
List of works based on dreams

Dreams have been credited as the inspiration for several creative works and scientific discoveries.

Books and poetry edit

Kubla Khan edit

Samuel Taylor Coleridge wrote Kubla Khan (completed in 1797 and published in 1816) upon awakening from an opium-influenced dream. In a preface to the work, he described having the poem come to him, fully formed, in his dream. When he woke, he immediately set to writing it down, but was interrupted by a visitor and could not remember the final lines. For this reason, he kept it unpublished for many years.

Frankenstein edit

Mary Shelley's Frankenstein (1818) was inspired by a dream:

When I placed my head upon my pillow, I did not sleep, nor could I be said to think. My imagination, unbidden, possessed and guided me, gifting the successive images that arose in my mind with a vividness far beyond the usual bounds of reverie. I saw the pale student of unhallowed arts kneeling beside the thing he had put together. I saw the hideous phantasm of a man stretched out, and then, on the working of some powerful engine, show signs of life, and stir with an uneasy, half-vital motion. Frightful must it be; for supremely frightful would be the effect of any human endeavor to mock the stupendous Creator of the world.[1]

Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde edit

Robert Louis Stevenson dreamed the plot for his famous novel Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde (1886).[2]

Tintin in Tibet edit

The Belgian comics artist Hergé was plagued by nightmares in which he was chased by a white skeleton, whereupon the entire environment turned white. A psychiatrist advised him to stop making comics and take a rest, but Hergé drew an entire story set in a white environment: the snowy mountaintops of Tibet. Tintin in Tibet (1960) not only stopped his nightmares and worked as a therapeutic experience, but the work is also regarded as one of his masterpieces.[3]

Twilight edit

Inspiration for Stephenie Meyer's Twilight (2005) came by a dream:

It was two people in kind of a little circular meadow with really bright sunlight, and one of them was a beautiful, sparkly boy and one was just a girl who was human and normal, and they were having this conversation. The boy was a vampire, which is so bizarre that I'd be dreaming about vampires, and he was trying to explain to her how much he cared about her and yet at the same time how much he wanted to kill her.[4]

The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane edit

The seeds to the plot of The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane (2006) came to Kate DiCamillo in a dream: "One Christmas, I received an elegantly dressed toy rabbit as a gift. A few days later, I dreamed that the rabbit was face down on the ocean floor - lost and waiting to be found."[5]

Music edit

Devil's Trill Sonata edit

An 1824 illustration of Tartini's dream, by Louis-Léopold Boilly

Giuseppe Tartini recounted that his most famous work, his Violin Sonata in G minor, more commonly known as the Devil's Trill Sonata, came to him in a dream in 1713. According to Tartini's account given to the French astronomer Jérôme Lalande, he dreamed that he had made a pact with the devil, to whom he had handed a violin after a music lesson, in order to assess whether the devil could play. The devil then proceeded to play "with such great art and intelligence, as I had never even conceived in my boldest flights of fantasy".

Tartini said that on waking he "immediately grasped my violin in order to retain, in part at least, the impression of my dream".[6]

"(I Can't Get No) Satisfaction" edit

Keith Richards claimed to have dreamed the riff to the 1965 song "(I Can't Get No) Satisfaction". He ran through it once before falling asleep. He said when he listened back to it in the morning, there was about two minutes of acoustic guitar before you could hear him drop the pick and "then me snoring for the next forty minutes".[7]

"Yesterday" edit

Paul McCartney claimed to have dreamed the melody to his song "Yesterday" (1965). After he woke up, he thought it was just a vague memory of some song he heard when he was younger. As it turned out that he had completely thought up this song all by himself, he recorded it and it became the most covered pop song in the world.[2]

"Let It Be" edit

Paul McCartney has also claimed that the idea of "Let It Be" came to him after a dream he had about his mother during the tense period surrounding the sessions for The Beatles ("the White Album") in 1968.[8] McCartney later said: "It was great to visit with her again. I felt very blessed to have that dream. So that got me writing 'Let It Be'."[9][10] In a later interview, McCartney said that in the dream his mother had told him, "It will be all right, just let it be."[11]

"The Prophet's Song" edit

Brian May said that he was inspired to write the 1975 Queen track "The Prophet's Song" after a hepatitis-induced fever dream he had about an apocalyptic flood.[12] It is the longest Queen song with vocals.

