

Gluten is a structural protein naturally found in certain cereal grains.[1] The term gluten usually refers to the combination of prolamin and glutelin proteins that naturally occur in many cereal grains, and which can trigger celiac disease in some people. The types of grains that contain gluten include all species of wheat (common wheat, durum, spelt, khorasan, emmer and einkorn), and barley, rye, and some cultivars of oat; moreover, cross hybrids of any of these cereal grains also contain gluten, e.g. triticale.[2][3] Gluten makes up 75–85% of the total protein in bread wheat.[4][5]

Examples of sources of gluten (clockwise from top): wheat as flour, spelt, barley, and rye as rolled flakes

Glutens, especially Triticeae glutens, have unique viscoelastic and adhesive properties, which give dough its elasticity, helping it rise and keep its shape and often leaving the final product with a chewy texture.[4][6][7] These properties, and its relatively low cost, make gluten valuable to both food and non-food industries.[7]

Wheat gluten is composed of mainly two types of proteins: the glutenins[8] and the gliadins,[9] which in turn can be divided into high molecular and low molecular glutenins and α/β, γ and Ω gliadins. Its homologous seed storage proteins, in barley, are referred to as hordeins, in rye, secalins, and in oats, avenins.[10] These protein classes are collectively referred to as "gluten".[3] The storage proteins in other grains, such as maize (zeins) and rice (rice protein), are sometimes called gluten, but they do not cause harmful effects in people with celiac disease.[2]

Bread produced from wheat grains contains gluten.

Gluten can trigger adverse, inflammatory, immunological, and autoimmune reactions in some people. The spectrum of gluten related disorders includes celiac disease in 1–2% of the general population, non-celiac gluten sensitivity in 0.5–13% of the general population, as well as dermatitis herpetiformis, gluten ataxia and other neurological disorders.[11][12][13][14] These disorders are treated by a gluten-free diet.[14]

Uses edit

Wheat, a prime source of gluten

Bread products edit

Gluten forms when glutenin molecules cross-link via disulfide bonds to form a submicroscopic network attached to gliadin, which contributes viscosity (thickness) and extensibility to the mix.[4][15] If this dough is leavened with yeast, fermentation produces carbon dioxide bubbles, which, trapped by the gluten network, cause the dough to rise. Baking coagulates the gluten, which, along with starch, stabilizes the shape of the final product. Gluten content has been implicated as a factor in the staling of bread, possibly because it binds water through hydration.[16][17]

Cross-section of a baguette showing a strong gluten network

The formation of gluten affects the texture of the baked goods.[4] Gluten's attainable elasticity is proportional to its content of glutenins with low molecular weights, as this portion contains the preponderance of the sulfur atoms responsible for the cross-linking in the gluten network.[18][19] Using flour with higher gluten content leads to chewier doughs such as those found in pizza and bagels, while using flour with less gluten content yields tender baked goods such as pastry products.[20]

Generally, bread flours are high in gluten (hard wheat); pastry flours have a lower gluten content. Kneading promotes the formation of gluten strands and cross-links, creating baked products that are chewier (as opposed to more brittle or crumbly). The "chewiness" increases as the dough is kneaded for longer times. An increased moisture content in the dough enhances gluten development,[20] and very wet doughs left to rise for a long time require no kneading (see no-knead bread). Shortening inhibits formation of cross-links and is used, along with diminished water and less kneading, when a tender and flaky product, such as a pie crust, is desired.

The strength and elasticity of gluten in flour is measured in the baking industry using a farinograph. This gives the baker a measurement of quality for different varieties of flours when developing recipes for various baked goods.[4][21][22]

Added gluten edit

In industrial production, a slurry of wheat flour is kneaded vigorously by machinery until the gluten agglomerates into a mass.[23][failed verification] This mass is collected by centrifugation, then transported through several stages integrated in a continuous process. About 65% of the water in the wet gluten is removed by means of a screw press; the remainder is sprayed through an atomizer nozzle into a drying chamber, where it remains at an elevated temperature for a short time to allow the water to evaporate without denaturing the gluten.[citation needed] The process yields a flour-like powder with a 7% moisture content, which is air cooled and pneumatically transported to a receiving vessel. In the final step, the processed gluten is sifted and milled to produce a uniform product.[23]

This flour-like powder, when added to ordinary flour dough, may help improve the dough's ability to increase in volume. The resulting mixture also increases the bread's structural stability and chewiness.[24] Gluten-added dough must be worked vigorously to induce it to rise to its full capacity; an automatic bread machine or food processor may be required for high-gluten kneading.[25] Generally, higher gluten levels are associated with higher overall protein content.[26]

Imitation meats edit

Gluten is often used in imitation meats (such as this mock duck) to provide supplemental protein in vegetarian diets

Gluten, especially wheat gluten (seitan), is often the basis for imitation meats resembling beef, chicken, duck (see mock duck), fish and pork. When cooked in broth, gluten absorbs some of the surrounding liquid (including the flavor) and becomes firm to the bite.[27][28] This use of gluten is a popular means of adding supplemental protein to many vegetarian diets. In home or restaurant cooking, wheat gluten is prepared from flour by kneading the flour under water, agglomerating the gluten into an elastic network known as a dough, and then washing out the starch.[4]

Other consumer products edit

Gluten is often present in beer and soy sauce, and can be used as a stabilizing agent in more unexpected food products, such as ice cream and ketchup. Foods of this kind may therefore present problems for a small number of consumers because the hidden gluten constitutes a hazard for people with celiac disease and gluten sensitivities. The protein content of some pet foods may also be enhanced by adding gluten.[29]

Gluten is also used in cosmetics, hair products and other dermatological preparations.[30]

Disorders edit

"Gluten-related disorders" is the umbrella term for all diseases triggered by gluten, which include celiac disease (CD), non-celiac gluten sensitivity (NCGS), wheat allergy, gluten ataxia and dermatitis herpetiformis (DH).[13]

Pathophysiological research edit

The gluten peptides are responsible for triggering gluten-related disorders.[31] In people who have celiac disease, the peptides cause injury of the intestines, ranging from inflammation to partial or total destruction of the intestinal villi.[32][33] To study mechanisms of this damage, laboratory experiments are done in vitro and in vivo.[34][33] Among the gluten peptides, gliadin has been studied extensively.[31]

In vitro and in vivo studies edit

In the context of celiac disease, gliadin peptides are classified in basic and clinical research as immunogenic, depending on their mechanism of action:[31][35]

At least 50 epitopes of gluten may produce cytotoxic, immunomodulatory, and gut-permeating activities.[37]

