
Bounded rationality

Bounded rationality is the idea that rationality is limited when individuals make decisions, and under these limitations, rational individuals will select a decision that is satisfactory rather than optimal.[1]

Limitations include the difficulty of the problem requiring a decision, the cognitive capability of the mind, and the time available to make the decision. Decision-makers, in this view, act as satisficers, seeking a satisfactory solution, with everything that they have at the moment rather than an optimal solution. Therefore, humans do not undertake a full cost-benefit analysis to determine the optimal decision, but rather, choose an option that fulfils their adequacy criteria.[2] An example of this being within organisations when they must adhere to the operating conditions of their company, this has the opportunity to result in bounded rationality as the organisation is not able to choose the optimal option.[3]

Some models of human behavior in the social sciences assume that humans can be reasonably approximated or described as "rational" entities, as in rational choice theory or Downs' political agency model.[4] The concept of bounded rationality complements "rationality as optimization", which views decision-making as a fully rational process of finding an optimal choice given the information available.[5] Therefore, bounded rationality can be said to address the discrepancy between the assumed perfect rationality of human behaviour (which is utilised by other economics theories such as the Neoclassical approach), and the reality of human cognition.[6] In short, bounded rationality revises notions of "perfect" rationality to account for the fact that perfectly rational decisions are often not feasible in practice because of the intractability of natural decision problems and the finite computational resources available for making them. The concept of bounded rationality continues to influence (and be debated in) different disciplines, including political science, economics, psychology, law and cognitive science.[7]

Background and motivation

Bounded rationality was coined by Herbert A. Simon, where it was proposed as an alternative basis for the mathematical and neoclassical economic modelling of decision-making, as used in economics, political science, and related disciplines. Many economics models assume that agents are on average rational, and can in large quantities be approximated to act according to their preferences in order to maximise utility.[2] With bounded rationality, Simon's goal was "to replace the global rationality of economic man with a kind of rational behavior that is compatible with the access to information and the computational capacities that are actually possessed by organisms, including man, in the kinds of environments in which such organisms exist."[8] Prior to coining the term bounded rationality, studies in this area were starting to take place. A study completed by Allais in 1953 began to generate ideas of the irrationality of decision making as he found that given preferences, individuals will not always choose the most rational decision and therefore the concept of rationality was not always reliable in economic predictions.[9]

In Models of Man, Simon argues that most people are only partly rational, and are irrational in the remaining part of their actions. In another work, he states "boundedly rational agents experience limits in formulating and solving complex problems and in processing (receiving, storing, retrieving, transmitting) information".[10] Simon used the analogy of a pair of scissors, where one blade represents "cognitive limitations" of actual humans and the other the "structures of the environment", illustrating how minds compensate for limited resources by exploiting known structural regularity in the environment.[5]

Simon describes a number of dimensions along which "classical" models of rationality can be made somewhat more realistic, while remaining within the vein of fairly rigorous formalization. These include:

  • limiting the types of utility functions
  • recognizing the costs of gathering and processing information
  • the possibility of having a "vector" or "multi-valued" utility function

Simon suggests that economic agents use heuristics to make decisions rather than a strict rigid rule of optimization. They do this because of the complexity of the situation. An example of behaviour inhibited by heuristics can be seen when comparing the cognitive strategies utilised in simple situations (e.g Tic-tac-toe), in comparison to strategies utilised in difficult situations (e.g Chess). Both games, as defined by game theory economics, are finite games with perfect information, and therefore equivalent.[11] However, within Chess, mental capacities and abilities are a binding constraint, therefore optimal choices are not a possibility.[11] Thus, in order to test the mental limits of agents, complex problems, such as those within Chess, should be studied to test how individuals work around their cognitive limits, and what behaviours or heuristics are used to form solutions[12]

Anchoring and adjustment are types of heuristics that give some explanation to bounded rationality and why decision makers do not make rational decisions. A study undertaken by Zenko et al. showed that the amount of physical activity completed by decision makers was able to be influenced by anchoring and adjustment as most decision makers would typically be considered irrational and would unlikely do the amount of physical activity instructed and it was shown that these decision makers use anchoring and adjustment to decide how much exercise they will complete [13]

Example of Bounded Rationality


A good example of Bounded Rationality in individuals would be a customer who made a suboptimal decision to order some food at the restaurant because they felt rushed by the waiter who was waiting beside the table. Another example is a trader who would make a moderate and risky decision to trade their stock due to time pressure and imperfect information of the market at that time.

In organisational context, a CEO cannot make fully rational decisions in an ad-hoc situation because their cognition was overwhelmed by a lot of information in that tense situation. The CEO also needs to take time to process all the information given to them, but due to the limited time and fast decision making needed, they will disregard some information in determining the decision.

Model extensions

As decision-makers have to make decisions about how and when to decide, Ariel Rubinstein proposed to model bounded rationality by explicitly specifying decision-making procedures as decision-makers with the same information are also not able to analyse the situation equally thus reach the same “rational” decision.[14] Rubinstein argues that consistency in reaching final decision for the same level of information must factor in the decision making procedure itself.[14] This puts the study of decision procedures on the research agenda.

Gerd Gigerenzer opines that decision theorists, to some extent, have not adhered to Simon's original ideas. Rather, they have considered how decisions may be crippled by limitations to rationality, or have modeled how people might cope with their inability to optimize. Gigerenzer proposes and shows that simple heuristics often lead to better decisions than theoretically optimal procedures.[4] Moreover, Gigerenzer states, agents react relative to their environment and use their cognitive processes to adapt accordingly.[2]

Huw Dixon later argues that it may not be necessary to analyze in detail the process of reasoning underlying bounded rationality.[15] If we believe that agents will choose an action that gets them "close" to the optimum, then we can use the notion of epsilon-optimization, which means we choose our actions so that the payoff is within epsilon of the optimum. If we define the optimum (best possible) payoff as  , then the set of epsilon-optimizing options S(ε) can be defined as all those options s such that:


The notion of strict rationality is then a special case (ε=0). The advantage of this approach is that it avoids having to specify in detail the process of reasoning, but rather simply assumes that whatever the process is, it is good enough to get near to the optimum.

