
Shanidar Cave

Shanidar Cave (Kurdish: Zewî Çemî Şaneder ,ئەشکەوتی شانەدەر,[1][2] Arabic: كَهَف شانِدَر[3]) is an archaeological site located on Bradost Mountain, within the Zagros Mountains, in the Erbil Governorate of Kurdistan Region in northern Iraq.[4] It is known for the discovery of Neanderthal remains at the site, most notably Shanidar 1, who survived several injuries during his life, possibly due to care from others in his group, and Shanidar 4, the famed 'flower burial'.[5] Until this discovery, Cro-Magnons, the earliest known H. sapiens in Europe, were the only individuals known for purposeful, ritualistic burials.[4]

Shanidar Cave
ئەشکەوتی شانەدەر
The entrance to Shanidar Cave in Kurdistan
location in Iraq
LocationErbil Governorate, Kurdistan Region, Iraq
RegionZagros Mountains
Coordinates36°49′54″N 44°13′16″E / 36.831593°N 44.221083°E / 36.831593; 44.221083Coordinates: 36°49′54″N 44°13′16″E / 36.831593°N 44.221083°E / 36.831593; 44.221083


The site, 1/2 mile from the Great Zab river and near Rowanduz, lies at 2100 feet above sea level. The cave entrance is triangular, 82 feet wide by 26 high. Its dimensions are, at maximum, 175 feet wide, 45 feet wide, and 130 feet deep.[6]

Anthropologist Ralph Solecki, part of the University of Michigan Expedition to the Near East, first explored the site with a sounding in 1951.[7][8][9] He returned in 1953, under the auspices of the Directorate General of Antiquities of Iraq and the Smithsonian Institution, for another sounding. The first human body, Mousterian age, possibly Neanderthal, infant, was found.[10] The next season, in 1956–57, conducted soundings at two nearby village sites and continued work at the Shanidar Cave. Three Neanderthal unfossilized skeletons were found at the cave. One was nearly complete (Shanidar I - field catalog no. 504 III), one was fragmentary (Shanidar III - field catalog no. 384 III), and for one only the skull was excavated at that time (Shanidar II - field catalog no. 618 III). Two Neolithic skeletons were also recovered, an infant and female teenager (with grave goods).[11][12][13][14][15] Frequent use of explosives, up to 8 sticks at a time, were employed in these excavations.

During the fourth season, in 1960, a largely complete adult Neanderthal skeleton was recovered (Shanidar IV). Its state was considerably more fragile than the earlier specimens. While extracting it bones of another Neanderthal, possibly two, were noted and tentatively designated Shanidar VI. The former was presumed male and the later female based on size. The badly damaged and scattered remains of one adult Neanderthal male was designated Shanidar V. After the field material had been processed and analyzed more Neanderthal remains were declared. Shanidar 9 was an infant represented only by vertebrae. The remains of Shanidar 9 were discovered in the removal of Shanidar 4 when encasing it in sediment block and transporting it to the Baghdad Museum. Shanidar 8 was an adult with partial fragmentary skeleton. Shanidar 6 and 7 were skull, teeth and partial skeleton, all fragmentary. Shanidar 1, 2, 3, 5, and 7 were found as individual burials while the other remains were found in a single compressed block.[16]

Overall these excavations found the remains of seven adult and two infants Neanderthals, dating from around 65,000–35,000 years ago.[17][4][18] These individuals were uncovered amongst a Mousterian layer (layer D), overlaid by a Baradostian culture layer (layer C), a Mesolithic Zarzian layer (layer B) and a Holocene Neolithic layer (layer A), accompanied by various stone tools and animal remains.[19] The cave also contains two later proto-Neolithic cemeteries, one of which dates back about 10,600 years and contains 35 individuals, and is considered by Solecki to belong to the Natufian culture.[20]

Recent work

Investigations were conducted in 2014-2015 under the auspices of the Kurdistan Directorate of Antiquities.[21][22] The remains found in the Shanidar cave are being reexamined to analyze the mortuary activity of the Neanderthal people who inhabited this area. There are various signs of activity with the remains after death being that the position of the skull and mandible of Shanidar 1 were not natural.[23] Examinations of other sites will be integral in understanding and analyzing the activity of the remains after death of those found in the Shanidar cave.[23] Additional work is being conducted on the faunal remains found in Layer D at the University of Chicago to analyze butchery activity. Many remains found had cut marks that where caused by flint items which correlates to butchery practices.[24]

Neanderthal remains

The ten Neanderthals at the site were found within a Mousterian layer which also contained hundreds of stone tools including points, side-scrapers, and flakes and bones from animals including wild goats and spur-thighed tortoises.[25]: 9–14 

The first nine (Shanidar 1–9) were unearthed between 1957 and 1961 by Ralph Solecki and a team from Columbia University.[25]: 16  The skeleton of Shanidar 3 is held at the Smithsonian Institution. The others (Shanidar 1, 2, and 4–8) were kept in Iraq and may have been lost during the 2003 invasion, although casts remain at the Smithsonian.[26] In 2006, while sorting a collection of faunal bones from the site at the Smithsonian, Melinda Zeder discovered leg and foot bones from a tenth Neanderthal, now known as Shanidar 10.[27]

Shanidar 1

Shanidar I's skull and skeleton, c. 60,000 to 45,000 BCE. Iraq Museum

Shanidar 1 was an elderly Neanderthal male known as 'Nandy' to his excavators. He was aged between 30 and 45 years. Shanidar 1 had a cranial capacity of 1,600 cm3, was around the height of 5 feet 7 inches, and displayed severe signs of deformity.[28] He was one of four reasonably complete skeletons from the cave which displayed trauma-related abnormalities, which in his case would have been debilitating to the point of making day-to-day life painful.

During the course of the individual's life, he had suffered a violent blow to the left side of his face, creating a crushing fracture to his left orbit which would have left him partially or totally blind in one eye. Research by Ján Lietava shows that the individual exhibits "atypically worn teeth".[29] Severe changes to the individuals incisors and a flattened capitulum show additional evidence towards Shanidar 1 suffering from a degenerative disease. Additionally, analysis shows that Shanidar 1 likely suffered from profound hearing loss, as his left ear canal was partially blocked and his right ear canal was completely blocked by exostoses. He also suffered from a withered right arm which had been fractured in several places. A fracture of the individual's C5 vertebrae is thought to have caused damage to his muscle function (specifically the deltoids and biceps) of the right arm.[29] Shanidar 1 healed, but this caused the loss of his lower arm and hand. This is thought to be either congenital, a result of childhood disease and trauma, or due to an amputation later in his life. The sharp point caused by a distal fracture of the individual's right humerus points towards this theory of amputation. If the arm was amputated, this demonstrates one of the earliest signs of surgery on a living individual. The arm had healed, but the injury may have caused some paralysis down his right side, leading to deformities in his lower legs and feet. Studies show that this individual had suffered from two broken legs.[28] This would have resulted in him walking with a pronounced, painful limp. These findings in Shanidar 1's skeleton propose that he was unlikely to be able to provide for himself in a Neanderthal society.[29]

More recent analysis of Shanidar 1 by Washington University Professor Erik Trinkaus and Dr. Sébastien Villotte of the French National Centre for Scientific Research confirm that bony growths in his ear canals would have resulted in extensive hearing loss. These bony growths support a diagnosis of diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis (DISH), also known as Forestier's disease. This diagnosis would make Shanidar 1 the oldest hominin specimen clearly presenting this systemic condition. The researchers found these bone growths in multiple places all over the partial skeleton.[30]

As a result of the healing of his injuries, Shanidar 1 lived a substantial amount of time before his death. If the Neanderthals did perform surgery on Shanidar 1, this proves that their methods were successful in sustaining life. Considering that all the injuries were healed during this time period may lead to the reasoning that this individual was kept alive for a reason. According to paleoanthropologist Erik Trinkaus, Shanidar must have been aided by others in order to survive his injuries.[28] Due to all of the injuries and side effects of trauma, it was very unlikely that this individual could independently provide for his family implying he may have been kept alive due to a high status within society or a repository of cultural knowledge.

