
Transcendental number theory

Transcendental number theory is a branch of number theory that investigates transcendental numbers (numbers that are not solutions of any polynomial equation with rational coefficients), in both qualitative and quantitative ways.

Transcendence edit

The fundamental theorem of algebra tells us that if we have a non-constant polynomial with rational coefficients (or equivalently, by clearing denominators, with integer coefficients) then that polynomial will have a root in the complex numbers. That is, for any non-constant polynomial   with rational coefficients there will be a complex number   such that  . Transcendence theory is concerned with the converse question: given a complex number  , is there a polynomial   with rational coefficients such that   If no such polynomial exists then the number is called transcendental.

More generally the theory deals with algebraic independence of numbers. A set of numbers {α1, α2, …, αn} is called algebraically independent over a field K if there is no non-zero polynomial P in n variables with coefficients in K such that P1, α2, …, αn) = 0. So working out if a given number is transcendental is really a special case of algebraic independence where n = 1 and the field K is the field of rational numbers.

A related notion is whether there is a closed-form expression for a number, including exponentials and logarithms as well as algebraic operations. There are various definitions of "closed-form", and questions about closed-form can often be reduced to questions about transcendence.

History edit

Approximation by rational numbers: Liouville to Roth edit

Use of the term transcendental to refer to an object that is not algebraic dates back to the seventeenth century, when Gottfried Leibniz proved that the sine function was not an algebraic function.[1] The question of whether certain classes of numbers could be transcendental dates back to 1748[2] when Euler asserted[3] that the number logab was not algebraic for rational numbers a and b provided b is not of the form b = ac for some rational c.

Euler's assertion was not proved until the twentieth century, but almost a hundred years after his claim Joseph Liouville did manage to prove the existence of numbers that are not algebraic, something that until then had not been known for sure.[4] His original papers on the matter in the 1840s sketched out arguments using continued fractions to construct transcendental numbers. Later, in the 1850s, he gave a necessary condition for a number to be algebraic, and thus a sufficient condition for a number to be transcendental.[5] This transcendence criterion was not strong enough to be necessary too, and indeed it fails to detect that the number e is transcendental. But his work did provide a larger class of transcendental numbers, now known as Liouville numbers in his honour.

Liouville's criterion essentially said that algebraic numbers cannot be very well approximated by rational numbers. So if a number can be very well approximated by rational numbers then it must be transcendental. The exact meaning of "very well approximated" in Liouville's work relates to a certain exponent. He showed that if α is an algebraic number of degree d ≥ 2 and ε is any number greater than zero, then the expression


can be satisfied by only finitely many rational numbers p/q. Using this as a criterion for transcendence is not trivial, as one must check whether there are infinitely many solutions p/q for every d ≥ 2.

In the twentieth century work by Axel Thue,[6] Carl Siegel,[7] and Klaus Roth[8] reduced the exponent in Liouville's work from d + ε to d/2 + 1 + ε, and finally, in 1955, to 2 + ε. This result, known as the Thue–Siegel–Roth theorem, is ostensibly the best possible, since if the exponent 2 + ε is replaced by just 2 then the result is no longer true. However, Serge Lang conjectured an improvement of Roth's result; in particular he conjectured that q2+ε in the denominator of the right-hand side could be reduced to  .

Roth's work effectively ended the work started by Liouville, and his theorem allowed mathematicians to prove the transcendence of many more numbers, such as the Champernowne constant. The theorem is still not strong enough to detect all transcendental numbers, though, and many famous constants including e and π either are not or are not known to be very well approximable in the above sense.[9]

Auxiliary functions: Hermite to Baker edit

Fortunately other methods were pioneered in the nineteenth century to deal with the algebraic properties of e, and consequently of π through Euler's identity. This work centred on use of the so-called auxiliary function. These are functions which typically have many zeros at the points under consideration. Here "many zeros" may mean many distinct zeros, or as few as one zero but with a high multiplicity, or even many zeros all with high multiplicity. Charles Hermite used auxiliary functions that approximated the functions   for each natural number   in order to prove the transcendence of   in 1873.[10] His work was built upon by Ferdinand von Lindemann in the 1880s[11] in order to prove that eα is transcendental for nonzero algebraic numbers α. In particular this proved that π is transcendental since eπi is algebraic, and thus answered in the negative the problem of antiquity as to whether it was possible to square the circle. Karl Weierstrass developed their work yet further and eventually proved the Lindemann–Weierstrass theorem in 1885.[12]

In 1900 David Hilbert posed his famous collection of problems. The seventh of these, and one of the hardest in Hilbert's estimation, asked about the transcendence of numbers of the form ab where a and b are algebraic, a is not zero or one, and b is irrational. In the 1930s Alexander Gelfond[13] and Theodor Schneider[14] proved that all such numbers were indeed transcendental using a non-explicit auxiliary function whose existence was granted by Siegel's lemma. This result, the Gelfond–Schneider theorem, proved the transcendence of numbers such as eπ and the Gelfond–Schneider constant.

