

Nostalgia is a sentimentality for the past, typically for a period or place with happy personal associations.[2] The word nostalgia is a learned formation of a Greek compound, consisting of νόστος (nóstos), meaning "homecoming", a Homeric word, and ἄλγος (álgos), meaning "sorrow" or "despair", and was coined by a 17th-century medical student to describe the anxieties displayed by Swiss mercenaries fighting away from home.[3] Described as a medical condition—a form of melancholy—in the Early Modern period,[4] it became an important trope in Romanticism.[2]

The archives director for The Saturday Evening Post said that the magazine has been regarded with "a mixture of nostalgia and affection".[1] Shown: a Norman Rockwell cover from August 1924.

Nostalgia is associated with a longing for the past, its personalities, possibilities, and events, especially the "good ol' days" or a "warm childhood".[5] There is a predisposition, caused by cognitive biases such as rosy retrospection, for people to view the past more favourably and future more negatively.[6][7][8] When applied to one's beliefs about a society or institution, this is called declinism, which has been described as "a trick of the mind" and as "an emotional strategy, something comforting to snuggle up to when the present day seems intolerably bleak."[9]

The scientific literature on nostalgia usually refers to nostalgia regarding one's personal life and has mainly studied the effects of nostalgia as induced during these studies. Emotion is a strong evoker of nostalgia due to the processing of these stimuli first passing through the amygdala, the emotional seat of the brain. These recollections of one's past are usually important events, people one cares about, and places where one has spent time. Cultural phenomena such as music,[10] movies, television shows,[11] and video games,[12] as well as natural phenomena such as weather and environment[13] can also be strong triggers of nostalgia.


Nostalgia's definition has changed greatly over time. Consistent with its Greek word roots meaning "homecoming" and "pain," nostalgia was for centuries considered a potentially debilitating and sometimes fatal medical condition expressing extreme homesickness.[4] The modern view is that nostalgia is an independent, and even positive, emotion that many people experience often. Nostalgia has been found to have important psychological functions, such as to improve mood, increase social connectedness, enhance positive self-regard, and provide existential meaning.[14] Many nostalgic reflections serve more than one function, and overall seem to benefit those who experience them. Such benefits may lead to a chronic disposition or personality trait of "nostalgia proneness."[15][16] Nostalgia has also been associated with learning and memory consolidation.[17]

Improve mood

Although nostalgia is often triggered by negative feelings, it results in increasing one's mood and heightening positive emotions, which can stem from feelings of warmth or coping resulting from nostalgic reflections. One way to improve mood is to effectively cope with problems that hinder one's happiness. Batcho (2013) found that nostalgia proneness positively related to successful methods of coping throughout all stages—planning and implementing strategies, and reframing the issue positively. These studies led to the conclusion that the coping strategies that are likely among nostalgia-prone people often lead to benefits during stressful times. Nostalgia can be connected to more focus on coping strategies and implementing them, thus increasing support in challenging times.[18]

Increase social connectedness

Tweed run, 2013

Nostalgia also sometimes involves memories of people one was close to, and thus it can increase one's sense of social support and connections. Nostalgia is also triggered specifically by feelings of loneliness, but counteracts such feelings with reflections of close relationships. According to Zhou et al. (2008), lonely people often have lesser perceptions of social support. Loneliness, however, leads to nostalgia, which actually increases perceptions of social support. Thus, Zhou and colleagues (2008) concluded that nostalgia serves a restorative function for individuals regarding their social connectedness.[19]

A desire for more social interaction is often the motivation for historical reenactments, which bring together people with a shared nostalgia for historical periods of past times. These events' hands-on, improvisational natures often facilitate socialization.[20]

Enhance positive self-regard

Nostalgia serves as a coping mechanism and helps people to feel better about themselves. Vess et al. (2012) found that the subjects who thought of nostalgic memories showed greater accessibility of positive characteristics than those who thought of exciting future experiences. Additionally, in a second study conducted, some participants were exposed to nostalgic engagement and reflection while the other group was not. The researchers looked again at self-attributes and found that the participants who were not exposed to nostalgic experiences reflected a pattern of selfish and self-centered attributes. Vess et al. (2012), however, found that this effect had weakened and become less powerful among the participants who engaged in nostalgic reflection.[21]

Provide existential meaning

Nostalgia helps increase one's self-esteem and meaning in life by buffering threats to well-being and also by initiating a desire to deal with problems or stress. Routledge (2011) and colleagues found that nostalgia correlates positively with one's sense of meaning in life. The second study revealed that nostalgia increases one's perceived meaning in life, which was thought to be mediated by a sense of social support or connectedness. Thirdly, the researchers found that threatened meaning can even act as a trigger for nostalgia, thus increasing one's nostalgic reflections. By triggering nostalgia, though, one's defensiveness to such threat is minimized as found in the fourth study. The final two studies found that nostalgia is able to not only create meaning but buffer threats to meaning by breaking the connection between a lack of meaning and one's well-being. Follow-up studies also completed by Routledge in 2012 not only found meaning as a function of nostalgia, but also concluded that nostalgic people have greater perceived meaning, search for meaning less, and can better buffer existential threat.[22][23]

Promote psychological growth

Nostalgia makes people more willing to engage in growth-oriented behaviors and encourages them to view themselves as growth-oriented people. Baldwin & Landau (2014) found that nostalgia leads people to rate themselves higher on items like "I am the kind of person who embraces unfamiliar people, events, and places." Nostalgia also increased interest in growth-related behavior such as "I would like to explore someplace that I have never been before." In the first study, these effects were statistically mediated by nostalgia-induced positive affect—the extent to which nostalgia made participants feel good. In the second study, nostalgia led to the same growth outcomes but the effects were statistically mediated by nostalgia-induced self-esteem.[24]

As a deception

One recent study critiques the idea of nostalgia, which in some forms can become a defense mechanism by which people avoid the historical facts.[25] This study looked at the different portrayals of apartheid in South Africa and argued that nostalgia appears as two ways,[26] 'restorative nostalgia' a wish to return to that past, and 'reflective nostalgia' which is more critically aware.

As a comfort

Reliving past memories may provide comfort and contribute to mental health.[27] One notable recent medical study has looked at the physiological effects thinking about past 'good' memories can have. They found that thinking about the past 'fondly' actually increased perceptions of physical warmth.[28]

As a political tool

In a 2014 study conducted by Routledge, he and a team observed that the more people reported having major disruptions and uncertainties in their lives, the more they nostalgically longed for the past. Routledge suggests that by invoking the idea of an idealized past, politicians can provoke the social and cultural anxieties and uncertainties that make nostalgia especially attractive—and effective—as a tool of political persuasion.[29][30]

Trigger factors



A person can deliberately trigger feelings of nostalgia by listening to familiar music, looking at old photos, or visiting comforting environments of the past.[31] With this knowledge widely available, many books have been published specifically to evoke the feeling of nostalgia.


