

A man is an adult male human.[1][2] Prior to adulthood, a male human is referred to as a boy (a male child or adolescent).

A man

Like most other male mammals, a man's genome usually inherits an X chromosome from the mother and a Y chromosome from the father. Sex differentiation of the male fetus is governed by the SRY gene on the Y chromosome. During puberty, hormones which stimulate androgen production result in the development of secondary sexual characteristics, thus exhibiting greater differences between the sexes. These include greater muscle mass, the growth of facial hair and a lower body fat composition. Male anatomy is distinguished from female anatomy by the male reproductive system, which includes the penis, testicles, sperm duct, prostate gland and the epididymis, and by secondary sex characteristics, including a narrower pelvis, narrower hips, and smaller breasts.

Throughout human history, traditional gender roles have often defined and limited men's activities and opportunities. Men often face conscription into military service or are directed into professions with high mortality rates. Many religious doctrines stipulate certain rules for men, such as religious circumcision. Men are over-represented as both perpetrators and victims of violence.

Trans men have a gender identity that does not align with their female sex assignment at birth, while intersex men may have sex characteristics that do not fit typical notions of male biology.


The English term "man" is derived from the Proto-Indo-European root *man- (see Sanskrit/Avestan manu-, Slavic mǫž "man, male").[3] More directly, the word derives from Old English mann. The Old English form primarily meant "person" or "human being" and referred to men, women, and children alike. The Old English word for "man" as distinct from "woman" or "child" was wer. Mann only came to mean "man" in Middle English, replacing wer, which survives today only in the compounds "werewolf" (from Old English werwulf, literally "man-wolf"), and "wergild", literally "man-payment".[4][5][6]


Karyogram of a human male using Giemsa staining. Human males typically possess an XY combination.

In humans, sperm cells carry either an X or a Y sex chromosome. If a sperm cell carrying a Y chromosome fertilizes the female ovum, the offspring will have a male karyotype (XY). The SRY gene is typically found on the Y chromosome and causes the development of the testes, which in turn govern other aspects of male sex differentiation. Sex differentiation in males proceeds in a testes-dependent way while female differentiation is not gonad dependent.[7]

Primary sex characteristics (or sex organs) are characteristics that are present at birth and are integral to the reproductive process. For men, primary sex characteristics include the penis and testicles.

Adult humans exhibit sexual dimorphism in many other characteristics, many of which have no direct link to reproductive ability. Humans are sexually dimorphic in body size, body structure, and body composition. Men tend to be taller and heavier than women, and adjusted for height, men tend to have greater lean and bone mass than women, and lower fat mass.[8]

Photograph of an adult male human (right), with an adult female for comparison. Note that the pubic hair of both models is removed.

Secondary sex characteristics are features that appear during puberty in humans.[9][10] Such features are especially evident in the sexually dimorphic phenotypic traits that distinguish between the sexes, but—unlike the primary sex characteristics—are not directly part of the reproductive system.[11][12][13] Secondary sexual characteristics that are specific to men include:

  • Broadened shoulders;[14]
  • Increased body hair;
  • An enlarged larynx (also known as an Adam's apple);[14] and
  • A voice that is significantly deeper than the voice of a child or a woman.[12]

Men weigh more than women.[15] On average, men are taller than women by about 10%.[15] On average, men have a larger waist in comparison to their hips (see waist–hip ratio) than women. In women, the index and ring fingers tend to be either more similar in size or their index finger is slightly longer than their ring finger, whereas men's ring finger tends to be longer.[16]

Reproductive system

A lateral cutaway of the human male lower abdomen, showing the human male reproductive system anatomy

The male reproductive system includes external and internal genitalia. The male external genitalia consist of the penis, the male urethra, and the scrotum, while the male internal genitalia consist of the testes, the prostate, the epididymis, the seminal vesicle, the vas deferens, the ejaculatory duct, and the bulbourethral gland.[17]

The male reproductive system's function is to produce semen, which carries sperm and thus genetic information that can unite with an egg within a woman. Since sperm that enters a woman's uterus and then fallopian tubes goes on to fertilize an egg which develops into a fetus or child, the male reproductive system plays no necessary role during the gestation. The study of male reproduction and associated organs is called andrology.[18]

Sex hormones

Testosterone stimulates the development of the Wolffian ducts, the penis, and closure of the labioscrotal folds into the scrotum. Another significant hormone in sexual differentiation is the anti-Müllerian hormone, which inhibits the development of the Müllerian ducts. For males during puberty, testosterone, along with gonadotropins released by the pituitary gland, stimulates spermatogenesis.[19]


While a majority of the global health gender disparities is weighted against women, there are situations in which men tend to fare poorer. One such instance is armed conflicts, where men are often the immediate victims. A study of conflicts in 13 countries from 1955 to 2002 found that 81% of all violent war deaths were male.[20] Apart from armed conflicts, areas with high incidence of violence, such as regions controlled by drug cartels, also see men experiencing higher mortality rates.[21] This stems from social beliefs that associate ideals of masculinity with aggressive, confrontational behavior.[22] Lastly, sudden and drastic changes in economic environments and the loss of social safety nets, in particular social subsidies and food stamps, have also been linked to higher levels of alcohol consumption and psychological stress among men, leading to a spike in male mortality rates. This is because such situations often makes it harder for men to provide for their family, a task that has been long regarded as the "essence of masculinity."[23] A retrospective analyses of people infected with the common cold found that doctors underrate the symptoms of men, and are more willing to attribute symptoms and illness to women than men.[24] Women live longer than men in all countries, and across all age groups, for which reliable records exist.[25] In the United States, men are less healthy than women across all social classes. Non-white men are especially unhealthy. Men are over-represented in dangerous occupations and represent a majority of on the job deaths. Further, medical doctors provide men with less service, less advice, and spend less time with men than they do with women per medical encounter.[26]