Selected Ambient Works Volume II edit

Richard James, who performs as Aphex Twin, has written several ambient tracks while lucid dreaming, saying that:

Melodies were easy to remember. I'd go to sleep in my studio. I'd go to sleep for ten minutes and write three tracks—only small segments, not 100 percent finished tracks. I'd wake up and I'd only been asleep for ten minutes. That's quite mental. I vary the way I do it, dreaming either I’m in my studio, entirely the way it is, or all kinds of variations. The hardest thing is getting the sounds the same. It's never the same. It doesn't really come close to it.[13]

James says that seventy per cent of his 1994 album Selected Ambient Works Volume II was written while lucid dreaming.[13]

The Dark Carnival edit

Violent J, a member of Insane Clown Posse, claimed to have dreamed the concept of The Dark Carnival, which is described in much of their discography. The concept was inspired by a dream of Insane Clown Posse member Violent J where spirits in a traveling carnival appeared to him.[14]

Film and television edit

3 Women edit

Director Robert Altman conceived of his 1977 film 3 Women during a restless sleep while his wife was in the hospital. He dreamt that he was directing a film starring Shelley Duvall and Sissy Spacek in an identity theft story, against a desert backdrop.[15] He based the film on this dream, although additional story details were added later.

The Terminator edit

The character of The Terminator

Director James Cameron said the titular character in The Terminator (1984) was inspired by a dream he had under the influence of a soaring fever he suffered while was "sick and dead broke" in Rome, Italy, during the final cut of Piranha II.[16] He dreamed of "a chrome skeleton emerging from a fire", and made some sketches on hotel stationery upon waking:

The first sketch I did showed a metal skeleton cut in half at the waist, crawling over a tile floor, using a large kitchen knife to pull itself forward while reaching out with the other hand. In a second drawing, the character is threatening a crawling woman. Minus the kitchen knife, these images became the finale of The Terminator almost exactly.[17]

Over the Garden Wall edit

Chapter 5 of the miniseries Over the Garden Wall (2014), "Mad Love", was inspired by a dream that show creator Patrick McHale had. In the events of the dream, Pat was house hunting and came across a secret library in one of the houses. As he explored further, he realized that he had entered someone else's home. In the episode, the character Quincy Endicott explores his mansion, and discovers that he has entered the mansion of his neighbor.

Video games edit

Deltarune edit

In an interview conducted a few months after the release of its first chapter, Toby Fox stated that the idea for Deltarune (2018) came from a dream he experienced while bedridden from a fever seven years prior. According to Fox, the dream depicted the emotionally-moving ending to a game that didn't exist; upon waking up, he was determined to make the game into a reality.[18][19]

Omori edit

In a video discussing the creation of the 2020 game Omori, developer Omocat describes the game's liminal space area - White Space - as being inspired by a dream they experienced when in high school of "standing in a white room with nothing in it... Something red and blurry appeared in front of me... a giant floating rectangular button with the word 'Live' written across it, just like a video game interface. And... when I pressed it, I woke up."[20]

Other aspects of the game were influenced by lucid dreams the developer had experienced. They said that "I would try to escape them through death, by for instance, jumping into a lake. It's all pretty creepy stuff that probably influenced the game quite a bit."[20]

Science edit

Descartes' new science edit

Descartes claimed that three separate dreams that he had on November 10, 1619, revealed to him the basis of a new philosophy, the scientific method.[21]

The sewing machine edit

Modern sewing machine needles, with the eyes near to their points

There is a possibly apocryphal account of Elias Howe inventing the needle of the modern lockstitch sewing machine in a dream. A traditional needle has its eye at its base, but Howe was supposedly inspired by a dream to instead position the eye at the point, as recorded in the history of his mother's family:

[Howe] dreamed he was building a sewing machine for a savage king in a strange country. Just as in his actual working experience, he was perplexed about the needle's eye. He thought the king gave him twenty-four hours in which to complete the machine and make it sew. If not finished in that time death was to be the punishment. Howe worked and worked, and puzzled, and finally gave it up. Then he thought he was taken out to be executed. He noticed that the warriors carried spears that were pierced near the head. Instantly came the solution of the difficulty, and while the inventor was begging for time, he awoke. It was 4 o'clock in the morning. He jumped out of bed, ran to his workshop, and by 9, a needle with an eye at the point had been crudely modeled. After that it was easy.[22]

Benzene edit

The chemical structure of benzene

The scientist Friedrich August Kekulé discovered the seemingly impossible chemical structure of benzene (C6H6) when he had a dream of a group of snakes swallowing their tails.[23]

Mendeleev's Periodic Table edit

Dmitri Mendeleev, who created the periodic table foundational to current understanding of chemistry, claimed to have envisioned the complete arrangement of the elements in a dream. While struggling to correctly orient the elements he recalls seeing them in a dream a table where all elements fell into place as required. Awakening, he immediately wrote them down on a piece of paper. Only in one place did a correction later seem necessary.

