
Oedipus complex

The Oedipus complex (also spelled Œdipus complex) is an idea in psychoanalytic theory. The complex is an ostensibly universal phase in the life of a young boy in which, to try to immediately satisfy basic desires, he unconsciously wishes to have sex with his mother and disdains his father for having sex and being satisfied before him. Sigmund Freud introduced the idea in The Interpretation of Dreams (1899), and coined the term in his paper A Special Type of Choice of Object made by Men (1910).[1][2]

Oedipus describes the riddle of the Sphinx by Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres, c. 1805

Freud later developed the ideas of castration anxiety and penis envy to refer to the differences of the sexes in their experience of the complex, especially as their observations appear to become cautionary; an incest taboo results from these cautions.[3] Subsequently, according to sexual difference, a positive Oedipus complex refers to a child's sexual desire for the opposite-sex parent and hatred for the same-sex parent, while a negative Oedipus complex refers to the desire for the same-sex parent and hatred for the opposite-sex parent.[2][4][5] Freud considered that the child's identification with the same-sex parent is the socially acceptable outcome of the complex. Meanwhile, failure to move on from the compulsion to satisfy a basic desire and to reconcile with the same-sex parent leads to neurosis.

The existence of the Oedipus complex is not well supported by empirical evidence. Critics have charged that, by attributing sexual desire to children, the theory has served as a cover-up for sexual abuse of children. Scholars and psychologists have criticized it as incapable of applying to same-sex parents, and as incompatible with the widespread aversion to incest.

It is named for the mythological figure Oedipus, whose depiction in Sophocles' Oedipus Rex served as a reference point for Freud's idea. Freud rejected the term Electra complex,[6] introduced by Carl Jung in 1913[7] as a proposed equivalent complex among young girls.[6]


The neurologist Sigmund Freud (at age 16) with his mother in 1872[8]

Oedipus refers to a 5th-century BC Greek mythological character Oedipus, who unwittingly kills his father, Laius, and marries his mother, Jocasta. A play based on the myth, Oedipus Rex, was written by Sophocles, ca. 429 BC.

Modern productions of Sophocles' play were staged in Paris and Vienna in the 19th century and were phenomenally successful in the 1880s and 1890s. The Austrian neurologist Sigmund Freud (1856–1939) attended. In his book The Interpretation of Dreams, first published in 1899, he proposes that an Oedipal desire is a universal, psychological phenomenon innate (phylogenetic) to human beings, and the cause of much unconscious guilt.

Freud believed that the Oedipal sentiment has been inherited through the millions of years it took for humans to evolve from apes.[9] He based this on his analysis of his feelings attending the play, his anecdotal observations of neurotic or normal children, and on the fact that Oedipus Rex was effective on both ancient and modern audiences. Freud describes the Oedipus myth's timeless appeal thus:

His destiny moves us only because it might have been ours — because the Oracle laid the same curse upon us before our birth as upon him. It is the fate of all of us, perhaps, to direct our first sexual impulse towards our mother and our first hatred and our first murderous wish against our father. Our dreams convince us that this is so.[10]

Freud also claims that the play Hamlet "has its roots in the same soil as Oedipus Rex", and that the differences between the two plays are revealing:

In [Oedipus Rex] the child's wishful fantasy that underlies it is brought into the open and realized as it would be in a dream. In Hamlet it remains repressed; and—just as in the case of a neurosis—we only learn of its existence from its inhibiting consequences.[11][12]

However, in The Interpretation of Dreams, Freud makes it clear that the "primordial urges and fears" that are his concern and the basis of the Oedipal complex are inherent in the myths the play by Sophocles is based on, not primarily in the play itself, which Freud refers to as a "further modification of the legend" that originates in a "misconceived secondary revision of the material, which has sought to exploit it for theological purposes".[13][14][15]

Before the idea of the Oedipus complex, Freud believed that childhood sexual trauma was the cause of neurosis. This idea, sometimes called Freud's seduction theory, was deemphasized in favor of the Oedipus complex around 1897.[16]


  • 1896. Freud publishes The Aetiology of Hysteria. The paper was criticized for theorizing that hysteria is caused by sexual abuse.
  • 1897–1909. After his father's death in 1896, and having seen the play Oedipus Rex, by Sophocles, Freud begins using the term "Oedipus". As Freud wrote in an 1897 letter, "I found in myself a constant love for my mother, and jealousy of my father. I now consider this to be a universal event in early childhood."
  • 1909–1914. Proposes that Oedipal desire is the "nuclear complex" of all neuroses; first usage of "Oedipus complex" in 1910.
  • 1914–1918. Considers paternal and maternal incest.
  • 1919–1926. Complete Oedipus complex; identification and bisexuality are conceptually evident in later works.
  • 1926–1931. Applies the Oedipal theory to religion and custom.
  • 1931–1938. Investigates the "feminine Oedipus attitude" and "negative Oedipus complex"; later the "Electra complex".[17]

The Oedipus complex

Original formulation

Freud's original examples of the Oedipus complex are applied only to boys or men; he never fully clarified his views on the nature of the complex in girls.[18] He described the complex as a young boy's hatred or desire to eliminate his father and to have sex with his mother.

Freud introduced the term "Oedipus complex" in a 1910 article titled A Special Type of Choice of Object made by Men.[18][1] It appears in a section of this paper describing what happens after a boy first becomes aware of prostitution:

When after this he can no longer maintain the doubt which makes his parents an exception to the universal and odious norms of sexual activity, he tells himself with cynical logic that the difference between his mother and a whore is not after all so very great, since basically they do the same thing. The enlightening information he has received has in fact awakened the memory-traces of the impressions and wishes of his early infancy, and these have led to a reactivation in him of certain mental impulses. He begins to desire his mother herself in the sense with which he has recently become acquainted, and to hate his father anew as a rival who stands in the way of this wish; he comes, as we say, under the dominance of the Oedipus complex. He does not forgive his mother for having granted the favour of sexual intercourse not to himself but to his father, and he regards it as an act of unfaithfulness.[19]

Freud and others eventually extended this idea and embedded it in a larger body of theory.

Later theory

Oedipus and the Sphinx, by Gustave Moreau (1864)

In classical psychoanalytic theory, the Oedipus complex occurs during the phallic stage of psychosexual development (age 3–6 years), when also occurs the formation of the libido and the ego; yet it might manifest itself at an earlier age.[20][21]

In the phallic stage, a boy's decisive psychosexual experience is the Oedipus complex—his son–father competition for possession of mother. It is in this third stage of psychosexual development that the child's genitalia is his or her primary erogenous zone; thus, when children become aware of their bodies, the bodies of other children, and the bodies of their parents, they gratify physical curiosity by undressing and exploring themselves, each other, and their genitals, so learning the anatomic differences between male and female and the gender differences between boy and girl.

Despite mother being the parent who primarily gratifies the child's desires, the child begins forming a discrete sexual identity—"boy", "girl"—that alters the dynamics of the parent and child relationship; the parents become objects of infantile libidinal energy. The boy directs his libido (sexual desire) upon his mother and directs jealousy and emotional rivalry against his father—because it is he who sleeps with his mother. Moreover, to facilitate union with mother, the boy's id wants to kill father (as did Oedipus), but the pragmatic ego, based upon the reality principle, knows that the father is the stronger of the two males competing to possess the one female. Nonetheless, the boy remains ambivalent about his father's place in the family, which is manifested as fear of castration by the physically greater father; the fear is an irrational, subconscious manifestation of the infantile id.[22]

In both sexes, defense mechanisms provide transitory resolutions of the conflict between the drives of the id and the drives of the ego. The first defense mechanism is repression, the blocking of memories, emotional impulses, and ideas from the conscious mind; yet its action does not resolve the id–ego conflict. The second defense mechanism is identification, in which the boy or girl child adapts by incorporating, to his or her (super)ego, the personality characteristics of the same-sex parent. As a result of this, the boy diminishes his castration anxiety, because his likeness to father protects him from father's wrath in their maternal rivalry. In the case of the girl, this facilitates identifying with mother, who understands that, in being females, neither of them possesses a penis, and thus are not antagonists.[23]

Unresolved son–father competition for the psychosexual possession of the mother might result in a phallic stage fixation that leads to the boy becoming an aggressive, over-ambitious, and vain man. Therefore, the satisfactory parental handling and resolution of the Oedipus complex are most important in developing the male infantile super-ego. This is because, by identifying with a parent, the boy internalizes Morality; thereby, he chooses to comply with societal rules, rather than reflexively complying in fear of punishment.[citation needed]

Oedipal case study

Female Oedipus attitude: Electra at the Tomb of Agamemnon, by Frederic Leighton, (c.1869)

In Analysis of a Phobia in a Five-year-old Boy (1909), the case study of the equinophobic boy "Little Hans", Freud showed that the relation between Hans's fears—of horses and of his father—derived from external factors, the birth of a sister, and internal factors, the desire of the infantile id to replace father as companion to mother, and guilt for enjoying the masturbation normal to a boy of his age. Moreover, his admitting to wanting to procreate with mother was considered proof of the boy's sexual attraction to the opposite-sex parent; he was a heterosexual male. Yet, the boy Hans was unable to relate fearing horses to fearing his father. As the treating psychoanalyst, Freud noted that "Hans had to be told many things that he could not say himself" and that "he had to be presented with thoughts, which he had, so far, shown no signs of possessing".[24]

Feminine Oedipus attitude

Freud applied the Oedipus complex to the psychosexual development of boys and girls, but later modified the female aspects of the theory as "feminine Oedipus attitude" and "negative Oedipus complex".[25][better source needed] His student–collaborator Carl Jung, who, in his 1913 work, "Theory of Psychoanalysis", proposed the Electra complex to describe a girl's daughter–mother competition for psychosexual possession of the father.[7][26]

In the phallic stage, a girl's Electra complex is her decisive psychodynamic experience in forming a discrete sexual identity (ego). Whereas a boy develops castration anxiety, a girl develops penis envy, for she perceives that she has been castrated previously (and missing the penis), and so forms resentment towards her own kind as inferior, while simultaneously striving to claim her father's penis through bearing a male child of her own. Furthermore, after the phallic stage, the girl's psychosexual development includes transferring her primary erogenous zone from the infantile clitoris to the adult vagina.[27]

Freud thus considered a girl's negative Oedipus complex to be more emotionally intense than that of a boy, resulting, potentially, in a woman of submissive, insecure personality;[28] thus might an unresolved Electra complex, daughter–mother competition for psychosexual possession of father, lead to a phallic-stage fixation conducive to a girl becoming a woman who continually strives to dominate men (viz. penis envy), either as an unusually seductive woman (high self-esteem) or as an unusually submissive woman (low self-esteem).[29] Therefore, the satisfactory parental handling and resolution of the Electra complex are most important in developing the female infantile super-ego, because, by identifying with a parent, the girl internalizes morality; thereby, she chooses to comply with societal rules, rather than reflexively complying in fear of punishment.

