
Incest taboo

An incest taboo is any cultural rule or norm that prohibits sexual relations between certain members of the same family, mainly between individuals related by blood. All human cultures[disputed ] have norms that exclude certain close relatives from those considered suitable or permissible sexual or marriage partners, making such relationships taboo. However, different norms exist among cultures as to which blood relations are permissible as sexual partners and which are not. Sexual relations between related persons which are subject to the taboo are called incestuous relationships.

Some cultures proscribe sexual relations between clan-members, even when no traceable biological relationship exists, while members of other clans are permissible irrespective of the existence of a biological relationship. In many cultures, certain types of cousin relations are preferred as sexual and marital partners, whereas in others these are taboo. Some cultures permit sexual and marital relations between aunts/uncles and nephews/nieces. In some instances, brother–sister marriages have been practised by the elites with some regularity. Parent–child and sibling–sibling unions are almost universally taboo.[1]


Debate about the origin of the incest taboo has often been framed as a question of whether it is based in nature or nurture.

One explanation sees the incest taboo as a cultural implementation of a biologically evolved preference for sexual partners with whom one is unlikely to share genes, since inbreeding may have detrimental outcomes. The most widely held hypothesis proposes that the so-called Westermarck effect discourages adults from engaging in sexual relations with individuals with whom they grew up. The existence of the Westermarck effect has achieved some empirical support.[2]

Another school argues that the incest prohibition is a cultural construct which arises as a side effect of a general human preference for group exogamy, which arises because intermarriage between groups construct valuable alliances that improve the ability for both groups to thrive. According to this view, the incest taboo is not necessarily universal, but is likely to arise and become more strict under cultural circumstances that favour exogamy over endogamy, and likely to become more lax under circumstances that favor endogamy. This hypothesis has also achieved some empirical support.[citation needed]

Limits to biological evolution of taboo

While it is theoretically possible that natural selection may, under certain genetic circumstances, select for individuals that instinctively avoid mating with (close) relatives, incest will still exist in the gene pool because even genetically weakened, inbred individuals are better watchposts against predators than none at all, and weak individuals are useful for the stronger individuals in the group as looking out for predators without being able to seriously compete with the stronger individuals.[3][4][dubious ] Additionally, protecting the health of closer relatives and their inbred offspring is more evolutionarily advantegous than punishing said relative, especially in a context where predation and starvation are significant factors, as opposed to a rich welfare state.[5][6]


Modern anthropology developed at a time when a great many human societies were illiterate, and much of the research on incest taboos has taken place in societies without legal codes, and, therefore, without written laws concerning marriage and incest. Nevertheless, anthropologists have found that the institution of marriage, and rules concerning appropriate and inappropriate sexual behavior, exist in every society.[7] The following excerpt from Notes and Queries on Anthropology (1951), a well-established field manual for ethnographic research, illustrates the scope of ethnographic investigation into the matter:

Incest is sexual intercourse between individuals related in certain prohibited degrees of kinship. In every society there are rules prohibiting incestuous unions, both as to sexual intercourse and recognized marriage. The two prohibitions do not necessarily coincide. There is no uniformity as to which degrees are involved in the prohibitions. The rules regulating incest must be investigated in every society by means of the genealogical method. The prohibition may be so narrow as to include only one type of parent–child relationship (though this is very rare), or those within the elementary family; or so wide as to include all with whom genealogical or classificatory kinship can be traced. The more usual practice is that unions with certain relatives only are considered incestuous, the relationships being regulated by the type of descent emphasized. In some societies unions with certain persons related by affinity are also considered incestuous. What penalties fall on (a) the individuals concerned; (b) the community as a whole? Are such penalties enforced by authority, or are they believed to ensure automatically by all action of supernatural force? Is there any correlation between the severity of the penalty and the nearness of the blood-tie of the partners in guilt? Should children be born as the result of incestuous unions, how are they treated? Are there any methods, ritual or legal, by which persons who fall within the prohibited degrees and wish to marry can break the relationship and become free to marry?[8]

As this excerpt suggests, anthropologists distinguish between social norms and actual social behavior; much social theory explores the difference and relationship between the two. For example, what is the purpose of prohibitions that are routinely violated (as for example when people claim that incest is taboo yet engage in incestuous behavior)?

It should be further noted that in these theories anthropologists are generally concerned solely with brother–sister incest, and are not claiming that all sexual relations among family members are taboo or even necessarily considered incestuous by that society. These theories are further complicated by the fact that in many societies people related to one another in different ways, and sometimes distantly, are classified together as siblings, and others who are just as closely related genetically are not considered family members.

Moreover, the definition restricts itself to sexual intercourse; this does not mean that other forms of sexual contact do not occur, or are proscribed, or prescribed. For example, in some Inuit societies in the Arctic, and traditionally in Bali, mothers would routinely stroke the penises of their infant sons; such behavior was considered no more sexual than breast-feeding.[9][10]

It should also be noted that, in these theories, anthropologists are primarily concerned with marriage rules and not actual sexual behavior. In short, anthropologists were not studying "incest" per se; they were asking informants what they meant by "incest", and what the consequences of "incest" were, in order to map out social relationships within the community.