Niels Bohr's structure of the atom edit

Niels Bohr won the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1922 for his discovery of the structure of the atom. He recalled that the electrons revolving around the nucleus, like the solar system, came to him in a dream.[24] Upon testing his "dream" hypothesis, he was able to discover that the atomic structure was, in fact, similar to it.

Srinivasa Ramanujan's divine revelations edit

Indian mathematician Srinivasa Ramanujan, known for his substantial contributions to number theory, analysis and other areas of pure mathematics, claimed that Hindu goddess Namagiri Thayar would bestow him with mathematical insights in his dreams[25]: 36  and that in these visions, "scrolls containing the most complicated mathematics used to unfold before his eyes"[25]: 281 

Otto Loewi and neurotransmission edit

Before Otto Loewi's work, there was debate on whether neurotransmission was primarily chemical or electrical. On a night before Easter Sunday, Loewi had dreamed of the perfect experimental setup: two chambers with beating hearts - one with its nerves intact and the other without. These chambers would be filled with solution and connected with a tube. The experimenter would electrically stimulate the first heart, causing it to beat slower. If neurotransmission was primarily electrical, there would be no reason for the second heart to slow down. However, if neurotransmission was chemical, then the chemicals could theoretically float down the tube and slow down the second heart in the other chamber as well.

Loewi wrote this idea down but could not decipher his own writing when he awoke in the morning. The next night, the dream came to him again. Working with Henry Dale, Loewi would go on to use this experimental setup to demonstrate chemical neurotransmission and win the Nobel Prize for it in 1936.[26]

Food edit

King's Hand edit

The King's Hand

King's Hand is a dessert made of M&M's and cookie dough, molded into the shape of a hollow hand and baked, before being filled with Greek salad. It was invented by a 28-year-old data analyst, who says the idea for the dish came to her in a dream in which it was the main course of a festival feast.[27] After a week of experimentation, she posted a series of photos on Twitter on December 6, 2020. Later that day, she shared her recipe. As of December 15, 2020, the tweet had garnered over 166,000 likes and was featured in a diverse array of media and print publications, including Fox News,[28] TODAY,[29] and BuzzFeed News.[27] The original post inspired people to make their own versions, as well as descriptions of foods that had appeared in others' dreams.[30]

