
Hypergeometric function

In mathematics, the Gaussian or ordinary hypergeometric function 2F1(a,b;c;z) is a special function represented by the hypergeometric series, that includes many other special functions as specific or limiting cases. It is a solution of a second-order linear ordinary differential equation (ODE). Every second-order linear ODE with three regular singular points can be transformed into this equation.

Plot of the hypergeometric function 2F1(a,b; c; z) with a=2 and b=3 and c=4 in the complex plane from -2-2i to 2+2i with colors created with Mathematica 13.1 function ComplexPlot3D

For systematic lists of some of the many thousands of published identities involving the hypergeometric function, see the reference works by Erdélyi et al. (1953) and Olde Daalhuis (2010). There is no known system for organizing all of the identities; indeed, there is no known algorithm that can generate all identities; a number of different algorithms are known that generate different series of identities. The theory of the algorithmic discovery of identities remains an active research topic.


The term "hypergeometric series" was first used by John Wallis in his 1655 book Arithmetica Infinitorum.

Hypergeometric series were studied by Leonhard Euler, but the first full systematic treatment was given by Carl Friedrich Gauss (1813).

Studies in the nineteenth century included those of Ernst Kummer (1836), and the fundamental characterisation by Bernhard Riemann (1857) of the hypergeometric function by means of the differential equation it satisfies.

Riemann showed that the second-order differential equation for 2F1(z), examined in the complex plane, could be characterised (on the Riemann sphere) by its three regular singularities.

The cases where the solutions are algebraic functions were found by Hermann Schwarz (Schwarz's list).

The hypergeometric series

The hypergeometric function is defined for |z| < 1 by the power series


It is undefined (or infinite) if c equals a non-positive integer. Here (q)n is the (rising) Pochhammer symbol, which is defined by:


The series terminates if either a or b is a nonpositive integer, in which case the function reduces to a polynomial:


For complex arguments z with |z| ≥ 1 it can be analytically continued along any path in the complex plane that avoids the branch points 1 and infinity.

As c → −m, where m is a non-negative integer, one has 2F1(z) → ∞. Dividing by the value Γ(c) of the gamma function, we have the limit:


2F1(z) is the most common type of generalized hypergeometric series pFq, and is often designated simply F(z).

Differentiation formulas

Using the identity  , it is shown that


and more generally,


In the special case that  , we have


Special cases

Many of the common mathematical functions can be expressed in terms of the hypergeometric function, or as limiting cases of it. Some typical examples are


When a=1 and b=c, the series reduces into a plain geometric series, i.e.


hence, the name hypergeometric. This function can be considered as a generalization of the geometric series.

The confluent hypergeometric function (or Kummer's function) can be given as a limit of the hypergeometric function


so all functions that are essentially special cases of it, such as Bessel functions, can be expressed as limits of hypergeometric functions. These include most of the commonly used functions of mathematical physics.

Legendre functions are solutions of a second order differential equation with 3 regular singular points so can be expressed in terms of the hypergeometric function in many ways, for example


Several orthogonal polynomials, including Jacobi polynomials P(α,β)
and their special cases Legendre polynomials, Chebyshev polynomials, Gegenbauer polynomials can be written in terms of hypergeometric functions using


Other polynomials that are special cases include Krawtchouk polynomials, Meixner polynomials, Meixner–Pollaczek polynomials.

Given  , let




is the modular lambda function, where


The j-invariant, a modular function, is a rational function in  .

Incomplete beta functions Bx(p,q) are related by


The complete elliptic integrals K and E are given by


The hypergeometric differential equation

The hypergeometric function is a solution of Euler's hypergeometric differential equation


which has three regular singular points: 0,1 and ∞. The generalization of this equation to three arbitrary regular singular points is given by Riemann's differential equation. Any second order linear differential equation with three regular singular points can be converted to the hypergeometric differential equation by a change of variables.

Solutions at the singular points

Solutions to the hypergeometric differential equation are built out of the hypergeometric series 2F1(a,b;c;z). The equation has two linearly independent solutions. At each of the three singular points 0, 1, ∞, there are usually two special solutions of the form xs times a holomorphic function of x, where s is one of the two roots of the indicial equation and x is a local variable vanishing at a regular singular point. This gives 3 × 2 = 6 special solutions, as follows.

Around the point z = 0, two independent solutions are, if c is not a non-positive integer,


and, on condition that c is not an integer,


If c is a non-positive integer 1−m, then the first of these solutions does not exist and must be replaced by   The second solution does not exist when c is an integer greater than 1, and is equal to the first solution, or its replacement, when c is any other integer. So when c is an integer, a more complicated expression must be used for a second solution, equal to the first solution multiplied by ln(z), plus another series in powers of z, involving the digamma function. See Olde Daalhuis (2010) for details.

Around z = 1, if c − a − b is not an integer, one has two independent solutions




Around z = ∞, if a − b is not an integer, one has two independent solutions




Again, when the conditions of non-integrality are not met, there exist other solutions that are more complicated.

Any 3 of the above 6 solutions satisfy a linear relation as the space of solutions is 2-dimensional, giving (6
) = 20 linear relations between them called connection formulas.

Kummer's 24 solutions

A second order Fuchsian equation with n singular points has a group of symmetries acting (projectively) on its solutions, isomorphic to the Coxeter group W(Dn) of order 2n−1n!. The hypergeometric equation is the case n = 3, with group of order 24 isomorphic to the symmetric group on 4 points, as first described by Kummer. The appearance of the symmetric group is accidental and has no analogue for more than 3 singular points, and it is sometimes better to think of the group as an extension of the symmetric group on 3 points (acting as permutations of the 3 singular points) by a Klein 4-group (whose elements change the signs of the differences of the exponents at an even number of singular points). Kummer's group of 24 transformations is generated by the three transformations taking a solution F(a,b;c;z) to one of


which correspond to the transpositions (12), (23), and (34) under an isomorphism with the symmetric group on 4 points 1, 2, 3, 4. (The first and third of these are actually equal to F(a,b;c;z) whereas the second is an independent solution to the differential equation.)

Applying Kummer's 24 = 6×4 transformations to the hypergeometric function gives the 6 = 2×3 solutions above corresponding to each of the 2 possible exponents at each of the 3 singular points, each of which appears 4 times because of the identities



The hypergeometric differential equation may be brought into the Q-form


by making the substitution u = wv and eliminating the first-derivative term. One finds that


and v is given by the solution to


which is


The Q-form is significant in its relation to the Schwarzian derivative (Hille 1976, pp. 307–401).

Schwarz triangle maps

The Schwarz triangle maps or Schwarz s-functions are ratios of pairs of solutions.


where k is one of the points 0, 1, ∞. The notation


is also sometimes used. Note that the connection coefficients become Möbius transformations on the triangle maps.

