
Family in the United States

In the United States, the traditional family structure is considered a family support system involving two married individuals providing care and stability for their biological offspring. However, this two-parent, heterosexual, nuclear family has become less prevalent, and nontraditional family forms have become more common.[2] The family is created at birth and establishes ties across generations.[3] Those generations, the extended family of aunts and uncles, grandparents, and cousins, can hold significant emotional and economic roles for the nuclear family.

An American family composed of the mother, father, children, and extended family
The out of wedlock birth rates by race in the United States from 1940 to 2014. The rate for African Americans is the purple line. Data is from the National Vital Statistics System Reports published by the CDC National Center for Health Statistics. Note: Prior to 1969, African American illegitimacy was included along with other minority groups as "Non-White."[1]

Over time, the structure has had to adapt to very influential changes, including divorce and more single-parent families, teenage pregnancy and unwed mothers, same-sex marriage, and increased interest in adoption. Social movements such as the feminist movement and the stay-at-home father have contributed to the creation of alternative family forms, generating new versions of the American family.

At a glance edit

Nuclear family edit

Singer Perry Como and his family at home c. 1955. On the sofa are his older son Ronnie and wife Roselle. In the chair with her doll is his daughter, Terri, and reading on the floor are son David and his dad.
Marriages, Families & Intimate Relationships, 1970–2000

The nuclear family has been considered the "traditional" family structure since the Soviet Union scare in the cold war of the 1950s. The nuclear family consists of a mother, father, and the children. The two-parent nuclear family has become less prevalent, and pre-American and European family forms have become more common.[2] Beginning in the 1970s in the United States, the structure of the "traditional" nuclear American family began to change. It was the women in the households that began to make this change. They decided to begin careers outside of the home and not live according to the male figures in their lives.[4]

These include same-sex relationships, single-parent households, adopting individuals, and extended family systems living together. The nuclear family is also having fewer children than in the past.[5] The percentage of nuclear-family households is approximately half what it was at its peak in the middle of the 20th century.[6] The percentage of married-couple households with children under 18, but without other family members (such as grandparents), has declined to 23.5% of all households in 2000 from 25.6% in 1990, and from 45% in 1960. In November 2016, the Current Population Survey of the United States Census Bureau reported that 69 percent of children under the age of 18 lived with two parents, which was a decline from 88 percent in 1960.[7]

Single parent edit

Mother with her children

A single parent (also termed lone parent or sole parent) is a parent who cares for one or more children without the assistance of the other biological parent. Historically, single-parent families often resulted from death of a spouse, for instance in childbirth. This term is can be broken down into two types: sole parent and co-parent. A sole parent is managing all of the responsibilities of child-rearing on their own without financial or emotional assistance. A sole parent can be a product of abandonment or death of the other parent or can be a single adoption or artificial insemination. A co-parent is someone who still gets some type of assistance with the child/children. Single-parent homes are increasing as married couples divorce, or as unmarried couples have children. Although widely believed to be detrimental to the mental and physical well-being of a child, this type of household is tolerated.[8]

This figure illustrates the changing structure of families in the U.S. Only 7% of families in the U.S. in 2002 were "traditional" families in the sense that the husband worked and earned a sufficient income for the wife and kids to stay home. Many families are now dual-earner families. The "other" group includes the many households that are headed by a single parent.

The percentage of single-parent households has doubled in the last three decades, but that percentage tripled between 1900 and 1950.[9] The sense of marriage as a "permanent" institution has been weakened, allowing individuals to consider leaving marriages more readily than they may have in the past.[10] Increasingly, single-parent families are due to out of wedlock births, especially those due to unintended pregnancy. From 1960 to 2016, the percentage of U.S. children under 18 living with one parent increased from 9 percent (8 percent with mothers, 1 percent with fathers) to 27 percent (23 percent with mothers, 4 percent with fathers).[7]

Stepfamilies edit

Stepfamilies are becoming more familiar in America. Divorce rates are rising and the remarriage rate is rising as well, therefore, bringing two families together making stepfamilies. Statistics show that there are 1,300 new stepfamilies forming every day. Over half of American families are remarried, that is 75% of marriages ending in divorce, remarry.[11]

Extended family edit

The extended family consists of grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins. In some circumstances, the extended family comes to live either with or in place of a member of the nuclear family. An example includes elderly parents who move in with their adult children due to old age. This places large demands on the caregivers.[12]

Historically, among certain Asian and Native American cultures, the family structure consisted of a grandmother and her children, especially daughters, who raised their own children together and shared child care responsibilities. Uncles, brothers, and other male relatives sometimes helped out. Romantic relationships between men and women were formed and dissolved with little impact on the children who remained in the mother's extended family.

History edit

Roles and relationships edit

Married partners edit

Saying grace before carving the turkey at Thanksgiving dinner in the home of Earle Landis in Neffsville, Pennsylvania

A married couple was defined as a "husband and wife enumerated as members of the same household" by the U.S. Census Bureau,[13] but they will be categorizing same-sex couples as married couples if they are married. Same-sex couples who were married were previously recognized by the Census Bureau as unmarried partners.[14] Same-sex marriage is legally permitted across the country since June 26, 2015, when the Supreme Court issued its decision in Obergefell v. Hodges. Polygamy is illegal throughout the U.S.[15]

Although marriages of first cousins are illegal in many states, they are legal in many other states, the District of Columbia and some territories. Some states have some restrictions or exceptions for cousin marriages and/or recognize such marriages performed out-of-state. Since the 1940s, the United States marriage rate has decreased, whereas rates of divorce have increased.[16]

Unwed partners edit

Living as unwed partners is also known as cohabitation. The number of heterosexual unmarried couples in the United States has increased tenfold, from about 400,000 in 1960 to more than five million in 2005.[17] This number would increase by at least another 594,000 if same-sex partners were included.[17] Of all unmarried couples, about 1 in 9 (11.1% of all unmarried-partner households) are homosexual.[17]

The cohabitation lifestyle is becoming more popular in today's generation.[18] It is more convenient for couples not to get married because it can be cheaper and simpler. As divorce rates rise in society, the desire to get married is less attractive for couples uncertain of their long-term plans.[17]

Parents edit

A new father holds his child for the first time in Loretto Hospital, New Ulm, Minnesota.

