
May Revolution

The May Revolution (Spanish: Revolución de Mayo) was a week-long series of events that took place from May 18 to 25, 1810, in Buenos Aires, capital of the Viceroyalty of the Río de la Plata. This Spanish colony included roughly the territories of present-day Argentina, Bolivia, Paraguay, Uruguay, and parts of Brazil. The result was the removal of Viceroy Baltasar Hidalgo de Cisneros and the establishment of a local government, the Primera Junta (First Junta), on May 25.

May Revolution
Part of the Spanish American wars of independence
DateMay 25, 1810
LocationBuenos Aires
Also known asRevolución de Mayo
CausePopular sovereignty
MotiveAbdications of Bayonne
OutcomeThe Primera Junta seize the government, ousting the Spanish viceroy Baltasar Hidalgo de Cisneros and launching a series of military expeditions that began the Argentine War of Independence.[1] The Spanish government deny it any measure of legitimacy and fight to preserve the integrity of the Spanish monarchy.

The May Revolution was a direct reaction to Napoleon's invasion of Spain. In 1808, King Ferdinand VII of Spain abdicated in favor of Napoleon, who granted the throne to his brother, Joseph Bonaparte. A Supreme Central Junta led resistance to Joseph's government and the French occupation of Spain, but eventually suffered a series of reversals that resulted in the Spanish loss of the northern half of the country. On February 1, 1810, French troops took Seville and gained control of most of Andalusia. The Supreme Junta retreated to Cádiz, formed the Council of Regency of Spain and the Indies to govern, and dissolved itself. News of these events arrived in Buenos Aires on May 18, brought by British ships.

Viceroy Cisneros tried to maintain the political status quo, but a group of criollo lawyers and military officials organized an open cabildo (a special meeting of notables of the city) on May 22 to decide the future of the Viceroyalty. The Regency of Spain was the prelude to the Spanish Cortes of Cádiz of 1810 and the Spanish Constitution of 1812. All of these Spanish governments considered the Argentine Junta to be insurgent and denied it any legitimacy to govern the territories of the viceroyalty. At the other end, delegates of the Junta refused to recognize the Council of Regency in Spain and established a junta to govern in place of Cisneros, as the government that had appointed him Viceroy no longer existed. To maintain a sense of continuity, Cisneros was initially appointed president of the Junta. However, this caused much popular unrest, and so Cisneros resigned under pressure on May 25. The newly formed government, the Primera Junta, included only representatives from Buenos Aires and invited other cities of the Viceroyalty to send delegates to join them. The revolutionary army began the war and this resulted in the outbreak of a secessionist Civil war between the regions that accepted the outcome of the events at Buenos Aires and those that remained loyal to Spain.[2][3]

The May Revolution began the Argentine War of Independence, although no declaration of independence from Spain was issued at the time and the Primera Junta continued to govern in the name of the king, Ferdinand VII, as a subordinate king to popular sovereignty. As similar events occurred in many other cities of the continent, the May Revolution is also considered one of the early events of the Spanish American wars of independence. The question of the mask of Ferdinand is particularly controversial in Argentinean History. Historians today debate whether the revolutionaries were truly loyal to the Spanish crown, or whether the declaration of fidelity to the king was a necessary ruse to conceal the true objective — to achieve independence — from a population that was not yet ready to accept such a radical change, but there is strong evidence of the truly loyal to the Spanish crown.[4] The Argentine Declaration of Independence was issued at the Congress of Tucumán on July 9, 1816.

Causes edit

International causes edit

The rule of Joseph Bonaparte as King of Spain was resisted by Spaniards, and cast doubts on the legitimacy of the Spanish viceroys.

The U.S. declaration of independence from Great Britain in 1776 led criollos (Spanish peoples born in the Americas) to believe that revolution and independence from Spain were feasible.[5][6] Between 1775 and 1783, the American patriots of the Thirteen Colonies waged a war against both the local loyalists and the Kingdom of Great Britain, eventually establishing a republican government in the place of a constitutional monarchy. The fact that Spain had aided the colonies during their war with Britain weakened the idea that it would be a crime to end one's allegiance to the parent state.[7]

The ideals of the French Revolution of 1789 spread across Europe and the Americas as well.[8] The overthrow and execution of King Louis XVI and Queen Marie Antoinette ended centuries of monarchy and removed the privileges of the nobility. Liberal ideals in the political and economic fields developed and spread through the Atlantic Revolutions across most of the Western world. The concept of the divine right of kings was questioned by the French Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen, by the oft-quoted statement that "all men are created equal" in the United States Declaration of Independence and even by the Spanish church.[5]

However, the spread of such ideas was forbidden in the Spanish territories, as was the sale of related books or their unauthorized possession.[9] Spain instituted those bans when it declared war on France after the execution of Louis XVI and retained them after the peace treaty of 1796.[5] News of the events of 1789 and copies of the publications of the French Revolution spread around Spain despite efforts to keep them at bay.[9][10] Many enlightened criollos came into contact with liberal authors and their works during their university studies, either in Europe or at the University of Chuquisaca (modern Sucre).[11] Books from the United States found their way into the Spanish colonies through Caracas, owing to the proximity of Venezuela to the United States and the West Indies.[12]

The US Declaration of Independence inspired similar movements in the Spanish colonies in South America.

The Industrial Revolution started in Britain, with the use of plateways, canals and steam power. This led to dramatic increases in the productive capabilities of Britain,[13] and created a need for new markets to sell its products.[14] The Napoleonic Wars with France made this a difficult task, after Napoleon imposed the Continental System, which forbade his allies and conquests to trade with Britain. Thus Britain looked to new sources of trade, including Spain's colonies in South America, but could not do so because the colonies were restricted to trade only with Spain.[15] To achieve this economic objective, Britain initially tried to invade Rio de la Plata and capture key cities in Spanish America.[16] When that failed, they chose to promote the Spanish-American aspirations of emancipation from Spain.[15][17]

The mutiny of Aranjuez in 1808 led King Charles IV of Spain to abdicate in favor of his son, Ferdinand VII.[18] Charles IV requested that Napoleon restore him to the throne; instead, Napoleon crowned his own brother, Joseph Bonaparte, as the new Spanish King.[18][19] These events are known as the Abdications of Bayonne. Joseph's coronation was met with severe resistance in Spain, which started the Peninsular War, and the Supreme Central Junta took power in the name of the absent king.[20] This also led to Spain switching alliances from France to Britain.[14] France eventually invaded Sevilla, and a Council of Regency based in Cadiz replaced the disbanded Supreme Central Junta.[21]

National causes edit

William Carr Beresford surrenders to Santiago de Liniers during the British invasions of the Río de la Plata.

Spain forbade its American colonies to trade with other nations or foreign colonies, and imposed itself as the only buyer and vendor for their international trade.[22] This situation damaged the viceroyalty, as Spain's economy was not powerful enough to produce the huge supply of goods that the numerous colonies would need. This caused economic shortages and recession.[22][23] The Spanish trade routes favored the ports of Mexico and Lima, to the detriment of Buenos Aires.[24] As a result, Buenos Aires smuggled those products that could not be obtained legitimately.[25] Most local authorities allowed this smuggling as a lesser evil, even though it was illegal, and it occasionally equalled in volume the legal commerce with Spain.[26] Two antagonistic factions emerged: the landowners wanted free trade so they could sell their products abroad, while the merchants, who benefited from the high prices of smuggled imports, opposed free trade because prices would come down.[27]

The coronation of Infanta Carlota Joaquina was considered an alternative to revolution.

The Spanish monarchy appointed their own candidates to most of the political offices in the viceroyalty, usually favoring Spaniards from Europe.[28] In most cases, the appointees had little knowledge of or interest in local issues. Consequently, there was a growing rivalry between criollos and peninsulars (those born in Spain). Most criollos thought that peninsulars had undeserved advantages and received preferential treatment in politics and society.[22] The lower clergy had a similar sentiment about the higher echelons of the religious hierarchy.[26] Events developed at a slower pace than in the United States independence movement.[29] This was in part because the clergy controlled the entire educational system in Spanish America, which led the population to hold the same conservative ideas and follow the same customs as in Spain.[29]

The coronation of Carlota Joaquina de Borbón was briefly considered an alternative to the Revolution.

Buenos Aires and Montevideo were captured and recaptured during the British invasions.[17] In 1806, a small British army led by William Carr Beresford managed to occupy Buenos Aires for a brief time; a Montevidean army led by Santiago de Liniers recaptured the city.[30] The following year, a larger army seized Montevideo, but was overwhelmed by the forces of Buenos Aires; the British capitulated[30] and returned Montevideo to the viceroyalty. There was no aid from Spain during either invasion.[22][31] Liniers organized criollo militias during the preparations for the second invasion, in spite of the prohibition against them.[32][33][34] The Patricios Regiment, led by Cornelio Saavedra, was the biggest criollo army. These events gave criollos military power and political influence that they did not have before and, since the victory was achieved without any help from Spain, it boosted criollo confidence in their independent capabilities.[22][35]

The Portuguese royal family left Europe and settled in their colony of Brazil in 1808, after their escape from the Napoleonic invasion of Portugal.[36] Carlota Joaquina, sister of Ferdinand VII, was the wife of the Portuguese prince regent, but had her own political projects.[37] As she avoided the later capture of the Spanish royal family, she attempted to take charge of the viceroyalty as regent.[38] This political project, known as Carlotism, sought to prevent a French invasion of the Americas.[39] A small secret society of criollos, composed of politicians such as Manuel Belgrano and Juan José Castelli, and military leaders such as Antonio Beruti and Hipólito Vieytes, supported this project.[40][41] They considered it an opportunity to get a local government instead of a European one, or a step towards a potential declaration of independence.[42][43] The project was resisted by Viceroy Liniers, most peninsulars, and some criollos, including Cornelio Saavedra and the lawyers Mariano Moreno and Juan José Paso.[40][43] They suspected that it concealed Portuguese expansionist ambitions over the region.[40] The supporters of Carlota Joaquina intended her to head a constitutional monarchy, whereas she wanted to govern an absolute monarchy; these conflicting goals undermined the project and led to its failure.[40][41] Britain, which had a strong influence in the politics of the Portuguese Empire, opposed the project as well: they did not want Spain split into several kingdoms, and considered Carlota Joaquina unable to prevent this.[44]

Prelude edit

Liniers government edit

Santiago de Liniers ruled as viceroy between 1807 and 1809.

After the British invasion of 1806, Santiago de Liniers successfully reconquered Buenos Aires.[45] The population did not allow Rafael de Sobremonte to continue as Viceroy.[45] He had escaped to Cordoba with the public treasury while the battle was still in progress.[46] A law enacted in 1778 required the treasury to be moved to a safe location in the case of a foreign attack, but Sobremonte was still seen as a coward by the population.[47] The Royal Audiencia of Buenos Aires did not allow his return to Buenos Aires and elected Liniers, acclaimed as a popular hero, as an interim Viceroy.[45] This was an unprecedented action, the first time that a Spanish viceroy was deposed by local government institutions, and not by the King of Spain himself;[47] King Charles IV ratified the appointment at a later time.[48] Liniers armed the entire population of Buenos Aires, including criollos and slaves, and defeated a second British invasion attempt in 1807.[32]

The Liniers administration was popular among criollos, but not among peninsulars such as the merchant Martín de Álzaga and the Governor of Montevideo, Francisco Javier de Elío.[49] They requested the Spanish authorities appoint a new viceroy.[50] In the wake of the outbreak of the Peninsular War, de Elío created the Junta of Montevideo, which would scrutinise all the orders from Buenos Aires and reserve the right to ignore them, but did not openly deny the authority of the Viceroy or declare Montevideo independent.[40]

Martín de Álzaga began a mutiny to remove Liniers.[51] On January 1, 1809, an open cabildo (an extraordinary meeting of vecinos, prominent people of the city) chaired by Álzaga demanded the resignation of Liniers and the appointment of a local junta.[52] The Spanish militia and a group of people summoned by the meeting gathered to support the rebellion.[53] A small number of criollos, notably Mariano Moreno, supported the mutiny,[51] but most of them did not.[54] They felt that Álzaga wanted to remove the Viceroy to avoid his political authority while keeping the social differences between criollos and peninsulars unchanged.[54] The riot was quickly routed when criollo militias led by Cornelio Saavedra surrounded the plaza and dispersed the rebels.[55] As a result of the failed mutiny, the rebel militias were disarmed.[55] This included all peninsular militias, and the power of the criollos increased as a result.[55] The leaders of the plot, with the exception of Moreno,[56] were exiled to Carmen de Patagones.[55] Javier de Elío freed them and gave them political asylum at Montevideo.[57]

Cisneros government edit

Baltasar Hidalgo de Cisneros, the last viceroy to rule in Buenos Aires.

The Supreme Central Junta replaced Liniers with the naval officer Baltasar Hidalgo de Cisneros, a veteran of the Battle of Trafalgar, to end the political turmoil in the Río de la Plata.[58] He arrived in Montevideo in June 1809 for the handover.[59] Manuel Belgrano proposed that Liniers should resist on the grounds that he had been confirmed as Viceroy by a King of Spain, whereas Cisneros lacked such legitimacy.[60] The criollo militias shared Belgrano's proposal,[60] but Liniers handed over the government to Cisneros without resistance.[61] Javier de Elío accepted the authority of the new Viceroy, and dissolved the Junta of Montevideo.[62] Cisneros rearmed the disbanded peninsular militias, and pardoned those responsible for the mutiny.[63] Álzaga was not freed, but his sentence was commuted to house arrest.[64]

There was concern about events in Spain and about the legitimacy of local governors in Upper Peru as well.[65] On May 25, 1809, the Chuquisaca Revolution deposed Ramón García de León y Pizarro as Governor of Chuquisaca and replaced him with Juan Antonio Alvarez de Arenales.[65] On July 16, the La Paz revolution, led by Colonel Pedro Domingo Murillo, deposed the Governor of La Paz and elected a new junta.[65] A swift reaction from the Spanish authorities defeated those rebellions.[65] An army of 1,000 men sent from Buenos Aires found no resistance at Chuquisaca, took control of the city and overthrew the Junta.[65] Murillo tried to defend La Paz, but his 800 militiamen were completely outnumbered by the more than 5,000 soldiers sent from Lima.[65] He and the other leaders were later beheaded, and their heads were exhibited as a deterrent.[66] These measures contrasted sharply with the pardon that Martín de Álzaga and others had received after a short time in prison, and the resentment of criollos against the peninsulars deepened.[67] Juan José Castelli was present at the deliberations of the University of Chuquisaca, where Bernardo Monteagudo developed the Syllogism of Chuquisaca, a legal explanation to justify self-governance. This influenced his ideas during the "May Week".[68]

On November 25, 1809, Cisneros created the Political Surveillance Court to persecute afrancesados (supporters of Joseph Bonaparte) and independentists.[69] However, he rejected economist José María Romero's proposal to banish a number of people considered dangerous to the Spanish regime, such as Saavedra, Paso, Vieytes, Castelli and Moreno, among others.[70] Romero warned Cisneros against spreading news that might be considered subversive. Criollos felt that soon any pretext would be enough to lead to the outbreak of revolution. In April 1810, Cornelio Saavedra advised to his friends: "it's not time yet, let the figs ripen and then we'll eat them".[71] He meant that he would not support rushed actions against the Viceroy, but would do so at a strategically favorable moment, such as when Napoleon's forces gained a decisive advantage in their war against Spain.[72]

May Week edit

Map of Cádiz during the French siege.

The May Week was the period of time in Buenos Aires which began with the confirmation of the fall of the Supreme Central Junta and ended with the dismissal of Cisneros and the establishment of the Primera Junta.[73]

On 14 May 1810, the schooner HMS Mistletoe arrived at Buenos Aires with European newspapers that reported the dissolution of the Supreme Central Junta the previous January.[74] The city of Seville had been invaded by French armies, which were already dominating most of the Iberian Peninsula.[21] The newspapers reported that some of the former members of the Junta had taken refuge on the Isla de León in Cadiz.[75] This was confirmed in Buenos Aires on May 17, when the British ship John Parish arrived in Montevideo; the most recent newspapers reported that members of the Supreme Central Junta had been dismissed.[75] The Council of Regency of Cadiz was not seen as a successor of the Spanish resistance but as an attempt to restore absolutism in Spain.[76] The Supreme Central Junta was seen as sympathetic to the new ideas.[77] South American patriots feared both a complete French victory in the peninsula and an absolutist restoration.[76] Cisneros monitored the British ships and seized their newspapers to conceal the news, but a newspaper came into the hands of Belgrano and Castelli.[78] They spread the news among other patriots and challenged the legitimacy of the Viceroy, who had been appointed by the fallen junta.[78] When Cornelio Saavedra, head of the regiment of Patricians, was informed of this news, he decided that it was finally the ideal time to take action against Cisneros.[79] Martín Rodríguez proposed to overthrow the Viceroy by force, but Castelli and Saavedra rejected this idea and proposed the convening of an open cabildo.[80]

Friday, May 18 and Saturday, May 19 edit

Secret meeting of the revolutionaries at the house of Nicolás Rodríguez Peña.