Note that each triangle map is regular at z ∈ {0, 1, ∞} respectively, with




In the special case of λ, μ and ν real, with 0 ≤ λ,μ,ν < 1 then the s-maps are conformal maps of the upper half-plane H to triangles on the Riemann sphere, bounded by circular arcs. This mapping is a generalization of the Schwarz–Christoffel mapping to triangles with circular arcs. The singular points 0,1 and ∞ are sent to the triangle vertices. The angles of the triangle are πλ, πμ and πν respectively.

Furthermore, in the case of λ=1/p, μ=1/q and ν=1/r for integers p, q, r, then the triangle tiles the sphere, the complex plane or the upper half plane according to whether λ + μ + ν – 1 is positive, zero or negative; and the s-maps are inverse functions of automorphic functions for the triangle grouppqr〉 = Δ(pqr).

Monodromy group

The monodromy of a hypergeometric equation describes how fundamental solutions change when analytically continued around paths in the z plane that return to the same point. That is, when the path winds around a singularity of 2F1, the value of the solutions at the endpoint will differ from the starting point.

Two fundamental solutions of the hypergeometric equation are related to each other by a linear transformation; thus the monodromy is a mapping (group homomorphism):


where π1 is the fundamental group. In other words, the monodromy is a two dimensional linear representation of the fundamental group. The monodromy group of the equation is the image of this map, i.e. the group generated by the monodromy matrices. The monodromy representation of the fundamental group can be computed explicitly in terms of the exponents at the singular points.[1] If (α, α'), (β, β') and (γ,γ') are the exponents at 0, 1 and ∞, then, taking z0 near 0, the loops around 0 and 1 have monodromy matrices




If 1−a, cab, ab are non-integer rational numbers with denominators k,l,m then the monodromy group is finite if and only if  , see Schwarz's list or Kovacic's algorithm.

Integral formulas

Euler type

If B is the beta function then


provided that z is not a real number such that it is greater than or equal to 1. This can be proved by expanding (1 − zx)a using the binomial theorem and then integrating term by term for z with absolute value smaller than 1, and by analytic continuation elsewhere. When z is a real number greater than or equal to 1, analytic continuation must be used, because (1 − zx) is zero at some point in the support of the integral, so the value of the integral may be ill-defined. This was given by Euler in 1748 and implies Euler's and Pfaff's hypergeometric transformations.

Other representations, corresponding to other branches, are given by taking the same integrand, but taking the path of integration to be a closed Pochhammer cycle enclosing the singularities in various orders. Such paths correspond to the monodromy action.

Barnes integral

Barnes used the theory of residues to evaluate the Barnes integral




where the contour is drawn to separate the poles 0, 1, 2... from the poles −a, −a − 1, ..., −b, −b − 1, ... . This is valid as long as z is not a nonnegative real number.

John transform

The Gauss hypergeometric function can be written as a John transform (Gelfand, Gindikin & Graev 2003, 2.1.2).

Gauss' contiguous relations

The six functions


are called contiguous to 2F1(a, b; c; z). Gauss showed that 2F1(a, b; c; z) can be written as a linear combination of any two of its contiguous functions, with rational coefficients in terms of a, b, c, and z. This gives


relations, given by identifying any two lines on the right hand side of


where F = 2F1(a, b; c; z), F(a+) = 2F1(a + 1, b; c; z), and so on. Repeatedly applying these relations gives a linear relation over C(z) between any three functions of the form


where m, n, and l are integers.

Gauss' continued fraction

Gauss used the contiguous relations to give several ways to write a quotient of two hypergeometric functions as a continued fraction, for example:


Transformation formulas

Transformation formulas relate two hypergeometric functions at different values of the argument z.

Fractional linear transformations

Euler's transformation is


It follows by combining the two Pfaff transformations


which in turn follow from Euler's integral representation. For extension of Euler's first and second transformations, see Rathie & Paris (2007) and Rakha & Rathie (2011). It can also be written as linear combination


Quadratic transformations

If two of the numbers 1 − c, c − 1, a − b, b − a, a + b − c, c − a − b are equal or one of them is 1/2 then there is a quadratic transformation of the hypergeometric function, connecting it to a different value of z related by a quadratic equation. The first examples were given by Kummer (1836), and a complete list was given by Goursat (1881). A typical example is


Higher order transformations

If 1−c, ab, a+bc differ by signs or two of them are 1/3 or −1/3 then there is a cubic transformation of the hypergeometric function, connecting it to a different value of z related by a cubic equation. The first examples were given by Goursat (1881). A typical example is


There are also some transformations of degree 4 and 6. Transformations of other degrees only exist if a, b, and c are certain rational numbers (Vidunas 2005). For example,


Values at special points z

See Slater (1966, Appendix III) for a list of summation formulas at special points, most of which also appear in Bailey (1935). Gessel & Stanton (1982) gives further evaluations at more points. Koepf (1995) shows how most of these identities can be verified by computer algorithms.

Special values at z = 1

Gauss's summation theorem, named for Carl Friedrich Gauss, is the identity


which follows from Euler's integral formula by putting z = 1. It includes the Vandermonde identity as a special case.

For the special case where  ,


Dougall's formula generalizes this to the bilateral hypergeometric series at z = 1.

Kummer's theorem (z = −1)

There are many cases where hypergeometric functions can be evaluated at z = −1 by using a quadratic transformation to change z = −1 to z = 1 and then using Gauss's theorem to evaluate the result. A typical example is Kummer's theorem, named for Ernst Kummer:


which follows from Kummer's quadratic transformations


and Gauss's theorem by putting z = −1 in the first identity. For generalization of Kummer's summation, see Lavoie, Grondin & Rathie (1996).

Values at z = 1/2

Gauss's second summation theorem is


Bailey's theorem is


For generalizations of Gauss's second summation theorem and Bailey's summation theorem, see Lavoie, Grondin & Rathie (1996).

Other points

There are many other formulas giving the hypergeometric function as an algebraic number at special rational values of the parameters, some of which are listed in Gessel & Stanton (1982) and Koepf (1995). Some typical examples are given by


which can be restated as


whenever −π < x < π and T is the (generalized) Chebyshev polynomial.

