
Natufian culture

The Natufian culture (/nəˈtfiən/[1]) is a Late Epipaleolithic archaeological culture of the Neolithic prehistoric[2] Levant in Western Asia, dating to around 15,000 to 11,500 years ago.[3] The culture was unusual in that it supported a sedentary or semi-sedentary population even before the introduction of agriculture. The Natufian communities may be the ancestors of the builders of the first Neolithic settlements of the region, which may have been the earliest in the world. Some evidence suggests deliberate cultivation of cereals, specifically rye, by the Natufian culture at Tell Abu Hureyra, the site of earliest evidence of agriculture in the world.[2] The world's oldest known evidence of the production of bread-like foodstuff has been found at Shubayqa 1, a 14,400-year-old site in Jordan's northeastern desert, 4,000 years before the emergence of agriculture in Southwest Asia[4] In addition, the oldest known evidence of possible beer-brewing, dating to approximately 13,000 BP, was found in Raqefet Cave on Mount Carmel, although the beer-related residues may simply be a result of a spontaneous fermentation.[5][6]

Natufian culture
A map of the Levant with Natufian regions across present-day Israel, Palestine, Jordan, and a long arm extending into Lebanon and Syria
Geographical rangeLevant, Western Asia
Dates15,000–11,500 BP
Type siteShuqba cave (Wadi an-Natuf)
Major sitesShuqba cave, Ain Mallaha, Ein Gev, Tell Abu Hureyra
Preceded byKebaran, Mushabian
Followed byNeolithic: Khiamian, Shepherd Neolithic

Generally, though, Natufians exploited wild cereals and hunted animals, including gazelles.[7] Archaeogenetic analysis has revealed derivation of later (Neolithic to Bronze Age) Levantines primarily from Natufians, besides substantial admixture from Chalcholithic Anatolians.[8]

Dorothy Garrod coined the term Natufian based on her excavations at the Shuqba cave (Wadi an-Natuf) near the town of Shuqba.

Discovery Edit

Dorothy Garrod (centre) discovered the Natufian culture in 1928

The Natufian culture was discovered by British archaeologist Dorothy Garrod during her excavations of Shuqba cave in the Judaean Hills, on the West Bank of the Jordan River.[9][10] Prior to the 1930s, the majority of archaeological work taking place in British Palestine was biblical archaeology focused on historic periods, and little was known about the region's prehistory.

In 1928, Garrod was invited by the British School of Archaeology in Jerusalem (BSAJ) to excavate Shuqba cave, where prehistoric stone tools had been discovered by Père Mallon four years earlier. She discovered a layer sandwiched between the Upper Palaeolithic and Bronze Age deposits characterised by the presence of microliths. She identified this with the Mesolithic, a transitional period between the Palaeolithic and the Neolithic which was well-represented in Europe but had not yet been found in the Near East. A year later, when she discovered similar material at el-Wad Terrace, Garrod suggested the name "the Natufian culture", after Wadi an-Natuf that ran close to Shuqba.

Over the next two decades Garrod found Natufian material at several of her pioneering excavations in the Mount Carmel region, including el-Wad, Kebara and Tabun, as did the French archaeologist René Neuville, firmly establishing the Natufian culture in the regional prehistoric chronology. As early as 1931, both Garrod and Neuville drew attention to the presence of stone sickles in Natufian assemblages and the possibility that this represented a very early agriculture.[10]

Dating Edit

The Natufian appeared at the time of the Bølling-Allerød warming, before temperatures dropped drastically again during the Younger Dryas. Temperatures would rise again at the end of the Younger Dryas, and with the onset of the Holocene and the Neolithic Revolution. Climate and Post-Glacial expansion in the Near East, based on the analysis of Greenland ice cores.[11]

Radiocarbon dating places the Natufian culture at an epoch from the terminal Pleistocene to the very beginning of the Holocene, a time period between 12,500 and 9,500 BC.[12]

The period is commonly split into two subperiods: Early Natufian (12,000–10,800 BC) and Late Natufian (10,800–9,500 BC). The Late Natufian most likely occurred in tandem with the Younger Dryas (10,800 to 9,500 BC). The Levant hosts more than a hundred kinds of cereals, fruits, nuts, and other edible parts of plants, and the flora of the Levant during the Natufian period was not the dry, barren, and thorny landscape of today, but rather woodland.[9]

Precursors and associated cultures Edit

The Natufian developed in the same region as the earlier Kebaran culture. It is generally seen as a successor, which evolved out of elements within that preceding culture. There were also other industries in the region, such as the Mushabian culture of the Negev and the Sinai Peninsula, which are sometimes distinguished from the Kebaran or believed to have been involved in the evolution of the Natufian.

More generally there has been discussion of the similarities of these cultures with those found in coastal North Africa. Graeme Barker notes there are: "similarities in the respective archaeological records of the Natufian culture of the Levant and of contemporary foragers in coastal North Africa across the late Pleistocene and early Holocene boundary".[13] According to Isabelle De Groote and Louise Humphrey, Natufians practiced the Iberomaurusian and Capsian custom of sometimes extracting their maxillary central incisors (upper front teeth).[14]

Mortars from Natufian Culture, grinding stones from Neolithic pre-pottery phase (Dagon Museum)

Ofer Bar-Yosef has argued that there are signs of influences coming from North Africa to the Levant, citing the microburin technique and "microlithic forms such as arched backed bladelets and La Mouillah points."[15] But recent research has shown that the presence of arched backed bladelets, La Mouillah points, and the use of the microburin technique was already apparent in the Nebekian industry of the Eastern Levant.[16] And Maher et al. state that, "Many technological nuances that have often been always highlighted as significant during the Natufian were already present during the Early and Middle EP [Epipalaeolithic] and do not, in most cases, represent a radical departure in knowledge, tradition, or behavior."[17]

Authors such as Christopher Ehret have built upon the little evidence available to develop scenarios of intensive usage of plants having built up first in North Africa, as a precursor to the development of true farming in the Fertile Crescent, but such suggestions are considered highly speculative until more North African archaeological evidence can be gathered.[18][19] In fact, Weiss et al. have shown that the earliest known intensive usage of plants was in the Levant 23,000 years ago at the Ohalo II site.[20][21][22]

Anthropologist C. Loring Brace (1993) cross-analysed the craniometric traits of Natufian specimens with those of various ancient and modern groups from the Near East, Africa and Europe. The Late Pleistocene Epipalaeolithic Natufian sample was described as problematic due to its small size (consisting of only three males and one female), as well as the lack of a comparative sample from the Natufians' putative descendants in the Neolithic Near East. Brace observed that the Natufian fossils lay between those of the Niger–Congo-speaking populations and the other samples (Near East, Europe), which he suggested may point to a Sub-Saharan influence in their constitution.[23] Subsequent ancient DNA analysis of Natufian skeletal remains by Lazaridis et al. (2016) found that the specimens instead were a mix of 50% Basal Eurasian ancestral component (see Archaeogenetics) and 50% West-Eurasian Unknown Hunter Gatherer (UHG) population related to European Western Hunter-Gatherers.[24]

According to Bar-Yosef and Belfer-Cohen, "It seems that certain preadaptive traits, developed already by the Kebaran and Geometric Kebaran populations within the Mediterranean park forest, played an important role in the emergence of the new socioeconomic system known as the Natufian culture."[25]

Settlements Edit

Epipalaeolithic Near East temporary tents (Şanlıurfa Museum)

Settlements occur mostly in Israel and Palestine. This could be deemed the core zone of the Natufian culture, but Israel is a place that has been excavated more frequently than other places hence the greater number of sites.[26] During the years more sites have been found outside the core zone of Israel and Palestine stretching into what now is Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, the Sinai Peninsula and the Negev desert.[26] The settlements in the Natufian culture were larger and more permanent than in preceding ones. Some Natufian sites had stone built architecture; Ain Mallaha is an example of round stone structures.[27] Cave sites are also seen frequently during the Natufian culture. El Wad is a Natufian cave site with occupation in the front part of the cave also called the terrace.[28] Some Natufian sites were located in forest/steppe areas and others near inland mountains. The Natufian settlements appear to be the first to exhibit evidence of food storage; not all Natufian sites have storage facilities, but they have been identified at certain sites.[29]

Remains of a wall of a Natufian house

Material culture Edit

The Ain Sakhri lovers, from Ain Sakhri, near Bethleem (British Museum: 1958,1007.1 )

Lithics Edit

The Natufian had a microlithic industry centered on short blades and bladelets. The microburin technique was used. Geometric microliths include lunates, trapezes, and triangles. There are backed blades as well. A special type of retouch (Helwan retouch) is characteristic for the early Natufian. In the late Natufian, the Harif-point, a typical arrowhead made from a regular blade, became common in the Negev. Some scholars[who?] use it to define a separate culture, the Harifian.

Sickle blades also appear for the first time in the Natufian lithic industry. The characteristic sickle-gloss shows that they were used to cut the silica-rich stems of cereals, indirectly suggesting the existence of incipient agriculture. Shaft straighteners made of ground stone indicate the practice of archery. There are heavy ground-stone bowl mortars as well.

Art Edit

The Ain Sakhri lovers, a carved stone object held at the British Museum, is the oldest known depiction of a couple having sex. It was found in the Ain Sakhri cave in the Judean desert.[30]

Burials Edit

Natufian burial – Homo 25 from el-Wad Cave, Mount Carmel, Israel (Rockefeller Museum)

Natufian grave goods are typically made of shell, teeth (of red deer), bones, and stone. There are pendants, bracelets, necklaces, earrings, and belt-ornaments as well.

Schematic human figure made of pebbles, from Eynan, Early Natufian, 12,000 BC

In 2008, the 12,400–12,000 cal BC grave of an apparently significant Natufian female was discovered in a ceremonial pit in the Hilazon Tachtit cave in northern Israel.[31] Media reports referred to this person as a "shaman".[32] The burial contained the remains of at least three aurochs and 86 tortoises, all of which are thought to have been brought to the site during a funeral feast. The body was surrounded by tortoise shells, the pelvis of a leopard, forearm of a boar, a wingtip of a golden eagle, and skull of a beech marten.[33][34]

Long-distance exchange Edit

At Ain Mallaha (in Northern Israel), Anatolian obsidian and shellfish from the Nile valley have been found. The source of malachite beads is still unknown. Epipaleolithic Natufians carried parthenocarpic figs from Africa to the southeastern corner of the Fertile Crescent, c. 10,000 BC.[35]

Other finds Edit

There was a rich bone industry, including harpoons and fish hooks. Stone and bone were worked into pendants and other ornaments. There are a few human figurines made of limestone (El-Wad, Ain Mallaha, Ain Sakhri), but the favorite subject of representative art seems to have been animals. Ostrich-shell containers have been found in the Negev.

