
Work–family balance in the United States

Work–family balance in the United States differs significantly for families of different social class. This differs from work–life balance: while work–life balance may refer to the health and living issues that arise from work, work–family balance refers specifically to how work and families intersect and influence each other.

Middle-class family issues center on dual-earner spouses and parents while lower class issues center on problems that arise due to single parenting. Work–family balance issues also differ by class, since middle class occupations provide more benefits and family support while low-wage jobs are less flexible with benefits. Solutions for helping individuals manage work–family balance in the U.S. include legislation, workplace policies, and the marketization of care work.

History Edit

Family structure (how the family is organized) historically has been influenced by social-level forces, many of them economic.[1] According to family historian Stephanie Coontz, marriage and family formation in the 17th century was heavily influenced by desires to form economic and political alliances. Children were seen as a method of ensuring the passage of political and economic power to future generations.[2]

Influenced by the Englightenment, several changes to marriage occurred: the move toward individualism and the loosening of church influence over families after the Protestant Reformation resulted in the flourishing of the two-parent farm family.[2] Prior to the Industrial Revolution, the two-parent farm family was the dominant family model, in which both parents working side by side on family farms[3] The two-parent farm family ceased to be the dominant family model after the Industrial Revolution occurred.[4] The 1920s was the first time that the majority of children lived in two-parent breadwinner-homemaker families (one where the father supported the family financially and the mother supported the family domestically).[1]

In 19th century farm settings, children were an important part of their families' agricultural livelihoods.[1][5] As industrialization occurred and families shifted from rural agricultural settings to urban ones, the number of children per household also declined. Children became less of an economic benefit and more of a cost: urban life necessitated educating children which was costly.[6]

During the 1910s and 1920s, women delayed childbirth for economic opportunities that were present in urban areas.[7] However, this trend reversed during the Great Depression because of the lower number of economic opportunities available for women. As a result, Depression Era women were more likely to marry and have children earlier. In 1900, roughly 40 percent of single women were employed versus only five percent of married women (Preston, 2003). This 35 percent gap persisted for many years. Goldin (1992), in a study of women college graduates in the twentieth century, concluded that those graduating between 1900 and 1920 had to make "a distinct choice between family and career".[8]

The Works Progress Administration opened about 3,000 part-day Emergency Nursery Schools for about 75,000 children from 1933 to 1935, which provided child care to help eligible adults looking for work and which employed teachers in an industry where two-thirds of private nursery schools had closed during the Depression.[9][10] Men were drafted into the military in large numbers during World War II, and women with young children were needed to supplement single women and those with older children at wartime factories. Problems with women leaving children in unsafe situations while working began to appear.[11] ENS capacity peaked at 130,00 children in 1944.[9][10] Wartime New Deal measures such as the Lanham Act and Servicemen's Dependents Allowance Act of 1942 provided federal funding for day care centers starting in 1942.

The breadwinnerhomemaker model regained dominance during the twenty-year period immediately after World War II.[3] The economy relied upon the male breadwinner to earn the income to support his family financially, while women were relied upon to do the care work and other forms of domestic work to support her husband's earnings.

As the economy went into recession during the 1970s, women entered the workforce in large droves. Families could no longer survive on the single income of the male breadwinner and both sexes were relied upon for financial support. The dominant family model starting in the 1970s was the dual-earner family where both parents worked.[3] Women also entered college in higher percentages.[12] However, the economy was still assumed to run on an outdated breadwinner-homemaker model as evidence by the following things: women made significantly less income than men, they were still expected to do the majority of domestic work, and the nine-to-three o'clock school schedule of children still existed. The recession of the 1970s also further pushed the correlation between income and family structure. As more and more previously lucrative manufacturing jobs were sent overseas, men without college educations could no longer support their families on a single wage. Women's labor force participation rates have steadily increased since the 1940s[3] Since the 1970s, the relationship between marriage and college education has also been positive.[12]

Congress passed the Comprehensive Child Development Act in 1971, which subsidized child care to make it universal, but the bill was vetoed by President Richard Nixon.[13]

Legislation Edit

Historically significant pieces of legislation have been enacted at the federal level to address the sex disparities in the workplace. These pieces of legislation attempt to address the wage gap in the U.S., gender discrimination in hiring and firing, and the occupational rights of workers in taking family and medical leave. Despite these significant legislative efforts, the U.S. still lags behind other developed countries in progressive family-friendly work policies.[14]

Mother's Pensions of 1910 Edit

From 1890 to 1910, the proportion of working women increased by 8%, from 1.2 million to 3.1 million workers, which influenced the creation of Mother's Pensions in 1910, which gave non-working mothers pensions to offset their need to work outside the home.[15] According to scholar Sonya Michel, this legislation did little to decrease the wage gap between men and women because women “preferred to work, did not fit the criteria,” or the states ran out of funds.[15]

Equal Pay Act of 1963 Edit

The Equal Pay Act of 1963 attempted to abolish wage and payment discrimination between men and women.[16]

Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 Edit

Title VII mandates against gender discrimination in the workplace.[17] It makes gender discrimination on the basis of pregnancy and childbirth illegal. The Pregnancy Discrimination Act of 1978 is an amendment to Title VII that explicitly prohibits discrimination against pregnant women.[18]

Head Start of 1965 Edit

The only federal childcare ever implemented was Head Start, which was created in 1965 as a part of President Lyndon B. Johnson’s War on Poverty.[19] Head Start is a program for low-income families that provides early education and care for 3- to 5-year-olds.[19] Head Start is free for eligible families (those living below the federal poverty line), but families apply and there is no guarantee for a spot.[20] In 2017, there were 1 million children enrolled in Head Start and Early Head Start, but there are about 19 million children under five in the United States and around 3 million children under five living in poverty.[21]

Family Support Act of 1988 Edit

In 1988, the Family Support Act was passed, which required parents using federal programs, like Head Start, to actively be working, getting an education, or taking part in professional training.[22] At the time, 56% of mothers with children under 6 were already in the workforce, which meant that mothers who were unable to comply with guidelines were denied the assistance they were previously eligible for.[23]

Child Care and Development Block Grant and Title IV-A At-Risk Child Care Edit

Child Care and Development Block Grant and Title IV-A At-Risk Child Care were passed due to a demand for childcare support among middle- and upper-middle-class families, as Head Start was restricted to families that were below the Federal Poverty Line, and the recognition that families who were at risk of losing work would soon enter the welfare system but could use help before they qualified for traditional assistance.[24]

Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 Edit

The Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 requires employers to provide job-protected unpaid leave for certain family and medical reasons. Legitimate reasons include pregnancy, childbirth, adoption, foster care placement, and care for an ill family member.[25] However, this legislation is limited: coverage is only extended for twelve weeks and for employees who have worked for at least twelve months at the same job. Short-term medical illness and routine medical checkups were not covered until the FMLA, and family members other than parents, spouses, and children are not covered. Some states have extended the definition of family on their own, and therefore extended the coverage of FMLA.