Hearing an old song can bring back memories for a person. A song heard once at a specific moment and then not heard again until a far later date will give the listener a sense of nostalgia for the date remembered and events that occurred then. However, if it is heard throughout life, it may lose its association with any specific period or experience.[10]


Old movies can trigger nostalgia. This is particularly true for generations who grew up as children during specific film eras such as the animation renaissance of the 1990s. Rewatching classic movies can be therapeutic in nature, healing emotional wounds using happy childhood memories.[11]

TV shows

Old television shows can trigger nostalgia. People gravitate towards shows they watched as children, as the memories from one's youth are often the most significant of their lives.[11]

Video games

Old video games can trigger nostalgia. Retrogaming has become a recreational activity among older generations who played them as children.[12]


Nature-based factors such as weather and temperature can trigger nostalgia. Scientific studies have shown that cold weather makes people more nostalgic, while nostalgia causes people to feel warmer.[13] In some societies, elements of nature often trigger a nostalgia for past times when nature played a larger role in culture.[32] Environmental philosopher Glenn Albrecht coined the term 'solastalgia' in his 2003 book Solastalgia: a new concept in human health and identity.[33] The word is formed from the Latin sōlācium (comfort) and the Greek root ἄλγος (pain, suffering) to describe a form of emotional or existential distress caused by environmental destruction. Nostalgia differs from solastalgia because nostalgia is typically generated by spatial separation from important places or persons (one's home, one's family, or loved ones) with which it is often possible, in principle, to reconnect. With solastalgia, in contrast, the grief is typically caused by environmental destruction, so the separation between subject and object is ontological rather than spatial: it is permanent and unbridgeable, and can be experienced while continuing to occupy the same irreversibly degraded place.

Other aspects

As a medical condition

The term was coined in 1688 by Johannes Hofer (1669–1752) in his Basel dissertation. Hofer introduced nostalgia or mal du pays "homesickness" for the condition also known as mal du Suisse "Swiss illness", because of its frequent occurrence in Swiss mercenaries who in the plains of Switzerland were pining for their landscapes. Symptoms were also thought to include fainting, high fever, and death.

English homesickness is a loan translation of nostalgia. Sir Joseph Banks used the word in his journal during the first voyage of Captain Cook. On 3 September 1770 he stated that the sailors "were now pretty far gone with the longing for home which the Physicians have gone so far as to esteem a disease under the name of Nostalgia", but his journal was not published in his lifetime.[34] Cases resulting in death were known and soldiers were sometimes successfully treated by being discharged and sent home. Receiving a diagnosis was, however, generally regarded as an insult.

In the eighteenth century, scientists were looking for a locus of nostalgia, a nostalgic bone. By the 1850s nostalgia was losing its status as a particular disease and coming to be seen rather as a symptom or stage of a pathological process. It was considered as a form of melancholia and a predisposing condition among suicides. Nostalgia was, however, still diagnosed among soldiers as late as the American Civil War.[35] By the 1870s interest in nostalgia as a medical category had almost completely vanished. Nostalgia was still being recognized in both the First and Second World Wars, especially by the American armed forces. Great lengths were taken to study and understand the condition to stem the tide of troops leaving the front in droves (see the BBC documentary Century of the Self).

Nostalgia is triggered by something reminding an individual of an event or item from their past. The resulting emotion can vary from happiness to sorrow. The term "feeling nostalgic" is more commonly used to describe pleasurable emotions associated with and/or a longing to go back to a particular period of time.


Swiss nostalgia was linked to the singing of Kuhreihen, which were forbidden to Swiss mercenaries because they led to nostalgia to the point of desertion, illness or death. The 1767 Dictionnaire de Musique by Jean-Jacques Rousseau claims that Swiss mercenaries were threatened with severe punishment to prevent them from singing their Swiss songs. It became somewhat of a topos in Romantic literature, and figures in the poem Der Schweizer by Achim von Arnim (1805) and in Clemens Brentano's Des Knaben Wunderhorn (1809) as well as in the opera Le Chalet by Adolphe Charles Adam (1834) which was performed for Queen Victoria under the title The Swiss Cottage. The Romantic connection of nostalgia, was a significant factor in the enthusiasm for Switzerland and the development of early Tourism in Switzerland that took hold of the European cultural elite in the 19th century. German Romanticism coined an opposite to Heimweh, Fernweh "far-sickness," "longing to be far away," like wanderlust expressing the Romantic desire to travel and explore.

In rhetoric and communication

Nostalgia has been frequently studied as a tool of rhetoric and persuasion. Communication scholar Stephen Depoe,[36] for example, writes that in nostalgic messaging: “a speaker highlights a comparison between a more favorable, idealized past and a less favorable present in order to stimulate [nostalgia]. . . . [linking] his/her own policies to qualities of the idealized past in order to induce support” (179). Rhetorician William Kurlinkus[37][38] taxonomizes nostalgia on this foundation, arguing that nostalgic rhetoric generally contains three parts:

  1. A loss or threat in the present: the chaotic change that nostalgia responds to. Though some theorists[39] argue that the ideal must truly be lost, other scholars including Kurlinkus argue that the ideal may simply be threatened to trigger nostalgia.
  2. A nostalgic crux: a person, group, corporation, et al. that is blamed for the loss of the nostalgic ideal. To perform such scapegoating, the nostalgic crux is usually presented as a force of newness and change. Defeating this outsider is positioned as a source of recovering the good memory. Such cruxes have include groups from polluting corporations to immigrants.
  3. Hope: Finally, Kurlinkus argues that though nostalgia is often performed ironically it almost always has a true hope for recovering the god memory (whether this means some kind of true restoration or a more symbolic recovery of an ethic). Such hope differentiates nostalgia from similar emotions like melancholia, which contains all of nostalgia's longing for lost ideals without a desire to move out of that past.

Kurlinkus coined the term "nostalgic other" to describe the ways in which some populations of people become trapped in other people's nostalgic stories of them, idealized as natural while simultaneously denied sovereignty or the right to change in the present. "Nostalgic others differ from other scholarly discourse in that their alterity is not primarily based in race or ethnicity." Kurlinkus wrote. "Rather, in concurrent identifications and divisions, the nostalgic other is distinguished from the rhetor by time. We live in the present; they live in the past. The creation of the nostalgic other allows mainstream populations to commodify the racial purity and stability of the past but refuses the community agency to change in the present by highlighting its negative traits.

As an advertising tool

In media and advertising, nostalgia-evoking images, sounds, and references can be used strategically to create a sense of connectedness between consumers and products with the goal of convincing the public to consume, watch, or buy advertised products.[40] Modern technology facilitates nostalgia-eliciting advertising through the subject, style, and design of an advertisement.[41] The feeling of longing for the past is easily communicated through social media and advertising because these media require the participation of multiple senses, are able to represent their ideas entirely, and therefore become more reminiscent of life.