In regard to narcissism

In regard to narcissism, the Oedipus complex is viewed as the pinnacle of the individual's maturational striving for success or for love.[30] In The Economic Problem of Masochism (1924), Freud writes that in "the Oedipus complex... [the parent's] personal significance for the superego recedes into the background' and 'the imagos they leave behind... link [to] the influences of teachers and authorities...". Educators and mentors are put in the ego ideal of the individual and they strive to take on their knowledge, skills, or insights.

In Some Reflections on Schoolboy Psychology (1914), Freud writes:

"We can now understand our relation to our schoolmasters. These men, not all of whom were in fact fathers themselves, became our substitute fathers. That was why, even though they were still quite young, they struck us as so mature and so unattainably adult. We transferred on to them the respect and expectations attaching to the omniscient father of our childhood, and we then began to treat them as we treated our fathers at home. We confronted them with the ambivalence that we had acquired in our own families and with its help, we struggled with them as we had been in the habit of struggling with our fathers..."

The Oedipus complex, in narcissistic terms, represents that an individual can lose the ability to take a parental-substitute into his ego ideal without ambivalence. Once the individual has ambivalent relations with parental-substitutes, he will enter into the triangulating castration complex. In the castration complex the individual becomes rivalrous with parental-substitutes and this will be the point of regression. In Psycho-analytic notes on an autobiographical account of a case of paranoia (Dementia paranoides) (1911), Freud writes that "disappointment over a woman" (object drives) or "a mishap in social relations with other men" (ego drives) is the cause of regression or symptom formation. Triangulation can take place with a romantic rival, for a woman, or with a work rival, for the reputation of being more potent.[31]

Freudian theoretic revision

When Freud proposed that the Oedipus complex was psychologically universal, he provoked the evolution of Freudian psychology and the psychoanalytic treatment method, by collaborators and competitors alike.

Carl Gustav Jung

The Electra complex: the matricides Electra and Orestes.

In countering Freud's proposal that the psychosexual development of boys and girls is equal, i.e. equally oriented – that each initially experiences sexual desire (libido) for mother, and aggression towards father, student–collaborator Carl Jung counter-proposed that girls experienced desire for father and aggression towards mother via the Electra complex[citation needed]—derived from the 5th-century BC Greek mythologic character Electra, who plotted matricidal revenge with Orestes, her brother, against Clytemnestra, their mother, and Aegisthus, their stepfather, for their murder of Agamemnon, her father (cf. Electra, by Sophocles).[32][33][34] Moreover, because it is native to Freudian psychology, orthodox Jungian psychology uses the term "Oedipus complex" only to denote a boy's psychosexual development.

Otto Rank

Otto Rank on the far left, behind Sigmund Freud, and other psychoanalysts (1922).

In classical Freudian psychology the super-ego, "the heir to the Oedipus complex", is formed as the infant boy internalizes the familial rules of his father. In contrast, in the early 1920s, using the term "pre-Oedipal", Otto Rank proposed that a boy's powerful mother was the source of the super-ego, in the course of normal psychosexual development. Rank's theoretic conflict with Freud excluded him from the Freudian inner circle; nonetheless, he later developed the psychodynamic Object relations theory in 1925.

Melanie Klein

Whereas Freud proposed that father (the paternal phallus) was central to infantile and adult psychosexual development, Melanie Klein concentrated upon the early maternal relationship, proposing that Oedipal manifestations are perceptible in the first year of life, the oral stage. Her proposal was part of the "controversial discussions" (1942–44) at the British Psychoanalytical Association. The Kleinian psychologists proposed that "underlying the Oedipus complex, as Freud described it ... there is an earlier layer of more primitive relationships with the Oedipal couple".[35] She assigned "dangerous destructive tendencies not just to the father but also to the mother in her discussion of the child's projective fantasies".[36] Moreover, Klein's work lessened the central role of the Oedipus complex, with the concept of the depressive position.[37][38]

Wilfred Bion


"For the post-Kleinian Bion, the myth of Oedipus concerns investigatory curiosity—the quest for knowledge—rather than sexual difference; the other main character in the Oedipal drama becomes Tiresias (the false hypothesis erected against anxiety about a new theory)".[39] As a result, "Bion regarded the central crime of Oedipus as his insistence on knowing the truth at all costs".[40]

Jacques Lacan

From the postmodern perspective, Jacques Lacan argued against removing the Oedipus complex from the center of psychosexual developmental experience. He considered "the Oedipus complex—in so far as we continue to recognize it as covering the whole field of our experience with its signification ... [that] superimposes the kingdom of culture" upon the person, marking his or her introduction to symbolic order.[41]

Thus "a child learns what power independent of itself is as it goes through the Oedipus complex ... encountering the existence of a symbolic system independent of itself".[42] Moreover, Lacan's proposal that "the ternary relation of the Oedipus complex" liberates the "prisoner of the dual relationship" of the son–mother relationship proved useful to later psychoanalysts;[43] thus, for Bollas, the "achievement" of the Oedipus complex is that the "child comes to understand something about the oddity of possessing one's own mind ... discovers the multiplicity of points of view".[44] Likewise, for Ronald Britton, "if the link between the parents perceived in love and hate can be tolerated in the child's mind ... this provides us with a capacity for seeing us in interaction with others, and ... for reflecting on ourselves, whilst being ourselves".[45] As such, in The Dove that Returns, the Dove that Vanishes (2000), Michael Parsons proposed that such a perspective permits viewing "the Oedipus complex as a life-long developmental challenge ... [with] new kinds of Oedipal configurations that belong to later life".[46]

In 1920, Sigmund Freud wrote that "with the progress of psychoanalytic studies the importance of the Oedipus complex has become, more and more, clearly evident; its recognition has become the shibboleth that distinguishes the adherents of psychoanalysis from its opponents";[47] thereby it remained a theoretic cornerstone of psychoanalysis until about 1930, when psychoanalysts began investigating the pre-Oedipal son–mother relationship within the theory of psychosexual development.[48][49] Janet Malcolm reports that by the late 20th century, to the object relations psychology "avant-garde, the events of the Oedipal period are pallid and inconsequential, in comparison with the cliff-hanging psychodramas of infancy. ... For Kohut, as for Winnicott and Balint, the Oedipus complex is an irrelevance in the treatment of severe pathology".[50] Nonetheless, ego psychology continued to maintain that "the Oedipal period—roughly three-and-a-half to six years—is like Lorenz standing in front of the chick, it is the most formative, significant, moulding experience of human life ... If you take a person's adult life—his love, his work, his hobbies, his ambitions—they all point back to the Oedipus complex".[51]


Lack of empirical basis

There is very little scientific evidence in support of the Oedipus complex.[52][53]

Studies of children's attitudes to parents at the supposedly oedipal stage do not demonstrate the shifts in positive feelings that are predicted by the theory. Stories from mythology and anthropology that Freud used to illustrate his theory may fascinate his readers, but they do not constitute empirical evidence for the theory.[54] Case studies that Freud relied upon, such as the case of Little Hans, could not be verified through research or experimentation on a larger population.[55] Adolf Grünbaum argues that the type of evidence Freud and his followers used, the clinical productions of patients during analytic treatment, by their nature cannot provide cogent observational support for Freud's core hypotheses.[56]

Evolutionary psychologists Martin Daly and Margo Wilson, in their 1988 book Homicide, argue that the Oedipus complex theory yields few testable predictions. They find no evidence of the Oedipus complex in people. There is evidence of parent–child conflict but it is not for sexual possession of the opposite sex-parent.[57]

According to psychiatrist Jeffrey Lieberman, Freud and his followers resisted subjecting his theories, including the Oedipus theory, to scientific testing and verification.[58] Evidence-based investigations in disciplines like cognitive psychology appear to leave Freud's ideas unsupported or contradicted by evidence, so they are not used in evidenced-based treatments.[58]

Freud's supposed cure of Sergei Pankejeff, an alleged triumph of the Oedipus complex theory, is regarded as fraudulent by the scientific community and by Pankejeff himself.[59]

Cover for sexual abuse

The Freudian Coverup is the claim that Freud intentionally ignored evidence that his patients were victims of childhood sexual abuse, misrepresenting abuse as incestuous desire. In the 1970s, social worker Florence Rush wrote that Freud's seduction theory, which came early in his career, correctly attributed his patients' memories of childhood trauma to the patient's family, often the father, implying that widespread sexual abuse of children by parents was common in his society. The discovery of this abuse made Freud uncomfortable, so he abandoned the theory. He invented the Oedipus complex to replace it, because the complex allowed him to attribute stories of childhood sexual abuse to the children themselves; Freud imagined that the stories were fantasies of hidden desires, rather than factual descriptions of trauma. Thus, Rush argues, Freud covered up illegal and immoral sexual abuse by undermining the perceptions of his patients, particularly his female patients.[60]

A director of the Sigmund Freud Archives, Jeffrey Moussaieff Masson, adopted the view that Freud's work was a cover-up for abuse after reading Freud's unpublished letters. In his book The Assault on Truth, Masson argues that Freud misattributed accounts of sexual abuse to fabrications and fantasies of children because, for personal reasons, he was unable to accept that the accounts were real. Freud invented the Oedipus complex to explain away the sexual assault of children. Among his reasons to suppress the abuse was that Freud did not want to be confronted by the father of a patient who was accused of committing abuse. Late in his career Freud sought to suppress the work of a colleague, Sandor Ferenczi, because Ferenczi continued to believe that accounts of childhood sexual abuse were truthful.[61]

Masson writes that, because the theory of the Oedipus complex became widely popular, psychoanalysts continue to do damage to their patients by doubting the reality of the patient's early memories of trauma.[61]

Gender role assumptions

Many scholars and psychologists observe that, because the theory of the Oedipus complex assigns distinct roles to a mother and father, it is a poor fit for families that do not use traditional gender roles.