In 2018, the world's oldest brewery was found, with the residue of 13,000-year-old beer, in a prehistoric cave near Haifa in Israel when researchers were looking for clues into what plant foods the Natufian people were eating. This is 8,000 years earlier than experts previously thought beer was invented.[36]

A study published in 2019 shows an advanced knowledge of lime plaster production at a Natufian cemetery in Nahal Ein Gev II site in the Upper Jordan Valley dated to 12 thousand (calibrated) years before present [k cal BP]. Production of plaster of this quality was previously thought to have been achieved some 2,000 years later.[37]

Subsistence Edit

Mortar and pestle from Nahal Oren, Natufian, 12,500–9500 BC

The Natufian people lived by hunting and gathering. The preservation of plant remains is poor because of the soil conditions, but at some sites such as Tell Abu Hureyra substantial amounts of plant remains discovered through flotation have been excavated.[38] However wild cereals like legumes, almonds, acorns and pistachios have been collected throughout most of the Levant. Animal bones show that mountain and goitered gazelles (Gazella gazella and Gazella subgutturosa) were the main prey.

Additionally, deer, aurochs and wild boar were hunted in the steppe, as well as onagers and caprids (ibex). Waterfowl and freshwater fish formed part of the diet in the Jordan river valley. Animal bones from Salibiya I (12,300 – 10,800 cal BP) have been interpreted as evidence for communal hunts with nets, however, the radiocarbon dates are far too old compared to the cultural remains of this settlement, indicating contamination of the samples.[39]

Development of agriculture Edit

A pita-like bread has been found from 12,500 BC attributed to Natufians. This bread is made of wild cereal seeds and papyrus cousin tubers, ground into flour.[40]

According to one theory,[32] it was a sudden change in climate, the Younger Dryas event (c. 10,800 to 9500 BC), which inspired the development of agriculture. The Younger Dryas was a 1,000-year-long interruption in the higher temperatures prevailing since the Last Glacial Maximum, which produced a sudden drought in the Levant. This would have endangered the wild cereals, which could no longer compete with dryland scrub, but upon which the population had become dependent to sustain a relatively large sedentary population. By artificially clearing scrub and planting seeds obtained from elsewhere, they began to practice agriculture. However, this theory of the origin of agriculture is controversial in the scientific community.[41]

Domesticated dog Edit

At the Natufian site of Ain Mallaha in Israel, dated to 12,000 BC, the remains of an elderly human and a four-to-five-month-old puppy were found buried together.[42] At another Natufian site at the cave of Hayonim, humans were found buried with two canids.[42]

Archaeogenetics Edit

Principal component analysis of ancient West-Eurasian populations, including the Natufians. Natufians cluster together with modern Middle Eastern populations.[43]
A PCA model of Proper West-Eurasians, Basal-Eurasians, and Africans, based on published genome data.

Ancient DNA analysis has confirmed the genetic relationship between Natufians and other ancient and modern Middle Easterners and the broader West-Eurasian meta-population (i.e. Europeans and South-Central Asians). The Natufian population displays also ancestral ties to Paleolithic Taforalt samples, the makers of the Epipaleolithic Iberomaurusian culture of the Maghreb,[44] the Pre-Pottery Neolithic culture of the Levant,[44] the Early Neolithic Ifri N'Amr Ou Moussa culture of the Maghreb,[45] the Late Neolithic Kelif el Boroud culture of the Maghreb,[45][46] with samples associated with these early cultures all sharing a common genomic component dubbed the "Natufian component", which diverged from other West-Eurasian lineages ~26,000 years ago, and is most closely linked to the Arabian lineage.[45][47][48]

Individuals associated with the Natufian culture have been found to cluster with other West-Eurasian populations, but also have substantial higher ancestry that can be traced back to the hypothetical "Basal Eurasian" lineage, which contributed in varying degrees to all West-Eurasian lineages, except the Ancient North Eurasians, and peaks among modern Gulf Arabs.[49][50] The Natufians were already differentiated from other West-Eurasian lineages, such as the Anatolian farmers north of the Levant, that contributed to the peopling of Europe in significant amounts, and who had some Western Hunter Gatherer-like (WHG) inferred ancestry, in contrast to Natufians who lacked this component (similar to Neolithic Iranian farmers from the Zagros mountains).[49] This might suggest that different strains of West-Eurasians contributed to Natufians and Zagros farmers,[51][52][53] as both Natufians and Zagros farmers descended from different populations of local hunter gatherers. Contact between Natufians, other Neolithic Levantines, Caucasus Hunter Gatherers (CHG), Anatolian and Iranian farmers is believed to have decreased genetic variability among later populations in the Middle East. Migrations from the Near-East also occurred towards Africa, and the West-Eurasian geneflow into the Horn of Africa is best represented by the Levant Neolithic, and may be associated with the spread of Afroasiatic languages. The scientists suggest that the Levantine early farmers may have spread southward into East Africa, bringing along the associated ancestral components.[24][54][55]

According to ancient DNA analyses conducted in 2016 by Iosif Lazaridis et al. and discussed in two articles "The Genetic Structure of the World's First Farmers" (June 2016) and "Genomic Insights into the Origin of Farming in the Ancient Near East (July 2016)[56][57] on Natufian skeletal remains from present-day northern Israel, the remains of 5 Natufians carried the following paternal haplgroups:

Daniel Shriner (2018), using modern populations as a reference, showed that the Natufians carried 61.2% Arabian, 21.2% Northern African, 10.9% Western Asian, and a small amount of Eastern African ancestry at 6.8% which is associated with the modern Omotic-speaking groups of southern Ethiopia. The study also suggested that this component may be the source of Haplogroup E-M96 (particularly Y-haplogroup E-M215, also known as "E1b1b") among Natufians.[46]

Loosedrecht et al. (2018) argues that the Natufians had contributed genetically to the Iberomaurusian peoples of Paleolithic and Mesolithic northwest Africa, with the Iberomaurusians' other ancestral component being a unique one of sub-Saharan Africa origin (having both West African-like and Hadza-like affinities).[47] The Sub-Saharan African DNA in Taforalt individuals has the closest affinity, most of all, to that of modern West Africans (e.g., Yoruba, or Mende).[47] In addition to having similarity with the remnant of a more basal Sub-Saharan African lineage (e.g., a basal West African lineage shared between Yoruba and Mende peoples), the Sub-Saharan African DNA in the Taforalt individuals of the Iberomaurusian culture may be best represented by modern West Africans (e.g., Yoruba).[59]

Iosif Lazaridis et al. (2018), as summarized by Rosa Fregel (2021), contested the conclusion of Loosdrecht (2018) and argued instead that the Iberomaurusian population of Upper Paleolithic North Africa, represented by the Taforalt sample, "can be better modeled as a mixture of a Dzudzuana [West-Eurasian] component and a sub-Saharan African component." Furthermore, Iosif Lazaridis et al. (2018) "also argue that..the Taforalt people..contributed to the genetic composition of Natufians and not the other way around." Fregel (2021) summarized: "More evidence will be needed to determine the specific origin of the North African Upper Paleolithic populations."[60]

Language Edit

Alexander Militarev, Vitaly Shevoroshkin and others have linked the Natufian culture to the proto-Afroasiatic language,[61][62] which they in turn believe has a Levantine origin. Some scholars, for example Christopher Ehret, Roger Blench and others, contend that the Afroasiatic Urheimat is to be found in North Africa or Northeast Africa, probably in the area of Egypt, the Sahara, Horn of Africa or Sudan.[63][64][65][66][67] Within this group, Ehret, who like Militarev believes Afroasiatic may already have been in existence in the Natufian period, would associate Natufians only with the Near Eastern Proto-Semitic branch of Afroasiatic.

Sites Edit

The Natufian culture has been documented at dozens of sites. Around 90 have been excavated, including:[68]

  • Aammiq 2
  • Tell Abu Hureyra
  • Abu Salem
  • Abu Usba
  • Ain Choaab
  • Ain Mallaha (Eynan)
  • Ain Rahub
  • Ain Sakhri
  • Ala Safat
  • Antelias Cave
  • Azraq 18 (Ain Saratan)
  • Baaz
  • Bawwab al Ghazal
  • Beidha
  • Dederiyeh
  • Dibsi Faraj
  • El Khiam
  • El Kowm I
  • El Wad
  • Erq el Ahmar
  • Fazael IV & VI
  • Gilgal II
  • Givat Hayil I
  • Har Harif K7
  • Hatoula
  • Hayonim Cave and Hayonim Terrace
  • Hilazon Tachtit
  • Hof Shahaf
  • Huzuq Musa
  • Iraq ed Dubb
  • Iraq el Barud
  • Iraq ez Zigan
  • J202
  • J203
  • J406a
  • J614
  • Jayroud 1–3 & 9
  • Jebel Saaidé II
  • Jeftelik
  • Jericho
  • Kaus Kozah
  • Kebara
  • Kefar Vitkin 3
  • Khallat Anaza (BDS 1407)
  • Khirbat Janba
  • Kosak Shamali
  • Maaleh Ramon East
  • Maaleh Ramon West
  • Moghr el Ahwal
  • Mureybet
  • Mushabi IV & XIX
  • Nachcharini Cave
  • Nahal Ein Gev II
  • Nahal Hadera I and Nahal Hadera IV (Hefsibah)
  • Nahal Oren
  • Nahal Sekher 23
  • Nahal Sekher VI
  • Nahr el Homr 2
  • Qarassa 3
  • Ramat Harif (G8)
  • Raqefet Cave
  • Rosh Horesha
  • Rosh Zin
  • Sabra 1
  • Saflulim
  • Salibiya 1
  • Salibiya 9
  • Sands of Beirut
  • Shluhat Harif
  • Shubayqa 1
  • Shubayqa 6
  • Shukhbah Cave
  • Shunera VI
  • Shunera VII
  • Tabaqa (WHS 895)[69]
  • Taibé
  • TBAS 102
  • TBAS 212
  • Tor at Tariq (WHS 1065)
  • Tugra I
  • Upper Besor 6
  • Wadi Hammeh 27
  • Wadi Jilat 22
  • Wadi Judayid (J2)
  • Wadi Mataha
  • Yabrud 3
  • Yutil al Hasa (WHS 784)

