
Meijer G-function

In mathematics, the G-function was introduced by Cornelis Simon Meijer (1936) as a very general function intended to include most of the known special functions as particular cases. This was not the only attempt of its kind: the generalized hypergeometric function and the MacRobert E-function had the same aim, but Meijer's G-function was able to include those as particular cases as well. The first definition was made by Meijer using a series; nowadays the accepted and more general definition is via a line integral in the complex plane, introduced in its full generality by Arthur Erdélyi in 1953.

Plot of the Meiger G function G(((a 1,...,a n),(a n+1,...,a p)),((b 1,...,b m),(b m+1,...,b q)),z) input ((½),()),((⅓),()) in the complex plane from -2-2i to 2+2i

With the modern definition, the majority of the established special functions can be represented in terms of the Meijer G-function. A notable property is the closure of the set of all G-functions not only under differentiation but also under indefinite integration. In combination with a functional equation that allows to liberate from a G-function G(z) any factor zρ that is a constant power of its argument z, the closure implies that whenever a function is expressible as a G-function of a constant multiple of some constant power of the function argument, f(x) = G(cxγ), the derivative and the antiderivative of this function are expressible so too.

The wide coverage of special functions also lends power to uses of Meijer's G-function other than the representation and manipulation of derivatives and antiderivatives. For example, the definite integral over the positive real axis of any function g(x) that can be written as a product G1(cxγG2(dxδ) of two G-functions with rational γ/δ equals just another G-function, and generalizations of integral transforms like the Hankel transform and the Laplace transform and their inverses result when suitable G-function pairs are employed as transform kernels.

A still more general function, which introduces additional parameters into Meijer's G-function, is Fox's H-function and is used for Matrix transform by Ram Kishore Saxena[1]

One application of the Meijer G-function has been the particle spectrum of radiation from an inertial horizon in the moving mirror model of the dynamical Casimir effect (Good 2020).

Definition of the Meijer G-function edit

A general definition of the Meijer G-function is given by the following line integral in the complex plane (Bateman & Erdélyi 1953, § 5.3-1):


where Γ denotes the gamma function. This integral is of the so-called Mellin–Barnes type, and may be viewed as an inverse Mellin transform. The definition holds under the following assumptions:

  • 0 ≤ mq and 0 ≤ np, where m, n, p and q are integer numbers
  • akbj ≠ 1, 2, 3, ... for any combination of {k, j} for which k = 1, 2, ..., n, and j = 1, 2, ..., m, which implies that no pole of any Γ(bjs), j = 1, 2, ..., m, coincides with any pole of any Γ(1 − ak + s), k = 1, 2, ..., n
  • z ≠ 0

Note that for historical reasons the first lower and second upper index refer to the top parameter row, while the second lower and first upper index refer to the bottom parameter row. One often encounters the following more synthetic notation using vectors:


Implementations of the G-function in computer algebra systems typically employ separate vector arguments for the four (possibly empty) parameter groups a1 ... an, an+1 ... ap, b1 ... bm, and bm+1 ... bq, and thus can omit the orders p, q, n, and m as redundant.

The L in the integral represents the path to be followed while integrating. Three choices are possible for this path:

1. L runs from −i∞ to +i∞ such that all poles of Γ(bjs), j = 1, 2, ..., m, are on the right of the path, while all poles of Γ(1 − ak + s), k = 1, 2, ..., n, are on the left. The integral then converges for |arg z| < δ π, where
an obvious prerequisite for this is δ > 0. The integral additionally converges for |arg z| = δ π ≥ 0 if (q − p) (σ + 12) > Re(ν) + 1, where σ represents Re(s) as the integration variable s approaches both +i∞ and −i∞, and where
As a corollary, for |arg z| = δ π and p = q the integral converges independent of σ whenever Re(ν) < −1.
2. L is a loop beginning and ending at +∞, encircling all poles of Γ(bjs), j = 1, 2, ..., m, exactly once in the negative direction, but not encircling any pole of Γ(1 − ak + s), k = 1, 2, ..., n. Then the integral converges for all z if q > p ≥ 0; it also converges for q = p > 0 as long as |z| < 1. In the latter case, the integral additionally converges for |z| = 1 if Re(ν) < −1, where ν is defined as for the first path.
3. L is a loop beginning and ending at −∞ and encircling all poles of Γ(1 − ak + s), k = 1, 2, ..., n, exactly once in the positive direction, but not encircling any pole of Γ(bjs), j = 1, 2, ..., m. Now the integral converges for all z if p > q ≥ 0; it also converges for p = q > 0 as long as |z| > 1. As noted for the second path too, in the case of p = q the integral also converges for |z| = 1 when Re(ν) < −1.

The conditions for convergence are readily established by applying Stirling's asymptotic approximation to the gamma functions in the integrand. When the integral converges for more than one of these paths, the results of integration can be shown to agree; if it converges for only one path, then this is the only one to be considered. In fact, numerical path integration in the complex plane constitutes a practicable and sensible approach to the calculation of Meijer G-functions.

As a consequence of this definition, the Meijer G-function is an analytic function of z with possible exception of the origin z = 0 and of the unit circle |z| = 1.

Differential equation edit

The G-function satisfies the following linear differential equation of order max(p,q):


For a fundamental set of solutions of this equation in the case of pq one may take:


and similarly in the case of pq:


These particular solutions are analytic except for a possible singularity at z = 0 (as well as a possible singularity at z = ∞), and in the case of p = q also an inevitable singularity at z = (−1)pmn. As will be seen presently, they can be identified with generalized hypergeometric functions pFq−1 of argument (−1)pmn z that are multiplied by a power zbh, and with generalized hypergeometric functions qFp−1 of argument (−1)qmn z−1 that are multiplied by a power zah−1, respectively.

Relationship between the G-function and the generalized hypergeometric function edit

If the integral converges when evaluated along the second path introduced above, and if no confluent poles appear among the Γ(bjs), j = 1, 2, ..., m, then the Meijer G-function can be expressed as a sum of residues in terms of generalized hypergeometric functions pFq−1 (Slater's theorem):


The star indicates that the term corresponding to j = h is omitted. For the integral to converge along the second path one must have either p < q, or p = q and |z| < 1, and for the poles to be distinct no pair among the bj, j = 1, 2, ..., m, may differ by an integer or zero. The asterisks in the relation remind us to ignore the contribution with index j = h as follows: In the product this amounts to replacing Γ(0) with 1, and in the argument of the hypergeometric function, if we recall the meaning of the vector notation,


this amounts to shortening the vector length from q to q−1.

Note that when m = 0, the second path does not contain any pole, and so the integral must vanish identically,


if either p < q, or p = q and |z| < 1.

Similarly, if the integral converges when evaluated along the third path above, and if no confluent poles appear among the Γ(1 − ak + s), k = 1, 2, ..., n, then the G-function can be expressed as:


For this, either p > q, or p = q and |z| > 1 are required, and no pair among the ak, k = 1, 2, ..., n, may differ by an integer or zero. For n = 0 one consequently has:


if either p > q, or p = q and |z| > 1.