The Oedipus complex has been criticized for disregarding nontraditional family structures such as those families with parents of the same sex like the one depicted

As of November 2022 same-sex marriage is legal in 31 nations.[62] Same-sex couples start families through adoption or surrogacy. The pillars of the family structure are diversifying to include parents who are single or of the same sex as their partner along with the traditional heterosexual, married parents. These new family structures pose new questions for the psychoanalytic theories such as the Oedipus complex that require the presence of the mother and the father in the successful development of a child.[36]

Evidence suggests children who have been raised by parents of the same sex are not much different from children raised in a traditional family structure.[36] The classic theory of the Oedipal drama has fallen out of favor in today's society, according to a study by Drescher, having been criticized for its "negative implications" towards same sex parents.[36] Many psychoanalytic thinkers such as Chodorow and Corbett are working towards changing the Oedipus complex to eliminate "automatic associations among sex, gender, and the stereotypical psychological functions deriving from these categories" and make it applicable to today's modern society.[36] From its Freudian conception, psychoanalysis and its theories have always relied on traditional gender roles to draw itself out.

In the 1950s, psychologists distinguished different roles in parenting for the mother and father. The role of primary caregiver is assigned to the mother. Motherly love was considered to be unconditional. While the father is assigned the role of secondary caregiver, fatherly love is conditional, responsive to the child's tangible achievements.[36] The Oedipus complex is compromised in the context of modern family structures, as it requires the existence of the notions of masculinity and femininity.[63] When there is no father present there is no reason for a boy to have castration anxiety and thus resolve the complex.[36] Psychoanalysis presents non-heteronormative relationships a sort of perversion or fetish rather than a natural occurrence.[63] To some psychologists, this emphasis on gender norms can be a distraction in treating homosexual patients.[63]

The 1972 book Anti-Oedipus by Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari is "a critique of psychoanalytic normativity and Oedipus" according to Didier Eribon.[64] Eribon criticizes the Oedipus complex described by Freud or Lacan as an "implausible ideological construct" which is an "inferiorization process of homosexuality".[65] According to psychologist Geva Shenkman, "To examine the application of concepts such as Oedipus complex and primal scene to male same-sex families, we must first eliminate the automatic associations among sex, gender, and the stereotypical psychological functions based on these categories."[36]

Postmodern psychoanalytic theories, which aim to reestablish psychoanalysis for modern times, suggest modifying or discarding the complex because it does not describe newer family structures. Shenkman suggests that a loose interpretation of the Oedipus complex in which the child seeks sexual satisfaction from any parent regardless of gender or sex, would be helpful: "From this perspective, any parental authority, or institution for that matter, may represent the taboo that gives rise to the complex". Psychoanalyst Melanie Klein proposed a theory which broke gender stereotypes but still kept traditional father-mother family structure. She assigned "dangerous destructive tendencies not just to the father but also to the mother in her discussion of the child's projective fantasies".[36]

Stretched theory

Anouchka Grose understands the Oedipus complex as "a way of explaining how human beings are socialised ... learning to deal with disappointment".[66] Her summary of the complex is "You have to stop trying to be everything for your primary carer, and get on with being something for the rest of the world".[67] This post-Lacanian interpretation of the complex diverges considerably from its description in 19th century. Eribon writes that it "stretches the Oedipus complex to a point where it almost doesn't look like Freud's any more".[65]

Aversion to incest

Parent-child and sibling-sibling incestuous unions are almost universally forbidden.[68] An explanation for this incest taboo is that rather than instinctual sexual desire, there is instinctual sexual aversion against these unions (See Westermarck effect). Steven Pinker wrote that "The idea that boys want to sleep with their mothers strikes most men as the silliest thing they have ever heard. Obviously, it did not seem so to Freud, who wrote that as a boy he once had an erotic reaction to watching his mother dressing. Of note is that Amalia Nathansohn Freud was relatively young during Freud's childhood and thus of reproductive age, and Freud having a wet-nurse, may not have experienced the early intimacy that would have tipped off his perceptual system that Mrs. Freud was his mother."[69]

Historical mystique

In Esquisse pour une autoanalyse, Pierre Bourdieu argues that the success of the concept of Oedipus is inseparable from the prestige associated with ancient Greek culture and the relations of domination that are reinforced in the use of this myth. In other words, if Oedipus was Bantu or Baoulé, his story would probably not be viewed as a human universal. This remark recalls the historically and socially situated character of the founder of psychoanalysis.[70]


Feminist views on the Oedipus complex include criticism of the phallocentrism of the theory by philosopher Luce Irigaray among others. Irigaray charges that Freud's work assumes a masculine perspective, epitomized by the centrality of the penis (or lack of a penis for girls) in the Oedipus complex. She thinks that Freud's desire for a neat, symmetrical theory leads him to a contrived understanding of women as inverse men. She charges that he does not explore mother–daughter relationships and that he dogmatically assumes female sexuality will be a perfect mirror of male sexuality.[71]


In No More Silly Love Songs: A Realist's Guide to Romance (2010), Anouchka Grose says that "a large number of people, these days believe that Freud's Oedipus complex is defunct ... 'disproven', or simply found unnecessary, sometime in the last century".[66]

Thomas Nagel wrote that psychoanalytic claims were not scientific, but a type of commonsense folk psychology. Adolf Grünbaum thinks this proposal is a failure because ordinary people typically find explanations based on forbidden unconscious motivations implausible.[56]


A study conducted at Glasgow University potentially supports at least some aspects of the psychoanalytic conception of the Oedipus complex. The study demonstrated that men and women were twice as likely to choose a partner with the same eye color as the parent of the sex they are attracted to.[72] Another study by anthropologist Allen W. Johnson and psychiatrist Douglas Price-Williams suggests that the classic version of the Oedipus Complex that boys go through is present, with the sexual and aggressive sentiments less repressed in cultures without class separation.[73]

Another study examined adoptive-daughters and choice of husband. The study attempted to distinguish conceptually phenotypic matching from positive sexual imprinting. Phenotypic matching can be understood as an individual's seeking (presumably without conscious awareness) traits in mates that are similar to their own phenotype. Sexual imprinting can be understood as mate preferences that are influenced by experiences and observations with parents/caregivers in early childhood. Adoptive daughters were examined in part to disentangle these two influences. The results of the study support positive sexual imprinting independent of phenotypic matching: "Judges found significant resemblance on facial traits between daughter's husband and her adoptive father. Furthermore, this effect may be modified by the quality of the father–daughter relationship during childhood. Daughters who received more emotional support from their adoptive father were more likely to choose mates similar to the father than those whose father provided a less positive emotional atmosphere." The study's authors also hypothesized that "sexual imprinting on the observed features of the opposite-sex parent during a sensitive period in early childhood might be responsible for shaping people's later mate choice criteria," a hypothesis that would be at least partially in accordance with Freud's Oedipal model.[74][75]

