
Second Anglo-Afghan War

Second Anglo–Afghan War
Part of the Great Game

92nd Highlanders at Kandahar. Oil by Richard Caton Woodville Jr.

British victory[1]

Kandahar ceded to Afghanistan.[3] Districts of Quetta, Pishin, Sibi, Harnai & Thal Chotiali ceded to British India[4]


 United Kingdom

Commanders and leaders
Casualties and losses

Total fatalities are unknown

  • 5,000+ killed in major battles[5]

Total: 10,000 dead[6]

The Second Anglo-Afghan War (Dari: جنگ دوم افغان و انگلیس, Pashto: د افغان-انګرېز دويمه جګړه) was a military conflict fought between the British Raj and the Emirate of Afghanistan from 1878 to 1880, when the latter was ruled by Sher Ali Khan of the Barakzai dynasty, the son of former Emir Dost Mohammad Khan. The war was part of the Great Game between the British and Russian empires.

The war was split into two campaigns – the first began in November 1878 with the British invasion of Afghanistan from India. The British were quickly victorious and forced the AmirSher Ali Khan to flee. Ali's successor Mohammad Yaqub Khan immediately sued for peace and the Treaty of Gandamak was then signed on 26 May 1879. The British sent an envoy and mission led by Sir Louis Cavagnari to Kabul, but on 3 September this mission was massacred and the conflict was reignited by Ayub Khan which led to the abdication of his brother Yaqub.[7]

The second campaign ended in September 1880 when the British decisively defeated Ayub Khan outside Kandahar. Abdur Rahman Khan who had been an opponent of the British, was invited to be the new Amir and accepted. He ratified and confirmed the Gandamak treaty once more. Having created the buffer the British wanted between the Raj and the Russian Empire, British and Indian soldiers then withdrew from Afghanistan.[8]


After tension between Russia and Britain in Europe ended with the June 1878 Congress of Berlin, Russia turned its attention to Central Asia. That same summer, Russia sent an uninvited diplomatic mission to Kabul. Sher Ali Khan, the Amir of Afghanistan, tried unsuccessfully to keep them out. Russian envoys arrived in Kabul on 22 July 1878, and on 14 August, the British demanded that Sher Ali accept a British mission too.[9]

The Amir not only refused to receive a British mission under Neville Bowles Chamberlain, but threatened to stop it if it were dispatched. Lord Lytton, the viceroy of India, ordered a diplomatic mission to set out for Kabul in September 1878 but the mission was turned back as it approached the eastern entrance of the Khyber Pass, triggering the Second Anglo–Afghan War.[10]


First phase

The first campaign began in November 1878 when a British force of about 50,000 fighting men, mostly Indians, was distributed into three military columns which penetrated Afghanistan at three different points. The British victories at the battles of Ali Masjid and Peiwar Kotal meant that the approach to Kabul was left virtually undefended by Afghan troops.[11]

An alarmed Sher Ali left for Mazar-i-Sharif. This was done in hopes of the British overstretching their armies in Afghanistan, and make it difficult for the British to occupy parts of southern Afghanistan for an indefinite period of time, as well as that the Afghan tribes would eventually rise up. Further drawing off of Dost Mohammad Khan and Wazir Akbar Khan's tactics in the First Anglo-Afghan War. Mazar-i-Sharif was safe as well, with winter already ongoing, the British would be unable to pass the snow littered Hindu Kush. Alongside this, over 15,000 Afghan soldiers were present in Afghan Turkestan, which Sher Ali began preparing to assemble more men across Afghanistan. Sher Ali also attempted to appeal in person to the Russian Tsar for assistance, but he wasn't allowed to enter Russian territory, and their insistence was that he should seek terms of surrender from the British.[12] He returned to Mazar-i-Sharif, where his health began to suffer, leading to his death on 21 February 1879.[13][14]

Before leaving for Afghan Turkestan, Sher Ali released the surviving governors of the Chahar Wilayat that he had previously imprisoned. Upon Sher Ali's arrival to Mazar-i-Sharif, Sher Ali promised them the return of their states if they had assisted against the British in the war to come. Many of the governors, having been imprisoned for longer then a decade, all due to similar oaths being broken. As a result, seeing an opportunity to declare independence, Muhammad Khan, the former governor of Sar-I-Pul, alongside Husain Khan, the former governor of the Maimana Khanate, all declared independence against Afghan rule, rallying their own armies and expelling Afghan garrisons. A wave of Turkmen raids also began into Afghan Turkestan as a result, seeing some 6,000 women being enslaved, with forces from Sher Ali to repel the raids being defeated.[14]

With Sher Ali's death, a tumultuous period began over his succession. One of his sons, Muhammad Ali Khan, attempted to seize Takhtapul, however the garrison mutinied, forcing him to move south towards Dai Zangi, where he began assembling an army against Yaqub Khan.[15]

Yaqub Khan was declared the new Amir, with many sardars that were thought to have ties with the Afzalid faction were imprisoned. In Mazar-i-Sharif, Yaqub Khan's son, Muhammad Musa, assembled a force and seized Takhtapul, sending the leader of the mutineers to Kabul, where he was executed. Ayub Khan, supporting his brother's succession, did not oppose him. However, much of the military forces and officers in Balkh and Herat instead supported the Afzalids. Ayub Khan began facing anarchy in Herat, with much of the forces from the expelled from Maimana demanding payment. Ayub Khan sent numerous requests to Mazar-i-Sharif, imminently requesting aid in cash. Despite receiving funds, the troops began rioting, and were turned away by Ayub Khan towards Yaqub Khan, stating he would be capable of paying them.[16]