On the other hand, any generalized hypergeometric function can readily be expressed in terms of the Meijer G-function:


where we have made use of the vector notation:


This holds unless a nonpositive integer value of at least one of its parameters ap reduces the hypergeometric function to a finite polynomial, in which case the gamma prefactor of either G-function vanishes and the parameter sets of the G-functions violate the requirement akbj ≠ 1, 2, 3, ... for k = 1, 2, ..., n and j = 1, 2, ..., m from the definition above. Apart from this restriction, the relationship is valid whenever the generalized hypergeometric series pFq(z) converges, i. e. for any finite z when pq, and for |z| < 1 when p = q + 1. In the latter case, the relation with the G-function automatically provides the analytic continuation of pFq(z) to |z| ≥ 1 with a branch cut from 1 to ∞ along the real axis. Finally, the relation furnishes a natural extension of the definition of the hypergeometric function to orders p > q + 1. By means of the G-function we can thus solve the generalized hypergeometric differential equation for p > q + 1 as well.

Polynomial cases edit

To express polynomial cases of generalized hypergeometric functions in terms of Meijer G-functions, a linear combination of two G-functions is needed in general:


where h = 0, 1, 2, ... equals the degree of the polynomial p+1Fq(z). The orders m and n can be chosen freely in the ranges 0 ≤ mq and 0 ≤ np, which allows to avoid that specific integer values or integer differences among the parameters ap and bq of the polynomial give rise to divergent gamma functions in the prefactor or to a conflict with the definition of the G-function. Note that the first G-function vanishes for n = 0 if p > q, while the second G-function vanishes for m = 0 if p < q. Again, the formula can be verified by expressing the two G-functions as sums of residues; no cases of confluent poles permitted by the definition of the G-function need be excluded here.

Basic properties of the G-function edit

As can be seen from the definition of the G-function, if equal parameters appear among the ap and bq determining the factors in the numerator and the denominator of the integrand, the fraction can be simplified, and the order of the function thereby be reduced. Whether the order m or n will decrease depends on the particular position of the parameters in question. Thus, if one of the ak, k = 1, 2, ..., n, equals one of the bj, j = m + 1, ..., q, the G-function lowers its orders p, q and n:


For the same reason, if one of the ak, k = n + 1, ..., p, equals one of the bj, j = 1, 2, ..., m, then the G-function lowers its orders p, q and m:


Starting from the definition, it is also possible to derive the following properties:


The abbreviations ν and δ were introduced in the definition of the G-function above.

Derivatives and antiderivatives edit

Concerning derivatives of the G-function, one finds these relationships:


From these four, equivalent relations can be deduced by simply evaluating the derivative on the left-hand side and manipulating a bit. One obtains for example:


Moreover, for derivatives of arbitrary order h, one has


which hold for h < 0 as well, thus allowing to obtain the antiderivative of any G-function as easily as the derivative. By choosing one or the other of the two results provided in either formula, one can always prevent the set of parameters in the result from violating the condition akbj ≠ 1, 2, 3, ... for k = 1, 2, ..., n and j = 1, 2, ..., m that is imposed by the definition of the G-function. Note that each pair of results becomes unequal in the case of h < 0.

From these relationships, corresponding properties of the Gauss hypergeometric function and of other special functions can be derived.

Recurrence relations edit

By equating different expressions for the first-order derivatives, one arrives at the following 3-term recurrence relations among contiguous G-functions:


Similar relations for the diagonal parameter pairs a1, bq and b1, ap follow by suitable combination of the above. Again, corresponding properties of hypergeometric and other special functions can be derived from these recurrence relations.

Multiplication theorems edit

Provided that z ≠ 0, the following relationships hold:


These follow by Taylor expansion about w = 1, with the help of the basic properties discussed above. The radii of convergence will be dependent on the value of z and on the G-function that is expanded. The expansions can be regarded as generalizations of similar theorems for Bessel, hypergeometric and confluent hypergeometric functions.

Definite integrals involving the G-function edit

Among definite integrals involving an arbitrary G-function one has:


Note that the restrictions under which this integral exists have been omitted here. It is, of course, no surprise that the Mellin transform of a G-function should lead back to the integrand appearing in the definition above.

Euler-type integrals for the G-function are given by:


Extensive restrictions under which these integrals exist can be found on p. 417 of "Tables of Integral Transforms", vol. II(1954), Edited by A. Erdelyi. Note that, in view of their effect on the G-function, these integrals can be used to define the operation of fractional integration for a fairly large class of functions (Erdélyi–Kober operators).

A result of fundamental importance is that the product of two arbitrary G-functions integrated over the positive real axis can be represented by just another G-function (convolution theorem):


Restrictions under which the integral exists can be found in Meijer, C. S., 1941: Nederl. Akad. Wetensch, Proc. 44, pp. 82–92. Note how the Mellin transform of the result merely assembles the gamma factors from the Mellin transforms of the two functions in the integrand.

The convolution formula can be derived by substituting the defining Mellin–Barnes integral for one of the G-functions, reversing the order of integration, and evaluating the inner Mellin-transform integral. The preceding Euler-type integrals follow analogously.

Laplace transform edit

Using the above convolution integral and basic properties one can show that:


where Re(ω) > 0. This is the Laplace transform of a function G(ηx) multiplied by a power xα; if we put α = 0 we get the Laplace transform of the G-function. As usual, the inverse transform is then given by:


where c is a real positive constant that places the integration path to the right of any pole in the integrand.

Another formula for the Laplace transform of a G-function is:


where again Re(ω) > 0. Details of the restrictions under which the integrals exist have been omitted in both cases.

Integral transforms based on the G-function edit

In general, two functions k(z,y) and h(z,y) are called a pair of transform kernels if, for any suitable function f(z) or any suitable function g(z), the following two relationships hold simultaneously:


The pair of kernels is said to be symmetric if k(z,y) = h(z,y).

Narain transform edit

Roop Narain (1962, 1963a, 1963b) showed that the functions:


are an asymmetric pair of transform kernels, where γ > 0, np = mq > 0, and:


along with further convergence conditions. In particular, if p = q, m = n, aj + bj = 0 for j = 1, 2, ..., p and cj + dj = 0 for j = 1, 2, ..., m, then the pair of kernels becomes symmetric. The well-known Hankel transform is a symmetric special case of the Narain transform (γ = 1, p = q = 0, m = n = 1, c1 = −d1 = ν2).

Wimp transform edit

Jet Wimp (1964) showed that these functions are an asymmetric pair of transform kernels:


where the function A(·) is defined as:


Generalized Laplace transform edit

The Laplace transform can be generalized in close analogy with Narain's generalization of the Hankel transform:


where γ > 0, pq, and:


and where the constant c > 0 places the second integration path to the right of any pole in the integrand. For γ = 12, ρ = 0 and p = q = 0, this corresponds to the familiar Laplace transform.