Parents can be either the biological mother or biological father, or the legal guardian for adopted children. Traditionally, mothers were responsible for raising the kids while the father was out providing financially for the family. The age group for parents ranges from teenage parents to grandparents who have decided to raise their grandchildren, with teenage pregnancies fluctuating based on race and culture.[19] Older parents are financially established and generally have fewer problems raising children compared to their teenage counterparts.[20] In 2013, the highest teenage birth rate was in Alabama, and the lowest in Wyoming.[21][22]

Housewives edit

A housewife or "homemaker" is a married woman who is not employed outside the home to earn income, but stays at home and takes care of the home and children. This includes doing common chores such as cooking, washing, cleaning, etc. The roles of women working within the house have changed drastically as more women start to pursue careers. The amount of time women spend doing housework declined from 27 hours per week in 1965, to less than 16 hours in 1995, but it is still substantially more housework than their male partners.[23]

"Breadwinners" edit

A breadwinner is the main financial provider in the family. Historically husbands in opposite-sex couples have been breadwinners; that trend is changing as wives start to take advantage of the women's movement to gain financial independence for themselves. According to The New York Times, "In 2001, wives earned more than their spouses in almost a third of married households where the wife worked."[24]

Stay-at-home dads edit

Stay-at-home dads or "househusbands" are fathers that do not participate in the workforce and stay at home to raise their children—the male equivalent to housewives. Stay-at-home dads are not as popular in American society.[25] According to the U.S. Census Bureau, "There are an estimated 105,000 'stay-at-home' dads. These are married fathers with children under fifteen years of age who are not in the workforce primarily so they can care for family members, while their wives work for a living outside the home. Stay-at-home dads care for 189,000 children."[26]

Children edit

Only child families edit

An only child (single child) is a child without siblings. Some evidence suggests that only children may perform better in school and in their careers than children with siblings.[23]

Childfree and childlessness edit

Childfree couples choose to not have children. These include young couples, who plan to have children later, as well as those who do not plan to have any children. Involuntary childlessness may be caused by infertility, medical problems, death of a child, or other factors.

Adopted children edit

Adopted children are children that were given up at birth, abandoned or were unable to be cared for by their biological parents. They may have been put into foster care before finding their permanent residence. It is particularly hard[clarification needed] for adopted children to get adopted from foster care: 50,000 children were adopted in 2001.[27] The average age of these children was 7,[clarification needed] which shows that fewer older children were adopted.[27]

Modern family models edit

Same-sex marriage, adoption, and child rearing edit

Same-sex parents are gay, lesbian, or bisexual couples that choose to raise children. Nationally, 66% of female same-sex couples and 44% of male same-sex couples live with children under eighteen years old.[25] In the 2000 United States Census, there were 594,000 households that claimed to be headed by same-sex couples, with 72% of those having children.[28] In July 2004, the American Psychological Association concluded that "Overall results of research suggests that the development, adjustment, and well-being of children with lesbian and gay and bisexual parents do not differ markedly from that of children with heterosexual parents."[29]

Transgender Parenting edit

Many studies show that transgender peoples are equally committed to and invested in their families in comparison to other family structures. However, there are reasons for familial destruction when a trans person "comes out" as so. This is most likely due to fear. There is a lot of fear surrounding the transgender community, and the negative stigma can lead to familial alienation.[30] When looking at, more specifically, the trans parent-child relationship, we see that those who identify as transgender claim that their relationships to their children were overall good in nature. The parent-child relational reports among trans parents were primarily positive.[31] While these statistics are positive, transgender parenting does have some barriers. Some include biological relatedness, physical limitations, or lack of legal protections. Specifically, with biological relatedness, trans people felt as though it was nearly impossible to attain. Hormonal treatments, surgeries, and the inability to use "traditional" methods all posed a challenge.[32] All this to say, transgender familial relationships were mostly good overall, yet there were a few blockades. It is also important to recognize that trans familial relationships and experiences in general are different from gay, lesbian, or bisexual experiences.[30]

Single-parent households edit

Single parents in the US over time from 1950 to 2020

Single-parent homes in America are increasingly common. With more children being born to unmarried couples and to couples whose marriages subsequently dissolve, more children live with just one parent. The proportion of children living with a never-married parent has grown, from 4% in 1960 to 42% in 2001.[33] Of all single-parent families, 83% are mother-child families.[33]

Adoption requirements edit

The adoption requirements and policies for adopting children have made it harder for foster families and potential adoptive families to adopt. Before a family can adopt, they must go through the state, county, and agency criteria. Adoption agencies' criteria express the importance of age of the adoptive parents, as well as the agency's desire for married couples over single adopters.[34] Adoptive parents also have to deal with criteria that are given by the birth parents of the adoptive child. The different criteria for adopting children makes it harder for couples to adopt children in need,[34] but the strict requirements can help protect the foster children from unqualified couples.[34]

Currently 1,500,000 (2% of all U.S. children) are adopted. There are different types of adoption; embryo adoption when a couple is having trouble conceiving a child and instead choose to adopt an embryo that was created using another couple's sperm and egg conjoined outside the womb, this often occurs with leftover embryos from another couple's successful IVF cycle. international adoption where couples adopt children that come from foreign countries, and private adoption which is the most common form of adoption. In a private adoption, families can adopt children via licensed agencies or by directly contacting the child's biological parents.

Male/female role pressures edit

The traditional "father" and "mother" roles of the nuclear family have become blurred over time. Because of the women's movement's push for women to engage in traditionally masculine pursuits in society, as women choose to sacrifice their child-bearing years to establish their careers, and as fathers feel increasing pressure, as well as desire, to be involved with tending to children, the traditional roles of fathers as the "breadwinners" and mothers as the "caretakers" have come into question.[35]

African-American family structure edit

The family structure of African-Americans has long been a matter of national public policy interest.[36] The 1965 report by Daniel Patrick Moynihan, known as The Moynihan Report, examined the link between black poverty and family structure.[36] It hypothesized that the destruction of the Black nuclear family structure would hinder further progress toward economic and political equality.[36]

When Moynihan wrote in 1965 on the coming destruction of the Black family, the out-of-wedlock birthrate was 25% amongst Blacks.[37] In 1991, 68% of Black children were born outside of marriage.[38] In 2011, 72% of Black babies were born to unwed mothers.[39][40]

