
Mass media in South Korea

The South Korean mass media consist of several different types of public communication of news: television, radio, cinema, newspapers, magazines, and Internet-based websites.

South Korea's MBC Ilsan Dream Center in Ilsan

Modern Korean journalism began after the opening of Korea in the late 19th century. The Korean press had a strong reformist and nationalistic flavor from the beginning, but faced efforts at political control or outright censorship during most of the 20th century.

History edit

Colonial period (1910–1945) edit

When the Japan-Korea Annexation Treaty was signed in 1910, the Governor-General of Korea assumed direct control of the press along with other public institutions. Following the March 1st Movement in 1919, the colonial government loosened their overt control over cultural activities and permitted several Korean newspapers to function while maintaining some behind-the-scenes direction over politically sensitive topics.

During the 1920s, Korean vernacular newspapers, such as Donga Ilbo, and intellectual journals such as Kaebyok (Creation), conducted running skirmishes with Japanese censors. Colonial authorities prohibited sales of individual issues on hundreds of occasions between 1926 and 1932. World War II mobilisation in the ensuing years ended any resemblance of autonomy for the Korean press; all Korean-language publications were outlawed in 1941.

After World War II (1945–1990) edit

Following the period of 1945 to 1948, which saw a burgeoning of newspapers and periodicals of every description as well as occasional censorship of the media, almost all subsequent South Korean governments have at times attempted to control the media.

A number of newsreels were produced or approved by the United States Army Military Government in Korea. The first newsreel to be produced in the South was the 1945–1947 Haebang News.[1] Between 1953 and 1994, the government-produced newsreel Korean News was created and shown in movie theaters across the country.[2]

Syngman Rhee's government continued the military government's Ordinance Number Eighty-Eight, which outlawed leftist newspapers. Rhee also closed moderate newspapers and arrested reporters and publishers on numerous occasions between 1948 and 1960. On taking power in 1961, Park Chung-hee's Supreme Council for National Reconstruction closed all but fifteen of Seoul's 64 daily newspapers and refused to register a comparable percentage of the country's news services, weeklies, and monthly publications while using its radio and news agencies to promote its official line. The Park government also used the Press Ethics Commission Law of 1964 and, after 1972, emergency decrees that penalized criticism of the government to keep the media in line. In 1974, the government ordered several journalists fired and used the KCIA to force Dong-a Ilbo to stop its reporting on popular opposition to the Park government by intimidating the paper's advertisers.

During the Park and the subsequent Chun Doo-hwan administrations, the government exercised considerable control and surveillance over the media through the comprehensive National Security Act. In late 1980, the Chun government established more thorough control of the news media than had existed in South Korea since the Korean War. Independent news agencies were absorbed into a single state-run agency, numerous provincial newspapers were closed, central newspapers were forbidden to station correspondents in provincial cities, the Christian Broadcasting System network was forbidden to provide news coverage, and two independent broadcasting companies were absorbed into the state-run Korean Broadcasting System (KBS). In addition, the Defense Security Command, then commanded by Roh Tae Woo, and the Ministry of Culture and Information ordered hundreds of South Korean journalists fired and banned from newspaper writing or editing. The Basic Press Act of December 1980 was the legal capstone of Chun's system of media control and provided for censorship and control of newspapers, periodicals, and broadcast media. It also set the professional qualifications for journalists. Media censorship was coordinated with intelligence officials, representatives of various government agencies, and the presidential staff by the Office of Public Information Policy within the Ministry of Culture and Information using daily "reporting guidelines" sent to newspaper editors. The guidelines dealt exhaustively with questions of emphasis, topics to be covered or avoided, the use of government press releases, and even the size of headlines. Enforcement methods ranged from telephone calls to editors to more serious forms of intimidation, including interrogations and beatings by police. One former Ministry of Culture and Information official told a National Assembly hearing in 1988 that compliance during his tenure from 1980 to 1982 reached about 70 percent.

By the mid-1980s, censorship of print and broadcast media had become one of the most widely and publicly criticized practices of the Chun government. Even the government-controlled Yonhap News Agency noted in 1989 that "TV companies, scarcely worse than other media, were the main target of bitter public criticism for their distorted reporting for the government in the early 1980s." Editorials called for the abolition of the Basic Press Act and related practices, a bill was unsuccessfully introduced in the National Assembly to the same end, and a public campaign to withhold compulsory viewers' fees in protest against censorship by the KBS network received widespread press attention. By the summer of 1986, even the ruling party was responding to public opinion.

The political liberalization of the late 1980s brought a loosening of press restraints and a new generation of journalists more willing to investigate sensitive subjects, such as the May 1980 Gwangju massacre. Roh's eight-point declaration of June 29, 1987, provided for "a free press, including allowing newspapers to base correspondents in provincial cities and withdrawing security officials from newspaper offices." The South Korean media began a rapid expansion. Seoul papers expanded their coverage and resumed the practice of stationing correspondents in provincial cities. Although temporarily still under the management of a former Blue House press spokesman, the MBC television network, a commercial network that had been under the control of the state-managed KBS since 1980, resumed independent broadcasting. The number of radio broadcast stations grew from 74 in 1985 to 111 (including both AM and FM stations) by late 1988 and 125 by late 1989. The number of periodicals rose as the government removed restrictions on the publishing industry.

There also were qualitative changes in the South Korean media. The Christian Broadcasting System, a radio network, again began to broadcast news as well as religious programming in 1987. In the same year, the government partially lifted a long-standing ban on the works of North Korean artists and musicians, many of whom were of South Korean origin. A newspaper run by dissident journalists began publication in 1988. Several other new dailies also appeared in 1988. Many of the new weekly and monthly periodicals bypassed the higher profits of the traditional general circulation magazines to provide careful analyses of political, economic, and national security affairs to smaller, specialized audiences. Observers noted a dramatic increase in press coverage of previously taboo subjects such as political-military relations, factions within the military, the role of security agencies in politics, and the activities of dissident organizations. Opinion polls dealing with these and other sensitive issues also began to appear with increasing regularity. Journalists at several of the Seoul dailies organized trade unions in late 1987 and early 1988 and began to press for editorial autonomy and a more significant role in newspaper management.