Meijer transform edit

Two particular cases of this generalization were given by C.S. Meijer in 1940 and 1941. The case resulting for γ = 1, ρ = −ν, p = 0, q = 1 and b1 = ν may be written (Meijer 1940):


and the case obtained for γ = 12, ρ = −mk, p = q = 1, a1 = mk and b1 = 2m may be written (Meijer 1941a):


Here Iν and Kν are the modified Bessel functions of the first and second kind, respectively, Mk,m and Wk,m are the Whittaker functions, and constant scale factors have been applied to the functions f and g and their arguments s and t in the first case.

Representation of other functions in terms of the G-function edit

The following list shows how the familiar elementary functions result as special cases of the Meijer G-function:


Here, H denotes the Heaviside step function.

The subsequent list shows how some higher functions can be expressed in terms of the G-function:


Even the derivatives of γ(α,x) and Γ(α,x) with respect to α can be expressed in terms of the Meijer G-function. Here, γ and Γ are the lower and upper incomplete gamma functions, Jν and Yν are the Bessel functions of the first and second kind, respectively, Iν and Kν are the corresponding modified Bessel functions, and Φ is the Lerch transcendent.

See also edit

References edit

  1. ^ Mathai, A. M.; Saxena, R. K.; Saxena, Ram Kishore (1973). Generalized Hypergeometric Functions with Applications in Statistics and Physical Sciences. Springer.
meijer, function, mathematics, function, introduced, cornelis, simon, meijer, 1936, very, general, function, intended, include, most, known, special, functions, particular, cases, this, only, attempt, kind, generalized, hypergeometric, function, macrobert, fun. In mathematics the G function was introduced by Cornelis Simon Meijer 1936 as a very general function intended to include most of the known special functions as particular cases This was not the only attempt of its kind the generalized hypergeometric function and the MacRobert E function had the same aim but Meijer s G function was able to include those as particular cases as well The first definition was made by Meijer using a series nowadays the accepted and more general definition is via a line integral in the complex plane introduced in its full generality by Arthur Erdelyi in 1953 Plot of the Meiger G function G a 1 a n a n 1 a p b 1 b m b m 1 b q z input in the complex plane from 2 2i to 2 2iWith the modern definition the majority of the established special functions can be represented in terms of the Meijer G function A notable property is the closure of the set of all G functions not only under differentiation but also under indefinite integration In combination with a functional equation that allows to liberate from a G function G z any factor zr that is a constant power of its argument z the closure implies that whenever a function is expressible as a G function of a constant multiple of some constant power of the function argument f x G cxg the derivative and the antiderivative of this function are expressible so too The wide coverage of special functions also lends power to uses of Meijer s G function other than the representation and manipulation of derivatives and antiderivatives For example the definite integral over the positive real axis of any function g x that can be written as a product G1 cxg G2 dxd of two G functions with rational g d equals just another G function and generalizations of integral transforms like the Hankel transform and the Laplace transform and their inverses result when suitable G function pairs are employed as transform kernels A still more general function which introduces additional parameters into Meijer s G function is Fox s H function and is used for Matrix transform by Ram Kishore Saxena 1 One application of the Meijer G function has been the particle spectrum of radiation from an inertial horizon in the moving mirror model of the dynamical Casimir effect Good 2020 Contents 1 Definition of the Meijer G function 1 1 Differential equation 2 Relationship between the G function and the generalized hypergeometric function 2 1 Polynomial cases 3 Basic properties of the G function 3 1 Derivatives and antiderivatives 3 2 Recurrence relations 3 3 Multiplication theorems 4 Definite integrals involving the G function 4 1 Laplace transform 5 Integral transforms based on the G function 5 1 Narain transform 5 2 Wimp transform 5 3 Generalized Laplace transform 5 4 Meijer transform 6 Representation of other functions in terms of the G function 7 See also 8 References 9 External linksDefinition of the Meijer G function editA general definition of the Meijer G function is given by the following line integral in the complex plane Bateman amp Erdelyi 1953 5 3 1 G p q m n a 1 a p b 1 b q z 1 2 p i L j 1 m G b j s j 1 n G 1 a j s j m 1 q G 1 b j s j n 1 p G a j s z s d s displaystyle G p q m n left left begin matrix a 1 dots a p b 1 dots b q end matrix right z right frac 1 2 pi i int L frac prod j 1 m Gamma b j s prod j 1 n Gamma 1 a j s prod j m 1 q Gamma 1 b j s prod j n 1 p Gamma a j s z s ds nbsp where G denotes the gamma function This integral is of the so called Mellin Barnes type and may be viewed as an inverse Mellin transform The definition holds under the following assumptions 0 m q and 0 n p where m n p and q are integer numbers ak bj 1 2 3 for any combination of k j for which k 1 2 n and j 1 2 m which implies that no pole of any G bj s j 1 2 m coincides with any pole of any G 1 ak s k 1 2 n z 0Note that for historical reasons the first lower and second upper index refer to the top parameter row while the second lower and first upper index refer to the bottom parameter row One often encounters the following more synthetic notation using vectors G p q m n a 1 a p b 1 b q z G p q m n a p b q z displaystyle G p q m n left left begin matrix a 1 dots a p b 1 dots b q end matrix right z right G p q m n left left begin matrix mathbf a p mathbf b q end matrix right z right nbsp Implementations of the G function in computer algebra systems typically employ separate vector arguments for the four possibly empty parameter groups a1 an an 1 ap b1 bm and bm 1 bq and thus can omit the orders p q n and m as redundant The L in the integral represents the path to be followed while integrating Three choices are possible for this path 1 L runs from i to i such that all poles of G bj s j 1 2 m are on the right of the path while all poles of G 1 ak s k 1 2 n are on the left The integral then converges for arg z lt d p whered m n 1 2 p q