See also


  1. ^ a b Nagera, Humberto, ed. (2012) [1969]. "Oedipus complex (pp. 64ff.)". Basic Psychoanalytic Concepts on the Libido Theory. London: Karnac Books. ISBN 978-1-781-81098-9.
  2. ^ a b Laplanche, Jean; Pontalis, Jean-Bertrand (1988) [1973]. "Oedipus complex (pp. 282ff.)". The Language of Psycho-analysis (reprint, revised ed.). London: Karnac Books. ISBN 978-0-946-43949-2.
  3. ^ Freud, Sigmund (1989). Gay, Peter (ed.). The Freud Reader (1st ed.). New York: W.W. Norton. pp. 664–665. ISBN 0393026868. OCLC 19125772.
  4. ^ Auchincloss, Elizabeth (2015). The Psychoanalytic Model of the Mind. American Psychiatric Publishing. p. 110.
  5. ^ Auchincloss, Elizabeth (2012). Psychoanalytic Terms and Concepts. American Psychoanalytic Association. p. 180.
  6. ^ a b Laplanche, Jean; Pontalis, J.B. (1973). The language of psycho-analysis. New York: W.W. Norton. p. 152. ISBN 0393011054. OCLC 741058.
  7. ^ a b Jung, C. G. (1915). The Theory of Psychoanalysis. Nervous and mental disease monograph series, no. 19. New York: Nervous and Mental Disease Publishing Co. p. 69.
  8. ^ Peter Gay (1995) Freud: A Life for Our Time
  9. ^ Khan, Michael (2002). Basic Freud: Psychoanalytic Thought for the 21st Century. New York, NY: Basic Books. p. 60. ISBN 0-465-03715-1.
  10. ^ Sigmund Freud The Interpretation of Dreams Chapter V "The Material and Sources of Dreams" (New York: Avon Books) p. 296.
  11. ^ Freud, Sigmund. The Interpretation of Dreams. Basic Books. 978-0465019779 (2010) page 282.
  12. ^ Oedipus as Evidence: The Theatrical Background to Freud's Oedipus Complex 2013-04-18 at the Wayback Machine by Richard Armstrong, 1999
  13. ^ Freud, Sigmund. The Interpretation of Dreams. Basic Books. 978-0465019779 (2010) page 247
  14. ^ Fagles, Robert, "Introduction". Sophocles. The Three Theban Plays. Penguin Classics (1984) ISBN 978-0140444254. page 132
  15. ^ Dodds, E. R. "On Misunderstanding the Oedipus Rex". The Ancient Concept of Progress. Oxford Press. (1973) ISBN 978-0198143772. page 70
  16. ^ Birken, Lawrence (Winter 1988). "From Seduction Theory to Oedipus Complex: A Historical Analysis". New German Critique (43): 83–96. doi:10.2307/488399. JSTOR 488399.
  17. ^ Bennett Simon, Rachel B. Blass "The development of vicissitudes of Freud's ideas on the Oedipus complex" in The Cambridge Companion to Freud (University of California Press 1991) p.000
  18. ^ a b Colman, Andrew M. (2014). "Oedipus complex". A Dictionary of Psychology (3rd ed.). Oxford University Press. doi:10.1093/acref/9780199534067.001.0001. ISBN 9780191726828. Retrieved November 29, 2021.
  19. ^ Freud, Sigmund. "A Special Type of Choice of Object made by Men" (PDF). Contributions to the Psychology of Love: 170. Retrieved November 29, 2021.
  20. ^ Joseph Childers, Gary Hentzi eds. Columbia Dictionary of Modern Literary and Cultural Criticism (New York: Columbia University Press, 1995)
  21. ^ Charles Rycroft A Critical Dictionary of Psychoanalysis (London, 2nd ed., 1995)
  22. ^ Allan Bullock, Stephen Trombley The New Fontana Dictionary of Modern Thought (London:Harper Collins 1999) pp. 607, 705
  23. ^ Allan Bullock, Stephen Trombley The New Fontana Dictionary of Modern Thought (London:Harper Collins 1999) pp. 205, 107
  24. ^ Frank Cioffi (2005) "Sigmund Freud" entry The Oxford Guide to Philosophy Oxford University Press:New York pp. 323–324
  25. ^ Freud, Sigmund (1956). On Sexuality. Penguin Books Ltd.
  26. ^ "Freud, Sigmund (1856-1939)". credoreference.com. Retrieved 20 March 2015.
  27. ^ Freud, Sigmund (1989). Gay, Peter (ed.). The Freud Reader (1st ed.). New York: W.W. Norton. pp. 664–665, 674–676. ISBN 0393026868. OCLC 19125772.
  28. ^ Allan Bullock, Stephen Trombley The New Fontana Dictionary of Modern Thought Harper Collins:London (1999) pp. 259, 705
  29. ^ "Understanding Electra Complex and Daddy Issues". United We Care. March 12, 2021.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: url-status (link)
  30. ^ Pederson, Trevor (2015). The Economics of Libido: Psychic Bisexuality, the Superego, and the Centrality of the Oedipus Complex. karnac.
  31. ^ Pederson, Trevor (2015). The Economics of Libido: Psychic Bisexuality, the Superego, and the Centrality of the Oedipus Complex. Karnac.
  32. ^ Murphy, Bruce (1996). Benét's Reader's Encyclopedia Fourth edition, HarperCollins Publishers:New York p. 310
  33. ^ Bell, Robert E. (1991) Women of Classical Mythology: A Biographical Dictionary Oxford University Press:California pp.177–78
  34. ^ Hornblower, S., Spawforth, A. (1998) The Oxford Companion to Classical Civilization pp. 254–55
  35. ^ Richard Appignanesi ed. Introducing Melanie Klein (Cambridge 2006) p. 173
  36. ^ a b c d e f g h i Shenkman, Geva (March 23, 2015). "Classic psychoanalysis and male same-sex parents: A reexamination of basic concepts". Psychoanalytic Psychology. 33 (4): 585–598. doi:10.1037/a0038486.
  37. ^ Charles Rycroft A Critical Dictionary of Psychoanalysis (London, 2nd Edn, 1995)
  38. ^ Columbia Dictionary of Modern Literary and Cultural Criticism (New York: Columbia University Press, 1995)
  39. ^ Mary Jacobus, The Poetics of Psychoanalysis (London 2005) p. 259
  40. ^ Michael Parsons The Dove that Returns, the Dove that Vanishes (London 2000) p. 45
  41. ^ Jacques Lacan, Ecrits: A Selection (London 1997) p. 66
  42. ^ Ian Parker, Japan in Analysis (Basingstoke 2008) pp. 82–83
  43. ^ Jacques Lacan, Ecrits pp. 218, 182
  44. ^ Adam Phillips On Flirtation (London 1994) p. 159
  45. ^ Ivan Wood On a Darkling Plain: Journey into the Unconscious (Cambridge 2002) "Ronald Britton" entry p. 118
  46. ^ Michael Parsons The Dove that Returns, the Dove that Vanishes (London 2000) p. 4
  47. ^ Freud, Sexuality pp. 149-50nn
  48. ^ Charles Rycroft A Critical Dictionary of Psychoanalysis (London, 2nd Ed., 1995)
  49. ^ Columbia Dictionary of Modern Literary and Cultural Criticism (New York: Columbia University Press, 1995) p. 119
  50. ^ Janet Malcolm, Psychoanalysis: The Impossible Profession (London 1988) pp. 35, 136
  51. ^ Janet Malcolm, Psychoanalysis: The Impossible Profession (London 1988), "Aaron Green", pp. 158–59 [1]
  52. ^ Zang, Brandon. "Is the Oedipus Complex Real?". Encyclopedia Britannica.
  53. ^ Chatard, Armand (September 2004). (PDF). Diversité. 138: 23–30. Archived from the original (PDF) on 2014-02-19. Retrieved 2015-11-11.
  54. ^ Fonagy, Peter; Target, Mary (2006). Psychoanalytic Theories: Perspectives from Developmental Psychopathology. Whurr Publishers. ISBN 9781861562395. OCLC 749483878.
  55. ^ Wolpe, Joseph; Rachman, Stanley (1960). "Psychoanalytic "evidence": A critique based on Freud's case of little Hans". The Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease. 131 (2): 135–148. doi:10.1097/00005053-196008000-00007. PMID 13786442. S2CID 6276699.
  56. ^ a b Carlini, Charles (December 19, 2012). "Testing Freud: Adolf Grünbaum On The Scientific Standing Of Psychoanalysis". Simply Charly.
  57. ^ Martin Daly, Margo Wilson Homicide (New York: Aldine de Gruyter, 1988).
  58. ^ a b The History of Psychiatry (interview with Dr. Jeffrey Lieberman)
  59. ^ Borrell, Brendan (February 24, 2009). "Oedipus Wrecked: Study Supporting the Mother of All Psychological Complexes Withdrawn". Scientific American.
  60. ^ Rush, Florence (1992). The Best-kept Secret Sexual Abuse of Children. Human Services Institute. pp. 83–92. ISBN 9780830639076.
  61. ^ a b Blumenthal, Ralph (January 24, 1984). "Freud: secret documents reveal years of strife". The New York Times.
  62. ^ Navarre, Brianna. "Same-Sex Marriage Legalization by Country". US News. Retrieved 14 November 2022.
  63. ^ a b c Schwartz, David (Winter 1999). "Is a gay Oedipus a Trojan horse? Commentary on Lewes's 'A special Oedipal mechanism in the development of male homosexuality.'". Psychoanalytic Psychology. 16: 88–93. doi:10.1037/0736-9735.16.1.88.
  64. ^ Didier Eribon, "Échapper à la psychanalyse", Éditions Léo Scheer, 2005, p.14
  65. ^ a b Didier Eribon, Réflexions sur la question gay, Paris, Fayard, 1999. (ISBN 2213600988), p.129
  66. ^ a b Anouchka Grose No More Silly Love Songs (London, 2010) p. 123
  67. ^ Anouchka Grose No More Silly Love Songs (London, 2010) p. 124
  68. ^ The Tapestry of Culture An Introduction to Cultural Anthropology, Ninth Edition, Abraham Rosman, Paula G. Rubel, Maxine Weisgrau, 2009, AltaMira Press, page 101
  69. ^ Pinker, Steven (1997). How the mind works. New York: Norton. ISBN 9780393045352. OCLC 36379708.
  70. ^ Pierre Bourdieu, "Esquisse pour une auto-analyse", raisons d'agir, 2004
  71. ^ "Psychoanalytic Feminism". Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Stanford University. May 16, 2011. Retrieved November 29, 2021.
  72. ^ Petter, Olivia (27 October 2017). "We Seek Romantic Partners Who Look Like Our Parents, Finds Study". The Independent. from the original on 2017-12-27. Retrieved 2017-12-28.
  73. ^ Khan, Michael (2002). Basic Freud: Psychoanalytic Thought for the 21st Century. New York, NY: Basic Books. pp. 59–60. ISBN 0-465-03715-1.
  74. ^ Bereczkei, Tamas; Gyuris, Petra; Weisfeld, Glenn E. (2004). "Sexual imprinting in human mate choice". Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B: Biological Sciences. 271 (1544): 1129–1134. doi:10.1098/rspb.2003.2672. PMC 1691703. PMID 15306362.
  75. ^ "Why we are secretly attracted to people who look like our parents".