See also Edit

References Edit

  1. ^ "Natufian". Oxford English Dictionary (Online ed.). Oxford University Press. (Subscription or participating institution membership required.)
  2. ^ a b Moore, Andrew M. T.; Hillman, Gordon C.; Legge, Anthony J. (2000), Village on the Euphrates: From Foraging to Farming at Abu Hureyra, Oxford: Oxford University Press, ISBN 978-0-19-510806-4
  3. ^ Grosman, Leore (2013). "The Natufian Chronological Scheme – New Insights and their Implications". In Bar-Yosef, Ofer; Valla, François R. (eds.). Natufian Foragers in the Levant: Terminal Pleistocene Social Changes in Western Asia (1 ed.). New York: Berghahn Books. pp. 622–627. doi:10.2307/j.ctv8bt33h. ISBN 978-1-879621-45-9. JSTOR j.ctv8bt33h – via JSTOR.
  4. ^ Arranz-Otaegui, Amaia; Gonzalez Carretero, Lara; Ramsey, Monica N.; Fuller, Dorian Q.; Richter, Tobias (2018-07-31). "Archaeobotanical evidence reveals the origins of bread 14,400 years ago in northeastern Jordan". Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 115 (31): 7925–7930. Bibcode:2018PNAS..115.7925A. doi:10.1073/pnas.1801071115. ISSN 0027-8424. PMC 6077754. PMID 30012614.
  5. ^ Liu, Li; Wang, Jiajing; Rosenberg, Danny; Zhao, Hao; Lengyel, György; Nadel, Dani (2018-10-01). "Fermented beverage and food storage in 13,000 y-old stone mortars at Raqefet Cave, Israel: Investigating Natufian ritual feasting". Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports. 21: 783–793. doi:10.1016/j.jasrep.2018.08.008. ISSN 2352-409X. S2CID 165595175.
  6. ^ Eitam, David (2019). "'Yo-ho-ho, and a bottle of [beer]!' (R.L. Stevenson) no beer but rather cereal-Food. Commentary: Liu et al. 2018". Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports. 28: 101913. doi:10.1016/j.jasrep.2019.101913. S2CID 198454176.
  7. ^ Kottak, Conrad P. (2005), Window on Humanity: A Concise Introduction to Anthropology, Boston: McGraw-Hill, pp. 155–156, ISBN 978-0-07-289028-0
  8. ^ Lazaridis, Iosif; Nadel, Dani; Rollefson, Gary; Merrett, Deborah C.; Rohland, Nadin; Mallick, Swapan; Fernandes, Daniel; Novak, Mario; Gamarra, Beatriz; Sirak, Kendra; Connell, Sarah; Stewardson, Kristin; Harney, Eadaoin; Fu, Qiaomei; Gonzalez-Fortes, Gloria; Jones, Eppie R.; Roodenberg, Songül Alpaslan; Lengyel, György; Bocquentin, Fanny; Gasparian, Boris; Monge, Janet M.; Gregg, Michael; Eshed, Vered; Mizrahi, Ahuva-Sivan; Meiklejohn, Christopher; Gerritsen, Fokke; Bejenaru, Luminita; Blüher, Matthias; Campbell, Archie; Cavalleri, Gianpiero; Comas, David; Froguel, Philippe; Gilbert, Edmund; Kerr, Shona M.; Kovacs, Peter; Krause, Johannes; McGettigan, Darren; Merrigan, Michael; Merriwether, D. Andrew; O'Reilly, Seamus; Richards, Martin B.; Semino, Ornella; Shamoon-Pour, Michel; Stefanescu, Gheorghe; Stumvoll, Michael; Tönjes, Anke; Torroni, Antonio; Wilson, James F.; Yengo, Loic; Hovhannisyan, Nelli A.; Patterson, Nick; Pinhasi, Ron; Reich, David (2016). "Genomic insights into the origin of farming in the ancient Near East" (PDF). Nature. 536 (7617): 419–424. Bibcode:2016Natur.536..419L. doi:10.1038/nature19310. PMC 5003663. PMID 27459054. Fig. 4. "Our data document continuity across the transition between hunter– gatherers and farmers, separately in the southern Levant and in the southern Caucasus–Iran highlands. The qualitative evidence for this is that PCA, ADMIXTURE, and outgroup f3 analysis cluster Levantine hunter–gatherers (Natufians) with Levantine farmers, and Iranian and CHG with Iranian farmers (Fig. 1b and Extended Data Figs 1, 3). We confirm this in the Levant by showing that its early farmers share significantly more alleles with Natufians than with the early farmers of Iran" Epipaleolithic Natufians were substantially derived from the Basal Eurasian lineage. "We used qpAdm (ref. 7) to estimate Basal Eurasian ancestry in each Test population. We obtained the highest estimates in the earliest populations from both Iran (66±13% in the likely Mesolithic sample, 48±6% in Neolithic samples), and the Levant (44±8% in Epipalaeolithic Natufians) (Fig. 2), showing that Basal Eurasian ancestry was widespread across the ancient Near East. [...] The idea of Natufians as a vector for the movement of Basal Eurasian ancestry into the Near East is also not supported by our data, as the Basal Eurasian ancestry in the Natufians (44±8%) is consistent with stemming from the same population as that in the Neolithic and Mesolithic populations of Iran, and is not greater than in those populations (Supplementary Information, section 4). Further insight into the origins and legacy of the Natufians could come from comparison to Natufians from additional sites, and to ancient DNA from North Africa."
  9. ^ a b Bar-Yosef, Ofer (1998), "The Natufian Culture in the Levant, Threshold to the Origins of Agriculture" (PDF), Evolutionary Anthropology, 6 (5): 159–177, doi:10.1002/(SICI)1520-6505(1998)6:5<159::AID-EVAN4>3.0.CO;2-7, S2CID 35814375
  10. ^ a b Boyd, Brian (1999). "'Twisting the kaleidoscope': Dorothy Garrod and the 'Natufian Culture'". In Davies, William; Charles, Ruth (eds.). Dorothy Garrod and the progress of the Palaeolithic. Oxford: Oxbow. pp. 209–223. ISBN 978-1-78570-519-9.
  11. ^ Zalloua, Pierre A.; Matisoo-Smith, Elizabeth (6 January 2017). "Mapping Post-Glacial expansions: The Peopling of Southwest Asia". Scientific Reports. 7: 40338. Bibcode:2017NatSR...740338P. doi:10.1038/srep40338. ISSN 2045-2322. PMC 5216412. PMID 28059138.
  12. ^ Munro, Natalie D. (2003). "Small game, the Younger Dryas, and the transition to agriculture in the southern Levant" (PDF). Mitteilungen der Gesellschaft für Urgeschichte. 12: 47–71. ISSN 1611-7948. Wikidata Q107520328.
  13. ^ Barker G (2002) Transitions to farming and pastoralism in North Africa, in Bellwood P, Renfrew C (2002), Examining the Farming/Language Dispersal Hypothesis, pp 151–161.
  14. ^ De Groote, Isabelle; Humphrey, Louise T. (2016-08-22). "Characterizing evulsion in the Later Stone Age Maghreb: Age, sex and effects on mastication" (PDF). Quaternary International. 413: 50–61. Bibcode:2016QuInt.413...50D. doi:10.1016/j.quaint.2015.08.082. ISSN 1040-6182. S2CID 130343302.
  15. ^ Bar-Yosef O (1987) Pleistocene connections between Africa and SouthWest Asia: an archaeological perspective. The African Archaeological Review; Chapter 5, pg 29–38
  16. ^ Richter, Tobias (2011). "Interaction before Agriculture: Exchanging Material and Sharing Knowledge in the Final Pleistocene Levant" (PDF). Cambridge Archaeological Journal. 21: 95–114. doi:10.1017/S0959774311000060. S2CID 162887983.
  17. ^ Maher, Tobias; Richter, Lisa A.; Stock, Jay T. (2012). "The Pre-Natufian Epipaleolithic: Long-Term Behavioral Trends in the Levant". Evolutionary Anthropology. 21 (2): 69–81. doi:10.1002/evan.21307. PMID 22499441. S2CID 32252766.
  18. ^ Ehret (2002) The Civilizations of Africa: A History to 1800. Charlottesville: University Press of Virginia
  19. ^ Bellwood P (2005) Blackwell, Oxford. Page 97
  20. ^ Weiss, E; Kislev, ME; Simchoni, O; Nadel, D; Tschauner, H (2008). "Plant-food preparation area on an Upper Paleolithic brush hut floor at Ohalo II, Israel". Journal of Archaeological Science. 35 (8): 2400–2414. Bibcode:2008JArSc..35.2400W. doi:10.1016/j.jas.2008.03.012.
  21. ^ Nadel, D; Piperno, DR; Holst, I; Snir, A; Weiss, E (2012). "New evidence for the processing of wild cereal grains at Ohalo II, a 23 000-year-old campsite on the shore of the Sea of Galilee, Israel". Antiquity. 86 (334): 990–1003. doi:10.1017/s0003598x00048201. S2CID 162019976.
  22. ^ Weiss, Ehud; Wetterstrom, Wilma; Nadel, Dani; Bar-Yosef, Ofer (2004-06-29). "The broad spectrum revisited: Evidence from plant remains". Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 101 (26): 9551–9555. Bibcode:2004PNAS..101.9551W. doi:10.1073/pnas.0402362101. ISSN 0027-8424. PMC 470712. PMID 15210984.
  23. ^ Brace, C. Loring; et al. (2006). "The questionable contribution of the Neolithic and the Bronze Age to European craniofacial form". PNAS. 103 (1): 242–247. Bibcode:2006PNAS..103..242B. doi:10.1073/pnas.0509801102. PMC 1325007. PMID 16371462. The Natufian sample from Israel is also problematic because it is so small, being constituted of three males and one female from the Late Pleistocene Epipalaeolithic (34) of Israel, and there was no usable Neolithic sample for the Near East... the small Natufian sample falls between the Niger-Congo group and the other samples used. Fig. 2 shows the plot produced by the first two canonical variates, but the same thing happens when canonical variates 1 and 3 (not shown here) are used. This placement suggests that there may have been a Sub-Saharan African element in the make-up of the Natufians (the putative ancestors of the subsequent Neolithic)
  24. ^ a b Lazaridis, Iosif; et al. (17 June 2016). "The genetic structure of the world's first farmers". bioRxiv 10.1101/059311. – Table S6.1 – Y-chromosome haplogroups
  25. ^ Bar-Yosef, Ofer; Belfer-Cohen, Anna (1989). "The Origins of Sedentism and Farming Communities in the Levant". Journal of World Prehistory. 3 (4): 447–498. doi:10.1007/bf00975111. S2CID 162966796.
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  28. ^ Weinstein-Evron, Mina; Yeshurun, Reuven; Ashkenazy, Hila; Chasan, Rivka; Rosenberg, Danny; Bachrach, Noga; Boaretto, Elisabetta; Caracuta, Valentina; Kaufman, Daniel; וינשטיין-עברון, מינה; ישורון, ראובן; אשכנזי, הילה; חזן, רבקה; רוזנברג, דני; בכרך, נגה (2018). "After 80 Years – Deeper in the Natufian Layers of el-Wad Terrace, Mount Carmel, Israel / לאחר שמונים שנה: סיכום עונות החפירה 2012-2007 בשכבות הנאטופיות של טרסת מערת הנחל (אל-ואד), הכרמל, ישראל". Mitekufat Haeven: Journal of the Israel Prehistoric Society / מתקופת האבן. 48: 5–61. ISSN 0334-3839. JSTOR 26579622.
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  54. ^ Lazaridis, Iosif; et al. (2016). "The genetic structure of the world's first farmers". Nature. 536 (7617): 419–424. Bibcode:2016Natur.536..419L. bioRxiv 10.1101/059311. doi:10.1038/nature19310. PMC 5003663. PMID 27459054. S2CID 89467381. However, no affinity of Natufians to sub-Saharan Africans is evident in our genome-wide analysis, as present-day sub-Saharan Africans do not share more alleles with Natufians than with other ancient Eurasians (Extended Data Table 1).
  55. ^ Lazaridis, Iosif; Nadel, Dani; Rollefson, Gary; Merrett, Deborah C.; Rohland, Nadin; Mallick, Swapan; Fernandes, Daniel; Novak, Mario; Gamarra, Beatriz; Sirak, Kendra; Connell, Sarah; Stewardson, Kristin; Harney, Eadaoin; Fu, Qiaomei; Gonzalez-Fortes, Gloria (2016-06-16). "The genetic structure of the world's first farmers". bioRxiv: 059311. doi:10.1101/059311. S2CID 89467381.
  56. ^ Lazaridis, Iosif; et al. (17 June 2016). "The genetic structure of the world's first farmers". bioRxiv 10.1101/059311. – Table S6.1 – Y-chromosome haplogroups
  57. ^ Lazaridis, Iosif et al. Genomic insights into the origin of farming in the ancient Near East, Nature 536, 419–424, 2016. Supplementary Table 1.
  58. ^ Martiniano, Rui; Sanctis, Bianca De; Hallast, Pille; Durbin, Richard (2020-12-20). "Placing ancient DNA sequences into reference phylogenies". Molecular Biology and Evolution. 39 (2): 2020.12.19.423614. bioRxiv 10.1101/2020.12.19.423614. doi:10.1093/molbev/msac017. PMC 8857924. PMID 35084493. S2CID 229549849.
  59. ^ Jeong, Choongwon (2020). "Current Trends in Ancient DNA Study: Beyond Human Migration in and Around Europe". The Handbook of Mummy Studies. pp. 1–16. doi:10.1007/978-981-15-1614-6_10-1. ISBN 978-981-15-1614-6. S2CID 226555687. {{cite book}}: |website= ignored (help)
  60. ^ Fregel, Rosa (2021-11-17). Paleogenomics of the Neolithic Transition in North Africa. Brill. ISBN 978-90-04-50022-8. However, a preprint from Lazaridis et al. (2018) has contested this conclusion based on new evidence from Paleolithic samples from the Dzudzuana site in Georgia (25,000 years BCE). When these samples are considered in the analysis, Taforalt can be better modeled as a mixture of a Dzudzuana component and a sub-Saharan African component. They also argue that it is the Taforalt people who contributed to the genetic composition of Natufians and not the other way around. More evidence will be needed to determine the specific origin of the North African Upper Paleolithic populations, but the presence of an ancestral U6 lineage in the Dzudzuana people is consistent with this population being related to the back migration to Africa.
  61. ^ Winfried Nöth (1994). Origins of Semiosis: Sign Evolution in Nature and Culture. Walter de Gruyter. p. 293. ISBN 978-3-11-087750-2.
  62. ^ Roger Blench, Matthew Spriggs (2003). Archaeology and Language IV: Language Change and Cultural Transformation. Routledge. p. 70. ISBN 978-1-134-81623-1.
  63. ^ Blench R (2006) Archaeology, Language, and the African Past, Rowman Altamira, ISBN 0-7591-0466-2, ISBN 978-0-7591-0466-2, https://books.google.com/books?doi=esFy3Po57A8C
  64. ^ Ehret, Christopher; Keita, S. O. Y.; Newman, Paul (2004). "The Origins of Afroasiatic". Science. 306 (5702): 1680.3–1680. doi:10.1126/science.306.5702.1680c. PMID 15576591. S2CID 8057990.
  65. ^ Bernal, Martin (1987). Black Athena: The linguistic evidence. Rutgers University Press. ISBN 978-0-8135-3655-2.
  66. ^ Bender ML (1997), Upside Down Afrasian, Afrikanistische Arbeitspapiere 50, pp. 19–34
  67. ^ Militarev A (2005) Once more about glottochronology and comparative method: the Omotic-Afrasian case, Аспекты компаративистики – 1 (Aspects of comparative linguistics – 1). FS S. Starostin. Orientalia et Classica II (Moscow), p. 339-408. http://starling.rinet.ru/Texts/fleming.pdf
  68. ^ Arranz-Otaegui, Amaia; González Carretero, Lara; Roe, Joe; Richter, Tobias (2018). ""Founder crops" v. wild plants: Assessing the plant-based diet of the last hunter-gatherers in southwest Asia". Quaternary Science Reviews. 186: 263–283. Bibcode:2018QSRv..186..263A. doi:10.1016/j.quascirev.2018.02.011. ISSN 0277-3791.
  69. ^ Neeley, Michael P.; Hill, J. Brett (2017). "Archaeological and Geomorphological Investigations of the Late Epipaleolithic in West-Central Jordan: TBAS 212 in a Regional Context". ResearchGate.

