
Kingdom of León

The Kingdom of León[a] was an independent kingdom situated in the northwest region of the Iberian Peninsula. It was founded in 910 when the Christian princes of Asturias along the northern coast of the peninsula shifted their capital from Oviedo to the city of León. The kings of León fought civil wars, wars against neighbouring kingdoms, and campaigns to repel invasions by both the Moors and the Vikings, all in order to protect their kingdom's changing fortunes.

Kingdom of León
Reinu de Llión (Asturian)
Reino de León (Spanish)
Reino de León (Galician)
Reino de Leão (Portuguese)
Regnum Legionense (Latin)
Reino de Lhion (Mirandese)
The Kingdom of León (green) in 1095.
Common languagesAstur-Leonese,[1] Galician-Portuguese, Castilian, Latin, Mozarabic
Roman Catholic (Official)


Sunni Islam, Judaism
GovernmentFeudal monarchy
• 910–914
García I (first)
• 1188–1230
Alfonso IX (last)
LegislatureCortes of León
Historical eraMiddle Ages
• Established
• Permanent union of Castile and León
10 December 1230
Preceded by
Succeeded by
Today part ofSpain
Alfonso the Great (848-910), king of León, Galicia and Asturias

García is the first of the kings described by the charters as reigning in León. It is generally assumed that the old Asturian kingdom was divided among the three sons of Alfonso III of Asturias: García (León), Ordoño (Galicia) and Fruela (Asturias), as all three participated in deposing their father. When García died in 914, León went to Ordoño, who now ruled both León and Galicia as Ordoño II. At Ordoño's death in 924, the throne went to his brother Fruela II (924–925), who died of leprosy a year later. Fruela's death in 925 was followed by a civil war, after which Alfonso, the eldest son of Ordoño II, emerged as the new king Alfonso IV, ruling from 925 to 932. After a further power struggle, Ramiro, the younger brother of Alfonso IV, became king in 932, having captured his brother Alfonso, as well as the three sons of Fruela II – Alfonso, Ordoño and Ramiro. Alfonso IV may have died soon after, but he left two infant sons, called Ordoño and Fruela. When Ramiro died in 951, he left two sons by two different wives. When the elder son Ordoño III, who ruled from 951 to 956, suddenly died aged little more than thirty, he was succeeded by his younger half-brother Sancho I "The Fat" (956–966), as Ordoño had failed to produce a legitimate heir.[2]

Sancho's son Ramiro had been born in 961 and was only about five years old when his father died.[3] He was also the only legitimate member of the direct family line. His mother Teresa Ansúrez had retired into the recently founded monastery of San Pelayo, of which her sister-in-law Elvira was the abbess. Another nun, Sancho's full sister Elvira Ramírez emerged as regent during his long minority. Under the regency of Elvira, fresh raids of the Northmen were repelled from the coast of Galicia. In 968, Gunrod of Norway, the Viking leader, established himself on Galician soil and held out for a year and a half: Bishop Sisnando of Compostela died fighting him, and his successor St Rudesind carried on the struggle until Count Gonzalo Sánchez defeated the invaders and killed Gunrod himself.[4] Count Sánchez destroyed the entire fleet of Gunrod. In 1008, Norman Vikings attacked Galicia, destroying Santiago de Compostela and seventeen other towns, while Olaf Haraldsson of Norway raided Spain's Atlantic coast.[5] There are also reports of a series of attacks on the Christian lands of north Spain in 1028, 1032, and 1038, and the Christian kingdoms in the north commonly used Vikings as mercenaries in their internecine wars.[6]

The County of Castile split off in 931, the County of Portugal separated to become the independent Kingdom of Portugal in 1139 and the eastern, inland part of León was joined to the Kingdom of Castile in 1230. From 1296 to 1301, the Kingdom of León was again independent and after the re-union with Castile remained a Crown until 1833, but as part of a united Spain from 1479. In the Royal Decree of 30 November 1833, the Kingdom of León was considered one of the Spanish regions and divided into the provinces of León, Zamora and Salamanca. In 1978, these three provinces of the region of León were included along with six provinces of the historic region of Old Castile to create the autonomous community of Castile and León. However, significant parts of the former kingdom today integrate these three provinces and the autonomous communities of Extremadura, Galicia and Asturias, in Spain, in addition to northern Portugal.

Background edit

The city of León was founded by the Legio VII Gemina ("twin seventh legion") of the Roman Empire. It was the headquarters of that legion in the Late Roman Empire and was a centre for trade in gold, which was mined at Las Médulas nearby. In 540, the city was conquered by the Arian Visigothic king Liuvigild[citation needed], who did not harass the already well-established Catholic population. In 717, León fell again, this time to the Moors. However, León was one of the first cities retaken during the Reconquista and became part of the Kingdom of Asturias in 742.

León was a small town during this time, but one of the few former Roman cities in the Kingdom of Asturias which still held significance (the surviving Roman walls bear the medieval walling upon them). During Visigothic times, the city had served as a bishopric, and incorporating the city into Asturias brought legitimacy to the Asturian monarchs who sought to lead a unified Iberian church, during a time when most of the Iberian Peninsula was governed by Muslim powers.