From a computational point of view, decision procedures can be encoded in algorithms and heuristics. Edward Tsang argues that the effective rationality of an agent is determined by its computational intelligence. Everything else being equal, an agent that has better algorithms and heuristics could make "more rational" (closer to optimal) decisions than one that has poorer heuristics and algorithms.[16]

Tshilidzi Marwala and Evan Hurwitz in their study on bounded rationality observed that advances in technology (e.g. computer processing power because of Moore's law, artificial intelligence, and big data analytics) expand the bounds that define the feasible rationality space. Because of this expansion of the bounds of rationality, machine automated decision making makes markets more efficient.[17]

The model of bounded rationality also extends to bounded self-interest,[18] in which humans are sometimes willing to forsake their own self-interests for the benefits of others due to incomplete information that the individuals have at the time being. This is something that has not been considered in earlier economic models.[19]

The theory of rational inattention, an extension of bounded rationality, studied by Christopher Sims, found that decisions may be chosen with incomplete information as opposed to affording the cost to receive complete information. This shows that decision makers choose to endure bounded rationality.[20]

On the other hand, another extension that came from the notion of bounded rationality was explained by Ulrich Hoffrage and Torsten Reimer in their studies in which the fast and frugal heuristic approach. The studies explained that complete information sometimes is not needed as there are easier and simpler way to reach the same “optimal” outcome.[21] However, this approach which is usually known as Gaze Heuristic was explained to be the theory for non-complex decision making only.[21]

Behavioral economics

Bounded rationality implies the idea that humans take reasoning shortcuts that may lead to sub-optimal decision-making. Behavioural economists engage in mapping the decision shortcuts that agents use in order to help increase the effectiveness of human decision-making. One treatment of this idea comes from Cass Sunstein and Richard Thaler's Nudge.[22][23] Sunstein and Thaler recommend that choice architectures are modified in light of human agents' bounded rationality. A widely cited proposal from Sunstein and Thaler urges that healthier food be placed at sight level in order to increase the likelihood that a person will opt for that choice instead of a less healthy option. Some critics of Nudge have argued that modifying choice architectures will lead to people becoming worse decision-makers.[24][25]

Furthermore, bounded rationality attempts to address assumption points discussed within Neoclassical Economics theory during the 1950s. This theory assumes that the complex problem, the way in which the problem is presented, all alternative choices, and a utility function, are all provided to decision-makers in advance,[26] where this may not be realistic. This was widely used and accepted for a number of decades, however economists realised some disadvantages exist in utilising this theory. This theory did not consider how problems are initially discovered by decision-makers, which could have an impact on the overall decision. Additionally, personal values, the way in which alternatives are discovered and created, and the environment surrounding the decision-making process are also not considered when using this theory.[27] Alternatively, bounded rationality focuses on the cognitive ability of the decision-maker and the factors which may inhibit optimal decision-making[28] Additionally, placing a focus on organisations rather than focusing on markets as Neoclassical Economics theory does, bounded rationality is also the basis for many other economics theories (e.g. Organisational theory) as it emphasises that the "...performance and success of an organisation is governed primarily by the psychological limitations of its members..." as stated by John D.W. Morecroft (1981).[29]

In psychology

The collaborative works of Daniel Kahneman and Amos Tversky expand upon Herbert A. Simon's ideas in the attempt to create a map of bounded rationality. The research attempted to explore the choices made by what was assumed as rational agents compared to the choices made by individuals optimal beliefs and their satisficing behaviour.[30] Kahneman cites that the research contributes mainly to the school of psychology due to imprecision of psychological research to fit the formal economic models, however, the theories are useful to economic theory as a way to expand simple and precise models and cover diverse psychological phenomena.[30] Three major topics covered by the works of Daniel Kahneman and Amos Tversky include Heuristics of judgement, risky choice, and framing effect, which were a culmination of research that fit under what was defined by Herbert A. Simon as the Psychology of Bounded Rationality.[31] In contrast to the work of Simon; Kahneman and Tversky aimed to focus on the effects bounded rationality had on simple tasks which therefore placed more emphasis on errors in cognitive mechanisms irrespective of the situation.[11] The study undertaken by Kahneman found that emotions and the psychology of economic decisions play a larger role in the economics field than originally thought. The study focused on the emotions behind decision making such as fear and personal likes and dislikes and found these to be significant factors in economic decision making.[32]

Bounded rationality is also shown to be useful in negotiation techniques as shown in research undertaken by Dehai et al. that negotiations done using bounded rationality techniques by labourers and companies when negotiating a higher wage for workers were able to find an equal solution for both parties.[33]

Influence on social network structure

Recent research has shown that bounded rationality of individuals may influence the topology of the social networks that evolve among them. In particular, Kasthurirathna and Piraveenan[34] have shown that in socio-ecological systems, the drive towards improved rationality on average might be an evolutionary reason for the emergence of scale-free properties. They did this by simulating a number of strategic games on an initially random network with distributed bounded rationality, then re-wiring the network so that the network on average converged towards Nash equilibria, despite the bounded rationality of nodes. They observed that this re-wiring process results in scale-free networks. Since scale-free networks are ubiquitous in social systems, the link between bounded rationality distributions and social structure is an important one in explaining social phenomena.