This evidence has led to speculation that the Neanderthals had some sort of altruistic characteristics with the possibility of the presence of ethos within the Neanderthal community. The discovery of stone tools found in proximity to these individuals allows us to deduce that the Neanderthals exhibited enough intelligence to make everyday life easier for themselves. Maybe this knowledge surpasses basic comprehension to include characteristics such as humility and compassion which have the most known presence in Homo sapiens.[28] These individuals may have had the capacity to show empathy to others and come to the understanding that life has meaning - causing them to want to help Shanidar 1.

Shanidar 2

Skeletal remains of Shanidar II, c. 60,000 to 45,000 BCE. Iraq Museum

Shanidar 2 was a Neanderthal male around the age of 30 who suffered from slight arthritis, found lying on his right side. It is estimated that Shanidar 2 was 5 feet 2 inches in stature which places him just below the average height of a male Neanderthal. He was killed by rocks falling from the cave's ceiling, which crushed his skull and bones significantly. The skull had been compressed by about 5–6 cm. Much of his bones were missing when discovered, and the left tibia had teeth marks. Scavengers likely disposed of parts of his remains.[31] There is evidence that Shanidar 2 was given a ritual send-off: a small pile of stones with some worked stone points (made out of chert) were found on top of his grave. Also, there had been a large fire by the burial site.[32]

Shanidar 2 had a "higher cranial vault", and other skull proportions that did not quite match up to the average Neanderthal skull. This may prove that the Neanderthals of Shanidar had more of a "morphology of anatomically modern humans" than other Neanderthals, or that the group was very diverse. This points to similarities between the two species, Neanderthals and Homo sapiens, but it doesn't show any inherit "relationships within that species".[33]

Shanidar 3

Inside the Shanidar Cave

Shanidar 3 was a 40- to 50-year-old male, found in the same grave as Shanidar 1 and 2.[34][35] A wound to the left 9th rib suggests that the individual died of complications from a stab wound by a sharp implement. Bone growth around the wound indicates that Shanidar 3 lived for at least several weeks after the injury with the object still embedded. The angle of the wound rules out self-infliction, but is consistent with an accidental or purposeful stabbing by another individual.[36] Recent research has suggested that the injury may have been caused by a long range projectile.[37] This would be the earliest example of inter-personal or inter-specific violence in the human fossil record and the only such example amongst Neanderthals.[36] The presence of early-modern humans, possibly armed with projectile weapons, in western Asia around the same time has been taken to imply that this injury may have resulted from inter-species conflict.[37] However, spears produced by Neanderthals 300,000-400,000 years BP were likely used as projectiles.[38] Shanidar 3 also suffered from a degenerative joint disorder in his foot resulting from a fracture or sprain, which would have resulted in painful, limited movement.[36] The skeleton is on display at the Hall of Human Origins at the National Museum of Natural History in Washington, D.C.[35]

Shanidar 4, the "flower burial"

Shanidar Neanderthal skull, dated to 80,000–60,000 BP

The skeleton of Shanidar 4, an adult male aged 30–45 years, was discovered by Solecki in 1960,[39] positioned on his left side in a partial fetal position.

For many years, Shanidar 4 was thought to provide strong evidence for a Neanderthal burial ritual. Routine soil samples from around the body, gathered for pollen analysis in an attempt to reconstruct the palaeoclimate and vegetational history of the site, were analysed eight years after its discovery. In two of the soil samples in particular, whole clumps of pollen were discovered by Arlette Leroi-Gourhan in addition to the usual pollen found throughout the site, suggesting that entire flowering plants (or at least heads of plants) had been part of the grave deposit.[40][41] Furthermore, a study of the particular flower types suggested that the flowers may have been chosen for their specific medicinal properties. Yarrow, cornflower, bachelor's button, St Barnaby's thistle, ragwort, grape hyacinth, horsetail and hollyhock were represented in the pollen samples, all of which have been traditionally used, as diuretics, stimulants, and astringents and anti-inflammatories.[42] This led to the idea that the man could possibly have had shamanic powers, perhaps acting as medicine man to the Shanidar Neanderthals.[43][39]

However, recent work has suggested that the pollen was perhaps introduced to the burial by animal action, as several burrows of a gerbil-like rodent known as the Persian jird were found nearby. The jird is known to store large numbers of seeds and flowers at certain points in their burrows and this argument was used in conjunction with the lack of ritual treatment of the rest of the skeletons in the cave to suggest that the Shanidar 4 burial had natural, not cultural, origins.[44] Paul B. Pettitt has stated that the "deliberate placement of flowers has now been convincingly eliminated", noting that "A recent examination of the microfauna from the strata into which the grave was cut suggests that the pollen was deposited by the burrowing rodent Meriones persicus, which is common in the Shanidar microfauna and whose burrowing activity can be observed today". Despite his conclusions that flowers were unlikely to have been deliberately placed, Petitt nevertheless concludes that the Shanidar burials, because they happened over so many years, represent a deliberate mortuary practice by Neanderthals.[45]

Shanidar 5

The Shanidar 5 remains were found during the 1960 excavations, in layer D, about 4.5 meters below datum. He was an adult Neanderthal, thought to be male and around 40–50 years of age before death.[46] He was caught in the same rockfall that killed Shanidar 1. Recovered were a cranium, 4 teeth, 1 vertebrae, 8 ribs, and miscellaneous other bones. The arrangement of the broken skeletal remains was thought to have been due to animals intervening after death.[47] Radiocarbon results put the date at about 46,000 before the present day.[48] Some years later a small correction to the original cranial reconstruction was found.[49] During the recent excavations more pieces of Shanidar 5 were found[50]

The cranium of Shanidar 5 was reconstructed by Erik Trinkaus and his colleagues beginning 1976 and was finalized in 1994 after correcting a couple of errors caught in the process. During the process of reconstruction, there were discussions suggesting signs of intentional cranial deformation. Erik Trinkaus suggested that Shanidar 5 had its cranium deformed intentionally as an infant. However, this implication was overruled due to the fact that the curve was missing after the correction of a misplaced cranium bone fragment. Still, the frontal mid sagittal angle of this individual was very flat at 147º.[46] The cranium shows signs of endocranial hyperostosis were plaques are found in the left and right side of the frontal crest and in the front area of sagittal sinus.[51]

Shanidar Z

In February 2020, researchers announced the discovery of more Neanderthal remains, which dated back to more than 70,000 years ago.[52]

Diets discovered

Land snails were excavated and discovered in significant amounts and thought to be part of the Shanidar diet. It is unclear whether this diet was caused from cultural change or a change in the environment that lead to changes in previous foods as seen in the analysis of size decrease in goats. However, there are other lineages from Africa that share this diet and was culturally motivated which may indicate that the Neanderthals in the Shanidar cave may have possibly changed their diet for cultural reason. In layer B, dating back to approximately 12,000 years ago, Ralph S. Solecki found numerous snail shells which may indicate the Shanidar maintained this diet for some time.[53]