Further reading Edit

  • Balter, Michael (2005), The Goddess and the Bull, New York: Free Press, ISBN 978-0-7432-4360-5
  • Bar-Yosef, Ofer (1998), "The Natufian Culture in the Levant, Threshold to the Origins of Agriculture" (PDF), Evolutionary Anthropology, 6 (5): 159–177, doi:10.1002/(SICI)1520-6505(1998)6:5<159::AID-EVAN4>3.0.CO;2-7, S2CID 35814375
  • Bar-Yosef, Ofer; Belfer-Cohen, Anna (1999). "Encoding information: unique Natufian objects from Hayonim Cave, Western Galilee, Israel". Antiquity. 73 (280): 402–409. doi:10.1017/s0003598x00088347. S2CID 160868877.
  • Bar-Yosef, Ofer (1992), Valla, Francois R. (ed.), The Natufian Culture in the Levant, Ann Arbor: International Monographs in Prehistory, ISBN 978-1-879621-03-9
  • Campana, Douglas V.; Crabtree, Pam J. (1990). "Communal Hunting in the Natufian of the Southern Levant: The Social and Economic Implications". Journal of Mediterranean Archaeology. 3 (2): 223–243. doi:10.1558/jmea.v3i2.223.
  • Clutton-Brock, Juliet (1999), A Natural History of Domesticated Mammals (2nd ed.), Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, ISBN 978-0-521-63247-8
  • Dubreuil, Laure (2004), "Long-term trends in Natufian subsistence: a use-wear analysis of ground stone tools", Journal of Archaeological Science, 31 (11): 1613–1629, Bibcode:2004JArSc..31.1613D, doi:10.1016/j.jas.2004.04.003
  • Munro, Natalie D. (August–October 2004). "Zooarchaeological measures of hunting pressure and occupation intensity in the Natufian: Implications for agricultural origins" (PDF). Current Anthropology. 45: S5–S33. doi:10.1086/422084. S2CID 42749024.
  • Simmons, Alan H. (2007), The Neolithic Revolution in the Near East: Transforming the Human Landscape, University of Arizona Press, ISBN 978-0-8165-2966-7

External links Edit

  • Epi-Palaeolithic (European Mesolithic) Natufian Culture of Israel (The History of the Ancient Near East)
  • , archived from the original on 2016-10-08, retrieved 2002-06-02
  • The genetic structure of the world's first farmers, Lazaridis et al, 2016

Warning: Default sort key "Natufian Culture" overrides earlier default sort key "Prehistoric Asia".