Although Viceroy Cisneros attempted to conceal the news of the Spanish defeat, the rumor had already spread throughout Buenos Aires.[81] Most of the population was uneasy; there was high activity at the barracks and in the Plaza, and most shops were closed.[82] The "Café de Catalanes" and the "Fonda de las Naciones", frequent criollo meeting places, became venues for political discussions and radical proclamations; Francisco José Planes shouted that Cisneros should be hanged in the Plaza as retribution for the execution of the leaders of the ill-fated La Paz revolution.[82] People who sympathized with the absolutist government were harassed, but the fights were of little consequence because nobody was allowed to take muskets or swords out of the barracks.[83]

The Viceroy, trying to calm the criollos, gave his own version of events in a proclamation.[84] He asked for allegiance to King Ferdinand VII, but popular unrest continued to intensify. He was aware of the news, but only said that the situation on the Iberian Peninsula was delicate; he did not confirm the fall of the Junta.[75] His proposal was to make a government body that would rule on behalf of Ferdinand VII, together with Viceroy of Peru José Fernando de Abascal y Sousa, Governor of Potosí Francisco de Paula Sanz and President of the Royal Audiencia of Charcas Vicente Nieto.[82]

Not fooled by the Viceroy's communiqué, some criollos met at the houses of Nicolás Rodríguez Peña and Martín Rodríguez.[85] During these secret meetings, they appointed a representative commission composed of Juan José Castelli and Martín Rodríguez to request that Cisneros convene an open cabildo to decide the future of the Viceroyalty.[86]

During the night of May 19 there were further discussions at Rodríguez Peña's house.[82] Saavedra, called by Viamonte, joined the meeting,[82] which involved military and civilian leaders.[87] They arranged that Belgrano and Saavedra would meet with Juan José de Lezica, the senior alcalde (municipal magistrate), while Castelli would meet with the procurator Julián de Leiva, to ask for their support.[82] They asked the Viceroy to allow an open cabildo, and said that if it was not freely granted the people and the criollo troops would march to the Plaza, force the Viceroy to resign by any means necessary, and replace him with a patriot government.[82] Saavedra commented to Lezica that he was suspected of betrayal because of his constant requests for cautious and measured steps.[87] This comment was designed to pressure Lezica into speeding up the legal system to allow the people to express themselves, or otherwise risk a major rebellion.[87] Lezica asked for patience and time to persuade the Viceroy, and leave a massive demonstration as a last resort.[88] He argued that if the Viceroy was deposed in that way, it would constitute a rebellion, which would turn the revolutionaries into outlaws.[88] Manuel Belgrano gave the following Monday as the deadline to confirm the open cabildo before taking direct action.[89] Leiva would later act as a mediator, being both a confidante of Cisneros and a trusted negotiator for the more moderate revolutionaries.[90]

Sunday, May 20 edit

Juan José Castelli asks Baltasar Hidalgo de Cisneros for an open cabildo.

Lezica informed Cisneros of the request for an open cabildo and the Viceroy consulted Leiva, who spoke in favor of it.[85] The Viceroy summoned military commanders to come to the fort at 7 pm,[91] to demand military support.[92] There were rumors that it could be a trap to capture them and take control of the barracks.[91] To prevent this, they took command of the grenadiers that guarded the Fort and seized the keys of all entrances while meeting with the Viceroy.[91] Colonel Cornelio Saavedra, head of the Regiment of Patricios, responded on behalf of all the criollo regiments.[93] He compared the current international situation with that prevailing at the time of the mutiny of Álzaga over a year earlier, pointed out that Spain was now almost entirely under Napoleonic control and that the undefeated Spanish provinces were very small in comparison with the Americas.[93] He rejected the claim of sovereignty of Cadiz over the Americas,[92] and concluded that the local armies wanted to look after themselves, rather than following the fate of Spain.[93] Finally, he pointed out that the Supreme Central Junta that appointed Cisneros as Viceroy no longer existed, so he rejected Cisneros' legitimacy as Viceroy and denied him the protection of the troops under his command.[93]

Castelli and Martín Rodríguez moved to the Fort for an interview with Cisneros.[80] Juan Florencio Terrada, commander of the Infantry Grenadiers, joined them, because their barracks were located under Cisneros' window, and his presence would not allow the Viceroy to request military aid to take Castelli and Martín Rodríguez prisoners.[94] The guards let them pass unannounced, and they found Cisneros playing cards with Brigadier Quintana, prosecutor Caspe and aide Coicolea.[80] Castelli and Rodríguez demanded once again the convening of an open cabildo, and Cisneros reacted angrily, considering their request an outrage.[80] Rodríguez interrupted him and forced him to give a definitive answer.[80] After a short private discussion with Caspe, Cisneros reluctantly gave his consent.[95]

That night, many of the revolutionaries attended a theatre production on the theme of tyranny, called Rome Saved.[88] The lead actor was Morante, playing Cicero.[88] The police chief requested Morante to feign illness and not appear, so that the play could be replaced with Misanthropy and Repentance by the German novelist and playwright August von Kotzebue.[88] Rumors of police censorship spread quickly; Morante ignored the request and performed the play as planned.[88] In the fourth act, Morante made a patriotic speech, about the Gaul threat to Rome (the Gauls are ancestors of the French people) and the need for strong leadership to resist the danger.[96] This scene lifted the revolutionaries' spirits and led to frenzied applause.[96] Juan José Paso stood up and cried out for the freedom of Buenos Aires, and a small fight ensued.[96]

After the play, the revolutionaries returned to Peña's house.[97] They learned the result of the meeting with Cisneros, but were unsure as to whether Cisneros intended to keep his word.[97] They organized a demonstration for the following day to ensure that the open cabildo would be held as decided.[97]

Monday, May 21 edit

Invitation to the open cabildo of May 22

At 3 pm, the Cabildo began its routine work, but was interrupted by 600 armed men named the Infernal Legion, who occupied the Plaza de la Victoria and loudly demanded the convening of an open cabildo and the resignation of Viceroy Cisneros.[92] They carried a portrait of Ferdinand VII and the lapels of their jackets bore a white ribbon that symbolized criollo–Spanish unity.[98] Domingo French, the mail carrier of the city, and Antonio Beruti, an employee of the treasury, led the rioters.[92] It was rumored that Cisneros had been killed, and that Saavedra would take control of the government.[99] Saavedra was at the barracks at that moment, concerned about the demonstration.[99] He thought the violence should be stopped and that radical measures such as the assassination of Cisneros should be prevented, but he also thought that the troops would mutiny if the demonstrations were suppressed.[99] The people in the Plaza did not believe that Cisneros would allow the open cabildo the next day.[100] Leiva left the Cabildo, and Belgrano, who was representing the crowd, requested a definitive commitment.[100] Leiva explained that everything would go ahead as planned, but the Cabildo needed time to prepare.[100] He asked Belgrano to help the Cabildo with the work, as his intervention would be seen by the crowd as a guarantee that their demands would not be ignored.[100] The crowd left the main hall but stayed in the Plaza.[100] Belgrano protested about the guest list, which consisted of the wealthiest citizens, and thought that if the poor people were left outside there would be further unrest.[101] The members of the Cabildo tried to convince him to give his support, but he left.[102]

Belgrano's departure enraged the crowd, as he did not explain what had happened, and the people feared a betrayal.[102] Demands for Cisneros' immediate resignation replaced those for an open cabildo.[102] The people finally settled down and dispersed when Saavedra intervened to say that the claims of the Infernal Legion were supported by the military.[103]

The invitations were distributed among 450 leading citizens and officials in the capital.[90] The Cabildo compiled the guest list, and tried to guarantee the result, inviting people that would be likely to support the Viceroy.[104] The revolutionaries countered this move with a similar one, so that most people would be against Cisneros instead.[105] The printer Agustín Donado, supporting the revolutionaries, printed nearly 600 invitations instead of the 450 requested, and distributed the surplus among the criollos.[105] During the night, Castelli, Rodríguez, French and Beruti visited all the barracks to harangue the troops and prepare them for the following day.[106]

Tuesday, May 22 edit

An open cabildo discussed the legitimacy of the viceroy and the new local government that replaced him.

According to the minutes, only about 251 out of the 450 officially invited guests attended the open cabildo.[92][107] French and Beruti, in command of 600 men armed with knives, shotguns and rifles, controlled access to the square to ensure that the open cabildo had a majority of criollos.[92][106] All noteworthy religious and civilian people were present, as well as militia commanders and many prominent residents.[108] The only notable absence was that of Martín de Álzaga, who was still under house arrest.[109]

A merchant, José Ignacio Rezábal, attended the open cabildo but, in a letter to the priest Julián S. de Agüero, said that he had some doubts which were shared by other people close to him.[110] He feared that, no matter which party prevailed in the open cabildo, it would take revenge against the other, the Mutiny of Álzaga being a recent precedent.[110] He felt that the open cabildo would lack legitimacy if too many criollos were allowed to take part in it as a result of the aforementioned manipulation of the guest list.[110]

Pedro Murillo

The meeting lasted from morning to midnight, including the reading of the proclamation, the debate and the vote.[111] There was no secret ballot; votes were heard one at a time and recorded in the minutes.[112] The main themes of the debate were the legitimacy of the government and the authority of the Viceroy.[106] The principle of retroversion of the sovereignty to the people stated that, in the absence of the legitimate monarch, power returned to the people; they were entitled to form a new government.[113] This principle was commonplace in Spanish scholasticism and rationalist philosophy, but had never been applied in case law.[113] Its validity divided the assembly into two main groups: one group rejected it and argued that the situation should remain unchanged; this group supported Cisneros as Viceroy. The other group supported change, and considered that they should establish a junta, like the ones established in Spain to replace the Viceroy.[114] There was also a third position, taking the middle ground.[115] The promoters of change did not recognize the authority of the Council of Regency, and argued that the colonies in America were not consulted in its formation.[113] The debate tangentially discussed the rivalry between criollos and peninsulars; the Viceroy supporters felt that the will of peninsulars should prevail over that of criollos.[116]

One of the speakers for the first position was the bishop of Buenos Aires, Benito Lue y Riega, leader of the local church, who said:

Not only is there no reason to get rid of the Viceroy, but even if no part of Spain remained unsubdued, the Spaniards in America ought to take it back and resume command over it. America should only be ruled by the natives when there is no longer a Spaniard there. If even a single member of the Central Junta of Seville were to land on our shores, we should receive him as the Sovereign.[117]

Juan José Castelli was the main speaker for the revolutionaries.[118] He based his speech on two key ideas: the government's lapsed legitimacy—he stated that the Supreme Central Junta was dissolved and had no rights to designate a Regency—and the principle of retroversion of sovereignty.[113] He spoke after Riega, and replied that the American people should assume control of their government until Ferdinand VII could return to the throne.

Nobody could call the whole nation a criminal, nor the individuals that have aired their political views. If the right of conquest belongs by right to the conquering country, it would be fair for Spain to quit resisting the French and submit to them, by the same principles for which it is expected that the Americans submit themselves to the peoples of Pontevedra. The reason and the rule must be equal for everybody. Here there are no conquerors or conquered; here there are only Spaniards. The Spaniards of Spain have lost their land. The Spaniards of America are trying to save theirs. Let the ones from Spain deal with themselves as they can; do not worry, we American Spaniards know what we want and where we go. So I suggest we vote: that we replace the Viceroy with a new authority that will be subject to the parent state if it is saved from the French, and independent if Spain is finally subjugated.[119]

Pascual Ruiz Huidobro stated that, since the authority that appointed Cisneros had expired, Cisneros should no longer have a place in the government.[118] Huidobro felt that the Cabildo should be in government, as it was the representative of the people.[118] Melchor Fernández, Juan León Ferragut and Joaquín Grigera supported his vote, among others.[118]

The proposal of Cornelio Saavedra got the majority of votes.

Attorney Manuel Genaro Villota, representative of the Spanish, said that the city of Buenos Aires had no right to make unilateral decisions about the legitimacy of the Viceroy or the Council of Regency without the participation of other cities of the Viceroyalty.[118] He argued that such an action would break the unity of the country and establish as many sovereignties as there were cities.[118] His intention was to keep Cisneros in power by delaying any possible action.[113] Juan José Paso accepted his first point, but argued that the situation in Europe and the possibility that Napoleon's forces could conquer the American colonies demanded an urgent resolution.[120] He then expounded the "argument of the elder sister", reasoning that Buenos Aires should take the initiative and make the changes deemed necessary and appropriate, on the express condition that the other cities would be invited to comment as soon as possible.[121] The rhetorical device of the "elder sister", comparable to negotiorum gestio,[122] makes an analogy between the relationship of Buenos Aires and other cities of the viceroyalty with a sibling relationship.[121]

The priest Juan Nepomuceno Solá then proposed that the Cabildo should receive the provisional command, until the formation of a governing junta made up of representatives from all populations of the Viceroyalty.[118] Manuel Alberti, Miguel de Azcuénaga (who would be members of the Primera Junta some days later), Escalada and Argerich (or Aguirre) supported his vote, among others.[118]

Cornelio Saavedra suggested that the Cabildo should receive the provisional command until the formation of a governing junta in the manner and form that the Cabildo would deem as appropriate.[118] He said "...there shall be no doubt that it is the people that create authority or command."[123] At the time of the vote, Castelli's position coincided with that of Saavedra.[124]

Manuel Belgrano stood near a window and, in the event of a problematic development, he would give a signal by waiving a white cloth, upon which the people gathered in the Plaza would force their way into the Cabildo.[125] However, there were no problems and this emergency plan was not implemented.[125] The historian Vicente Fidel López revealed that his father, Vicente López y Planes, who was present at the event, saw that Mariano Moreno was worried near the end in spite of the majority achieved.[126] Moreno told Planes that the Cabildo was about to betray them.[124][127]

Wednesday, May 23 edit

The debate took all day, and the votes were counted very late that night.[128] After the presentations, people voted for the continuation of the Viceroy, alone or at the head of a junta, or his dismissal. The ideas explained were divided into a small number of proposals, designated with the names of their main supporters, and the people then voted for one of those proposals. The voting lasted for a long time, and the result was to dismiss the Viceroy by a large majority: 155 votes to 69.[124]

Manuel José Reyes stated that he found no reason to depose the Viceroy, and that it would be enough to appoint a junta headed by Cisneros.[129] His proposal had nearly 30 votes.[129] Another 30 votes supported Cisneros, with no change to the political system.[129] A small group supported the proposal of Martín José de Choteco, who also supported Cisneros.[130]

There were also many different proposals involving the removal of Cisneros.[130] Many of them required the new authorities to be elected by the Cabildo.[130] Pascual Ruiz Huidobro proposed that the Cabildo should rule in the interim and appoint a new government, but this proposal made no reference to popular sovereignty or the creation of a junta.[130] This proposal received 35 votes, and sought simply to replace Cisneros with Huidobro: Huidobro was the most senior military officer, and thus the natural candidate under current laws to replace the viceroy in the lack of a new appointment from Spain.[131] Juan Nepomuceno Solá proposed a junta composed of delegates from all the provinces of the viceroyalty, while the Cabildo should govern in the interim; this proposal received nearly 20 votes.[132] Cornelio Saavedra, whose aforementioned proposal was that the Cabildo should appoint a Junta and rule in the interim, got the largest number of votes.[133] A number of other proposals received only a few votes each.[134]

At dawn on May 23, the Cabildo informed the population that the Viceroy would end his mandate. The highest authority would be transferred temporarily to the Cabildo until the appointment of a governing junta.[135] Notices were placed at various points throughout the city, which announced the imminent creation of a junta and the summoning of representatives from the provinces.[124] The notices also called for the public to refrain from actions contrary to public policy.[136]

Thursday, May 24 edit

The Cabildo interpreted the decision of the open cabildo in its own way.[136] When it formed the new Junta to govern until the arrival of representatives from other cities, Leiva arranged for former viceroy Cisneros to be appointed president of the Junta and commander of the armed forces.[127][137] There are many interpretations of his motives for departing from the decision of the open cabildo in this way.[115][136] Four other members were appointed to the Junta: criollos Cornelio Saavedra and Juan José Castelli, and peninsulars Juan Nepomuceno Solá and José Santos Inchaurregui.[136]

Leiva wrote a constitutional code to regulate the actions of the Junta.[136] It stipulated that the Junta could not exercise judicial power, which was reserved for the Royal Audiencia of Buenos Aires; that Cisneros could not act without the support of the other members of the Junta; that the Cabildo could dismiss anyone who neglected his duty; that the Cabildo's consent would be required to create new taxes; that the Junta would sanction a general amnesty for those who had aired opinions at the open cabildo; and that the Junta would invite the other cities to send delegates.[136] The commanders of the armed forces, including Saavedra and Pedro Andrés García, agreed to this code.[136] The Junta swore the oath of office that afternoon.[138]

These developments shocked the revolutionaries.[100] Unsure of what to do next, they feared that they would be punished, like the revolutionaries of Chuquisaca and La Paz.[139] Moreno abjured relations with the others and shut himself in his home.[140] There was a meeting at Rodríguez Peña's house.[140] They felt that the Cabildo would not pursue such a plot without the blessing of Saavedra and that Castelli should resign from the Junta.[140] Tagle took a different view: he thought that Saavedra may have accepted out of weakness or naivety and that Castelli should stay in the Junta to counter the others' influence on him.[140] Meanwhile, a mob led by Domingo French and Antonio Beruti filled the Plaza. The stability of Cisneros in power, albeit in an office other than Viceroy, was seen as an insult to the will of the open cabildo.[136] Colonel Martín Rodriguez warned that, if the army were to commit support to a government that kept Cisneros, they would soon have to fire on the people, and that they would revolt.[141] He said that "everyone without exception" demanded the removal of Cisneros.[141]

That night, Castelli and Saavedra informed Cisneros of their resignation from the newly formed Junta.[142] They explained that the population was on the verge of violent revolution and would remove Cisneros by force if he did not resign as well.[142] They warned that they did not have the power to stop that: neither Castelli to stop his friends, nor Saavedra to prevent the Regiment of Patricians from mutiny.[142] Cisneros wanted to wait for the following day, but they said that there was no time for further delays, so he finally agreed to resign.[143] He sent a resignation letter to the Cabildo for consideration on the following day.[143] Chiclana felt encouraged when Saavedra resigned, and started to request signatures for a manifesto about the will of the people.[143] Moreno refused any further involvement, but Castelli and Peña trusted that he would eventually join them if events unfolded as they expected.[144]

Friday, May 25 edit

The people gathered in front of the Buenos Aires Cabildo

On the morning of May 25, in spite of bad weather,[145] a crowd gathered in the Plaza de la Victoria, as did the militia led by Domingo French and Antonio Beruti.[146] They demanded the recall of the Junta elected the previous day, the final resignation of Cisneros, and the appointment of a new junta that did not include him.[137][145] Historian Bartolomé Mitre stated that French and Beruti distributed blue and white ribbons, similar to the modern cockade of Argentina, among those present.[147] Later historians doubt it, but consider it possible that the revolutionaries used distinctive marks of some kind for identification.[148] It was rumored that the Cabildo might reject Cisneros' resignation.[145] Because of delays in issuing an official resolution, the crowd became agitated, clamoring that "the people want to know what is going on!".[149]