History edit

León was created as a separate kingdom when the Asturian king, Alfonso the Great, divided his realm among his three sons. León was inherited by García I (910–914) who moved the capital of the kingdom of Astures to León. His successor was Ordoño II of León (914–924). Ordoño II was also a military leader who brought expeditions from León south to Seville, Córdoba, and Guadalajara, in the heart of the Muslim territory.

The new kingdom of León, 910

After a few years of civil wars during the reigns of Fruela II, Alfonso Fróilaz and Alfonso IV, Ramiro II (931–951) assumed the throne and brought stability to the kingdom. A brave military commander who defeated the Muslim armies in their own territory, Ramiro's expeditions turned the valley of the Douro into a no-man's land that separated Christian kingdoms in the north of Iberia from the Muslim states in the south. Ramiro II was nicknamed "The Devil" by Muslims because of his great military skill.

As the Leonese troops advanced they were followed by a process of repoblación, which consisted of repopulating the Meseta high plains, with people coming from Galicia and especially from Asturias and León. This migration of Asturian and Leonese peoples greatly influenced the Leonese language. During the repoblación period, there arose a distinct form of art known as Mozarabic art. Mozarabic art is a mixing of Visigoth, Islamic, and Byzantine elements. Notable examples of the Mozarabic style are the Leonese churches of San Miguel de Escalada and Santiago de Peñalba.

During the early 10th century, León expanded to the south and east, securing territory that became the County of Burgos. Fortified with numerous castles, Burgos remained within Leon until the 930s, at which time Count Ferdinand II of Castile began a campaign to expand Burgos and make it independent and hereditary. He took for himself the title Count of Castile, in reference to the many castles of the territory (around Burgos), and continued expanding his area at the expense of León by allying with the Caliphate of Córdoba, until 966, when he was defeated by Sancho I of León.

Viking raids edit

Sancho I died towards the end of 966 and five year old Ramiro III (966–982) ascended to the throne of León. In the second year of his reign, 968, a Viking fleet of 100 ships landed in Galicia led by king Gunrod.[7][unreliable source?] The Vikings defeated the Galician forces, and killed Sisnando, the bishop of Compostela.[8] The defeat in the Battle of Fornelos left Galicia without an authority capable of facing the Vikings, who for three years camped comfortably, looting different Galician regions. In 971, Gunrod and his Vikings were surprised and defeated by Count Gonzalo Sánchez upon return towards Ría de Ferrol (where they had their stranded ships). The Galician troops captured Gunrod and many of his warriors, executing them all.[9] Sporadic Viking assaults continued in the north of Spain even into the 11th century. In 1008, Galicia and the Douro region were attacked, and in 1014 or 1015 a major raid was launched against the city of Tui at the mouth of the Minho River. The Vikings managed to successfully capture the bishop and many of the town's inhabitants. The Knýtlinga saga and Gesta Danorum describe another big raid after this one, in the year 1028. It was led by Ulv Galiciefarer, who tried to go to the Riá de Arousa area and then became a mercenary for Rodrigo Romániz, but was defeated by the bishop of Compostela. The last recorded raids occurred during the period 1047–1066 when Cresconius, the bishop of Compostela, fought and won several battles against the Vikings.[8]

Peak edit

The Kingdom of León in 1037

The Kingdom of León continued to be the most important of all those of the Iberian Peninsula. However, Sancho III of Navarre (1004–1035) took over Castile in the 1020s, and managed León in the last year of his life, leaving Galicia to temporary independence. In the division of lands which followed his death, his son Fernando succeeded to the county of Castile. Two years later, in 1037, he defeated the king of León who died in the battle and, because Fernando was married to the Leonese king's sister, he became king of León and Galicia. For nearly 30 years, until his death in 1065, he ruled over the kingdom of León and the county of Castile as Ferdinand I of León.[10]

Early in its existence, León lay directly to the north of the powerful Caliphate of Córdoba. When internal dissensions divided Al-Andalus' loyalties in the 11th century, leading to the age of smaller Taifa successor states of the Caliphate, the Christian kingdoms, who had been sending tribute to the Caliphate, found themselves in a position to demand payments (parias) instead, in return for favours to particular factions or as simple extortion.

Thus, though scarcely influenced by the culture of the successor territories of the former Caliphate, Ferdinand I followed the example of the counts of Barcelona and the kings of Aragon and became hugely wealthy from the parias of the Taifas. When he died in 1065, his territories and the parias were split among his three sons, of whom Alfonso emerged the victor in the classic fratricidal strife common to feudal successions.[10]

Few in Europe would have known of this immense new wealth in a kingdom so isolated that its bishops had virtually no contact with Rome, except that Ferdinand and his heirs (the kings of León and Castile) became the greatest benefactors of the Abbey of Cluny, where Abbot Hugh (died 1109) undertook construction of the huge third abbey church, the cynosure of every eye. The Way of Saint James called pilgrims from Western Europe to the supposed tomb of Saint James the Great in Santiago de Compostela, and the large hostels and churches along the route encouraged building in the Romanesque style.