Sexuality and gender

Male sexuality and attraction are variable, and a man's sexual behavior can be affected by many factors, including evolved predispositions, personality, upbringing, and culture. While the majority of men are heterosexual, significant minorities are homosexual or bisexual.[27]

Most cultures use a gender binary in which man is one of the two genders, the other being woman.[28][29][30]

Trans men have a male gender identity that does not align with their female sex assignment at birth and may undergo masculinizing hormone replacement therapy and/or sex reassignment surgery,[31] while intersex men may have sex characteristics that do not fit typical notions of male biology.[32] A 2016 systemic review estimated that 0.256% of people self-identify as female-to-male transgender.[33] A 2017 survey of 80,929 Minnesota students found that roughly twice as many female-assigned adolescents self-identified as transgender, compared to adolescents with a male sex assignment.[34]

Social role


Michelangelo's David is the classical image of youthful male beauty in Western art.

Masculinity (also sometimes called manhood or manliness) is the set of personality traits and attributes associated with boys and men. Although masculinity is socially constructed,[35] some research indicates that some behaviors considered masculine are biologically influenced.[36] To what extent masculinity is biologically or socially influenced is subject to debate.[36] It is distinct from the definition of the biological male sex, as both males and females can exhibit masculine traits.[37] Men generally face social stigma for embodying feminine traits, more so than women do for embodying masculine traits.[38] This can also manifest as homophobia.[39]

Standards of manliness or masculinity vary across different cultures and historical periods.[40] While the outward signs of masculinity look different in different cultures, there are some common aspects to its definition across cultures. In all cultures in the past, and still among traditional and non-Western cultures, getting married is the most common and definitive distinction between boyhood and manhood.[41] In the late 20th century, some qualities traditionally associated with marriage (such as the "triple Ps" of protecting, providing, and procreating) were still considered signs of having achieved manhood.[41][42]


Two men playing a board game

Platonic relationships are not significantly different between men and women, though some differences do exist. Friendships involving men tend to be based more on shared activities than self-disclosure and personal connection. Perceptions of friendship involving men varies among cultures and time periods.[43] In heterosexual romantic relationships, men are typically expected to take a proactive role, initiate the relationship, plan dates, and propose marriage.[44]


Anthropology has shown that masculinity itself has social status, just like wealth, race and social class. In Western culture, for example, greater masculinity usually brings greater social status.[citation needed] Many English words such as virtue and virile (from the Indo-European root vir meaning man) reflect this.[45][46] In most cultures, male privilege allows men more rights and privileges than women. In societies where men are not given special legal privileges, they typically hold more positions of power, and men are seen as being taken more seriously in society.[47] This is associated with a "gender-role strain" in which men face increased societal pressure to conform to gender roles.[48]


The earliest known recorded name of a man in writing is potentially Kushim, who would have lived sometime between 3400 and 3000 BC in the Sumerian city of Uruk; though his name may have been a title rather than his actual name.[49] The earliest confirmed names are that of Gal-Sal and his two slaves named En-pap X and Sukkalgir, from c. 3100 BC.[50]


Father and son

Men may have children, whether biological or adopted; such men are called fathers. The role of men in the family has shifted considerably in the 20th and 21st centuries, taking on a more active role in raising children in most societies.[51][52][53][54] Men would traditionally marry a woman when raising children, but in modern times many countries now allow for same-sex marriage, and for those couples to raise children either via adoption or surrogacy. Men may be single parents, and are increasingly so in modern times, though women are three times more likely to be single parents than men.[55] In paternal societies, men have typically have been regarded as the "head of household" and held additional social privileges.[56]

The men's rights movement claims men face disadvantages when claiming child custody, however, empirical research does not support the notion of a judicial bias against men.[57] Mothers do have custody the majority of the time, but fathers do not seek custody the majority of the time, and custody is settled out of court.[58][59]


Men have traditionally held jobs that were not available to women. Such jobs tended to be either more strenuous, more prestigious, or more dangerous. Modern men increasingly take untraditional career paths, such as staying home and raising children while their partner works.[60] Modern men tend to work longer than women, which impacts their ability to spend time with their families.[61] Even in modern times, some jobs remain available only to men, such as military service.[62] Conscription is overwhelmingly sexist, currently only ten countries include women in their conscription programs.[63][64] Men continue to hold more dangerous jobs than women, even in developed countries. In the United States in 2020, ten times as many men died on the job as women, and a man was ten times more likely to die on the job than a woman.[65]

Entertainment and media

Media portrayals of men often replicate traditional understanding of masculinity. Men are portrayed more frequently in television than women and most commonly appear as leads in action and drama programming. Men are typically more active in television programming than women and typically hold more power and status. Due to their prominence, men are more likely to be both the objects and instigators of humorous or disparaging content. Fathers are often portrayed in television as either idealized and caring or clumsy and inept. In advertising, men are disproportionately featured in advertisements for alcohol, vehicles, and business products.[66]


A man wearing a business suit stands next to a display of men's blue jeans at a clothing factory.

