
Swing Riots

The Swing Riots were a widespread uprising in 1830 by agricultural workers in southern and eastern England in protest of agricultural mechanisation and harsh working conditions. The riots began with the destruction of threshing machines in the Elham Valley area of East Kent in the summer of 1830 and by early December had spread through the whole of southern England and East Anglia.[1] It was to be the largest movement of social unrest in 19th-century England.[2]

Horse-powered threshing machine

As well as attacking the popularly-hated threshing machines, which displaced workers, the protesters rioted over low wages and required tithes by destroying workhouses and tithe barns associated with their oppression. They also burned ricks and maimed cows.[1][3]

The rioters directed their anger at the three targets identified as causing their misery: the tithe system, requiring payments to support the established Anglican Church; the Poor Law guardians, who were thought to abuse their power over the poor; and the rich tenant farmers, who had been progressively lowering workers' wages and introduced agricultural machinery.[1] If captured, the protesters faced charges of arson, robbery, riot, machine-breaking and assault. Those convicted faced imprisonment, transportation and possibly execution.[4]

The Swing Riots had many immediate causes. The historian J. F. C. Harrison believed that they were overwhelmingly the result of the progressive impoverishment and dispossession of the English agricultural workforce over the previous fifty years leading up to 1830.[1] In Parliament, Lord Carnarvon had said that the English labourers were reduced to a plight more abject than that of any race in Europe, with their employers no longer able to feed and employ them.[5][6] A 2020 study found that the presence of threshing machines caused greater rioting and that the severity of the riots was lowest in areas with abundant employment alternatives and the highest in areas with few alternative employment opportunities.[7][8]

Name and etymology edit

The name "Swing Riots" was derived from Captain Swing, the name attributed to the fictitious, mythical figurehead of the movement.[9] The name was often used to sign threatening letters sent to farmers, magistrates, parsons and others. These were first mentioned by The Times on 21 October 1830.[10]

'Swing' was apparently a reference to the swinging stick of the flail used in hand threshing.

Background edit

Enclosure edit

Early 19th-century England was almost unique among major nations in having no class of landed smallholding peasantry.[11] The Enclosure Acts of rural England contributed to the plight of rural farmworkers. Between 1770 and 1830, about 6 million acres (24,000 km2) of common land were enclosed. The common land had been used for centuries by the poor of the countryside to graze their animals and grow their own produce. The land was now divided up among the large local landowners, leaving the landless farmworkers solely dependent upon working for their richer neighbours for a cash wage.[12] That may have offered a tolerable living during the boom years of the Napoleonic Era, when labour had been in short supply and corn prices high, the return of peace in 1815 resulted in plummeting grain prices and an oversupply of labour.[11] According to the social historians John and Barbara Hammond, enclosure was fatal to three classes: the small farmer, the cottager and the squatter.[13][14] Before enclosure, the cottager was a labourer with land; after enclosure, he was a labourer without land.[15]

In contrast to the Hammonds' 1911 analysis of the events, the historian G. E. Mingay noted that when the Swing Riots broke out in 1830, the heavily-enclosed Midlands remained almost entirely quiet, but the riots were concentrated in the southern and south-eastern counties, which were little affected by enclosure.[16] Some historians have posited that the reason was that in the West Midlands, for example, the rapid expansion of the Potteries and the coal and iron industries provided an alternative range of employment to agricultural workers.[17]

Critically, J. D. Chambers and G. E. Mingay suggested that the Hammonds exaggerated the costs of change, but enclosure really meant more food for the growing population; more land under cultivation and, on the balance, more employment in the countryside.[18] The modern historians of the riots, Eric Hobsbawm and George Rudé, cited only three of a total of 1,475 incidents as being directly caused by enclosure.[19] Since the late 20th century, those contentions have been challenged by a new class of recent historians.[20] Enclosure has been seen by some as causing the destruction of the traditional peasant way of life, however miserable:

"Enclosure dissipated the haze which surrounded rural poverty and left it nakedly visible as propertyless labour"

— Hobsbawm/Rude. Captain Swing p. 16

Landless peasants could no longer maintain an economic independence and so had to become labourers.[21] Surplus peasant labour moved into the towns to become industrial workers.[22]

Precarious employment edit

In the 1780s, workers would be employed at annual hiring fairs, or ‘mops’, to serve for the whole year. During that period, the worker would receive payment in kind and in cash from his employer, would often work at his side, and would commonly share meals at the employer's table. As time passed, the gulf between farmer and employee widened. Workers were hired on stricter cash-only contracts, which ran for increasingly shorter periods. First, monthly terms became the norm. Later, contracts were offered for as little as a week.[23] Between 1750 and 1850, farm labourers faced the loss of their land, the transformation of their contracts and the sharp deterioration of their economic situations. By the time of the 1830 riots, they had retained very little of their former status except the right to parish relief, under the Old Poor Law system.[24]

Additionally, there was an influx of Irish farm labourers in 1829, who had come to seek agricultural work which contributed to reduced employment opportunities for other farming communities.[25] Irish labourers would find themselves being threatened from the beginning of the riots the following year.[26]

Poor Laws edit

Historically, the monasteries had taken responsibility for the impotent poor, but after their dissolution in 1536 to 1539, responsibility passed to the parishes.[27] the Act of Settlement in 1662 had confined relief strictly to those who were natives of the parish. The poor law system charged a Parish Rate to landowners and tenants, which was used to provide relief payments to settled residents of the parish who were ill or out of work.[28] The payments were minimal, and at times, degrading conditions were required for their receipt.[1][27] As more and more people became dependent on parish relief, ratepayers rebelled ever more loudly against the costs, and lower and lower levels of relief were offered. Three "one-gallon" bread loaves a week were considered necessary for a man in Berkshire in 1795. However provision had fallen to just two similarly-sized loaves being provided in 1817 Wiltshire.[29] The way in which poor law funds were disbursed led to a further reduction in agricultural wages since farmers would pay their workers as little as possible in the knowledge that the parish fund would top up wages to a basic subsistence level (see Speenhamland system).[29][30]

Tithe System edit

To that mixture was added the burden of the church tithe. This was the church's right to a tenth of the parish harvest.[31] The tithe-owner could voluntarily reduce the financial burden on the parish either by allowing the parish to keep more of their share of the harvest. Or the tithe-owner could, again voluntarily, commute the tithe payments to a rental charge. The rioters had demanded that tithes should be reduced, but this demand was refused by many of the tithe-owners.[a][32]

Industrialisation edit

The final straw was the introduction of horse-powered threshing machines, which could do the work of many men.[1][33] They spread swiftly among the farming community and threatened the livelihoods of hundreds of thousands of farmworkers.[33] Following the terrible harvests of 1828 and 1829, farm labourers faced the approaching winter of 1830 with dread.[1]

Riots edit

A letter threatening to burn Corpus Christi College, Cambridge, sent in 1830 and signed "Swing".