Recent trends edit

Post-materialist and postmodern values have become research topics related to the family.[41] According to Judith Stacy in 1990, "We are living, I believe, through a transitional and contested period of family history, a period 'after' the modern family order."[42] As of 2019, there are more than 110 million single people in the United States. More than 50% of the American adult population is single compared to 22% in 1950. Jeremy Greenwood, Professor of economics at the University of Pennsylvania has explored how technological progress has affected the family. In particular, he discusses how technological advance has led to more married women working, a decline in fertility, an increase in the number of single households, social change, longer lifespans, and a rise in the fraction of life spent in retirement.[43] Sociologist Elyakim Kislev lists some of the major drivers for the decline in the family institution: women's growing independence, risk aversion in an age of divorce, demanding careers, rising levels of education, individualism, secularization, popular media, growing transnational mobility, and urbanization processes.[44]

Television portrayals edit

Cast of Modern Family at the 69th Golden Globe Awards in January 2012

The television industry initially helped create a stereotype of the American nuclear family. During the era of the baby boomers, families became a popular social topic, especially on television.[45] Family shows such as Roseanne, All in the Family, Leave It to Beaver, The Cosby Show, Married... with Children, The Jeffersons, Good Times, and Everybody Loves Raymond have portrayed different social classes of families growing up in America. Those "perfect" nuclear families have changed as the years passed and have become more inclusive, showing single-parent and divorced families, as well as older singles.[8] Television shows that show single-parent families include Half & Half, One on One, Murphy Brown, and Gilmore Girls.

While it did not become a common occurrence the iconic image of the American family was started in the early-1930s. It was not until WWII that families generally had the economic income in which to successfully propagate this lifestyle.[46]

See also edit


References edit

  1. ^ *Grove, Robert D.; Hetzel, Alice M. (1968). Vital Statistics Rates in the United States 1940-1960 (PDF) (Report). Public Health Service Publication. Vol. 1677. U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, U.S. Public Health Service, National Center for Health Statistics. p. 185.
  2. ^ a b Edwards, H.N. (1987). Changing family structure and youthful well-being. Journal of Family Issues 8, 355–372
  3. ^ Beutler, Burr, Bahr, and Herrin (1989) p. 806; cited by Fine, Mark A. in Families in the United States: Their Current Status and Future Prospects Copyright 1992
  4. ^ Stewart Foley, Michael (2013). Front Porch Politics The Forgotten Heyday of American Activism in the 1970s and 1980s. Hill and Wang. ISBN 978-0-8090-4797-0.
  5. ^ . Uscsumter.edu. May 15, 2001. Archived from the original on February 26, 2009. Retrieved 2009-07-27.
  6. ^ Brooks, Story by David. "The Nuclear Family Was a Mistake". The Atlantic. ISSN 1072-7825. Retrieved October 2, 2020.
  7. ^ a b "The Majority of Children Live With Two Parents, Census Bureau Reports". United States Census Bureau. November 17, 2016. Retrieved May 23, 2021.
  8. ^ a b Benokraitis, N: Marriages & families, page 7. sixth edition, 2007
  9. ^ Benokraitis, N: Marriages & families, page 18. sixth edition, 2007
  10. ^ Glenn, N.D. (1987). Continuity versus change, sanguineness versus concern: Views of the American family in the late 1980s. Journal of Family Issues 8, 348–354
  11. ^ Stewart, S.D. (2007). Brave New Stepfamilies. Thousand Oaks: Sage.
  12. ^ Brubaker, T.H. (1990). Continuity and change in later life families: Grandparenthood, couple relationships and family caregiving. Gerentology Review 3, 24–40
  13. ^ Teachman, Tedrow, Crowder. The Changing Demography of America's Families Journal of Marriage and the Family, Vol. 62 (Nov 2000) p. 1234
  14. ^ "Census to change the way it counts gay married couples". Washington Post.
  15. ^ Barbara Bradley Hagerty (May 27, 2008). "Some Muslims in U.S. Quietly Engage in Polygamy". National Public Radio: All Things Considered. Retrieved July 23, 2009.
  16. ^ Teachman, Tedrow, Crowder. The Changing Demography of America's Families. Journal of Marriage and the Family, Vol. 62 (Nov 2000) p. 1235
  17. ^ a b c d Benokraitis, N: Marriages & families, page 271. sixth edition, 2007
  18. ^ Benokraitis, N: Marriages & families, page 275. sixth edition, 2007
  19. ^ Benokraitis, N: Marriages & families, page 326. sixth edition, 2007
  20. ^ Benokraitis, N: Marriages & families, pp. 328–329. sixth edition, 2007
  21. ^ "Births: Final Data for 2013, tables 2, 3" (PDF). U.S. Department of Health & Human Services. Retrieved July 23, 2015.
  22. ^ "Trends in Teen Pregnancy and Childbearing". U.S. Department of Health & Human Services. Retrieved July 23, 2015.
  23. ^ a b Benokraitis, N: Marriages & families, page 367. sixth edition, 2007
  24. ^ Gardner, Ralph (November 10, 2003). "Alpha Women, Beta Men – When wives are the family breadwinners". Nymag.com. Retrieved July 27, 2009.
  25. ^ a b Benokraitis, N: Marriages & families, page 328. sixth edition, 2007
  26. ^ . Census.gov. Archived from the original on November 18, 2003. Retrieved July 27, 2009.
  27. ^ a b . Acf.hhs.gov. Archived from the original on August 30, 2009. Retrieved July 28, 2009.
  28. ^ U.S. Census Bureau, Married-Couple and Unmarried-Partner Households: 2000 (February 2003)
  29. ^ Meezan, William and Rauch, Jonathan. Gay Marriage, Same-sex Parenting, and America's Children. The Future of Children Vol. 15 No. 2 Marriage and Child Wellbeing (Autumn 2005) p. 102
  30. ^ a b Hafford‐Letchfield, Trish; Cocker, Christine; Rutter, Deborah; Tinarwo, Moreblessing; McCormack, Keira; Manning, Rebecca (April 14, 2019). "What do we know about transgender parenting?: Findings from a systematic review". Health & Social Care in the Community. 27 (5): 1111–1125. doi:10.1111/hsc.12759. ISSN 0966-0410. PMID 30983067. S2CID 115199269.
  31. ^ thisisloyal.com, Loyal |. "Transgender Parenting". Williams Institute. Retrieved May 3, 2023.
  32. ^ Tornello, Samantha L.; Bos, Henny (April 1, 2017). "Parenting Intentions Among Transgender Individuals". LGBT Health. 4 (2): 115–120. doi:10.1089/lgbt.2016.0153. hdl:11245.1/42a0adb3-9668-4bcb-b3ae-c9fe184320fa. ISSN 2325-8292. PMID 28212056. S2CID 7938150.
  33. ^ a b Benokraitis, N: Marriages & families, page 20–21. sixth edition, 2007
  34. ^ a b c "Review of Qualification Requirements for Prospective Adoptive Parents – Agencies, Agency, Alcohol, A". Adopting.adoption.com. Retrieved July 28, 2009.
  35. ^ Fine, Mark A. Families in the United States: Their Current Status and Future Prospects. Family Relations vol. 41 (Oct 1992) p. 431
  36. ^ a b c . www.dol.gov. Archived from the original on January 20, 2017. Retrieved December 4, 2009.
  37. ^ Daniel P. Moynihan, The Negro Family: The Case for National Action, Washington, D.C., Office of Policy Planning and Research, U.S. Department of Labor, 1965.
  38. ^ National Review, April 4, 1994, p. 24.
  39. ^ "Blacks struggle with 72 percent unwed mothers rate", Jesse Washington, NBC News, July 11, 2010
  40. ^ "For Blacks, the Pyrrhic Victory of the Obama Era", Jason L. Riley, The Wall Street Journal, November 4, 2012
  41. ^ Kislev, Elyakim. (September 1, 2017). "Happiness, Post-materialist Values, and the Unmarried". Journal of Happiness Studies. 19 (8): 2243–2265. doi:10.1007/s10902-017-9921-7. ISSN 1573-7780. S2CID 148812711.
  42. ^ Marvin B. Sussman; Suzanne K. Steinmetz; Gary W. Peterson (2013). Handbook of Marriage and the Family. Springer. p. 209. ISBN 978-1-4757-5367-7.
  43. ^ Greenwood, Jeremy (2019). Evolving Households: The Imprint of Technology on Life. The MIT Press. ISBN 978-0-262-03923-9.
  44. ^ Kislev, Elyakim (2019). Happy Singlehood: The Rising Acceptance and Celebration of Solo Living. University of California Press.
  45. ^ Benokraitis, N: Marriages & families, page 7–8. sixth edition, 2007
  46. ^ Etuk, Lena. "How Family Structure has Changed". Oregon State University. Retrieved April 16, 2012.