The next big result in this field occurred in the 1960s, when Alan Baker made progress on a problem posed by Gelfond on linear forms in logarithms. Gelfond himself had managed to find a non-trivial lower bound for the quantity


where all four unknowns are algebraic, the αs being neither zero nor one and the βs being irrational. Finding similar lower bounds for the sum of three or more logarithms had eluded Gelfond, though. The proof of Baker's theorem contained such bounds, solving Gauss' class number problem for class number one in the process. This work won Baker the Fields medal for its uses in solving Diophantine equations. From a purely transcendental number theoretic viewpoint, Baker had proved that if α1, ..., αn are algebraic numbers, none of them zero or one, and β1, ..., βn are algebraic numbers such that 1, β1, ..., βn are linearly independent over the rational numbers, then the number


is transcendental.[15]

Other techniques: Cantor and Zilber edit

In the 1870s, Georg Cantor started to develop set theory and, in 1874, published a paper proving that the algebraic numbers could be put in one-to-one correspondence with the set of natural numbers, and thus that the set of transcendental numbers must be uncountable.[16] Later, in 1891, Cantor used his more familiar diagonal argument to prove the same result.[17] While Cantor's result is often quoted as being purely existential and thus unusable for constructing a single transcendental number,[18][19] the proofs in both the aforementioned papers give methods to construct transcendental numbers.[20]

While Cantor used set theory to prove the plenitude of transcendental numbers, a recent development has been the use of model theory in attempts to prove an unsolved problem in transcendental number theory. The problem is to determine the transcendence degree of the field


for complex numbers x1, ..., xn that are linearly independent over the rational numbers. Stephen Schanuel conjectured that the answer is at least n, but no proof is known. In 2004, though, Boris Zilber published a paper that used model theoretic techniques to create a structure that behaves very much like the complex numbers equipped with the operations of addition, multiplication, and exponentiation. Moreover, in this abstract structure Schanuel's conjecture does indeed hold.[21] Unfortunately it is not yet known that this structure is in fact the same as the complex numbers with the operations mentioned; there could exist some other abstract structure that behaves very similarly to the complex numbers but where Schanuel's conjecture doesn't hold. Zilber did provide several criteria that would prove the structure in question was C, but could not prove the so-called Strong Exponential Closure axiom. The simplest case of this axiom has since been proved,[22] but a proof that it holds in full generality is required to complete the proof of the conjecture.

Approaches edit

A typical problem in this area of mathematics is to work out whether a given number is transcendental. Cantor used a cardinality argument to show that there are only countably many algebraic numbers, and hence almost all numbers are transcendental. Transcendental numbers therefore represent the typical case; even so, it may be extremely difficult to prove that a given number is transcendental (or even simply irrational).

For this reason transcendence theory often works towards a more quantitative approach. So given a particular complex number α one can ask how close α is to being an algebraic number. For example, if one supposes that the number α is algebraic then can one show that it must have very high degree or a minimum polynomial with very large coefficients? Ultimately if it is possible to show that no finite degree or size of coefficient is sufficient then the number must be transcendental. Since a number α is transcendental if and only if P(α) ≠ 0 for every non-zero polynomial P with integer coefficients, this problem can be approached by trying to find lower bounds of the form


where the right hand side is some positive function depending on some measure A of the size of the coefficients of P, and its degree d, and such that these lower bounds apply to all P ≠ 0. Such a bound is called a transcendence measure.

The case of d = 1 is that of "classical" diophantine approximation asking for lower bounds for


The methods of transcendence theory and diophantine approximation have much in common: they both use the auxiliary function concept.

Major results edit

The Gelfond–Schneider theorem was the major advance in transcendence theory in the period 1900–1950. In the 1960s the method of Alan Baker on linear forms in logarithms of algebraic numbers reanimated transcendence theory, with applications to numerous classical problems and diophantine equations.

Mahler's classification edit

Kurt Mahler in 1932 partitioned the transcendental numbers into 3 classes, called S, T, and U.[23] Definition of these classes draws on an extension of the idea of a Liouville number (cited above).

Measure of irrationality of a real number edit

One way to define a Liouville number is to consider how small a given real number x makes linear polynomials |qx − p| without making them exactly 0. Here p, q are integers with |p|, |q| bounded by a positive integer H.

Let   be the minimum non-zero absolute value these polynomials take and take:


ω(x, 1) is often called the measure of irrationality of a real number x. For rational numbers, ω(x, 1) = 0 and is at least 1 for irrational real numbers. A Liouville number is defined to have infinite measure of irrationality. Roth's theorem says that irrational real algebraic numbers have measure of irrationality 1.

Measure of transcendence of a complex number edit

Next consider the values of polynomials at a complex number x, when these polynomials have integer coefficients, degree at most n, and height at most H, with n, H being positive integers.

Let   be the minimum non-zero absolute value such polynomials take at   and take:


Suppose this is infinite for some minimum positive integer n. A complex number x in this case is called a U number of degree n.

Now we can define


ω(x) is often called the measure of transcendence of x. If the ω(x, n) are bounded, then ω(x) is finite, and x is called an S number. If the ω(x, n) are finite but unbounded, x is called a T number. x is algebraic if and only if ω(x) = 0.