Bounded rationality challenges the rationality assumptions widely accepted between the 1950s and 1970s which were initially used when considering expected utility maximisation, Bayesian probability judgements, and other market-focused economic calculations.[35] Not only does the concept focus on the ways in which humans subconsciously use satisficing in order to make decisions, but also emphasises that humans infer to a great extent, given the limited information they access prior to decision-making for complex problems. Although this concept realistically delves into decision-making and human cognition, challenging earlier theories which assumed perfect rational cognition and behaviour, bounded rationality can mean something different to everyone, and the way each person satisfices can vary dependant on their environment and the information they have access to.[35]

See also


  1. ^ Sent, Esther-Mirjam (October 31, 2017). "Rationality and bounded rationality: you can't have one without the other". The European Journal of the History of Economic Thought. 25 (6): 1370–1386. doi:10.1080/09672567.2018.1523206.
  2. ^ a b c Campitelli, Guillermo; Gobet, Fernand (2010). "Herbert Simon's Decision-Making Approach: Investigation of Cognitive Processes in iExperts". Review of General Psychology. 14 (4): 354–364. doi:10.1037/a0021256. ISSN 1089-2680. S2CID 6146970.
  3. ^ Roehrich, J. K., Grosvold, J., & Hoejmose, S. U. (2014). Reputational Risks and Sustainable Supply Chain Management. International Journal of Operations and Product Management, 34(5), 695-719. https://doi.org/10.1108/IJOPM-10-2012-0449
  4. ^ a b Mancur Olson, Jr. ([1965] 1971). The Logic of Collective Action: Public Goods and the Theory of Groups, 2nd ed. Harvard University Press, Description, Table of Contents, and preview.
  5. ^ a b Gigerenzer, Gerd; Selten, Reinhard (2002). Bounded Rationality: The Adaptive Toolbox. MIT Press. ISBN 978-0-262-57164-7.
  6. ^ Wheeler, Gregory (2020), "Bounded Rationality", in Zalta, Edward N. (ed.), The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Fall 2020 ed.), Metaphysics Research Lab, Stanford University, retrieved 2022-05-03
  7. ^ Chater, Nick; Felin, Teppo; Funder, David C.; Gigerenzer, Gerd; Koenderink, Jan J.; Krueger, Joachim I.; Noble, Denis; Nordli, Samuel A.; Oaksford, Mike; Schwartz, Barry; Stanovich, Keith E. (2018-04-01). "Mind, rationality, and cognition: An interdisciplinary debate". Psychonomic Bulletin & Review. 25 (2): 793–826. doi:10.3758/s13423-017-1333-5. ISSN 1531-5320. PMC 5902517. PMID 28744767.
  8. ^ Simon, Herbert A. (1955-02-01). "A Behavioral Model of Rational Choice". The Quarterly Journal of Economics. 69 (1): 99–118. doi:10.2307/1884852. ISSN 0033-5533. JSTOR 1884852.
  9. ^ Schiliró, D. (2013). Bounded Rationality: Psychology, Economics and the Financial Crises. Theoretical and Practical Research in Economic Fields, 4(1(7)), 97-108.
  10. ^ Oliver E. Williamson, p. 553, citing Simon.
  11. ^ a b c Bendor, John (2015), "Bounded Rationality", International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences, Elsevier, pp. 773–776, doi:10.1016/b978-0-08-097086-8.93012-5, ISBN 978-0-08-097087-5, retrieved 2020-11-01
  12. ^ Rosenzweig, M; Porter, L (1990). "Invariants of Human Behaviour". Annual Review of Psychology. 41: 1–19. doi:10.1146/annurev.ps.41.020190.000245. PMID 18331187.
  13. ^ Zenko, Z., Ekkekakis, P., & Kavetsos, G. (2016). Changing Minds: Bounded Rationality and Heuristic Processes in Exercise-Related Judgments and Choices. Sport, Exercise, and Performance Psychology, 5(4), 337-351. https://doi.org/10.1037/spy0000069
  14. ^ a b Rubinstein, Ariel (1997). Modeling bounded rationality. MIT Press. ISBN 9780262681001.
  15. ^ Moss; Rae, eds. (1992). "Some Thoughts on Artificial Intelligence and Economic Theory". Artificial Intelligence and Economic Analysis. Edward Elgar. pp. 131–154. ISBN 978-1852786854.
  16. ^ Tsang, E.P.K. (2008). "Computational intelligence determines effective rationality". International Journal of Automation and Computing. 5 (1): 63–6. doi:10.1007/s11633-008-0063-6. S2CID 9769519.
  17. ^ Marwala, Tshilidzi; Hurwitz, Evan (2017). Artificial Intelligence and Economic Theory: Skynet in the Market. London: Springer. ISBN 978-3-319-66104-9.
  18. ^ Gotsis, George; Kortezi, Zoe (2011-01-01). "Bounded self‐interest: a basis for constructive organizational politics". Management Research Review. 34 (4): 450–476. doi:10.1108/01409171111117889. ISSN 2040-8269.
  19. ^ Kirchgässner, Gebhard (2005). "The Weak Rationality Principle in Economics". {{cite journal}}: Cite journal requires |journal= (help)
  20. ^ Sent, E. (2018). Rationality and Bounded Rationality: You can't have one without the Other. The European Journal of the History of Economic Thought, 25(6), 1370-1386. https://doi.org/10.1080/09672567.2018.1523206
  21. ^ a b Hoffrage, Ulrich; Reimer, Torsten (2004-01-01). "Models of Bounded Rationality: The Approach of Fast and Frugal Heuristics". Management Revue. The International Review of Management Studies. 15 (4): 437–459. doi:10.5771/0935-9915-2004-4-437. S2CID 153412733.
  22. ^ Thaler, Richard H.; Sunstein, Cass R. (April 8, 2008). Nudge: Improving Decisions about Health, Wealth, and Happiness. Yale University Press. ISBN 978-0-14-311526-7. OCLC 791403664.
  23. ^ Thaler, Richard H.; Sunstein, Cass R.; Balz, John P. (April 2, 2010). "Choice Architecture". Behavioral & Experimental Economics eJournal. doi:10.2139/ssrn.1583509. S2CID 219382170. SSRN 1583509.
  24. ^ Wright, Joshua; Ginsberg, Douglas (February 16, 2012). "Free to Err?: Behavioral Law and Economics and its Implications for Liberty". Library of Law & Liberty.
  25. ^ Sunstein, Cass (2009-05-13). Going to Extremes: How Like Minds Unite and Divide. ISBN 9780199793143.
  26. ^ Simon, Herbert A.; Egidi, Massimo; Viale, Ricardo; Marris, Robin (2008). Economics, Bounded Rationality and the Cognitive Revolution. Edward Elgar Publishing Limited. ISBN 978-1-85278-425-6.
  27. ^ Simon, Herbert A.; Egidi, Massimo; Viale, Ricardo; Marris, Robin (2008). Economics, Bounded Rationality and the Cognitive Revolution. Edward Elgar Publishing Limited. ISBN 978-1-85278-425-6.
  28. ^ Selten, R (1990). "Bounded Rationality". Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics (JITE) / Zeitschrift für die Gesamte Staatswissenschaft. 146 (4): 649–658. JSTOR 40751353.
  29. ^ Morecroft, John. D. W. (October 14, 1981). System Dynamics: Portraying Bounded Rationality. Alfred P. Sloan School of Management. hdl:1721.1/49181. WP1332- 82A.
  30. ^ a b Kahneman, Daniel (2003). "Maps of Bounded Rationality: Psychology for Behavioral Economics". The American Economic Review. 93 (5): 1449–1475. doi:10.1257/000282803322655392. ISSN 0002-8282. JSTOR 3132137.
  31. ^ Kahneman, Daniel (2003). "A perspective on judgment and choice: Mapping bounded rationality". American Psychologist. 58 (9): 697–720. doi:10.1037/0003-066x.58.9.697. ISSN 1935-990X. PMID 14584987.
  32. ^ Kahneman, D. (2003). Maps of Bounded Rationality: Psychology for Behavioural Economics. The American Economic Review, 93(5), 1449-1475. https://doi.org/10.1257/000282803322655392
  33. ^ Dehai, L., Wei, L., Hongyi, L., & Jiafu, T. (2017). Bargaining Model of Labour Disputes Considering Social Mediation and Bounded Rationality. European journal of Operational Research, 262(3), 1064-1071. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ejor.2017.04.003
  34. ^ Kasthurirathna, Dharshana; Piraveenan, Mahendra (2015-06-11). "Emergence of scale-free characteristics in socio-ecological systems with bounded rationality". Scientific Reports. 5 (1): 10448. Bibcode:2015NatSR...510448K. doi:10.1038/srep10448. ISSN 2045-2322. PMC 4464151. PMID 26065713.
  35. ^ a b Sent, Esther-Mirjam (October 31, 2017). "Rationality and bounded rationality: you can't have one without the other". The European Journal of the History of Economic Thought. 25 (6): 1370–1386. doi:10.1080/09672567.2018.1523206. S2CID 85452420.