With British forces occupying Kabul, Sher Ali's son and successor, Yaqub Khan, signed the Treaty of Gandamak on 26 May 1879. According to this agreement and in return for an annual subsidy and vague assurances of assistance in case of foreign aggression, Yaqub relinquished control of Afghan foreign affairs to Britain. British representatives were installed in Kabul and other locations, and their control was extended to the Khyber and Michni passes, and Afghanistan ceded various North-West Frontier Province areas and Quetta to Britain, including the strategic fort of Jamrud. Yaqub Khan also renounced all rights to interfering in the internal affairs of the Afridi tribe. In return, Yaqub Khan only received an annual subsidy of 600,000 rupees, with the British pledging to withdraw all forces from Afghanistan excluding Kandahar.[17][18]

However, on 3 September 1879 an uprising in Kabul led to the slaughter of Sir Louis Cavagnari, the British representative, along with his guards, and staff – provoking the next phase of the Second Afghan War.[19]

Second phase

Titled "Dignity & Impudence" for stereotypic personality traits of elephants and mules respectively, this photograph by John Burke shows an elephant and mule battery during the Second Anglo-Afghan War. The mule team would have towed the small field gun, which appears to be a Rifled Muzzle Loader (RML) 7-pounder mountain gun. The elephant towed the larger gun, apparently a Rifled breech loader (RBL) 40-pounder Armstrong

Major General Sir Frederick Roberts led the Kabul Field Force over the Shutargardan Pass into central Afghanistan, defeated the Afghan Army at Charasiab on 6 October 1879, and occupied Kabul two days later.[20] Ghazi Mohammad Jan Khan Wardak, and a force of 10,000 Afghans, staged an uprising and attacked British forces near Kabul in the Siege of the Sherpur Cantonment in December 1879. The rebellion collapsed after the failure of a direct attack on Roberts' force on 23 December. Yaqub Khan, suspected of complicity in the massacre of Cavagnari and his staff, was obliged to abdicate. The British considered a number of possible political settlements, including partitioning Afghanistan between multiple rulers or placing Yaqub's brother Ayub Khan on the throne, but also looked to install his cousin Abdur Rahman Khan (half nephew of the former Sher Ali) as Amir instead.[21][22]

A rare coin minted during the occupation of Kandahar. British Crown within wreath on the obverse, Arabic inscription in four lines on the reverse. These issues were struck under local authorities who routinely recalled and devalued the coppers. This abusive practice led to a great variety of types, often featuring various animal or flower motifs. Accordingly, the types on this coin were likely not ordered by the occupation authorities, but rather placed by an opportunistic engraver eager to please the occupiers.

Exploits of Abdur Rahman Khan

Abdur Rahman Khan meanwhile had been in exile in Turkestan. Upon the death of Sher Ali Khan he requested from the Russians to enter Afghanistan as a claimant of the throne. This request was denied. However, following Yaqub Khan's abdication, as well as the British occupation of Kabul, the Russians allowed Abdur Rahman Khan to re-enter Afghanistan. Abdur Rahman made way for Badakhshan, whose ruler he had marriage ties with. While on route, he did a pilgrimage to the shrine of Khwaja Ahrar, taking his banner after claiming he had a vision that ensured victory. The ruler of Badakhshan did not permit Abdur Rahman to ford the Amu Darya, to which Abdur Rahman did so further downstream. He then crossed a mountain pass while it snowed, arriving at Rostaq, where its garrison defected. With the fall of Rostaq, Abdur Rahman met the Mir of Badakhshan in battle, forcing him to flee to Chitral while Abdur Rahman annexed Badakhshan.[23]

Abdur Rahman requested from Sultan Murad of Kunduz for military access so he could advance on Kabul. This request was denied. However, Ghulam Haidar Khan, Yaqub's governor of Balkh, attacked Kunduz, occupying it, and forcing Sultan Murad to flee to Fayzabad. Sultan Murad then alligned with Abdur Rahman, and encouraged rebellion against Ghulam Haidar, with the commander of Takhtapul declaring for Abdur Rahman. Ghulam Haidar fled across the Amu Darya, leaving the entirety of Afghan Turkestan under Abdur Rahman's control.[24]

The British, eyeing for a suitable candidate to be the ruler of Afghanistan, scouted Abdur Rahman Khan, and began negotiating with him. Abdur Rahman was reluctant to accept such a proposal, as he considered himself an opponent of the British, with his own men wishing for Jihad against them. While negotiations continued, the British considered numerous political solutions, including dividing Afghanistan into numerous kingdoms.[21][22] The British were seeking to a quick conclusion to the war due to the resignation of Lytton, with his successor, the Marquis of Ripon, wishing to withdraw all British troops from Afghanistan as quickly as possible. With this, the British no longer wished to uphold a British envoy in Afghanistan. However, both sides continued to differ, with the British wishing to keep Kandahar under their control with Sardar Sher Ali as governor, while Abdur Rahman saw it imperative as a part of Afghanistan.[25]

Believing that the British might withdraw, Abdur Rahman Khan arrived in Charikar sometime in July 1880, where religious leaders from regions such as Panjshir, Kohistan, and Tagab welcomed his arrival. On 19 July, the British informed Abdur Rahman that they were prepared to recognize him as the ruler of Afghanistan, inviting him to Kabul for a ceremony. Abdur Rahman called a Jirga, with many tribal leaders declaring for him, while Abdur Rahman was declared the Amir of Kabul.[25]

Ayub Khan's rebellion

Ayub Khan, who had been serving as governor of Herat, rose in revolt, defeated a British detachment at the Battle of Maiwand in July 1880 and besieged Kandahar. Roberts then led the main British force from Kabul and decisively defeated Ayub Khan on 1 September at the Battle of Kandahar, bringing his rebellion to an end.[21]


