
Molecular clock

The molecular clock is a figurative term for a technique that uses the mutation rate of biomolecules to deduce the time in prehistory when two or more life forms diverged. The biomolecular data used for such calculations are usually nucleotide sequences for DNA, RNA, or amino acid sequences for proteins. The benchmarks for determining the mutation rate are often fossil or archaeological dates. The molecular clock was first tested in 1962 on the hemoglobin protein variants of various animals, and is commonly used in molecular evolution to estimate times of speciation or radiation. It is sometimes called a gene clock or an evolutionary clock.

Early discovery and genetic equidistance

The notion of the existence of a so-called "molecular clock" was first attributed to Émile Zuckerkandl and Linus Pauling who, in 1962, noticed that the number of amino acid differences in hemoglobin between different lineages changes roughly linearly with time, as estimated from fossil evidence.[1] They generalized this observation to assert that the rate of evolutionary change of any specified protein was approximately constant over time and over different lineages (known as the molecular clock hypothesis).

The genetic equidistance phenomenon was first noted in 1963 by Emanuel Margoliash, who wrote: "It appears that the number of residue differences between cytochrome c of any two species is mostly conditioned by the time elapsed since the lines of evolution leading to these two species originally diverged. If this is correct, the cytochrome c of all mammals should be equally different from the cytochrome c of all birds. Since fish diverges from the main stem of vertebrate evolution earlier than either birds or mammals, the cytochrome c of both mammals and birds should be equally different from the cytochrome c of fish. Similarly, all vertebrate cytochrome c should be equally different from the yeast protein."[2] For example, the difference between the cytochrome c of a carp and a frog, turtle, chicken, rabbit, and horse is a very constant 13% to 14%. Similarly, the difference between the cytochrome c of a bacterium and yeast, wheat, moth, tuna, pigeon, and horse ranges from 64% to 69%. Together with the work of Emile Zuckerkandl and Linus Pauling, the genetic equidistance result led directly to the formal postulation of the molecular clock hypothesis in the early 1960s.[3]

Similarly, Vincent Sarich and Allan Wilson in 1967 demonstrated that molecular differences among modern Primates in albumin proteins showed that approximately constant rates of change had occurred in all the lineages they assessed.[4] The basic logic of their analysis involved recognizing that if one species lineage had evolved more quickly than a sister species lineage since their common ancestor, then the molecular differences between an outgroup (more distantly related) species and the faster-evolving species should be larger (since more molecular changes would have accumulated on that lineage) than the molecular differences between the outgroup species and the slower-evolving species. This method is known as the relative rate test. Sarich and Wilson's paper reported, for example, that human (Homo sapiens) and chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes) albumin immunological cross-reactions suggested they were about equally different from Ceboidea (New World Monkey) species (within experimental error). This meant that they had both accumulated approximately equal changes in albumin since their shared common ancestor. This pattern was also found for all the primate comparisons they tested. When calibrated with the few well-documented fossil branch points (such as no Primate fossils of modern aspect found before the K-T boundary), this led Sarich and Wilson to argue that the human-chimp divergence probably occurred only ~4–6 million years ago.[5]

Relationship with neutral theory

The observation of a clock-like rate of molecular change was originally purely phenomenological. Later, the work of Motoo Kimura[6] developed the neutral theory of molecular evolution, which predicted a molecular clock. Let there be N individuals, and to keep this calculation simple, let the individuals be haploid (i.e. have one copy of each gene). Let the rate of neutral mutations (i.e. mutations with no effect on fitness) in a new individual be  . The probability that this new mutation will become fixed in the population is then 1/N, since each copy of the gene is as good as any other. Every generation, each individual can have new mutations, so there are  N new neutral mutations in the population as a whole. That means that each generation,   new neutral mutations will become fixed. If most changes seen during molecular evolution are neutral, then fixations in a population will accumulate at a clock-rate that is equal to the rate of neutral mutations in an individual.


To use molecular clocks to estimate divergence times, molecular clocks need to be "calibrated". This is because molecular data alone does not contain any information on absolute times. For viral phylogenetics and ancient DNA studies—two areas of evolutionary biology where it is possible to sample sequences over an evolutionary timescale—the dates of the intermediate samples can be used to calibrate the molecular clock. However, most phylogenies require that the molecular clock be calibrated using independent evidence about dates, such as the fossil record.[7] There are two general methods for calibrating the molecular clock using fossils: node calibration and tip calibration.[8]