Further reading

  • Bayer, R. C., Renner, E., & Sausgruber, R. (2009). Confusion and reinforcement learning in experimental public goods games. NRN working papers 2009–22, The Austrian Center for Labor Economics and the Analysis of the Welfare State, Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria.
  • Elster, Jon (1983). Sour Grapes: Studies in the Subversion of Rationality. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 978-0-521-25230-0.
  • Felin, T., Koenderink, J., & Krueger, J. (2017). "Rationality, perception and the all-seeing eye." Psychonomic Bulletin and Review, 25: 1040-1059. DOI 10.3758/s13423-016-1198-z
  • Gershman, S.J., Horvitz, E.J., & Tenenbaum, J.B. (2015). Computational rationality: A converging paradigm for intelligence in brains, minds, and machines. Science, 49: 273-278. DOI: 10.1126/science.aac6076
  • Gigerenzer, Gerd & Selten, Reinhard (2002). Bounded Rationality. Cambridge: MIT Press. ISBN 978-0-262-57164-7.
  • Hayek, F.A (1948) Individualism and Economic order
  • Kahneman, Daniel (2003). (PDF). The American Economic Review. 93 (5): 1449–75. CiteSeerX doi:10.1257/000282803322655392. Archived from the original (PDF) on 2018-02-19. Retrieved 2017-11-01.
  • March, James G. (1994). A Primer on Decision Making: How Decisions Happen. New York: The Free Press. ISBN 978-0-02-920035-3.
  • Simon, Herbert (1957). "A Behavioral Model of Rational Choice", in Models of Man, Social and Rational: Mathematical Essays on Rational Human Behavior in a Social Setting. New York: Wiley.
  • March, James G. & Simon, Herbert (1958). Organizations. John Wiley and Sons. ISBN 978-0-471-56793-6.
  • Simon, Herbert (1990). "A mechanism for social selection and successful altruism". Science. 250 (4988): 1665–8. Bibcode:1990Sci...250.1665S. doi:10.1126/science.2270480. PMID 2270480.
  • Simon, Herbert (1991). "Bounded Rationality and Organizational Learning". Organization Science. 2 (1): 125–134. doi:10.1287/orsc.2.1.125.
  • Tisdell, Clem (1996). Bounded Rationality and Economic Evolution: A Contribution to Decision Making, Economics, and Management. Cheltenham, UK: Brookfield. ISBN 978-1-85898-352-3.
  • Wheeler, Gregory (2018). "Bounded Rationality". In Edward Zalta (ed.). Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Stanford, CA.
  • Williamson, Oliver E. (1981). "The economics of organization: the transaction cost approach". American Journal of Sociology. 87 (3): 548–577 (press +). doi:10.1086/227496. S2CID 154070008.