Clearly the Liouville numbers are a subset of the U numbers. William LeVeque in 1953 constructed U numbers of any desired degree.[24] The Liouville numbers and hence the U numbers are uncountable sets. They are sets of measure 0.[25]

T numbers also comprise a set of measure 0.[26] It took about 35 years to show their existence. Wolfgang M. Schmidt in 1968 showed that examples exist. However, almost all complex numbers are S numbers.[27] Mahler proved that the exponential function sends all non-zero algebraic numbers to S numbers:[28][29] this shows that e is an S number and gives a proof of the transcendence of π. This number π is known not to be a U number.[30] Many other transcendental numbers remain unclassified.

Two numbers x, y are called algebraically dependent if there is a non-zero polynomial P in two indeterminates with integer coefficients such that P(xy) = 0. There is a powerful theorem that two complex numbers that are algebraically dependent belong to the same Mahler class.[24][31] This allows construction of new transcendental numbers, such as the sum of a Liouville number with e or π.

The symbol S probably stood for the name of Mahler's teacher Carl Ludwig Siegel, and T and U are just the next two letters.

Koksma's equivalent classification edit

Jurjen Koksma in 1939 proposed another classification based on approximation by algebraic numbers.[23][32]

Consider the approximation of a complex number x by algebraic numbers of degree ≤ n and height ≤ H. Let α be an algebraic number of this finite set such that |x − α| has the minimum positive value. Define ω*(x, H, n) and ω*(x, n) by:


If for a smallest positive integer n, ω*(x, n) is infinite, x is called a U*-number of degree n.

If the ω*(x, n) are bounded and do not converge to 0, x is called an S*-number,

A number x is called an A*-number if the ω*(x, n) converge to 0.

If the ω*(x, n) are all finite but unbounded, x is called a T*-number,

Koksma's and Mahler's classifications are equivalent in that they divide the transcendental numbers into the same classes.[32] The A*-numbers are the algebraic numbers.[27]

LeVeque's construction edit



It can be shown that the nth root of λ (a Liouville number) is a U-number of degree n.[33]

This construction can be improved to create an uncountable family of U-numbers of degree n. Let Z be the set consisting of every other power of 10 in the series above for λ. The set of all subsets of Z is uncountable. Deleting any of the subsets of Z from the series for λ creates uncountably many distinct Liouville numbers, whose nth roots are U-numbers of degree n.

Type edit

The supremum of the sequence {ω(x, n)} is called the type. Almost all real numbers are S numbers of type 1, which is minimal for real S numbers. Almost all complex numbers are S numbers of type 1/2, which is also minimal. The claims of almost all numbers were conjectured by Mahler and in 1965 proved by Vladimir Sprindzhuk.[34]

Open problems edit

While the Gelfond–Schneider theorem proved that a large class of numbers was transcendental, this class was still countable. Many well-known mathematical constants are still not known to be transcendental, and in some cases it is not even known whether they are rational or irrational. A partial list can be found here.

A major problem in transcendence theory is showing that a particular set of numbers is algebraically independent rather than just showing that individual elements are transcendental. So while we know that e and π are transcendental that doesn't imply that e + π is transcendental, nor other combinations of the two (except eπ, Gelfond's constant, which is known to be transcendental). Another major problem is dealing with numbers that are not related to the exponential function. The main results in transcendence theory tend to revolve around e and the logarithm function, which means that wholly new methods tend to be required to deal with numbers that cannot be expressed in terms of these two objects in an elementary fashion.

Schanuel's conjecture would solve the first of these problems somewhat as it deals with algebraic independence and would indeed confirm that e + π is transcendental. It still revolves around the exponential function, however, and so would not necessarily deal with numbers such as Apéry's constant or the Euler–Mascheroni constant. Another extremely difficult unsolved problem is the so-called constant or identity problem.[35]