The Cabildo met at 9 am and rejected Cisneros' resignation.[150] They considered that the crowd had no legitimate right to influence something that the Cabildo had already decided and implemented.[150] They considered that, as the Junta was in command, the demonstration should be suppressed by force, and made the members responsible for any changes to the resolution of the previous day.[143] To enforce those orders, they summoned the chief commanders, but these did not obey.[151] Many of them, including Saavedra, did not appear.[149] Those that did stated that they could not support the government order, and that the commanders would be disobeyed if they ordered the troops to repress the demonstrators.[151]

The crowd's agitation increased, and they overran the chapter house.[152] Leiva and Lezica requested that someone who could act as spokesman for the people should join them inside the hall and explain the people's desires.[153] Beruti, Chiclana, French and Grela were allowed to pass.[153] Leiva attempted to discourage the rioter Pancho Planes, but he entered the hall as well.[153] The Cabildo argued that Buenos Aires had no right to break the political system of the viceroyalty without discussing it with the other provinces; French and Chiclana replied that the call for a Congress had already been considered.[153] The Cabildo called the commanders to deliberate with them.[154] As had happened several times in the last few days, Romero explained that the soldiers would mutiny if forced to fight against the rioters on behalf of Cisneros.[155] The Cabildo still refused to give up, until the noise of the demonstration was heard in the hall.[156] They feared that the demonstrators could overrun the building and reach them.[156] Martín Rodríguez pointed out that the only way to calm the demonstrators was to accept Cisneros' resignation.[156] Leiva agreed, convinced the other members, and the people returned to the Plaza.[156] Rodríguez headed to Azcuenaga's house to meet the other revolutionaries to plan the final stages of the revolution.[156] The demonstration overran the Cabildo again, and reached the hall of deliberations.[157] Beruti spoke on behalf of the people, and said that the new Junta should be elected by the people and not by the Cabildo.[157] He said that, besides the nearly 400 people already gathered, the barracks were full of people who supported them, and he threatened that they would take control, by force if necessary.[158] The Cabildo replied by requesting their demands in writing.[158]

Members of the Primera Junta

After a long interval, a document containing 411 signatures was delivered to the Cabildo.[159] This paper proposed a new composition for the governing Junta, and a 500-man expedition to assist the provinces. The document—still preserved—listed most army commanders and many well-known residents, and contained many illegible signatures. French and Beruti signed the document, stating "for me and for six hundred more".[145] However, there is no unanimous view among historians about the authorship of the document.[160] Meanwhile, the weather improved and the sun broke through the clouds.[159] The people in the plaza saw it as a favorable omen for the revolution.[159] The Sun of May was created a few years later with reference to this event.[159]

The Cabildo accepted the document and moved to the balcony to submit it directly to the people for ratification.[158] But, because of the late hour and the weather, the number of people in the plaza had declined.[161] Leiva ridiculed the claim of the remaining representatives to speak on behalf of the people.[161] This wore the patience of the few who were still in the plaza in the rain.[161] Beruti did not accept any further delays, and threatened to call people to arms.[161] Facing the prospect of further violence, the popular request was read aloud and immediately ratified by those present.[161]

The Primera Junta was finally established. It was composed by president Cornelio Saavedra, members Manuel Alberti, Miguel de Azcuénaga, Manuel Belgrano, Juan José Castelli, Domingo Matheu and Juan Larrea, and secretaries Juan José Paso and Mariano Moreno. The rules governing it were roughly the same as those issued the day before, with the additional provisions that the Cabildo would watch over the members of the Junta and that the Junta itself would appoint replacements in case of vacancies.[162] Saavedra spoke to the crowd, and then moved on to the Fort, among salvos of artillery and the ringing of bells.[163] Meanwhile, Cisneros dispatched a post rider to Córdoba, Argentina, to warn Santiago de Liniers about what had happened in Buenos Aires and to request military action against the Junta.[164]

Aftermath edit

The Primera Junta ruled after the revolution.

Buenos Aires endured the whole Spanish American Wars of independence without being reconquered by royalist armies or successful royalist counter-revolutions.[165] However, it faced several internal conflicts.[165] The May Revolution lacked a clear leader as other regions of Latin America; the secretary Mariano Moreno led the initial phase of the government, but he was removed shortly afterwards.[166]

The Council of Regency, the Royal Audiencia of Buenos Aires and the peninsulars opposed the new situation.[167] The Royal Audiencia secretly swore allegiance to the Council of Regency a month later and sent communiqués to the other cities of the Viceroyalty, to request them to deny recognition to the new government.[168] To put an end to these activities, the Junta assembled Cisneros and all the members of the Royal Audiencia on the pretext that their lives were in danger, and sent them into exile aboard the merchantman Dart.[169] Captain Mark Brigut was instructed to avoid American ports and deliver all of them directly to the Canary Islands. The Junta then appointed a new Audiencia composed entirely of criollos loyal to the revolution.[165][170]

Every city in the territory of modern Argentina other than Córdoba endorsed the Primera Junta.[171] The cities of the Upper Peru, however, did not take a position, owing to the recent outcomes of the Chuquisaca and La Paz Revolutions. Asunción del Paraguay rejected the Junta and swore loyalty to the Council of Regency.[171] The Banda Oriental, under Francisco Javier de Elío, remained a royalist stronghold.[171]

Former Viceroy Santiago de Liniers organized a counter-revolution in Córdoba, and this became the first military campaign of the independent government.[165] Despite the importance of Liniers himself, and his prestige as a popular hero for his role during the British invasions, the population of Córdoba preferred to support the revolution.[172] This reduced the power of the counter-revolutionary army by means of desertions and sabotage.[172][173] Liniers's troops were quickly defeated by the forces led by Francisco Ortiz de Ocampo.[174] Ocampo refused to shoot the captive Liniers; hence the execution ordered by the Junta was carried out by Juan José Castelli.[173] After the victory, the Primera Junta sent military expeditions to many other cities, to demand support and the election of representatives to it.[175]

Mariano Moreno was an influential member of the Primera Junta.

Montevideo, which had a historical rivalry with Buenos Aires, opposed the Primera Junta and the Council of Regency declared it the new capital of the Viceroyalty, along with Francisco Javier de Elío as the new Viceroy.[176] The city was well defended, so it could easily resist an invasion. Peripheral cities in the Banda Oriental acted contrary to Montevideo's will and supported the Buenos Aires Junta.[177] José Gervasio Artigas led them, and kept Montevideo under siege.[178] The final defeat of the Montevidean royalists was carried out in 1814 by Carlos María de Alvear and William Brown.[179]

The Captaincy General of Chile followed a process analogous to that of the May Revolution, and elected a Government Junta that inaugurated the brief period known as Patria Vieja. The Junta was defeated in 1814 at the Battle of Rancagua, and the subsequent Reconquista of Chile would make it a royalist stronghold once more. The Andes provided an effective natural barrier between the Argentine revolutionaries and Chile, so there was no military confrontation between them until the Crossing of the Andes, led by José de San Martín in 1817, a campaign that resulted in the defeat of the Chilean royalists.[180]

The Primera Junta increased in size when it incorporated the representatives sent by the provinces.[181] From then on, the Junta was renamed the Junta Grande.[182] It was dissolved shortly after the June 1811 defeat of the Argentine troops at the Battle of Huaqui, and two successive triumvirates exercised executive power over the United Provinces of the Río de la Plata.[183] In 1814, the second triumvirate was replaced by the authority of the Supreme Director.[184] Meanwhile, Martín Miguel de Güemes contained the royalist armies sent from the Viceroyalty of Peru at Salta, while San Martín advanced towards the royalist stronghold of Lima by sea, on a Chilean–Argentine campaign. The war for independence gradually shifted towards northern South America.[185] From 1814, Argentina descended into civil war.[186]

Consequences edit

According to historian Félix Luna's Breve historia de los Argentinos (Spanish: Brief history of the Argentines), one of the most important societal consequences of the May Revolution was the shift in the way the people and its rulers related.[187] Until then, the conception of the common good prevailed: while royal authority was fully respected, if an instruction from the crown of Spain was considered detrimental to the common good of the local population, it was half-met or simply ignored.[187] With the revolution, the concept of common good gave way to that of popular sovereignty, as theorized by Moreno, Castelli and Monteagudo, among others.[188] This idea held that, in the absence of a legitimate authority, the people had the right to appoint their own leaders.[189] Over time, popular sovereignty would give way to the idea of majority rule.[189] This maturation of ideas was gradual, taking many decades to crystallize into stable electoral and political systems, but it was what ultimately led to the adoption of the republican system as the form of government for Argentina.[189] Domingo Faustino Sarmiento stated similar views in his Facundo, and noted that cities were more receptive to republican ideas, while rural areas were more resistant to them, which led to the surge of caudillos.[190]

Another consequence, also according to Luna, was the dissolution of the Viceroyalty of the Río de la Plata into several different units.[189] Most of the cities and provinces had distinctive populations, economies, attitudes, contexts, and interests.[189] Until the revolution, all of these peoples were held together by the authority of the Spanish government, but with its disappearance, people from Montevideo, Paraguay and the Upper Peru began to distance themselves from Buenos Aires.[191] The brief existence of the Viceroyalty of the Rio de la Plata, which had lasted barely 38 years, impeded the consolidation of a patriotic feeling and failed to bring a sense of community to all of the population.[189] The new country of Argentina lacked an established concept of national identity capable to unite the population under a common idea of statehood.[192] Juan Bautista Alberdi sees the May Revolution as one of the early manifestations of the power struggles between the city of Buenos Aires and the provinces—one of the axial conflicts at play in the Argentine civil wars.[193] Alberdi wrote in his book "Escritos póstumos":

The revolution of May 1810 in Buenos Aires, intended to win the independence of Argentina from Spain, also had the consequence of emancipating the province of Buenos Aires from Argentina or, rather, of imposing the authority of this province upon the whole nation emancipated from Spain. That day, Spanish power over the Argentine provinces ended and that of Buenos Aires was established.[193]

Historical perspectives edit

Historiographical studies of the May Revolution do not face many doubts or unknown details. Most of the information was properly recorded at the time and was made available to the public by the Primera Junta as patriotic propaganda. Because of this, historical views on the topic differ in their interpretations of the meanings, causes and consequences of the events, rather than in the accuracy of their depiction of the events themselves. The modern version of events does not differ significantly from the contemporary one.[194]

Bartolomé Mitre wrote one of the first historical interpretations of the May Revolution.

The first people to write about the May Revolution were participants who wrote memoirs, biographies and diaries.[195] However, their works were motivated by purposes other than historiographic ones, such as to explain the reasons for their actions, clean their public images, or express their support or rejection of the public figures and ideas of the time.[195] For example, Manuel Moreno wrote the biography of his brother Mariano as propaganda for the revolutions in Europe,[196] and Cornelio Saavedra wrote his autobiography at a moment when his image was highly questioned, to justify himself to his sons.[197]

The first remarkable historiographical school of interpretation of the history of Argentina was founded by members of the 1837 generation, including Bartolomé Mitre.[198] Mitre regarded the May Revolution as an iconic expression of political egalitarianism: a conflict between modern freedoms and oppression represented by the Spanish monarchy, and an attempt to establish a national organization on constitutional principles as opposed to the charismatic authority of the caudillos.[199] These authors' views were treated as canonical until the end of the 19th century, when the proximity of the centennial encouraged authors to seek new perspectives.[200] The newer authors would differ about the relative weight of the causes of the May Revolution and about whose intervention in the events was more decisive, but the main views expressed by Mitre were kept,[201] such as to consider the revolution to be the birth of modern Argentina[202] and an unavoidable event.[203] These authors introduced the idea of popular intervention as another key element.[201] By the time of the World Wars, liberal authors attempted to impose an ultimate and unquestionable historical perspective; Ricardo Levene and the Academia Nacional de la Historia were exponents of this tendency, which still kept most perspectives of Mitre.[204] Left-wing authors took a revisionist view based on nationalism and anti-imperialism; they minimized the dispute between criollos and peninsulars and portrayed events as a dispute between enlightenment and absolutism.[205] However, most of their work was focused on other historical periods.[204]

The May Revolution was not the product of the actions of a single political party with a clear and defined agenda, but a convergence of sectors with varying interests.[206] Thus, there are a number of conflicting perspectives about it, because different authors highlight different aspects.[207] Mitre, for example, referred to The Representation of the Landowners (an 1809 economic report by Mariano Moreno) and the role of the merchants to support the view that the May Revolution intended to obtain free trade and economic integration with Europe;[208] right-wing revisionists center around Saavedra and the social customs of the time to describe the revolution under conservative principles;[208] and left-wing revisionists use the example of Moreno, Castelli and the rioters led by French and Beruti to describe it as a radical revolution.[208]

Revolutionary purposes edit

The revolutionaries of the May Revolution declared loyalty to Ferdinand VII of Spain.

The government created on May 25 pronounced itself loyal to the deposed King of Spain Ferdinand VII, but historians disagree on whether this was sincere or not.[171] Since Mitre, many historians think that this professed loyalty was merely a political deception to gain autonomy.[209][210][211][212] The Primera Junta did not pledge allegiance to the Council of Regency, which was still in operation, and in 1810 it still seemed unlikely that Napoleon would be defeated and Ferdinand returned to the throne (which finally happened on December 11, 1813, with the Treaty of Valençay).[213] The purpose of such a deception would have been to gain time to strengthen the position of the patriotic cause and avoid reactions that may have led to a counter-revolution, by making it appear that monarchical authority was still respected and that no revolution had taken place. The ruse is known as the "Mask of Ferdinand VII". It was upheld by the Primera Junta, the Junta Grande and the First Triumvirate. The Assembly of Year XIII was intended to declare independence, but failed to do so because of other political conflicts between its members.[214] However, it suppressed mention of Ferdinand VII in official documents.[215] Before the declaration of independence of 1816, the supreme directors considered other options, such as to negotiate with Spain or become a British protectorate.[216]

The change was potentially favorable for Britain, as trade with the cities of the area was facilitated, without the monopoly that Spain had maintained over their colonies for centuries.[217] However, Britain's first priority was the war against France in Europe, and as such they could not be publicly seen to support Latin American independence movements or allow the military attention of Spain to be divided onto two different fronts.[218] Consequently, they directed the various movements to temporarily avoid explicit demonstrations.[219] These efforts were primarily by handled by Lord Strangford, the British ambassador at the court of Rio de Janeiro; he expressed support for the Junta, but under the condition that "...the behavior is consistent, and that [the] Capital [is] retained on behalf of Mr. Dn. Ferdinand VII and his legitimate successors".[220] Later conflicts between Buenos Aires, Montevideo and Artigas led to political disputed in Europe, between Strangford and the Portuguese regent John VI of Portugal.[221]

Juan Bautista Alberdi and later historians such as Norberto Galasso,[208] Luis Romero and José Carlos Chiaramonte[222] doubted Mitre's interpretation and put forward different ones. Alberdi thought that "the Argentine revolution is a chapter of the Hispanoamerican revolution, as also of the Spanish one, as also of the French and European one".[223] They did not consider it a dispute between independentism and colonialism, but instead a dispute between new libertarian ideas and absolutism.[224] The intention was not to cut ties with Spain, but to reformulate the relationship; similarly, the American Revolution was not separatist at its initial steps either.[224] Thus, it would have the characteristics of a civil war instead.[225] Some points that would justify the idea would be the inclusion of Larrea, Matheu, and Belgrano in the Junta and the later appearance of José de San Martín: Larrea and Matheu were Spanish, Belgrano studied for many years in Spain,[226] and San Martín had spent most of his adult life waging war in Spain against the French.[227] When San Martín talked about enemies, he called them "royalists" or "Goths", but never "Spanish".[228]

According to those historians, the Spanish revolution against absolutism got mixed up with the Peninsular War.[229] When Ferdinand VII stood against his father Charles IV, who was seen as an absolutist king, many Spaniards got the mistaken impression that he sympathized with the new enlightened ideas.[230] Thus, the revolutions made in the Americas in the name of Ferdinand VII (such as the May Revolution, the Chuquisaca Revolution, or the one in Chile) would have sought to replace absolutist power with power formulated under the new ideas.[231] Even if Spain was at war with France, the ideals of the French Revolution (liberty, equality and fraternity) were still respected.[232] Those revolutions pronounced themselves enemies of Napoleon, but did not face any active French military attack; they promoted instead fights between Spanish armies for keeping either the old or new order.[233] This situation would change with the final defeat of Napoleon and the return of Ferdinand VII to the throne, as he began the Absolutist Restoration and persecuted the supporters of the new libertarian ideas within Spain. For people in South America, to stay as a part of the Spanish Empire, but with a new relationship with the mother country, was no longer a feasible option: the only remaining options at this point were to return to absolutism or to adopt independentism.[222]

Legacy edit

The May Pyramid, commemorative monument at Plaza de Mayo

May 25 is a national day in Argentina, known as First Patriotic Government, with the character of a public holiday. The public holiday is set by law 21.329 and is always celebrated on May 25, regardless of the day of the week.[234] The Argentina Centennial and the Argentina Bicentennial were celebrated in 1910 and 2010.