Further reading

  • Britton, Ronald. "The missing link: parental sexuality in the Oedipus complex." In The gender conundrum, pp. 91–104. Routledge, 2003.
  • Britton, Ronald, Michael Feldman, and Edna O’Shaughnessy. "The Oedipus complex today." London: Karnac (1989).
  • Friedman, Richard C., and Jennifer I. Downey. "Biology and the oedipus complex." The Psychoanalytic Quarterly 64, no. 2 (1995): 234–264.
  • Green, André. The Tragic Effect: The Oedipus Complex in Tragedy. United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press, 2011.
  • Klein, Melanie. "The Oedipus complex in the light of early anxieties (1945)." In The Oedipus complex today, pp. 11–82. Routledge, 2018.
  • Loewald, Hans W. "The waning of the Oedipus complex." Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association 27, no. 4 (1979): 751–775.
  • M. Fear, Rhona. The Oedipus Complex: Solutions Or Resolutions?. United Kingdom: Taylor & Francis, 2018.
  • Parsons, Anne. "Is the Oedipus complex universal." Psychological anthropology: A reader on self in culture 131 (2010).
  • Rudnytsky, Peter L.. Freud and Oedipus. United States: Columbia University Press, 1987.
  • Ullrich, Burkhard., Zepf, Siegfried., Seel, Dietmar., Zepf, Florian Daniel. Oedipus and the Oedipus Complex: A Revision. N.p.: Taylor & Francis, 2018.
  • Simon, Bennett. "“Incest—see under oedipus complex”: The history of an error in psychoanalysis." Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association 40, no. 4 (1992): 955-988.
  • Smadja, Éric. The Oedipus Complex: Focus of the Psychoanalysis-Anthropology Debate. United Kingdom: Taylor & Francis, 2017.
  • The Oedipus Complex - A Selection of Classic Articles on Sigmund Freud's Psychoanalytical Theory. N.p.: Read Books, 2011.
  • Weissberg, Liliane (ed.), Psychoanalysis, Fatherhood, and the Modern Family. Switzerland: Springer International Publishing, 2021.
  • Günter Rebing: "Aber so arbeitet nun einmal das Genie". Wie der Ödipuskomplex erfunden wurde. In: Sinn und Form 73 (2021), Heft 6, pp. 837–843