See also edit

References edit

  1. ^ Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley, from her introduction to Frankenstein
  2. ^ a b . Brilliant Dreams. Archived from the original on 2008-07-09. Retrieved 2008-01-22.
  3. ^ Goddin, Philippe (2011). The Art of Hergé, Inventor of Tintin: Volume 3: 1950–1983. Michael Farr (translator). San Francisco: Last Gasp. p. 108. ISBN 978-0-86719-763-1.
  4. ^ ""Twilight" author: It started with a dream". CNN. Cable News Network. November 18, 2009. from the original on November 7, 2019. Retrieved 11 August 2022.
  5. ^ DiCamillo, Kate (2006). The miraculous journey of Edward Tulane. Bagram Ibatoulline (1st ed.). Cambridge, Mass.: Candlewick Press. ISBN 0-7636-2589-2. OCLC 56413423.
  6. ^ Holmen, Peter. "Sonata in G minor 'Il trillo del Diavolo', Bg5". Hyperion Records. Retrieved 21 February 2016.
  7. ^ Keith Richards – In His Own Words by Mick St Michael, Omnibus Press, 1994, p. 24. ISBN 0-7119-3634-X
  8. ^ Miles, Barry (1997). Many Years From Now. Vintage-Random House. p. 20. ISBN 0-7493-8658-4.
  9. ^ Spitz, Bob (2005). The Beatles. Little Brown. pp. 88–90. ISBN 0-316-80352-9.
  10. ^ The Beatles (2000). Anthology. Chronicle Books. p. 19. ISBN 0-8118-2684-8.
  11. ^ "Let It Be". Sold on Song. 2009. Retrieved 10 April 2009.
  12. ^ Beard, Red (2020-11-09). "Queen- A Night at the Opera- Brian May, Roger Taylor". In The Studio with Redbeard. Retrieved 2022-09-23.
  13. ^ a b Weidenbaum, Marc (13 February 2014). Aphex Twin's Selected Ambient Works Volume II. Bloomsbury Publishing USA. ISBN 978-1-62356-343-1.
  14. ^ Bruce, Joseph; Hobey Echlin (2003). "The Dark Carnival". In Nathan Fostey (ed.). ICP: Behind the Paint (second ed.). Royal Oak, Michigan: Psychopathic Records. pp. 174–185. ISBN 0-9741846-0-8.
  15. ^ Sterritt, David (2004). "3 Women: Dream Project". The Criterion Collection. Retrieved 21 November 2016.
  16. ^ "James Cameron – How to direct a 'Terminator'". Terminatorfiles.com. 2012-04-24. Retrieved 2014-08-25.
  17. ^ Bass, George (21 April 2021). "James Cameron on The Terminator: a new interview". BFI. Retrieved 6 September 2023.
  18. ^ Soejima (February 14, 2019). (in Japanese). Nintendo. Archived from the original on February 23, 2019. Retrieved March 3, 2019.
  19. ^ Lim, Gabriel (18 February 2019). "Toby Fox Speaks About Deltarune's Development, Shares New Concept Art". NintendoSoup. Retrieved 11 August 2022. In 2011, when I was away at school, I got very sick. I ended up having a terrible fever and couldn't get any medicine for it, and while I was sleeping I had a vivid dream about the ending to a game. Since then… I felt like I had to make the game with that ending.
  20. ^ a b How OMORI was born: Draw your own HEADSPACE #Drawfest4, retrieved 2023-10-05
  21. ^ Withers, Robert (2008-10-20). "Descartes' dreams". Journal of Analytical Psychology. 53 (5): 691–709. doi:10.1111/j.1468-5922.2008.00760.x. ISSN 0021-8774.
  22. ^ Waln-Morgan Draper, Thomas, The Bemis History and Genealogy: Being an Account, in Greater Part, of the Descendants of Joseph Bemis of Watertown, Massachusetts, The Bemis History and Genealogy (Washington [District of Columbia]: Library of Congress, [19--]), pp 159–162, 1357 Joshua Bemis, FHL Microfilm 1011936 Item 2.
  23. ^ F.A. Kekulé (1890). "Benzolfest: Rede". Berichte der Deutschen Chemischen Gesellschaft. 23: 1302–1311. doi:10.1002/cber.189002301204.
  24. ^ "Bohr, Niels". Retrieved 17 December 2018.
  25. ^ a b Kanigel, Robert (1991). The Man Who Knew Infinity: a Life of the Genius Ramanujan. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons. ISBN 978-0-684-19259-8.
  26. ^ Borges, Ricardo; García, Antonio G. (2021-06-01). "One hundred years from Otto Loewi experiment, a dream that revolutionized our view of neurotransmission". Pflügers Archiv: European Journal of Physiology. 473 (6): 977–981. doi:10.1007/s00424-021-02580-9. ISSN 1432-2013. PMID 34046754. S2CID 235229890.
  27. ^ a b Onibada, Ade (2020-12-10). "This Man Had A Dream About A Completely Random Meal Called "King's Hand," So He Brought It To Life". BuzzFeed News. from the original on December 17, 2020. Retrieved 2020-12-15.
  28. ^ Deabler, Alexandra (2020-12-07). "Man makes cookie, salad 'King's Hand' dish based on dream he had, goes viral". Fox News. Retrieved 2020-12-16.
  29. ^ Kubota, Samantha (2020-12-07). "Man goes viral for baking hand-shaped cookie stuffed with salad that he saw in dream". TODAY.com. NBC Universal. from the original on December 16, 2020. Retrieved 2020-12-16.
  30. ^ Morillo, Alexis (2020-12-07). "This Twitter User Made A Greek Salad-Stuffed Cookie They Saw In A Dream And Of Course It Went Viral". Delish. from the original on December 13, 2020. Retrieved 2020-12-16.