Starting in the south-eastern county of Kent, the Swing Rioters smashed the threshing machines and threatened farmers who owned them.[34] The first threshing machine to be destroyed was during Saturday night, 28 August 1830 at Lower Hardres.[35] By the third week of October, more than 100 threshing machines had been destroyed in East Kent.[1][3] The riots spread rapidly and systematically - following pre-existing road networks[36] - through the southern counties of Surrey, Sussex, Middlesex and Hampshire before they spread north into the Home Counties, the Midlands and East Anglia.[5] Originally, the disturbances were thought to be mainly a southern and East Anglian phenomenon, but subsequent research has revealed just how widespread Swing riots really were, with almost every county south of the Scottish border involved.[37]

In all, sixty percent of the disturbances were concentrated in the south (Berkshire 165 incidents, Hampshire 208, Kent 154, Sussex 145, Wiltshire 208); East Anglia had fewer incidents (Cambridge 17, Norfolk 88, Suffolk 40); and the Southwest, the Midlands and the North were only marginally affected.[38]

Tactics edit

The tactics varied from county to county, but typically, threatening letters, often signed by Captain Swing, would be sent to magistrates, parsons, wealthy farmers or Poor Law guardians in the area.[39] The letters would call for a rise in wages, a cut in the tithe payments and the destruction of threshing machines, or people would take matters into their own hands.[39] If the warnings were not heeded local farm workers would gather, often in groups of 200 to 400, and would threaten the local oligarchs with dire consequences if their demands were not met.[39] Threshing machines would be broken, workhouses and tithe barns would be attacked and the rioters would then disperse or move on to the next village.[39] The buildings containing the engines that powered the threshing machines were also a target of the rioters and many gin gangs, also known as horse engine houses or wheelhouses, were destroyed, particularly in south−eastern England.[40] There are also recorded instances of carriages being held up and their occupants robbed.[41]

Other actions included incendiary attacks on farms, barns and hayricks in the dead of night, when it was easier to avoid detection.[39] Although many of the actions of the rioters, such as arson, were conducted in secret at night, meetings with farmers and overseers about the grievances were conducted in daylight.[1]

Despite the prevalence of the slogan "Bread or Blood", only one person is recorded as having been killed during the riots, which was one of the rioters by the action of a soldier or farmer.[1] The rioters' only intent was to damage property.[39] Similar patterns of disturbances and their rapid spread across the country were often blamed on agitators or on "agents" sent from France, where the revolution of July 1830 had broken out a month before the Swing Riots had begun in Kent.[42]

Despite all of the different tactics used by the agricultural workers during the unrest, their principal aims were simply to attain a minimum living wage and to end rural unemployment.[39]

A 2021 study that examined how information and diffusion shaped the riots found "that information about the riots traveled through personal and trade networks but not through transport or mass media networks. This information was not about repression, and local organizers played an important role in the diffusion of the riots".[43]

Aftermath edit

Trials edit

The landowning class in England felt severely threatened by the riots and responded with harsh punitive measures.[1] Nearly 2,000 protesters were brought to trial in 1830–1831;[1] 252 were sentenced to death (though only 19 were actually hanged), 644 were imprisoned and 481 were transported to penal colonies in Australia.[1][44] Not all rioters were farm workers since the list of those punished included rural artisans, shoemakers, carpenters, wheelwrights, blacksmiths and cobblers.[1] One of those hanged was reported to have been charged only because he had knocked the hat off the head of a member of the Baring banking family.[45] Many of the protesters who were transported had their sentences remitted in 1835.[45]

Social, economic and political reform edit

Charles Grey, 2nd Earl Grey

Eventually, the farmers agreed to raise wages, and the parsons and some landlords reduced the tithes and rents. However, many farmers reneged on the agreements, and the unrest increased.[4]

Many people advocated political reform as the only solution to the unrest, one of them being the radical politician and writer William Cobbett. The authorities had received many requests to prosecute him for the speeches that he had made in defence of the rural labourer, but it was for his articles in the Political Register that he was eventually charged with seditious libel.[5][46] He wrote an article, The Rural War, about the Swing Riots. He blamed those in society who lived off unearned income at the expense of hard-working agricultural labourers; his solution was parliamentary reform.[47][48] During his trial in July 1831 at the Guildhall, he subpoenaed six members of the cabinet, including the prime minister.[5] Cobbett defended himself by going on the attack. He tried to ask the government ministers awkward questions supporting his case, but they were disallowed by the Lord Chief Justice. However, he was able to discredit the prosecution's case, and at great embarrassment to the government, he was acquitted.[5]

A major concern was that the Swing Riots could spark a larger revolt. That was reinforced by the 29 July 1830 revolution in France, which overthrew Charles X, and the independence of Belgium from the Netherlands later in 1830. The support for parliamentary reform was on party lines, with the Tories against reform and the Whigs having proposed changes well before the Swing riots. The farm labourers who were involved in the disturbances did not have a vote, but it is probable that the largely landowning classes, who could vote, were influenced by the Swing Riots to support reform.[36]

Lord Melbourne - Home Secretary of Earl Grey's Whig government

Earl Grey, during a House of Lords debate in November 1830, suggested the best way to reduce the violence was to introduce reform of the House of Commons.[49] The Tory Prime Minister, the Duke of Wellington, replied that the existing constitution was so perfect that he could not imagine any possible alternative that would be an improvement.[50] When that was reported, a mob attacked Wellington's home in London.[51] The unrest had been confined to Kent, but during the following two weeks of November, it escalated massively by crossing East and West Sussex into Hampshire, with Swing letters appearing in other nearby counties.[52]

On 15 November 1830, Wellington's government was defeated by a vote in the House of Commons. Two days later, Earl Grey was asked to form a Whig government.[51][53] Grey assigned a cabinet committee to produce a plan for parliamentary reform.[53] Lord Melbourne became Home Secretary in the new government. He blamed local magistrates for being too lenient, and the government appointed a Special Commission of three judges to try rioters in the counties of Berkshire, Buckinghamshire, Dorset, Wiltshire and Hampshire.[11]