Node calibration

Sometimes referred to as node dating, node calibration is a method for time-scaling phylogenetic trees by specifying time constraints for one or more nodes in the tree. Early methods of clock calibration only used a single fossil constraint (e.g. non-parametric rate smoothing),[9] but newer methods (BEAST[10] and r8s[11]) allow for the use of multiple fossils to calibrate molecular clocks. The oldest fossil of a clade is used to constrain the minimum possible age for the node representing the most recent common ancestor of the clade. However, due to incomplete fossil preservation and other factors, clades are typically older than their oldest fossils.[8] In order to account for this, nodes are allowed to be older than the minimum constraint in node calibration analyses. However, determining how much older the node is allowed to be is challenging. There are a number of strategies for deriving the maximum bound for the age of a clade including those based on birth-death models, fossil stratigraphic distribution analyses, or taphonomic controls.[12] Alternatively, instead of a maximum and a minimum, a probability density can be used to represent the uncertainty about the age of the clade. These calibration densities can take the shape of standard probability densities (e.g. normal, lognormal, exponential, gamma) that can be used to express the uncertainty associated with divergence time estimates. [10] Determining the shape and parameters of the probability distribution is not trivial, but there are methods that use not only the oldest fossil but a larger sample of the fossil record of clades to estimate calibration densities empirically.[13] Studies have shown that increasing the number of fossil constraints increases the accuracy of divergence time estimation.[14]

Tip calibration

Sometimes referred to as tip dating, tip calibration is a method of molecular clock calibration in which fossils are treated as taxa and placed on the tips of the tree. This is achieved by creating a matrix that includes a molecular dataset for the extant taxa along with a morphological dataset for both the extinct and the extant taxa.[12] Unlike node calibration, this method reconstructs the tree topology and places the fossils simultaneously. Molecular and morphological models work together simultaneously, allowing morphology to inform the placement of fossils.[8] Tip calibration makes use of all relevant fossil taxa during clock calibration, rather than relying on only the oldest fossil of each clade. This method does not rely on the interpretation of negative evidence to infer maximum clade ages.[12]

Expansion calibration

Demographic changes in populations can be detected as fluctuations in historical coalescent effective population size from a sample of extant genetic variation in the population using coalescent theory.[15][16][17] Ancient population expansions that are well documented and dated in the geological record can be used to calibrate a rate of molecular evolution in a manner similar to node calibration. However, instead of calibrating from the known age of a node, expansion calibration uses a two-epoch model of constant population size followed by population growth, with the time of transition between epochs being the parameter of interest for calibration.[18][19] Expansion calibration works at shorter, intraspecific timescales in comparison to node calibration, because expansions can only be detected after the most recent common ancestor of the species in question. Expansion dating has been used to show that molecular clock rates can be inflated at short timescales[18] (< 1 MY) due to incomplete fixation of alleles, as discussed below[20][21]

Total evidence dating

This approach to tip calibration goes a step further by simultaneously estimating fossil placement, topology, and the evolutionary timescale. In this method, the age of a fossil can inform its phylogenetic position in addition to morphology. By allowing all aspects of tree reconstruction to occur simultaneously, the risk of biased results is decreased.[8] This approach has been improved upon by pairing it with different models. One current method of molecular clock calibration is total evidence dating paired with the fossilized birth-death (FBD) model and a model of morphological evolution.[22] The FBD model is novel in that it allows for "sampled ancestors", which are fossil taxa that are the direct ancestor of a living taxon or lineage. This allows fossils to be placed on a branch above an extant organism, rather than being confined to the tips.[23]


Bayesian methods can provide more appropriate estimates of divergence times, especially if large datasets—such as those yielded by phylogenomics—are employed.[24]

Non-constant rate of molecular clock

Sometimes only a single divergence date can be estimated from fossils, with all other dates inferred from that. Other sets of species have abundant fossils available, allowing the hypothesis of constant divergence rates to be tested. DNA sequences experiencing low levels of negative selection showed divergence rates of 0.7–0.8% per Myr in bacteria, mammals, invertebrates, and plants.[25] In the same study, genomic regions experiencing very high negative or purifying selection (encoding rRNA) were considerably slower (1% per 50 Myr).