Further reading edit

  • Aulette, Judith R. ed. Changing American Families (3rd ed. 2009)
  • Benokraitis, Nijole. Marriages and Families: Changes, Choices, and Constraints (9th ed 2018)
  • Bertocchi, Graziella, and Arcangelo Dimico. "Bitter sugar: Slavery and the Black family." (2020). online
  • Buchanan, Ann. "Brothers and sisters: Themes in myths, legends and histories from Europe and the New World." in Brothers and Sisters. (Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, 2021) pp. 69–86.
  • Ciabattari, Teresa. Sociology of Families: Change, Continuity, and Diversity (2021)
  • Campbell, D'Ann. Women at war with America: Private lives in a patriotic era (Harvard UP, 1984). online
  • Chambers, Deborah and Pablo Gracia. A Sociology of Family Life: Change and Diversity in Intimate Relations (2022)
  • Coontz, Stephanie. "'Leave It to Beaver' and 'Ozzie and Harriet': American Families in the 1950s." in Undoing Place? (Routledge, 2020) pp. 22–32.
  • Degler, Carl. At Odds: Women and the Family in America from the Revolution to the Present (1980).
  • Elder Jr, Glen H. "History and the family: The discovery of complexity." Journal of Marriage and the Family (1981): 489-519. online
  • Gutman, Herbert G. The Black family in slavery and freedom, 1750-1925 (Vintage, 1977).
  • Hareven, Tamara K. "The history of the family and the complexity of social change." American Historical Review 96.1 (1991): 95-124.
  • Hareven, Tamara K. "The home and the family in historical perspective." Social research (1991): 253-285.
  • Hareven, Tamara K., and Maris A. Vinovskis, eds. Family and population in 19th century America (Princeton University Press, 2015).
  • Hareven, Tamara K. "Family time and industrial time: family and work in a planned corporation town, 1900–1924." Journal of Urban History 1.3 (1975): 365-389.
  • Holmes, Amy E., and Maris A. Vinovskis. "Widowhood in Nineteenth-Century America." in The Changing American Family: Sociological And Demographic Perspectives (2019).
  • Jones, Jacqueline. Labor of love, labor of sorrow: Black women, work, and the family, from slavery to the present (Basic Books, 2009).
  • Mintz, Steven; Susan Kellogg (1989). Domestic Revolutions: A Social History of American Family Life. Simon and Schuster. ISBN 978-0-02-921291-2.
  • Mintz, Steven (1983). A Prison of Expectation: The Family in Victorian Culture. NYU Press. ISBN 978-0-8147-5388-0.
  • Mintz, Steven. "Children, Families and the State: American Family Law in Historical Perspective." Denver University Law Review 69 (1992): 635-661. online
  • Mintz, Steven. "Regulating the American family." Journal of Family History14.4 (1989): 387-408.
  • Peterson, Carla L. Black Gotham: A Family History of African Americans in Nineteenth-Century New York City (Yale University Press, 2011).
  • Sanders, Jeffrey C. Razing kids: youth, environment, and the postwar American West (Cambridge University Press, 2020).
  • Schneider, Norbert F., and Michaela Kreyenfeld. Research Handbook on the Sociology of the Family (2021)
  • Smith, Daniel Scott. " 'Early' Fertility Decline in America: a Problem in Family History." Journal of Family History 12.1-3 (1987): 73-84.
  • South, Scott J., and Stewart Tolnay. The changing American family: Sociological and demographic perspectives (Routledge, 2019).
  • Vinovskis, Maris A. "Family and schooling in colonial and nineteenth-century America." Journal of Family History 12.1-3 (1987): 19-37. online
  • Vinovskis, Maris A. "Historical perspectives on the development of the family and parent-child interactions." in Parenting across the life span (Routledge, 2017) pp. 295–312.
  • Wright, Bailey, and D. Nicole Farris. "Marriage Practices of North America." International Handbook on the Demography of Marriage and the Family (Springer, Cham, 2020) pp. 51–63.