In 1989, South Korea's four largest dailies, Hankook Ilbo, Joongang Ilbo, Chosun Ilbo, and Donga Ilbo, had a combined circulation of more than 6.5 million. The anti-establishment The Hankyoreh, had 450,000 readers – less than the major dailies or smaller papers like Kyonghan Shinmun or Seoul Shinmun, but larger than four more specialized economic dailies. All the major dailies were privately owned, except for the government-controlled Hankook Ilbo. Several other daily publications had specialized readerships among sport fans and youth. Two English-language newspapers, the government-subsidized Korea Herald and the Korea Times, which was affiliated with the independent Soul immune, were widely read by foreign embassies and businesses. A Chinese-language daily served South Korea's small Chinese population.

The Yonhap News Agency provided domestic and foreign news to government agencies, newspapers, and broadcasters. Yonhap also provided information on South Korean developments in English by computerized transmission via the Asia-Pacific News Network. Additional links with world media were facilitated by four satellite link stations. The International Broadcast Centre established in June 1988 served some 10,000 broadcasters for the 1988 Seoul Olympics. The government's KBS radio network broadcast overseas in twelve languages. Two private radio networks, the Asia Broadcasting Company and Far East Broadcasting Company, served a wide regional audience that included the Soviet Far East, China, and Japan.

The South Korean government also supported Naewoe Press, which dealt solely with North Korean affairs. Originally a propaganda vehicle that followed the government line on unification policy issues, Naewoe Press became increasingly objective and moderate in tone in the mid-1980s in interpreting political, social, and economic developments in North Korea. Vantage Point, an English-language publication of Naewoe Press, provided in-depth studies of North Korean social, economic, and political developments.[3][4][5]

Except for two newspapers (one in Korean and one in English) that the government-owned or controlled and the state television network, ownership of the media was for the most part distinct from political or economic power. One exception was the conservative daily, Joongang Ilbo. Under the close oversight of its owner, the late Samsung Group founder and multimillionaire Lee Byung-chul, the paper and its affiliated TBC television network generally supported the Park government during the 1970s. Its relations with the government became strained after 1980, however, when Chun Doo-hwan forced TBC to merge with KBS. A journalists' strike at Joongang Ilbo in 1989, one of many similar incidents at the major South Korean newspapers, won even greater management and editorial independence.

Most of South Korea's major newspapers derived their financial support from advertising and their affiliation with major publishing houses. The Donga Press, for example, published not only the prestigious daily Donga Ilbo, but also a variety of other periodicals, including a newspaper for children, the general circulation monthly Shin Donga, a women's magazine, and specialized reference books and magazines for students. Throughout the post-war period, the Donga Ilbo has been noted for its opposition sympathies.

South Korea's principal anti-establishment newspaper, The Hankyoreh,[6] began publication in May 1988. It was founded by dissident journalists who were purged by the government in the early 1970s or 1980; many of the paper's reporters and editorial staff left positions in mainstream newspapers to join the new venture. The structure and approach of the paper reflected the founders' view that in the past the South Korean news media had been too easily co-opted by the government. The paper had a human rights department as well as a mass media department to keep an eye on the government's press policy and to critique the ideological and political biases of other newspapers. The paper's nationalism and interest in national reunification were symbolically represented in the logo, which depicted Lake Cheonji at the peak of Baekdu Mountain in North Korea; in the exclusive use of the Korean alphabet; and in the type font in which the paper's name was printed, which dated from a famous Korean publication of the eighteenth century before the country became divided. The paper was printed horizontally, rather than vertically like other Seoul dailies. In other innovations, The Hankyoreh relied on sales revenues, private contributions, and the sale of stock, rather than advertising from major corporations, in line with its claim to be "the first newspaper in the world truly independent of political power and large capital." The newspaper came under increasing government pressure in 1989.

South Korea also had extensive and well-developed visual media. The first Korean film was produced in 1919, and cinemas subsequently were built in the larger cities. The result of the spread of television sets and radios was the dissemination of a homogenized popular culture and the impingement of urban values in rural communities.

Current status (1990–today) edit

After decades of state control and heavy censorship, the South Korean press (in print, on television, and online) is experiencing a period of relative freedom. However, the repressive Basic Press Law was repealed in 1987, and since 1990 the television market has expanded significantly. Whereas in 1980 there were only 28 national newspapers, today there are 122. In 2002, satellite broadcasting brought multi-channel commercial television to homes across South Korea. According to most outside observers, political discourse is unrestricted in South Korea; however, persistent concerns are worth noting. The National Security Law allows the government to limit the expression of ideas deemed pro-North Korean or communist; broad interpretations of this statute place a chill on peaceful dissent. In addition, in 2003, President Roh Moo-Hyun brought a libel suit against four of the major national newspapers, and the government has stated that editorials are subject to legal action if they are found to contain falsehoods. Outside observers have criticised pressure tactics used by both the South Korean government and the business community to influence reporting.

Major newspapers include Chosun Ilbo, Donga Ilbo, Joongang Ilbo, and Hankook Ilbo, all published in Seoul. The five nationwide television networks are KBS-1 and KBS-2 (public broadcast), MBC (run as a public organization), EBS (state-funded), and SBS (a commercial broadcaster). Some 70 percent of South Korean households have broadband Internet access, and the online media marketplace is growing rapidly. Popular news Web sites (such as OhMyNews.com) register as many as 15 million visits per day.[7]

Today, much of the news in South Korea is delivered through electronic means and the country is at the leading edge of the digital revolution and a trailblazer for high-speed and wireless internet services.[8]

Books edit

Baegunhwasang Chorokbuljo Jikjisimcheyojeol (Jikji, Anthology Teachings of Zen Buddhist Priests) is the world's oldest extant movable metal print book. It was published in 1377 (Goryeo Dynasty), 78 years prior to Johannes Gutenberg's "42-Line Bible" printed during the years 1452-1455.[9] In 1446, 'Hunminjeongeum' was published by Sejong, fourth king of 'Joseon Dynasty' and scholars of 'Jiphyunjeon'. This text describes the promulgation of 'Hangul', which is the basis for the modern native Korean alphabet. It is constructed in two parts: 'Hunminjeongeum Yeibon'(the body) and 'Hunminjeongeum Haerebon'(explanations). In the introduction King Sejong revealed that the purpose of creating the Hunminjeongeum. In 1997, it was inscribed into the UNESCO Memory of the World Register.[10][11]

Newspapers edit

Published in the late Joseon era, Hansung Sunbo was the first modern newspaper in Korea. It was published in Bakmunkuk, an official printing office, and written in Hanja and published every 10 days. The paper carried both domestic and foreign news and had enlightened opinions.

