
Diocletianic Persecution

The Diocletianic or Great Persecution was the last and most severe persecution of Christians in the Roman Empire.[1] In 303, the emperors Diocletian, Maximian, Galerius, and Constantius issued a series of edicts rescinding Christians' legal rights and demanding that they comply with traditional religious practices. Later edicts targeted the clergy and demanded universal sacrifice, ordering all inhabitants to sacrifice to the gods. The persecution varied in intensity across the empire—weakest in Gaul and Britain, where only the first edict was applied, and strongest in the Eastern provinces. Persecutory laws were nullified by different emperors (Galerius with the Edict of Serdica in 311) at different times, but Constantine and Licinius' Edict of Milan in 313 has traditionally marked the end of the persecution.

The Christian Martyrs' Last Prayer, by Jean-Léon Gérôme (1883)

Christians had been subject to intermittent local discrimination in the empire, but emperors prior to Diocletian were reluctant to issue general laws against the religious group. In the 250s, under the reigns of Decius and Valerian, Roman subjects including Christians were compelled to sacrifice to Roman gods or face imprisonment and execution, but there is no evidence that these edicts were specifically intended to attack Christianity.[2] After Gallienus's accession in 260, these laws went into abeyance. Diocletian's assumption of power in 284 did not mark an immediate reversal of imperial inattention to Christianity, but it did herald a gradual shift in official attitudes toward religious minorities. In the first fifteen years of his rule, Diocletian purged the army of Christians, condemned Manicheans to death, and surrounded himself with public opponents of Christianity. Diocletian's preference for activist government, combined with his self-image as a restorer of past Roman glory, foreboded the most pervasive persecution in Roman history. In the winter of 302, Galerius urged Diocletian to begin a general persecution of the Christians. Diocletian was wary and asked the oracle at Didyma for guidance. The oracle's reply was read as an endorsement of Galerius's position, and a general persecution was called on February 23, 303.

Persecutory policies varied in intensity across the empire. Whereas Galerius and Diocletian were avid persecutors, Constantius was unenthusiastic. Later persecutory edicts, including the calls for universal sacrifice, were not applied in his domain. His son, Constantine, on taking the imperial office in 306, restored Christians to full legal equality and returned property that had been confiscated during the persecution. In Italy in 306, the usurper Maxentius ousted Maximian's successor Severus, promising full religious toleration. Galerius ended the persecution in the East in 311, but it was resumed in Egypt, Palestine, and Asia Minor by his successor, Maximinus. Constantine and Licinius, Severus's successor, signed the Edict of Milan in 313, which offered a more comprehensive acceptance of Christianity than Galerius's edict had provided. Licinius ousted Maximinus in 313, bringing an end to persecution in the East.

The persecution failed to check the rise of the Church. By 324, Constantine was sole ruler of the empire, and Christianity had become his favored religion. Although the persecution resulted in death, torture, imprisonment, or dislocation for many Christians, the majority of the empire's Christians avoided punishment. The persecution did, however, cause many churches to split between those who had complied with imperial authority (the traditores), and those who had remained "pure". Certain schisms, like those of the Donatists in North Africa and the Melitians in Egypt, persisted long after the persecutions. The Donatists would not be reconciled to the Church until after 411. Some historians consider that, in the centuries that followed the persecutory era, Christians created a "cult of the martyrs" and exaggerated the barbarity of the persecutions. Other historians using texts and archeological evidence from the period assert that this position is in error. Christian accounts were criticized during the Enlightenment and afterwards, most notably by Edward Gibbon. This can be attributed to the political anticlerical and secular tenor of that period. Modern historians, such as G. E. M. de Ste. Croix, have attempted to determine whether Christian sources exaggerated the scope of the Diocletianic persecution, but disagreements continue.


Prior persecutions

From its first appearance to its legalization under Constantine, Christianity was an illegal religion in the eyes of the Roman state.[3] For the first two centuries of its existence, Christianity and its practitioners were unpopular with the people at large.[4] Christians were always suspect,[3] members of a "secret society" whose members communicated with a private code[5] and who shied away from the public sphere.[6] It was popular hostility—the anger of the crowd—which drove the earliest persecutions, not official action.[4] Around 112, Pliny, the governor of Bithynia–Pontus, was sent long lists of denunciations of Christians by anonymous citizens, which Emperor Trajan advised him to ignore.[7] In Lyon in 177, it was only the intervention of civil authorities that stopped a pagan mob from dragging Christians from their houses and beating them to death.

To the followers of the traditional cults, Christians were odd creatures: not quite Roman but not quite barbarian either.[8] Their practices were deeply threatening to traditional mores. Christians rejected public festivals, refused to take part in the imperial cult, avoided public office, and publicly criticized ancient traditions.[9] Conversions tore families apart: Justin Martyr tells of a pagan husband who denounced his Christian wife, and Tertullian tells of children disinherited for becoming Christians.[10] Traditional Roman religion was inextricably interwoven into the fabric of Roman society and state, but Christians refused to observe its practices.[11][notes 1] In the words of Tacitus, Christians showed "hatred of the human race" (odium generis humani).[13] Among the more credulous, Christians were thought to use black magic in pursuit of revolutionary aims[14] and to practise incest and cannibalism.[15]

Nonetheless, for the first two centuries of the Christian era, no emperor issued general laws against the faith or its Church. These persecutions were carried out under the authority of local government officials.[16] At Bithynia–Pontus in 111, it was Pliny;[17] at Smyrna in 156 and Scilli near Carthage in 180, it was the proconsul;[18] at Lyon in 177, it was the provincial governor.[19] When Emperor Nero executed Christians for their alleged involvement in the fire of 64, it was a purely local affair; it did not spread beyond the city limits of Rome.[20] These early persecutions were certainly violent, but they were sporadic, brief and limited in extent.[21] They were of limited threat to Christianity as a whole.[22] The very capriciousness of official action, however, made the threat of state coercion loom large in the Christian imagination.[23]

In the 3rd century, the pattern changed. Emperors became more active, and government officials began to actively pursue Christians rather than merely to respond to the will of the crowd.[24] Christianity also changed. No longer were its practitioners merely "the lower orders fomenting discontent"; some Christians were now rich or from the upper classes. Origen, writing at about 248, tells of "the multitude of people coming in to the faith, even rich men and persons in positions of honour and ladies of high refinement and birth."[25] Official reaction grew firmer. In 202, according to the Historia Augusta, a 4th-century history of dubious reliability, Septimius Severus (r. 193–211) issued a general rescript forbidding conversion to either Judaism or Christianity.[26] Maximin (r. 235–238) targeted Christian leaders.[27][notes 2] Decius (r. 249–251), demanding a show of support for the faith, proclaimed that all inhabitants of the empire must sacrifice to the gods, eat sacrificial meat, and testify to these acts.[29] Christians were obstinate in their non-compliance. Church leaders, like Fabian, bishop of Rome, and Babylas, bishop of Antioch, were arrested, tried and executed,[30] as were certain members of the Christian laity, like Pionius of Smyrna.[31][notes 3] Origen was tortured during the persecution and died about a year after from the resulting injuries.[33]

The Decian persecution was a grave blow to the Church.[34] At Carthage, there was mass apostasy (renunciation of the faith).[35] At Smyrna, the bishop Euctemon sacrificed and encouraged others to do the same.[36] Because the Church was largely urban, it should have been easy to identify, isolate and destroy the Church hierarchy. This did not happen. In June 251, Decius died in battle, leaving his persecution incomplete. His persecutions were not followed up for another six years, allowing some Church functions to resume.[37] Valerian, Decius's friend, took up the imperial mantle in 253. Though he was at first thought of as "exceptionally friendly" towards the Christians,[38] his actions soon showed otherwise. In July 257, he issued a persecutory edict. As punishment for following the Christian faith, Christians were to face exile or condemnation to the mines. In August 258, he issued a second edict, making the punishment death. This persecution stalled in June 260, when Valerian was captured in battle. His son Gallienus (r. 260–268), ended the persecution[39] and inaugurated nearly 40 years of freedom from official sanctions, praised by Eusebius as the "little peace of the Church".[40] The peace was undisturbed, save for occasional, isolated persecutions, until Diocletian became emperor.[41]

Persecution and Tetrarchic ideology

Head from a statue of Diocletian at the Istanbul Archaeological Museum

Diocletian, acclaimed emperor on November 20, 284, was a religious conservative, faithful to the traditional Roman cult. Unlike Aurelian (r. 270–275), Diocletian did not foster any new cult of his own. He preferred older gods, Olympian gods.[42] Nonetheless, Diocletian did wish to inspire a general religious revival.[43] As the panegyrist to Maximian declared: "You have heaped the gods with altars and statues, temples and offerings, which you dedicated with your own name and your own image, whose sanctity is increased by the example you set, of veneration for the gods. Surely, men will now understand what power resides in the gods, when you worship them so fervently."[44] Diocletian associated himself with the head of the Roman pantheon, Jupiter; his co-emperor, Maximian, associated himself with Hercules.[45] This connection between god and emperor helped to legitimize the emperors' claims to power and tied imperial government closer to the traditional cult.[46]

Diocletian did not insist on exclusive worship of Jupiter and Hercules, which would have been a drastic change in the pagan tradition. For example, Elagabalus had tried fostering his own god and no others and had failed dramatically. Diocletian built temples for Isis and Sarapis at Rome and a temple to Sol in Italy.[43] He did, however, favor gods who provided for the safety of the whole empire instead of the local deities of the provinces. In Africa, Diocletian's revival focused on Jupiter, Hercules, Mercury, Apollo and the imperial cult. The cult of Saturn, the Romanized Baal-hamon, was neglected.[47] In imperial iconography Jupiter and Hercules were pervasive.[48] The same pattern of favoritism affected Egypt as well. Native Egyptian deities saw no revival, nor was the sacred hieroglyphic script used. Unity in worship was central to Diocletian's religious policies.[47]

Diocletian, like Augustus and Trajan before him, styled himself a "restorer". He urged the public to see his reign and his governing system, the Tetrarchy (rule by four emperors), as a renewal of traditional Roman values and, after the anarchic third century, a return to the "Golden Age of Rome".[49] As such, he reinforced the long-standing Roman preference for ancient customs and Imperial opposition to independent societies. The Diocletianic regime's activist stance, however, and Diocletian's belief in the power of central government to effect major change in morals and society made him unusual. Most earlier emperors tended to be quite cautious in their administrative policies, preferring to work within existing structures rather than overhauling them.[50] Diocletian, by contrast, was willing to reform every aspect of public life to satisfy his goals. Under his rule, coinage, taxation, architecture, law and history were all radically reconstructed to reflect his authoritarian and traditionalist ideology. The reformation of the empire's "moral fabric"—and the elimination of religious minorities—was simply one step in that process.[51]

The unique position of the Christians and Jews of the empire became increasingly apparent. The Jews had earned imperial toleration on account of the great antiquity of their faith.[52] They had been exempted from Decius's persecution[53] and continued to enjoy freedom from persecution under Tetrarchic government.[notes 4] Because their faith was new and unfamiliar[52] and not typically identified with Judaism by this time, Christians had no such excuse.[55] Moreover, Christians had been distancing themselves from their Jewish heritage for their entire history.[56]

Persecution was not the only outlet of the Tetrarchy's moral fervor. In 295, either Diocletian or his caesar (subordinate emperor) Galerius[57] issued an edict from Damascus proscribing incestuous marriages and affirming the supremacy of Roman law over local law.[58][notes 5] Its preamble insists that it is every emperor's duty to enforce the sacred precepts of Roman law, for "the immortal gods themselves will favour and be at peace with the Roman name...if we have seen to it that all subject to our rule entirely lead a pious, religious, peaceable and chaste life in every respect".[59] These principles, if given their full extension, would logically require Roman emperors to enforce conformity in religion.[60]

Public support

Christian communities grew quickly in many parts of the empire (and especially in the East) after 260, when Gallienus brought peace to the Church.[61] The data to calculate the figures are nearly non-existent, but historian and sociologist Keith Hopkins has given crude and tentative estimates for the Christian population in the 3rd century. Hopkins estimates that the Christian community grew from a population of 1.1 million in 250 to a population of 6 million by 300, about 10% of the empire's total population.[62][notes 6] Christians even expanded into the countryside, where they had never been numerous before.[64] Churches in the later 3rd century were no longer as inconspicuous as they had been in the first and second. Large churches were prominent in certain major cities throughout the empire.[65] The church in Nicomedia even sat on a hill overlooking the imperial palace.[66] These new churches probably represented not only absolute growth in Christian population, but also the increasing affluence of the Christian community.[67][notes 7] In some areas where Christians were influential, such as North Africa and Egypt, traditional deities were losing credibility.[64]

It is unknown how much support there was for persecution within the aristocracy.[69] After Gallienus's peace, Christians reached high ranks in Roman government. Diocletian even appointed several Christians to those positions,[70] and his wife and daughter may have been sympathetic to the Church.[71] There were many individuals willing to be martyrs and many provincials willing to ignore any persecutory edicts from the emperors as well. Even Constantius was known to have disapproved of persecutory policies. The lower classes demonstrated little of the enthusiasm they had shown for earlier persecutions.[72][notes 8] They no longer believed the slanderous accusations that were popular in the 1st and 2nd centuries.[74] Perhaps, as the historian Timothy Barnes has suggested, the long-established Church had become another accepted part of their lives.[72]

Within the highest ranks of the imperial administration, however, there were men who were ideologically opposed to the toleration of Christians, like the philosopher Porphyry of Tyre and Sossianus Hierocles, governor of Bithynia.[75] To E.R. Dodds, the works of these men demonstrated "the alliance of pagan intellectuals with the Establishment".[76] Hierocles thought Christian beliefs absurd. If Christians applied their principles consistently, he argued, they would pray to Apollonius of Tyana instead of Jesus. Hierocles considered that Apollonius's miracles had been far more impressive and Apollonius never had the temerity to call himself "God".[77] He thought the scriptures were full of "lies and contradictions" and Peter and Paul had peddled falsehoods.[78] In the early 4th century, an unidentified philosopher published a pamphlet attacking the Christians. This philosopher, who might have been a pupil of the Neoplatonist Iamblichus, dined repeatedly at the imperial court.[79] Diocletian was surrounded by an anti-Christian clique.[notes 9]

Porphyry was somewhat restrained in his criticism of Christianity, at least in his early works, On the Return of the Soul and Philosophy from Oracles. He had few complaints about Jesus, whom he praised as a saintly individual, a "humble" man. Christ's followers, however, he damned as "arrogant".[82] Around 290, Porphyry wrote a fifteen-volume work entitled Against the Christians.[83][notes 10] In the work, Porphyry expressed his shock at the rapid expansion of Christianity.[85] He also revised his earlier opinions of Jesus, questioning Jesus' exclusion of the rich from the Kingdom of Heaven,[86] and his permissiveness in regards to the demons residing in pigs' bodies.[87] Like Hierocles, he unfavorably compared Jesus to Apollonius of Tyana.[88] Porphyry held that Christians blasphemed by worshiping a human being rather than the Supreme God and behaved treasonably in forsaking the traditional Roman cult. "To what sort of penalties might we not justly subject people," Porphyry asked, "who are fugitives from their fathers' customs?"[89]

Pagan priests, too, were interested in suppressing any threat to traditional religion.[90] They believed their ceremonies were hindered by the presence of Christians, who were thought to cloud the sight of oracles and stall the gods' recognition of their sacrifices.[90] The Christian Arnobius, writing during Diocletian's reign, attributes financial concerns to provisioners of pagan services:

The augurs, the dream interpreters, the soothsayers, the prophets, and the priestlings, ever vain...fearing that their own arts be brought to nought, and that they may extort but scanty contributions from the devotees, now few and infrequent, cry aloud, 'The gods are neglected, and in the temples there is now a very thin attendance. Former ceremonies are exposed to derision, and the time-honoured rites of institutions once sacred have sunk before the superstitions of new religions.'[91]

Early persecutions

Christians in the army

Saint George before Diocletian. A 14th-century mural from Ubisi, Georgia. Christian tradition places the martyrdom of St. George, formerly a Roman army officer, in the reign of Diocletian.[92]

At the conclusion of the Persian wars in 299, co-emperors Diocletian and Galerius traveled from Persia to Syrian Antioch (Antakya). The Christian rhetor Lactantius records that at Antioch some time in 299, the emperors were engaged in sacrifice and divination in an attempt to predict the future. The haruspices, diviners of omens from sacrificed animals, were unable to read the sacrificed animals and failed to do so after repeated trials. The master haruspex eventually declared that this failure was the result of interruptions in the process caused by profane men. Certain Christians in the imperial household had been observed making the sign of the cross during the ceremonies and were alleged to have disrupted the haruspices' divination. Diocletian, enraged by this turn of events, declared that all members of the court must make a sacrifice. Diocletian and Galerius also sent letters to the military command, demanding that the entire army perform the sacrifices or else face discharge.[93][notes 11] Since there are no reports of bloodshed in Lactantius's narrative, Christians in the imperial household must have survived the event.[98] Eusebius of Caesarea, a contemporary ecclesiastical historian, tells a similar story: commanders were told to give their troops the choice of sacrifice or loss of rank. These terms were strong—a soldier would lose his career in the military, his state pension and his personal savings—but not fatal. According to Eusebius, the purge was broadly successful, but Eusebius is confused about the technicalities of the event, and his characterization of the overall size of the apostasy is ambiguous.[99] Eusebius also attributes the initiative for the purge to Galerius, rather than Diocletian.[100]

Modern scholar Peter Davies surmises that Eusebius is referring to the same event as Lactantius, but that he heard of the event through public rumors and knew nothing of the privileged discussion at the emperor's private religion ceremony that Lactantius had access to. Since it was Galerius's army that would have been purged—Diocletian had left his in Egypt to quell continuing unrest—Antiochenes would understandably have believed Galerius to be its instigator.[100] The historian David Woods argues instead that Eusebius and Lactantius are referring to different events. Eusebius, according to Woods, describes the beginnings of the army purge in Palestine, while Lactantius describes events at court.[101] Woods asserts that the relevant passage in Eusebius's Chronicon was corrupted in the translation to Latin and that Eusebius's text originally located the beginnings of the army persecution at a fort in Betthorus (El-Lejjun, Jordan).[102]

Eusebius, Lactantius,[103] and Constantine each allege that Galerius was the prime impetus for the military purge, and its prime beneficiary.[104][notes 12] Diocletian, for all his religious conservatism,[106] still had tendencies towards religious tolerance.[notes 13] Galerius, by contrast, was a devoted and passionate pagan. According to Christian sources, he was consistently the main advocate of such persecution.[109] He was also eager to exploit this position to his own political advantage. As the lowest-ranking emperor, Galerius was always listed last in imperial documents. Until the end of the Persian war in 299, he had not even had a major palace.[110] Lactantius states that Galerius hungered for a higher position in the imperial hierarchy.[111] Galerius's mother, Romula, was bitterly anti-Christian, for she had been a pagan priestess in Dacia, and loathed the Christians for avoiding her festivals.[112] Newly prestigious and influential after his victories in the Persian war, Galerius might have wished to compensate for a previous humiliation at Antioch, when Diocletian had forced him to walk at the front of the imperial caravan, rather than inside it. His resentment fed his discontent with official policies of tolerance; from 302 on, he probably urged Diocletian to enact a general law against the Christians.[113] Since Diocletian was already surrounded by an anti-Christian clique of counsellors, these suggestions must have carried great force.[114]

Manichean persecution

Affairs quieted after the initial persecution. Diocletian remained in Antioch for the following three years. He visited Egypt once, over the winter of 301–302, where he began the grain dole in Alexandria.[113] In Egypt, some Manicheans, followers of the prophet Mani, were denounced in the presence of the proconsul of Africa. On March 31, 302, in an official edict called the De Maleficiis et Manichaeis compiled in the Collatio Legum Mosaicarum et Romanarum and addressed to the proconsul of Africa, Diocletian wrote:

We have heard that the Manichaens […] have set up new and hitherto unheard-of sects in opposition to the older creeds so that they might cast out the doctrines vouchsafed to us in the past by the divine favour for the benefit of their own depraved doctrine. They have sprung forth very recently like new and unexpected monstrosities among the race of the Persians - a nation still hostile to us - and have made their way into our empire, where they are committing many outrages, disturbing the tranquility of our people and even inflicting grave damage to the civic communities. We have cause to fear that with the passage of time they will endeavour, as usually happens, to infect the modest and tranquil of an innocent nature with the damnable customs and perverse laws of the Persians as with the poison of a malignant (serpent) … We order that the authors and leaders of these sects be subjected to severe punishment, and, together with their abominable writings, burnt in the flames. We direct their followers, if they continue recalcitrant, shall suffer capital punishment, and their goods be forfeited to the imperial treasury. And if those who have gone over to that hitherto unheard-of, scandalous and wholly infamous creed, or to that of the Persians, are persons who hold public office, or are of any rank or of superior social status, you will see to it that their estates are confiscated and the offenders sent to the (quarry) at Phaeno or the mines at Proconnesus. And in order that this plague of iniquity shall be completely extirpated from this our most happy age, let your devotion hasten to carry out our orders and commands.[115]

The Christians of the empire were vulnerable to the same line of thinking.[116]

Diocletian and Galerius, 302–303

Diocletian was in Antioch in the autumn of 302, when the next instance of persecution occurred. The deacon Romanus visited a court while preliminary sacrifices were taking place and interrupted the ceremonies, denouncing the act in a loud voice. He was arrested and sentenced to be set aflame, but Diocletian overruled the decision and decided that Romanus should have his tongue removed instead. Romanus would be executed on November 18, 303. The boldness of this Christian displeased Diocletian, and he left the city and made for Nicomedia to spend the winter, accompanied by Galerius.[117]

Throughout these years the moral and religious didacticism of the emperors was reaching a fevered pitch; at the behest of an oracle, it was to hit its peak.[118] According to Lactantius, Diocletian and Galerius entered into an argument over what imperial policy towards Christians should be while at Nicomedia in 302. Diocletian argued that forbidding Christians from the bureaucracy and military would be sufficient to appease the gods, while Galerius pushed for their extermination. The two men sought to resolve their dispute by sending a messenger to consult the oracle of Apollo at Didyma.[119] Porphyry may also have been present at this meeting.[120] Upon returning, the messenger told the court that "the just on earth"[121][122] hindered Apollo's ability to speak. These "just", Diocletian was informed by members of the court, could only refer to the Christians of the empire. At the behest of his court, Diocletian acceded to demands for a universal persecution.[123]

Great Persecution

First edict

On February 23, 303, Diocletian ordered that the newly built Christian church at Nicomedia be razed, its scriptures burned, and its treasures seized.[124] February 23 was the feast of the Terminalia, for Terminus, the god of boundaries. It was the day they would terminate Christianity.[125] The next day, Diocletian's first "Edict against the Christians" was published.[126][notes 14] The key targets of this piece of legislation were senior Christian clerics and Christians' property, just as they had been during Valerian's persecution.[130] The edict prohibited Christians from assembling for worship[131] and ordered the destruction of their scriptures, liturgical books, and places of worship across the empire.[132][notes 15] But Christians tried to retain the scriptures as far as possible, though, according to de Ste Croix, "it appears that giving them up...was not regarded as a sin" in the East;[134] sufficient numbers of them must have been successfully saved, as is evident from the representative findings of "early biblical papyri" in the stream of the transmission of the text during this period.[135] Christians might have given up apocryphal or pseudepigraphal works,[136] or even refused to surrender their scriptures at the cost of their own lives, and there were some cases where the scriptures were not in the end destroyed.[137] Christians were also deprived of the right to petition the courts,[138] making them potential subjects for judicial torture;[139] Christians could not respond to actions brought against them in court;[140] Christian senators, equestrians, decurions, veterans, and soldiers were deprived of their ranks; and Christian imperial freedmen were re-enslaved.[138]

Diocletian requested that the edict be pursued "without bloodshed",[141] against Galerius's demands that all those refusing to sacrifice be burned alive.[142] In spite of Diocletian's request, local judges often enforced executions during the persecution, as capital punishment was among their discretionary powers.[143] Galerius's recommendation—burning alive—became a common method of executing Christians in the East.[144] After the edict was posted in Nicomedia, a man named Eutius tore it down and ripped it up, shouting "Here are your Gothic and Sarmatian triumphs!" He was arrested for treason, tortured, and burned alive soon after, becoming the edict's first martyr.[145][notes 16] The provisions of the edict were known and enforced in Palestine by March or April (just before Easter), and it was in use by local officials in North Africa by May or June.[147] The earliest martyr at Caesarea was executed on June 7,[148] and the edict was in force at Cirta from May 19.[149] In Gaul and Britain Constantius did not enforce this edict,[150] but in the East progressively harsher legislation was devised; the edict was firmly enforced in Maximian's domain until his abdication in 305, but persecutions later began to wane when Constantius succeeded Maximian and was officially halted when Maxentius took power in 306.

