

In mathematics, the polylogarithm (also known as Jonquière's function, for Alfred Jonquière) is a special function Lis(z) of order s and argument z. Only for special values of s does the polylogarithm reduce to an elementary function such as the natural logarithm or a rational function. In quantum statistics, the polylogarithm function appears as the closed form of integrals of the Fermi–Dirac distribution and the Bose–Einstein distribution, and is also known as the Fermi–Dirac integral or the Bose–Einstein integral. In quantum electrodynamics, polylogarithms of positive integer order arise in the calculation of processes represented by higher-order Feynman diagrams.

The polylogarithm function is equivalent to the Hurwitz zeta function — either function can be expressed in terms of the other — and both functions are special cases of the Lerch transcendent. Polylogarithms should not be confused with polylogarithmic functions, nor with the offset logarithmic integral Li(z), which has the same notation without the subscript.

The polylogarithm function is defined by a power series in z, which is also a Dirichlet series in s:

This definition is valid for arbitrary complex order s and for all complex arguments z with |z| < 1; it can be extended to |z| ≥ 1 by the process of analytic continuation. (Here the denominator ks is understood as exp(s ln k)). The special case s = 1 involves the ordinary natural logarithm, Li1(z) = −ln(1−z), while the special cases s = 2 and s = 3 are called the dilogarithm (also referred to as Spence's function) and trilogarithm respectively. The name of the function comes from the fact that it may also be defined as the repeated integral of itself:

thus the dilogarithm is an integral of a function involving the logarithm, and so on. For nonpositive integer orders s, the polylogarithm is a rational function.


In the case where the order   is an integer, it will be represented by   (or   when negative). It is often convenient to define   where   is the principal branch of the complex logarithm   so that   Also, all exponentiation will be assumed to be single-valued:  

Depending on the order  , the polylogarithm may be multi-valued. The principal branch of   is taken to be given for   by the above series definition and taken to be continuous except on the positive real axis, where a cut is made from   to   such that the axis is placed on the lower half plane of  . In terms of  , this amounts to  . The discontinuity of the polylogarithm in dependence on   can sometimes be confusing.

For real argument  , the polylogarithm of real order   is real if  , and its imaginary part for   is (Wood 1992, § 3):


Going across the cut, if ε is an infinitesimally small positive real number, then:


Both can be concluded from the series expansion (see below) of Lis(eµ) about µ = 0.

The derivatives of the polylogarithm follow from the defining power series:


The square relationship is seen from the series definition, and is related to the duplication formula (see also Clunie (1954), Schrödinger (1952)):


Kummer's function obeys a very similar duplication formula. This is a special case of the multiplication formula, for any positive integer p:


which can be proved using the series definition of the polylogarithm and the orthogonality of the exponential terms (see e.g. discrete Fourier transform).

Another important property, the inversion formula, involves the Hurwitz zeta function or the Bernoulli polynomials and is found under relationship to other functions below.

Particular values


For particular cases, the polylogarithm may be expressed in terms of other functions (see below). Particular values for the polylogarithm may thus also be found as particular values of these other functions.

  1. For integer values of the polylogarithm order, the following explicit expressions are obtained by repeated application of z·∂/∂z to Li1(z):
    Accordingly the polylogarithm reduces to a ratio of polynomials in z, and is therefore a rational function of z, for all nonpositive integer orders. The general case may be expressed as a finite sum:
    where S(n,k) are the Stirling numbers of the second kind. Equivalent formulae applicable to negative integer orders are (Wood 1992, § 6):
    where   are the Eulerian numbers. All roots of Lin(z) are distinct and real; they include z = 0, while the remainder is negative and centered about z = −1 on a logarithmic scale. As n becomes large, the numerical evaluation of these rational expressions increasingly suffers from cancellation (Wood 1992, § 6); full accuracy can be obtained, however, by computing Lin(z) via the general relation with the Hurwitz zeta function (see below).
  2. Some particular expressions for half-integer values of the argument z are:
    where ζ is the Riemann zeta function. No formulae of this type are known for higher integer orders (Lewin 1991, p. 2), but one has for instance (Borwein, Borwein & Girgensohn 1995):
    which involves the alternating double sum
    In general one has for integer orders n ≥ 2 (Broadhurst 1996, p. 9):
    where ζ(s1, …, sk) is the multiple zeta function; for example:
  3. As a straightforward consequence of the series definition, values of the polylogarithm at the pth complex roots of unity are given by the Fourier sum:
    where ζ is the Hurwitz zeta function. For Re(s) > 1, where Lis(1) is finite, the relation also holds with m = 0 or m = p. While this formula is not as simple as that implied by the more general relation with the Hurwitz zeta function listed under relationship to other functions below, it has the advantage of applying to non-negative integer values of s as well. As usual, the relation may be inverted to express ζ(s, mp) for any m = 1, …, p as a Fourier sum of Lis(exp(2πi kp)) over k = 1, …, p.

Relationship to other functions

  • For z = 1, the polylogarithm reduces to the Riemann zeta function
  • The polylogarithm is related to Dirichlet eta function and the Dirichlet beta function:
    where η(s) is the Dirichlet eta function. For pure imaginary arguments, we have:
    where β(s) is the Dirichlet beta function.
  • The polylogarithm is related to the complete Fermi–Dirac integral as:
  • The polylogarithm is a special case of the incomplete polylogarithm function
  • The polylogarithm is a special case of the Lerch transcendent (Erdélyi et al. 1981, § 1.11-14)
  • The polylogarithm is related to the Hurwitz zeta function by:

which relation, however, is invalidated at positive integer s by poles of the gamma function Γ(1 − s), and at s = 0 by a pole of both zeta functions; a derivation of this formula is given under series representations below. With a little help from a functional equation for the Hurwitz zeta function, the polylogarithm is consequently also related to that function via (Jonquière 1889):


which relation holds for 0 ≤ Re(x) < 1 if Im(x) ≥ 0, and for 0 < Re(x) ≤ 1 if Im(x) < 0. Equivalently, for all complex s and for complex z ∉ ]0;1], the inversion formula reads


and for all complex s and for complex z ∉ ]1;∞[


For z ∉ ]0;∞[, one has ln(−z) = −ln(−1z), and both expressions agree. These relations furnish the analytic continuation of the polylogarithm beyond the circle of convergence |z| = 1 of the defining power series. (The corresponding equation of Jonquière (1889, eq. 5) and Erdélyi et al. (1981, § 1.11-16) is not correct if one assumes that the principal branches of the polylogarithm and the logarithm are used simultaneously.) See the next item for a simplified formula when s is an integer.

  • For positive integer polylogarithm orders s, the Hurwitz zeta function ζ(1−s, x) reduces to Bernoulli polynomials, ζ(1−n, x) = −Bn(x) / n, and Jonquière's inversion formula for n = 1, 2, 3, … becomes:

where again 0 ≤ Re(x) < 1 if Im(x) ≥ 0, and 0 < Re(x) ≤ 1 if Im(x) < 0. Upon restriction of the polylogarithm argument to the unit circle, Im(x) = 0, the left hand side of this formula simplifies to 2 Re(Lin(e2πix)) if n is even, and to 2i Im(Lin(e2πix)) if n is odd. For negative integer orders, on the other hand, the divergence of Γ(s) implies for all z that (Erdélyi et al. 1981, § 1.11-17):


More generally, one has for n = 0, ±1, ±2, ±3, …:


where both expressions agree for z ∉ ]0;∞[. (The corresponding equation of Jonquière (1889, eq. 1) and Erdélyi et al. (1981, § 1.11-18) is again not correct.)


The relation in particular implies:


which explains the function name.


the polylogarithm Lin(z) for positive integer n may be expressed as the finite sum (Wood 1992, § 16):


A remarkably similar expression relates the "Debye functions" Zn(z) to the polylogarithm:


Integral representations

Any of the following integral representations furnishes the analytic continuation of the polylogarithm beyond the circle of convergence |z| = 1 of the defining power series.