Alfonso VI was one of the most important kings of León of the Middle Ages. He assumed control of first León, and later Castile and Galicia, when his brother died attacking the Leonese city of Zamora. He was crowned Emperor of Spain over all the kings of the Iberian Peninsula.[11]

León and Castile edit

Flag of Kingdom of León at the times of King Alfonso VII (1105–1157)
Shield of Alfonso IX displayed in the Tumbo A manuscript of 12th century.
The purple lion emblem displayed in the Tumbo A.

The taking of Toledo, the old Visigoth capital, in 1085 by Alfonso VI of León was a turning point in the development of León and Castile and the first major milestone in the Reconquista. Christian Mozarabs from Al-Andalus had come north to populate the deserted frontier lands, and the traditional view of Spanish history has been that they brought with them the remains of Visigothic and Classical culture, and a new ideology of Reconquista, a crusade against the Moors. Modern historians see the fall of Toledo as marking a basic change in relations with the Moorish south, turning from the simple extortion of annual tribute to outright territorial expansion. Alfonso VI was drawn into local politics by strife within Toledo and inherited the political alliances of the city-state. He found himself faced with problems unfamiliar to him, such as appointing and dealing with a Catholic bishop in Toledo and the settling of garrisons in the small Muslim strongholds, the taifas, which were dependent on Toledo and which often bought the king's favour with gold from their trade with Al-Andalus and the Maghreb. Alfonso VI thus found his role as a Catholic king redefined as he governed large cities with sophisticated urban, Muslim subjects and growing Christian populations.

The two kingdoms of León and Castile were split in 1157, when a major defeat for Alfonso VII of Castile weakened the authority of Castile.

A map of the Kingdom of León in 1210

The last two kings of an independent Kingdom of León (1157–1230) were Ferdinand II and Alfonso IX. Fernando II led León's conquest of Mérida, a city dating from Roman times. Alfonso IX, besides conquering the whole of Extremadura (including the cities of Cáceres and Badajoz), was the most modern king of his time, founding the University of Salamanca in 1212 and summoning in 1188 the first parliament with representation of the citizenry ever seen in Europe,[12] the Cortes of León.[citation needed]

Alfonso IX did not want his kingdom to disappear upon his death and designated his heirs as Sancha and Dulce, the daughters of his first wife. In order to maintain the independence of the Kingdom of León, Afonso IX applied in his testament the Galician right of inheritance, which granted men and women equality in succession, thus leaving his daughters to be the future queens of León. However, when Alfonso IX died in 1230, his son by Berenguela of Castile, Ferdinand III of Castile, invaded León and assumed the crown. He thus became the first joint sovereign of both kingdoms since the death of Alfonso VII in 1157. The isolated Atlantic province, the County of Portugal, had won independence in 1139 to become the Kingdom of Portugal.

The union between León and Castile was not accepted by the Leonese people.[citation needed] King Ferdinand III needed two years to suppress the secessionist revolts in the Kingdom of León, so his son Alfonso X restored the independence of the Kingdom of León. However, this was not respected by his son and successor, Sancho IV, whose brother John waited until 1296, following Sancho's death the previous year, to be crowned as John I, King of León, Galicia and Seville. In 1301, he abdicated, and the king of Castile assumed the Crown of León, reuniting the two kingdoms.

The Leonese royal arms with crest (after the union with Castile)

Though the kings of Castile and León initially continued to take the title King of León as the superior title, and to use a lion as part of their standard, power in fact became centralized in Castile, as exemplified by the Leonese language's replacement by Castilian. The Kingdom of León and the Kingdom of Castile kept different Parliaments, different flags, different coin and different laws until the Modern Era, when Spain, like other European states, centralized governmental power.

Modern era edit

The Kingdom of León coexisted as a personal union under the Crown of Castile, with León possessing separate institutions, such as its own cortes, the Real Adelantamiento of the Kingdom of León, and the Merino mayor of León, among others, many of which lasted until the 19th century. The Castilian monarchs, however, soon began a process of unifying the laws of the two kingdoms, as exemplified by the Siete Partidas. By the 16th century, León became a captaincy-general.

19th century edit

In the 19th century, León declared war, together with Galicia and Asturias, against the First French Empire in the Peninsular War, and organised the Junta General del Reino de León as its own government. The modern region of León was established in 1833[13][better source needed] and was divided into León, Zamora, and Salamanca provinces.

Present edit

At present, León is composed of the provinces of León, Zamora, and Salamanca, and is now part of the autonomous community of Castile and León within the modern Kingdom of Spain.

Political parties representing Leonesism, the Leonese regionalist and nationalist movements, support the creation of an autonomous community separate from Castile. Leonesist parties gained 13.6% of votes cast in the León autonomic elections in 2007. There have also been initiatives approved by some Leonese city councils to establish a NUTS-2 (European Statistical Region) for León.