The Afghan revolt: Herati Soldiers 1879

With Ayub Khan defeated, the war was officially over and with Abdur Rahman Khan now the ruling Amir he is seen as the real victor of the Second Anglo-Afghan War.[26] Despite attempts for the British to hold on to Kandahar, they decided to return it back to Afghanistan. Rahman confirmed the Treaty of Gandamak, whereby the British took control of the territories ceded by Yaqub Khan. The provocative policy of maintaining a British resident in Kabul was abandoned, but instead British Indian muslim agents were to be left to smooth liaison between the governments.[27] Britain would also handle Afghanistan's foreign policy in exchange for protection and a subsidy.[9] The Afghan tribes maintained internal rule and local customs, and provided a continuing buffer between the British Raj and the Russian Empire.[8] Ironically many of these polices had been desired by Sher Ali Khan, and war could have been prevented had they been implemented earlier.[26]

The war was expensive for Britain, spending some 17 million pounds during the war, which was three times the estimated cost. The costs rose just before the British left in March 1881, estimating to be around 19.5 million pounds.[28]

Despite attempts from the British to dissuade Afghanistan from Russian influence, Abdur Rahman Khan adopted an autocratic government similar to the Tsars of Russia, inspired by Peter the Great from his time in exile in Turkestan. Alongside this, despite the British attempting to prop up Afghanistan as a key ally, Abdur Rahman Khan often acted against the British, with atrocities horrifying even Queen Victoria, and he became known as the 'Iron Amir'. He also refused to give information regarding his troops, with his own autobiography criticizing British policy, while also violating the Lyall agreement by instead of allowing the British to oversee his diplomatic affairs, held them himself with numerous countries including Iran, the Ottoman Empire, and the German Empire. Abdur Rahman also wrote in pamphlets, encouraging Jihad against the British and the Russians, claiming both wished to end Afghanistan as a state. Senior British officials found it extremely difficult to further cooperate with Abdur Rahman Khan and Afghanistan due to the Turkestan atrocities, as well as his actions against the Hazaras. The British believed they had no other alternative but to support Abdur Rahman Khan, scoring a diplomatic victory for him.[29]

Despite this, no further trouble resulted between Afghanistan and British India during Rahman's period of rule. The Russians kept well out of Afghan internal affairs, with the exception of the Panjdeh incident three years later, resolved by arbitration and negotiation after an initial British ultimatum.[30]

In 1893, Mortimer Durand was dispatched to Kabul by British India to sign an agreement with Rahman for fixing the limits of their respective spheres of influence as well as improving diplomatic relations and trade. On November 12, 1893, the Durand Line Agreement was reached. This led to the creation of a new North-West Frontier Province.

Timeline of battles

There were several decisive actions in the Second Anglo–Afghan War, from 1878 to 1880. Here are the battles and actions in chronological order. An asterisk (*) indicates a clasp was awarded for that particular battle with the Afghanistan Medal.

British team at the site of the Battle of Ali Masjid
British Royal Horse Artillery withdrawing at the Battle of Maiwand
Afghan victors of the Battle of Maiwand


  1. Battle of Ali Masjid* (British victory)
  2. Battle of Peiwar Kotal* (British victory)


  1. Action at Takht-i-Pul (British victory)
  2. Action at Matun (British victory)
  3. Battle of Khushk-i-Nakud (British victory)
  4. Battle of Fatehabad (Afghan victory)
  5. Siege of the British Residency in Kabul (Afghan victory)
  6. Battle of Kam Dakka (British victory)
  7. Battle of Charasiab* (British victory)[31]
  8. Battle of Shajui
  9. Battle of Karez Mir
  10. Battle of Takht-i-Shah
  11. Battle of Asmai Heights* (Afghan victory)
  12. Siege of Sherpur (Kabul)* (British victory)


  1. Battle of Ahmed Khel* (British victory)
  2. Battle of Arzu
  3. Second Battle of Charasiab (British victory)
  4. Battle of Maiwand (Afghan victory)
  5. Battle of Deh Koja (Afghan Victory)
  6. Battle of Kandahar* (British victory)


  1. Evacuation of Kandahar (and Afghanistan) by British-led forces

Order of battle

Durban Maidan of Sherpur Cantonment in 1879.
Bengal Sapper and Miners Bastion in Sherpur cantonment.
Highlanders of Amir Yaqub at Gandamak
Drummer James Roddick of the Gordon Highlanders defends a wounded officer during British attack at Gundi Mulla Sahibdad during the Battle of Kandahar
45th Rattray's Sikhs guard Afghan prisoners during an advance through the Khyber Pass

In November 1878, at the start of the war, the British established three Field Forces – designated Peshawar Valley, Kurram Valley and Kandahar respectively – each of which invaded Afghanistan by a different route.[32]

At the end of the first phase of the war in May 1879, the Peshawar Force was withdrawn, while the Kandahar Force was reduced in size. In September 1879, at the beginning of the second phase, additional British and Indian Army units were despatched to Afghanistan, while the Kurram Valley Force was reinforced, and redesignated the Kabul Field Force.[36]