External links edit

  • Single Parent Statistics
  • Same Sex Marriage, Civil Unions and Domestic Partnerships
  • The Dilemma of the Only Child
  • Stepfamily Statistics

family, united, states, american, family, redirects, here, other, uses, american, family, united, states, traditional, family, structure, considered, family, support, system, involving, married, individuals, providing, care, stability, their, biological, offsp. American family redirects here For other uses see American Family In the United States the traditional family structure is considered a family support system involving two married individuals providing care and stability for their biological offspring However this two parent heterosexual nuclear family has become less prevalent and nontraditional family forms have become more common 2 The family is created at birth and establishes ties across generations 3 Those generations the extended family of aunts and uncles grandparents and cousins can hold significant emotional and economic roles for the nuclear family An American family composed of the mother father children and extended familyThe out of wedlock birth rates by race in the United States from 1940 to 2014 The rate for African Americans is the purple line Data is from the National Vital Statistics System Reports published by the CDC National Center for Health Statistics Note Prior to 1969 African American illegitimacy was included along with other minority groups as Non White 1 Over time the structure has had to adapt to very influential changes including divorce and more single parent families teenage pregnancy and unwed mothers same sex marriage and increased interest in adoption Social movements such as the feminist movement and the stay at home father have contributed to the creation of alternative family forms generating new versions of the American family Contents 1 At a glance 1 1 Nuclear family 1 2 Single parent 1 3 Stepfamilies 1 4 Extended family 2 History 3 Roles and relationships 3 1 Married partners 3 2 Unwed partners 3 3 Parents 3 4 Housewives 3 5 Breadwinners 3 6 Stay at home dads 4 Children 4 1 Only child families 4 2 Childfree and childlessness 4 3 Adopted children 5 Modern family models 5 1 Same sex marriage adoption and child rearing 5 2 Transgender Parenting 5 3 Single parent households 5 4 Adoption requirements 5 5 Male female role pressures 6 African American family structure 7 Recent trends 8 Television portrayals 9 See also 10 References 11 Further reading 12 External linksAt a glance editSee also Sexuality in the United States Nuclear family edit Further information Nuclear family nbsp Singer Perry Como and his family at home c 1955 On the sofa are his older son Ronnie and wife Roselle In the chair with her doll is his daughter Terri and reading on the floor are son David and his dad nbsp Marriages Families amp Intimate Relationships 1970 2000The nuclear family has been considered the traditional family structure since the Soviet Union scare in the cold war of the 1950s The nuclear family consists of a mother father and the children The two parent nuclear family has become less prevalent and pre American and European family forms have become more common 2 Beginning in the 1970s in the United States the structure of the traditional nuclear American family began to change It was the women in the households that began to make this change They decided to begin careers outside of the home and not live according to the male figures in their lives 4 These include same sex relationships single parent households adopting individuals and extended family systems living together The nuclear family is also having fewer children than in the past 5 The percentage of nuclear family households is approximately half what it was at its peak in the middle of the 20th century 6 The percentage of married couple households with children under 18 but without other family members such as grandparents has declined to 23 5 of all households in 2000 from 25 6 in 1990 and from 45 in 1960 In November 2016 the Current Population Survey of the United States Census Bureau reported that 69 percent of children under the age of 18 lived with two parents which was a decline from 88 percent in 1960 7 Single parent edit Further information Single parents in the United States See also Teenage pregnancy nbsp Mother with her childrenA single parent also termed lone parent or sole parent is a parent who cares for one or more children without the assistance of the other biological parent Historically single parent families often resulted from death of a spouse for instance in childbirth This term is can be broken down into two types sole parent and co parent A sole parent is managing all of the responsibilities of child rearing on their own without financial or emotional assistance A sole parent can be a product of abandonment or death of the other parent or can be a single adoption or artificial insemination A co parent is someone who still gets some type of assistance with the child children Single parent homes are increasing as married couples divorce or as unmarried couples have children Although widely believed to be detrimental to the mental and physical well being of a child this type of household is tolerated 8 nbsp This figure illustrates the changing structure of families in the U S Only 7 of families in the U S in 2002 were traditional families in the sense that the husband worked and earned a sufficient income for the wife and kids to stay home Many families are now dual earner families The other group includes the many households that are headed by a single parent The percentage of single parent households has doubled in the last three decades but that percentage tripled between 1900 and 1950 9 The sense of marriage as a permanent institution has been weakened allowing individuals to consider leaving marriages more readily than they may have in the past 10 Increasingly single parent families are due to out of wedlock births especially those due to unintended pregnancy From 1960 to 2016 the percentage of U S children under 18 living with one parent increased from 9 percent 8 percent with mothers 1 percent with fathers to 27 percent 23 percent with mothers 4 percent with fathers 7 Stepfamilies edit Stepfamilies are becoming more familiar in America Divorce rates are rising and the remarriage rate is rising as well therefore bringing two families together making stepfamilies Statistics show that there are 1 300 new stepfamilies forming every day Over half of American families are remarried that is 75 of marriages ending in divorce remarry 11 Extended family edit Further information Extended family The extended family consists of grandparents aunts uncles and cousins In some circumstances the extended family comes to live either with or in place of a member of the nuclear family An example includes elderly parents who move in with their adult children due to old age This places large demands on the caregivers 12 Historically among certain Asian and Native American cultures the family structure consisted of a grandmother and her children especially daughters who raised their own children together and shared child care responsibilities Uncles brothers and other male relatives sometimes helped out Romantic relationships between men and women were formed and dissolved with little impact on the children who remained in the mother s extended family History editMain article History of the familyRoles and relationships editMarried partners edit Further information Marriage in the United States nbsp Saying grace before carving the turkey at Thanksgiving dinner in the home of Earle Landis in Neffsville PennsylvaniaA married couple was defined as a husband and wife enumerated as members of the same household by the U S Census Bureau 13 but they will be categorizing same sex couples as married couples if they are married Same sex couples who were married were previously