Art and architecture edit

Mozarabic church of Santiago de Peñalba
Codex biblicus legionensis

The art of the Kingdom of León, originating in the 10th century and flourishing until the European Romanesque period, is characterized by a unique blend of influences, notably from Al-Andalus, resulting in what is traditionally known as Mozarabic art. This artistic expression, rooted in Visigothic and Andalusian traditions, produced structures ranging from modest single-nave churches to elaborate monastic complexes.[14]

Key figures, including monarchs and ecclesiastical leaders, played a pivotal role in shaping this art, with a notable infusion of Andalusian tastes.[15] The art of León during the 9th to 11th centuries successfully merged diverse traditions, creating a distinctive style within the context of pre-Romanesque art. Noteworthy features include a mix of architectural styles, experimentation with various artistic elements like modillions or horseshoe arches, and the use of mural painting techniques influenced by both Roman and Caliphal styles.[16]

In the realm of painting, illuminated manuscripts like the "beatos" exemplify the vibrancy and evolution of Leonese art, incorporating elements from Byzantine-Merovingian influences to an Islamic-Carolingian character.[17]

During the 11th and 12th centuries, the arrival of Romanesque art marked a significant shift in Leonese artistic expression. Masterpieces such as the Basilica of San Isidoro became prominent examples of Romanesque sculpture and painting. This period also laid the foundation for the Romanesque predecessors of the cathedrals of León and Santiago de Compostela.[18] Sculpture, goldsmithing, and heraldry further thrived, with King Alfonso IX pioneering the use of personal emblems, contributing to the visual language of heraldry that became crucial in medieval battles.

See also edit

Notes edit

  1. ^ UK: /lˈɒn/, US: /-ˈn/; Spanish: [leˈon]; Asturian: Reinu de Llión; Spanish: Reino de León; Galician: Reino de León; Portuguese: Reino de Leão; Latin: Regnum Legionense; Mirandese: Reino de Lhion

References edit

  1. ^ Menéndez Pidal, Ramón. "El Dialecto Leonés" pages 33–37.1906
  2. ^ Collins, Roger (2012-04-03). Caliphs and Kings. Wiley. doi:10.1002/9781118273968. ISBN 978-0-631-18184-2.
  3. ^ Dozy, R P A (1932-01-01). Histoire des musulmans d'Espagne jusqu'à la conquête de l'Andalousie par les Almoravides (711-1110). BRILL. doi:10.1163/9789004600935. ISBN 978-90-04-60093-5. S2CID 161072458.
  4. ^ A History of Portugal. CUP Archive. 1971. p. 38.
  5. ^ Medieval Culture and the Mexican American Borderlands. Texas A&M University Press. 2001. p. 11.
  6. ^ Vikings at War. Casemate Publishers & Book Distributors, LLC. 2016. p. 347.
  7. ^ "10 Most Savage Viking Voyages Of All Time". 29 December 2017. from the original on 28 June 2019. Retrieved 1 July 2019.
  8. ^ a b Brink, Stefan; Price, Neil (2008). The Viking World. Routledge. pp. 467–68.
  9. ^ Eduardo Morales Moreno: Los vikingos en España. Revista Historia de Iberia Vieja, n.º 12, Madrid: HRH Editores, 2006.
  10. ^ a b Gerli, E Michael, ed. (2017). Routledge Revivals: Medieval Iberia (2003): An Encyclopedia. Routledge. p. 327. ISBN 9781351665780. from the original on 2022-06-23. Retrieved 2020-12-12.
  11. ^ Reilly, Bernard F. (1998). The Kingdom of León-Castilla Under King Alfonso VII, 1126-1157. University of Pennsylvania Press. p. 136. ISBN 9780812234527. from the original on 2022-06-23. Retrieved 2020-12-12.
  12. ^ Keane, John (2010). The life and death of democracy (Paperback ed.). London: Pocket. ISBN 978-1416526063.
  13. ^ Real Decreto de 30 de noviembre de 1833
  14. ^ Puentes Arranz, Miguel (2015). "La herencia del arte cordobés en Castilla y León". {{cite journal}}: Cite journal requires |journal= (help)
  15. ^ Regueras Grande, Fernando (2018). "Promotores, clasicismo y estilo en el arte mozárabe leonés". Brigecio: Revista de estudios de Benavente y sus tierras (28): 27–45. ISSN 1697-5804.
  16. ^ Martínez Tejera, Artemio Manuel (2002). "Cenobios leoneses altomedievales ante la europeización: San Pedro y San Pablo de Montes, Santiago y San Martín de Peñalba y San Miguel de Escalada". Hispania Sacra. 54 (109): 87–108. ISSN 0018-215X.
  17. ^ "Los Beatos Mozárabes". Turismo Prerrománico (in European Spanish). Retrieved 2024-01-07.
  18. ^ Alonso, Fernando de Olaguer-Feliú (2003-04-15). El arte románico español (in Spanish). Encuentro. ISBN 978-84-7490-683-7.