Parliamentary Acts edit

The riots were a major influence on the Whig government. They added to the strong social, political and agricultural unrest throughout Britain in the 1830s, encouraging a wider demand for political reform, culminating in the introduction of the Great Reform Act, 1832. The act was the first of several reforms that over the course of a century transformed the British political system from one based on privilege and corruption to one based on universal suffrage and the secret ballot. In domestic elections before the Great Reform Act of 1832, only about three per cent of the English population could vote. Most constituencies had been founded in the Middle Ages and so the newly-industrial northern England had virtually no representation. Those who could vote were mainly the large landowners and wealthy commoners.[4][5][36]

The Great Reform Act was followed by the Poor Law Amendment Act 1834, ending "outdoor relief" in cash or kind and setting up a chain of designedly unwholesome workhouses covering larger areas across the country to which the poor had to go if they wanted help.[54]

See also edit

Notes edit

Citations edit

  1. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n Harrison, J. F. C. (John Fletcher Clews) (1985). The common people of Great Britain : a history from the Norman Conquest to the present (1st Midland book ed.). Bloomington: Indiana University Press. pp. 249–253. ISBN 0-253-20357-0. OCLC 11443785.
  2. ^ Aidt, Toke; Leon-Ablan, Gabriel; Satchell, Max (1 January 2022). "The Social Dynamics of Collective Action: Evidence from the Diffusion of the Swing Riots, 1830–1831". The Journal of Politics. 84 (1): 209–225. doi:10.1086/714784. ISSN 0022-3816.
  3. ^ a b "1830 Agricultural "Swing" Riots". Hungerford Virtual Museum. 25 March 2018. Retrieved 22 May 2020.
  4. ^ a b c Andrew Charlesworth, Brian Short and Roger Wells. "Riots and Unrest", in Kim Leslie, An Historical Atlas of Sussex, pp. 74–75
  5. ^ a b c d e f Hammond. The Village Labourer 1760–1832. Ch XI. "The Last Labourers' Revolt"
  6. ^ Hansard. House of Lords Debate 22 November 1830, vol 1 Column. 617
  7. ^ Caprettini, Bruno; Voth, Hans-Joachim (2020). "Rage against the Machines: Labor-Saving Technology and Unrest in Industrializing England". American Economic Review: Insights. 2 (3): 305–320. doi:10.1257/aeri.20190385.
  8. ^ "Kill the machines". www.aeaweb.org. Retrieved 8 September 2020.
  9. ^ Horspool. The English Rebel. pp.339–340
  10. ^ The Times, Thursday, 21 October 1830; p. 3; Issue 14363; col C
  11. ^ a b c Coffin. The Dorset Page. "Captain Swing in Dorset".
  12. ^ Hammond. The Agricultural Labourer 1760–1832. Chapter III "Enclosure"
  13. ^ Hammond. The Village Labourer, 1760–1832. p. 97
  14. ^ Elmes. Architectural Jurisprudence. Title LXVI. pp. 178–179. Definition of a cottage is a small house for habitation without land. Under an Elizabeth I statute, they had to be built with at least 4 acres (16,000 m2) of land. Thus, a cottager is someone who lives in a cottage with a smallholding of land
  15. ^ Hammond. The Village Labourer, 1760–1832. p. 100
  16. ^ G. E. Mingay, Parliamentary Enclosure in England: An Introduction to Its Causes, Incidence and Impact, 1750-1850, (1997) pp.17-19
  17. ^ RICHARDS, ERIC. “‘CAPTAIN SWING’ IN THE WEST MIDLANDS.” International Review of Social History, vol. 19, no. 1, 1974, pp. 86–99. JSTOR, www.jstor.org/stable/44581713. Accessed 12 Nov. 2020.
  18. ^ Chambers and Mingay. Agricultural Revolution. p. 104
  19. ^ E. J. Hobsbawm & G Rudé, Captain Swing (1969), appendix 1
  20. ^ J.M. Neeson. Commoners: Common Right, Enclosure: and Social Change in England, 1700-1820. p. 223
  21. ^ Hobsbawm/Rude. Captain Swing p. 16
  22. ^ Moore. Social Origins of Dictatorship and Democracy: Lord and Peasant in the Making of the Modern World pp. 29–30
  23. ^ Hobsbawm/Rude. Captain Swing. pp. 18–33
  24. ^ Hobsbawm/Rude. Captain Swing. pp. xxi–xxii
  25. ^ Archives, The National. "The National Archives - Homepage". The National Archives. Retrieved 31 October 2023.
  26. ^ Griffin, C. J. (1 November 2010). "The Violent Captain Swing?". Past & Present. 209 (1): 149–180. doi:10.1093/pastj/gtq035. ISSN 0031-2746.
  27. ^ a b Friar. Sutton Local History. pp. 324–325
  28. ^ Hobsbawm/Rude. Captain Swing. p. 29
  29. ^ a b Hammonds. The Village Labourer. pp. 183–185
  30. ^ Friar. Sutton Companion to Local History. pp. 324–325
  31. ^ Hobsbawm/Rude. Captain Swing. pp. 14–15
  32. ^ a b Lee. Rural Society and the Anglican Clergy 1815–1914. pp. 75–78
  33. ^ a b Hobsbawm/Rude. Captain Swing. Appendix IV
  34. ^ Hobsbawm/Rude. Captain Swing. p. 71
  35. ^ Hobsbawm, Eric; Rudé, George (2014). Captain Swing. Verso Books.
  36. ^ a b c Aidt and Franck. Democratization. pp. 505–547
  37. ^ John Beckett "Swing riots" The Oxford Companion to British History. Oxford Reference Online.
  38. ^ Armstrong. Farmworkers: A Social and Economic History, 1770–1980. p. 75 and Table 3.1
  39. ^ a b c d e f g Hobsbawm/Rude. Captain Swing. Ch. 10
  40. ^ Hutton. The distribution of wheelhouses in Britain. pp. 30–35
  41. ^ Holland, Michael (November 2004). "SWING REVISITED: THE SWING PROJECT". Family & Community History. 7 (2): 87–100. doi:10.1179/fch.2004.7.2.002. ISSN 1463-1180.
  42. ^ Smith. One Monday in November... And Beyond. p.16.
  43. ^ Aidt, Toke; Leon-Ablan, Gabriel; Satchell, Max (2021). "The Social Dynamics of Collective Action: Evidence from the Diffusion of the Swing Riots, 1830–1831". The Journal of Politics. 84: 000. doi:10.1086/714784. ISSN 0022-3816. S2CID 229531748.
  44. ^ Brian T. Robson. The Saviour City: Beneficial effects of urbanization in England and Wales in Douglas. Companion Encyclopedia of Geography: The Environment and Humankind. p. 297
  45. ^ a b Rodney Mace (1999). British Trade Union Posters: An Illustrated History. Sutton Publishing. pp. 14–15. ISBN 0750921587.
  46. ^ Hansard.COBBETT'S REGISTER— INFLAMMATORY PUBLICATIONS, Debate.HC Deb 23 December 1830 vol 2 cc71-81
  47. ^ Dyck. William Cobbett and Rural Popular Culture. Ch. 7
  48. ^ Cobbet. "The Rural War" in Cobbett's Political Register. Vol. 37.
  49. ^ Hansard. ADDRESS IS ANSWER TO THE SPEECH. Debate 2 November 1830 vol 1 cc37-38
  50. ^ Hansard. ADDRESS IS ANSWER TO THE SPEECH. Debate 2 November 1830 vol 1 cc52-53
  51. ^ a b Gash, 'Wellesley, Arthur, first duke of Wellington (1769–1852)'
  52. ^ Charlesworth.'Social protest in a rural society'. p. 35
  53. ^ a b Mandler, 'Lamb, William, second Viscount Melbourne (1779–1848)'
  54. ^ Green. Pauper London p.13

