
Have a nice day

Have a nice day is a commonly spoken expression used to conclude a conversation (whether brief or extensive), or end a message by hoping the person to whom it is addressed experiences a pleasant day. Since it is often uttered by service employees to customers at the end of a transaction, particularly in Israel and the United States, its repetitious and dutiful usage has resulted in the phrase developing, according to some journalists and scholars, especially outside of these two countries, a cultural connotation of impersonality, lack of interest, passive–aggressive behavior, or sarcasm.

Plastic shopping bag in the United States, inviting the customer to "have a nice day"

The phrase is generally not used in Europe, as some find it artificial or even offensive. Critics of the phrase characterize it as an imperative, obliging the person to have a nice day. Other critics argue that it is a parting platitude that comes across as pretended. While defenders of the phrase agree that "Have a nice day" can be used insincerely, they consider the phrase to be comforting, in that it improves interactions among people. Others favor the phrase because it does not require a response.

A variant of the phrase—"have a good day"—is first recorded in Layamon's Brut (c. 1205) and King Horn. "Have a nice day" itself first appeared in the 1948 film A Letter to Three Wives. In the United States, the phrase was first used on a regular basis in the early to mid 1960s by FAA air traffic controllers and pilots. It was subsequently popularized by truck drivers talking on CB radios. Variations on the phrase include "have a good one" and "have a nice one". In conjunction with the smiley face, the phrase became a defining cultural emblem of the 1970s and was a key theme in the 1991 film My Own Private Idaho. By 2000, "have a nice day" and "have a good day" were taken metaphorically, synonymous with the parting phrase "goodbye".

History edit

The Oxford English Dictionary recorded the earliest uses of one of the phrase's variants—"have a good day"—as being "Habbeð alle godne dæie" in Layamon's Brut (c. 1205) and "Rymenhild, have wel godne day" in King Horn (1225).[1] According to Roland Dickison of California State University, "have a good day" first appeared in Geoffrey Chaucer's 1387 The Canterbury Tales: "And hoom wente every man the righte way, there was namoore but 'Fare wel, have a good day'".[2] Routinely employed by Chaucer in his literary works, "have a good day" disappeared for several centuries before its revival.[3]

William Safire of The New York Times wrote that "have a nice day" first appeared in the 1948 film A Letter to Three Wives.[2] The American Heritage Dictionary of Idioms stated that "have a nice day" first came into being in 1920, and the phrase and its variants became widely used after the 1950s.[4][note 1] According to Safire, Carol Reed of WCBS-TV spread the phrase in the New York metropolitan area in 1964 by closing her weather reports with "have a happy day", a variant of "have a nice day".[2][6] The 1960s saw the phrase "have a good day" become prevalent and supersede "happy day".[2] Numerous hippies, when parting, told each other to "have a nice day" or "have a beautiful day".[7] In 1970, "have a nice city" was a mayoralty slogan in San Francisco.[2] In 1972, during the Vietnam War, family members of POW/MIA members of the American armed forces participated in South Boston's Saint Patrick's Day march.[8] They carried a black banner that read "POW/MIA Families Never Have a Nice Day". They received scowls and jeers from a hostile crowd. One woman said, "They should be shot for bringing this here."[8]

By around 2000, "have a nice day" and "have a good day" were taken metaphorically, morphing into synonyms of the parting phrase "goodbye".[3]

Smiley face and "have a nice day" edit

A polystyrene food container displaying a smiley face and the phrase "have a nice day"

Abigail Goldman of the Los Angeles Times, wrote that the smiley face and the expression "have a nice day" "helped to define the '70s".[9] In the early 1970s, Philadelphian brothers Murray and Bernard Spain designed and sold products including bumper stickers and coffee mugs that each contained the yellow smiley face, usually attributed to Harvey Ball.[10] They later changed the phrase to "Have a nice day".[11][12]

The 1991 film My Own Private Idaho ironically ends with the parting phrase "have a nice day", which for the fourth time invokes the smiley face.[13] Smiley faces represent optimism and appear to ask the characters, who are characterized as "marginal figures", how nice their days are.[14] While traveling to Idaho, the protagonists' motorcycle breaks down, and one of the characters, Mike, gazes at the sun on the horizon and links it with the motto "have a nice day". He says, "I've been on this road before. Looks like a fucked-up face. Like it's saying 'have a nice day' or something."[14]

In the 1994 film Forrest Gump, title character Forrest is jogging down the street when a T-shirt salesman approaches him, asking him to put his face on T-shirts as inspiration to people.[15] While the men are jogging, a truck splashes mud into Forrest's face, and the salesman gives him a yellow shirt to wipe the mud off. Forrest rolls up the shirt and hands it back, saying "have a nice day". Unrolling the shirt, the man finds a smiley face outlined on it.[15] Thus the film credits Forrest Gump with inventing the Smiley logo and the have a nice day slogan.[15][16]

In September 2005, Bon Jovi released the album Have a Nice Day. The album cover contains a red smiley face which guitarist Richie Sambora stated echoes its title song. Sambora explained that "It's [like] 'Have a nice day; get out of my face'—therefore the smirk. To me, it's much more of a Clint Eastwood 'Have a nice day' than a smiley face 'Have a nice day.'"[17]