  1. The polylogarithm can be expressed in terms of the integral of the Bose–Einstein distribution:
    This converges for Re(s) > 0 and all z except for z real and ≥ 1. The polylogarithm in this context is sometimes referred to as a Bose integral but more commonly as a Bose–Einstein integral.[1][2] Similarly, the polylogarithm can be expressed in terms of the integral of the Fermi–Dirac distribution:
    This converges for Re(s) > 0 and all z except for z real and ≤ −1. The polylogarithm in this context is sometimes referred to as a Fermi integral or a Fermi–Dirac integral[3] (GSL 2010). These representations are readily verified by Taylor expansion of the integrand with respect to z and termwise integration. The papers of Dingle contain detailed investigations of both types of integrals. The polylogarithm is also related to the integral of the Maxwell–Boltzmann distribution:
    This also gives the asymptotic behavior of polylogarithm at the vicinity of origin.
  2. A complementary integral representation applies to Re(s) < 0 and to all z except to z real and ≥ 0:
    This integral follows from the general relation of the polylogarithm with the Hurwitz zeta function (see above) and a familiar integral representation of the latter.
  3. The polylogarithm may be quite generally represented by a Hankel contour integral (Whittaker & Watson 1927, § 12.22, § 13.13), which extends the Bose–Einstein representation to negative orders s. As long as the t = μ pole of the integrand does not lie on the non-negative real axis, and s ≠ 1, 2, 3, …, we have:
    where H represents the Hankel contour. The integrand has a cut along the real axis from zero to infinity, with the axis belonging to the lower half plane of t. The integration starts at +∞ on the upper half plane (Im(t) > 0), circles the origin without enclosing any of the poles t = µ + 2kπi, and terminates at +∞ on the lower half plane (Im(t) < 0). For the case where µ is real and non-negative, we can simply subtract the contribution of the enclosed t = µ pole:
    where R is the residue of the pole:
  4. When the Abel–Plana formula is applied to the defining series of the polylogarithm, a Hermite-type integral representation results that is valid for all complex z and for all complex s:
    where Γ is the upper incomplete gamma-function. All (but not part) of the ln(z) in this expression can be replaced by −ln(1z). A related representation which also holds for all complex s,
    avoids the use of the incomplete gamma function, but this integral fails for z on the positive real axis if Re(s) ≤ 0. This expression is found by writing 2s Lis(−z) / (−z) = Φ(z2, s, 12) − z Φ(z2, s, 1), where Φ is the Lerch transcendent, and applying the Abel–Plana formula to the first Φ series and a complementary formula that involves 1 / (e2πt + 1) in place of 1 / (e2πt − 1) to the second Φ series.
  5. As cited in,[4] we can express an integral for the polylogarithm by integrating the ordinary geometric series termwise for   as

Series representations

  1. As noted under integral representations above, the Bose–Einstein integral representation of the polylogarithm may be extended to negative orders s by means of Hankel contour integration:
    where H is the Hankel contour, s ≠ 1, 2, 3, …, and the t = μ pole of the integrand does not lie on the non-negative real axis. The contour can be modified so that it encloses the poles of the integrand at tµ = 2kπi, and the integral can be evaluated as the sum of the residues (Wood 1992, § 12, 13; Gradshteyn & Ryzhik 1980, § 9.553):
    This will hold for Re(s) < 0 and all μ except where eμ = 1. For 0 < Im(µ) ≤ 2π the sum can be split as:
    where the two series can now be identified with the Hurwitz zeta function:
    This relation, which has already been given under relationship to other functions above, holds for all complex s ≠ 0, 1, 2, 3, … and was first derived in (Jonquière 1889, eq. 6).
  2. In order to represent the polylogarithm as a power series about µ = 0, we write the series derived from the Hankel contour integral as:
    When the binomial powers in the sum are expanded about µ = 0 and the order of summation is reversed, the sum over h can be expressed in closed form:
    This result holds for |µ| < 2π and, thanks to the analytic continuation provided by the zeta functions, for all s ≠ 1, 2, 3, … . If the order is a positive integer, s = n, both the term with k = n − 1 and the gamma function become infinite, although their sum does not. One obtains (Wood 1992, § 9; Gradshteyn & Ryzhik 1980, § 9.554):
    where the sum over h vanishes if k = 0. So, for positive integer orders and for |μ| < 2π we have the series:
    where Hn denotes the nth harmonic number:
    The problem terms now contain −ln(−μ) which, when multiplied by μn−1, will tend to zero as μ → 0, except for n = 1. This reflects the fact that Lis(z) exhibits a true logarithmic singularity at s = 1 and z = 1 since:
    For s close, but not equal, to a positive integer, the divergent terms in the expansion about µ = 0 can be expected to cause computational difficulties (Wood 1992, § 9). Erdélyi's corresponding expansion (Erdélyi et al. 1981, § 1.11-15) in powers of ln(z) is not correct if one assumes that the principal branches of the polylogarithm and the logarithm are used simultaneously, since ln(1z) is not uniformly equal to −ln(z). For nonpositive integer values of s, the zeta function ζ(sk) in the expansion about µ = 0 reduces to Bernoulli numbers: ζ(−nk) = −B1+n+k / (1 + n + k). Numerical evaluation of Lin(z) by this series does not suffer from the cancellation effects that the finite rational expressions given under particular values above exhibit for large n.
  3. By use of the identity
    the Bose–Einstein integral representation of the polylogarithm (see above) may be cast in the form:
    Replacing the hyperbolic cotangent with a bilateral series,
    then reversing the order of integral and sum, and finally identifying the summands with an integral representation of the upper incomplete gamma function, one obtains:
    For both the bilateral series of this result and that for the hyperbolic cotangent, symmetric partial sums from −kmax to kmax converge unconditionally as kmax → ∞. Provided the summation is performed symmetrically, this series for Lis(z) thus holds for all complex s as well as all complex z.
  4. Introducing an explicit expression for the Stirling numbers of the second kind into the finite sum for the polylogarithm of nonpositive integer order (see above) one may write:
    The infinite series obtained by simply extending the outer summation to ∞ (Guillera & Sondow 2008, Theorem 2.1):
    turns out to converge to the polylogarithm for all complex s and for complex z with Re(z) < 12, as can be verified for |z(1−z)| < 12 by reversing the order of summation and using:
    The inner coefficients of these series can be expressed by Stirling-number-related formulas involving the generalized harmonic numbers. For example, see generating function transformations to find proofs (references to proofs) of the following identities:
    For the other arguments with Re(z) < 12 the result follows by analytic continuation. This procedure is equivalent to applying Euler's transformation to the series in z that defines the polylogarithm.

Asymptotic expansions

For |z| ≫ 1, the polylogarithm can be expanded into asymptotic series in terms of ln(−z):


where B2k are the Bernoulli numbers. Both versions hold for all s and for any arg(z). As usual, the summation should be terminated when the terms start growing in magnitude. For negative integer s, the expansions vanish entirely; for non-negative integer s, they break off after a finite number of terms. Wood (1992, § 11) describes a method for obtaining these series from the Bose–Einstein integral representation (his equation 11.2 for Lis(eµ) requires −2π < Im(µ) ≤ 0).

Limiting behavior

The following limits result from the various representations of the polylogarithm (Wood 1992, § 22):


Wood's first limit for Re(µ) → ∞ has been corrected in accordance with his equation 11.3. The limit for Re(s) → −∞ follows from the general relation of the polylogarithm with the Hurwitz zeta function (see above).


The dilogarithm is the polylogarithm of order s = 2. An alternate integral expression of the dilogarithm for arbitrary complex argument z is (Abramowitz & Stegun 1972, § 27.7):


A source of confusion is that some computer algebra systems define the dilogarithm as dilog(z) = Li2(1−z).

In the case of real z ≥ 1 the first integral expression for the dilogarithm can be written as


from which expanding ln(t−1) and integrating term by term we obtain


The Abel identity for the dilogarithm is given by (Abel 1881)


This is immediately seen to hold for either x = 0 or y = 0, and for general arguments is then easily verified by differentiation ∂/∂x ∂/∂y. For y = 1−x the identity reduces to Euler's reflection formula

where Li2(1) = ζ(2) = 16 π2 has been used and x may take any complex value.

In terms of the new variables u = x/(1−y), v = y/(1−x) the Abel identity reads

which corresponds to the pentagon identity given in (Rogers 1907).

From the Abel identity for x = y = 1−z and the square relationship we have Landen's identity

and applying the reflection formula to each dilogarithm we find the inversion formula

and for real z ≥ 1 also


Known closed-form evaluations of the dilogarithm at special arguments are collected in the table below. Arguments in the first column are related by reflection x ↔ 1−x or inversion x1x to either x = 0 or x = −1; arguments in the third column are all interrelated by these operations.