See also


  1. ^ "Shanidar Cave". Retrieved 19 December 2019.
  2. ^ "ئەشکەوتی شانەدەر.. شوێنێکی مێژوویی جیهانیی" (in Kurdish). Retrieved 19 December 2019.
  3. ^ "كهف شاندر". Retrieved 19 December 2019.
  4. ^ a b c Edwards, Owen (March 2010). "The Skeletons of Shanidar Cave". Smithsonian. Retrieved 17 October 2014.
  5. ^ "Shanidar Cave." Shanidar Cave | Unbelievable Kurdistan – Official Tourism Site of Kurdistan, http://bot.gov.krd/erbil-province-mirgasor/history-and-heritage/shanidar-cave 2021-11-12 at the Wayback Machine
  6. ^ Solecki, R. S., "Shanidar Cave, a Paleolithic site in northern Iraq, and its relationship to the Stone Age of Iraq.", Sumer, vol. XI, no. 1, pp. 14-38, 1955
  7. ^ Solecki, RALPH S., "Note on a brief archeological reconnaissance of cave sites in the Rowanduz district of Iraq.", Sumer, vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 37-44. 1952
  8. ^ Solecki, R. S., "A Paleolithic site in the zagros Mountains of northern Iraq. Report on a sounding at Shanidar cave. Part 1.", Sumer, vol. 8, no. 2. pp. 127-161, 1952
  9. ^ Solecki. R. S., "A Paleolithic site in the Zagros Mountains, northern Iraq; Report on a sounding at Shanidar Cave, Part 2.", Sumer, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 60-93, 1953
  10. ^ Solecki, R. S., "The Shanidar cave sounding, 1953 season, with notes concerning the discovery of the first Paleolithic skeleton in Iraq.", Sumer, vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 229-232. 1953
  11. ^ Solecki, R. S., "Two Neanderthal skeletons from Shanidar Cave.", Sumer, vol. 13, no. 1-2, pp. 59-60, 1957
  12. ^ Solecki, R. S., "The 1956 season at Shanidar.", Sumer, vol. 13, no. 1-2, pp. 165-171, 1957
  13. ^ Stewart, T. D., "First views of the restored Shanidar I skull.", Sumer, vol. 14, no. #1-2, pp 90-96, 1958
  14. ^ Solecki, R. S., "The 1956-1957 season at Shanidar, Iraq, a preliminary statement.", Sumer, vol. 14, no. 1-2, pp. 104-108, 1958
  15. ^ Solecki, R. S., "Three adult Neanderthal skeletons from Shanidar cave, northern Iraq", Sumer, vol. 17, no. 1-2, pp. 71-96, 1961
  16. ^ Stringer, C. B., & Trinkaus, E., "The shanidar Neanderthal crania.", Aspects of human evolution, Taylor and Francis, London, pp. 129-165, 1981
  17. ^ Murray, Tim (2007). Milestones in Archaeology: A Chronological Encyclopedia. ABC-CLIO. p. 454. ISBN 978-1576071861.
  18. ^ Trinkaus, E., "An inventory of the Neanderthal remains from Shanidar Cave.", Sumer, vol. 33, no. 1-2, pp. 9-33, 1977
  19. ^ [1] Reynolds, Tim, et al. "Shanidar cave and the Baradostian, a Zagros Aurignacian industry." L'anthropologie 122.5, pp. 737-748, 2018
  20. ^ Ralph S. Solecki; Rose L. Solecki & Anagnostis P. Agelarakis (2004). The Proto-Neolithic Cemetery in Shanidar Cave. Texas A&M University Press. pp. 3–5. ISBN 978-1585442720.
  21. ^ Reynolds, T., et al., "New investigations at Shanidar Cave, Iraqi Kurdistan.", In: Kopanias, K., MacGinnis, J. (Eds.), "The Archaeology of the Kurdistan Region of Iraq and Adjacent Regions", Archaeopress, Oxford, pp. 357–360, 2016
  22. ^ [2] Reynolds, T., et al., "New investigations at Shanidar Cave, Iraqi Kurdistan", Project Gallery, Antiquity, vol. 89, iss. 348. December 2015
  23. ^ a b Pomeroy, Emma; Hunt, Chris O.; Reynolds, Tim; Abdulmutalb, Dlshad; Asouti, Eleni; Bennett, Paul; Bosch, Marjolein; Burke, Ariane; Farr, Lucy; Foley, Robert; French, Charles (September 2020). "Issues of theory and method in the analysis of Paleolithic mortuary behavior: A view from Shanidar Cave". Evolutionary Anthropology: Issues, News, and Reviews. 29 (5): 263–279. doi:10.1002/evan.21854. ISSN 1060-1538. PMID 32652819. S2CID 220488644.
  24. ^ Campana, Douglas V.; Crabtree, Pam (2019-06-01). "Evidence for skinning and craft activities from the Middle Paleolithic of Shanidar Cave, Iraq". Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports. 25: 7–14. doi:10.1016/j.jasrep.2019.03.024. ISSN 2352-409X. S2CID 193111252.
  25. ^ a b Trinkaus, Erik (1983). The Shanidar Neanderthals. Academic Press. ISBN 978-0-12-700550-8.
  26. ^ Py-Lieberman, Beth (March 2004). "Around the Mall: From the Attic". Found and Lost. Smithsonian. Archived from the original on 2006-11-29. Retrieved 2008-03-07.
  27. ^ Cowgill, L; Trinkaus, E; Zeder, M (August 2007). "Shanidar 10: A Middle Paleolithic immature distal lower limb from Shanidar Cave, Iraqi Kurdistan". Journal of Human Evolution. 53 (2): 213–223. CiteSeerX doi:10.1016/j.jhevol.2007.04.003. hdl:10088/6082. PMID 17574652.
  28. ^ a b c d Lewis, R. Barry., et al. Understanding Humans: Introduction to Physical Anthropology and Archaeology. Wadsworth, 2013.
  29. ^ a b c Lietava, Ján (1988). "A Differential Diagnostics of the Right Shoulder Girdle Deformity in the Shanidar I Neanderthal". Anthropologie. 26 (3): 183–196. JSTOR 44602496.
  30. ^ Crubézy, Eric; Trinkaus, Erik (December 1992). "Shanidar 1: A case of hyperostotic disease (DISH) in the middle paleolithic". American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 89 (4): 411–420. doi:10.1002/ajpa.1330890402. PMID 1463085.
  31. ^ Stewart, T. D. (1977). "The Neanderthal Skeletal Remains from Shanidar Cave, Iraq: A Summary of Findings to Date". Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society. 121 (2): 121–165. JSTOR 986524.
  32. ^ T. D. Stewart, The Skull of Shanidar II, Sumer, vol. 17, pp. 97–106, 1961
  33. ^ Stringer, C. B.; Trinkaus, E. (1981). "The Shanidar Neanderthal Crania.". In Stringer, Chris (ed.). Aspects of Human Evolution. Taylor & Francis. pp. 129–165. ISBN 978-0-85066-209-2.
  34. ^ Trinkaus Erik; Stewart, T., "The Shanidar 3 Neanderthal; a fragmentary skeleton from Shanidar Cave, northern Iraq", Sumer, vol. 36, no. 1-2, pp. 9-35, 1980
  35. ^ a b "Neanderthal (Shanidar 3)". The Smithsonian Institution's Human Origins Program. The Smithsonian Institution. 2013-02-14. Retrieved 17 October 2014.
  36. ^ a b c Trinkaus, Eric (1983). The Shanidar Neanderthals. US: Academic Press. pp. 414–415. ISBN 978-0127005508.
  37. ^ a b Churchill, Steven E.; Franciscus, Robert G.; McKean-Peraza, Hilary A.; Daniel, Julie A.; Warren, Brittany R. (August 2009). "Shanidar 3 Neandertal rib puncture wound and paleolithic weaponry". Journal of Human Evolution. 57 (2): 163–178. doi:10.1016/j.jhevol.2009.05.010. PMID 19615713.
  38. ^ Milks, Annemieke; Parker, David; Pope, Matt (25 January 2019). "External ballistics of Pleistocene hand-thrown spears: experimental performance data and implications for human evolution". Scientific Reports. 9 (1): 820. Bibcode:2019NatSR...9..820M. doi:10.1038/s41598-018-37904-w. PMC 6347593. PMID 30683877.
  39. ^ a b Solecki, Ralph S. (28 November 1975). "Shanidar IV, a Neanderthal Flower Burial in Northern Iraq". Science. 190 (4217): 880–881. Bibcode:1975Sci...190..880S. doi:10.1126/science.190.4217.880. S2CID 71625677.
  40. ^ Leroi-Gourhan, A., "The flowers found with Shanidar IV, a Neanderthal burial in Iraq.", Science, vol. 190, pp. 562-64, 1975 http://dx.doi.org/10.1126/science.190.4214.562
  41. ^ Leroi-Gourhan, Arlette (1998). "Shanidar et ses fleurs". Paléorient. 24 (2): 79–88. doi:10.3406/paleo.1998.4679. JSTOR 41492714.
  42. ^ Lietava, Jan (January 1992). "Medicinal plants in a Middle Paleolithic grave Shanidar IV?". Journal of Ethnopharmacology. 35 (3): 263–266. doi:10.1016/0378-8741(92)90023-k. PMID 1548898.
  43. ^ T. D. Stewart, Shanidar Skeletons IV and VI, Sumer, vol. 19, pp. 8–26, 1963
  44. ^ Sommer, Jeffrey D. (April 1999). "The Shanidar IV 'Flower Burial': a Re-evaluation of Neanderthal Burial Ritual". Cambridge Archaeological Journal. 9 (1): 127–129. doi:10.1017/S0959774300015249. S2CID 162496872.
  45. ^ Pettitt, Paul (2002). "The Neanderthal dead". Before Farming. 2002: 1–26. doi:10.3828/BFARM.2002.1.4.
  46. ^ a b CHECH, Mario; GROVES, Colin P.; THORNE, Alan; TRINKAUS, Erik (1999). "A New Reconstruction of the Shanidar 5 Cranium". Paléorient. 25 (2): 143–146. doi:10.3406/paleo.1999.4692. ISSN 0153-9345. JSTOR 41496548.
  47. ^ Solecki, Ralph S. (June 1961). "Division of Anthropology: New Anthropological Discoveries at Shanidar, Northern Iraq". Transactions of the New York Academy of Sciences. 23 (8 Series II): 690–699. doi:10.1111/j.2164-0947.1961.tb01403.x.
  48. ^ Trinkaus, E, "The Shanidar 5 Neanderthal skeleton.", Sumer, vol. 33, no. 1-2, pp. 35-41, 1977
  49. ^ Chech, M., Groves, C. P., Thorne, A., & Trinkaus, E., "A new reconstruction of the Shanidar 5 cranium.", Paléorient, pp 143-146, 1999
  50. ^ [3] Pomeroy, E., Lahr, M. M., Crivellaro, F., Farr, L., Reynolds, T., Hunt, C. O., & Barker, G., "Newly discovered Neanderthal remains from Shanidar Cave, Iraqi Kurdistan, and their attribution to Shanidar 5.", Journal of Human Evolution, vol. 111, pp. 102-118, 2017
  51. ^ Antón, S.C. (1997), Endocranial hyperostosis in Sangiran 2, Gibraltar 1, and Shanidar 5. Am. J. Phys. Anthropol., 102: 111-122. https://doi.org/10.1002/(SICI)1096-8644(199701)102:1<111::AID-AJPA9>3.0.CO;2-3
  52. ^ Pomeroy, Emma; Bennett, Paul; Hunt, Chris O.; Reynolds, Tim; Farr, Lucy; Frouin, Marine; Holman, James; Lane, Ross; French, Charles; Barker, Graeme (February 2020). "New Neanderthal remains associated with the 'flower burial' at Shanidar Cave". Antiquity. 94 (373): 11–26. doi:10.15184/aqy.2019.207.
  53. ^ Solecki, Ralph S. (June 1961). "Division of Anthropology: New Anthropological Discoveries at Shanidar, Northern Iraq". Transactions of the New York Academy of Sciences. 23 (8 Series II): 690–699. doi:10.1111/j.2164-0947.1961.tb01403.x.