The Independent was the nation's first newspaper written in Hangeul and the first to be privately owned. Seo Jae-Pil published it in two version: Korean Hangul and English. The Independent made an effort to enlighten people and denounce absurd Joseon officials.

After the 1980s, newspapers received greater freedom, after the Basic Press Law was repealed.

Nowadays, the Chosun Ilbo, Dong-A Ilbo and Joong-Ang Ilbo are the major conservative newspapers; Hankook Ilbo is moderate; Kyunghyang Shinmun and The Hankyoreh are the major liberal newspapers. In South Korea, conservative newspapers are more widely read. Maeil Business Newspaper and Korea Economic Daily are the major business newspapers.

In Korea, as in many other countries, the number of newspaper subscribers is decreasing.

Magazines edit

Weekly magazines edit

  1. Jugan Chosun (주간조선) -Conservative
  2. Sisa Jeoneol (시사저널) -Conservative
  3. Maegyeong Economy (매경이코노미) -Economic
  4. Jugan Kyunghyang (주간경향) -Conservative
  5. Hankurye 21 (한겨레21) -Conservative
  6. Economist (이코노미스트) -Economic
  7. Jugan Dong-a(주간동아) -Conservative
  8. Mijeunaeil (미즈내일) -For woman
  9. Jugan Hankook (주간한국) -Conservative
  10. Mirae Hankook (미래한국) -Conservative
  11. Hankyung Business (한경비즈니스) -Economic

Monthly magazines edit

  1. Sindong-a (신동아) -Conservative
  2. Wolgan Joongang (월간중앙) -Conservative
  3. Wolgan Joseon' (월간조선) -Conservative
  4. Inmulgwa Sasang (인물과 사상) -Conservative
  5. Yeoseong Dong-a (여성동아) -For woman
  6. Yeoseong Chosun (여성조선) -For womam
  7. Wolgan CEO (월간 CEO) -Ecomomic
  8. Ikonomi Chosun (이코노미조선) -Economic
  9. jonghab Mulga Jeongbo (종합물가정보) -Economic[12]

Radio networks edit

The first radio broadcasting was JODK by 'Kyungsung Broadcasting' in 1927. Some people regard HLKA by 'Korean Broadcasting system' in 1947 as the first radio broadcasting in Korea. Since 2003, DAB(Digital Audio Broadcasting) or DAR(Digital Audio Radio) services have been used.[13]

FM radio edit

In Korea, MBC Radio is the most popular in general because there are several long-running programs. MBC operates 2 channels: FM4U and Standard FM. 'Cho Yeong-Nam & Choi Yu-ra's Radio Golden Age' is the most famous program which provides funny stories and K-pop music.

  • SBS

Power FM.

  • EBS(Educational Broadcasting System)
  • CBS: is the first commercial radio broadcaster in South Korea. It contains programs about Christianity.
  • Other religious programming broadcasters: PBC(Pyeonghwa Broadcasting Corporation, 평화방송), BBS(Buddhism Broadcasting System(BBS), 佛敎放送), FEBC(Far East Broadcasting Co., Korea, 極東放送), *WBS (원음방송)
  • Traffic broadcasters: TBS(Traffic Broadcasting System). They specialize in traffic. Many other stations also provide hourly traffic condition reports, typically for 3 minutes every 57 minutes.

There are many radio stations in Korea, but channels are not uniquely distinctive. KBS 1FM, KBS 1AM, TBS (Traffic Broadcasting System) are somewhat distinctive. Other channels are usually broadcast according to people's lifestyle.[13]

AM radio edit

TV Networks edit

KORCAD was the first TV station in South Korea, which launched in 1956. In South Korea, terrestrial television broadcasting is common and popular. As terrestrial broadcasters, there are five channels with four television stations:

  • KBS includes many channels, including terrestrial channels KBS1 and KBS2, cable network KBS drama, KBS Joy, and KBS World broadcasting overseas.
  • MBC is a South Korean free-to-air television channel and is considered the first private company in South Korea launched on 8 August 1969 and owned by Munhwa Broadcasting Corporation.
  • EBS is a South Korean educational public broadcaster and radio network covering South Korean territory, and the only major South Korean radio and television network without a separate regional service
  • SBS South Korean free-to-air television channel operated by Seoul Broadcasting System. The channel was launched on 9 December 1991.

KBS, MBC, EBS are public broadcasters while SBS is a commercial broadcaster, under a "many public broadcasters" system. It is a unique system; other countries typically have one public broadcaster and many commercial broadcasters.

KBS is funded by public money accrued from a television license fee gathered from all South Korea households with a television set. As of 2010, the fee is ₩2500 (about $2 USD). Due to low public funds, KBS2 runs commercials. Looking at the ownership of MBC, 70% of it is owned by a government-owned not-for-profit organization (The Foundation of Broadcast Culture), and 30% of it belongs to 'Jeong-su Scholarship Foundation'. Also, because KBS2 and MBC run commercials, there are a lot of controversies on the definition of public broadcasting in South Korea.[15]

Digital television technology emerged recently. Although some television stations have begun broadcasting digital signals, it is not yet widespread as in the United States. The Government of South Korea set December 31, 2012 as the deadline for digital conversion in South Korea. From 2013, South Korea will convert from the analogue broadcasting to the digital broadcasting.(This date coincides with the United Kingdom conversion date.) According to DTV Korea, the rate of digital TV sets in use is about 60% (2010).[16]

New media edit

Internet edit

When it comes to Internet use, South Korea ranked third in the world in 2003.[17] According to statistics from the Korean Ministry of Information and Communication, 78.5% of families own a computer, of which 93.6% use the Internet (2005). Many businesses utilize the Internet in Korea for services such as news, social media, shopping, banking, games, and educational content.

Internet journalism edit

Joongang Ilbo developed the first internet news website in Asia in 1995. After the start, almost every daily newspaper made its website. There are also online-only portals like Prussian.

Social media edit

As in other countries, social media has become the spotlight in South Korea.

The most well notable social media in South Korea are, KakaoTalk, Naver, Cyworld, and Snow KakaoTalk is a social media messenger application. According to science direct it “is the most widely used IM application in South Korea with over 49.1 million active users” (2019, Digital Investigation). Its wide range as a social media application is the main focus of why it has its current 49.1 million active users. This application allows users to do a wide variety of activities outside of messaging. You can also make purchasing and send gifts to friends. Allowing users to feel closer even from a distance.