Maximon (2003) discusses the 17th to 19th century references. The reflection formula was already published by Landen in 1760, prior to its appearance in a 1768 book by Euler (Maximon 2003, § 10); an equivalent to Abel's identity was already published by Spence in 1809, before Abel wrote his manuscript in 1826 (Zagier 1989, § 2). The designation bilogarithmische Function was introduced by Carl Johan Danielsson Hill (professor in Lund, Sweden) in 1828 (Maximon 2003, § 10). Don Zagier (1989) has remarked that the dilogarithm is the only mathematical function possessing a sense of humor.

Special values of the dilogarithm
Here   denotes the golden ratio.

Polylogarithm ladders

Leonard Lewin discovered a remarkable and broad generalization of a number of classical relationships on the polylogarithm for special values. These are now called polylogarithm ladders. Define   as the reciprocal of the golden ratio. Then two simple examples of dilogarithm ladders are


given by Coxeter (1935) and


given by Landen. Polylogarithm ladders occur naturally and deeply in K-theory and algebraic geometry. Polylogarithm ladders provide the basis for the rapid computations of various mathematical constants by means of the BBP algorithm (Bailey, Borwein & Plouffe 1997).


The polylogarithm has two branch points; one at z = 1 and another at z = 0. The second branch point, at z = 0, is not visible on the main sheet of the polylogarithm; it becomes visible only when the function is analytically continued to its other sheets. The monodromy group for the polylogarithm consists of the homotopy classes of loops that wind around the two branch points. Denoting these two by m0 and m1, the monodromy group has the group presentation


For the special case of the dilogarithm, one also has that wm0 = m0w, and the monodromy group becomes the Heisenberg group (identifying m0, m1 and w with x, y, z) (Vepstas 2008).


  1. ^ R.B. Dingle, Appl.Sci. Res. B6 (1957) 240-244, B4 (1955) 401; R.B.Dingle, D. Arndt and S.K. Roy, Appl.Sci.Res. B6 (1957) 144.
  2. ^ Bose integral is result of multiplication between Gamma function and Zeta function. One can begin with equation for Bose integral, then use series equation.     Secondly, regroup expressions.        
  3. ^ R.B. Dingle, Appl.Sci.Res. B6 (1957) 225-239.
  4. ^ See equation (4) in section 2 of Borwein, Borwein and Girgensohn's article Explicit evaluation of Euler sums (1994).
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  • Vepstas, L. (2008). "An efficient algorithm for accelerating the convergence of oscillatory series, useful for computing the polylogarithm and Hurwitz zeta functions". Numerical Algorithms. 47 (3): 211–252. arXiv:math.CA/0702243. Bibcode:2008NuAlg..47..211V. doi:10.1007/s11075-007-9153-8. S2CID 15131811.
  • Whittaker, E.T.; Watson, G.N. (1927). A Course of Modern Analysis (4th ed.). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. (this edition has been reprinted many times, a 1996 paperback has ISBN 0-521-09189-6.)
  • Wirtinger, W. (1905). "Über eine besondere Dirichletsche Reihe". Journal für die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik (in German). 1905 (129): 214–219. doi:10.1515/crll.1905.129.214. JFM 37.0434.01. S2CID 199545536.
  • Wood, D.C. (June 1992). "The Computation of Polylogarithms. Technical Report 15-92*" (PS). Canterbury, UK: University of Kent Computing Laboratory. Retrieved 2005-11-01.
  • Zagier, D. (1989). "The dilogarithm function in geometry and number theory". Number Theory and Related Topics: papers presented at the Ramanujan Colloquium, Bombay, 1988. Studies in Mathematics. Vol. 12. Bombay: Tata Institute of Fundamental Research and Oxford University Press. pp. 231–249. ISBN 0-19-562367-3. (also appeared as "The remarkable dilogarithm" in Journal of Mathematical and Physical Sciences 22 (1988), pp. 131–145, and as Chapter I of (Zagier 2007).)
  • Zagier, D. (2007). "The Dilogarithm Function" (PDF). In Cartier, P.E.; et al. (eds.). Frontiers in Number Theory, Physics, and Geometry II – On Conformal Field Theories, Discrete Groups and Renormalization. Berlin: Springer-Verlag. pp. 3–65. ISBN 978-3-540-30307-7.