The effect of oat peptides (avenins) in celiac people depends on the oat cultivar consumed because of prolamin genes, protein amino acid sequences, and the immunotoxicity of prolamins which vary among oat varieties.[39][40][41] In addition, oat products may be cross-contaminated with the other gluten-containing cereals.[40]

Incidence edit

As of 2017, gluten-related disorders were increasing in frequency in different geographic areas.[38][42][43][44] Some suggested explanations for this increase include the following: the growing westernization of diets,[42] the increasing use of wheat-based foods included in the Mediterranean diet,[45][46] the progressive replacement of rice by wheat in many countries in Asia, the Middle East, and North Africa,[42] the higher content of gluten in bread and bakery products due to the reduction of dough fermentation time,[47][48] and the development in recent years of new types of wheat with a higher amount of cytotoxic gluten peptides,[47][49] However, a 2020 study that grew and analyzed 60 wheat cultivars from between 1891 and 2010 found no changes in albumin/globulin and gluten contents over time. "Overall, the harvest year had a more significant effect on protein composition than the cultivar. At the protein level, we found no evidence to support an increased immunostimulatory potential of modern winter wheat."[50]

Celiac disease edit

Medical animation still showing flattened intestinal villi.

Celiac disease (CD) is a chronic, multiple-organ autoimmune disorder primarily affecting the small intestine caused by the ingestion of wheat, barley, rye, oats, and derivatives, that appears in genetically predisposed people of all ages.[51] CD is not only a gastrointestinal disease, because it may involve several organs and cause an extensive variety of non-gastrointestinal symptoms, and most importantly, it may be apparently asymptomatic.[3][52] Many asymptomatic people become accustomed to living with a chronic bad health status as if it were normal, but they are able to recognize that they actually had symptoms related to celiac disease after starting a gluten-free diet and improvement occurs.[52][53][43] Added difficulties for diagnosis are the fact that serological markers (anti-tissue transglutaminase [TG2]) are not always present[54] and many people may have minor mucosal lesions, without atrophy of the intestinal villi.[55]

CD affects approximately 1–2% of the general population,[11] but most cases remain unrecognized, undiagnosed and untreated, and at risk for serious long-term health complications.[11][43][56][57] People may suffer severe disease symptoms and be subjected to extensive investigations for many years, before a proper diagnosis is achieved.[53] Untreated CD may cause malabsorption, reduced quality of life, iron deficiency, osteoporosis, an increased risk of intestinal lymphomas, and greater mortality.[58] CD is associated with some other autoimmune diseases, such as diabetes mellitus type 1, thyroiditis,[59] gluten ataxia, psoriasis, vitiligo, autoimmune hepatitis, dermatitis herpetiformis, primary sclerosing cholangitis, and more.[51][59]

CD with "classic symptoms", which include gastrointestinal manifestations such as chronic diarrhea and abdominal distention, malabsorption, loss of appetite, and impaired growth, is currently the least common presentation form of the disease and affects predominantly small children generally younger than two years of age.[51][53][56]

CD with "non-classic symptoms" is the most common clinical type[53] and occurs in older children (over two years old),[53] adolescents, and adults.[53] It is characterized by milder or even absent gastrointestinal symptoms and a wide spectrum of non-intestinal manifestations that can involve any organ of the body, and very frequently may be completely asymptomatic[56] both in children (at least in 43% of the cases[60]) and adults.[56]

Asymptomatic CD (ACD) is present in the majority of affected patients and is characterized by the absence of classical gluten-intolerance signs, such as diarrhea, bloating, and abdominal pain. Nevertheless, these individuals very often develop diseases that can be related with gluten intake. Gluten can be degraded into several morphine-like substances, named gluten exorphins. These compounds have proven opioid effects and could mask the deleterious effects of gluten protein on gastrointestinal lining and function.[61]

Non-celiac gluten sensitivity edit

Non-celiac gluten sensitivity (NCGS) is described as a condition of multiple symptoms that improves when switching to a gluten-free diet, after celiac disease and wheat allergy are excluded.[62][63] Recognized since 2010,[64][65] it is included among gluten-related disorders.[64] Its pathogenesis is not yet well understood, but the activation of the innate immune system, the direct negative effects of gluten and probably other wheat components, are implicated.[65][36]

NCGS is the most common syndrome of gluten intolerance,[64][66] with a prevalence estimated to be 6-10%.[12] NCGS is becoming a more common diagnosis, but its true prevalence is difficult to determine because many people self-diagnose and start a gluten-free diet, without having previously tested for celiac disease or having the dietary prescription from a physician.[67] People with NCGS and gastrointestinal symptoms remain habitually in a "no man's land", without being recognized by the specialists and lacking the adequate medical care and treatment.[68] Most of these people have a long history of health complaints and unsuccessful consultations with numerous physicians, trying to get a diagnosis of celiac disease, but they are only labeled as irritable bowel syndrome.[68][69] A consistent although undefined number of people eliminate gluten because they identify it as responsible for their symptoms and these improve with the gluten-free diet, so they self-diagnose as NCGS.[68][69]

People with NCGS may develop gastrointestinal symptoms, which resemble those of irritable bowel syndrome or wheat allergy,[64][36] or a wide variety of non-gastrointestinal symptoms, such as headache, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, atopic diseases, allergies, neurological diseases, or psychiatric disorders, among others.[58][65][70] The results of a 2017 study suggest that NCGS may be a chronic disorder, as is the case with celiac disease.[71]

Besides gluten, additional components present in wheat, rye, barley, oats, and their derivatives, including other proteins called amylase-trypsin inhibitors (ATIs) and short-chain carbohydrates known as FODMAPs, may cause NCGS symptoms.[65] As of 2019, reviews conclude that although FODMAPs present in wheat and related grains may play a role in non-celiac gluten sensitivity, they only explain certain gastrointestinal symptoms, such as bloating, but not the extra-digestive symptoms that people with non-celiac gluten sensitivity may develop, such as neurological disorders, fibromyalgia, psychological disturbances, and dermatitis.[72][71][65] ATIs may cause toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4)-mediated intestinal inflammation in humans.[73][74]

Wheat allergy edit

People can also experience adverse effects of wheat as result of a wheat allergy.[57] As with most allergies, a wheat allergy causes the immune system to respond abnormally to a component of wheat that it treats as a threatening foreign body. This immune response is often time-limited and does not cause lasting harm to body tissues.[75] Wheat allergy and celiac disease are different disorders.[57][76] Gastrointestinal symptoms of wheat allergy are similar to those of celiac disease and non-celiac gluten sensitivity, but there is a different interval between exposure to wheat and onset of symptoms. An allergic reaction to wheat has a fast onset (from minutes to hours) after the consumption of food containing wheat and could include anaphylaxis.[54]