oedipus, complex, species, salamander, oedipina, complex, also, spelled, Œdipus, complex, idea, psychoanalytic, theory, complex, ostensibly, universal, phase, life, young, which, immediately, satisfy, basic, desires, unconsciously, wishes, have, with, mother, . For the species of salamander see Oedipina complex The Oedipus complex also spelled Œdipus complex is an idea in psychoanalytic theory The complex is an ostensibly universal phase in the life of a young boy in which to try to immediately satisfy basic desires he unconsciously wishes to have sex with his mother and disdains his father for having sex and being satisfied before him Sigmund Freud introduced the idea in The Interpretation of Dreams 1899 and coined the term in his paper A Special Type of Choice of Object made by Men 1910 1 2 Oedipus describes the riddle of the Sphinx by Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres c 1805 Freud later developed the ideas of castration anxiety and penis envy to refer to the differences of the sexes in their experience of the complex especially as their observations appear to become cautionary an incest taboo results from these cautions 3 Subsequently according to sexual difference a positive Oedipus complex refers to a child s sexual desire for the opposite sex parent and hatred for the same sex parent while a negative Oedipus complex refers to the desire for the same sex parent and hatred for the opposite sex parent 2 4 5 Freud considered that the child s identification with the same sex parent is the socially acceptable outcome of the complex Meanwhile failure to move on from the compulsion to satisfy a basic desire and to reconcile with the same sex parent leads to neurosis The existence of the Oedipus complex is not well supported by empirical evidence Critics have charged that by attributing sexual desire to children the theory has served as a cover up for sexual abuse of children Scholars and psychologists have criticized it as incapable of applying to same sex parents and as incompatible with the widespread aversion to incest It is named for the mythological figure Oedipus whose depiction in Sophocles Oedipus Rex served as a reference point for Freud s idea Freud rejected the term Electra complex 6 introduced by Carl Jung in 1913 7 as a proposed equivalent complex among young girls 6 Contents 1 Background 1 1 Timeline 2 The Oedipus complex 2 1 Original formulation 2 2 Later theory 2 3 Oedipal case study 2 4 Feminine Oedipus attitude 2 5 In regard to narcissism 3 Freudian theoretic revision 3 1 Carl Gustav Jung 3 2 Otto Rank 3 3 Melanie Klein 3 4 Wilfred Bion 3 5 Jacques Lacan 4 Criticism 4 1 Lack of empirical basis 4 2 Cover for sexual abuse 4 3 Gender role assumptions 4 4 Stretched theory 4 5 Aversion to incest 4 6 Historical mystique 4 7 Sexism 4 8 Unpopularity 5 Evidence 6 See also 7 References 8 Further readingBackground Edit The neurologist Sigmund Freud at age 16 with his mother in 1872 8 Oedipus refers to a 5th century BC Greek mythological character Oedipus who unwittingly kills his father Laius and marries his mother Jocasta A play based on the myth Oedipus Rex was written by Sophocles ca 429 BC Modern productions of Sophocles play were staged in Paris and Vienna in the 19th century and were phenomenally successful in the 1880s and 1890s The Austrian neurologist Sigmund Freud 1856 1939 attended In his book The Interpretation of Dreams first published in 1899 he proposes that an Oedipal desire is a universal psychological phenomenon innate phylogenetic to human beings and the cause of much unconscious guilt Freud believed that the Oedipal sentiment has been inherited through the millions of years it took for humans to evolve from apes 9 He based this on his analysis of his feelings attending the play his anecdotal observations of neurotic or normal children and on the fact that Oedipus Rex was effective on both ancient and modern audiences Freud describes the Oedipus myth s timeless appeal thus His destiny moves us only because it might have been ours because the Oracle laid the same curse upon us before our birth as upon him It is the fate of all of us perhaps to direct our first sexual impulse towards our mother and our first hatred and our first murderous wish against our father Our dreams convince us that this is so 10 Freud also claims that the play Hamlet has its roots in the same soil as Oedipus Rex and that the differences between the two plays are revealing In Oedipus Rex the child s wishful fantasy that underlies it is brought into the open and realized as it would be in a dream In Hamlet it remains repressed and just as in the case of a neurosis we only learn of its existence from its inhibiting consequences 11 12 However in The Interpretation of Dreams Freud makes it clear that the primordial urges and fears that are his concern and the basis of the Oedipal complex are inherent in the myths the play by Sophocles is based on not primarily in the play itself which Freud refers to as a further modification of the legend that originates in a misconceived secondary revision of the material which has sought to exploit it for theological purposes 13 14 15 Before the idea of the Oedipus complex Freud believed that childhood sexual trauma was the cause of neurosis This idea sometimes called Freud s seduction theory was deemphasized in favor of the Oedipus complex around 1897 16 Timeline Edit 1896 Freud publishes The Aetiology of Hysteria The paper was criticized for theorizing that hysteria is caused by sexual abuse 1897 1909 After his father s death in 1896 and having seen the play Oedipus Rex by Sophocles Freud begins using the term Oedipus As Freud wrote in an 1897 letter I found in myself a constant love for my mother and jealousy of my father I now consider this to be a universal event in early childhood 1909 1914 Proposes that Oedipal desire is the nuclear complex of all neuroses first usage of Oedipus complex in 1910 1914 1918 Considers paternal and maternal incest 1919 1926 Complete Oedipus complex identification and bisexuality are conceptually evident in later works 1926 1931 Applies the Oedipal theory to religion and custom 1931 1938 Investigates the feminine Oedipus attitude and negative Oedipus complex later the Electra complex 17 The Oedipus complex EditOriginal formulation Edit Freud s original examples of the Oedipus complex are applied only to boys or men he never fully clarified his views on the nature of the complex in girls 18 He described the complex as a young boy s hatred or desire to eliminate his father and to have sex with his mother Freud introduced the term Oedipus complex in a 1910 article titled A Special Type of Choice of Object made by Men 18 1 It appears in a section of this paper describing what happens after a boy first becomes aware of prostitution When after this he can no longer maintain the doubt which makes his parents an exception to the universal and odious norms of sexual activity he tells himself with cynical logic that the difference between his mother and a whore is not after all so very great since basically they do the same thing The enlightening information he has received has in fact awakened the memory traces of the impressions and wishes of his early infancy and these have led to a reactivation in him of certain mental impulses He begins to desire his mother herself in the sense with which he has recently become acquainted and to hate his father anew as a rival who stands in the way of this wish he comes as we say under the dominance of the Oedipus complex He does not forgive his mother for having granted the favour of sexual intercourse not to himself but to his father and he regards it as an act of unfaithfulness 19 Freud and others eventually extended this idea and embedded it in a larger body of theory Later theory Edit Oedipus and the Sphinx by Gustave Moreau 1864 In classical psychoanalytic theory the Oedipus complex occurs during the phallic stage of psychosexual development age 3 6 years when also occurs the formation of the libido and the ego yet it might manifest itself at an earlier age 20 21 In the phallic stage a boy s decisive psychosexual experience is the Oedipus complex his son father competition for possession of mother It is in this third stage of psychosexual development that the child s genitalia is his or her primary erogenous zone thus when children become aware of their bodies the bodies of other children and the bodies of their parents they gratify physical curiosity by undressing and exploring themselves each other and their genitals so learning the anatomic differences between male and female and the gender differences between boy and girl Despite mother being the parent who primarily gratifies the child s desires the child begins forming a discrete sexual identity boy girl that alters the dynamics of the parent and child relationship the parents become objects of infantile libidinal energy The boy directs his libido sexual desire upon his mother and directs jealousy and emotional rivalry against his father because it is he who sleeps with his mother Moreover to facilitate union with mother the boy s id wants to kill father as did Oedipus but the pragmatic ego based upon the reality principle knows that the father is the stronger of the two males competing to possess the one female Nonetheless the boy remains ambivalent about his father s place in the family which is manifested as fear of castration by the physically greater father the fear is an irrational subconscious manifestation of the infantile id 22 In both sexes defense mechanisms provide transitory resolutions of the conflict between the drives of the id and the drives of the ego The first defense mechanism is repression the blocking of memories emotional impulses and ideas from the conscious mind yet its action does not resolve the id ego conflict The second defense mechanism is identification in which the boy or girl child adapts by incorporating to his or her super ego the personality characteristics of the same sex parent As a result of this the boy diminishes his castration anxiety because his likeness to father protects him from father s wrath in their maternal rivalry In the case of the girl this facilitates identifying with mother who understands that in being females neither of them possesses a penis and thus are not antagonists 23 Unresolved son father competition for the psychosexual possession of the mother might result in a phallic stage fixation that leads to the boy becoming an aggressive over ambitious and vain man Therefore the satisfactory parental handling and resolution of the Oedipus complex are most important in developing the male infantile super ego This is because by identifying with a parent the boy internalizes Morality thereby he chooses to comply with societal rules rather than reflexively complying in fear of punishment citation needed Oedipal case study Edit Female Oedipus attitude Electra at the Tomb of Agamemnon by Frederic Leighton c 1869 In Analysis of a Phobia in a Five year old Boy 1909 the case study of the equinophobic boy Little Hans Freud showed that the relation between Hans s fears of horses and of his father derived from external factors the birth of a sister and internal factors the desire of the infantile id to replace father as companion to mother and guilt for enjoying the masturbation normal to a boy of his age Moreover his admitting to wanting to procreate with mother was considered proof of the boy s sexual attraction to the opposite sex parent he was a heterosexual male Yet the boy Hans was unable to relate fearing horses to fearing his father As the treating psychoanalyst Freud noted that Hans had to be told many things that he could not say himself and that he had to be presented with thoughts which he had so far shown no signs of possessing 24 Feminine Oedipus attitude Edit Freud applied the Oedipus complex to the psychosexual development of boys and girls but later modified the female aspects of the theory as feminine Oedipus attitude and negative Oedipus complex 25 better source needed His student collaborator Carl Jung who in his 1913 work Theory of Psychoanalysis proposed the Electra complex to describe a girl s daughter mother competition for psychosexual possession of the father 7 26 In the phallic stage a girl s Electra complex is her decisive psychodynamic experience in forming a discrete sexual identity ego Whereas a boy develops castration anxiety a girl develops penis envy for she perceives that she has been castrated previously and missing the penis and so forms resentment towards her own kind as inferior while simultaneously striving to claim her father s penis through bearing a male child of her own Furthermore after the phallic stage the girl s psychosexual development includes transferring her primary erogenous zone from the infantile clitoris to the adult vagina 27 Freud thus considered a girl s negative Oedipus complex to be more emotionally intense than that of a boy resulting potentially in a woman of submissive insecure personality 28 thus might an unresolved Electra complex daughter mother competition for psychosexual possession of father lead to a phallic stage fixation conducive to a girl becoming a woman who continually strives to dominate men viz penis envy either as an unusually seductive woman high self esteem or as an unusually submissive woman low self esteem 29 Therefore the satisfactory parental handling and resolution of the Electra complex are most important in developing the female infantile super ego because by identifying with a parent the girl internalizes morality thereby she chooses to comply with societal rules rather than reflexively complying in fear of punishment In regard to narcissism Edit In regard to narcissism the Oedipus complex is viewed as the pinnacle of the individual s maturational striving for success or for love 30 In The Economic Problem of Masochism 1924 Freud writes that in the Oedipus complex the parent s personal significance for the superego recedes into the background and the imagos they leave behind link to the influences of teachers and authorities Educators and mentors are put in the ego ideal of the individual and they strive to take on their knowledge skills or insights In Some Reflections on Schoolboy Psychology 1914 Freud writes We can now understand our relation to our schoolmasters These men not all of whom were in fact fathers themselves became our substitute fathers That was why even though they were still quite young they struck us as so mature and so unattainably adult We transferred on to them the respect and expectations attaching to the omniscient father of our childhood and we then began to treat them