This excerpt also suggests that the relationship between sexual and marriage practices is complex, and that societies distinguish between different sorts of prohibitions. In other words, although an individual may be prohibited from marrying or having sexual relations with many people, different sexual relations may be prohibited for different reasons, and with different penalties.

For example, Trobriand Islanders prohibit both sexual relations between a woman and her brother,[11] and between a woman and her father,[12] but they describe these prohibitions in very different ways: relations between a woman and her brother fall within the category of forbidden relations among members of the same clan; relations between a woman and her father do not.[12] This is because the Trobrianders are matrilineal; children belong to the clan of their mother and not of their father. Thus, sexual relations between a man and his mother's sister (and mother's sister's daughter) are also considered incestuous, but relations between a man and his father's sister are not.[13] A man and his father's sister will often have a flirtatious relationship, and, far from being taboo, Trobriand society encourages a man and his father's sister or the daughter of his father's sister to have sexual relations or marry.[14]

Instinctual and genetic explanations

An explanation for the taboo is that it is due to an instinctual, inborn aversion that would lower the adverse genetic effects of inbreeding such as a higher incidence of congenital birth defects (see article Inbreeding depression). Since the rise of modern genetics, belief in this theory has grown.[15][16][17][18][failed verification]

Birth defects and inbreeding

The increase in frequency of birth defects often attributed to inbreeding results directly from an increase in the frequency of homozygous alleles inherited by the offspring of inbred couples.[19] This leads to an increase in homozygous allele frequency within a population, and results in diverging effects. Should a child inherit the version of homozygous alleles responsible for a birth defect from its parents, the birth defect will be expressed; on the other hand, should the child inherit the version of homozygous alleles not responsible for a birth defect, it would actually decrease the ratio of the allele version responsible for the birth defect in that population. The overall consequences of these diverging effects depends in part on the size of the population.

In small populations, as long as children born with inheritable birth defects die (or are killed) before they reproduce, the ultimate effect of inbreeding will be to decrease the frequency of defective genes in the population; over time, the gene pool will be healthier. However, in larger populations, it is more likely that large numbers of carriers will survive and mate, leading to more constant rates of birth defects.[20] Besides recessive genes, there are also other reasons why inbreeding may be harmful, such as a narrow range of certain immune systems genes in a population increasing vulnerability to infectious diseases (see Major histocompatibility complex and sexual selection). The biological costs of incest also depend largely on the degree of genetic proximity between the two relatives engaging in incest. This fact may explain why the cultural taboo generally includes prohibitions against sex between close relatives but less often includes prohibitions against sex between more distal relatives.[21] Children born of close relatives have decreased survival.[17][18] Many mammal species, including humanity's closest primate relatives, avoid incest.[2]

Westermarck effect

The Westermarck effect, first proposed by Edvard Westermarck in 1891, is the theory that children reared together, regardless of biological relationship, form a sentimental attachment that is by its nature non-erotic.[22] Melford Spiro argued that his observations that unrelated children reared together on Israeli Kibbutzim nevertheless avoided one another as sexual partners confirmed the Westermarck effect.[23] Joseph Shepher in a study examined the second generation in a kibbutz and found no marriages and no sexual activity between the adolescents in the same peer group. This was not enforced but voluntary. Looking at the second generation adults in all kibbutzim, out of a total of 2769 marriages, none were between those of the same peer group.[24]

However, according to a book review by John Hartung of a book by Shepher, out of 2516 marriages documented in Israel, 200 were between couples reared in the same kibbutz. These marriages occurred after young adults reared on kibbutzim had served in the military and encountered tens of thousands of other potential mates, and 200 marriages is higher than what would be expected by chance. Of these 200 marriages, five were between men and women who had been reared together for the first six years of their lives, which would argue against the Westermarck effect.[25]

A study in Taiwan of marriages where the future bride is adopted in the groom's family as an infant or small child found that these marriages have higher infidelity and divorce and lower fertility than ordinary marriages; it has been argued that this observation is consistent with the Westermarck effect.[26]

Third-parties' objections

Another approach is looking at moral objections to third-party incest. This increases the longer a child has grown up together with another child of the opposite sex. This occurs even if the other child is genetically unrelated.[18] Humans have been argued to have a special kin detection system that besides the incest taboo also regulates a tendency towards altruism towards kin.[27]

Counter arguments

One objection against an instinctive and genetic basis for the incest taboo is that incest does occur.[28][29][30] Anthropologists have also argued that the social construct "incest" (and the incest taboo) is not the same thing as the biological phenomenon of "inbreeding". For example, there is equal genetic relation between a man and the daughter of his father's sister and between a man and the daughter of his mother's sister, such that biologists would consider mating incestuous in both instances, but Trobrianders consider mating incestuous in one case and not in the other. Anthropologists have documented a great number of societies where marriages between some first cousins are prohibited as incestuous, while marriages between other first cousins are encouraged. Therefore, it is argued that the prohibition against incestuous relations in most societies is not based on or motivated by concerns over biological closeness.[31] Other studies on cousin marriages have found support for a biological basis for the taboo.[32][33][34] Also, current supporters of genetic influences on behavior do not argue that genes determine behavior absolutely, but that genes may create predispositions that are affected in various ways by the environment (including culture).[35]