May 25 was designated as a patriotic date in 1813, but the Argentine Declaration of Independence suggests July 9 as an alternative national day. At first this added to the conflicts between Buenos Aires and the provinces during the Argentine Civil War, because the date in May related to Buenos Aires and the date of July 9 related to the whole country.[235] Thus the unitarian Bernardino Rivadavia canceled the celebration of July 9, and the federalist Juan Manuel de Rosas allowed it again, but maintained the May celebrations.[235] By 1880, the federalization of Buenos Aires removed the local connotations and the May Revolution was considered the birth of the nation.[235]

The date, as well as a generic image of the Buenos Aires Cabildo, are used in different variants to honor the May Revolution. Two of the most notable are the Avenida de Mayo and the Plaza de Mayo in Buenos Aires, near the location of the Cabildo. The May Pyramid was erected in the Plaza a year after the revolution, and was rebuilt in its present form in 1856. Veinticinco de Mayo ("May 25") is the name of several administrative divisions, cities, public spaces and landforms of Argentina. There are departments of this name in the provinces of Chaco, Misiones, San Juan, Rio Negro and Buenos Aires, the latter holding the town of Veinticinco de Mayo. The cities of Rosario (Santa Fe), Junín (Buenos Aires) and Resistencia (Chaco) have eponymous squares. King George Island, which is claimed by Argentina, Britain and Chile, as part of the Argentine Antarctica, the British Antarctic Territory and the Chilean Antarctic Territory respectively, is referred to as Isla 25 de Mayo in Argentina.[236]

A representation of a cabildo is used on Argentine 25-cent coins,[237] and an image of the Sun of May appears on the 5-cent coin.[238] An image of the Cabildo during the Revolution appeared on the back of the 5-peso banknote of the former peso moneda nacional.[239]

See also edit

References edit

  1. ^ Esposito. The Paraguayan War 1864–70: The Triple Alliance at stake in La Plata.
  2. ^ Kinsbruner, Jay (2000). Independence in Spanish America: Civil Wars, Revolutions, and Underdevelopment.
  3. ^ Strachan, Hew (2011). The Changing Character of War. p. 206.
  4. ^ Rodriguez, Jaime (1998). The Independence of Spanish America. p. 107.
  5. ^ a b c Abad de Santillán, p. 387
  6. ^ Moses, pp. 36–37
  7. ^ Moses, p. 35
  8. ^ Abad de Santillán, pp. 385–386
  9. ^ a b Johnson, p. 155
  10. ^ Abad de Santillán, p. 386
  11. ^ Moses, p. 29
  12. ^ Moses, p. 34
  13. ^ Mantoux, p. 25
  14. ^ a b Abad de Santillán, p. 390
  15. ^ a b Kaufmann, p. 8
  16. ^ Abad de Santillán, pp. 391–392
  17. ^ a b Luna, ...Manuel Belgrano, p. 28
  18. ^ a b Fremont-Barnes, p. 29
  19. ^ Shumway, p. 19
  20. ^ Abad de Santillán, pp. 388–390
  21. ^ a b Bethell, p. 101
  22. ^ a b c d e Luna, Independencia..., p. 28
  23. ^ Bethell, p. 1
  24. ^ Shumway, pp. 8–9
  25. ^ Shumway, p. 9
  26. ^ a b Abad de Santillán, p. 391
  27. ^ Shumway, p. 15
  28. ^ Shumway, p. 3
  29. ^ a b Moses, p. 4
  30. ^ a b Shumway, p. 17
  31. ^ Luna, ...Cornelio Saavedra, pp. 78–79
  32. ^ a b Brown, p. 257
  33. ^ Abad de Santillán, p. 376
  34. ^ Johnson, p. 264
  35. ^ Bethell, p. 94
  36. ^ Chasteen, p. 82
  37. ^ Chasteen, pp. 82–83
  38. ^ Chasteen, pp. 82–84
  39. ^ Abad de Santillán, p. 394
  40. ^ a b c d e Bethell, p. 95
  41. ^ a b Galasso, p. 40
  42. ^ Bethell, pp. 94–95
  43. ^ a b Luna, Independencia..., p. 20
  44. ^ Kaufmann, p. 58
  45. ^ a b c Luna, ...Manuel Belgrano, p. 33
  46. ^ Luna, ...Manuel Belgrano, p. 30
  47. ^ a b Luna, Breve..., p. 52
  48. ^ Luna, ...Santiago de Liniers, p. 120
  49. ^ Luna, ...Santiago de Liniers, p. 128
  50. ^ Johnson, p. 262
  51. ^ a b Bethell, p. 96
  52. ^ Mitre, pp. 264–265
  53. ^ Mitre, p. 265
  54. ^ a b Luna, ...Juan José Castelli, p. 55
  55. ^ a b c d Johnson, p. 270
  56. ^ Scenna, p. 23
  57. ^ Johnson, pp. 270–271
  58. ^ Luna, ...Juan José Castelli, p. 58
  59. ^ Luna, ...Juan José Castelli, pp. 58–59
  60. ^ a b Belgrano, p. 65
  61. ^ Scenna, pp. 23–24
  62. ^ Bethell, p. 95–96
  63. ^ Pigna, p. 224
  64. ^ Scenna, p. 24
  65. ^ a b c d e f Abad de Santillán, p. 398
  66. ^ Mitre, p. 286
  67. ^ Chasteen, p. 54
  68. ^ Siles Salinas, p. 126
  69. ^ Pigna, p. 227
  70. ^ Scenna, p. 26
  71. ^ Spanish: "No es tiempo, dejen ustedes que las brevas maduren y entonces las comeremos" Cited by Luna, ...Cornelio Saavedra, p. 84
  72. ^ Luna, ...Cornelio Saavedra, pp. 85–87
  73. ^ Gelman, pp. 17–18
  74. ^ Galasso, p. 46
  75. ^ a b c Abad de Santillán, p. 404
  76. ^ a b Galasso, p. 43
  77. ^ Galasso, p. 44
  78. ^ a b Pigna, p. 228
  79. ^ Saavedra, p. 60
  80. ^ a b c d e Luna, ...Juan José Castelli, p. 70
  81. ^ López, pp. 30–31
  82. ^ a b c d e f g López, p. 31
  83. ^ López, p. 39
  84. ^ Johnson, p. 275
  85. ^ a b Abad de Santillán. p. 406
  86. ^ Luna, ...Mariano Moreno, pp. 85–86
  87. ^ a b c López, p. 44
  88. ^ a b c d e f López, p. 32
  89. ^ López, pp. 44–45
  90. ^ a b Galasso, p. 49
  91. ^ a b c López, p. 45
  92. ^ a b c d e f Johnson, p. 276
  93. ^ a b c d Luna, Cornelio Saavedra, pp. 89–91
  94. ^ De Titto, p. 331
  95. ^ Luna, ...Juan José Castelli, p. 71
  96. ^ a b c López, p. 33
  97. ^ a b c López, p. 34
  98. ^ Galasso, pp. 46–47
  99. ^ a b c López, p. 36
  100. ^ a b c d e f López, p. 48
  101. ^ López, pp. 48–49
  102. ^ a b c López, p. 49
  103. ^ Pigna, p. 232
  104. ^ Luna, ...Manuel Belgrano, p. 52
  105. ^ a b Galasso, pp. 49–50
  106. ^ a b c Luna, ...Juan José Castelli, p. 75
  107. ^ Actas capitulares...
  108. ^ Luna, ...Cornelio Saavedra, p. 91
  109. ^ Scenna, p. 33
  110. ^ a b c López, pp. 51–53
  111. ^ Mitre, p. 327
  112. ^ Galasso, p. 53
  113. ^ a b c d e Luna, Independencia..., p. 32
  114. ^ Mitre, pp. 315–316
  115. ^ a b Luna, Independencia..., p. 34
  116. ^ Galasso, p. 54
  117. ^ Spanish: No solamente no hay por qué hacer novedad con el virrey, sino que aún cuando no quedase parte alguna de la España que no estuviese sojuzgada, los españoles que se encontrasen en la América deben tomar y reasumir el mando de ellas y que éste sólo podría venir a manos de los hijos del país cuando ya no hubiese un español en él. Aunque hubiese quedado un solo vocal de la Junta Central de Sevilla y arribase a nuestras playas, lo deberíamos recibir como al Soberano. Cited by Pigna, p. 234
  118. ^ a b c d e f g h i Abad de Santillán, p. 408
  119. ^ Spanish: Nadie ha podido reputar por delincuente a la nación entera, ni a los individuos que han abierto sus opiniones políticas. Si el derecho de conquista pertenece, por origen, al país conquistador, justo sería que la España comenzase por darle la razón al reverendo obispo abandonando la resistencia que hace a los franceses y sometiéndose, por los mismos principios con que se pretende que los americanos se sometan a las aldeas de Pontevedra. La razón y la regla tienen que ser iguales para todos. Aquí no hay conquistados ni conquistadores, aquí no hay sino españoles. Los españoles de España han perdido su tierra. Los españoles de América tratan de salvar la suya. Los de España que se entiendan allá como puedan y que no se preocupen, los americanos sabemos lo que queremos y adónde vamos. Por lo tanto propongo que se vote: que se subrogue otra autoridad a la del virrey que dependerá de la metrópoli si ésta se salva de los franceses, que será independiente si España queda subyugada. cited by Pigna, p. 236
  120. ^ Pigna, p. 237
  121. ^ a b Luna, Breve..., p. 62
  122. ^ López, p. 92
  123. ^ Spanish: ...y no quede duda que es el pueblo el que confiere la autoridad o mando Cited by Abad de Santillán, p. 408
  124. ^ a b c d Abad de Santillán, p. 409
  125. ^ a b Galasso, p. 52
  126. ^ Galasso, p. 67
  127. ^ a b Galasso, pp. 67–68
  128. ^ Galasso, p. 58
  129. ^ a b c Galasso, p. 59
  130. ^ a b c d Galasso, p. 60
  131. ^ Galasso, pp. 61–62
  132. ^ Galasso, p. 62
  133. ^ Galasso, p. 64
  134. ^ Galasso, p. 65
  135. ^ Pigna, p. 238
  136. ^ a b c d e f g h Abad de Santillán, p. 410
  137. ^ a b Johnson, p. 277
  138. ^ López, p 64
  139. ^ López, p. 59
  140. ^ a b c d López, p. 60
  141. ^ a b Galasso, p. 74
  142. ^ a b c López, p. 66
  143. ^ a b c d López, p. 67
  144. ^ López, p. 68
  145. ^ a b c d Luna, Independencia..., p. 37
  146. ^ Abad de Santillán, p. 411
  147. ^ Mitre, pp. 341–342
  148. ^ Galasso, p. 81
  149. ^ a b Galasso, p. 84
  150. ^ a b Galasso, p. 82
  151. ^ a b Galasso p. 83
  152. ^ López, pp. 70–71
  153. ^ a b c d López, p. 71
  154. ^ López, p. 73
  155. ^ López, pp. 74–75
  156. ^ a b c d e López, p. 75
  157. ^ a b López, p. 76
  158. ^ a b c López, p. 77
  159. ^ a b c d Crow, p. 457
  160. ^ Scenna, pp. 38–47
  161. ^ a b c d e López, p. 78
  162. ^ López, p. 79
  163. ^ López, p. 81
  164. ^ Abad de Santillán, p. 424
  165. ^ a b c d Bethell, p. 116
  166. ^ Bethell, pp. 116–117
  167. ^ Luna, Independencia..., p. 46
  168. ^ Luna, Independencia..., p. 48
  169. ^ Luna, Independencia..., p. 47
  170. ^ Luna, Independencia..., p.49
  171. ^ a b c d Bethell, p. 103
  172. ^ a b Dómina, p. 80
  173. ^ a b Luna, ...Mariano Moreno, p. 108
  174. ^ Abad de Santillán, p. 425
  175. ^ Santillán, pp. 426
  176. ^ Luna, Independencia..., pp. 51–52
  177. ^ Luna, Independencia..., p. 52
  178. ^ Luna, Independencia..., p. 62
  179. ^ Santillán, p. 516
  180. ^ Luna, Independencia..., pp. 108–116
  181. ^ Bethell, p. 117
  182. ^ Luna, Independencia..., pp. 61–62
  183. ^ Luna, Independencia..., p. 63
  184. ^ Luna, Independencia..., pp. 77–86
  185. ^ Luna, Independencia..., pp. 116–126
  186. ^ Abad de Santillán, pp. 524–525
  187. ^ a b Luna, Breve..., p. 65
  188. ^ Luna, Breve..., pp. 65–66
  189. ^ a b c d e f Luna, Breve.., p. 66
  190. ^ Sarmiento, p. 79
  191. ^ Luna, Breve..., p. 67
  192. ^ Shumway, pp. 3–4
  193. ^ a b Dómina, pp. 84–85
  194. ^ Archer, pp. 3–5
  195. ^ a b Gelman, p. 32
  196. ^ Gelman, pp. 53–54
  197. ^ Saavedra, pp. 105–106
  198. ^ Poli Gonzalvo, pp. 19–20
  199. ^ Poli Gonzalvo, p. 22
  200. ^ Gelman, p. 187
  201. ^ a b Gelman, p. 191
  202. ^ Gelman, p. 16
  203. ^ Gelman, p.17
  204. ^ a b Gelman, p. 256
  205. ^ Gelman, p.257
  206. ^ Galasso, p. 86
  207. ^ Galasso, pp. 86–87
  208. ^ a b c d Galasso, p. 87
  209. ^ Mitre, pp. 325–326
  210. ^ Luna, ...Mariano Moreno, p. 25
  211. ^ Bethell, pp. 106–107
  212. ^ Halperín Donghi, p. 96
  213. ^ Pigna, p. 243
  214. ^ Pigna, p. 377
  215. ^ Luna, Independencia..., p. 82
  216. ^ Fermín Chávez
  217. ^ Kaufmann, p. 49
  218. ^ Bethell, p. 106
  219. ^ Bethell, p. 107
  220. ^ Spanish: siempre que la conducta de esa Capital sea consecuente y se conserve a nombre del Sr. Dn. Fernando VII y de sus legítimos sucesores (Strangford), cited by Guiñazú, p. 130
  221. ^ Kaufmann, p. 59
  222. ^ a b Fonrouge
  223. ^ Alberdi, pp. 64–69
  224. ^ a b Abad de Santillán, p. 413
  225. ^ Galasso, p. 23
  226. ^ Galasso, pp. 10–11
  227. ^ Galasso, p. 12
  228. ^ Galasso, p. 11
  229. ^ Galasso, p. 16
  230. ^ Galasso, p. 18
  231. ^ Galasso, p. 24
  232. ^ Galasso, p. 17
  233. ^ Galasso, p. 21
  234. ^ Argentine National Congress (2004). "Días feriados y no laborables" [general holidays and days off shift] (PDF). Law 21.329 (in Spanish). p. 3. Retrieved December 16, 2011.
  235. ^ a b c Silvia Sigal
  236. ^ . Marambio Base. 2006. Archived from the original on July 6, 2011. Retrieved May 1, 2011.
  237. ^ "25 centavos". Central Bank of Argentina. Retrieved May 1, 2011.
  238. ^ "5 centavos". Central Bank of Argentina. Retrieved May 1, 2011.
  239. ^ Cuhaj, p. 56

Bibliography edit

  • Abad de Santillán, Diego (1965). Historia Argentina [History of Argentina] (in Spanish). Argentina: TEA (Tipográfica Editora Argentina).
  • "Actas capitulares desde el 21 hasta el 25 de Mayo de 1810, en Buenos Aires". Actas Capitulares. Buenos Aires cabildo. May 23, 1810. Retrieved January 2, 2010.
  • Alberdi, Juan Bautista (1962). Grandes y pequeños hombres del Plata [Great and puny men from the Plata basin] (in Spanish). Argentina: Fernández Blanco.
  • Archer, Christon (2000). The Wars of Independence in Spanish America. United States: Scholarly Resources Inc. ISBN 978-0-8420-2469-3.
  • Bethell, Leslie (1987). The independence of Latin America. United States: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 978-0-521-34927-7.
  • Brown, Christopher Leslie (2006). Arming slaves: from classical times to the modern age. United States: Yale University. ISBN 978-0-300-10900-9.
  • Chasteen, John Charles (2008). Americanos: Latin America's struggle for independence. United States: Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-0-19-517881-4.
  • Chávez, Fermín (August 16, 1995). . La Maga (Interview) (in Spanish). Interviewed by Felipe Pigna. Buenos Aires. Archived from the original on September 27, 2011.
  • Crow, John (1946). The Epic of Latin America. United States: University of California Press. ISBN 978-0-520-03776-2.
  • Cuhaj, George (2011). Standard Catalog of World Paper Money: Modern Issues 1961 – Present. United States: Krause Publications. ISBN 978-1-4402-1584-1.
  • De Titto, Ricardo (2010). Hombres de Mayo [Men of May] (in Spanish). Argentina: Grupo Editorial Norma. ISBN 978-987-545-584-9.
  • Dómina, Esteban (2003). Historia mínima de Córdoba [Basic history of Córdoba] (in Spanish). Argentina: Ediciones del Boulevard. ISBN 978-987-556-023-9.
  • Fonrouge (2009) (in Spanish). Galasso, Norberto; Pigna, Felipe (November 2009). . 2010 (Interview). Interviewed by Juan Manuel Fonrouge. Buenos Aires. Archived from the original on March 27, 2012.
  • Fremont-Barnes, Gregory (2002). The Napoleonic wars: the Peninsular War 1807–1814. United Kingdom: Osprey Publishing Limited. ISBN 978-1-84176-370-5.
  • Galasso, Norberto (2005). La Revolución de Mayo (El pueblo quiere saber de qué se trató) [The May Revolution (the people want to know what was it all about)] (in Spanish). Argentina: Ediciones del pensamiento nacional. ISBN 978-950-581-798-6.
  • Gelman, Jorge; Raúl Fradkin (2010). Doscientos años pensando la Revolución de Mayo [Two hundred years thinking about the May Revolution] (in Spanish). Argentina: Sudamericana. ISBN 978-950-07-3179-9.
  • Guiñazú, Enrique Ruiz (1937). Lord Strangford y la revolución de mayo [Lord Strangford and the May Revolution] (in Spanish). Argentina: Libreria y Editorial "La Facultad," Bernabé y cía.
  • Halperín Donghi, Tulio (1999). Historia contemporánea de América Latina [Contemporary history of Latin America] (in Spanish) (6º ed.). Argentina: Alianza. ISBN 978-950-40-0019-8.
  • Johnson, Lyman (2011). Workshop of Revolution: Plebeian Buenos Aires and the Atlantic World, 1776–1810. United States: Duke University Press. ISBN 978-0822349815. Retrieved October 6, 2012.
  • Kaufmann, William (1951). British policy and the independence of Latin America, 1804–1828. United States: Yale Historical Publications. ISBN 978-0-7146-1110-5.
  • López, Vicente (1966). La gran semana de 1810 [The great week of 1810] (in Spanish). Argentina: Librería del colegio (sic).
  • Luna, Félix (1994). Breve historia de los Argentinos [Brief history of the Argentines] (in Spanish). Argentina: Planeta / Espejo de la Argentina. ISBN 978-950-742-415-1.
  • ——— (1999). Grandes protagonistas de la Historia Argentina: Cornelio Saavedra [Great peoples of the history of Argentina: Cornelio Saavedra] (in Spanish). Argentina: Grupo Editorial Planeta. ISBN 978-950-49-0725-1.
  • ——— (2001). Grandes protagonistas de la Historia Argentina: Juan José Castelli [Great peoples of the history of Argentina: Juan José Castelli] (in Spanish). Argentina: Grupo Editorial Planeta. ISBN 978-950-49-0656-8.
  • ——— (2004). Grandes protagonistas de la Historia Argentina: Manuel Belgrano [Great peoples of the history of Argentina: Manuel Belgrano] (in Spanish). Argentina: Grupo Editorial Planeta. ISBN 978-950-49-1247-7.
  • ——— (2004). Grandes protagonistas de la Historia Argentina: Mariano Moreno [Great peoples of the history of Argentina: Mariano Moreno] (in Spanish). Argentina: La Nación. ISBN 978-950-49-1248-4.
  • ——— (1999). Grandes protagonistas de la Historia Argentina: Santiago de Liniers [Great peoples of the history of Argentina: Santiago de Liniers] (in Spanish). Argentina: Grupo Editorial Planeta. ISBN 978-950-49-0357-4.
  • ——— (2003). La independencia argentina y americana [The Argentine and American history] (in Spanish). Argentina: Planeta. ISBN 978-950-49-1110-4.
  • Mantoux, Paul (2006). The Industrial Revolution in the eighteenth century. United Kingdom: Routledge. ISBN 978-0-415-37839-0.
  • Mitre, Bartolomé (2008). Historia de Belgrano y de la Independencia Argentina [History of Belgrano and the independence of Argentina] (in Spanish). Argentina: Belgranian National Institute. ISBN 978-987-506-142-2.
  • Moses, Bernard (1926). The Intellectual Background of the Revolution in South America 1810–1824. United States: Hispanic Society of America. ISBN 978-1-4067-1575-0.
  • Pigna, Felipe (2007). Los mitos de la historia argentina [The myths of the history of Argentina] (in Spanish) (26 ed.). Argentina: Grupo Editorial Norma. ISBN 978-987-545-149-0.
  • Poli Gonzalvo, Alejandro (2008). Mayo, la revolución inconclusa [May, the unfinished revolution]. Argentina: Emecé Editores S.A. ISBN 978-950-04-3030-2.
  • Sarmiento, Domingo (2003). Facundo. United States: University of California Press. ISBN 978-0-520-08159-8.
  • Scenna, Miguel Ángel (2009). Mariano Moreno (in Spanish). Argentina: H. Garetto Editor. ISBN 978-987-1494-05-4.
  • Shumway, Nicolas (1991). The Invention of Argentina. United States: University of California Press. ISBN 978-0-520-08284-7.
  • Sigal, Silvia (2010). "Mayo, la disputa por el sentido". Ñ (343): 11.
  • Siles Salinas, Jorge (2009). Historia de la independencia de Bolivia [History of the independence of Bolivia] (in Spanish). Bolivia: Plural editores. ISBN 978-99954-1-223-4.