External links edit

  • On Divination in Sleep
  • The Dreams of Descartes: Notes on the Origins of Scientific Thinking

list, works, based, dreams, dreams, have, been, credited, inspiration, several, creative, works, scientific, discoveries, contents, books, poetry, kubla, khan, frankenstein, strange, case, jekyll, hyde, tintin, tibet, twilight, miraculous, journey, edward, tul. Dreams have been credited as the inspiration for several creative works and scientific discoveries Contents 1 Books and poetry 1 1 Kubla Khan 1 2 Frankenstein 1 3 Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde 1 4 Tintin in Tibet 1 5 Twilight 1 6 The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane 2 Music 2 1 Devil s Trill Sonata 2 2 I Can t Get No Satisfaction 2 3 Yesterday 2 4 Let It Be 2 5 The Prophet s Song 2 6 Selected Ambient Works Volume II 2 7 The Dark Carnival 3 Film and television 3 1 3 Women 3 2 The Terminator 3 3 Over the Garden Wall 4 Video games 4 1 Deltarune 4 2 Omori 5 Science 5 1 Descartes new science 5 2 The sewing machine 5 3 Benzene 5 4 Mendeleev s Periodic Table 5 5 Niels Bohr s structure of the atom 5 6 Srinivasa Ramanujan s divine revelations 5 7 Otto Loewi and neurotransmission 6 Food 6 1 King s Hand 7 See also 8 References 9 External linksBooks and poetry editKubla Khan edit Samuel Taylor Coleridge wrote Kubla Khan completed in 1797 and published in 1816 upon awakening from an opium influenced dream In a preface to the work he described having the poem come to him fully formed in his dream When he woke he immediately set to writing it down but was interrupted by a visitor and could not remember the final lines For this reason he kept it unpublished for many years Frankenstein edit Mary Shelley s Frankenstein 1818 was inspired by a dream When I placed my head upon my pillow I did not sleep nor could I be said to think My imagination unbidden possessed and guided me gifting the successive images that arose in my mind with a vividness far beyond the usual bounds of reverie I saw the pale student of unhallowed arts kneeling beside the thing he had put together I saw the hideous phantasm of a man stretched out and then on the working of some powerful engine show signs of life and stir with an uneasy half vital motion Frightful must it be for supremely frightful would be the effect of any human endeavor to mock the stupendous Creator of the world 1 Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde edit Robert Louis Stevenson dreamed the plot for his famous novel Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde 1886 2 Tintin in Tibet edit The Belgian comics artist Herge was plagued by nightmares in which he was chased by a white skeleton whereupon the entire environment turned white A psychiatrist advised him to stop making comics and take a rest but Herge drew an entire story set in a white environment the snowy mountaintops of Tibet Tintin in Tibet 1960 not only stopped his nightmares and worked as a therapeutic experience but the work is also regarded as one of his masterpieces 3 Twilight edit Inspiration for Stephenie Meyer s Twilight 2005 came by a dream It was two people in kind of a little circular meadow with really bright sunlight and one of them was a beautiful sparkly boy and one was just a girl who was human and normal and they were having this conversation The boy was a vampire which is so bizarre that I d be dreaming about vampires and he was trying to explain to her how much he cared about her and yet at the same time how much he wanted to kill her 4 The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane edit The seeds to the plot of The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane 2006 came to Kate DiCamillo in a dream One Christmas I received an elegantly dressed toy rabbit as a gift A few days later I dreamed that the rabbit was face down on the ocean floor lost and waiting to be found 5 Music editDevil s Trill Sonata edit nbsp An 1824 illustration of Tartini s dream by Louis Leopold Boilly Giuseppe Tartini recounted that his most famous work his Violin Sonata in G minor more commonly known as the Devil s Trill Sonata came to him in a dream in 1713 According to Tartini s account given to the French astronomer Jerome Lalande he dreamed that he had made a pact with the devil to whom he had handed a violin after a music lesson in order to assess whether the devil could play The devil then proceeded to play with such great art and intelligence as I had never even conceived in my boldest flights of fantasy Tartini said that on waking he immediately grasped my violin in order to retain in part at least the impression of my dream 6 I Can t Get No Satisfaction edit Keith Richards claimed to have dreamed the riff to the 1965 song I Can t Get No Satisfaction