Child Care Development Fund of 1996 Edit

In 1996, the Child Care Development Fund was created to allow states flexibility in creating childcare provisioning for low- and lower-middle-income families.[26] Despite this change, families still face significant barriers when trying to access these subsidies, with less than ¼ of eligible families using them.[26]

Child and Dependent Care Tax Credit of 1998 Edit

The Child and Dependent Care Tax Credit offsets childcare expenses. The tax credit covers 20 to 35% of costs and is capped at $3,000 for one child and $6,000 for two or more children.[27] It offsets income taxes, so families in lower-income brackets receive little money in return. In 2016, only 15% of families received this subsidy.[27]

The American Families Plan of 2021 Edit

Effects on families Edit

The structural economic changes have influenced specific aspects of the family.[28] However, not all families are affected in the same way. In the U.S., whether or not a family is dual or single-earner is related to their social class and income.[29] The economic changes in the past couple of decades have affected middle-class and lower-class families very differently in many aspects, especially since the 1970s economic recession. These family inequalities significantly affect the intersection of race and social class in the United States as well.

Problems affecting middle-class families Edit

Middle-class families have certain class-specific problems that arise when family and work intersects. Many of them have to do with the balance parents must create between their career aspirations and their familial desires. Because the middle class has greater access to more stable occupations and the chances for occupational mobility, many middle class American families must deal with the ultimate decision between balancing their families with their jobs. Although the figures vary depending on parents' household income, the U.S. Department of Agriculture estimates families spend anywhere from $134,370 to $269,520 raising a child from birth through age 17.[30]

Delayed fertility Edit

Middle-class women oftentimes delay motherhood until after the peak of their fertility at age 29–30, a delay that has become more common in the last two decades.[31] Motherhood is delayed because of the higher educational and career aspirations middle-class women oftentimes make[32]—the career incentives are too great to pass up.[33] While middle-class women on average have children at age 29, lower-class women typically have children much earlier in their lives because of the lack of incentives to delay childbirth.[33] According to Edin and Kefalas, lower-class women do not make the same delay because they are oftentimes lacking the career and educational incentives that middle-class women have.[33]

The delay in fertility becomes a problem among middle-class women when they delay childbirth past their fertility peak.[34] Since fertility peaks at a certain age, pushing childbirth past that age significantly decreases the probability that certain women will be able to have children. The media has been an influence on women's fertility choices:[35] popular celebrities who have managed to have children well into their forties and other medical miracles covered in the media oftentimes give women false hope that they themselves will also be able to bear children later in life. For every success story, however, there are many more disappointments.[36]

Ideology of motherhood Edit

Although American women have made significant strides in the workplace, they are still culturally and socially required to be mothers first and foremost.[37] The cultural ideas of motherhood in the U.S. have given birth to a new ideal: a working mother who not only has a wonderful career but also manages to flawlessly balance her family and domestic duties as well. This ideal is known as the "supermom."[38] The media is a culprit in this depiction: A study examining the portrayal of mothers in magazines showed that the most popular magazines in the U.S. still continue to promote the traditional role of motherhood while undermining homemakers by portraying them as superficial and negative.[39] Instead, only the Supermom type is portrayed and rarely critiqued.[40]

As a result of this Supermom ideal, cultural contradictions of motherhood widely exist. Working mothers are often critiqued for being selfish and not spending enough time with their children.[39] They defend their position by saying they work to support their children economically.[38] Homemakers are often critiqued for not pursuing meaningful careers.[39] They respond by saying that the childcare and other domestic work they do for their families is much more important. Only the unrealistic depiction of the supermom can balance these two ideological extremes, but that ideal is an unrealistic solution for most women.

The idea that parents only should raise their children is not a long-standing social expectation, but one that is reserved to the United States and its conservative nuclear family values.[41] Before modern medicine, high mortality rates meant it was common for children to be raised by others outside their immediate family.[41] This idea did not make its way to the New World because the Puritans put high value on families raising their children and preparing them for the world, and if the parents could not fulfill this role, the children were taken away.[41] For a brief period in the early 1800s, infant schools challenged this notion, but by the mid-1800s, counter-movements de-popularized this belief and reinforced that mothers specifically were supposed to raise their children.[41] During World War II, the United States saw for the first time a nationwide, federally funded nursery school program, but after the war, the program was automatically disbanded since women no longer had to work outside the home.[41] Despite the disbanding of these programs, many women chose to stay in the workforce. To combat this belief, propaganda spread that mothers working poorly impacted their children’s mental well-being.[41] The propaganda worked, and in the summer of 1945, 1 out of 4 women working in factories quit, and the remaining women were pushed into lower-paying, traditionally female-oriented jobs.[41] It was not until the 1960s and 1970s, when more mothers started to enter the workforce, that the idea of childcare switched from something meant for children with problems at home to something that was a nationwide necessity.[42]

Inequalities in care work Edit

Despite the career gains women have made, their husbands have not reached parity in terms of their domestic work and care work.[43] Women in the developed world, including the U.S., still do hours more of housework than their male counterparts, despite their success in the workplace.[44] Working mothers on average do more work and sleep less than their husbands.[45][46] The perception of who does more housework is also skewed by whether or not the husband or the wife is reporting.[47] Unsurprisingly then, working mothers do not spend a significantly lower amount of time with their children compared to women who do not work—working mothers simply sleep less on average.[45]