Second, third, and fourth edicts

In the summer of 303,[151] following a series of rebellions in Melitene (Malatya, Turkey) and Syria, a second edict was published, ordering the arrest and imprisonment of all bishops and priests.[152] In the judgment of historian Roger Rees, there was no logical necessity for this second edict; that Diocletian issued one indicates that he was either unaware the first edict was being carried out, or that he felt it was not working as quickly as he needed it to.[153] Following the publication of the second edict, prisons began to fill—the underdeveloped prison system of the time could not handle the deacons, lectors, priests, bishops, and exorcists forced upon it. Eusebius writes that the edict netted so many priests that ordinary criminals were crowded out and had to be released.[154]

In anticipation of the upcoming twentieth anniversary of his reign on November 20, 303, Diocletian declared a general amnesty in a third edict. Any imprisoned clergyman could be freed so long as he agreed to make a sacrifice to the gods.[155] Diocletian may have been searching for some good publicity with this legislation. He may also have sought to fracture the Christian community by publicizing the fact that its clergy had apostatized.[156] The demand to sacrifice was unacceptable to many of the imprisoned, but wardens often managed to obtain at least nominal compliance. Some of the clergy sacrificed willingly; others did so on pain of torture. Wardens were eager to be rid of the clergy in their midst. Eusebius, in his Martyrs of Palestine, records the case of one man who after being brought to an altar, had his hands seized and made to complete a sacrificial offering. The clergyman was told that his act of sacrifice had been recognized and was summarily dismissed. Others were told they had sacrificed even when they had done nothing.[157]

In 304, the fourth edict ordered all persons, men, women, and children, to gather in a public space and offer a collective sacrifice. If they refused, they were to be executed.[158] The precise date of the edict is unknown,[159] but it was probably issued in either January or February 304 and was being applied in the Balkans in March.[160] The edict was in use in Thessalonica in April 304[161] and in Palestine soon after.[162] This last edict was not enforced at all in the domains of Constantius and was applied in the domains of Maximian until his abdication in 305. In the East, it remained applicable until the issue of the Edict of Milan by Constantine and Licinius in 313.[163]

Abdications, instability, and renewed toleration, 305–311

Diocletian and Maximian resigned on May 1, 305. Constantius and Galerius became augusti (senior emperors), while two new emperors, Severus and Maximinus, became caesars (junior emperors).[164] According to Lactantius, Galerius had forced Diocletian's hand in the matter and secured the appointment of loyal friends to the imperial office.[165] In this "Second Tetrarchy", it seems that only the Eastern emperors, Galerius and Maximinus, continued with the persecution.[166] As they left office, Diocletian and Maximian probably imagined Christianity to be in its last throes. Churches had been destroyed, the Church leadership and hierarchy had been snapped, and the army and civil service had been purged. Eusebius declares that apostates from the faith were "countless" (μυρίοι) in number.[167] At first, the new Tetrarchy seemed even more vigorous than the first. Maximinus in particular was eager to persecute.[168] In 306 and 309, he published his own edicts demanding universal sacrifice.[169] Eusebius accuses Galerius of pressing on with the persecution as well.[170]

In the West, however, what remained after the Diocletianic settlement had weakened the Tetrarchy as a system of government. Constantine, son of Constantius, and Maxentius, son of Maximian, had been overlooked in the Diocletianic succession, offending the parents and angering the sons.[164] Constantine, against Galerius's will, succeeded his father on July 25, 306. He immediately ended any ongoing persecutions and offered Christians full restitution of what they had lost under the persecution.[171] This declaration gave Constantine the opportunity to portray himself as a possible liberator of oppressed Christians everywhere.[172] Maxentius, meanwhile, had seized power in Rome on October 28, 306, and soon brought toleration to all Christians within his realm.[173] Galerius made two attempts to unseat Maxentius but failed both times. During the first campaign against Maxentius, Severus was captured, imprisoned, and executed.[174]

The Peace of Galerius and the Edict of Milan, 311–313

In the East, the persecution was officially discontinued on April 30, 311,[175] although martyrdoms in Gaza continued until May 4. The Edict of Serdica, also called Edict of Toleration by Galerius, was issued in 311 in Serdica (Sofia, Bulgaria) Galerius, officially ending the Diocletianic persecution of Christianity in the East. Galerius issued this proclamation to end hostilities while on his deathbed, which gave Christians the rights to exist freely under the law and to peaceable assembly. Persecution was everywhere at an end.[176] Lactantius preserves the Latin text of this pronouncement, describing it as an edict. Eusebius provides a Greek translation of the pronouncement. His version includes imperial titles and an address to provincials, suggesting that the proclamation is, in fact, an imperial letter.[177] The document seems only to have been promulgated in Galerius's provinces.[178]

Among all the other arrangements that we are always making for the benefit and utility of the state, we have heretofore wished to repair all things in accordance with the laws and public discipline of the Romans, and to ensure that even the Christians, who abandoned the practice of their ancestors, should return to good sense. Indeed, for some reason or other, such self-indulgence assailed and idiocy possessed those Christians, that they did not follow the practices of the ancients, which their own ancestors had, perhaps, instituted, but according to their own will and as it pleased them, they made laws for themselves that they observed, and gathered various peoples in diverse areas. Then when our order was issued stating that they should return themselves to the practices of the ancients, many were subjected to peril, and many were even killed. Many more persevered in their way of life, and we saw that they neither offered proper worship and cult to the gods, or to the god of the Christians. Considering the observation of our own mild clemency and eternal custom, by which we are accustomed to grant clemency to all people, we have decided to extend our most speedy indulgence to these people as well, so that Christians may once more establish their own meeting places, so long as they do not act in a disorderly way. We are about to send another letter to our officials detailing the conditions they ought to observe. Consequently, in accord with our indulgence, they ought to pray to their god for our health and the safety of the state, so that the state may be kept safe on all sides, and they may be able to live safely and securely in their own homes.[179]

Galerius's words reinforce the Tetrarchy's theological basis for the persecution; the acts did nothing more than attempt to enforce traditional civic and religious practices, even if the edicts were thoroughly nontraditional. Galerius does nothing to violate the spirit of the persecution—Christians are still admonished for their nonconformity and foolish practices—Galerius never admits that he did anything wrong.[180] The admission that the Christians' God might exist is made only grudgingly.[181] Certain early 20th-century historians have declared that Galerius's edict definitively nullified the old "legal formula" non licet esse Christianos,[182] made Christianity a religio licita, "on a par with Judaism",[183] and secured Christians' property,[182] among other things.[184]

Not all have been so enthusiastic. The 17th-century ecclesiastical historian Tillemont called the edict "insignificant";[185] likewise, the late 20th-century historian Timothy Barnes cautions that the "novelty or importance of [Galerius'] measure should not be overestimated".[186] Barnes notes that Galerius's legislation only brought to the East rights Christians already possessed in Italy and Africa. In Gaul, Spain, and Britain, moreover, Christians already had far more than Galerius was offering to Eastern Christians.[186] Other late 20th-century historians, like Graeme Clark and David S. Potter, assert that for all its hedging, Galerius's issuance of the edict was a landmark event in the histories of Christianity and the Roman empire.[187]

Galerius's law was not effective for long in Maximinus's district. Within seven months of Galerius's proclamation, Maximinus resumed persecution,[188] which continued until 313, shortly before his death.[189] At a meeting between Licinius and Constantine in Milan in February 313, the two emperors drafted the terms of a universal peace. The terms of this peace were posted by the victorious Licinius at Nicomedia on June 13, 313.[190] Later ages have taken to calling the document the "Edict of Milan".[notes 17]

We thought it fit to commend these things most fully to your care that you may know that we have given to those Christians free and unrestricted opportunity of religious worship. When you see that this has been granted to them by us, your Worship will know that we have also conceded to other religions the right of open and free observance of their worship for the sake of the peace of our times, that each one may have the free opportunity to worship as he pleases; this regulation is made that we may not seem to detract from any dignity or any religion.[190]

Regional variation

Known martyrdoms in the East (Dubious)
Asia Minor Oriens Danube
Diocletian's provinces (303–305)
Galerius's provinces (303–305)
Galerius's provinces (undatable)
Galerius's provinces (305–311)
After Davies, pp. 68–69.[notes 18]
Map of the Roman Empire under the Tetrarchy, showing the dioceses and the four Tetrarchs' zones of influence.[image reference needed]

The enforcement of the persecutory edicts was inconsistent.[200] Since the Tetrarchs were more or less sovereign in their own realms,[201] they had a good deal of control over persecutory policy. In Constantius's realm (Britain and Gaul) the persecution was only lightly enforced;[143] in Maximian's realm (Italy, Spain, and Africa), it was firmly enforced; and in the East, under Diocletian (Asia Minor, Syria, Palestine and Egypt) and Galerius (Greece and the Balkans), its provisions were pursued with more fervor than anywhere else.[202] For the Eastern provinces, Peter Davies tabulated the total number of martyrdoms for an article in the Journal of Theological Studies.[199] Davies argues that the figures, although reliant on collections of acta that are incomplete and only partially reliable, point to a heavier persecution under Diocletian than under Galerius.[203] The historian Simon Corcoran, in a passage on the origins of the early persecution edicts, criticizes Davies' over-reliance on these "dubious martyr acts" and dismisses his conclusions.[204]

Britain and Gaul

The sources are inconsistent regarding the extent of the persecution in Constantius's domain, though all portray it as quite limited. Lactantius states that the destruction of church buildings was the worst thing that came to pass.[205] Eusebius explicitly denies that any churches were destroyed in both his Ecclesiastical History and his Life of Constantine, but lists Gaul as an area suffering from the effects of the persecution in his Martyrs of Palestine.[206] A group of bishops declared that "Gaul was immune" (immunis est Gallia) from the persecutions under Constantius.[207] The death of Saint Alban, the first British Christian martyr, was once dated to this era, but most now assign it to the reign of Septimius Severus.[208] The second, third and fourth edicts seem not to have been enforced in the West at all.[209] It is possible that Constantius's relatively tolerant policies were the result of Tetrarchic jealousies; the persecution, after all, had been the project of the Eastern emperors, not the Western ones.[143] After Constantine succeeded his father in 306, he urged the recovery of Church property lost in the persecution and legislated full freedom for all Christians in his domain.[210]


While the persecution under Constantius was relatively light, there is no doubt about the force of the persecution in Maximian's domain. Its effects are recorded at Rome, Sicily, Spain, and in Africa[211]—indeed, Maximian encouraged particularly strict enforcement of the edict in Africa. Africa's political elite were insistent that the persecution be fulfilled,[212] and Africa's Christians, especially in Numidia, were equally insistent on resisting them. For the Numidians, to hand over scriptures was an act of terrible apostasy.[213] Africa had long been home to the Church of the Martyrs[214]—in Africa, martyrs held more religious authority than the clergy[215]—and harbored a particularly intransigent, fanatical, and legalistic variety of Christianity.[216] It was Africa that gave the West most of its martyrdoms.[217]

Africa had produced martyrs even in the years immediately prior to the Great Persecution. In 298, Maximilian, a soldier in Tebessa, had been tried for refusing to follow military discipline;[218] in Mauretania in 298, the soldier Marcellus refused his army bonus and took off his uniform in public.[219] Once persecutions began, public authorities were eager to assert their authority. Anullinus, proconsul of Africa, expanded on the edict, deciding that in addition to the destruction of the Christians' scriptures and churches the government should compel Christians to sacrifice to the gods.[220] Governor Valerius Florus enforced the same policy in Numidia during the summer or autumn of 303, when he called for "days of incense burning"; Christians would sacrifice or they would lose their lives.[221] In addition to those already listed, African martyrs also include Saturninus and the Martyrs of Abitinae,[222] another group martyred on February 12, 304 in Carthage,[223] and the martyrs of Milevis (Mila, Algeria).[224]

The persecution in Africa encouraged the development of Donatism, a schismatic movement that forbade any compromise with Roman government or traditor bishops (those who had handed scriptures over to secular authorities). One of the key moments in the break with the mainline Church occurred in Carthage in 304. The Christians from Abitinae had been brought to the city and imprisoned. Friends and relatives of the prisoners came to visit but encountered resistance from a local mob. The group was harassed, beaten, and whipped; the food they had brought for their imprisoned friends was scattered on the ground. The mob had been sent by Mensurius, the bishop of the city, and Caecilian, his deacon, for reasons that remain obscure.[225] In 311, Caecilian was elected bishop of Carthage. His opponents charged that his traditio made him unworthy of the office and declared itself for another candidate, Majorinus. Many others in Africa, including the Abitinians, also supported Majorinus against Caecilian. Majorinus's successor Donatus would give the dissident movement its name.[226] By the time Constantine took over the province, the African Church was deeply divided.[227] The Donatists would not be reconciled to the Catholic Church until after 411.[228]

Italy and Spain

Maximian probably seized the Christian property in Rome quite easily—Roman cemeteries were noticeable, and Christian meeting places could have been easily found out. Senior churchmen would have been similarly prominent. The bishop of Rome Marcellinus died in 304, during the persecution, but how he died is disputed among historians: Eusebius wrote in his Historia Ecclesiastica that Marcellinus was "brought away by the persecution", an obscure phrase that may refer to his martyrdom or to the fact that he fled the city.[229] Others assert that Marcellinus was a traditor.[230] Marcellinus appears in the 4th-century Church's depositio episcoporum but not its feriale, or calendar of feasts, where all Marcellinus's predecessors from Fabian had been listed—a "glaring" absence, in the opinion of historian John Curran.[130] Within forty years, Donatists began spreading rumors that Marcellinus had been a traditor and that he had even sacrificed to the pagan gods.[231] The tale was embroidered in the 5th-century forgery the "Council of Sinuessa", and the vita Marcelli of the Liber Pontificalis. The latter work states that the bishop had indeed apostatized but redeemed himself through martyrdom a few days afterward.[130]

What followed Marcellinus's act of traditio, if it ever actually happened, is unclear. There appears to have been a break in the episcopal succession since his successor, Marcellus I, was not consecrated until either November or December 308; it was likely not possible to elect a new bishop during the persecution.[232] In the meantime, two factions diverged in the Roman Church, separating the lapsed (Christians who had complied with the edicts to ensure their own safety) and the rigorists (those who would not compromise with secular authority). These two groups clashed in street fights and riots, eventually leading to murders.[232] It is said that Marcellus, a rigorist, purged all mention of Marcellinus from church records and removed his name from the official list of bishops.[233] Marcellus was banished from the city and died in exile on January 16, 309.[232]

The persecution was firmly enforced until Maximian's abdication in 305 but started to wane when Costantius (who seemed not to have been enthusiast about it) succeeded as august.[234] After Costantius's death, Maxentius took advantage of Galerius's unpopularity in Italy (Galerius had introduced taxation for the city and countryside of Rome for the first time in the history of the empire)[235] to declare himself emperor. On October 28, 306, Maxentius convinced the Praetorian Guard to support him, mutiny, and invest him with the purple robes of the emperor.[236] Soon after his acclamation, Maxentius declared an end to persecution and a toleration for all Christians in his realm.[237] The news traveled to Africa, where in later years a Christian of Cirta could still recall the precise date when "peace" was ushered in.[238] Maxentius did not permit the restitution of confiscated property, however.[239]

On April 18, 308, Maxentius allowed the Christians to hold another election for the city's bishop, which Eusebius won.[240] Eusebius was a moderate, however, in a still-divided Church. Heraclius, head of the rigorist faction, opposed readmission of the lapsed. Rioting followed, and Maxentius exiled the combative pair from the city, leaving Eusebius to die in Sicily on October 21.[239] The office was vacant for almost three years, until Maxentius permitted another election. Miltiades was elected on July 2, 311, as Maxentius prepared to face Constantine in battle. Maxentius, facing increasingly strong domestic opposition to his rule, agreed to the restitution of Christian property. Miltiades sent two deacons with letters from Maxentius to the prefect of Rome, the head of the city, responsible for publishing imperial edicts within the city, to ensure compliance.[241] African Christians were still recovering lost property as late as 312.[242]

Outside Rome, there are fewer sure details of the progress and effects of the persecution in Italy, and the number of deaths is unclear. The Acta Eulpi records the martyrdom of Euplus of Catania, a Christian who dared to carry the holy Gospels around, refusing to surrender them. Euplus was arrested on April 29, 304, tried, and martyred on August 12.[243] According to the Martyrologium Hieronymianus, the bishop of Aquileia Chrysogonus was executed during this period, while Maximus of Turin and Venatius Fortunatus mention the martyrdom of Cantius, Cantianus and Cantianilla in Aquileia as well.[244][245] In Spain the bishop Ossius of Corduba narrowly escaped martyrdom.[143] After 305, the year when Diocletian and Maximian abdicated and Constantius became Augustus, there were no more active persecutions in the West. Eusebius declares that the persecution lasted "less than two years".[234]

After a brief military standoff,[246] Constantine confronted and defeated Maxentius at the Battle of the Milvian Bridge outside Rome on October 28, 312; Maxentius retreated to the Tiber river and drowned. Constantine entered the city the next day but declined to take part in the traditional ascent up the Capitoline Hill to the Temple of Jupiter.[247] Constantine's army had advanced on Rome under a Christian sign. It had become, officially at least, a Christian army.[248] Constantine's apparent conversion was visible elsewhere, too. Bishops dined at Constantine's table,[249] and many Christian building projects began soon after his victory. On November 9, 312, the old headquarters of the Imperial Horse Guard were razed to make way for the Lateran Basilica.[250] Under Constantine's rule, Christianity became the prime focus of official patronage.[251]


Before the end of February 303, a fire destroyed part of the imperial palace at Nicomedia. Galerius convinced Diocletian that the culprits were Christian conspirators who had plotted with palace eunuchs. An investigation into the act was commissioned, but no responsible party was found. Executions followed.[252] The palace eunuchs Dorotheus and Gorgonius were eliminated. One individual named Peter was stripped, raised high, and scourged. Salt and vinegar were poured in his wounds, and he was slowly boiled over an open flame. The executions continued until at least April 24, 303, when six individuals, including the bishop Anthimus, were decapitated.[253] The persecution intensified; presbyters and other clergymen could be arrested without having even been accused of a crime and condemned to death.[254] A second fire appeared sixteen days after the first. Galerius left the city, declaring it unsafe,[255] and Diocletian soon followed.[252] Lactantius blames Galerius's allies for setting the fire; Constantine, in a later reminiscence, attributes the fire to "lightning from heaven".[256]

Lactantius, still living in Nicomedia, saw the beginnings of the apocalypse in Diocletian's persecution.[257] Lactantius's writings during the persecution exhibit both bitterness and Christian triumphalism.[258] His eschatology runs directly counter to Tetrarchic claims to "renewal". Diocletian asserted that he had instituted a new era of security and peace; Lactantius saw the beginning of a cosmic revolution.[259]

Palestine and Syria

Before Galerius's edict of toleration

Known martyrdoms in Palestine (dubious)
Date Martyrdoms
Palestinian martyrdoms recorded
in the Martyrs of Palestine.
After Clarke, 657–58.

Palestine is the only region for which an extended local perspective of the persecution exists, in the form of Eusebius's Martyrs of Palestine. Eusebius was resident in Caesarea, the capital of Roman Palestine, for the duration of the persecution, although he also traveled to Phoenicia and Egypt, and perhaps Arabia as well.[260] Eusebius's account is imperfect. It focuses on martyrs that were his personal friends before the persecutions began and includes martyrdoms that took place outside of Palestine.[261] His coverage is uneven. He provides only bare generalities at the bloody end of the persecutions, for example.[262] Eusebius recognizes some of his faults. At the outset of his account of the general persecution in the Ecclesiastical History, Eusebius laments the incompleteness of his reportage: "how could one number the multitude of martyrs in each province, and especially those in Africa and Mauretania, and in Thebaid and Egypt?"[263]

Since no one below the status of governor held the legal power to enforce capital punishment, most recalcitrant Christians would have been sent to Caesarea to await punishment.[264] The first martyr, Procopius, was sent to Caesarea from Scythopolis (Beit She'an, Israel), where he had been a reader and an exorcist. He was brought before the governor on June 7, 303, and asked to sacrifice to the gods and to pour a libation for the emperors. Procopius responded by quoting Homer: "the lordship of many is not a good thing; let there be one ruler, one king". The governor beheaded the man at once.[265]

Further martyrdoms followed in the months thereafter,[266] increasing in the next spring, when the new governor, Urbanus, published the fourth edict.[267] Eusebius probably does not list a complete account of all those executed under the fourth edict—he alludes in passing to others imprisoned with Thecla of Gaza, for example, though he does not name them.[268]

The bulk of Eusebius's account deals with Maximinus,[262] who took up the office of emperor in Nicomedia on May 1, 305, and immediately thereafter left the city for Caesarea, hurrying, Lactantius alleges, so as to oppress and trample the diocese of Oriens.[269] Initially, Maximinus governed only Egypt and the Levant. He issued his own persecutory edict in the spring of 306, ordering general sacrifice.[270] The edict of 304 had been difficult to enforce, since the imperial government had no record of city-dwelling subjects who held no agricultural land.[271] Galerius solved this problem in 306 by running another census. This contained the names of all urban heads of household and the number of their dependents (past censuses had only listed persons paying tax on land, such as landowners and tenants).[272] Using lists drawn up by the civil service, Maximinus ordered his heralds to call all men, women, and children down to the temples. There, after tribunes called everyone by name, everyone sacrificed.[273]

At some point after the publication of Maximinus's first edict, perhaps in 307, Maximinus changed the penalty for transgressions. Instead of receiving the death penalty, Christians would now be mutilated and condemned to labor in state-owned mines.[274] Since Egyptian mines were overstaffed, mostly due to the influx of Christian prisoners, Egyptian penitents were increasingly sent to the copper mines at Phaeno in Palestine and Cilicia in Asia Minor. At Diocaesarea (Sepphoris, Israel) in the spring of 308, 97 Christian confessors were received by Firmilianus from the porphyry mines in the Thebaid. Firmilianus cut the tendons on their left feet, blinded their right eyes, and sent them to the mines of Palestine.[275][notes 19] On another occasion, 130 others received the same punishment. Some were sent to Phaeno, and some to Cilicia.[278]

Eusebius characterizes Urbanus as a man who enjoyed some variety in his punishments. One day, shortly after Easter 307, he ordered the virgin Theodosia from Tyre (Ṣūr, Lebanon) thrown to the sea for conversing with Christians attending trial and refusing sacrifice; the Christians in court, meanwhile, he sent to Phaeno.[279] On a single day, November 2, 307, Urbanus sentenced a man named Domninus to be burned alive, three youths to fight as gladiators, and a priest to be exposed to a beast. On the same day, he ordered some young men to be castrated, sent three virgins to brothels, and imprisoned a number of others, including Pamphilus of Caesarea, a priest, scholar, and defender of the theologian Origen.[280] Soon after, and for unknown reasons, Urbanus was stripped of his rank, imprisoned, tried, and executed, all in one day of expedited proceedings.[281] His replacement, Firmilianus, was a veteran soldier and one of Maximinus's trusted confidants.[282]

Eusebius notes that this event marked the beginning of a temporary respite from persecution.[283] Although the precise dating of this respite is not specifically noted by Eusebius, the text of the Martyrs records no Palestinian martyrs between July 25, 308 and November 13, 309.[284] The political climate probably impinged on persecutory policy here: This was the period of the conference of Carnuntum, which met in November 308. Maximinus probably spent the next few months in discussion with Galerius over his role in the imperial government, and did not have the time to deal with the Christians.[285]