Naver Is a search engine, equivalent to google of South Korea, it is the leading search engine in South Korea. Outside of being a search engine it also has many other attributes.

-BAND: A software application that focused on group communication and stayed connected with your group. This includes features such as polls, group calendars, and private chats.

-Naver Cafe: Similar to many forums, Naver cafe allows users to post and create their internet communities.

-LINE: Line is an instant messaging app, including Texts, images, and even voice chat. Outside of this the company also creates characters to be shared known as LINE FRIENDS. These characters are also turned into a multitude of products. Such as plushies, pins, and even on close. Some of these characters are BT21, and Brown and Friends.

Cyworld is one of the first social network applications for South Korea. On Cyworld, you can chat with other members by forming friendships by sharing interests and memories. As time has gone on it has become less popular comparatively and failed compared to its competitors throughout the generation of social networking. Another reason for its failure was based on its restriction. “Cyworld created barriers among countries, failing to expand beyond being a local service provider” (Park Hye-min. (2011)). As of recent years, Cyworld has claimed to make a comeback.

Snow is a social media application. But unlike most applications its main focus is images. Mainly selfies. Through this application, you can alter your appearance in many ways. This includes adding makeup, changing your eye color, and even slimming your face. Other attributes are a wide variety of filters that go from, cute, creepy, and funny. This application is focused on vanity and sharing filters and images with your friends.

Blogs edit

Almost every big portal site provides a blogging service. Nate, Naver, and Daum's blog are the most popular.

Social networks edit

An early social networking platform Cyworld was launched in South Korea in 2000. It shut down in 2014. Users could upload their information, mood, pictures, etc. It featured the "following" of other people in a similar vein as Facebook.

Micro blogging edit

with its prevalence growing in conjunction with the growing popularity of smartphones in South Korea. 'me2day' and 'yozm' are some other microblogs in South Korean media.

Regulations edit

What is the grounds of media regulations? Although broadcasters have freedom of expression, broadcasters have to promote public interest because electromagnetic waves are in the public domain. 'Media law' consist of two structures briefly: Business Regulation, and Content Related Regulation. They mean fairness among the broadcasters, and freedom of expression each.

Business regulations edit

Restrictions on market entry
It is the most powerful regulation that decide who will broadcasting business. The grounds of this regulation are largely that: electromagnetic wave is scarce, so all of those who want to operate a broadcasting system cannot do it, and the providers have to set fair to operate a broadcaster (ex, financial power, social experiences etc.) Until just recently large companies (above top 30), newspaper, agency could not operate a broadcasting system because of the independence of media. (It caused problems in Korea in history.) But recently newly revised media law allows it.[18]

  • Terrestrial broadcasting, Cable Television broadcasting, satellite broadcasting: government permit
  • News channel, General service channel, home-shopping channel: government's approval
  • Other program: Resister[19]

Ownership restrictions
It means restriction on the number of broadcasting system that one provider can own. Its purpose is to prevent monopoly or oligopoly on broadcasting. In Summary:

  • One provider (person or corporation) can only own one business on the Terrestrial broadcaster and satellite broadcaster.
  • Cable system operator and program provider can own more than one broadcaster and transmission line. But, they can be restricted by the government with regards to market share and the number of providers.
  • One provider can own terrestrial broadcaster, satellite broadcaster, and cable broadcaster except a combination of terrestrial broadcaster and cable broadcaster.
  • On cable broadcasting, one provider can serve system operator, network operator, and program provider but, they can restricted with regard to a market share and the number of providers.

According to newly enactment of Broadcasting Law and Internet Multimedia Broadcasting Business Law from President Lee Myung-Bak's administration, the trend is changing. Newspaper and large company can hold a 10-percent stake in terrestrial broadcaster, a 30-percent stake in cable broadcaster, a 49-percent stakein IPTV or news channel.

Content regulation edit

Content within Korean Media is often quite restricted, depending really. They tend to censor out mass amounts of gore and violence (usually depending on what source it's on) and anything that may go against important Laws.

See also edit

References edit

  1. ^ Yang, Jeong Sim (2016-08-31). ""Liberation Space" and Times of Resistance in Visual Records". International Journal of Korean History. 19 (2): 71–105. doi:10.22372/ijkh.2014.19.2.71. ISSN 1598-2041.
  2. ^ "대한뉴스 (大韓News)" [Korean News]. Encyclopedia of Korean Culture (in Korean). Retrieved 2023-09-14.
  3. ^ Hoare, James E. (2015). Historical Dictionary of the Republic of Korea (series: Historical Dictionaries of Asia, Oceania, and the Middle East) (3rd ed.). United Kingdom: Rownman & Littlefield. pp. 337–338. ISBN 978-0810849495.
  4. ^ Hoare, James E. (2012). Historical Dictionary of Democratic People's Republic of Korea (series: Historical Dictionaries of Asia, Oceania, and the Middle East). United Kingdom: Scarecrow Press - Rowman & Littlefield Publishing Group. p. 271. ISBN 978-0810861510.
  5. ^ Hoare, James E.; Pares, Susan (2005). A Political and Economic Dictionary of East Asia (series: Political and Economic Dictionaries) (1st ed.). London: Routledge - Taylor and Francis Group. p. 348. ISBN 978-1857432589.
  6. ^ "Home". The Hankyoreh.
  7. ^ Korea.pdf South Korea country profile. Library of Congress Federal Research Division (May 2005). This article incorporates text from this source, which is in the public domain.
  8. ^ "South Korea country profile - overview". BBC News. 2012-03-29. Retrieved 2012-08-05.
  9. ^ "Anthology Teachings of Zen Buddhist Priests". English.visitkorea.or.kr. Retrieved 2012-08-05.
  10. ^ Lee Mi-Hwa, Study for Hunminjeongeum section in High School Korean Textbook, Yeongnam Graduate School of Education, 2010
  11. ^ Ryan, Kevin. "2ix2". Retrieved 12 February 2023.
  12. ^ [1]
  13. ^ a b Oh Taek-sup, Media in the Information Society, 2009, Nanam
  14. ^ "Kbs Global". English.kbs.co.kr. Retrieved 2012-08-05.
  15. ^ Yang Mun-Seok, A Critical Study on Privatization A Public Broadcaster, 2010, Korean Broadcasting Commission
  16. ^ . www.dtvkorea.org. Archived from the original on April 19, 2011.
  17. ^ New York Times, PERSONAL BUSINESS: DIARY; Around the World, Gains in Internet Use, Feb 16th, 2003
  18. ^ Jung Hyung-Gi, Broadcasting of Korea, 2010, Shinsung
  19. ^ Professor Shim Jae-woong, Lecture: Introduction to Broadcasting, Sookmyung Women's University