In addition to such variation in rate with genomic position, since the early 1990s variation among taxa has proven fertile ground for research too,[26] even over comparatively short periods of evolutionary time (for example mockingbirds[27]). Tube-nosed seabirds have molecular clocks that on average run at half speed of many other birds,[28] possibly due to long generation times, and many turtles have a molecular clock running at one-eighth the speed it does in small mammals, or even slower.[29] Effects of small population size are also likely to confound molecular clock analyses. Researchers such as Francisco J. Ayala have more fundamentally challenged the molecular clock hypothesis.[30][31][32] According to Ayala's 1999 study, five factors combine to limit the application of molecular clock models:

  • Changing generation times (If the rate of new mutations depends at least partly on the number of generations rather than the number of years)
  • Population size (Genetic drift is stronger in small populations, and so more mutations are effectively neutral)
  • Species-specific differences (due to differing metabolism, ecology, evolutionary history, ...)
  • Change in function of the protein studied (can be avoided in closely related species by utilizing non-coding DNA sequences or emphasizing silent mutations)
  • Changes in the intensity of natural selection.
Woody bamboos (tribes Arundinarieae and Bambuseae) have long generation times and lower mutation rates, as expressed by short branches in the phylogenetic tree, than the fast-evolving herbaceous bamboos (Olyreae).

Molecular clock users have developed workaround solutions using a number of statistical approaches including maximum likelihood techniques and later Bayesian modeling. In particular, models that take into account rate variation across lineages have been proposed in order to obtain better estimates of divergence times. These models are called relaxed molecular clocks[33] because they represent an intermediate position between the 'strict' molecular clock hypothesis and Joseph Felsenstein's many-rates model[34] and are made possible through MCMC techniques that explore a weighted range of tree topologies and simultaneously estimate parameters of the chosen substitution model. It must be remembered that divergence dates inferred using a molecular clock are based on statistical inference and not on direct evidence.

The molecular clock runs into particular challenges at very short and very long timescales. At long timescales, the problem is saturation. When enough time has passed, many sites have undergone more than one change, but it is impossible to detect more than one. This means that the observed number of changes is no longer linear with time, but instead flattens out. Even at intermediate genetic distances, with phylogenetic data still sufficient to estimate topology, signal for the overall scale of the tree can be weak under complex likelihood models, leading to highly uncertain molecular clock estimates.[35]

At very short time scales, many differences between samples do not represent fixation of different sequences in the different populations. Instead, they represent alternative alleles that were both present as part of a polymorphism in the common ancestor. The inclusion of differences that have not yet become fixed leads to a potentially dramatic inflation of the apparent rate of the molecular clock at very short timescales.[21][36]


The molecular clock technique is an important tool in molecular systematics, macroevolution, and phylogenetic comparative methods. Estimation of the dates of phylogenetic events, including those not documented by fossils, such as the divergences between living taxa has allowed the study of macroevolutionary processes in organisms that had limited fossil records. Phylogenetic comparative methods rely heavily on calibrated phylogenies. In applications over deep time scales, the limitations of the molecular clock hypothesis (above) must be considered; such estimates may be off by 50% or more.