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polylogarithm, confused, with, polylogarithmic, function, logarithmic, integral, function, mathematics, polylogarithm, also, known, jonquière, function, alfred, jonquière, special, function, order, argument, only, special, values, does, polylogarithm, reduce, . Not to be confused with polylogarithmic function or logarithmic integral function In mathematics the polylogarithm also known as Jonquiere s function for Alfred Jonquiere is a special function Lis z of order s and argument z Only for special values of s does the polylogarithm reduce to an elementary function such as the natural logarithm or a rational function In quantum statistics the polylogarithm function appears as the closed form of integrals of the Fermi Dirac distribution and the Bose Einstein distribution and is also known as the Fermi Dirac integral or the Bose Einstein integral In quantum electrodynamics polylogarithms of positive integer order arise in the calculation of processes represented by higher order Feynman diagrams The polylogarithm function is equivalent to the Hurwitz zeta function either function can be expressed in terms of the other and both functions are special cases of the Lerch transcendent Polylogarithms should not be confused with polylogarithmic functions nor with the offset logarithmic integral Li z which has the same notation without the subscript Different polylogarithm functions in the complex plane Li 3 z Li 2 z Li 1 z Li0 z Li1 z Li2 z Li3 z The polylogarithm function is defined by a power series in z which is also a Dirichlet series in s Li s z k 1 z k k s z z 2 2 s z 3 3 s displaystyle operatorname Li s z sum k 1 infty z k over k s z z 2 over 2 s z 3 over 3 s cdots This definition is valid for arbitrary complex order s and for all complex arguments z with z lt 1 it can be extended to z 1 by the process of analytic continuation Here the denominator ks is understood as exp s ln k The special case s 1 involves the ordinary natural logarithm Li1 z ln 1 z while the special cases s 2 and s 3 are called the dilogarithm also referred to as Spence s function and trilogarithm respectively The name of the function comes from the fact that it may also be defined as the repeated integral of itself Li s 1 z 0 z Li s t t d t displaystyle operatorname Li s 1 z int 0 z frac operatorname Li s t t dt thus the dilogarithm is an integral of a function involving the logarithm and so on For nonpositive integer orders s the polylogarithm is a rational function Contents 1 Properties 2 Particular values 3 Relationship to other functions 4 Integral representations 5 Series representations 6 Asymptotic expansions 7 Limiting behavior 8 Dilogarithm 9 Polylogarithm ladders 10 Monodromy 11 References 12 External linksProperties EditIn the case where the order s displaystyle s is an integer it will be represented by s n displaystyle s n or s n displaystyle s n when negative It is often convenient to define m ln z displaystyle mu ln z where ln z displaystyle ln z is the principal branch of the complex logarithm Ln z displaystyle operatorname Ln z so that p lt Im m p displaystyle pi lt operatorname Im mu leq pi Also all exponentiation will be assumed to be single valued z s exp s ln z displaystyle z s exp s ln z Depending on the order s displaystyle s the polylogarithm may be multi valued The principal branch of Li s z displaystyle operatorname Li s z is taken to be given for z lt 1 displaystyle z lt 1 by the above series definition and taken to be continuous except on the positive real axis where a cut is made from z 1 displaystyle z 1 to displaystyle infty such that the axis is placed on the lower half plane of z displaystyle z In terms of m displaystyle mu this amounts to p lt arg m p displaystyle pi lt operatorname arg mu leq pi The discontinuity of the polylogarithm in dependence on m displaystyle mu can sometimes be confusing For real argument z displaystyle z the polylogarithm of real order s displaystyle s is real if z lt 1 displaystyle z lt 1 and its imaginary part for z 1 displaystyle z geq 1 is Wood 1992 3 Im Li s z p m s 1 G s displaystyle operatorname Im left operatorname Li s z right pi mu s 1 over Gamma s Going across the cut if e is an infinitesimally small positive real number then Im Li s z i ϵ p m s 1 G s displaystyle operatorname Im left operatorname Li s z i epsilon right pi mu s 1 over Gamma s Both can be concluded from the series expansion see below of Lis eµ about µ 0 The derivatives of the polylogarithm follow from the defining power series z Li s z z Li s 1 z displaystyle z frac partial operatorname Li s z partial z operatorname Li s 1 z Li s e m m Li s 1 e m displaystyle frac partial operatorname Li s e mu partial mu operatorname Li s 1 e mu The square relationship is seen from the series definition and is related to the duplication formula see also Clunie 1954 Schrodinger 1952 Li s z Li s z 2 1 s Li s z 2 displaystyle operatorname Li s z operatorname Li s z 2 1 s operatorname Li s z 2 Kummer s function obeys a very similar duplication formula This is a special case of the multiplication formula for any positive integer p m 0 p 1 Li s z e 2 p i m p p 1 s Li s z p displaystyle sum m 0 p 1 operatorname Li s ze 2 pi im p p 1 s operatorname Li s z p which can be proved using the series definition of the polylogarithm and the orthogonality of the exponential terms see e g discrete Fourier transform Another important property the inversion formula involves the Hurwitz zeta function or the Bernoulli polynomials and is found under relationship to other functions below Particular values Edit For particular cases the polylogarithm may be expressed in terms of other functions see below Particular values for the polylogarithm may thus also be found as particular values of these other functions For integer values of the polylogarithm order the following explicit expressions are obtained by repeated application of z z to Li1 z Li 1 z ln 1 z displaystyle operatorname Li 1 z ln 1 z Li 0 z z 1 z displaystyle operatorname Li 0 z z over 1 z Li 1 z z 1 z 2 displaystyle operatorname Li 1 z z over 1 z 2 Li 2 z z 1 z 1 z 3 displaystyle operatorname Li 2 z z 1 z over 1 z 3 Li 3 z z 1 4 z z 2 1 z 4 displaystyle operatorname Li 3 z z 1 4z z 2 over 1 z 4 Li 4 z z 1 z 1 10 z z 2 1 z 5 displaystyle operatorname Li 4 z z 1 z 1 10z z 2 over 1 z 5 Accordingly the polylogarithm reduces to a ratio of polynomials in z and is therefore a rational function of z for all nonpositive integer orders The general case may be expressed as a finite sum Li n z z z n z 1 z k 0 n k S n 1 k 1 z 1 z k 1 n 0 1 2 displaystyle operatorname Li n z left z partial over partial z right n z over 1 z sum k 0 n k S n 1 k 1 left z over 1 z right k 1 qquad n 0 1 2 ldots where S n k are the Stirling numbers of the second kind Equivalent formulae applicable to negative integer orders are Wood 1992 6 Li n z 1 n 1 k 0 n k S n 1 k 1 1 1 z k 1 n 1 2 3 displaystyle operatorname Li n z 1 n 1 sum k 0 n k S n 1 k 1 left 1 over 1 z right k 1 qquad n 1 2 3 ldots and Li n z 1 1 z n 1 k 0 n 1 n k z n k n 1 2 3 displaystyle operatorname Li n z 1 over 1 z n 1 sum k 0 n 1 left langle n atop k right rangle z n k qquad n 1 2 3 ldots where n k displaystyle scriptstyle left langle n atop k right rangle are the Eulerian numbers All roots of Li n z are distinct and real they include z 0 while the remainder is negative and centered about z 1 on a logarithmic scale As n becomes large the numerical evaluation of these rational expressions increasingly suffers from cancellation Wood 1992 6 full accuracy can be obtained however by computing Li n z via the general relation with the Hurwitz zeta function see below Some particular expressions for half integer values of the argument z are Li 1 1 2 ln 2 displaystyle operatorname Li 1 tfrac 1 2 ln 2 Li 2 1 2 1 12 p 2 1 2 ln 2 2 displaystyle operatorname Li 2 tfrac 1 2 tfrac 1 12 pi 2 tfrac 1 2 ln 2 2 Li 3 1 2 1 6 ln 2 3 1 12 p 2 ln 2 7 8 z 3 displaystyle operatorname Li 3 tfrac 1 2 tfrac 1 6 ln 2 3 tfrac 1 12 pi 2 ln 2 tfrac 7 8 