External links

bounded, rationality, idea, that, rationality, limited, when, individuals, make, decisions, under, these, limitations, rational, individuals, will, select, decision, that, satisfactory, rather, than, optimal, limitations, include, difficulty, problem, requirin. Bounded rationality is the idea that rationality is limited when individuals make decisions and under these limitations rational individuals will select a decision that is satisfactory rather than optimal 1 Limitations include the difficulty of the problem requiring a decision the cognitive capability of the mind and the time available to make the decision Decision makers in this view act as satisficers seeking a satisfactory solution with everything that they have at the moment rather than an optimal solution Therefore humans do not undertake a full cost benefit analysis to determine the optimal decision but rather choose an option that fulfils their adequacy criteria 2 An example of this being within organisations when they must adhere to the operating conditions of their company this has the opportunity to result in bounded rationality as the organisation is not able to choose the optimal option 3 Some models of human behavior in the social sciences assume that humans can be reasonably approximated or described as rational entities as in rational choice theory or Downs political agency model 4 The concept of bounded rationality complements rationality as optimization which views decision making as a fully rational process of finding an optimal choice given the information available 5 Therefore bounded rationality can be said to address the discrepancy between the assumed perfect rationality of human behaviour which is utilised by other economics theories such as the Neoclassical approach and the reality of human cognition 6 In short bounded rationality revises notions of perfect rationality to account for the fact that perfectly rational decisions are often not feasible in practice because of the intractability of natural decision problems and the finite computational resources available for making them The concept of bounded rationality continues to influence and be debated in different disciplines including political science economics psychology law and cognitive science 7 Contents 1 Background and motivation 2 Example of Bounded Rationality 3 Model extensions 4 Behavioral economics 5 In psychology 6 Influence on social network structure 7 Conclusion 8 See also 9 References 10 Further reading 11 External linksBackground and motivation EditBounded rationality was coined by Herbert A Simon where it was proposed as an alternative basis for the mathematical and neoclassical economic modelling of decision making as used in economics political science and related disciplines Many economics models assume that agents are on average rational and can in large quantities be approximated to act according to their preferences in order to maximise utility 2 With bounded rationality Simon s goal was to replace the global rationality of economic man with a kind of rational behavior that is compatible with the access to information and the computational capacities that are actually possessed by organisms including man in the kinds of environments in which such organisms exist 8 Prior to coining the term bounded rationality studies in this area were starting to take place A study completed by Allais in 1953 began to generate ideas of the irrationality of decision making as he found that given preferences individuals will not always choose the most rational decision and therefore the concept of rationality was not always reliable in economic predictions 9 In Models of Man Simon argues that most people are only partly rational and are irrational in the remaining part of their actions In another work he states boundedly rational agents experience limits in formulating and solving complex problems and in processing receiving storing retrieving transmitting information 10 Simon used the analogy of a pair of scissors where one blade represents cognitive limitations of actual humans and the other the structures of the environment illustrating how minds compensate for limited resources by exploiting known structural regularity in the environment 5 Simon describes a number of dimensions along which classical models of rationality can be made somewhat more realistic while remaining within the vein of fairly rigorous formalization These include limiting the types of utility functions recognizing the costs of gathering and processing information the possibility of having a vector or multi valued utility functionSimon suggests that economic agents use heuristics to make decisions rather than a strict rigid rule of optimization They do this because of the complexity of the situation An example of behaviour inhibited by heuristics can be seen when comparing the cognitive strategies utilised in simple situations e g Tic tac toe in comparison to strategies utilised in difficult situations e g Chess Both games as defined by game theory economics are finite games with perfect information and therefore equivalent 11 However within Chess mental capacities and abilities are a binding constraint therefore optimal choices are not a possibility 11 Thus in order to test the mental limits of agents complex problems such as those within Chess should be studied to test how individuals work around their cognitive limits and what behaviours or heuristics are used to form solutions 12 Anchoring and adjustment are types of heuristics that give some explanation to bounded rationality and why decision makers do not make rational decisions A study undertaken by Zenko et al showed that the amount of physical activity completed by decision makers was able to be influenced by anchoring and adjustment as most decision makers would typically be considered irrational and would unlikely do the amount of physical activity instructed and it was shown that these decision makers use anchoring and adjustment to decide how much exercise they will complete 13 Example of Bounded Rationality Edit A good example of Bounded Rationality in individuals would be a customer who made a suboptimal decision to order some food at the restaurant because they felt rushed by the waiter who was waiting beside the table Another example is a trader who would make a moderate and risky decision to trade their stock due to time pressure and imperfect information of the market at that time In organisational context a CEO cannot make fully rational decisions in an ad