See also


  1. ^ Zuckerkandl E, Pauling (1962). "Molecular disease, evolution, and genic heterogeneity". In Kasha, M., Pullman, B (eds.). Horizons in Biochemistry. Academic Press, New York. pp. 189–225.
  2. ^ Margoliash E (October 1963). "Primary Structure and Evolution of Cytochrome C". Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 50 (4): 672–679. Bibcode:1963PNAS...50..672M. doi:10.1073/pnas.50.4.672. PMC 221244. PMID 14077496.
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  11. ^ Sanderson MJ (January 2003). "r8s: inferring absolute rates of molecular evolution and divergence times in the absence of a molecular clock". Bioinformatics. 19 (2): 301–302. doi:10.1093/bioinformatics/19.2.301. PMID 12538260.
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  14. ^ Zheng Y, Wiens JJ (April 2015). "Do missing data influence the accuracy of divergence-time estimation with BEAST?". Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. 85 (1): 41–49. doi:10.1016/j.ympev.2015.02.002. PMID 25681677.
  15. ^ Rogers AR, Harpending H (May 1992). "Population growth makes waves in the distribution of pairwise genetic differences". Molecular Biology and Evolution. 9 (3): 552–569. doi:10.1093/oxfordjournals.molbev.a040727. PMID 1316531.
  16. ^ Shapiro B, Drummond AJ, Rambaut A, Wilson MC, Matheus PE, Sher AV, et al. (November 2004). "Rise and fall of the Beringian steppe bison". Science. 306 (5701): 1561–1565. Bibcode:2004Sci...306.1561S. doi:10.1126/science.1101074. PMID 15567864. S2CID 27134675.
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  18. ^ a b Crandall ED, Sbrocco EJ, Deboer TS, Barber PH, Carpenter KE (February 2012). "Expansion dating: calibrating molecular clocks in marine species from expansions onto the Sunda Shelf Following the Last Glacial Maximum". Molecular Biology and Evolution. 29 (2): 707–719. doi:10.1093/molbev/msr227. PMID 21926069.
  19. ^ Hoareau TB (May 2016). "Late Glacial Demographic Expansion Motivates a Clock Overhaul for Population Genetics". Systematic Biology. 65 (3): 449–464. doi:10.1093/sysbio/syv120. PMID 26683588.
  20. ^ Ho SY, Tong KJ, Foster CS, Ritchie AM, Lo N, Crisp MD (September 2015). "Biogeographic calibrations for the molecular clock". Biology Letters. 11 (9): 20150194. doi:10.1098/rsbl.2015.0194. PMC 4614420. PMID 26333662.
  21. ^ a b Ho SY, Phillips MJ, Cooper A, Drummond AJ (July 2005). "Time dependency of molecular rate estimates and systematic overestimation of recent divergence times". Molecular Biology and Evolution. 22 (7): 1561–1568. doi:10.1093/molbev/msi145. PMID 15814826.
  22. ^ Heath TA, Huelsenbeck JP, Stadler T (July 2014). "The fossilized birth-death process for coherent calibration of divergence-time estimates". Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 111 (29): E2957–E2966. arXiv:1310.2968. Bibcode:2014PNAS..111E2957H. doi:10.1073/pnas.1319091111. PMC 4115571. PMID 25009181.
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  25. ^ Ochman H, Wilson AC (1987). "Evolution in bacteria: evidence for a universal substitution rate in cellular genomes". Journal of Molecular Evolution. 26 (1–2): 74–86. Bibcode:1987JMolE..26...74O. doi:10.1007/BF02111283. PMID 3125340. S2CID 8260277.
  26. ^ Douzery EJ, Delsuc F, Stanhope MJ, Huchon D (2003). "Local molecular clocks in three nuclear genes: divergence times for rodents and other mammals and incompatibility among fossil calibrations". Journal of Molecular Evolution. 57 (Suppl 1): S201–S213. Bibcode:2003JMolE..57S.201D. CiteSeerX doi:10.1007/s00239-003-0028-x. PMID 15008417. S2CID 23887665.
  27. ^ Hunt JS, Bermingham E, Ricklefs RE (2001). "Molecular systematics and biogeography of Antillean thrashers, tremblers, and mockingbirds (Aves: Mimidae)". Auk. 118 (1): 35–55. doi:10.1642/0004-8038(2001)118[0035:MSABOA]2.0.CO;2. ISSN 0004-8038. S2CID 51797284.
  28. ^ Rheindt, F. E. & Austin, J. (2005). "Major analytical and conceptual shortcomings in a recent taxonomic revision of the Procellariiformes – A reply to Penhallurick and Wink (2004)" (PDF). Emu. 105 (2): 181–186. doi:10.1071/MU04039. S2CID 20390465.
  29. ^ Avise JC, Bowen BW, Lamb T, Meylan AB, Bermingham E (May 1992). "Mitochondrial DNA evolution at a turtle's pace: evidence for low genetic variability and reduced microevolutionary rate in the Testudines". Molecular Biology and Evolution. 9 (3): 457–473. doi:10.1093/oxfordjournals.molbev.a040735. PMID 1584014.
  30. ^ Ayala FJ (January 1999). "Molecular clock mirages". BioEssays. 21 (1): 71–75. doi:10.1002/(SICI)1521-1878(199901)21:1<71::AID-BIES9>3.0.CO;2-B. PMID 10070256. Archived from the original on 16 December 2012.
  31. ^ Schwartz, J. H. & Maresca, B. (2006). "Do Molecular Clocks Run at All? A Critique of Molecular Systematics". Biological Theory. 1 (4): 357–371. CiteSeerX doi:10.1162/biot.2006.1.4.357. S2CID 28166727.
    • "No Missing Link? Evolutionary Changes Occur Suddenly, Professor Says". ScienceDaily (Press release). 12 February 2007.
  32. ^ Pascual-García A, Arenas M, Bastolla U (November 2019). "The Molecular Clock in the Evolution of Protein Structures". Systematic Biology. 68 (6): 987–1002. doi:10.1093/sysbio/syz022. PMID 31111152.
  33. ^ Drummond AJ, Ho SY, Phillips MJ, Rambaut A (May 2006). "Relaxed phylogenetics and dating with confidence". PLOS Biology. 4 (5): e88. doi:10.1371/journal.pbio.0040088. PMC 1395354. PMID 16683862.
  34. ^ Felsenstein J (2001). "Taking variation of evolutionary rates between sites into account in inferring phylogenies". Journal of Molecular Evolution. 53 (4–5): 447–455. Bibcode:2001JMolE..53..447F. doi:10.1007/s002390010234. PMID 11675604. S2CID 9791493.
  35. ^ Marshall, D. C., et al. 2016. Inflation of molecular clock rates and dates: molecular phylogenetics, biogeography, and diversification of a global cicada radiation from Australasia (Hemiptera: Cicadidae: Cicadettini). Systematic Biology 65(1):16–34.
  36. ^ Peterson GI, Masel J (November 2009). "Quantitative prediction of molecular clock and ka/ks at short timescales". Molecular Biology and Evolution. 26 (11): 2595–2603. doi:10.1093/molbev/msp175. PMC 2912466. PMID 19661199.

