTextbook Retrieved 29 May 2019 Wade L G 2006 Organic Chemistry 6th ed Pearson Prentice Hall pp 309 ISBN 978 1 4058 5345 3 Saunders W H 1964 Elimination Reactions in Solution In Patai Saul ed The Chemistry of Alkenes PATAI S Chemistry of Functional Groups Wiley Interscience pp 149 201 doi 10 1002 9780470771044 ISBN 978 0 470 77104 4 Cram D J Greene Frederick D Depuy C H 1956 Studies in Stereochemistry XXV Eclipsing Effects in the E2 Reaction1 Journal of the American Chemical Society 78 4 790 6 doi 10 1021 ja01585a024 Bach R D Andrzejewski Denis Dusold Laurence R 1973 Mechanism of the Cope elimination J Org Chem 38 9 1742 3 doi 10 1021 jo00949a029 Crowell Thomas I 1964 Alkene Forming Condensation Reactions In Patai Saul ed The Chemistry of Alkenes PATAI S Chemistry of Functional Groups Wiley Interscience pp 241 270 doi 10 1002 9780470771044 ch4 ISBN 978 0 470 77104 4 Delaude Lionel Noels Alfred F 2005 Metathesis Kirk Othmer Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology Weinheim Wiley VCH pp metanoel a01 doi 10 1002 0471238961 metanoel a01 ISBN 978 0 471 23896 6 Vogt D 2010 Cobalt Catalyzed Asymmetric Hydrovinylation Angew Chem Int Ed 49 40 7166 8 doi 10 1002 anie 201003133 PMID 20672269 Zweifel George S Nantz Michael H 2007 Modern Organic Synthesis An Introduction W H Freeman pp 366 ISBN 978 0 7167 7266 8 McMurry John E 2014 Organic Chemistry with Biological Applications 3rd ed p 189 ISBN 978 1 285 84291 2 Retrieved from https en wikipedia org w index php title Alkene amp oldid 1219681030, wikipedia, wiki, book, books, library,


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