Notes edit

  1. ^ N. Bourbaki, Elements of the History of Mathematics Springer (1994).
  2. ^ Gelfond 1960, p. 2.
  3. ^ Euler, L. (1748). Introductio in analysin infinitorum. Lausanne.
  4. ^ The existence proof based on the different cardinalities of the real and the algebraic numbers was not possible before Cantor's first set theory article in 1874.
  5. ^ Liouville, J. (1844). "Sur les classes très étendues de quantités dont la valeur n'est ni algébrique ni même réductible à des irrationelles algébriques". Comptes rendus de l'Académie des Sciences de Paris. 18: 883–885, 910–911.; Journal Math. Pures et Appl. 16, (1851), pp.133–142.
  6. ^ Thue, A. (1909). "Über Annäherungswerte algebraischer Zahlen". J. Reine Angew. Math. 1909 (135): 284–305. doi:10.1515/crll.1909.135.284. S2CID 125903243.
  7. ^ Siegel, C. L. (1921). "Approximation algebraischer Zahlen". Mathematische Zeitschrift. 10 (3–4): 172–213. doi:10.1007/BF01211608.
  8. ^ Roth, K. F. (1955). "Rational approximations to algebraic numbers". Mathematika. 2 (1): 1–20. doi:10.1112/S0025579300000644. And "Corrigendum", p. 168, doi:10.1112/S002559300000826.
  9. ^ Mahler, K. (1953). "On the approximation of π". Proc. Akad. Wetensch. Ser. A. 56: 30–42.
  10. ^ Hermite, C. (1873). "Sur la fonction exponentielle". C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris. 77.
  11. ^ Lindemann, F. (1882). "Ueber die Zahl π". Mathematische Annalen. 20 (2): 213–225. doi:10.1007/BF01446522.
  12. ^ Weierstrass, K. (1885). "Zu Hrn. Lindemann's Abhandlung: 'Über die Ludolph'sche Zahl'". Sitzungber. Königl. Preuss. Akad. Wissensch. Zu Berlin. 2: 1067–1086.
  13. ^ Gelfond, A. O. (1934). "Sur le septième Problème de D. Hilbert". Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR. 7: 623–630.
  14. ^ Schneider, T. (1935). "Transzendenzuntersuchungen periodischer Funktionen. I. Transzendend von Potenzen". Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik. 1935 (172): 65–69. doi:10.1515/crll.1935.172.65. S2CID 115310510.
  15. ^ A. Baker, Linear forms in the logarithms of algebraic numbers. I, II, III, Mathematika 13 ,(1966), pp.204–216; ibid. 14, (1967), pp.102–107; ibid. 14, (1967), pp.220–228, MR0220680
  16. ^ Cantor, G. (1874). "Ueber eine Eigenschaft des Inbegriffes aller reelen algebraischen Zahlen". J. Reine Angew. Math. (in German). 1874 (77): 258–262. doi:10.1515/crll.1874.77.258. S2CID 199545885.
  17. ^ Cantor, G. (1891). "Ueber eine elementare Frage der Mannigfaltigkeitslehre". Jahresbericht der Deutschen Mathematiker-Vereinigung (in German). 1: 75–78.
  18. ^ Kac, M.; Stanislaw, U. (1968). Mathematics and Logic. Fredering A. Praeger. p. 13.
  19. ^ Bell, E. T. (1937). Men of Mathematics. New York: Simon & Schuster. p. 569.
  20. ^ Gray, R. (1994). "Georg Cantor and Transcendental Numbers" (PDF). American Mathematical Monthly. 101 (9): 819–832. doi:10.1080/00029890.1994.11997035. JSTOR 2975129.
  21. ^ Zilber, B. (2005). "Pseudo-exponentiation on algebraically closed fields of characteristic zero". Annals of Pure and Applied Logic. 132 (1): 67–95. doi:10.1016/j.apal.2004.07.001. MR 2102856.
  22. ^ Marker, D. (2006). "A remark on Zilber's pseudoexponentiation". Journal of Symbolic Logic. 71 (3): 791–798. doi:10.2178/jsl/1154698577. JSTOR 27588482. MR 2250821. S2CID 1477361.
  23. ^ a b Bugeaud 2012, p. 250.
  24. ^ a b LeVeque 2002, p. II:172.
  25. ^ Burger & Tubbs 2004, p. 170.
  26. ^ Burger & Tubbs 2004, p. 172.
  27. ^ a b Bugeaud 2012, p. 251.
  28. ^ LeVeque 2002, pp. II:174–186.
  29. ^ Burger & Tubbs 2004, p. 182.
  30. ^ Baker 1990, p. 86
  31. ^ Burger & Tubbs, p. 163.
  32. ^ a b Baker 1975, p. 87.
  33. ^ Baker 1990, p. 90.
  34. ^ Baker 1975, p. 86.
  35. ^ Richardson, D. (1968). "Some Undecidable Problems Involving Elementary Functions of a Real Variable". Journal of Symbolic Logic. 33 (4): 514–520. doi:10.2307/2271358. JSTOR 2271358. MR 0239976. S2CID 37066167.