External links edit

  • on the Education Ministry website – (in Spanish)
  • La Revolucion de Mayo – (in Spanish)

revolution, spanish, revolución, mayo, week, long, series, events, that, took, place, from, 1810, buenos, aires, capital, viceroyalty, río, plata, this, spanish, colony, included, roughly, territories, present, argentina, bolivia, paraguay, uruguay, parts, bra. The May Revolution Spanish Revolucion de Mayo was a week long series of events that took place from May 18 to 25 1810 in Buenos Aires capital of the Viceroyalty of the Rio de la Plata This Spanish colony included roughly the territories of present day Argentina Bolivia Paraguay Uruguay and parts of Brazil The result was the removal of Viceroy Baltasar Hidalgo de Cisneros and the establishment of a local government the Primera Junta First Junta on May 25 May RevolutionPart of the Spanish American wars of independenceThe open cabildo on May 22 1810 by Pedro Subercaseaux depiction of the May 22 open cabildoDateMay 25 1810LocationBuenos AiresAlso known asRevolucion de MayoCausePopular sovereigntyMotiveAbdications of BayonneTargetSelf governanceOutcomeThe Primera Junta seize the government ousting the Spanish viceroy Baltasar Hidalgo de Cisneros and launching a series of military expeditions that began the Argentine War of Independence 1 The Spanish government deny it any measure of legitimacy and fight to preserve the integrity of the Spanish monarchy The May Revolution was a direct reaction to Napoleon s invasion of Spain In 1808 King Ferdinand VII of Spain abdicated in favor of Napoleon who granted the throne to his brother Joseph Bonaparte A Supreme Central Junta led resistance to Joseph s government and the French occupation of Spain but eventually suffered a series of reversals that resulted in the Spanish loss of the northern half of the country On February 1 1810 French troops took Seville and gained control of most of Andalusia The Supreme Junta retreated to Cadiz formed the Council of Regency of Spain and the Indies to govern and dissolved itself News of these events arrived in Buenos Aires on May 18 brought by British ships Viceroy Cisneros tried to maintain the political status quo but a group of criollo lawyers and military officials organized an open cabildo a special meeting of notables of the city on May 22 to decide the future of the Viceroyalty The Regency of Spain was the prelude to the Spanish Cortes of Cadiz of 1810 and the Spanish Constitution of 1812 All of these Spanish governments considered the Argentine Junta to be insurgent and denied it any legitimacy to govern the territories of the viceroyalty At the other end delegates of the Junta refused to recognize the Council of Regency in Spain and established a junta to govern in place of Cisneros as the government that had appointed him Viceroy no longer existed To maintain a sense of continuity Cisneros was initially appointed president of the Junta However this caused much popular unrest and so Cisneros resigned under pressure on May 25 The newly formed government the Primera Junta included only representatives from Buenos Aires and invited other cities of the Viceroyalty to send delegates to join them The revolutionary army began the war and this resulted in the outbreak of a secessionist Civil war between the regions that accepted the outcome of the events at Buenos Aires and those that remained loyal to Spain 2 3 The May Revolution began the Argentine War of Independence although no declaration of independence from Spain was issued at the time and the Primera Junta continued to govern in the name of the king Ferdinand VII as a subordinate king to popular sovereignty As similar events occurred in many other cities of the continent the May Revolution is also considered one of the early events of the Spanish American wars of independence The question of the mask of Ferdinand is particularly controversial in Argentinean History Historians today debate whether the revolutionaries were truly loyal to the Spanish crown or whether the declaration of fidelity to the king was a necessary ruse to conceal the true objective to achieve independence from a population that was not yet ready to accept such a radical change but there is strong evidence of the truly loyal to the Spanish crown 4 The Argentine Declaration of Independence was issued at the Congress of Tucuman on July 9 1816 Contents 1 Causes 1 1 International causes 1 2 National causes 2 Prelude 2 1 Liniers government 2 2 Cisneros government 3 May Week 3 1 Friday May 18 and Saturday May 19 3 2 Sunday May 20 3 3 Monday May 21 3 4 Tuesday May 22 3 5 Wednesday May 23 3 6 Thursday May 24 3 7 Friday May 25 4 Aftermath 4 1 Consequences 5 Historical perspectives 5 1 Revolutionary purposes 6 Legacy 7 See also 8 References 9 Bibliography 10 External linksCauses editMain article Causes of the May Revolution International causes edit nbsp The rule of Joseph Bonaparte as King of Spain was resisted by Spaniards and cast doubts on the legitimacy of the Spanish viceroys The U S declaration of independence from Great Britain in 1776 led criollos Spanish peoples born in the Americas to believe that revolution and independence from Spain were feasible 5 6 Between 1775 and 1783 the American patriots of the Thirteen Colonies waged a war against both the local loyalists and the Kingdom of Great Britain eventually establishing a republican government in the place of a constitutional monarchy The fact that Spain had aided the colonies during their war with Britain weakened the idea that it would be a crime to end one s allegiance to the parent state 7 The ideals of the French Revolution of 1789 spread across Europe and the Americas as well 8 The overthrow and execution of King Louis XVI and Queen Marie Antoinette ended centuries of monarchy and removed the privileges of the nobility Liberal ideals in the political and economic fields developed and spread through the Atlantic Revolutions across most of the Western world The concept of the divine right of kings was questioned by the French Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen by the oft quoted statement that all men are created equal in the United States Declaration of Independence and even by the Spanish church 5 However the spread of such ideas was forbidden in the Spanish territories as was the sale of related books or their unauthorized possession 9 Spain instituted those bans when it declared war on France after the execution of Louis XVI and retained them after the peace treaty of 1796 5 News of the events of 1789 and copies of the publications of the French Revolution spread around Spain despite efforts to keep them at bay 9 10 Many enlightened criollos came into contact with liberal authors and their works during their university studies either in Europe or at the University of Chuquisaca modern Sucre 11 Books from the United States found their way into the Spanish colonies through Caracas owing to the proximity of Venezuela to the United States and the West Indies 12 nbsp The US Declaration of Independence inspired similar movements in the Spanish colonies in South America The Industrial Revolution started in Britain with the use of plateways canals and steam power This led to dramatic increases in the productive capabilities of Britain 13 and created a need for new markets to sell its products 14 The Napoleonic Wars with France made this a difficult task after Napoleon imposed the Continental System which forbade his allies and conquests to trade with Britain Thus Britain looked to new sources of trade including Spain s colonies in South America but could not do so because the colonies were restricted to trade only with Spain 15 To achieve this economic objective Britain initially tried to invade Rio de la Plata and capture key cities in Spanish America 16 When that failed they chose to promote the Spanish American aspirations of emancipation from Spain 15 17 The mutiny of Aranjuez in 1808 led King Charles IV of Spain to abdicate in favor of his son Ferdinand VII 18 Charles IV requested that Napoleon restore him to the throne instead Napoleon crowned his own brother Joseph Bonaparte as the new Spanish King 18 19 These events are known as the Abdications of Bayonne Joseph s coronation was met with severe resistance in Spain which started the Peninsular War and the Supreme Central Junta took power in the name of the absent king 20 This also led to Spain switching alliances from France to Britain 14 France eventually invaded Sevilla and a Council of Regency based in Cadiz replaced the disbanded Supreme Central Junta 21 National causes edit nbsp William Carr Beresford surrenders to Santiago de Liniers during the British invasions of the Rio de la Plata Spain forbade its American colonies to trade with other nations or foreign colonies and imposed itself as the only buyer and vendor for their international trade 22 This situation damaged the viceroyalty as Spain s economy was not powerful enough to produce the huge supply of goods that the numerous colonies would need This caused economic shortages and recession 22 23 The Spanish trade routes favored the ports of Mexico and Lima to the detriment of Buenos Aires 24 As a result Buenos Aires smuggled those products that could not be obtained legitimately 25 Most local authorities allowed this smuggling as a lesser evil even though it was illegal and it occasionally equalled in volume the legal commerce with Spain 26 Two antagonistic factions emerged the landowners wanted free trade so they could sell their products abroad while the merchants who benefited from the high prices of smuggled imports opposed free trade because prices would come down 27 nbsp The coronation of Infanta Carlota Joaquina was considered an alternative to revolution The Spanish monarchy appointed their own candidates to most of the political offices in the viceroyalty usually favoring Spaniards from Europe 28 In most cases the appointees had little knowledge of or interest in local issues Consequently there was a growing rivalry between criollos and peninsulars those born in Spain Most criollos thought that peninsulars had undeserved advantages and received preferential treatment in politics and society 22 The lower clergy had a similar sentiment about the higher echelons of the religious hierarchy 26 Events developed at a slower pace than in the United States independence movement 29 This was in part because the clergy controlled the entire educational system in Spanish America which led the population to hold the same conservative ideas and follow the same customs as in Spain 29 nbsp The coronation of Carlota Joaquina de Borbon was briefly considered an alternative to the Revolution Buenos Aires and Montevideo were captured and recaptured during the British invasions 17 In 1806 a small British army led by William Carr Beresford managed to occupy Buenos Aires for a brief time a Montevidean army led by Santiago de Liniers recaptured the city 30 The following year a larger army seized Montevideo but was overwhelmed by the forces of Buenos Aires the British capitulated 30 and returned Montevideo to the viceroyalty There was no aid from Spain during either invasion 22 31 Liniers organized criollo militias during the preparations for the second invasion in spite of the prohibition against them 32 33 34 The Patricios Regiment led by Cornelio Saavedra was the biggest criollo army These events gave criollos military power and political influence that they did not have before and since the victory was achieved without any help from Spain it boosted criollo confidence in their independent capabilities 22 35 The Portuguese royal family left Europe and settled in their colony of Brazil in 1808 after their escape from the Napoleonic invasion of Portugal 36 Carlota Joaquina sister of Ferdinand VII was the wife of the Portuguese prince regent but had her own political projects 37 As she avoided the later capture of the Spanish royal family she attempted to take charge of the viceroyalty as regent 38 This political project known as Carlotism sought to prevent a French invasion of the Americas 39 A small secret society of criollos composed of politicians such as Manuel Belgrano and Juan Jose Castelli and military leaders such as Antonio Beruti and Hipolito Vieytes supported this project 40 41 They considered it an opportunity to get a local government instead of a European one or a step towards a potential declaration of independence 42 43 The project was resisted by Viceroy Liniers most peninsulars and some criollos including Cornelio Saavedra and the lawyers Mariano Moreno and Juan Jose Paso 40 43 They suspected that it concealed Portuguese expansionist ambitions over the region 40 The supporters of Carlota Joaquina intended her to head a constitutional monarchy whereas she wanted to govern an absolute monarchy these conflicting goals undermined the project and led to its failure 40 41 Britain which had a strong influence in the politics of the Portuguese Empire opposed the project as well they did not want Spain split into several kingdoms and considered Carlota Joaquina unable to prevent this 44 Prelude editLiniers government edit nbsp Santiago de Liniers ruled as viceroy between 1807 and 1809 After the British invasion of 1806 Santiago de Liniers successfully reconquered Buenos Aires 45 The population did not allow Rafael de Sobremonte to continue as Viceroy 45 He had escaped to Cordoba with the public treasury while the battle was still in progress 46 A law enacted in 1778 required the treasury to be moved to a safe location in the case of a foreign attack but Sobremonte was still seen as a coward by the population 47 The Royal Audiencia of Buenos Aires did not allow his return to Buenos Aires and elected Liniers acclaimed as a popular hero as an interim Viceroy 45 This was an unprecedented action the first time that a Spanish viceroy was deposed by local government institutions and not by the King of Spain himself 47 King Charles IV ratified the appointment at a later time 48 Liniers armed the entire population of Buenos Aires including criollos and slaves and defeated a second British invasion attempt in 1807 32 The Liniers administration was popular among criollos but not among peninsulars such as the merchant Martin de Alzaga and the Governor of Montevideo Francisco Javier de Elio 49 They requested the Spanish authorities appoint a new viceroy 50 In the wake of the outbreak of the Peninsular War de Elio created the Junta of Montevideo which would scrutinise all the orders from Buenos Aires and reserve the right to ignore them but did not openly deny the authority of the Viceroy or declare Montevideo independent 40 Martin de Alzaga began a mutiny to remove Liniers 51 On January 1 1809 an open cabildo an extraordinary meeting of vecinos prominent people of the city chaired by Alzaga demanded the resignation of Liniers and the appointment of a local junta 52 The Spanish militia and a group of people summoned by the meeting gathered to support the rebellion 53 A small number of criollos notably Mariano Moreno supported the mutiny 51 but most of them did not 54 They felt that Alzaga wanted to remove the Viceroy to avoid his political authority while keeping the social differences between criollos and peninsulars unchanged 54 The riot was quickly routed when criollo militias led by Cornelio Saavedra surrounded the plaza and dispersed the rebels 55 As a result of the failed mutiny the rebel militias were disarmed 55 This included all peninsular militias and the power of the criollos increased as a result 55 The leaders of the plot with the exception of Moreno 56 were exiled to Carmen de Patagones 55 Javier de Elio freed them and gave them political asylum at Montevideo 57 Cisneros government edit nbsp Baltasar Hidalgo de Cisneros the last viceroy to rule in Buenos Aires The Supreme Central Junta replaced Liniers with the naval officer Baltasar Hidalgo de Cisneros a veteran of the Battle of Trafalgar to end the political turmoil in the Rio de la Plata 58 He arrived in Montevideo in June 1809 for the handover 59 Manuel Belgrano proposed that Liniers should resist on the grounds that he had been confirmed as Viceroy by a King of Spain whereas Cisneros lacked such legitimacy 60 The criollo militias shared Belgrano s proposal 60 but Liniers handed over the government to Cisneros without resistance 61 Javier de Elio accepted the authority of the new Viceroy and dissolved the Junta of Montevideo 62 Cisneros rearmed the disbanded peninsular militias and pardoned those responsible for the mutiny 63 Alzaga was not freed but his sentence was commuted to house arrest 64 There was concern about events in Spain and about the legitimacy of local governors in Upper Peru as well 65 On May 25 1809 the Chuquisaca Revolution deposed Ramon Garcia de Leon y Pizarro as Governor of Chuquisaca and replaced him with Juan Antonio Alvarez de Arenales 65 On July 16 the La Paz revolution led by Colonel Pedro Domingo Murillo deposed the Governor of La Paz and elected a new junta 65 A swift reaction from the Spanish authorities defeated those rebellions 65 An army of 1 000 men sent from Buenos Aires found no resistance at Chuquisaca took control of the city and overthrew the Junta 65 Murillo tried to defend La Paz but his 800 militiamen were completely outnumbered by the more than 5 000 soldiers sent from Lima 65 He and the other leaders were later beheaded and their heads were exhibited as a deterrent 66 These measures contrasted sharply with the pardon that Martin de Alzaga and others had received after a short time in prison and the resentment of criollos against the peninsulars deepened 67 Juan Jose Castelli was present at the deliberations of the University of Chuquisaca where Bernardo Monteagudo developed the Syllogism of Chuquisaca a legal explanation to justify self governance This influenced his ideas during the May Week 68 On November 25 1809 Cisneros created the Political Surveillance Court to persecute afrancesados supporters of Joseph Bonaparte and independentists 69 However he rejected economist Jose Maria Romero s proposal to banish a number of people considered dangerous to the Spanish regime such as Saavedra Paso Vieytes Castelli and Moreno among others 70 Romero warned Cisneros against spreading news that might be considered subversive Criollos felt that soon any pretext would be enough to lead to the outbreak of revolution In April 1810 Cornelio Saavedra advised to his friends it s not time yet let the figs ripen and then we ll eat them 71 He meant that he would not support rushed actions against the Viceroy but would do so at a strategically favorable moment such as when Napoleon s forces gained a decisive advantage in their war against Spain 72 May Week edit nbsp Map of Cadiz during the French siege The May Week was the period of time in Buenos Aires which began with the confirmation of the fall of the Supreme Central Junta and ended with the dismissal of Cisneros and the establishment of the Primera Junta 73 On 14 May 1810 the schooner HMS Mistletoe arrived at Buenos Aires with European newspapers that reported the dissolution of the Supreme Central Junta the previous January 74 The city of Seville had been invaded by French armies which were already dominating most of the Iberian Peninsula 21 The newspapers reported that some of the former members of the Junta had taken refuge on the Isla de Leon in Cadiz 75 This was confirmed in Buenos Aires on May 17 when the British ship John Parish arrived in Montevideo the most recent newspapers reported that members of the Supreme Central Junta had been dismissed 75 The Council of Regency of Cadiz was not seen as a successor of the Spanish resistance but as an attempt to restore absolutism in Spain 76 The Supreme Central Junta was seen as sympathetic to the new ideas 77 South