Due to efficient advertising schemes, consumers need not have experienced a specific event or moment in time in order to feel nostalgic for it. This is due to a phenomenon referred to as vicarious nostalgia. Vicarious nostalgia is a feeling of wistful yearning for a moment that occurred prior to, or outside of, the span of one's memory, but is relatable (has sentimental value) due to repeated mediated exposure to it.[42] The constant propagating of advertisements and other media messages makes vicarious nostalgia possible, and changes the ways we understand advertisements and subsequently, the way consumers use their purchasing power.

Examples of nostalgia used to provoke public interest include nostalgia-themed websites[43] such as The Nostalgia Machine and DoYouRemember?, and revamps of old movies,[44] TV shows, and books. Vintage, rustic and old-fashioned design styles can also be seen in nostalgia-based ad campaigns that companies such as Coca-Cola and Levi Strauss & Co. use.[42]

Developed within the marketing discipline, forestalgia[1], defined as an individual's yearning for an idealized future, serves as a future-focused counterpart to nostalgia.[45] Like nostalgia, where only the happy memories are retained, forestalgia explains customers’ intentions to escape the present to a romanticized future where current concerns are no longer an issue. Marketing researchers found that when promoting hedonic and utilitarian products, far-past nostalgia and far-future forestalgia advertisements were most effective in the promotion of utilitarian products. In contrast, hedonic products were better suited for advertisements framed in far-past nostalgia or near-future forestalgia.

See also


  1. ^ Mills, Wes (July 6, 2021). "Saturday Evening Post Celebrates 200 Years". Inside Indiana Business. from the original on November 19, 2021.
  2. ^ a b Boym, Svetlana (2002). The Future of Nostalgia. Basic Books. pp. xiii–xiv. ISBN 978-0-465-00708-0.
  3. ^ Fuentenebro; de Diego, F; Valiente, C (2014). "Nostalgia: a conceptual history". History of Psychiatry. 25 (4): 404–411. doi:10.1177/0957154X14545290. PMID 25395438.
  4. ^ a b Dahl, Melissa (February 25, 2016). "The Little-Known Medical History of Homesickness". New York. from the original on March 1, 2016.
  5. ^ Sedikides, Constantine; Wildschut, Tim; Arndt, Jamie; Routledge, Clay (October 2008). "Nostalgia: Past, Present, and Future". Current Directions in Psychological Science. 17 (5): 304–307. doi:10.1111/j.1467-8721.2008.00595.x. S2CID 220389609.
  6. ^ The Oxford Dictionary of American Political Slang edited by Grant Barrett, p. 90.
  7. ^ Etchells, Pete (January 16, 2015). "Declinism: is the world actually getting worse?". The Guardian. Retrieved 20 December 2016.
  8. ^ Steven R. Quartz, The State Of The World Isn't Nearly As Bad As You Think, Edge Foundation, Inc., retrieved 2016-02-17
  9. ^ Lewis, Jemima (January 16, 2016). "Why we yearn for the good old days". The Telegraph. Retrieved 20 December 2016.
  10. ^ a b "Music-Evoked Nostalgia".
  11. ^ a b c Nelakonda, Divya. "Binging on nostalgia – why we replay TV from our youth". the Epic. Retrieved 2022-01-14.
  12. ^ a b McCarthy, Anne. "Why Retro-Looking Games Get So Much Love". Wired. ISSN 1059-1028. Retrieved 2022-01-14.
  13. ^ a b "Study: Nostalgia Makes Us Warm, and Cold Makes Us Nostalgic". The Atlantic. 2012-12-04.
  14. ^ Wildschut, Tim; Sedikides, Constantine; Arndt, Jamie; Routledge, Clay (2006). "Nostalgia: Content, triggers, functions" (PDF). Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 91 (5): 975–993. doi:10.1037/0022-3514.91.5.975. PMID 17059314.
  15. ^ Vanessa Köneke: More bitter than sweet - Are nostalgic people rather sad than happy after all? GRIN Verlag GmbH, München 2010, ISBN 978-3640942268.
  16. ^ Schindler, Robert M.; Holbrook, Morris B. (2003-04-01). "Nostalgia for early experience as a determinant of consumer preferences". Psychology and Marketing. 20 (4): 275–302. CiteSeerX doi:10.1002/mar.10074. ISSN 1520-6793.
  17. ^ Oba K.; Noriuchi M.; Atomi T.; Moriguchi Y.; Kikuchi Y. (2015-06-04). "Memory and reward systems coproduce 'nostalgic' experiences in the brain". Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience. 11 (7): 1069–1077. doi:10.1093/scan/nsv073. PMC 4927028. PMID 26060325.
  18. ^ Batcho, K. I. (2013). "Nostalgia: Retreat or support in difficult times?" The American Journal of Psychology,
  19. ^ Zhou, X.; Sedikides, C.; Wildschut, T.; Gao, D. (2008). "Counteracting loneliness: On the restorative function of nostalgia" (PDF). Psychological Science. 19 (10): 1023–1029. doi:10.1111/j.1467-9280.2008.02194.x. PMID 19000213. S2CID 45398320.
  20. ^ Howard Giles. "A Brief History of Re-enactment".
  21. ^ Vess, M.; Arndt, J.; Routledge, C.; Sedikides, C.; Wildschut, T. (2012). "Nostalgia as a resource for the self". Self and Identity. 11 (3): 273–284. doi:10.1080/15298868.2010.521452. S2CID 56018071.
  22. ^ Routledge, C.; Arndt, J.; Wildschut, T.; Sedikides, C.; Hart, C. M. (2011). "The past makes the present meaningful: Nostalgia as an existential resource". Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 101 (3): 638–652. doi:10.1037/a0024292. PMID 21787094.
  23. ^ Routledge, C.; Wildschut, T.; Sedikides, C.; Juhl, J.; Arndt, J. (2012). "The power of the past: Nostalgia as a meaning-making resource". Memory. 20 (5): 452–460. doi:10.1080/09658211.2012.677452. PMID 22639901. S2CID 15357239.
  24. ^ Baldwin, M.; Landau, M.J. (2014). "Exploring nostalgia's influence on psychological growth". Self and Identity. 13 (2): 162–177. doi:10.1080/15298868.2013.772320. S2CID 6319780.
  25. ^ Hook, D.(2012) "Screened history: Nostalgia as defensive formation." Peace and Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology, Vol 18(3), Aug, 2012. Special issue: Of Narratives and Nostalgia. pp. 225–239
  26. ^ Boym, S. (2001). The future of nostalgia. New York, NY: Basic Books
  27. ^ John Tierney (July 8, 2013). "What Is Nostalgia Good For? Quite a Bit, Research Shows". The New York Times. Retrieved July 9, 2013.
  28. ^ Zhou, Xinyue; Wildschut, Tim; Sedikides, Constantine; Chen, Xiaoxi; Vingerhoets, Ad J. J. M. (2012). "Heartwarming memories: Nostalgia maintains physiological comfort". Emotion. 12 (4): 678–684. doi:10.1037/a0027236. PMID 22390713.
  29. ^ Sedikides, C.; Wildschut, T.; Routledge, C.; Arndt, J. (2015). "Nostalgia counteracts self-discontinuity and restores self-continuity" (PDF). European Journal of Social Psychology. 45 (1): 52–61. doi:10.1002/ejsp.2073.
  30. ^ Routledge, Clay (October 31, 2017). "Approach With Caution: Nostalgia Is a Potent Political Agent". Undark Magazine.
  31. ^ "The Brain and Nostalgia".
  32. ^ William J. Havlena & Susan L. Holak (2015). "The Role of Nature in the Nostalgic Experience of the Japanese". Proceedings of the 1998 Multicultural Marketing Conference. Springer. Developments in Marketing Science: Proceedings of the Academy of Marketing Science. pp. 128–134. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-17383-2_21. ISBN 978-3-319-17382-5.
  33. ^ Albrecht, G. (2005). Solastalgia: a new concept in human health and identity. PAN Partners. OCLC 993784860.
  34. ^ Beaglehole, J. C. (ed.). The Endeavour Journal of Joseph Banks 1768–1771, Public Library of New South Wales/Angus and Robertson, Sydney, 1962, vol. ii, p. 145
  35. ^ Wisconsin Public Radio, To the Best of Our Knowledge, "Svetlana Boym on Nostalgia", 2002 November 3
  36. ^ Depoe, Stephen (1990). "Requiem for Liberalism: The Therapeutic and Deliberative Functions of Nostalgic Appeals in Edward Kennedy's Address to the 1980 Democratic National Convention". Southern Journal of Communication. 55 (2): 175–190. doi:10.1080/10417949009372786.
  37. ^ Kurlinkus, William (2021). "Nostalgic Design: Making Memories in the Rhetoric Classroom". Rhetoric Society Quarterly. 51 (5): 422–438. doi:10.1080/02773945.2021.1972133. S2CID 244136140.
  38. ^ Kurlinkus, W. (2019). 1. Nostalgic Design: Rhetoric, Memory, and Democratizing Technology. U Pittsburgh Press. ISBN 9780822965527.
  39. ^ (Davis)
  40. ^ Lizardi, R. (2015). Mediated Nostalgia. Maryland: Lexington Books.
  41. ^ Niemeyer, K. (2014). Media and Nostalgia. Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 978-1-137-37588-9.
  42. ^ a b Merchant, A (2013). "Effects of advertising evoked vicarious nostalgia in brand heritage". Journal of Business Research: 66.
  43. ^ "DoYouRemember.com". DoYouRemember?. DoYouRemember? Inc. Retrieved 25 October 2019.
  44. ^ "Oceans 11 1960 Version". IMDB.
  45. ^ Barnwell, R Wixel; Collier, Joel; Shanahan, Kevin J (5 April 2022). "Nostalgia and Forestalgia: Insights, Evaluation, and Implications for Advertising and Product Typology". Journal of Advertising. 50 (5): 19. doi:10.1080/00913367.2022.2036652. S2CID 247988600. Retrieved 8 April 2022.