External links edit

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This article has multiple issues Please help improve it or discuss these issues on the talk page Learn how and when to remove these template messages This article needs additional citations for verification Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources Unsourced material may be challenged and removed Find sources Mass media in South Korea news newspapers books scholar JSTOR February 2015 Learn how and when to remove this message This article needs to be updated Please help update this article to reflect recent events or newly available information August 2021 Learn how and when to remove this message The South Korean mass media consist of several different types of public communication of news television radio cinema newspapers magazines and Internet based websites South Korea s MBC Ilsan Dream Center in Ilsan Modern Korean journalism began after the opening of Korea in the late 19th century The Korean press had a strong reformist and nationalistic flavor from the beginning but faced efforts at political control or outright censorship during most of the 20th century Contents 1 History 1 1 Colonial period 1910 1945 1 2 After World War II 1945 1990 1 3 Current status 1990 today 2 Books 3 Newspapers 4 Magazines 4 1 Weekly magazines 4 2 Monthly magazines 5 Radio networks 5 1 FM radio 5 2 AM radio 6 TV Networks 7 New media 7 1 Internet 7 1 1 Internet journalism 7 1 2 Social media 7 1 2 1 Blogs 7 1 2 2 Social networks 7 1 2 3 Micro blogging 8 Regulations 8 1 Business regulations 8 2 Content regulation 9 See also 10 References 11 External linksHistory editColonial period 1910 1945 edit When the Japan Korea Annexation Treaty was signed in 1910 the Governor General of Korea assumed direct control of the press along with other public institutions Following the March 1st Movement in 1919 the colonial government loosened their overt control over cultural activities and permitted several Korean newspapers to function while maintaining some behind the scenes direction over politically sensitive topics During the 1920s Korean vernacular newspapers such as Donga Ilbo and intellectual journals such as Kaebyok Creation conducted running skirmishes with Japanese censors Colonial authorities prohibited sales of individual issues on hundreds of occasions between 1926 and 1932 World War II mobilisation in the ensuing years ended any resemblance of autonomy for the Korean press all Korean language publications were outlawed in 1941 After World War II 1945 1990 edit Following the period of 1945 to 1948 which saw a burgeoning of newspapers and periodicals of every description as well as occasional censorship of the media almost all subsequent South Korean governments have at times attempted to control the media A number of newsreels were produced or approved by the United States Army Military Government in Korea The first newsreel to be produced in the South was the 1945 1947 Haebang News 1 Between 1953 and 1994 the government produced newsreel Korean News was created and shown in movie theaters across the country 2 Syngman Rhee s government continued the military government s Ordinance Number Eighty Eight which outlawed leftist newspapers Rhee also closed moderate newspapers and arrested reporters and publishers on numerous occasions between 1948 and 1960 On taking power in 1961 Park Chung hee s Supreme Council for National Reconstruction closed all but fifteen of Seoul s 64 daily newspapers and refused to register a comparable percentage of the country s news services weeklies and monthly publications while using its radio and news agencies to promote its official line The Park government also used the Press Ethics Commission Law of 1964 and after 1972 emergency decrees that penalized criticism of the government to keep the media in line In 1974 the government ordered several journalists fired and used the KCIA to force Dong a Ilbo to stop its reporting on popular opposition to the Park government by intimidating the paper s advertisers During the Park and the subsequent Chun Doo hwan administrations the government exercised considerable control and surveillance over the media through the comprehensive National Security Act In late 1980 the Chun government established more thorough control of the news media than had existed in South Korea since the Korean War Independent news agencies were absorbed into a single state run agency numerous provincial newspapers were closed central newspapers were forbidden to station correspondents in provincial cities the Christian Broadcasting System network was forbidden to provide news coverage and two independent broadcasting companies were absorbed into the state run Korean Broadcasting System KBS In addition the Defense Security Command then commanded by Roh Tae Woo and the Ministry of Culture and Information ordered hundreds of South Korean journalists fired and banned from newspaper writing or editing The Basic Press Act of December 1980 was the legal capstone of Chun s system of media control and provided for censorship and control of newspapers periodicals and broadcast media It also set the professional qualifications for journalists Media censorship was coordinated with intelligence officials representatives of various government agencies and the presidential staff by the Office of Public Information Policy within the Ministry of Culture and Information using daily reporting guidelines sent to newspaper editors The guidelines dealt exhaustively with questions of emphasis topics to be covered or avoided the use of government press releases and even the size of headlines Enforcement methods ranged from telephone calls to editors to more serious forms of intimidation including interrogations and beatings by police One former Ministry of Culture and Information official told a National Assembly hearing in 1988 that compliance during his tenure from 1980 to 1982 reached about 70 percent By the mid 1980s censorship of print and broadcast media had become one of the most widely and publicly criticized practices of the Chun government Even the government controlled Yonhap News Agency noted in 1989 that TV companies scarcely worse than other media were the main target of bitter public criticism for their distorted reporting for the government in the early 1980s Editorials called for the abolition of the Basic Press Act and related practices a bill was unsuccessfully introduced in the National Assembly to the same end and a public campaign to withhold compulsory viewers fees in protest against censorship by the KBS network received widespread press attention By the summer of 1986 even the ruling party was responding to public opinion The political liberalization of the late 1980s brought a loosening of press restraints and a new generation of journalists more willing to investigate sensitive subjects such as the May 1980 Gwangju massacre Roh s eight point declaration of June 29 1987 provided for a free press including allowing newspapers to base correspondents in provincial cities and withdrawing security officials from newspaper offices The South Korean media began a rapid expansion Seoul papers expanded their coverage and resumed the practice of stationing correspondents in provincial cities Although temporarily still under the management of a former Blue House press spokesman the MBC television network a commercial network that had been under the control of the state managed KBS since 1980 resumed independent broadcasting The number of radio broadcast stations grew from 74 in 1985 to 111 including both AM and FM stations by late 1988 and 125 by late 1989 The number of periodicals