As a result, many middle-class families have resorted to alternative methods of child care.[48] A common option is to buy child care, such as day care providers and centers.[48]

Problems affecting lower-class families Edit

Lower class families have been heavily influenced by income as well. Lower-class families have a different set of work–family balancing issues, many of which are much more difficult to solve than those of middle-class families.[28]

Single-parenting Edit

Lower-class families are disproportionately made up of single mother households. According to Kathryn Edin, this is because of the lack of incentive to marry other lower-class men among lower-class women, and the desire to save marriage for more quality prospects.[28] Unlike middle-class women, lower-class women do not have the same financial and marriage incentives to marry especially in the face of likely divorce. As a result, lower class mothers have less incentive to delay their childbearing to later years. Many of the problems shared by single parents are disproportionately felt by the lower class for these very reasons.[49]

The inability to use the income and time of two spouses has a harmful effect upon the work opportunities of lower-income mothers. Another factor is income: single-mothers tend to work lower income wage,[50] which come with few benefits such as maternity leave, health insurance, childcare,[51] and flexible schedules. Low-wage work oftentimes is characterized by weekly schedule changes,[52] little flexibility, and extreme short notice for changes.[53] As a result, lower class mothers have a greater a time crunch and more conflict in balancing their work needs with those of their children. Single mother home environments are much poorer because of nonstandard hours and schedules.[54]

Care work Edit

Single-mother and lower-class families have a much more difficult time negotiating childcare or finding sustainable childcare options.[51] The breadwinner-homemaker family and economic model does not apply to single-parent families because the single-parent must be both roles at all times.[52] Because child care services cost a substantial amount, low-income mothers spend a higher percentage of their income on child care than middle class mothers do.[52] Few low-income mothers are happy with their childcare arrangements[52] especially in light of the fact that low-income childcare arrangements suffer from frequent disruptions.[55] In the United States, state assistance for childcare is nowhere near the level of other developed countries and has actually decreased.[55]

Solutions Edit

The United States has lagged behind the social benefits that support working families when compared to other developed countries.[44] Of the twenty-one richest countries in the world, only the United States does not mandate paid parental leave, and among the industrialized Western nations only the United States does not mandate paid vacations.[56] Many solutions to the family-work balance problem have been observed in other countries and proposed in the U.S.[56] Solutions specific to the U.S. have also developed recently. Recent U.S. policy has focused on "restoring marriage" rather than providing direct support to children.[56]

Head Start was the first big push away from the charity-based mindset of childcare as seen through day nurseries, but even as childcare entered the political sphere, it has been considered as a program to address poverty only, which is one reason {as indicated in Burger} why we do not see universal child care in the United States.[57] The 1970s and 1980s shifted the framing of childcare as an accessibility and affordability issue that also affected working parents, but still the programs passed were relegated to funding childcare, not creating childcare.[58] Moving into the 1990s and 2000s, the framing became centered around working women’s need for childcare, but contrasting views that mothers should stay at home to take care of their young children halted provisioning from happening.[58] There has been a shift in views on motherhood, with only a minority of Americans supporting the notion that mothers should stay home, but this is yet to be reflected in policy, with most still supporting the belief that middle-class women should take care of their children instead of pursuing a career {As indicated in Palley and Shdaimah’s research}.[58] Current policies are motivated by the improvement of children’s development, facilitating employment among mothers, or alleviating poverty.[59]

Care crisis Edit

The care crisis in the United States refers to the lack of care work as the result of globalization.[60] For the middle class, there has been an ongoing debate over who should take care of children: family members or child care providers[48][61] However, the debate is slowly shifting to one concerning parents and child care providers to domestic workers. Globalization and the entrance of women into the workforce has prompted the mass immigration of transnational care chains - poor women who leave their home countries and go to developed countries to work specifically as domestic workers.[62] This has become an option for many middle and upper-class families.[62]

Poor families, however, still do not have the same care work markets that middle-class families do. Relying on formal child care providers is less disruptive and risky, but providers still pose a significant price problem.[55]

Workplace Edit

There are many workplace policies that can alleviate the burden of work–family balance for many middle-class families. Some options in family-friendly workplaces include providing paid leave or options for reduced hours.[63] Workplaces are realizing that employees with well balanced family and work lives are actually valuable to firms:[64] workplace childcare assistance can increase productivity and morale among employees, as well as lessen turnover, accidents, and absenteeism.[65] Childcare options for working parents can be key in workplace satisfaction.[66] Workplace supports such as personal time off, paid leave, on-site or nearby childcare, financial assistance for childcare, and other family-friendly policies are Western European workplace norms that could solve the work–family balance problem in the United States.[44][66]

There are many other options of work–family policies that lead to happier and more productive workers.[67] Some of these options include educational classes, such as classes on the wellbeing of a newborn or family, put on by the company, that has been shown to be associated with less reported work–family conflict.[68] A room that would allow for breast milk pumping could be one of the most helpful work–family policies for a company and family. A 1995 study found 86% of breastfed infants experienced no illness during the 1-year duration of the study[69] and another study found breastfeeding infants decreases the chances of acute infections.[70] Breastfeeding will help the company because breastfeeding has been linked to lower health care costs. This prolonged breast feeding saved one company $240,000 in health care savings and $60,000 in reduced absenteeism.[67] Some other work–family policies that could help the family and company include various scheduling options, such as paid vacation, flex schedules, remote work, part-time work, and job sharing. Employees who have this flexibility increase productivity and have less work–family spill over[71] and they are less likely to miss work due to family related issues.[72]

One extremely important aspect of all these policies is the management support and work environment that go along with it. It has been shown multiple times that the work culture influence whether employees take advantage of work–family policies.[73] This work culture is a better predictor of use of policies than individual's needs or values.[73] If an individual feels that using a policy will affect his/her chances of advancement he/she is more likely to refuse to use the policy.[68] This is why management support is a big part of this work–family policy.