In the autumn of 309,[285] Maximinus resumed persecution by issuing letters to provincial governors and his praetorian prefect, the highest authority in judicial proceedings after the emperor, demanding that Christians conform to pagan customs. His new legislation called for another general sacrifice, coupled with a general offering of libations. It was even more systematic than the first, allowing no exceptions for infants or servants. Logistai (curatores), strategoi, duumviri, and tabularii, who kept the records, saw to it that there were no evasions.[286] Maximinus introduced some innovations to the process, making him the only known persecuting emperor to have done so.[287] This edict now required food sold in the marketplaces to be covered in libation. Maximinus sent sentries to stand guard at bathhouses and city gates to ensure that all customers sacrificed.[288] He issued copies of the fictitious Acts of Pilate to encourage popular hatred of Christ. Prostitutes confessed, under judicial torture, to having engaged in debaucheries with Christians. Bishops were reassigned to work as stable boys for the Imperial horse guard or keepers of the Imperial camels.[289] Maximinus also worked for a revival of pagan religion. He appointed high priests for each province, men who were to wear white robes and supervise daily worship of the gods.[290] Maximinus demanded that vigorous restoration work be done on decaying temples within his domain.[291]

The next few months saw the worst extremes of the persecution.[292] On December 13, 309, Firmilianus condemned some Egyptians arrested at Ascalon (Ashkelon, Israel) on their way to visit the confessors in Cilicia. Three were beheaded; the rest lost their left feet and right eyes. On January 10, 310, Peter and the bishop Asclepius from the dualist Christian sect Marcionism, both from Anaia, (near Eleutheropolis, Israel), were burned alive.[293] On February 16, Pamphilus and his six companions were executed. In the aftermath, four more members of Pamphilus's household were martyred for their displays of sympathy for the condemned. The last martyrs before Galerius's edict of toleration were executed on March 5 and 7.[294] Then the executions stopped. Eusebius does not explain this sudden halt, but it coincides with the replacement of Firmilianus with Valentinianus, a man appointed at some time before Galerius's death.[295] The replacement is only attested to via epigraphic remains, like stone inscriptions; Eusebius does not mention Valentinianus anywhere in his writings.[296]

After Galerius's edict of toleration

After Galerius's death, Maximinus seized Asia Minor.[297] Even after Galerius's edict of toleration in 311, Maximinus continued to persecute.[298] His name is absent from the list of emperors publishing Galerius's edict of toleration, perhaps through later suppression.[299] Eusebius states that Maximinus complied with its provisions only reluctantly.[300] Maximinus told his praetorian prefect Sabinus to write to provincial governors, requesting that they and their subordinates ignore "that letter" (Galerius's edict).[301] Christians were to be free from molestation, and their mere Christianity would not leave them open to criminal charges. Unlike Galerius's edict, however, Maximinus's letter made no provisions for Christian assembly, nor did he suggest that Christians build more churches.[297]

Maximinus issued orders in Autumn 311 forbidding Christians to congregate in cemeteries.[302] After issuing these orders, he was approached by embassies from cities within his domain, demanding he begin a general persecution. Lactantius and Eusebius state that these petitions were not voluntary, but had been made at Maximinus's behest.[303] Maximinus began persecuting Church leaders before the end of 311. Peter of Alexandria was beheaded on November 26, 311.[304] Lucian of Antioch was executed in Nicomedia on January 7, 312.[305] According to Eusebius, many Egyptian bishops suffered the same fate.[304] According to Lactantius, Maximinus ordered confessors to have "their eyes gouged out, their hands cut off, their feet amputated, their noses or ears severed".[306] Antioch asked Maximinus if it could forbid Christians from living in the city.[307] In response, Maximinus issued a rescript encouraging every city to expel its Christians. This rescript was published in Sardis on April 6, 312, and in Tyre by May or June.[308] There are three surviving copies of Maximinus's rescript, in Tyre, Arycanda (Aykiriçay, Turkey), and Colbasa. They are all essentially identical.[309] To address a complaint from Lycia and Pamphylia about the "detestable pursuits of the atheists [Christians]", Maximinus promised the provincials whatever they wanted—perhaps an exemption from the poll tax.[310]

When Maximinus received notice that Constantine had succeeded in his campaign against Maxentius, he issued a new letter restoring Christians their former liberties.[311] The text of this letter, which is preserved in Eusebius's Historia Ecclesiastica, however, suggests that the initiative was Maximinus's alone, and not that of Constantine or Licinius. It is also the only passage in the ancient sources providing Maximinus's rationale for his actions, without the hostility of Lactantius and Eusebius. Maximinus states that he supported Diocletian and Galerius's early legislation but, upon being made Caesar, came to realize the drain such policies would have on his labor force, and began to employ persuasion without coercion.[312] He goes on to assert that he resisted petitions from Nicomedians to forbid Christians from their city (an event Eusebius does not otherwise record),[313] and that when he accepted the demands of deputations from other cities he was only following imperial custom.[314] Maximinus concludes his letter by referencing the letter he wrote after Galerius's edict, asking that his subordinates be lenient. He does not refer to his early letters, which encouraged avid persecution.[315]

In the early spring of 313, as Licinius advanced against Maximinus, the latter resorted to savagery in his dealings with his own citizens, and his Christians in particular.[316] In May 313,[317] Maximinus issued one more edict of toleration, hoping to persuade Licinius to stop advancing, and win more public support. For the first time, Maximinus issued a law which offered comprehensive toleration and the means to effectively secure it. As in his earlier letter, Maximinus is apologetic but one-sided.[318] Maximinus absolves himself for all the failings of his policy, locating fault with local judges and enforcers instead.[319] He frames the new universal toleration as a means of removing all ambiguity and extortion. Maximinus then declares full freedom of religious practice, encourages Christians to rebuild their churches, and pledges to restore Christian property lost in the persecution.[320] The edict changed little: Licinius defeated Maximinus at the Battle of Tzirallum on April 30, 313;[321] the now-powerless Maximinus committed suicide at Tarsus in the summer of 313. On June 13, Licinius published the Edict of Milan in Nicomedia.[322]


Wall painting of martyred saints, Ananias, Azarias, and Misael from the town of Samalut with Saints Damian and Cosmas; martyred during the persecutions of Diocletian in the late 3rd century AD. Stucco. 6th century AD. From Wadi Sarga, Egypt. British Museum

In Eusebius' Martyrs of Palestine, Egypt is covered only in passing. When Eusebius remarks on the region, however, he writes of tens, twenties, even hundreds of Christians put to death on a single day, which would seem to make Egypt the region that suffered the most during the persecutions.[323] According to one report that Barnes calls "plausible, if unverifiable", 660 Christians were killed in Alexandria alone between 303 and 311.[324] In Egypt, Peter of Alexandria fled his namesake city early on in the persecution, leaving the Church leaderless. Meletius, bishop of Lycopolis (Asyut), took up the job in his place. Meletius performed ordinations without Peter's permission, which caused some bishops to complain to Peter. Meletius soon refused to treat Peter as any kind of authority, and expanded his operations into Alexandria. According to Epiphanius of Salamis, the Church split into two sections: the "Catholic Church", under Peter, and, after Peter's execution, Alexander; and the "Church of the Martyrs" under Meletius.[325] When the two groups found themselves imprisoned together in Alexandria during the persecution, Peter of Alexandria drew up a curtain in the middle of their cell. He then said: "There are some who are of my view, let them come over on my side, and those of Melitius's view, stay with Melitius." Thus divided, the two sects went on with their affairs, purposely ignoring each other's existence.[326] The schism continued to grow throughout the persecution, even with its leaders in jail,[327] and would persist long after the deaths of both Peter and Meletius.[325] Fifty-one bishoprics are attested for Egypt in 325; fifteen are only known otherwise as seats of the schismatic Church.[328]


The Diocletianic persecution was ultimately unsuccessful. As Robin Lane Fox has put it, it was simply "too little and too late".[22] Christians were never purged systematically in any part of the empire, and Christian evasion continually undermined the edicts' enforcement.[329] Some bribed their way to freedom.[330] The Christian Copres escaped on a technicality: To avoid sacrificing in court, he gave his brother power of attorney, and had him do it instead.[331] Many simply fled. Eusebius, in his Vita Constantini, wrote that "once more the fields and woods received the worshippers of God".[332] To contemporary theologians, there was no sin in this behavior. Lactantius held that Christ himself had encouraged it,[333] and Bishop Peter of Alexandria quoted Matthew 10:23 ("when they persecute you in this city, flee ye into another"[334]) in support of the tactic.[335]

The pagan crowd was more sympathetic to the Christians' sufferings than they had been in the past.[336] Lactantius, Eusebius and Constantine write of revulsion at the excesses of the persecutors—Constantine of executioners "wearied out, and disgusted at the cruelties" they had committed.[337] The fortitude of the martyrs in the face of death had earned the faith respectability in the past,[338] though it may have won few converts.[339] The thought of martyrdom, however, sustained Christians under trial and in prison, hardening their faith.[340] Packaged with the promise of eternal life, martyrdom proved attractive for the growing segment of the pagan population which was, to quote Dodds, "in love with death".[341] To use Tertullian's famous phrase, the blood of the martyrs was the seed of the Church.[342]

By 324, Constantine, the Christian convert, ruled the entire empire alone. Christianity became the greatest beneficiary of imperial largesse.[343] The persecutors had been routed. As the historian J. Liebeschuetz has written: "The final result of the Great Persecution provided a testimonial to the truth of Christianity which it could have won in no other way."[344] After Constantine, the Christianization of the Roman empire would continue apace. Under Theodosius I (r. 378–95), Christianity became the state religion.[345] By the 5th century, Christianity was the empire's predominant faith, and filled the same role paganism had at the end of the 3rd century.[346] Because of the persecution, however, a number of Christian communities were riven between those who had complied with imperial authorities (traditores) and those who had refused. In Africa, the Donatists, who protested the election of the alleged traditor Caecilian to the bishopric of Carthage, continued to resist the authority of the central Church until after 411.[347] The Melitians in Egypt left the Egyptian Church similarly divided.[325]

In future generations, both Christians and pagans would look back on Diocletian as, in the words of theologian Henry Chadwick, "the embodiment of irrational ferocity".[348] To medieval Christians, Diocletian was the most loathsome of all Roman emperors.[349] From the 4th century on, Christians would describe the "Great" persecution of Diocletian's reign as a bloodbath.[350] The Liber Pontificalis, a collection of biographies of the popes, alleges 17,000 martyrs within a single thirty-day period.[351] In the 4th century, Christians created a "cult of martyrs" in homage to the fallen.[352]


Historian G.E.M. de Ste Croix argues that hagiographers portrayed a persecution far more extensive than the real one had been,[353] and the Christians responsible for this cult were loose with the facts. Their "heroic age" of martyrs, or "Era of Martyrs", was held to begin with Diocletian's accession to the emperorship in 284, rather than 303, when persecutions actually began; Barnes argues that they fabricated a large number of martyrs' tales (indeed, most surviving martyrs' tales are forgeries), exaggerated the facts in others, and embroidered true accounts with miraculous details.[352] According to Curran, of the surviving martyrs' acts, only those of Agnes, Sebastian, Felix and Adauctus, and Marcellinus and Peter are even remotely historical.[350] These traditional accounts were first questioned in the Enlightenment, when Henry Dodwell, Voltaire, and, most famously, Edward Gibbon questioned traditional accounts of the Christian martyrs.[354]

In the final chapter of the first volume of his History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire (1776), Gibbon claims that Christians had greatly exaggerated the scale of the persecutions they suffered:[355]

After the church had triumphed over all her enemies, the interest as well as vanity of the captives prompted them to magnify the merit of their respective sufferings. A convenient distance of time or place gave an ample scope to the progress of fiction; and the frequent instances which might be alleged of holy martyrs, whose wounds had been instantly healed, whose strength had been renewed, and whose lost members had miraculously been restored, were extremely convenient for the purpose of removing every difficulty, and of silencing every objection. The most extravagant legends, as they conduced to the honour of the church, were applauded by the credulous multitude, countenanced by the power of the clergy, and attested by the suspicious evidence of ecclesiastical history.[356]

Throughout his history, Gibbon implies that the early Church undermined traditional Roman virtues, and thereby impaired the health of civil society.[355] When Gibbon sought to reduce the numbers of the martyrs in his History, he was perceived as intending to diminish the Church and deny sacred history. He was attacked for his suspected irreligion in print.[357] The contemporary classical scholar Richard Porson mocked Gibbon, writing that his humanity never slept, "unless when women are ravished, or the Christians persecuted".[358]

Some later historians, however, took Gibbon's emphases even further. As Croix put it in 1954, "The so-called Great Persecution has been exaggerated in the Christian tradition to an extent which even Gibbon did not fully appreciate."[359] In 1972, the ecclesiastical Protestant historian Hermann Dörries was embarrassed to admit to his colleagues that his sympathies lay with the Christians rather than their persecutors.[360] Anglican historian W.H.C. Frend estimated that 3,000–3,500 Christians were killed in the persecution, although this number is disputed.[361] The historian Min Seok Shin estimates that over 23,500 Christians suffered martyrdom under Diocletian, of whom the names of 850 are known.[362]

Although the number of verifiably true martyrs' tales has decreased, and estimates of the total casualty rate have been reduced, the majority of modern writers are less skeptical than Gibbon of the severity of the persecution. As the author Stephen Williams wrote in 1985, "even allowing a margin for invention, what remains is terrible enough. Unlike Gibbon, we live in an age which has experienced similar things, and knows how unsound is that civilised smile of incredulity at such reports. Things can be, have been, every bit as bad as our worst imaginings."[217]

See also


  1. ^ Early pagan opponents of the Christians would see their God as a political criminal, executed under a governor of Judea for proclaiming himself "King of the Jews", and note that their holy texts included an allegorical attack on the Roman state that prophesied its imminent destruction (Revelation). These arguments were less effective as time went on, since Christians were visibly apolitical.[12]
  2. ^ Clarke argues that other evidence (Cyprian, Epistolae 75.10.1f; Origen Contra Celsus 3.15) undermines Eusebius's picture of Maximin's policy, and vouches for a comparatively light persecution instead.[28]
  3. ^ Although some members of the laity were persecuted, the primary targets of official action were always the clergy and the more prominent lay Christians.[32]
  4. ^ The Palestinian Talmud records that when Diocletian paid a visit to the region, he decreed that "sacrifices should be offered by all the people except the Jews".[54]
  5. ^ The edict illegalized sibling marriage, which had long been customary in the East.[58]
  6. ^ Hopkins assumes a constant growth rate of 3.35% per annum. Hopkins' study is cited at Potter, 314. The historian Robin Lane Fox gives a smaller estimate of the Christian population in 300—4% or 5% of the empire's total population—but allows that Christian numbers grew as a result of the hardship of the years from 250 to 280.[63]
  7. ^ Clarke argues against reading a large advancement in either the numbers or the social status of Christians into this data.[68]
  8. ^ Clarke cautions, however, that this shift in attitudes may simply be an artifact of the source material.[73]
  9. ^ Aurelius Victor describes the circle around Diocletian as an imminentium scrutator;[80] Lactantius describes it as a scrutator rerum futurarum.[81]
  10. ^ Later dates are possible, but discouraged by the statement in the Suda (written in the 10th century) that Porphyry only "survived until [the reign] of Diocletian".[84]
  11. ^ Helgeland places the event in 301.[94] Barnes argued for a date of 302 or "not long before" in 1976,[95] but accepted a date of 299 in 1981.[96] Woods argues for a date of 297, on the grounds that Diocletian and Galerius were both in the area at this time, and because Eusebius's Chronicle associates the persecution with Galerius's defeat by Narseh. (For, although Eusebius dates the defeat to 302, it actually occurred in 297.)[97]
  12. ^ Davies disputes Barnes' identification of Constantine's unnamed emperor (Oratio ad Coetum Sanctum 22) with Galerius.[105]
  13. ^ Barnes argues that Diocletian was prepared to tolerate Christianity—he did, after all, live within sight of Nicomedia's Christian church, and his wife and daughter were, if not Christians themselves (as per Eusebius, Historia Ecclesiastica 8.1.3; Lactantius, De Mortibus Persecutorum 15.1), at least sympathetic to the faith—but was successively brought closer and closer to intolerance under Galerius's influence.[107] Davies takes a more skeptical view of the same evidence.[108]
  14. ^ The edict might not actually have been an "edict" in the technical sense; Eusebius does not refer to it as such, and the passage in the Passio Felicis which includes the word edictum ("exiit edictum imperatorum et Caesarum super omnem faciem terrae") may simply have been written to echo Luke 2:1 ("exiit edictum a Caesare Augusto ut profiteretur universus orbis terrae").[127] Elsewhere in the passion, the text is called a programma.[128] The text of the edict itself does not actually survive.[129]
  15. ^ This apparently included any house in which scriptures were found.[133]
  16. ^ Gaddis writes that the quotation may be a slur on Galerius's trans-Danubian ancestry.[146]
  17. ^ The document is not actually an edict, but a letter.[191] The two can be distinguished by the presence of a specific addressee on a letter, and the absence of one on an edict.[192] The version of the document preserved by Lactantius (De Mortibus Persecutorum 48.2–12) is a letter to the governor of Bithynia, and was presumably posted in Nicomedia after Licinius had taken the city from Maximinus.[191] Eusebius's version (Historia Ecclesiastica 10.5.2–14) is probably a copy sent to the governor of Palestine and posted in Caesarea.[191]
  18. ^ These figures count only the total number of martyrdoms, not the number of individuals martyred.[199] Davies takes his figures from martyrs' acts collected by the Bollandists.
  19. ^ S. Lieberman located this event at Lydda (Lod, Israel).[276] Barnes contests this identification, arguing that since Eusebius specifically identifies the city as wholly Jewish, it is unlikely to have been Lydda, which had a Christian bishop by 325. Diocaesarea, however, was noted for its Jewishness long thereafter.[277]