See also


  1. ^ Ince 1944, pp. 393–393
  • Andrews, George E.; Askey, Richard & Roy, Ranjan (1999). Special functions. Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications. Vol. 71. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 978-0-521-62321-6. MR 1688958.
  • Bailey, W.N. (1935). (PDF). Cambridge University Press. Archived from the original (PDF) on 2017-06-24. Retrieved 2016-07-23.
  • Beukers, Frits (2002), Gauss' hypergeometric function. (lecture notes reviewing basics, as well as triangle maps and monodromy)
  • Olde Daalhuis, Adri B. (2010), "Hypergeometric function", in Olver, Frank W. J.; Lozier, Daniel M.; Boisvert, Ronald F.; Clark, Charles W. (eds.), NIST Handbook of Mathematical Functions, Cambridge University Press, ISBN 978-0-521-19225-5, MR 2723248
  • Erdélyi, Arthur; Magnus, Wilhelm; Oberhettinger, Fritz & Tricomi, Francesco G. (1953). Higher transcendental functions (PDF). Vol. I. New York – Toronto – London: McGraw–Hill Book Company, Inc. ISBN 978-0-89874-206-0. MR 0058756.
  • Gasper, George & Rahman, Mizan (2004). Basic Hypergeometric Series, 2nd Edition, Encyclopedia of Mathematics and Its Applications, 96, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. ISBN 0-521-83357-4.
  • Gauss, Carl Friedrich (1813). "Disquisitiones generales circa seriem infinitam    ". Commentationes Societatis Regiae Scientarum Gottingensis Recentiores (in Latin). Göttingen. 2.
  • Gelfand, I. M.; Gindikin, S.G. & Graev, M.I. (2003) [2000]. Selected topics in integral geometry. Translations of Mathematical Monographs. Vol. 220. Providence, R.I.: American Mathematical Society. ISBN 978-0-8218-2932-5. MR 2000133.
  • Gessel, Ira & Stanton, Dennis (1982). "Strange evaluations of hypergeometric series". SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis. 13 (2): 295–308. doi:10.1137/0513021. ISSN 0036-1410. MR 0647127.
  • Goursat, Édouard (1881). "Sur l'équation différentielle linéaire, qui admet pour intégrale la série hypergéométrique". Annales Scientifiques de l'École Normale Supérieure (in French). 10: 3–142. doi:10.24033/asens.207. Retrieved 2008-10-16.
  • Heckman, Gerrit & Schlichtkrull, Henrik (1994). Harmonic Analysis and Special Functions on Symmetric Spaces. San Diego: Academic Press. ISBN 0-12-336170-2. (part 1 treats hypergeometric functions on Lie groups)
  • Hille, Einar (1976). Ordinary differential equations in the complex domain. Dover. ISBN 0-486-69620-0.
  • Ince, E. L. (1944). Ordinary Differential Equations. Dover Publications.
  • Klein, Felix (1981). Vorlesungen über die hypergeometrische Funktion. Grundlehren der Mathematischen Wissenschaften (in German). Vol. 39. Berlin, New York: Springer-Verlag. ISBN 978-3-540-10455-1. MR 0668700.
  • Koepf, Wolfram (1995). "Algorithms for m-fold hypergeometric summation". Journal of Symbolic Computation. 20 (4): 399–417. doi:10.1006/jsco.1995.1056. ISSN 0747-7171. MR 1384455.
  • Kummer, Ernst Eduard (1836). "Über die hypergeometrische Reihe  ". Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik (in German). 15: 39–83, 127–172. ISSN 0075-4102.
  • Lavoie, J. L.; Grondin, F.; Rathie, A.K. (1996). "Generalizations of Whipple's theorem on the sum of a 3F2". J. Comput. Appl. Math. 72 (2): 293–300. doi:10.1016/0377-0427(95)00279-0.
  • Press, W.H.; Teukolsky, S.A.; Vetterling, W.T. & Flannery, B.P. (2007). "Section 6.13. Hypergeometric Functions". Numerical Recipes: The Art of Scientific Computing (3rd ed.). New York: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 978-0-521-88068-8.
  • Rakha, M.A.; Rathie, Arjun K. (2011). "Extensions of Euler's type-II transformation and Saalschutz's theorem". Bull. Korean Math. Soc. 48 (1): 151–156. doi:10.4134/BKMS.2011.48.1.151.
  • Rathie, Arjun K.; Paris, R.B. (2007). "An extension of the Euler's-type transformation for the 3F2 series". Far East J. Math. Sci. 27 (1): 43–48.
  • Riemann, Bernhard (1857). "Beiträge zur Theorie der durch die Gauss'sche Reihe F(α, β, γ, x) darstellbaren Functionen". Abhandlungen der Mathematischen Classe der Königlichen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen (in German). Göttingen: Verlag der Dieterichschen Buchhandlung. 7: 3–22. (a reprint of this paper can be found in "All publications of Riemann" (PDF).)
  • Slater, Lucy Joan (1960). Confluent hypergeometric functions. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. MR 0107026.
  • Slater, Lucy Joan (1966). Generalized hypergeometric functions. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 0-521-06483-X. MR 0201688. (there is a 2008 paperback with ISBN 978-0-521-09061-2)
  • Vidunas, Raimundas (2005). "Transformations of some Gauss hypergeometric functions". Journal of Symbolic Computation. 178 (1–2): 473–487. arXiv:math/0310436. Bibcode:2005JCoAM.178..473V. doi:10.1016/j.cam.2004.09.053. S2CID 119596800.
  • Wall, H.S. (1948). Analytic Theory of Continued Fractions. D. Van Nostrand Company, Inc.
  • Whittaker, E.T. & Watson, G.N. (1927). A Course of Modern Analysis. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
  • Yoshida, Masaaki (1997). Hypergeometric Functions, My Love: Modular Interpretations of Configuration Spaces. Braunschweig – Wiesbaden: Friedr. Vieweg & Sohn. ISBN 3-528-06925-2. MR 1453580.