References edit

  • Aidt, T. S.; Franck, R (2015). "Democratization Under the Threat of Revolution: Evidence from the Great Reform Act of 1832". Econometrica. 83 (2): 505–547. doi:10.3982/ECTA11484. JSTOR 43616944.
  • Armstrong, Alan (1988). Farmworkers in England and Wales: A Social and Economic History, 1770–1980. Iowa State. ISBN 0-8138-0002-1.
  • Beckett, John; Cannon, John Ed (2009). Swing riots in The Oxford Companion to British History. Oxford University Press, Oxford Reference Online. Oxford University Press. West Sussex County Library Service. ISBN 9780199567638. Retrieved 10 July 2011.
  • Chambers, Jonathan David; Mingay, Gordon E. (1969). The Agricultural Revolution, 1750-1880. Batsford Ltd. ISBN 0-7134-1358-1.
  • Charlesworth, Andrew (1979). Historical Geography Research Series: Issue 1: Social Protest in a Rural Society: The Spatial Diffusion of the Captain Swing Disturbances of 1830–1831. London: HGRG.
  • Charlesworth, Andrew; Short, Brian; Wells, Roger (2010). "Riots and Unrest". In Leslie, Kim (ed.). An Historical Atlas of Sussex. Short, Brian, ed. Sussex: Phillimore. ISBN 978-1-8607-7112-5.
  • Coffin, Cyril. . The Dorset Page. Archived from the original on 16 April 2018. Retrieved 7 July 2011.
  • Douglas, Ian; et al., eds. (2002). Companion Encyclopedia of Geography: The Environment and Humankind. Taylor & Francis. ISBN 978-0-415-27750-1.
  • Dyck, Ian (1992). William Cobbett and Rural Popular Culture. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 0-5214-1394-X.
  • Elmes, James (1827). On Architectural Jurisprudence; in which the Constitutions, Canons, Laws and Customs etc. London: W.Benning.
  • Fox, Norman E. (1995). Berkshire to Botany Bay : the 1830 labourers' revolt in Berkshire : its causes and consequences. Newbury: Littlefield Pub. ISBN 0-9526661-0-3. OCLC 50783074.
  • Friar, Stephen (2004). The Sutton Companion to Local History. Sparkford, England: Sutton. ISBN 0-7509-2723-2.
  • Gash, Norman (2004). "Wellesley, Arthur, first duke of Wellington (1769–1852)". Oxford Dictionary of National Biography (online ed.). Oxford University Press. doi:10.1093/ref:odnb/29001. Retrieved 12 August 2011. (Subscription or UK public library membership required.)
  • Green, David (2010). Pauper Capital: London and the Poor Law, 1790–1870. London: Ashgate. ISBN 978-0-7546-3008-1.
  • Hammond, J L; Barbara Hammond (1912). The Village Labourer 1760–1832. London: Longman Green & Co.
  • "Hansard. ADDRESS IS ANSWER TO THE SPEECH. Debate vol 1 column 11–53". Parliamentary Debates (Hansard). 2 November 1830. Retrieved 12 August 2011.
  • "Hansard. MINISTERIAL DECLARATIONS: House of Lords Debate. vol 1 column 604–618". Parliamentary Debates (Hansard). 22 November 1830. Retrieved 17 July 2011.
  • "Hansard. COBBETT'S REGISTER— INFLAMMATORY PUBLICATIONS.HC Deb vol 2 cc71-81". Parliamentary Debates (Hansard). 23 December 1830. Retrieved 1 July 2013.
  • Harrison, L F C (1989). The Common People, a History from the Norman Conquest to the Present. Glasgow: Fontana. ISBN 0-0068-6163-6.
  • Hobsbawm, Eric; Rudé, George (1973). Captain Swing: A Social History of the Great English Agricultural Uprising of 1830. New York: W. W. Norton & Company, Inc.
  • Horspool, David (2009). The English Rebel: One Thousand Years of Troublemaking, from the Normans to the Nineties. London: Penguin. ISBN 978-0-670-91619-1.
  • "Agricultural Swing Riots 1830". Hungerford Virtual Museum. Retrieved 8 July 2011.
  • Hutton, Kenneth (1976). (PDF). Agricultural History Review. British Agricultural History Society. 24 (1). Archived from the original (PDF) on 17 August 2016. Retrieved 11 April 2010.
  • Lee, Robert (2006). Rural Society and the Anglican Clergy 1815–1914. Woodbridge: Boydell. ISBN 1-84383-202-X.
  • Mandler, Peter. "Lamb, William, second Viscount Melbourne (1779–1848)". Oxford Dictionary of National Biography (online ed.). Oxford University Press. doi:10.1093/ref:odnb/15920. Retrieved 12 August 2011. (Subscription or UK public library membership required.)
  • Mingay, G. E. (1997). Parliamentary Enclosure in England: An Introduction to Its Causes, Incidence and Impact, 1750-1850. London: Longman. ISBN 0-5822-5726-3.
  • Moore, Barrington (1993). Social Origins of dictatorship and Democracy: Lord and Peasant in the making of the modern world. Boston: Beacon Press. ISBN 0-8070-5073-3.
  • Neeson, J. M. (1996). Commoners: Common Right, Enclosure: and Social Change in England, 1700-1820. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 0-5215-6774-2.
  • Smith, John Owen (2002). One Monday in November... And Beyond: The Story of the Selborne and Headley Workhouse Riots of 1830... And Their Aftermath. Published by Author. ISBN 1-873855-33-8.