Gluten ataxia edit

A male with gluten ataxia: previous situation and evolution after three months of gluten-free diet

Gluten ataxia is an autoimmune disease triggered by the ingestion of gluten.[77] With gluten ataxia, damage takes place in the cerebellum, the balance center of the brain that controls coordination and complex movements like walking, speaking and swallowing, with loss of Purkinje cells. People with gluten ataxia usually present gait abnormality or incoordination and tremor of the upper limbs. Gaze-evoked nystagmus and other ocular signs of cerebellar dysfunction are common. Myoclonus, palatal tremor, and opsoclonus-myoclonus may also appear.[78]

Early diagnosis and treatment with a gluten-free diet can improve ataxia and prevent its progression. The effectiveness of the treatment depends on the elapsed time from the onset of the ataxia until diagnosis, because the death of neurons in the cerebellum as a result of gluten exposure is irreversible.[78][79]

Gluten ataxia accounts for 40% of ataxias of unknown origin and 15% of all ataxias.[78][80] Less than 10% of people with gluten ataxia present any gastrointestinal symptom, yet about 40% have intestinal damage.[78]

Other neurological disorders edit

In addition to gluten ataxia, gluten sensitivity can cause a wide spectrum of neurological disorders, which develop with or without the presence of digestive symptoms or intestinal damage.[14] These include peripheral neuropathy, epilepsy, headache, encephalopathy, vascular dementia, and various movement disorders (restless legs syndrome, chorea, parkinsonism, Tourette syndrome, palatal tremor, myoclonus, dystonia, opsoclonus myoclonus syndrome, paroxysms, dyskinesia, myorhythmia, myokymia).[14][81]

The diagnosis of underlying gluten sensitivity is complicated and delayed when there are no digestive symptoms. People who do experience gastrointestinal problems are more likely to receive a correct diagnosis and treatment. A strict gluten-free diet is the first-line treatment, which should be started as soon as possible. It is effective in most of these disorders. When dementia has progressed to an advanced degree, the diet has no beneficial effect. Cortical myoclonus appears to be treatment-resistant on both gluten-free diet and immunosuppression.[14]

Labeling edit

People with gluten-related disorders have to remove gluten from their diet strictly, so they need clear labeling rules.[82] The term "gluten-free" is generally used to indicate a supposed harmless level of gluten rather than a complete absence.[83] The exact level at which gluten is harmless is uncertain and controversial. A 2008 systematic review tentatively concluded that consumption of less than 10 mg of gluten per day is unlikely to cause intestinal damage in people with celiac disease, although it noted that few reliable studies had been done.[83] Regulation of the label "gluten-free" varies.[82]

International standards edit

The Codex Alimentarius international standards for food labeling has a standard relating to the labeling of products as "gluten-free". It only applies to foods that would normally contain gluten.[84]

Brazil edit

By law in Brazil, all food products must display labels clearly indicating whether or not they contain gluten.[85]

Canada edit

Labels for all food products sold in Canada must clearly identify the presence of gluten if it is present at a level greater than 20 parts per million.[86]

European Union & United Kingdom edit

In the European Union, all prepackaged foods and non-prepacked foods from a restaurant, take-out food wrapped just before sale, or unpackaged food served in institutions must be identified if gluten-free.[87] "Gluten-free" is defined as 20 parts per million of gluten or less and "very low gluten" is 100 parts per million of gluten or less; only foods with cereal ingredients processed to remove gluten can claim "very low gluten" on labels.[87] It is not allowed to label food as "gluten-free" when all similar food is naturally gluten-free, such as in the case of milk.[88]

All foods containing gluten as an ingredient must be labelled accordingly as gluten is defined as one of the 14 recognised EU allergens.[89]

United States edit

In the United States, gluten is not listed on labels unless added as a standalone ingredient. Wheat or other allergens are listed after the ingredient line. The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has historically classified gluten as "generally recognized as safe" (GRAS). In August 2013, the FDA issued a final ruling, effective August 2014, that defined the term "gluten-free" for voluntary use in the labeling of foods as meaning that the amount of gluten contained in the food is below 20 parts per million.[90]

See also edit

References edit

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  90. ^ "Questions and Answers: Gluten-Free Food Labeling Final Rule". US Food and Drug Administration. 5 August 2014. Retrieved 4 January 2015.

Further reading edit

  • Curtis, B.C.; Rajaram, S.; Macpherson, H.G. "Bread Wheat, Improvement and production — FAO Plant Production and Protection Series No. #30". Retrieved 2007-08-21.
  • Pfluger, Laura. . Archived from the original on 2013-01-21. Retrieved 2007-09-29.