Men's clothing typically encompasses a range of garments designed for various occasions, seasons, and styles. Fundamental items of a man's wardrobe include shirts, trousers, suits, and jackets, which are designed to provide both comfort and style while prioritizing functionality. Men's fashion also encompasses more casual garments such as t-shirts, sweatshirts, jeans, shorts, and swimwear, which are typically intended for informal settings. Cultural and regional traditions often influence men's fashion, resulting in diverse styles and garments that reflect the unique characteristics of different parts of the world.[67]


An all male figure drawing class in 1908 at Edinburgh College of Art

Men traditionally received more education than women as a result of single-sex education. Universal education, meaning state-provided primary and secondary education independent of gender, is not yet a global norm, even if it is assumed in most developed countries.[68][69] In the 21st century, the balance has shifted in many developed nations, and men now lag behind women in education.[70]

Men are more likely than women to be faculty at universities.[71]

In 2020, 90% of the world's men were literate, compared to 87% of women. But sub-Saharan Africa, and southwest Asia lagged behind the rest of the world; only 72% of men in sub-Saharan Africa were literate.[72]


In most societies, men have more legal and cultural rights than women,[47] and misogyny is far more prevalent than misandry in society.[73][74] Men typically receive less support after being victims of sexual assault, and rape of males is stigmatized.[75] Domestic violence against men is similarly stigmatized.[76] Opponents of circumcision describe it as a human rights violation.[77] The fathers' rights movement seeks to support separated fathers that do not receive equal rights to care for their children.[78] The men's movement is the response to issues faced by men in Western countries. It includes pro-feminist groups such as the men's liberation movement and anti-feminist groups such as the manosphere and the men's rights movement.

Sex symbol

The Mars symbol (♂) is a common symbol that represents the male sex.[79] The symbol is identical to the planetary symbol of Mars.[80] It was first used to denote sex by Carl Linnaeus in 1751.[81] The symbol is sometimes seen as a stylized representation of the shield and spear of the Roman god Mars. According to Stearn, however, this derivation is "fanciful" and all the historical evidence favours "the conclusion of the French classical scholar Claude de Saumaise" that it is derived from θρ, the contraction of a Greek name for the planet Mars, which is Thouros.[82]

See also



  1. ^ "Meaning of "man" in English". dictionary.cambridge.org. Cambridge Dictionary. Retrieved 18 August 2021.
  2. ^ "Definition of "man"". www.merriam-webster.com. Merriam-Webster. Retrieved 18 August 2021.
  3. ^ American Heritage Dictionary, Appendix I: Indo-European Roots. man-1 19 May 2006 at the Wayback Machine. Accessed 22 July 2007.
  4. ^ Rauer, Christine (January 2017). "Mann and Gender in Old English Prose: A Pilot Study". Neophilologus. 101 (1): 139–158. doi:10.1007/s11061-016-9489-1. hdl:10023/8978. S2CID 55817181.
  5. ^ "Etymology, origin and meaning of man". www.etymonline.com. Retrieved 14 March 2023.
  6. ^ "Etymology, origin and meaning of wergeld". www.etymonline.com. Retrieved 5 June 2022.
  7. ^ Rey, Rodolfo; Josso, Nathalie; Racine, Chrystèle (2000). "Sexual Differentiation". Endotext. MDText.com, Inc. PMID 25905232. Irrespective of their chromosomal constitution, when the gonadal primordia differentiate into testes, all internal and external genitalia develop following the male pathway. When no testes are present, the genitalia develop along the female pathway. The existence of ovaries has no effect on fetal differentiation of the genitalia. The paramount importance of testicular differentiation for fetal sex development has prompted the use of the expression "sex determination" to refer to the differentiation of the bipotential or primitive gonads into testes.
  8. ^ Wells, Jonathan C. K. (1 September 2007). "Sexual dimorphism of body composition". Best Practice & Research Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism. Normal and Abnormal Sex Development. 21 (3): 415–430. doi:10.1016/j.beem.2007.04.007. ISSN 1521-690X. PMID 17875489.
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  77. ^ Jacobs, Allan J.; Arora, Kavita Shah (1 February 2015). "Ritual Male Infant Circumcision and Human Rights". The American Journal of Bioethics. 15 (2): 30–39. doi:10.1080/15265161.2014.990162. ISSN 1526-5161. PMID 25674955. S2CID 6581063.
  78. ^ Flood, Michael (1 December 2012). "Separated fathers and the 'fathers' rights' movement". Journal of Family Studies. 18 (2–3): 235–345. doi:10.5172/jfs.2012.18.2-3.235. ISSN 1322-9400. S2CID 55469150.
  79. ^ Schott, G D (24 December 2005). "Sex symbols ancient and modern: their origins and iconography on the pedigree". BMJ: British Medical Journal. 331 (7531): 1509–1510. doi:10.1136/bmj.331.7531.1509. ISSN 0959-8138. PMC 1322246. PMID 16373733.
  80. ^ "Solar System Symbols". NASA Solar System Exploration. Retrieved 18 August 2021.
  81. ^ Stearn, William T. (May 1962). "The Origin of the Male and Female Symbols of Biology" (PDF). Taxon. 11 (4): 109–113. doi:10.2307/1217734. ISSN 0040-0262. JSTOR 1217734. Their first biological use is in the Linnaean dissertation Plantae hybridae xxx sistit J. J. Haartman (1751) where in discussing hybrid plants Linnaeus denoted the supposed female parent species by the sign ♀, the male parent by the sign ♂, the hybrid by ☿: 'matrem signo ♀, patrem ♂ & plantam hybridam ☿ designavero'. In subsequent publications he retained the signs ♀ and ♂ for male and female individuals but discarded ☿ for hybrids.
  82. ^ Stearn, William T. (1962). "The Origin of the Male and Female Symbols of Biology". Taxon. 11 (4): 109–113. doi:10.2307/1217734. ISSN 0040-0262. JSTOR 1217734.