Usage edit

"Have a nice day Friday" on a carpet or floormat in English and Arabic

The phrase "have a nice day" is typically spoken by service employees or clerks to customers at the end of a transaction. A mercantile method of expressing "thank you" as in "thank you for shopping with us" or "thank you for using our service",[18] it is commonly used among people in the United States[19][20] and by retailers in New Zealand and elsewhere.[21] In the 1970s, the American supermarket chain Kmart opened a store in Brisbane, Australia. The workers were trained to say, "Thank you for shopping at K-Mart. Have a nice day."[22]

Other versions of "have a nice day" are "have a good one"[23] and "have a nice one."[24] The phrase was universalized after 1950 by truck drivers conversing on their CB radios.[3][24] Scientific studies indicate that people who regularly smile are more likely to say "have a nice day".[25] The phrase can have passive–aggressive connotations,[26] and can be caustically used to end transactions with abusive customers.[27] The speaker may also use the phrase ironically, in either a purposeful or unintentional manner.[3]

Roly Sussex of The Courier-Mail wrote that "have a nice day" can sound "a touch brusque" in comparison with "you have a nice day".[28] Deeming the word "you" as moderating the imperative, Sussex stated that the word "you" causes the phrase to seem like a mixture of a command and a hope. He wrote that using "you" in imperatives is more common with people under 25.[28] In her 2001 book The Facts on File Dictionary of Clichés, Christina Ammer wrote about the growing usage of "have a good meal" in restaurants. Ammer opined that the phrase "induces teeth-gnashing irritation when voiced by a particularly incompetent waiter".[3]

Academic Sandi Mann's interviews found that the British wished and demanded cordiality from service personnel, more than from their coworkers. Israelis, Americans, and Australians, on the other hand, wanted friendliness from both their coworkers and service personnel. Mann explains that the British do not expect a "smiley" display from colleagues because they have more time to build longer-term relationships. Those in the service industry, though, have to become "one-minute friends" each time they interact with customers.[29]

In crime edit

On July 14, 1979, the Chicago Tribune published an article titled "This is a holdup; have a nice day" about a Minneapolis robber; while robbing the First Federal Savings & Loan Association of Chicago, the man gave a note to the bank teller that said "Thank you, and have a nice day".[30] On November 3, 2007, two robbers equipped with handguns stole money from a kiosk at a Vale, North Carolina store; the Hickory Daily Record called them "courteous crooks" because after the theft, they told people to "have a nice day".[31]

Before the Binghamton shooting on April 3, 2009, the perpetrator sent a rambling diatribe against the police to News 10 Now; the letter concluded with the chilling message "COP BRiNG ABOUT THiS SHOOTiNG COP MUST RESPONSiBLE. AND YOU HAVE A NiCE DAY".[32][33]

In Israel edit

"Have a nice day" is frequently used in the Israeli retail and service industries.[34] Jerry Levin wrote in his 2005 book West Bank Diary: Middle East Violence as Reported by a Former American Hostage about a woman in a coffee shop telling him to "have a nice day" after he purchased a sweet roll and coffee.[35] Levin stated that there is also a "grimmer version of the pervasive pleasantry". After an Israeli soldier destroyed the memory card of Levin's camera, the soldier told him with a jocular smirk, "have a nice day".[36]

In 2005, the Mosawa Center for Arab Rights in Israel paid for ads on television and radio stations in Israel. In the television ads, the Arabic phrase for "have a nice day" would flash onto the screen in black letters and on a red background.[37] Immediately following the Arabic phrase would be a Hebrew phrase that said, "Are you already against it without even knowing what it says? All we wanted to say is have a nice day."[37] Spokeswoman Abir Kopty stated that "[t]he purpose of this campaign was mainly to cause the Israeli public sitting at home, or walking down the street, to ask itself why it had a negative reaction to everything Arab, even if it is the simplest phrase."[37] Kopty further said that the Mosawa Center wanted to encourage Arabs to be more active and more visible in the community.[37]

In Korea edit

According to Korean Studies published by the University of Hawaii at Manoa, "have a nice day" is sometimes used in Korea. Korean Studies wrote that it "seemed somehow to fit nicely" with the phrase "Caymi posey yo", which was used in Korean shops to say goodbye.[38] In recent years, it is more common to use the phrase "Annyeonghi gaseyo" to say goodbye in Korean shops.

In Europe edit

Beyond smiling, most Germans consider the phrase "have a nice day" an insincere and superficial bit of nonsense. To an American it's something normal and expected, but the more I hear this, the less I appreciate it. After all, if I'm at the supermarket to buy anti-nausea medicine for a sick child, I may have a nice day after all, but at that point the checker's "polite" have-a-nice-day comment seems even more inappropriate than usual. (Did she not notice I was buying nausea medicine, rather than, say, a six-pack of beer?) This is a true story, and a German friend who was with me that day happens to have a good sense of humor and was mildly amused by this strange American custom. We smiled about that, because there was a real reason to do so.