External links

hypergeometric, function, term, hypergeometric, function, sometimes, refers, generalized, hypergeometric, function, other, hypergeometric, functions, also, mathematics, gaussian, ordinary, hypergeometric, function, special, function, represented, hypergeometri. The term hypergeometric function sometimes refers to the generalized hypergeometric function For other hypergeometric functions see See also In mathematics the Gaussian or ordinary hypergeometric function 2F1 a b c z is a special function represented by the hypergeometric series that includes many other special functions as specific or limiting cases It is a solution of a second order linear ordinary differential equation ODE Every second order linear ODE with three regular singular points can be transformed into this equation Plot of the hypergeometric function 2F1 a b c z with a 2 and b 3 and c 4 in the complex plane from 2 2i to 2 2i with colors created with Mathematica 13 1 function ComplexPlot3D For systematic lists of some of the many thousands of published identities involving the hypergeometric function see the reference works by Erdelyi et al 1953 and Olde Daalhuis 2010 harvtxt error no target CITEREFOlde Daalhuis2010 help There is no known system for organizing all of the identities indeed there is no known algorithm that can generate all identities a number of different algorithms are known that generate different series of identities The theory of the algorithmic discovery of identities remains an active research topic Contents 1 History 2 The hypergeometric series 3 Differentiation formulas 4 Special cases 5 The hypergeometric differential equation 5 1 Solutions at the singular points 5 2 Kummer s 24 solutions 5 3 Q form 5 4 Schwarz triangle maps 5 5 Monodromy group 6 Integral formulas 6 1 Euler type 6 2 Barnes integral 6 3 John transform 7 Gauss contiguous relations 7 1 Gauss continued fraction 8 Transformation formulas 8 1 Fractional linear transformations 8 2 Quadratic transformations 8 3 Higher order transformations 9 Values at special points z 9 1 Special values at z 1 9 2 Kummer s theorem z 1 9 3 Values at z 1 2 9 4 Other points 10 See also 11 References 12 External linksHistory EditThe term hypergeometric series was first used by John Wallis in his 1655 book Arithmetica Infinitorum Hypergeometric series were studied by Leonhard Euler but the first full systematic treatment was given by Carl Friedrich Gauss 1813 Studies in the nineteenth century included those of Ernst Kummer 1836 and the fundamental characterisation by Bernhard Riemann 1857 of the hypergeometric function by means of the differential equation it satisfies Riemann showed that the second order differential equation for 2F1 z examined in the complex plane could be characterised on the Riemann sphere by its three regular singularities The cases where the solutions are algebraic functions were found by Hermann Schwarz Schwarz s list The hypergeometric series EditThe hypergeometric function is defined for z lt 1 by the power series 2 F 1 a b c z n 0 a n b n c n z n n 1 a b c z 1 a a 1 b b 1 c c 1 z 2 2 displaystyle 2 F 1 a b c z sum n 0 infty frac a n b n c n frac z n n 1 frac ab c frac z 1 frac a a 1 b b 1 c c 1 frac z 2 2 cdots It is undefined or infinite if c equals a non positive integer Here q n is the rising Pochhammer symbol which is defined by q n 1 n 0 q q 1 q n 1 n gt 0 displaystyle q n begin cases 1 amp n 0 q q 1 cdots q n 1 amp n gt 0 end cases The series terminates if either a or b is a nonpositive integer in which case the function reduces to a polynomial 2 F 1 m b c z n 0 m 1 n m n b n c n z n displaystyle 2 F 1 m b c z sum n 0 m 1 n binom m n frac b n c n z n For complex arguments z with z 1 it can be analytically continued along any path in the complex plane that avoids the branch points 1 and infinity As c m where m is a non negative integer one has 2F1 z Dividing by the value G c of the gamma function we have the limit lim c m 2 F 1 a b c z G c a m 1 b m 1 m 1 z m 1 2 F 1 a m 1 b m 1 m 2 z displaystyle lim c to m frac 2 F 1 a b c z Gamma c frac a m 1 b m 1 m 1 z m 1 2 F 1 a m 1 b m 1 m 2 z 2F1 z is the most common type of generalized hypergeometric series pFq and is often designated simply F z Differentiation formulas EditUsing the identity a n 1 a a 1 n displaystyle a n 1 a a 1 n it is shown that d d z 2 F 1 a b c z a b c 2 F 1 a 1 b 1 c 1 z displaystyle frac d dz 2 F 1 a b c z frac ab c 2 F 1 a 1 b 1 c 1 z and more generally d n d z n 2 F 1 a b c z a n b n c n 2 F 1 a n b n c n z displaystyle frac d n dz n 2 F 1 a b c z frac a n b n c n 2 F 1 a n b n c n z In the special case that c a 1 displaystyle c a 1 we have d d z 2 F 1 a b a 1 z d d z 2 F 1 b a a 1 z displaystyle frac d dz 2 F 1 a b a 1 z frac d dz 2 F 1 b a a 1 z Special cases EditMany of the common mathematical functions can be expressed in terms of the hypergeometric function or as limiting cases of it Some typical examples are 2 F 1 1 1 2 z ln 1 z z 2 F 1 a b b z 1 z a b 2 F 1 1 2 1 2 3 2 z 2 arcsin z z 2 F 1 1 3 2 3 3 2 27 x 2 4 3 x 3 27 x 2 4 2 3 2 3 x 3 27 x 2 4 3 x 3 displaystyle begin aligned 2 F 1 left 1 1 2 z right amp frac ln 1 z z 2 F 1 a b b z amp 1 z a quad forall b 2 F 1 left frac 1 2 frac 1 2 frac 3 2 z 2 right amp frac arcsin z z 2 F 1 left frac 1 3 frac 2 3 frac 3 2 frac 27x 2 4 right amp frac sqrt 3 frac 3x sqrt 3 sqrt 27x 2 4 2 sqrt 3 frac 2 3x sqrt 3 sqrt 27x 2 4 x sqrt 3 end aligned When a 1 and b c the series reduces into a plain geometric series i e 2 F 1 1 b b z 1 z z 2 z 3 z 4 displaystyle begin aligned 2 F 1 left 1 b b z right amp 1 z z 2 z 3 z 4 cdots end aligned hence the name hypergeometric This function can be considered as a generalization of the geometric series The confluent hypergeometric function or Kummer s function can be given as a limit of the hypergeometric function M a c z lim b 2 F 1 a b c b 1 z displaystyle M a c z lim b to infty 2 F 1 a b c b 1 z so all functions that are essentially special cases of it such as Bessel functions can be expressed as limits of hypergeometric functions These include most of the commonly used functions of mathematical physics Legendre functions are solutions of a second order differential equation with 3 regular singular points so can be expressed in terms of the hypergeometric function in many ways for example 2 F 1 a 1 a c z G c z 1 c 2 1 z c 1 2 P a 1 c 1 2 z displaystyle 2 F 1 a 1 a c z Gamma c z tfrac 1 c 2 1 z tfrac c 1 2 P a 1 c 1 2z Several orthogonal polynomials including Jacobi polynomials P a b n and their special cases Legendre polynomials Chebyshev polynomials Gegenbauer