References edit

Further reading edit

transcendental, number, theory, branch, number, theory, that, investigates, transcendental, numbers, numbers, that, solutions, polynomial, equation, with, rational, coefficients, both, qualitative, quantitative, ways, contents, transcendence, history, approxim. Transcendental number theory is a branch of number theory that investigates transcendental numbers numbers that are not solutions of any polynomial equation with rational coefficients in both qualitative and quantitative ways Contents 1 Transcendence 2 History 2 1 Approximation by rational numbers Liouville to Roth 2 2 Auxiliary functions Hermite to Baker 2 3 Other techniques Cantor and Zilber 3 Approaches 4 Major results 5 Mahler s classification 5 1 Measure of irrationality of a real number 5 2 Measure of transcendence of a complex number 5 3 Koksma s equivalent classification 5 4 LeVeque s construction 5 5 Type 6 Open problems 7 Notes 8 References 9 Further readingTranscendence editMain article Transcendental number The fundamental theorem of algebra tells us that if we have a non constant polynomial with rational coefficients or equivalently by clearing denominators with integer coefficients then that polynomial will have a root in the complex numbers That is for any non constant polynomial P displaystyle P nbsp with rational coefficients there will be a complex number a displaystyle alpha nbsp such that P a 0 displaystyle P alpha 0 nbsp Transcendence theory is concerned with the converse question given a complex number a displaystyle alpha nbsp is there a polynomial P displaystyle P nbsp with rational coefficients such that P a 0 displaystyle P alpha 0 nbsp If no such polynomial exists then the number is called transcendental More generally the theory deals with algebraic independence of numbers A set of numbers a1 a2 an is called algebraically independent over a field K if there is no non zero polynomial P in n variables with coefficients in K such that P a1 a2 an 0 So working out if a given number is transcendental is really a special case of algebraic independence where n 1 and the field K is the field of rational numbers A related notion is whether there is a closed form expression for a number including exponentials and logarithms as well as algebraic operations There are various definitions of closed form and questions about closed form can often be reduced to questions about transcendence History editApproximation by rational numbers Liouville to Roth edit Use of the term transcendental to refer to an object that is not algebraic dates back to the seventeenth century when Gottfried Leibniz proved that the sine function was not an algebraic function 1 The question of whether certain classes of numbers could be transcendental dates back to 1748 2 when Euler asserted 3 that the number logab was not algebraic for rational numbers a and b provided b is not of the form b ac for some rational c Euler s assertion was not proved until the twentieth century but almost a hundred years after his claim Joseph Liouville did manage to prove the existence of numbers that are not algebraic something that until then had not been known for sure 4 His original papers on the matter in the 1840s sketched out arguments using continued fractions to construct transcendental numbers Later in the 1850s he gave a necessary condition for a number to be algebraic and thus a sufficient condition for a number to be transcendental 5 This transcendence criterion was not strong enough to be necessary too and indeed it fails to detect that the number e is transcendental But his work did provide a larger class of transcendental numbers now known as Liouville numbers in his honour Liouville s criterion essentially said that algebraic numbers cannot be very well approximated by rational numbers So if a number can be very well approximated by rational numbers then it must be transcendental The exact meaning of very well approximated in Liouville s work relates to a certain exponent He showed that if a is an algebraic number of degree d 2 and e is any number greater than zero then the expression a pq lt 1qd e displaystyle left alpha frac p q right lt frac 1 q d varepsilon nbsp can be satisfied by only finitely many rational numbers p q Using this as a criterion for transcendence is not trivial as one must check whether there are infinitely many solutions p q for every d 2 In the twentieth century work by Axel Thue 6 Carl Siegel 7 and Klaus Roth 8 reduced the exponent in Liouville s work from d e to d 2 1 e and finally in 1955 to 2 e This result known as the Thue Siegel Roth theorem is ostensibly the best possible since if the exponent 2 e is replaced by just 2 then the result is no longer true However Serge Lang conjectured an improvement of Roth s result in particular he conjectured that q2 e in the denominator of the right hand side could be reduced to q2 log q 1 ϵ displaystyle q 2 log q 1 epsilon nbsp Roth s work effectively ended the work started by Liouville and his theorem allowed mathematicians to prove the transcendence of many more numbers such as the Champernowne constant The theorem is still not strong enough to detect all transcendental numbers though and many famous constants including e and p either are not or are not known to be very well approximable in the above sense 9 Auxiliary functions Hermite to Baker edit Fortunately other methods were pioneered in the nineteenth century to deal with the algebraic properties of e and consequently of p through Euler s identity This work centred on use of the so called auxiliary function These are functions which typically have many zeros at the points under consideration Here many zeros may mean many distinct zeros or as few as one zero but with a high multiplicity or even many zeros all with high multiplicity Charles Hermite used auxiliary functions that