Further reading

  • Barnwell, R. Wixel, Joel Collier, and Kevin J. Shanahan. "Nostalgia and Forestalgia: Insights, Evaluation, and Implications for Advertising and Product Typology." Journal of Advertising (2022): 1-18. [2]
  • Bartholeyns, G. (2014). "The instant past: Nostalgia and digital photo retro photography." Media and Nostalgia. Yearning for the past, present and future, ed. K. Niemeyer (Palgrave Macmillan): 51–69.
  • Batcho, K. I. (2013). "Nostalgia: Retreat or support in difficult times?". The American Journal of Psychology. 126 (3): 355–367. doi:10.5406/amerjpsyc.126.3.0355. PMID 24027948.
  • Simon Bunke: Heimweh. Studien zur Kultur- und Literaturgeschichte einer tödlichen Krankheit. (Homesickness. On the Cultural and Literary History of a Lethal Disease). Freiburg 2009. 674 pp.
  • Boulbry, Gaëlle and Borges, Adilson. Évaluation d’une échelle anglo-saxonne de mesure du tempérament nostalgique dans un contexte culturel français (Evaluation of an anglo-saxon scale of measurement of nostalgic mood in a French cultural context)
  • Dominic Boyer, "Ostalgie and the Politics of the Future in Eastern Germany." Public Culture 18(2):361-381.
  • Simon Bunke: Heimweh. In: Bettina von Jagow / Florian Steger (Eds.): Literatur und Medizin im europäischen Kontext. Ein Lexikon. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht 2005. Sp. 380–384.
  • Niemeyer, Katharina (ed. 2014), Media and Nostalgia. Yearning for the past, present and future'(Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Coromines i Vigneaux, Joan. Diccionari etimològic i complementari de la llengua catalana [Barcelona, Curial Edicions Catalanes, 1983]
  • Davis, Fred Yearning for Yesterday: a Sociology of Nostalgia. New York: Free Press, 1979.
  • Freeman, Lindsey A., Longing for the Bomb: Oak Ridge and Atomic Nostalgia. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2015.
  • Hofer, Johannes, "Medical Dissertation on Nostalgia." Bulletin of the Institute of the History of Medicine. Trans. Carolyn Kiser Anspach 2.6 ((1688) Aug. 1934): 376–91.
  • Hunter, Richard and Macalpine, Ida. Three Hundred Years of Psychiatry:1535–1860, [Hartsdale, NY, Carlisle Publishing, Inc, 1982]
  • Hutcheon, Linda "Irony, Nostalgia, and the Postmodern"
  • Jameson, Fredric (1989). "Nostalgia for the Present". The South Atlantic Quarterly. 88 (2): 527–60.
  • Thurber, Christopher A. and Marian D. Sigman, "Preliminary Models of Risk and Protective Factors for Childhood Homesickness: Review and Empirical Synthesis." Child Development 69:4 (Aug. 1998): 903–34.
  • Dylan Trigg, The Aesthetics of Decay: Nothingness, Nostalgia, and the Absence of Reason (New York: Peter Lang, 2006)
  • Linda M. Austin, 'Emily Brontë's Homesickness', Victorian Studies, 44:4 (summer 2002): 573–596.
  • Simon Bunke: Heimwehforschung.de
  • BBC Four Documentaries - The Century of the Self
  • Zhou, X.; Sedikides, C.; Wildschut, T.; Gao, D. (2008). "Counteracting loneliness: On the restorative function of nostalgia" (PDF). Psychological Science. 19 (10): 1023–1029. doi:10.1111/j.1467-9280.2008.02194.x. PMID 19000213. S2CID 45398320.
  • Vess, M.; Arndt, J.; Routledge, C.; Sedikides, C.; Wildschut, T. (2012). "Nostalgia as a resource for the self". Self and Identity. 11 (3): 273–284. doi:10.1080/15298868.2010.521452. S2CID 56018071.
  • Rieter, O., http://www.barbarus.org/single-post/2015/08/22/Nostalgia-as-a-way-of-creating-meaning-in-everyday-life
  • Routledge, C.; Wildschut, T.; Sedikides, C.; Juhl, J.; Arndt, J. (2012). "The power of the past: Nostalgia as a meaning-making resource". Memory. 20 (5): 452–460. doi:10.1080/09658211.2012.677452. PMID 22639901. S2CID 15357239.
  • Routledge, C.; Arndt, J.; Wildschut, T.; Sedikides, C.; Hart, C. M. (2011). "The past makes the present meaningful: Nostalgia as an existential resource". Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 101 (3): 638–652. doi:10.1037/a0024292. PMID 21787094.
  • Köneke, V. (2010). More bitter than sweet - Are nostalgic people rather sad than happy after all? GRIN Verlag GmbH, Munich, Germany. ISBN
  • Gilad Padva, Queer Nostalgia in Cinema and Pop Culture (Basingstock, UK and New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2014). 254 pp.