polynomials can be written in terms of hypergeometric functions using 2 F 1 n a 1 b n a 1 x n a 1 n P n a b 1 2 x displaystyle 2 F 1 n alpha 1 beta n alpha 1 x frac n alpha 1 n P n alpha beta 1 2x Other polynomials that are special cases include Krawtchouk polynomials Meixner polynomials Meixner Pollaczek polynomials Given z C 0 1 displaystyle z in mathbb C setminus 0 1 let t i 2 F 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 z 2 F 1 1 2 1 2 1 z displaystyle tau rm i frac 2 F 1 bigl frac 1 2 frac 1 2 1 1 z bigr 2 F 1 bigl frac 1 2 frac 1 2 1 z bigr Then l t 8 2 t 4 8 3 t 4 z displaystyle lambda tau frac theta 2 tau 4 theta 3 tau 4 z is the modular lambda function where 8 2 t n Z e p i t n 1 2 2 8 3 t n Z e p i t n 2 displaystyle theta 2 tau sum n in mathbb Z e pi i tau n 1 2 2 quad theta 3 tau sum n in mathbb Z e pi i tau n 2 The j invariant a modular function is a rational function in l t displaystyle lambda tau Incomplete beta functions Bx p q are related by B x p q x p p 2 F 1 p 1 q p 1 x displaystyle B x p q tfrac x p p 2 F 1 p 1 q p 1 x The complete elliptic integrals K and E are given by K k p 2 2 F 1 1 2 1 2 1 k 2 displaystyle K k tfrac pi 2 2 F 1 left tfrac 1 2 tfrac 1 2 1 k 2 right E k p 2 2 F 1 1 2 1 2 1 k 2 displaystyle E k tfrac pi 2 2 F 1 left tfrac 1 2 tfrac 1 2 1 k 2 right The hypergeometric differential equation EditThe hypergeometric function is a solution of Euler s hypergeometric differential equation z 1 z d 2 w d z 2 c a b 1 z d w d z a b w 0 displaystyle z 1 z frac d 2 w dz 2 left c a b 1 z right frac dw dz ab w 0 which has three regular singular points 0 1 and The generalization of this equation to three arbitrary regular singular points is given by Riemann s differential equation Any second order linear differential equation with three regular singular points can be converted to the hypergeometric differential equation by a change of variables Solutions at the singular points Edit Solutions to the hypergeometric differential equation are built out of the hypergeometric series 2F1 a b c z The equation has two linearly independent solutions At each of the three singular points 0 1 there are usually two special solutions of the form xs times a holomorphic function of x where s is one of the two roots of the indicial equation and x is a local variable vanishing at a regular singular point This gives 3 2 6 special solutions as follows Around the point z 0 two independent solutions are if c is not a non positive integer 2 F 1 a b c z displaystyle 2 F 1 a b c z and on condition that c is not an integer z 1 c 2 F 1 1 a c 1 b c 2 c z displaystyle z 1 c 2 F 1 1 a c 1 b c 2 c z If c is a non positive integer 1 m then the first of these solutions does not exist and must be replaced by z m F a m b m 1 m z displaystyle z m F a m b m 1 m z The second solution does not exist when c is an integer greater than 1 and is equal to the first solution or its replacement when c is any other integer So when c is an integer a more complicated expression must be used for a second solution equal to the first solution multiplied by ln z plus another series in powers of z involving the digamma function See Olde Daalhuis 2010 harvtxt error no target CITEREFOlde Daalhuis2010 help for details Around z 1 if c a b is not an integer one has two independent solutions 2 F 1 a b 1 a b c 1 z displaystyle 2 F 1 a b 1 a b c 1 z and 1 z c a b 2 F 1 c a c b 1 c a b 1 z displaystyle 1 z c a b 2 F 1 c a c b 1 c a b 1 z Around z if a b is not an integer one has two independent solutions z a 2 F 1 a 1 a c 1 a b z 1 displaystyle z a 2 F 1 left a 1 a c 1 a b z 1 right and z b 2 F 1 b 1 b c 1 b a z 1 displaystyle z b 2 F 1 left b 1 b c 1 b a z 1 right Again when the conditions of non integrality are not met there exist other solutions that are more complicated Any 3 of the above 6 solutions satisfy a linear relation as the space of solutions is 2 dimensional giving 63 20 linear relations between them called connection formulas Kummer s 24 solutions Edit A second order Fuchsian equation with n singular points has a group of symmetries acting projectively on its solutions isomorphic to the Coxeter group W Dn of order 2n 1n The hypergeometric equation is the case n 3 with group of order 24 isomorphic to the symmetric group on 4 points as first described by Kummer The appearance of the symmetric group is accidental and has no analogue for more than 3 singular points and it is sometimes better to think of the group as an extension of the symmetric group on 3 points acting as permutations of the 3 singular points by a Klein 4 group whose elements change the signs of the differences of the exponents at an even number of singular points Kummer s group of 24 transformations is generated by the three transformations taking a solution F a b c z to one of 1 z a F a c b c z z 1 displaystyle 1 z a F left a c b c tfrac z z 1 right F a b 1 a b c 1 z displaystyle F a b 1 a b c 1 z 1 z b F c a b c z z 1 displaystyle 1 z b F left c a b c tfrac z z 1 right which correspond to the transpositions 12 23 and 34 under an isomorphism with the symmetric group on 4 points 1 2 3 4 The first and third of these are actually equal to F a b c z whereas the second is an independent solution to the differential equation Applying Kummer s 24 6 4 transformations to the hypergeometric function gives the 6 2 3 solutions above corresponding to each of the 2 possible exponents at each of the 3 singular points each of which appears 4 times because of the identities 2 F 1 a b c z 1 z c a b 2 F 1 c a c b c z Euler transformation displaystyle 2 F 1 a b c z 1 z c a b 2 F 1 c a c b c z text Euler transformation 2 F 1 a b c z 1 z a 2 F 1 a c b c z z 1 Pfaff transformation displaystyle 2 F 1 a b c z 1 z a 2 F 1 a c b c tfrac z z 1 text Pfaff transformation 2 F 1 a b c z 1 z b 2 F 1 c a b c z z 1 Pfaff transformation displaystyle 2 F 1 a b c z 1 z b 2 F 1 c a b c tfrac z z 1 text Pfaff transformation Q form Edit The hypergeometric differential equation may be brought into the Q form d 2 u d z 2 Q z u z 0 displaystyle frac d 2 u dz 2 Q z u z 0 by making the substitution u wv and eliminating the first derivative term One finds that Q z 2 1 a b 2 z 2 c a b 1 4 a b c 2 c 4 z 2 1 z 2 displaystyle Q frac z 2 1 a b 2 z 2c a b 1 4ab c 2 c 4z 2 1 z 2 and v is given by the solution to d d z log v z c z a b 1 2 z 1 z c 2 z 1 a b c 2 z 1 displaystyle frac d dz log v z frac c z a b 1 2z 1 z frac c 2z frac 1 a b c 2 z 1 which is v z z c 2 1 z c a b 1 2 displaystyle v z z c 2 1 z c a b 1 2 The Q form is significant in its relation to the Schwarzian derivative Hille 