However, many constrains still exist. These workplace policies are largely only offered at higher salary jobs, which are once again out of reach for the poor.[52] The huge lack of government funding at the state and federal levels also make these workplace policies unrealistic at this point.[63]

Government support Edit

If government support for workplace family-friendly policies or childcare subsidies was stronger, more solutions could be attempted. For example, child care subsidies by the government actually result in less childcare and work disruptions and could impact low-income families as well by making childcare more affordable.[74] However, government support is not at the level of other developed countries.[44] Legislation such as the Family and Medical Leave Act had little impact on gender inequality in care work and was strongly opposed by businesses.[75]

Fewer than half of working parents stay home when their children are sick, even though research shows that sick children recover more quickly when a parent is there. …54 percent of working women are not entitled to any paid leave for taking care of a sick child or other family members.[76]

If our society were to follow in the footsteps of other countries who allow paid time off for taking care of sick children or even for having children our country might be able to get rid of the welfare program. Mothers wouldn't need welfare because they could have a job and be able to take care of children. Employers would have to allow parents to leave work to take care of children and they would have to pay them for it as well. When the parent is still getting a paycheck there would be no need for welfare programs to supplement another income or for a lack of income.

See also Edit

References Edit

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  55. ^ a b c Usdansky, Margaret L. and Douglas A. World. 2008. "When Child Care Breaks Down : Mothers' Experiences With Child Care Problems and Resulting Missed Work." Journal of Family Issues 29(9):1185-1210.
  56. ^ a b c Gerson, Kathleen. "Finishing the Gender Revolution." The Unfinished Revolution: How a New Generation Is Reshaping Family, Work, and Gender in America. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2010. Print.
  57. ^ Burger, K. (2012-04-03). "A Social History of Ideas Pertaining to Childcare in France and in the United States". Journal of Social History. 45 (4): 1005–1025. doi:10.1093/jsh/shr144. ISSN 0022-4529.
  58. ^ a b c Shdaimah, Corey S.; Palley, Elizabeth (2016-09-20). "Elusive public support for us child care policy". Community, Work & Family. 21 (1): 53–69. doi:10.1080/13668803.2016.1230841. ISSN 1366-8803. S2CID 151654051.
  59. ^ Hotz, V. Joseph; Wiswall, Matthew (2019). "Child Care and Child Care Policy: Existing Policies, Their Effects, and Reforms". The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science. 686 (1): 310–338. doi:10.1177/0002716219884078. ISSN 0002-7162. S2CID 210683897.
  60. ^ Hansen, Karen V., Rosanna Hertz, and Cameron Macdonald. 2002. "Care and Kinship : An Introduction." Journal of Family Issues 23:703-715.
  61. ^ Hickman, Lisa N. 2006. "Who Should Care for Our Children? : The Effects of Home Versus Center Care on Child Cognition and Social Adjustment." Journal of Family Issues 27:652-684.
  62. ^ a b Hondagneu-Sotelo, Pierrette. Domestica: Immigrant Workers Cleaning and Caring in the Shadows of Affluence. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2007.
  63. ^ a b Singley, Susan G. 2005. "Transitions to Parenthood: Work-Family Policies, Gender, and the Couple Context." Gender and Society. 19: 376-397
  64. ^ Bloom, Nick, Tobias Kretschmer, and John van Reenen. 2011. "Are Family-Friendly Workplace Practices a Valuable Firm Resource?" Strategic Management Journal 32:343-367.
  65. ^ Sahibzada, Khatera, Leslie B. Hammer, Margaret B. Neal and Daniel C. Kuang. 2005. "The Moderating Effects of Work-Family Role Combinations and Work-Family Organizational Culture on the Relationship Between Family-Friendly Workplace Supports and Job Satisfaction." Journal of Family Issues 26:820-839.
  66. ^ a b Payne, Stephanie C., Allison L. Cook, and Ismael Diaz. 2011. "Understanding childcare satisfaction and its effect on workplace outcomes: The convenience factor and the mediating role of work-family conflict." Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology 1-21.
  67. ^ a b Cardenas, R. & Major, D. (2005). Combining employment and breastfeeding: Utilizing a work-family conflict framework to understand obstacles and solutions. Journal of Business and Psychology, 20(1), 31-51.
  68. ^ a b Frye, N. & Breaugh, J. (2004). Family-friendly policies, supervisor support, work-family conflict, family-work conflict, and satisfaction: A test of a conceptual model. Journal of Business and Psychology, 19(2), 197-220.
  69. ^ Cohen, R., Mrtek, M., Mrtek, R. (1995). Comparison of maternal absenteeism and infant illness rate among breastfed and formula-feeding woman in to corporations. American Journal of Health Promotion, 19(2), 148-153.
  70. ^ Murtaugh, M. (1997). Optimal breastfeeding duration. Journal of Obstetric, Gynecological, and Neonatal Nursing, 97, 1252-1255.
  71. ^ Hill, J., Erickson, J., Holmes, E, and Ferris, M. (2010). Workplace flexibility, work hours, and work-life conflict: Finding an extra day or two. Journal of Family Psychology, 24(3), 349-358.
  72. ^ Hammer, L., Bauer, T., & Grandey, A. (2003). Work-family conflict and work-related withdrawal behaviors. Journal of Business and Psychology, 17(3), 419-436.
  73. ^ a b Secret, M. (2000). Identifying the family, job, and workplace characteristics of employees who use work-family benefits. Family Relations, 49(2), 217-225.
  74. ^ Prohaska, Ariane and John F. Zipp. 2011. "Gender Inequality and the Family and Medical Leave Act." Journal of Family Issues 32(11):1425-1448.
  75. ^ Forry, Nicole D. and Sandra L. Hofferth. 2011. "Maintaining Work: The Influence of Child Care Subsidies on Child Related Work Disruptions." Journal of Family Issues 32(3):346-368.
  76. ^ Crittenden, A. (2001). Conclusion. In A. Crittenden, The Price of Motherhood (p. 239). New York: Holt.