  • Helgeson, Vicki S. (2017). Psychology of Gender (5th ed.). Routledge. ISBN 978-1138186873.

Further reading

  • Andrew Perchuk, Simon Watney, bell hooks, The Masculine Masquerade: Masculinity and Representation, MIT Press 1995
  • Pierre Bourdieu, Masculine Domination, Paperback Edition, Stanford University Press 2001
  • Robert W. Connell, Masculinities, Cambridge : Polity Press, 1995
  • Warren Farrell, The Myth of Male Power Berkley Trade, 1993 ISBN 0-425-18144-8
  • Michael Kimmel (ed.), Robert W. Connell (ed.), Jeff Hearn (ed.), Handbook of Studies on Men and Masculinities, Sage Publications 2004

External links

  •   The dictionary definition of man at Wiktionary
  •   Quotations related to Man at Wikiquote
  •   Media related to Men at Wikimedia Commons

other, uses, disambiguation, hood, redirect, here, other, uses, hood, disambiguation, disambiguation, adult, male, human, prior, adulthood, male, human, referred, male, child, adolescent, manlike, most, other, male, mammals, genome, usually, inherits, chromoso. For other uses see Man disambiguation Manhood and Men redirect here For other uses see Manhood disambiguation and Men disambiguation A man is an adult male human 1 2 Prior to adulthood a male human is referred to as a boy a male child or adolescent A manLike most other male mammals a man s genome usually inherits an X chromosome from the mother and a Y chromosome from the father Sex differentiation of the male fetus is governed by the SRY gene on the Y chromosome During puberty hormones which stimulate androgen production result in the development of secondary sexual characteristics thus exhibiting greater differences between the sexes These include greater muscle mass the growth of facial hair and a lower body fat composition Male anatomy is distinguished from female anatomy by the male reproductive system which includes the penis testicles sperm duct prostate gland and the epididymis and by secondary sex characteristics including a narrower pelvis narrower hips and smaller breasts Throughout human history traditional gender roles have often defined and limited men s activities and opportunities Men often face conscription into military service or are directed into professions with high mortality rates Many religious doctrines stipulate certain rules for men such as religious circumcision Men are over represented as both perpetrators and victims of violence Trans men have a gender identity that does not align with their female sex assignment at birth while intersex men may have sex characteristics that do not fit typical notions of male biology Contents 1 Etymology 2 Biology 2 1 Reproductive system 2 2 Sex hormones 2 3 Health 3 Sexuality and gender 4 Social role 4 1 Masculinity 4 2 Relationships 4 3 Status 5 History 6 Family 7 Work 8 Entertainment and media 9 Clothing 10 Education 11 Rights 12 Sex symbol 13 See also 14 Notes 15 References 16 Bibliography 17 Further reading 18 External linksEtymologyFurther information Man word boy father husband son godparent gentleman and widower The English term man is derived from the Proto Indo European root man see Sanskrit Avestan manu Slavic mǫz man male 3 More directly the word derives from Old English mann The Old English form primarily meant person or human being and referred to men women and children alike The Old English word for man as distinct from woman or child was wer Mann only came to mean man in Middle English replacing wer which survives today only in the compounds werewolf from Old English werwulf literally man wolf and wergild literally man payment 4 5 6 BiologyMain article Sex differences in humans Karyogram of a human male using Giemsa staining Human males typically possess an XY combination In humans sperm cells carry either an X or a Y sex chromosome If a sperm cell carrying a Y chromosome fertilizes the female ovum the offspring will have a male karyotype XY The SRY gene is typically found on the Y chromosome and causes the development of the testes which in turn govern other aspects of male sex differentiation Sex differentiation in males proceeds in a testes dependent way while female differentiation is not gonad dependent 7 Primary sex characteristics or sex organs are characteristics that are present at birth and are integral to the reproductive process For men primary sex characteristics include the penis and testicles Adult humans exhibit sexual dimorphism in many other characteristics many of which have no direct link to reproductive ability Humans are sexually dimorphic in body size body structure and body composition Men tend to be taller and heavier than women and adjusted for height men tend to have greater lean and bone mass than women and lower fat mass 8 Photograph of an adult male human right with an adult female for comparison Note that the pubic hair of both models is removed Secondary sex characteristics are features that appear during puberty in humans 9 10 Such features are especially evident in the sexually dimorphic phenotypic traits that distinguish between the sexes but unlike the primary sex characteristics are not directly part of the reproductive system 11 12 13 Secondary sexual characteristics that are specific to men include Broadened shoulders 14 Increased body hair An enlarged larynx also known as an Adam s apple 14 and A voice that is significantly deeper than the voice of a child or a woman 12 Men weigh more than women 15 On average men are taller than women by about 10 15 On average men have a larger waist in comparison to their hips see waist hip ratio than women In women the index and ring fingers tend to be either more similar in size or their index finger is slightly longer than their ring finger whereas men s ring finger tends to be longer 16 Reproductive system Main article Male reproductive system A lateral cutaway of the human male lower abdomen showing the human male reproductive system anatomyThe male reproductive system includes external and internal genitalia The male external genitalia consist of the penis the male urethra and the scrotum while the male internal genitalia consist of the testes the prostate the epididymis the seminal vesicle the