Steve Stewart-Williams argues against the view that incest taboo is a Western phenomenon, arguing that while brother-sister marriage was reported in a diverse range of cultures such Egyptian, Incan, and Hawaiian cultures, it was not a culture-wide phenomenon, being largely restricted to the upper classes. Stewart-Williams argues that these marriages were largely political (their function being to keep power and wealth concentrated in the family) and there is no evidence the siblings were attracted to each other and there is in fact some evidence against it (for example, Cleopatra married two of her brothers but did not have children with them, only having children with unrelated lovers). Stewart-Williams suggests that this was therefore simply a case of social pressure overriding anti-incest instincts. Stewart-Williams also observes that anti-incest behaviour has been observed in other animals and even many plant species (many plants could self-pollinate but have mechanisms that prevent them from doing so).[36]

Sociological explanations

Psychoanalytic theory—in particular, the claimed existence of an Oedipus complex, which is not an instinctual aversion against incest but an instinctual desire—has influenced many theorists seeking to explain the incest taboo using sociological theories.[2]


The anthropologist Claude Lévi-Strauss developed a general argument for the universality of the incest taboo in human societies. His argument begins with the claim that the incest taboo is in effect a prohibition against endogamy, and the effect is to encourage exogamy. Through exogamy, otherwise unrelated households or lineages will form relationships through marriage, thus strengthening social solidarity. That is, Lévi-Strauss views marriage as an exchange of women between two social groups. This theory is based in part on Marcel Mauss's theory of The Gift, which (in Lévi-Strauss' words) argued:

that exchange in primitive societies consists not so much in economic transactions as in reciprocal gifts, that these reciprocal gifts have a far more important function than in our own, and that this primitive form of exchange is not merely nor essentially of an economic nature but is what he aptly calls "a total social fact", that is, an event which has a significance that is at once social and religious, magic and economic, utilitarian and sentimental, jural and moral.[37]

It is also based on Lévi-Strauss's analysis of data on different kinship systems and marriage practices documented by anthropologists and historians. Lévi-Strauss called attention specifically to data collected by Margaret Mead during her research among the Arapesh. When she asked if a man ever sleeps with his sister, Arapesh replied: "No we don't sleep with our sisters. We give our sisters to other men, and other men give us their sisters." Mead pressed the question repeatedly, asking what would happen if a brother and sister did have sex with one another. Lévi-Strauss quotes the Arapesh response:

What, you would like to marry your sister? What is the matter with you anyway? Don't you want a brother-in-law? Don't you realize that if you marry another man's sister and another man marries your sister, you will have at least two brothers-in-law, while if you marry your own sister you will have none? With whom will you hunt, with whom will you garden, who will you visit?[38]

By applying Mauss's theory to data such as Mead's, Lévi-Strauss proposed what he called alliance theory. He argued that, in "primitive" societies, marriage is not fundamentally a relationship between a man and a woman, but a transaction involving a woman that forges a relationship—an alliance—between two men.[39] His Elementary Structures of Kinship takes this as a starting point and uses it to analyze kinship systems of increasing complexity found in so-called primitive societies (that is, those not based on agriculture, class inequalities, and centralized government).[citation needed]

This theory was debated intensely by anthropologists in the 1950s. It appealed to many because it used the study of incest taboos and marriage to answer more fundamental research interests of anthropologists at the time: how can an anthropologist map out the social relationships within a given community, and how do these relationships promote or endanger social solidarity?[40][41] Nevertheless, anthropologists never reached a consensus, and with the Vietnam War and the process of decolonization in Africa, Asia, and Oceania, anthropological interests shifted away from mapping local social relationships.[citation needed]

Some anthropologists argue that nuclear family incest avoidance can be explained in terms of the ecological, demographic, and economic benefits of exogamy.[42]

While Lévi-Strauss generally discounted the relevance of alliance theory in Africa, a particularly strong concern for incest is a fundamental issue among the age systems of East Africa. Here, the avoidance between men of an age-set and their daughters is altogether more intense than in any other sexual avoidance. Paraphrasing Lévi-Strauss's argument, without this avoidance, the rivalries for power between age-sets, coupled with the close bonds of sharing between age-mates, could lead to a sharing of daughters as spouses. Young men entering the age system would then find a dire shortage of marriageable girls, and extended families would be in danger of dying out. Thus, by parading this avoidance of their daughters, senior men make these girls available for younger age-sets and their marriages form alliances that mitigate the rivalries for power.[43]


Exogamy between households or descent groups is typically prescribed in classless societies. Societies that are stratified—that is, divided into unequal classes—often prescribe different degrees of endogamy. Endogamy is the opposite of exogamy; it refers to the practice of marriage between members of the same social group. A classic example is India's caste system, in which unequal castes are endogamous.[44] Inequality between ethnic groups and races also correlates with endogamy.[45]