zeta 3 where z is the Riemann zeta function No formulae of this type are known for higher integer orders Lewin 1991 p 2 but one has for instance Borwein Borwein amp Girgensohn 1995 Li 4 1 2 1 360 p 4 1 24 ln 2 4 1 24 p 2 ln 2 2 1 2 z 3 1 displaystyle operatorname Li 4 tfrac 1 2 tfrac 1 360 pi 4 tfrac 1 24 ln 2 4 tfrac 1 24 pi 2 ln 2 2 tfrac 1 2 zeta bar 3 bar 1 which involves the alternating double sum z 3 1 m gt n gt 0 1 m n m 3 n 1 displaystyle zeta bar 3 bar 1 sum m gt n gt 0 1 m n m 3 n 1 In general one has for integer orders n 2 Broadhurst 1996 p 9 Li n 1 2 z 1 1 1 n 2 displaystyle operatorname Li n tfrac 1 2 zeta bar 1 bar 1 left 1 right n 2 where z s1 sk is the multiple zeta function for example Li 5 1 2 z 1 1 1 1 1 displaystyle operatorname Li 5 tfrac 1 2 zeta bar 1 bar 1 1 1 1 As a straightforward consequence of the series definition values of the polylogarithm at the pth complex roots of unity are given by the Fourier sum Li s e 2 p i m p p s k 1 p e 2 p i m k p z s k p m 1 2 p 1 displaystyle operatorname Li s e 2 pi im p p s sum k 1 p e 2 pi imk p zeta s tfrac k p qquad m 1 2 dots p 1 where z is the Hurwitz zeta function For Re s gt 1 where Lis 1 is finite the relation also holds with m 0 or m p While this formula is not as simple as that implied by the more general relation with the Hurwitz zeta function listed under relationship to other functions below it has the advantage of applying to non negative integer values of s as well As usual the relation may be inverted to express z s m p for any m 1 p as a Fourier sum of Lis exp 2pi k p over k 1 p Relationship to other functions EditFor z 1 the polylogarithm reduces to the Riemann zeta function Li s 1 z s Re s gt 1 displaystyle operatorname Li s 1 zeta s qquad operatorname Re s gt 1 The polylogarithm is related to Dirichlet eta function and the Dirichlet beta function Li s 1 h s displaystyle operatorname Li s 1 eta s where h s is the Dirichlet eta function For pure imaginary arguments we have Li s i 2 s h s i b s displaystyle operatorname Li s pm i 2 s eta s pm i beta s where b s is the Dirichlet beta function The polylogarithm is related to the complete Fermi Dirac integral as F s m Li s 1 e m displaystyle F s mu operatorname Li s 1 e mu The polylogarithm is a special case of the incomplete polylogarithm function Li s z Li s 0 z displaystyle operatorname Li s z operatorname Li s 0 z The polylogarithm is a special case of the Lerch transcendent Erdelyi et al 1981 1 11 14 Li s z z F z s 1 displaystyle operatorname Li s z z Phi z s 1 The polylogarithm is related to the Hurwitz zeta function by Li s z G 1 s 2 p 1 s i 1 s z 1 s 1 2 ln z 2 p i i s 1 z 1 s 1 2 ln z 2 p i displaystyle operatorname Li s z Gamma 1 s over 2 pi 1 s left i 1 s zeta left 1 s frac 1 2 ln z over 2 pi i right i s 1 zeta left 1 s frac 1 2 ln z over 2 pi i right right which relation however is invalidated at positive integer s by poles of the gamma function G 1 s and at s 0 by a pole of both zeta functions a derivation of this formula is given under series representations below With a little help from a functional equation for the Hurwitz zeta function the polylogarithm is consequently also related to that function via Jonquiere 1889 i s Li s e 2 p i x i s Li s e 2 p i x 2 p s G s z 1 s x displaystyle i s operatorname Li s e 2 pi ix i s operatorname Li s e 2 pi ix 2 pi s over Gamma s zeta 1 s x which relation holds for 0 Re x lt 1 if Im x 0 and for 0 lt Re x 1 if Im x lt 0 Equivalently for all complex s and for complex z 0 1 the inversion formula readsLi s z 1 s Li s 1 z 2 p i s G s z 1 s 1 2 ln z 2 p i displaystyle operatorname Li s z 1 s operatorname Li s 1 z 2 pi i s over Gamma s zeta left 1 s frac 1 2 ln z over 2 pi i right and for all complex s and for complex z 1 Li s z 1 s Li s 1 z 2 p i s G s z 1 s 1 2 ln 1 z 2 p i displaystyle operatorname Li s z 1 s operatorname Li s 1 z 2 pi i s over Gamma s zeta left 1 s frac 1 2 ln 1 z over 2 pi i right For z 0 one has ln z ln 1 z and both expressions agree These relations furnish the analytic continuation of the polylogarithm beyond the circle of convergence z 1 of the defining power series The corresponding equation of Jonquiere 1889 eq 5 and Erdelyi et al 1981 1 11 16 is not correct if one assumes that the principal branches of the polylogarithm and the logarithm are used simultaneously See the next item for a simplified formula when s is an integer For positive integer polylogarithm orders s the Hurwitz zeta function z 1 s x reduces to Bernoulli polynomials z 1 n x Bn x n and Jonquiere s inversion formula for n 1 2 3 becomes Li n e 2 p i x 1 n Li n e 2 p i x 2 p i n n B n x displaystyle operatorname Li n e 2 pi ix 1 n operatorname Li n e 2 pi ix 2 pi i n over n B n x where again 0 Re x lt 1 if Im x 0 and 0 lt Re x 1 if Im x lt 0 Upon restriction of the polylogarithm argument to the unit circle Im x 0 the left hand side of this formula simplifies to 2 Re Lin e2pix if n is even and to 2i Im Lin e2pix if n is odd For negative integer orders on the other hand the divergence of G s implies for all z that Erdelyi et al 1981 1 11 17 Li n z 1 n Li n 1 z 0 n 1 2 3 displaystyle operatorname Li n z 1 n operatorname Li n 1 z 0 qquad n 1 2 3 ldots More generally one has for n 0 1 2 3 Li n z 1 n Li n 1 z 2 p i n n B n 1 2 ln z 2 p i z 0 1 displaystyle operatorname Li n z 1 n operatorname Li n 1 z frac 2 pi i n n B n left frac 1 2 ln z over 2 pi i right qquad z not in 0 1 Li n z 1 n Li n 1 z 2 p i n n B n 1 2 ln 1 z 2 p i z 1 displaystyle operatorname Li n z 1 n operatorname Li n 1 z frac 2 pi i n n B n left frac 1 2 ln 1 z over 2 pi i right qquad z not in 1 infty where both expressions agree for z 0 The corresponding equation of Jonquiere 1889 eq 1 and Erdelyi et al 1981 1 11 18 is again not correct The polylogarithm with pure imaginary m may be expressed in terms of the Clausen functions Cis 8 and Sis 8 and vice versa Lewin 1958 Ch VII 1 4 Abramowitz amp Stegun 1972 27 8 Li s e i 8 C i s 8 i S i s 8 displaystyle operatorname Li s e pm i theta Ci s theta pm iSi s theta The inverse tangent integral Tis z Lewin 1958 Ch VII 1 2 can be expressed in terms of polylogarithms Ti s z 1 2 i Li s i z Li s i z displaystyle operatorname Ti s z 1 over 2i left operatorname Li s iz operatorname Li s iz right The relation in particular implies Ti 0 z z 1 z 2 Ti 1 z arctan z Ti 2 z 0 z arctan t t d t Ti n 1 z 0 z Ti n t t d t displaystyle operatorname Ti 0 z z over 1 z 2 quad operatorname Ti 1 z arctan z quad operatorname Ti 2 z int 0 z arctan t over t dt quad ldots quad operatorname Ti n 1 z int 0 z frac operatorname Ti n t t dt which explains the function name The Legendre chi function xs z Lewin 1958 Ch VII 1 1 Boersma amp Dempsey 1992 can be expressed in terms of polylogarithms x s z 1 2 Li s z Li s z displaystyle chi s z tfrac 1 2 left operatorname Li s z operatorname Li s z right The polylogarithm of integer order can be expressed as a generalized hypergeometric function Li n z z n 1 F n 1 1 1 2 2 2 z n 0 1 2 displaystyle operatorname Li n z z n 1 F n 1 1 dots 1 2 2 dots 2 z qquad n 0 1 2 ldots Li n z z n F n 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 z n 1 2 3 displaystyle operatorname Li n z z n F n 1 2 2 dots 2 1 1 dots 1 z qquad n 1 2 3 ldots In terms of the incomplete zeta functions or Debye functions Abramowitz amp Stegun 1972 27 1 Z n z 1 n 1 z t n 1 e t 1 d t n 1 2 3 displaystyle Z n z 1 over n 1 int z infty t n 1 over e t 1 dt qquad n 1 2 3 ldots the polylogarithm Lin z for positive integer n may be expressed as the finite sum Wood 1992 16 Li n e m k 0 n 1 Z n k m m k k n 1 2 3 displaystyle operatorname Li n e mu sum k 0 n 1 Z n k mu mu k over k qquad n 1 2 3 ldots A remarkably similar expression relates the Debye functions Zn z to the polylogarithm Z n z k 0 n 1 Li n k e z z k k n 1 2 3 displaystyle Z n z sum k 0 n 1 operatorname Li n k e z z k over k qquad n 1 2 3 ldots Using Lambert series if J s n displaystyle J s n is Jordan s totient function then n 1 z n J s n 1 z n Li s z displaystyle sum n 1 infty frac z n J s n 1 z n operatorname Li s z Integral