1976 pp 307 401 Schwarz triangle maps Edit Main article Schwarz triangle function The Schwarz triangle maps or Schwarz s functions are ratios of pairs of solutions s k z ϕ k 1 z ϕ k 0 z displaystyle s k z frac phi k 1 z phi k 0 z where k is one of the points 0 1 The notation D k l m n z s k z displaystyle D k lambda mu nu z s k z is also sometimes used Note that the connection coefficients become Mobius transformations on the triangle maps Note that each triangle map is regular at z 0 1 respectively with s 0 z z l 1 O z displaystyle s 0 z z lambda 1 mathcal O z s 1 z 1 z m 1 O 1 z displaystyle s 1 z 1 z mu 1 mathcal O 1 z and s z z n 1 O 1 z displaystyle s infty z z nu 1 mathcal O tfrac 1 z In the special case of l m and n real with 0 l m n lt 1 then the s maps are conformal maps of the upper half plane H to triangles on the Riemann sphere bounded by circular arcs This mapping is a generalization of the Schwarz Christoffel mapping to triangles with circular arcs The singular points 0 1 and are sent to the triangle vertices The angles of the triangle are pl pm and pn respectively Furthermore in the case of l 1 p m 1 q and n 1 r for integers p q r then the triangle tiles the sphere the complex plane or the upper half plane according to whether l m n 1 is positive zero or negative and the s maps are inverse functions of automorphic functions for the triangle group p q r D p q r Monodromy group Edit The monodromy of a hypergeometric equation describes how fundamental solutions change when analytically continued around paths in the z plane that return to the same point That is when the path winds around a singularity of 2F1 the value of the solutions at the endpoint will differ from the starting point Two fundamental solutions of the hypergeometric equation are related to each other by a linear transformation thus the monodromy is a mapping group homomorphism p 1 C 0 1 z 0 GL 2 C displaystyle pi 1 mathbf C setminus 0 1 z 0 to text GL 2 mathbf C where p1 is the fundamental group In other words the monodromy is a two dimensional linear representation of the fundamental group The monodromy group of the equation is the image of this map i e the group generated by the monodromy matrices The monodromy representation of the fundamental group can be computed explicitly in terms of the exponents at the singular points 1 If a a b b and g g are the exponents at 0 1 and then taking z0 near 0 the loops around 0 and 1 have monodromy matrices g 0 e 2 p i a 0 0 e 2 p i a displaystyle g 0 begin pmatrix e 2 pi i alpha amp 0 0 amp e 2 pi i alpha prime end pmatrix and g 1 m e 2 p i b e 2 p i b m 1 m e 2 p i b e 2 p i b m 1 2 e 2 p i b e 2 p i b m e 2 p i b e 2 p i b m 1 displaystyle g 1 begin pmatrix mu e 2 pi i beta e 2 pi i beta prime over mu 1 amp mu e 2 pi i beta e 2 pi i beta prime over mu 1 2 e 2 pi i beta prime e 2 pi i beta amp mu e 2 pi i beta prime e 2 pi i beta over mu 1 end pmatrix where m sin p a b g sin p a b g sin p a b g sin p a b g displaystyle mu sin pi alpha beta prime gamma prime sin pi alpha prime beta gamma prime over sin pi alpha prime beta prime gamma prime sin pi alpha beta gamma prime If 1 a c a b a b are non integer rational numbers with denominators k l m then the monodromy group is finite if and only if 1 k 1 l 1 m gt 1 displaystyle 1 k 1 l 1 m gt 1 see Schwarz s list or Kovacic s algorithm Integral formulas EditEuler type Edit If B is the beta function then B b c b 2 F 1 a b c z 0 1 x b 1 1 x c b 1 1 z x a d x ℜ c gt ℜ b gt 0 displaystyle mathrm B b c b 2 F 1 a b c z int 0 1 x b 1 1 x c b 1 1 zx a dx qquad Re c gt Re b gt 0 provided that z is not a real number such that it is greater than or equal to 1 This can be proved by expanding 1 zx a using the binomial theorem and then integrating term by term for z with absolute value smaller than 1 and by analytic continuation elsewhere When z is a real number greater than or equal to 1 analytic continuation must be used because 1 zx is zero at some point in the support of the integral so the value of the integral may be ill defined This was given by Euler in 1748 and implies Euler s and Pfaff s hypergeometric transformations Other representations corresponding to other branches are given by taking the same integrand but taking the path of integration to be a closed Pochhammer cycle enclosing the singularities in various orders Such paths correspond to the monodromy action Barnes integral Edit Barnes used the theory of residues to evaluate the Barnes integral 1 2 p i i i G a s G b s G s G c s z s d s displaystyle frac 1 2 pi i int i infty i infty frac Gamma a s Gamma b s Gamma s Gamma c s z s ds as G a G b G c 2 F 1 a b c z displaystyle frac Gamma a Gamma b Gamma c 2 F 1 a b c z where the contour is drawn to separate the poles 0 1 2 from the poles a a 1 b b 1 This is valid as long as z is not a nonnegative real number John transform Edit The Gauss hypergeometric function can be written as a John transform Gelfand Gindikin amp Graev 2003 2 1 2 Gauss contiguous relations EditThe six functions 2 F 1 a 1 b c z 2 F 1 a b 1 c z 2 F 1 a b c 1 z displaystyle 2 F 1 a pm 1 b c z quad 2 F 1 a b pm 1 c z quad 2 F 1 a b c pm 1 z are called contiguous to 2F1 a b c z Gauss showed that 2F1 a b c z can be written as a linear combination of any two of its contiguous functions with rational coefficients in terms of a b c and z This gives 6 2 15 displaystyle begin pmatrix 6 2 end pmatrix 15 relations given by identifying any two lines on the right hand side of z d F d z z a b c F a b c a F a F b F b F c 1 F c F c a F a a c b z F 1 z c b F b b c a z F 1 z z c a c b F c c a b c F c 1 z displaystyle begin aligned z frac dF dz amp z frac ab c F a b c amp a F a F amp b F b F amp c 1 F c F amp frac c a F a a c bz F 1 z amp frac c b F b b c az F 1 z amp z frac c a c b F c c a b c F c 1 z end aligned where F 2F1 a b c z F a 2F1 a 1 b c z and so on Repeatedly applying these relations gives a linear relation over C z between any three functions of the form 2 F 1 a m b n c l z displaystyle 2 F 1 a m b n c l z where m n and l are integers Gauss continued fraction Edit Main article Gauss continued fraction Gauss used the contiguous relations to give several ways to write a quotient of two hypergeometric functions as a continued fraction for example 2 F 1 a 1 b c 1 z 2 F 1 a b c z 1 1 a c b c c 1 z 1 b c 1 a 1 c 1 c 2 z 1 a c 1 b 1 c 2 c 3 z 1 b c 2 a 2 c 3 c 4 z 1 displaystyle frac 2 F 1 a 1 b c 1 z 2 F 1 a b c z cfrac 1 1 cfrac frac a c b c c 1 z 1 cfrac frac b c 1 a 1 c 1 c 2 z 1 cfrac frac a c 1 b 1 c 2 c 3 z 1 cfrac frac b c 2 a 2 c 3 c 4 z 1 ddots Transformation