Hyde Flippo[39]

Europeans generally feel the phrase "have a nice day" is fake and that the speaker is solely interacting with the listener for business purposes.[40] It is generally not used in the United Kingdom.[40]

The phrase "have a nice day" spread to Britain from the United States.[41] In Britain, the variants "have a fine day" and "have a good day" are frequently used in place of "have a nice day".[3] British customers generally consider it to be obnoxious and overbearing,[40] instead usually preferring the gentler expression "enjoy the rest of your afternoon".[42]

In their 2002 book Different Games, Different Rules, Haru Yamada and Deborah Tannen recalled teaching a class in London, where a student construed "have a nice day" to be insincere. The student said that Americans "say things like that with this big fake smile on their face, and they don't really mean it".[43] Not having the context of the metaphor, the student took the phrase literally and was unable to discern the intended cordiality. Conversely, when Americans visit stores in Britain where the salespeople engage not in "have a nice day" salesmanship, Americans regard British as lacking customer service.[43]

Guy Browning penned an article in 2007 titled "How to... have a nice day" for The Guardian, writing that sarcasm will creep into the discussion if the British say "have a nice day".[44] Browning explained that in Britain, people assume that the day will be horrible—even catastrophic. He wrote that for the United States though, "nice days and the having thereof are written into the constitution".[44]

In Germany, "Schönen Tag noch!", the German phrase for "have a nice day", is being used more frequently by its vendors and waiters. German author Hyde Flippo wrote that many Germans deem "have a nice day" to be affected and shallow. Flippo further opined that the phrase is an appropriate example of culturally improper language. He compared it to smiling arbitrarily at a German person which would give the impression that the smiler is a "little simple-minded or not quite 'all there'". Writing that Germans prefer "Auf Wiedersehen!" or "Tschüss!" (both meaning "goodbye")—which German shopkeepers frequently use—to "dubious wishes for a nice day" he opined that that is why Germans generally favor visiting a small shop instead of a large department store.[39]

The French also concur that the phrase is insincere. Author Natalie Schorr wrote that the French frequently say "bonne journée"—"good day" in French—and do not consider it to be insincere. Schorr explains that "bonne journée" is a "gracious formule de politesse", similar to merci and s'il vous plaît. However, "have a nice day" sounds like a trite phrase spoken by a telemarketer.[45]

In Sweden, Lennart Fridén, a member of the Parliament of Sweden, lamented in a January 1995 speech to Parliament the usage of "ha en bra dag"—"have a nice day" in Swedish. Fridén stated that the increased usage of English loan expressions like "ha en bra dag" "impairs our sense of language and style". He proposed a motion that an authoritative body, working in conjunction with linguistic institutions, be delegated the job of "caring for the Swedish language"; the motion did not pass.[46]

The Boston-born American author Edith Shillue wrote in her 2003 book Peace Comes Dropping Slow that when the Irish stereotyped Americans, they tended to use the phrase "have a nice day".[47] While lodging at a house in Ireland, Shillue found a drawing on the wall for American visitors like her. Drawn by her host's daughters, the picture had the phrase "Have a ______ Day", with a smiley faced affixed instead of the word "nice".[47] Irish author Aidan Higgins wrote in his 2004 book A Bestiary that the Americanization of Ireland led the Irish to say phrases like "No problem!" or "Have a nice day!" even when there is drenching rain.[48]

In the United States edit

In the United States, "good morning", "good afternoon", "good evening", and "good night" were previously the normal farewell addresses for a lengthy period of time. The common valediction has become "have a nice day".[49]

According to the Handbook of Hispanic Cultures in the United States, "[t]enga un nice day" is an example of Cuban Spanglish. This is distinguished from Chicano Spanish, in that the Chicano second-generation and beyond, who are inclined to code-switch, generally do not speak in the formal address form of "tenga".[50]

In 1979, a New York judge sentenced a man to a seven- to ten-year jail term at the Auburn State Prison for committing a robbery. The judge's final words were "You are hereby remanded to the custody of the sheriff's department for delivery to the custody of state officials. Have a nice day."[2] Jack Sheehan of WKRT stated that the convict "almost sank to his knees. The phrase had worked its magic."[2]

"Have a Nice Day" culture edit

Sandi Mann, a business psychologist at the University of Central Lancashire, defines the "Have a Nice Day" culture as filled with "fake smiles, forced bonhomie, and meaningless demands by workers to 'have a nice day'".[51] Managers compel their employees to be attentive and affable with customers despite the fact that some employees do not feel these emotions.[52]

Sandi Mann concludes from her research that the "Have a Nice Day" culture will prevail, becoming used by more companies and countries.[53] In the service industry, for example, she explains that products have become more uniform over the past few decades. Thus, the sole way for companies to distinguish themselves is to have better customer service.[54] She notes that there are positive and negative effects. A positive effect is that it is beneficial for business and for people who enjoy fake displays.[53] A negative effect is that emotions incompatible with the "Have a Nice Day" culture are repressed, leading to what Mann terms the "Have a Nice Day" syndrome.[55] In an interview for the Wall Street Journal, an employee of a telemarketing company, was called a son of a bitch. Clenching his teeth, he responded "Thank you very much, you have a nice day."[56] The stress of suppressing their feelings and faking cheerfulness caused people like the telemarketer to feel insincere and phony.[57] Individuals affected by the "Have a Nice Day" syndrome must carry out emotional labor,[58] which could lead to diminished self-esteem, depression, and cynicism.[59]

Criticism edit

Have a nice day! Sunnybank housewives, and indeed, people from other areas of Brisbane, collectively reeled from the blatant American cliche that had infiltrated our suburbs. Have a nice day! We only heard that on Hollywood movies and American soap operas! Now, poor innocent Aussie teenagers were being forced to say it as if they meant it!