approximated the functions ekx displaystyle e kx nbsp for each natural number k displaystyle k nbsp in order to prove the transcendence of e displaystyle e nbsp in 1873 10 His work was built upon by Ferdinand von Lindemann in the 1880s 11 in order to prove that ea is transcendental for nonzero algebraic numbers a In particular this proved that p is transcendental since epi is algebraic and thus answered in the negative the problem of antiquity as to whether it was possible to square the circle Karl Weierstrass developed their work yet further and eventually proved the Lindemann Weierstrass theorem in 1885 12 In 1900 David Hilbert posed his famous collection of problems The seventh of these and one of the hardest in Hilbert s estimation asked about the transcendence of numbers of the form ab where a and b are algebraic a is not zero or one and b is irrational In the 1930s Alexander Gelfond 13 and Theodor Schneider 14 proved that all such numbers were indeed transcendental using a non explicit auxiliary function whose existence was granted by Siegel s lemma This result the Gelfond Schneider theorem proved the transcendence of numbers such as ep and the Gelfond Schneider constant The next big result in this field occurred in the 1960s when Alan Baker made progress on a problem posed by Gelfond on linear forms in logarithms Gelfond himself had managed to find a non trivial lower bound for the quantity b1log a1 b2log a2 displaystyle beta 1 log alpha 1 beta 2 log alpha 2 nbsp where all four unknowns are algebraic the as being neither zero nor one and the bs being irrational Finding similar lower bounds for the sum of three or more logarithms had eluded Gelfond though The proof of Baker s theorem contained such bounds solving Gauss class number problem for class number one in the process This work won Baker the Fields medal for its uses in solving Diophantine equations From a purely transcendental number theoretic viewpoint Baker had proved that if a1 an are algebraic numbers none of them zero or one and b1 bn are algebraic numbers such that 1 b1 bn are linearly independent over the rational numbers then the number a1b1a2b2 anbn displaystyle alpha 1 beta 1 alpha 2 beta 2 cdots alpha n beta n nbsp is transcendental 15 Other techniques Cantor and Zilber edit In the 1870s Georg Cantor started to develop set theory and in 1874 published a paper proving that the algebraic numbers could be put in one to one correspondence with the set of natural numbers and thus that the set of transcendental numbers must be uncountable 16 Later in 1891 Cantor used his more familiar diagonal argument to prove the same result 17 While Cantor s result is often quoted as being purely existential and thus unusable for constructing a single transcendental number 18 19 the proofs in both the aforementioned papers give methods to construct transcendental numbers 20 While Cantor used set theory to prove the plenitude of transcendental numbers a recent development has been the use of model theory in attempts to prove an unsolved problem in transcendental number theory The problem is to determine the transcendence degree of the field K Q x1 xn ex1 exn displaystyle K mathbb Q x 1 ldots x n e x 1 ldots e x n nbsp for complex numbers x1 xn that are linearly independent over the rational numbers Stephen Schanuel conjectured that the answer is at least n but no proof is known In 2004 though Boris Zilber published a paper that used model theoretic techniques to create a structure that behaves very much like the complex numbers equipped with the operations of addition multiplication and exponentiation Moreover in this abstract structure Schanuel s conjecture does indeed hold 21 Unfortunately it is not yet known that this structure is in fact the same as the complex numbers with the operations mentioned there could exist some other abstract structure that behaves very similarly to the complex numbers but where Schanuel s conjecture doesn t hold Zilber did provide several criteria that would prove the structure in question was C but could not prove the so called Strong Exponential Closure axiom The simplest case of this axiom has since been proved 22 but a proof that it holds in full generality is required to complete the proof of the conjecture Approaches editA typical problem in this area of mathematics is to work out whether a given number is transcendental Cantor used a cardinality argument to show that there are only countably many algebraic numbers and hence almost all numbers are transcendental Transcendental numbers therefore represent the typical case even so it may be extremely difficult to prove that a given number is transcendental or even simply irrational For this reason transcendence theory often works towards a more quantitative approach So given a particular complex number a one can ask how close a is to being an algebraic number For example if one supposes that the number a is algebraic then can one show that it must have very high degree or a minimum polynomial with very large coefficients Ultimately if it is possible to show that no finite degree or size of coefficient is sufficient then the number must be transcendental Since a number a is transcendental if and only if P a 0 for every non zero polynomial P with integer coefficients this problem can be approached by trying to find lower bounds of the form P a gt F A d displaystyle P a gt F A d nbsp where the right hand side is some positive function depending on some measure A of the size of the coefficients of P and its degree d and such that these lower bounds apply to all P 0 Such a bound is called a transcendence measure The case of d 1 is that of classical diophantine approximation asking for lower bounds for ax b displaystyle ax b nbsp The methods of transcendence theory and diophantine approximation have much in common they both use the auxiliary