External links edit

  • John Owen Smith, "Headley & Selborne workhouse riot of 1830"
  • "The Captain Swing rebellion in Sussex"
  • Captain Swing Reconsidered. Papers published in Southern History vol.32 (2010)[1]

swing, riots, were, widespread, uprising, 1830, agricultural, workers, southern, eastern, england, protest, agricultural, mechanisation, harsh, working, conditions, riots, began, with, destruction, threshing, machines, elham, valley, area, east, kent, summer, . The Swing Riots were a widespread uprising in 1830 by agricultural workers in southern and eastern England in protest of agricultural mechanisation and harsh working conditions The riots began with the destruction of threshing machines in the Elham Valley area of East Kent in the summer of 1830 and by early December had spread through the whole of southern England and East Anglia 1 It was to be the largest movement of social unrest in 19th century England 2 Horse powered threshing machineAs well as attacking the popularly hated threshing machines which displaced workers the protesters rioted over low wages and required tithes by destroying workhouses and tithe barns associated with their oppression They also burned ricks and maimed cows 1 3 The rioters directed their anger at the three targets identified as causing their misery the tithe system requiring payments to support the established Anglican Church the Poor Law guardians who were thought to abuse their power over the poor and the rich tenant farmers who had been progressively lowering workers wages and introduced agricultural machinery 1 If captured the protesters faced charges of arson robbery riot machine breaking and assault Those convicted faced imprisonment transportation and possibly execution 4 The Swing Riots had many immediate causes The historian J F C Harrison believed that they were overwhelmingly the result of the progressive impoverishment and dispossession of the English agricultural workforce over the previous fifty years leading up to 1830 1 In Parliament Lord Carnarvon had said that the English labourers were reduced to a plight more abject than that of any race in Europe with their employers no longer able to feed and employ them 5 6 A 2020 study found that the presence of threshing machines caused greater rioting and that the severity of the riots was lowest in areas with abundant employment alternatives and the highest in areas with few alternative employment opportunities 7 8 Contents 1 Name and etymology 2 Background 2 1 Enclosure 2 2 Precarious employment 2 3 Poor Laws 2 4 Tithe System 2 5 Industrialisation 3 Riots 3 1 Tactics 4 Aftermath 4 1 Trials 4 2 Social economic and political reform 4 2 1 Parliamentary Acts 5 See also 6 Notes 7 Citations 8 References 9 External linksName and etymology editThe name Swing Riots was derived from Captain Swing the name attributed to the fictitious mythical figurehead of the movement 9 The name was often used to sign threatening letters sent to farmers magistrates parsons and others These were first mentioned by The Times on 21 October 1830 10 Swing was apparently a reference to the swinging stick of the flail used in hand threshing Background editEnclosure edit Early 19th century England was almost unique among major nations in having no class of landed smallholding peasantry 11 The Enclosure Acts of rural England contributed to the plight of rural farmworkers Between 1770 and 1830 about 6 million acres 24 000 km2 of common land were enclosed The common land had been used for centuries by the poor of the countryside to graze their animals and grow their own produce The land was now divided up among the large local landowners leaving the landless farmworkers solely dependent upon working for their richer neighbours for a cash wage 12 That may have offered a tolerable living during the boom years of the Napoleonic Era when labour had been in short supply and corn prices high the return of peace in 1815 resulted in plummeting grain prices and an oversupply of labour 11 According to the social historians John and Barbara Hammond enclosure was fatal to three classes the small farmer the cottager and the squatter 13 14 Before enclosure the cottager was a labourer with land after enclosure he was a labourer without land 15 In contrast to the Hammonds 1911 analysis of the events the historian G E Mingay noted that when the Swing Riots broke out in 1830 the heavily enclosed Midlands remained almost entirely quiet but the riots were concentrated in the southern and south eastern counties which were little affected by enclosure 16 Some historians have posited that the reason was that in the West Midlands for example the rapid expansion of the Potteries and the coal and iron industries provided an alternative range of employment to agricultural workers 17 Critically J D Chambers and G E Mingay suggested that the Hammonds exaggerated the costs of change but enclosure really meant more food for the growing population more land under cultivation and on the balance more employment in the countryside 18 The modern historians of the riots Eric Hobsbawm and George Rude cited only three of a total of 1 475 incidents as being directly caused by enclosure 19 Since the late 20th century those contentions have been challenged by a new class of recent historians 20 Enclosure has been seen by some as causing the destruction of the traditional peasant way of life however miserable Enclosure dissipated the haze which surrounded rural poverty and left it nakedly visible as propertyless labour Hobsbawm Rude Captain Swing p 16 Landless peasants could no longer maintain an economic independence and so had to become labourers 21 Surplus peasant labour moved into the towns to become industrial workers 22 Precarious employment edit In the 1780s workers would be employed at annual hiring fairs or mops to serve for the whole year During that period the worker would receive payment in kind and in cash from his employer would often work at his side and would commonly share meals at the employer s table As time passed the gulf between farmer and employee widened Workers were hired on stricter cash only contracts which ran for increasingly shorter periods First monthly terms became the norm Later contracts were offered for as little as a week 23 Between 1750 and 1850 farm labourers faced the loss of their land the transformation of their contracts and the sharp deterioration of their economic situations By the time of the 1830 riots they had retained very little of their former status except the right to parish relief under the Old Poor Law system 24 Additionally there was an influx of Irish farm labourers in 1829 who had come to seek agricultural work which contributed to