formulas EditTransformation formulas relate two hypergeometric functions at different values of the argument z Fractional linear transformations Edit Euler s transformation is 2 F 1 a b c z 1 z c a b 2 F 1 c a c b c z displaystyle 2 F 1 a b c z 1 z c a b 2 F 1 c a c b c z It follows by combining the two Pfaff transformations 2 F 1 a b c z 1 z b 2 F 1 b c a c z z 1 displaystyle 2 F 1 a b c z 1 z b 2 F 1 left b c a c tfrac z z 1 right 2 F 1 a b c z 1 z a 2 F 1 a c b c z z 1 displaystyle 2 F 1 a b c z 1 z a 2 F 1 left a c b c tfrac z z 1 right which in turn follow from Euler s integral representation For extension of Euler s first and second transformations see Rathie amp Paris 2007 and Rakha amp Rathie 2011 It can also be written as linear combination 2 F 1 a b c z G c G c a b G c a G c b 2 F 1 a b a b 1 c 1 z G c G a b c G a G b 1 z c a b 2 F 1 c a c b 1 c a b 1 z displaystyle begin aligned 2 F 1 a b c z amp frac Gamma c Gamma c a b Gamma c a Gamma c b 2 F 1 a b a b 1 c 1 z 6pt amp frac Gamma c Gamma a b c Gamma a Gamma b 1 z c a b 2 F 1 c a c b 1 c a b 1 z end aligned Quadratic transformations Edit If two of the numbers 1 c c 1 a b b a a b c c a b are equal or one of them is 1 2 then there is a quadratic transformation of the hypergeometric function connecting it to a different value of z related by a quadratic equation The first examples were given by Kummer 1836 and a complete list was given by Goursat 1881 A typical example is 2 F 1 a b 2 b z 1 z a 2 2 F 1 1 2 a b 1 2 a b 1 2 z 2 4 z 4 displaystyle 2 F 1 a b 2b z 1 z frac a 2 2 F 1 left tfrac 1 2 a b tfrac 1 2 a b tfrac 1 2 frac z 2 4z 4 right Higher order transformations Edit If 1 c a b a b c differ by signs or two of them are 1 3 or 1 3 then there is a cubic transformation of the hypergeometric function connecting it to a different value of z related by a cubic equation The first examples were given by Goursat 1881 A typical example is 2 F 1 3 2 a 1 2 3 a 1 a 1 2 z 2 3 1 z 1 3 a 2 F 1 a 1 3 a 2 a 2 z 3 z 2 1 z 3 displaystyle 2 F 1 left tfrac 3 2 a tfrac 1 2 3a 1 a tfrac 1 2 tfrac z 2 3 right 1 z 1 3a 2 F 1 left a tfrac 1 3 a 2a 2z 3 z 2 1 z 3 right There are also some transformations of degree 4 and 6 Transformations of other degrees only exist if a b and c are certain rational numbers Vidunas 2005 For example 2 F 1 1 4 3 8 7 8 z z 4 60 z 3 134 z 2 60 z 1 1 16 2 F 1 1 48 17 48 7 8 432 z z 1 2 z 1 8 z 4 60 z 3 134 z 2 60 z 1 3 displaystyle 2 F 1 left tfrac 1 4 tfrac 3 8 tfrac 7 8 z right z 4 60z 3 134z 2 60z 1 1 16 2 F 1 left tfrac 1 48 tfrac 17 48 tfrac 7 8 tfrac 432z z 1 2 z 1 8 z 4 60z 3 134z 2 60z 1 3 right Values at special points z EditSee Slater 1966 Appendix III for a list of summation formulas at special points most of which also appear in Bailey 1935 Gessel amp Stanton 1982 gives further evaluations at more points Koepf 1995 shows how most of these identities can be verified by computer algorithms Special values at z 1 Edit Gauss s summation theorem named for Carl Friedrich Gauss is the identity 2 F 1 a b c 1 G c G c a b G c a G c b ℜ c gt ℜ a b displaystyle 2 F 1 a b c 1 frac Gamma c Gamma c a b Gamma c a Gamma c b qquad Re c gt Re a b which follows from Euler s integral formula by putting z 1 It includes the Vandermonde identity as a special case For the special case where a m displaystyle a m 2 F 1 m b c 1 c b m c m displaystyle 2 F 1 m b c 1 frac c b m c m Dougall s formula generalizes this to the bilateral hypergeometric series at z 1 Kummer s theorem z 1 Edit There are many cases where hypergeometric functions can be evaluated at z 1 by using a quadratic transformation to change z 1 to z 1 and then using Gauss s theorem to evaluate the result A typical example is Kummer s theorem named for Ernst Kummer 2 F 1 a b 1 a b 1 G 1 a b G 1 1 2 a G 1 a G 1 1 2 a b displaystyle 2 F 1 a b 1 a b 1 frac Gamma 1 a b Gamma 1 tfrac 1 2 a Gamma 1 a Gamma 1 tfrac 1 2 a b which follows from Kummer s quadratic transformations 2 F 1 a b 1 a b z 1 z a 2 F 1 a 2 1 a 2 b 1 a b 4 z 1 z 2 1 z a 2 F 1 a 2 a 1 2 1 a b 4 z 1 z 2 displaystyle begin aligned 2 F 1 a b 1 a b z amp 1 z a 2 F 1 left frac a 2 frac 1 a 2 b 1 a b frac 4z 1 z 2 right amp 1 z a 2 F 1 left frac a 2 frac a 1 2 1 a b frac 4z 1 z 2 right end aligned and Gauss s theorem by putting z 1 in the first identity For generalization of Kummer s summation see Lavoie Grondin amp Rathie 1996 Values at z 1 2 Edit Gauss s second summation theorem is 2 F 1 a b 1 2 1 a b 1 2 G 1 2 G 1 2 1 a b G 1 2 1 a G 1 2 1 b displaystyle 2 F 1 left a b tfrac 1 2 left 1 a b right tfrac 1 2 right frac Gamma tfrac 1 2 Gamma tfrac 1 2 left 1 a b right Gamma tfrac 1 2 left 1 a right Gamma tfrac 1 2 left 1 b right Bailey s theorem is 2 F 1 a 1 a c 1 2 G 1 2 c G 1 2 1 c G 1 2 c a G 1 2 1 c a displaystyle 2 F 1 left a 1 a c tfrac 1 2 right frac Gamma tfrac 1 2 c Gamma tfrac 1 2 left 1 c right Gamma tfrac 1 2 left c a right Gamma tfrac 1 2 left 1 c a right For generalizations of Gauss s second summation theorem and Bailey s summation theorem see Lavoie Grondin amp Rathie 1996 Other points Edit There are many other formulas giving the hypergeometric function as an algebraic number at special rational values of the parameters some of which are listed in Gessel amp Stanton 1982 and Koepf 1995 Some typical examples are given by 2 F 1 a a 1 2 x 2 4 x 1 1 x a 1 x a 2 displaystyle 2 F 1 left a a tfrac 1 2 tfrac x 2 4 x 1 right frac 1 x a 1 x a 2 which can be restated as T a cos x 2 F 1 a a 1 2 1 2 1 cos x cos a x displaystyle T a cos x 2 F 1 left a a tfrac 1 2 tfrac 1 2 1 cos x right cos ax whenever p lt x lt p and T is the generalized Chebyshev polynomial See also EditAppell series a 2 variable generalization of hypergeometric series Basic hypergeometric series where the ratio of terms is a periodic function of the index Bilateral hypergeometric series pHp are similar to generalized hypergeometric series but summed over all integers Binomial series 1F0 Confluent hypergeometric series 1F1 a c z Elliptic hypergeometric series where the ratio of terms is an elliptic function of the index Euler hypergeometric integral an integral representation of 2F1 Fox H function an extension of the Meijer G function Fox Wright function a generalization of the generalized hypergeometric function Frobenius solution to the hypergeometric equation General hypergeometric function introduced by I M Gelfand Generalized hypergeometric series pFq where the ratio of terms is a rational function of the index Geometric series where the ratio of terms is a constant Heun function solutions of second order ODE s with four regular singular points Horn