See also


  1. ^ Schmidt, Karl J. (1995). An Atlas and Survey of South Asian History. M.E. Sharpe. p. 74. ISBN 978-1563243332. British forces were victorious and Sher Ali was deposed
  2. ^ Lee, Jonathan (2019). Afghanistan: A History from 1260 to the Present. Reaktion Books. p. 383. ISBN 9781789140101.
  3. ^ Lee 2019, p. 378.
  4. ^ Blood 1996, pp. 20–21.
  5. ^ a b Robson, Brian. (2007). The Road to Kabul: The Second Afghan War 1878–1881. Stroud: Spellmount. p. 299. ISBN 978-1-86227-416-7.
  6. ^ Robson 2007, p. 297.
  7. ^ Chisholm, Hugh, ed. (1911). "Yakub Khan" . Encyclopædia Britannica. Vol. 28 (11th ed.). Cambridge University Press. p. 898.
  8. ^ a b Barfield 2010, p. 145.
  9. ^ a b Barthorp 2002, pp. 85–90.
  10. ^ Barthorp 2002, pp. 66–67.
  11. ^ Afghanistan 1878-1880 The Build-Up to Conflict at britishempire.co.uk
  12. ^ Sinhai, Damodar Prasad. "India and Afghanistan, 1876", p. 183.
  13. ^ Hanna 1904, pp. 150–155.
  14. ^ a b Lee 2019, p. 359-360.
  15. ^ Lee 2019, p. 364.
  16. ^ Lee 2019, p. 360-364.
  17. ^ Lee 2019, p. 365-366.
  18. ^ Barthorp 2002, p. 71.
  19. ^ Wilkinson-Latham 1977, p. 15.
  20. ^ Barthorp 2002, pp. 77–79.
  21. ^ a b c Wilkinson-Latham 1977, pp. 16–17.
  22. ^ a b Barthorp 2002, pp. 81–85.
  23. ^ Lee 2019, p. 376.
  24. ^ Lee 2019, p. 377.
  25. ^ a b Lee 2019, p. 378-379.
  26. ^ a b Lee 2019, p. 381-383.
  27. ^ Prasad, Bisheshwar (1979). Foundations of India's Foreign Policy: Imperial Era, 1882-1914. Nayad Prokash. p. 25.
  28. ^ Robson 2007, p. 277.
  29. ^ Lee 2019, p. 384-397.
  30. ^ Conflict in Afghanistan: A Historical Encyclopedia By Clements, F. ABC-Clio, Santa Barbara, California, 2003 p. 198
  31. ^ Alikuzai, Hamid Wahed (2013). A Concise History of Afghanistan in 25 Volumes, Volume 14. Trafford Publishing. p. 594. ISBN 978-1490714417.
  32. ^ Farwell 1973, p. 203.
  33. ^ Joslin; Litherland; Simpkin (1988). British Battles and Medals. London: Spink & Son. p. 155. ISBN 0-907605-25-7.
  34. ^ Roberts 1897, p. 553, Appendix III.
  35. ^ Luscombe, Stephen. "Second Afghan War". www.britishempire.co.uk. Retrieved 2022-11-07.
  36. ^ Farwell 1973, p. 207.


  This article incorporates text from a publication now in the public domainChisholm, Hugh, ed. (1911). "Abdur Rahman Khan". Encyclopædia Britannica. Vol. 1 (11th ed.). Cambridge University Press. pp. 37–38.

  • Barthorp, Michael (2002). Afghan Wars and the North-West Frontier 1839–1947. London: Cassell. ISBN 0-304-36294-8.
  • Barfield, Thomas (2010). Afghanistan: A Cultural and Political History. Princeton University Press. ISBN 978-0-691-14568-6.
  • Blood, Peter R, ed. (1996). Pakistan: A Country Study. Diane Publishing. ISBN 9780788136313.
  • Gathorne Gathorne-Hardy, 1st Earl of Cranbrook (December 1878), The Afghan War: a speech delivered in the House of Lords by the Right Hon. Viscount Cranbrook (Secretary State of India) on Monday, December 9th, 1878 (1st ed.), Westminster: National Union of Conservative and Constitutional Associations, Wikidata Q19077572{{citation}}: CS1 maint: numeric names: authors list (link)
  • Farwell, Byron (1973). Queen Victoria's Little Wars. London: Allen Lane. ISBN 0713904577.
  • Hanna, Henry Bathurst (1904). The Second Afghan War, 1878-79-80: Its Causes, Its Conduct and Its Consequences. Vol. 2. Archibald Constable & Co.
  • Johnson, Robert (2011). The Afghan Way of War: How and Why They Fight. Oxford University Press. ISBN 9780199912568.
  • Roberts, Sir Frederick (1897). Forty-one Years in India. London: Macmillan & Co.
  • Walker, Phillip Francis. Afghanistan: A Short Account of Afghanistan, Its History, and Our Dealings with It. London: Griffith and Farran (1881).
  • Wilkinson-Latham, Robert (1977). North-West Frontier 1837–1947. London: Osprey Publishing. ISBN 0-85045-275-9.

External links

  • Second Anglo-Afghan War 1878–1880
  • Second Anglo-Afghan War Chronology
  • British Battles
  • Online Afghan Calendar with Historical dates
  • Frederick Roberts and the long road to Kandahar
  • Anne S. K. Brown Military Collection, Brown University Library William Simpson's diary and album of sketches and watercolours covering the early part of the campaign, and done for the Illustrated London News
  • Afghanistan & the British Raj : The Second Afghan War & its Aftermath From the Royal Geographical Society of South Australia blog entries for Afghanistan & the British Raj that cover the subject chronologically with images through reference works in our collection.