Further reading

  • [4]Sissakian, Varoujan K.. “Shanidar Cave - An Interesting Archaeological Site in the Kurdistan Region, Iraq.” UKH Journal of Science and Engineering, 3(2), pp. 1-9 (2019)
  • Solecki, Ralph S. (1954). "Shanidar cave: a paleolithic site in northern Iraq". Annual Report of the Smithsonian Institution. Smithsonian Institution. pp. 389–425. OCLC 31836281.
  • Solecki, Ralph S.; Anagnostis P. Agelarakis (2004). The Proto-Neolithic Cemetery in Shanidar Cave. Texas A&M University Press. ISBN 978-1-58544-272-0.
  • Stewart, T. D. (1977). "The Neanderthal Skeletal Remains from Shanidar Cave, Iraq: A Summary of Findings to Date". Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society. 121 (2): 121–165. JSTOR 986524.
  • Erik Trinkaus, The Shanidar Neanderthals, Academic Press, 1983, ISBN 0-12-700550-1
  • Trinkaus, Erik; Zimmerman, M. R. (January 1982). "Trauma among the Shanidar Neandertals". American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 57 (1): 61–76. doi:10.1002/ajpa.1330570108. PMID 6753598.
  • Agelarakis A., "Proto Neolithic Human Skeletal Remains in the Zawi-Chemi Layer in Shanidar Cave". Sumer XL:1-2 (1987–88): 7–16.
  • Agelarakis, Anagnostis (1989). The paleopathological evidence, indicators of stress of the Shanidar Proto-Neolithic and the Ganj Dareh early Neolithic human skeletal collections (Thesis).
  • Agelarakis, A (1993). "The Shanidar Cave Proto-Neolithic Human Population: Aspects of Demography and Paleopathology". Human Evolution. 8 (4): 235–253. doi:10.1007/bf02438114. S2CID 85239949.
  • Agelarakis, A.; Serpanos, Y. (2002). "Inner Ear Palaeopathological Manifestations, Causative Agents, and Implications Αffecting the Proto-Neolithic Homo sapiens Population of Shanidar Cave, Iraq". Human Evolution. 17.
  • Weule, Genevieve (18 February 2020). "Skeletons and a whole lot of flowers: Was this a Neanderthal cemetery?". ABC News. Australian Broadcasting Corporation.
  • Pomeroy, Emma; Bennett, Paul; Hunt, Chris O.; Reynolds, Tim; Farr, Lucy; Frouin, Marine; Holman, James; Lane, Ross; French, Charles; Barker, Graeme (February 2020). "New Neanderthal remains associated with the 'flower burial' at Shanidar Cave". Antiquity. 94 (373): 11–26. doi:10.15184/aqy.2019.207. S2CID 212762342.
  • Akazawa, T., "Preliminary notes on the Middle Palaeolithic assemblage from the Shanidar Cave.", Sumer, vol. 31, no. 1–2, pp. 3–10, 1975
  • Solecki, R. S., "Prehistory in Shanidar Valley, northern Iraq.", Science, vol. 139, pp. 179–93, 1963 http://dx.doi.org/10.1126/science.139.3551.179.
  • Solecki, R. S., "Shanidar, the first flower people.", New York: Knopf, 1971 ISBN 978-0394445113