nostalgia, other, uses, disambiguation, sentimentality, past, typically, period, place, with, happy, personal, associations, word, nostalgia, learned, formation, greek, compound, consisting, νόστος, nóstos, meaning, homecoming, homeric, word, ἄλγος, álgos, mea. For other uses see Nostalgia disambiguation Nostalgia is a sentimentality for the past typically for a period or place with happy personal associations 2 The word nostalgia is a learned formation of a Greek compound consisting of nostos nostos meaning homecoming a Homeric word and ἄlgos algos meaning sorrow or despair and was coined by a 17th century medical student to describe the anxieties displayed by Swiss mercenaries fighting away from home 3 Described as a medical condition a form of melancholy in the Early Modern period 4 it became an important trope in Romanticism 2 The archives director for The Saturday Evening Post said that the magazine has been regarded with a mixture of nostalgia and affection 1 Shown a Norman Rockwell cover from August 1924 Nostalgia is associated with a longing for the past its personalities possibilities and events especially the good ol days or a warm childhood 5 There is a predisposition caused by cognitive biases such as rosy retrospection for people to view the past more favourably and future more negatively 6 7 8 When applied to one s beliefs about a society or institution this is called declinism which has been described as a trick of the mind and as an emotional strategy something comforting to snuggle up to when the present day seems intolerably bleak 9 The scientific literature on nostalgia usually refers to nostalgia regarding one s personal life and has mainly studied the effects of nostalgia as induced during these studies Emotion is a strong evoker of nostalgia due to the processing of these stimuli first passing through the amygdala the emotional seat of the brain These recollections of one s past are usually important events people one cares about and places where one has spent time Cultural phenomena such as music 10 movies television shows 11 and video games 12 as well as natural phenomena such as weather and environment 13 can also be strong triggers of nostalgia Contents 1 Functions 1 1 Improve mood 1 2 Increase social connectedness 1 3 Enhance positive self regard 1 4 Provide existential meaning 1 5 Promote psychological growth 1 6 As a deception 1 7 As a comfort 1 8 As a political tool 2 Trigger factors 2 1 Cultural 2 1 1 Books 2 1 2 Music 2 1 3 Movies 2 1 4 TV shows 2 1 5 Video games 2 2 Environmental 3 Other aspects 3 1 As a medical condition 3 2 Romanticism 3 3 In rhetoric and communication 3 4 As an advertising tool 4 See also 5 References 6 Further readingFunctions EditNostalgia s definition has changed greatly over time Consistent with its Greek word roots meaning homecoming and pain nostalgia was for centuries considered a potentially debilitating and sometimes fatal medical condition expressing extreme homesickness 4 The modern view is that nostalgia is an independent and even positive emotion that many people experience often Nostalgia has been found to have important psychological functions such as to improve mood increase social connectedness enhance positive self regard and provide existential meaning 14 Many nostalgic reflections serve more than one function and overall seem to benefit those who experience them Such benefits may lead to a chronic disposition or personality trait of nostalgia proneness 15 16 Nostalgia has also been associated with learning and memory consolidation 17 Improve mood Edit Although nostalgia is often triggered by negative feelings it results in increasing one s mood and heightening positive emotions which can stem from feelings of warmth or coping resulting from nostalgic reflections One way to improve mood is to effectively cope with problems that hinder one s happiness Batcho 2013 found that nostalgia proneness positively related to successful methods of coping throughout all stages planning and implementing strategies and reframing the issue positively These studies led to the conclusion that the coping strategies that are likely among nostalgia prone people often lead to benefits during stressful times Nostalgia can be connected to more focus on coping strategies and implementing them thus increasing support in challenging times 18 Increase social connectedness Edit Further information Living history Tweed run 2013 Nostalgia also sometimes involves memories of people one was close to and thus it can increase one s sense of social support and connections Nostalgia is also triggered specifically by feelings of loneliness but counteracts such feelings with reflections of close relationships According to Zhou et al 2008 lonely people often have lesser perceptions of social support Loneliness however leads to nostalgia which actually increases perceptions of social support Thus Zhou and colleagues 2008 concluded that nostalgia serves a restorative function for individuals regarding their social connectedness 19 A desire for more social interaction is often the motivation for historical reenactments which bring together people with a shared nostalgia for historical periods of past times These events hands on improvisational natures often facilitate socialization 20 Enhance positive self regard Edit Nostalgia serves as a coping mechanism and helps people to feel better about themselves Vess et al 2012 found that the subjects who thought of nostalgic memories showed greater accessibility of positive characteristics than those who thought of exciting future experiences Additionally in a second study conducted some participants were exposed to nostalgic engagement and reflection while the other group was not The researchers looked again at self attributes and found that the participants who were not exposed to nostalgic experiences reflected a pattern of selfish and self centered attributes Vess et al 2012 however found that this effect had weakened and become less powerful among the participants who engaged in nostalgic reflection 21 Provide existential meaning Edit Nostalgia helps increase one s self esteem and meaning in life by buffering threats to well being and also by initiating a desire to deal with problems or stress Routledge 2011 and colleagues found that nostalgia correlates positively with one s sense of meaning in life The second study revealed that nostalgia increases one s perceived meaning in life which was thought to be mediated by a sense of social support or connectedness Thirdly the researchers found that threatened meaning can even act as a trigger for nostalgia thus increasing one s nostalgic reflections By triggering nostalgia though one s defensiveness to such threat is minimized as found in the fourth study The final two studies found that nostalgia is able to not only create meaning but buffer threats to meaning by breaking the connection between a lack of meaning and one s well being Follow up studies also completed by Routledge in 2012 not only found meaning as a function of nostalgia but also concluded that nostalgic people have greater perceived meaning search for meaning less and can better buffer existential threat 22 23 Promote psychological growth Edit Nostalgia makes people more willing to engage in growth oriented behaviors and encourages them to view themselves as growth oriented people Baldwin amp Landau 2014 found that nostalgia leads people to rate themselves higher on items like