  1. ^ Gaddis, 29.
  2. ^ Philip F. Esler, ed. (2000). The Early Christian World, Vol.2. Routledge. pp. 827–829. ISBN 978-0-415-16497-9.
  3. ^ a b Frend, "Genesis and Legacy", 503.
  4. ^ a b Frend, "Genesis and Legacy", 511; de Ste-Croix, "Persecuted?", 15–16.
  5. ^ Dodds, 111.
  6. ^ MacMullen, 35.
  7. ^ Dodds, 110.
  8. ^ Schott, Making of Religion, 2, citing Eusebius, Praeparatio Evangelica 1.2.1.
  9. ^ Schott, Making of Religion, 1.
  10. ^ Dodds, 115–16, citing Justin, Apologia 2.2; Tertullian, Apologia 3.
  11. ^ Castelli, 38; Gaddis, 30–31.
  12. ^ de Ste-Croix, "Persecuted?", 16–17.
  13. ^ Tacitus, Annales 15.44.6, cited in Frend, "Genesis and Legacy", 504; Dodds, 110.
  14. ^ Frend, "Genesis and Legacy", 504, citing Suetonius, Nero 16.2.
  15. ^ Dodds, 111–12, 112 n.1; de Ste-Croix, "Persecuted?", 20.
  16. ^ Clarke, 616; Frend, "Genesis and Legacy", 510. See also: Barnes, "Legislation"; de Sainte-Croix, "Persecuted?"; Musurillo, lviii–lxii; and Sherwin-White, "Early Persecutions."
  17. ^ Drake, Bishops, 87–93; Edwards, 579; Frend, "Genesis and Legacy", 506–8, citing Pliny, Epistaules 10.96.
  18. ^ Martyrium Polycarpi (= Musurillo, 2–21) and Eusebius, Historia Ecclesiastica 4.15; Frend, 509 (Smyrna); Martyrium Scillitanarum acta (= Musurillo, 86–89), cited in Frend, 510 (Scilli).
  19. ^ Eusebius, Historia Ecclesiastica 5.1 (= Musurillo, 62–85); Edwards, 587; Frend, 508.
  20. ^ G. W. Clarke, "The origins and spread of Christianity," in Cambridge Ancient History, vol. 10, The Augustan Empire, ed. Alan K. Bowman, Edward Champlin, and Andrew Linott (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1996), 869–70.
  21. ^ Clarke, 616; Frend, "Genesis and Legacy", 510; de Ste-Croix, "Persecuted?", 7.
  22. ^ a b Robin Lane Fox, The Classical World: An Epic History of Greece and Rome (Toronto: Penguin, 2006), 576.
  23. ^ Castelli, 38.
  24. ^ Drake, Bishops, 113–14; Frend, "Genesis and Legacy", 511.
  25. ^ Origen, Contra Celsum 3.9, qtd. and tr. in Frend, "Genesis and Legacy", 512.
  26. ^ Scriptores Historiae Augustae, Septimius Severus, 17.1; Frend, "Genesis and Legacy", 511. Timothy Barnes, at Tertullian: A Historical and Literary Study (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1971), 151, calls this supposed rescript an "invention" of the author, reflecting his own religious prejudices instead of imperial policy under the Severans.
  27. ^ Eusebius, Historia Ecclesiastica 6.28, cited in Frend, "Genesis and Legacy", 513.
  28. ^ Clarke, 621–25.
  29. ^ Clarke, 625–27; Frend, "Genesis and Legacy", 513; Rives, 135.
  30. ^ Eusebius, Historia Ecclesiastica 6.39.4; Clarke, 632, 634; Frend, "Genesis and Legacy", 514.
  31. ^ E. Leigh Gibson, "Jewish Antagonism or Christian Polemic: The Case of the Martyrdom of Pionius," Journal of Early Christian Studies 9:3 (2001): 339–58.
  32. ^ Dodds, 108, 108 n.2.
  33. ^ Joseph Wilson Trigg, Origen (New York: Routledge, 1998), 61.
  34. ^ Clarke, 635; Frend, "Genesis and Legacy", 514.
  35. ^ Frend, "Genesis and Legacy", 514, citing Cyprian, De lapsis 8.
  36. ^ Frend, "Genesis and Legacy", 514, citing Martyrium Pionii 15 (= Musurillo, 156–57).
  37. ^ Frend, "Genesis and Legacy", 514.
  38. ^ Eusebius, Historia Ecclesiastica 7.10.3, qtd. and tr. in Frend, "Genesis and Legacy", 515.
  39. ^ Frend, "Genesis and Legacy", 516.
  40. ^ Eusebius, Historia Ecclesiastica 7.15; Digeser, Christian Empire, 52; Frend, "Genesis and Legacy", 517.
  41. ^ Frend, "Genesis and Legacy", 517.
  42. ^ Williams, 161.
  43. ^ a b Williams, 161–62.
  44. ^ Panegyrici Latini 11(3)6, qtd. and tr. Williams, 162.
  45. ^ Bowman, "Diocletian", 70–71; Corcoran, "Before Constantine", 40; Liebeschuetz, 235–52, 240–43; Odahl, 43–44; Williams, 58–59.
  46. ^ Curran, 47; Williams, 58–59.
  47. ^ a b Frend, "Prelude", 4.
  48. ^ Curran, 47.
  49. ^ Potter, 296, citing Inscriptiones Latinae Selectae 617, 641, 618; Frend, "Prelude", 3; Lane Fox, 593. See also Millar, 182, on Tetrarchic triumphalism in the Near East.
  50. ^ Potter, 336.
  51. ^ Potter, 333.
  52. ^ a b Curran, 48.
  53. ^ Clarke, 627.
  54. ^ Palestinian Talmud, Aboda Zara 5.4, qtd. and tr. in Curran, 48. See also: Dodd, 111.
  55. ^ Lane Fox, 430.
  56. ^ Martin Goodman, Rome and Jerusalem (New York: Allen Lane, 2007), 499–505.
  57. ^ Barnes, Constantine and Eusebius, 19, 295 n.50; New Empire, 62 n.76.
  58. ^ a b Barnes, Constantine and Eusebius, 295 n.50.
  59. ^ Mosiacarum et Romanarum Legum Collatio 6.4, qtd. and tr. in Clarke, 649; Barnes, Constantine and Eusebius, 19–20.
  60. ^ Barnes, Constantine and Eusebius, 20. See also: Lane Fox, 594.
  61. ^ Davies, 93.
  62. ^ Hopkins, 191.
  63. ^ Lane Fox, 590–92. See also: Rodney Stark, The Rise of Christianity: A Sociologist Reconsiders History (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1996).
  64. ^ a b Frend, "Prelude", 2.
  65. ^ Keresztes, 379; Lane Fox, 587; Potter, 314.
  66. ^ Keresztes, 379; Potter, 314.
  67. ^ Keresztes, 379.
  68. ^ Clarke, 615.
  69. ^ Barnes, Constantine and Eusebius, 21.
  70. ^ Eusebius, Historia Ecclesiastica 8.6.2–4, 8.9.7, 8.11.2, cited in Keresztes, 379; Potter, 337, 661 n.16.
  71. ^ Lactantius, De Mortibus Persecutorum 15.2, cited in Keresztes, 379; Potter, 337, 661 n.16.
  72. ^ a b Barnes, Constantine and Eusebius, 21; Clarke, 621–22.
  73. ^ Clarke, 621–22.
  74. ^ de Ste-Croix, "Persecuted?", 21.
  75. ^ Barnes, Constantine and Eusebius, 21–22.
  76. ^ Dodds, 109.
  77. ^ Lactantius, Divinae Institutiones 5.2.12–13; Digeser, Christian Empire, 5.
  78. ^ Lactantius, Divinae Institutiones 5.2.3; Frend, "Prelude", 13.
  79. ^ Lactantius, Divinae Institutiones 5.2.3ff; Barnes, Constantine and Eusebius, 22.
  80. ^ Aurelius Victor, Caes. 39.48, cited in Keresztes, 381.
  81. ^ Lactantius, De Mortibus Persecutorum 10.1, cited in Keresztes, 381.
  82. ^ Augustine, De Citivae Dei 10.29, qtd. and tr. in Frend, "Prelude", 9.
  83. ^ Frend, "Prelude", 10.
  84. ^ Suda, π,2098, qtd. and tr. Frend, "Prelude", 10 n.64. See also: Barnes, "Porphyry's Against the Christians"; Croke; and Digeser, "Religious Toleration".
  85. ^ Frend, "Prelude", 10–11.
  86. ^ Porphyry frg. 58; Frend, "Prelude", 12.
  87. ^ Porphyry frg. 49; Frend, "Prelude", 12.
  88. ^ Porphyry frg. 60, 63; Frend, "Prelude", 12.
  89. ^ Porphyry frg. 1, tr. Digeser, Christian Empire, 6; Frend, "Prelude", 13 n.89.
  90. ^ a b Davies, 92.
  91. ^ Arnobius, Adversus Nationes, 1.24, qtd. in Davies, 79–80, from a translation by Bryce and Campbell.
  92. ^ Walter, 111
  93. ^ Lactantius, De Mortibus Persecutorum 10.1–5; Barnes, "Sossianus Hierocles", 245; Barnes, Constantine and Eusebius, 18–19; Davies, 78–79; Helgeland, 159; Liebeschuetz, 246–8; Odahl, 65.
  94. ^ Helgeland, 159.
  95. ^ Barnes, "Sossianus Hierocles", 245.
  96. ^ Barnes, Constantine and Eusebius, 18–19.
  97. ^ Woods, "Two Notes", 128–31.
  98. ^ Keresztes, 380.
  99. ^ Eusebius, Historia Ecclesiastica 8.4.2–3; Barnes, "Sossianus Hierocles", 246; Helgeland, 159.
  100. ^ a b Davies, 89–92.
  101. ^ Woods, "'Veturius'", 588.
  102. ^ Woods, "'Veturius'", 589.
  103. ^ Lactantius, De Mortibus Persecutorum 10.6, 31.1 and Eusebius, Historia Ecclesiastica 8, app. 1, 3; Barnes, Constantine and Eusebius, 19, 294; Keresztes, 381.
  104. ^ Barnes, Constantine and Eusebius, 19, 294.
  105. ^ Davies, 82–83.
  106. ^ Barnes, Constantine and Eusebius, 20; Corcoran, "Before Constantine", 51; Odahl, 54–56, 62.
  107. ^ Barnes, Constantine and Eusebius, 19–21.
  108. ^ Davies, 66–94.
  109. ^ Jones, 71; Liebeschuetz, 235–52, 246–48. Contra: Davies, 66–94.
  110. ^ Odahl, 65.
  111. ^ Lactantius, De Mortibus Persecutorum 9.9–10; Odahl, 303 n.24.
  112. ^ Lactantius, De Mortibus Persecutorum 11.1–2; Odahl, 66.
  113. ^ a b Barnes, Constantine and Eusebius, 19.
  114. ^ Corcoran, Empire, 261; Keresztes, 381.
  115. ^ Iain Gardner and Samuel N. C. Lieu, eds., Manichaean Texts from the Roman Empire (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2004), 117–18.
  116. ^ Clarke, 647–48.
  117. ^ Barnes, Constantine and Eusebius, 20–21.
  118. ^ Lane Fox, 595.
  119. ^ Lactantius, De Mortibus Persecutorum 10.6–11; Barnes, Constantine and Eusebius, 21; Odahl, 67.
  120. ^ Schott, "Porphyry on Christians", 278; Beatrice, 1–47; Digeser, Christian Empire, passim.
  121. ^ Eusebius, Vita Constantini 2.50. Davies (80 n.75) believes that this should be re-written as "the profane on earth".
  122. ^ The reply was translated as it was impossible for (the oracle) to speak the truth because of the righteous men upon the Earth as quoted in The Persecution of Diocletian: A Historical Essay by Arthur James Mason M.A.; Deighton Bell and Co publishers, Cambridge, 1876; page 63.
  123. ^ Barnes, Constantine and Eusebius, 21; Elliott, 35–36; Keresztes, 381; Lane Fox, 595; Liebeschuetz, 235–52, 246–48; Odahl, 67; Potter, 338.
  124. ^ Barnes, Constantine and Eusebius, 22; Clarke, 650; Odahl, 67–69; Potter, 337.
  125. ^ Lactantius, De Mortibus Persecutorum, 12.1; Barnes, Constantine and Eusebius, 21; Gaddis, 29; Keresztes, 381.
  126. ^ Barnes, Constantine and Eusebius, 22; Clarke, 650; Potter, 337; de Ste Croix, "Aspects", 75; Williams, 176.
  127. ^ The Old Latin pre-Vulgate version is given here, from Corcoran, Empire, 179–80.
  128. ^ Corcoran, Empire, 180.
  129. ^ Corcoran, Empire, 179.
  130. ^ a b c Curran, 49.
  131. ^ Eusebius, Historia Ecclesiastica 9.10.8; Barnes, Constantine and Eusebius, 22; De Ste Croix, "Aspects", 75; Liebeschuetz, 249–50.
  132. ^ Eusebius, Historia Ecclesiastica 8.2.4; De Martyribus Palestinae praef. 1; and Optatus, Appendix 2; Barnes, Constantine and Eusebius, 22; Clarke, 650; Liebeschuetz, 249–50; Potter, 337; de Ste Croix, "Aspects", 75.
  133. ^ de Ste Croix, "Aspects", 75.
  134. ^ de Ste Croix, "Christian Persecution", 47.
  135. ^ Greenslade, 476–477.
  136. ^ Ferguson, Everett (2014). The Early Church at Work and Worship. Vol. 1. Casemate Publishers. p. 276. ISBN 978-0-227-90374-2.
  137. ^ Barnes, Constantine and Eusebius, 23; Klingshirn, 169.
  138. ^ a b Clarke, 650–51; Potter, 337; de Ste Croix, "Aspects", 75–76.
  139. ^ Clarke, 650; de Ste Croix, "Aspects", 75–76.
  140. ^ Clarke, 650–51; Potter, 337.
  141. ^ Lactantius, De Mortibus Persecutorum 11.8, qtd. in Clarke, 651; Keresztes, 381.
  142. ^ Lactantius, De Mortibus Persecutorum 11.8, cited in Keresztes, 381.
  143. ^ a b c d Clarke, 651.
  144. ^ Keresztes, 381.
  145. ^ Lactantius, De Mortibus Persecutorum 13.2 and Eusebius, Historia Ecclesiastica 8.5.1; Barnes, Constantine and Eusebius, 22; Corcoran, Empire, 179; Williams, 176. The quotation is from Lactantius, and the translation by Williams.
  146. ^ Gaddis, 30 n.4.
  147. ^ Eusebius, Historia Ecclesiastica 8.2.4; De Martyribus Palestinae praef.; and Acta Felicis (= Musurillo, 266–71); Corcoran, Empire, 180; Clarke, 651; Keresztes, 382; Potter, 337.
  148. ^ Eusebius, De Martyribus Palestinae 1.1–2, cited in Corcoran, Empire, 180.
  149. ^ Optatus, Appendix 1; Corcoran, Empire, 180.
  150. ^ de Ste Croix, "Christian Persecution", 55.
  151. ^ Corcoran, Empire, 181.
  152. ^ Eusebius, Historia Ecclesiastica 8.2.5; 8.6.8–9 and De Martyribus Palestinae praef. 2; Barnes, Constantine and Eusebius, 24; Corcoran, Empire, 181; de Ste Croix, "Aspects", 76.
  153. ^ Rees, 63.
  154. ^ Eusebius, Historia Ecclesiastica 8.6.8–9; Barnes, Constantine and Eusebius, 24; de Ste Croix, "Aspects", 76.
  155. ^ Eusebius, Historia Ecclesiastica 8.6.10; Barnes, Constantine and Eusebius, 24; Corcoran, Empire, 181–82; de Ste Croix, "Aspects", 76–77.
  156. ^ Rees, 64.
  157. ^ Barnes, Constantine and Eusebius, 24, citing Eusebius, De Martyribus Palestinae (S), praef. 2; (S) 1.3–4; (L) 1.5b; and Historia Ecclesiastica 8.2.5, 6.10; Corcoran, Empire, 181–82; de Ste Croix, "Aspects", 76–77; Keresztes, 383.
  158. ^ Eusebius, De Martyribus Palestinae 3.1; Barnes, Constantine and Eusebius, 24; Liebeschuetz, 249–50; de Ste Croix, "Aspects", 77.
  159. ^ Baynes, "Two Notes", 189; de Ste Croix, "Aspects", 77.
  160. ^ de Ste Croix, "Aspects", 77.
  161. ^ Barnes, Constantine and Eusebius, 24, citing Martyrion ton hagion Agapes, Eirenes kai Chiones.
  162. ^ Eusebius, De Martyribus Palestinae 3.1; Barnes, Constantine and Eusebius, 24.
  163. ^ Liebeschuetz, 250–51.
  164. ^ a b Barnes, Constantine and Eusebius, 26–27; Odahl, 72–74; Southern, 152–53.
  165. ^ Lactantius, De Mortibus Persecutorum 18; Barnes, Constantine and Eusebius, 25–26; Odahl, 71.
  166. ^ Keresztes, 384.
  167. ^ Eusebius, Historia Ecclesiastica 8.3.1, qtd. in Clarke, 655.
  168. ^ Clarke, 655.
  169. ^ Eusebius De Martyribus Palaestinae 4.8, 9.2; Keresztes, 384.
  170. ^ Clarke, 655, citing Eusebius, Historia Ecclesiastica 8.14.9ff.
  171. ^ Lactantius, De Mortibus Persecutorum 24.9 and Divinae Institutiones 1.1.13; Barnes, Constantine and Eusebius, 28.
  172. ^ Barnes, Constantine and Eusebius, 28.
  173. ^ Barnes, Constantine and Eusebius, 30, 38.
  174. ^ Barnes, Constantine and Eusebius, 30–31.
  175. ^ Clarke, 656; Corcoran, Empire, 186.
  176. ^ Clarke, 656.
  177. ^ Lactantius, De Mortibus Persecutorum 33.11–35 and Eusebius, Historia Ecclesiastica 8.17.1–11; Corcoran, Empire, 186.
  178. ^ Eusebius, Historia Ecclesiastica 9.1.1; Corcoran, Empire, 186, 186 n.68.
  179. ^ Lactantius, De Mortibus Persecutorum 34.1–5, qtd. and tr. in Potter, 355–56. See Clarke, 656–57, for a translation from J.L. Creed.
  180. ^ Potter, 356.
  181. ^ Clarke, 657.
  182. ^ a b Knipfing, 705, cited in Keresztes, 390.
  183. ^ Knipfing, 705; K. Bihlmeyer, "Das Toleranzedikt des Galerius von 311", Theol. Quartalschr. 94 (1912) 412; and J. Vogt, "Christenverflolgung", RAC 1199, cited in Keresztes, 390.
  184. ^ Keresztes, 390.
  185. ^ Louis-Sébastien Le Nain de Tillemont, Mémoires pour servir à l'histoire ecclésiastique des six premiers siècles (Paris, 1693), 5.44, qtd. and tr. in Keresztes, 390.
  186. ^ a b Barnes, Constantine and Eusebius, 39.
  187. ^ Clarke, 657; Potter, 356.
  188. ^ Eusebius, Historia Ecclesiastica 9.2.1; Clarke, 659.
  189. ^ Barnes, Constantine and Eusebius, 149.
  190. ^ a b Lactantius, De Mortibus Persecutorum 45.1, 48.2, qtd. and tr. in Clarke, 662–63.
  191. ^ a b c Corcoran, Empire, 158–59.
  192. ^ Corcoran, Empire, 2.
  193. ^ Davies, 68 n.6.
  194. ^ Davies, 68 n.7.
  195. ^ Davies, 69 n.8.
  196. ^ Davies, 69 n.9.
  197. ^ Davies, 69 n.10.
  198. ^ Davies, 69 n.11.
  199. ^ a b Davies, 68.
  200. ^ Clarke, 651; Keresztes, 384–85.
  201. ^ Corcoran, "Before Constantine", 45–46; Williams, 67.
  202. ^ Lane Fox, 596; Williams, 180.
  203. ^ Davies, 68–69.
  204. ^ Corcoran, Empire, 261 n.58.
  205. ^ Lactantius, De Mortibus Persecutorum 15.7; Clarke, 651.
  206. ^ Eusebius, Historia Ecclesiastica 8.13.13; Vita Constantini 1.13; and De Martyribus Palestinae 13.12; Clarke, 651, 651 n.149.
  207. ^ Optatus, 1.22; Clarke, 651 n.149.
  208. ^ Corcoran, Empire, 180, citing Charles Thomas, Christianity in Roman Britain to AD 500 (London: Batsford, 1981), 48–50.
  209. ^ Corcoran, Empire, 181–82.
  210. ^ Lactantius, De Mortibus Persecutorum 24.9; Barnes, Constantine and Eusebius, 28; Clarke, 652.
  211. ^ Barnes, Constantine and Eusebius, 23; Clarke, 651.
  212. ^ Barnes, Constantine and Eusebius, 23.
  213. ^ Williams, 177.
  214. ^ Frend, "Genesis and Legacy", 510.
  215. ^ Martyrium Perpetuae et Felicitatis 13.1 (= Musurillo, 106–31), cited in Tilley, "North Africa", 391.
  216. ^ Edwards, 585; Tilley, "North Africa", 387, 395; Williams, 179.
  217. ^ a b Williams, 179.
  218. ^ Acta Maximiliani (= Musurillo, 244–49); Tilley, The Bible, 45–46.
  219. ^ Acta Marcelli (= Musurillo, 250–59); Tilley, The Bible, 46.
  220. ^ Optatus, Appendix 1; Barnes, Constantine and Eusebius, 23.
  221. ^ Barnes, Constantine and Eusebius, 23.
  222. ^ Tilley, Martyr Stories, 25–49; Clarke, 652 n.153.
  223. ^ Clarke, 652 n.153.
  224. ^ Clarke, 652 n.153.
  225. ^ Acts of the Abitinian Martyrs 20 (= Tilley, Martyr Stories, 44–46); Tilley, Martyr Stories, xi; The Bible, 9, 57–66.
  226. ^ Tilley, The Bible, 10.
  227. ^ Barnes, Constantine and Eusebius, 56.
  228. ^ Tilley, Martyr Stories, xi.
  229. ^ Eusebius, Historia Ecclesiastica, VII, 32
  230. ^ Barnes, Constantine and Eusebius, 38; Curran, 49.
  231. ^ Barnes, Constantine and Eusebius, 38, 303 n.100; Curran, 49.
  232. ^ a b c Barnes, Constantine and Eusebius, 38, 304 n.106.
  233. ^ Barnes, Constantine and Eusebius, 38, 303–4 n.105.
  234. ^ a b Eusebius, De Martyribus Palestinae 13.12, qtd. in Clarke, 652.
  235. ^ Lactantius, De Mortibus Persecutorum 23.5; Barnes, Constantine and Eusebius, 29.
  236. ^ Barnes, Constantine and Eusebius, 30.
  237. ^ Optatus, 1.18; Barnes, Constantine and Eusebius, 38.
  238. ^ Optatus, Appendix 1; Barnes, Constantine and Eusebius, 38.
  239. ^ a b Barnes, Constantine and Eusebius, 38.
  240. ^ Barnes, Constantine and Eusebius, 38, 304 n.107.
  241. ^ Barnes, Constantine and Eusebius, 38–39.
  242. ^ Eusebius, Historia Ecclesiastica 10.5.15–17; Barnes, Constantine and Eusebius, 39.
  243. ^ Clarke, 651, 651 n.151.
  244. ^ "Santi Canzio, Canziano e Canzianilla su santiebeati.it". Santiebeati.it. Retrieved 2021-03-25.
  245. ^ Martyrologia Hieronomianum, ed. De Rossi; Duchesne in Acta SS., Nov. II, cited in St. Chrysogonus from the Catholic Encyclopedia
  246. ^ Barnes, Constantine and Eusebius, 40–41; Odahl, 96–101
  247. ^ Barnes, Constantine and Eusebius, 42–44; Odahl, 111. Cf. also Curran, 72–75.
  248. ^ Barnes, Constantine and Eusebius, 48. Cf. contra: MacMullen, 45.
  249. ^ Eusebius, Vita Constantini 1.42.1; Barnes, Constantine and Eusebius, 48.
  250. ^ Curran, 93–96, citing Krautheimer, Corpus Basilicarum Christianarum Romanorum, 5.90.
  251. ^ Barnes, Constantine and Eusebius, 48–49.
  252. ^ a b Barnes, Constantine and Eusebius, 24.
  253. ^ Barnes, Constantine and Eusebius, 24; Lane Fox, 596; Williams, 178. See also: Keresztes, 382.
  254. ^ Williams, 178.
  255. ^ Barnes, Constantine and Eusebius, 24; Southern, 168; Williams, 177.
  256. ^ Odahl, 68.
  257. ^ Lactantius, Divinae Institutiones 7; Williams, 178.
  258. ^ Trompf, 120.
  259. ^ Williams, 181.
  260. ^ Barnes, Constantine and Eusebius, 148–50.
  261. ^ Barnes, Constantine and Eusebius, 154–55.
  262. ^ a b Keresztes, 389.
  263. ^ Eusebius, Historia Ecclesiastica 8.6.10, qtd. and tr. in Keresztes, 389.
  264. ^ Barnes, Constantine and Eusebius, 150.
  265. ^ Eusebius, De Martyribus Palestinae (L) 1.1ff; Barnes, Constantine and Eusebius, 150–51.
  266. ^ Eusebius, De Martyribus Palestinae (L) 1.5; Barnes, Constantine and Eusebius, 151.
  267. ^ Eusebius, De Martyribus Palestinae 3.1; Barnes, Constantine and Eusebius, 151, 356 n.27.
  268. ^ Barnes, Constantine and Eusebius, 151.
  269. ^ Lactantius, De Mortibus Persecutorum 19.1; Barnes, Constantine and Eusebius, 151.
  270. ^ Eusebius, De Martyribus Palestinae 4.8; Keresztes, 384.
  271. ^ de Ste Croix, "Aspects", 97, 113; Barnes, Constantine and Eusebius, 153.
  272. ^ Lactantius, De Mortibus Persecutorum 23.1ff; Barnes, Constantine and Eusebius, 151–52.
  273. ^ Eusebius, De Martyribus Palestinae 4.8; Barnes, Constantine and Eusebius, 152; Keresztes, 384; Mitchell, 112.
  274. ^ Eusebius, De Martyribus Palestinae 7.1–4; Keresztes, 388. On Christian condemnation to the mines in general, see J.G. Davies, "Condemnation to the Mines: A Neglected Chapter in the History of the Persecutions," University of Birmingham Historical Journal 6 (1958), 99–107. The same punishment was later used on Christian heretics, on which see Mark Gustafson, "Condemnation to the Mines in the Later Roman Empire," Harvard Theological Review 87:4 (1994), 421–33.
  275. ^ Eusebius, De Martyribus Palestinae 8.1–4; Barnes, Constantine and Eusebius, 153; Keresztes, 388.
  276. ^ Annuaire de l'Institut de Philologie et d'Histoire Orientales et Slaves 7 (1939–44), 410ff.
  277. ^ Barnes, Constantine and Eusebius, 357 n.39.
  278. ^ Eusebius, De Martyribus Palestinae 8.13; Barnes, Constantine and Eusebius, 153; Keresztes, 388.
  279. ^ Eusebius, De Martyribus Palestinae 7.1f, cited in Barnes, Constantine and Eusebius, 152.
  280. ^ Eusebius, Historia Ecclesiastica 8.13.5; De Martyribus Palestinae 7.3ff; 13; Barnes, Constantine and Eusebius, 152–53; Keresztes, 388.
  281. ^ Eusebius, De Martyribus Palestinae 7.7; Barnes, Constantine and Eusebius, 153.
  282. ^ Eusebius, De Martyribus Palestinae (L) 8.1; (S) 11.31; Barnes, Constantine and Eusebius, 153.
  283. ^ Eusebius, De Martyribus Palestinae 9.1, cited in Barnes, Constantine and Eusebius, 153.
  284. ^ Barnes, Constantine and Eusebius, 153, 357 n.42.
  285. ^ a b Barnes, Constantine and Eusebius, 153.
  286. ^ Eusebius, De Martyribus Palestinae 9.2; Barnes, Constantine and Eusebius, 153; Keresztes, 384; Mitchell, 112.
  287. ^ Lane Fox, 596.
  288. ^ Eusebius, De Martyribus Palestinae 9.2; Barnes, Constantine and Eusebius, 153; Keresztes, 384; Lane Fox, 596; Mitchell, 112.
  289. ^ Lane Fox, 596. On the Acts of Pilate, see also: Johannes Quasten, Patrology, volume I: The Beginnings of Patristic Literature (Westminster, MD: Newman, 1950), 116.
  290. ^ Lane Fox, 596–97.
  291. ^ Mitchell, 112.
  292. ^ Barnes, Constantine and Eusebius, 154.
  293. ^ Eusebius, De Martyribus Palestinae 10.1ff, cited in Barnes, Constantine and Eusebius, 154.
  294. ^ Eusebius, De Martyribus Palestinae 11.1ff; Barnes, Constantine and Eusebius, 154.
  295. ^ Barnes, Constantine and Eusebius, 154, 357 n.49.
  296. ^ Barnes, Constantine and Eusebius, 357 n.49.
  297. ^ a b Mitchell, 113.
  298. ^ Clarke, 660; Mitchell, 113.
  299. ^ Barnes, New Empire, 22–23; Michell, 113 n.21.
  300. ^ Eusebius, Historia Ecclesiastica 9.1.1; Mitchell, 113.
  301. ^ Eusebius, Historia Ecclesiastica 9.1.2, 9.1.3–6; Mitchell, 113.
  302. ^ Eusebius, Historia Ecclesiastica 9.2.1; Clarke, 660; Mitchell, 114.
  303. ^ Eusebius, Historia Ecclesiastica 9.2 and Lactantius, De Mortibus Persecutorum 36.3; Mitchell, 114.
  304. ^ a b Eusebius, Historia Ecclesiastica 9.6.2; Clarke, 660.
  305. ^ Eusebius, Historia Ecclesiastica 9.6.3; Clarke, 660.
  306. ^ Lactantius, De Mortibus Persecutorum 36.7, qtd. and tr. in Clarke, 660.
  307. ^ Eusebius, Historia Ecclesiastica 9.7.3–14, cited in Mitchell, 114.
  308. ^ Mitchell, 114.
  309. ^ Mitchell, 117.
  310. ^ Lane Fox, 598.
  311. ^ Eusebius, Historia Ecclesiastica 9.9a.4–9; Mitchell, 114.
  312. ^ Eusebius, Historia Ecclesiastica 9.9a.2–3; Mitchell, 114.
  313. ^ Eusebius, Historia Ecclesiastica 9.9a.4; Mitchell, 114.
  314. ^ Eusebius, Historia Ecclesiastica 9.9a.5–6; Mitchell, 114.
  315. ^ Eusebius, Historia Ecclesiastica 9.9a.7–9; Mitchell, 114–15.
  316. ^ Eusebius, Historia Ecclesiastica 9.10.1–2 and Lactantius, De Mortibus Persecutorum 37.3–42; Mitchell, 115.
  317. ^ Barnes, New Empire, 68; Mitchell, 115.
  318. ^ Mitchell, 115.
  319. ^ Eusebius, Historia Ecclesiastica 9.10.8–9; Mitchell, 115.
  320. ^ Eusebius, Historia Ecclesiastica 9.10.10–11; Mitchell, 115.
  321. ^ Lactantius, De Mortibus Persecutorum 46.8–9; Mitchell, 115.
  322. ^ Mitchell, 116.
  323. ^ Keresztes, 389. On the Egyptian response to the persecutions, see also: Annemarie Luijendijk, "Papyri from the Great Persecution: Roman and Christian Perspectives," Journal of Early Christian Studies 16:3 (2008): 341–369.
  324. ^ Timothy Barnes, Athanasius and Constantius: Theology and Politics in the Constantinian Empire (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1993), 10.
  325. ^ a b c Leadbetter, 259.
  326. ^ Epiphanius, Panarion 68.3.3, qtd. and tr. in MacMullen, 92–93.
  327. ^ MacMullen, 160 n.17.
  328. ^ Lane Fox, 590.
  329. ^ Clarke, 651; Lane Fox, 597–98.
  330. ^ Lane Fox, 597–98.
  331. ^ Oxyrhynchus Papyri 2601, tr. J.R. Rhea, quoted in Barnes, "Constantine and the Bishops", 382; Lane Fox, 598.
  332. ^ Eusebius, Vita Constantini 11.2, qtd. and tr. Nicholson, 50.
  333. ^ Lactantius, Divinae Institutiones 4.18.1–2, qtd. and tr. Nicholson, 49.
  334. ^ King James Version, qtd. in Nicholson, 51.
  335. ^ Nicholson, 50–51.
  336. ^ Drake, 149–53; Lane Fox, 598–601.
  337. ^ Constantine, Oratio ad Sanctum Coetum 22, qtd. and tr. in Drake, 150.
  338. ^ Drake, 98–103.
  339. ^ Lane Fox, 441; MacMullen, 29–30
  340. ^ Lane Fox, 441.
  341. ^ Dodds, 135.
  342. ^ Tertullian, Apologeticus 50; Dodds, 133; MacMullen, 29–30.
  343. ^ Barnes, Constantine and Eusebius, 48–49, 208–13.
  344. ^ Liebeschuetz, 252.
  345. ^ Iole Fargnoli, "Many Faiths and One Emperor: Remarks about the Religious Legislation of Theodosius the Great," Revue internationale de droit de l’Antiquité 53 (2006): 146.
  346. ^ Warren Treadgold, A History of the Byzantine State and Society (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1997), 122. See also: MacMullen, vii, and passim.
  347. ^ Barnes, Constantine and Eusebius, 56; Tilley, Martyr Stories, xi.
  348. ^ Chadwick, 179.
  349. ^ Richard Gerberding, "The later Roman Empire," in The New Cambridge Medieval History, vol. 1, c.500–c.700, ed. Paul Fouracre (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2005), 21.
  350. ^ a b Curran, 50.
  351. ^ Liber Pontificalis 1.162; Curran, 50.
  352. ^ a b Barnes, New Empire, 177–80; Curran, 50.
  353. ^ de Ste Croix, "Aspects", 103–4.
  354. ^ David Womersley, The Transformation of The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, (New York: Cambridge University Press, 1988), 128, 128 n.109.
  355. ^ a b Womersley, Transformation, 128.
  356. ^ Gibbon, Decline and Fall, (New York: Harper & Brothers, 1839), 1:327.
  357. ^ J. G. A. Pocock, Barbarism and Religion, vol. 5, Religion: The First Triumph (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010), ix–xi, 34; Patricia B. Craddock, Edward Gibbon: Luminous Historian, 1772–1794 (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1989), 60–61, 122.
  358. ^ Porson, Letters to Mr. Archdeacon Travis (1790), xxviii, qtd. in Womersley, Gibbon and the 'Watchmen of the Holy City': The Historian and his Reputation 1776–1815 (New York: Oxford University Press, 2002), 184–85 n.39.
  359. ^ de Ste. Croix, "Aspects", 104.
  360. ^ Hermann Dörries, Constantine the Great, trans. R.H. Bainton (New York: Harper & Row, 1972), 13 n. 11.
  361. ^ Frend, Martyrdom and Persecution, 393–94; Liebeschuetz, 251–52.
  362. ^ Shin, The Great Persecution, 227.