External links

  • Smithsonian Shanidar 3 pages
  • Archived at Ghostarchive and the : "The Neanderthals That Taught Us About Humanity". PBS Eons. January 16, 2020 – via YouTube.

shanidar, cave, kurdish, zewî, çemî, şaneder, ئەشکەوتی, شانەدەر, arabic, شان, archaeological, site, located, bradost, mountain, within, zagros, mountains, erbil, governorate, kurdistan, region, northern, iraq, known, discovery, neanderthal, remains, site, most. Shanidar Cave Kurdish Zewi Cemi Saneder ئەشکەوتی شانەدەر 1 2 Arabic ك ه ف شان د ر 3 is an archaeological site located on Bradost Mountain within the Zagros Mountains in the Erbil Governorate of Kurdistan Region in northern Iraq 4 It is known for the discovery of Neanderthal remains at the site most notably Shanidar 1 who survived several injuries during his life possibly due to care from others in his group and Shanidar 4 the famed flower burial 5 Until this discovery Cro Magnons the earliest known H sapiens in Europe were the only individuals known for purposeful ritualistic burials 4 Shanidar Caveئەشکەوتی شانەدەرThe entrance to Shanidar Cave in Kurdistanlocation in IraqLocationErbil Governorate Kurdistan Region IraqRegionZagros MountainsCoordinates36 49 54 N 44 13 16 E 36 831593 N 44 221083 E 36 831593 44 221083 Coordinates 36 49 54 N 44 13 16 E 36 831593 N 44 221083 E 36 831593 44 221083 Contents 1 Archaeology 1 1 Recent work 2 Neanderthal remains 2 1 Shanidar 1 2 2 Shanidar 2 2 3 Shanidar 3 2 4 Shanidar 4 the flower burial 2 5 Shanidar 5 2 6 Shanidar Z 2 7 Diets discovered 3 See also 4 Notes 5 Further reading 6 External linksArchaeology EditThe site 1 2 mile from the Great Zab river and near Rowanduz lies at 2100 feet above sea level The cave entrance is triangular 82 feet wide by 26 high Its dimensions are at maximum 175 feet wide 45 feet wide and 130 feet deep 6 Anthropologist Ralph Solecki part of the University of Michigan Expedition to the Near East first explored the site with a sounding in 1951 7 8 9 He returned in 1953 under the auspices of the Directorate General of Antiquities of Iraq and the Smithsonian Institution for another sounding The first human body Mousterian age possibly Neanderthal infant was found 10 The next season in 1956 57 conducted soundings at two nearby village sites and continued work at the Shanidar Cave Three Neanderthal unfossilized skeletons were found at the cave One was nearly complete Shanidar I field catalog no 504 III one was fragmentary Shanidar III field catalog no 384 III and for one only the skull was excavated at that time Shanidar II field catalog no 618 III Two Neolithic skeletons were also recovered an infant and female teenager with grave goods 11 12 13 14 15 Frequent use of explosives up to 8 sticks at a time were employed in these excavations During the fourth season in 1960 a largely complete adult Neanderthal skeleton was recovered Shanidar IV Its state was considerably more fragile than the earlier specimens While extracting it bones of another Neanderthal possibly two were noted and tentatively designated Shanidar VI The former was presumed male and the later female based on size The badly damaged and scattered remains of one adult Neanderthal male was designated Shanidar V After the field material had been processed and analyzed more Neanderthal remains were declared Shanidar 9 was an infant represented only by vertebrae The remains of Shanidar 9 were discovered in the removal of Shanidar 4 when encasing it in sediment block and transporting it to the Baghdad Museum Shanidar 8 was an adult with partial fragmentary skeleton Shanidar 6 and 7 were skull teeth and partial skeleton all fragmentary Shanidar 1 2 3 5 and 7 were found as individual burials while the other remains were found in a single compressed block 16 Overall these excavations found the remains of seven adult and two infants Neanderthals dating from around 65 000 35 000 years ago 17 4 18 These individuals were uncovered amongst a Mousterian layer layer D overlaid by a Baradostian culture layer layer C a Mesolithic Zarzian layer layer B and a Holocene Neolithic layer layer A accompanied by various stone tools and animal remains 19 The cave also contains two later proto Neolithic cemeteries one of which dates back about 10 600 years and contains 35 individuals and is considered by Solecki to belong to the Natufian culture 20 Recent work Edit Investigations were conducted in 2014 2015 under the auspices of the Kurdistan Directorate of Antiquities 21 22 The remains found in the Shanidar cave are being reexamined to analyze the mortuary activity of the Neanderthal people who inhabited this area There are various signs of activity with the remains after death being that the position of the skull and mandible of Shanidar 1 were not natural 23 Examinations of other sites will be integral in understanding and analyzing the activity of the remains after death of those found in the Shanidar cave 23 Additional work is being conducted on the faunal remains found in Layer D at the University of Chicago to analyze butchery activity Many remains found had cut marks that where caused by flint items which correlates to butchery practices 24 Neanderthal remains EditThe ten Neanderthals at the site were found within a Mousterian layer which also contained hundreds of stone tools including points side scrapers and flakes and bones from animals including wild goats and spur thighed tortoises 25 9 14 The first nine Shanidar 1 9 were unearthed between 1957 and 1961 by Ralph Solecki and a team from Columbia University 25 16 The skeleton of Shanidar 3 is held at the Smithsonian Institution The others Shanidar 1 2 and 4 8 were kept in Iraq and may have been lost during the 2003 invasion although casts remain at the Smithsonian 26 In 2006 while sorting a collection of faunal bones from the site at the Smithsonian Melinda Zeder discovered leg and foot bones from a tenth Neanderthal now known as Shanidar 10 27 Shanidar 1 Edit Shanidar I s skull and skeleton c 60 000 to 45 000 BCE Iraq Museum Shanidar 1 was an elderly Neanderthal male known as Nandy to his excavators He was aged between 30 and 45 years Shanidar 1 had a cranial capacity of 1 600 cm3 was around the height of 5 feet 7 inches and displayed severe signs of deformity 28 He was one of four reasonably complete skeletons from the cave which displayed trauma related abnormalities which in his case would have been debilitating to the point of making day to day life painful During the course of the individual s life he had suffered a violent blow to the left side of his face creating a crushing fracture to his left orbit which would have left him partially or totally blind in one eye Research by Jan Lietava shows that the individual exhibits atypically worn teeth 29 Severe changes to the individuals incisors and a flattened capitulum show additional evidence towards Shanidar 1 suffering from a degenerative disease Additionally analysis shows that Shanidar 1 likely suffered from profound hearing loss as his left ear canal was partially blocked and his right ear canal was completely blocked by exostoses He also suffered from a withered right arm which had been fractured