I am the kind of person who embraces unfamiliar people events and places Nostalgia also increased interest in growth related behavior such as I would like to explore someplace that I have never been before In the first study these effects were statistically mediated by nostalgia induced positive affect the extent to which nostalgia made participants feel good In the second study nostalgia led to the same growth outcomes but the effects were statistically mediated by nostalgia induced self esteem 24 As a deception Edit One recent study critiques the idea of nostalgia which in some forms can become a defense mechanism by which people avoid the historical facts 25 This study looked at the different portrayals of apartheid in South Africa and argued that nostalgia appears as two ways 26 restorative nostalgia a wish to return to that past and reflective nostalgia which is more critically aware As a comfort Edit Reliving past memories may provide comfort and contribute to mental health 27 One notable recent medical study has looked at the physiological effects thinking about past good memories can have They found that thinking about the past fondly actually increased perceptions of physical warmth 28 As a political tool Edit In a 2014 study conducted by Routledge he and a team observed that the more people reported having major disruptions and uncertainties in their lives the more they nostalgically longed for the past Routledge suggests that by invoking the idea of an idealized past politicians can provoke the social and cultural anxieties and uncertainties that make nostalgia especially attractive and effective as a tool of political persuasion 29 30 Trigger factors EditCultural Edit Books Edit A person can deliberately trigger feelings of nostalgia by listening to familiar music looking at old photos or visiting comforting environments of the past 31 With this knowledge widely available many books have been published specifically to evoke the feeling of nostalgia Music Edit Hearing an old song can bring back memories for a person A song heard once at a specific moment and then not heard again until a far later date will give the listener a sense of nostalgia for the date remembered and events that occurred then However if it is heard throughout life it may lose its association with any specific period or experience 10 Movies Edit Old movies can trigger nostalgia This is particularly true for generations who grew up as children during specific film eras such as the animation renaissance of the 1990s Rewatching classic movies can be therapeutic in nature healing emotional wounds using happy childhood memories 11 TV shows Edit Old television shows can trigger nostalgia People gravitate towards shows they watched as children as the memories from one s youth are often the most significant of their lives 11 Video games Edit Old video games can trigger nostalgia Retrogaming has become a recreational activity among older generations who played them as children 12 Environmental Edit Nature based factors such as weather and temperature can trigger nostalgia Scientific studies have shown that cold weather makes people more nostalgic while nostalgia causes people to feel warmer 13 In some societies elements of nature often trigger a nostalgia for past times when nature played a larger role in culture 32 Environmental philosopher Glenn Albrecht coined the term solastalgia in his 2003 book Solastalgia a new concept in human health and identity 33 The word is formed from the Latin sōlacium comfort and the Greek root ἄlgos pain suffering to describe a form of emotional or existential distress caused by environmental destruction Nostalgia differs from solastalgia because nostalgia is typically generated by spatial separation from important places or persons one s home one s family or loved ones with which it is often possible in principle to reconnect With solastalgia in contrast the grief is typically caused by environmental destruction so the separation between subject and object is ontological rather than spatial it is permanent and unbridgeable and can be experienced while continuing to occupy the same irreversibly degraded place Other aspects EditAs a medical condition Edit Further information Homesickness The term was coined in 1688 by Johannes Hofer 1669 1752 in his Basel dissertation Hofer introduced nostalgia or mal du pays homesickness for the condition also known as mal du Suisse Swiss illness because of its frequent occurrence in Swiss mercenaries who in the plains of Switzerland were pining for their landscapes Symptoms were also thought to include fainting high fever and death English homesickness is a loan translation of nostalgia Sir Joseph Banks used the word in his journal during the first voyage of Captain Cook On 3 September 1770 he stated that the sailors were now pretty far gone with the longing for home which the Physicians have gone so far as to esteem a disease under the name of Nostalgia but his journal was not published in his lifetime 34 Cases resulting in death were known and soldiers were sometimes successfully treated by being discharged and sent home Receiving a diagnosis was however generally regarded as an insult In the eighteenth century scientists were looking for a locus of nostalgia a nostalgic bone By the 1850s nostalgia was losing its status as a particular disease and coming to be seen rather as a symptom or stage of a pathological process It was considered as a form of melancholia and a predisposing condition among suicides Nostalgia was however still diagnosed among soldiers as late as the American Civil War 35 By the 1870s interest in nostalgia as a medical category had almost completely vanished Nostalgia was still being recognized in both the First and Second World Wars especially by the American armed forces Great lengths were taken to study and understand the condition to stem the tide of troops leaving the front in droves see the BBC documentary Century of the Self Nostalgia is triggered by something reminding an individual of an event or item from their past The resulting emotion can vary from happiness to sorrow The term feeling nostalgic is more commonly used to describe pleasurable emotions associated with and or a longing to go back to a particular period of time Romanticism Edit Swiss nostalgia was linked to the singing of Kuhreihen which were forbidden to Swiss mercenaries because they led to nostalgia to the point of desertion illness or death The 1767 Dictionnaire de Musique by Jean Jacques Rousseau claims that Swiss mercenaries were threatened with severe punishment to prevent them from singing their Swiss songs It became somewhat of a topos in Romantic literature and figures in the poem Der Schweizer by Achim von Arnim 1805 and in Clemens Brentano s Des Knaben Wunderhorn 1809 as well as in the opera Le Chalet by Adolphe Charles Adam 1834 which was performed for Queen Victoria under the title The Swiss Cottage The Romantic connection of nostalgia was a significant factor in the enthusiasm for Switzerland and the development of early Tourism in Switzerland that took hold of the European cultural elite in the 19th century German Romanticism coined an opposite to Heimweh Fernweh far sickness longing to be far away like wanderlust expressing the Romantic desire to travel and explore In rhetoric and communication Edit Nostalgia has been frequently studied as a tool of rhetoric and persuasion Communication scholar Stephen Depoe 