External links edit

  • "History of the Kingdom of León"
  • R.A. Fletcher, The Episcopate in the Kingdom of León in the Twelfth Century (Chapter 1): Gives the cultural context of earlier and 12th century León

42°35′54″N 05°34′13″W / 42.59833°N 5.57028°W / 42.59833; -5.57028

kingdom, león, independent, kingdom, situated, northwest, region, iberian, peninsula, founded, when, christian, princes, asturias, along, northern, coast, peninsula, shifted, their, capital, from, oviedo, city, león, kings, león, fought, civil, wars, wars, aga. The Kingdom of Leon a was an independent kingdom situated in the northwest region of the Iberian Peninsula It was founded in 910 when the Christian princes of Asturias along the northern coast of the peninsula shifted their capital from Oviedo to the city of Leon The kings of Leon fought civil wars wars against neighbouring kingdoms and campaigns to repel invasions by both the Moors and the Vikings all in order to protect their kingdom s changing fortunes Kingdom of LeonReinu de Llion Asturian Reino de Leon Spanish Reino de Leon Galician Reino de Leao Portuguese Regnum Legionense Latin Reino de Lhion Mirandese 910 1833Flag ShieldThe Kingdom of Leon green in 1095 CapitalLeonCommon languagesAstur Leonese 1 Galician Portuguese Castilian Latin MozarabicReligionRoman Catholic Official Minority Sunni Islam JudaismGovernmentFeudal monarchyKing 910 914Garcia I first 1188 1230Alfonso IX last LegislatureCortes of LeonHistorical eraMiddle Ages Established910 Permanent union of Castile and Leon10 December 1230 1833 territorial division of Spain1833Preceded by Succeeded byKingdom of Asturias SpainToday part ofSpainPortugalAlfonso the Great 848 910 king of Leon Galicia and AsturiasGarcia is the first of the kings described by the charters as reigning in Leon It is generally assumed that the old Asturian kingdom was divided among the three sons of Alfonso III of Asturias Garcia Leon Ordono Galicia and Fruela Asturias as all three participated in deposing their father When Garcia died in 914 Leon went to Ordono who now ruled both Leon and Galicia as Ordono II At Ordono s death in 924 the throne went to his brother Fruela II 924 925 who died of leprosy a year later Fruela s death in 925 was followed by a civil war after which Alfonso the eldest son of Ordono II emerged as the new king Alfonso IV ruling from 925 to 932 After a further power struggle Ramiro the younger brother of Alfonso IV became king in 932 having captured his brother Alfonso as well as the three sons of Fruela II Alfonso Ordono and Ramiro Alfonso IV may have died soon after but he left two infant sons called Ordono and Fruela When Ramiro died in 951 he left two sons by two different wives When the elder son Ordono III who ruled from 951 to 956 suddenly died aged little more than thirty he was succeeded by his younger half brother Sancho I The Fat 956 966 as Ordono had failed to produce a legitimate heir 2 Sancho s son Ramiro had been born in 961 and was only about five years old when his father died 3 He was also the only legitimate member of the direct family line His mother Teresa Ansurez had retired into the recently founded monastery of San Pelayo of which her sister in law Elvira was the abbess Another nun Sancho s full sister Elvira Ramirez emerged as regent during his long minority Under the regency of Elvira fresh raids of the Northmen were repelled from the coast of Galicia In 968 Gunrod of Norway the Viking leader established himself on Galician soil and held out for a year and a half Bishop Sisnando of Compostela died fighting him and his successor St Rudesind carried on the struggle until Count Gonzalo Sanchez defeated the invaders and killed Gunrod himself 4 Count Sanchez destroyed the entire fleet of Gunrod In 1008 Norman Vikings attacked Galicia destroying Santiago de Compostela and seventeen other towns while Olaf Haraldsson of Norway raided Spain s Atlantic coast 5 There are also reports of a series of attacks on the Christian lands of north Spain in 1028 1032 and 1038 and the Christian kingdoms in the north commonly used Vikings as mercenaries in their internecine wars 6 The County of Castile split off in 931 the County of Portugal separated to become the independent Kingdom of Portugal in 1139 and the eastern inland part of Leon was joined to the Kingdom of Castile in 1230 From 1296 to 1301 the Kingdom of Leon was again independent and after the re union with Castile remained a Crown until 1833 but as part of a united Spain from 1479 In the Royal Decree of 30 November 1833 the Kingdom of Leon was considered one of the Spanish regions and divided into the provinces of Leon Zamora and Salamanca In 1978 these three provinces of the region of Leon were included along with six provinces of the historic region of Old Castile to create the autonomous community of Castile and Leon However significant parts of the former kingdom today integrate these three provinces and the autonomous communities of Extremadura Galicia and Asturias in Spain in addition to northern Portugal Contents 1 Background 2 History 2 1 Viking raids 2 2 Peak 2 3 Leon and Castile 3 Modern era 4 19th century 5 Present 6 Art and architecture 7 See also 8 Notes 9 References 10 External linksBackground editThe city of Leon was founded by the Legio VII Gemina twin seventh legion of the Roman Empire It was the headquarters of that legion in the Late Roman Empire and was a centre for trade in gold which was mined at Las Medulas nearby In 540 the city was conquered by the Arian Visigothic king Liuvigild citation needed who did not harass the already well established Catholic population In 717 Leon fell again this time to the Moors However Leon was one of the