reduced employment opportunities for other farming communities 25 Irish labourers would find themselves being threatened from the beginning of the riots the following year 26 Poor Laws edit Historically the monasteries had taken responsibility for the impotent poor but after their dissolution in 1536 to 1539 responsibility passed to the parishes 27 the Act of Settlement in 1662 had confined relief strictly to those who were natives of the parish The poor law system charged a Parish Rate to landowners and tenants which was used to provide relief payments to settled residents of the parish who were ill or out of work 28 The payments were minimal and at times degrading conditions were required for their receipt 1 27 As more and more people became dependent on parish relief ratepayers rebelled ever more loudly against the costs and lower and lower levels of relief were offered Three one gallon bread loaves a week were considered necessary for a man in Berkshire in 1795 However provision had fallen to just two similarly sized loaves being provided in 1817 Wiltshire 29 The way in which poor law funds were disbursed led to a further reduction in agricultural wages since farmers would pay their workers as little as possible in the knowledge that the parish fund would top up wages to a basic subsistence level see Speenhamland system 29 30 Tithe System edit To that mixture was added the burden of the church tithe This was the church s right to a tenth of the parish harvest 31 The tithe owner could voluntarily reduce the financial burden on the parish either by allowing the parish to keep more of their share of the harvest Or the tithe owner could again voluntarily commute the tithe payments to a rental charge The rioters had demanded that tithes should be reduced but this demand was refused by many of the tithe owners a 32 Industrialisation edit The final straw was the introduction of horse powered threshing machines which could do the work of many men 1 33 They spread swiftly among the farming community and threatened the livelihoods of hundreds of thousands of farmworkers 33 Following the terrible harvests of 1828 and 1829 farm labourers faced the approaching winter of 1830 with dread 1 Riots edit nbsp A letter threatening to burn Corpus Christi College Cambridge sent in 1830 and signed Swing Starting in the south eastern county of Kent the Swing Rioters smashed the threshing machines and threatened farmers who owned them 34 The first threshing machine to be destroyed was during Saturday night 28 August 1830 at Lower Hardres 35 By the third week of October more than 100 threshing machines had been destroyed in East Kent 1 3 The riots spread rapidly and systematically following pre existing road networks 36 through the southern counties of Surrey Sussex Middlesex and Hampshire before they spread north into the Home Counties the Midlands and East Anglia 5 Originally the disturbances were thought to be mainly a southern and East Anglian phenomenon but subsequent research has revealed just how widespread Swing riots really were with almost every county south of the Scottish border involved 37 In all sixty percent of the disturbances were concentrated in the south Berkshire 165 incidents Hampshire 208 Kent 154 Sussex 145 Wiltshire 208 East Anglia had fewer incidents Cambridge 17 Norfolk 88 Suffolk 40 and the Southwest the Midlands and the North were only marginally affected 38 Tactics edit The tactics varied from county to county but typically threatening letters often signed by Captain Swing would be sent to magistrates parsons wealthy farmers or Poor Law guardians in the area 39 The letters would call for a rise in wages a cut in the tithe payments and the destruction of threshing machines or people would take matters into their own hands 39 If the warnings were not heeded local farm workers would gather often in groups of 200 to 400 and would threaten the local oligarchs with dire consequences if their demands were not met 39 Threshing machines would be broken workhouses and tithe barns would be attacked and the rioters would then disperse or move on to the next village 39 The buildings containing the engines that powered the threshing machines were also a target of the rioters and many gin gangs also known as horse engine houses or wheelhouses were destroyed particularly in south eastern England 40 There are also recorded instances of carriages being held up and their occupants robbed 41 Other actions included incendiary attacks on farms barns and hayricks in the dead of night when it was easier to avoid detection 39 Although many of the actions of the rioters such as arson were conducted in secret at night meetings with farmers and overseers about the grievances were conducted in daylight 1 Despite the prevalence of the slogan Bread or Blood only one person is recorded as having been killed during the riots which was one of the rioters by the action of a soldier or farmer 1 The rioters only intent was to damage property 39 Similar patterns of disturbances and their rapid spread across the country were often blamed on agitators or on agents sent from France where the revolution of July 1830 had broken out a month before the Swing Riots had begun in Kent 42 Despite all of the different tactics used by the agricultural workers during the unrest their principal aims were simply to attain a minimum living wage and to end rural unemployment 39 A 2021 study that examined how information and diffusion shaped the riots found that information about the riots traveled through personal and trade networks but not through transport or mass media networks This information was not about repression and local organizers played an important role in the diffusion of the riots 43 Aftermath editTrials edit The landowning class in England felt severely threatened by the riots and responded with harsh punitive measures 1 Nearly 2 000 protesters were brought to trial in 1830 1831 1 252 were sentenced to death though only 19 were actually hanged 644 were imprisoned and 481 were transported to penal colonies in Australia 1 44 Not all rioters were farm workers since the list of those punished included rural artisans shoemakers carpenters wheelwrights blacksmiths and cobblers 1 One of those hanged was reported to have been charged only because he had knocked the hat off the head of a member of the Baring banking family 45 Many of the protesters who were transported had their sentences remitted in 1835 45 Social economic and political reform edit nbsp Charles Grey 2nd Earl GreyEventually the farmers agreed to raise wages and the parsons and some landlords reduced the tithes and rents However many farmers reneged on the agreements and the unrest increased 