second, anglo, afghan, second, anglo, afghan, warpart, great, game92nd, highlanders, kandahar, richard, caton, woodville, date1878, 1880locationafghanistanresultbritish, victory, treaty, gandamak, abdur, rahman, khan, installed, emir, territorialchangeskandaha. Second Anglo Afghan WarPart of the Great Game92nd Highlanders at Kandahar Oil by Richard Caton Woodville Jr Date1878 1880LocationAfghanistanResultBritish victory 1 Treaty of Gandamak Abdur Rahman Khan installed as Emir 2 TerritorialchangesKandahar ceded to Afghanistan 3 Districts of Quetta Pishin Sibi Harnai amp Thal Chotiali ceded to British India 4 Belligerents Afghanistan United Kingdom IndiaCommanders and leadersSher Ali Khan Mohammad Yaqub Khan Ayub Khan Ghulam Haidar KhanSamuel Browne Frederick Roberts Donald Stewart Pratap Singh Sardar Sher Ali Khan Abdur Rahman KhanCasualties and lossesTotal fatalities are unknown 5 000 killed in major battles 5 Total 10 000 dead 6 1 850 killed in action or died of wounds 8 000 died of diseases 5 The Second Anglo Afghan War Dari جنگ دوم افغان و انگلیس Pashto د افغان انګرېز دويمه جګړه was a military conflict fought between the British Raj and the Emirate of Afghanistan from 1878 to 1880 when the latter was ruled by Sher Ali Khan of the Barakzai dynasty the son of former Emir Dost Mohammad Khan The war was part of the Great Game between the British and Russian empires The war was split into two campaigns the first began in November 1878 with the British invasion of Afghanistan from India The British were quickly victorious and forced the Amir Sher Ali Khan to flee Ali s successor Mohammad Yaqub Khan immediately sued for peace and the Treaty of Gandamak was then signed on 26 May 1879 The British sent an envoy and mission led by Sir Louis Cavagnari to Kabul but on 3 September this mission was massacred and the conflict was reignited by Ayub Khan which led to the abdication of his brother Yaqub 7 The second campaign ended in September 1880 when the British decisively defeated Ayub Khan outside Kandahar Abdur Rahman Khan who had been an opponent of the British was invited to be the new Amir and accepted He ratified and confirmed the Gandamak treaty once more Having created the buffer the British wanted between the Raj and the Russian Empire British and Indian soldiers then withdrew from Afghanistan 8 Contents 1 Background 2 War 2 1 First phase 2 2 Treaty 2 3 Second phase 2 4 Exploits of Abdur Rahman Khan 2 5 Ayub Khan s rebellion 3 Aftermath 4 Timeline of battles 4 1 1878 4 2 1879 4 3 1880 4 4 1881 5 Order of battle 6 See also 7 References 8 Bibliography 9 External linksBackgroundAfter tension between Russia and Britain in Europe ended with the June 1878 Congress of Berlin Russia turned its attention to Central Asia That same summer Russia sent an uninvited diplomatic mission to Kabul Sher Ali Khan the Amir of Afghanistan tried unsuccessfully to keep them out Russian envoys arrived in Kabul on 22 July 1878 and on 14 August the British demanded that Sher Ali accept a British mission too 9 The Amir not only refused to receive a British mission under Neville Bowles Chamberlain but threatened to stop it if it were dispatched Lord Lytton the viceroy of India ordered a diplomatic mission to set out for Kabul in September 1878 but the mission was turned back as it approached the eastern entrance of the Khyber Pass triggering the Second Anglo Afghan War 10 WarFirst phase The first campaign began in November 1878 when a British force of about 50 000 fighting men mostly Indians was distributed into three military columns which penetrated Afghanistan at three different points The British victories at the battles of Ali Masjid and Peiwar Kotal meant that the approach to Kabul was left virtually undefended by Afghan troops 11 An alarmed Sher Ali left for Mazar i Sharif This was done in hopes of the British overstretching their armies in Afghanistan and make it difficult for the British to occupy parts of southern Afghanistan for an indefinite period of time as well as that the Afghan tribes would eventually rise up Further drawing off of Dost Mohammad Khan and Wazir Akbar Khan s tactics in the First Anglo Afghan War Mazar i Sharif was safe as well with winter already ongoing the British would be unable to pass the snow littered Hindu Kush Alongside this over 15 000 Afghan soldiers were present in Afghan Turkestan which Sher Ali began preparing to assemble more men across Afghanistan Sher Ali also attempted to appeal in person to the Russian Tsar for assistance but he wasn t allowed to enter Russian territory and their insistence was that he should seek terms of surrender from the British 12 He returned to Mazar i Sharif where his health began to suffer leading to his death on 21 February 1879 13 14 Before leaving for Afghan Turkestan Sher Ali released the surviving governors of the Chahar Wilayat that he had previously imprisoned Upon Sher Ali s arrival to Mazar i Sharif Sher Ali promised them the return of their states if they had assisted against the British in the war to come Many of the governors having been imprisoned for longer then a decade all due to similar oaths being broken As a result seeing an opportunity to declare independence Muhammad Khan the former governor of Sar I Pul alongside Husain Khan the former governor of the Maimana Khanate all declared independence against Afghan rule rallying their own armies and expelling Afghan garrisons A wave of Turkmen raids also began into Afghan Turkestan as a result seeing some 6 000 women being enslaved with forces from Sher Ali to repel the raids being defeated 14 With Sher Ali s death a tumultuous period began over his succession One of his sons Muhammad Ali Khan attempted to seize Takhtapul however the garrison mutinied forcing him to move south towards Dai Zangi where he began assembling an army against Yaqub Khan 15 Yaqub Khan was declared the new Amir with many sardars that were thought to have ties with the Afzalid faction were imprisoned In Mazar i Sharif Yaqub Khan s son Muhammad Musa assembled a force and seized Takhtapul sending the leader of the mutineers to Kabul where he was executed Ayub Khan