vas deferens the ejaculatory duct and the bulbourethral gland 17 The male reproductive system s function is to produce semen which carries sperm and thus genetic information that can unite with an egg within a woman Since sperm that enters a woman s uterus and then fallopian tubes goes on to fertilize an egg which develops into a fetus or child the male reproductive system plays no necessary role during the gestation The study of male reproduction and associated organs is called andrology 18 Sex hormones Testosterone stimulates the development of the Wolffian ducts the penis and closure of the labioscrotal folds into the scrotum Another significant hormone in sexual differentiation is the anti Mullerian hormone which inhibits the development of the Mullerian ducts For males during puberty testosterone along with gonadotropins released by the pituitary gland stimulates spermatogenesis 19 Health Further information Gender disparities in health and Men s health While a majority of the global health gender disparities is weighted against women there are situations in which men tend to fare poorer One such instance is armed conflicts where men are often the immediate victims A study of conflicts in 13 countries from 1955 to 2002 found that 81 of all violent war deaths were male 20 Apart from armed conflicts areas with high incidence of violence such as regions controlled by drug cartels also see men experiencing higher mortality rates 21 This stems from social beliefs that associate ideals of masculinity with aggressive confrontational behavior 22 Lastly sudden and drastic changes in economic environments and the loss of social safety nets in particular social subsidies and food stamps have also been linked to higher levels of alcohol consumption and psychological stress among men leading to a spike in male mortality rates This is because such situations often makes it harder for men to provide for their family a task that has been long regarded as the essence of masculinity 23 A retrospective analyses of people infected with the common cold found that doctors underrate the symptoms of men and are more willing to attribute symptoms and illness to women than men 24 Women live longer than men in all countries and across all age groups for which reliable records exist 25 In the United States men are less healthy than women across all social classes Non white men are especially unhealthy Men are over represented in dangerous occupations and represent a majority of on the job deaths Further medical doctors provide men with less service less advice and spend less time with men than they do with women per medical encounter 26 Sexuality and genderFurther information Human male sexuality and Trans man Male sexuality and attraction are variable and a man s sexual behavior can be affected by many factors including evolved predispositions personality upbringing and culture While the majority of men are heterosexual significant minorities are homosexual or bisexual 27 Most cultures use a gender binary in which man is one of the two genders the other being woman 28 29 30 Trans men have a male gender identity that does not align with their female sex assignment at birth and may undergo masculinizing hormone replacement therapy and or sex reassignment surgery 31 while intersex men may have sex characteristics that do not fit typical notions of male biology 32 A 2016 systemic review estimated that 0 256 of people self identify as female to male transgender 33 A 2017 survey of 80 929 Minnesota students found that roughly twice as many female assigned adolescents self identified as transgender compared to adolescents with a male sex assignment 34 Social roleMasculinity Main article Masculinity Michelangelo s David is the classical image of youthful male beauty in Western art Masculinity also sometimes called manhood or manliness is the set of personality traits and attributes associated with boys and men Although masculinity is socially constructed 35 some research indicates that some behaviors considered masculine are biologically influenced 36 To what extent masculinity is biologically or socially influenced is subject to debate 36 It is distinct from the definition of the biological male sex as both males and females can exhibit masculine traits 37 Men generally face social stigma for embodying feminine traits more so than women do for embodying masculine traits 38 This can also manifest as homophobia 39 Standards of manliness or masculinity vary across different cultures and historical periods 40 While the outward signs of masculinity look different in different cultures there are some common aspects to its definition across cultures In all cultures in the past and still among traditional and non Western cultures getting married is the most common and definitive distinction between boyhood and manhood 41 In the late 20th century some qualities traditionally associated with marriage such as the triple Ps of protecting providing and procreating were still considered signs of having achieved manhood 41 42 Relationships Two men playing a board gamePlatonic relationships are not significantly different between men and women though some differences do exist Friendships involving men tend to be based more on shared activities than self disclosure and personal connection Perceptions of friendship involving men varies among cultures and time periods 43 In heterosexual romantic relationships men are typically expected to take a proactive role initiate the relationship plan dates and propose marriage 44 Status Anthropology has shown that masculinity itself has social status just like wealth race and social class In Western culture for example greater masculinity usually brings greater social status citation needed Many English words such as virtue and virile from the Indo European root vir meaning man reflect this 45 46 In most cultures male privilege allows men more rights and privileges than women In societies where men are not given special legal privileges they typically hold more positions of power and men are seen as being taken more seriously in society 47 This is associated with a gender role