first cities retaken during the Reconquista and became part of the Kingdom of Asturias in 742 Leon was a small town during this time but one of the few former Roman cities in the Kingdom of Asturias which still held significance the surviving Roman walls bear the medieval walling upon them During Visigothic times the city had served as a bishopric and incorporating the city into Asturias brought legitimacy to the Asturian monarchs who sought to lead a unified Iberian church during a time when most of the Iberian Peninsula was governed by Muslim powers History editLeon was created as a separate kingdom when the Asturian king Alfonso the Great divided his realm among his three sons Leon was inherited by Garcia I 910 914 who moved the capital of the kingdom of Astures to Leon His successor was Ordono II of Leon 914 924 Ordono II was also a military leader who brought expeditions from Leon south to Seville Cordoba and Guadalajara in the heart of the Muslim territory nbsp The new kingdom of Leon 910After a few years of civil wars during the reigns of Fruela II Alfonso Froilaz and Alfonso IV Ramiro II 931 951 assumed the throne and brought stability to the kingdom A brave military commander who defeated the Muslim armies in their own territory Ramiro s expeditions turned the valley of the Douro into a no man s land that separated Christian kingdoms in the north of Iberia from the Muslim states in the south Ramiro II was nicknamed The Devil by Muslims because of his great military skill As the Leonese troops advanced they were followed by a process of repoblacion which consisted of repopulating the Meseta high plains with people coming from Galicia and especially from Asturias and Leon This migration of Asturian and Leonese peoples greatly influenced the Leonese language During the repoblacion period there arose a distinct form of art known as Mozarabic art Mozarabic art is a mixing of Visigoth Islamic and Byzantine elements Notable examples of the Mozarabic style are the Leonese churches of San Miguel de Escalada and Santiago de Penalba During the early 10th century Leon expanded to the south and east securing territory that became the County of Burgos Fortified with numerous castles Burgos remained within Leon until the 930s at which time Count Ferdinand II of Castile began a campaign to expand Burgos and make it independent and hereditary He took for himself the title Count of Castile in reference to the many castles of the territory around Burgos and continued expanding his area at the expense of Leon by allying with the Caliphate of Cordoba until 966 when he was defeated by Sancho I of Leon Viking raids edit Sancho I died towards the end of 966 and five year old Ramiro III 966 982 ascended to the throne of Leon In the second year of his reign 968 a Viking fleet of 100 ships landed in Galicia led by king Gunrod 7 unreliable source The Vikings defeated the Galician forces and killed Sisnando the bishop of Compostela 8 The defeat in the Battle of Fornelos left Galicia without an authority capable of facing the Vikings who for three years camped comfortably looting different Galician regions In 971 Gunrod and his Vikings were surprised and defeated by Count Gonzalo Sanchez upon return towards Ria de Ferrol where they had their stranded ships The Galician troops captured Gunrod and many of his warriors executing them all 9 Sporadic Viking assaults continued in the north of Spain even into the 11th century In 1008 Galicia and the Douro region were attacked and in 1014 or 1015 a major raid was launched against the city of Tui at the mouth of the Minho River The Vikings managed to successfully capture the bishop and many of the town s inhabitants The Knytlinga saga and Gesta Danorum describe another big raid after this one in the year 1028 It was led by Ulv Galiciefarer who tried to go to the Ria de Arousa area and then became a mercenary for Rodrigo Romaniz but was defeated by the bishop of Compostela The last recorded raids occurred during the period 1047 1066 when Cresconius the bishop of Compostela fought and won several battles against the Vikings 8 Peak edit nbsp The Kingdom of Leon in 1037The Kingdom of Leon continued to be the most important of all those of the Iberian Peninsula However Sancho III of Navarre 1004 1035 took over Castile in the 1020s and managed Leon in the last year of his life leaving Galicia to temporary independence In the division of lands which followed his death his son Fernando succeeded to the county of Castile Two years later in 1037 he defeated the king of Leon who died in the battle and because Fernando was married to the Leonese king s sister he became king of Leon and Galicia For nearly 30 years until his death in 1065 he ruled over the kingdom of Leon and the county of Castile as Ferdinand I of Leon 10 Early in its existence Leon lay directly to the north of the powerful Caliphate of Cordoba When internal dissensions divided Al Andalus loyalties in the 11th century leading to the age of smaller Taifa successor states of the Caliphate the Christian kingdoms who had been sending tribute to the Caliphate found themselves in a position to demand payments parias instead in return for favours to particular factions or as simple extortion Thus though scarcely influenced by the culture of the successor territories of the former Caliphate Ferdinand I followed the example of the counts of Barcelona and the kings of Aragon and became hugely wealthy from the parias of the Taifas When he died in 1065 his territories and the parias were split among his three sons of whom Alfonso emerged the victor in the classic fratricidal strife common to feudal successions 10 Few in Europe would have known of this