36 for example writes that in nostalgic messaging a speaker highlights a comparison between a more favorable idealized past and a less favorable present in order to stimulate nostalgia linking his her own policies to qualities of the idealized past in order to induce support 179 Rhetorician William Kurlinkus 37 38 taxonomizes nostalgia on this foundation arguing that nostalgic rhetoric generally contains three parts A loss or threat in the present the chaotic change that nostalgia responds to Though some theorists 39 argue that the ideal must truly be lost other scholars including Kurlinkus argue that the ideal may simply be threatened to trigger nostalgia A nostalgic crux a person group corporation et al that is blamed for the loss of the nostalgic ideal To perform such scapegoating the nostalgic crux is usually presented as a force of newness and change Defeating this outsider is positioned as a source of recovering the good memory Such cruxes have include groups from polluting corporations to immigrants Hope Finally Kurlinkus argues that though nostalgia is often performed ironically it almost always has a true hope for recovering the god memory whether this means some kind of true restoration or a more symbolic recovery of an ethic Such hope differentiates nostalgia from similar emotions like melancholia which contains all of nostalgia s longing for lost ideals without a desire to move out of that past Kurlinkus coined the term nostalgic other to describe the ways in which some populations of people become trapped in other people s nostalgic stories of them idealized as natural while simultaneously denied sovereignty or the right to change in the present Nostalgic others differ from other scholarly discourse in that their alterity is not primarily based in race or ethnicity Kurlinkus wrote Rather in concurrent identifications and divisions the nostalgic other is distinguished from the rhetor by time We live in the present they live in the past The creation of the nostalgic other allows mainstream populations to commodify the racial purity and stability of the past but refuses the community agency to change in the present by highlighting its negative traits As an advertising tool Edit In media and advertising nostalgia evoking images sounds and references can be used strategically to create a sense of connectedness between consumers and products with the goal of convincing the public to consume watch or buy advertised products 40 Modern technology facilitates nostalgia eliciting advertising through the subject style and design of an advertisement 41 The feeling of longing for the past is easily communicated through social media and advertising because these media require the participation of multiple senses are able to represent their ideas entirely and therefore become more reminiscent of life Due to efficient advertising schemes consumers need not have experienced a specific event or moment in time in order to feel nostalgic for it This is due to a phenomenon referred to as vicarious nostalgia Vicarious nostalgia is a feeling of wistful yearning for a moment that occurred prior to or outside of the span of one s memory but is relatable has sentimental value due to repeated mediated exposure to it 42 The constant propagating of advertisements and other media messages makes vicarious nostalgia possible and changes the ways we understand advertisements and subsequently the way consumers use their purchasing power Examples of nostalgia used to provoke public interest include nostalgia themed websites 43 such as The Nostalgia Machine and DoYouRemember and revamps of old movies 44 TV shows and books Vintage rustic and old fashioned design styles can also be seen in nostalgia based ad campaigns that companies such as Coca Cola and Levi Strauss amp Co use 42 Developed within the marketing discipline forestalgia 1 defined as an individual s yearning for an idealized future serves as a future focused counterpart to nostalgia 45 Like nostalgia where only the happy memories are retained forestalgia explains customers intentions to escape the present to a romanticized future where current concerns are no longer an issue Marketing researchers found that when promoting hedonic and utilitarian products far past nostalgia and far future forestalgia advertisements were most effective in the promotion of utilitarian products In contrast hedonic products were better suited for advertisements framed in far past nostalgia or near future forestalgia See also EditAmericana Declinism Golden age metaphor Hauntology Historic preservation Mono no aware Nostalgia industry Nostalgia for the Soviet Union Neo Stalinism Nostalgia Night Old time radio Ostalgie Recency bias Retro style Rosy retrospection Saudade Sehnsucht Solastalgia Vaporwave Vintage design Yugo nostalgiaReferences Edit Mills Wes July 6 2021 Saturday Evening Post Celebrates 200 Years Inside Indiana Business Archived from the original on November 19 2021 a b Boym Svetlana 2002 The Future of Nostalgia Basic Books pp xiii xiv ISBN 978 0 465 00708 0 Fuentenebro de Diego F Valiente C 2014 Nostalgia a conceptual history History of Psychiatry 25 4 404 411 doi 10 1177 0957154X14545290 PMID 25395438 a b Dahl Melissa February 25 2016 The Little Known Medical History of Homesickness New York Archived from the original on March 1 2016 Sedikides Constantine Wildschut Tim Arndt Jamie Routledge Clay October 2008 Nostalgia Past Present and Future Current Directions in Psychological Science 17 5 304 307 doi 10 1111 j 1467 8721 2008 00595 x S2CID 220389609 The Oxford Dictionary of American Political Slang edited by Grant Barrett p 90 Etchells Pete January 16 2015 Declinism is the world actually getting worse The Guardian Retrieved 20 December 2016 Steven R Quartz The State Of The World Isn t Nearly As Bad As You Think Edge Foundation Inc retrieved 2016 02 17 Lewis Jemima January 16 2016 Why we yearn for the good old days The Telegraph Retrieved 20 December 2016 a b Music Evoked Nostalgia a b c Nelakonda Divya Binging on nostalgia why we replay TV from our youth the Epic Retrieved 2022 01 14 a b McCarthy Anne Why Retro Looking Games Get So Much Love Wired ISSN 1059 1028 Retrieved 2022 01 14 a b Study Nostalgia Makes Us Warm and Cold Makes Us Nostalgic The Atlantic 2012 12 04 Wildschut Tim Sedikides Constantine Arndt Jamie Routledge Clay 2006 Nostalgia Content triggers functions PDF Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 91 5 975 993 doi 10 1037 0022 3514 91 5 975 PMID 17059314 Vanessa Koneke More bitter than sweet Are nostalgic people rather sad than happy after all GRIN Verlag GmbH Munchen 2010 ISBN 978 3640942268 Schindler Robert M Holbrook Morris B 2003 04 01 Nostalgia for early experience as a determinant of consumer preferences Psychology and Marketing 20 4 275 302 CiteSeerX 10 1 1 520 403 doi 10 1002 mar 10074 ISSN 1520 6793 Oba K Noriuchi M Atomi T Moriguchi Y Kikuchi Y 2015 06 04 Memory and reward systems coproduce nostalgic experiences in the brain Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience 11 7 1069 1077 doi 10 1093 scan nsv073 PMC 4927028 PMID 26060325 Batcho K I 2013 Nostalgia Retreat or support in difficult times The American Journal of Psychology Zhou X Sedikides C Wildschut T Gao D 2008 Counteracting loneliness On the restorative function of nostalgia PDF Psychological Science 19 10 1023 1029 doi 10 1111 j 1467 9280 2008 02194 x PMID 19000213 S2CID 45398320 Howard Giles A Brief History of Re enactment