4 Many people advocated political reform as the only solution to the unrest one of them being the radical politician and writer William Cobbett The authorities had received many requests to prosecute him for the speeches that he had made in defence of the rural labourer but it was for his articles in the Political Register that he was eventually charged with seditious libel 5 46 He wrote an article The Rural War about the Swing Riots He blamed those in society who lived off unearned income at the expense of hard working agricultural labourers his solution was parliamentary reform 47 48 During his trial in July 1831 at the Guildhall he subpoenaed six members of the cabinet including the prime minister 5 Cobbett defended himself by going on the attack He tried to ask the government ministers awkward questions supporting his case but they were disallowed by the Lord Chief Justice However he was able to discredit the prosecution s case and at great embarrassment to the government he was acquitted 5 A major concern was that the Swing Riots could spark a larger revolt That was reinforced by the 29 July 1830 revolution in France which overthrew Charles X and the independence of Belgium from the Netherlands later in 1830 The support for parliamentary reform was on party lines with the Tories against reform and the Whigs having proposed changes well before the Swing riots The farm labourers who were involved in the disturbances did not have a vote but it is probable that the largely landowning classes who could vote were influenced by the Swing Riots to support reform 36 nbsp Lord Melbourne Home Secretary of Earl Grey s Whig governmentEarl Grey during a House of Lords debate in November 1830 suggested the best way to reduce the violence was to introduce reform of the House of Commons 49 The Tory Prime Minister the Duke of Wellington replied that the existing constitution was so perfect that he could not imagine any possible alternative that would be an improvement 50 When that was reported a mob attacked Wellington s home in London 51 The unrest had been confined to Kent but during the following two weeks of November it escalated massively by crossing East and West Sussex into Hampshire with Swing letters appearing in other nearby counties 52 On 15 November 1830 Wellington s government was defeated by a vote in the House of Commons Two days later Earl Grey was asked to form a Whig government 51 53 Grey assigned a cabinet committee to produce a plan for parliamentary reform 53 Lord Melbourne became Home Secretary in the new government He blamed local magistrates for being too lenient and the government appointed a Special Commission of three judges to try rioters in the counties of Berkshire Buckinghamshire Dorset Wiltshire and Hampshire 11 Parliamentary Acts edit The riots were a major influence on the Whig government They added to the strong social political and agricultural unrest throughout Britain in the 1830s encouraging a wider demand for political reform culminating in the introduction of the Great Reform Act 1832 The act was the first of several reforms that over the course of a century transformed the British political system from one based on privilege and corruption to one based on universal suffrage and the secret ballot In domestic elections before the Great Reform Act of 1832 only about three per cent of the English population could vote Most constituencies had been founded in the Middle Ages and so the newly industrial northern England had virtually no representation Those who could vote were mainly the large landowners and wealthy commoners 4 5 36 The Great Reform Act was followed by the Poor Law Amendment Act 1834 ending outdoor relief in cash or kind and setting up a chain of designedly unwholesome workhouses covering larger areas across the country to which the poor had to go if they wanted help 54 See also editBritish Agricultural Revolution Ely and Littleport riots of 1816 Luddite Rebecca Riots Tolpuddle Martyrs William WinterbourneNotes edit Tithe Act 1836 6 amp 7 Will 4 c 71 made it compulsory for tithe payments to be commutated to a rent charge instead 32 Citations edit a b c d e f g h i j k l m n Harrison J F C John Fletcher Clews 1985 The common people of Great Britain a history from the Norman Conquest to the present 1st Midland book ed Bloomington Indiana University Press pp 249 253 ISBN 0 253 20357 0 OCLC 11443785 Aidt Toke Leon Ablan Gabriel Satchell Max 1 January 2022 The Social Dynamics of Collective Action Evidence from the Diffusion of the Swing Riots 1830 1831 The Journal of Politics 84 1 209 225 doi 10 1086 714784 ISSN 0022 3816 a b 1830 Agricultural Swing Riots Hungerford Virtual Museum 25 March 2018 Retrieved 22 May 2020 a b c Andrew Charlesworth Brian Short and Roger Wells Riots and Unrest in Kim Leslie An Historical Atlas of Sussex pp 74 75 a b c d e f Hammond The Village Labourer 1760 1832 Ch XI The Last Labourers Revolt Hansard House of Lords Debate 22 November 1830 vol 1 Column 617 Caprettini Bruno Voth Hans Joachim 2020 Rage against the Machines Labor Saving Technology and Unrest in Industrializing England American Economic Review Insights 2 3 305 320 doi 10 1257 aeri 20190385 Kill the machines www aeaweb org Retrieved 8 September 2020 Horspool The English Rebel pp 339 340 The Times Thursday 21 October 1830 p 3 Issue 14363 col C a b c Coffin The Dorset Page Captain Swing in Dorset Hammond The Agricultural Labourer 1760 1832 Chapter III Enclosure Hammond The Village Labourer 1760 1832 p 97 Elmes Architectural Jurisprudence Title LXVI pp 178 179 Definition of a cottage is a small house for habitation without land Under an Elizabeth I statute they had to be built with at least 4 acres 16 000 m2 of land Thus a cottager is someone who lives in a cottage with a smallholding of land Hammond The Village Labourer 1760 1832 p 100 G E Mingay Parliamentary Enclosure in England An Introduction to Its Causes Incidence and Impact 1750 1850 1997 pp 17 19 RICHARDS ERIC CAPTAIN SWING IN THE WEST MIDLANDS International Review of Social History vol 19 no 1 1974 pp 86 99 JSTOR www jstor org stable 44581713 Accessed 12 Nov 2020 Chambers and Mingay Agricultural Revolution p 104 E J Hobsbawm amp G Rude Captain Swing 1969 appendix 1 J M Neeson Commoners Common Right Enclosure and Social Change in England 1700 1820 p 223 Hobsbawm Rude Captain Swing p 16 Moore Social Origins of Dictatorship and Democracy Lord and Peasant in the Making of the Modern World pp 29 30 Hobsbawm Rude Captain Swing pp 18 33 Hobsbawm Rude Captain Swing pp xxi xxii Archives The National The National Archives Homepage The National Archives Retrieved 31 October 2023 Griffin C J 1 November 2010 The Violent Captain Swing Past amp Present 209 