immense new wealth in a kingdom so isolated that its bishops had virtually no contact with Rome except that Ferdinand and his heirs the kings of Leon and Castile became the greatest benefactors of the Abbey of Cluny where Abbot Hugh died 1109 undertook construction of the huge third abbey church the cynosure of every eye The Way of Saint James called pilgrims from Western Europe to the supposed tomb of Saint James the Great in Santiago de Compostela and the large hostels and churches along the route encouraged building in the Romanesque style Alfonso VI was one of the most important kings of Leon of the Middle Ages He assumed control of first Leon and later Castile and Galicia when his brother died attacking the Leonese city of Zamora He was crowned Emperor of Spain over all the kings of the Iberian Peninsula 11 Leon and Castile edit nbsp Flag of Kingdom of Leon at the times of King Alfonso VII 1105 1157 nbsp Shield of Alfonso IX displayed in the Tumbo A manuscript of 12th century nbsp The purple lion emblem displayed in the Tumbo A The taking of Toledo the old Visigoth capital in 1085 by Alfonso VI of Leon was a turning point in the development of Leon and Castile and the first major milestone in the Reconquista Christian Mozarabs from Al Andalus had come north to populate the deserted frontier lands and the traditional view of Spanish history has been that they brought with them the remains of Visigothic and Classical culture and a new ideology of Reconquista a crusade against the Moors Modern historians see the fall of Toledo as marking a basic change in relations with the Moorish south turning from the simple extortion of annual tribute to outright territorial expansion Alfonso VI was drawn into local politics by strife within Toledo and inherited the political alliances of the city state He found himself faced with problems unfamiliar to him such as appointing and dealing with a Catholic bishop in Toledo and the settling of garrisons in the small Muslim strongholds the taifas which were dependent on Toledo and which often bought the king s favour with gold from their trade with Al Andalus and the Maghreb Alfonso VI thus found his role as a Catholic king redefined as he governed large cities with sophisticated urban Muslim subjects and growing Christian populations The two kingdoms of Leon and Castile were split in 1157 when a major defeat for Alfonso VII of Castile weakened the authority of Castile nbsp A map of the Kingdom of Leon in 1210The last two kings of an independent Kingdom of Leon 1157 1230 were Ferdinand II and Alfonso IX Fernando II led Leon s conquest of Merida a city dating from Roman times Alfonso IX besides conquering the whole of Extremadura including the cities of Caceres and Badajoz was the most modern king of his time founding the University of Salamanca in 1212 and summoning in 1188 the first parliament with representation of the citizenry ever seen in Europe 12 the Cortes of Leon citation needed Alfonso IX did not want his kingdom to disappear upon his death and designated his heirs as Sancha and Dulce the daughters of his first wife In order to maintain the independence of the Kingdom of Leon Afonso IX applied in his testament the Galician right of inheritance which granted men and women equality in succession thus leaving his daughters to be the future queens of Leon However when Alfonso IX died in 1230 his son by Berenguela of Castile Ferdinand III of Castile invaded Leon and assumed the crown He thus became the first joint sovereign of both kingdoms since the death of Alfonso VII in 1157 The isolated Atlantic province the County of Portugal had won independence in 1139 to become the Kingdom of Portugal The union between Leon and Castile was not accepted by the Leonese people citation needed King Ferdinand III needed two years to suppress the secessionist revolts in the Kingdom of Leon so his son Alfonso X restored the independence of the Kingdom of Leon However this was not respected by his son and successor Sancho IV whose brother John waited until 1296 following Sancho s death the previous year to be crowned as John I King of Leon Galicia and Seville In 1301 he abdicated and the king of Castile assumed the Crown of Leon reuniting the two kingdoms nbsp The Leonese royal arms with crest after the union with Castile Though the kings of Castile and Leon initially continued to take the title King of Leon as the superior title and to use a lion as part of their standard power in fact became centralized in Castile as exemplified by the Leonese language s replacement by Castilian The Kingdom of Leon and the Kingdom of Castile kept different Parliaments different flags different coin and different laws until the Modern Era when Spain like other European states centralized governmental power Modern era editThe Kingdom of Leon coexisted as a personal union under the Crown of Castile with Leon possessing separate institutions such as its own cortes the Real Adelantamiento of the Kingdom of Leon and the Merino mayor of Leon among others many of which lasted until the 19th century The Castilian monarchs however soon began a process of unifying the laws of the two kingdoms as exemplified by the Siete Partidas By the 16th century Leon became a captaincy general 19th century editIn the 19th century Leon declared war together with Galicia and Asturias against the First French Empire in the Peninsular War and organised the Junta General del Reino de Leon as its own government The modern region of Leon was established in 1833 13 better source needed and was divided into Leon Zamora and Salamanca provinces Present editAt present Leon is composed of the provinces of Leon Zamora and Salamanca and is