An extreme example of this principle, and an exception to the incest taboo, is found among members of the ruling class in certain ancient states, such as the Inca, Egypt, China, and Hawaii; brother–sister marriage (usually between half-siblings) was a means of maintaining wealth and political power within one family.[46] Some scholars have argued that in Roman-governed Egypt this practice was also found among commoners,[47][48][49][50][51][52][53] but others have argued that this was in fact not the norm.[54][55][56]

See also


  1. ^ The Tapestry of Culture An Introduction to Cultural Anthropology, Ninth Edition, Abraham Rosman, Paula G. Rubel, Maxine Weisgrau, 2009, AltaMira Press. ISBN 9780759111394. p.101
  2. ^ a b c Inbreeding, Incest, and the Incest Taboo: The State of Knowledge at the Turn of the Century, Arthur P. Wolf and William H. Durham (Editors), Stanford University Press, 2004, ISBN 978-0804751414. Introduction
  3. ^ E. O. Wilson, Consilience: The Unity of Knowledge, New York, Knopf, 1998
  4. ^ The Blind Watchmaker: Why the Evidence of Evolution Reveals a Universe without Design, Richard Dawkins, 1986
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  10. ^ Gregory Bateson, Steps to an ecology of mind: collected essays in anthropology, psychiatry, evolution, and epistemology preface by Mark Engel 1972 Chandler, San Francisco 112–115
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  28. ^ Claude Lévi-Strauss, 1969 The Elementary Structures of Kinship revised edition, translated from the French by James Harle Bell and John Richard von Sturmer. Boston: Beacon Press. 17
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  37. ^ Claude Lévi-Strauss, 1969 The Elementary Structures of Kinship revised edition, translated from the French by James Harle Bell and John Richard von Sturmer. Boston: Beacon Press. 52
  38. ^ Claude Lévi-Strauss, 1969 The Elementary Structures of Kinship revised edition, translated from the French by James Harle Bell and John Richard von Sturmer. Boston: Beacon Press. 485
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  54. ^ Walter Scheidel. 2004. "Ancient Egyptian Sibling Marriage and the Westermarck Effect", in Inbreeding, Incest, and the Incest Taboo: the state of knowledge at the turn of the century Arthur Wolf and William Durham (eds) Stanford University Press. pp. 93-108
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  • Claude Lévi-Strauss, 1969 The Elementary Structures of Kinship revised edition, translated from the French by James Harle Bell and John Richard von Sturmer. Boston: Beacon Press
  • George Homans and David M. Schneider, Marriage, Authority, and Final Causes: A Study of Unilateral Cross-Cousin Marriage
  • Rodney Needham, Structure and Sentiment: A Test Case in Social Anthropology
  • Arthur P. Wolf and William H. Durham (editors), Inbreeding, Incest, and the Incest Taboo: The State of Knowledge at the Turn of the Century, ISBN 0-8047-5141-2