gluten, food, made, from, gluten, seitan, structural, protein, naturally, found, certain, cereal, grains, term, gluten, usually, refers, combination, prolamin, glutelin, proteins, that, naturally, occur, many, cereal, grains, which, trigger, celiac, disease, s. For the food made from gluten see Seitan Gluten is a structural protein naturally found in certain cereal grains 1 The term gluten usually refers to the combination of prolamin and glutelin proteins that naturally occur in many cereal grains and which can trigger celiac disease in some people The types of grains that contain gluten include all species of wheat common wheat durum spelt khorasan emmer and einkorn and barley rye and some cultivars of oat moreover cross hybrids of any of these cereal grains also contain gluten e g triticale 2 3 Gluten makes up 75 85 of the total protein in bread wheat 4 5 Examples of sources of gluten clockwise from top wheat as flour spelt barley and rye as rolled flakesGlutens especially Triticeae glutens have unique viscoelastic and adhesive properties which give dough its elasticity helping it rise and keep its shape and often leaving the final product with a chewy texture 4 6 7 These properties and its relatively low cost make gluten valuable to both food and non food industries 7 Wheat gluten is composed of mainly two types of proteins the glutenins 8 and the gliadins 9 which in turn can be divided into high molecular and low molecular glutenins and a b g and W gliadins Its homologous seed storage proteins in barley are referred to as hordeins in rye secalins and in oats avenins 10 These protein classes are collectively referred to as gluten 3 The storage proteins in other grains such as maize zeins and rice rice protein are sometimes called gluten but they do not cause harmful effects in people with celiac disease 2 Bread produced from wheat grains contains gluten Gluten can trigger adverse inflammatory immunological and autoimmune reactions in some people The spectrum of gluten related disorders includes celiac disease in 1 2 of the general population non celiac gluten sensitivity in 0 5 13 of the general population as well as dermatitis herpetiformis gluten ataxia and other neurological disorders 11 12 13 14 These disorders are treated by a gluten free diet 14 Contents 1 Uses 1 1 Bread products 1 1 1 Added gluten 1 2 Imitation meats 1 3 Other consumer products 2 Disorders 2 1 Pathophysiological research 2 1 1 In vitro and in vivo studies 2 2 Incidence 2 3 Celiac disease 2 4 Non celiac gluten sensitivity 2 5 Wheat allergy 2 6 Gluten ataxia 2 7 Other neurological disorders 3 Labeling 3 1 International standards 3 2 Brazil 3 3 Canada 3 4 European Union amp United Kingdom 3 5 United States 4 See also 5 References 6 Further readingUses edit nbsp Wheat a prime source of glutenBread products edit Gluten forms when glutenin molecules cross link via disulfide bonds to form a submicroscopic network attached to gliadin which contributes viscosity thickness and extensibility to the mix 4 15 If this dough is leavened with yeast fermentation produces carbon dioxide bubbles which trapped by the gluten network cause the dough to rise Baking coagulates the gluten which along with starch stabilizes the shape of the final product Gluten content has been implicated as a factor in the staling of bread possibly because it binds water through hydration 16 17 nbsp Cross section of a baguette showing a strong gluten networkThe formation of gluten affects the texture of the baked goods 4 Gluten s attainable elasticity is proportional to its content of glutenins with low molecular weights as this portion contains the preponderance of the sulfur atoms responsible for the cross linking in the gluten network 18 19 Using flour with higher gluten content leads to chewier doughs such as those found in pizza and bagels while using flour with less gluten content yields tender baked goods such as pastry products 20 Generally bread flours are high in gluten hard wheat pastry flours have a lower gluten content Kneading promotes the formation of gluten strands and cross links creating baked products that are chewier as opposed to more brittle or crumbly The chewiness increases as the dough is kneaded for longer times An increased moisture content in the dough enhances gluten development 20 and very wet doughs left to rise for a long time require no kneading see no knead bread Shortening inhibits formation of cross links and is used along with diminished water and less kneading when a tender and flaky product such as a pie crust is desired The strength and elasticity of gluten in flour is measured in the baking industry using a farinograph This gives the baker a measurement of quality for different varieties of flours when developing recipes for various baked goods 4 21 22 Added gluten edit In industrial production a slurry of wheat flour is kneaded vigorously by machinery until the gluten agglomerates into a mass 23 failed verification This mass is collected by centrifugation then transported through several stages integrated in a continuous process About 65 of the water in the wet gluten is removed by means of a screw press the remainder is sprayed through an atomizer nozzle into a drying chamber where it remains at an elevated temperature for a short time to allow the water to evaporate without denaturing the gluten citation needed The process yields a flour like powder with a 7 moisture content which is air cooled and pneumatically transported to a receiving vessel In the final step the processed gluten is sifted and milled to produce a uniform product 23 This flour like powder when added to ordinary flour dough may help improve the dough s ability to increase in volume The resulting mixture also increases the bread s structural stability and chewiness 24 Gluten added dough must be worked vigorously to induce it to rise to its full capacity an automatic bread machine or food processor may be required for high gluten kneading 25 Generally higher gluten levels are associated with higher overall protein content 26 Imitation meats edit Further information on the use of gluten in cooking Wheat gluten food nbsp Gluten is often used in imitation meats such as this mock duck to provide supplemental protein in vegetarian dietsGluten especially wheat gluten seitan is often the basis for imitation meats resembling beef chicken duck see mock duck fish and pork When cooked in broth gluten absorbs some of the surrounding liquid including the flavor and becomes firm to the bite 27 28 This use of gluten is a popular means of adding supplemental protein to many vegetarian diets In home or restaurant cooking wheat gluten is prepared from flour by kneading the flour under water agglomerating the gluten into an elastic network known as a dough and then washing out the starch 4 Other consumer products edit Gluten is often present in beer and soy sauce and can be used as a stabilizing agent in more unexpected food products such as ice cream and ketchup Foods of this kind may therefore present problems for a small number of consumers because the hidden gluten constitutes a hazard for people with celiac disease and gluten sensitivities The protein content of some pet foods may also be enhanced by