strain in which men face increased societal pressure to conform to gender roles 48 HistoryThe earliest known recorded name of a man in writing is potentially Kushim who would have lived sometime between 3400 and 3000 BC in the Sumerian city of Uruk though his name may have been a title rather than his actual name 49 The earliest confirmed names are that of Gal Sal and his two slaves named En pap X and Sukkalgir from c 3100 BC 50 FamilyMain article Father Father and sonMen may have children whether biological or adopted such men are called fathers The role of men in the family has shifted considerably in the 20th and 21st centuries taking on a more active role in raising children in most societies 51 52 53 54 Men would traditionally marry a woman when raising children but in modern times many countries now allow for same sex marriage and for those couples to raise children either via adoption or surrogacy Men may be single parents and are increasingly so in modern times though women are three times more likely to be single parents than men 55 In paternal societies men have typically have been regarded as the head of household and held additional social privileges 56 The men s rights movement claims men face disadvantages when claiming child custody however empirical research does not support the notion of a judicial bias against men 57 Mothers do have custody the majority of the time but fathers do not seek custody the majority of the time and custody is settled out of court 58 59 WorkSee also Work human activity Men have traditionally held jobs that were not available to women Such jobs tended to be either more strenuous more prestigious or more dangerous Modern men increasingly take untraditional career paths such as staying home and raising children while their partner works 60 Modern men tend to work longer than women which impacts their ability to spend time with their families 61 Even in modern times some jobs remain available only to men such as military service 62 Conscription is overwhelmingly sexist currently only ten countries include women in their conscription programs 63 64 Men continue to hold more dangerous jobs than women even in developed countries In the United States in 2020 ten times as many men died on the job as women and a man was ten times more likely to die on the job than a woman 65 Entertainment and mediaMedia portrayals of men often replicate traditional understanding of masculinity Men are portrayed more frequently in television than women and most commonly appear as leads in action and drama programming Men are typically more active in television programming than women and typically hold more power and status Due to their prominence men are more likely to be both the objects and instigators of humorous or disparaging content Fathers are often portrayed in television as either idealized and caring or clumsy and inept In advertising men are disproportionately featured in advertisements for alcohol vehicles and business products 66 Clothing A man wearing a business suit stands next to a display of men s blue jeans at a clothing factory Men s clothing typically encompasses a range of garments designed for various occasions seasons and styles Fundamental items of a man s wardrobe include shirts trousers suits and jackets which are designed to provide both comfort and style while prioritizing functionality Men s fashion also encompasses more casual garments such as t shirts sweatshirts jeans shorts and swimwear which are typically intended for informal settings Cultural and regional traditions often influence men s fashion resulting in diverse styles and garments that reflect the unique characteristics of different parts of the world 67 Education An all male figure drawing class in 1908 at Edinburgh College of ArtMen traditionally received more education than women as a result of single sex education Universal education meaning state provided primary and secondary education independent of gender is not yet a global norm even if it is assumed in most developed countries 68 69 In the 21st century the balance has shifted in many developed nations and men now lag behind women in education 70 Men are more likely than women to be faculty at universities 71 In 2020 90 of the world s men were literate compared to 87 of women But sub Saharan Africa and southwest Asia lagged behind the rest of the world only 72 of men in sub Saharan Africa were literate 72 RightsIn most societies men have more legal and cultural rights than women 47 and misogyny is far more prevalent than misandry in society 73 74 Men typically receive less support after being victims of sexual assault and rape of males is stigmatized 75 Domestic violence against men is similarly stigmatized 76 Opponents of circumcision describe it as a human rights violation 77 The fathers rights movement seeks to support separated fathers that do not receive equal rights to care for their children 78 The men s movement is the response to issues faced by men in Western countries It includes pro feminist groups such as the men s liberation movement and anti feminist groups such as the manosphere and the men s rights movement Sex symbolThe Mars symbol is a common symbol that represents the male sex 79 The symbol is identical to the planetary symbol of Mars 80 It was first used to denote sex by Carl Linnaeus in 1751 81 The symbol is sometimes seen as a stylized representation of the shield and spear of the Roman god Mars According to Stearn however this derivation is fanciful and all the historical evidence favours the conclusion of the French classical scholar Claude de Saumaise that it is derived from 8r the contraction of a Greek name for the planet Mars which is Thouros 82 See alsoLists of men Men s studies Patriarchy Sex differences in humans SexismNotesReferences Meaning of man in English dictionary cambridge org Cambridge Dictionary Retrieved 18 August 2021 Definition of man www merriam webster com Merriam Webster Retrieved 18 August 2021 American Heritage Dictionary Appendix I Indo European Roots man 1 Archived 19 May 2006 at the Wayback Machine Accessed 22 July 2007 Rauer Christine January 2017 Mann and