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This article needs additional citations for verification Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources Unsourced material may be challenged and removed Find sources Incest taboo news newspapers books scholar JSTOR February 2012 Learn how and when to remove this template message An incest taboo is any cultural rule or norm that prohibits sexual relations between certain members of the same family mainly between individuals related by blood All human cultures disputed discuss have norms that exclude certain close relatives from those considered suitable or permissible sexual or marriage partners making such relationships taboo However different norms exist among cultures as to which blood relations are permissible as sexual partners and which are not Sexual relations between related persons which are subject to the taboo are called incestuous relationships Some cultures proscribe sexual relations between clan members even when no traceable biological relationship exists while members of other clans are permissible irrespective of the existence of a biological relationship In many cultures certain types of cousin relations are preferred as sexual and marital partners whereas in others these are taboo Some cultures permit sexual and marital relations between aunts uncles and nephews nieces In some instances brother sister marriages have been practised by the elites with some regularity Parent child and sibling sibling unions are almost universally taboo 1 Contents 1 Origin 1 1 Limits to biological evolution of taboo 2 Research 2 1 Instinctual and genetic explanations 2 1 1 Birth defects and inbreeding 2 1 2 Westermarck effect 2 1 3 Third parties objections 2 1 4 Counter arguments 2 2 Sociological explanations 2 2 1 Exogamy 2 2 2 Endogamy 3 See also 4 References 5 BibliographyOrigin EditDebate about the origin of the incest taboo has often been framed as a question of whether it is based in nature or nurture One explanation sees the incest taboo as a cultural implementation of a biologically evolved preference for sexual partners with whom one is unlikely to share genes since inbreeding may have detrimental outcomes The most widely held hypothesis proposes that the so called Westermarck effect discourages adults from engaging in sexual relations with individuals with whom they grew up The existence of the Westermarck effect has achieved some empirical support 2 Another school argues that the incest prohibition is a cultural construct which arises as a side effect of a general human preference for group exogamy which arises because intermarriage between groups construct valuable alliances that improve the ability for both groups to thrive According to this view the incest taboo is not necessarily universal but is likely to arise and become more strict under cultural circumstances that favour exogamy over endogamy and likely to become more lax under circumstances that favor endogamy This hypothesis has also achieved some empirical support citation needed Limits to biological evolution of taboo Edit While it is theoretically possible that natural selection may under certain genetic circumstances select for individuals that instinctively avoid mating with close relatives incest will still exist in the gene pool because even genetically weakened inbred individuals are better watchposts against predators than none at all and weak individuals are useful for the stronger individuals in the group as looking out for predators without being able to seriously compete with the stronger individuals 3 4 dubious discuss Additionally protecting the health of closer relatives and their inbred offspring is more evolutionarily advantegous than punishing said relative especially in a context where predation and starvation are significant factors as opposed to a rich welfare state 5 6 Research EditThis section needs additional citations for verification Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources Unsourced material may be challenged and removed February 2016 Learn how and when to remove this template message Modern anthropology developed at a time when a great many human societies were illiterate and much of the research on incest taboos has taken place in societies without legal codes and therefore without written laws concerning marriage and incest Nevertheless anthropologists have found that the institution of marriage and rules concerning appropriate and inappropriate sexual behavior exist in every society 7 The following excerpt from Notes and Queries on Anthropology 1951 a well established field manual for ethnographic research illustrates the scope of ethnographic investigation into the matter Incest is sexual intercourse between individuals related in certain prohibited degrees of kinship In every society there are rules prohibiting incestuous unions both as to sexual intercourse and recognized marriage The two prohibitions do not necessarily coincide There is no uniformity as to which degrees are involved in the prohibitions The rules regulating incest must be investigated in every society by means of the genealogical method The prohibition may be so narrow as to include only one type of parent child relationship though this is very rare or those within the elementary family or so wide as to include all with whom genealogical or classificatory kinship can be traced The more usual practice is that unions with certain relatives only are considered incestuous the relationships being regulated by the type of descent emphasized In some societies unions with certain persons related by affinity are also considered incestuous What penalties fall on a the individuals concerned b the community as a whole Are such penalties enforced by authority or are they believed to ensure automatically by all action of supernatural force Is there any correlation between the severity of the penalty and the nearness of the blood tie of the partners in guilt Should children be born as the result of incestuous unions how are they treated Are there any methods ritual or legal by which persons who fall within the prohibited degrees and wish to marry can break the relationship and become free to marry 8 As this excerpt suggests anthropologists distinguish between social norms and actual social behavior much social theory explores the difference and relationship between the two For example what is the purpose of prohibitions that are routinely violated as for example when people claim that incest is taboo yet engage in incestuous behavior It should be further noted that in these theories anthropologists are generally concerned solely with brother sister incest and are not claiming that all sexual relations among family members are taboo or even necessarily considered incestuous by that society These theories are further complicated by the fact that in many societies people related to one another in different ways and sometimes distantly are classified together as siblings and others who are just as closely