recognized by the Census Bureau as unmarried partners 14 Same sex marriage is legally permitted across the country since June 26 2015 when the Supreme Court issued its decision in Obergefell v Hodges Polygamy is illegal throughout the U S 15 Although marriages of first cousins are illegal in many states they are legal in many other states the District of Columbia and some territories Some states have some restrictions or exceptions for cousin marriages and or recognize such marriages performed out of state Since the 1940s the United States marriage rate has decreased whereas rates of divorce have increased 16 Unwed partners edit See also Cohabitation in the United States Living as unwed partners is also known as cohabitation The number of heterosexual unmarried couples in the United States has increased tenfold from about 400 000 in 1960 to more than five million in 2005 17 This number would increase by at least another 594 000 if same sex partners were included 17 Of all unmarried couples about 1 in 9 11 1 of all unmarried partner households are homosexual 17 The cohabitation lifestyle is becoming more popular in today s generation 18 It is more convenient for couples not to get married because it can be cheaper and simpler As divorce rates rise in society the desire to get married is less attractive for couples uncertain of their long term plans 17 Parents edit nbsp A new father holds his child for the first time in Loretto Hospital New Ulm Minnesota Parents can be either the biological mother or biological father or the legal guardian for adopted children Traditionally mothers were responsible for raising the kids while the father was out providing financially for the family The age group for parents ranges from teenage parents to grandparents who have decided to raise their grandchildren with teenage pregnancies fluctuating based on race and culture 19 Older parents are financially established and generally have fewer problems raising children compared to their teenage counterparts 20 In 2013 the highest teenage birth rate was in Alabama and the lowest in Wyoming 21 22 Housewives edit Further information Housewife A housewife or homemaker is a married woman who is not employed outside the home to earn income but stays at home and takes care of the home and children This includes doing common chores such as cooking washing cleaning etc The roles of women working within the house have changed drastically as more women start to pursue careers The amount of time women spend doing housework declined from 27 hours per week in 1965 to less than 16 hours in 1995 but it is still substantially more housework than their male partners 23 Breadwinners edit Further information Breadwinner model A breadwinner is the main financial provider in the family Historically husbands in opposite sex couples have been breadwinners that trend is changing as wives start to take advantage of the women s movement to gain financial independence for themselves According to The New York Times In 2001 wives earned more than their spouses in almost a third of married households where the wife worked 24 Stay at home dads edit Further information Stay at home dad Stay at home dads or househusbands are fathers that do not participate in the workforce and stay at home to raise their children the male equivalent to housewives Stay at home dads are not as popular in American society 25 According to the U S Census Bureau There are an estimated 105 000 stay at home dads These are married fathers with children under fifteen years of age who are not in the workforce primarily so they can care for family members while their wives work for a living outside the home Stay at home dads care for 189 000 children 26 Children editSee also Family planning and Education in the United States Only child families edit An only child single child is a child without siblings Some evidence suggests that only children may perform better in school and in their careers than children with siblings 23 Childfree and childlessness edit Childfree couples choose to not have children These include young couples who plan to have children later as well as those who do not plan to have any children Involuntary childlessness may be caused by infertility medical problems death of a child or other factors Adopted children edit Adopted children are children that were given up at birth abandoned or were unable to be cared for by their biological parents They may have been put into foster care before finding their permanent residence It is particularly hard clarification needed for adopted children to get adopted from foster care 50 000 children were adopted in 2001 27 The average age of these children was 7 clarification needed which shows that fewer older children were adopted 27 Modern family models editSame sex marriage adoption and child rearing edit Further information Same sex marriage in the United States and Same sex adoption Same sex parents are gay lesbian or bisexual couples that choose to raise children Nationally 66 of female same sex couples and 44 of male same sex couples live with children under eighteen years old 25 In the 2000 United States Census there were 594 000 households that claimed to be headed by same sex couples with 72 of those having children 28 In July 2004 the American Psychological Association concluded that Overall results of research suggests that the development adjustment and well being of children with lesbian and gay and bisexual parents do not differ markedly from that of children with heterosexual parents 29 Transgender Parenting edit Many studies show that transgender peoples are equally committed to and invested in their families in comparison to other family structures However there are reasons for familial destruction when a trans person comes out as so This is most likely due to fear There is a lot of fear surrounding the transgender community and the negative stigma can lead to familial alienation 30 When looking at more specifically the trans parent child relationship we see that those who identify as transgender claim that their relationships to their children were overall good in nature The parent child relational reports among trans parents were primarily positive 31 While these statistics are positive transgender parenting does have some barriers Some include biological relatedness physical limitations or lack of legal protections Specifically with biological relatedness trans people felt as though it was nearly impossible to attain Hormonal treatments surgeries and the inability to use traditional methods all posed a challenge 32 All this to say transgender familial relationships were mostly good overall yet there were a few blockades It is also important to recognize that trans familial relationships and experiences in general are different from gay lesbian or bisexual experiences 30 Single parent households edit nbsp Single parents in the US over time from 1950 to 2020Single parent homes in America are increasingly common With more children being born to unmarried couples and to couples whose marriages subsequently dissolve more children live with just one parent The proportion of children living with a never married parent has grown from 4 in 1960 to 42 in 2001 33 Of all single parent families 83 are mother child families 33 Adoption requirements edit Further information Adoption in the United States The adoption requirements and policies for adopting children have made it harder for foster families and potential adoptive families to adopt Before a family can adopt they must go through the state county and agency criteria Adoption agencies criteria express the importance of age of the adoptive parents as well as the agency s desire for married couples over single adopters 34 Adoptive parents also have to deal with criteria that are given by the birth parents of the adoptive child The different criteria for adopting children makes it harder for