There is no sincere way to say "have a nice day". It's an idiom that's been mashed and mangled over the decades until any semblance of meaning has been wrung out of it. It's as sincere as a game show host, but tragically has a much longer shelf life.

Andrew Biggs of the Bangkok Post[60]

Linguistically, "have a nice day" is a command in that the subject, the pronoun you, is intimated.[61] It could be regarded as an exhortation to achieve an outcome that the recipient has no power to influence. However, it is also possible to interpret the phrase as a contraction of "I hope that you have a nice day".

Kerry LePage wrote in his 2004 book Some Day Never Comes that he chooses to have a nice day based on his own choice, not that of another person.[62] J. Broad wrote in his 2007 book Some Day Never Comes that the phrase causes people to feel they have an obligation to have a nice day.[19] Mike Royko wrote in his 2002 book For the Love of Mike that people may have a bad day, not a nice one, because they "confront a demanding boss, a nasty customer, a crabby teacher".[63]

According to author John Tschohl, the tediousness of the phrase is exemplified by employees uttering the words so faintly as to be barely audible.[64] The phrase is occasionally used in an ironic manner when others have been disrespectful or have negatively impacted the speaker.[24] In Detroit, a supermarket started a program to have its cashiers tell every customer to "have a nice day" after completing their transactions. After conducting surveys, they realized that more than half of the customers were unaware of whether the clerk had said the phrase. In addition, a number of customers commented that they despised being told to "have a nice day".[65] In a 2006 study, researchers at Frankfurt University discovered that people who must smile and say "have a nice day" in their jobs are more prone to illness. Flight attendants, waiters, and call center operators, as well as others who are forced to act cheerfully, are more likely to become depressed. This can lead to decreased immune system function.[66]

Australian Andrew Biggs of the Bangkok Post wrote that in the past, the phrase was heard exclusively in Hollywood movies and American soap operas. He lamented that by the 1970s, Aussie teenagers were compelled to tell customers to "have a nice day", a "blatant American cliche". Biggs stated that "have a nice day" is "an idiom that's been mashed and mangled over the decades".[22]

Jan C. Snow laments that the phrase was trite and indicative of the speaker's lack of vocabulary. She wrote that on Saturdays, people could be asked to "have a relaxing day". People with highly variable jobs such as emergency room nurses may appreciate "have a routine day", while mothers of young children may wish to "have a quiet day".[61] Debbie Lundberg wrote in her 2008 book Have a Nice Day Is Not Thank You, and No Problem Is Not You're Welcome that service people should say "thank you" instead of "have a nice day". She argued that "thank you" is shorter and is a "recognition of the ability you have to thank someone", which adds more worth to the purchase than something that will occur in the future.[67] Paul V. Marshall, the bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Bethlehem, concurred, writing in the Reading Eagle that he prefers "thank you" to "have a nice day" or "have a great day" even though "thank you" has a "host of socially acceptable responses".[68] He stated that when people say "thank you", they admit that they are dependent on others, which leads to a healthier, safer society.[68]

J. Broad wrote that the phrase "have a nice day" is an apt middle ground for the "drop dead" the cashier is thinking and the "come back soon" the owner wants. Broad stated that the phrase is meaningless because it has been castrated by excessive usage and pretense. He compared the phrase to the salutation "How are you?" and the phrase "had a lovely time", which are "conversational space-fillers" that help prevent embarrassing silences.[69] Usage of the term has been compared to inserting the phrase "you know" or the word "like" in sentences.[23] In 1982, comedian George Carlin joked at Carnegie Hall, "That's the trouble with 'Have a nice day'; it puts all the pressure on you. Now you've got to go out and somehow manage to have a good time, all because of some loose-lipped cashier. 'Have a nice day ...' Maybe I don't feel like having a nice day. Maybe, just maybe, I've had 116 nice days in a row and I'm ready, by God, for a crappy day."[70]

William Safire of The New York Times wrote that when the speaker of the phrase is genuine and maintains eye contact, the act is a "social asset and a note of civility" in a busy world.[2] However, he stated that when the phrase is robotically said or said in a tone similar to "get lost", the utterance "comes across with a resounding clank of falsity".[2] Marilyn Gardner of The Christian Science Monitor wrote that the "bland age of 'Have-a-nice-day' should come to a deserving end". She opined that service could not be "peddled as an image", and that substance is more important than style.[71] Satirical commentator Russell Baker wrote in the Chicago Tribune that he did not know Ma Bell was waning until she began using the phrase "have a nice day".[72]

Miss Manners wrote in her 1990 book Miss Manners' Guide for the Turn-of-the-Millennium that although the phrase was trite, she wondered whether there was "so much deeply felt good will" permeating through the world that shallow friendliness ought to desist. She stated that for her, saying "goodbye" is sufficient because it expresses the same well-wishing farewell sentiment.[73] Leil Lowndes wrote in her 2009 book How to Instantly Connect with Anyone that if someone says "have a nice day", the recipient should refrain from sarcastically responding "Thanks, but I have other plans" or "Gee, I was planning on having a miserable one, but now that you mention it, I think I'll have a nice one." Lowndes suggested that the response merely be "You, too."[74]

Defense edit

Long ago I would have mocked "Have a nice day" as an international gold standard of American insincerity. But alone, ill-slept and, most of all, charmed by its contrast with my own country's default mode of public aggression, I found it soothing, even kind. So what if it isn't truly meant or is parroted 1,000 times a day? It oils the squeaky old cogs of social interaction, makes it more pleasant for millions of hard-packed people to coexist in an often brutal, unnaturally vertical city. Manners keep public space clean and neutral; provide a little much-needed mental distance between us.