related genetically are not considered family members Moreover the definition restricts itself to sexual intercourse this does not mean that other forms of sexual contact do not occur or are proscribed or prescribed For example in some Inuit societies in the Arctic and traditionally in Bali mothers would routinely stroke the penises of their infant sons such behavior was considered no more sexual than breast feeding 9 10 It should also be noted that in these theories anthropologists are primarily concerned with marriage rules and not actual sexual behavior In short anthropologists were not studying incest per se they were asking informants what they meant by incest and what the consequences of incest were in order to map out social relationships within the community This excerpt also suggests that the relationship between sexual and marriage practices is complex and that societies distinguish between different sorts of prohibitions In other words although an individual may be prohibited from marrying or having sexual relations with many people different sexual relations may be prohibited for different reasons and with different penalties For example Trobriand Islanders prohibit both sexual relations between a woman and her brother 11 and between a woman and her father 12 but they describe these prohibitions in very different ways relations between a woman and her brother fall within the category of forbidden relations among members of the same clan relations between a woman and her father do not 12 This is because the Trobrianders are matrilineal children belong to the clan of their mother and not of their father Thus sexual relations between a man and his mother s sister and mother s sister s daughter are also considered incestuous but relations between a man and his father s sister are not 13 A man and his father s sister will often have a flirtatious relationship and far from being taboo Trobriand society encourages a man and his father s sister or the daughter of his father s sister to have sexual relations or marry 14 Instinctual and genetic explanations Edit This section may be too technical for most readers to understand Please help improve it to make it understandable to non experts without removing the technical details August 2015 Learn how and when to remove this template message An explanation for the taboo is that it is due to an instinctual inborn aversion that would lower the adverse genetic effects of inbreeding such as a higher incidence of congenital birth defects see article Inbreeding depression Since the rise of modern genetics belief in this theory has grown 15 16 17 18 failed verification Birth defects and inbreeding Edit The increase in frequency of birth defects often attributed to inbreeding results directly from an increase in the frequency of homozygous alleles inherited by the offspring of inbred couples 19 This leads to an increase in homozygous allele frequency within a population and results in diverging effects Should a child inherit the version of homozygous alleles responsible for a birth defect from its parents the birth defect will be expressed on the other hand should the child inherit the version of homozygous alleles not responsible for a birth defect it would actually decrease the ratio of the allele version responsible for the birth defect in that population The overall consequences of these diverging effects depends in part on the size of the population In small populations as long as children born with inheritable birth defects die or are killed before they reproduce the ultimate effect of inbreeding will be to decrease the frequency of defective genes in the population over time the gene pool will be healthier However in larger populations it is more likely that large numbers of carriers will survive and mate leading to more constant rates of birth defects 20 Besides recessive genes there are also other reasons why inbreeding may be harmful such as a narrow range of certain immune systems genes in a population increasing vulnerability to infectious diseases see Major histocompatibility complex and sexual selection The biological costs of incest also depend largely on the degree of genetic proximity between the two relatives engaging in incest This fact may explain why the cultural taboo generally includes prohibitions against sex between close relatives but less often includes prohibitions against sex between more distal relatives 21 Children born of close relatives have decreased survival 17 18 Many mammal species including humanity s closest primate relatives avoid incest 2 Westermarck effect Edit Main article Westermarck effect The Westermarck effect first proposed by Edvard Westermarck in 1891 is the theory that children reared together regardless of biological relationship form a sentimental attachment that is by its nature non erotic 22 Melford Spiro argued that his observations that unrelated children reared together on Israeli Kibbutzim nevertheless avoided one another as sexual partners confirmed the Westermarck effect 23 Joseph Shepher in a study examined the second generation in a kibbutz and found no marriages and no sexual activity between the adolescents in the same peer group This was not enforced but voluntary Looking at the second generation adults in all kibbutzim out of a total of 2769 marriages none were between those of the same peer group 24 However according to a book review by John Hartung of a book by Shepher out of 2516 marriages documented in Israel 200 were between couples reared in the same kibbutz These marriages occurred after young adults reared on kibbutzim had served in the military and encountered tens of thousands of other potential mates and 200 marriages is higher than what would be expected by chance Of these 200 marriages five were between men and women who had been reared together for the first six years of their lives which would argue against the Westermarck effect 25 A study in Taiwan of marriages where the future bride is adopted in the groom s family as an infant or small child found that these marriages have higher infidelity and divorce and lower fertility than ordinary marriages it has been argued that this observation is consistent with the Westermarck effect 26 Third parties objections Edit Another approach is looking at moral objections to third party incest This increases the longer a child has grown up together with another child of the opposite sex This occurs even if the other child is genetically unrelated 18 Humans have been argued to have a special kin detection system that besides the incest taboo also regulates a tendency towards altruism towards kin 27 Counter arguments Edit One objection against an instinctive and genetic basis for the incest taboo is that incest does occur 28 29 30 Anthropologists have also argued that the social construct incest and the incest taboo is not the same thing as the biological phenomenon of inbreeding For example there is equal genetic relation between a man and the daughter of his father s sister and between