as we treated our fathers at home We confronted them with the ambivalence that we had acquired in our own families and with its help we struggled with them as we had been in the habit of struggling with our fathers The Oedipus complex in narcissistic terms represents that an individual can lose the ability to take a parental substitute into his ego ideal without ambivalence Once the individual has ambivalent relations with parental substitutes he will enter into the triangulating castration complex In the castration complex the individual becomes rivalrous with parental substitutes and this will be the point of regression In Psycho analytic notes on an autobiographical account of a case of paranoia Dementia paranoides 1911 Freud writes that disappointment over a woman object drives or a mishap in social relations with other men ego drives is the cause of regression or symptom formation Triangulation can take place with a romantic rival for a woman or with a work rival for the reputation of being more potent 31 Freudian theoretic revision EditWhen Freud proposed that the Oedipus complex was psychologically universal he provoked the evolution of Freudian psychology and the psychoanalytic treatment method by collaborators and competitors alike Carl Gustav Jung Edit The Electra complex the matricides Electra and Orestes In countering Freud s proposal that the psychosexual development of boys and girls is equal i e equally oriented that each initially experiences sexual desire libido for mother and aggression towards father student collaborator Carl Jung counter proposed that girls experienced desire for father and aggression towards mother via the Electra complex citation needed derived from the 5th century BC Greek mythologic character Electra who plotted matricidal revenge with Orestes her brother against Clytemnestra their mother and Aegisthus their stepfather for their murder of Agamemnon her father cf Electra by Sophocles 32 33 34 Moreover because it is native to Freudian psychology orthodox Jungian psychology uses the term Oedipus complex only to denote a boy s psychosexual development Otto Rank Edit Otto Rank on the far left behind Sigmund Freud and other psychoanalysts 1922 In classical Freudian psychology the super ego the heir to the Oedipus complex is formed as the infant boy internalizes the familial rules of his father In contrast in the early 1920s using the term pre Oedipal Otto Rank proposed that a boy s powerful mother was the source of the super ego in the course of normal psychosexual development Rank s theoretic conflict with Freud excluded him from the Freudian inner circle nonetheless he later developed the psychodynamic Object relations theory in 1925 Melanie Klein Edit Whereas Freud proposed that father the paternal phallus was central to infantile and adult psychosexual development Melanie Klein concentrated upon the early maternal relationship proposing that Oedipal manifestations are perceptible in the first year of life the oral stage Her proposal was part of the controversial discussions 1942 44 at the British Psychoanalytical Association The Kleinian psychologists proposed that underlying the Oedipus complex as Freud described it there is an earlier layer of more primitive relationships with the Oedipal couple 35 She assigned dangerous destructive tendencies not just to the father but also to the mother in her discussion of the child s projective fantasies 36 Moreover Klein s work lessened the central role of the Oedipus complex with the concept of the depressive position 37 38 Wilfred Bion Edit Wilfred Bion 1916 For the post Kleinian Bion the myth of Oedipus concerns investigatory curiosity the quest for knowledge rather than sexual difference the other main character in the Oedipal drama becomes Tiresias the false hypothesis erected against anxiety about a new theory 39 As a result Bion regarded the central crime of Oedipus as his insistence on knowing the truth at all costs 40 Jacques Lacan Edit From the postmodern perspective Jacques Lacan argued against removing the Oedipus complex from the center of psychosexual developmental experience He considered the Oedipus complex in so far as we continue to recognize it as covering the whole field of our experience with its signification that superimposes the kingdom of culture upon the person marking his or her introduction to symbolic order 41 Thus a child learns what power independent of itself is as it goes through the Oedipus complex encountering the existence of a symbolic system independent of itself 42 Moreover Lacan s proposal that the ternary relation of the Oedipus complex liberates the prisoner of the dual relationship of the son mother relationship proved useful to later psychoanalysts 43 thus for Bollas the achievement of the Oedipus complex is that the child comes to understand something about the oddity of possessing one s own mind discovers the multiplicity of points of view 44 Likewise for Ronald Britton if the link between the parents perceived in love and hate can be tolerated in the child s mind this provides us with a capacity for seeing us in interaction with others and for reflecting on ourselves whilst being ourselves 45 As such in The Dove that Returns the Dove that Vanishes 2000 Michael Parsons proposed that such a perspective permits viewing the Oedipus complex as a life long developmental challenge with new kinds of Oedipal configurations that belong to later life 46 In 1920 Sigmund Freud wrote that with the progress of psychoanalytic studies the importance of the Oedipus complex has become more and more clearly evident its recognition has become the shibboleth that distinguishes the adherents of psychoanalysis from its opponents 47 thereby it remained a theoretic cornerstone of psychoanalysis until about 1930 when psychoanalysts began investigating the pre Oedipal son mother relationship within the theory of psychosexual development 48 49 Janet Malcolm reports that by the late 20th century to the object relations psychology avant garde the events of the Oedipal period are pallid and inconsequential in comparison with the cliff hanging psychodramas of infancy For Kohut as for Winnicott and Balint the Oedipus complex is an irrelevance in the treatment of severe pathology 50 Nonetheless ego psychology continued to maintain that the Oedipal period roughly three and a half to six years is like Lorenz standing in front of the chick it is the most formative significant moulding experience of human life If you take a person s adult life his love his work his hobbies his ambitions they all point back to the Oedipus complex 51 Criticism EditLack of empirical basis Edit There is very little scientific evidence in support of the Oedipus complex 52 53 Studies of children s attitudes to parents at the supposedly oedipal stage do not demonstrate the shifts in positive feelings that are predicted by the theory Stories from mythology and anthropology that Freud used to illustrate his theory may fascinate his readers but they do not constitute empirical evidence for the theory 54 Case studies that Freud relied upon such as the case of Little Hans could not be verified through research or experimentation on a larger population 55 Adolf Grunbaum argues that the type of evidence Freud and his followers used the clinical productions of patients during analytic treatment by their nature cannot provide cogent observational support for Freud s core hypotheses 56 Evolutionary psychologists Martin Daly and Margo Wilson in their 1988 book Homicide argue that the Oedipus complex theory yields few testable predictions They find no evidence of the Oedipus complex in people There is evidence of parent child conflict but it is not for sexual possession of the opposite sex parent 57 According to psychiatrist Jeffrey Lieberman Freud and his followers resisted subjecting his theories including the Oedipus theory to scientific testing and verification 58 Evidence based investigations in disciplines like cognitive psychology appear to leave Freud s ideas unsupported or contradicted by evidence so they are not used in evidenced based treatments 58 Freud s supposed cure of Sergei Pankejeff an alleged triumph of the Oedipus complex theory is regarded as fraudulent by the scientific community and by Pankejeff himself 59 Cover for sexual abuse Edit The Freudian Coverup is the claim that Freud intentionally ignored evidence that his patients were victims of childhood sexual abuse misrepresenting abuse as incestuous desire In the 1970s social worker Florence Rush wrote that Freud s seduction theory which came early in his career correctly attributed his patients memories of childhood trauma to the patient s family often the father implying that widespread sexual abuse of children by parents was common in his society The discovery of this abuse made Freud uncomfortable so he abandoned the theory He invented the Oedipus complex to replace it because the complex allowed him to attribute stories of childhood sexual abuse to the children themselves Freud imagined that the stories were fantasies of hidden desires rather than factual descriptions of trauma Thus Rush argues Freud covered up illegal and immoral sexual abuse by undermining the perceptions of his patients particularly his female patients 60 A director of the Sigmund Freud Archives Jeffrey Moussaieff Masson adopted the view that Freud s work was a cover up for abuse after reading Freud s unpublished letters In his book The Assault on Truth Masson argues that Freud misattributed accounts of sexual abuse to fabrications and fantasies of children because for personal reasons he was unable to accept that the accounts were real Freud invented the Oedipus complex to explain away the sexual assault of children Among his reasons to suppress the abuse was that Freud did not want to be confronted by the father of a patient who was accused of committing abuse Late in his career Freud sought to suppress the work of a colleague Sandor Ferenczi because Ferenczi continued to believe that accounts of childhood sexual abuse were truthful 61 Masson writes that because the theory of the Oedipus complex became widely popular psychoanalysts continue to do damage to their patients by doubting the reality of the patient s early memories of trauma 61 Gender role assumptions Edit Many scholars and psychologists observe that because the theory of the Oedipus complex assigns distinct roles to a mother and father it is a poor fit for families that do not use traditional gender roles The Oedipus complex has been criticized for disregarding nontraditional family structures such as those families with parents of the same sex like the one depicted As of November 2022 same sex marriage is legal in 31 nations 62 Same sex couples start families through adoption or surrogacy The pillars of the family structure are diversifying to include parents who are single or of the same sex as their partner along with the traditional heterosexual married parents These new family structures pose new questions for the psychoanalytic theories such as the Oedipus complex that require the presence of the mother and the father in the successful development of a child 36 Evidence suggests children who have been raised by parents of the same sex are not much different from children raised in a traditional family structure 36 The classic theory of the Oedipal drama has fallen out of favor in today s society according to a study by Drescher having been criticized for its negative implications towards same sex parents 36 Many psychoanalytic thinkers such as Chodorow and Corbett are working towards changing the Oedipus complex to eliminate automatic associations among sex gender and the stereotypical psychological functions deriving from these categories and make it applicable to today s modern society 36 From its Freudian conception psychoanalysis and its theories have always relied on traditional gender roles to draw itself out In the 1950s psychologists distinguished different roles in parenting for the mother and father The role of primary caregiver is assigned to the mother Motherly love was considered to be unconditional While the father is assigned the role of secondary caregiver fatherly love is conditional responsive to the child s tangible achievements 36 The Oedipus complex is compromised in the context of modern family structures as it requires the existence of the notions of masculinity and femininity 63 When there is no father present there is no reason for a boy to have castration anxiety and thus resolve the complex 36 Psychoanalysis presents non heteronormative relationships a sort of perversion or fetish rather than a natural occurrence 63 To some psychologists this emphasis on gender norms can be a distraction in treating homosexual patients 63 The 1972 book Anti Oedipus by Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari is a critique of psychoanalytic normativity and Oedipus according to Didier Eribon 64 Eribon criticizes the Oedipus complex described by Freud or Lacan as an implausible ideological construct which is an inferiorization process of homosexuality 65 According to psychologist Geva Shenkman To examine the application of concepts such as Oedipus complex and primal scene to male same sex families we must first eliminate the automatic associations among sex gender and the stereotypical psychological functions based on these categories 36 Postmodern psychoanalytic theories which aim to reestablish psychoanalysis for modern times suggest modifying or discarding the complex because it does not describe newer family structures Shenkman suggests that a loose interpretation of the Oedipus complex in which the child seeks sexual satisfaction from any parent regardless of gender or sex would be helpful From this perspective any parental authority or institution for that matter may represent the taboo that gives rise to the complex Psychoanalyst Melanie Klein proposed a theory which broke gender stereotypes but still kept traditional father mother family structure She assigned dangerous destructive tendencies not just to the father but also to the mother in her discussion of the child s projective fantasies 36 Stretched theory Edit Anouchka Grose understands the Oedipus complex as a way of explaining how human beings are socialised learning to deal with disappointment 66 Her summary of the complex is You have to stop trying to be everything for your primary carer and get on with being something for the rest of the world 67 This post Lacanian interpretation of the complex diverges considerably from its description in 19th century Eribon writes that it stretches the Oedipus complex to a point where it almost doesn t look