displaystyle delta m n tfrac 1 2 p q nbsp dd an obvious prerequisite for this is d gt 0 The integral additionally converges for arg z d p 0 if q p s 1 2 gt Re n 1 where s represents Re s as the integration variable s approaches both i and i and wheren j 1 q b j j 1 p a j displaystyle nu sum j 1 q b j sum j 1 p a j nbsp dd As a corollary for arg z d p and p q the integral converges independent of s whenever Re n lt 1 2 L is a loop beginning and ending at encircling all poles of G bj s j 1 2 m exactly once in the negative direction but not encircling any pole of G 1 ak s k 1 2 n Then the integral converges for all z if q gt p 0 it also converges for q p gt 0 as long as z lt 1 In the latter case the integral additionally converges for z 1 if Re n lt 1 where n is defined as for the first path 3 L is a loop beginning and ending at and encircling all poles of G 1 ak s k 1 2 n exactly once in the positive direction but not encircling any pole of G bj s j 1 2 m Now the integral converges for all z if p gt q 0 it also converges for p q gt 0 as long as z gt 1 As noted for the second path too in the case of p q the integral also converges for z 1 when Re n lt 1 The conditions for convergence are readily established by applying Stirling s asymptotic approximation to the gamma functions in the integrand When the integral converges for more than one of these paths the results of integration can be shown to agree if it converges for only one path then this is the only one to be considered In fact numerical path integration in the complex plane constitutes a practicable and sensible approach to the calculation of Meijer G functions As a consequence of this definition the Meijer G function is an analytic function of z with possible exception of the origin z 0 and of the unit circle z 1 Differential equation edit The G function satisfies the following linear differential equation of order max p q 1 p m n z j 1 p z d d z a j 1 j 1 q z d d z b j G z 0 displaystyle left 1 p m n z prod j 1 p left z frac d dz a j 1 right prod j 1 q left z frac d dz b j right right G z 0 nbsp For a fundamental set of solutions of this equation in the case of p q one may take G p q 1 p a 1 a p b h b 1 b h 1 b h 1 b q 1 p m n 1 z h 1 2 q displaystyle G p q 1 p left left begin matrix a 1 dots a p b h b 1 dots b h 1 b h 1 dots b q end matrix right 1 p m n 1 z right quad h 1 2 dots q nbsp and similarly in the case of p q G p q q 1 a h a 1 a h 1 a h 1 a p b 1 b q 1 q m n 1 z h 1 2 p displaystyle G p q q 1 left left begin matrix a h a 1 dots a h 1 a h 1 dots a p b 1 dots b q end matrix right 1 q m n 1 z right quad h 1 2 dots p nbsp These particular solutions are analytic except for a possible singularity at z 0 as well as a possible singularity at z and in the case of p q also an inevitable singularity at z 1 p m n As will be seen presently they can be identified with generalized hypergeometric functions pFq 1 of argument 1 p m n z that are multiplied by a power zbh and with generalized hypergeometric functions qFp 1 of argument 1 q m n z 1 that are multiplied by a power zah 1 respectively Relationship between the G function and the generalized hypergeometric function editIf the integral converges when evaluated along the second path introduced above and if no confluent poles appear among the G bj s j 1 2 m then the Meijer G function can be expressed as a sum of residues in terms of generalized hypergeometric functions pFq 1 Slater s theorem G p q m n a p b q z h 1 m j 1 m G b j b h j 1 n G 1 b h a j z b h j m 1 q G 1 b h b j j n 1 p G a j b h displaystyle G p q m n left left begin matrix mathbf a p mathbf b q end matrix right z right sum h 1 m frac prod j 1 m Gamma b j b h prod j 1 n Gamma 1 b h a j z b h prod j m 1 q Gamma 1 b h b j prod j n 1 p Gamma a j b h times nbsp p F q 1 1 b h a p 1 b h b q 1 p m n z displaystyle p F q 1 left left begin matrix 1 b h mathbf a p 1 b h mathbf b q end matrix right 1 p m n z right nbsp The star indicates that the term corresponding to j h is omitted For the integral to converge along the second path one must have either p lt q or p q and z lt 1 and for the poles to be distinct no pair among the bj j 1 2 m may differ by an integer or zero The asterisks in the relation remind us to ignore the contribution with index j h as follows In the product this amounts to replacing G 0 with 1 and in the argument of the hypergeometric function if we recall the meaning of the vector notation 1 b h b q 1 b h b 1 1 b h b j 1 b h b q displaystyle 1 b h mathbf b q 1 b h b 1 dots 1 b h b j dots 1 b h b q nbsp this amounts to shortening the vector length from q to q 1 Note that when m 0 the second path does not contain any pole and so the integral must vanish identically G p q 0 n a p b q z 0 displaystyle G p q 0 n left left begin matrix mathbf a p mathbf b q end matrix right z right 0 nbsp if either p lt q or p q and z lt 1 Similarly if the integral converges when evaluated along the third path above and if no confluent poles appear among the G 1 ak s k 1 2 n then the G function can be expressed as G p q m n a p b q z h 1 n j 1 n G a h a j j 1 m G 1 a h b j z a h 1 j n 1 p G 1 a h a j j m 1 q G a h b j displaystyle G p q m n left left begin matrix mathbf a p mathbf b q end matrix right z right sum h 1 n frac prod j 1 n Gamma a h a j prod j 1 m Gamma 1 a h b j z a h 1 prod j n 1 p Gamma 1 a h a j prod j m 1 q Gamma a h b j times nbsp q F p 1 1 a h b q 1 a h a p 1 q m n z 1 displaystyle q F p 1 left left begin matrix 1 a h mathbf b q 1 a h mathbf a p end matrix right 1 q m n z 1 right nbsp For this either p gt q or p q and z gt 1 are required and no pair among the ak k 1 2 n may differ by an integer or zero For n 0 one consequently has G p q m 0 a p b q z 0 displaystyle G p q m 0 left left begin matrix mathbf a p mathbf b q end matrix right z right 0 nbsp if either p gt q or p q and z gt 1 On the other hand any generalized hypergeometric function can readily be expressed in terms of the Meijer G function p F q a p b q z G b q G a p G p q 1 1 p 1 a p 0 1 b q z G b q G a p G q 1 p p 1 1 b q a p z 1 displaystyle p F q left left begin matrix mathbf a p mathbf b q end matrix right z right frac Gamma mathbf b q Gamma mathbf a p G p q 1 1 p left left begin matrix 1 mathbf a p 0 1 mathbf b q end matrix right z right frac Gamma mathbf b q Gamma mathbf a p G q 1 p p 1 left left begin matrix 1 mathbf b q mathbf a p end matrix right z 1 right nbsp where we have made use of the vector notation G a p j 1 p G a j displaystyle Gamma mathbf a p prod j 1 p Gamma a j nbsp This holds