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  • Löhr, Winrich (2002). "Some Observations on Karl-Heinz Schwarte's 'Diokletians Christengesetz'". Vigiliae Christianae. 56 (1): 75–95. doi:10.1163/15700720252984846.
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  • Shin, Min Seok (2018). The Great Persecution: A Historical Re-examination. Turnhout: Brepols. ISBN 978-2-503-57447-9.
  • Tilley, Maureen A. (1997). The Bible in Christian North Africa: The Donatist World. Minneapolis: Fortress Press. ISBN 0-8006-2880-2.
  • Tilley, Maureen A. (2006). "North Africa". In Mitchell, Margaret M.; Young, Frances M. (eds.). The Cambridge History of Christianity, Volume I: Origins to Constantine. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 381–396. ISBN 978-0-521-81239-9.
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  • Walter, Christopher (2003). The Warrior Saints in Byzantine Art and Tradition. Ashgate. ISBN 1-84014-694-X.
  • Williams, Stephen (1997). Diocletian and the Roman Recovery. New York: Routledge. ISBN 0-415-91827-8.
  • Woods, David (1992). "Two Notes on the Great Persecution". Journal of Theological Studies. 43 (1): 128–134. doi:10.1093/jts/43.1.128.
  • Woods, David (2001). "'Veturius' and the Beginning of the Diocletianic Persecution". Mnemosyne. 54 (5): 587–591. doi:10.1163/15685250152909057.

External links

  • A Chronological Chart of the Persecution with primary sources hyperlinked
  • Persecution of Christians from Britannica