like Freud s any more 65 Aversion to incest Edit Parent child and sibling sibling incestuous unions are almost universally forbidden 68 An explanation for this incest taboo is that rather than instinctual sexual desire there is instinctual sexual aversion against these unions See Westermarck effect Steven Pinker wrote that The idea that boys want to sleep with their mothers strikes most men as the silliest thing they have ever heard Obviously it did not seem so to Freud who wrote that as a boy he once had an erotic reaction to watching his mother dressing Of note is that Amalia Nathansohn Freud was relatively young during Freud s childhood and thus of reproductive age and Freud having a wet nurse may not have experienced the early intimacy that would have tipped off his perceptual system that Mrs Freud was his mother 69 Historical mystique Edit In Esquisse pour une autoanalyse Pierre Bourdieu argues that the success of the concept of Oedipus is inseparable from the prestige associated with ancient Greek culture and the relations of domination that are reinforced in the use of this myth In other words if Oedipus was Bantu or Baoule his story would probably not be viewed as a human universal This remark recalls the historically and socially situated character of the founder of psychoanalysis 70 Sexism Edit Feminist views on the Oedipus complex include criticism of the phallocentrism of the theory by philosopher Luce Irigaray among others Irigaray charges that Freud s work assumes a masculine perspective epitomized by the centrality of the penis or lack of a penis for girls in the Oedipus complex She thinks that Freud s desire for a neat symmetrical theory leads him to a contrived understanding of women as inverse men She charges that he does not explore mother daughter relationships and that he dogmatically assumes female sexuality will be a perfect mirror of male sexuality 71 Unpopularity Edit In No More Silly Love Songs A Realist s Guide to Romance 2010 Anouchka Grose says that a large number of people these days believe that Freud s Oedipus complex is defunct disproven or simply found unnecessary sometime in the last century 66 Thomas Nagel wrote that psychoanalytic claims were not scientific but a type of commonsense folk psychology Adolf Grunbaum thinks this proposal is a failure because ordinary people typically find explanations based on forbidden unconscious motivations implausible 56 Evidence EditA study conducted at Glasgow University potentially supports at least some aspects of the psychoanalytic conception of the Oedipus complex The study demonstrated that men and women were twice as likely to choose a partner with the same eye color as the parent of the sex they are attracted to 72 Another study by anthropologist Allen W Johnson and psychiatrist Douglas Price Williams suggests that the classic version of the Oedipus Complex that boys go through is present with the sexual and aggressive sentiments less repressed in cultures without class separation 73 Another study examined adoptive daughters and choice of husband The study attempted to distinguish conceptually phenotypic matching from positive sexual imprinting Phenotypic matching can be understood as an individual s seeking presumably without conscious awareness traits in mates that are similar to their own phenotype Sexual imprinting can be understood as mate preferences that are influenced by experiences and observations with parents caregivers in early childhood Adoptive daughters were examined in part to disentangle these two influences The results of the study support positive sexual imprinting independent of phenotypic matching Judges found significant resemblance on facial traits between daughter s husband and her adoptive father Furthermore this effect may be modified by the quality of the father daughter relationship during childhood Daughters who received more emotional support from their adoptive father were more likely to choose mates similar to the father than those whose father provided a less positive emotional atmosphere The study s authors also hypothesized that sexual imprinting on the observed features of the opposite sex parent during a sensitive period in early childhood might be responsible for shaping people s later mate choice criteria a hypothesis that would be at least partially in accordance with Freud s Oedipal model 74 75 See also EditAnti Oedipus Castration anxiety Family romance Feminism and the Oedipus complex Jocasta complex Madonna whore complex Polymorphous perversity Triad sociology Westermarck effectReferences Edit a b Nagera Humberto ed 2012 1969 Oedipus complex pp 64ff Basic Psychoanalytic Concepts on the Libido Theory London Karnac Books ISBN 978 1 781 81098 9 a b Laplanche Jean Pontalis Jean Bertrand 1988 1973 Oedipus complex pp 282ff The Language of Psycho analysis reprint revised ed London Karnac Books ISBN 978 0 946 43949 2 Freud Sigmund 1989 Gay Peter ed The Freud Reader 1st ed New York W W Norton pp 664 665 ISBN 0393026868 OCLC 19125772 Auchincloss Elizabeth 2015 The Psychoanalytic Model of the Mind American Psychiatric Publishing p 110 Auchincloss Elizabeth 2012 Psychoanalytic Terms and Concepts American Psychoanalytic Association p 180 a b Laplanche Jean Pontalis J B 1973 The language of psycho analysis New York W W Norton p 152 ISBN 0393011054 OCLC 741058 a b Jung C G 1915 The Theory of Psychoanalysis Nervous and mental disease monograph series no 19 New York Nervous and Mental Disease Publishing Co p 69 Peter Gay 1995 Freud A Life for Our Time Khan Michael 2002 Basic Freud Psychoanalytic Thought for the 21st Century New York NY Basic Books p 60 ISBN 0 465 03715 1 Sigmund Freud The Interpretation of Dreams Chapter V The Material and Sources of Dreams New York Avon Books p 296 Freud Sigmund The Interpretation of Dreams Basic Books 978 0465019779 2010 page 282 Oedipus as Evidence The Theatrical Background to Freud s Oedipus Complex Archived 2013 04 18 at the Wayback Machine by Richard Armstrong 1999 Freud Sigmund The Interpretation of Dreams Basic Books 978 0465019779 2010 page 247 Fagles Robert Introduction Sophocles The Three Theban Plays Penguin Classics 1984 ISBN 978 0140444254 page 132 Dodds E R On Misunderstanding the Oedipus Rex The Ancient Concept of Progress Oxford Press 1973 ISBN 978 0198143772 page 70 Birken Lawrence Winter 1988 From Seduction Theory to Oedipus Complex A Historical Analysis New German Critique 43 83 96 doi 10 2307 488399 JSTOR 488399 Bennett Simon Rachel B Blass The development of vicissitudes of Freud s ideas on the Oedipus complex in The Cambridge Companion to Freud University of California Press 1991 p 000 a b Colman Andrew M 2014 Oedipus complex A Dictionary of Psychology 3rd ed Oxford University Press doi 10 1093 acref 9780199534067 001 0001 ISBN 9780191726828 Retrieved November 29 2021 Freud Sigmund A Special Type of Choice of Object made by Men PDF Contributions to the Psychology of Love 170 Retrieved November 29 2021 Joseph Childers Gary Hentzi eds Columbia Dictionary of Modern Literary and Cultural Criticism New York Columbia University Press 1995 Charles Rycroft A Critical Dictionary of Psychoanalysis London 2nd ed 1995 Allan Bullock Stephen Trombley The New Fontana Dictionary of Modern Thought London Harper Collins 1999 pp 607 705 Allan Bullock Stephen Trombley The New Fontana Dictionary of Modern Thought London Harper Collins 1999 pp 205 107 Frank Cioffi 2005 Sigmund Freud entry The Oxford Guide to Philosophy Oxford University Press New York pp 323 324 Freud Sigmund 1956 On Sexuality Penguin Books Ltd Freud Sigmund 1856 1939 credoreference com Retrieved 20 March 2015 Freud Sigmund 1989 Gay Peter ed The Freud Reader 1st ed New York W W Norton pp 664 665 674 676 ISBN 0393026868 OCLC 19125772 Allan Bullock Stephen Trombley The New Fontana Dictionary of Modern Thought Harper Collins London 1999 pp 259 705 Understanding Electra Complex and Daddy Issues United We Care March 12 2021 a href Template Cite web html title Template Cite web cite web a CS1 maint url status link Pederson Trevor 2015 The Economics of Libido Psychic Bisexuality the Superego and the Centrality of the Oedipus Complex karnac Pederson Trevor 2015 The Economics of Libido Psychic Bisexuality the Superego and the Centrality of the Oedipus Complex Karnac Murphy Bruce 1996 Benet s Reader s Encyclopedia Fourth edition HarperCollins Publishers New York p 310 Bell Robert E 1991 Women of Classical Mythology A Biographical Dictionary Oxford University Press California pp 177 78 Hornblower S Spawforth A 1998 The Oxford Companion to Classical Civilization pp 254 55 Richard Appignanesi ed Introducing Melanie Klein Cambridge 2006 p 173 a b c d e f g h i Shenkman Geva March 23 2015 Classic psychoanalysis and male same sex parents A reexamination of basic concepts Psychoanalytic Psychology 33 4 585 598 doi 10 1037 a0038486 Charles Rycroft A Critical Dictionary of Psychoanalysis London 2nd Edn 1995 Columbia Dictionary of Modern Literary and Cultural Criticism New York Columbia University Press 1995 Mary Jacobus The Poetics of Psychoanalysis London 2005 p 259 Michael Parsons The Dove that Returns the Dove that Vanishes London 2000 p 45 Jacques Lacan Ecrits A Selection London 1997 p 66 Ian Parker Japan in Analysis Basingstoke 2008 pp 82 83 Jacques Lacan Ecrits pp 218 182 Adam Phillips On Flirtation London 1994 p 159 Ivan Wood On a Darkling Plain Journey into the Unconscious Cambridge 2002 Ronald Britton entry p 118 Michael Parsons The Dove that Returns the Dove that Vanishes London 2000 p 4 Freud Sexuality pp 149 50nn Charles Rycroft A Critical Dictionary of Psychoanalysis London 2nd Ed 1995 Columbia Dictionary of Modern Literary and Cultural Criticism New York Columbia University Press 1995 p 119 Janet Malcolm Psychoanalysis The Impossible Profession London 1988 pp 35 136 Janet Malcolm Psychoanalysis The Impossible Profession London 1988 Aaron Green pp 158 59 1 Zang Brandon Is the Oedipus Complex Real Encyclopedia Britannica Chatard Armand September 2004 La construction sociale du genre PDF Diversite 138 23 30 Archived from the original PDF on 2014 02 19 Retrieved 2015 11 11 Fonagy Peter Target Mary 2006 Psychoanalytic Theories Perspectives from Developmental Psychopathology Whurr Publishers ISBN 9781861562395 OCLC 749483878 Wolpe Joseph Rachman Stanley 1960 Psychoanalytic evidence A critique based on Freud s case of little Hans The Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease 131 2 135 148 doi 10 1097 00005053 196008000 00007 PMID 13786442 S2CID 6276699 a b Carlini Charles December 19 2012 Testing Freud Adolf Grunbaum On The Scientific Standing Of Psychoanalysis Simply Charly Martin Daly Margo Wilson Homicide New York Aldine de Gruyter 1988 a b The History of Psychiatry interview with Dr Jeffrey Lieberman Borrell Brendan February 24 2009 Oedipus Wrecked Study Supporting the Mother of All Psychological Complexes Withdrawn Scientific American Rush Florence 1992 The Best kept Secret Sexual Abuse of Children Human Services Institute pp 83 92 ISBN 9780830639076 a b Blumenthal Ralph January 24 1984 Freud secret documents reveal years of strife The New York Times Navarre Brianna Same Sex Marriage Legalization by Country US News Retrieved 14 November 2022 a b c Schwartz David Winter 1999 Is a gay Oedipus a Trojan horse Commentary on Lewes s A special Oedipal mechanism in the development of male homosexuality Psychoanalytic Psychology 16 88 93 doi 10 1037 0736 9735 16 1 88 Didier Eribon Echapper a la psychanalyse Editions Leo Scheer 2005 p 14 a b Didier Eribon Reflexions sur la question gay Paris Fayard 1999 ISBN 2213600988 p 129 a b Anouchka Grose No More Silly Love Songs London 2010 p 123 Anouchka Grose No More Silly Love Songs London 2010 p 124 The Tapestry of Culture An Introduction to Cultural Anthropology Ninth Edition Abraham Rosman Paula G Rubel Maxine Weisgrau 2009 AltaMira Press page 101 Pinker Steven 1997 How the mind works New York Norton ISBN 9780393045352 OCLC 36379708 Pierre Bourdieu Esquisse pour une auto analyse raisons d agir 2004 Psychoanalytic Feminism Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy Stanford University May 16 2011 Retrieved November 29 2021 Petter Olivia 27 October 2017 We Seek Romantic Partners Who Look Like Our Parents Finds Study The Independent Archived from the original on 2017 12 27 Retrieved 2017 12 28 Khan Michael 2002 Basic Freud Psychoanalytic Thought for the 21st Century New York NY Basic Books pp 59 60 ISBN 0 465 03715 1 Bereczkei Tamas Gyuris Petra Weisfeld Glenn E 2004 Sexual imprinting in human mate choice Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Series B Biological Sciences 271 1544 1129 1134 doi 10 1098 rspb 2003 2672 PMC 1691703 PMID 15306362 Why we are secretly attracted to people who look like our parents Further reading EditBritton Ronald The missing link parental sexuality in the Oedipus complex In The gender conundrum pp 91 104 Routledge 2003 Britton Ronald Michael Feldman and Edna O Shaughnessy The Oedipus complex today London Karnac 1989 Friedman Richard C and Jennifer I Downey Biology and the oedipus complex The Psychoanalytic Quarterly 64 no 2 1995 234 264 Green Andre The Tragic Effect The Oedipus Complex in Tragedy United Kingdom Cambridge University Press 2011 Klein Melanie The Oedipus complex in the light of early anxieties 1945 In The Oedipus complex today pp 11 82 Routledge 2018 Loewald Hans W The waning of the Oedipus complex Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association 27 no 4 1979 751 775 M Fear Rhona The Oedipus Complex Solutions Or Resolutions United Kingdom Taylor amp Francis 2018 Parsons Anne Is the Oedipus complex universal Psychological anthropology A reader on self in culture 131 2010 Rudnytsky Peter L Freud and Oedipus United States Columbia University Press 1987 Ullrich Burkhard Zepf Siegfried Seel Dietmar Zepf Florian Daniel Oedipus and the Oedipus Complex A Revision N p Taylor amp Francis 2018 Simon Bennett Incest see under oedipus complex The history of an error in psychoanalysis Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association 40 no 4 1992 955 988 Smadja Eric The Oedipus Complex Focus of the Psychoanalysis Anthropology Debate United Kingdom Taylor amp Francis 2017 The Oedipus Complex A Selection of Classic Articles on Sigmund Freud s Psychoanalytical Theory N p Read Books 2011 Weissberg Liliane ed Psychoanalysis Fatherhood and the Modern Family Switzerland Springer International Publishing 2021 Gunter Rebing Aber so arbeitet nun einmal das Genie Wie der Odipuskomplex erfunden wurde In Sinn und Form 73 2021 Heft 6 pp 837 843 Retrieved from https en wikipedia org w index php title Oedipus complex amp oldid 1147208009, 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