External links Edit

  • American Sociological Association Section on Family
  • American Sociological Association Section on Organizations, Occupations, and Work
  • On Balance by Leslie Morgan Steiner - The Washington Post
  • A Better Balance - Advancing the rights of working families

work, family, balance, united, states, differs, significantly, families, different, social, class, this, differs, from, work, life, balance, while, work, life, balance, refer, health, living, issues, that, arise, from, work, work, family, balance, refers, spec. Work family balance in the United States differs significantly for families of different social class This differs from work life balance while work life balance may refer to the health and living issues that arise from work work family balance refers specifically to how work and families intersect and influence each other Middle class family issues center on dual earner spouses and parents while lower class issues center on problems that arise due to single parenting Work family balance issues also differ by class since middle class occupations provide more benefits and family support while low wage jobs are less flexible with benefits Solutions for helping individuals manage work family balance in the U S include legislation workplace policies and the marketization of care work Contents 1 History 1 1 Legislation 1 1 1 Mother s Pensions of 1910 1 1 2 Equal Pay Act of 1963 1 1 3 Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 1 1 4 Head Start of 1965 1 1 5 Family Support Act of 1988 1 1 6 Child Care and Development Block Grant and Title IV A At Risk Child Care 1 1 7 Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 1 1 8 Child Care Development Fund of 1996 1 1 9 Child and Dependent Care Tax Credit of 1998 1 1 10 The American Families Plan of 2021 2 Effects on families 2 1 Problems affecting middle class families 2 1 1 Delayed fertility 2 1 2 Ideology of motherhood 2 1 3 Inequalities in care work 2 2 Problems affecting lower class families 2 2 1 Single parenting 2 2 2 Care work 3 Solutions 3 1 Care crisis 3 2 Workplace 3 3 Government support 4 See also 5 References 6 External linksHistory EditFamily structure how the family is organized historically has been influenced by social level forces many of them economic 1 According to family historian Stephanie Coontz marriage and family formation in the 17th century was heavily influenced by desires to form economic and political alliances Children were seen as a method of ensuring the passage of political and economic power to future generations 2 Influenced by the Englightenment several changes to marriage occurred the move toward individualism and the loosening of church influence over families after the Protestant Reformation resulted in the flourishing of the two parent farm family 2 Prior to the Industrial Revolution the two parent farm family was the dominant family model in which both parents working side by side on family farms 3 The two parent farm family ceased to be the dominant family model after the Industrial Revolution occurred 4 The 1920s was the first time that the majority of children lived in two parent breadwinner homemaker families one where the father supported the family financially and the mother supported the family domestically 1 In 19th century farm settings children were an important part of their families agricultural livelihoods 1 5 As industrialization occurred and families shifted from rural agricultural settings to urban ones the number of children per household also declined Children became less of an economic benefit and more of a cost urban life necessitated educating children which was costly 6 During the 1910s and 1920s women delayed childbirth for economic opportunities that were present in urban areas 7 However this trend reversed during the Great Depression because of the lower number of economic opportunities available for women As a result Depression Era women were more likely to marry and have children earlier In 1900 roughly 40 percent of single women were employed versus only five percent of married women Preston 2003 This 35 percent gap persisted for many years Goldin 1992 in a study of women college graduates in the twentieth century concluded that those graduating between 1900 and 1920 had to make a distinct choice between family and career 8 The Works Progress Administration opened about 3 000 part day Emergency Nursery Schools for about 75 000 children from 1933 to 1935 which provided child care to help eligible adults looking for work and which employed teachers in an industry where two thirds of private nursery schools had closed during the Depression 9 10 Men were drafted into the military in large numbers during World War II and women with young children were needed to supplement single women and those with older children at wartime factories Problems with women leaving children in unsafe situations while working began to appear 11 ENS capacity peaked at 130 00 children in 1944 9 10 Wartime New Deal measures such as the Lanham Act and Servicemen s Dependents Allowance Act of 1942 provided federal funding for day care centers starting in 1942 The breadwinner homemaker model regained dominance during the twenty year period immediately after World War II 3 The economy relied upon the male breadwinner to earn the income to support his family financially while women were relied upon to do the care work and other forms of domestic work to support her husband s earnings As the economy went into recession during the 1970s women entered the workforce in large droves Families could no longer survive on the single income of the male breadwinner and both sexes were relied upon for financial support The dominant family model starting in the 1970s was the dual earner family where both parents worked 3 Women also entered college in higher percentages 12 However the economy was still assumed to run on an outdated breadwinner homemaker model as evidence by the following things women made significantly less income than men they were still expected to do the majority of domestic work and the nine to three o clock school schedule of children still existed The recession of the 1970s also further pushed the correlation between income and family structure As more and more previously lucrative manufacturing jobs were sent overseas men without college educations could no longer support their families on a single wage Women s labor force participation rates have steadily increased since the 1940s 3 Since the 1970s the relationship between marriage and college education has also been positive 12 Congress passed the Comprehensive Child Development Act in 1971 which subsidized child care to make it universal but the bill was vetoed by President Richard Nixon 13 Legislation Edit Historically significant pieces of legislation have been enacted at the federal level to address the sex disparities in the workplace These pieces of legislation attempt to address the wage gap in the U S gender discrimination in hiring and firing and the occupational rights of workers in taking family and medical leave Despite these significant legislative efforts the U S still lags behind other developed countries in progressive family friendly work policies 14 Mother s Pensions of 1910 Edit From 1890 to 1910 the proportion of working women increased by 8 from 1 2 million to 3 1 million workers which influenced the creation of Mother s Pensions in 1910 which gave non working mothers pensions to offset their need to work outside the home 15 According to scholar Sonya Michel this legislation did little to decrease the wage gap between men and women because women preferred to work did not fit the criteria or the states ran out of funds 15 Equal Pay Act of 1963 Edit The Equal Pay Act of 1963 attempted to abolish wage and payment discrimination between men and women 16 Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 Edit Title VII mandates against gender discrimination in the workplace 17 It makes gender discrimination on the basis of pregnancy and childbirth illegal The Pregnancy Discrimination Act of 1978 is an amendment to Title VII that explicitly prohibits discrimination against pregnant