diocletianic, persecution, diocletianic, great, persecution, last, most, severe, persecution, christians, roman, empire, emperors, diocletian, maximian, galerius, constantius, issued, series, edicts, rescinding, christians, legal, rights, demanding, that, they. The Diocletianic or Great Persecution was the last and most severe persecution of Christians in the Roman Empire 1 In 303 the emperors Diocletian Maximian Galerius and Constantius issued a series of edicts rescinding Christians legal rights and demanding that they comply with traditional religious practices Later edicts targeted the clergy and demanded universal sacrifice ordering all inhabitants to sacrifice to the gods The persecution varied in intensity across the empire weakest in Gaul and Britain where only the first edict was applied and strongest in the Eastern provinces Persecutory laws were nullified by different emperors Galerius with the Edict of Serdica in 311 at different times but Constantine and Licinius Edict of Milan in 313 has traditionally marked the end of the persecution The Christian Martyrs Last Prayer by Jean Leon Gerome 1883 Christians had been subject to intermittent local discrimination in the empire but emperors prior to Diocletian were reluctant to issue general laws against the religious group In the 250s under the reigns of Decius and Valerian Roman subjects including Christians were compelled to sacrifice to Roman gods or face imprisonment and execution but there is no evidence that these edicts were specifically intended to attack Christianity 2 After Gallienus s accession in 260 these laws went into abeyance Diocletian s assumption of power in 284 did not mark an immediate reversal of imperial inattention to Christianity but it did herald a gradual shift in official attitudes toward religious minorities In the first fifteen years of his rule Diocletian purged the army of Christians condemned Manicheans to death and surrounded himself with public opponents of Christianity Diocletian s preference for activist government combined with his self image as a restorer of past Roman glory foreboded the most pervasive persecution in Roman history In the winter of 302 Galerius urged Diocletian to begin a general persecution of the Christians Diocletian was wary and asked the oracle at Didyma for guidance The oracle s reply was read as an endorsement of Galerius s position and a general persecution was called on February 23 303 Persecutory policies varied in intensity across the empire Whereas Galerius and Diocletian were avid persecutors Constantius was unenthusiastic Later persecutory edicts including the calls for universal sacrifice were not applied in his domain His son Constantine on taking the imperial office in 306 restored Christians to full legal equality and returned property that had been confiscated during the persecution In Italy in 306 the usurper Maxentius ousted Maximian s successor Severus promising full religious toleration Galerius ended the persecution in the East in 311 but it was resumed in Egypt Palestine and Asia Minor by his successor Maximinus Constantine and Licinius Severus s successor signed the Edict of Milan in 313 which offered a more comprehensive acceptance of Christianity than Galerius s edict had provided Licinius ousted Maximinus in 313 bringing an end to persecution in the East The persecution failed to check the rise of the Church By 324 Constantine was sole ruler of the empire and Christianity had become his favored religion Although the persecution resulted in death torture imprisonment or dislocation for many Christians the majority of the empire s Christians avoided punishment The persecution did however cause many churches to split between those who had complied with imperial authority the traditores and those who had remained pure Certain schisms like those of the Donatists in North Africa and the Melitians in Egypt persisted long after the persecutions The Donatists would not be reconciled to the Church until after 411 Some historians consider that in the centuries that followed the persecutory era Christians created a cult of the martyrs and exaggerated the barbarity of the persecutions Other historians using texts and archeological evidence from the period assert that this position is in error Christian accounts were criticized during the Enlightenment and afterwards most notably by Edward Gibbon This can be attributed to the political anticlerical and secular tenor of that period Modern historians such as G E M de Ste Croix have attempted to determine whether Christian sources exaggerated the scope of the Diocletianic persecution but disagreements continue Contents 1 Background 1 1 Prior persecutions 1 2 Persecution and Tetrarchic ideology 1 3 Public support 2 Early persecutions 2 1 Christians in the army 2 2 Manichean persecution 2 3 Diocletian and Galerius 302 303 3 Great Persecution 3 1 First edict 3 2 Second third and fourth edicts 3 3 Abdications instability and renewed toleration 305 311 3 4 The Peace of Galerius and the Edict of Milan 311 313 4 Regional variation 4 1 Britain and Gaul 4 2 Africa 4 3 Italy and Spain 4 4 Nicomedia 4 5 Palestine and Syria 4 5 1 Before Galerius s edict of toleration 4 5 2 After Galerius s edict of toleration 4 6 Egypt 5 Legacy 6 Controversies 7 See also 8 Notes 9 Citations 10 References 10 1 Ancient sources 10 2 Modern sources 11 External linksBackground EditPrior persecutions Edit Further information Persecution of Christians in the Roman Empire From its first appearance to its legalization under Constantine Christianity was an illegal religion in the eyes of the Roman state 3 For the first two centuries of its existence Christianity and its practitioners were unpopular with the people at large 4 Christians were always suspect 3 members of a secret society whose members communicated with a private code 5 and who shied away from the public sphere 6 It was popular hostility the anger of the crowd which drove the earliest persecutions not official action 4 Around 112 Pliny the governor of Bithynia Pontus was sent long lists of denunciations of Christians by anonymous citizens which Emperor Trajan advised him to ignore 7 In Lyon in 177 it was only the intervention of civil authorities that stopped a pagan mob from dragging Christians from their houses and beating them to death To the followers of the traditional cults Christians were odd creatures not quite Roman but not quite barbarian either 8 Their practices were deeply threatening to traditional mores Christians rejected public festivals refused to take part in the imperial cult avoided public office and publicly criticized ancient traditions 9 Conversions tore families apart Justin Martyr tells of a pagan husband who denounced his Christian wife and Tertullian tells of children disinherited for becoming Christians 10 Traditional Roman religion was inextricably interwoven into the fabric of Roman society and state but Christians refused to observe its practices 11 notes 1 In the words of Tacitus Christians showed hatred of the human race odium generis humani 13 Among the more credulous Christians were thought to use black magic in pursuit of revolutionary aims 14 and to practise incest and cannibalism 15 Nonetheless for the first two centuries of the Christian era no emperor issued general laws against the faith or its Church These persecutions were carried out under the authority of local government officials 16 At Bithynia Pontus in 111 it was Pliny 17 at Smyrna in 156 and Scilli near Carthage in 180 it was the proconsul 18 at Lyon in 177 it was the provincial governor 19 When Emperor Nero executed Christians for their alleged involvement in the fire of 64 it was a purely local affair it did not spread beyond the city limits of Rome 20 These early persecutions were certainly violent but they were sporadic brief and limited in extent 21 They were of limited threat to Christianity as a whole 22 The very capriciousness of official action however made the threat of state coercion loom large in the Christian imagination 23 In the 3rd century the pattern changed Emperors became more active and government officials began to actively pursue Christians rather than merely to respond to the will of the crowd 24 Christianity also changed No longer were its practitioners merely the lower orders fomenting discontent some Christians were now rich or from the upper classes Origen writing at about 248 tells of the multitude of people coming in to the faith even rich men and persons in positions of honour and ladies of high refinement and birth 25 Official reaction grew firmer In 202 according to the Historia Augusta a 4th century history of dubious reliability Septimius Severus r 193 211 issued a general rescript forbidding conversion to either Judaism or Christianity 26 Maximin r 235 238 targeted Christian leaders 27 notes 2 Decius r 249 251 demanding a show of support for the faith proclaimed that all inhabitants of the empire must sacrifice to the gods eat sacrificial meat and testify to these acts 29 Christians were obstinate in their non compliance Church leaders like Fabian bishop of Rome and Babylas bishop of Antioch were arrested tried and executed 30 as were certain members of the Christian laity like Pionius of Smyrna 31 notes 3 Origen was tortured during the persecution and died about a year after from the resulting injuries 33 The Decian persecution was a grave blow to the Church 34 At Carthage there was mass apostasy renunciation of the faith 35 At Smyrna the bishop Euctemon sacrificed and encouraged others to do the same 36 Because the Church was largely urban it should have been easy to identify isolate and destroy the Church hierarchy This did not happen In June 251 Decius died in battle leaving his persecution incomplete His persecutions were not followed up for another six years allowing some Church functions to resume 37 Valerian Decius s friend took up the imperial mantle in 253 Though he was at first thought of as exceptionally friendly towards the Christians 38 his actions soon showed otherwise In July 257 he issued a persecutory edict As punishment for following the Christian faith Christians were to face exile or condemnation to the mines In August 258 he issued a second edict making the punishment death This persecution stalled in June 260 when Valerian was captured in battle His son Gallienus r 260 268 ended the persecution 39 and inaugurated nearly 40 years of freedom from official sanctions praised by Eusebius as the little peace of the Church 40 The peace was undisturbed save for occasional isolated persecutions until Diocletian became emperor 41 Persecution and Tetrarchic ideology Edit Head from a statue of Diocletian at the Istanbul Archaeological Museum Diocletian acclaimed emperor on November 20 284 was a religious conservative faithful to the traditional Roman cult Unlike Aurelian r 270 275 Diocletian did not foster any new cult of his own He preferred older gods Olympian gods 42 Nonetheless Diocletian did wish to inspire a general religious revival 43 As the panegyrist to Maximian declared You have heaped the gods with altars and statues temples and offerings which you dedicated with your own name and your own image whose sanctity is increased by the example you set of veneration for the gods Surely men will now understand what power resides in the gods when you worship them so fervently 44 Diocletian associated himself with the head of the Roman pantheon Jupiter his co emperor Maximian associated himself with Hercules 45 This connection between god and emperor helped to legitimize the emperors claims to power and tied imperial government closer to the traditional cult 46 Diocletian did not insist on exclusive worship of Jupiter and Hercules which would have been a drastic change in the pagan tradition For example Elagabalus had tried fostering his own god and no others and had failed dramatically Diocletian built temples for Isis and Sarapis at Rome and a temple to Sol in Italy 43 He did however favor gods who provided for the safety of the whole empire instead of the local deities of the provinces In Africa Diocletian s revival focused on Jupiter Hercules Mercury Apollo and the imperial cult The cult of Saturn the Romanized Baal hamon was neglected 47 In imperial iconography Jupiter and Hercules were pervasive 48 The same pattern of favoritism affected Egypt as well Native Egyptian deities saw no revival nor was the sacred hieroglyphic script used Unity in worship was central to Diocletian s religious policies 47 Diocletian like Augustus and Trajan before him styled himself a restorer He urged the public to see his reign and his governing system the Tetrarchy rule by four emperors as a renewal of traditional Roman values and after the anarchic third century a return to the Golden Age of Rome 49 As such he reinforced the long standing Roman preference for ancient customs and Imperial opposition to independent societies The Diocletianic regime s activist stance however and Diocletian s belief in the power of central government to effect major change in morals and society made him unusual Most earlier emperors tended to be quite cautious in their administrative policies preferring to work within existing structures rather than overhauling them 50 Diocletian by contrast was willing to reform every aspect of public life to satisfy his goals Under his rule coinage taxation architecture law and history were all radically reconstructed to reflect his authoritarian and traditionalist ideology The reformation of the empire s moral fabric and the elimination of religious minorities was simply one step in that process 51 The unique position of the Christians and Jews of the empire became increasingly apparent The Jews had earned imperial toleration on account of the great antiquity of their faith 52 They had been exempted from Decius s persecution 53 and continued to enjoy freedom from persecution under Tetrarchic government notes 4 Because their faith was new and unfamiliar 52 and not typically identified with Judaism by this time Christians had no such excuse 55 Moreover Christians had been distancing themselves from their Jewish heritage for their entire history 56 Persecution was not the only outlet of the Tetrarchy s moral fervor In 295 either Diocletian or his caesar subordinate emperor Galerius 57 issued an edict from Damascus proscribing incestuous marriages and affirming the supremacy of Roman law over local law 58 notes 5 Its preamble insists that it is every emperor s duty to enforce the sacred precepts of Roman law for the immortal gods themselves will favour and be at peace with the Roman name if we have seen to it that all subject to our rule entirely lead a pious religious peaceable and chaste life in every respect 59 These principles if given their full extension would logically require Roman emperors to enforce conformity in religion 60 Public support Edit Christian communities grew quickly in many parts of the empire and especially in the East after 260 when Gallienus brought peace to the Church 61 The data to calculate the figures are nearly non existent but historian and sociologist Keith Hopkins has given crude and tentative estimates for the Christian population in the 3rd century Hopkins estimates that the Christian community grew from a population of 1 1 million in 250 to a population of 6 million by 300 about 10 of the empire s total population 62 notes 6 Christians even expanded into the countryside where they had never been numerous before 64 Churches in the later 3rd century were no longer as inconspicuous as they had been in the first and second Large churches were prominent in certain major cities throughout the empire 65 The church in Nicomedia even sat on a hill overlooking the imperial palace 66 These new churches probably represented not only absolute growth in Christian population but also the increasing affluence of the Christian community 67 notes 7 In some areas where Christians were influential such as North Africa and Egypt traditional deities were losing credibility 64 It is unknown how much support there was for persecution within the aristocracy 69 After Gallienus s peace Christians reached high ranks in Roman government Diocletian even appointed several Christians to those positions 70 and his wife and daughter may have been sympathetic to the Church 71 There were many individuals willing to be martyrs and many provincials willing to ignore any persecutory edicts from the emperors as well Even Constantius was known to have disapproved of persecutory policies The lower classes demonstrated little of the enthusiasm they had shown for earlier persecutions 72 notes 8 They no longer believed the slanderous accusations that were popular in the 1st and 2nd centuries 74 Perhaps as the historian Timothy Barnes has suggested the long established Church had become another accepted part of their lives 72 Within the highest ranks of the imperial administration however there were men who were ideologically opposed to the toleration of Christians like the philosopher Porphyry of Tyre and Sossianus Hierocles governor of Bithynia 75 To E R Dodds the works of these men demonstrated the alliance of pagan intellectuals with the Establishment 76 Hierocles thought Christian beliefs absurd If Christians applied their principles consistently he argued they would pray to Apollonius of Tyana instead of Jesus Hierocles considered that Apollonius s miracles had been far more impressive and Apollonius never had the temerity to call himself God 77 He thought the scriptures were full of lies and contradictions and Peter and Paul had peddled falsehoods 78 In the early 4th century an unidentified philosopher published a pamphlet attacking the Christians This philosopher who might have been a pupil of the Neoplatonist Iamblichus dined repeatedly at the imperial court 79 Diocletian was surrounded by an anti Christian clique notes 9 Porphyry was somewhat restrained in his criticism of Christianity at least in his early works On the Return of the Soul and Philosophy from Oracles He had few complaints about Jesus whom he praised as a saintly individual a humble man Christ s followers however he damned as arrogant 82 Around 290 Porphyry wrote a fifteen volume work entitled Against the Christians 83 notes 10 In the work Porphyry expressed his shock at the rapid expansion of Christianity 85 He also revised his earlier opinions of Jesus questioning Jesus exclusion of the rich from the Kingdom of Heaven 86 and his permissiveness in regards to the demons residing in pigs bodies 87 Like Hierocles he unfavorably compared Jesus to Apollonius of Tyana 88 Porphyry held that Christians blasphemed by worshiping a human being rather than the Supreme God and behaved treasonably in forsaking the traditional Roman cult To what sort of penalties might we not justly subject people Porphyry asked who are fugitives from their fathers customs 89 Pagan priests too were interested in suppressing any threat to traditional religion 90 They believed their ceremonies were hindered by the presence of Christians who were thought to cloud the sight of oracles and stall the gods recognition of their sacrifices 90 The Christian Arnobius writing during Diocletian s reign attributes financial concerns to provisioners of pagan services The augurs the dream interpreters the soothsayers the prophets and the priestlings ever vain fearing that their own arts be brought to nought and that they may extort but scanty contributions from the devotees now few and infrequent cry aloud The gods are neglected and in the temples there is now a very thin attendance Former ceremonies are exposed to derision and the time honoured rites of institutions once sacred have sunk before the superstitions of new religions 91 Early persecutions EditChristians in the army Edit Saint George before Diocletian A 14th century mural from Ubisi Georgia Christian tradition places the martyrdom of St George formerly a Roman army officer in the reign of Diocletian 92 At the conclusion of the Persian wars in 299 co emperors Diocletian and Galerius traveled from Persia to Syrian Antioch Antakya The Christian rhetor Lactantius records that at Antioch some time in 299 the emperors were engaged in sacrifice and divination in an attempt to predict the future The haruspices diviners of omens from sacrificed animals were unable to read the sacrificed animals and failed to do so after repeated trials The master haruspex eventually declared that this failure was the result of interruptions in the process caused by profane men Certain Christians in the imperial household had been observed making the sign of the cross during the ceremonies and were alleged to have disrupted the haruspices divination Diocletian enraged by this turn of events declared that all members of the court must make a sacrifice Diocletian and Galerius also sent letters to the military command demanding that the entire army perform the sacrifices or else face discharge 93 notes 11 Since there are no reports of bloodshed in Lactantius s narrative Christians in the imperial household must have survived the event 98 Eusebius of Caesarea a contemporary ecclesiastical historian tells a similar story commanders were told to give their troops the choice of sacrifice or loss of rank These terms were strong a soldier would lose his career in the military his state pension and his personal savings but not fatal According to Eusebius the purge was broadly successful but Eusebius is confused about the technicalities of the event and his characterization of the overall size of the apostasy is ambiguous 99 Eusebius also attributes the initiative for the purge to Galerius rather than Diocletian 100 Modern scholar Peter Davies surmises that Eusebius is referring to the same event as Lactantius but that he heard of the event through public rumors and knew nothing of the privileged discussion at the emperor s private religion ceremony that Lactantius had access to Since it was Galerius s army that would have been purged Diocletian had left his in Egypt to quell continuing unrest Antiochenes would understandably have believed Galerius to be its instigator 100 The historian David Woods argues instead that Eusebius and Lactantius are referring to different events Eusebius according to Woods describes the beginnings of the army purge in Palestine while Lactantius describes events at court 101 Woods asserts that the relevant passage in Eusebius s Chronicon was corrupted in the translation to Latin and that Eusebius s text originally located the beginnings of the army persecution at a fort in Betthorus El Lejjun Jordan 102 Eusebius Lactantius 103 and Constantine each allege that Galerius was the prime impetus for the military purge and its prime beneficiary 104 notes 12 Diocletian for all his religious conservatism 106 still had tendencies towards religious tolerance notes 13 Galerius by contrast was a devoted and passionate pagan According to Christian sources he was consistently the main advocate of such persecution 109 He was also eager to exploit this position to his own political advantage As the lowest ranking emperor Galerius was always listed last in imperial documents Until the end of the Persian war in 299 he had not even had a major palace 110 Lactantius states that Galerius hungered for a higher position in the imperial hierarchy 111 Galerius s mother Romula was bitterly anti Christian for she had been a pagan priestess in Dacia and loathed the Christians for avoiding her festivals 112 Newly prestigious and influential after his victories in the Persian war Galerius might have wished to compensate for a previous humiliation at Antioch when Diocletian had forced him to walk at the front of the imperial caravan rather than inside it His resentment fed his discontent with official policies of tolerance from 302 on he probably urged Diocletian to enact a general law against the Christians 113 Since Diocletian was already surrounded by an anti Christian clique of counsellors these suggestions must have carried great force 114 Manichean persecution Edit Affairs quieted after the initial persecution Diocletian remained in Antioch for the following three years He visited Egypt once over the winter of 301 302 where he began the grain dole in Alexandria 113 In Egypt some Manicheans followers of the prophet Mani were denounced in the presence of the proconsul of Africa On March 31 302 in an official edict called the De Maleficiis et Manichaeis compiled in the Collatio Legum Mosaicarum et Romanarum and addressed to the proconsul of Africa Diocletian wrote We have heard that the Manichaens have set up new and hitherto unheard of sects in opposition to the older creeds so that they might cast out the doctrines vouchsafed to us in the past by the divine favour for the benefit of their own depraved doctrine They have sprung forth very recently like new and unexpected monstrosities among the race of the Persians a nation still hostile to us and have made their way into our empire where they are committing many outrages disturbing the tranquility of our people and even inflicting grave damage to the civic communities We have cause to fear that with the passage of time they will endeavour as usually happens to infect the modest and tranquil of an innocent nature with the damnable customs and perverse laws of the Persians as with the poison of a malignant serpent We order that the authors and leaders of these sects be subjected to severe punishment and together with their abominable writings burnt in the flames We direct their followers if they continue recalcitrant shall suffer capital punishment and their goods be forfeited to the imperial treasury And if those who have gone over to that hitherto unheard of scandalous and wholly infamous creed or to that of the Persians are persons who hold public office or are of any rank or of superior social status you will see to it that their estates are confiscated and the offenders sent to the quarry at Phaeno or the mines at Proconnesus And in order that this plague of iniquity shall be completely extirpated from this our most happy age let your devotion hasten to carry out our orders and commands 115 The Christians of the empire were vulnerable to the same line of thinking 116 Diocletian and Galerius 302 303 Edit Diocletian was in Antioch in the autumn of 302 when the next instance of persecution occurred The deacon Romanus visited a court while preliminary sacrifices were taking place and interrupted the ceremonies denouncing the act in a loud voice He was arrested and sentenced to be set aflame but Diocletian overruled the decision and decided that Romanus should have his tongue removed instead Romanus would be executed on November 18 303 The boldness of this Christian displeased Diocletian and he left the city and made for Nicomedia to spend the winter accompanied by Galerius 117 Throughout these years the moral and religious didacticism of the emperors was reaching a fevered pitch at the behest of an oracle it was to hit its peak 118 According to Lactantius Diocletian and Galerius entered into an argument over what imperial policy towards Christians should be while at Nicomedia in 302 Diocletian argued that forbidding Christians from the bureaucracy and military would be sufficient to appease the gods while Galerius pushed for their extermination The two men sought to resolve their dispute by sending a messenger to consult the oracle of Apollo at Didyma 119 Porphyry may also have been present at this meeting 120 Upon returning the messenger told the court that the just on earth 121 122 hindered Apollo s ability to speak These just Diocletian was informed by members of the court could only refer to the Christians of the empire At the behest of his court Diocletian acceded to demands for a universal persecution 123 Great Persecution EditFirst edict Edit On February 23 303 Diocletian ordered that the newly built Christian church at Nicomedia be razed its scriptures burned and its treasures seized 124 February 23 was the feast of the Terminalia for Terminus the god of boundaries It was the day they would terminate Christianity 125 The next day Diocletian s first Edict against the Christians was published 126 notes 14 The key targets of this piece of legislation were senior Christian clerics and Christians property just as they had been during Valerian s persecution 130 The edict prohibited Christians from assembling for worship 131 and ordered the destruction of their scriptures liturgical books and places of worship across the empire 132 notes 15 But Christians tried to retain the scriptures as far as possible though according to de Ste Croix it appears that giving them up was not regarded as a sin in the East 134 sufficient numbers of them must have been successfully saved as is evident from the representative findings of early biblical papyri in the stream of the transmission of the text during this period 135 Christians might have given up apocryphal or pseudepigraphal works 136 or even refused to surrender their scriptures at the cost of their own lives and there were some cases where the scriptures were not in the end destroyed 137 Christians were also deprived of the right to petition the courts 138 making them potential subjects for judicial torture 139 Christians could not respond to actions brought against them in court 140 Christian senators equestrians decurions veterans and soldiers were deprived of their ranks and Christian imperial freedmen were re enslaved 138 Diocletian requested that the edict be pursued without bloodshed 141 against Galerius s demands that all those refusing to sacrifice be burned alive 142 In spite of Diocletian s request local judges often enforced executions during the persecution as capital punishment was among their discretionary powers 143 Galerius s recommendation burning alive became a common method of executing Christians in the East 144 After the edict was posted in Nicomedia a man named Eutius tore it down and ripped it up shouting Here are your Gothic and Sarmatian triumphs He was arrested for treason tortured and burned alive soon after becoming the edict s first martyr 145 notes 16 The provisions of the edict were known and enforced in Palestine by March or April just before Easter and it was in use by local officials in North Africa by May or June 147 The earliest martyr at Caesarea was executed on June 7 148 and the edict was in force at Cirta from May 19 149 In Gaul and Britain Constantius did not enforce this edict 150 but in the East progressively harsher legislation was devised the edict was firmly enforced in Maximian s domain until his abdication in 305 but persecutions later began to wane when Constantius succeeded Maximian and was officially halted when Maxentius took power in 306 Second third and fourth edicts Edit In the summer of 303 151 following a series of rebellions in Melitene Malatya Turkey and Syria a second edict was published ordering the arrest and imprisonment of all bishops and priests 152 In the judgment of historian Roger Rees there was no logical necessity for this second edict that Diocletian issued one indicates that he was either unaware the first edict was being carried out or that he felt it was not working as quickly as he needed it to 153 Following the publication of the second edict prisons began to fill the underdeveloped prison system of the time could not handle the deacons lectors priests bishops and exorcists forced upon it Eusebius writes that the edict netted so many priests that ordinary criminals were crowded out and had to be released 154 In anticipation of the upcoming twentieth anniversary of his reign on November 20 303 Diocletian declared a general amnesty in a third edict Any imprisoned clergyman could be freed so long as he agreed to make a sacrifice to the gods 155 Diocletian may have been searching for some good publicity with this legislation He may also have sought to fracture the Christian community by publicizing the fact that its clergy had apostatized 156 The demand to sacrifice was unacceptable to many of the imprisoned but wardens often managed to obtain at least nominal compliance Some of the clergy sacrificed willingly others did so on pain of torture Wardens were eager to be rid of the clergy in their midst Eusebius in his Martyrs of Palestine records the case of one man who after being brought to an altar had his hands seized and made to complete a sacrificial offering The clergyman was told that his act of sacrifice had been recognized and was summarily dismissed Others were told they had sacrificed even when they had done nothing 157 In 304 the fourth edict ordered all persons men women and children to gather in a public space and offer a collective sacrifice If they refused they were to be executed 158 The precise date of the edict is unknown 159 but it was probably issued in either January or February 304 and was being applied in the Balkans in March 160 The edict was in use in Thessalonica in April 304 161 and in Palestine soon after 162 This last edict was not enforced at all in the domains of Constantius and was applied in the domains of Maximian until his abdication in 305 In the East it remained applicable until the issue of the Edict of Milan by Constantine and Licinius in 313 163 Abdications instability and renewed toleration 305 311 Edit Diocletian and Maximian resigned on May 1 305 Constantius and Galerius became augusti senior emperors while two new emperors Severus and Maximinus became caesars junior emperors 164 According to Lactantius Galerius had forced Diocletian s hand in the matter and secured the appointment of loyal friends to the imperial office 165 In this Second Tetrarchy it seems that only the Eastern emperors Galerius and Maximinus