Janice Turner of The Times[60]

Carol Swiderski of the Chicago Tribune wrote that although saying "have a nice day" may not be sincere, the speaker has acknowledged that the recipient is there. She argued "[h]ave we become so analytic that we can't accept these little niceties without asking ourselves, 'Did he really mean it? Does she really care if I have a nice day?'"[75] Writing that society has become so automated that going through a check-out line at a grocery store without having made eye contact or spoken with the checker is possible, Swiderski favored "insincerely meant human kindness to a robot".[75] She encouraged people to respond to "have a nice day" with "you have a nice day, too" because she hoped that when a sufficient number of people do this, there could be a time when people will sincerely intend it.[75]

Jeff Corbett of The Newcastle Herald defended "have a nice day" despite his characterization of the phrase as "wincingly American and so patently false in its sing-song delivery" by cashiers.[76] Corbett favored the phrase to the inquiries of the shopkeepers about his life; he preferred "have a nice day" because it did not entail a response.[76]

Janice Turner of The Times supported the phrase, writing that she is indifferent to it being used insincerely or 1,000 times a day. She wrote that "have a nice day" is "soothing, even kind", in that it improves the interactions among millions of people crowded together.[60]

William F. Wyatt Jr. of the Chicago Tribune wrote that "have a nice day" used to be new and "fill[ed] a needed slot".[77] "Goodbye", he stated, inappropriately indicates that salespeople are intimate with customers they do not know and would seem forced. "Farewell", Wyatt said, would feel abnormal and could only be employed in an ironic context. The close of a transaction needed an oral ending. "Have a nice day" was the apt phrase for those who serve people they do not know to end a transaction.[77]