He ran through it once before falling asleep He said when he listened back to it in the morning there was about two minutes of acoustic guitar before you could hear him drop the pick and then me snoring for the next forty minutes 7 Yesterday edit Paul McCartney claimed to have dreamed the melody to his song Yesterday 1965 After he woke up he thought it was just a vague memory of some song he heard when he was younger As it turned out that he had completely thought up this song all by himself he recorded it and it became the most covered pop song in the world 2 Let It Be edit Paul McCartney has also claimed that the idea of Let It Be came to him after a dream he had about his mother during the tense period surrounding the sessions for The Beatles the White Album in 1968 8 McCartney later said It was great to visit with her again I felt very blessed to have that dream So that got me writing Let It Be 9 10 In a later interview McCartney said that in the dream his mother had told him It will be all right just let it be 11 The Prophet s Song edit Brian May said that he was inspired to write the 1975 Queen track The Prophet s Song after a hepatitis induced fever dream he had about an apocalyptic flood 12 It is the longest Queen song with vocals Selected Ambient Works Volume II edit Richard James who performs as Aphex Twin has written several ambient tracks while lucid dreaming saying that Melodies were easy to remember I d go to sleep in my studio I d go to sleep for ten minutes and write three tracks only small segments not 100 percent finished tracks I d wake up and I d only been asleep for ten minutes That s quite mental I vary the way I do it dreaming either I m in my studio entirely the way it is or all kinds of variations The hardest thing is getting the sounds the same It s never the same It doesn t really come close to it 13 James says that seventy per cent of his 1994 album Selected Ambient Works Volume II was written while lucid dreaming 13 The Dark Carnival edit Violent J a member of Insane Clown Posse claimed to have dreamed the concept of The Dark Carnival which is described in much of their discography The concept was inspired by a dream of Insane Clown Posse member Violent J where spirits in a traveling carnival appeared to him 14 Film and television edit3 Women edit Director Robert Altman conceived of his 1977 film 3 Women during a restless sleep while his wife was in the hospital He dreamt that he was directing a film starring Shelley Duvall and Sissy Spacek in an identity theft story against a desert backdrop 15 He based the film on this dream although additional story details were added later The Terminator edit nbsp The character of The Terminator Director James Cameron said the titular character in The Terminator 1984 was inspired by a dream he had under the influence of a soaring fever he suffered while was sick and dead broke in Rome Italy during the final cut of Piranha II 16 He dreamed of a chrome skeleton emerging from a fire and made some sketches on hotel stationery upon waking The first sketch I did showed a metal skeleton cut in half at the waist crawling over a tile floor using a large kitchen knife to pull itself forward while reaching out with the other hand In a second drawing the character is threatening a crawling woman Minus the kitchen knife these images became the finale of The Terminator almost exactly 17 Over the Garden Wall edit Chapter 5 of the miniseries Over the Garden Wall 2014 Mad Love was inspired by a dream that show creator Patrick McHale had In the events of the dream Pat was house hunting and came across a secret library in one of the houses As he explored further he realized that he had entered someone else s home In the episode the character Quincy Endicott explores his mansion and discovers that he has entered the mansion of his neighbor Video games editDeltarune edit In an interview conducted a few months after the release of its first chapter Toby Fox stated that the idea for Deltarune 2018 came from a dream he experienced while bedridden from a fever seven years prior According to Fox the dream depicted the emotionally moving ending to a game that didn t exist upon waking up he was determined to make the game into a reality 18 19 Omori edit In a video discussing the creation of the 2020 game Omori developer Omocat describes the game s liminal space area White Space as being inspired by a dream they experienced when in high school of standing in a white room with nothing in it Something red and blurry appeared in front of me a giant floating rectangular button with the word Live written across it just like a video game interface And when I pressed it I woke up 20 Other aspects of the game were influenced by lucid dreams the developer had experienced