natufian, culture, late, epipaleolithic, archaeological, culture, neolithic, prehistoric, levant, western, asia, dating, around, years, culture, unusual, that, supported, sedentary, semi, sedentary, population, even, before, introduction, agriculture, natufian. The Natufian culture n e ˈ t uː f i e n 1 is a Late Epipaleolithic archaeological culture of the Neolithic prehistoric 2 Levant in Western Asia dating to around 15 000 to 11 500 years ago 3 The culture was unusual in that it supported a sedentary or semi sedentary population even before the introduction of agriculture The Natufian communities may be the ancestors of the builders of the first Neolithic settlements of the region which may have been the earliest in the world Some evidence suggests deliberate cultivation of cereals specifically rye by the Natufian culture at Tell Abu Hureyra the site of earliest evidence of agriculture in the world 2 The world s oldest known evidence of the production of bread like foodstuff has been found at Shubayqa 1 a 14 400 year old site in Jordan s northeastern desert 4 000 years before the emergence of agriculture in Southwest Asia 4 In addition the oldest known evidence of possible beer brewing dating to approximately 13 000 BP was found in Raqefet Cave on Mount Carmel although the beer related residues may simply be a result of a spontaneous fermentation 5 6 Natufian cultureA map of the Levant with Natufian regions across present day Israel Palestine Jordan and a long arm extending into Lebanon and SyriaGeographical rangeLevant Western AsiaPeriodEpipaleolithicDates15 000 11 500 BPType siteShuqba cave Wadi an Natuf Major sitesShuqba cave Ain Mallaha Ein Gev Tell Abu HureyraPreceded byKebaran MushabianFollowed byNeolithic Khiamian Shepherd NeolithicGenerally though Natufians exploited wild cereals and hunted animals including gazelles 7 Archaeogenetic analysis has revealed derivation of later Neolithic to Bronze Age Levantines primarily from Natufians besides substantial admixture from Chalcholithic Anatolians 8 Dorothy Garrod coined the term Natufian based on her excavations at the Shuqba cave Wadi an Natuf near the town of Shuqba Contents 1 Discovery 2 Dating 3 Precursors and associated cultures 4 Settlements 5 Material culture 5 1 Lithics 5 2 Art 5 3 Burials 5 4 Long distance exchange 5 5 Other finds 6 Subsistence 6 1 Development of agriculture 6 2 Domesticated dog 7 Archaeogenetics 8 Language 9 Sites 10 See also 11 References 12 Further reading 13 External linksDiscovery Edit nbsp Dorothy Garrod centre discovered the Natufian culture in 1928The Natufian culture was discovered by British archaeologist Dorothy Garrod during her excavations of Shuqba cave in the Judaean Hills on the West Bank of the Jordan River 9 10 Prior to the 1930s the majority of archaeological work taking place in British Palestine was biblical archaeology focused on historic periods and little was known about the region s prehistory In 1928 Garrod was invited by the British School of Archaeology in Jerusalem BSAJ to excavate Shuqba cave where prehistoric stone tools had been discovered by Pere Mallon four years earlier She discovered a layer sandwiched between the Upper Palaeolithic and Bronze Age deposits characterised by the presence of microliths She identified this with the Mesolithic a transitional period between the Palaeolithic and the Neolithic which was well represented in Europe but had not yet been found in the Near East A year later when she discovered similar material at el Wad Terrace Garrod suggested the name the Natufian culture after Wadi an Natuf that ran close to Shuqba Over the next two decades Garrod found Natufian material at several of her pioneering excavations in the Mount Carmel region including el Wad Kebara and Tabun as did the French archaeologist Rene Neuville firmly establishing the Natufian culture in the regional prehistoric chronology As early as 1931 both Garrod and Neuville drew attention to the presence of stone sickles in Natufian assemblages and the possibility that this represented a very early agriculture 10 Dating Edit nbsp The Natufian appeared at the time of the Bolling Allerod warming before temperatures dropped drastically again during the Younger Dryas Temperatures would rise again at the end of the Younger Dryas and with the onset of the Holocene and the Neolithic Revolution Climate and Post Glacial expansion in the Near East based on the analysis of Greenland ice cores 11 Radiocarbon dating places the Natufian culture at an epoch from the terminal Pleistocene to the very beginning of the Holocene a time period between 12 500 and 9 500 BC 12 The period is commonly split into two subperiods Early Natufian 12 000 10 800 BC and Late Natufian 10 800 9 500 BC The Late Natufian most likely occurred in tandem with the Younger Dryas 10 800 to 9 500 BC The Levant hosts more than a hundred kinds of cereals fruits nuts and other edible parts of plants and the flora of the Levant during the Natufian period was not the dry barren and thorny landscape of today but rather woodland 9 Precursors and associated cultures EditThe Natufian developed in the same region as the earlier Kebaran culture It is generally seen as a successor which evolved out of elements within that preceding culture There were also other industries in the region such as the Mushabian culture of the Negev and the Sinai Peninsula which are sometimes distinguished from the Kebaran or believed to have been involved in the evolution of the Natufian More generally there has been discussion of the similarities of these cultures with those found in coastal North Africa Graeme Barker notes there are similarities in the respective archaeological records of the Natufian culture of the Levant and of contemporary foragers in coastal North Africa across the late Pleistocene and early Holocene boundary 13 According to Isabelle De Groote and Louise Humphrey Natufians practiced the Iberomaurusian and Capsian custom of sometimes extracting their maxillary central incisors upper front teeth 14 nbsp Mortars from Natufian Culture grinding stones from Neolithic pre pottery phase Dagon Museum Ofer Bar Yosef has argued that there are signs of influences coming from North Africa to the Levant citing the microburin technique and microlithic forms such as arched backed bladelets and La Mouillah points 15 But recent research has shown that the presence of arched backed bladelets La Mouillah points and the use of the microburin technique was already apparent in the Nebekian industry of the Eastern Levant 16 And Maher et al state that Many technological nuances that have often been always highlighted as significant during the Natufian were already present during the Early and Middle EP Epipalaeolithic and do not in most cases represent a radical departure in knowledge tradition or behavior 17 Authors such as Christopher Ehret have built upon the little evidence available to develop scenarios of intensive usage of plants having built up first in North Africa as a precursor to the development of true farming in the Fertile Crescent but such suggestions are considered highly speculative until more North African archaeological evidence can be gathered 18 19 In fact Weiss et al have shown that the earliest known intensive usage of plants was in the Levant 23 000 years ago at the Ohalo II site 20 21 22 Anthropologist C Loring Brace 1993 cross analysed the craniometric traits of Natufian specimens with those of various ancient and modern groups from the Near East Africa and Europe The Late Pleistocene Epipalaeolithic Natufian sample was described as problematic due to its small size consisting of only three males and one female as well as the lack of a comparative sample from the Natufians putative descendants in the Neolithic Near East Brace observed that the Natufian fossils lay between those of the Niger Congo speaking populations and the other samples Near East Europe which he suggested may point to a Sub Saharan influence in their constitution 23 Subsequent ancient DNA analysis of Natufian skeletal remains by Lazaridis et al 2016 found that the specimens instead were a mix of 50 Basal Eurasian ancestral component see Archaeogenetics and 50 West Eurasian Unknown Hunter Gatherer UHG population related to European Western Hunter Gatherers 24 According to Bar Yosef and Belfer Cohen It seems that certain preadaptive traits developed already by the Kebaran and Geometric Kebaran populations within the Mediterranean park forest played an important role in the emergence of the new socioeconomic system known as the Natufian culture 25 Settlements Edit nbsp Epipalaeolithic Near East temporary tents Sanliurfa Museum Settlements occur mostly in Israel and Palestine This could be deemed the core zone of the Natufian culture but Israel is a place that has been excavated more frequently than other places hence the greater number of sites 26 During the years more sites have been found outside the core zone of Israel and Palestine stretching into what now is Syria Lebanon Jordan the Sinai Peninsula and the Negev desert 26 The settlements in the Natufian culture were larger and more permanent than in preceding ones Some Natufian sites had stone built architecture Ain Mallaha is an example of round stone structures 27 Cave sites are also seen frequently during the Natufian culture El Wad is a Natufian cave site with occupation in the front part of the cave also called the terrace 28 Some Natufian sites were located in forest steppe areas and others near inland mountains The Natufian settlements appear to be the first to exhibit evidence of food storage not all Natufian sites have storage facilities but they have been identified at certain sites 29 nbsp Remains of a wall of a Natufian houseMaterial culture Edit nbsp The Ain Sakhri lovers from Ain Sakhri near Bethleem British Museum 1958 1007 1 Lithics Edit The Natufian had a microlithic industry centered on short blades and bladelets The microburin technique was used Geometric microliths include lunates trapezes and triangles There are backed blades as well A special type of retouch Helwan retouch is characteristic for the early Natufian In the late Natufian the Harif point a typical arrowhead made from a regular blade became common in the Negev Some scholars who use it to define a separate culture the Harifian Sickle blades also appear for the first time in the Natufian lithic industry The characteristic sickle gloss shows that they were used to cut the silica rich stems of cereals indirectly suggesting the existence of incipient agriculture Shaft straighteners made of ground stone indicate the practice of archery There are heavy ground stone bowl mortars as well Art Edit The Ain Sakhri lovers a carved stone object held at the British Museum is the oldest known depiction of a couple having sex It was found in the Ain Sakhri cave in the Judean desert 30 Burials Edit nbsp Natufian burial Homo 25 from el Wad Cave Mount Carmel Israel Rockefeller Museum Natufian grave goods are typically made of shell