hoc situation because their cognition was overwhelmed by a lot of information in that tense situation The CEO also needs to take time to process all the information given to them but due to the limited time and fast decision making needed they will disregard some information in determining the decision Model extensions EditAs decision makers have to make decisions about how and when to decide Ariel Rubinstein proposed to model bounded rationality by explicitly specifying decision making procedures as decision makers with the same information are also not able to analyse the situation equally thus reach the same rational decision 14 Rubinstein argues that consistency in reaching final decision for the same level of information must factor in the decision making procedure itself 14 This puts the study of decision procedures on the research agenda Gerd Gigerenzer opines that decision theorists to some extent have not adhered to Simon s original ideas Rather they have considered how decisions may be crippled by limitations to rationality or have modeled how people might cope with their inability to optimize Gigerenzer proposes and shows that simple heuristics often lead to better decisions than theoretically optimal procedures 4 Moreover Gigerenzer states agents react relative to their environment and use their cognitive processes to adapt accordingly 2 Huw Dixon later argues that it may not be necessary to analyze in detail the process of reasoning underlying bounded rationality 15 If we believe that agents will choose an action that gets them close to the optimum then we can use the notion of epsilon optimization which means we choose our actions so that the payoff is within epsilon of the optimum If we define the optimum best possible payoff as U displaystyle U then the set of epsilon optimizing options S e can be defined as all those options s such that U s U ϵ displaystyle U s geq U epsilon The notion of strict rationality is then a special case e 0 The advantage of this approach is that it avoids having to specify in detail the process of reasoning but rather simply assumes that whatever the process is it is good enough to get near to the optimum From a computational point of view decision procedures can be encoded in algorithms and heuristics Edward Tsang argues that the effective rationality of an agent is determined by its computational intelligence Everything else being equal an agent that has better algorithms and heuristics could make more rational closer to optimal decisions than one that has poorer heuristics and algorithms 16 Tshilidzi Marwala and Evan Hurwitz in their study on bounded rationality observed that advances in technology e g computer processing power because of Moore s law artificial intelligence and big data analytics expand the bounds that define the feasible rationality space Because of this expansion of the bounds of rationality machine automated decision making makes markets more efficient 17 The model of bounded rationality also extends to bounded self interest 18 in which humans are sometimes willing to forsake their own self interests for the benefits of others due to incomplete information that the individuals have at the time being This is something that has not been considered in earlier economic models 19 The theory of rational inattention an extension of bounded rationality studied by Christopher Sims found that decisions may be chosen with incomplete information as opposed to affording the cost to receive complete information This shows that decision makers choose to endure bounded rationality 20 On the other hand another extension that came from the notion of bounded rationality was explained by Ulrich Hoffrage and Torsten Reimer in their studies in which the fast and frugal heuristic approach The studies explained that complete information sometimes is not needed as there are easier and simpler way to reach the same optimal outcome 21 However this approach which is usually known as Gaze Heuristic was explained to be the theory for non complex decision making only 21 Behavioral economics EditFurther information Behavioral economics Bounded rationality implies the idea that humans take reasoning shortcuts that may lead to sub optimal decision making Behavioural economists engage in mapping the decision shortcuts that agents use in order to help increase the effectiveness of human decision making One treatment of this idea comes from Cass Sunstein and Richard Thaler s Nudge 22 23 Sunstein and Thaler recommend that choice architectures are modified in light of human agents bounded rationality A widely cited proposal from Sunstein and Thaler urges that healthier food be placed at sight level in order to increase the likelihood that a person will opt for that choice instead of a less healthy option Some critics of Nudge have argued that modifying choice architectures will lead to people becoming worse decision makers 24 25 Furthermore bounded rationality attempts to address assumption points discussed within Neoclassical Economics theory during the 1950s This theory assumes that the complex problem the way in which the problem is presented all alternative choices and a utility function are all provided to decision makers in advance 26 where this may not be realistic This was widely used and accepted for a number of decades however economists realised some disadvantages exist in utilising this theory This theory did not consider how problems are initially discovered by decision makers which could have an impact on the overall decision Additionally personal values the way in which alternatives are discovered and created and the environment surrounding the decision making process are also not considered when using this theory 27 Alternatively bounded rationality focuses on the cognitive ability of the decision maker and the factors which may inhibit optimal decision making 28 Additionally placing a focus on organisations rather than focusing on markets as Neoclassical Economics theory does bounded rationality is also the basis for many other economics theories e g Organisational theory as it emphasises that the performance and success of an organisation is governed primarily by the psychological limitations of its members as stated by John D W Morecroft 1981 29 In psychology EditThe collaborative works of Daniel Kahneman and Amos Tversky expand upon Herbert A Simon s ideas in the attempt to create a map of bounded rationality The research attempted to explore the choices made by what was assumed as rational agents compared