American patriots feared both a complete French victory in the peninsula and an absolutist restoration 76 Cisneros monitored the British ships and seized their newspapers to conceal the news but a newspaper came into the hands of Belgrano and Castelli 78 They spread the news among other patriots and challenged the legitimacy of the Viceroy who had been appointed by the fallen junta 78 When Cornelio Saavedra head of the regiment of Patricians was informed of this news he decided that it was finally the ideal time to take action against Cisneros 79 Martin Rodriguez proposed to overthrow the Viceroy by force but Castelli and Saavedra rejected this idea and proposed the convening of an open cabildo 80 Friday May 18 and Saturday May 19 edit nbsp Secret meeting of the revolutionaries at the house of Nicolas Rodriguez Pena Although Viceroy Cisneros attempted to conceal the news of the Spanish defeat the rumor had already spread throughout Buenos Aires 81 Most of the population was uneasy there was high activity at the barracks and in the Plaza and most shops were closed 82 The Cafe de Catalanes and the Fonda de las Naciones frequent criollo meeting places became venues for political discussions and radical proclamations Francisco Jose Planes shouted that Cisneros should be hanged in the Plaza as retribution for the execution of the leaders of the ill fated La Paz revolution 82 People who sympathized with the absolutist government were harassed but the fights were of little consequence because nobody was allowed to take muskets or swords out of the barracks 83 The Viceroy trying to calm the criollos gave his own version of events in a proclamation 84 He asked for allegiance to King Ferdinand VII but popular unrest continued to intensify He was aware of the news but only said that the situation on the Iberian Peninsula was delicate he did not confirm the fall of the Junta 75 His proposal was to make a government body that would rule on behalf of Ferdinand VII together with Viceroy of Peru Jose Fernando de Abascal y Sousa Governor of Potosi Francisco de Paula Sanz and President of the Royal Audiencia of Charcas Vicente Nieto 82 Not fooled by the Viceroy s communique some criollos met at the houses of Nicolas Rodriguez Pena and Martin Rodriguez 85 During these secret meetings they appointed a representative commission composed of Juan Jose Castelli and Martin Rodriguez to request that Cisneros convene an open cabildo to decide the future of the Viceroyalty 86 During the night of May 19 there were further discussions at Rodriguez Pena s house 82 Saavedra called by Viamonte joined the meeting 82 which involved military and civilian leaders 87 They arranged that Belgrano and Saavedra would meet with Juan Jose de Lezica the senior alcalde municipal magistrate while Castelli would meet with the procurator Julian de Leiva to ask for their support 82 They asked the Viceroy to allow an open cabildo and said that if it was not freely granted the people and the criollo troops would march to the Plaza force the Viceroy to resign by any means necessary and replace him with a patriot government 82 Saavedra commented to Lezica that he was suspected of betrayal because of his constant requests for cautious and measured steps 87 This comment was designed to pressure Lezica into speeding up the legal system to allow the people to express themselves or otherwise risk a major rebellion 87 Lezica asked for patience and time to persuade the Viceroy and leave a massive demonstration as a last resort 88 He argued that if the Viceroy was deposed in that way it would constitute a rebellion which would turn the revolutionaries into outlaws 88 Manuel Belgrano gave the following Monday as the deadline to confirm the open cabildo before taking direct action 89 Leiva would later act as a mediator being both a confidante of Cisneros and a trusted negotiator for the more moderate revolutionaries 90 Sunday May 20 edit nbsp Juan Jose Castelli asks Baltasar Hidalgo de Cisneros for an open cabildo Lezica informed Cisneros of the request for an open cabildo and the Viceroy consulted Leiva who spoke in favor of it 85 The Viceroy summoned military commanders to come to the fort at 7 pm 91 to demand military support 92 There were rumors that it could be a trap to capture them and take control of the barracks 91 To prevent this they took command of the grenadiers that guarded the Fort and seized the keys of all entrances while meeting with the Viceroy 91 Colonel Cornelio Saavedra head of the Regiment of Patricios responded on behalf of all the criollo regiments 93 He compared the current international situation with that prevailing at the time of the mutiny of Alzaga over a year earlier pointed out that Spain was now almost entirely under Napoleonic control and that the undefeated Spanish provinces were very small in comparison with the Americas 93 He rejected the claim of sovereignty of Cadiz over the Americas 92 and concluded that the local armies wanted to look after themselves rather than following the fate of Spain 93 Finally he pointed out that the Supreme Central Junta that appointed Cisneros as Viceroy no longer existed so he rejected Cisneros legitimacy as Viceroy and denied him the protection of the troops under his command 93 Castelli and Martin Rodriguez moved to the Fort for an interview with Cisneros 80 Juan Florencio Terrada commander of the Infantry Grenadiers joined them because their barracks were located under Cisneros window and his presence would not allow the Viceroy to request military aid to take Castelli and Martin Rodriguez prisoners 94 The guards let them pass unannounced and they found Cisneros playing cards with Brigadier Quintana prosecutor Caspe and aide Coicolea 80 Castelli and Rodriguez demanded once again the convening of an open cabildo and Cisneros reacted angrily considering their request an outrage 80 Rodriguez interrupted him and forced him to give a definitive answer 80 After a short private discussion with Caspe Cisneros reluctantly gave his consent 95 That night many of the revolutionaries attended a theatre production on the theme of tyranny called Rome Saved 88 The lead actor was Morante playing Cicero 88 The police chief requested Morante to feign illness and not appear so that the play could be replaced with Misanthropy and Repentance by the German novelist and playwright August von Kotzebue 88 Rumors of police censorship spread quickly Morante ignored the request and performed the play as planned 88 In the fourth act Morante made a patriotic speech about the Gaul threat to Rome the Gauls are ancestors of the French people and the need for strong leadership to resist the danger 96 This scene lifted the revolutionaries spirits and led to frenzied applause 96 Juan Jose Paso stood up and cried out for the freedom of Buenos Aires and a small fight ensued 96 After the play the revolutionaries returned to Pena s house 97 They learned the result of the meeting with Cisneros but were unsure as to whether Cisneros intended to keep his word 97 They organized a demonstration for the following day to ensure that the open cabildo would be held as decided 97 Monday May 21 edit nbsp Invitation to the open cabildo of May 22At 3 pm the Cabildo began its routine work but was interrupted by 600 armed men named the Infernal Legion who occupied the Plaza de la Victoria and loudly demanded the convening of an open cabildo and the resignation of Viceroy Cisneros 92 They carried a portrait of Ferdinand VII and the lapels of their jackets bore a white ribbon that symbolized criollo Spanish unity 98 Domingo French the mail carrier of the city and Antonio Beruti an employee of the treasury led the rioters 92 It was rumored that Cisneros had been killed and that Saavedra would take control of the government 99 Saavedra was at the barracks at that moment concerned about the demonstration 99 He thought the violence should be stopped and that radical measures such as the assassination of Cisneros should be prevented but he also thought that the troops would mutiny if the demonstrations were suppressed 99 The people in the Plaza did not believe that Cisneros would allow the open cabildo the next day 100 Leiva left the Cabildo and Belgrano who was representing the crowd requested a definitive commitment 100 Leiva explained that everything would go ahead as planned but the Cabildo needed time to prepare 100 He asked Belgrano to help the Cabildo with the work as his intervention would be seen by the crowd as a guarantee that their demands would not be ignored 100 The crowd left the main hall but stayed in the Plaza 100 Belgrano protested about the guest list which consisted of the wealthiest citizens and thought that if the poor people were left outside there would be further unrest 101 The members of the Cabildo tried to convince him to give his support but he left 102 Belgrano s departure enraged the crowd as he did not explain what had happened and the people feared a betrayal 102 Demands for Cisneros immediate resignation replaced those for an open cabildo 102 The people finally settled down and dispersed when Saavedra intervened to say that the claims of the Infernal Legion were supported by the military 103 The invitations were distributed among 450 leading citizens and officials in the capital 90 The Cabildo compiled the guest list and tried to guarantee the result inviting people that would be likely to support the Viceroy 104 The revolutionaries countered this move with a similar one so that most people would be against Cisneros instead 105 The printer Agustin Donado supporting the revolutionaries printed nearly 600 invitations instead of the 450 requested and distributed the surplus among the criollos 105 During the night Castelli Rodriguez French and Beruti visited all the barracks to harangue the troops and prepare them for the following day 106 Tuesday May 22 edit nbsp An open cabildo discussed the legitimacy of the viceroy and the new local government that replaced him According to the minutes only about 251 out of the 450 officially invited guests attended the open cabildo 92 107 French and Beruti in command of 600 men armed with knives shotguns and rifles controlled access to the square to ensure that the open cabildo had a majority of criollos 92 106 All noteworthy religious and civilian people were present as well as militia commanders and many prominent residents 108 The only notable absence was that of Martin de Alzaga who was still under house arrest 109 A merchant Jose Ignacio Rezabal attended the open cabildo but in a letter to the priest Julian S de Aguero said that he had some doubts which were shared by other people close to him 110 He feared that no matter which party prevailed in the open cabildo it would take revenge against the other the Mutiny of Alzaga being a recent precedent 110 He felt that the open cabildo would lack legitimacy if too many criollos were allowed to take part in it as a result of the aforementioned manipulation of the guest list 110 nbsp Pedro MurilloThe meeting lasted from morning to midnight including the reading of the proclamation the debate and the vote 111 There was no secret ballot votes were heard one at a time and recorded in the minutes 112 The main themes of the debate were the legitimacy of the government and the authority of the Viceroy 106 The principle of retroversion of the sovereignty to the people stated that in the absence of the legitimate monarch power returned to the people they were entitled to form a new government 113 This principle was commonplace in Spanish scholasticism and rationalist philosophy but had never been applied in case law 113 Its validity divided the assembly into two main groups one group rejected it and argued that the situation should remain unchanged this group supported Cisneros as Viceroy The other group supported change and considered that they should establish a junta like the ones established in Spain to replace the Viceroy 114 There was also a third position taking the middle ground 115 The promoters of change did not recognize the authority of the Council of Regency and argued that the colonies in America were not consulted in its formation 113 The debate tangentially discussed the rivalry between criollos and peninsulars the Viceroy supporters felt that the will of peninsulars should prevail over that of criollos 116 One of the speakers for the first position was the bishop of Buenos Aires Benito Lue y Riega leader of the local church who said Not only is there no reason to get rid of the Viceroy but even if no part of Spain remained unsubdued the Spaniards in America ought to take it back and resume command over it America should only be ruled by the natives when there is no longer a Spaniard there If even a single member of the Central Junta of Seville were to land on our shores we should receive him as the Sovereign 117 Juan Jose Castelli was the main speaker for the revolutionaries 118 He based his speech on two key ideas the government s lapsed legitimacy he stated that the Supreme Central Junta was dissolved and had no rights to designate a Regency and the principle of retroversion of sovereignty 113 He spoke after Riega and replied that the American people should assume control of their government until Ferdinand VII could return to the throne Nobody could call the whole nation a criminal nor the individuals that have aired their political views If the right of conquest belongs by right to the conquering country it would be fair for Spain to quit resisting the French and submit to them by the same principles for which it is expected that the Americans submit themselves to the peoples of Pontevedra The reason and the rule must be equal for everybody Here there are no conquerors or conquered here there are only Spaniards The Spaniards of Spain have lost their land The Spaniards of America are trying to save theirs Let the ones from Spain deal with themselves as they can do not worry we American Spaniards know what we want and where we go So I suggest we vote that we replace the Viceroy with a new authority that will be subject to the parent state if it is saved from the French and independent if Spain is finally subjugated 119 Pascual Ruiz Huidobro stated that since the authority that appointed Cisneros had expired Cisneros should no longer have a place in the government 118 Huidobro felt that the Cabildo should be in government as it was the representative of the people 118 Melchor Fernandez Juan Leon Ferragut and Joaquin Grigera supported his vote among others 118 nbsp The proposal of Cornelio Saavedra got the majority of votes Attorney Manuel Genaro Villota representative of the Spanish said that the city of Buenos Aires had no right to make unilateral decisions about the legitimacy of the Viceroy or the Council of Regency without the participation of other cities of the Viceroyalty 118 He argued that such an action would break the unity of the country and establish as many sovereignties as there were cities 118 His intention was to keep Cisneros in power by delaying any possible action 113 Juan Jose Paso accepted his first point but argued that the situation in Europe and the possibility that Napoleon s forces could conquer the American colonies demanded an urgent resolution 120 He then expounded the argument of the elder sister reasoning that Buenos Aires should take the initiative and make the changes deemed necessary and appropriate on the express condition that the other cities would be invited to comment as soon as possible 121 The rhetorical device of the elder sister comparable to negotiorum gestio 122 makes an analogy between the relationship of Buenos Aires and other cities of the viceroyalty with a sibling relationship 121 The priest Juan Nepomuceno Sola then proposed that the Cabildo should receive the provisional command until the formation of a governing junta made up of representatives from all populations of the Viceroyalty 118 Manuel Alberti Miguel de Azcuenaga who would be members of the Primera Junta some days later Escalada and Argerich or Aguirre supported his vote among others 118 Cornelio Saavedra suggested that the Cabildo should receive the provisional command until the formation of a governing junta in the manner and form that the Cabildo would deem as appropriate 118 He said there shall be no doubt that it is the people that create authority or command 123 At the time of the vote Castelli s position coincided with that of Saavedra 124 Manuel Belgrano stood near a window and in the event of a problematic development he would give a signal by waiving a white cloth upon which the people gathered in the Plaza would force their way into the Cabildo 125 However there were no problems and this emergency plan was not implemented 125 The historian Vicente Fidel Lopez revealed that his father Vicente Lopez y Planes who was present at the event saw that Mariano Moreno was worried near the end in spite of the majority achieved 126 Moreno told Planes that the Cabildo was about to betray them 124 127 Wednesday May 23 edit The debate took all day and the votes were counted very late that night 128 After the presentations people voted for the continuation of the Viceroy alone or at the head of a junta or his dismissal The ideas explained were divided into a small number of proposals designated with the names of their main supporters and the people then voted for one of those proposals The voting lasted for a long time and the result was to dismiss the Viceroy by a large majority 155 votes to 69 124 Manuel Jose Reyes stated that he found no reason to depose the Viceroy and that it would be enough to appoint a junta headed by Cisneros 129 His proposal had nearly 30 votes 129 Another 30 votes supported Cisneros with no change to the political system 129 A small group supported the proposal of Martin Jose de Choteco who also supported Cisneros 130 There were also many different proposals involving the removal of Cisneros 130 Many of them required the new authorities to be elected by the Cabildo 130 Pascual Ruiz Huidobro proposed that the Cabildo should rule in the interim and appoint a new government but this proposal made no reference to popular sovereignty or the creation of a junta 130 This proposal received 35 votes and sought simply to replace Cisneros with Huidobro Huidobro was the most senior military officer and thus the natural candidate under current laws to replace the viceroy in the lack of a new appointment from Spain 131 Juan Nepomuceno Sola proposed a junta composed of delegates from all the provinces of the viceroyalty while the Cabildo should govern in the interim this proposal received nearly 20 votes 132 Cornelio Saavedra whose aforementioned proposal was that the Cabildo should appoint a Junta and rule in the interim got the largest number of votes 133 A number of other proposals received only a few votes each 134 At dawn on May 23 the Cabildo informed the population that the Viceroy would end his mandate The highest authority would be transferred temporarily to the Cabildo until the appointment of a governing junta 135 Notices were placed at various points throughout the city which announced the imminent creation of a junta and the summoning of representatives from the provinces 124 The notices also called for the public to refrain from actions contrary to public policy 136 Thursday May 24 edit The Cabildo interpreted the decision of the open cabildo in its own way 136 When it formed the new Junta to govern until the arrival of representatives from other cities Leiva arranged for former viceroy Cisneros to be appointed president of the Junta and commander of the armed forces 127 137 There are many interpretations of his motives for departing from the decision of the open cabildo in this way 115 136 Four other members were appointed to the Junta criollos