in several places A fracture of the individual s C5 vertebrae is thought to have caused damage to his muscle function specifically the deltoids and biceps of the right arm 29 Shanidar 1 healed but this caused the loss of his lower arm and hand This is thought to be either congenital a result of childhood disease and trauma or due to an amputation later in his life The sharp point caused by a distal fracture of the individual s right humerus points towards this theory of amputation If the arm was amputated this demonstrates one of the earliest signs of surgery on a living individual The arm had healed but the injury may have caused some paralysis down his right side leading to deformities in his lower legs and feet Studies show that this individual had suffered from two broken legs 28 This would have resulted in him walking with a pronounced painful limp These findings in Shanidar 1 s skeleton propose that he was unlikely to be able to provide for himself in a Neanderthal society 29 More recent analysis of Shanidar 1 by Washington University Professor Erik Trinkaus and Dr Sebastien Villotte of the French National Centre for Scientific Research confirm that bony growths in his ear canals would have resulted in extensive hearing loss These bony growths support a diagnosis of diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis DISH also known as Forestier s disease This diagnosis would make Shanidar 1 the oldest hominin specimen clearly presenting this systemic condition The researchers found these bone growths in multiple places all over the partial skeleton 30 As a result of the healing of his injuries Shanidar 1 lived a substantial amount of time before his death If the Neanderthals did perform surgery on Shanidar 1 this proves that their methods were successful in sustaining life Considering that all the injuries were healed during this time period may lead to the reasoning that this individual was kept alive for a reason According to paleoanthropologist Erik Trinkaus Shanidar must have been aided by others in order to survive his injuries 28 Due to all of the injuries and side effects of trauma it was very unlikely that this individual could independently provide for his family implying he may have been kept alive due to a high status within society or a repository of cultural knowledge This evidence has led to speculation that the Neanderthals had some sort of altruistic characteristics with the possibility of the presence of ethos within the Neanderthal community The discovery of stone tools found in proximity to these individuals allows us to deduce that the Neanderthals exhibited enough intelligence to make everyday life easier for themselves Maybe this knowledge surpasses basic comprehension to include characteristics such as humility and compassion which have the most known presence in Homo sapiens 28 These individuals may have had the capacity to show empathy to others and come to the understanding that life has meaning causing them to want to help Shanidar 1 Shanidar 2 Edit Skeletal remains of Shanidar II c 60 000 to 45 000 BCE Iraq Museum Shanidar 2 was a Neanderthal male around the age of 30 who suffered from slight arthritis found lying on his right side It is estimated that Shanidar 2 was 5 feet 2 inches in stature which places him just below the average height of a male Neanderthal He was killed by rocks falling from the cave s ceiling which crushed his skull and bones significantly The skull had been compressed by about 5 6 cm Much of his bones were missing when discovered and the left tibia had teeth marks Scavengers likely disposed of parts of his remains 31 There is evidence that Shanidar 2 was given a ritual send off a small pile of stones with some worked stone points made out of chert were found on top of his grave Also there had been a large fire by the burial site 32 Shanidar 2 had a higher cranial vault and other skull proportions that did not quite match up to the average Neanderthal skull This may prove that the Neanderthals of Shanidar had more of a morphology of anatomically modern humans than other Neanderthals or that the group was very diverse This points to similarities between the two species Neanderthals and Homo sapiens but it doesn t show any inherit relationships within that species 33 Shanidar 3 Edit Inside the Shanidar Cave Shanidar 3 was a 40 to 50 year old male found in the same grave as Shanidar 1 and 2 34 35 A wound to the left 9th rib suggests that the individual died of complications from a stab wound by a sharp implement Bone growth around the wound indicates that Shanidar 3 lived for at least several weeks after the injury with the object still embedded The angle of the wound rules out self infliction but is consistent with an accidental or purposeful stabbing by another individual 36 Recent research has suggested that the injury may have been caused by a long range projectile 37 This would be the earliest example of inter personal or inter specific violence in the human fossil record and the only such example amongst Neanderthals 36 The presence of early modern humans possibly armed with projectile weapons in western Asia around the same time has been taken to imply that this injury may have resulted from inter species conflict 37 However spears produced by Neanderthals 300 000 400 000 years BP were likely used as projectiles 38 Shanidar 3 also suffered from a degenerative joint disorder in his foot resulting from a fracture or sprain which would have resulted in painful limited movement 36 The skeleton is on display at the Hall of Human Origins at the National Museum of Natural History in Washington D C 35 Shanidar 4 the flower burial Edit Shanidar Neanderthal skull dated to 80 000 60 000 BP The skeleton of Shanidar 4 an adult male aged 30 45 years was discovered by Solecki in 1960 39 positioned on his left side in a partial fetal position For many years Shanidar 4 was thought to provide strong evidence for a Neanderthal burial ritual Routine soil samples from around the body gathered for pollen analysis in an attempt to reconstruct the palaeoclimate and vegetational history of the site were analysed eight years after its discovery In two of the soil samples in particular whole clumps of pollen were discovered by Arlette Leroi Gourhan in addition to the usual pollen found throughout the site suggesting that entire flowering plants or at least heads of plants had been part of the grave deposit 40 41 Furthermore a study of the particular flower types suggested that the flowers may have been chosen for their specific medicinal properties Yarrow cornflower bachelor s button St Barnaby s thistle ragwort grape hyacinth horsetail and hollyhock were represented in the pollen samples all of which have been traditionally used as diuretics stimulants and astringents and anti inflammatories 42 This led to the idea that the man could possibly have had shamanic powers perhaps acting as medicine man to the Shanidar Neanderthals 43 39 However recent work has suggested that the pollen was perhaps introduced to the burial by animal action as several burrows of a gerbil like rodent known as the Persian jird