to the choices made by individuals optimal beliefs and their satisficing behaviour 30 Kahneman cites that the research contributes mainly to the school of psychology due to imprecision of psychological research to fit the formal economic models however the theories are useful to economic theory as a way to expand simple and precise models and cover diverse psychological phenomena 30 Three major topics covered by the works of Daniel Kahneman and Amos Tversky include Heuristics of judgement risky choice and framing effect which were a culmination of research that fit under what was defined by Herbert A Simon as the Psychology of Bounded Rationality 31 In contrast to the work of Simon Kahneman and Tversky aimed to focus on the effects bounded rationality had on simple tasks which therefore placed more emphasis on errors in cognitive mechanisms irrespective of the situation 11 The study undertaken by Kahneman found that emotions and the psychology of economic decisions play a larger role in the economics field than originally thought The study focused on the emotions behind decision making such as fear and personal likes and dislikes and found these to be significant factors in economic decision making 32 Bounded rationality is also shown to be useful in negotiation techniques as shown in research undertaken by Dehai et al that negotiations done using bounded rationality techniques by labourers and companies when negotiating a higher wage for workers were able to find an equal solution for both parties 33 Influence on social network structure EditRecent research has shown that bounded rationality of individuals may influence the topology of the social networks that evolve among them In particular Kasthurirathna and Piraveenan 34 have shown that in socio ecological systems the drive towards improved rationality on average might be an evolutionary reason for the emergence of scale free properties They did this by simulating a number of strategic games on an initially random network with distributed bounded rationality then re wiring the network so that the network on average converged towards Nash equilibria despite the bounded rationality of nodes They observed that this re wiring process results in scale free networks Since scale free networks are ubiquitous in social systems the link between bounded rationality distributions and social structure is an important one in explaining social phenomena Conclusion EditBounded rationality challenges the rationality assumptions widely accepted between the 1950s and 1970s which were initially used when considering expected utility maximisation Bayesian probability judgements and other market focused economic calculations 35 Not only does the concept focus on the ways in which humans subconsciously use satisficing in order to make decisions but also emphasises that humans infer to a great extent given the limited information they access prior to decision making for complex problems Although this concept realistically delves into decision making and human cognition challenging earlier theories which assumed perfect rational cognition and behaviour bounded rationality can mean something different to everyone and the way each person satisfices can vary dependant on their environment and the information they have access to 35 See also EditAdministrative Behavior Altruism Analysis paralysis Ars longa vita brevis Carnegie School Concept driven strategy Cognitive bias Cognitive miser Ecological rationality Elitism Framing social sciences Homo economicus Memetics Neoclassical economics Organizing principle Parametric determinism Potential game Bounded rational models Priority heuristic Prospect theory Psychohistory Rational ignorance Reinhard Selten Roman Dual mentality on trade Satisficing Social heuristics Subjective theory of value Substitution bias psychology Tragedy of the commons Transaction cost Utility maximization problemReferences Edit Sent Esther Mirjam October 31 2017 Rationality and bounded rationality you can t have one without the other The European Journal of the History of Economic Thought 25 6 1370 1386 doi 10 1080 09672567 2018 1523206 a b c Campitelli Guillermo Gobet Fernand 2010 Herbert Simon s Decision Making Approach Investigation of Cognitive Processes in iExperts Review of General Psychology 14 4 354 364 doi 10 1037 a0021256 ISSN 1089 2680 S2CID 6146970 Roehrich J K Grosvold J amp Hoejmose S U 2014 Reputational Risks and Sustainable Supply Chain Management International Journal of Operations and Product Management 34 5 695 719 https doi org 10 1108 IJOPM 10 2012 0449 a b Mancur Olson Jr 1965 1971 The Logic of Collective Action Public Goods and the Theory of Groups 2nd ed Harvard University Press Description Table of Contents and preview a b Gigerenzer Gerd Selten Reinhard 2002 Bounded Rationality The Adaptive Toolbox MIT Press ISBN 978 0 262 57164 7 Wheeler Gregory 2020 Bounded Rationality in Zalta Edward N ed The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy Fall 2020 ed Metaphysics Research Lab Stanford University retrieved 2022 05 03 Chater Nick Felin Teppo Funder David C Gigerenzer Gerd Koenderink Jan J Krueger Joachim I Noble Denis Nordli Samuel A Oaksford Mike Schwartz Barry Stanovich Keith E 2018 04 01 Mind rationality and cognition An interdisciplinary debate Psychonomic Bulletin amp Review 25 2 793 826 doi 10 3758 s13423 017 1333 5 ISSN 1531 5320 PMC 5902517 PMID 28744767 Simon Herbert A 1955 02 01 A Behavioral Model of Rational Choice The Quarterly Journal of Economics 69 1 99 118 doi 10 2307 1884852 ISSN 0033 5533 JSTOR 1884852 Schiliro D 2013 Bounded Rationality Psychology Economics and the Financial Crises Theoretical and Practical Research in Economic Fields 4 1 7 97 108 Oliver E Williamson p 553 citing Simon a b c Bendor John 2015 Bounded Rationality International Encyclopedia of the Social amp Behavioral Sciences Elsevier pp 773 776 doi 10 1016 b978 0 08 097086 8 93012 5 ISBN 978 0 08 097087 5 retrieved 2020 11 01 Rosenzweig M Porter L 1990 Invariants of Human Behaviour Annual Review of Psychology 41 1 19 doi 10 1146 annurev ps 41 020190 000245 PMID 18331187 Zenko Z Ekkekakis P amp Kavetsos G 2016 Changing Minds Bounded Rationality and Heuristic Processes in Exercise Related Judgments and Choices Sport Exercise and Performance Psychology 5 4 337 351 https doi org 10 1037 spy0000069 a b Rubinstein Ariel 1997 Modeling bounded rationality MIT Press ISBN 9780262681001 Moss Rae eds 1992 Some Thoughts on Artificial Intelligence and Economic Theory Artificial Intelligence and Economic