teeth of red deer bones and stone There are pendants bracelets necklaces earrings and belt ornaments as well nbsp Schematic human figure made of pebbles from Eynan Early Natufian 12 000 BCIn 2008 the 12 400 12 000 cal BC grave of an apparently significant Natufian female was discovered in a ceremonial pit in the Hilazon Tachtit cave in northern Israel 31 Media reports referred to this person as a shaman 32 The burial contained the remains of at least three aurochs and 86 tortoises all of which are thought to have been brought to the site during a funeral feast The body was surrounded by tortoise shells the pelvis of a leopard forearm of a boar a wingtip of a golden eagle and skull of a beech marten 33 34 Long distance exchange Edit At Ain Mallaha in Northern Israel Anatolian obsidian and shellfish from the Nile valley have been found The source of malachite beads is still unknown Epipaleolithic Natufians carried parthenocarpic figs from Africa to the southeastern corner of the Fertile Crescent c 10 000 BC 35 Other finds Edit There was a rich bone industry including harpoons and fish hooks Stone and bone were worked into pendants and other ornaments There are a few human figurines made of limestone El Wad Ain Mallaha Ain Sakhri but the favorite subject of representative art seems to have been animals Ostrich shell containers have been found in the Negev In 2018 the world s oldest brewery was found with the residue of 13 000 year old beer in a prehistoric cave near Haifa in Israel when researchers were looking for clues into what plant foods the Natufian people were eating This is 8 000 years earlier than experts previously thought beer was invented 36 A study published in 2019 shows an advanced knowledge of lime plaster production at a Natufian cemetery in Nahal Ein Gev II site in the Upper Jordan Valley dated to 12 thousand calibrated years before present k cal BP Production of plaster of this quality was previously thought to have been achieved some 2 000 years later 37 Subsistence Edit nbsp Mortar and pestle from Nahal Oren Natufian 12 500 9500 BCThe Natufian people lived by hunting and gathering The preservation of plant remains is poor because of the soil conditions but at some sites such as Tell Abu Hureyra substantial amounts of plant remains discovered through flotation have been excavated 38 However wild cereals like legumes almonds acorns and pistachios have been collected throughout most of the Levant Animal bones show that mountain and goitered gazelles Gazella gazella and Gazella subgutturosa were the main prey Additionally deer aurochs and wild boar were hunted in the steppe as well as onagers and caprids ibex Waterfowl and freshwater fish formed part of the diet in the Jordan river valley Animal bones from Salibiya I 12 300 10 800 cal BP have been interpreted as evidence for communal hunts with nets however the radiocarbon dates are far too old compared to the cultural remains of this settlement indicating contamination of the samples 39 Development of agriculture Edit A pita like bread has been found from 12 500 BC attributed to Natufians This bread is made of wild cereal seeds and papyrus cousin tubers ground into flour 40 According to one theory 32 it was a sudden change in climate the Younger Dryas event c 10 800 to 9500 BC which inspired the development of agriculture The Younger Dryas was a 1 000 year long interruption in the higher temperatures prevailing since the Last Glacial Maximum which produced a sudden drought in the Levant This would have endangered the wild cereals which could no longer compete with dryland scrub but upon which the population had become dependent to sustain a relatively large sedentary population By artificially clearing scrub and planting seeds obtained from elsewhere they began to practice agriculture However this theory of the origin of agriculture is controversial in the scientific community 41 nbsp Grinding tool from Gilgal Natufian culture 12 500 9500 BC nbsp Basalt sharpening stones Eynan and Nahal Oren Natufian Culture 12 500 9500 BC nbsp Bovine rib dagger HaYonim Cave Natufian Culture 12 500 9500 BC nbsp Stone mortars from Eynan Natufian period 12 500 9500 BC nbsp Stone mortar from Eynan Natufian period 12 500 9500 BC nbsp Limestone and basalt mortars Eynan Early Natufian c 12 000 BCDomesticated dog Edit See also Origin of the domestic dog At the Natufian site of Ain Mallaha in Israel dated to 12 000 BC the remains of an elderly human and a four to five month old puppy were found buried together 42 At another Natufian site at the cave of Hayonim humans were found buried with two canids 42 Archaeogenetics EditFurther information Genetic history of the Middle East and Genetic history of Africa nbsp Principal component analysis of ancient West Eurasian populations including the Natufians Natufians cluster together with modern Middle Eastern populations 43 nbsp A PCA model of Proper West Eurasians Basal Eurasians and Africans based on published genome data Ancient DNA analysis has confirmed the genetic relationship between Natufians and other ancient and modern Middle Easterners and the broader West Eurasian meta population i e Europeans and South Central Asians The Natufian population displays also ancestral ties to Paleolithic Taforalt samples the makers of the Epipaleolithic Iberomaurusian culture of the Maghreb 44 the Pre Pottery Neolithic culture of the Levant 44 the Early Neolithic Ifri N Amr Ou Moussa culture of the Maghreb 45 the Late Neolithic Kelif el Boroud culture of the Maghreb 45 46 with samples associated with these early cultures all sharing a common genomic component dubbed the Natufian component which diverged from other West Eurasian lineages 26 000 years ago and is most closely linked to the Arabian lineage 45 47 48 Individuals associated with the Natufian culture have been found to cluster with other West Eurasian populations but also have substantial higher ancestry that can be traced back to the hypothetical Basal Eurasian lineage which contributed in varying degrees to all West Eurasian lineages except the Ancient North Eurasians and peaks among modern Gulf Arabs 49 50 The Natufians were already differentiated from other West Eurasian lineages such as the Anatolian farmers north of the Levant that contributed to the peopling of Europe in significant amounts and who had some Western Hunter Gatherer like WHG inferred ancestry in contrast to Natufians who lacked this component similar to Neolithic Iranian farmers from the Zagros mountains 49 This might suggest that different strains of West Eurasians contributed to Natufians and Zagros farmers 51 52 53 as both Natufians and Zagros farmers descended from different populations of local hunter gatherers Contact between Natufians other Neolithic Levantines Caucasus Hunter Gatherers CHG Anatolian and Iranian farmers is believed to have decreased genetic variability among later populations in the Middle East Migrations from the Near East also occurred towards Africa and the West Eurasian geneflow into the Horn of Africa is best represented by the Levant Neolithic and may be associated with the spread of Afroasiatic languages The scientists suggest that the Levantine early farmers may have spread southward into East Africa bringing along the associated ancestral components 24 54 55 According to ancient DNA analyses conducted in 2016 by Iosif Lazaridis et al and discussed in two articles The Genetic Structure of the World s First Farmers June 2016 and Genomic Insights into the Origin of Farming in the Ancient Near East July 2016 56 57 on Natufian skeletal remains from present day northern Israel the remains of 5 Natufians carried the following paternal haplgroups E1b1b1b2 xE1b1b1b2a E1b1b1b2b meaning an unspecified branch of E1b1b1b2 E1b1 xE1b1a1 E1b1b1b1 i e a branch of E1b1 that is neither E1b1a1 nor E1b1b1b1 E1b1b1 originally classified as CT but further defined as E1b1b1 by Martiniano et al 2020 58 Daniel Shriner 2018 using modern populations as a reference showed that the Natufians carried 61 2 Arabian 21 2 Northern African 10 9 Western Asian and a small amount of Eastern African ancestry at 6 8 which is associated with the modern Omotic speaking groups of southern Ethiopia The study also suggested that this component may be the source of Haplogroup E M96 particularly Y haplogroup E M215 also known as E1b1b among Natufians 46 Loosedrecht et al 2018 argues that the Natufians had contributed genetically to the Iberomaurusian peoples of Paleolithic and Mesolithic northwest Africa with the Iberomaurusians other ancestral component being a unique one of sub Saharan Africa origin having both West African like and Hadza like affinities 47 The Sub Saharan African DNA in Taforalt individuals has the closest affinity most of all to that of modern West Africans e g Yoruba or Mende 47 In addition to having similarity with the remnant of a more basal Sub Saharan African lineage e g a basal West African lineage shared between Yoruba and Mende peoples the Sub Saharan African DNA in the Taforalt individuals of the Iberomaurusian culture may be best represented by modern West Africans e g Yoruba 59 Iosif Lazaridis et al 2018 as summarized by Rosa Fregel 2021 contested the conclusion of Loosdrecht 2018 and argued instead that the Iberomaurusian population of Upper Paleolithic North Africa represented by the Taforalt sample can be better modeled as a mixture of a Dzudzuana West Eurasian component and a sub Saharan African component Furthermore Iosif Lazaridis et al 2018 also argue that the Taforalt people contributed to the genetic composition of Natufians and not the other way around Fregel 2021 summarized More evidence will be needed to determine the specific origin of the North African Upper Paleolithic populations 60 Language EditAlexander Militarev Vitaly Shevoroshkin and others have linked the Natufian culture to the proto Afroasiatic language 61 62 which they in turn believe has a Levantine origin Some scholars for example Christopher Ehret Roger Blench and others contend that the Afroasiatic Urheimat is to be found in North Africa or Northeast Africa probably in the area of Egypt the Sahara Horn of Africa or Sudan 63 64 65 66 67 Within this group Ehret who like Militarev believes Afroasiatic may already have been in existence in the Natufian period would associate Natufians only with the Near Eastern Proto Semitic branch of Afroasiatic Sites EditThe Natufian culture has been documented at dozens of sites Around 90 have been excavated including 68 Aammiq 2 Tell Abu Hureyra Abu Salem Abu Usba Ain Choaab Ain Mallaha Eynan Ain Rahub Ain Sakhri Ala Safat Antelias Cave Azraq 18 Ain Saratan Baaz Bawwab al Ghazal Beidha Dederiyeh Dibsi Faraj El Khiam El Kowm I El Wad Erq el Ahmar Fazael IV amp VI Gilgal II Givat Hayil I Har Harif K7 Hatoula Hayonim Cave and Hayonim Terrace Hilazon Tachtit Hof Shahaf Huzuq Musa Iraq ed Dubb Iraq el Barud Iraq ez Zigan J202 J203 J406a J614 Jayroud 1 3 amp 9 Jebel Saaide II Jeftelik Jericho Kaus Kozah Kebara Kefar Vitkin 3 Khallat Anaza