Gender in Old English Prose A Pilot Study Neophilologus 101 1 139 158 doi 10 1007 s11061 016 9489 1 hdl 10023 8978 S2CID 55817181 Etymology origin and meaning of man www etymonline com Retrieved 14 March 2023 Etymology origin and meaning of wergeld www etymonline com Retrieved 5 June 2022 Rey Rodolfo Josso Nathalie Racine Chrystele 2000 Sexual Differentiation Endotext MDText com Inc PMID 25905232 Irrespective of their chromosomal constitution when the gonadal primordia differentiate into testes all internal and external genitalia develop following the male pathway When no testes are present the genitalia develop along the female pathway The existence of ovaries has no effect on fetal differentiation of the genitalia The paramount importance of testicular differentiation for fetal sex development has prompted the use of the expression sex determination to refer to the differentiation of the bipotential or primitive gonads into testes Wells Jonathan C K 1 September 2007 Sexual dimorphism of body composition Best Practice amp Research Clinical Endocrinology amp Metabolism Normal and Abnormal Sex Development 21 3 415 430 doi 10 1016 j beem 2007 04 007 ISSN 1521 690X PMID 17875489 Melmed S Polonsky KS Larsen PR Kronenberg HM 2011 Williams Textbook of Endocrinology E Book Elsevier Health Sciences p 1054 ISBN 978 1437736007 Pack PE 2016 CliffsNotes AP Biology 5th ed Houghton Mifflin Harcourt p 219 ISBN 978 0544784178 Bjorklund DF Blasi CH 2011 Child and Adolescent Development An Integrated Approach Cengage Learning pp 152 153 ISBN 978 1133168379 a b Primary amp Secondary Sexual Characteristics Sciencing com 30 April 2018 Encyclopedia of Reproduction Elsevier Science 2018 p 103 ISBN 978 0 12 815145 7 a b Berger Kathleen Stassen 2005 The Developing Person Through the Life Span Worth Publishers p 349 ISBN 978 0 7167 5706 1 a b Robert McComb Jacalyn Norman Reid L Zumwalt Mimi 2014 The Active Female Health Issues Throughout the Lifespan Springer Science Business Media pp 223 238 ISBN 978 1461488842 Halpern Diane F 2013 Sex Differences in Cognitive Abilities 4th ed Psychology Press p 188 ISBN 978 1136722837 Definition of Male genitalia MedicineNet Clement Pierre Giuliano Francois 2015 Anatomy and physiology of genital organs men Handbook of Clinical Neurology 130 19 37 doi 10 1016 B978 0 444 63247 0 00003 1 ISBN 978 0444632470 ISSN 0072 9752 PMID 26003237 Goodman H Maurice 2009 Basic Medical Endocrinology 4th ed Elsevier pp 239 256 ISBN 978 0123739759 The World Bank 2012 World Development Report 2012 Gender Equality and Development Report Washington DC The World Bank Homicide Trends in the United States 1980 2008 United States Department of Justice 2010 p 10 Marquez Patricia 1999 The Street Is My Home Youth and Violence in Caracas Stanford CA Stanford University Press Brainerd Elizabeth Cutler David 2005 Autopsy on an Empire Understanding Mortality in Russia and the Former Soviet Union Ann Arbor MI William Davidson Institute a href Template Cite journal html title Template Cite journal cite journal a Cite journal requires journal help Sue Kyle 2017 The science behind man flu PDF BMJ 359 j5560 doi 10 1136 bmj j5560 PMID 29229663 S2CID 3381640 Archived from the original PDF on 8 December 2017 Retrieved 11 January 2018 Austad S N A Bartke A A 2016 Sex Differences in Longevity and in Responses to Anti Aging Interventions A Mini Review Gerontology 62 1 40 46 doi 10 1159 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Foundations for a Contemporary Understanding Routledge ISBN 978 0 429 64787 1 Retrieved 4 August 2021 what are Answers to Your Questions About Transgender Individuals and Gender Identity APA Retrieved 26 January 2015 What is Intersex Frequently Asked Questions interACT Advocates for Intersex Youth Retrieved 15 December 2022 Collin Lindsay Reisner Sari L Tangpricha Vin Goodman Michael 2016 Prevalence of Transgender Depends on the Case Definition A Systematic Review The Journal of Sexual Medicine 13 4 613 626 doi 10 1016 j jsxm 2016 02 001 PMC 4823815 PMID 27045261 Goodman Michael Adams Noah Corneil Trevor Kreukels Baudewijntje Motmans Joz Coleman Eli 1 June 2019 Size and Distribution of Transgender and Gender Nonconforming Populations A Narrative Review Endocrinology and Metabolism Clinics of North America Transgender Medicine 48 2 303 321 doi 10 1016 j ecl 2019 01 001 ISSN 0889 8529 PMID 31027541 S2CID 135439779 Shehan Constance L 2018 Gale Researcher Guide for The Continuing Significance of Gender Gale Cengage Learning pp 1 5 ISBN 978 1535861175 a b Social vs biological citations Shehan Constance L 2018 Gale Researcher Guide for The Continuing Significance of Gender Gale Cengage Learning pp 1 5 ISBN 978 1535861175 Martin Hale Finn Stephen E 2010 Masculinity and Femininity in the MMPI 2 and MMPI A University of Minnesota Press pp 5 13 ISBN 978 0 8166 2444 7 Lippa Richard A 2005 Gender Nature and Nurture 2nd ed Routledge pp 153 154 218 225 ISBN 978 1135604257 Wharton Amy S 2005 The Sociology of Gender An Introduction to Theory and Research John Wiley amp Sons pp 29 31 ISBN 978 1 40 514343 1 Male vs Masculine Feminine Ferrante Joan 2010 Sociology A Global Perspective 7th ed Belmont CA Thomson Wadsworth pp 269 272 ISBN 978 0 8400 3204 1 What do we mean by sex and gender World Health Organization Archived from the original on 8 September 2014 Halberstam Judith 2004 Female masculinity In Kimmel Michael S Aronson Amy eds Men and Masculinities A Social Cultural and Historical Encyclopedia Volume 1 Santa Barbara Calif ABC CLIO pp 294 295 ISBN 978 1 57 607774 0 Helgeson 2017 pp 33 34 Helgeson 2017 pp 146 149 Kimmel Michael S Aronson Amy eds 2004 Men and Masculinities A Social Cultural and Historical Encyclopedia Volume 1 Santa Barbara Calif ABC CLIO p xxiii ISBN 978 1 57 607774 0 a b Arnett Jeffrey Jensen 1998 Learning to Stand Alone The Contemporary American Transition to Adulthood in Cultural and Historical Context Human Development 41 5 6 295 315 doi 10 1159 000022591 ISSN 0018 716X S2CID 143862036 Gilmore David D 1990 Manhood in the Making Cultural Concepts of Masculinity Yale University Press p 48 ISBN 0 300 05076 3 Helgeson 2017 pp 494 499 Helgeson 2017 pp 571 574 Virtue 2009 