couples to adopt children in need 34 but the strict requirements can help protect the foster children from unqualified couples 34 Currently 1 500 000 2 of all U S children are adopted There are different types of adoption embryo adoption when a couple is having trouble conceiving a child and instead choose to adopt an embryo that was created using another couple s sperm and egg conjoined outside the womb this often occurs with leftover embryos from another couple s successful IVF cycle international adoption where couples adopt children that come from foreign countries and private adoption which is the most common form of adoption In a private adoption families can adopt children via licensed agencies or by directly contacting the child s biological parents Male female role pressures edit Further information Gender role The traditional father and mother roles of the nuclear family have become blurred over time Because of the women s movement s push for women to engage in traditionally masculine pursuits in society as women choose to sacrifice their child bearing years to establish their careers and as fathers feel increasing pressure as well as desire to be involved with tending to children the traditional roles of fathers as the breadwinners and mothers as the caretakers have come into question 35 African American family structure editFurther information African American family structure The family structure of African Americans has long been a matter of national public policy interest 36 The 1965 report by Daniel Patrick Moynihan known as The Moynihan Report examined the link between black poverty and family structure 36 It hypothesized that the destruction of the Black nuclear family structure would hinder further progress toward economic and political equality 36 When Moynihan wrote in 1965 on the coming destruction of the Black family the out of wedlock birthrate was 25 amongst Blacks 37 In 1991 68 of Black children were born outside of marriage 38 In 2011 72 of Black babies were born to unwed mothers 39 40 Recent trends editPost materialist and postmodern values have become research topics related to the family 41 According to Judith Stacy in 1990 We are living I believe through a transitional and contested period of family history a period after the modern family order 42 As of 2019 there are more than 110 million single people in the United States More than 50 of the American adult population is single compared to 22 in 1950 Jeremy Greenwood Professor of economics at the University of Pennsylvania has explored how technological progress has affected the family In particular he discusses how technological advance has led to more married women working a decline in fertility an increase in the number of single households social change longer lifespans and a rise in the fraction of life spent in retirement 43 Sociologist Elyakim Kislev lists some of the major drivers for the decline in the family institution women s growing independence risk aversion in an age of divorce demanding careers rising levels of education individualism secularization popular media growing transnational mobility and urbanization processes 44 Television portrayals edit nbsp Cast of Modern Family at the 69th Golden Globe Awards in January 2012The television industry initially helped create a stereotype of the American nuclear family During the era of the baby boomers families became a popular social topic especially on television 45 Family shows such as Roseanne All in the Family Leave It to Beaver The Cosby Show Married with Children The Jeffersons Good Times and Everybody Loves Raymond have portrayed different social classes of families growing up in America Those perfect nuclear families have changed as the years passed and have become more inclusive showing single parent and divorced families as well as older singles 8 Television shows that show single parent families include Half amp Half One on One Murphy Brown and Gilmore Girls While it did not become a common occurrence the iconic image of the American family was started in the early 1930s It was not until WWII that families generally had the economic income in which to successfully propagate this lifestyle 46 See also editAnti miscegenation laws in the United States Divorce in the United States Polyamory in the United States Work family balance in the United StatesInternational Japanese family structureReferences edit Grove Robert D Hetzel Alice M 1968 Vital Statistics Rates in the United States 1940 1960 PDF Report Public Health Service Publication Vol 1677 U S Department of Health Education and Welfare U S Public Health Service National Center for Health Statistics p 185 Ventura Stephanie J Bachrach Christine A October 18 2000 Nonmarital Childbearing in the United States 1940 99 PDF Report National Vital Statistics Reports Vol 48 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention National Center for Health Statistics National Vital Statistics System pp 28 31 Martin Joyce A Hamilton Brady E Ventura Stephanie J Menacker Fay Park Melissa M February 12 2002 Births Final Data for 2000 PDF Report National Vital Statistics Reports Vol 50 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention National Center for Health Statistics National Vital Statistics System p 46 Martin Joyce A Hamilton Brady E Ventura Stephanie J Menacker Fay Park Melissa M Sutton Paul D December 18 2002 Births Final Data for 2001 PDF Report National Vital Statistics Reports Vol 51 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention National Center for Health Statistics National Vital Statistics System p 47 Martin Joyce A Hamilton Brady E Sutton Paul D Ventura Stephanie J Menacker Fay Munson Martha L December 17 2003 Births Final Data for 2002 PDF Report National Vital Statistics Reports Vol 52 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention National Center for Health Statistics National Vital Statistics System p 57 Martin Joyce A Hamilton Brady E Sutton Paul D Ventura Stephanie J Menacker Fay Munson Martha L September 8 2005 Births Final Data for 2003 PDF Report National Vital Statistics Reports Vol 54 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention National Center for Health Statistics National Vital Statistics System p 52 Martin Joyce A Hamilton Brady E Sutton Paul D Ventura Stephanie J Menacker Fay Kirmeyer Sharon September 29 2006 Births Final Data for 2004 PDF Report National Vital Statistics Reports Vol 55 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention National Center for Health Statistics National Vital Statistics System p 57 Martin Joyce A Hamilton Brady E Sutton Paul D Ventura Stephanie J Menacker Fay Kirmeyer Sharon Munson Martha L December 5 2007 Births Final Data for 2005 PDF Report National Vital Statistics Reports Vol 56 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention National Center for Health Statistics National Vital Statistics System p 57 Martin Joyce A Hamilton Brady E Sutton Paul D Ventura Stephanie J Menacker Fay Kirmeyer Sharon Mathews T J January 7 2009 Births Final Data for 2006 PDF Report National Vital Statistics Reports Vol 57 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention National Center for Health Statistics National Vital Statistics System p 54 Martin Joyce A Hamilton Brady E Sutton Paul D Ventura Stephanie J Mathews T J Kirmeyer Sharon Osterman Michelle J K August 9 2010 Births Final Data for 2007 PDF Report National Vital Statistics Reports Vol 58 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention National 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Census Bureau November 17 2016 Retrieved May 23 2021 a b Benokraitis N Marriages amp families page 7 sixth edition 2007 Benokraitis N Marriages amp families page 18 sixth edition 2007 Glenn N D 1987 Continuity versus change sanguineness versus concern Views of the American family in the late 1980s Journal of Family Issues 8 348 354 Stewart S D 2007 Brave