unless a nonpositive integer value of at least one of its parameters ap reduces the hypergeometric function to a finite polynomial in which case the gamma prefactor of either G function vanishes and the parameter sets of the G functions violate the requirement ak bj 1 2 3 for k 1 2 n and j 1 2 m from the definition above Apart from this restriction the relationship is valid whenever the generalized hypergeometric series pFq z converges i e for any finite z when p q and for z lt 1 when p q 1 In the latter case the relation with the G function automatically provides the analytic continuation of pFq z to z 1 with a branch cut from 1 to along the real axis Finally the relation furnishes a natural extension of the definition of the hypergeometric function to orders p gt q 1 By means of the G function we can thus solve the generalized hypergeometric differential equation for p gt q 1 as well Polynomial cases edit To express polynomial cases of generalized hypergeometric functions in terms of Meijer G functions a linear combination of two G functions is needed in general p 1 F q h a p b q z h j n 1 p G 1 a j j m 1 q G b j j 1 n G a j j 1 m G 1 b j displaystyle p 1 F q left left begin matrix h mathbf a p mathbf b q end matrix right z right h frac prod j n 1 p Gamma 1 a j prod j m 1 q Gamma b j prod j 1 n Gamma a j prod j 1 m Gamma 1 b j times nbsp G p 1 q 1 m 1 n 1 a p h 1 0 1 b q 1 p m n z 1 h G p 1 q 1 m n 1 h 1 1 a p 1 b q 0 1 p m n z displaystyle left G p 1 q 1 m 1 n left left begin matrix 1 mathbf a p h 1 0 1 mathbf b q end matrix right 1 p m n z right 1 h G p 1 q 1 m n 1 left left begin matrix h 1 1 mathbf a p 1 mathbf b q 0 end matrix right 1 p m n z right right nbsp where h 0 1 2 equals the degree of the polynomial p 1Fq z The orders m and n can be chosen freely in the ranges 0 m q and 0 n p which allows to avoid that specific integer values or integer differences among the parameters ap and bq of the polynomial give rise to divergent gamma functions in the prefactor or to a conflict with the definition of the G function Note that the first G function vanishes for n 0 if p gt q while the second G function vanishes for m 0 if p lt q Again the formula can be verified by expressing the two G functions as sums of residues no cases of confluent poles permitted by the definition of the G function need be excluded here Basic properties of the G function editAs can be seen from the definition of the G function if equal parameters appear among the ap and bq determining the factors in the numerator and the denominator of the integrand the fraction can be simplified and the order of the function thereby be reduced Whether the order m or n will decrease depends on the particular position of the parameters in question Thus if one of the ak k 1 2 n equals one of the bj j m 1 q the G function lowers its orders p q and n G p q m n a 1 a 2 a p b 1 b q 1 a 1 z G p 1 q 1 m n 1 a 2 a p b 1 b q 1 z n p q 1 displaystyle G p q m n left left begin matrix a 1 a 2 dots a p b 1 dots b q 1 a 1 end matrix right z right G p 1 q 1 m n 1 left left begin matrix a 2 dots a p b 1 dots b q 1 end matrix right z right quad n p q geq 1 nbsp For the same reason if one of the ak k n 1 p equals one of the bj j 1 2 m then the G function lowers its orders p q and m G p q m n a 1 a p 1 b 1 b 1 b 2 b q z G p 1 q 1 m 1 n a 1 a p 1 b 2 b q z m p q 1 displaystyle G p q m n left left begin matrix a 1 dots a p 1 b 1 b 1 b 2 dots b q end matrix right z right G p 1 q 1 m 1 n left left begin matrix a 1 dots a p 1 b 2 dots b q end matrix right z right quad m p q geq 1 nbsp Starting from the definition it is also possible to derive the following properties z r G p q m n a p b q z G p q m n a p r b q r z displaystyle z rho G p q m n left left begin matrix mathbf a p mathbf b q end matrix right z right G p q m n left left begin matrix mathbf a p rho mathbf b q rho end matrix right z right nbsp G p 2 q m n 1 a a p a b q z 1 a a G p 2 q m n 1 a a p a b q z n p a a Z displaystyle G p 2 q m n 1 left left begin matrix alpha mathbf a p alpha mathbf b q end matrix right z right 1 alpha alpha G p 2 q m n 1 left left begin matrix alpha mathbf a p alpha mathbf b q end matrix right z right quad n leq p alpha alpha in mathbb Z nbsp G p q 2 m 1 n a p b b q b z 1 b b G p q 2 m 1 n a p b b q b z m q b b Z displaystyle G p q 2 m 1 n left left begin matrix mathbf a p beta mathbf b q beta end matrix right z right 1 beta beta G p q 2 m 1 n left left begin matrix mathbf a p beta mathbf b q beta end matrix right z right quad m leq q beta beta in mathbb Z nbsp G p 1 q 1 m n 1 a a p b q b z 1 b a G p 1 q 1 m 1 n a p a b b q z m q b a 0 1 2 displaystyle G p 1 q 1 m n 1 left left begin matrix alpha mathbf a p mathbf b q beta end matrix right z right 1 beta alpha G p 1 q 1 m 1 n left left begin matrix mathbf a p alpha beta mathbf b q end matrix right z right quad m leq q beta alpha 0 1 2 dots nbsp G p q m n a p b q z G q p n m 1 b q 1 a p z 1 displaystyle G p q m n left left begin matrix mathbf a p mathbf b q end matrix right z right G q p n m left left begin matrix 1 mathbf b q 1 mathbf a p end matrix right z 1 right nbsp G p q m n a p b q z h 1 n p q 2 2 p h 1 d G h p h q h m h n a 1 h a 1 h 1 h a p h a p h 1 h b 1 h b 1 h 1 h b q h b q h 1 h z h h h q p h N displaystyle G p q m n left left begin matrix mathbf a p mathbf b q end matrix right z right frac h 1 nu p q 2 2 pi h 1 delta G hp hq hm hn left left begin matrix a 1 h dots a 1 h 1 h dots a p h dots a p h 1 h b 1 h dots b 1 h 1 h dots b q h dots b q h 1 h end matrix right frac z h h h q p right quad h in mathbb N nbsp The abbreviations n and d were introduced in the definition of the G function above Derivatives and antiderivatives edit Concerning derivatives of the G function one finds these relationships d d z z 1 a 1 G p q m n a p b q z z a 1 G p q m n a 1 1 a 2 a p b q z n 1 displaystyle frac d dz left z 1 a 1 G p q m n left left begin matrix mathbf a p mathbf b q end matrix right z right right z a 1 G p q m n left left begin matrix a 1 1 a 2 dots a p mathbf b q end matrix right z right quad n geq 1 nbsp d d z z 1 a p G p q m n a p b q z z a p G p q m n a 1 a p 1 a p 1 b q z n lt p displaystyle frac d dz left z 1 a p G p q m n left left begin matrix mathbf a p mathbf b q end matrix right z right right z a p G p q m n left left begin matrix a 1 dots a p 1 a p 1 mathbf b q end matrix right z right quad n lt p nbsp d d z z b 1 G p q m n a p b q z z 1 b 1 G p q m n a p b 1 1 b 2 b q z m 1 displaystyle frac d dz left z b 1 G p q m n left left begin matrix