adding gluten 29 Gluten is also used in cosmetics hair products and other dermatological preparations 30 Disorders editMain articles Gluten related disorders Gluten sensitive enteropathy associated conditions and Gluten sensitive idiopathic neuropathies Gluten related disorders is the umbrella term for all diseases triggered by gluten which include celiac disease CD non celiac gluten sensitivity NCGS wheat allergy gluten ataxia and dermatitis herpetiformis DH 13 Pathophysiological research edit The gluten peptides are responsible for triggering gluten related disorders 31 In people who have celiac disease the peptides cause injury of the intestines ranging from inflammation to partial or total destruction of the intestinal villi 32 33 To study mechanisms of this damage laboratory experiments are done in vitro and in vivo 34 33 Among the gluten peptides gliadin has been studied extensively 31 In vitro and in vivo studies edit In the context of celiac disease gliadin peptides are classified in basic and clinical research as immunogenic depending on their mechanism of action 31 35 The peptides are those capable of directly affecting cells and intestinal preparations in vitro producing cellular damage in vivo and eliciting the innate immune response 31 35 In vitro the peptides promote cell apoptosis a form of programmed cell death and inhibit the synthesis of nucleic acids DNA and RNA and proteins reducing the viability of cells 36 Experiments in vivo with normal mice showed that they cause an increase in cell death and the production of interferon type I an inflammatory mediator 31 In vitro gluten alters cellular morphology and motility cytoskeleton organization oxidative balance and tight junctions 37 36 38 The immunogenic peptides are those able to activate T cells in vitro 31 At least 50 epitopes of gluten may produce cytotoxic immunomodulatory and gut permeating activities 37 The effect of oat peptides avenins in celiac people depends on the oat cultivar consumed because of prolamin genes protein amino acid sequences and the immunotoxicity of prolamins which vary among oat varieties 39 40 41 In addition oat products may be cross contaminated with the other gluten containing cereals 40 Incidence edit As of 2017 update gluten related disorders were increasing in frequency in different geographic areas 38 42 43 44 Some suggested explanations for this increase include the following the growing westernization of diets 42 the increasing use of wheat based foods included in the Mediterranean diet 45 46 the progressive replacement of rice by wheat in many countries in Asia the Middle East and North Africa 42 the higher content of gluten in bread and bakery products due to the reduction of dough fermentation time 47 48 and the development in recent years of new types of wheat with a higher amount of cytotoxic gluten peptides 47 49 However a 2020 study that grew and analyzed 60 wheat cultivars from between 1891 and 2010 found no changes in albumin globulin and gluten contents over time Overall the harvest year had a more significant effect on protein composition than the cultivar At the protein level we found no evidence to support an increased immunostimulatory potential of modern winter wheat 50 Celiac disease edit Main article Coeliac disease nbsp Medical animation still showing flattened intestinal villi Celiac disease CD is a chronic multiple organ autoimmune disorder primarily affecting the small intestine caused by the ingestion of wheat barley rye oats and derivatives that appears in genetically predisposed people of all ages 51 CD is not only a gastrointestinal disease because it may involve several organs and cause an extensive variety of non gastrointestinal symptoms and most importantly it may be apparently asymptomatic 3 52 Many asymptomatic people become accustomed to living with a chronic bad health status as if it were normal but they are able to recognize that they actually had symptoms related to celiac disease after starting a gluten free diet and improvement occurs 52 53 43 Added difficulties for diagnosis are the fact that serological markers anti tissue transglutaminase TG2 are not always present 54 and many people may have minor mucosal lesions without atrophy of the intestinal villi 55 CD affects approximately 1 2 of the general population 11 but most cases remain unrecognized undiagnosed and untreated and at risk for serious long term health complications 11 43 56 57 People may suffer severe disease symptoms and be subjected to extensive investigations for many years before a proper diagnosis is achieved 53 Untreated CD may cause malabsorption reduced quality of life iron deficiency osteoporosis an increased risk of intestinal lymphomas and greater mortality 58 CD is associated with some other autoimmune diseases such as diabetes mellitus type 1 thyroiditis 59 gluten ataxia psoriasis vitiligo autoimmune hepatitis dermatitis herpetiformis primary sclerosing cholangitis and more 51 59 CD with classic symptoms which include gastrointestinal manifestations such as chronic diarrhea and abdominal distention malabsorption loss of appetite and impaired growth is currently the least common presentation form of the disease and affects predominantly small children generally younger than two years of age 51 53 56 CD with non classic symptoms is the most common clinical type 53 and occurs in older children over two years old 53 adolescents and adults 53 It is characterized by milder or even absent gastrointestinal symptoms and a wide spectrum of non intestinal manifestations that can involve any organ of the body and very frequently may be completely asymptomatic 56 both in children at least in 43 of the cases 60 and adults 56 Asymptomatic CD ACD is present in the majority of affected patients and is characterized by the absence of classical gluten intolerance signs such as diarrhea bloating and abdominal pain Nevertheless these individuals very often develop diseases that can be related with gluten intake Gluten can be degraded into several morphine like substances named gluten exorphins These compounds have proven opioid effects and could mask the deleterious effects of gluten protein on gastrointestinal lining and function 61 Non celiac gluten sensitivity edit Main article Non celiac gluten sensitivity Non celiac gluten sensitivity NCGS is described as a condition of multiple symptoms that improves when switching to a gluten free diet after celiac disease and wheat allergy are excluded 62 63 Recognized since 2010 64 65 it is included among gluten related disorders 64 Its pathogenesis is not yet well understood but the activation of the innate immune system the direct negative effects of gluten and probably other wheat components are implicated 65 36 NCGS is the most common syndrome of gluten intolerance 64 66 with a prevalence estimated to be 6 10 12 NCGS is becoming a more common diagnosis but its true prevalence is difficult to determine because many people self diagnose and start a gluten free diet without having previously tested for celiac disease or having the dietary prescription from a physician 67 People with NCGS and gastrointestinal symptoms remain habitually in a no man s land without being recognized by the specialists