supporting his brother s succession did not oppose him However much of the military forces and officers in Balkh and Herat instead supported the Afzalids Ayub Khan began facing anarchy in Herat with much of the forces from the expelled from Maimana demanding payment Ayub Khan sent numerous requests to Mazar i Sharif imminently requesting aid in cash Despite receiving funds the troops began rioting and were turned away by Ayub Khan towards Yaqub Khan stating he would be capable of paying them 16 Treaty With British forces occupying Kabul Sher Ali s son and successor Yaqub Khan signed the Treaty of Gandamak on 26 May 1879 According to this agreement and in return for an annual subsidy and vague assurances of assistance in case of foreign aggression Yaqub relinquished control of Afghan foreign affairs to Britain British representatives were installed in Kabul and other locations and their control was extended to the Khyber and Michni passes and Afghanistan ceded various North West Frontier Province areas and Quetta to Britain including the strategic fort of Jamrud Yaqub Khan also renounced all rights to interfering in the internal affairs of the Afridi tribe In return Yaqub Khan only received an annual subsidy of 600 000 rupees with the British pledging to withdraw all forces from Afghanistan excluding Kandahar 17 18 However on 3 September 1879 an uprising in Kabul led to the slaughter of Sir Louis Cavagnari the British representative along with his guards and staff provoking the next phase of the Second Afghan War 19 Second phase nbsp Titled Dignity amp Impudence for stereotypic personality traits of elephants and mules respectively this photograph by John Burke shows an elephant and mule battery during the Second Anglo Afghan War The mule team would have towed the small field gun which appears to be a Rifled Muzzle Loader RML 7 pounder mountain gun The elephant towed the larger gun apparently a Rifled breech loader RBL 40 pounder Armstrong Major General Sir Frederick Roberts led the Kabul Field Force over the Shutargardan Pass into central Afghanistan defeated the Afghan Army at Charasiab on 6 October 1879 and occupied Kabul two days later 20 Ghazi Mohammad Jan Khan Wardak and a force of 10 000 Afghans staged an uprising and attacked British forces near Kabul in the Siege of the Sherpur Cantonment in December 1879 The rebellion collapsed after the failure of a direct attack on Roberts force on 23 December Yaqub Khan suspected of complicity in the massacre of Cavagnari and his staff was obliged to abdicate The British considered a number of possible political settlements including partitioning Afghanistan between multiple rulers or placing Yaqub s brother Ayub Khan on the throne but also looked to install his cousin Abdur Rahman Khan half nephew of the former Sher Ali as Amir instead 21 22 nbsp A rare coin minted during the occupation of Kandahar British Crown within wreath on the obverse Arabic inscription in four lines on the reverse These issues were struck under local authorities who routinely recalled and devalued the coppers This abusive practice led to a great variety of types often featuring various animal or flower motifs Accordingly the types on this coin were likely not ordered by the occupation authorities but rather placed by an opportunistic engraver eager to please the occupiers Exploits of Abdur Rahman Khan Abdur Rahman Khan meanwhile had been in exile in Turkestan Upon the death of Sher Ali Khan he requested from the Russians to enter Afghanistan as a claimant of the throne This request was denied However following Yaqub Khan s abdication as well as the British occupation of Kabul the Russians allowed Abdur Rahman Khan to re enter Afghanistan Abdur Rahman made way for Badakhshan whose ruler he had marriage ties with While on route he did a pilgrimage to the shrine of Khwaja Ahrar taking his banner after claiming he had a vision that ensured victory The ruler of Badakhshan did not permit Abdur Rahman to ford the Amu Darya to which Abdur Rahman did so further downstream He then crossed a mountain pass while it snowed arriving at Rostaq where its garrison defected With the fall of Rostaq Abdur Rahman met the Mir of Badakhshan in battle forcing him to flee to Chitral while Abdur Rahman annexed Badakhshan 23 Abdur Rahman requested from Sultan Murad of Kunduz for military access so he could advance on Kabul This request was denied However Ghulam Haidar Khan Yaqub s governor of Balkh attacked Kunduz occupying it and forcing Sultan Murad to flee to Fayzabad Sultan Murad then alligned with Abdur Rahman and encouraged rebellion against Ghulam Haidar with the commander of Takhtapul declaring for Abdur Rahman Ghulam Haidar fled across the Amu Darya leaving the entirety of Afghan Turkestan under Abdur Rahman s control 24 The British eyeing for a suitable candidate to be the ruler of Afghanistan scouted Abdur Rahman Khan and began negotiating with him Abdur Rahman was reluctant to accept such a proposal as he considered himself an opponent of the British with his own men wishing for Jihad against them While negotiations continued the British considered numerous political solutions including dividing Afghanistan into numerous kingdoms 21 22 The British were seeking to a quick conclusion to the war due to the resignation of Lytton with his successor the Marquis of Ripon wishing to withdraw all British troops from Afghanistan as quickly as possible With this the British no longer wished to uphold a British envoy in Afghanistan However both sides continued to differ with the British wishing to keep Kandahar under their control with Sardar Sher Ali as governor while Abdur Rahman saw it imperative as a part of Afghanistan 25 Believing that the British might withdraw Abdur Rahman Khan arrived in Charikar sometime in July 1880 where religious leaders from regions such as Panjshir Kohistan and Tagab welcomed his arrival On 19 July the British informed Abdur Rahman that they were prepared to recognize him as the ruler of Afghanistan inviting him to Kabul for a ceremony Abdur Rahman called a Jirga with many tribal leaders declaring for him while Abdur