Vess M Arndt J Routledge C Sedikides C Wildschut T 2012 Nostalgia as a resource for the self Self and Identity 11 3 273 284 doi 10 1080 15298868 2010 521452 S2CID 56018071 Routledge C Arndt J Wildschut T Sedikides C Hart C M 2011 The past makes the present meaningful Nostalgia as an existential resource Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 101 3 638 652 doi 10 1037 a0024292 PMID 21787094 Routledge C Wildschut T Sedikides C Juhl J Arndt J 2012 The power of the past Nostalgia as a meaning making resource Memory 20 5 452 460 doi 10 1080 09658211 2012 677452 PMID 22639901 S2CID 15357239 Baldwin M Landau M J 2014 Exploring nostalgia s influence on psychological growth Self and Identity 13 2 162 177 doi 10 1080 15298868 2013 772320 S2CID 6319780 Hook D 2012 Screened history Nostalgia as defensive formation Peace and Conflict Journal of Peace Psychology Vol 18 3 Aug 2012 Special issue Of Narratives and Nostalgia pp 225 239 Boym S 2001 The future of nostalgia New York NY Basic Books John Tierney July 8 2013 What Is Nostalgia Good For Quite a Bit Research Shows The New York Times Retrieved July 9 2013 Zhou Xinyue Wildschut Tim Sedikides Constantine Chen Xiaoxi Vingerhoets Ad J J M 2012 Heartwarming memories Nostalgia maintains physiological comfort Emotion 12 4 678 684 doi 10 1037 a0027236 PMID 22390713 Sedikides C Wildschut T Routledge C Arndt J 2015 Nostalgia counteracts self discontinuity and restores self continuity PDF European Journal of Social Psychology 45 1 52 61 doi 10 1002 ejsp 2073 Routledge Clay October 31 2017 Approach With Caution Nostalgia Is a Potent Political Agent Undark Magazine The Brain and Nostalgia William J Havlena amp Susan L Holak 2015 The Role of Nature in the Nostalgic Experience of the Japanese Proceedings of the 1998 Multicultural Marketing Conference Springer Developments in Marketing Science Proceedings of the Academy of Marketing Science pp 128 134 doi 10 1007 978 3 319 17383 2 21 ISBN 978 3 319 17382 5 Albrecht G 2005 Solastalgia a new concept in human health and identity PAN Partners OCLC 993784860 Beaglehole J C ed The Endeavour Journal of Joseph Banks 1768 1771 Public Library of New South Wales Angus and Robertson Sydney 1962 vol ii p 145 Wisconsin Public Radio To the Best of Our Knowledge Svetlana Boym on Nostalgia 2002 November 3 Depoe Stephen 1990 Requiem for Liberalism The Therapeutic and Deliberative Functions of Nostalgic Appeals in Edward Kennedy s Address to the 1980 Democratic National Convention Southern Journal of Communication 55 2 175 190 doi 10 1080 10417949009372786 Kurlinkus William 2021 Nostalgic Design Making Memories in the Rhetoric Classroom Rhetoric Society Quarterly 51 5 422 438 doi 10 1080 02773945 2021 1972133 S2CID 244136140 Kurlinkus W 2019 1 Nostalgic Design Rhetoric Memory and Democratizing Technology U Pittsburgh Press ISBN 9780822965527 Davis Lizardi R 2015 Mediated Nostalgia Maryland Lexington Books Niemeyer K 2014 Media and Nostalgia Palgrave Macmillan ISBN 978 1 137 37588 9 a b Merchant A 2013 Effects of advertising evoked vicarious nostalgia in brand heritage Journal of Business Research 66 DoYouRemember com DoYouRemember DoYouRemember Inc Retrieved 25 October 2019 Oceans 11 1960 Version IMDB Barnwell R Wixel Collier Joel Shanahan Kevin J 5 April 2022 Nostalgia and Forestalgia Insights Evaluation and Implications for Advertising and Product Typology Journal of Advertising 50 5 19 doi 10 1080 00913367 2022 2036652 S2CID 247988600 Retrieved 8 April 2022 Further reading EditBarnwell R Wixel Joel Collier and Kevin J Shanahan Nostalgia and Forestalgia Insights Evaluation and Implications for Advertising and Product Typology Journal of Advertising 2022 1 18 2 Bartholeyns G 2014 The instant past Nostalgia and digital photo retro photography Media and Nostalgia Yearning for the past present and future ed K Niemeyer Palgrave Macmillan 51 69 Batcho K I 2013 Nostalgia Retreat or support in difficult times The American Journal of Psychology 126 3 355 367 doi 10 5406 amerjpsyc 126 3 0355 PMID 24027948 Simon Bunke Heimweh Studien zur Kultur und Literaturgeschichte einer todlichen Krankheit Homesickness On the Cultural and Literary History of a Lethal Disease Freiburg 2009 674 pp Boulbry Gaelle and Borges Adilson Evaluation d une echelle anglo saxonne de mesure du temperament nostalgique dans un contexte culturel francais Evaluation of an anglo saxon scale of measurement of nostalgic mood in a French cultural context Dominic Boyer Ostalgie and the Politics of the Future in Eastern Germany Public Culture 18 2 361 381 Simon Bunke Heimweh In Bettina von Jagow Florian Steger Eds Literatur und Medizin im europaischen Kontext Ein Lexikon Gottingen Vandenhoeck amp Ruprecht 2005 Sp 380 384 Niemeyer Katharina ed 2014 Media and Nostalgia Yearning for the past present and future Palgrave Macmillan Coromines i Vigneaux Joan Diccionari etimologic i complementari de la llengua catalana Barcelona Curial Edicions Catalanes 1983 Davis Fred Yearning for Yesterday a Sociology of Nostalgia New York Free Press 1979 Freeman Lindsey A Longing for the Bomb Oak Ridge and Atomic Nostalgia Chapel Hill University of North Carolina Press 2015 Hofer Johannes Medical Dissertation on Nostalgia Bulletin of the Institute of the History of Medicine Trans Carolyn Kiser Anspach 2 6 1688 Aug 1934 376 91 Hunter Richard and Macalpine Ida Three Hundred Years of Psychiatry 1535 1860 Hartsdale NY Carlisle Publishing Inc 1982 Hutcheon Linda Irony Nostalgia and the Postmodern Jameson Fredric 1989 Nostalgia for the Present The South Atlantic Quarterly 88 2 527 60 Thurber Christopher A and Marian D Sigman Preliminary Models of Risk and Protective Factors for Childhood Homesickness Review and Empirical Synthesis Child Development 69 4 Aug 1998 903 34 Dylan Trigg The Aesthetics of Decay Nothingness Nostalgia and the Absence of Reason New York Peter Lang 2006 3 Linda M Austin Emily Bronte s Homesickness Victorian Studies 44 4 summer 2002 573 596 Simon Bunke Heimwehforschung de BBC Four Documentaries The Century of the Self Zhou X Sedikides C Wildschut T Gao D 2008 Counteracting loneliness On the restorative function of nostalgia PDF Psychological Science 19 10 1023 1029 doi 10 1111 j 1467 9280 2008 02194 x PMID 19000213 S2CID 45398320 Vess M Arndt J Routledge C Sedikides C Wildschut T 2012 Nostalgia as a resource for the self Self and Identity 11 3 273 284 doi 10 1080 15298868 2010 521452 S2CID 56018071 Rieter O http www barbarus org single post 2015 08 22 Nostalgia as a way of creating meaning in everyday life Routledge C Wildschut T Sedikides C Juhl J Arndt J 2012 The power of the past Nostalgia as a meaning making resource Memory 20 5 452 460 doi 10 1080 09658211 2012 677452 PMID 22639901 S2CID 15357239 Routledge C Arndt J Wildschut T Sedikides C Hart C M 2011 The past makes the present meaningful Nostalgia as an existential resource Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 101 3 638 652 doi 10 1037 a0024292 PMID 21787094 Koneke V 2010 More bitter than sweet Are nostalgic people rather sad than happy after all GRIN Verlag GmbH Munich Germany ISBN Gilad Padva Queer Nostalgia in Cinema and Pop Culture Basingstock UK and New York Palgrave Macmillan 2014 254 pp Look up nostalgia in Wiktionary the free dictionary Wikiquote has quotations related to Nostalgia Retrieved from https en wikipedia org w index php title Nostalgia amp oldid 1132507430, wikipedia, wiki, book, books, library,


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