mathbf a p mathbf b q end matrix right z right right z 1 b 1 G p q m n left left begin matrix mathbf a p b 1 1 b 2 dots b q end matrix right z right quad m geq 1 nbsp d d z z b q G p q m n a p b q z z 1 b q G p q m n a p b 1 b q 1 b q 1 z m lt q displaystyle frac d dz left z b q G p q m n left left begin matrix mathbf a p mathbf b q end matrix right z right right z 1 b q G p q m n left left begin matrix mathbf a p b 1 dots b q 1 b q 1 end matrix right z right quad m lt q nbsp From these four equivalent relations can be deduced by simply evaluating the derivative on the left hand side and manipulating a bit One obtains for example z d d z G p q m n a p b q z G p q m n a 1 1 a 2 a p b q z a 1 1 G p q m n a p b q z n 1 displaystyle z frac d dz G p q m n left left begin matrix mathbf a p mathbf b q end matrix right z right G p q m n left left begin matrix a 1 1 a 2 dots a p mathbf b q end matrix right z right a 1 1 G p q m n left left begin matrix mathbf a p mathbf b q end matrix right z right quad n geq 1 nbsp Moreover for derivatives of arbitrary order h one has z h d h d z h G p q m n a p b q z G p 1 q 1 m n 1 0 a p b q h z 1 h G p 1 q 1 m 1 n a p 0 h b q z displaystyle z h frac d h dz h G p q m n left left begin matrix mathbf a p mathbf b q end matrix right z right G p 1 q 1 m n 1 left left begin matrix 0 mathbf a p mathbf b q h end matrix right z right 1 h G p 1 q 1 m 1 n left left begin matrix mathbf a p 0 h mathbf b q end matrix right z right nbsp z h d h d z h G p q m n a p b q z 1 G p 1 q 1 m 1 n a p 1 h 1 b q z 1 1 h G p 1 q 1 m n 1 1 h a p b q 1 z 1 displaystyle z h frac d h dz h G p q m n left left begin matrix mathbf a p mathbf b q end matrix right z 1 right G p 1 q 1 m 1 n left left begin matrix mathbf a p 1 h 1 mathbf b q end matrix right z 1 right 1 h G p 1 q 1 m n 1 left left begin matrix 1 h mathbf a p mathbf b q 1 end matrix right z 1 right nbsp which hold for h lt 0 as well thus allowing to obtain the antiderivative of any G function as easily as the derivative By choosing one or the other of the two results provided in either formula one can always prevent the set of parameters in the result from violating the condition ak bj 1 2 3 for k 1 2 n and j 1 2 m that is imposed by the definition of the G function Note that each pair of results becomes unequal in the case of h lt 0 From these relationships corresponding properties of the Gauss hypergeometric function and of other special functions can be derived Recurrence relations edit By equating different expressions for the first order derivatives one arrives at the following 3 term recurrence relations among contiguous G functions a p a 1 G p q m n a p b q z G p q m n a 1 1 a 2 a p b 1 b q z G p q m n a 1 a p 1 a p 1 b 1 b q z 1 n lt p displaystyle a p a 1 G p q m n left left begin matrix mathbf a p mathbf b q end matrix right z right G p q m n left left begin matrix a 1 1 a 2 dots a p b 1 dots b q end matrix right z right G p q m n left left begin matrix a 1 dots a p 1 a p 1 b 1 dots b q end matrix right z right quad 1 leq n lt p nbsp b 1 b q G p q m n a p b q z G p q m n a 1 a p b 1 1 b 2 b q z G p q m n a 1 a p b 1 b q 1 b q 1 z 1 m lt q displaystyle b 1 b q G p q m n left left begin matrix mathbf a p mathbf b q end matrix right z right G p q m n left left begin matrix a 1 dots a p b 1 1 b 2 dots b q end matrix right z right G p q m n left left begin matrix a 1 dots a p b 1 dots b q 1 b q 1 end matrix right z right quad 1 leq m lt q nbsp b 1 a 1 1 G p q m n a p b q z G p q m n a 1 1 a 2 a p b 1 b q z G p q m n a 1 a p b 1 1 b 2 b q z n 1 m 1 displaystyle b 1 a 1 1 G p q m n left left begin matrix mathbf a p mathbf b q end matrix right z right G p q m n left left begin matrix a 1 1 a 2 dots a p b 1 dots b q end matrix right z right G p q m n left left begin matrix a 1 dots a p b 1 1 b 2 dots b q end matrix right z right quad n geq 1 m geq 1 nbsp a p b q 1 G p q m n a p b q z G p q m n a 1 a p 1 a p 1 b 1 b q z G p q m n a 1 a p b 1 b q 1 b q 1 z n lt p m lt q displaystyle a p b q 1 G p q m n left left begin matrix mathbf a p mathbf b q end matrix right z right G p q m n left left begin matrix a 1 dots a p 1 a p 1 b 1 dots b q end matrix right z right G p q m n left left begin matrix a 1 dots a p b 1 dots b q 1 b q 1 end matrix right z right quad n lt p m lt q nbsp Similar relations for the diagonal parameter pairs a1 bq and b1 ap follow by suitable combination of the above Again corresponding properties of hypergeometric and other special functions can be derived from these recurrence relations Multiplication theorems edit Provided that z 0 the following relationships hold G p q m n a p b q w z w b 1 h 0 1 w h h G p q m n a p b 1 h b 2 b q z m 1 displaystyle G p q m n left left begin matrix mathbf a p mathbf b q end matrix right wz right w b 1 sum h 0 infty frac 1 w h h G p q m n left left begin matrix mathbf a p b 1 h b 2 dots b q end matrix right z right quad m geq 1 nbsp G p q m n a p b q w z w b q h 0 w 1 h h G p q m n a p b 1 b q 1 b q h z m lt q displaystyle G p q m n left left begin matrix mathbf a p mathbf b q end matrix right wz right w b q sum h 0 infty frac w 1 h h G p q m n left left begin matrix mathbf a p b 1 dots b q 1 b q h end matrix right z right quad m lt q nbsp G p q m n a p b q z w w 1 a 1 h 0 1 w h h G p q m n a 1 h a 2 a p b q z n 1 displaystyle G p q m n left left begin matrix mathbf a p mathbf b q end matrix right frac z w right w 1 a 1 sum h 0 infty frac 1 w h h G p q m n left left begin matrix a 1 h a 2 dots a p mathbf b q end matrix right z right quad n geq 1 nbsp G p q m n a p b q z w w 1 a p h 0 w 1 h h G p q m n a 1 a p 1 a p h b q z n lt p displaystyle G p q m n left left begin matrix mathbf a p mathbf b q end matrix right frac z w right w 1 a p sum h 0 infty frac w 1 h h G p q m n left left begin matrix a 1 dots a p 1 a p h mathbf b q end matrix right z right quad n lt p nbsp These follow by Taylor expansion about w 1 with the help of the basic properties discussed above The radii of convergence will be dependent on the value of z and on the G function that is expanded The expansions can be regarded as generalizations of similar theorems for Bessel hypergeometric and confluent hypergeometric functions Definite integrals involving the G function editAmong definite integrals involving an arbitrary G function one has 0 x s 1 G p q m n a p b q h x d x h s j 1 m G b j s j 1 n G 1 a j s j m 1 q G 1 b j s j n 1 p G a j s displaystyle int 0 infty x s 1 G p q m n left left begin matrix mathbf a p mathbf b q end matrix right eta x right