continued with the persecution 166 As they left office Diocletian and Maximian probably imagined Christianity to be in its last throes Churches had been destroyed the Church leadership and hierarchy had been snapped and the army and civil service had been purged Eusebius declares that apostates from the faith were countless myrioi in number 167 At first the new Tetrarchy seemed even more vigorous than the first Maximinus in particular was eager to persecute 168 In 306 and 309 he published his own edicts demanding universal sacrifice 169 Eusebius accuses Galerius of pressing on with the persecution as well 170 In the West however what remained after the Diocletianic settlement had weakened the Tetrarchy as a system of government Constantine son of Constantius and Maxentius son of Maximian had been overlooked in the Diocletianic succession offending the parents and angering the sons 164 Constantine against Galerius s will succeeded his father on July 25 306 He immediately ended any ongoing persecutions and offered Christians full restitution of what they had lost under the persecution 171 This declaration gave Constantine the opportunity to portray himself as a possible liberator of oppressed Christians everywhere 172 Maxentius meanwhile had seized power in Rome on October 28 306 and soon brought toleration to all Christians within his realm 173 Galerius made two attempts to unseat Maxentius but failed both times During the first campaign against Maxentius Severus was captured imprisoned and executed 174 The Peace of Galerius and the Edict of Milan 311 313 Edit Further information Edict of Toleration by GaleriusIn the East the persecution was officially discontinued on April 30 311 175 although martyrdoms in Gaza continued until May 4 The Edict of Serdica also called Edict of Toleration by Galerius was issued in 311 in Serdica Sofia Bulgaria Galerius officially ending the Diocletianic persecution of Christianity in the East Galerius issued this proclamation to end hostilities while on his deathbed which gave Christians the rights to exist freely under the law and to peaceable assembly Persecution was everywhere at an end 176 Lactantius preserves the Latin text of this pronouncement describing it as an edict Eusebius provides a Greek translation of the pronouncement His version includes imperial titles and an address to provincials suggesting that the proclamation is in fact an imperial letter 177 The document seems only to have been promulgated in Galerius s provinces 178 Among all the other arrangements that we are always making for the benefit and utility of the state we have heretofore wished to repair all things in accordance with the laws and public discipline of the Romans and to ensure that even the Christians who abandoned the practice of their ancestors should return to good sense Indeed for some reason or other such self indulgence assailed and idiocy possessed those Christians that they did not follow the practices of the ancients which their own ancestors had perhaps instituted but according to their own will and as it pleased them they made laws for themselves that they observed and gathered various peoples in diverse areas Then when our order was issued stating that they should return themselves to the practices of the ancients many were subjected to peril and many were even killed Many more persevered in their way of life and we saw that they neither offered proper worship and cult to the gods or to the god of the Christians Considering the observation of our own mild clemency and eternal custom by which we are accustomed to grant clemency to all people we have decided to extend our most speedy indulgence to these people as well so that Christians may once more establish their own meeting places so long as they do not act in a disorderly way We are about to send another letter to our officials detailing the conditions they ought to observe Consequently in accord with our indulgence they ought to pray to their god for our health and the safety of the state so that the state may be kept safe on all sides and they may be able to live safely and securely in their own homes 179 Galerius s words reinforce the Tetrarchy s theological basis for the persecution the acts did nothing more than attempt to enforce traditional civic and religious practices even if the edicts were thoroughly nontraditional Galerius does nothing to violate the spirit of the persecution Christians are still admonished for their nonconformity and foolish practices Galerius never admits that he did anything wrong 180 The admission that the Christians God might exist is made only grudgingly 181 Certain early 20th century historians have declared that Galerius s edict definitively nullified the old legal formula non licet esse Christianos 182 made Christianity a religio licita on a par with Judaism 183 and secured Christians property 182 among other things 184 Not all have been so enthusiastic The 17th century ecclesiastical historian Tillemont called the edict insignificant 185 likewise the late 20th century historian Timothy Barnes cautions that the novelty or importance of Galerius measure should not be overestimated 186 Barnes notes that Galerius s legislation only brought to the East rights Christians already possessed in Italy and Africa In Gaul Spain and Britain moreover Christians already had far more than Galerius was offering to Eastern Christians 186 Other late 20th century historians like Graeme Clark and David S Potter assert that for all its hedging Galerius s issuance of the edict was a landmark event in the histories of Christianity and the Roman empire 187 Galerius s law was not effective for long in Maximinus s district Within seven months of Galerius s proclamation Maximinus resumed persecution 188 which continued until 313 shortly before his death 189 At a meeting between Licinius and Constantine in Milan in February 313 the two emperors drafted the terms of a universal peace The terms of this peace were posted by the victorious Licinius at Nicomedia on June 13 313 190 Later ages have taken to calling the document the Edict of Milan notes 17 We thought it fit to commend these things most fully to your care that you may know that we have given to those Christians free and unrestricted opportunity of religious worship When you see that this has been granted to them by us your Worship will know that we have also conceded to other religions the right of open and free observance of their worship for the sake of the peace of our times that each one may have the free opportunity to worship as he pleases this regulation is made that we may not seem to detract from any dignity or any religion 190 Regional variation EditKnown martyrdoms in the East Dubious Asia Minor Oriens DanubeDiocletian s provinces 303 305 26 193 31 194 Galerius s provinces 303 305 14 195 Galerius s provinces undatable 8 196 Galerius s provinces 305 311 12 197 12 198 After Davies pp 68 69 notes 18 Map of the Roman Empire under the Tetrarchy showing the dioceses and the four Tetrarchs zones of influence image reference needed The enforcement of the persecutory edicts was inconsistent 200 Since the Tetrarchs were more or less sovereign in their own realms 201 they had a good deal of control over persecutory policy In Constantius s realm Britain and Gaul the persecution was only lightly enforced 143 in Maximian s realm Italy Spain and Africa it was firmly enforced and in the East under Diocletian Asia Minor Syria Palestine and Egypt and Galerius Greece and the Balkans its provisions were pursued with more fervor than anywhere else 202 For the Eastern provinces Peter Davies tabulated the total number of martyrdoms for an article in the Journal of Theological Studies 199 Davies argues that the figures although reliant on collections of acta that are incomplete and only partially reliable point to a heavier persecution under Diocletian than under Galerius 203 The historian Simon Corcoran in a passage on the origins of the early persecution edicts criticizes Davies over reliance on these dubious martyr acts and dismisses his conclusions 204 Britain and Gaul Edit The sources are inconsistent regarding the extent of the persecution in Constantius s domain though all portray it as quite limited Lactantius states that the destruction of church buildings was the worst thing that came to pass 205 Eusebius explicitly denies that any churches were destroyed in both his Ecclesiastical History and his Life of Constantine but lists Gaul as an area suffering from the effects of the persecution in his Martyrs of Palestine 206 A group of bishops declared that Gaul was immune immunis est Gallia from the persecutions under Constantius 207 The death of Saint Alban the first British Christian martyr was once dated to this era but most now assign it to the reign of Septimius Severus 208 The second third and fourth edicts seem not to have been enforced in the West at all 209 It is possible that Constantius s relatively tolerant policies were the result of Tetrarchic jealousies the persecution after all had been the project of the Eastern emperors not the Western ones 143 After Constantine succeeded his father in 306 he urged the recovery of Church property lost in the persecution and legislated full freedom for all Christians in his domain 210 Africa Edit While the persecution under Constantius was relatively light there is no doubt about the force of the persecution in Maximian s domain Its effects are recorded at Rome Sicily Spain and in Africa 211 indeed Maximian encouraged particularly strict enforcement of the edict in Africa Africa s political elite were insistent that the persecution be fulfilled 212 and Africa s Christians especially in Numidia were equally insistent on resisting them For the Numidians to hand over scriptures was an act of terrible apostasy 213 Africa had long been home to the Church of the Martyrs 214 in Africa martyrs held more religious authority than the clergy 215 and harbored a particularly intransigent fanatical and legalistic variety of Christianity 216 It was Africa that gave the West most of its martyrdoms 217 Africa had produced martyrs even in the years immediately prior to the Great Persecution In 298 Maximilian a soldier in Tebessa had been tried for refusing to follow military discipline 218 in Mauretania in 298 the soldier Marcellus refused his army bonus and took off his uniform in public 219 Once persecutions began public authorities were eager to assert their authority Anullinus proconsul of Africa expanded on the edict deciding that in addition to the destruction of the Christians scriptures and churches the government should compel Christians to sacrifice to the gods 220 Governor Valerius Florus enforced the same policy in Numidia during the summer or autumn of 303 when he called for days of incense burning Christians would sacrifice or they would lose their lives 221 In addition to those already listed African martyrs also include Saturninus and the Martyrs of Abitinae 222 another group martyred on February 12 304 in Carthage 223 and the martyrs of Milevis Mila Algeria 224 The persecution in Africa encouraged the development of Donatism a schismatic movement that forbade any compromise with Roman government or traditor bishops those who had handed scriptures over to secular authorities One of the key moments in the break with the mainline Church occurred in Carthage in 304 The Christians from Abitinae had been brought to the city and imprisoned Friends and relatives of the prisoners came to visit but encountered resistance from a local mob The group was harassed beaten and whipped the food they had brought for their imprisoned friends was scattered on the ground The mob had been sent by Mensurius the bishop of the city and Caecilian his deacon for reasons that remain obscure 225 In 311 Caecilian was elected bishop of Carthage His opponents charged that his traditio made him unworthy of the office and declared itself for another candidate Majorinus Many others in Africa including the Abitinians also supported Majorinus against Caecilian Majorinus s successor Donatus would give the dissident movement its name 226 By the time Constantine took over the province the African Church was deeply divided 227 The Donatists would not be reconciled to the Catholic Church until after 411 228 Italy and Spain Edit Maximian probably seized the Christian property in Rome quite easily Roman cemeteries were noticeable and Christian meeting places could have been easily found out Senior churchmen would have been similarly prominent The bishop of Rome Marcellinus died in 304 during the persecution but how he died is disputed among historians Eusebius wrote in his Historia Ecclesiastica that Marcellinus was brought away by the persecution an obscure phrase that may refer to his martyrdom or to the fact that he fled the city 229 Others assert that Marcellinus was a traditor 230 Marcellinus appears in the 4th century Church s depositio episcoporum but not its feriale or calendar of feasts where all Marcellinus s predecessors from Fabian had been listed a glaring absence in the opinion of historian John Curran 130 Within forty years Donatists began spreading rumors that Marcellinus had been a traditor and that he had even sacrificed to the pagan gods 231 The tale was embroidered in the 5th century forgery the Council of Sinuessa and the vita Marcelli of the Liber Pontificalis The latter work states that the bishop had indeed apostatized but redeemed himself through martyrdom a few days afterward 130 What followed Marcellinus s act of traditio if it ever actually happened is unclear There appears to have been a break in the episcopal succession since his successor Marcellus I was not consecrated until either November or December 308 it was likely not possible to elect a new bishop during the persecution 232 In the meantime two factions diverged in the Roman Church separating the lapsed Christians who had complied with the edicts to ensure their own safety and the rigorists those who would not compromise with secular authority These two groups clashed in street fights and riots eventually leading to murders 232 It is said that Marcellus a rigorist purged all mention of Marcellinus from church records and removed his name from the official list of bishops 233 Marcellus was banished from the city and died in exile on January 16 309 232 The persecution was firmly enforced until Maximian s abdication in 305 but started to wane when Costantius who seemed not to have been enthusiast about it succeeded as august 234 After Costantius s death Maxentius took advantage of Galerius s unpopularity in Italy Galerius had introduced taxation for the city and countryside of Rome for the first time in the history of the empire 235 to declare himself emperor On October 28 306 Maxentius convinced the Praetorian Guard to support him mutiny and invest him with the purple robes of the emperor 236 Soon after his acclamation Maxentius declared an end to persecution and a toleration for all Christians in his realm 237 The news traveled to Africa where in later years a Christian of Cirta could still recall the precise date when peace was ushered in 238 Maxentius did not permit the restitution of confiscated property however 239 On April 18 308 Maxentius allowed the Christians to hold another election for the city s bishop which Eusebius won 240 Eusebius was a moderate however in a still divided Church Heraclius head of the rigorist faction opposed readmission of the lapsed Rioting followed and Maxentius exiled the combative pair from the city leaving Eusebius to die in Sicily on October 21 239 The office was vacant for almost three years until Maxentius permitted another election Miltiades was elected on July 2 311 as Maxentius prepared to face Constantine in battle Maxentius facing increasingly strong domestic opposition to his rule agreed to the restitution of Christian property Miltiades sent two deacons with letters from Maxentius to the prefect of Rome the head of the city responsible for publishing imperial edicts within the city to ensure compliance 241 African Christians were still recovering lost property as late as 312 242 Outside Rome there are fewer sure details of the progress and effects of the persecution in Italy and the number of deaths is unclear The Acta Eulpi records the martyrdom of Euplus of Catania a Christian who dared to carry the holy Gospels around refusing to surrender them Euplus was arrested on April 29 304 tried and martyred on August 12 243 According to the Martyrologium Hieronymianus the bishop of Aquileia Chrysogonus was executed during this period while Maximus of Turin and Venatius Fortunatus mention the martyrdom of Cantius Cantianus and Cantianilla in Aquileia as well 244 245 In Spain the bishop Ossius of Corduba narrowly escaped martyrdom 143 After 305 the year when Diocletian and Maximian abdicated and Constantius became Augustus there were no more active persecutions in the West Eusebius declares that the persecution lasted less than two years 234 After a brief military standoff 246 Constantine confronted and defeated Maxentius at the Battle of the Milvian Bridge outside Rome on October 28 312 Maxentius retreated to the Tiber river and drowned Constantine entered the city the next day but declined to take part in the traditional ascent up the Capitoline Hill to the Temple of Jupiter 247 Constantine s army had advanced on Rome under a Christian sign It had become officially at least a Christian army 248 Constantine s apparent conversion was visible elsewhere too Bishops dined at Constantine s table 249 and many Christian building projects began soon after his victory On November 9 312 the old headquarters of the Imperial Horse Guard were razed to make way for the Lateran Basilica 250 Under Constantine s rule Christianity became the prime focus of official patronage 251 Nicomedia Edit Before the end of February 303 a fire destroyed part of the imperial palace at Nicomedia Galerius convinced Diocletian that the culprits were Christian conspirators who had plotted with palace eunuchs An investigation into the act was commissioned but no responsible party was found Executions followed 252 The palace eunuchs Dorotheus and Gorgonius were eliminated One individual named Peter was stripped raised high and scourged Salt and vinegar were poured in his wounds and he was slowly boiled over an open flame The executions continued until at least April 24 303 when six individuals including the bishop Anthimus were decapitated 253 The persecution intensified presbyters and other clergymen could be arrested without having even been accused of a crime and condemned to death 254 A second fire appeared sixteen days after the first Galerius left the city declaring it unsafe 255 and Diocletian soon followed 252 Lactantius blames Galerius s allies for setting the fire Constantine in a later reminiscence attributes the fire to lightning from heaven 256 Lactantius still living in Nicomedia saw the beginnings of the apocalypse in Diocletian s persecution 257 Lactantius s writings during the persecution exhibit both bitterness and Christian triumphalism 258 His eschatology runs directly counter to Tetrarchic claims to renewal Diocletian asserted that he had instituted a new era of security and peace Lactantius saw the beginning of a cosmic revolution 259 Palestine and Syria Edit Before Galerius s edict of toleration Edit Known martyrdoms in Palestine dubious Date Martyrdoms303 305 13306 310 34310 311 44Palestinian martyrdoms recorded in the Martyrs of Palestine After Clarke 657 58 Palestine is the only region for which an extended local perspective of the persecution exists in the form of Eusebius s Martyrs of Palestine Eusebius was resident in Caesarea the capital of Roman Palestine for the duration of the persecution although he also traveled to Phoenicia and Egypt and perhaps Arabia as well 260 Eusebius s account is imperfect It focuses on martyrs that were his personal friends before the persecutions began and includes martyrdoms that took place outside of Palestine 261 His coverage is uneven He provides only bare generalities at the bloody end of the persecutions for example 262 Eusebius recognizes some of his faults At the outset of his account of the general persecution in the Ecclesiastical History Eusebius laments the incompleteness of his reportage how could one number the multitude of martyrs in each province and especially those in Africa and Mauretania and in Thebaid and Egypt 263 Since no one below the status of governor held the legal power to enforce capital punishment most recalcitrant Christians would have been sent to Caesarea to await punishment 264 The first martyr Procopius was sent to Caesarea from Scythopolis Beit She an Israel where he had been a reader and an exorcist He was brought before the governor on June 7 303 and asked to sacrifice to the gods and to pour a libation for the emperors Procopius responded by quoting Homer the lordship of many is not a good thing let there be one ruler one king The governor beheaded the man at once 265 Further martyrdoms followed in the months thereafter 266 increasing in the next spring when the new governor Urbanus published the fourth edict 267 Eusebius probably does not list a complete account of all those executed under the fourth edict he alludes in passing to others imprisoned with Thecla of Gaza for example though he does not name them 268 The bulk of Eusebius s account deals with Maximinus 262 who took up the office of emperor in Nicomedia on May 1 305 and immediately thereafter left the city for Caesarea hurrying Lactantius alleges so as to oppress and trample the diocese of Oriens 269 Initially Maximinus governed only Egypt and the Levant He issued his own persecutory edict in the spring of 306 ordering general sacrifice 270 The edict of 304 had been difficult to enforce since the imperial government had no record of city dwelling subjects who held no agricultural land 271 Galerius solved this problem in 306 by running another census This contained the names of all urban heads of household and the number of their dependents past censuses had only listed persons paying tax on land such as landowners and tenants 272 Using lists drawn up by the civil service Maximinus ordered his heralds to call all men women and children down to the temples There after tribunes called everyone by name everyone sacrificed 273 At some point after the publication of Maximinus s first edict perhaps in 307 Maximinus changed the penalty for transgressions Instead of receiving the death penalty Christians would now be mutilated and condemned to labor in state owned mines 274 Since Egyptian mines were overstaffed mostly due to the influx of Christian prisoners Egyptian penitents were increasingly sent to the copper mines at Phaeno in Palestine and Cilicia in Asia Minor At Diocaesarea Sepphoris Israel in the spring of 308 97 Christian confessors were received by Firmilianus from the porphyry mines in the Thebaid Firmilianus cut the tendons on their left feet blinded their right eyes and sent them to the mines of Palestine 275 notes 19 On another occasion 130 others received the same punishment Some were sent to Phaeno and some to Cilicia 278 Eusebius characterizes Urbanus as a man who enjoyed some variety in his punishments One day shortly after Easter 307 he ordered the virgin Theodosia from Tyre Ṣur Lebanon thrown to the sea for conversing with Christians attending trial and refusing sacrifice the Christians in court meanwhile he sent to Phaeno 279 On a single day November 2 307 Urbanus sentenced a man named Domninus to be burned alive three youths to fight as gladiators and a priest to be exposed to a beast On the same day he ordered some young men to be castrated sent three virgins to brothels and imprisoned a number of others including Pamphilus of Caesarea a priest scholar and defender of the theologian Origen 280 Soon after and for unknown reasons Urbanus was stripped of his rank imprisoned tried and executed all in one day of expedited proceedings 281 His replacement Firmilianus was a veteran soldier and one of Maximinus s trusted confidants 282 Eusebius notes that this event marked the beginning of a temporary respite from persecution 283 Although the precise dating of this respite is not specifically noted by Eusebius the text of the Martyrs records no Palestinian martyrs between July 25 308 and November 13 309 284 The political climate probably impinged on persecutory policy here This was the period of the conference of Carnuntum which met in November 308 Maximinus probably spent the next few months in discussion with Galerius over his role in the imperial government and did not have the time to deal with the Christians 285 In the autumn of 309 285 Maximinus resumed persecution by issuing letters to provincial governors and his praetorian prefect the highest authority in judicial proceedings after the emperor demanding that Christians conform to pagan customs His new legislation called for another general sacrifice coupled with a general offering of libations It was even more systematic than the first allowing no exceptions for infants or servants Logistai curatores strategoi duumviri and tabularii who kept the records saw to it that there were no evasions 286 Maximinus introduced some innovations to the process making him the only known persecuting emperor to have done so 287 This edict now required food sold in the marketplaces to be covered in libation Maximinus sent sentries to stand guard at bathhouses and city gates to ensure that all customers sacrificed 288 He issued copies of the fictitious Acts of Pilate to encourage popular hatred of Christ Prostitutes confessed under judicial torture to having engaged in debaucheries with Christians Bishops were reassigned to work as stable boys for the Imperial horse guard or keepers of the Imperial camels 289 Maximinus also worked for a revival of pagan religion He appointed high priests for each province men who were to wear white robes and supervise daily worship of the gods 290 Maximinus demanded that vigorous restoration work be done on decaying temples within his domain 291 The next few months saw the worst extremes of the persecution 292 On December 13 309 Firmilianus condemned some Egyptians arrested at Ascalon Ashkelon Israel on their way to visit the confessors in Cilicia Three were beheaded the rest lost their left feet and right eyes On January 10 310 Peter and the bishop Asclepius from the dualist Christian sect Marcionism both from Anaia near Eleutheropolis Israel were burned alive 293 On February 16 Pamphilus and his six companions were executed In the aftermath four more members of Pamphilus s household were martyred for their displays of sympathy for the condemned The last martyrs before Galerius s edict of toleration were executed on March 5 and 7 294 Then the executions stopped Eusebius does not explain this sudden halt but it coincides with the replacement of Firmilianus with Valentinianus a man appointed at some time before Galerius s death 295 The replacement is only attested to via epigraphic remains like stone inscriptions Eusebius does not mention Valentinianus anywhere in his writings 296 After Galerius s edict of toleration Edit After Galerius s death Maximinus seized Asia Minor 297 Even after Galerius s edict of toleration in 311 Maximinus continued to persecute 298 His name is absent from the list of emperors publishing Galerius s edict of toleration perhaps through later suppression 299 Eusebius states that Maximinus complied with its provisions only reluctantly 300 Maximinus told his praetorian prefect Sabinus to write to provincial governors requesting that they and their subordinates ignore that letter Galerius s edict 301 Christians were to be free from molestation and their mere Christianity would not leave them open to criminal charges Unlike Galerius s edict however Maximinus s letter made no provisions for Christian assembly nor did he suggest that Christians build more churches 297 Maximinus issued orders in Autumn 311 forbidding Christians to congregate in cemeteries 302 After issuing these orders he was approached by embassies from cities within his domain demanding he begin a general persecution Lactantius and Eusebius state that these petitions were not voluntary but had been made at Maximinus s behest 303 Maximinus began persecuting Church leaders before the end of 311 Peter of Alexandria was beheaded on November 26 311 304 Lucian of Antioch was executed in Nicomedia on January 7 312 305 According to Eusebius many Egyptian bishops suffered the same fate 304 According to Lactantius Maximinus ordered confessors to have their eyes gouged out their hands cut off their feet amputated their noses or ears severed 306 Antioch asked Maximinus if it could forbid Christians from living in the city 307 In response Maximinus issued a rescript encouraging every city to expel its Christians This rescript was published in Sardis on April 6 312 and in Tyre by May or June 308 There are three surviving copies of Maximinus s rescript in Tyre Arycanda Aykiricay Turkey and Colbasa They are all essentially identical 309 To address a complaint from Lycia and Pamphylia about the detestable pursuits of the atheists Christians Maximinus promised the provincials whatever they wanted perhaps an exemption from the poll tax 310 When Maximinus received notice that Constantine had succeeded in his campaign against Maxentius he issued a new letter restoring Christians their former liberties 311 The text of this letter which is preserved in Eusebius s Historia Ecclesiastica however suggests that the initiative was Maximinus s alone and not that of Constantine or Licinius It is also the only passage in the ancient sources providing Maximinus s rationale for his actions without the hostility of Lactantius and Eusebius Maximinus states that he supported Diocletian and Galerius s early legislation but upon being made Caesar came to realize the drain such policies would have on his labor force and began to employ persuasion without coercion 312 He goes on to assert that he resisted petitions from Nicomedians to forbid Christians from their city an event Eusebius does not otherwise record 313 and that when he accepted the demands of deputations from other cities he was only following imperial custom 314 Maximinus concludes his letter by referencing the letter he wrote after Galerius s edict asking that his subordinates be lenient He does not refer to his early letters which encouraged avid persecution 315 In the early spring of 313 as Licinius advanced against Maximinus the latter resorted to savagery in his dealings with his own citizens and his Christians in particular 316 In May 313 317 Maximinus issued one more edict of toleration hoping to persuade Licinius to stop advancing and win more public support For the first time Maximinus issued a law which offered comprehensive toleration and the means to effectively secure it As in his earlier letter Maximinus is apologetic but one sided 318 Maximinus absolves himself for all the failings of his policy locating fault with local judges and enforcers instead 319 He frames the new universal toleration as a means of removing all ambiguity and extortion Maximinus then declares full freedom of religious practice encourages Christians to rebuild their churches and pledges to restore Christian property lost in the persecution 320 The edict changed little Licinius defeated Maximinus at the Battle of Tzirallum on April 30 313 321 the now powerless Maximinus committed suicide at Tarsus in the summer of 313 On June 13 Licinius published the Edict of Milan in Nicomedia 322 Egypt Edit Wall painting of martyred saints Ananias Azarias and Misael from the town of Samalut with Saints Damian and Cosmas martyred during the persecutions of Diocletian in the late 3rd century AD Stucco 6th century AD From Wadi Sarga Egypt British Museum In Eusebius Martyrs of Palestine Egypt is covered only in passing When Eusebius remarks on the region however he writes of tens twenties even hundreds of Christians put to death on a single day which would seem to make Egypt the region that suffered the most during the persecutions 323 According to one report that Barnes calls plausible if unverifiable 660 Christians were killed in Alexandria alone between 303 and 311 324 In Egypt Peter of Alexandria fled his namesake city early on in the persecution leaving the Church leaderless Meletius bishop of Lycopolis Asyut took up the job in his place Meletius performed ordinations without Peter s permission which caused some bishops to complain to Peter Meletius soon refused to treat Peter as any kind of authority and expanded his operations into Alexandria According to Epiphanius of Salamis the Church split into two sections the Catholic Church under Peter and after Peter s execution Alexander and the Church of the Martyrs under Meletius 325 When the two groups found themselves imprisoned together in Alexandria during the persecution Peter of Alexandria drew up a curtain in the middle of their cell He then said There are some who are of my view let them come over on my side and those of Melitius s view stay with Melitius Thus divided the two sects went on with their affairs purposely ignoring each other s existence 326 The schism continued to grow throughout the persecution even with its leaders in jail 327 and would persist long after the deaths of both Peter and Meletius 325 Fifty one bishoprics are attested for Egypt in 325 fifteen are only known otherwise as seats of the schismatic Church 328 Legacy EditThe Diocletianic persecution was ultimately unsuccessful As Robin Lane Fox has put it it was simply too little and too late 22 Christians were never purged