1 149 180 doi 10 1093 pastj gtq035 ISSN 0031 2746 a b Friar Sutton Local History pp 324 325 Hobsbawm Rude Captain Swing p 29 a b Hammonds The Village Labourer pp 183 185 Friar Sutton Companion to Local History pp 324 325 Hobsbawm Rude Captain Swing pp 14 15 a b Lee Rural Society and the Anglican Clergy 1815 1914 pp 75 78 a b Hobsbawm Rude Captain Swing Appendix IV Hobsbawm Rude Captain Swing p 71 Hobsbawm Eric Rude George 2014 Captain Swing Verso Books a b c Aidt and Franck Democratization pp 505 547 John Beckett Swing riots The Oxford Companion to British History Oxford Reference Online Armstrong Farmworkers A Social and Economic History 1770 1980 p 75 and Table 3 1 a b c d e f g Hobsbawm Rude Captain Swing Ch 10 Hutton The distribution of wheelhouses in Britain pp 30 35 Holland Michael November 2004 SWING REVISITED THE SWING PROJECT Family amp Community History 7 2 87 100 doi 10 1179 fch 2004 7 2 002 ISSN 1463 1180 Smith One Monday in November And Beyond p 16 Aidt Toke Leon Ablan Gabriel Satchell Max 2021 The Social Dynamics of Collective Action Evidence from the Diffusion of the Swing Riots 1830 1831 The Journal of Politics 84 000 doi 10 1086 714784 ISSN 0022 3816 S2CID 229531748 Brian T Robson The Saviour City Beneficial effects of urbanization in England and Wales in Douglas Companion Encyclopedia of Geography The Environment and Humankind p 297 a b Rodney Mace 1999 British Trade Union Posters An Illustrated History Sutton Publishing pp 14 15 ISBN 0750921587 Hansard COBBETT S REGISTER INFLAMMATORY PUBLICATIONS Debate HC Deb 23 December 1830 vol 2 cc71 81 Dyck William Cobbett and Rural Popular Culture Ch 7 Cobbet The Rural War in Cobbett s Political Register Vol 37 Hansard ADDRESS IS ANSWER TO THE SPEECH Debate 2 November 1830 vol 1 cc37 38 Hansard ADDRESS IS ANSWER TO THE SPEECH Debate 2 November 1830 vol 1 cc52 53 a b Gash Wellesley Arthur first duke of Wellington 1769 1852 Charlesworth Social protest in a rural society p 35 a b Mandler Lamb William second Viscount Melbourne 1779 1848 Green Pauper London p 13References editAidt T S Franck R 2015 Democratization Under the Threat of Revolution Evidence from the Great Reform Act of 1832 Econometrica 83 2 505 547 doi 10 3982 ECTA11484 JSTOR 43616944 Armstrong Alan 1988 Farmworkers in England and Wales A Social and Economic History 1770 1980 Iowa State ISBN 0 8138 0002 1 Beckett John Cannon John Ed 2009 Swing riotsinThe Oxford Companion to British History Oxford University Press Oxford Reference Online Oxford University Press West Sussex County Library Service ISBN 9780199567638 Retrieved 10 July 2011 Chambers Jonathan David Mingay Gordon E 1969 The Agricultural Revolution 1750 1880 Batsford Ltd ISBN 0 7134 1358 1 Charlesworth Andrew 1979 Historical Geography Research Series Issue 1 Social Protest in a Rural Society The Spatial Diffusion of the Captain Swing Disturbances of 1830 1831 London HGRG Charlesworth Andrew Short Brian Wells Roger 2010 Riots and Unrest In Leslie Kim ed An Historical Atlas of Sussex Short Brian ed Sussex Phillimore ISBN 978 1 8607 7112 5 Coffin Cyril Captain Swing in Dorset The Dorset Page Archived from the original on 16 April 2018 Retrieved 7 July 2011 Douglas Ian et al eds 2002 Companion Encyclopedia of Geography The Environment and Humankind Taylor amp Francis ISBN 978 0 415 27750 1 Dyck Ian 1992 William Cobbett and Rural Popular Culture Cambridge Cambridge University Press ISBN 0 5214 1394 X Elmes James 1827 On Architectural Jurisprudence in which the Constitutions Canons Laws and Customs etc London W Benning Fox Norman E 1995 Berkshire to Botany Bay the 1830 labourers revolt in Berkshire its causes and consequences Newbury Littlefield Pub ISBN 0 9526661 0 3 OCLC 50783074 Friar Stephen 2004 The Sutton Companion to Local History Sparkford England Sutton ISBN 0 7509 2723 2 Gash Norman 2004 Wellesley Arthur first duke of Wellington 1769 1852 Oxford Dictionary of National Biography online ed Oxford University Press doi 10 1093 ref odnb 29001 Retrieved 12 August 2011 Subscription or UK public library membership required Green David 2010 Pauper Capital London and the Poor Law 1790 1870 London Ashgate ISBN 978 0 7546 3008 1 Hammond J L Barbara Hammond 1912 The Village Labourer 1760 1832 London Longman Green amp Co Hansard ADDRESS IS ANSWER TO THE SPEECH Debate vol 1 column 11 53 Parliamentary Debates Hansard 2 November 1830 Retrieved 12 August 2011 Hansard MINISTERIAL DECLARATIONS House of Lords Debate vol 1 column 604 618 Parliamentary Debates Hansard 22 November 1830 Retrieved 17 July 2011 Hansard COBBETT S REGISTER INFLAMMATORY PUBLICATIONS HC Deb vol 2 cc71 81 Parliamentary Debates Hansard 23 December 1830 Retrieved 1 July 2013 Harrison L F C 1989 The Common People a History from the Norman Conquest to the Present Glasgow Fontana ISBN 0 0068 6163 6 Hobsbawm Eric Rude George 1973 Captain Swing A Social History of the Great English Agricultural Uprising of 1830 New York W W Norton amp Company Inc Horspool David 2009 The English Rebel One Thousand Years of Troublemaking from the Normans to the Nineties London Penguin ISBN 978 0 670 91619 1 Agricultural Swing Riots 1830 Hungerford Virtual Museum Retrieved 8 July 2011 Hutton Kenneth 1976 The distribution of wheelhouses in Britain PDF Agricultural History Review British Agricultural History Society 24 1 Archived from the original PDF on 17 August 2016 Retrieved 11 April 2010 Lee Robert 2006 Rural Society and the Anglican Clergy 1815 1914 Woodbridge Boydell ISBN 1 84383 202 X Mandler Peter Lamb William second Viscount Melbourne 1779 1848 Oxford Dictionary of National Biography online ed Oxford University Press doi 10 1093 ref odnb 15920 Retrieved 12 August 2011 Subscription or UK public library membership required Mingay G E 1997 Parliamentary Enclosure in England An Introduction to Its Causes Incidence and Impact 1750 1850 London Longman ISBN 0 5822 5726 3 Moore Barrington 1993 Social Origins of dictatorship and Democracy Lord and Peasant in the making of the modern world Boston Beacon Press ISBN 0 8070 5073 3 Neeson J M 1996 Commoners Common Right Enclosure and Social Change in England 1700 1820 Cambridge Cambridge University Press ISBN 0 5215 6774 2 Smith John Owen 2002 One Monday in November And Beyond The Story of the Selborne and Headley Workhouse Riots of 1830 And Their Aftermath Published by Author ISBN 1 873855 33 8 External links editJohn Owen Smith Headley amp Selborne workhouse riot of 1830 The Captain Swing rebellion in Sussex Captain Swing Reconsidered Papers published in Southern History vol 32 2010 1 Retrieved from https en wikipedia org w index php title Swing Riots amp oldid 1186336615, wikipedia, wiki, book, books, library,


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