were found nearby The jird is known to store large numbers of seeds and flowers at certain points in their burrows and this argument was used in conjunction with the lack of ritual treatment of the rest of the skeletons in the cave to suggest that the Shanidar 4 burial had natural not cultural origins 44 Paul B Pettitt has stated that the deliberate placement of flowers has now been convincingly eliminated noting that A recent examination of the microfauna from the strata into which the grave was cut suggests that the pollen was deposited by the burrowing rodent Meriones persicus which is common in the Shanidar microfauna and whose burrowing activity can be observed today Despite his conclusions that flowers were unlikely to have been deliberately placed Petitt nevertheless concludes that the Shanidar burials because they happened over so many years represent a deliberate mortuary practice by Neanderthals 45 Shanidar 5 Edit The Shanidar 5 remains were found during the 1960 excavations in layer D about 4 5 meters below datum He was an adult Neanderthal thought to be male and around 40 50 years of age before death 46 He was caught in the same rockfall that killed Shanidar 1 Recovered were a cranium 4 teeth 1 vertebrae 8 ribs and miscellaneous other bones The arrangement of the broken skeletal remains was thought to have been due to animals intervening after death 47 Radiocarbon results put the date at about 46 000 before the present day 48 Some years later a small correction to the original cranial reconstruction was found 49 During the recent excavations more pieces of Shanidar 5 were found 50 The cranium of Shanidar 5 was reconstructed by Erik Trinkaus and his colleagues beginning 1976 and was finalized in 1994 after correcting a couple of errors caught in the process During the process of reconstruction there were discussions suggesting signs of intentional cranial deformation Erik Trinkaus suggested that Shanidar 5 had its cranium deformed intentionally as an infant However this implication was overruled due to the fact that the curve was missing after the correction of a misplaced cranium bone fragment Still the frontal mid sagittal angle of this individual was very flat at 147º 46 The cranium shows signs of endocranial hyperostosis were plaques are found in the left and right side of the frontal crest and in the front area of sagittal sinus 51 Shanidar Z Edit In February 2020 researchers announced the discovery of more Neanderthal remains which dated back to more than 70 000 years ago 52 Diets discovered Edit Land snails were excavated and discovered in significant amounts and thought to be part of the Shanidar diet It is unclear whether this diet was caused from cultural change or a change in the environment that lead to changes in previous foods as seen in the analysis of size decrease in goats However there are other lineages from Africa that share this diet and was culturally motivated which may indicate that the Neanderthals in the Shanidar cave may have possibly changed their diet for cultural reason In layer B dating back to approximately 12 000 years ago Ralph S Solecki found numerous snail shells which may indicate the Shanidar maintained this diet for some time 53 See also Edit Wikimedia Commons has media related to Shanidar Cave List of fossil sites List of hominina hominid fossils List of Neanderthal fossils Neanderthals in Southwest Asia PaleopathologyNotes Edit Shanidar Cave Retrieved 19 December 2019 ئەشکەوتی شانەدەر شوێنێکی مێژوویی جیهانیی in Kurdish Retrieved 19 December 2019 كهف شاندر Retrieved 19 December 2019 a b c Edwards Owen March 2010 The Skeletons of Shanidar Cave Smithsonian Retrieved 17 October 2014 Shanidar Cave Shanidar Cave Unbelievable Kurdistan Official Tourism Site of Kurdistan http bot gov krd erbil province mirgasor history and heritage shanidar cave Archived 2021 11 12 at the Wayback Machine Solecki R S Shanidar Cave a Paleolithic site in northern Iraq and its relationship to the Stone Age of Iraq Sumer vol XI no 1 pp 14 38 1955 Solecki RALPH S Note on a brief archeological reconnaissance of cave sites in the Rowanduz district of Iraq Sumer vol 8 no 1 pp 37 44 1952 Solecki R S A Paleolithic site in the zagros Mountains of northern Iraq Report on a sounding at Shanidar cave Part 1 Sumer vol 8 no 2 pp 127 161 1952 Solecki R S A Paleolithic site in the Zagros Mountains northern Iraq Report on a sounding at Shanidar Cave Part 2 Sumer vol 9 no 1 pp 60 93 1953 Solecki R S The Shanidar cave sounding 1953 season with notes concerning the discovery of the first Paleolithic skeleton in Iraq Sumer vol 9 no 2 pp 229 232 1953 Solecki R S Two Neanderthal skeletons from Shanidar Cave Sumer vol 13 no 1 2 pp 59 60 1957 Solecki R S The 1956 season at Shanidar Sumer vol 13 no 1 2 pp 165 171 1957 Stewart T D First views of the restored Shanidar I skull Sumer vol 14 no 1 2 pp 90 96 1958 Solecki R S The 1956 1957 season at Shanidar Iraq a preliminary statement Sumer vol 14 no 1 2 pp 104 108 1958 Solecki R S Three adult Neanderthal skeletons from Shanidar cave northern Iraq Sumer vol 17 no 1 2 pp 71 96 1961 Stringer C B amp Trinkaus E The shanidar Neanderthal crania Aspects of human evolution Taylor and Francis London pp 129 165 1981 Murray Tim 2007 Milestones in Archaeology A Chronological Encyclopedia ABC CLIO p 454 ISBN 978 1576071861 Trinkaus E An inventory of the Neanderthal remains from Shanidar Cave Sumer vol 33 no 1 2 pp 9 33 1977 1 Reynolds Tim et al Shanidar cave and the Baradostian a Zagros Aurignacian industry L anthropologie 122 5 pp 737 748 2018 Ralph S Solecki Rose L Solecki amp Anagnostis P Agelarakis 2004 The Proto Neolithic Cemetery in Shanidar Cave Texas A amp M University Press pp 3 5 ISBN 978 1585442720 Reynolds T et al New investigations at Shanidar Cave Iraqi Kurdistan In Kopanias K MacGinnis J Eds The Archaeology of the Kurdistan Region of Iraq and Adjacent Regions Archaeopress Oxford pp 357 360 2016 2 Reynolds T et al New investigations at Shanidar Cave Iraqi Kurdistan Project Gallery Antiquity vol 89 iss 348 December 2015 a b Pomeroy Emma Hunt Chris O Reynolds Tim Abdulmutalb Dlshad Asouti Eleni Bennett Paul Bosch Marjolein Burke Ariane Farr Lucy Foley Robert French Charles September 2020 Issues of theory and method in the analysis of Paleolithic mortuary behavior A view from Shanidar Cave Evolutionary Anthropology Issues News and Reviews 29 5 263 279 doi 10 1002 evan 21854 ISSN 1060 1538 PMID 32652819 S2CID 220488644 Campana Douglas V Crabtree Pam 2019 06 01 Evidence for skinning and craft activities from the Middle Paleolithic of Shanidar Cave Iraq Journal of Archaeological Science Reports 25 7 14 doi 10 1016 j jasrep 2019 03 024 ISSN 2352 409X S2CID 193111252 a b Trinkaus Erik 1983 The Shanidar Neanderthals Academic Press ISBN 978 0 12 700550 8 Py Lieberman Beth March 2004 Around the Mall From the Attic Found and Lost Smithsonian Archived from the original on 2006 11 29 Retrieved 2008 03 07 Cowgill L Trinkaus E Zeder M August 2007 Shanidar 10 A Middle Paleolithic immature distal lower limb from Shanidar Cave Iraqi Kurdistan Journal of Human Evolution 53 2 213 223 CiteSeerX 10 1 1 531 4107 doi 10 1016 