Cornelio Saavedra and Juan Jose Castelli and peninsulars Juan Nepomuceno Sola and Jose Santos Inchaurregui 136 Leiva wrote a constitutional code to regulate the actions of the Junta 136 It stipulated that the Junta could not exercise judicial power which was reserved for the Royal Audiencia of Buenos Aires that Cisneros could not act without the support of the other members of the Junta that the Cabildo could dismiss anyone who neglected his duty that the Cabildo s consent would be required to create new taxes that the Junta would sanction a general amnesty for those who had aired opinions at the open cabildo and that the Junta would invite the other cities to send delegates 136 The commanders of the armed forces including Saavedra and Pedro Andres Garcia agreed to this code 136 The Junta swore the oath of office that afternoon 138 These developments shocked the revolutionaries 100 Unsure of what to do next they feared that they would be punished like the revolutionaries of Chuquisaca and La Paz 139 Moreno abjured relations with the others and shut himself in his home 140 There was a meeting at Rodriguez Pena s house 140 They felt that the Cabildo would not pursue such a plot without the blessing of Saavedra and that Castelli should resign from the Junta 140 Tagle took a different view he thought that Saavedra may have accepted out of weakness or naivety and that Castelli should stay in the Junta to counter the others influence on him 140 Meanwhile a mob led by Domingo French and Antonio Beruti filled the Plaza The stability of Cisneros in power albeit in an office other than Viceroy was seen as an insult to the will of the open cabildo 136 Colonel Martin Rodriguez warned that if the army were to commit support to a government that kept Cisneros they would soon have to fire on the people and that they would revolt 141 He said that everyone without exception demanded the removal of Cisneros 141 That night Castelli and Saavedra informed Cisneros of their resignation from the newly formed Junta 142 They explained that the population was on the verge of violent revolution and would remove Cisneros by force if he did not resign as well 142 They warned that they did not have the power to stop that neither Castelli to stop his friends nor Saavedra to prevent the Regiment of Patricians from mutiny 142 Cisneros wanted to wait for the following day but they said that there was no time for further delays so he finally agreed to resign 143 He sent a resignation letter to the Cabildo for consideration on the following day 143 Chiclana felt encouraged when Saavedra resigned and started to request signatures for a manifesto about the will of the people 143 Moreno refused any further involvement but Castelli and Pena trusted that he would eventually join them if events unfolded as they expected 144 Friday May 25 edit nbsp The people gathered in front of the Buenos Aires CabildoOn the morning of May 25 in spite of bad weather 145 a crowd gathered in the Plaza de la Victoria as did the militia led by Domingo French and Antonio Beruti 146 They demanded the recall of the Junta elected the previous day the final resignation of Cisneros and the appointment of a new junta that did not include him 137 145 Historian Bartolome Mitre stated that French and Beruti distributed blue and white ribbons similar to the modern cockade of Argentina among those present 147 Later historians doubt it but consider it possible that the revolutionaries used distinctive marks of some kind for identification 148 It was rumored that the Cabildo might reject Cisneros resignation 145 Because of delays in issuing an official resolution the crowd became agitated clamoring that the people want to know what is going on 149 The Cabildo met at 9 am and rejected Cisneros resignation 150 They considered that the crowd had no legitimate right to influence something that the Cabildo had already decided and implemented 150 They considered that as the Junta was in command the demonstration should be suppressed by force and made the members responsible for any changes to the resolution of the previous day 143 To enforce those orders they summoned the chief commanders but these did not obey 151 Many of them including Saavedra did not appear 149 Those that did stated that they could not support the government order and that the commanders would be disobeyed if they ordered the troops to repress the demonstrators 151 The crowd s agitation increased and they overran the chapter house 152 Leiva and Lezica requested that someone who could act as spokesman for the people should join them inside the hall and explain the people s desires 153 Beruti Chiclana French and Grela were allowed to pass 153 Leiva attempted to discourage the rioter Pancho Planes but he entered the hall as well 153 The Cabildo argued that Buenos Aires had no right to break the political system of the viceroyalty without discussing it with the other provinces French and Chiclana replied that the call for a Congress had already been considered 153 The Cabildo called the commanders to deliberate with them 154 As had happened several times in the last few days Romero explained that the soldiers would mutiny if forced to fight against the rioters on behalf of Cisneros 155 The Cabildo still refused to give up until the noise of the demonstration was heard in the hall 156 They feared that the demonstrators could overrun the building and reach them 156 Martin Rodriguez pointed out that the only way to calm the demonstrators was to accept Cisneros resignation 156 Leiva agreed convinced the other members and the people returned to the Plaza 156 Rodriguez headed to Azcuenaga s house to meet the other revolutionaries to plan the final stages of the revolution 156 The demonstration overran the Cabildo again and reached the hall of deliberations 157 Beruti spoke on behalf of the people and said that the new Junta should be elected by the people and not by the Cabildo 157 He said that besides the nearly 400 people already gathered the barracks were full of people who supported them and he threatened that they would take control by force if necessary 158 The Cabildo replied by requesting their demands in writing 158 nbsp Members of the Primera JuntaAfter a long interval a document containing 411 signatures was delivered to the Cabildo 159 This paper proposed a new composition for the governing Junta and a 500 man expedition to assist the provinces The document still preserved listed most army commanders and many well known residents and contained many illegible signatures French and Beruti signed the document stating for me and for six hundred more 145 However there is no unanimous view among historians about the authorship of the document 160 Meanwhile the weather improved and the sun broke through the clouds 159 The people in the plaza saw it as a favorable omen for the revolution 159 The Sun of May was created a few years later with reference to this event 159 The Cabildo accepted the document and moved to the balcony to submit it directly to the people for ratification 158 But because of the late hour and the weather the number of people in the plaza had declined 161 Leiva ridiculed the claim of the remaining representatives to speak on behalf of the people 161 This wore the patience of the few who were still in the plaza in the rain 161 Beruti did not accept any further delays and threatened to call people to arms 161 Facing the prospect of further violence the popular request was read aloud and immediately ratified by those present 161 The Primera Junta was finally established It was composed by president Cornelio Saavedra members Manuel Alberti Miguel de Azcuenaga Manuel Belgrano Juan Jose Castelli Domingo Matheu and Juan Larrea and secretaries Juan Jose Paso and Mariano Moreno The rules governing it were roughly the same as those issued the day before with the additional provisions that the Cabildo would watch over the members of the Junta and that the Junta itself would appoint replacements in case of vacancies 162 Saavedra spoke to the crowd and then moved on to the Fort among salvos of artillery and the ringing of bells 163 Meanwhile Cisneros dispatched a post rider to Cordoba Argentina to warn Santiago de Liniers about what had happened in Buenos Aires and to request military action against the Junta 164 Aftermath editMain article Primera Junta Further information Argentine War of Independence nbsp The Primera Junta ruled after the revolution Buenos Aires endured the whole Spanish American Wars of independence without being reconquered by royalist armies or successful royalist counter revolutions 165 However it faced several internal conflicts 165 The May Revolution lacked a clear leader as other regions of Latin America the secretary Mariano Moreno led the initial phase of the government but he was removed shortly afterwards 166 The Council of Regency the Royal Audiencia of Buenos Aires and the peninsulars opposed the new situation 167 The Royal Audiencia secretly swore allegiance to the Council of Regency a month later and sent communiques to the other cities of the Viceroyalty to request them to deny recognition to the new government 168 To put an end to these activities the Junta assembled Cisneros and all the members of the Royal Audiencia on the pretext that their lives were in danger and sent them into exile aboard the merchantman Dart 169 Captain Mark Brigut was instructed to avoid American ports and deliver all of them directly to the Canary Islands The Junta then appointed a new Audiencia composed entirely of criollos loyal to the revolution 165 170 Every city in the territory of modern Argentina other than Cordoba endorsed the Primera Junta 171 The cities of the Upper Peru however did not take a position owing to the recent outcomes of the Chuquisaca and La Paz Revolutions Asuncion del Paraguay rejected the Junta and swore loyalty to the Council of Regency 171 The Banda Oriental under Francisco Javier de Elio remained a royalist stronghold 171 Former Viceroy Santiago de Liniers organized a counter revolution in Cordoba and this became the first military campaign of the independent government 165 Despite the importance of Liniers himself and his prestige as a popular hero for his role during the British invasions the population of Cordoba preferred to support the revolution 172 This reduced the power of the counter revolutionary army by means of desertions and sabotage 172 173 Liniers s troops were quickly defeated by the forces led by Francisco Ortiz de Ocampo 174 Ocampo refused to shoot the captive Liniers hence the execution ordered by the Junta was carried out by Juan Jose Castelli 173 After the victory the Primera Junta sent military expeditions to many other cities to demand support and the election of representatives to it 175 nbsp Mariano Moreno was an influential member of the Primera Junta Montevideo which had a historical rivalry with Buenos Aires opposed the Primera Junta and the Council of Regency declared it the new capital of the Viceroyalty along with Francisco Javier de Elio as the new Viceroy 176 The city was well defended so it could easily resist an invasion Peripheral cities in the Banda Oriental acted contrary to Montevideo s will and supported the Buenos Aires Junta 177 Jose Gervasio Artigas led them and kept Montevideo under siege 178 The final defeat of the Montevidean royalists was carried out in 1814 by Carlos Maria de Alvear and William Brown 179 The Captaincy General of Chile followed a process analogous to that of the May Revolution and elected a Government Junta that inaugurated the brief period known as Patria Vieja The Junta was defeated in 1814 at the Battle of Rancagua and the subsequent Reconquista of Chile would make it a royalist stronghold once more The Andes provided an effective natural barrier between the Argentine revolutionaries and Chile so there was no military confrontation between them until the Crossing of the Andes led by Jose de San Martin in 1817 a campaign that resulted in the defeat of the Chilean royalists 180 The Primera Junta increased in size when it incorporated the representatives sent by the provinces 181 From then on the Junta was renamed the Junta Grande 182 It was dissolved shortly after the June 1811 defeat of the Argentine troops at the Battle of Huaqui and two successive triumvirates exercised executive power over the United Provinces of the Rio de la Plata 183 In 1814 the second triumvirate was replaced by the authority of the Supreme Director 184 Meanwhile Martin Miguel de Guemes contained the royalist armies sent from the Viceroyalty of Peru at Salta while San Martin advanced towards the royalist stronghold of Lima by sea on a Chilean Argentine campaign The war for independence gradually shifted towards northern South America 185 From 1814 Argentina descended into civil war 186 Consequences edit Main article Rise of the Argentine Republic According to historian Felix Luna s Breve historia de los Argentinos Spanish Brief history of the Argentines one of the most important societal consequences of the May Revolution was the shift in the way the people and its rulers related 187 Until then the conception of the common good prevailed while royal authority was fully respected if an instruction from the crown of Spain was considered detrimental to the common good of the local population it was half met or simply ignored 187 With the revolution the concept of common good gave way to that of popular sovereignty as theorized by Moreno Castelli and Monteagudo among others 188 This idea held that in the absence of a legitimate authority the people had the right to appoint their own leaders 189 Over time popular sovereignty would give way to the idea of majority rule 189 This maturation of ideas was gradual taking many decades to crystallize into stable electoral and political systems but it was what ultimately led to the adoption of the republican system as the form of government for Argentina 189 Domingo Faustino Sarmiento stated similar views in his Facundo and noted that cities were more receptive to republican ideas while rural areas were more resistant to them which led to the surge of caudillos 190 Another consequence also according to Luna was the dissolution of the Viceroyalty of the Rio de la Plata into several different units 189 Most of the cities and provinces had distinctive populations economies attitudes contexts and interests 189 Until the revolution all of these peoples were held together by the authority of the Spanish government but with its disappearance people from Montevideo Paraguay and the Upper Peru began to distance themselves from Buenos Aires 191 The brief existence of the Viceroyalty of the Rio de la Plata which had lasted barely 38 years impeded the consolidation of a patriotic feeling and failed to bring a sense of community to all of the population 189 The new country of Argentina lacked an established concept of national identity capable to unite the population under a common idea of statehood 192 Juan Bautista Alberdi sees the May Revolution as one of the early manifestations of the power struggles between the city of Buenos Aires and the provinces one of the axial conflicts at play in the Argentine civil wars 193 Alberdi wrote in his book Escritos postumos The revolution of May 1810 in Buenos Aires intended to win the independence of Argentina from Spain also had the consequence of emancipating the province of Buenos Aires from Argentina or rather of imposing the authority of this province upon the whole nation emancipated from Spain That day Spanish power over the Argentine provinces ended and that of Buenos Aires was established 193 Historical perspectives editMain article Historiography of the May Revolution Historiographical studies of the May Revolution do not face many doubts or unknown details Most of the information was properly recorded at the time and was made available to the public by the Primera Junta as patriotic propaganda Because of this historical views on the topic differ in their interpretations of the meanings causes and consequences of the events rather than in the accuracy of their depiction of the events themselves The modern version of events does not differ significantly from the contemporary one 194 nbsp Bartolome Mitre wrote one of the first historical interpretations of the May Revolution The first people to write about the May Revolution were participants who wrote memoirs biographies and diaries 195 However their works were motivated by purposes other than historiographic ones such as to explain the reasons for their actions clean their public images or express their support or rejection of the public figures and ideas of the time 195 For example Manuel Moreno wrote the biography of his brother Mariano as propaganda for the revolutions in Europe 196 and Cornelio Saavedra wrote his autobiography at a moment when his image was highly questioned to justify himself to his sons 197 The first remarkable historiographical school of interpretation of the history of Argentina was founded by members of the 1837 generation including Bartolome Mitre 198 Mitre regarded the May Revolution as an iconic expression of political egalitarianism a conflict between modern freedoms and oppression represented by the Spanish monarchy and an attempt to establish a national organization on constitutional principles as opposed to the charismatic authority of the caudillos 199 These authors views were treated as canonical until the end of the 19th century when the proximity of the centennial encouraged authors to seek new perspectives 200 The newer authors would differ about the relative weight of the causes of the May Revolution and about whose intervention in the events was more decisive but the main views expressed by Mitre were kept 201 such as to consider the revolution to be the birth of modern Argentina 202 and an unavoidable event 203 These authors introduced the idea of popular intervention as another key element 201 By the time of the World Wars liberal authors attempted to impose an ultimate and unquestionable historical perspective Ricardo Levene and the Academia Nacional de la Historia were exponents of this tendency which still kept most perspectives of Mitre 204 Left wing authors took a revisionist view based on nationalism and anti imperialism they minimized the dispute between criollos and peninsulars and portrayed events as a dispute between enlightenment and absolutism 205 However most of their work was focused on other historical periods 204 The May Revolution was not the product of the actions of a single political party with a clear and defined agenda but a convergence of sectors with varying interests 206 Thus there are a number of conflicting perspectives about it because different authors highlight different aspects 207 Mitre for example referred to The Representation of the Landowners an 1809 economic report by Mariano Moreno and the role of the merchants to support the view that the May Revolution intended to obtain free trade and economic integration with Europe 208 right wing revisionists center around Saavedra and the social customs of the time to describe the revolution under conservative principles 208 and left wing revisionists use the example of Moreno Castelli and the rioters led by French and Beruti to describe it as a radical revolution 208 Revolutionary purposes edit nbsp The revolutionaries of the May Revolution declared loyalty to Ferdinand VII of Spain The government created on May 25 pronounced itself loyal to the deposed King of Spain Ferdinand VII but historians disagree on whether this was sincere or not 171 Since Mitre many historians think that this professed loyalty was merely a political deception to gain autonomy 209 210 211 212 The Primera Junta did not pledge allegiance to the Council of Regency