Notes and references edit

  1. ^ Prior to "have a nice day", the most popular valediction was "so long". Other farewell phrases were "see you later" and "see ya later", which evolved into "see ya later, alligator". In the 1960s, during growing abhorrence of the Vietnam War, people parted with the word "peace". Jack Smith of the Los Angeles Times lamented that there were no English counterparts to the graceful farewell phrases of other languages; Spanish had "hasta la vista", French had "au revoir", and German had "auf Wiedersehen".[5]
  1. ^ "Good day". Oxford English Dictionary. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 1989. (subscription required)
  2. ^ a b c d e f g h i Safire, William (1979-07-08). "Have A Nice Day' America's Favorite Farewell Is Driving Folks Crazy". The New York Times. Retrieved 2010-06-11.
  3. ^ a b c d e f Ammer 2001, pp. 177–178
  4. ^ Ammer 1997, p. 288
  5. ^ Smith, Jack (1973-03-30). "The Inescapable "Nice Day"". Los Angeles Times. Retrieved 2010-09-10.
  6. ^ Shepard, Richard F. (1984-03-01). "TV Notes: Role of Weathercasters". The New York Times. from the original on 2013-10-04. Retrieved 2010-06-11.
  7. ^ McCleary 2004, p. 234
  8. ^ a b Robinson & Dunn 2006, p. 102
  9. ^ Goldman, Abigail (2006-03-07). "Wal-Mart Vies for Right to Put On a Happy Face". Los Angeles Times. from the original on 2012-10-25. Retrieved 2010-07-17.
  10. ^ Adams, Cecil (1993-04-23). "Who invented the smiley face?". Chicago Reader. The Straight Dope. from the original on 2013-05-18. Retrieved 2013-05-18.
  11. ^ Vincent & Fortunati 2009, p. 114
  12. ^ Savage, Jon (2009-02-21). "The History of the Smiley Face Symbol". The Guardian. from the original on 2010-11-16. Retrieved 2010-09-26.
  13. ^ Hedrick & Reynolds 2000, p. 221
  14. ^ a b Hedrick & Reynolds 2000, p. 222
  15. ^ a b c Kime 2003, p. 59
  16. ^ Maslin, Janet (1994-07-06). "Forrest Gump (1994)". The New York Times. from the original on 2010-05-24. Retrieved 2010-09-26.
  17. ^ Bream, Jon (2005-11-05). "Have a Bon Jovi day - A smiley face with an edge sets the tone for the New Jersey rockers' new ventures into social commentary and country music". Star Tribune. from the original on 2012-03-27. Retrieved 2011-07-19.
  18. ^ Yamada & Tannen 2002, p. 47
  19. ^ a b Broad 2004, p. 27
  20. ^ LePage 2007, p. 33
  21. ^ Shopland, Alice (2001-07-09). "Retail therapy can put dollars in your pocket". The New Zealand Herald. from the original on 2012-10-23. Retrieved 2010-08-28.
  22. ^ a b Biggs, Andrew (2009-01-03). "Have a Nice Day Krap: The traditional Thai greeting is quickly losing its charm". Bangkok Post. Retrieved 2010-08-31.
  23. ^ a b Snow 1992, p. 32
  24. ^ a b c Kirkpatrick & Kirkpatrick 1999, p. 85
  25. ^ Royko 2002, p. 22
  26. ^ Welt & Herron 1990, p. 167
  27. ^ McPherson, Les (2008-09-25). . The StarPhoenix. Archived from the original on 2016-03-03. Retrieved 2010-06-11.
  28. ^ a b Sussex, Roly (2009-01-17). . The Courier-Mail. Archived from the original on 2012-06-03. Retrieved 2010-08-18.
  29. ^ Mann 1999, p. 34
  30. ^ "This is a holdup; have a nice day". Chicago Tribune. 1979-07-14.
  31. ^ Menster, Jennifer (2007-11-03). "Courteous crooks tell clerk and customers: 'Have a nice day'". Hickory Daily Record.
  32. ^ Fenner, Austin (2009-04-07). "'I am Shooting – Have a Nice Day". New York Post. from the original on 2012-10-20. Retrieved 2010-08-20.
  33. ^ "'Have a nice day' – gunman's chilling message before killing spree". The Scotsman. 2009-04-08. from the original on 2009-04-08. Retrieved 2010-08-20.
  34. ^ Levin 2005, p. 21
  35. ^ Levin 2005, pp. 21–22
  36. ^ Levin 2005, pp. 22–24
  37. ^ a b c d Halkin, Talya (2005-10-08). . The Jerusalem Post. Archived from the original on 2012-11-04. Retrieved 2010-09-01.
  38. ^ Korean Studies 1983, p. 4
  39. ^ a b Flippo, Hyde. "Have a Nice Day!". About.com. from the original on 2012-03-02. Retrieved 2010-10-13.
  40. ^ a b c Harling & Jenkins 2008, p. 279
  41. ^ Brewer's Dictionary of Phrase and Fable (18 ed.). Chambers Harrap Publishers. 2009. ISBN 978-0-550-10411-3. Retrieved 2010-09-17. (subscription required)
  42. ^ Harling & Jenkins 2008, p. 116
  43. ^ a b Yamada & Tannen 2002, p. 48
  44. ^ a b Browning, Guy (2007-09-08). "How to... have a nice day". The Guardian. from the original on 2009-02-21. Retrieved 2010-09-20.
  45. ^ Schorr 2009, p. 41
  46. ^ Fridén, Lennart (1995-01-25). "Motion 1994/95:Kr260 Det svenska språket". Parliament of Sweden. Archived from the original on 2011-02-20. Retrieved 2011-02-20.
  47. ^ a b Shillue 2003, p. 24
  48. ^ Higgins 2004, p. 734
  49. ^ Ladd 1996, p. 17
  50. ^ Kanellos & Esteva-Fabregat 1994, p. 173
  51. ^ Mann 1999, p. 21
  52. ^ Mann 1999, p. 22
  53. ^ a b Mann 1999, p. 36
  54. ^ Mann 1999, p. 31
  55. ^ Mann 1999, p. 32
  56. ^ Milbank, Dana (1993-09-09). "'New-Collar' Work: Telephone Sales Reps Do Unrewarding Jobs That Few Can Abide". Wall Street Journal.
  57. ^ Mann 1999, p. 88
  58. ^ Mann 1999, p. 84
  59. ^ Mann 1999, p. 89
  60. ^ a b c Turner, Janice (2010-03-27). . The Times. Archived from the original on 2010-05-30. Retrieved 2010-08-19.
  61. ^ a b Snow 1992, p. 33
  62. ^ LePage 2007, p. 34
  63. ^ Royko 2002, p. 23
  64. ^ Tschohl 1996, p. 164
  65. ^ Brown 1996, p. 22
  66. ^ Hall, Alan (2006-03-21). "Have a nice day — and a short life". The Age. from the original on 2012-07-05. Retrieved 2010-08-20.
  67. ^ Lundberg 2008, p. 12
  68. ^ a b Marshall, Paul V. (2004-09-24). . Reading Eagle. Archived from the original on 2010-09-20. Retrieved 2010-09-09.
  69. ^ Broad 2004, p. 28
  70. ^ . Times Herald-Record. 2005-10-28. Archived from the original on 2012-02-21. Retrieved 2010-06-11.
  71. ^ Gardner, Marilyn (1993-10-07). "When Service Means More Than a Smile". The Christian Science Monitor. from the original on 2012-10-19. Retrieved 2010-09-17.
  72. ^ Baker, Russell (1983-11-26). "Come back, Ma Bell, please". Chicago Tribune.
  73. ^ Martin 1990, p. 71
  74. ^ Lowndes 2009, p. 219
  75. ^ a b c Swiderski, Carol (1984-11-12). "Once more, with feeling". Chicago Tribune.
  76. ^ a b Corbett, Jeff (2009-10-16). "Put a sock in it, junior". The Newcastle Herald.
  77. ^ a b Wyatt Jr., William F. (1993-06-16). . Chicago Tribune. Archived from the original on 2012-06-03. Retrieved 2010-09-12.