women 18 Head Start of 1965 Edit The only federal childcare ever implemented was Head Start which was created in 1965 as a part of President Lyndon B Johnson s War on Poverty 19 Head Start is a program for low income families that provides early education and care for 3 to 5 year olds 19 Head Start is free for eligible families those living below the federal poverty line but families apply and there is no guarantee for a spot 20 In 2017 there were 1 million children enrolled in Head Start and Early Head Start but there are about 19 million children under five in the United States and around 3 million children under five living in poverty 21 Family Support Act of 1988 Edit In 1988 the Family Support Act was passed which required parents using federal programs like Head Start to actively be working getting an education or taking part in professional training 22 At the time 56 of mothers with children under 6 were already in the workforce which meant that mothers who were unable to comply with guidelines were denied the assistance they were previously eligible for 23 Child Care and Development Block Grant and Title IV A At Risk Child Care Edit Child Care and Development Block Grant and Title IV A At Risk Child Care were passed due to a demand for childcare support among middle and upper middle class families as Head Start was restricted to families that were below the Federal Poverty Line and the recognition that families who were at risk of losing work would soon enter the welfare system but could use help before they qualified for traditional assistance 24 Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 Edit The Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 requires employers to provide job protected unpaid leave for certain family and medical reasons Legitimate reasons include pregnancy childbirth adoption foster care placement and care for an ill family member 25 However this legislation is limited coverage is only extended for twelve weeks and for employees who have worked for at least twelve months at the same job Short term medical illness and routine medical checkups were not covered until the FMLA and family members other than parents spouses and children are not covered Some states have extended the definition of family on their own and therefore extended the coverage of FMLA Child Care Development Fund of 1996 Edit In 1996 the Child Care Development Fund was created to allow states flexibility in creating childcare provisioning for low and lower middle income families 26 Despite this change families still face significant barriers when trying to access these subsidies with less than of eligible families using them 26 Child and Dependent Care Tax Credit of 1998 Edit The Child and Dependent Care Tax Credit offsets childcare expenses The tax credit covers 20 to 35 of costs and is capped at 3 000 for one child and 6 000 for two or more children 27 It offsets income taxes so families in lower income brackets receive little money in return In 2016 only 15 of families received this subsidy 27 The American Families Plan of 2021 EditEffects on families EditThe structural economic changes have influenced specific aspects of the family 28 However not all families are affected in the same way In the U S whether or not a family is dual or single earner is related to their social class and income 29 The economic changes in the past couple of decades have affected middle class and lower class families very differently in many aspects especially since the 1970s economic recession These family inequalities significantly affect the intersection of race and social class in the United States as well Problems affecting middle class families Edit Middle class families have certain class specific problems that arise when family and work intersects Many of them have to do with the balance parents must create between their career aspirations and their familial desires Because the middle class has greater access to more stable occupations and the chances for occupational mobility many middle class American families must deal with the ultimate decision between balancing their families with their jobs Although the figures vary depending on parents household income the U S Department of Agriculture estimates families spend anywhere from 134 370 to 269 520 raising a child from birth through age 17 30 Delayed fertility Edit Middle class women oftentimes delay motherhood until after the peak of their fertility at age 29 30 a delay that has become more common in the last two decades 31 Motherhood is delayed because of the higher educational and career aspirations middle class women oftentimes make 32 the career incentives are too great to pass up 33 While middle class women on average have children at age 29 lower class women typically have children much earlier in their lives because of the lack of incentives to delay childbirth 33 According to Edin and Kefalas lower class women do not make the same delay because they are oftentimes lacking the career and educational incentives that middle class women have 33 The delay in fertility becomes a problem among middle class women when they delay childbirth past their fertility peak 34 Since fertility peaks at a certain age pushing childbirth past that age significantly decreases the probability that certain women will be able to have children The media has been an influence on women s fertility choices 35 popular celebrities who have managed to have children well into their forties and other medical miracles covered in the media oftentimes give women false hope that they themselves will also be able to bear children later in life For every success story however there are many more disappointments 36 Ideology of motherhood Edit Although American women have made significant strides in the workplace they are still culturally and socially required to be mothers first and foremost 37 The cultural ideas of motherhood in the U S have given birth to a new ideal a working mother who not only has a wonderful career but also manages to flawlessly balance her family and domestic duties as well This ideal is known as the supermom 38 The media is a culprit in this depiction A study examining the portrayal of mothers in magazines showed that the most popular magazines in the U S still continue to promote the traditional role of motherhood while undermining homemakers by portraying them as superficial and negative 39 Instead only the Supermom type is portrayed and rarely critiqued 40 As a result of this Supermom ideal cultural contradictions of motherhood widely exist Working mothers are often critiqued for being selfish and not spending enough time with their children 39 They defend their position by saying they work to support their children economically 38 Homemakers are often critiqued for not pursuing meaningful careers 39 They respond by saying that the childcare and other domestic work they do for their families is much more important Only the unrealistic depiction of the supermom can balance these two ideological extremes but that ideal is an unrealistic solution for most women The idea that parents only should raise their children is not a long standing social expectation but one that is reserved to the United States and its conservative nuclear family values 41 Before modern medicine high mortality rates meant it was common for children to be raised by others outside their immediate family 41 This idea did not make its way to the New World because the Puritans put high value on families raising their children and preparing them for the world and if the parents could not fulfill this role the children were taken away 41 For a brief period in the early 1800s infant schools challenged this notion but by the mid 1800s counter movements de popularized this belief and reinforced that mothers specifically were supposed to raise their children 41 During World War II the United States saw for the first time a nationwide federally funded nursery school program but after the war the program was automatically disbanded since women no longer had to work outside the home 41 Despite the disbanding of these programs many women chose to stay in the workforce To combat this belief