and lacking the adequate medical care and treatment 68 Most of these people have a long history of health complaints and unsuccessful consultations with numerous physicians trying to get a diagnosis of celiac disease but they are only labeled as irritable bowel syndrome 68 69 A consistent although undefined number of people eliminate gluten because they identify it as responsible for their symptoms and these improve with the gluten free diet so they self diagnose as NCGS 68 69 People with NCGS may develop gastrointestinal symptoms which resemble those of irritable bowel syndrome or wheat allergy 64 36 or a wide variety of non gastrointestinal symptoms such as headache chronic fatigue fibromyalgia atopic diseases allergies neurological diseases or psychiatric disorders among others 58 65 70 The results of a 2017 study suggest that NCGS may be a chronic disorder as is the case with celiac disease 71 Besides gluten additional components present in wheat rye barley oats and their derivatives including other proteins called amylase trypsin inhibitors ATIs and short chain carbohydrates known as FODMAPs may cause NCGS symptoms 65 As of 2019 reviews conclude that although FODMAPs present in wheat and related grains may play a role in non celiac gluten sensitivity they only explain certain gastrointestinal symptoms such as bloating but not the extra digestive symptoms that people with non celiac gluten sensitivity may develop such as neurological disorders fibromyalgia psychological disturbances and dermatitis 72 71 65 ATIs may cause toll like receptor 4 TLR4 mediated intestinal inflammation in humans 73 74 Wheat allergy edit Main article Wheat allergy People can also experience adverse effects of wheat as result of a wheat allergy 57 As with most allergies a wheat allergy causes the immune system to respond abnormally to a component of wheat that it treats as a threatening foreign body This immune response is often time limited and does not cause lasting harm to body tissues 75 Wheat allergy and celiac disease are different disorders 57 76 Gastrointestinal symptoms of wheat allergy are similar to those of celiac disease and non celiac gluten sensitivity but there is a different interval between exposure to wheat and onset of symptoms An allergic reaction to wheat has a fast onset from minutes to hours after the consumption of food containing wheat and could include anaphylaxis 54 Gluten ataxia edit source source source source A male with gluten ataxia previous situation and evolution after three months of gluten free dietGluten ataxia is an autoimmune disease triggered by the ingestion of gluten 77 With gluten ataxia damage takes place in the cerebellum the balance center of the brain that controls coordination and complex movements like walking speaking and swallowing with loss of Purkinje cells People with gluten ataxia usually present gait abnormality or incoordination and tremor of the upper limbs Gaze evoked nystagmus and other ocular signs of cerebellar dysfunction are common Myoclonus palatal tremor and opsoclonus myoclonus may also appear 78 Early diagnosis and treatment with a gluten free diet can improve ataxia and prevent its progression The effectiveness of the treatment depends on the elapsed time from the onset of the ataxia until diagnosis because the death of neurons in the cerebellum as a result of gluten exposure is irreversible 78 79 Gluten ataxia accounts for 40 of ataxias of unknown origin and 15 of all ataxias 78 80 Less than 10 of people with gluten ataxia present any gastrointestinal symptom yet about 40 have intestinal damage 78 Other neurological disorders edit In addition to gluten ataxia gluten sensitivity can cause a wide spectrum of neurological disorders which develop with or without the presence of digestive symptoms or intestinal damage 14 These include peripheral neuropathy epilepsy headache encephalopathy vascular dementia and various movement disorders restless legs syndrome chorea parkinsonism Tourette syndrome palatal tremor myoclonus dystonia opsoclonus myoclonus syndrome paroxysms dyskinesia myorhythmia myokymia 14 81 The diagnosis of underlying gluten sensitivity is complicated and delayed when there are no digestive symptoms People who do experience gastrointestinal problems are more likely to receive a correct diagnosis and treatment A strict gluten free diet is the first line treatment which should be started as soon as possible It is effective in most of these disorders When dementia has progressed to an advanced degree the diet has no beneficial effect Cortical myoclonus appears to be treatment resistant on both gluten free diet and immunosuppression 14 Labeling editPeople with gluten related disorders have to remove gluten from their diet strictly so they need clear labeling rules 82 The term gluten free is generally used to indicate a supposed harmless level of gluten rather than a complete absence 83 The exact level at which gluten is harmless is uncertain and controversial A 2008 systematic review tentatively concluded that consumption of less than 10 mg of gluten per day is unlikely to cause intestinal damage in people with celiac disease although it noted that few reliable studies had been done 83 Regulation of the label gluten free varies 82 International standards edit The Codex Alimentarius international standards for food labeling has a standard relating to the labeling of products as gluten free It only applies to foods that would normally contain gluten 84 Brazil edit By law in Brazil all food products must display labels clearly indicating whether or not they contain gluten 85 Canada edit Labels for all food products sold in Canada must clearly identify the presence of gluten if it is present at a level greater than 20 parts per million 86 European Union amp United Kingdom edit In the European Union all prepackaged foods and non prepacked foods from a restaurant take out food wrapped just before sale or unpackaged food served in institutions must be identified if gluten free 87 Gluten free is defined as 20 parts per million of gluten or less and very low gluten is 100 parts per million of gluten or less only foods with cereal ingredients processed to remove gluten can claim very low gluten on labels 87 It is not allowed to label food as gluten free when all similar food is naturally gluten free such as in the case of milk 88 All foods containing gluten as an ingredient must be labelled accordingly as gluten is defined as one of the 14 recognised EU allergens 89 United States edit In the United States gluten is not listed on labels unless added as a standalone ingredient Wheat or other allergens are listed after the ingredient line The US Food and Drug Administration FDA has historically classified gluten as generally recognized as safe GRAS In August 2013 the FDA issued a final ruling effective August 2014 that defined the term gluten free for voluntary use in the labeling of foods as meaning that the amount of gluten contained in the food is below 20 parts per million 90 See also edit nbsp Food portal nbsp Nutrition portalGliadin Protein in wheat amp other cereals Gluten free diet Diet excluding proteins found in wheat barley and rye Gluten exorphin Group of opioid peptidesReferences