Further reading edit

  • Roeper, Richard (2006-04-17). "Go ahead: Have a nice day -- or at least what's left of it". Chicago Sun-Times. Archived from the original on 2011-09-19. Retrieved 2011-02-15.

have, nice, this, article, about, expression, other, uses, have, nice, commonly, spoken, expression, used, conclude, conversation, whether, brief, extensive, message, hoping, person, whom, addressed, experiences, pleasant, since, often, uttered, service, emplo. This article is about the expression For other uses see Have a Nice Day Have a nice day is a commonly spoken expression used to conclude a conversation whether brief or extensive or end a message by hoping the person to whom it is addressed experiences a pleasant day Since it is often uttered by service employees to customers at the end of a transaction particularly in Israel and the United States its repetitious and dutiful usage has resulted in the phrase developing according to some journalists and scholars especially outside of these two countries a cultural connotation of impersonality lack of interest passive aggressive behavior or sarcasm Plastic shopping bag in the United States inviting the customer to have a nice day The phrase is generally not used in Europe as some find it artificial or even offensive Critics of the phrase characterize it as an imperative obliging the person to have a nice day Other critics argue that it is a parting platitude that comes across as pretended While defenders of the phrase agree that Have a nice day can be used insincerely they consider the phrase to be comforting in that it improves interactions among people Others favor the phrase because it does not require a response A variant of the phrase have a good day is first recorded in Layamon s Brut c 1205 and King Horn Have a nice day itself first appeared in the 1948 film A Letter to Three Wives In the United States the phrase was first used on a regular basis in the early to mid 1960s by FAA air traffic controllers and pilots It was subsequently popularized by truck drivers talking on CB radios Variations on the phrase include have a good one and have a nice one In conjunction with the smiley face the phrase became a defining cultural emblem of the 1970s and was a key theme in the 1991 film My Own Private Idaho By 2000 have a nice day and have a good day were taken metaphorically synonymous with the parting phrase goodbye Contents 1 History 1 1 Smiley face and have a nice day 2 Usage 2 1 In crime 2 2 In Israel 2 3 In Korea 2 4 In Europe 2 5 In the United States 3 Have a Nice Day culture 3 1 Criticism 3 2 Defense 4 Notes and references 5 Further readingHistory editThe Oxford English Dictionary recorded the earliest uses of one of the phrase s variants have a good day as being Habbed alle godne daeie in Layamon s Brut c 1205 and Rymenhild have wel godne day in King Horn 1225 1 According to Roland Dickison of California State University have a good day first appeared in Geoffrey Chaucer s 1387 The Canterbury Tales And hoom wente every man the righte way there was namoore but Fare wel have a good day 2 Routinely employed by Chaucer in his literary works have a good day disappeared for several centuries before its revival 3 William Safire of The New York Times wrote that have a nice day first appeared in the 1948 film A Letter to Three Wives 2 The American Heritage Dictionary of Idioms stated that have a nice day first came into being in 1920 and the phrase and its variants became widely used after the 1950s 4 note 1 According to Safire Carol Reed of WCBS TV spread the phrase in the New York metropolitan area in 1964 by closing her weather reports with have a happy day a variant of have a nice day 2 6 The 1960s saw the phrase have a good day become prevalent and supersede happy day 2 Numerous hippies when parting told each other to have a nice day or have a beautiful day 7 In 1970 have a nice city was a mayoralty slogan in San Francisco 2 In 1972 during the Vietnam War family members of POW MIA members of the American armed forces participated in South Boston s Saint Patrick s Day march 8 They carried a black banner that read POW MIA Families Never Have a Nice Day They received scowls and jeers from a hostile crowd One woman said They should be shot for bringing this here 8 By around 2000 have a nice day and have a good day were taken metaphorically morphing into synonyms of the parting phrase goodbye 3 Smiley face and have a nice day edit nbsp A polystyrene food container displaying a smiley face and the phrase have a nice day Abigail Goldman of the Los Angeles Times wrote that the smiley face and the expression have a nice day helped to define the 70s 9 In the early 1970s Philadelphian brothers Murray and Bernard Spain designed and sold products including bumper stickers and coffee mugs that each contained the yellow smiley face usually attributed to Harvey Ball 10 They later changed the phrase to Have a nice day 11 12 The 1991 film My Own Private Idaho ironically ends with the parting phrase have a nice day which for the fourth time invokes the smiley face 13 Smiley faces represent optimism and appear to ask the characters who are characterized as marginal figures how nice their days are 14 While traveling to Idaho the protagonists motorcycle breaks down and one of the characters Mike gazes at the sun on the horizon and links it with the motto have a nice day He says I ve been on this road before Looks like a fucked up face Like it s saying have a nice day or something 14 In the 1994 film Forrest Gump title character Forrest is jogging down the street when a T shirt salesman approaches him asking him to put his face on T shirts as inspiration to people 15 While the men are jogging a truck splashes mud into Forrest s face and the salesman gives him a yellow shirt to wipe the mud off Forrest rolls up the shirt and hands it back saying have a nice day Unrolling the shirt the man finds a smiley face outlined on it 15 Thus the film credits Forrest Gump with inventing the Smiley logo and the have a nice day slogan 15 16 In September 2005 Bon Jovi released the album Have a Nice Day The album cover contains a red smiley face which guitarist Richie Sambora stated echoes its title song Sambora explained that It s like Have a nice day get