BDS 1407 Khirbat Janba Kosak Shamali Maaleh Ramon East Maaleh Ramon West Moghr el Ahwal Mureybet Mushabi IV amp XIX Nachcharini Cave Nahal Ein Gev II Nahal Hadera I and Nahal Hadera IV Hefsibah Nahal Oren Nahal Sekher 23 Nahal Sekher VI Nahr el Homr 2 Qarassa 3 Ramat Harif G8 Raqefet Cave Rosh Horesha Rosh Zin Sabra 1 Saflulim Salibiya 1 Salibiya 9 Sands of Beirut Shluhat Harif Shubayqa 1 Shubayqa 6 Shukhbah Cave Shunera VI Shunera VII Tabaqa WHS 895 69 Taibe TBAS 102 TBAS 212 Tor at Tariq WHS 1065 Tugra I Upper Besor 6 Wadi Hammeh 27 Wadi Jilat 22 Wadi Judayid J2 Wadi Mataha Yabrud 3 Yutil al Hasa WHS 784 See also Edit nbsp Asia portalPrehistory of the Levant Proto Afroasiatic language Afroasiatic UrheimatReferences Edit Natufian Oxford English Dictionary Online ed Oxford University Press Subscription or participating institution membership required a b Moore Andrew M T Hillman Gordon C Legge Anthony J 2000 Village on the Euphrates From Foraging to Farming at Abu Hureyra Oxford Oxford University Press ISBN 978 0 19 510806 4 Grosman Leore 2013 The Natufian Chronological Scheme New Insights and their Implications In Bar Yosef Ofer Valla Francois R eds Natufian Foragers in the Levant Terminal Pleistocene Social Changes in Western Asia 1 ed New York Berghahn Books pp 622 627 doi 10 2307 j ctv8bt33h ISBN 978 1 879621 45 9 JSTOR j ctv8bt33h via JSTOR Arranz Otaegui Amaia Gonzalez Carretero Lara Ramsey Monica N Fuller Dorian Q Richter Tobias 2018 07 31 Archaeobotanical evidence reveals the origins of bread 14 400 years ago in northeastern Jordan Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 115 31 7925 7930 Bibcode 2018PNAS 115 7925A doi 10 1073 pnas 1801071115 ISSN 0027 8424 PMC 6077754 PMID 30012614 Liu Li Wang Jiajing Rosenberg Danny Zhao Hao Lengyel Gyorgy Nadel Dani 2018 10 01 Fermented beverage and food storage in 13 000 y old stone mortars at Raqefet Cave Israel Investigating Natufian ritual feasting Journal of Archaeological Science Reports 21 783 793 doi 10 1016 j jasrep 2018 08 008 ISSN 2352 409X S2CID 165595175 Eitam David 2019 Yo ho ho and a bottle of beer R L Stevenson no beer but rather cereal Food Commentary Liu et al 2018 Journal of Archaeological Science Reports 28 101913 doi 10 1016 j jasrep 2019 101913 S2CID 198454176 Kottak Conrad P 2005 Window on Humanity A Concise Introduction to Anthropology Boston McGraw Hill pp 155 156 ISBN 978 0 07 289028 0 Lazaridis Iosif Nadel Dani Rollefson Gary Merrett Deborah C Rohland Nadin Mallick Swapan Fernandes Daniel Novak Mario Gamarra Beatriz Sirak Kendra Connell Sarah Stewardson Kristin Harney Eadaoin Fu Qiaomei Gonzalez Fortes Gloria Jones Eppie R Roodenberg Songul Alpaslan Lengyel Gyorgy Bocquentin Fanny Gasparian Boris Monge Janet M Gregg Michael Eshed Vered Mizrahi Ahuva Sivan Meiklejohn Christopher Gerritsen Fokke Bejenaru Luminita Bluher Matthias Campbell Archie Cavalleri Gianpiero Comas David Froguel Philippe Gilbert Edmund Kerr Shona M Kovacs Peter Krause Johannes McGettigan Darren Merrigan Michael Merriwether D Andrew O Reilly Seamus Richards Martin B Semino Ornella Shamoon Pour Michel Stefanescu Gheorghe Stumvoll Michael Tonjes Anke Torroni Antonio Wilson James F Yengo Loic Hovhannisyan Nelli A Patterson Nick Pinhasi Ron Reich David 2016 Genomic insights into the origin of farming in the ancient Near East PDF Nature 536 7617 419 424 Bibcode 2016Natur 536 419L doi 10 1038 nature19310 PMC 5003663 PMID 27459054 Fig 4 Our data document continuity across the transition between hunter gatherers and farmers separately in the southern Levant and in the southern Caucasus Iran highlands The qualitative evidence for this is that PCA ADMIXTURE and outgroup f3 analysis cluster Levantine hunter gatherers Natufians with Levantine farmers and Iranian and CHG with Iranian farmers Fig 1b and Extended Data Figs 1 3 We confirm this in the Levant by showing that its early farmers share significantly more alleles with Natufians than with the early farmers of Iran Epipaleolithic Natufians were substantially derived from the Basal Eurasian lineage We used qpAdm ref 7 to estimate Basal Eurasian ancestry in each Test population We obtained the highest estimates in the earliest populations from both Iran 66 13 in the likely Mesolithic sample 48 6 in Neolithic samples and the Levant 44 8 in Epipalaeolithic Natufians Fig 2 showing that Basal Eurasian ancestry was widespread across the ancient Near East The idea of Natufians as a vector for the movement of Basal Eurasian ancestry into the Near East is also not supported by our data as the Basal Eurasian ancestry in the Natufians 44 8 is consistent with stemming from the same population as that in the Neolithic and Mesolithic populations of Iran and is not greater than in those populations Supplementary Information section 4 Further insight into the origins and legacy of the Natufians could come from comparison to Natufians from additional sites and to ancient DNA from North Africa a b Bar Yosef Ofer 1998 The Natufian Culture in the Levant Threshold to the Origins of Agriculture PDF Evolutionary Anthropology 6 5 159 177 doi 10 1002 SICI 1520 6505 1998 6 5 lt 159 AID EVAN4 gt 3 0 CO 2 7 S2CID 35814375 a b Boyd Brian 1999 Twisting the kaleidoscope Dorothy Garrod and the Natufian Culture In Davies William Charles Ruth eds Dorothy Garrod and the progress of the Palaeolithic Oxford Oxbow pp 209 223 ISBN 978 1 78570 519 9 Zalloua Pierre A Matisoo Smith Elizabeth 6 January 2017 Mapping Post Glacial expansions The Peopling of Southwest Asia Scientific Reports 7 40338 Bibcode 2017NatSR 740338P doi 10 1038 srep40338 ISSN 2045 2322 PMC 5216412 PMID 28059138 Munro Natalie D 2003 Small game the Younger Dryas and the transition to agriculture in the southern Levant PDF Mitteilungen der Gesellschaft fur Urgeschichte 12 47 71 ISSN 1611 7948 Wikidata Q107520328 Barker G 2002 Transitions to farming and pastoralism in North Africa in Bellwood P Renfrew C 2002 Examining the Farming Language Dispersal Hypothesis pp 151 161 De Groote Isabelle Humphrey Louise T 2016 08 22 Characterizing evulsion in the Later Stone Age Maghreb Age sex and effects on mastication PDF Quaternary International 413 50 61 Bibcode 2016QuInt 413 50D doi 10 1016 j quaint 2015 08 082 ISSN 1040 6182 S2CID 130343302 Bar Yosef O 1987 Pleistocene connections between Africa and SouthWest Asia an archaeological perspective The African Archaeological Review Chapter 5 pg 29 38 Richter Tobias 2011 Interaction before Agriculture Exchanging Material and Sharing Knowledge in the Final Pleistocene Levant PDF Cambridge Archaeological Journal 21 95 114 doi 10 1017 S0959774311000060 S2CID 162887983 Maher Tobias Richter Lisa A Stock Jay T 2012 The Pre Natufian Epipaleolithic Long Term Behavioral Trends in the Levant Evolutionary Anthropology 21 2 69 81 doi 10 1002 evan 21307 PMID 22499441 S2CID 32252766 Ehret 2002 The Civilizations of Africa A History to 1800 Charlottesville University Press of Virginia Bellwood P 2005 Blackwell Oxford Page 97 Weiss E Kislev ME Simchoni O Nadel D Tschauner H 2008 Plant food preparation area on an Upper Paleolithic brush hut floor at Ohalo II Israel Journal of Archaeological Science 35 8 2400 2414 Bibcode 2008JArSc 35 2400W doi 10 1016 j jas 2008 03 012 Nadel D Piperno DR Holst I Snir A Weiss E 2012 New evidence for the processing of wild cereal grains at Ohalo II a 23 000 year old campsite on the shore of the Sea of Galilee Israel Antiquity 86 334 990 1003 doi 10 1017 s0003598x00048201 S2CID 162019976 Weiss Ehud Wetterstrom Wilma Nadel Dani Bar Yosef Ofer 2004 06 29 The broad spectrum revisited Evidence from plant remains Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 101 26 9551 9555 Bibcode 2004PNAS 101 9551W doi 10 1073 pnas 0402362101 ISSN 0027 8424 PMC 470712 PMID 15210984 Brace C Loring et al 2006 The questionable contribution of the Neolithic and the Bronze Age to European craniofacial form PNAS 103 1 242 247 Bibcode 2006PNAS 103 242B doi 10 1073 pnas 0509801102 PMC 1325007 PMID 16371462 The Natufian sample from Israel is also problematic because it is so small being constituted of three males and one female from the Late Pleistocene Epipalaeolithic 34 of Israel and there was no usable Neolithic sample for the Near East the small Natufian sample falls between the Niger Congo group and the other samples used Fig 2 shows the plot produced by the first two canonical variates but the same thing happens when canonical variates 1 and 3 not shown here are used This placement suggests that there may have been a Sub Saharan African element in the make up of the Natufians the putative ancestors of the subsequent Neolithic a b Lazaridis Iosif et al 17 June 2016 The genetic structure of the world s first farmers bioRxiv 10 1101 059311 Table S6 1 Y chromosome haplogroups Bar Yosef Ofer Belfer Cohen Anna 1989 The Origins of Sedentism and Farming Communities in the Levant Journal of World Prehistory 3 4 447 498 doi 10 1007 bf00975111 S2CID 162966796 a b Belfer Cohen Anna 1991 The Natufian in the Levant Annual Review of Anthropology 20 167 186 doi 10 1146 annurev an 20 100191 001123 ISSN 0084 6570 JSTOR 2155798 Byrd Brian F 1989 06 01 The Natufian Settlement variability and economic adaptations in the Levant at the end of the Pleistocene Journal of World Prehistory 3 2 159 197 doi 10 1007 BF00975760 ISSN 1573 7802 S2CID 162302031 Weinstein Evron Mina Yeshurun Reuven Ashkenazy Hila Chasan Rivka Rosenberg Danny Bachrach Noga Boaretto Elisabetta Caracuta Valentina Kaufman Daniel וינשטיין עברון מינה ישורון ראובן אשכנזי הילה חזן רבקה רוזנברג דני בכרך נגה 2018 After 80 Years Deeper in the Natufian Layers of el Wad Terrace Mount Carmel Israel לאחר שמונים שנה סיכום עונות החפירה 2012 2007 בשכבות הנאטופיות של טרסת מערת הנחל אל ואד הכרמל ישראל Mitekufat Haeven Journal of the Israel Prehistoric Society מתקופת האבן 48 5 61 ISSN 0334 3839 JSTOR 26579622 Boyd Brian 2006 06 01 On sedentism in the Later Epipalaeolithic Natufian Levant World Archaeology 38 2 164 178 doi 10 1080 00438240600688398 ISSN 0043 8243 S2CID 143734829 BBC A History of the World Object Ain Sakhri lovers figurine www bbc co uk Grosman L Munro N D Belfer Cohen A 2008 A 12 000 year old Shaman burial from the southern Levant Israel Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 105 46 17665 17669 Bibcode 2008PNAS 10517665G doi 10 1073 pnas 0806030105 ISSN 0027 8424 PMC 2584673 PMID 18981412 a b Oldest Shaman Grave Found National Geographic 04 Nov 2008 Hebrew U unearths 12 000 year old skeleton of petite Natufian priestess By Bradley Burston Haaretz 05 Nov 2008 Hogenboom Melissa 24 May 2016 Secrets of the world s oldest funeral feast earth BBC retrieved 24 May 2016 Kislev ME Hartmann A Bar Yosef O 2006 Early domesticated fig in the Jordan Valley Science 312 5778 1372 1374 Bibcode 2006Sci 312 1372K doi 10 1126 science 1125910 PMID 16741119 S2CID 42150441 World s oldest brewery found in a cave in Israel say researchers BBC 15 September 2018 Friesem David E Abadi Itay Shaham Dana Grosman Leore 30 September 2019 Lime plaster covering burials 12 000 years ago