function 34 distinct convergent hypergeometric series in two variables Humbert series 7 hypergeometric functions of 2 variables Hypergeometric distribution a discrete probability distribution Hypergeometric function of a matrix argument the multivariate generalization of the hypergeometric series Kampe de Feriet function hypergeometric series of two variables Lauricella hypergeometric series hypergeometric series of three variables MacRobert E function an extension of the generalized hypergeometric series pFq to the case p gt q 1 Meijer G function an extension of the generalized hypergeometric series pFq to the case p gt q 1 Modular hypergeometric series a terminating form of the elliptic hypergeometric series Theta hypergeometric series a special sort of elliptic hypergeometric series Virasoro conformal blocks special functions in two dimensional conformal field theory that reduce to hypergeometric functions in some cases References Edit Ince 1944 pp 393 393 Andrews George E Askey Richard amp Roy Ranjan 1999 Special functions Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications Vol 71 Cambridge University Press ISBN 978 0 521 62321 6 MR 1688958 Bailey W N 1935 Generalized Hypergeometric Series PDF Cambridge University Press Archived from the original PDF on 2017 06 24 Retrieved 2016 07 23 Beukers Frits 2002 Gauss hypergeometric function lecture notes reviewing basics as well as triangle maps and monodromy Olde Daalhuis Adri B 2010 Hypergeometric function in Olver Frank W J Lozier Daniel M Boisvert Ronald F Clark Charles W eds NIST Handbook of Mathematical Functions Cambridge University Press ISBN 978 0 521 19225 5 MR 2723248 Erdelyi Arthur Magnus Wilhelm Oberhettinger Fritz amp Tricomi Francesco G 1953 Higher transcendental functions PDF Vol I New York Toronto London McGraw Hill Book Company Inc ISBN 978 0 89874 206 0 MR 0058756 Gasper George amp Rahman Mizan 2004 Basic Hypergeometric Series 2nd Edition Encyclopedia of Mathematics and Its Applications 96 Cambridge University Press Cambridge ISBN 0 521 83357 4 Gauss Carl Friedrich 1813 Disquisitiones generales circa seriem infinitam 1 a b 1 g x a a 1 b b 1 1 2 g g 1 x x etc displaystyle 1 tfrac alpha beta 1 cdot gamma x tfrac alpha alpha 1 beta beta 1 1 cdot 2 cdot gamma gamma 1 x x mbox etc Commentationes Societatis Regiae Scientarum Gottingensis Recentiores in Latin Gottingen 2 Gelfand I M Gindikin S G amp Graev M I 2003 2000 Selected topics in integral geometry Translations of Mathematical Monographs Vol 220 Providence R I American Mathematical Society ISBN 978 0 8218 2932 5 MR 2000133 Gessel Ira amp Stanton Dennis 1982 Strange evaluations of hypergeometric series SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis 13 2 295 308 doi 10 1137 0513021 ISSN 0036 1410 MR 0647127 Goursat Edouard 1881 Sur l equation differentielle lineaire qui admet pour integrale la serie hypergeometrique Annales Scientifiques de l Ecole Normale Superieure in French 10 3 142 doi 10 24033 asens 207 Retrieved 2008 10 16 Heckman Gerrit amp Schlichtkrull Henrik 1994 Harmonic Analysis and Special Functions on Symmetric Spaces San Diego Academic Press ISBN 0 12 336170 2 part 1 treats hypergeometric functions on Lie groups Hille Einar 1976 Ordinary differential equations in the complex domain Dover ISBN 0 486 69620 0 Ince E L 1944 Ordinary Differential Equations Dover Publications Klein Felix 1981 Vorlesungen uber die hypergeometrische Funktion Grundlehren der Mathematischen Wissenschaften in German Vol 39 Berlin New York Springer Verlag ISBN 978 3 540 10455 1 MR 0668700 Koepf Wolfram 1995 Algorithms for m fold hypergeometric summation Journal of Symbolic Computation 20 4 399 417 doi 10 1006 jsco 1995 1056 ISSN 0747 7171 MR 1384455 Kummer Ernst Eduard 1836 Uber die hypergeometrische Reihe 1 a b 1 g x a a 1 b b 1 1 2 g g 1 x 2 a a 1 a 2 b b 1 b 2 1 2 3 g g 1 g 2 x 3 displaystyle 1 tfrac alpha cdot beta 1 cdot gamma x tfrac alpha alpha 1 beta beta 1 1 cdot 2 cdot gamma gamma 1 x 2 tfrac alpha alpha 1 alpha 2 beta beta 1 beta 2 1 cdot 2 cdot 3 cdot gamma gamma 1 gamma 2 x 3 cdots Journal fur die reine und angewandte Mathematik in German 15 39 83 127 172 ISSN 0075 4102 Lavoie J L Grondin F Rathie A K 1996 Generalizations of Whipple s theorem on the sum of a 3F2 J Comput Appl Math 72 2 293 300 doi 10 1016 0377 0427 95 00279 0 Press W H Teukolsky S A Vetterling W T amp Flannery B P 2007 Section 6 13 Hypergeometric Functions Numerical Recipes The Art of Scientific Computing 3rd ed New York Cambridge University Press ISBN 978 0 521 88068 8 Rakha M A Rathie Arjun K 2011 Extensions of Euler s type II transformation and Saalschutz s theorem Bull Korean Math Soc 48 1 151 156 doi 10 4134 BKMS 2011 48 1 151 Rathie Arjun K Paris R B 2007 An extension of the Euler s type transformation for the 3F2 series Far East J Math Sci 27 1 43 48 Riemann Bernhard 1857 Beitrage zur Theorie der durch die Gauss sche Reihe F a b g x darstellbaren Functionen Abhandlungen der Mathematischen Classe der Koniglichen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Gottingen in German Gottingen Verlag der Dieterichschen Buchhandlung 7 3 22 a reprint of this paper can be found in All publications of Riemann PDF Slater Lucy Joan 1960 Confluent hypergeometric functions Cambridge UK Cambridge University Press MR 0107026 Slater Lucy Joan 1966 Generalized hypergeometric functions Cambridge UK Cambridge University Press ISBN 0 521 06483 X MR 0201688 there is a 2008 paperback with ISBN 978 0 521 09061 2 Vidunas Raimundas 2005 Transformations of some Gauss hypergeometric functions Journal of Symbolic Computation 178 1 2 473 487 arXiv math 0310436 Bibcode 2005JCoAM 178 473V doi 10 1016 j cam 2004 09 053 S2CID 119596800 Wall H S 1948 Analytic Theory of Continued Fractions D Van Nostrand Company Inc Whittaker E T amp Watson G N 1927 A Course of Modern Analysis Cambridge UK Cambridge University Press Yoshida Masaaki 1997 Hypergeometric Functions My Love Modular Interpretations of Configuration Spaces Braunschweig Wiesbaden Friedr Vieweg amp Sohn ISBN 3 528 06925 2 MR 1453580 External links Edit Hypergeometric function Encyclopedia of Mathematics EMS Press 2001 1994 John Pearson Computation of Hypergeometric Functions University of Oxford MSc Thesis Marko Petkovsek Herbert Wilf and Doron Zeilberger The book A B freely downloadable Weisstein Eric W Hypergeometric Function MathWorld Retrieved from https en wikipedia org w index php title Hypergeometric function amp oldid 1136107919 Values at special points z, wikipedia, wiki, book, books, library,


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