propaganda spread that mothers working poorly impacted their children s mental well being 41 The propaganda worked and in the summer of 1945 1 out of 4 women working in factories quit and the remaining women were pushed into lower paying traditionally female oriented jobs 41 It was not until the 1960s and 1970s when more mothers started to enter the workforce that the idea of childcare switched from something meant for children with problems at home to something that was a nationwide necessity 42 Inequalities in care work Edit Despite the career gains women have made their husbands have not reached parity in terms of their domestic work and care work 43 Women in the developed world including the U S still do hours more of housework than their male counterparts despite their success in the workplace 44 Working mothers on average do more work and sleep less than their husbands 45 46 The perception of who does more housework is also skewed by whether or not the husband or the wife is reporting 47 Unsurprisingly then working mothers do not spend a significantly lower amount of time with their children compared to women who do not work working mothers simply sleep less on average 45 As a result many middle class families have resorted to alternative methods of child care 48 A common option is to buy child care such as day care providers and centers 48 Problems affecting lower class families Edit Lower class families have been heavily influenced by income as well Lower class families have a different set of work family balancing issues many of which are much more difficult to solve than those of middle class families 28 Single parenting Edit Lower class families are disproportionately made up of single mother households According to Kathryn Edin this is because of the lack of incentive to marry other lower class men among lower class women and the desire to save marriage for more quality prospects 28 Unlike middle class women lower class women do not have the same financial and marriage incentives to marry especially in the face of likely divorce As a result lower class mothers have less incentive to delay their childbearing to later years Many of the problems shared by single parents are disproportionately felt by the lower class for these very reasons 49 The inability to use the income and time of two spouses has a harmful effect upon the work opportunities of lower income mothers Another factor is income single mothers tend to work lower income wage 50 which come with few benefits such as maternity leave health insurance childcare 51 and flexible schedules Low wage work oftentimes is characterized by weekly schedule changes 52 little flexibility and extreme short notice for changes 53 As a result lower class mothers have a greater a time crunch and more conflict in balancing their work needs with those of their children Single mother home environments are much poorer because of nonstandard hours and schedules 54 Care work Edit Single mother and lower class families have a much more difficult time negotiating childcare or finding sustainable childcare options 51 The breadwinner homemaker family and economic model does not apply to single parent families because the single parent must be both roles at all times 52 Because child care services cost a substantial amount low income mothers spend a higher percentage of their income on child care than middle class mothers do 52 Few low income mothers are happy with their childcare arrangements 52 especially in light of the fact that low income childcare arrangements suffer from frequent disruptions 55 In the United States state assistance for childcare is nowhere near the level of other developed countries and has actually decreased 55 Solutions EditThe United States has lagged behind the social benefits that support working families when compared to other developed countries 44 Of the twenty one richest countries in the world only the United States does not mandate paid parental leave and among the industrialized Western nations only the United States does not mandate paid vacations 56 Many solutions to the family work balance problem have been observed in other countries and proposed in the U S 56 Solutions specific to the U S have also developed recently Recent U S policy has focused on restoring marriage rather than providing direct support to children 56 Head Start was the first big push away from the charity based mindset of childcare as seen through day nurseries but even as childcare entered the political sphere it has been considered as a program to address poverty only which is one reason as indicated in Burger why we do not see universal child care in the United States 57 The 1970s and 1980s shifted the framing of childcare as an accessibility and affordability issue that also affected working parents but still the programs passed were relegated to funding childcare not creating childcare 58 Moving into the 1990s and 2000s the framing became centered around working women s need for childcare but contrasting views that mothers should stay at home to take care of their young children halted provisioning from happening 58 There has been a shift in views on motherhood with only a minority of Americans supporting the notion that mothers should stay home but this is yet to be reflected in policy with most still supporting the belief that middle class women should take care of their children instead of pursuing a career As indicated in Palley and Shdaimah s research 58 Current policies are motivated by the improvement of children s development facilitating employment among mothers or alleviating poverty 59 Care crisis Edit The care crisis in the United States refers to the lack of care work as the result of globalization 60 For the middle class there has been an ongoing debate over who should take care of children family members or child care providers 48 61 However the debate is slowly shifting to one concerning parents and child care providers to domestic workers Globalization and the entrance of women into the workforce has prompted the mass immigration of transnational care chains poor women who leave their home countries and go to developed countries to work specifically as domestic workers 62 This has become an option for many middle and upper class families 62 Poor families however still do not have the same care work markets that middle class families do Relying on formal child care providers is less disruptive and risky but providers still pose a significant price problem 55 Workplace Edit There are many workplace policies that can alleviate the burden of work family balance for many middle class families Some options in family friendly workplaces include providing paid leave or options for reduced hours 63 Workplaces are realizing that employees with well balanced family and work lives are actually valuable to firms 64 workplace childcare assistance can increase productivity and morale among employees as well as lessen turnover accidents and absenteeism 65 Childcare options for working parents can be key in workplace satisfaction 66 Workplace supports such as personal time off paid leave on site or nearby childcare financial assistance for childcare and other family friendly policies are Western European workplace norms that could solve the work family balance problem in the United States 44 66 There are many other options of work family policies that lead to happier and more productive workers 67 Some of these options include educational classes such as classes on the wellbeing of a newborn or family put on by the company that has been shown to be associated with less reported work family conflict 68 A room that would allow for breast milk pumping could be one of the most helpful work family policies for a company and family A 1995 study found 86 of breastfed infants experienced no illness during the 1 year duration of the study 69 and another study found breastfeeding infants decreases the chances of acute infections 70 Breastfeeding will help the company because breastfeeding has been linked to lower health care costs This prolonged breast feeding saved one company 240 000 in health care savings and 60 000 in reduced absenteeism 67 