Further reading

  • Ho, S.Y.W., ed. (2020). The Molecular Evolutionary Clock: Theory and Practice. Springer, Cham. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-60181-2. ISBN 978-3-030-60180-5. S2CID 231672167.
  • Kumar S (August 2005). "Molecular clocks: four decades of evolution". Nature Reviews. Genetics. 6 (8): 654–662. doi:10.1038/nrg1659. PMID 16136655. S2CID 14261833.
  • Morgan GJ (1998). "Emile Zuckerkandl, Linus Pauling, and the molecular evolutionary clock, 1959-1965". Journal of the History of Biology. 31 (2): 155–178. doi:10.1023/A:1004394418084. PMID 11620303. S2CID 5660841.
  • Zuckerkandl E, Pauling LB (1965). "Evolutionary divergence and convergence in proteins". In Bryson V, Vogel HJ (eds.). Evolving Genes and Proteins. Academic Press, New York. pp. 97–166.

External links

molecular, clock, confused, with, chemical, clock, biological, clock, molecular, clock, figurative, term, technique, that, uses, mutation, rate, biomolecules, deduce, time, prehistory, when, more, life, forms, diverged, biomolecular, data, used, such, calculat. Not to be confused with Chemical clock or Biological clock The molecular clock is a figurative term for a technique that uses the mutation rate of biomolecules to deduce the time in prehistory when two or more life forms diverged The biomolecular data used for such calculations are usually nucleotide sequences for DNA RNA or amino acid sequences for proteins The benchmarks for determining the mutation rate are often fossil or archaeological dates The molecular clock was first tested in 1962 on the hemoglobin protein variants of various animals and is commonly used in molecular evolution to estimate times of speciation or radiation It is sometimes called a gene clock or an evolutionary clock Contents 1 Early discovery and genetic equidistance 2 Relationship with neutral theory 3 Calibration 3 1 Node calibration 3 2 Tip calibration 3 3 Expansion calibration 3 4 Total evidence dating 3 5 Methods 4 Non constant rate of molecular clock 5 Uses 6 See also 7 References 8 Further reading 9 External linksEarly discovery and genetic equidistance EditThe notion of the existence of a so called molecular clock was first attributed to Emile Zuckerkandl and Linus Pauling who in 1962 noticed that the number of amino acid differences in hemoglobin between different lineages changes roughly linearly with time as estimated from fossil evidence 1 They generalized this observation to assert that the rate of evolutionary change of any specified protein was approximately constant over time and over different lineages known as the molecular clock hypothesis The genetic equidistance phenomenon was first noted in 1963 by Emanuel Margoliash who wrote It appears that the number of residue differences between cytochrome c of any two species is mostly conditioned by the time elapsed since the lines of evolution leading to these two species originally diverged If this is correct the cytochrome c of all mammals should be equally different from the cytochrome c of all birds Since fish diverges from the main stem of vertebrate evolution earlier than either birds or mammals the cytochrome c of both mammals and birds should be equally different from the cytochrome c of fish Similarly all vertebrate cytochrome c should be equally different from the yeast protein 2 For example the difference between the cytochrome c of a carp and a frog turtle chicken rabbit and horse is a very constant 13 to 14 Similarly the difference between the cytochrome c of a bacterium and yeast wheat moth tuna pigeon and horse ranges from 64 to 69 Together with the work of Emile Zuckerkandl and Linus Pauling the genetic equidistance result led directly to the formal postulation of the molecular clock hypothesis in the early 1960s 3 Similarly Vincent Sarich and Allan Wilson in 1967 demonstrated that molecular differences among modern Primates in albumin proteins showed that approximately constant rates of change had occurred in all the lineages they assessed 4 The basic logic of their analysis involved recognizing that if one species lineage had evolved more quickly than a sister species lineage since their common ancestor then the molecular differences between an outgroup more distantly related species and the faster evolving species should be larger since more molecular changes would have accumulated on that lineage than the molecular differences between the outgroup species and the slower evolving species This method is known as the relative rate test Sarich and Wilson s paper reported for example that human Homo sapiens and chimpanzee Pan troglodytes albumin immunological cross reactions suggested they were about equally different from Ceboidea New World Monkey species within experimental error This meant that they had both accumulated approximately equal changes in albumin since their shared common ancestor This pattern was also found for all the primate comparisons they tested When calibrated with the few well documented fossil branch points such as no Primate fossils of modern aspect found before the K T boundary this led Sarich and Wilson to argue that the human chimp divergence