dx frac eta s prod j 1 m Gamma b j s prod j 1 n Gamma 1 a j s prod j m 1 q Gamma 1 b j s prod j n 1 p Gamma a j s nbsp Note that the restrictions under which this integral exists have been omitted here It is of course no surprise that the Mellin transform of a G function should lead back to the integrand appearing in the definition above Euler type integrals for the G function are given by 0 1 x a 1 x a b 1 G p q m n a p b q z x d x G a b G p 1 q 1 m n 1 a a p b q b z displaystyle int 0 1 x alpha 1 x alpha beta 1 G p q m n left left begin matrix mathbf a p mathbf b q end matrix right zx right dx Gamma alpha beta G p 1 q 1 m n 1 left left begin matrix alpha mathbf a p mathbf b q beta end matrix right z right nbsp 1 x a x 1 a b 1 G p q m n a p b q z x d x G a b G p 1 q 1 m 1 n a p a b b q z displaystyle int 1 infty x alpha x 1 alpha beta 1 G p q m n left left begin matrix mathbf a p mathbf b q end matrix right zx right dx Gamma alpha beta G p 1 q 1 m 1 n left left begin matrix mathbf a p alpha beta mathbf b q end matrix right z right nbsp Extensive restrictions under which these integrals exist can be found on p 417 of Tables of Integral Transforms vol II 1954 Edited by A Erdelyi Note that in view of their effect on the G function these integrals can be used to define the operation of fractional integration for a fairly large class of functions Erdelyi Kober operators A result of fundamental importance is that the product of two arbitrary G functions integrated over the positive real axis can be represented by just another G function convolution theorem 0 G p q m n a p b q h x G s t m n c s d t w x d x displaystyle int 0 infty G p q m n left left begin matrix mathbf a p mathbf b q end matrix right eta x right G sigma tau mu nu left left begin matrix mathbf c sigma mathbf d tau end matrix right omega x right dx nbsp 1 h G q s p t n m m n b 1 b m c s b m 1 b q a 1 a n d t a n 1 a p w h displaystyle frac 1 eta G q sigma p tau n mu m nu left left begin matrix b 1 dots b m mathbf c sigma b m 1 dots b q a 1 dots a n mathbf d tau a n 1 dots a p end matrix right frac omega eta right nbsp 1 w G p t q s m n n m a 1 a n d t a n 1 a p b 1 b m c s b m 1 b q h w displaystyle frac 1 omega G p tau q sigma m nu n mu left left begin matrix a 1 dots a n mathbf d tau a n 1 dots a p b 1 dots b m mathbf c sigma b m 1 dots b q end matrix right frac eta omega right nbsp Restrictions under which the integral exists can be found in Meijer C S 1941 Nederl Akad Wetensch Proc 44 pp 82 92 Note how the Mellin transform of the result merely assembles the gamma factors from the Mellin transforms of the two functions in the integrand The convolution formula can be derived by substituting the defining Mellin Barnes integral for one of the G functions reversing the order of integration and evaluating the inner Mellin transform integral The preceding Euler type integrals follow analogously Laplace transform edit Using the above convolution integral and basic properties one can show that 0 e w x x a G p q m n a p b q h x d x w a 1 G p 1 q m n 1 a a p b q h w displaystyle int 0 infty e omega x x alpha G p q m n left left begin matrix mathbf a p mathbf b q end matrix right eta x right dx omega alpha 1 G p 1 q m n 1 left left begin matrix alpha mathbf a p mathbf b q end matrix right frac eta omega right nbsp where Re w gt 0 This is the Laplace transform of a function G hx multiplied by a power x a if we put a 0 we get the Laplace transform of the G function As usual the inverse transform is then given by x a G p q 1 m n a p b q a h x 1 2 p i c i c i e w x w a 1 G p q m n a p b q h w d w displaystyle x alpha G p q 1 m n left left begin matrix mathbf a p mathbf b q alpha end matrix right eta x right frac 1 2 pi i int c i infty c i infty e omega x omega alpha 1 G p q m n left left begin matrix mathbf a p mathbf b q end matrix right frac eta omega right d omega nbsp where c is a real positive constant that places the integration path to the right of any pole in the integrand Another formula for the Laplace transform of a G function is 0 e w x G p q m n a p b q h x 2 d x 1 p w G p 2 q m n 2 0 1 2 a p b q 4 h w 2 displaystyle int 0 infty e omega x G p q m n left left begin matrix mathbf a p mathbf b q end matrix right eta x 2 right dx frac 1 sqrt pi omega G p 2 q m n 2 left left begin matrix 0 frac 1 2 mathbf a p mathbf b q end matrix right frac 4 eta omega 2 right nbsp where again Re w gt 0 Details of the restrictions under which the integrals exist have been omitted in both cases Integral transforms based on the G function editIn general two functions k z y and h z y are called a pair of transform kernels if for any suitable function f z or any suitable function g z the following two relationships hold simultaneously g z 0 k z y f y d y f z 0 h z y g y d y displaystyle g z int 0 infty k z y f y dy quad f z int 0 infty h z y g y dy nbsp The pair of kernels is said to be symmetric if k z y h z y Narain transform edit Roop Narain 1962 1963a 1963b showed that the functions k z y 2 g z y g 1 2 G p q m n m p a p b q c m d n z y 2 g displaystyle k z y 2 gamma zy gamma 1 2 G p q m n m p left left begin matrix mathbf a p mathbf b q mathbf c m mathbf d n end matrix right zy 2 gamma right nbsp h z y 2 g z y g 1 2 G p q m n n q b q a p d n c m z y 2 g displaystyle h z y 2 gamma zy gamma 1 2 G p q m n n q left left begin matrix mathbf b q mathbf a p mathbf d n mathbf c m end matrix right zy 2 gamma right nbsp are an asymmetric pair of transform kernels where g gt 0 n p m q gt 0 and j 1 p a j j 1 q b j j 1 m c j j 1 n d j displaystyle sum j 1 p a j sum j 1 q b j sum j 1 m c j sum j 1 n d j nbsp along with further convergence conditions In particular if p q m n aj bj 0 for j 1 2 p and cj dj 0 for j 1 2 m then the pair of kernels becomes symmetric The well known Hankel transform is a symmetric special case of the Narain transform g 1 p q 0 m n 1 c1 d1 n 2 Wimp transform edit Jet Wimp 1964 showed that these functions are an asymmetric pair of transform kernels k z y G p 2 q m n 2 1 n i z 1 n i z a p b q y displaystyle k z y G p 2 q m n 2 left left begin matrix 1 nu iz 1 nu iz mathbf a p mathbf b q end matrix right y right nbsp h z y i p y e n p i e p y A n i y n i y z e i p e p y A n i y n i y z e i p displaystyle h z y frac i pi ye nu pi i left e pi y A nu iy nu iy ze i pi e pi y A nu iy nu iy ze i pi right nbsp where the function A is defined as A a b z G p 2 q q m p n 1 a n 1 a n 2 a p a a 1 a 2 a n b b m 1 b m 2 b q b 1 b 2 b m z displaystyle A alpha beta z G p 2 q q m p n 1 left left