function concept Major results editThe Gelfond Schneider theorem was the major advance in transcendence theory in the period 1900 1950 In the 1960s the method of Alan Baker on linear forms in logarithms of algebraic numbers reanimated transcendence theory with applications to numerous classical problems and diophantine equations Mahler s classification editKurt Mahler in 1932 partitioned the transcendental numbers into 3 classes called S T and U 23 Definition of these classes draws on an extension of the idea of a Liouville number cited above Measure of irrationality of a real number edit One way to define a Liouville number is to consider how small a given real number x makes linear polynomials qx p without making them exactly 0 Here p q are integers with p q bounded by a positive integer H Let m x 1 H displaystyle m x 1 H nbsp be the minimum non zero absolute value these polynomials take and take w x 1 H log m x 1 H log H displaystyle omega x 1 H frac log m x 1 H log H nbsp w x 1 lim supH w x 1 H displaystyle omega x 1 limsup H to infty omega x 1 H nbsp w x 1 is often called the measure of irrationality of a real number x For rational numbers w x 1 0 and is at least 1 for irrational real numbers A Liouville number is defined to have infinite measure of irrationality Roth s theorem says that irrational real algebraic numbers have measure of irrationality 1 Measure of transcendence of a complex number edit Next consider the values of polynomials at a complex number x when these polynomials have integer coefficients degree at most n and height at most H with n H being positive integers Let m x n H displaystyle m x n H nbsp be the minimum non zero absolute value such polynomials take at x displaystyle x nbsp and take w x n H log m x n H nlog H displaystyle omega x n H frac log m x n H n log H nbsp w x n lim supH w x n H displaystyle omega x n limsup H to infty omega x n H nbsp Suppose this is infinite for some minimum positive integer n A complex number x in this case is called a U number of degree n Now we can define w x lim supn w x n displaystyle omega x limsup n to infty omega x n nbsp w x is often called the measure of transcendence of x If the w x n are bounded then w x is finite and x is called an S number If the w x n are finite but unbounded x is called a T number x is algebraic if and only if w x 0 Clearly the Liouville numbers are a subset of the U numbers William LeVeque in 1953 constructed U numbers of any desired degree 24 The Liouville numbers and hence the U numbers are uncountable sets They are sets of measure 0 25 T numbers also comprise a set of measure 0 26 It took about 35 years to show their existence Wolfgang M Schmidt in 1968 showed that examples exist However almost all complex numbers are S numbers 27 Mahler proved that the exponential function sends all non zero algebraic numbers to S numbers 28 29 this shows that e is an S number and gives a proof of the transcendence of p This number p is known not to be a U number 30 Many other transcendental numbers remain unclassified Two numbers x y are called algebraically dependent if there is a non zero polynomial P in two indeterminates with integer coefficients such that P x y 0 There is a powerful theorem that two complex numbers that are algebraically dependent belong to the same Mahler class 24 31 This allows construction of new transcendental numbers such as the sum of a Liouville number with e or p The symbol S probably stood for the name of Mahler s teacher Carl Ludwig Siegel and T and U are just the next two letters Koksma s equivalent classification edit Jurjen Koksma in 1939 proposed another classification based on approximation by algebraic numbers 23 32 Consider the approximation of a complex number x by algebraic numbers of degree n and height H Let a be an algebraic number of this finite set such that x a has the minimum positive value Define w x H n and w x n by x a H nw x H n 1 displaystyle x alpha H n omega x H n 1 nbsp w x n lim supH w x n H displaystyle omega x n limsup H to infty omega x n H nbsp If for a smallest positive integer n w x n is infinite x is called a U number of degree n If the w x n are bounded and do not converge to 0 x is called an S number A number x is called an A number if the w x n converge to 0 If the w x n are all finite but unbounded x is called a T number Koksma s and Mahler s classifications are equivalent in that they divide the transcendental numbers into the same classes 32 The A numbers are the algebraic numbers 27 LeVeque s construction edit Let l 13 k 1 10 k displaystyle lambda tfrac 1 3 sum k 1 infty 10 k nbsp It can be shown that the nth root of l a Liouville number is a U number of degree n 33 This construction can be improved to create an uncountable family of U numbers of degree n Let Z be the set consisting of every other power of 10 in the series above for l The set of all subsets of Z is uncountable Deleting any of the subsets of Z from the series for l creates uncountably many distinct Liouville numbers whose nth roots are U numbers of degree n Type edit The supremum of the sequence w x n is called the type Almost all real numbers are S numbers of type 1 which is minimal for real S numbers Almost all complex numbers are S numbers of type 1 2 which is also minimal The claims of almost all numbers were conjectured by Mahler and in 1965 proved by Vladimir Sprindzhuk 34 Open problems editWhile the Gelfond Schneider theorem proved that a large class of numbers was transcendental this class was still countable Many well known mathematical constants are still not known to be transcendental and in some cases it is not even known whether they are rational or irrational A partial list can be found here A major problem in transcendence theory is showing that a particular set of numbers is algebraically independent rather than just showing that individual