probably occurred only 4 6 million years ago 5 Relationship with neutral theory EditThe observation of a clock like rate of molecular change was originally purely phenomenological Later the work of Motoo Kimura 6 developed the neutral theory of molecular evolution which predicted a molecular clock Let there be N individuals and to keep this calculation simple let the individuals be haploid i e have one copy of each gene Let the rate of neutral mutations i e mutations with no effect on fitness in a new individual be m displaystyle mu The probability that this new mutation will become fixed in the population is then 1 N since each copy of the gene is as good as any other Every generation each individual can have new mutations so there are m displaystyle mu N new neutral mutations in the population as a whole That means that each generation m displaystyle mu new neutral mutations will become fixed If most changes seen during molecular evolution are neutral then fixations in a population will accumulate at a clock rate that is equal to the rate of neutral mutations in an individual Calibration EditTo use molecular clocks to estimate divergence times molecular clocks need to be calibrated This is because molecular data alone does not contain any information on absolute times For viral phylogenetics and ancient DNA studies two areas of evolutionary biology where it is possible to sample sequences over an evolutionary timescale the dates of the intermediate samples can be used to calibrate the molecular clock However most phylogenies require that the molecular clock be calibrated using independent evidence about dates such as the fossil record 7 There are two general methods for calibrating the molecular clock using fossils node calibration and tip calibration 8 Node calibration Edit Sometimes referred to as node dating node calibration is a method for time scaling phylogenetic trees by specifying time constraints for one or more nodes in the tree Early methods of clock calibration only used a single fossil constraint e g non parametric rate smoothing 9 but newer methods BEAST 10 and r8s 11 allow for the use of multiple fossils to calibrate molecular clocks The oldest fossil of a clade is used to constrain the minimum possible age for the node representing the most recent common ancestor of the clade However due to incomplete fossil preservation and other factors clades are typically older than their oldest fossils 8 In order to account for this nodes are allowed to be older than the minimum constraint in node calibration analyses However determining how much older the node is allowed to be is challenging There are a number of strategies for deriving the maximum bound for the age of a clade including those based on birth death models fossil stratigraphic distribution analyses or taphonomic controls 12 Alternatively instead of a maximum and a minimum a probability density can be used to represent the uncertainty about the age of the clade These calibration densities can take the shape of standard probability densities e g normal lognormal exponential gamma that can be used to express the uncertainty associated with divergence time estimates 10 Determining the shape and parameters of the probability distribution is not trivial but there are methods that use not only the oldest fossil but a larger sample of the fossil record of clades to estimate calibration densities empirically 13 Studies have shown that increasing the number of fossil constraints increases the accuracy of divergence time estimation 14 Tip calibration Edit Sometimes referred to as tip dating tip calibration is a method of molecular clock calibration in which fossils are treated as taxa and placed on the tips of the tree This is achieved by creating a matrix that includes a molecular dataset for the extant taxa along with a morphological dataset for both the extinct and the extant taxa 12 Unlike node calibration this method reconstructs the tree topology and places the fossils simultaneously Molecular and morphological models work together simultaneously allowing morphology to inform the placement of fossils 8 Tip calibration makes use of all relevant fossil taxa during clock calibration rather than relying on only the oldest fossil of each clade This method does not rely on the interpretation of negative evidence to infer maximum clade ages 12 Expansion calibration Edit Demographic changes in populations can be detected as fluctuations in historical coalescent effective population size from a sample of extant genetic variation in the population using coalescent theory 15 16 17 Ancient population expansions that are well documented and dated in the geological record can be used to calibrate a rate of molecular evolution in a manner similar to node calibration However instead of calibrating from the known age of a node expansion calibration uses a two epoch model of constant population size followed by population growth with the time of transition between epochs being the parameter of interest for calibration 18 19 Expansion calibration works at shorter intraspecific timescales in comparison to node calibration because