representations EditAny of the following integral representations furnishes the analytic continuation of the polylogarithm beyond the circle of convergence z 1 of the defining power series The polylogarithm can be expressed in terms of the integral of the Bose Einstein distribution Li s z 1 G s 0 t s 1 e t z 1 d t displaystyle operatorname Li s z 1 over Gamma s int 0 infty t s 1 over e t z 1 dt This converges for Re s gt 0 and all z except for z real and 1 The polylogarithm in this context is sometimes referred to as a Bose integral but more commonly as a Bose Einstein integral 1 2 Similarly the polylogarithm can be expressed in terms of the integral of the Fermi Dirac distribution Li s z 1 G s 0 t s 1 e t z 1 d t displaystyle operatorname Li s z frac 1 Gamma s int 0 infty t s 1 over e t z 1 dt This converges for Re s gt 0 and all z except for z real and 1 The polylogarithm in this context is sometimes referred to as a Fermi integral or a Fermi Dirac integral 3 GSL 2010 These representations are readily verified by Taylor expansion of the integrand with respect to z and termwise integration The papers of Dingle contain detailed investigations of both types of integrals The polylogarithm is also related to the integral of the Maxwell Boltzmann distribution lim z 0 Li s z z 1 G s 0 t s 1 e t d t 1 displaystyle lim z to 0 frac operatorname Li s z z 1 over Gamma s int 0 infty t s 1 e t dt 1 This also gives the asymptotic behavior of polylogarithm at the vicinity of origin A complementary integral representation applies to Re s lt 0 and to all z except to z real and 0 Li s z 0 t s sin s p 2 t ln z sinh p t d t displaystyle operatorname Li s z int 0 infty t s sin s pi 2 t ln z over sinh pi t dt This integral follows from the general relation of the polylogarithm with the Hurwitz zeta function see above and a familiar integral representation of the latter The polylogarithm may be quite generally represented by a Hankel contour integral Whittaker amp Watson 1927 12 22 13 13 which extends the Bose Einstein representation to negative orders s As long as the t m pole of the integrand does not lie on the non negative real axis and s 1 2 3 we have Li s e m G 1 s 2 p i H t s 1 e t m 1 d t displaystyle operatorname Li s e mu Gamma 1 s over 2 pi i oint H t s 1 over e t mu 1 dt where H represents the Hankel contour The integrand has a cut along the real axis from zero to infinity with the axis belonging to the lower half plane of t The integration starts at on the upper half plane Im t gt 0 circles the origin without enclosing any of the poles t µ 2kpi and terminates at on the lower half plane Im t lt 0 For the case where µ is real and non negative we can simply subtract the contribution of the enclosed t µ pole Li s e m G 1 s 2 p i H t s 1 e t m 1 d t 2 p i R displaystyle operatorname Li s e mu Gamma 1 s over 2 pi i oint H t s 1 over e t mu 1 dt 2 pi iR where R is the residue of the pole R i 2 p G 1 s m s 1 displaystyle R i over 2 pi Gamma 1 s mu s 1 When the Abel Plana formula is applied to the defining series of the polylogarithm a Hermite type integral representation results that is valid for all complex z and for all complex s Li s z 1 2 z G 1 s ln z ln z 1 s 2 z 0 sin s arctan t t ln z 1 t 2 s 2 e 2 p t 1 d t displaystyle operatorname Li s z tfrac 1 2 z Gamma 1 s ln z over ln z 1 s 2z int 0 infty frac sin s arctan t t ln z 1 t 2 s 2 e 2 pi t 1 dt where G is the upper incomplete gamma function All but not part of the ln z in this expression can be replaced by ln 1 z A related representation which also holds for all complex s Li s z 1 2 z z 0 sin s arctan t t ln z 1 t 2 s 2 sinh p t d t displaystyle operatorname Li s z tfrac 1 2 z z int 0 infty frac sin s arctan t t ln z 1 t 2 s 2 sinh pi t dt avoids the use of the incomplete gamma function but this integral fails for z on the positive real axis if Re s 0 This expression is found by writing 2s Lis z z F z2 s 1 2 z F z2 s 1 where F is the Lerch transcendent and applying the Abel Plana formula to the first F series and a complementary formula that involves 1 e2pt 1 in place of 1 e2pt 1 to the second F series As cited in 4 we can express an integral for the polylogarithm by integrating the ordinary geometric series termwise for s N displaystyle s in mathbb N as Li s 1 z z 1 s s 0 1 log s t 1 t z d t displaystyle operatorname Li s 1 z frac z cdot 1 s s int 0 1 frac log s t 1 tz dt Series representations EditAs noted under integral representations above the Bose Einstein integral representation of the polylogarithm may be extended to negative orders s by means of Hankel contour integration Li s e m G 1 s 2 p i H t s 1 e t m 1 d t displaystyle operatorname Li s e mu Gamma 1 s over 2 pi i oint H t s 1 over e t mu 1 dt where H is the Hankel contour s 1 2 3 and the t m pole of the integrand does not lie on the non negative real axis The contour can be modified so that it encloses the poles of the integrand at t µ 2kpi and the integral can be evaluated as the sum of the residues Wood 1992 12 13 Gradshteyn amp Ryzhik 1980 9 553harvnb error no target CITEREFGradshteynRyzhik1980 help Li s e m G 1 s k 2 k p i m s 1 displaystyle operatorname Li s e mu Gamma 1 s sum k infty infty 2k pi i mu s 1 This will hold for Re s lt 0 and all m except where em 1 For 0 lt Im µ 2p the sum can be split as Li s e m G 1 s 2 p i s 1 k 0 k m 2 p i s 1 2 p i s 1 k 0 k 1 m 2 p i s 1 displaystyle operatorname Li s e mu Gamma 1 s left 2 pi i s 1 sum k 0 infty left k mu over 2 pi i right s 1 2 pi i s 1 sum k 0 infty left k 1 mu over 2 pi i right s 1 right where the two series can now be identified with the Hurwitz zeta function Li s e m G 1 s 2 p 1 s i 1 s z 1 s m 2 p i i s 1 z 1 s 1 m 2 p i 0 lt Im m 2 p displaystyle operatorname Li s e mu Gamma 1 s over 2 pi 1 s left i 1 s zeta left 1 s mu over 2 pi i right i s 1 zeta left 1 s 1 mu over 2 pi i right right qquad 0 lt operatorname Im mu leq 2 pi This relation which has already been given under relationship to other functions above holds for all complex s 0 1 2 3 and was first derived in Jonquiere 1889 eq 6 In order to represent the polylogarithm as a power series about µ 0 we write the series derived from the Hankel contour integral as Li s e m G 1 s m s 1 G 1 s h 1 2 h p i m s 1 2 h p i m s 1 displaystyle operatorname Li s e mu Gamma 1 s mu s 1 Gamma 1 s sum h 1 infty left 2h pi i mu s 1 2h pi i mu s 1 right When the binomial powers in the sum are expanded about µ 0 and the order of summation is reversed the sum over h can be expressed in closed form Li s e m G 1 s m s 1 k 0 z s k k m k displaystyle operatorname Li s e mu Gamma 1 s mu s 1 sum k 0 infty zeta s k over k mu k This result holds for µ lt 2p and thanks to the analytic continuation provided by the zeta functions for all s 1 2 3 If the order is a positive integer s n both the term with k n 1 and the gamma function become infinite although their sum does not One obtains Wood 1992 9 Gradshteyn amp Ryzhik 1980 9 554harvnb error no target CITEREFGradshteynRyzhik1980 help lim s k 1 z s k k m k G 1 s m s 1 m k k h 1 k 1 h ln m displaystyle lim s to k 1 left zeta s k over k mu k Gamma 1 s mu s 1 right mu k over k left sum h 1 k 1 over h ln mu right where the sum over h vanishes if k 0 So for positive integer orders and for m lt 2p we have the series Li n e m m n 1 n 1 H n 1 ln m k 0 k n 1 z n k k m k displaystyle operatorname Li n e mu mu n 1 over n 1 left H n 1 ln mu right sum k 0 k neq n 1 infty zeta n k over k mu k where Hn denotes the nth harmonic number H n h 1 n 1 h H 0 0 displaystyle H n sum h 1 n 1 over h qquad H 0 0 The problem terms now contain ln m which when multiplied by mn 1 will tend to zero as m 0 except for n 1 This reflects the fact that Lis z exhibits a true logarithmic singularity at s 1 and z 1 since lim m 0 G 1 s m s 1 0 Re s gt 1 displaystyle lim mu to 0 Gamma 1 s mu s 1 0 qquad operatorname Re s gt 1 For s close but not equal to a positive integer the divergent terms in the expansion about µ 0 can be expected to cause computational difficulties Wood 1992 9 Erdelyi s corresponding expansion Erdelyi et al 1981 