They said that I would try to escape them through death by for instance jumping into a lake It s all pretty creepy stuff that probably influenced the game quite a bit 20 Science editDescartes new science edit Descartes claimed that three separate dreams that he had on November 10 1619 revealed to him the basis of a new philosophy the scientific method 21 The sewing machine edit nbsp Modern sewing machine needles with the eyes near to their points There is a possibly apocryphal account of Elias Howe inventing the needle of the modern lockstitch sewing machine in a dream A traditional needle has its eye at its base but Howe was supposedly inspired by a dream to instead position the eye at the point as recorded in the history of his mother s family Howe dreamed he was building a sewing machine for a savage king in a strange country Just as in his actual working experience he was perplexed about the needle s eye He thought the king gave him twenty four hours in which to complete the machine and make it sew If not finished in that time death was to be the punishment Howe worked and worked and puzzled and finally gave it up Then he thought he was taken out to be executed He noticed that the warriors carried spears that were pierced near the head Instantly came the solution of the difficulty and while the inventor was begging for time he awoke It was 4 o clock in the morning He jumped out of bed ran to his workshop and by 9 a needle with an eye at the point had been crudely modeled After that it was easy 22 Benzene edit nbsp The chemical structure of benzene The scientist Friedrich August Kekule discovered the seemingly impossible chemical structure of benzene C6H6 when he had a dream of a group of snakes swallowing their tails 23 Mendeleev s Periodic Table edit Dmitri Mendeleev who created the periodic table foundational to current understanding of chemistry claimed to have envisioned the complete arrangement of the elements in a dream While struggling to correctly orient the elements he recalls seeing them in a dream a table where all elements fell into place as required Awakening he immediately wrote them down on a piece of paper Only in one place did a correction later seem necessary Niels Bohr s structure of the atom edit Niels Bohr won the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1922 for his discovery of the structure of the atom He recalled that the electrons revolving around the nucleus like the solar system came to him in a dream 24 Upon testing his dream hypothesis he was able to discover that the atomic structure was in fact similar to it Srinivasa Ramanujan s divine revelations edit Indian mathematician Srinivasa Ramanujan known for his substantial contributions to number theory analysis and other areas of pure mathematics claimed that Hindu goddess Namagiri Thayar would bestow him with mathematical insights in his dreams 25 36 and that in these visions scrolls containing the most complicated mathematics used to unfold before his eyes 25 281 Otto Loewi and neurotransmission edit Before Otto Loewi s work there was debate on whether neurotransmission was primarily chemical or electrical On a night before Easter Sunday Loewi had dreamed of the perfect experimental setup two chambers with beating hearts one with its nerves intact and the other without These chambers would be filled with solution and connected with a tube The experimenter would electrically stimulate the first heart causing it to beat slower If neurotransmission was primarily electrical there would be no reason for the second heart to slow down However if neurotransmission was chemical then the chemicals could theoretically float down the tube and slow down the second heart in the other chamber as well Loewi wrote this idea down but could not decipher his own writing when he awoke in the morning The next night the dream came to him again Working with Henry Dale Loewi would go on to use this experimental setup to demonstrate chemical neurotransmission and win the Nobel Prize for it in 1936 26 Food editKing s Hand edit nbsp The King s Hand King s Hand is a dessert made of M amp M s and cookie dough molded into the shape of a hollow hand and baked before being filled with Greek salad It was invented by a 28 year old data analyst who says the idea for the dish came to her in a dream in which it was the main course of a festival feast 27 After a week of experimentation she posted a series of photos on Twitter on December 6 2020 Later that day she shared her recipe As of December 15 2020 the tweet had garnered over 166 000 likes and was featured in a diverse array of media and print publications including Fox News 28 TODAY 29 and BuzzFeed News 27 The original post inspired people to make their own versions as well as descriptions