j jhevol 2007 04 003 hdl 10088 6082 PMID 17574652 a b c d Lewis R Barry et al Understanding Humans Introduction to Physical Anthropology and Archaeology Wadsworth 2013 a b c Lietava Jan 1988 A Differential Diagnostics of the Right Shoulder Girdle Deformity in the Shanidar I Neanderthal Anthropologie 26 3 183 196 JSTOR 44602496 Crubezy Eric Trinkaus Erik December 1992 Shanidar 1 A case of hyperostotic disease DISH in the middle paleolithic American Journal of Physical Anthropology 89 4 411 420 doi 10 1002 ajpa 1330890402 PMID 1463085 Stewart T D 1977 The Neanderthal Skeletal Remains from Shanidar Cave Iraq A Summary of Findings to Date Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society 121 2 121 165 JSTOR 986524 T D Stewart The Skull of Shanidar II Sumer vol 17 pp 97 106 1961 Stringer C B Trinkaus E 1981 The Shanidar Neanderthal Crania In Stringer Chris ed Aspects of Human Evolution Taylor amp Francis pp 129 165 ISBN 978 0 85066 209 2 Trinkaus Erik Stewart T The Shanidar 3 Neanderthal a fragmentary skeleton from Shanidar Cave northern Iraq Sumer vol 36 no 1 2 pp 9 35 1980 a b Neanderthal Shanidar 3 The Smithsonian Institution s Human Origins Program The Smithsonian Institution 2013 02 14 Retrieved 17 October 2014 a b c Trinkaus Eric 1983 The Shanidar Neanderthals US Academic Press pp 414 415 ISBN 978 0127005508 a b Churchill Steven E Franciscus Robert G McKean Peraza Hilary A Daniel Julie A Warren Brittany R August 2009 Shanidar 3 Neandertal rib puncture wound and paleolithic weaponry Journal of Human Evolution 57 2 163 178 doi 10 1016 j jhevol 2009 05 010 PMID 19615713 Milks Annemieke Parker David Pope Matt 25 January 2019 External ballistics of Pleistocene hand thrown spears experimental performance data and implications for human evolution Scientific Reports 9 1 820 Bibcode 2019NatSR 9 820M doi 10 1038 s41598 018 37904 w PMC 6347593 PMID 30683877 a b Solecki Ralph S 28 November 1975 Shanidar IV a Neanderthal Flower Burial in Northern Iraq Science 190 4217 880 881 Bibcode 1975Sci 190 880S doi 10 1126 science 190 4217 880 S2CID 71625677 Leroi Gourhan A The flowers found with Shanidar IV a Neanderthal burial in Iraq Science vol 190 pp 562 64 1975 http dx doi org 10 1126 science 190 4214 562 Leroi Gourhan Arlette 1998 Shanidar et ses fleurs Paleorient 24 2 79 88 doi 10 3406 paleo 1998 4679 JSTOR 41492714 Lietava Jan January 1992 Medicinal plants in a Middle Paleolithic grave Shanidar IV Journal of Ethnopharmacology 35 3 263 266 doi 10 1016 0378 8741 92 90023 k PMID 1548898 T D Stewart Shanidar Skeletons IV and VI Sumer vol 19 pp 8 26 1963 Sommer Jeffrey D April 1999 The Shanidar IV Flower Burial a Re evaluation of Neanderthal Burial Ritual Cambridge Archaeological Journal 9 1 127 129 doi 10 1017 S0959774300015249 S2CID 162496872 Pettitt Paul 2002 The Neanderthal dead Before Farming 2002 1 26 doi 10 3828 BFARM 2002 1 4 a b CHECH Mario GROVES Colin P THORNE Alan TRINKAUS Erik 1999 A New Reconstruction of the Shanidar 5 Cranium Paleorient 25 2 143 146 doi 10 3406 paleo 1999 4692 ISSN 0153 9345 JSTOR 41496548 Solecki Ralph S June 1961 Division of Anthropology New Anthropological Discoveries at Shanidar Northern Iraq Transactions of the New York Academy of Sciences 23 8 Series II 690 699 doi 10 1111 j 2164 0947 1961 tb01403 x Trinkaus E The Shanidar 5 Neanderthal skeleton Sumer vol 33 no 1 2 pp 35 41 1977 Chech M Groves C P Thorne A amp Trinkaus E A new reconstruction of the Shanidar 5 cranium Paleorient pp 143 146 1999 3 Pomeroy E Lahr M M Crivellaro F Farr L Reynolds T Hunt C O amp Barker G Newly discovered Neanderthal remains from Shanidar Cave Iraqi Kurdistan and their attribution to Shanidar 5 Journal of Human Evolution vol 111 pp 102 118 2017 Anton S C 1997 Endocranial hyperostosis in Sangiran 2 Gibraltar 1 and Shanidar 5 Am J Phys Anthropol 102 111 122 https doi org 10 1002 SICI 1096 8644 199701 102 1 lt 111 AID AJPA9 gt 3 0 CO 2 3 Pomeroy Emma Bennett Paul Hunt Chris O Reynolds Tim Farr Lucy Frouin Marine Holman James Lane Ross French Charles Barker Graeme February 2020 New Neanderthal remains associated with the flower burial at Shanidar Cave Antiquity 94 373 11 26 doi 10 15184 aqy 2019 207 Solecki Ralph S June 1961 Division of Anthropology New Anthropological Discoveries at Shanidar Northern Iraq Transactions of the New York Academy of Sciences 23 8 Series II 690 699 doi 10 1111 j 2164 0947 1961 tb01403 x Further reading Edit 4 Sissakian Varoujan K Shanidar Cave An Interesting Archaeological Site in the Kurdistan Region Iraq UKH Journal of Science and Engineering 3 2 pp 1 9 2019 Solecki Ralph S 1954 Shanidar cave a paleolithic site in northern Iraq Annual Report of the Smithsonian Institution Smithsonian Institution pp 389 425 OCLC 31836281 Solecki Ralph S Anagnostis P Agelarakis 2004 The Proto Neolithic Cemetery in Shanidar Cave Texas A amp M University Press ISBN 978 1 58544 272 0 Stewart T D 1977 The Neanderthal Skeletal Remains from Shanidar Cave Iraq A Summary of Findings to Date Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society 121 2 121 165 JSTOR 986524 Erik Trinkaus The Shanidar Neanderthals Academic Press 1983 ISBN 0 12 700550 1 Trinkaus Erik Zimmerman M R January 1982 Trauma among the Shanidar Neandertals American Journal of Physical Anthropology 57 1 61 76 doi 10 1002 ajpa 1330570108 PMID 6753598 Agelarakis A Proto Neolithic Human Skeletal Remains in the Zawi Chemi Layer in Shanidar Cave Sumer XL 1 2 1987 88 7 16 Agelarakis Anagnostis 1989 The paleopathological evidence indicators of stress of the Shanidar Proto Neolithic and the Ganj Dareh early Neolithic human skeletal collections Thesis Agelarakis A 1993 The Shanidar Cave Proto Neolithic Human Population Aspects of Demography and Paleopathology Human Evolution 8 4 235 253 doi 10 1007 bf02438114 S2CID 85239949 Agelarakis A Serpanos Y 2002 Inner Ear Palaeopathological Manifestations Causative Agents and Implications Affecting the Proto Neolithic Homo sapiens Population of Shanidar Cave Iraq Human Evolution 17 Weule Genevieve 18 February 2020 Skeletons and a whole lot of flowers Was this a Neanderthal cemetery ABC News Australian Broadcasting Corporation Pomeroy Emma Bennett Paul Hunt Chris O Reynolds Tim Farr Lucy Frouin Marine Holman James Lane Ross French Charles Barker Graeme February 2020 New Neanderthal remains associated with the flower burial at Shanidar Cave Antiquity 94 373 11 26 doi 10 15184 aqy 2019 207 S2CID 212762342 Akazawa T Preliminary notes on the Middle Palaeolithic assemblage from the Shanidar Cave Sumer vol 31 no 1 2 pp 3 10 1975 Solecki R S Prehistory in Shanidar Valley northern Iraq Science vol 139 pp 179 93 1963 http dx doi org 10 1126 science 139 3551 179 Solecki R S Shanidar the first flower people New York Knopf 1971 ISBN 978 0394445113External links EditSmithsonian Shanidar 3 pages Archived at Ghostarchive and the Wayback Machine The Neanderthals That Taught Us About Humanity PBS Eons January 16 2020 via YouTube Portals Asia History Iraq Paleontology Retrieved from https en wikipedia org w index php title Shanidar Cave amp oldid 1133984966, wikipedia, wiki, book, books, library,


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