Rahman was declared the Amir of Kabul 25 Ayub Khan s rebellion Main articles Battle of Maiwand and Battle of Kandahar 1880 Ayub Khan who had been serving as governor of Herat rose in revolt defeated a British detachment at the Battle of Maiwand in July 1880 and besieged Kandahar Roberts then led the main British force from Kabul and decisively defeated Ayub Khan on 1 September at the Battle of Kandahar bringing his rebellion to an end 21 Aftermath nbsp The Afghan revolt Herati Soldiers 1879 With Ayub Khan defeated the war was officially over and with Abdur Rahman Khan now the ruling Amir he is seen as the real victor of the Second Anglo Afghan War 26 Despite attempts for the British to hold on to Kandahar they decided to return it back to Afghanistan Rahman confirmed the Treaty of Gandamak whereby the British took control of the territories ceded by Yaqub Khan The provocative policy of maintaining a British resident in Kabul was abandoned but instead British Indian muslim agents were to be left to smooth liaison between the governments 27 Britain would also handle Afghanistan s foreign policy in exchange for protection and a subsidy 9 The Afghan tribes maintained internal rule and local customs and provided a continuing buffer between the British Raj and the Russian Empire 8 Ironically many of these polices had been desired by Sher Ali Khan and war could have been prevented had they been implemented earlier 26 The war was expensive for Britain spending some 17 million pounds during the war which was three times the estimated cost The costs rose just before the British left in March 1881 estimating to be around 19 5 million pounds 28 Despite attempts from the British to dissuade Afghanistan from Russian influence Abdur Rahman Khan adopted an autocratic government similar to the Tsars of Russia inspired by Peter the Great from his time in exile in Turkestan Alongside this despite the British attempting to prop up Afghanistan as a key ally Abdur Rahman Khan often acted against the British with atrocities horrifying even Queen Victoria and he became known as the Iron Amir He also refused to give information regarding his troops with his own autobiography criticizing British policy while also violating the Lyall agreement by instead of allowing the British to oversee his diplomatic affairs held them himself with numerous countries including Iran the Ottoman Empire and the German Empire Abdur Rahman also wrote in pamphlets encouraging Jihad against the British and the Russians claiming both wished to end Afghanistan as a state Senior British officials found it extremely difficult to further cooperate with Abdur Rahman Khan and Afghanistan due to the Turkestan atrocities as well as his actions against the Hazaras The British believed they had no other alternative but to support Abdur Rahman Khan scoring a diplomatic victory for him 29 Despite this no further trouble resulted between Afghanistan and British India during Rahman s period of rule The Russians kept well out of Afghan internal affairs with the exception of the Panjdeh incident three years later resolved by arbitration and negotiation after an initial British ultimatum 30 In 1893 Mortimer Durand was dispatched to Kabul by British India to sign an agreement with Rahman for fixing the limits of their respective spheres of influence as well as improving diplomatic relations and trade On November 12 1893 the Durand Line Agreement was reached This led to the creation of a new North West Frontier Province Timeline of battlesThis section needs additional citations for verification Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources in this section Unsourced material may be challenged and removed March 2024 Learn how and when to remove this message There were several decisive actions in the Second Anglo Afghan War from 1878 to 1880 Here are the battles and actions in chronological order An asterisk indicates a clasp was awarded for that particular battle with the Afghanistan Medal nbsp British team at the site of the Battle of Ali Masjid nbsp British Royal Horse Artillery withdrawing at the Battle of Maiwand nbsp Afghan victors of the Battle of Maiwand 1878 Battle of Ali Masjid British victory Battle of Peiwar Kotal British victory 1879 Action at Takht i Pul British victory Action at Matun British victory Battle of Khushk i Nakud British victory Battle of Fatehabad Afghan victory Siege of the British Residency in Kabul Afghan victory Battle of Kam Dakka British victory Battle of Charasiab British victory 31 Battle of Shajui Battle of Karez Mir Battle of Takht i Shah Battle of Asmai Heights Afghan victory Siege of Sherpur Kabul British victory 1880 Battle of Ahmed Khel British victory Battle of Arzu Second Battle of Charasiab British victory Battle of Maiwand Afghan victory Battle of Deh Koja Afghan Victory Battle of Kandahar British victory 1881 Evacuation of Kandahar and Afghanistan by British led forcesOrder of battle nbsp Durban Maidan of Sherpur Cantonment in 1879 nbsp Bengal Sapper and Miners Bastion in Sherpur cantonment nbsp Highlanders of Amir Yaqub at Gandamak nbsp Drummer James Roddick of the Gordon Highlanders defends a wounded officer during British attack at Gundi Mulla Sahibdad during the Battle of Kandahar nbsp 45th Rattray s Sikhs guard Afghan prisoners during an advance through the Khyber Pass In November 1878 at the start of the war the British established three Field Forces designated Peshawar Valley Kurram Valley and Kandahar respectively each of which invaded Afghanistan by a different route 32 Peshawar Valley Field Force 33 Lieutenant General Sir Samuel Browne Cavalry Brigade Brigadier General C J S Gough 10th Hussars 2 squadrons 11th Probyn s Lancers Guides Cavalry Royal Artillery First Infantry Brigade Brigadier General H T Macpherson 4th Battalion Rifle Brigade 20th Brownlow s Punjabis 4th Gurkha Rifles Second Infantry Brigade Brigadier General J A Tytler 1st Battalion 17th Leicestershire Regiment Queen s Own Corps of Guides infantry component 51st Sikhs Third Infantry Brigade Brigadier General F Appleyard 81st North Lancashire Regiment 14th Sikhs 27th Punjabis Fourth