elements are transcendental So while we know that e and p are transcendental that doesn t imply that e p is transcendental nor other combinations of the two except ep Gelfond s constant which is known to be transcendental Another major problem is dealing with numbers that are not related to the exponential function The main results in transcendence theory tend to revolve around e and the logarithm function which means that wholly new methods tend to be required to deal with numbers that cannot be expressed in terms of these two objects in an elementary fashion Schanuel s conjecture would solve the first of these problems somewhat as it deals with algebraic independence and would indeed confirm that e p is transcendental It still revolves around the exponential function however and so would not necessarily deal with numbers such as Apery s constant or the Euler Mascheroni constant Another extremely difficult unsolved problem is the so called constant or identity problem 35 Notes edit N Bourbaki Elements of the History of Mathematics Springer 1994 Gelfond 1960 p 2 Euler L 1748 Introductio in analysin infinitorum Lausanne The existence proof based on the different cardinalities of the real and the algebraic numbers was not possible before Cantor s first set theory article in 1874 Liouville J 1844 Sur les classes tres etendues de quantites dont la valeur n est ni algebrique ni meme reductible a des irrationelles algebriques Comptes rendus de l Academie des Sciences de Paris 18 883 885 910 911 Journal Math Pures et Appl 16 1851 pp 133 142 Thue A 1909 Uber Annaherungswerte algebraischer Zahlen J Reine Angew Math 1909 135 284 305 doi 10 1515 crll 1909 135 284 S2CID 125903243 Siegel C L 1921 Approximation algebraischer Zahlen Mathematische Zeitschrift 10 3 4 172 213 doi 10 1007 BF01211608 Roth K F 1955 Rational approximations to algebraic numbers Mathematika 2 1 1 20 doi 10 1112 S0025579300000644 And Corrigendum p 168 doi 10 1112 S002559300000826 Mahler K 1953 On the approximation of p Proc Akad Wetensch Ser A 56 30 42 Hermite C 1873 Sur la fonction exponentielle C R Acad Sci Paris 77 Lindemann F 1882 Ueber die Zahl p Mathematische Annalen 20 2 213 225 doi 10 1007 BF01446522 Weierstrass K 1885 Zu Hrn Lindemann s Abhandlung Uber die Ludolph sche Zahl Sitzungber Konigl Preuss Akad Wissensch Zu Berlin 2 1067 1086 Gelfond A O 1934 Sur le septieme Probleme de D Hilbert Izv Akad Nauk SSSR 7 623 630 Schneider T 1935 Transzendenzuntersuchungen periodischer Funktionen I Transzendend von Potenzen Journal fur die reine und angewandte Mathematik 1935 172 65 69 doi 10 1515 crll 1935 172 65 S2CID 115310510 A Baker Linear forms in the logarithms of algebraic numbers I II III Mathematika 13 1966 pp 204 216 ibid 14 1967 pp 102 107 ibid 14 1967 pp 220 228 MR0220680 Cantor G 1874 Ueber eine Eigenschaft des Inbegriffes aller reelen algebraischen Zahlen J Reine Angew Math in German 1874 77 258 262 doi 10 1515 crll 1874 77 258 S2CID 199545885 Cantor G 1891 Ueber eine elementare Frage der Mannigfaltigkeitslehre Jahresbericht der Deutschen Mathematiker Vereinigung in German 1 75 78 Kac M Stanislaw U 1968 Mathematics and Logic Fredering A Praeger p 13 Bell E T 1937 Men of Mathematics New York Simon amp Schuster p 569 Gray R 1994 Georg Cantor and Transcendental Numbers PDF American Mathematical Monthly 101 9 819 832 doi 10 1080 00029890 1994 11997035 JSTOR 2975129 Zilber B 2005 Pseudo exponentiation on algebraically closed fields of characteristic zero Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 132 1 67 95 doi 10 1016 j apal 2004 07 001 MR 2102856 Marker D 2006 A remark on Zilber s pseudoexponentiation Journal of Symbolic Logic 71 3 791 798 doi 10 2178 jsl 1154698577 JSTOR 27588482 MR 2250821 S2CID 1477361 a b Bugeaud 2012 p 250harvnb error no target CITEREFBugeaud2012 help a b LeVeque 2002 p II 172harvnb error no target CITEREFLeVeque2002 help Burger amp Tubbs 2004 p 170harvnb error no target CITEREFBurgerTubbs2004 help Burger amp Tubbs 2004 p 172harvnb error no target CITEREFBurgerTubbs2004 help a b Bugeaud 2012 p 251harvnb error no target CITEREFBugeaud2012 help LeVeque 2002 pp II 174 186harvnb error no target CITEREFLeVeque2002 help Burger amp Tubbs 2004 p 182harvnb error no target CITEREFBurgerTubbs2004 help Baker 1990 p 86 Burger amp Tubbs p 163harvnb error no target CITEREFBurgerTubbs help a b Baker 1975 p 87 Baker 1990 p 90harvnb error no target CITEREFBaker1990 help Baker 1975 p 86 Richardson D 1968 Some Undecidable Problems Involving Elementary Functions of a Real Variable Journal of Symbolic Logic 33 4 514 520 doi 10 2307 2271358 JSTOR 2271358 MR 0239976 S2CID 37066167 References editBaker Alan 1975 Transcendental Number Theory paperback edition 1990 Cambridge University Press ISBN 0 521 20461 5 Zbl 0297 10013 Gelfond A O 1960 Transcendental and Algebraic Numbers Dover Zbl 0090 26103 Lang Serge 1966 Introduction to Transcendental Numbers Addison Wesley Zbl 0144 04101 Natarajan Saradha in French Thangadurai Ravindranathan 2020 Pillars of Transcendental Number Theory Springer Verlag ISBN 978 981 15 4154 4 Sprindzhuk Vladimir G 1969 Mahler s Problem in Metric Number Theory 1967 AMS Translations of Mathematical Monographs Translated from Russian by B Volkmann American Mathematical Society ISBN 978 1 4704 4442 6 Sprindzhuk Vladimir G 1979 Metric theory of Diophantine approximations Scripta Series in Mathematics Translated from Russian by Richard A Silverman Foreword by Donald J Newman Wiley ISBN 0 470 26706 2 Zbl 0482 10047 Further reading editAlan Baker and Gisbert Wustholz Logarithmic Forms and Diophantine Geometry New Mathematical Monographs 9 Cambridge University Press 2007 ISBN 978 0 521 88268 2 Retrieved from https en wikipedia org w index php title Transcendental number theory amp oldid 1192005917, wikipedia, wiki, book, books, library,


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