of foods that had appeared in others dreams 30 See also editTetris effect Dream art Notable works directly based on dreamsReferences edit Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley from her introduction to Frankenstein a b Twelve Famous Dreams Creativity and Famous Discoveries From Dreams Brilliant Dreams Archived from the original on 2008 07 09 Retrieved 2008 01 22 Goddin Philippe 2011 The Art of Herge Inventor of Tintin Volume 3 1950 1983 Michael Farr translator San Francisco Last Gasp p 108 ISBN 978 0 86719 763 1 Twilight author It started with a dream CNN Cable News Network November 18 2009 Archived from the original on November 7 2019 Retrieved 11 August 2022 DiCamillo Kate 2006 The miraculous journey of Edward Tulane Bagram Ibatoulline 1st ed Cambridge Mass Candlewick Press ISBN 0 7636 2589 2 OCLC 56413423 Holmen Peter Sonata in G minor Il trillo del Diavolo Bg5 Hyperion Records Retrieved 21 February 2016 Keith Richards In His Own Words by Mick St Michael Omnibus Press 1994 p 24 ISBN 0 7119 3634 X Miles Barry 1997 Many Years From Now Vintage Random House p 20 ISBN 0 7493 8658 4 Spitz Bob 2005 The Beatles Little Brown pp 88 90 ISBN 0 316 80352 9 The Beatles 2000 Anthology Chronicle Books p 19 ISBN 0 8118 2684 8 Let It Be Sold on Song 2009 Retrieved 10 April 2009 Beard Red 2020 11 09 Queen A Night at the Opera Brian May Roger Taylor In The Studio with Redbeard Retrieved 2022 09 23 a b Weidenbaum Marc 13 February 2014 Aphex Twin s Selected Ambient Works Volume II Bloomsbury Publishing USA ISBN 978 1 62356 343 1 Bruce Joseph Hobey Echlin 2003 The Dark Carnival In Nathan Fostey ed ICP Behind the Paint second ed Royal Oak Michigan Psychopathic Records pp 174 185 ISBN 0 9741846 0 8 Sterritt David 2004 3 Women Dream Project The Criterion Collection Retrieved 21 November 2016 James Cameron How to direct a Terminator Terminatorfiles com 2012 04 24 Retrieved 2014 08 25 Bass George 21 April 2021 James Cameron on The Terminator a new interview BFI Retrieved 6 September 2023 Soejima February 14 2019 DELTARUNE Chapter 1 が2 28に配信決定 in Japanese Nintendo Archived from the original on February 23 2019 Retrieved March 3 2019 Lim Gabriel 18 February 2019 Toby Fox Speaks About Deltarune s Development Shares New Concept Art NintendoSoup Retrieved 11 August 2022 In 2011 when I was away at school I got very sick I ended up having a terrible fever and couldn t get any medicine for it and while I was sleeping I had a vivid dream about the ending to a game Since then I felt like I had to make the game with that ending a b How OMORI was born Draw your own HEADSPACE Drawfest4 retrieved 2023 10 05 Withers Robert 2008 10 20 Descartes dreams Journal of Analytical Psychology 53 5 691 709 doi 10 1111 j 1468 5922 2008 00760 x ISSN 0021 8774 Waln Morgan Draper Thomas The Bemis History and Genealogy Being an Account in Greater Part of the Descendants of Joseph Bemis of Watertown Massachusetts The Bemis History and Genealogy Washington District of Columbia Library of Congress 19 pp 159 162 1357 Joshua Bemis FHL Microfilm 1011936 Item 2 F A Kekule 1890 Benzolfest Rede Berichte der Deutschen Chemischen Gesellschaft 23 1302 1311 doi 10 1002 cber 189002301204 Bohr Niels Retrieved 17 December 2018 a b Kanigel Robert 1991 The Man Who Knew Infinity a Life of the Genius Ramanujan New York Charles Scribner s Sons ISBN 978 0 684 19259 8 Borges Ricardo Garcia Antonio G 2021 06 01 One hundred years from Otto Loewi experiment a dream that revolutionized our view of neurotransmission Pflugers Archiv European Journal of Physiology 473 6 977 981 doi 10 1007 s00424 021 02580 9 ISSN 1432 2013 PMID 34046754 S2CID 235229890 a b Onibada Ade 2020 12 10 This Man Had A Dream About A Completely Random Meal Called King s Hand So He Brought It To Life BuzzFeed News Archived from the original on December 17 2020 Retrieved 2020 12 15 Deabler Alexandra 2020 12 07 Man makes cookie salad King s Hand dish based on dream he had goes viral Fox News Retrieved 2020 12 16 Kubota Samantha 2020 12 07 Man goes viral for baking hand shaped cookie stuffed with salad that he saw in dream TODAY com NBC Universal Archived from the original on December 16 2020 Retrieved 2020 12 16 Morillo Alexis 2020 12 07 This Twitter User Made A Greek Salad Stuffed Cookie They Saw In A Dream And Of Course It Went Viral Delish Archived from the original on December 13 2020 Retrieved 2020 12 16 External links editOn Divination in Sleep The Dreams of Descartes Notes on the Origins of Scientific Thinking Retrieved from https en wikipedia org w index php title List of works based on dreams amp oldid 1218423565 Food, wikipedia, wiki, book, books, library,


, read, download, free, free download, mp3, video, mp4, 3gp, jpg, jpeg, gif, png, picture, music, song, movie, book, game, games.