presents a technological leap forward at the end of the Palaeolithic Cambridge University Press 1 e9 doi 10 1017 ehs 2019 9 PMC 10427327 PMID 37588409 Bar Yosef Offer The Natufian Culture in the Levant Threshold to the Origins of Agriculture PDF Evolutionary Anthropology Mithen Steven 2006 After the Ice A Global Human History 20 000 5000 BC Harvard University Press ISBN 978 0 674 01999 7 World s oldest bread found at prehistoric site in Jordan The Jerusalem Post 2018 retrieved 16 July 2018 Balter Michael 2010 Archaeology The Tangled Roots of Agriculture Science 327 5964 404 406 doi 10 1126 science 327 5964 404 PMID 20093449 a b Clutton Brock Juliet 1995 Origins of the dog domestication and early history in Serpell James ed The domestic dog its evolution behaviour and interactions with people Cambridge Cambridge University Press ISBN 978 0 521 41529 3 Feldman Michal Fernandez Dominguez Eva Reynolds Luke Baird Douglas Pearson Jessica Hershkovitz Israel May Hila Goring Morris Nigel Benz Marion Gresky Julia Bianco Raffaela A Fairbairn Andrew Mustafaoglu Gokhan Stockhammer Philipp W Posth Cosimo 2019 03 19 Late Pleistocene human genome suggests a local origin for the first farmers of central Anatolia Nature Communications 10 1 1218 Bibcode 2019NatCo 10 1218F doi 10 1038 s41467 019 09209 7 ISSN 2041 1723 PMC 6425003 PMID 30890703 S2CID 256633173 a b van de Loosdrecht et al 2018 03 15 Pleistocene North African genomes link Near Eastern and sub Saharan African human populations Science 360 6388 548 552 Bibcode 2018Sci 360 548V doi 10 1126 science aar8380 ISSN 0036 8075 PMID 29545507 a b c Fregel et al 2018 Ancient genomes from North Africa evidence prehistoric migrations to the Maghreb from both the Levant and Europe PDF Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 115 26 6774 6779 Bibcode 2018PNAS 115 6774F bioRxiv 10 1101 191569 doi 10 1073 pnas 1800851115 PMC 6042094 PMID 29895688 S2CID 214727201 a b Shriner D 2018 Re analysis of Whole Genome Sequence Data From 279 Ancient Eurasians Reveals Substantial Ancestral Heterogeneity Frontiers in Genetics 9 268 doi 10 3389 fgene 2018 00268 PMC 6062619 PMID 30079081 a b c van de Loosdrecht Marieke Bouzouggar Abdeljalil Humphrey Louise Posth Cosimo Barton Nick Aximu Petri Ayinuer Nickel Birgit Nagel Sarah Talbi El Hassan El Hajraoui Mohammed Abdeljalil Amzazi Saaid Hublin Jean Jacques Paabo Svante Schiffels Stephan Meyer Matthias 2018 05 04 Pleistocene North African genomes link Near Eastern and sub Saharan African human populations Science 360 6388 548 552 Bibcode 2018Sci 360 548V doi 10 1126 science aar8380 ISSN 0036 8075 PMID 29545507 S2CID 206666517 Lazaridis Iosif Nadel Dani Rollefson Gary Merrett Deborah C Rohland Nadin Mallick Swapan Fernandes Daniel Novak Mario Gamarra Beatriz Sirak Kendra Connell Sarah Stewardson Kristin Harney Eadaoin Fu Qiaomei Gonzalez Fortes Gloria 2016 08 25 Genomic insights into the origin of farming in the ancient Near East Nature 536 7617 419 424 Bibcode 2016Natur 536 419L doi 10 1038 nature19310 ISSN 0028 0836 PMC 5003663 PMID 27459054 a b Lazaridis I Nadel D Rollefson G Merrett DC Rohland N Mallick S Fernandes D Novak M Gamarra B 2016 Genomic insights into the origin of farming in the ancient Near East Nature 536 7617 419 424 Bibcode 2016Natur 536 419L doi 10 1038 nature19310 PMC 5003663 PMID 27459054 Almarri Mohamed A Haber Marc Lootah Reem A Hallast Pille Turki Saeed Al Martin Hilary C Xue Yali Tyler Smith Chris 2021 09 02 The genomic history of the Middle East Cell 184 18 4612 4625 e14 doi 10 1016 j cell 2021 07 013 ISSN 0092 8674 PMC 8445022 PMID 34352227 Broushaki F Thomas MG Link V Lopez S van Dorp L Kirsanow K Hofmanova Z Diekmann Y Cassidy LM Diez del Molino D Kousathanas A Sell C Robson HK Martiniano R Blocher J Scheu A Kreutzer S Bollongino R Bobo D Davoudi H Munoz O Currat M Abdi K Biglari F Craig OE Bradley DG Shennan S Veeramah KR Mashkour M Wegmann D Hellenthal G Burger J 2016 Early Neolithic genomes from the eastern Fertile Crescent Science 353 6298 499 503 Bibcode 2016Sci 353 499B doi 10 1126 science aaf7943 PMC 5113750 PMID 27417496 Gallego Llorente M Connell S Jones ER Merrett DC Jeon Y Eriksson A Siska V Gamba C Meiklejohn C Beyer R Jeon S Cho YS Hofreiter M Bhak J Manica A Pinhasi R 2016 The genetics of an early Neolithic pastoralist from the Zagros Iran Sci Rep 6 31326 Bibcode 2016NatSR 631326G doi 10 1038 srep31326 PMC 4977546 PMID 27502179 Fernandez E Perez Perez A Gamba C Prats E Cuesta P Anfruns J Molist M Arroyo Pardo E Turbon D 2014 Ancient DNA analysis of 8000 B C near eastern farmers supports an early neolithic pioneer maritime colonization of Mainland Europe through Cyprus and the Aegean Islands PLOS Genet 10 6 e1004401 doi 10 1371 journal pgen 1004401 PMC 4046922 PMID 24901650 Lazaridis Iosif et al 2016 The genetic structure of the world s first farmers Nature 536 7617 419 424 Bibcode 2016Natur 536 419L bioRxiv 10 1101 059311 doi 10 1038 nature19310 PMC 5003663 PMID 27459054 S2CID 89467381 However no affinity of Natufians to sub Saharan Africans is evident in our genome wide analysis as present day sub Saharan Africans do not share more alleles with Natufians than with other ancient Eurasians Extended Data Table 1 Lazaridis Iosif Nadel Dani Rollefson Gary Merrett Deborah C Rohland Nadin Mallick Swapan Fernandes Daniel Novak Mario Gamarra Beatriz Sirak Kendra Connell Sarah Stewardson Kristin Harney Eadaoin Fu Qiaomei Gonzalez Fortes Gloria 2016 06 16 The genetic structure of the world s first farmers bioRxiv 059311 doi 10 1101 059311 S2CID 89467381 Lazaridis Iosif et al 17 June 2016 The genetic structure of the world s first farmers bioRxiv 10 1101 059311 Table S6 1 Y chromosome haplogroups Lazaridis Iosif et al Genomic insights into the origin of farming in the ancient Near East Nature 536 419 424 2016 Supplementary Table 1 Martiniano Rui Sanctis Bianca De Hallast Pille Durbin Richard 2020 12 20 Placing ancient DNA sequences into reference phylogenies Molecular Biology and Evolution 39 2 2020 12 19 423614 bioRxiv 10 1101 2020 12 19 423614 doi 10 1093 molbev msac017 PMC 8857924 PMID 35084493 S2CID 229549849 Jeong Choongwon 2020 Current Trends in Ancient DNA Study Beyond Human Migration in and Around Europe The Handbook of Mummy Studies pp 1 16 doi 10 1007 978 981 15 1614 6 10 1 ISBN 978 981 15 1614 6 S2CID 226555687 a href Template Cite book html title Template Cite book cite book a website ignored help Fregel Rosa 2021 11 17 Paleogenomics of the Neolithic Transition in North Africa Brill ISBN 978 90 04 50022 8 However a preprint from Lazaridis et al 2018 has contested this conclusion based on new evidence from Paleolithic samples from the Dzudzuana site in Georgia 25 000 years BCE When these samples are considered in the analysis Taforalt can be better modeled as a mixture of a Dzudzuana component and a sub Saharan African component They also argue that it is the Taforalt people who contributed to the genetic composition of Natufians and not the other way around More evidence will be needed to determine the specific origin of the North African Upper Paleolithic populations but the presence of an ancestral U6 lineage in the Dzudzuana people is consistent with this population being related to the back migration to Africa Winfried Noth 1994 Origins of Semiosis Sign Evolution in Nature and Culture Walter de Gruyter p 293 ISBN 978 3 11 087750 2 Roger Blench Matthew Spriggs 2003 Archaeology and Language IV Language Change and Cultural Transformation Routledge p 70 ISBN 978 1 134 81623 1 Blench R 2006 Archaeology Language and the African Past Rowman Altamira ISBN 0 7591 0466 2 ISBN 978 0 7591 0466 2 https books google com books doi esFy3Po57A8C Ehret Christopher Keita S O Y Newman Paul 2004 The Origins of Afroasiatic Science 306 5702 1680 3 1680 doi 10 1126 science 306 5702 1680c PMID 15576591 S2CID 8057990 Bernal Martin 1987 Black Athena The linguistic evidence Rutgers University Press ISBN 978 0 8135 3655 2 Bender ML 1997 Upside Down Afrasian Afrikanistische Arbeitspapiere 50 pp 19 34 Militarev A 2005 Once more about glottochronology and comparative method the Omotic Afrasian case Aspekty komparativistiki 1 Aspects of comparative linguistics 1 FS S Starostin Orientalia et Classica II Moscow p 339 408 http starling rinet ru Texts fleming pdf Arranz Otaegui Amaia Gonzalez Carretero Lara Roe Joe Richter Tobias 2018 Founder crops v wild plants Assessing the plant based diet of the last hunter gatherers in southwest Asia Quaternary Science Reviews 186 263 283 Bibcode 2018QSRv 186 263A doi 10 1016 j quascirev 2018 02 011 ISSN 0277 3791 Neeley Michael P Hill J Brett 2017 Archaeological and Geomorphological Investigations of the Late Epipaleolithic in West Central Jordan TBAS 212 in a Regional Context ResearchGate Further reading EditBalter Michael 2005 The Goddess and the Bull New York Free Press ISBN 978 0 7432 4360 5 Bar Yosef Ofer 1998 The Natufian Culture in the Levant Threshold to the Origins of Agriculture PDF Evolutionary Anthropology 6 5 159 177 doi 10 1002 SICI 1520 6505 1998 6 5 lt 159 AID EVAN4 gt 3 0 CO 2 7 S2CID 35814375 Bar Yosef Ofer Belfer Cohen Anna 1999 Encoding information unique Natufian objects from Hayonim Cave Western Galilee Israel Antiquity 73 280 402 409 doi 10 1017 s0003598x00088347 S2CID 160868877 Bar Yosef Ofer 1992 Valla Francois R ed The Natufian Culture in the Levant Ann Arbor International Monographs in Prehistory ISBN 978 1 879621 03 9 Campana Douglas V Crabtree Pam J 1990 Communal Hunting in the Natufian of the Southern Levant The Social and Economic Implications Journal of Mediterranean Archaeology 3 2 223 243 doi 10 1558 jmea v3i2 223 Clutton Brock Juliet 1999 A Natural History of Domesticated Mammals 2nd ed Cambridge Cambridge University Press ISBN 978 0 521 63247 8 Dubreuil Laure 2004 Long term trends in Natufian subsistence a use wear analysis of ground stone tools Journal of Archaeological Science 31 11 1613 1629 Bibcode 2004JArSc 31 1613D doi 10 1016 j jas 2004 04 003 Munro Natalie D August October 2004 Zooarchaeological measures of hunting pressure and occupation intensity in the Natufian Implications for agricultural origins PDF Current Anthropology 45 S5 S33 doi 10 1086 422084 S2CID 42749024 Simmons Alan H 2007 The Neolithic Revolution in the Near East Transforming the Human Landscape University of Arizona Press ISBN 978 0 8165 2966 7External links Edit nbsp Wikimedia Commons has media related to Natufian culture Epi Palaeolithic European Mesolithic Natufian Culture of Israel The History of the Ancient Near East Cultural Complexity Hierarchical Societies Socio Economic Political Inequalities in Mesopotamia An Outline archived from the original on 2016 10 08 retrieved 2002 06 02 The genetic structure of the world s first farmers Lazaridis et al 2016 Warning Default sort key Natufian Culture overrides earlier default sort key Prehistoric Asia Retrieved from https en wikipedia org w index php title Natufian culture amp oldid 1180915865, wikipedia, wiki, book, books, library,


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