begin matrix a n 1 a n 2 dots a p alpha a 1 a 2 dots a n beta b m 1 b m 2 dots b q b 1 b 2 dots b m end matrix right z right nbsp Generalized Laplace transform edit The Laplace transform can be generalized in close analogy with Narain s generalization of the Hankel transform g s 2 g 0 s t g r 1 2 G p q 1 q 1 0 a p 0 b q s t 2 g f t d t displaystyle g s 2 gamma int 0 infty st gamma rho 1 2 G p q 1 q 1 0 left left begin matrix mathbf a p 0 mathbf b q end matrix right st 2 gamma right f t dt nbsp f t g p i c i c i t s g r 1 2 G p q 1 1 p a p 0 b q t s 2 g g s d s displaystyle f t frac gamma pi i int c i infty c i infty ts gamma rho 1 2 G p q 1 1 p left left begin matrix mathbf a p 0 mathbf b q end matrix right ts 2 gamma right g s ds nbsp where g gt 0 p q and q 1 p r 2 g j 1 p a j j 1 q b j displaystyle q 1 p rho over 2 gamma sum j 1 p a j sum j 1 q b j nbsp and where the constant c gt 0 places the second integration path to the right of any pole in the integrand For g 1 2 r 0 and p q 0 this corresponds to the familiar Laplace transform Meijer transform edit Two particular cases of this generalization were given by C S Meijer in 1940 and 1941 The case resulting for g 1 r n p 0 q 1 and b1 n may be written Meijer 1940 g s 2 p 0 s t 1 2 K n s t f t d t displaystyle g s sqrt 2 pi int 0 infty st 1 2 K nu st f t dt nbsp f t 1 2 p i c i c i t s 1 2 I n t s g s d s displaystyle f t frac 1 sqrt 2 pi i int c i infty c i infty ts 1 2 I nu ts g s ds nbsp and the case obtained for g 1 2 r m k p q 1 a1 m k and b1 2m may be written Meijer 1941a g s 0 s t k 1 2 e s t 2 W k 1 2 m s t f t d t displaystyle g s int 0 infty st k 1 2 e st 2 W k 1 2 m st f t dt nbsp f t G 1 k m 2 p i G 1 2 m c i c i t s k 1 2 e t s 2 M k 1 2 m t s g s d s displaystyle f t frac Gamma 1 k m 2 pi i Gamma 1 2m int c i infty c i infty ts k 1 2 e ts 2 M k 1 2 m ts g s ds nbsp Here In and Kn are the modified Bessel functions of the first and second kind respectively Mk m and Wk m are the Whittaker functions and constant scale factors have been applied to the functions f and g and their arguments s and t in the first case Representation of other functions in terms of the G function editThe following list shows how the familiar elementary functions result as special cases of the Meijer G function e x G 0 1 1 0 0 x x displaystyle e x G 0 1 1 0 left left begin matrix 0 end matrix right x right qquad forall x nbsp cos x p G 0 2 1 0 0 1 2 x 2 4 x displaystyle cos x sqrt pi G 0 2 1 0 left left begin matrix 0 frac 1 2 end matrix right frac x 2 4 right qquad forall x nbsp sin x p G 0 2 1 0 1 2 0 x 2 4 p 2 lt arg x p 2 displaystyle sin x sqrt pi G 0 2 1 0 left left begin matrix frac 1 2 0 end matrix right frac x 2 4 right qquad frac pi 2 lt arg x leq frac pi 2 nbsp cosh x p G 0 2 1 0 0 1 2 x 2 4 x displaystyle cosh x sqrt pi G 0 2 1 0 left left begin matrix 0 frac 1 2 end matrix right frac x 2 4 right qquad forall x nbsp sinh x p i G 0 2 1 0 1 2 0 x 2 4 p lt arg x 0 displaystyle sinh x sqrt pi i G 0 2 1 0 left left begin matrix frac 1 2 0 end matrix right frac x 2 4 right qquad pi lt arg x leq 0 nbsp arcsin x i 2 p G 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 2 0 x 2 p lt arg x 0 displaystyle arcsin x frac i 2 sqrt pi G 2 2 1 2 left left begin matrix 1 1 frac 1 2 0 end matrix right x 2 right qquad pi lt arg x leq 0 nbsp arctan x 1 2 G 2 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 0 x 2 p 2 lt arg x p 2 displaystyle arctan x frac 1 2 G 2 2 1 2 left left begin matrix frac 1 2 1 frac 1 2 0 end matrix right x 2 right qquad frac pi 2 lt arg x leq frac pi 2 nbsp arccot x 1 2 G 2 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 0 x 2 p 2 lt arg x p 2 displaystyle operatorname arccot x frac 1 2 G 2 2 2 1 left left begin matrix frac 1 2 1 frac 1 2 0 end matrix right x 2 right qquad frac pi 2 lt arg x leq frac pi 2 nbsp ln 1 x G 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 0 x x displaystyle ln 1 x G 2 2 1 2 left left begin matrix 1 1 1 0 end matrix right x right qquad forall x nbsp H 1 x G 1 1 1 0 1 0 x x displaystyle H 1 x G 1 1 1 0 left left begin matrix 1 0 end matrix right x right qquad forall x nbsp H x 1 G 1 1 0 1 1 0 x x displaystyle H x 1 G 1 1 0 1 left left begin matrix 1 0 end matrix right x right qquad forall x nbsp Here H denotes the Heaviside step function The subsequent list shows how some higher functions can be expressed in terms of the G function g a x G 1 2 1 1 1 a 0 x x displaystyle gamma alpha x G 1 2 1 1 left left begin matrix 1 alpha 0 end matrix right x right qquad forall x nbsp G a x G 1 2 2 0 1 a 0 x x displaystyle Gamma alpha x G 1 2 2 0 left left begin matrix 1 alpha 0 end matrix right x right qquad forall x nbsp J n x G 0 2 1 0 n 2 n 2 x 2 4 p 2 lt arg x p 2 displaystyle J nu x G 0 2 1 0 left left begin matrix frac nu 2 frac nu 2 end matrix right frac x 2 4 right qquad frac pi 2 lt arg x leq frac pi 2 nbsp Y n x G 1 3 2 0 n 1 2 n 2 n 2 n 1 2 x 2 4 p 2 lt arg x p 2 displaystyle Y nu x G 1 3 2 0 left left begin matrix frac nu 1 2 frac nu 2 frac nu 2 frac nu 1 2 end matrix right frac x 2 4 right qquad frac pi 2 lt arg x leq frac pi 2 nbsp I n x i n G 0 2 1 0 n 2 n 2 x 2 4 p lt arg x 0 displaystyle I nu x i nu G 0 2 1 0 left left begin matrix frac nu 2 frac nu 2 end matrix right frac x 2 4 right qquad pi lt arg x leq 0 nbsp K n x 1 2 G 0 2 2 0 n 2 n 2 x 2 4 p 2 lt arg x p 2 displaystyle K nu x frac 1 2 G 0 2 2 0 left left begin matrix frac nu 2 frac nu 2 end matrix right frac x 2 4 right qquad frac pi 2 lt arg x leq frac pi 2 nbsp F x n a G n 1 n 1 1 n 1 0 1 a 1 a 0 a a x x n 0 1 2 displaystyle Phi x n a G n 1 n 1 1 n 1 left left begin matrix 0 1 a dots 1 a 0 a dots a end matrix right x right qquad forall x n 0 1 2 dots nbsp F x n a G n 1 n 1 1 n 1 0 a a 0 1 a 1 a x x n 0 1 2 displaystyle Phi x n a G n 1 n 1 1 n 1 left left begin matrix 0 a dots a 0 1 a dots 1 a end matrix right x right qquad forall x n 0 1 2 dots nbsp Even the derivatives of g a x and G a x with respect to a can be expressed in terms of the Meijer G function Here g and G are the lower and upper incomplete gamma functions Jn and Yn are the Bessel functions of the first and second kind respectively In and Kn are the corresponding modified Bessel functions and F is the Lerch transcendent See also editGradshteyn and RyzhikReferences edit Mathai A M Saxena R K Saxena Ram Kishore 1973 Generalized Hypergeometric Functions with Applications in Statistics and Physical Sciences Springer a, wikipedia, wiki, book, books, library,


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