1 11 15 in powers of ln z is not correct if one assumes that the principal branches of the polylogarithm and the logarithm are used simultaneously since ln 1 z is not uniformly equal to ln z For nonpositive integer values of s the zeta function z s k in the expansion about µ 0 reduces to Bernoulli numbers z n k B1 n k 1 n k Numerical evaluation of Li n z by this series does not suffer from the cancellation effects that the finite rational expressions given under particular values above exhibit for large n By use of the identity 1 1 G s 0 e t t s 1 d t Re s gt 0 displaystyle 1 1 over Gamma s int 0 infty e t t s 1 dt qquad operatorname Re s gt 0 the Bose Einstein integral representation of the polylogarithm see above may be cast in the form Li s z 1 2 z z 2 G s 0 e t t s 1 coth t ln z 2 d t Re s gt 0 displaystyle operatorname Li s z tfrac 1 2 z z over 2 Gamma s int 0 infty e t t s 1 coth t ln z over 2 dt qquad operatorname Re s gt 0 Replacing the hyperbolic cotangent with a bilateral series coth t ln z 2 2 k 1 2 k p i t ln z displaystyle coth t ln z over 2 2 sum k infty infty 1 over 2k pi i t ln z then reversing the order of integral and sum and finally identifying the summands with an integral representation of the upper incomplete gamma function one obtains Li s z 1 2 z k G 1 s 2 k p i ln z 2 k p i ln z 1 s displaystyle operatorname Li s z tfrac 1 2 z sum k infty infty Gamma 1 s 2k pi i ln z over 2k pi i ln z 1 s For both the bilateral series of this result and that for the hyperbolic cotangent symmetric partial sums from kmax to kmax converge unconditionally as kmax Provided the summation is performed symmetrically this series for Lis z thus holds for all complex s as well as all complex z Introducing an explicit expression for the Stirling numbers of the second kind into the finite sum for the polylogarithm of nonpositive integer order see above one may write Li n z k 0 n z 1 z k 1 j 0 k 1 j 1 k j j 1 n n 0 1 2 displaystyle operatorname Li n z sum k 0 n left z over 1 z right k 1 sum j 0 k 1 j 1 k choose j j 1 n qquad n 0 1 2 ldots The infinite series obtained by simply extending the outer summation to Guillera amp Sondow 2008 Theorem 2 1 Li s z k 0 z 1 z k 1 j 0 k 1 j 1 k j j 1 s displaystyle operatorname Li s z sum k 0 infty left z over 1 z right k 1 sum j 0 k 1 j 1 k choose j j 1 s turns out to converge to the polylogarithm for all complex s and for complex z with Re z lt 1 2 as can be verified for z 1 z lt 1 2 by reversing the order of summation and using k j k j z 1 z k 1 z 1 z 1 1 j 1 z j 1 displaystyle sum k j infty k choose j left z over 1 z right k 1 left left z over 1 z right 1 1 right j 1 z j 1 The inner coefficients of these series can be expressed by Stirling number related formulas involving the generalized harmonic numbers For example see generating function transformations to find proofs references to proofs of the following identities Li 2 z j 1 1 j 1 2 H j 2 H j 2 z j 1 z j 1 Li 3 z j 1 1 j 1 6 H j 3 3 H j H j 2 2 H j 3 z j 1 z j 1 displaystyle begin aligned operatorname Li 2 z amp sum j geq 1 frac 1 j 1 2 left H j 2 H j 2 right frac z j 1 z j 1 operatorname Li 3 z amp sum j geq 1 frac 1 j 1 6 left H j 3 3H j H j 2 2H j 3 right frac z j 1 z j 1 end aligned For the other arguments with Re z lt 1 2 the result follows by analytic continuation This procedure is equivalent to applying Euler s transformation to the series in z that defines the polylogarithm Asymptotic expansions EditFor z 1 the polylogarithm can be expanded into asymptotic series in terms of ln z Li s z i p G s ln z i p s 1 k 0 1 k 2 p 2 k B 2 k 2 k ln z i p s 2 k G s 1 2 k displaystyle operatorname Li s z pm i pi over Gamma s ln z pm i pi s 1 sum k 0 infty 1 k 2 pi 2k B 2k over 2k ln z pm i pi s 2k over Gamma s 1 2k Li s z k 0 1 k 1 2 1 2 k 2 p 2 k B 2 k 2 k ln z s 2 k G s 1 2 k displaystyle operatorname Li s z sum k 0 infty 1 k 1 2 1 2k 2 pi 2k B 2k over 2k ln z s 2k over Gamma s 1 2k where B2k are the Bernoulli numbers Both versions hold for all s and for any arg z As usual the summation should be terminated when the terms start growing in magnitude For negative integer s the expansions vanish entirely for non negative integer s they break off after a finite number of terms Wood 1992 11 describes a method for obtaining these series from the Bose Einstein integral representation his equation 11 2 for Lis eµ requires 2p lt Im µ 0 Limiting behavior EditThis section s factual accuracy is disputed Relevant discussion may be found on Talk Polylogarithm Please help to ensure that disputed statements are reliably sourced January 2021 Learn how and when to remove this template message The following limits result from the various representations of the polylogarithm Wood 1992 22 lim z 0 Li s z z displaystyle lim z to 0 operatorname Li s z z lim m 0 Li s e m G 1 s m s 1 Re s lt 1 displaystyle lim mu to 0 operatorname Li s e mu Gamma 1 s mu s 1 qquad operatorname Re s lt 1 lim Re m Li s e m m s G s 1 s 1 2 3 displaystyle lim operatorname Re mu to infty operatorname Li s pm e mu mu s over Gamma s 1 qquad s neq 1 2 3 ldots lim Re m Li n e m 1 n e m n 1 2 3 displaystyle lim operatorname Re mu to infty operatorname Li n e mu 1 n e mu qquad n 1 2 3 ldots lim Re s Li s z z displaystyle lim operatorname Re s to infty operatorname Li s z z lim Re s Li s e m G 1 s m s 1 p lt Im m lt p displaystyle lim operatorname Re s to infty operatorname Li s e mu Gamma 1 s mu s 1 qquad pi lt operatorname Im mu lt pi lim Re s Li s e m G 1 s m i p s 1 m i p s 1 Im m 0 displaystyle lim operatorname Re s to infty operatorname Li s e mu Gamma 1 s left mu i pi s 1 mu i pi s 1 right qquad operatorname Im mu 0 Wood s first limit for Re µ has been corrected in accordance with his equation 11 3 The limit for Re s follows from the general relation of the polylogarithm with the Hurwitz zeta function see above Dilogarithm EditMain article Spence s function The dilogarithm is the polylogarithm of order s 2 An alternate integral expression of the dilogarithm for arbitrary complex argument z is Abramowitz amp Stegun 1972 27 7 Li 2 z 0 z ln 1 t t d t 0 1 ln 1 z t t d t displaystyle operatorname Li 2 z int 0 z ln 1 t over t dt int 0 1 ln 1 zt over t dt A source of confusion is that some computer algebra systems define the dilogarithm as dilog z Li2 1 z In the case of real z 1 the first integral expression for the dilogarithm can be written asLi 2 z p 2 6 1 z ln t 1 t d t i p ln z displaystyle operatorname Li 2 z frac pi 2 6 int 1 z ln t 1 over t dt i pi ln z from which expanding ln t 1 and integrating term by term we obtainLi 2 z p 2 3 1 2 ln z 2 k 1 1 k 2 z k i p ln z z 1 displaystyle operatorname Li 2 z frac pi 2 3 frac 1 2 ln z 2 sum k 1 infty 1 over k 2 z k i pi ln z qquad z geq 1 The Abel identity for the dilogarithm is given by Abel 1881 Li 2 x 1 y Li 2 y 1 x Li 2 x y 1 x 1 y Li 2 x Li 2 y ln 1 x ln 1 y displaystyle operatorname Li 2 left frac x 1 y right operatorname Li 2 left frac y 1 x right operatorname Li 2 left frac xy 1 x 1 y right operatorname Li 2 x operatorname Li 2 y ln 1 x ln 1 y Re x 1 2 Re y 1 2 Im x gt 0 Im y gt 0 Im x lt 0 Im y lt 0 displaystyle operatorname Re x leq tfrac 1 2 wedge operatorname Re y leq tfrac 1 2 vee operatorname Im x gt 0 wedge operatorname Im y gt 0 vee operatorname Im x lt 0 wedge operatorname Im y lt 0 vee ldots This is immediately seen to hold for either x 0 or y 0 and for general arguments is then easily verified by differentiation x y For y 1 x the identity reduces to Euler s reflection formulaLi 2 x Li 2 1 x 1 6 p 2 ln x ln 1 x displaystyle operatorname Li 2 left x right operatorname Li 2 left 1 x right frac 1 6 pi 2 ln x ln 1 x where Li2 1 z 2 1 6 p2 has been used and x may take any complex value In terms of the new variables u x 1 y v y 1 x the Abel identity readsLi 2 u Li 2 v Li 2 u v Li 2 u u v 1 u v Li 2 v u v 1 u v ln 1 u 1 u v ln 1 v 1 u v displaystyle operatorname Li 2 u operatorname Li 2 v operatorname Li 2 uv operatorname Li 2 left frac u uv 1 uv right operatorname Li 2 left frac v uv 1 uv right ln left frac 1 u 1 uv right ln left frac 1 