which was still in operation and in 1810 it still seemed unlikely that Napoleon would be defeated and Ferdinand returned to the throne which finally happened on December 11 1813 with the Treaty of Valencay 213 The purpose of such a deception would have been to gain time to strengthen the position of the patriotic cause and avoid reactions that may have led to a counter revolution by making it appear that monarchical authority was still respected and that no revolution had taken place The ruse is known as the Mask of Ferdinand VII It was upheld by the Primera Junta the Junta Grande and the First Triumvirate The Assembly of Year XIII was intended to declare independence but failed to do so because of other political conflicts between its members 214 However it suppressed mention of Ferdinand VII in official documents 215 Before the declaration of independence of 1816 the supreme directors considered other options such as to negotiate with Spain or become a British protectorate 216 The change was potentially favorable for Britain as trade with the cities of the area was facilitated without the monopoly that Spain had maintained over their colonies for centuries 217 However Britain s first priority was the war against France in Europe and as such they could not be publicly seen to support Latin American independence movements or allow the military attention of Spain to be divided onto two different fronts 218 Consequently they directed the various movements to temporarily avoid explicit demonstrations 219 These efforts were primarily by handled by Lord Strangford the British ambassador at the court of Rio de Janeiro he expressed support for the Junta but under the condition that the behavior is consistent and that the Capital is retained on behalf of Mr Dn Ferdinand VII and his legitimate successors 220 Later conflicts between Buenos Aires Montevideo and Artigas led to political disputed in Europe between Strangford and the Portuguese regent John VI of Portugal 221 Juan Bautista Alberdi and later historians such as Norberto Galasso 208 Luis Romero and Jose Carlos Chiaramonte 222 doubted Mitre s interpretation and put forward different ones Alberdi thought that the Argentine revolution is a chapter of the Hispanoamerican revolution as also of the Spanish one as also of the French and European one 223 They did not consider it a dispute between independentism and colonialism but instead a dispute between new libertarian ideas and absolutism 224 The intention was not to cut ties with Spain but to reformulate the relationship similarly the American Revolution was not separatist at its initial steps either 224 Thus it would have the characteristics of a civil war instead 225 Some points that would justify the idea would be the inclusion of Larrea Matheu and Belgrano in the Junta and the later appearance of Jose de San Martin Larrea and Matheu were Spanish Belgrano studied for many years in Spain 226 and San Martin had spent most of his adult life waging war in Spain against the French 227 When San Martin talked about enemies he called them royalists or Goths but never Spanish 228 According to those historians the Spanish revolution against absolutism got mixed up with the Peninsular War 229 When Ferdinand VII stood against his father Charles IV who was seen as an absolutist king many Spaniards got the mistaken impression that he sympathized with the new enlightened ideas 230 Thus the revolutions made in the Americas in the name of Ferdinand VII such as the May Revolution the Chuquisaca Revolution or the one in Chile would have sought to replace absolutist power with power formulated under the new ideas 231 Even if Spain was at war with France the ideals of the French Revolution liberty equality and fraternity were still respected 232 Those revolutions pronounced themselves enemies of Napoleon but did not face any active French military attack they promoted instead fights between Spanish armies for keeping either the old or new order 233 This situation would change with the final defeat of Napoleon and the return of Ferdinand VII to the throne as he began the Absolutist Restoration and persecuted the supporters of the new libertarian ideas within Spain For people in South America to stay as a part of the Spanish Empire but with a new relationship with the mother country was no longer a feasible option the only remaining options at this point were to return to absolutism or to adopt independentism 222 Legacy editMain article Legacy of the May Revolution nbsp The May Pyramid commemorative monument at Plaza de MayoMay 25 is a national day in Argentina known as First Patriotic Government with the character of a public holiday The public holiday is set by law 21 329 and is always celebrated on May 25 regardless of the day of the week 234 The Argentina Centennial and the Argentina Bicentennial were celebrated in 1910 and 2010 May 25 was designated as a patriotic date in 1813 but the Argentine Declaration of Independence suggests July 9 as an alternative national day At first this added to the conflicts between Buenos Aires and the provinces during the Argentine Civil War because the date in May related to Buenos Aires and the date of July 9 related to the whole country 235 Thus the unitarian Bernardino Rivadavia canceled the celebration of July 9 and the federalist Juan Manuel de Rosas allowed it again but maintained the May celebrations 235 By 1880 the federalization of Buenos Aires removed the local connotations and the May Revolution was considered the birth of the nation 235 The date as well as a generic image of the Buenos Aires Cabildo are used in different variants to honor the May Revolution Two of the most notable are the Avenida de Mayo and the Plaza de Mayo in Buenos Aires near the location of the Cabildo The May Pyramid was erected in the Plaza a year after the revolution and was rebuilt in its present form in 1856 Veinticinco de Mayo May 25 is the name of several administrative divisions cities public spaces and landforms of Argentina There are departments of this name in the provinces of Chaco Misiones San Juan Rio Negro and Buenos Aires the latter holding the town of Veinticinco de Mayo The cities of Rosario Santa Fe Junin Buenos Aires and Resistencia Chaco have eponymous squares King George Island which is claimed by Argentina Britain and Chile as part of the Argentine Antarctica the British Antarctic Territory and the Chilean Antarctic Territory respectively is referred to as Isla 25 de Mayo in Argentina 236 A representation of a cabildo is used on Argentine 25 cent coins 237 and an image of the Sun of May appears on the 5 cent coin 238 An image of the Cabildo during the Revolution appeared on the back of the 5 peso banknote of the former peso moneda nacional 239 See also editChuquisaca Revolution La Paz revolutionReferences edit Esposito The Paraguayan War 1864 70 The Triple Alliance at stake in La Plata Kinsbruner Jay 2000 Independence in Spanish America Civil Wars Revolutions and Underdevelopment Strachan Hew 2011 The Changing Character of War p 206 Rodriguez Jaime 1998 The Independence of Spanish America p 107 a b c Abad de Santillan p 387 Moses pp 36 37 Moses p 35 Abad de Santillan pp 385 386 a b Johnson p 155 Abad de Santillan p 386 Moses p 29 Moses p 34 Mantoux p 25 a b Abad de Santillan p 390 a b Kaufmann p 8 Abad de Santillan pp 391 392 a b Luna Manuel Belgrano p 28 a b Fremont Barnes p 29 Shumway p 19 Abad de Santillan pp 388 390 a b Bethell p 101 a b c d e Luna Independencia p 28 Bethell p 1 Shumway pp 8 9 Shumway p 9 a b Abad de Santillan p 391 Shumway p 15 Shumway p 3 a b Moses p 4 a b Shumway p 17 Luna Cornelio Saavedra pp 78 79 a b Brown p 257 Abad de Santillan p 376 Johnson p 264 Bethell p 94 Chasteen p 82 Chasteen pp 82 83 Chasteen pp 82 84 Abad de Santillan p 394 a b c d e Bethell p 95 a b Galasso p 40 Bethell pp 94 95 a b Luna Independencia p 20 Kaufmann p 58 a b c Luna Manuel Belgrano p 33 Luna Manuel Belgrano p 30 a b Luna Breve p 52 Luna Santiago de Liniers p 120 Luna Santiago de Liniers p 128 Johnson p 262 a b Bethell p 96 Mitre pp 264 265 Mitre p 265 a b Luna Juan Jose Castelli p 55 a b c d Johnson p 270 Scenna p 23 Johnson pp 270 271 Luna Juan Jose Castelli p 58 Luna Juan Jose Castelli pp 58 59 a b Belgrano p 65 Scenna pp 23 24 Bethell p 95 96 Pigna p 224 Scenna p 24 a b c d e f Abad de Santillan p 398 Mitre p 286 Chasteen p 54 Siles Salinas p 126 Pigna p 227 Scenna p 26 Spanish No es tiempo dejen ustedes que las brevas maduren y entonces las comeremos Cited by Luna Cornelio Saavedra p 84 Luna Cornelio Saavedra pp 85 87 Gelman pp 17 18 Galasso p 46 a b c Abad de Santillan p 404 a b Galasso p 43 Galasso p 44 a b Pigna p 228 Saavedra p 60 a b c d e Luna Juan Jose Castelli p 70 Lopez pp 30 31 a b c d e f g Lopez p 31 Lopez p 39 Johnson p 275 a b Abad de Santillan p 406 Luna Mariano Moreno pp 85 86 a b c Lopez p 44 a b c d e f Lopez p 32 Lopez pp 44 45 a b Galasso p 49 a b c Lopez p 45 a b c d e f Johnson p 276 a b c d Luna Cornelio Saavedra pp 89 91 De Titto p 331 Luna Juan Jose Castelli p 71 a b c Lopez p 33 a b c Lopez p 34 Galasso pp 46 47 a b c Lopez p 36 a b c d e f Lopez p 48 Lopez pp 48 49 a b c Lopez p 49 Pigna p 232 Luna Manuel Belgrano p 52 a b Galasso pp 49 50 a b c Luna Juan Jose Castelli p 75 Actas capitulares Luna Cornelio Saavedra p 91 Scenna p 33 a b c Lopez pp 51 53 Mitre p 327 Galasso p 53 a b c d e Luna Independencia p 32 Mitre pp 315 316 a b Luna Independencia p 34 Galasso p 54 Spanish No solamente no hay por que hacer novedad con el virrey sino que aun cuando no quedase parte alguna de la Espana que no estuviese sojuzgada los espanoles que se encontrasen en la America deben tomar y reasumir el mando de ellas y que este solo podria venir a manos de los hijos del pais cuando ya no hubiese un espanol en el Aunque hubiese quedado un solo vocal de la Junta Central de Sevilla y arribase a nuestras playas lo deberiamos recibir como al Soberano Cited by Pigna p 234 a b c d e f g h i Abad de Santillan p 408 Spanish Nadie ha podido reputar por delincuente a la nacion entera ni a los individuos que han abierto sus opiniones politicas Si el derecho de conquista pertenece por origen al pais conquistador justo seria que la Espana comenzase por darle la razon al reverendo obispo abandonando la resistencia que hace a los franceses y sometiendose por los mismos principios con que se pretende que los americanos se sometan a las aldeas de Pontevedra La razon y la regla tienen que ser iguales para todos Aqui no hay conquistados ni conquistadores aqui no hay sino espanoles Los espanoles de Espana han perdido su tierra Los espanoles de America tratan de salvar la suya Los de Espana que se entiendan alla como puedan y que no se preocupen los americanos sabemos lo que queremos y adonde vamos Por lo tanto propongo que se vote que se subrogue otra autoridad a la del virrey que dependera de la metropoli si esta se salva de los franceses que sera independiente si Espana queda subyugada cited by Pigna p 236 Pigna p 237 a b Luna Breve p 62 Lopez p 92 Spanish y no quede duda que es el pueblo el que confiere la autoridad o mando Cited by Abad de Santillan p 408 a b c d Abad de Santillan p 409 a b Galasso p 52 Galasso p 67 a b Galasso pp 67 68 Galasso p 58 a b c Galasso p 59 a b c d Galasso p 60 Galasso pp 61 62 Galasso p 62 Galasso p 64 Galasso p 65 Pigna p 238 a b c d e f g h Abad de Santillan p 410 a b Johnson p 277 Lopez p 64 Lopez p 59 a b c d Lopez p 60 a b Galasso p 74 a b c Lopez p 66 a b c d Lopez p 67 Lopez p 68 a b c d Luna Independencia p 37 Abad de Santillan p 411 Mitre pp 341 342 Galasso p 81 a b Galasso p 84 a b Galasso p 82 a b Galasso p 83 Lopez pp 70 71 a b c d Lopez p 71 Lopez p 73 Lopez pp 74 75 a b c d e Lopez p 75 a b Lopez p 76 a b c Lopez p 77 a b c d Crow p 457 Scenna pp 38 47 a b c d e Lopez p 78 Lopez p 79 Lopez p 81 Abad de Santillan p 424 a b c d Bethell p 116 Bethell pp 116 117 Luna Independencia p 46 Luna Independencia p 48 Luna Independencia p 47 Luna Independencia p 49 a b c d Bethell p 103 a b Domina p 80 a b Luna Mariano Moreno p 108 Abad de Santillan p 425 Santillan pp 426 Luna Independencia pp 51 52 Luna Independencia p 52 Luna Independencia p 62 Santillan p 516 Luna Independencia pp 108 116 Bethell p 117 Luna Independencia pp 61 62 Luna Independencia p 63 Luna Independencia pp 77 86 Luna Independencia pp 116 126 Abad de Santillan pp 524 525 a b Luna Breve p 65 Luna Breve pp 65 66 a b c d e f Luna Breve p 66 Sarmiento p 79 Luna Breve p 67 Shumway pp 3 4 a b Domina pp 84 85 Archer pp 3 5 a b Gelman p 32 Gelman pp 53 54 Saavedra pp 105 106 Poli Gonzalvo pp 19 20 Poli Gonzalvo p 22 Gelman p 187 a b Gelman p 191 Gelman p 16 Gelman p 17 a b Gelman p 256 Gelman p 257 Galasso p 86 Galasso pp 86 87 a b c d Galasso p 87 Mitre pp 325 326 Luna Mariano Moreno p 25 Bethell pp 106 107 Halperin Donghi p 96 Pigna p 243 Pigna p 377 Luna Independencia p 82 Fermin Chavez Kaufmann p 49 Bethell p 106 Bethell p 107 Spanish siempre que la conducta de esa Capital sea consecuente y se conserve a nombre del Sr Dn Fernando VII y de sus legitimos sucesores Strangford cited by Guinazu p 130 Kaufmann p 59 a b Fonrouge Alberdi pp 64 69 a b Abad de Santillan p 413 Galasso p 23 Galasso pp 10 11 Galasso p 12 Galasso p 11 Galasso p 16 Galasso p 18 Galasso p 24 Galasso p 17 Galasso p 21 Argentine National Congress 2004 Dias feriados y no laborables general holidays and days off shift PDF Law 21 329 in Spanish p 3 Retrieved December 16 2011 a b c Silvia Sigal Jubany Marambio Base 2006 Archived from the original on July 6 2011 Retrieved May 1 2011 25 centavos Central Bank of Argentina Retrieved May 1 2011 5 centavos Central Bank of Argentina Retrieved May 1 2011 Cuhaj p 56Bibliography editAbad de Santillan Diego 1965 Historia Argentina History of Argentina in Spanish Argentina TEA Tipografica Editora Argentina Actas capitulares desde el 21 hasta el 25 de Mayo de 1810 en Buenos Aires Actas Capitulares Buenos Aires cabildo May 23 1810 Retrieved January 2 2010 Alberdi Juan Bautista 1962 Grandes y pequenos hombres del Plata Great and puny men from the Plata basin in Spanish Argentina Fernandez Blanco Archer Christon 2000 The Wars of Independence in Spanish America United States Scholarly Resources Inc ISBN 978 0 8420 2469 3 Bethell Leslie 1987 The independence of Latin America United States Cambridge University Press ISBN 978 0 521 34927 7 Brown Christopher Leslie 2006 Arming slaves from classical times to the modern age United States Yale University ISBN 978 0 300 10900 9 Chasteen John Charles 2008 Americanos Latin America s struggle for independence United States Oxford University Press ISBN 978 0 19 517881 4 Chavez Fermin August 16 1995 La historia poco conocida de San Martin La Maga Interview in Spanish Interviewed by Felipe Pigna Buenos Aires Archived from the original on September 27 2011 Crow John 1946 The Epic of Latin America United States University of California Press ISBN 978 0 520 03776 2 Cuhaj George 2011 Standard Catalog of World Paper Money Modern Issues 1961 Present United States Krause Publications ISBN 978 1 4402 1584 1 De Titto Ricardo 2010 Hombres de Mayo Men of May in Spanish Argentina Grupo Editorial Norma ISBN 978 987 545 584 9 Domina Esteban 2003 Historia minima de Cordoba Basic history of Cordoba in Spanish Argentina Ediciones del Boulevard ISBN 978 987 556 023 9 Fonrouge 2009 in Spanish Galasso Norberto Pigna Felipe November 2009 El deber de reescribir la historia 2010 Interview Interviewed by Juan Manuel Fonrouge Buenos Aires Archived from the original on March 27 2012 Fremont Barnes Gregory 2002 The Napoleonic wars the Peninsular War 1807 1814 United Kingdom Osprey Publishing Limited ISBN 978 1 84176 370 5 Galasso Norberto 2005 La Revolucion de Mayo El pueblo quiere saber de que se trato The May Revolution the people want to know what was it all about in Spanish Argentina Ediciones del pensamiento nacional ISBN 978 950 581 798 6 Gelman Jorge Raul Fradkin 2010 Doscientos anos pensando la Revolucion de Mayo Two hundred years thinking about the May Revolution in Spanish Argentina Sudamericana ISBN 978 950 07 3179 9 Guinazu Enrique Ruiz 1937 Lord Strangford y la revolucion de mayo Lord Strangford and the May Revolution in Spanish Argentina Libreria y Editorial La Facultad Bernabe y cia Halperin Donghi Tulio 1999 Historia contemporanea de America Latina Contemporary history of Latin America in Spanish 6º ed Argentina Alianza ISBN 978 950 40 0019 8 Johnson Lyman 2011 Workshop of Revolution Plebeian Buenos Aires and the Atlantic World 1776 1810 United States Duke University Press ISBN 978 0822349815 Retrieved October 6 2012 Kaufmann William 1951 British policy and the independence of Latin America 1804 1828 United States Yale Historical Publications ISBN 978 0 7146 1110 5 Lopez Vicente 1966 La gran semana de 1810 The great week of 1810 in Spanish Argentina Libreria del colegio sic Luna Felix 1994 Breve historia de los Argentinos Brief history of the Argentines in Spanish Argentina Planeta Espejo de la Argentina ISBN 978 950 742 415 1 1999 Grandes protagonistas de la Historia Argentina Cornelio Saavedra Great peoples of the history of Argentina Cornelio Saavedra in Spanish Argentina Grupo Editorial Planeta ISBN 978 950 49 0725 1 2001 Grandes protagonistas de la Historia Argentina Juan Jose Castelli Great peoples of the history of Argentina Juan Jose Castelli in Spanish Argentina Grupo Editorial Planeta ISBN 978 950 49 0656 8 2004 Grandes protagonistas de la Historia Argentina Manuel Belgrano Great peoples of the history of Argentina Manuel Belgrano in Spanish Argentina Grupo Editorial Planeta ISBN 978 950 49 1247 7 2004 Grandes protagonistas de la Historia Argentina Mariano Moreno Great peoples of the history of Argentina Mariano Moreno in Spanish Argentina La Nacion ISBN 978 950 49 1248 4 1999 Grandes protagonistas de la Historia Argentina Santiago de Liniers Great peoples of the history of Argentina Santiago de Liniers in Spanish Argentina Grupo Editorial Planeta ISBN 978 950 49 0357 4 2003 La independencia argentina y americana The Argentine and American history in Spanish Argentina Planeta ISBN 978 950 49 1110 4 Mantoux Paul 2006 The Industrial Revolution in the eighteenth century United Kingdom Routledge ISBN 978 0 415 37839 0 Mitre Bartolome 2008 Historia de Belgrano y de la Independencia Argentina History of Belgrano and the independence of Argentina in Spanish Argentina Belgranian National Institute ISBN 978 987 506 142 2 Moses Bernard 1926 The Intellectual Background of the Revolution in South America 1810 1824 United States Hispanic Society of America ISBN 978 1 4067 1575 0 Pigna Felipe 2007 Los mitos de la historia argentina The myths of the history of Argentina in Spanish 26 ed Argentina Grupo Editorial Norma ISBN 978 987 545 149 0 Poli Gonzalvo Alejandro 2008 Mayo la revolucion inconclusa May the unfinished revolution Argentina Emece Editores S A ISBN 978 950 04 3030 2 Sarmiento Domingo 2003 Facundo United States University of California Press ISBN 978 0 520 08159 8 Scenna Miguel Angel 2009 Mariano Moreno in Spanish Argentina H Garetto Editor ISBN 978 987 1494 05 4 Shumway Nicolas 1991 The Invention of Argentina United States University of California Press ISBN 978 0 520 08284 7 Sigal Silvia 2010 Mayo la disputa por el sentido N 343 11 Siles Salinas Jorge 2009 Historia de la independencia de Bolivia History of the independence of Bolivia in Spanish Bolivia Plural editores ISBN 978 99954 1 223 4 External links edit nbsp Wikimedia Commons has media related to May Revolution nbsp Argentina portal nbsp Spain portal nbsp Latin America portal25 de Mayo de 1810 on the Education Ministry website in Spanish La Revolucion de Mayo in Spanish Retrieved from https en wikipedia org w index php title May Revolution amp oldid 1189379444, wikipedia, wiki, book, books, library,


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