rose as the government removed restrictions on the publishing industry There also were qualitative changes in the South Korean media The Christian Broadcasting System a radio network again began to broadcast news as well as religious programming in 1987 In the same year the government partially lifted a long standing ban on the works of North Korean artists and musicians many of whom were of South Korean origin A newspaper run by dissident journalists began publication in 1988 Several other new dailies also appeared in 1988 Many of the new weekly and monthly periodicals bypassed the higher profits of the traditional general circulation magazines to provide careful analyses of political economic and national security affairs to smaller specialized audiences Observers noted a dramatic increase in press coverage of previously taboo subjects such as political military relations factions within the military the role of security agencies in politics and the activities of dissident organizations Opinion polls dealing with these and other sensitive issues also began to appear with increasing regularity Journalists at several of the Seoul dailies organized trade unions in late 1987 and early 1988 and began to press for editorial autonomy and a more significant role in newspaper management In 1989 South Korea s four largest dailies Hankook Ilbo Joongang Ilbo Chosun Ilbo and Donga Ilbo had a combined circulation of more than 6 5 million The anti establishment The Hankyoreh had 450 000 readers less than the major dailies or smaller papers like Kyonghan Shinmun or Seoul Shinmun but larger than four more specialized economic dailies All the major dailies were privately owned except for the government controlled Hankook Ilbo Several other daily publications had specialized readerships among sport fans and youth Two English language newspapers the government subsidized Korea Herald and the Korea Times which was affiliated with the independent Soul immune were widely read by foreign embassies and businesses A Chinese language daily served South Korea s small Chinese population The Yonhap News Agency provided domestic and foreign news to government agencies newspapers and broadcasters Yonhap also provided information on South Korean developments in English by computerized transmission via the Asia Pacific News Network Additional links with world media were facilitated by four satellite link stations The International Broadcast Centre established in June 1988 served some 10 000 broadcasters for the 1988 Seoul Olympics The government s KBS radio network broadcast overseas in twelve languages Two private radio networks the Asia Broadcasting Company and Far East Broadcasting Company served a wide regional audience that included the Soviet Far East China and Japan The South Korean government also supported Naewoe Press which dealt solely with North Korean affairs Originally a propaganda vehicle that followed the government line on unification policy issues Naewoe Press became increasingly objective and moderate in tone in the mid 1980s in interpreting political social and economic developments in North Korea Vantage Point an English language publication of Naewoe Press provided in depth studies of North Korean social economic and political developments 3 4 5 Except for two newspapers one in Korean and one in English that the government owned or controlled and the state television network ownership of the media was for the most part distinct from political or economic power One exception was the conservative daily Joongang Ilbo Under the close oversight of its owner the late Samsung Group founder and multimillionaire Lee Byung chul the paper and its affiliated TBC television network generally supported the Park government during the 1970s Its relations with the government became strained after 1980 however when Chun Doo hwan forced TBC to merge with KBS A journalists strike at Joongang Ilbo in 1989 one of many similar incidents at the major South Korean newspapers won even greater management and editorial independence Most of South Korea s major newspapers derived their financial support from advertising and their affiliation with major publishing houses The Donga Press for example published not only the prestigious daily Donga Ilbo but also a variety of other periodicals including a newspaper for children the general circulation monthly Shin Donga a women s magazine and specialized reference books and magazines for students Throughout the post war period the Donga Ilbo has been noted for its opposition sympathies South Korea s principal anti establishment newspaper The Hankyoreh 6 began publication in May 1988 It was founded by dissident journalists who were purged by the government in the early 1970s or 1980 many of the paper s reporters and editorial staff left positions in mainstream newspapers to join the new venture The structure and approach of the paper reflected the founders view that in the past the South Korean news media had been too easily co opted by the government The paper had a human rights department as well as a mass media department to keep an eye on the government s press policy and to critique the ideological and political biases of other newspapers The paper s nationalism and interest in national reunification were symbolically represented in the logo which depicted Lake Cheonji at the peak of Baekdu Mountain in North Korea in the exclusive use of the Korean alphabet and in the type font in which the paper s name was printed which dated from a famous Korean publication of the eighteenth century before the country became divided The paper was printed horizontally rather than vertically like other Seoul dailies In other innovations The Hankyoreh relied on sales revenues private contributions and the sale of stock rather than advertising from major corporations in line with its claim to be the first newspaper in the world truly independent of political power and large capital The newspaper came under increasing government pressure in 1989 South Korea also had extensive and well developed visual media The first Korean film was produced in 1919 and cinemas subsequently were built in the larger cities The result of the spread of television sets and radios was the dissemination of a homogenized popular culture and the impingement of urban values in rural communities Current status 1990 today edit After decades of state control and heavy censorship the South Korean press in print on television and online is experiencing a period of relative freedom However the repressive Basic Press Law was repealed in 1987 and since 1990 the television market has expanded significantly Whereas in 1980 there were only 28 national newspapers today there are 122 In 2002 satellite broadcasting brought multi channel commercial television to homes across South Korea According to most outside observers political discourse is unrestricted in South Korea however persistent concerns are worth noting The National Security Law allows the government to limit the expression of ideas deemed pro North Korean or communist broad interpretations of this statute place a chill on peaceful dissent In addition in 2003 President Roh Moo Hyun brought a libel suit against four of the major national newspapers and the government has stated that editorials are subject to legal action if they are found to contain falsehoods Outside observers have criticised pressure tactics used by both the South Korean government and the business community to influence reporting Major newspapers include Chosun Ilbo Donga Ilbo Joongang Ilbo and Hankook Ilbo all published in Seoul The five nationwide television networks are KBS 1 and KBS 2 public