a man and the daughter of his mother s sister such that biologists would consider mating incestuous in both instances but Trobrianders consider mating incestuous in one case and not in the other Anthropologists have documented a great number of societies where marriages between some first cousins are prohibited as incestuous while marriages between other first cousins are encouraged Therefore it is argued that the prohibition against incestuous relations in most societies is not based on or motivated by concerns over biological closeness 31 Other studies on cousin marriages have found support for a biological basis for the taboo 32 33 34 Also current supporters of genetic influences on behavior do not argue that genes determine behavior absolutely but that genes may create predispositions that are affected in various ways by the environment including culture 35 Steve Stewart Williams argues against the view that incest taboo is a Western phenomenon arguing that while brother sister marriage was reported in a diverse range of cultures such Egyptian Incan and Hawaiian cultures it was not a culture wide phenomenon being largely restricted to the upper classes Stewart Williams argues that these marriages were largely political their function being to keep power and wealth concentrated in the family and there is no evidence the siblings were attracted to each other and there is in fact some evidence against it for example Cleopatra married two of her brothers but did not have children with them only having children with unrelated lovers Stewart Williams suggests that this was therefore simply a case of social pressure overriding anti incest instincts Stewart Williams also observes that anti incest behaviour has been observed in other animals and even many plant species many plants could self pollinate but have mechanisms that prevent them from doing so 36 Sociological explanations Edit Psychoanalytic theory in particular the claimed existence of an Oedipus complex which is not an instinctual aversion against incest but an instinctual desire has influenced many theorists seeking to explain the incest taboo using sociological theories 2 Exogamy Edit The anthropologist Claude Levi Strauss developed a general argument for the universality of the incest taboo in human societies His argument begins with the claim that the incest taboo is in effect a prohibition against endogamy and the effect is to encourage exogamy Through exogamy otherwise unrelated households or lineages will form relationships through marriage thus strengthening social solidarity That is Levi Strauss views marriage as an exchange of women between two social groups This theory is based in part on Marcel Mauss s theory of The Gift which in Levi Strauss words argued that exchange in primitive societies consists not so much in economic transactions as in reciprocal gifts that these reciprocal gifts have a far more important function than in our own and that this primitive form of exchange is not merely nor essentially of an economic nature but is what he aptly calls a total social fact that is an event which has a significance that is at once social and religious magic and economic utilitarian and sentimental jural and moral 37 It is also based on Levi Strauss s analysis of data on different kinship systems and marriage practices documented by anthropologists and historians Levi Strauss called attention specifically to data collected by Margaret Mead during her research among the Arapesh When she asked if a man ever sleeps with his sister Arapesh replied No we don t sleep with our sisters We give our sisters to other men and other men give us their sisters Mead pressed the question repeatedly asking what would happen if a brother and sister did have sex with one another Levi Strauss quotes the Arapesh response What you would like to marry your sister What is the matter with you anyway Don t you want a brother in law Don t you realize that if you marry another man s sister and another man marries your sister you will have at least two brothers in law while if you marry your own sister you will have none With whom will you hunt with whom will you garden who will you visit 38 By applying Mauss s theory to data such as Mead s Levi Strauss proposed what he called alliance theory He argued that in primitive societies marriage is not fundamentally a relationship between a man and a woman but a transaction involving a woman that forges a relationship an alliance between two men 39 His Elementary Structures of Kinship takes this as a starting point and uses it to analyze kinship systems of increasing complexity found in so called primitive societies that is those not based on agriculture class inequalities and centralized government citation needed This theory was debated intensely by anthropologists in the 1950s It appealed to many because it used the study of incest taboos and marriage to answer more fundamental research interests of anthropologists at the time how can an anthropologist map out the social relationships within a given community and how do these relationships promote or endanger social solidarity 40 41 Nevertheless anthropologists never reached a consensus and with the Vietnam War and the process of decolonization in Africa Asia and Oceania anthropological interests shifted away from mapping local social relationships citation needed Some anthropologists argue that nuclear family incest avoidance can be explained in terms of the ecological demographic and economic benefits of exogamy 42 While Levi Strauss generally discounted the relevance of alliance theory in Africa a particularly strong concern for incest is a fundamental issue among the age systems of East Africa Here the avoidance between men of an age set and their daughters is altogether more intense than in any other sexual avoidance Paraphrasing Levi Strauss s argument without this avoidance the rivalries for power between age sets coupled with the close bonds of sharing between age mates could lead to a sharing of daughters as spouses Young men entering the age system would then find a dire shortage of marriageable girls and extended families would be in danger of dying out Thus by parading this avoidance of their daughters senior men make these girls available for younger age sets and their marriages form alliances that mitigate the rivalries for power 43 Endogamy Edit Exogamy between households or descent groups is typically prescribed in classless societies Societies that are stratified that is divided into unequal classes often prescribe different degrees of endogamy Endogamy is the opposite of exogamy it refers to the practice of marriage between members of the same social group A classic example is India s caste system in which unequal castes are endogamous 44 Inequality between ethnic groups and races also correlates with endogamy 45 An extreme example of this principle and an exception to the incest taboo is found among members of the ruling class in certain ancient states such as the Inca Egypt China and