Analysis Edward Elgar pp 131 154 ISBN 978 1852786854 Tsang E P K 2008 Computational intelligence determines effective rationality International Journal of Automation and Computing 5 1 63 6 doi 10 1007 s11633 008 0063 6 S2CID 9769519 Marwala Tshilidzi Hurwitz Evan 2017 Artificial Intelligence and Economic Theory Skynet in the Market London Springer ISBN 978 3 319 66104 9 Gotsis George Kortezi Zoe 2011 01 01 Bounded self interest a basis for constructive organizational politics Management Research Review 34 4 450 476 doi 10 1108 01409171111117889 ISSN 2040 8269 Kirchgassner Gebhard 2005 The Weak Rationality Principle in Economics a href Template Cite journal html title Template Cite journal cite journal a Cite journal requires journal help Sent E 2018 Rationality and Bounded Rationality You can t have one without the Other The European Journal of the History of Economic Thought 25 6 1370 1386 https doi org 10 1080 09672567 2018 1523206 a b Hoffrage Ulrich Reimer Torsten 2004 01 01 Models of Bounded Rationality The Approach of Fast and Frugal Heuristics Management Revue The International Review of Management Studies 15 4 437 459 doi 10 5771 0935 9915 2004 4 437 S2CID 153412733 Thaler Richard H Sunstein Cass R April 8 2008 Nudge Improving Decisions about Health Wealth and Happiness Yale University Press ISBN 978 0 14 311526 7 OCLC 791403664 Thaler Richard H Sunstein Cass R Balz John P April 2 2010 Choice Architecture Behavioral amp Experimental Economics eJournal doi 10 2139 ssrn 1583509 S2CID 219382170 SSRN 1583509 Wright Joshua Ginsberg Douglas February 16 2012 Free to Err Behavioral Law and Economics and its Implications for Liberty Library of Law amp Liberty Sunstein Cass 2009 05 13 Going to Extremes How Like Minds Unite and Divide ISBN 9780199793143 Simon Herbert A Egidi Massimo Viale Ricardo Marris Robin 2008 Economics Bounded Rationality and the Cognitive Revolution Edward Elgar Publishing Limited ISBN 978 1 85278 425 6 Simon Herbert A Egidi Massimo Viale Ricardo Marris Robin 2008 Economics Bounded Rationality and the Cognitive Revolution Edward Elgar Publishing Limited ISBN 978 1 85278 425 6 Selten R 1990 Bounded Rationality Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics JITE Zeitschrift fur die Gesamte Staatswissenschaft 146 4 649 658 JSTOR 40751353 Morecroft John D W October 14 1981 System Dynamics Portraying Bounded Rationality Alfred P Sloan School of Management hdl 1721 1 49181 WP1332 82A a b Kahneman Daniel 2003 Maps of Bounded Rationality Psychology for Behavioral Economics The American Economic Review 93 5 1449 1475 doi 10 1257 000282803322655392 ISSN 0002 8282 JSTOR 3132137 Kahneman Daniel 2003 A perspective on judgment and choice Mapping bounded rationality American Psychologist 58 9 697 720 doi 10 1037 0003 066x 58 9 697 ISSN 1935 990X PMID 14584987 Kahneman D 2003 Maps of Bounded Rationality Psychology for Behavioural Economics The American Economic Review 93 5 1449 1475 https doi org 10 1257 000282803322655392 Dehai L Wei L Hongyi L amp Jiafu T 2017 Bargaining Model of Labour Disputes Considering Social Mediation and Bounded Rationality European journal of Operational Research 262 3 1064 1071 https doi org 10 1016 j ejor 2017 04 003 Kasthurirathna Dharshana Piraveenan Mahendra 2015 06 11 Emergence of scale free characteristics in socio ecological systems with bounded rationality Scientific Reports 5 1 10448 Bibcode 2015NatSR 510448K doi 10 1038 srep10448 ISSN 2045 2322 PMC 4464151 PMID 26065713 a b Sent Esther Mirjam October 31 2017 Rationality and bounded rationality you can t have one without the other The European Journal of the History of Economic Thought 25 6 1370 1386 doi 10 1080 09672567 2018 1523206 S2CID 85452420 Further reading EditBayer R C Renner E amp Sausgruber R 2009 Confusion and reinforcement learning in experimental public goods games NRN working papers 2009 22 The Austrian Center for Labor Economics and the Analysis of the Welfare State Johannes Kepler University Linz Austria Elster Jon 1983 Sour Grapes Studies in the Subversion of Rationality Cambridge UK Cambridge University Press ISBN 978 0 521 25230 0 Felin T Koenderink J amp Krueger J 2017 Rationality perception and the all seeing eye Psychonomic Bulletin and Review 25 1040 1059 DOI 10 3758 s13423 016 1198 z Gershman S J Horvitz E J amp Tenenbaum J B 2015 Computational rationality A converging paradigm for intelligence in brains minds and machines Science 49 273 278 DOI 10 1126 science aac6076 Gigerenzer Gerd amp Selten Reinhard 2002 Bounded Rationality Cambridge MIT Press ISBN 978 0 262 57164 7 Hayek F A 1948 Individualism and Economic order Kahneman Daniel 2003 Maps of bounded rationality psychology for behavioral economics PDF The American Economic Review 93 5 1449 75 CiteSeerX 10 1 1 194 6554 doi 10 1257 000282803322655392 Archived from the original PDF on 2018 02 19 Retrieved 2017 11 01 March James G 1994 A Primer on Decision Making How Decisions Happen New York The Free Press ISBN 978 0 02 920035 3 Simon Herbert 1957 A Behavioral Model of Rational Choice in Models of Man Social and Rational Mathematical Essays on Rational Human Behavior in a Social Setting New York Wiley March James G amp Simon Herbert 1958 Organizations John Wiley and Sons ISBN 978 0 471 56793 6 Simon Herbert 1990 A mechanism for social selection and successful altruism Science 250 4988 1665 8 Bibcode 1990Sci 250 1665S doi 10 1126 science 2270480 PMID 2270480 Simon Herbert 1991 Bounded Rationality and Organizational Learning Organization Science 2 1 125 134 doi 10 1287 orsc 2 1 125 Tisdell Clem 1996 Bounded Rationality and Economic Evolution A Contribution to Decision Making Economics and Management Cheltenham UK Brookfield ISBN 978 1 85898 352 3 Wheeler Gregory 2018 Bounded Rationality In Edward Zalta ed Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy Stanford CA Williamson Oliver E 1981 The economics of organization the transaction cost approach American Journal of Sociology 87 3 548 577 press doi 10 1086 227496 S2CID 154070008 External links Edit Wikiquote has quotations related to Bounded rationality Bounded Rationality in Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy Mapping Bounded Rationality by Daniel Kahneman Artificial Intelligence and Economic Theory chapter 7 of Surfing Economics by Huw Dixon Resource Bounded Agents Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy Retrieved from https en wikipedia org w index php title Bounded rationality amp oldid 1139492458, wikipedia, wiki, book, books, library,


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