broadcast MBC run as a public organization EBS state funded and SBS a commercial broadcaster Some 70 percent of South Korean households have broadband Internet access and the online media marketplace is growing rapidly Popular news Web sites such as OhMyNews com register as many as 15 million visits per day 7 Today much of the news in South Korea is delivered through electronic means and the country is at the leading edge of the digital revolution and a trailblazer for high speed and wireless internet services 8 Books editBaegunhwasang Chorokbuljo Jikjisimcheyojeol Jikji Anthology Teachings of Zen Buddhist Priests is the world s oldest extant movable metal print book It was published in 1377 Goryeo Dynasty 78 years prior to Johannes Gutenberg s 42 Line Bible printed during the years 1452 1455 9 In 1446 Hunminjeongeum was published by Sejong fourth king of Joseon Dynasty and scholars of Jiphyunjeon This text describes the promulgation of Hangul which is the basis for the modern native Korean alphabet It is constructed in two parts Hunminjeongeum Yeibon the body and Hunminjeongeum Haerebon explanations In the introduction King Sejong revealed that the purpose of creating the Hunminjeongeum In 1997 it was inscribed into the UNESCO Memory of the World Register 10 11 Newspapers editPublished in the late Joseon era Hansung Sunbo was the first modern newspaper in Korea It was published in Bakmunkuk an official printing office and written in Hanja and published every 10 days The paper carried both domestic and foreign news and had enlightened opinions The Independent was the nation s first newspaper written in Hangeul and the first to be privately owned Seo Jae Pil published it in two version Korean Hangul and English The Independent made an effort to enlighten people and denounce absurd Joseon officials After the 1980s newspapers received greater freedom after the Basic Press Law was repealed Nowadays the Chosun Ilbo Dong A Ilbo and Joong Ang Ilbo are the major conservative newspapers Hankook Ilbo is moderate Kyunghyang Shinmun and The Hankyoreh are the major liberal newspapers In South Korea conservative newspapers are more widely read Maeil Business Newspaper and Korea Economic Daily are the major business newspapers In Korea as in many other countries the number of newspaper subscribers is decreasing Magazines editWeekly magazines edit Jugan Chosun 주간조선 Conservative Sisa Jeoneol 시사저널 Conservative Maegyeong Economy 매경이코노미 Economic Jugan Kyunghyang 주간경향 Conservative Hankurye 21 한겨레21 Conservative Economist 이코노미스트 Economic Jugan Dong a 주간동아 Conservative Mijeunaeil 미즈내일 For woman Jugan Hankook 주간한국 Conservative Mirae Hankook 미래한국 Conservative Hankyung Business 한경비즈니스 Economic Monthly magazines edit Sindong a 신동아 Conservative Wolgan Joongang 월간중앙 Conservative Wolgan Joseon 월간조선 Conservative Inmulgwa Sasang 인물과 사상 Conservative Yeoseong Dong a 여성동아 For woman Yeoseong Chosun 여성조선 For womam Wolgan CEO 월간 CEO Ecomomic Ikonomi Chosun 이코노미조선 Economic jonghab Mulga Jeongbo 종합물가정보 Economic 12 Radio networks editMain article List of radio stations in South Korea The first radio broadcasting was JODK by Kyungsung Broadcasting in 1927 Some people regard HLKA by Korean Broadcasting system in 1947 as the first radio broadcasting in Korea Since 2003 DAB Digital Audio Broadcasting or DAR Digital Audio Radio services have been used 13 FM radio edit KBS public broadcasting group operates 7 channels 14 KBS Radio 1 KBS Radio 2 KBS Radio 3 KBS 1FM KBS 2FM KBS Hanminjeok Radio and KBS World Radio MBC In Korea MBC Radio is the most popular in general because there are several long running programs MBC operates 2 channels FM4U and Standard FM Cho Yeong Nam amp Choi Yu ra s Radio Golden Age is the most famous program which provides funny stories and K pop music SBS Power FM EBS Educational Broadcasting System CBS is the first commercial radio broadcaster in South Korea It contains programs about Christianity Other religious programming broadcasters PBC Pyeonghwa Broadcasting Corporation 평화방송 BBS Buddhism Broadcasting System BBS 佛敎放送 FEBC Far East Broadcasting Co Korea 極東放送 WBS 원음방송 Traffic broadcasters TBS Traffic Broadcasting System They specialize in traffic Many other stations also provide hourly traffic condition reports typically for 3 minutes every 57 minutes There are many radio stations in Korea but channels are not uniquely distinctive KBS 1FM KBS 1AM TBS Traffic Broadcasting System are somewhat distinctive Other channels are usually broadcast according to people s lifestyle 13 AM radio edit SBS Love AMTV Networks editMain article Television in South Korea KORCAD was the first TV station in South Korea which launched in 1956 In South Korea terrestrial television broadcasting is common and popular As terrestrial broadcasters there are five channels with four television stations KBS includes many channels including terrestrial channels KBS1 and KBS2 cable network KBS drama KBS Joy and KBS World broadcasting overseas MBC is a South Korean free to air television channel and is considered the first private company in South Korea launched on 8 August 1969 and owned by Munhwa Broadcasting Corporation EBS is a South Korean educational public broadcaster and radio network covering South Korean territory and the only major South Korean radio and television network without a separate regional service SBS South Korean free to air television channel operated by Seoul Broadcasting System The channel was launched on 9 December 1991 KBS MBC EBS are public broadcasters while SBS is a commercial broadcaster under a many public broadcasters system It is a unique system other countries typically have one public broadcaster and many commercial broadcasters KBS is funded by public money accrued from a television license fee gathered from all South Korea households with a television set As of 2010 the fee is 2500 about 2 USD Due to low public funds KBS2 runs commercials Looking at the ownership of MBC 70 of it is owned by a government owned not for profit organization The Foundation of Broadcast Culture and 30 of it belongs to Jeong su Scholarship Foundation Also because KBS2 and MBC run commercials there are a lot of controversies on the definition of public broadcasting in South Korea 15 Digital television technology emerged recently Although some television stations have begun broadcasting digital signals it is not yet widespread as in the United States The Government of South Korea set December 31 2012 as the deadline for digital conversion in South Korea From 2013 South Korea will convert from the analogue broadcasting to the digital broadcasting This date coincides with the United Kingdom conversion date According to DTV Korea the rate of digital TV sets in use is about 60 2010 16 New media editInternet edit See also Internet censorship in South Korea When it comes to Internet use South Korea ranked third in the world in 2003 17 According to statistics from the Korean Ministry of Information and Communication 78 5 of families own a computer of which 93 6 use the Internet 2005 Many businesses utilize the Internet in Korea for services such as news social media shopping banking games and educational content Internet journalism edit Joongang Ilbo developed the first internet news website in Asia in 1995 After the start almost every daily newspaper made its website There are also online only portals like Prussian Social media edit As in other countries social media has become the spotlight in South Korea The most well notable social media in South Korea are KakaoTalk Naver Cyworld and Snow KakaoTalk is a social media messenger application According to science direct it is the most widely used IM application in South