Infantry Brigade Brigadier General W Browne 51st King s Own Yorkshire Light Infantry 6th Jat Light Infantry 45th Sikhs Kurram Valley Field Force 34 Major General Roberts Cavalry Brigade Brigadier General Hugh Gough 10th Hussars 1 squadron 12th Cavalry 25th Cavalry Royal Artillery Colonel A H Lindsay First Infantry Brigade Brigadier General A H Cobbe 2nd Battalion 8th Foot 23rd Pioneers 29th Punjabis 58th Vaughan s Rifles Second Infantry Brigade Brigadier General J B Thelwell 72nd Seaforth Highlanders 21st Punjabis 56th Rifles 5th Gurkha Rifles Kandahar Field Force 35 Lieutenant General Donald Stewart First Division Cavalry Brigade Brigadier General Walter Fane 15th Hussars 8th Bengal Cavalry 19th Fane s Lancers Royal Artillery Brigadier General C G Arbuthnot First Infantry Brigade Brigadier General R Barter 2nd Battalion King s Royal Rifles 15th Sikhs 25th Punjabis Second Infantry Brigade Brigadier General W Hughes 59th East Lancashire Regiment 12th Kelat i Ghilzai Regiment 1st Gurkha Rifles 3rd Gurkha Rifles 2nd Division Major General M A Biddulph Cavalry Brigade Brigadier General C H Palliser 21st Daly s Horse 22nd Sam Browne s Horse 35th Scinde Horse Artillery Colonel Le Mesurier First Infantry Brigade Brigadier General R Lacy 70th East Surrey Regiment 19th Punjabis 127th Baluchis Second Infantry Brigade Brigadier General Nuttall 26th Punjabis 32nd Pioneers 55th Coke s Rifles 129th Baluchis At the end of the first phase of the war in May 1879 the Peshawar Force was withdrawn while the Kandahar Force was reduced in size In September 1879 at the beginning of the second phase additional British and Indian Army units were despatched to Afghanistan while the Kurram Valley Force was reinforced and redesignated the Kabul Field Force 36 See also nbsp Wikisource has original text related to this article Treaty of Gandamak First Anglo Afghan War Third Anglo Afghan War European influence in Afghanistan Military history of Afghanistan Sherpur CantonmentReferences Schmidt Karl J 1995 An Atlas and Survey of South Asian History M E Sharpe p 74 ISBN 978 1563243332 British forces were victorious and Sher Ali was deposed Lee Jonathan 2019 Afghanistan A History from 1260 to the Present Reaktion Books p 383 ISBN 9781789140101 Lee 2019 p 378 Blood 1996 pp 20 21 a b Robson Brian 2007 The Road to Kabul The Second Afghan War 1878 1881 Stroud Spellmount p 299 ISBN 978 1 86227 416 7 Robson 2007 p 297 Chisholm Hugh ed 1911 Yakub Khan Encyclopaedia Britannica Vol 28 11th ed Cambridge University Press p 898 a b Barfield 2010 p 145 a b Barthorp 2002 pp 85 90 Barthorp 2002 pp 66 67 Afghanistan 1878 1880 The Build Up to Conflict at britishempire co uk Sinhai Damodar Prasad India and Afghanistan 1876 p 183 Hanna 1904 pp 150 155 a b Lee 2019 p 359 360 Lee 2019 p 364 Lee 2019 p 360 364 Lee 2019 p 365 366 Barthorp 2002 p 71 Wilkinson Latham 1977 p 15 Barthorp 2002 pp 77 79 a b c Wilkinson Latham 1977 pp 16 17 a b Barthorp 2002 pp 81 85 Lee 2019 p 376 Lee 2019 p 377 a b Lee 2019 p 378 379 a b Lee 2019 p 381 383 Prasad Bisheshwar 1979 Foundations of India s Foreign Policy Imperial Era 1882 1914 Nayad Prokash p 25 Robson 2007 p 277 Lee 2019 p 384 397 Conflict in Afghanistan A Historical Encyclopedia By Clements F ABC Clio Santa Barbara California 2003 p 198 Alikuzai Hamid Wahed 2013 A Concise History of Afghanistan in 25 Volumes Volume 14 Trafford Publishing p 594 ISBN 978 1490714417 Farwell 1973 p 203 Joslin Litherland Simpkin 1988 British Battles and Medals London Spink amp Son p 155 ISBN 0 907605 25 7 Roberts 1897 p 553 Appendix III Luscombe Stephen Second Afghan War www britishempire co uk Retrieved 2022 11 07 Farwell 1973 p 207 Bibliography nbsp This article incorporates text from a publication now in the public domain Chisholm Hugh ed 1911 Abdur Rahman Khan Encyclopaedia Britannica Vol 1 11th ed Cambridge University Press pp 37 38 Barthorp Michael 2002 Afghan Wars and the North West Frontier 1839 1947 London Cassell ISBN 0 304 36294 8 Barfield Thomas 2010 Afghanistan A Cultural and Political History Princeton University Press ISBN 978 0 691 14568 6 Blood Peter R ed 1996 Pakistan A Country Study Diane Publishing ISBN 9780788136313 Gathorne Gathorne Hardy 1st Earl of Cranbrook December 1878 The Afghan War a speech delivered in the House of Lords by the Right Hon Viscount Cranbrook Secretary State of India on Monday December 9th 1878 1st ed Westminster National Union of Conservative and Constitutional Associations Wikidata Q19077572 a href Template Citation html title Template Citation citation a CS1 maint numeric names authors list link Farwell Byron 1973 Queen Victoria s Little Wars London Allen Lane ISBN 0713904577 Hanna Henry Bathurst 1904 The Second Afghan War 1878 79 80 Its Causes Its Conduct and Its Consequences Vol 2 Archibald Constable amp Co Johnson Robert 2011 The Afghan Way of War How and Why They Fight Oxford University Press ISBN 9780199912568 Roberts Sir Frederick 1897 Forty one Years in India London Macmillan amp Co Walker Phillip Francis Afghanistan A Short Account of Afghanistan Its History and Our Dealings with It London Griffith and Farran 1881 Wilkinson Latham Robert 1977 North West Frontier 1837 1947 London Osprey Publishing ISBN 0 85045 275 9 External links nbsp Wikimedia Commons has media related to Second Anglo Afghan War Second Anglo Afghan War 1878 1880 Second Anglo Afghan War Chronology British Battles Online Afghan Calendar with Historical dates Frederick Roberts and the long road to Kandahar Anne S K Brown Military Collection Brown University Library William Simpson s diary and album of sketches and watercolours covering the early part of the campaign and done for the Illustrated London News Afghanistan amp the British Raj The Second Afghan War amp its Aftermath From the Royal Geographical Society of South Australia blog entries for Afghanistan amp the British Raj that cover the subject chronologically with images through reference works in our collection Retrieved from https en wikipedia org w index php title Second Anglo Afghan War amp oldid 1221254526, wikipedia, wiki, book, books, library,


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