systematically in any part of the empire and Christian evasion continually undermined the edicts enforcement 329 Some bribed their way to freedom 330 The Christian Copres escaped on a technicality To avoid sacrificing in court he gave his brother power of attorney and had him do it instead 331 Many simply fled Eusebius in his Vita Constantini wrote that once more the fields and woods received the worshippers of God 332 To contemporary theologians there was no sin in this behavior Lactantius held that Christ himself had encouraged it 333 and Bishop Peter of Alexandria quoted Matthew 10 23 when they persecute you in this city flee ye into another 334 in support of the tactic 335 The pagan crowd was more sympathetic to the Christians sufferings than they had been in the past 336 Lactantius Eusebius and Constantine write of revulsion at the excesses of the persecutors Constantine of executioners wearied out and disgusted at the cruelties they had committed 337 The fortitude of the martyrs in the face of death had earned the faith respectability in the past 338 though it may have won few converts 339 The thought of martyrdom however sustained Christians under trial and in prison hardening their faith 340 Packaged with the promise of eternal life martyrdom proved attractive for the growing segment of the pagan population which was to quote Dodds in love with death 341 To use Tertullian s famous phrase the blood of the martyrs was the seed of the Church 342 By 324 Constantine the Christian convert ruled the entire empire alone Christianity became the greatest beneficiary of imperial largesse 343 The persecutors had been routed As the historian J Liebeschuetz has written The final result of the Great Persecution provided a testimonial to the truth of Christianity which it could have won in no other way 344 After Constantine the Christianization of the Roman empire would continue apace Under Theodosius I r 378 95 Christianity became the state religion 345 By the 5th century Christianity was the empire s predominant faith and filled the same role paganism had at the end of the 3rd century 346 Because of the persecution however a number of Christian communities were riven between those who had complied with imperial authorities traditores and those who had refused In Africa the Donatists who protested the election of the alleged traditor Caecilian to the bishopric of Carthage continued to resist the authority of the central Church until after 411 347 The Melitians in Egypt left the Egyptian Church similarly divided 325 In future generations both Christians and pagans would look back on Diocletian as in the words of theologian Henry Chadwick the embodiment of irrational ferocity 348 To medieval Christians Diocletian was the most loathsome of all Roman emperors 349 From the 4th century on Christians would describe the Great persecution of Diocletian s reign as a bloodbath 350 The Liber Pontificalis a collection of biographies of the popes alleges 17 000 martyrs within a single thirty day period 351 In the 4th century Christians created a cult of martyrs in homage to the fallen 352 Controversies EditHistorian G E M de Ste Croix argues that hagiographers portrayed a persecution far more extensive than the real one had been 353 and the Christians responsible for this cult were loose with the facts Their heroic age of martyrs or Era of Martyrs was held to begin with Diocletian s accession to the emperorship in 284 rather than 303 when persecutions actually began Barnes argues that they fabricated a large number of martyrs tales indeed most surviving martyrs tales are forgeries exaggerated the facts in others and embroidered true accounts with miraculous details 352 According to Curran of the surviving martyrs acts only those of Agnes Sebastian Felix and Adauctus and Marcellinus and Peter are even remotely historical 350 These traditional accounts were first questioned in the Enlightenment when Henry Dodwell Voltaire and most famously Edward Gibbon questioned traditional accounts of the Christian martyrs 354 In the final chapter of the first volume of his History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire 1776 Gibbon claims that Christians had greatly exaggerated the scale of the persecutions they suffered 355 After the church had triumphed over all her enemies the interest as well as vanity of the captives prompted them to magnify the merit of their respective sufferings A convenient distance of time or place gave an ample scope to the progress of fiction and the frequent instances which might be alleged of holy martyrs whose wounds had been instantly healed whose strength had been renewed and whose lost members had miraculously been restored were extremely convenient for the purpose of removing every difficulty and of silencing every objection The most extravagant legends as they conduced to the honour of the church were applauded by the credulous multitude countenanced by the power of the clergy and attested by the suspicious evidence of ecclesiastical history 356 Throughout his history Gibbon implies that the early Church undermined traditional Roman virtues and thereby impaired the health of civil society 355 When Gibbon sought to reduce the numbers of the martyrs in his History he was perceived as intending to diminish the Church and deny sacred history He was attacked for his suspected irreligion in print 357 The contemporary classical scholar Richard Porson mocked Gibbon writing that his humanity never slept unless when women are ravished or the Christians persecuted 358 Some later historians however took Gibbon s emphases even further As Croix put it in 1954 The so called Great Persecution has been exaggerated in the Christian tradition to an extent which even Gibbon did not fully appreciate 359 In 1972 the ecclesiastical Protestant historian Hermann Dorries was embarrassed to admit to his colleagues that his sympathies lay with the Christians rather than their persecutors 360 Anglican historian W H C Frend estimated that 3 000 3 500 Christians were killed in the persecution although this number is disputed 361 The historian Min Seok Shin estimates that over 23 500 Christians suffered martyrdom under Diocletian of whom the names of 850 are known 362 Although the number of verifiably true martyrs tales has decreased and estimates of the total casualty rate have been reduced the majority of modern writers are less skeptical than Gibbon of the severity of the persecution As the author Stephen Williams wrote in 1985 even allowing a margin for invention what remains is terrible enough Unlike Gibbon we live in an age which has experienced similar things and knows how unsound is that civilised smile of incredulity at such reports Things can be have been every bit as bad as our worst imaginings 217 See also EditActs of Shmona and of Gurya Archelais and Companions List of Christians martyred during the reign of Diocletian 4th century in Lebanon 300s and 310sNotes Edit Early pagan opponents of the Christians would see their God as a political criminal executed under a governor of Judea for proclaiming himself King of the Jews and note that their holy texts included an allegorical attack on the Roman state that prophesied its imminent destruction Revelation These arguments were less effective as time went on since Christians were visibly apolitical 12 Clarke argues that other evidence Cyprian Epistolae 75 10 1f Origen Contra Celsus 3 15 undermines Eusebius s picture of Maximin s policy and vouches for a comparatively light persecution instead 28 Although some members of the laity were persecuted the primary targets of official action were always the clergy and the more prominent lay Christians 32 The Palestinian Talmud records that when Diocletian paid a visit to the region he decreed that sacrifices should be offered by all the people except the Jews 54 The edict illegalized sibling marriage which had long been customary in the East 58 Hopkins assumes a constant growth rate of 3 35 per annum Hopkins study is cited at Potter 314 The historian Robin Lane Fox gives a smaller estimate of the Christian population in 300 4 or 5 of the empire s total population but allows that Christian numbers grew as a result of the hardship of the years from 250 to 280 63 Clarke argues against reading a large advancement in either the numbers or the social status of Christians into this data 68 Clarke cautions however that this shift in attitudes may simply be an artifact of the source material 73 Aurelius Victor describes the circle around Diocletian as an imminentium scrutator 80 Lactantius describes it as a scrutator rerum futurarum 81 Later dates are possible but discouraged by the statement in the Suda written in the 10th century that Porphyry only survived until the reign of Diocletian 84 Helgeland places the event in 301 94 Barnes argued for a date of 302 or not long before in 1976 95 but accepted a date of 299 in 1981 96 Woods argues for a date of 297 on the grounds that Diocletian and Galerius were both in the area at this time and because Eusebius s Chronicle associates the persecution with Galerius s defeat by Narseh For although Eusebius dates the defeat to 302 it actually occurred in 297 97 Davies disputes Barnes identification of Constantine s unnamed emperor Oratio ad Coetum Sanctum 22 with Galerius 105 Barnes argues that Diocletian was prepared to tolerate Christianity he did after all live within sight of Nicomedia s Christian church and his wife and daughter were if not Christians themselves as per Eusebius Historia Ecclesiastica 8 1 3 Lactantius De Mortibus Persecutorum 15 1 at least sympathetic to the faith but was successively brought closer and closer to intolerance under Galerius s influence 107 Davies takes a more skeptical view of the same evidence 108 The edict might not actually have been an edict in the technical sense Eusebius does not refer to it as such and the passage in the Passio Felicis which includes the word edictum exiit edictum imperatorum et Caesarum super omnem faciem terrae may simply have been written to echo Luke 2 1 exiit edictum a Caesare Augusto ut profiteretur universus orbis terrae 127 Elsewhere in the passion the text is called a programma 128 The text of the edict itself does not actually survive 129 This apparently included any house in which scriptures were found 133 Gaddis writes that the quotation may be a slur on Galerius s trans Danubian ancestry 146 The document is not actually an edict but a letter 191 The two can be distinguished by the presence of a specific addressee on a letter and the absence of one on an edict 192 The version of the document preserved by Lactantius De Mortibus Persecutorum 48 2 12 is a letter to the governor of Bithynia and was presumably posted in Nicomedia after Licinius had taken the city from Maximinus 191 Eusebius s version Historia Ecclesiastica 10 5 2 14 is probably a copy sent to the governor of Palestine and posted in Caesarea 191 These figures count only the total number of martyrdoms not the number of individuals martyred 199 Davies takes his figures from martyrs acts collected by the Bollandists S Lieberman located this event at Lydda Lod Israel 276 Barnes contests this identification arguing that since Eusebius specifically identifies the city as wholly Jewish it is unlikely to have been Lydda which had a Christian bishop by 325 Diocaesarea however was noted for its Jewishness long thereafter 277 Citations Edit Gaddis 29 Philip F Esler ed 2000 The Early Christian World Vol 2 Routledge pp 827 829 ISBN 978 0 415 16497 9 a b Frend Genesis and Legacy 503 a b Frend Genesis and Legacy 511 de Ste Croix Persecuted 15 16 Dodds 111 MacMullen 35 Dodds 110 Schott Making of Religion 2 citing Eusebius Praeparatio Evangelica 1 2 1 Schott Making of Religion 1 Dodds 115 16 citing Justin Apologia 2 2 Tertullian Apologia 3 Castelli 38 Gaddis 30 31 de Ste Croix Persecuted 16 17 Tacitus Annales 15 44 6 cited in Frend Genesis and Legacy 504 Dodds 110 Frend Genesis and Legacy 504 citing Suetonius Nero 16 2 Dodds 111 12 112 n 1 de Ste Croix Persecuted 20 Clarke 616 Frend Genesis and Legacy 510 See also Barnes Legislation de Sainte Croix Persecuted Musurillo lviii lxii and Sherwin White Early Persecutions Drake Bishops 87 93 Edwards 579 Frend Genesis and Legacy 506 8 citing Pliny Epistaules 10 96 Martyrium Polycarpi Musurillo 2 21 and Eusebius Historia Ecclesiastica 4 15 Frend 509 Smyrna Martyrium Scillitanarum acta Musurillo 86 89 cited in Frend 510 Scilli Eusebius Historia Ecclesiastica 5 1 Musurillo 62 85 Edwards 587 Frend 508 G W Clarke The origins and spread of Christianity in Cambridge Ancient History vol 10 The Augustan Empire ed Alan K Bowman Edward Champlin and Andrew Linott Cambridge Cambridge University Press 1996 869 70 Clarke 616 Frend Genesis and Legacy 510 de Ste Croix Persecuted 7 a b Robin Lane Fox The Classical World An Epic History of Greece and Rome Toronto Penguin 2006 576 Castelli 38 Drake Bishops 113 14 Frend Genesis and Legacy 511 Origen Contra Celsum 3 9 qtd and tr in Frend Genesis and Legacy 512 Scriptores Historiae Augustae Septimius Severus 17 1 Frend Genesis and Legacy 511 Timothy Barnes at Tertullian A Historical and Literary Study Oxford Clarendon Press 1971 151 calls this supposed rescript an invention of the author reflecting his own religious prejudices instead of imperial policy under the Severans Eusebius Historia Ecclesiastica 6 28 cited in Frend Genesis and Legacy 513 Clarke 621 25 Clarke 625 27 Frend Genesis and Legacy 513 Rives 135 Eusebius Historia Ecclesiastica 6 39 4 Clarke 632 634 Frend Genesis and Legacy 514 E Leigh Gibson Jewish Antagonism or Christian Polemic The Case of the Martyrdom of Pionius Journal of Early Christian Studies 9 3 2001 339 58 Dodds 108 108 n 2 Joseph Wilson Trigg Origen New York Routledge 1998 61 Clarke 635 Frend Genesis and Legacy 514 Frend Genesis and Legacy 514 citing Cyprian De lapsis 8 Frend Genesis and Legacy 514 citing Martyrium Pionii 15 Musurillo 156 57 Frend Genesis and Legacy 514 Eusebius Historia Ecclesiastica 7 10 3 qtd and tr in Frend Genesis and Legacy 515 Frend Genesis and Legacy 516 Eusebius Historia Ecclesiastica 7 15 Digeser Christian Empire 52 Frend Genesis and Legacy 517 Frend Genesis and Legacy 517 Williams 161 a b Williams 161 62 Panegyrici Latini 11 3 6 qtd and tr Williams 162 Bowman Diocletian 70 71 Corcoran Before Constantine 40 Liebeschuetz 235 52 240 43 Odahl 43 44 Williams 58 59 Curran 47 Williams 58 59 a b Frend Prelude 4 Curran 47 Potter 296 citing Inscriptiones Latinae Selectae 617 641 618 Frend Prelude 3 Lane Fox 593 See also Millar 182 on Tetrarchic triumphalism in the Near East Potter 336 Potter 333 a b Curran 48 Clarke 627 Palestinian Talmud Aboda Zara 5 4 qtd and tr in Curran 48 See also Dodd 111 Lane Fox 430 Martin Goodman Rome and Jerusalem New York Allen Lane 2007 499 505 Barnes Constantine and Eusebius 19 295 n 50 New Empire 62 n 76 a b Barnes Constantine and Eusebius 295 n 50 Mosiacarum et Romanarum Legum Collatio 6 4 qtd and tr in Clarke 649 Barnes Constantine and Eusebius 19 20 Barnes Constantine and Eusebius 20 See also Lane Fox 594 Davies 93 Hopkins 191 Lane Fox 590 92 See also Rodney Stark The Rise of Christianity A Sociologist Reconsiders History Princeton Princeton University Press 1996 a b Frend Prelude 2 Keresztes 379 Lane Fox 587 Potter 314 Keresztes 379 Potter 314 Keresztes 379 Clarke 615 Barnes Constantine and Eusebius 21 Eusebius Historia Ecclesiastica 8 6 2 4 8 9 7 8 11 2 cited in Keresztes 379 Potter 337 661 n 16 Lactantius De Mortibus Persecutorum 15 2 cited in Keresztes 379 Potter 337 661 n 16 a b Barnes Constantine and Eusebius 21 Clarke 621 22 Clarke 621 22 de Ste Croix Persecuted 21 Barnes Constantine and Eusebius 21 22 Dodds 109 Lactantius Divinae Institutiones 5 2 12 13 Digeser Christian Empire 5 Lactantius Divinae Institutiones 5 2 3 Frend Prelude 13 Lactantius Divinae Institutiones 5 2 3ff Barnes Constantine and Eusebius 22 Aurelius Victor Caes 39 48 cited in Keresztes 381 Lactantius De Mortibus Persecutorum 10 1 cited in Keresztes 381 Augustine De Citivae Dei 10 29 qtd and tr in Frend Prelude 9 Frend Prelude 10 Suda p 2098 qtd and tr Frend Prelude 10 n 64 See also Barnes Porphyry s Against the Christians Croke and Digeser Religious Toleration Frend Prelude 10 11 Porphyry frg 58 Frend Prelude 12 Porphyry frg 49 Frend Prelude 12 Porphyry frg 60 63 Frend Prelude 12 Porphyry frg 1 tr Digeser Christian Empire 6 Frend Prelude 13 n 89 a b Davies 92 Arnobius Adversus Nationes 1 24 qtd in Davies 79 80 from a translation by Bryce and Campbell Walter 111 Lactantius De Mortibus Persecutorum 10 1 5 Barnes Sossianus Hierocles 245 Barnes Constantine and Eusebius 18 19 Davies 78 79 Helgeland 159 Liebeschuetz 246 8 Odahl 65 Helgeland 159 Barnes Sossianus Hierocles 245 Barnes Constantine and Eusebius 18 19 Woods Two Notes 128 31 Keresztes 380 Eusebius Historia Ecclesiastica 8 4 2 3 Barnes Sossianus Hierocles 246 Helgeland 159 a b Davies 89 92 Woods Veturius 588 Woods Veturius 589 Lactantius De Mortibus Persecutorum 10 6 31 1 and Eusebius Historia Ecclesiastica 8 app 1 3 Barnes Constantine and Eusebius 19 294 Keresztes 381 Barnes Constantine and Eusebius 19 294 Davies 82 83 Barnes Constantine and Eusebius 20 Corcoran Before Constantine 51 Odahl 54 56 62 Barnes Constantine and Eusebius 19 21 Davies 66 94 Jones 71 Liebeschuetz 235 52 246 48 Contra Davies 66 94 Odahl 65 Lactantius De Mortibus Persecutorum 9 9 10 Odahl 303 n 24 Lactantius De Mortibus Persecutorum 11 1 2 Odahl 66 a b Barnes Constantine and Eusebius 19 Corcoran Empire 261 Keresztes 381 Iain Gardner and Samuel N C Lieu eds Manichaean Texts from the Roman Empire Cambridge Cambridge University Press 2004 117 18 Clarke 647 48 Barnes Constantine and Eusebius 20 21 Lane Fox 595 Lactantius De Mortibus Persecutorum 10 6 11 Barnes Constantine and Eusebius 21 Odahl 67 Schott Porphyry on Christians 278 Beatrice 1 47 Digeser Christian Empire passim Eusebius Vita Constantini 2 50 Davies 80 n 75 believes that this should be re written as the profane on earth The reply was translated as it was impossible for the oracle to speak the truth because of the righteous men upon the Earth as quoted in The Persecution of Diocletian A Historical Essay by Arthur James Mason M A Deighton Bell and Co publishers Cambridge 1876 page 63 Barnes Constantine and Eusebius 21 Elliott 35 36 Keresztes 381 Lane Fox 595 Liebeschuetz 235 52 246 48 Odahl 67 Potter 338 Barnes Constantine and Eusebius 22 Clarke 650 Odahl 67 69 Potter 337 Lactantius De Mortibus Persecutorum 12 1 Barnes Constantine and Eusebius 21 Gaddis 29 Keresztes 381 Barnes Constantine and Eusebius 22 Clarke 650 Potter 337 de Ste Croix Aspects 75 Williams 176 The Old Latin pre Vulgate version is given here from Corcoran Empire 179 80 Corcoran Empire 180 Corcoran Empire 179 a b c Curran 49 Eusebius Historia Ecclesiastica 9 10 8 Barnes Constantine and Eusebius 22 De Ste Croix Aspects 75 Liebeschuetz 249 50 Eusebius Historia Ecclesiastica 8 2 4 De Martyribus Palestinae praef 1 and Optatus Appendix 2 Barnes Constantine and Eusebius 22 Clarke 650 Liebeschuetz 249 50 Potter 337 de Ste Croix Aspects 75 de Ste Croix Aspects 75 de Ste Croix Christian Persecution 47 Greenslade 476 477 Ferguson Everett 2014 The Early Church at Work and Worship Vol 1 Casemate Publishers p 276 ISBN 978 0 227 90374 2 Barnes Constantine and Eusebius 23 Klingshirn 169 a b Clarke 650 51 Potter 337 de Ste Croix Aspects 75 76 Clarke 650 de Ste Croix Aspects 75 76 Clarke 650 51 Potter 337 Lactantius De Mortibus Persecutorum 11 8 qtd in Clarke 651 Keresztes 381 Lactantius De Mortibus Persecutorum 11 8 cited in Keresztes 381 a b c d Clarke 651 Keresztes 381 Lactantius De Mortibus Persecutorum 13 2 and Eusebius Historia Ecclesiastica 8 5 1 Barnes Constantine and Eusebius 22 Corcoran Empire 179 Williams 176 The quotation is from Lactantius and the translation by Williams Gaddis 30 n 4 Eusebius Historia Ecclesiastica 8 2 4 De Martyribus Palestinae praef and Acta Felicis Musurillo 266 71 Corcoran Empire 180 Clarke 651 Keresztes 382 Potter 337 Eusebius De Martyribus Palestinae 1 1 2 cited in Corcoran Empire 180 Optatus Appendix 1 Corcoran Empire 180 de Ste Croix Christian Persecution 55 Corcoran Empire 181 Eusebius Historia Ecclesiastica 8 2 5 8 6 8 9 and De Martyribus Palestinae praef 2 Barnes Constantine and Eusebius 24 Corcoran Empire 181 de Ste Croix Aspects 76 Rees 63 Eusebius Historia Ecclesiastica 8 6 8 9 Barnes Constantine and Eusebius 24 de Ste Croix Aspects 76 Eusebius Historia Ecclesiastica 8 6 10 Barnes Constantine and Eusebius 24 Corcoran Empire 181 82 de Ste Croix Aspects 76 77 Rees 64 Barnes Constantine and Eusebius 24 citing Eusebius De Martyribus Palestinae S praef 2 S 1 3 4 L 1 5b and Historia Ecclesiastica 8 2 5 6 10 Corcoran Empire 181 82 de Ste Croix Aspects 76 77 Keresztes 383 Eusebius De Martyribus Palestinae 3 1 Barnes Constantine and Eusebius 24 Liebeschuetz 249 50 de Ste Croix Aspects 77 Baynes Two Notes 189 de Ste Croix Aspects 77 de Ste Croix Aspects 77 Barnes Constantine and Eusebius 24 citing Martyrion ton hagion Agapes Eirenes kai Chiones Eusebius De Martyribus Palestinae 3 1 Barnes Constantine and Eusebius 24 Liebeschuetz 250 51 a b Barnes Constantine and Eusebius 26 27 Odahl 72 74 Southern 152 53 Lactantius De Mortibus Persecutorum 18 Barnes Constantine and Eusebius 25 26 Odahl 71 Keresztes 384 Eusebius Historia Ecclesiastica 8 3 1 qtd in Clarke 655 Clarke 655 Eusebius De Martyribus Palaestinae 4 8 9 2 Keresztes 384 Clarke 655 citing Eusebius Historia Ecclesiastica 8 14 9ff Lactantius De Mortibus Persecutorum 24 9 and Divinae Institutiones 1 1 13 Barnes Constantine and Eusebius 28 Barnes Constantine and Eusebius 28 Barnes Constantine and Eusebius 30 38 Barnes Constantine and Eusebius 30 31 Clarke 656 Corcoran Empire 186 Clarke 656 Lactantius De Mortibus Persecutorum 33 11 35 and Eusebius Historia Ecclesiastica 8 17 1 11 Corcoran Empire 186 Eusebius Historia Ecclesiastica 9 1 1 Corcoran Empire 186 186 n 68 Lactantius De Mortibus Persecutorum 34 1 5 qtd and tr in Potter 355 56 See Clarke 656 57 for a translation from J L Creed Potter 356 Clarke 657 a b Knipfing 705 cited in Keresztes 390 Knipfing 705 K Bihlmeyer Das Toleranzedikt des Galerius von 311 Theol Quartalschr 94 1912 412 and J Vogt Christenverflolgung RAC 1199 cited in Keresztes 390 Keresztes 390 Louis Sebastien Le Nain de Tillemont Memoires pour servir a l histoire ecclesiastique des six premiers siecles Paris 1693 5 44 qtd and tr in Keresztes 390 a b Barnes Constantine and Eusebius 39 Clarke 657 Potter 356 Eusebius Historia Ecclesiastica 9 2 1 Clarke 659 Barnes Constantine and Eusebius 149 a b Lactantius De Mortibus Persecutorum 45 1 48 2 qtd and tr in Clarke 662 63 a b c Corcoran Empire 158 59 Corcoran Empire 2 Davies 68 n 6 Davies 68 n 7 Davies 69 n 8 Davies 69 n 9 Davies 69 n 10 Davies 69 n 11 a b Davies 68 Clarke 651 Keresztes 384 85 Corcoran Before Constantine 45 46 Williams 67 Lane Fox 596 Williams 180 Davies 68 69 Corcoran Empire 261 n 58 Lactantius De Mortibus Persecutorum 15 7 Clarke 651 Eusebius Historia Ecclesiastica 8 13 13 Vita Constantini 1 13 and De Martyribus Palestinae 13 12 Clarke 651 651 n 149 Optatus 1 22 Clarke 651 n 149 Corcoran Empire 180 citing Charles Thomas Christianity in Roman Britain to AD 500 London Batsford 1981 48 50 Corcoran Empire 181 82 Lactantius De Mortibus Persecutorum 24 9 Barnes Constantine and Eusebius 28 Clarke 652 Barnes Constantine and Eusebius 23 Clarke 651 Barnes Constantine and Eusebius 23 Williams 177 Frend Genesis and Legacy 510 Martyrium Perpetuae et Felicitatis 13 1 Musurillo 106 31 cited in Tilley North Africa 391 Edwards 585 Tilley North Africa 387 395 Williams 179 a b Williams 179 Acta Maximiliani Musurillo 244 49 Tilley The Bible 45 46 Acta Marcelli Musurillo 250 59 Tilley The Bible 46 Optatus Appendix 1 Barnes Constantine and Eusebius 23 Barnes Constantine and Eusebius 23 Tilley Martyr Stories 25 49 Clarke 652 n 153 Clarke 652 n 153 Clarke 652 n 153 Acts of the Abitinian Martyrs 20 Tilley Martyr Stories 44 46 Tilley Martyr Stories xi The Bible 9 57 66 Tilley The Bible 10 Barnes Constantine and Eusebius 56 Tilley Martyr Stories xi Eusebius Historia Ecclesiastica VII 32 Barnes Constantine and Eusebius 38 Curran 49 Barnes Constantine and Eusebius 38 303 n 100 Curran 49 a b c Barnes Constantine and Eusebius 38 304 n 106 Barnes Constantine and Eusebius 38 303 4 n 105 a b Eusebius De Martyribus Palestinae 13 12 qtd in Clarke 652 Lactantius De Mortibus Persecutorum 23 5 Barnes Constantine and Eusebius 29 Barnes Constantine and Eusebius 30 Optatus 1 18 Barnes Constantine and Eusebius 38 Optatus Appendix 1 Barnes Constantine and Eusebius 38 a b Barnes Constantine and Eusebius 38 Barnes Constantine and Eusebius 38 304 n 107 Barnes Constantine and Eusebius 38 39 Eusebius Historia Ecclesiastica 10 5 15 17 Barnes Constantine and Eusebius 39 Clarke 651 651 n 151 Santi Canzio Canziano e Canzianilla su santiebeati it Santiebeati it Retrieved 2021 03 25 Martyrologia Hieronomianum ed De Rossi Duchesne in Acta SS Nov II cited in St Chrysogonus from the Catholic Encyclopedia Barnes Constantine and Eusebius 40 41 Odahl 96 101 Barnes Constantine and Eusebius 42 44 Odahl 111 Cf also Curran 72 75 Barnes Constantine and Eusebius 48 Cf contra MacMullen 45 Eusebius Vita Constantini 1 42 1 Barnes Constantine and Eusebius 48 Curran 93 96 citing Krautheimer Corpus Basilicarum Christianarum Romanorum 5 90 Barnes Constantine and Eusebius 48 49 a b Barnes Constantine and Eusebius 24 Barnes Constantine and Eusebius 24 Lane Fox 596 Williams 178 See also Keresztes 382 Williams 178 Barnes Constantine and Eusebius 24 Southern 168 Williams 177 Odahl 68 Lactantius Divinae Institutiones 7 Williams 178 Trompf 120 Williams 181 Barnes Constantine and Eusebius 148 50 Barnes Constantine and Eusebius 154 55 a b Keresztes 389 Eusebius Historia Ecclesiastica 8 6 10 qtd and tr in Keresztes 389 Barnes Constantine and Eusebius 150 Eusebius De Martyribus Palestinae L 1 1ff Barnes Constantine and Eusebius 150 51 Eusebius De Martyribus Palestinae L 1 5 Barnes Constantine and Eusebius 151 Eusebius De Martyribus Palestinae 3 1 Barnes Constantine and Eusebius 151 356 n 27 Barnes Constantine and Eusebius 151 Lactantius De Mortibus Persecutorum 19 1 Barnes Constantine and Eusebius 151 Eusebius De Martyribus Palestinae 4 8 Keresztes 384 de Ste Croix Aspects 97 113 Barnes Constantine and Eusebius 153 Lactantius De Mortibus Persecutorum 23 1ff Barnes Constantine and Eusebius 151 52 Eusebius De Martyribus Palestinae 4 8 Barnes Constantine and Eusebius 152 Keresztes 384 Mitchell 112 Eusebius De Martyribus Palestinae 7 1 4 Keresztes 388 On Christian condemnation to the mines in general see J G Davies Condemnation to the Mines A Neglected Chapter in the History of the Persecutions University of Birmingham Historical Journal 6 1958 99 107 The same punishment was later used on Christian heretics on which see Mark Gustafson Condemnation to the Mines in the Later Roman Empire Harvard Theological Review 87 4 1994 421 33 Eusebius De Martyribus Palestinae 8 1 4 Barnes Constantine and Eusebius 153 Keresztes 388 Annuaire de l Institut de Philologie et d Histoire Orientales et Slaves 7 1939 44 410ff Barnes Constantine and Eusebius 357 n 39 Eusebius De Martyribus Palestinae 8 13 Barnes Constantine and Eusebius 153 Keresztes 388 Eusebius De Martyribus Palestinae 7 1f cited in Barnes Constantine and Eusebius 152 Eusebius Historia Ecclesiastica 8 13 5 De Martyribus Palestinae 7 3ff 13 Barnes Constantine and Eusebius 152 53 Keresztes 388 Eusebius De Martyribus Palestinae 7 7 Barnes Constantine and Eusebius 153 Eusebius De Martyribus Palestinae L 8 1 S 11 31 Barnes Constantine and Eusebius 153 Eusebius De Martyribus Palestinae 9 1 cited in Barnes Constantine and Eusebius 153 Barnes Constantine and Eusebius 153 357 n 42 a b Barnes Constantine and Eusebius 153 Eusebius De Martyribus Palestinae 9 2 Barnes Constantine and Eusebius 153 Keresztes 384 Mitchell 112 Lane Fox 596 Eusebius De Martyribus Palestinae 9 2 Barnes Constantine and Eusebius 153 Keresztes 384 Lane Fox 596 Mitchell 112 Lane Fox 596 On the Acts of Pilate see also Johannes Quasten Patrology volume I The Beginnings of Patristic Literature Westminster MD Newman 1950 116 Lane Fox 596 97 Mitchell 112 Barnes Constantine and Eusebius 154 Eusebius De Martyribus Palestinae 10 1ff cited in Barnes Constantine and Eusebius 154 Eusebius De Martyribus Palestinae 11 1ff Barnes Constantine and Eusebius 154 Barnes Constantine and Eusebius 154 357 n 49 Barnes Constantine and Eusebius 357 n 49 a b Mitchell 113 Clarke 660 Mitchell 113 Barnes New Empire 22 23 Michell 113 n 21 Eusebius Historia Ecclesiastica 9 1 1 Mitchell 113 Eusebius Historia Ecclesiastica 9 1 2 9 1 3 6 Mitchell 113 Eusebius Historia Ecclesiastica 9 2 1 Clarke 660 Mitchell 114 Eusebius Historia Ecclesiastica 9 2 and Lactantius De Mortibus Persecutorum 36 3 Mitchell 114 a b Eusebius Historia Ecclesiastica 9 6 2 Clarke 660 Eusebius Historia Ecclesiastica 9 6 3 Clarke 660 Lactantius De Mortibus Persecutorum 36 7 qtd and tr in Clarke 660 Eusebius Historia Ecclesiastica 9 7 3 14 cited in Mitchell 114 Mitchell 114 Mitchell 117 Lane Fox 598 Eusebius Historia Ecclesiastica 9 9a 4 9 Mitchell 114 Eusebius Historia Ecclesiastica 9 9a 2 3 Mitchell 114 Eusebius Historia Ecclesiastica 9 9a 4 Mitchell 114 Eusebius Historia Ecclesiastica 9 9a 5 6 Mitchell 114 Eusebius Historia Ecclesiastica 9 9a 7 9 Mitchell 114 15 Eusebius Historia Ecclesiastica 9 10 1 2 and Lactantius De Mortibus Persecutorum 37 3 42 Mitchell 115 Barnes New Empire 68 Mitchell 115 Mitchell 115 Eusebius Historia Ecclesiastica 9 10 8 9 Mitchell 115 Eusebius Historia Ecclesiastica 9 10 10 11 Mitchell 115 Lactantius De Mortibus Persecutorum 46 8 9 Mitchell 115 Mitchell 116 Keresztes 389 On the Egyptian response to the persecutions see also Annemarie Luijendijk Papyri from the Great Persecution Roman and Christian Perspectives Journal of Early Christian Studies 16 3 2008 341 369 Timothy Barnes Athanasius and Constantius Theology and Politics in the Constantinian Empire Cambridge MA Harvard University Press 1993 10 a b c Leadbetter 259 Epiphanius Panarion 68 3 3 qtd and tr in MacMullen 92 93 MacMullen 160 n 17 Lane Fox 590 Clarke 651 Lane Fox 597 98 Lane Fox 597 98 Oxyrhynchus Papyri 2601 tr J R Rhea quoted in Barnes Constantine and the Bishops 382 Lane Fox 598 Eusebius Vita Constantini 11 2 qtd and tr Nicholson 50 Lactantius Divinae Institutiones 4 18 1 2 qtd and tr Nicholson 49 King James Version qtd in Nicholson 51 Nicholson 50 51 Drake 149 53 Lane Fox 598 601 Constantine Oratio ad Sanctum Coetum 22 qtd and tr in Drake 150 Drake 98 103 Lane Fox 441 MacMullen 29 30 Lane Fox 441 Dodds 135 Tertullian Apologeticus 50 Dodds 133 MacMullen 29 30 Barnes Constantine and Eusebius 48 49 208 13 Liebeschuetz 252 Iole Fargnoli Many Faiths and One Emperor Remarks about the Religious Legislation of Theodosius the Great Revue internationale de droit de l Antiquite 53 2006 146 Warren Treadgold A History of the Byzantine State and Society Stanford Stanford University Press 1997 122 See also MacMullen vii and passim Barnes Constantine and Eusebius 56 Tilley Martyr Stories xi Chadwick 179 Richard Gerberding The later Roman Empire in The New Cambridge Medieval History vol 1 c 500 c 700 ed Paul Fouracre New York Cambridge University Press 2005 21 a b Curran 50 Liber Pontificalis 1 162 Curran 50 a b Barnes New Empire 177 80 Curran 50 de Ste Croix Aspects 103 4 David Womersley The Transformation of The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire New York Cambridge University Press 1988 128 128 n 109 a b Womersley Transformation 128 Gibbon Decline and Fall New York Harper amp Brothers 1839 1 327 J G A Pocock Barbarism and Religion vol 5 Religion The First Triumph Cambridge Cambridge University Press 2010 ix xi 34 Patricia B Craddock Edward Gibbon Luminous Historian 1772 1794 Baltimore Johns Hopkins University Press 1989 60 61 122 Porson Letters to Mr Archdeacon Travis 1790 xxviii qtd in Womersley Gibbon and the Watchmen of the Holy City The Historian and his Reputation 1776 1815 New York Oxford University Press 2002 184 85 n 39 de Ste Croix Aspects 104 Hermann Dorries Constantine the Great trans R H Bainton New York Harper amp Row 1972 13 n 11 Frend Martyrdom and Persecution 393 94 Liebeschuetz 251 52 Shin The Great Persecution 227 References EditAncient sources Edit Arnobius Adversus Nationes Against the Heathen ca 295 300 Bryce Hamilton and Hugh Campbell trans Against the Heathen From Ante Nicene Fathers Vol 6 Edited by Alexander Roberts James Donaldson and A Cleveland Coxe Buffalo NY Christian Literature Publishing Co 1886 Revised and edited for New Advent by Kevin Knight Accessed June 9 2009 Dessau Hermann Inscriptiones Latinae Selectae Berlin Weidmann 1892 1916 Eusebius of Caesarea Historia Ecclesiastica Church History first seven books ca 300 eighth and ninth book ca 313 tenth book ca 315 epilogue ca 325 Books Eight and Nine Williamson G A trans The History of the Church 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Walter Christopher 2003 The Warrior Saints in Byzantine Art and Tradition Ashgate ISBN 1 84014 694 X Williams Stephen 1997 Diocletian and the Roman Recovery New York Routledge ISBN 0 415 91827 8 Woods David 1992 Two Notes on the Great Persecution Journal of Theological Studies 43 1 128 134 doi 10 1093 jts 43 1 128 Woods David 2001 Veturius and the Beginning of the Diocletianic Persecution Mnemosyne 54 5 587 591 doi 10 1163 15685250152909057 External links EditA Chronological Chart of the Persecution with primary sources hyperlinked Persecution of Christians from Britannica Retrieved from https en wikipedia org w index php title Diocletianic Persecution amp oldid 1134496310, wikipedia, wiki, book, books, library,


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