Hawaii brother sister marriage usually between half siblings was a means of maintaining wealth and political power within one family 46 Some scholars have argued that in Roman governed Egypt this practice was also found among commoners 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 but others have argued that this was in fact not the norm 54 55 56 See also EditBaldwinian evolution Heterosis Homozygosity Inbreeding avoidanceReferences Edit The Tapestry of Culture An Introduction to Cultural Anthropology Ninth Edition Abraham Rosman Paula G Rubel Maxine Weisgrau 2009 AltaMira Press ISBN 9780759111394 p 101 a b c Inbreeding Incest and the Incest Taboo The State of Knowledge at the Turn of the Century Arthur P Wolf and William H Durham Editors Stanford University Press 2004 ISBN 978 0804751414 Introduction E O Wilson Consilience The Unity of Knowledge New York Knopf 1998 The Blind Watchmaker Why the Evidence of Evolution Reveals a Universe without Design Richard Dawkins 1986 Gorrell J C McAdam A G Coltman D W Humphries M M Boutin S Jamieson C McAdam Andrew G Coltman David W Humphries Murray M Boutin Stan June 2010 Adopting kin enhances inclusive fitness in asocial red squirrels Nature Communications 1 Wright Sewall 1922 Coefficients of inbreeding and relationship American Naturalist 56 Marvin Harris 1997 Culture People and Nature An Introduction to General Anthropology 7th edition Longman pp 250 253 A Committee of the Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland 1951 Notes and Queries on Anthropology 6th edition London Routledge and Kegan Paul Ltd p 113 114 Briggs Jean Louise Never in anger portrait of an Eskimo family 1970 Harvard University Press Cambridge Mass Gregory Bateson Steps to an ecology of mind collected essays in anthropology psychiatry evolution and epistemology preface by Mark Engel 1972 Chandler San Francisco 112 115 Bronislow Malinowski 1929 The Sexual Life of Savages in North West Melanesia An Ethnographic Account of Courtship Marriage and Family Life Among the Natives of the Trobriand Highlands British New Guinea Boston Beacon Press 389 392 a b Bronislaw Malinowski 1929 The Sexual Life of Savages in North West Melanesia An Ethnographic Account of Courtship Marriage and Family Life Among the Natives of the Trobriand Highlands British New Guinea Boston Beacon Press 384 Bronislaw Malinowski 1929 The Sexual Life of Savages in North West Melanesia An Ethnographic Account of Courtship Marriage and Family Life Among the Natives of the Trobriand Highlands British New Guinea Boston Beacon Press 450 451 Bronislaw Malinowski 1929 The Sexual Life of Savages in North West Melanesia An Ethnographic Account of Courtship Marriage and Family Life Among the Natives of the Trobriand Highlands British New Guinea Boston Beacon Press 449 450 Alexander Richard 1977 Natural Selection and the Analyusis of Human Sociology in The Changing Scenes in the Natural Sciences 1776 1976 pp 283 337 Academy of Natural Science Special Publication 12 Bittles et al 1991 Reproductive Behavior and Health in Consangueneous Marriages Science 2 52 789 794 Bibcode 1991Sci 252 789B doi 10 1126 science 2028254 PMID 2028254 S2CID 1352617 a b Bittles A H Neel J V 1994 The costs of human inbreeding and their implications for variations at the DNA level Nature Genetics 8 2 117 121 doi 10 1038 ng1094 117 PMID 7842008 S2CID 36077657 a b c Lieberman D Tooby J Cosmides L 2003 Does morality have a biological basis An empirical test of the factors governing moral sentiments relating to incest Proceedings of the Royal Society B Biological Sciences 270 1517 819 826 doi 10 1098 rspb 2002 2290 PMC 1691313 PMID 12737660 Livingstone Frank B 1969 Genetics Ecology and the Origins of Incest and Exogamy Current Anthropology 10 45 62 doi 10 1086 201009 S2CID 84009643 Thornhill Nancy ed 1993 The Natural History of Inbreeding and Outbreeding Chicago UNiversity of Chicago Press Antfolk Jan Lieberman Debra Santtila Pekka 2012 Fitness Costs Predict Inbreeding Aversion Irrespective of Self Involvement Support for Hypotheses Derived from Evolutionary Theory PLOS ONE 7 11 e50613 Bibcode 2012PLoSO 750613A doi 10 1371 journal pone 0050613 PMC 3509093 PMID 23209792 Westermarck Edvard A 1921 The history of human marriage 5th edn London Macmillan Spiro M 1965 Children of the Kibbutz New York Schocken Shepher J 1971 Mate selection among second generation kibbutz adolescents and adults Incest avoidance and negative imprinting Archives of Sexual Behavior 1 4 293 307 doi 10 1007 BF01638058 PMID 24179077 S2CID 25602623 Hartung John 1985 Review of Incest A Biological View by J Shepher American Journal of Physical Anthropology 67 167 171 doi 10 1002 ajpa 1330670213 Wolf A 1995 Sexual attraction and childhood association a Chinese 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50038 S2CID 20905611 Fessler D M T 2007 Neglected Natural Experiments Germane to the Westermarck Hypothesis Human Nature 18 4 355 364 doi 10 1007 s12110 007 9021 1 PMID 26181312 S2CID 2039872 McCabe J 1983 FBD Marriage Further Support for the Westermarck Hypothesis of the Incest Taboo American Anthropologist 85 50 69 doi 10 1525 aa 1983 85 1 02a00030 Confer J C Easton J A Fleischman D S Goetz C D Lewis D M G Perilloux C Buss D M 2010 Evolutionary psychology Controversies questions prospects and limitations PDF American Psychologist 65 2 110 126 doi 10 1037 a0018413 PMID 20141266 Stewart Williams Steve The ape that understood the universe How the mind and culture evolve Cambridge University Press 2018 pp 135 136 Claude Levi Strauss 1969 The Elementary Structures of Kinship revised edition translated from the French by James Harle Bell and John Richard von Sturmer Boston Beacon Press 52 Claude Levi Strauss 1969 The Elementary Structures of Kinship revised edition translated from the 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Westermarck Effect in Inbreeding Incest and the Incest Taboo the state of knowledge at the turn of the century Arthur Wolf and William Durham eds Stanford University Press pp 93 108 Huebner Sabine R Brother Sister Marriage in Roman Egypt a Curiosity of Humankind or a Widespread Family Strategy The Journal of Roman Studies 97 2007 21 49 Huebner Sabine R The family in Roman Egypt a comparative approach to intergenerational solidarity and conflict Cambridge University Press 2013 pp 190 195Bibliography EditClaude Levi Strauss 1969 The Elementary Structures of Kinship revised edition translated from the French by James Harle Bell and John Richard von Sturmer Boston Beacon Press George Homans and David M Schneider Marriage Authority and Final Causes A Study of Unilateral Cross Cousin Marriage Rodney Needham Structure and Sentiment A Test Case in Social Anthropology Arthur P Wolf and William H Durham editors Inbreeding Incest and the Incest Taboo The State of Knowledge at the Turn of the Century ISBN 0 8047 5141 2 Retrieved from https en wikipedia org w index php title Incest taboo amp oldid 1119152723, wikipedia, wiki, book, books, library,


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