Korea with over 49 1 million active users 2019 Digital Investigation Its wide range as a social media application is the main focus of why it has its current 49 1 million active users This application allows users to do a wide variety of activities outside of messaging You can also make purchasing and send gifts to friends Allowing users to feel closer even from a distance Naver Is a search engine equivalent to google of South Korea it is the leading search engine in South Korea Outside of being a search engine it also has many other attributes BAND A software application that focused on group communication and stayed connected with your group This includes features such as polls group calendars and private chats Naver Cafe Similar to many forums Naver cafe allows users to post and create their internet communities LINE Line is an instant messaging app including Texts images and even voice chat Outside of this the company also creates characters to be shared known as LINE FRIENDS These characters are also turned into a multitude of products Such as plushies pins and even on close Some of these characters are BT21 and Brown and Friends Cyworld is one of the first social network applications for South Korea On Cyworld you can chat with other members by forming friendships by sharing interests and memories As time has gone on it has become less popular comparatively and failed compared to its competitors throughout the generation of social networking Another reason for its failure was based on its restriction Cyworld created barriers among countries failing to expand beyond being a local service provider Park Hye min 2011 As of recent years Cyworld has claimed to make a comeback Snow is a social media application But unlike most applications its main focus is images Mainly selfies Through this application you can alter your appearance in many ways This includes adding makeup changing your eye color and even slimming your face Other attributes are a wide variety of filters that go from cute creepy and funny This application is focused on vanity and sharing filters and images with your friends Blogs edit Almost every big portal site provides a blogging service Nate Naver and Daum s blog are the most popular Social networks edit An early social networking platform Cyworld was launched in South Korea in 2000 It shut down in 2014 Users could upload their information mood pictures etc It featured the following of other people in a similar vein as Facebook Micro blogging edit with its prevalence growing in conjunction with the growing popularity of smartphones in South Korea me2day and yozm are some other microblogs in South Korean media Regulations editWhat is the grounds of media regulations Although broadcasters have freedom of expression broadcasters have to promote public interest because electromagnetic waves are in the public domain Media law consist of two structures briefly Business Regulation and Content Related Regulation They mean fairness among the broadcasters and freedom of expression each Business regulations edit Restrictions on market entry It is the most powerful regulation that decide who will broadcasting business The grounds of this regulation are largely that electromagnetic wave is scarce so all of those who want to operate a broadcasting system cannot do it and the providers have to set fair to operate a broadcaster ex financial power social experiences etc Until just recently large companies above top 30 newspaper agency could not operate a broadcasting system because of the independence of media It caused problems in Korea in history But recently newly revised media law allows it 18 Terrestrial broadcasting Cable Television broadcasting satellite broadcasting government permit News channel General service channel home shopping channel government s approval Other program Resister 19 Ownership restrictions It means restriction on the number of broadcasting system that one provider can own Its purpose is to prevent monopoly or oligopoly on broadcasting In Summary One provider person or corporation can only own one business on the Terrestrial broadcaster and satellite broadcaster Cable system operator and program provider can own more than one broadcaster and transmission line But they can be restricted by the government with regards to market share and the number of providers One provider can own terrestrial broadcaster satellite broadcaster and cable broadcaster except a combination of terrestrial broadcaster and cable broadcaster On cable broadcasting one provider can serve system operator network operator and program provider but they can restricted with regard to a market share and the number of providers According to newly enactment of Broadcasting Law and Internet Multimedia Broadcasting Business Law from President Lee Myung Bak s administration the trend is changing Newspaper and large company can hold a 10 percent stake in terrestrial broadcaster a 30 percent stake in cable broadcaster a 49 percent stakein IPTV or news channel Content regulation edit Content within Korean Media is often quite restricted depending really They tend to censor out mass amounts of gore and violence usually depending on what source it s on and anything that may go against important Laws See also editManhwa Kpop Webtoon List of newspapers in South Korea Communications in South Korea International mass media of South KoreaReferences edit Yang Jeong Sim 2016 08 31 Liberation Space and Times of Resistance in Visual Records International Journal of Korean History 19 2 71 105 doi 10 22372 ijkh 2014 19 2 71 ISSN 1598 2041 대한뉴스 大韓News Korean News Encyclopedia of Korean Culture in Korean Retrieved 2023 09 14 Hoare James E 2015 Historical Dictionary of the Republic of Korea series Historical Dictionaries of Asia Oceania and the Middle East 3rd ed United Kingdom Rownman amp Littlefield pp 337 338 ISBN 978 0810849495 Hoare James E 2012 Historical Dictionary of Democratic People s Republic of Korea series Historical Dictionaries of Asia Oceania and the Middle East United Kingdom Scarecrow Press Rowman amp Littlefield Publishing Group p 271 ISBN 978 0810861510 Hoare James E Pares Susan 2005 A Political and Economic Dictionary of East Asia series Political and Economic Dictionaries 1st ed London Routledge Taylor and Francis Group p 348 ISBN 978 1857432589 Home The Hankyoreh Korea pdf South Korea country profile Library of Congress Federal Research Division May 2005 This article incorporates text from this source which is in the public domain South Korea country profile overview BBC News 2012 03 29 Retrieved 2012 08 05 Anthology Teachings of Zen Buddhist Priests English visitkorea or kr Retrieved 2012 08 05 Lee Mi Hwa Study for Hunminjeongeum section in High School Korean Textbook Yeongnam Graduate School of Education 2010 Ryan Kevin 2ix2 Retrieved 12 February 2023 1 a b Oh Taek sup Media in the Information Society 2009 Nanam Kbs Global English kbs co kr Retrieved 2012 08 05 Yang Mun Seok A Critical Study on Privatization A Public Broadcaster 2010 Korean Broadcasting Commission DTV Korea 디지털 전환 정책 www dtvkorea org Archived from the original on April 19 2011 New York Times PERSONAL BUSINESS DIARY Around the World Gains in Internet Use Feb 16th 2003 Jung Hyung Gi Broadcasting of Korea 2010 Shinsung Professor Shim Jae woong Lecture Introduction to Broadcasting Sookmyung Women s UniversityExternal links edithttp office kbs co kr museum http www kba or kr http eng kcc go kr user ehpMain do news media links Retrieved from https en wikipedia org w index php title Mass media in South Korea amp oldid 1216884041, wikipedia, wiki, book, books, library,


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