expansions can only be detected after the most recent common ancestor of the species in question Expansion dating has been used to show that molecular clock rates can be inflated at short timescales 18 lt 1 MY due to incomplete fixation of alleles as discussed below 20 21 Total evidence dating Edit This approach to tip calibration goes a step further by simultaneously estimating fossil placement topology and the evolutionary timescale In this method the age of a fossil can inform its phylogenetic position in addition to morphology By allowing all aspects of tree reconstruction to occur simultaneously the risk of biased results is decreased 8 This approach has been improved upon by pairing it with different models One current method of molecular clock calibration is total evidence dating paired with the fossilized birth death FBD model and a model of morphological evolution 22 The FBD model is novel in that it allows for sampled ancestors which are fossil taxa that are the direct ancestor of a living taxon or lineage This allows fossils to be placed on a branch above an extant organism rather than being confined to the tips 23 Methods Edit Bayesian methods can provide more appropriate estimates of divergence times especially if large datasets such as those yielded by phylogenomics are employed 24 Non constant rate of molecular clock EditSometimes only a single divergence date can be estimated from fossils with all other dates inferred from that Other sets of species have abundant fossils available allowing the hypothesis of constant divergence rates to be tested DNA sequences experiencing low levels of negative selection showed divergence rates of 0 7 0 8 per Myr in bacteria mammals invertebrates and plants 25 In the same study genomic regions experiencing very high negative or purifying selection encoding rRNA were considerably slower 1 per 50 Myr In addition to such variation in rate with genomic position since the early 1990s variation among taxa has proven fertile ground for research too 26 even over comparatively short periods of evolutionary time for example mockingbirds 27 Tube nosed seabirds have molecular clocks that on average run at half speed of many other birds 28 possibly due to long generation times and many turtles have a molecular clock running at one eighth the speed it does in small mammals or even slower 29 Effects of small population size are also likely to confound molecular clock analyses Researchers such as Francisco J Ayala have more fundamentally challenged the molecular clock hypothesis 30 31 32 According to Ayala s 1999 study five factors combine to limit the application of molecular clock models Changing generation times If the rate of new mutations depends at least partly on the number of generations rather than the number of years Population size Genetic drift is stronger in small populations and so more mutations are effectively neutral Species specific differences due to differing metabolism ecology evolutionary history Change in function of the protein studied can be avoided in closely related species by utilizing non coding DNA sequences or emphasizing silent mutations Changes in the intensity of natural selection Woody bamboos tribes Arundinarieae and Bambuseae have long generation times and lower mutation rates as expressed by short branches in the phylogenetic tree than the fast evolving herbaceous bamboos Olyreae Molecular clock users have developed workaround solutions using a number of statistical approaches including maximum likelihood techniques and later Bayesian modeling In particular models that take into account rate variation across lineages have been proposed in order to obtain better estimates of divergence times These models are called relaxed molecular clocks 33 because they represent an intermediate position between the strict molecular clock hypothesis and Joseph Felsenstein s many rates model 34 and are made possible through MCMC techniques that explore a weighted range of tree topologies and simultaneously estimate parameters of the chosen substitution model It must be remembered that divergence dates inferred using a molecular clock are based on statistical inference and not on direct evidence The molecular clock runs into particular challenges at very short and very long timescales At long timescales the problem is saturation When enough time has passed many sites have undergone more than one change but it is impossible to detect more than one This means that the observed number of changes is no longer linear with time but instead flattens out Even at intermediate genetic distances with phylogenetic data still sufficient to estimate topology signal for the overall scale of the tree can be weak under complex likelihood models leading to highly uncertain molecular clock estimates 35 At very short time scales many differences between samples do not represent fixation of different sequences in the different populations Instead they represent alternative alleles that were both present as part of a polymorphism in the common ancestor The inclusion of differences that have not yet become fixed leads to a potentially dramatic