New Stepfamilies Thousand Oaks Sage Brubaker T H 1990 Continuity and change in later life families Grandparenthood couple relationships and family caregiving Gerentology Review 3 24 40 Teachman Tedrow Crowder The Changing Demography of America s Families Journal of Marriage and the Family Vol 62 Nov 2000 p 1234 Census to change the way it counts gay married couples Washington Post Barbara Bradley Hagerty May 27 2008 Some Muslims in U S Quietly Engage in Polygamy National Public Radio All Things Considered Retrieved July 23 2009 Teachman Tedrow Crowder The Changing Demography of America s Families Journal of Marriage and the Family Vol 62 Nov 2000 p 1235 a b c d Benokraitis N Marriages amp families page 271 sixth edition 2007 Benokraitis N Marriages amp families page 275 sixth edition 2007 Benokraitis N Marriages amp families page 326 sixth edition 2007 Benokraitis N Marriages amp families pp 328 329 sixth edition 2007 Births Final Data for 2013 tables 2 3 PDF U S Department of Health amp Human Services Retrieved July 23 2015 Trends in Teen Pregnancy and Childbearing U S Department of Health amp Human Services Retrieved July 23 2015 a b Benokraitis N Marriages amp families page 367 sixth edition 2007 Gardner Ralph November 10 2003 Alpha Women Beta Men When wives are the family breadwinners Nymag com Retrieved July 27 2009 a b Benokraitis N Marriages amp families page 328 sixth edition 2007 US Census Press Releases Census gov Archived from the original on November 18 2003 Retrieved July 27 2009 a b Child s Finalization Age Grouped Acf hhs gov Archived from the original on August 30 2009 Retrieved July 28 2009 U S Census Bureau Married Couple and Unmarried Partner Households 2000 February 2003 Meezan William and Rauch Jonathan Gay Marriage Same sex Parenting and America s Children The Future of Children Vol 15 No 2 Marriage and Child Wellbeing Autumn 2005 p 102 a b Hafford Letchfield Trish Cocker Christine Rutter Deborah Tinarwo Moreblessing McCormack Keira Manning Rebecca April 14 2019 What do we know about transgender parenting Findings from a systematic review Health amp Social Care in the Community 27 5 1111 1125 doi 10 1111 hsc 12759 ISSN 0966 0410 PMID 30983067 S2CID 115199269 thisisloyal com Loyal Transgender Parenting Williams Institute Retrieved May 3 2023 Tornello Samantha L Bos Henny April 1 2017 Parenting Intentions Among Transgender Individuals LGBT Health 4 2 115 120 doi 10 1089 lgbt 2016 0153 hdl 11245 1 42a0adb3 9668 4bcb b3ae c9fe184320fa ISSN 2325 8292 PMID 28212056 S2CID 7938150 a b Benokraitis N Marriages amp families page 20 21 sixth edition 2007 a b c Review of Qualification Requirements for Prospective Adoptive Parents Agencies Agency Alcohol A Adopting adoption com Retrieved July 28 2009 Fine Mark A Families in the United States Their Current Status and Future Prospects Family Relations vol 41 Oct 1992 p 431 a b c U S Department of Labor History The Negro Family The Case for National Action www dol gov Archived from the original on January 20 2017 Retrieved December 4 2009 Daniel P Moynihan The Negro Family The Case for National Action Washington D C Office of Policy Planning and Research U S Department of Labor 1965 National Review April 4 1994 p 24 Blacks struggle with 72 percent unwed mothers rate Jesse Washington NBC News July 11 2010 For Blacks the Pyrrhic Victory of the Obama Era Jason L Riley The Wall Street Journal November 4 2012 Kislev Elyakim September 1 2017 Happiness Post materialist Values and the Unmarried Journal of Happiness Studies 19 8 2243 2265 doi 10 1007 s10902 017 9921 7 ISSN 1573 7780 S2CID 148812711 Marvin B Sussman Suzanne K Steinmetz Gary W Peterson 2013 Handbook of Marriage and the Family Springer p 209 ISBN 978 1 4757 5367 7 Greenwood Jeremy 2019 Evolving Households The Imprint of Technology on Life The MIT Press ISBN 978 0 262 03923 9 Kislev Elyakim 2019 Happy Singlehood The Rising Acceptance and Celebration of Solo Living University of California Press Benokraitis N Marriages amp families page 7 8 sixth edition 2007 Etuk Lena How Family Structure has Changed Oregon State University Retrieved April 16 2012 Further reading editFurther information History of the family Further reading Aulette Judith R ed Changing American Families 3rd ed 2009 Benokraitis Nijole Marriages and Families Changes Choices and Constraints 9th ed 2018 Bertocchi Graziella and Arcangelo Dimico Bitter sugar Slavery and the Black family 2020 online Buchanan Ann Brothers and sisters Themes in myths legends and histories from Europe and the New World in Brothers and Sisters Palgrave Macmillan Cham 2021 pp 69 86 Ciabattari Teresa Sociology of Families Change Continuity and Diversity 2021 Campbell D Ann Women at war with America Private lives in a patriotic era Harvard UP 1984 online Chambers Deborah and Pablo Gracia A Sociology of Family Life Change and Diversity in Intimate Relations 2022 Coontz Stephanie Leave It to Beaver and Ozzie and Harriet American Families in the 1950s in Undoing Place Routledge 2020 pp 22 32 Degler Carl At Odds Women and the Family in America from the Revolution to the Present 1980 Elder Jr Glen H History and the family The discovery of complexity Journal of Marriage and the Family 1981 489 519 online Gutman Herbert G The Black family in slavery and freedom 1750 1925 Vintage 1977 Hareven Tamara K The history of the family and the complexity of social change American Historical Review 96 1 1991 95 124 Hareven Tamara K The home and the family in historical perspective Social research 1991 253 285 Hareven Tamara K and Maris A Vinovskis eds Family and population in 19th century America Princeton University Press 2015 Hareven Tamara K Family time and industrial time family and work in a planned corporation town 1900 1924 Journal of Urban History 1 3 1975 365 389 Holmes Amy E and Maris A Vinovskis Widowhood in Nineteenth Century America in The Changing American Family Sociological And Demographic Perspectives 2019 Jones Jacqueline Labor of love labor of sorrow Black women work and the family from slavery to the present Basic Books 2009 Mintz Steven Susan Kellogg 1989 Domestic Revolutions A Social History of American Family Life Simon and Schuster ISBN 978 0 02 921291 2 Mintz Steven 1983 A Prison of Expectation The Family in Victorian Culture NYU Press ISBN 978 0 8147 5388 0 Mintz Steven Children Families and the State American Family Law in Historical Perspective Denver University Law Review 69 1992 635 661 online Mintz Steven Regulating the American family Journal of Family History14 4 1989 387 408 Peterson Carla L Black Gotham A Family History of African Americans in Nineteenth Century New York City Yale University Press 2011 Sanders Jeffrey C Razing kids youth environment and the postwar American West Cambridge University Press 2020 Schneider Norbert F and Michaela Kreyenfeld Research Handbook on the Sociology of the Family 2021 Smith Daniel Scott Early Fertility Decline in America a Problem in Family History Journal of Family History 12 1 3 1987 73 84 South Scott J and Stewart Tolnay The changing American family Sociological and demographic perspectives Routledge 2019 Vinovskis Maris A Family and schooling in colonial and nineteenth century America Journal of Family History 12 1 3 1987 19 37 online Vinovskis Maris A Historical perspectives on the development of the family and parent child interactions in Parenting across the life span Routledge 2017 pp 295 312 Wright Bailey and D Nicole Farris Marriage Practices of North America International Handbook on the Demography of Marriage and the Family Springer Cham 2020 pp 51 63 External links editSingle Parent Statistics Same Sex Marriage Civil Unions and Domestic Partnerships The Dilemma of the Only Child Adoption Statistics Stepfamily Statistics Retrieved from https en wikipedia org w index php title Family in the United States amp oldid 1190293621, wikipedia, wiki, book, books, library,


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