edit Herve This Who discovered the gluten and who discovered its production by lixiviation Notes Academiques de l Academie d Agriculture de France Academic Notes from the French Academy of Agriculture vol 3 no 3 2002 p 1 11 PMID 11911770 PMCID 1692935 DOI 10 1098 rstb 2001 1024 a b Food and Drug Administration January 2007 Food Labeling Gluten Free Labeling of Foods PDF Food and Drug Administration Archived from the original PDF on 2007 01 26 a b c Biesiekierski JR 2017 What is gluten J Gastroenterol Hepatol Review 32 Suppl 1 78 81 doi 10 1111 jgh 13703 PMID 28244676 Similar proteins to the gliadin found in wheat exist as secalin in rye hordein in barley and avenins in oats and are collectively referred to as gluten The gluten found in all of these grains has been identified as the component capable of triggering the immune mediated disorder celiac disease a b c d e f Shewry P R Halford N G Belton P S Tatham A S 2002 The structure and properties of gluten An elastic protein from wheat grain Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B Biological Sciences 357 1418 133 142 doi 10 1098 rstb 2001 1024 PMC 1692935 PMID 11911770 Gluten s role in bread baking performance Canadian Grain Commission 29 March 2016 Lamacchia C Camarca A Picascia S Di Luccia A Gianfrani C Jan 29 2014 Cereal based gluten free food how to reconcile nutritional and technological properties of wheat proteins with safety for celiac disease patients Nutrients Review 6 2 575 90 doi 10 3390 nu6020575 PMC 3942718 PMID 24481131 the distinctive feature that makes wheat unique is precisely the visco elasticity of gluten When the grain is milled and mixed with water storage proteins form a dough capable of retaining gas bubbles These properties make wheat suitable for the preparation of a great diversity of food products a b Day L Augustin MA Batey IL Wrigley CW February 2006 Wheat gluten uses and industry needs Trends in Food Science amp Technology Review 17 2 82 90 doi 10 1016 j tifs 2005 10 003 Given the unique properties of wheat gluten it is not surprising that it has been the subject of intense attention by the food industry Gluten does have economic benefits over and above the more expensive milk or soy protein products Table 1 and its functional properties which other products cannot duplicate give it a unique place among the various protein products Unlike whey and soy proteins gluten or wheat proteins are not high in biological value and have not been widely researched for nutritional advantages Payne P I 2012 12 06 Endosperm Proteins In Blonstein A D King P J eds A Genetic Approach to Plant Biochemistry Springer Science amp Business Media p 210 ISBN 9783709169896 Zhao Hefei February 2020 Comparison of wheat soybean rice and pea protein properties for effective applications in food products Journal of Food Biochemistry 44 4 4 e13157 doi 10 1111 jfbc 13157 PMID 32020651 S2CID 211034183 Rosentrater Kurt A Evers A D 2018 Chemical components and nutrition Kent s Technology of Cereals pp 267 368 doi 10 1016 B978 0 08 100529 3 00004 9 ISBN 978 0 08 100529 3 a b c Lundin KE Wijmenga C Sep 2015 Coeliac disease and autoimmune disease genetic overlap and screening Nat Rev Gastroenterol Hepatol 12 9 507 15 doi 10 1038 nrgastro 2015 136 PMID 26303674 S2CID 24533103 a b Molina Infante J Santolaria S Montoro M Esteve M Fernandez Banares F 2014 Non celiac 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title Template Cite journal cite journal a CS1 maint multiple names authors list link Kupfer SS Jabri B 2012 Pathophysiology of celiac disease Gastrointest Endosc Clin N Am Review 22 4 639 60 doi 10 1016 j giec 2012 07 003 PMC 3872820 PMID 23083984 a b Silano M Vincentini O De Vincenzi M 2009 Toxic immunostimulatory and antagonist gluten peptides in celiac disease Curr Med Chem Review 16 12 1489 98 doi 10 2174 092986709787909613 PMID 19355902 a b c d Elli L Roncoroni L Bardella MT 2015 Non celiac gluten sensitivity Time for sifting the grain World J Gastroenterol Review 21 27 8221 6 doi 10 3748 wjg v21 i27 8221 PMC 4507091 PMID 26217073 a href Template Cite journal html title Template Cite journal cite journal a CS1 maint multiple names authors list link a b Fasano A Jan 2011 Zonulin and its regulation of intestinal barrier function the biological door to inflammation autoimmunity and cancer Physiol Rev Review 91 1 151 75 CiteSeerX 10 1 1 653 3967 doi 10 1152 physrev 00003 2008 PMID 21248165 There are at least 50 toxic epitopes in gluten peptides exerting cytotoxic immunomodulatory and gut permeating activities a b Leonard MM Sapone A Catassi C Fasano A 2017 Celiac Disease and Nonceliac Gluten Sensitivity A Review JAMA Review 318 7 647 656 doi 10 1001 jama 2017 9730 PMID 28810029 S2CID 205094729 Previous studies have shown that gliadin can cause an immediate and transient increase in gut permeability This permeating effect is secondary to the binding of specific undigestible gliadin fragments to the CXCR3 chemokine receptor with subsequent release of zonulin a modulator of intercellular tight junctions This process takes place in all individuals who ingest gluten For the majority these events do not lead to abnormal consequences However these same events can lead to an inflammatory process in genetically predisposed individuals when the immunologic surveillance system mistakenly recognizes gluten as a pathogen Penagini F Dilillo D Meneghin F Mameli C Fabiano V Zuccotti GV Nov 18 2013 Gluten free diet in children an approach to a nutritionally adequate and balanced diet Nutrients Review 5 11 4553 65 doi 10 3390 nu5114553 PMC 3847748 PMID 24253052 a b de Souza MC Deschenes ME Laurencelle S Godet P Roy CC Djilali Saiah I 2016 Pure Oats as Part of the Canadian Gluten Free Diet in Celiac Disease The Need to Revisit the Issue Can J Gastroenterol Hepatol Review 2016 1 8 doi 10 1155 2016 1576360 PMC 4904650 PMID 27446824 Comino I Moreno Mde L Sousa C Nov 7 2015 Role of oats in celiac disease World J Gastroenterol 21 41 11825 31 doi 10 3748 wjg v21 i41 11825 PMC 4631980 PMID 26557006 It is necessary to consider that oats include many varieties containing various amino acid sequences and showing different immunoreactivities associated with toxic prolamins As a result several studies have shown that the immunogenicity of oats varies depending on the cultivar consumed Thus it is essential to thoroughly study the variety of oats used in a food ingredient before including it in a gluten free diet a b c Tovoli F Masi C Guidetti E Negrini G Paterini P Bolondi L Mar 16 2015 Clinical and diagnostic aspects of gluten related disorders World J Clin Cases Review 3 3 275 84 doi 10 12998 wjcc v3 i3 275 PMC 4360499 PMID 25789300 a b c Lionetti E Gatti S Pulvirenti A Catassi C Jun 2015 Celiac disease from a global perspective Best Pract Res Clin Gastroenterol Review 29 3 365 79 doi 10 1016 j bpg 2015 05 004 PMID 26060103 Sapone A Bai JC Ciacci C Dolinsek J Green PH Hadjivassiliou M Kaukinen K Rostami K Sanders DS Schumann M Ullrich R Villalta D Volta U Catassi C Fasano A 2012 Spectrum of gluten related disorders consensus on new nomenclature and classification BMC Medicine Review 10 13 doi 10 1186 1741 7015 10 13 PMC 3292448 PMID 22313950 nbsp Volta U Caio G Tovoli F De Giorgio R 2013 Non