inflation of the apparent rate of the molecular clock at very short timescales 21 36 Uses EditThe molecular clock technique is an important tool in molecular systematics macroevolution and phylogenetic comparative methods Estimation of the dates of phylogenetic events including those not documented by fossils such as the divergences between living taxa has allowed the study of macroevolutionary processes in organisms that had limited fossil records Phylogenetic comparative methods rely heavily on calibrated phylogenies In applications over deep time scales the limitations of the molecular clock hypothesis above must be considered such estimates may be off by 50 or more See also EditCharles Darwin Gene orders Human mitochondrial molecular clock Mitochondrial Eve and Y chromosomal Adam Models of DNA evolution Molecular evolution Neutral theory of molecular evolutionReferences Edit Zuckerkandl E Pauling 1962 Molecular disease evolution and genic heterogeneity In Kasha M Pullman B eds Horizons in Biochemistry Academic Press New York pp 189 225 Margoliash E October 1963 Primary Structure and Evolution of Cytochrome C Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 50 4 672 679 Bibcode 1963PNAS 50 672M doi 10 1073 pnas 50 4 672 PMC 221244 PMID 14077496 Kumar S August 2005 Molecular clocks four decades of evolution Nature Reviews Genetics 6 8 654 662 doi 10 1038 nrg1659 PMID 16136655 S2CID 14261833 Sarich VM Wilson AC July 1967 Rates of albumin evolution in primates Proceedings of the 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divergence times for rodents and other mammals and incompatibility among fossil calibrations Journal of Molecular Evolution 57 Suppl 1 S201 S213 Bibcode 2003JMolE 57S 201D CiteSeerX 10 1 1 535 897 doi 10 1007 s00239 003 0028 x PMID 15008417 S2CID 23887665 Hunt JS Bermingham E Ricklefs RE 2001 Molecular systematics and biogeography of Antillean thrashers tremblers and mockingbirds Aves Mimidae Auk 118 1 35 55 doi 10 1642 0004 8038 2001 118 0035 MSABOA 2 0 CO 2 ISSN 0004 8038 S2CID 51797284 Rheindt F E amp Austin J 2005 Major analytical and conceptual shortcomings in a recent taxonomic revision of the Procellariiformes A reply to Penhallurick and Wink 2004 PDF Emu 105 2 181 186 doi 10 1071 MU04039 S2CID 20390465 Avise JC Bowen BW Lamb T Meylan AB Bermingham E May 1992 Mitochondrial DNA evolution at a turtle s pace evidence for low genetic variability and reduced microevolutionary rate in the Testudines Molecular Biology and Evolution 9 3 457 473 doi 10 1093 oxfordjournals molbev a040735 PMID 1584014 Ayala FJ January 1999 Molecular clock mirages BioEssays 21 1 71 75 doi 10 1002 SICI 1521 1878 199901 21 1 lt 71 AID BIES9 gt 3 0 CO 2 B PMID 10070256 Archived from the original on 16 December 2012 Schwartz J H amp Maresca B 2006 Do Molecular Clocks Run at All A Critique of Molecular Systematics Biological Theory 1 4 357 371 CiteSeerX 10 1 1 534 4502 doi 10 1162 biot 2006 1 4 357 S2CID 28166727 No Missing Link Evolutionary Changes Occur Suddenly Professor Says ScienceDaily Press release 12 February 2007 Pascual Garcia A Arenas M Bastolla U November 2019 The Molecular Clock in the Evolution of Protein Structures Systematic Biology 68 6 987 1002 doi 10 1093 sysbio syz022 PMID 31111152 Drummond AJ Ho SY Phillips MJ Rambaut A May 2006 Relaxed phylogenetics and dating with confidence PLOS Biology 4 5 e88 doi 10 1371 journal pbio 0040088 PMC 1395354 PMID 16683862 Felsenstein J 2001 Taking variation of evolutionary rates between sites into account in inferring phylogenies Journal of Molecular Evolution 53 4 5 447 455 Bibcode 2001JMolE 53 447F doi 10 1007 s002390010234 PMID 11675604 S2CID 9791493 Marshall D C et al 2016 Inflation of molecular clock rates and dates molecular phylogenetics biogeography and diversification of a global cicada radiation from Australasia Hemiptera Cicadidae Cicadettini Systematic Biology 65 1 16 34 Peterson GI Masel J November 2009 Quantitative prediction of molecular clock and ka ks at short timescales Molecular Biology and Evolution 26 11 2595 2603 doi 10 1093 molbev msp175 PMC 2912466 PMID 19661199 Further reading EditHo S Y W ed 2020 The Molecular Evolutionary Clock Theory and Practice Springer Cham doi 10 1007 978 3 030 60181 2 ISBN 978 3 030 60180 5 S2CID 231672167 Kumar S August 2005 Molecular clocks four decades of evolution Nature Reviews Genetics 6 8 654 662 doi 10 1038 nrg1659 PMID 16136655 S2CID 14261833 Morgan GJ 1998 Emile Zuckerkandl Linus Pauling and the molecular evolutionary clock 1959 1965 Journal of the History of Biology 31 2 155 178 doi 10 1023 A 1004394418084 PMID 11620303 S2CID 5660841 Zuckerkandl E Pauling LB 1965 Evolutionary divergence and convergence in proteins In Bryson V Vogel HJ eds Evolving Genes and Proteins Academic Press New York pp 97 166 External links EditAllan Wilson and the molecular clock Molecular clock explanation of the molecular equidistance phenomenon Date a Clade service for the molecular tree of life Retrieved from https en wikipedia org w index php title Molecular clock amp oldid 1136182986, wikipedia, wiki, book, books, library,


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