v 1 uv right which corresponds to the pentagon identity given in Rogers 1907 From the Abel identity for x y 1 z and the square relationship we have Landen s identityLi 2 1 z Li 2 1 1 z 1 2 ln z 2 z 0 displaystyle operatorname Li 2 1 z operatorname Li 2 left 1 frac 1 z right frac 1 2 ln z 2 qquad z not in infty 0 and applying the reflection formula to each dilogarithm we find the inversion formula Li 2 z Li 2 1 z 1 6 p 2 1 2 ln z 2 z 0 1 displaystyle operatorname Li 2 z operatorname Li 2 1 z tfrac 1 6 pi 2 tfrac 1 2 ln z 2 qquad z not in 0 1 and for real z 1 alsoLi 2 z Li 2 1 z 1 3 p 2 1 2 ln z 2 i p ln z displaystyle operatorname Li 2 z operatorname Li 2 1 z tfrac 1 3 pi 2 tfrac 1 2 ln z 2 i pi ln z Known closed form evaluations of the dilogarithm at special arguments are collected in the table below Arguments in the first column are related by reflection x 1 x or inversion x 1 x to either x 0 or x 1 arguments in the third column are all interrelated by these operations Maximon 2003 discusses the 17th to 19th century references The reflection formula was already published by Landen in 1760 prior to its appearance in a 1768 book by Euler Maximon 2003 10 an equivalent to Abel s identity was already published by Spence in 1809 before Abel wrote his manuscript in 1826 Zagier 1989 2 The designation bilogarithmische Function was introduced by Carl Johan Danielsson Hill professor in Lund Sweden in 1828 Maximon 2003 10 Don Zagier 1989 has remarked that the dilogarithm is the only mathematical function possessing a sense of humor Special values of the dilogarithm x displaystyle x Li 2 x displaystyle operatorname Li 2 x x displaystyle x Li 2 x displaystyle operatorname Li 2 x 1 displaystyle 1 1 12 p 2 displaystyle tfrac 1 12 pi 2 ϕ displaystyle phi 1 10 p 2 ln 2 ϕ displaystyle tfrac 1 10 pi 2 ln 2 phi 0 displaystyle 0 0 displaystyle 0 1 ϕ displaystyle 1 phi 1 15 p 2 1 2 ln 2 ϕ displaystyle tfrac 1 15 pi 2 tfrac 1 2 ln 2 phi 1 2 displaystyle tfrac 1 2 1 12 p 2 1 2 ln 2 2 displaystyle tfrac 1 12 pi 2 tfrac 1 2 ln 2 2 1 ϕ 2 displaystyle 1 phi 2 1 15 p 2 ln 2 ϕ displaystyle tfrac 1 15 pi 2 ln 2 phi 1 displaystyle 1 1 6 p 2 displaystyle tfrac 1 6 pi 2 1 ϕ displaystyle 1 phi 1 10 p 2 ln 2 ϕ displaystyle tfrac 1 10 pi 2 ln 2 phi 2 displaystyle 2 1 4 p 2 p i ln 2 displaystyle tfrac 1 4 pi 2 pi i ln 2 ϕ displaystyle phi 11 15 p 2 1 2 ln 2 1 ϕ displaystyle tfrac 11 15 pi 2 tfrac 1 2 ln 2 1 phi ϕ 2 displaystyle phi 2 11 15 p 2 ln 2 ϕ displaystyle tfrac 11 15 pi 2 ln 2 phi Here ϕ 1 2 5 1 displaystyle phi tfrac 1 2 sqrt 5 1 denotes the golden ratio Polylogarithm ladders EditLeonard Lewin discovered a remarkable and broad generalization of a number of classical relationships on the polylogarithm for special values These are now called polylogarithm ladders Define r 1 2 5 1 displaystyle rho tfrac 1 2 sqrt 5 1 as the reciprocal of the golden ratio Then two simple examples of dilogarithm ladders areLi 2 r 6 4 Li 2 r 3 3 Li 2 r 2 6 Li 2 r 7 30 p 2 displaystyle operatorname Li 2 rho 6 4 operatorname Li 2 rho 3 3 operatorname Li 2 rho 2 6 operatorname Li 2 rho tfrac 7 30 pi 2 given by Coxeter 1935 andLi 2 r 1 10 p 2 ln 2 r displaystyle operatorname Li 2 rho tfrac 1 10 pi 2 ln 2 rho given by Landen Polylogarithm ladders occur naturally and deeply in K theory and algebraic geometry Polylogarithm ladders provide the basis for the rapid computations of various mathematical constants by means of the BBP algorithm Bailey Borwein amp Plouffe 1997 Monodromy EditThe polylogarithm has two branch points one at z 1 and another at z 0 The second branch point at z 0 is not visible on the main sheet of the polylogarithm it becomes visible only when the function is analytically continued to its other sheets The monodromy group for the polylogarithm consists of the homotopy classes of loops that wind around the two branch points Denoting these two by m0 and m1 the monodromy group has the group presentation m 0 m 1 w m 0 m 1 m 0 1 m 1 1 w m 1 m 1 w displaystyle langle m 0 m 1 vert w m 0 m 1 m 0 1 m 1 1 wm 1 m 1 w rangle For the special case of the dilogarithm one also has that wm0 m0w and the monodromy group becomes the Heisenberg group identifying m0 m1 and w with x y z Vepstas 2008 References Edit R B Dingle Appl Sci Res B6 1957 240 244 B4 1955 401 R B Dingle D Arndt and S K Roy Appl Sci Res B6 1957 144 Bose integral is result of multiplication between Gamma function and Zeta function One can begin with equation for Bose integral then use series equation 0 x s e x 1 d x 0 x s 1 e x 1 d x 0 x s e x 1 1 1 e x d x 1 1 r n 0 r n displaystyle int limits 0 infty frac x s e x 1 dx int limits 0 infty x s frac 1 e x 1 dx int limits 0 infty frac x s e x frac 1 1 frac 1 e x dx quad wedge quad frac 1 1 r sum n 0 infty r n 0 x s e x n 0 1 e x N d x 0 x s e x n 0 e n x d x n 0 0 x s e n x e x d x displaystyle int limits 0 infty frac x s e x sum n 0 infty frac 1 e x N dx int limits 0 infty frac x s e x sum n 0 infty e nx dx sum n 0 infty int limits 0 infty x s e nx e x dx Secondly regroup expressions n 0 0 x s e N 1 x d x u N 1 x d u N 1 d x d x d u N 1 displaystyle sum n 0 infty int limits 0 infty x s e N 1 x dx quad wedge quad u N 1 x du N 1 dx Rightarrow dx frac du N 1 n 0 0 u N 1 s e u d u N 1 n 0 0 1 N 1 s 1 u s e u d u displaystyle sum n 0 infty int limits 0 infty frac u N 1 s e u frac du N 1 sum n 0 infty int limits 0 infty frac 1 N 1 s 1 u s e u du n 0 1 N 1 s 1 0 u s e u d u 0 u s e u d u n 0 1 N 1 s 1 displaystyle sum n 0 infty frac 1 N 1 s 1 int limits 0 infty u s e u du int limits 0 infty u s e u du sum n 0 infty frac 1 N 1 s 1 0 u s 1 1 e u d u k 1 1 k s 1 G s 1 z s 1 displaystyle int limits 0 infty u s 1 1 e u du sum k 1 infty frac 1 k s 1 Gamma s 1 zeta s 1 R B Dingle Appl Sci Res B6 1957 225 239 See equation 4 in section 2 of Borwein Borwein and Girgensohn s article Explicit evaluation of Euler sums 1994 Abel N H 1881 1826 Note sur la fonction ps x x x 2 2 2 x 3 3 2 x n n 2 displaystyle scriptstyle psi x x frac x 2 2 2 frac x 3 3 2 cdots frac x n n 2 cdots PDF In Sylow L Lie S eds Œuvres completes de Niels Henrik Abel Nouvelle edition Tome II in French Christiania Oslo Grondahl amp Son pp 189 193 this 1826 manuscript was only published posthumously Abramowitz M Stegun I A 1972 Handbook of Mathematical Functions with Formulas Graphs and Mathematical Tables New York Dover Publications ISBN 978 0 486 61272 0 Apostol T M 2010 Polylogarithm in Olver Frank W J Lozier Daniel M Boisvert Ronald F Clark Charles W eds NIST Handbook of Mathematical Functions Cambridge University Press ISBN 978 0 521 19225 5 MR 2723248 Bailey D H Borwein P B Plouffe S April 1997 On the Rapid Computation of Various Polylogarithmic Constants PDF Mathematics of Computation 66 218 903 913 Bibcode 1997MaCom 66 903B doi 10 1090 S0025 5718 97 00856 9 Bailey D H Broadhurst D J June 20 1999 A Seventeenth Order Polylogarithm Ladder arXiv math CA 9906134 Berndt B C 1994 Ramanujan s Notebooks Part IV New York Springer Verlag pp 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Canterbury UK University of Kent Computing Laboratory Retrieved 2005 11 01 Zagier D 1989 The dilogarithm function in geometry and number theory Number Theory and Related Topics papers presented at the Ramanujan Colloquium Bombay 1988 Studies in Mathematics Vol 12 Bombay Tata Institute of Fundamental Research and Oxford University Press pp 231 249 ISBN 0 19 562367 3 also appeared as The remarkable dilogarithm in Journal of Mathematical and Physical Sciences 22 1988 pp 131 145 and as Chapter I of Zagier 2007 Zagier D 2007 The Dilogarithm Function PDF In Cartier P E et al eds Frontiers in Number Theory Physics and Geometry II On Conformal Field Theories Discrete Groups and Renormalization Berlin Springer Verlag pp 3 65 ISBN 978 3 540 30307 7 External links EditWeisstein Eric W Polylogarithm MathWorld Weisstein Eric W Dilogarithm MathWorld Algorithms in Analytic Number Theory provides an arbitrary precision GMP based GPL licensed implementation Retrieved from https en wikipedia org w index 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