celiac gluten sensitivity questions still to be answered despite increasing awareness Cellular and Molecular Immunology Review 10 5 383 392 doi 10 1038 cmi 2013 28 PMC 4003198 PMID 23934026 Guandalini S Polanco I Apr 2015 Nonceliac gluten sensitivity or wheat intolerance syndrome J Pediatr Review 166 4 805 11 doi 10 1016 j jpeds 2014 12 039 PMID 25662287 The increase in world wide consumption of a Mediterranean diet which includes a wide range of wheat based foods has possibly contributed to an alarming rise in the incidence of wheat gluten related disorders 1 2 a b Volta U Caio G Tovoli F De Giorgio R September 2013 Non celiac gluten sensitivity questions still to be answered despite increasing awareness Cellular amp Molecular Immunology Review 10 5 383 92 doi 10 1038 cmi 2013 28 PMC 4003198 PMID 23934026 mechanization of farming and the growing industrial use of pesticides have favored the development of new types of wheat with a higher amount of toxic gluten peptides that cause the development of gluten related disorders Gobbetti M Giuseppe Rizzello C Di Cagno R De Angelis M Apr 2007 Sourdough lactobacilli and celiac disease Food Microbiol Review 24 2 187 96 doi 10 1016 j fm 2006 07 014 PMID 17008163 Belderok B 2000 Developments in bread making processes Plant Foods Hum Nutr Review 55 1 1 86 doi 10 1023 A 1008199314267 PMID 10823487 S2CID 46259398 Pronin Darina Borner Andreas Weber Hans Scherf Ann 10 July 2020 Wheat Triticum aestivum L Breeding from 1891 to 2010 Contributed to Increasing Yield and Glutenin Contents but Decreasing Protein and Gliadin Contents Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 68 46 13247 13256 doi 10 1021 acs jafc 0c02815 PMID 32648759 S2CID 220469138 a b c Caio Giacomo Volta Umberto Sapone Anna Leffler Daniel A De Giorgio Roberto Catassi Carlo Fasano Alessio 2019 07 23 Celiac disease a comprehensive current review BMC Medicine 17 1 142 doi 10 1186 s12916 019 1380 z PMC 6647104 PMID 31331324 a b Celiac disease World Gastroenterology Organisation Global Guidelines July 2016 Retrieved 23 April 2017 a b c d e f Ludvigsson JF Card T Ciclitira PJ Swift GL Nasr I Sanders DS Ciacci C Apr 2015 Support for patients with celiac disease A literature review United European Gastroenterol J 3 2 146 59 doi 10 1177 2050640614562599 PMC 4406900 PMID 25922674 a b Fasano A Catassi C Dec 20 2012 Clinical practice Celiac disease The New England Journal of Medicine 367 25 2419 26 doi 10 1056 NEJMcp1113994 PMID 23252527 Bold J Rostami K 2011 Gluten tolerance potential challenges in treatment strategies Gastroenterol Hepatol Bed Bench 4 2 53 7 PMC 4017406 PMID 24834157 a b c d Fasano A Apr 2005 Clinical presentation of celiac disease in the pediatric population Gastroenterology 128 4 Suppl 1 S68 73 doi 10 1053 j gastro 2005 02 015 PMID 15825129 a b c Elli L Branchi F Tomba C Villalta D Norsa L Ferretti F Roncoroni L Bardella MT Jun 2015 Diagnosis of gluten related disorders Celiac disease wheat allergy and non celiac gluten sensitivity World J Gastroenterol 21 23 7110 9 doi 10 3748 wjg v21 i23 7110 PMC 4476872 PMID 26109797 a b Lebwohl B Ludvigsson JF Green PH Oct 2015 Celiac disease and non celiac gluten sensitivity BMJ Review 351 h4347 doi 10 1136 bmj h4347 PMC 4596973 PMID 26438584 a b Lundin KE Wijmenga C Sep 2015 Coeliac disease and autoimmune disease genetic overlap and screening Nat Rev Gastroenterol Hepatol 12 9 507 15 doi 10 1038 nrgastro 2015 136 PMID 26303674 S2CID 24533103 Vriezinga SL Schweizer JJ Koning F Mearin ML Sep 2015 Coeliac disease and gluten related disorders in childhood Nature Reviews Gastroenterology amp Hepatology Review 12 9 527 36 doi 10 1038 nrgastro 2015 98 PMID 26100369 S2CID 2023530 Pruimboom Leo de Punder Karin 24 November 2015 The opioid effects of gluten exorphins asymptomatic celiac disease Journal of Health Population and Nutrition Review 33 24 doi 10 1186 s41043 015 0032 y PMC 5025969 PMID 26825414 Mooney P Aziz I Sanders D 2013 Non celiac gluten sensitivity clinical relevance and recommendations for future research Neurogastroenterology amp Motility 25 11 864 871 doi 10 1111 nmo 12216 PMID 23937528 S2CID 9277897 Nijeboer P Bontkes H Mulder C Bouma G 2013 Non celiac gluten sensitivity Is it in the gluten or the grain Journal of Gastrointestinal and Liver Disorders 22 4 435 40 PMID 24369326 a b c d Catassi C Bai JC Bonaz B Bouma G Calabro A Carroccio A Castillejo G Ciacci C Cristofori F Dolinsek J Francavilla R Elli L Green P Holtmeier W Koehler P Koletzko S Meinhold C Sanders D Schumann M Schuppan D Ullrich R Vecsei A Volta U Zevallos V Sapone A Fasano A Sep 2013 Non Celiac Gluten sensitivity the new frontier of gluten related disorders Nutrients 5 10 3839 53 doi 10 3390 nu5103839 PMC 3820047 PMID 24077239 a b c d e Fasano Alessio Sapone Anna Zevallos Victor Schuppan Detlef May 2015 Nonceliac Gluten Sensitivity Gastroenterology 148 6 1195 1204 doi 10 1053 j gastro 2014 12 049 PMID 25583468 Czaja Bulsa G Apr 2015 Non coeliac gluten sensitivity A new disease with gluten intolerance Clin Nutr 34 2 189 94 doi 10 1016 j clnu 2014 08 012 PMID 25245857 Igbinedion SO Ansari J Vasikaran A Gavins FN Jordan P Boktor M Alexander JS Oct 2017 Non celiac gluten sensitivity All wheat attack is not celiac World Journal of Gastroenterology Review 23 20 7201 7210 doi 10 3748 wjg v23 i40 7201 PMC 5677194 PMID 29142467 a b c Verdu EF Armstrong D Murray JA 2009 Between celiac disease and irritable bowel syndrome the no man s land of gluten sensitivity Am J Gastroenterol Review 104 6 1587 94 doi 10 1038 ajg 2009 188 PMC 3480312 PMID 19455131 a b Mansueto Pasquale Seidita Aurelio D Alcamo Alberto Carroccio Antonio 2014 Non Celiac Gluten Sensitivity Literature Review Journal of the American College of Nutrition Review 33 1 39 54 doi 10 1080 07315724 2014 869996 hdl 10447 90208 PMID 24533607 S2CID 22521576 Volta U Caio G De Giorgio R Henriksen C Skodje G Lundin KE Jun 2015 Non celiac gluten sensitivity a work in progress entity in the spectrum of wheat related disorders Best Pract Res Clin Gastroenterol 29 3 477 91 doi 10 1016 j bpg 2015 04 006 PMID 26060112 a b Volta U De Giorgio R Caio G Uhde M Manfredini R Alaedini A March 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symptoms observed in NCGS patients such as neurologic dysfunction psychological disturbances fibromyalgia and skin rash 15 Therefore it is unlikely that they are the sole cause of NCGS Barone Maria Troncone Riccardo Auricchio Salvatore 2014 Gliadin Peptides as Triggers of the Proliferative and Stress Innate Immune Response of the Celiac Small Intestinal Mucosa International Journal of Molecular Sciences Review 15 11 20518 20537 doi 10 3390 ijms151120518 PMC 4264181 PMID 25387079 Junker Y Zeissig S Kim S J Barisani D Wieser H Leffler D A Zevallos V Libermann T A Dillon S Freitag T L Kelly C P Schuppan D 2012 Wheat amylase trypsin inhibitors drive intestinal inflammation via activation of toll like receptor 4 Journal of Experimental Medicine 209 13 2395 2408 doi 10 1084 jem 20102660 PMC 3526354 PMID 23209313 What s the difference between celiac disease gluten intolerance non celiac gluten sensitivity and wheat allergy The University of Chicago Celiac Disease Center 2015 Retrieved 4 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