Some other work family policies that could help the family and company include various scheduling options such as paid vacation flex schedules remote work part time work and job sharing Employees who have this flexibility increase productivity and have less work family spill over 71 and they are less likely to miss work due to family related issues 72 One extremely important aspect of all these policies is the management support and work environment that go along with it It has been shown multiple times that the work culture influence whether employees take advantage of work family policies 73 This work culture is a better predictor of use of policies than individual s needs or values 73 If an individual feels that using a policy will affect his her chances of advancement he she is more likely to refuse to use the policy 68 This is why management support is a big part of this work family policy However many constrains still exist These workplace policies are largely only offered at higher salary jobs which are once again out of reach for the poor 52 The huge lack of government funding at the state and federal levels also make these workplace policies unrealistic at this point 63 Government support Edit If government support for workplace family friendly policies or childcare subsidies was stronger more solutions could be attempted For example child care subsidies by the government actually result in less childcare and work disruptions and could impact low income families as well by making childcare more affordable 74 However government support is not at the level of other developed countries 44 Legislation such as the Family and Medical Leave Act had little impact on gender inequality in care work and was strongly opposed by businesses 75 Fewer than half of working parents stay home when their children are sick even though research shows that sick children recover more quickly when a parent is there 54 percent of working women are not entitled to any paid leave for taking care of a sick child or other family members 76 If our society were to follow in the footsteps of other countries who allow paid time off for taking care of sick children or even for having children our country might be able to get rid of the welfare program Mothers wouldn t need welfare because they could have a job and be able to take care of children Employers would have to allow parents to leave work to take care of children and they would have to pay them for it as well When the parent is still getting a paycheck there would be no need for welfare programs to supplement another income or for a lack of income See also EditFamily structure in the United States Public holidays in the United States Work life balance in the United States Double burden Intra household bargaining Shared earning shared parenting marriage Sociology of the family Time bind Work family conflictReferences Edit a b c Coontz Stephanie 2000 Historical Perspectives on Family Studies Journal of Marriage and the Family 62 283 297 a b Coontz Stephanie Marriage A History New York Penguin 2006 a b c d The Decline of Marriage And Rise of New Families Pew Research Center s Social amp Demographic Trends Project 2010 11 18 Retrieved 2020 11 27 Barkley Paul W 1976 A Contemporary Political Economy of Family Farming American Journal of Agricultural Economics 58 5 812 819 Hammel E A Sheila R Johansson and Caren A Ginsberg 1983 The Value of Children During Industrialization Sex Ratios in Childhood in Nineteenth Century America Journal of Family History 8 346 366 Wells Robert V 1975 Family History and Demographic Transition Journal of Social History 9 1 1 19 Cookingham Mary E 1984 Combining Marriage Motherhood and Jobs Before World War II Women College Graduates Classes of 1903 1935 Journal of Family History 9 2 178 195 Barnett Rosalind Chait 2004 Preface Women and Work Where Are We Where Did We Come From and Where Are We Going Journal of Social Issues a b The History of Child Care in the U S Social Welfare History Project January 19 2011 a b U S Once Had Universal Child Care But Rebuilding It Won t Be Easy NPR org Here s What Happened the One Time when the U S Had Universal Childcare ThinkProgress Archived from the original on 2017 03 14 Retrieved 2016 08 08 a b Torr Berna M 2011 The Changing Relationship between Education and Marriage in the United States 1940 2000 Journal of Family History 36 4 483 503 Why America Gave up on the Fight for a Family Friendly Workplace and Why It s Starting Again ThinkProgress Archived from the original on 2017 05 18 Retrieved 2016 08 08 Bianchi Suzanne M and Melissa A Milkie 2010 Work and Family Research in the First Decade of the 21st Century Journal of Marriage and Family 72 705 725 a b Sonya Michel 2000 Children s interests mothers rights the shaping of America s 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Science 686 1 310 338 doi 10 1177 0002716219884078 ISSN 0002 7162 S2CID 210683897 a b c Edin Kathryn and Rebecca Joyce Kissane 2010 Poverty and the American Family A Decade in Review Journal of Marriage and Family 72 460 479 Conger Rand D Katherine J Conger and Monica J Martin 2010 Socioeconomic Status Family Processes and Individual Development Journal of Marriage and Family 72 685 704 Simon Robin W The Joys of Parenthood Reconsidered Contexts 7 2 2008 40 45 Print Abma Joyce C and Gladys M Martinez 2006 Childlessness Among Older Women in the United States Trends and Profiles Journal of Marriage and Family 68 1045 1056 Martin S P 2000 Diverging fertility among US women who delay childbearing past age 30 Demography 37 523 533 a b c Caucutt Elizabeth M Nezih Guner and John Knowles 2002 Why Do Women Wait Matching Wage Inequality and the Incentives for Fertility Delay Review of Economic Dynamics 5 815 855 Stone Pamela 2007 The Rhetoric and Reality of Opting Out Contexts 6 14 19 Barber 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26 820 839 a b Payne Stephanie C Allison L Cook and Ismael Diaz 2011 Understanding childcare satisfaction and its effect on workplace outcomes The convenience factor and the mediating role of work family conflict Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology 1 21 a b Cardenas R amp Major D 2005 Combining employment and breastfeeding Utilizing a work family conflict framework to understand obstacles and solutions Journal of Business and Psychology 20 1 31 51 a b Frye N amp Breaugh J 2004 Family friendly policies supervisor support work family conflict family work conflict and satisfaction A test of a conceptual model Journal of Business and Psychology 19 2 197 220 Cohen R Mrtek M Mrtek R 1995 Comparison of maternal absenteeism and infant illness rate among breastfed and formula feeding woman in to corporations American Journal of Health Promotion 19 2 148 153 Murtaugh M 1997 Optimal breastfeeding duration Journal of Obstetric Gynecological and Neonatal Nursing 97 1252 1255 Hill J Erickson J Holmes E and Ferris M 2010 Workplace flexibility work hours and work life conflict Finding an extra day or two Journal of Family Psychology 24 3 349 358 Hammer L Bauer T amp Grandey A 2003 Work family conflict and work related withdrawal behaviors Journal of Business and Psychology 17 3 419 436 a b Secret M 2000 Identifying the family job and workplace characteristics of employees who use work family benefits Family Relations 49 2 217 225 Prohaska Ariane and John F Zipp 2011 Gender Inequality and the Family and Medical Leave Act Journal of Family Issues 32 11 1425 1448 Forry Nicole D and Sandra L Hofferth 2011 Maintaining Work The Influence of Child Care Subsidies on Child Related Work Disruptions Journal of Family Issues 32 3 346 368 Crittenden A 2001 Conclusion In A Crittenden The Price of Motherhood p 239 New York Holt External links EditAmerican Sociological Association Section on Family American Sociological Association Section on Organizations Occupations and Work On Balance by Leslie Morgan Steiner The Washington Post A Better Balance Advancing the rights of working families Retrieved from https en wikipedia org w index php title Work family balance in the United States amp oldid 1161825801, wikipedia, wiki, book, books, library,


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