now part of the autonomous community of Castile and Leon within the modern Kingdom of Spain Political parties representing Leonesism the Leonese regionalist and nationalist movements support the creation of an autonomous community separate from Castile Leonesist parties gained 13 6 of votes cast in the Leon autonomic elections in 2007 There have also been initiatives approved by some Leonese city councils to establish a NUTS 2 European Statistical Region for Leon Art and architecture editMain article Mozarabic art and architecture nbsp Mozarabic church of Santiago de Penalba nbsp Codex biblicus legionensisThe art of the Kingdom of Leon originating in the 10th century and flourishing until the European Romanesque period is characterized by a unique blend of influences notably from Al Andalus resulting in what is traditionally known as Mozarabic art This artistic expression rooted in Visigothic and Andalusian traditions produced structures ranging from modest single nave churches to elaborate monastic complexes 14 Key figures including monarchs and ecclesiastical leaders played a pivotal role in shaping this art with a notable infusion of Andalusian tastes 15 The art of Leon during the 9th to 11th centuries successfully merged diverse traditions creating a distinctive style within the context of pre Romanesque art Noteworthy features include a mix of architectural styles experimentation with various artistic elements like modillions or horseshoe arches and the use of mural painting techniques influenced by both Roman and Caliphal styles 16 In the realm of painting illuminated manuscripts like the beatos exemplify the vibrancy and evolution of Leonese art incorporating elements from Byzantine Merovingian influences to an Islamic Carolingian character 17 During the 11th and 12th centuries the arrival of Romanesque art marked a significant shift in Leonese artistic expression Masterpieces such as the Basilica of San Isidoro became prominent examples of Romanesque sculpture and painting This period also laid the foundation for the Romanesque predecessors of the cathedrals of Leon and Santiago de Compostela 18 Sculpture goldsmithing and heraldry further thrived with King Alfonso IX pioneering the use of personal emblems contributing to the visual language of heraldry that became crucial in medieval battles See also editLeon historical region List of Leonese monarchs Leonese language Heraldry of Leon Al Andalus History of Portugal History of Spain Kingdom of Asturias Kingdom of Castile Kingdom of Galicia Nuevo LeonNotes edit UK l eɪ ˈ ɒ n US ˈ oʊ n Spanish leˈon Asturian Reinu de Llion Spanish Reino de Leon Galician Reino de Leon Portuguese Reino de Leao Latin Regnum Legionense Mirandese Reino de LhionReferences edit Menendez Pidal Ramon El Dialecto Leones pages 33 37 1906 Collins Roger 2012 04 03 Caliphs and Kings Wiley doi 10 1002 9781118273968 ISBN 978 0 631 18184 2 Dozy R P A 1932 01 01 Histoire des musulmans d Espagne jusqu a la conquete de l Andalousie par les Almoravides 711 1110 BRILL doi 10 1163 9789004600935 ISBN 978 90 04 60093 5 S2CID 161072458 A History of Portugal CUP Archive 1971 p 38 Medieval Culture and the Mexican American Borderlands Texas A amp M University Press 2001 p 11 Vikings at War Casemate Publishers amp Book Distributors LLC 2016 p 347 10 Most Savage Viking Voyages Of All Time 29 December 2017 Archived from the original on 28 June 2019 Retrieved 1 July 2019 a b Brink Stefan Price Neil 2008 The Viking World Routledge pp 467 68 Eduardo Morales Moreno Los vikingos en Espana Revista Historia de Iberia Vieja n º 12 Madrid HRH Editores 2006 a b Gerli E Michael ed 2017 Routledge Revivals Medieval Iberia 2003 An Encyclopedia Routledge p 327 ISBN 9781351665780 Archived from the original on 2022 06 23 Retrieved 2020 12 12 Reilly Bernard F 1998 The Kingdom of Leon Castilla Under King Alfonso VII 1126 1157 University of Pennsylvania Press p 136 ISBN 9780812234527 Archived from the original on 2022 06 23 Retrieved 2020 12 12 Keane John 2010 The life and death of democracy Paperback ed London Pocket ISBN 978 1416526063 Real Decreto de 30 de noviembre de 1833 Puentes Arranz Miguel 2015 La herencia del arte cordobes en Castilla y Leon a href Template Cite journal html title Template Cite journal cite journal a Cite journal requires journal help Regueras Grande Fernando 2018 Promotores clasicismo y estilo en el arte mozarabe leones Brigecio Revista de estudios de Benavente y sus tierras 28 27 45 ISSN 1697 5804 Martinez Tejera Artemio Manuel 2002 Cenobios leoneses altomedievales ante la europeizacion San Pedro y San Pablo de Montes Santiago y San Martin de Penalba y San Miguel de Escalada Hispania Sacra 54 109 87 108 ISSN 0018 215X Los Beatos Mozarabes Turismo Prerromanico in European Spanish Retrieved 2024 01 07 Alonso Fernando de Olaguer Feliu 2003 04 15 El arte romanico espanol in Spanish Encuentro ISBN 978 84 7490 683 7 This article needs additional citations for verification Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources Unsourced material may be challenged and removed Find sources Kingdom of Leon news newspapers books scholar JSTOR November 2009 Learn how and when to remove this template message External links edit History of the Kingdom of Leon R A Fletcher The Episcopate in the Kingdom of Leon in the Twelfth Century Chapter 1 Gives the cultural context of earlier and 12th century Leon A brief explanation about the modern Leonese Country regionalism 42 35 54 N 05 34 13 W 42 59833 N 5 57028 W 42 59833 5 57028 Retrieved from https en wikipedia org w index php title Kingdom of Leon amp oldid 1204426444, wikipedia, wiki, book, books, library,


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