Merriam Webster Online Dictionary 2009 Retrieved 8 June 2009 Virile 2009 Merriam Webster Online Dictionary 2009 Retrieved 8 June 2009 a b Helgeson 2017 pp 45 48 Helgeson 2017 pp 119 121 Harari Yuval Noah 2014 Signed Kushim Sapiens A Brief History of Humankind Signal 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December 2014 head of household definition Open Education Sociology Dictionary a href Template Cite journal html title Template Cite journal cite journal a Cite journal requires journal help Melville Angela Hunter Rosemary 2001 As everybody knows Countering myths of gender bias in family law PDF Griffith Law Review 10 1 124 138 Several authors have observed that men s rights groups claim that the family law system and the Family Court are biased against men despite the lack of supporting empirical research Also available through HeinOnline Do Dads REALLY Get Dissed In Divorce Court HuffPost 10 July 2012 Retrieved 3 April 2023 Crean Susan M 1988 In the name of the fathers the story behind child custody Toronto Amanita pp 107 108 ISBN 978 0 921299 04 2 Heppner Mary J Heppner P Paul September 2009 On Men and Work Taking the Road Less Traveled Journal of Career Development 36 1 49 67 doi 10 1177 0894845309340789 ISSN 0894 8453 S2CID 145053662 Williams Joan C 29 May 2013 Why Men Work So Many Hours Harvard Business Review ISSN 0017 8012 Retrieved 10 March 2023 Micheletti Alberto 18 August 2018 Why is warfare almost exclusively male ThePrint Retrieved 10 March 2023 Goldstein Joshua S 2003 War and Gender Men s War Roles Boyhood and Coming of Age In Ember Carol R Ember Melvin Encyclopedia of Sex and Gender Men and Women in the World s Cultures Volume 1 Springer p 108 ISBN 978 0 306 47770 6 Retrieved April 25 2015 Persson Alma Sundevall Fia 22 March 2019 Conscripting women gender soldiering and military service in Sweden 1965 2018 Women s History Review 28 7 1039 1056 doi 10 1080 09612025 2019 1596542 ISSN 0961 2025 DeVore Chuck Fatal Employment Men 10 Times More Likely Than Women To Be Killed At Work Forbes Retrieved 10 March 2023 Fejes Fred J 1992 Considering Men and the Media In Craig Steve ed Masculinity as Fact A Review of Empirical Mass Communication Research on Masculinity SAGE Publications pp 9 22 ISBN 978 0803941632 Karlen Josh Sulavik Christopher 1999 The Indispensable Guide to Classic Men s Clothing Tatra Press ISBN 978 0 9661847 1 6 Historical summary of faculty students degrees and finances in degree granting institutions Selected years 1869 70 through 2005 06 Nces ed gov Retrieved 22 August 2014 Eisenhart A Margaret Finkel Elizabeth 2001 Women Still Need Not Apply The Gender and Science Reader New York Routledge pp 13 23 Directorate General for Education Youth ECORYS Staring Francois Donlevy Vicki Day Laurie Georgallis Marianna Broughton Andrea 2021 Study on gender behaviour and its impact on education outcomes with a special focus on the performance of boys and young men in education final report LU Publications Office of the European Union doi 10 2766 509505 ISBN 978 92 76 40249 7 Brainard Susanne G Carlin Linda 2001 A six year Longitudinal Study of Undergraduate Women in Engineering and Science The Gender and Science Reader New York Routledge pp 24 37 This is how much global literacy has changed over 200 years World Economic Forum 12 September 2022 Retrieved 10 March 2023 Ouellette Marc 2007 Misandry In Flood Michael et al eds International Encyclopedia of Men and Masculinities Abingdon New York Routledge pp 442 443 ISBN 978 0 415 33343 6 Gilmore David D 2010 Misogyny The Male Malady University of Pennsylvania Press pp 12 13 ISBN 978 0812200324 Rabin Roni Caryn 23 January 2012 Men Struggle for Rape Awareness The New York Times Retrieved 30 November 2013 Migliaccio Todd A Winter 2001 Marginalizing the Battered Male The Journal of Men s Studies 9 2 205 226 doi 10 3149 jms 0902 205 S2CID 145293675 subscription required Jacobs Allan J Arora Kavita Shah 1 February 2015 Ritual Male Infant Circumcision and Human Rights The American Journal of Bioethics 15 2 30 39 doi 10 1080 15265161 2014 990162 ISSN 1526 5161 PMID 25674955 S2CID 6581063 Flood Michael 1 December 2012 Separated fathers and the fathers rights movement Journal of Family Studies 18 2 3 235 345 doi 10 5172 jfs 2012 18 2 3 235 ISSN 1322 9400 S2CID 55469150 Schott G D 24 December 2005 Sex symbols ancient and modern their origins and iconography on the pedigree BMJ British Medical Journal 331 7531 1509 1510 doi 10 1136 bmj 331 7531 1509 ISSN 0959 8138 PMC 1322246 PMID 16373733 Solar System Symbols NASA Solar System Exploration Retrieved 18 August 2021 Stearn William T May 1962 The Origin of the Male and Female Symbols of Biology PDF Taxon 11 4 109 113 doi 10 2307 1217734 ISSN 0040 0262 JSTOR 1217734 Their first biological use is in the Linnaean dissertation Plantae hybridae xxx sistit J J Haartman 1751 where in discussing hybrid plants Linnaeus denoted the supposed female parent species by the sign the male parent by the sign the hybrid by matrem signo patrem amp plantam hybridam designavero In subsequent publications he retained the signs and for male and female individuals but discarded for hybrids Stearn William T 1962 The Origin of the Male and Female Symbols of Biology Taxon 11 4 109 113 doi 10 2307 1217734 ISSN 0040 0262 JSTOR 1217734 BibliographyHelgeson Vicki S 2017 Psychology of Gender 5th ed Routledge ISBN 978 1138186873 Further readingAndrew Perchuk Simon Watney bell hooks The Masculine Masquerade Masculinity and Representation MIT Press 1995 Pierre Bourdieu Masculine Domination Paperback Edition Stanford University Press 2001 Robert W Connell Masculinities Cambridge Polity Press 1995 Warren Farrell The Myth of Male Power Berkley Trade 1993 ISBN 0 425 18144 8 Michael Kimmel ed Robert W Connell ed Jeff Hearn ed Handbook of Studies on Men and Masculinities Sage Publications 2004External links The dictionary definition of man at Wiktionary Quotations related to Man at Wikiquote Media related to Men at Wikimedia Commons Retrieved from https en wikipedia org w index php title Man amp oldid 1164209729, wikipedia, wiki, book, books, library,


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