out of my face therefore the smirk To me it s much more of a Clint Eastwood Have a nice day than a smiley face Have a nice day 17 Usage edit nbsp Have a nice day Friday on a carpet or floormat in English and ArabicThe phrase have a nice day is typically spoken by service employees or clerks to customers at the end of a transaction A mercantile method of expressing thank you as in thank you for shopping with us or thank you for using our service 18 it is commonly used among people in the United States 19 20 and by retailers in New Zealand and elsewhere 21 In the 1970s the American supermarket chain Kmart opened a store in Brisbane Australia The workers were trained to say Thank you for shopping at K Mart Have a nice day 22 Other versions of have a nice day are have a good one 23 and have a nice one 24 The phrase was universalized after 1950 by truck drivers conversing on their CB radios 3 24 Scientific studies indicate that people who regularly smile are more likely to say have a nice day 25 The phrase can have passive aggressive connotations 26 and can be caustically used to end transactions with abusive customers 27 The speaker may also use the phrase ironically in either a purposeful or unintentional manner 3 Roly Sussex of The Courier Mail wrote that have a nice day can sound a touch brusque in comparison with you have a nice day 28 Deeming the word you as moderating the imperative Sussex stated that the word you causes the phrase to seem like a mixture of a command and a hope He wrote that using you in imperatives is more common with people under 25 28 In her 2001 book The Facts on File Dictionary of Cliches Christina Ammer wrote about the growing usage of have a good meal in restaurants Ammer opined that the phrase induces teeth gnashing irritation when voiced by a particularly incompetent waiter 3 Academic Sandi Mann s interviews found that the British wished and demanded cordiality from service personnel more than from their coworkers Israelis Americans and Australians on the other hand wanted friendliness from both their coworkers and service personnel Mann explains that the British do not expect a smiley display from colleagues because they have more time to build longer term relationships Those in the service industry though have to become one minute friends each time they interact with customers 29 In crime edit On July 14 1979 the Chicago Tribune published an article titled This is a holdup have a nice day about a Minneapolis robber while robbing the First Federal Savings amp Loan Association of Chicago the man gave a note to the bank teller that said Thank you and have a nice day 30 On November 3 2007 two robbers equipped with handguns stole money from a kiosk at a Vale North Carolina store the Hickory Daily Record called them courteous crooks because after the theft they told people to have a nice day 31 Before the Binghamton shooting on April 3 2009 the perpetrator sent a rambling diatribe against the police to News 10 Now the letter concluded with the chilling message COP BRiNG ABOUT THiS SHOOTiNG COP MUST RESPONSiBLE AND YOU HAVE A NiCE DAY 32 33 In Israel edit Have a nice day is frequently used in the Israeli retail and service industries 34 Jerry Levin wrote in his 2005 book West Bank Diary Middle East Violence as Reported by a Former American Hostage about a woman in a coffee shop telling him to have a nice day after he purchased a sweet roll and coffee 35 Levin stated that there is also a grimmer version of the pervasive pleasantry After an Israeli soldier destroyed the memory card of Levin s camera the soldier told him with a jocular smirk have a nice day 36 In 2005 the Mosawa Center for Arab Rights in Israel paid for ads on television and radio stations in Israel In the television ads the Arabic phrase for have a nice day would flash onto the screen in black letters and on a red background 37 Immediately following the Arabic phrase would be a Hebrew phrase that said Are you already against it without even knowing what it says All we wanted to say is have a nice day 37 Spokeswoman Abir Kopty stated that t he purpose of this campaign was mainly to cause the Israeli public sitting at home or walking down the street to ask itself why it had a negative reaction to everything Arab even if it is the simplest phrase 37 Kopty further said that the Mosawa Center wanted to encourage Arabs to be more active and more visible in the community 37 In Korea edit According to Korean Studies published by the University of Hawaii at Manoa have a nice day is sometimes used in Korea Korean Studies wrote that it seemed somehow to fit nicely with the phrase Caymi posey yo which was used in Korean shops to say goodbye 38 In recent years it is more common to use the phrase Annyeonghi gaseyo to say goodbye in Korean shops In Europe edit Beyond smiling most Germans consider the phrase have a nice day an insincere and superficial bit of nonsense To an American it s something normal and expected but the more I hear this the less I appreciate it After all if I m at the supermarket to buy anti nausea medicine for a sick child I may have a nice day after all but at that point the checker s polite have a nice day comment seems even more inappropriate than usual Did she not notice I was buying nausea medicine rather than say a six pack of beer This is a true story and a German friend who was with me that day happens to have a good sense of humor and was mildly amused by this strange American custom We smiled about that because there was a real reason to do so Hyde Flippo 39 Europeans generally feel the phrase have a nice day is fake and that the speaker is solely interacting with the listener for business purposes 40 It is generally not used in the United Kingdom 40 The phrase have a nice day spread to Britain from the United States 41 In Britain the variants have a fine day and have a good day are frequently used in place of have a nice day 3 British customers generally consider it to be obnoxious and overbearing 40 instead usually preferring the gentler expression enjoy the rest of your afternoon 42 In their 2002 book Different Games Different Rules Haru Yamada and Deborah Tannen recalled teaching a class in London where a student construed have a nice day to be insincere The student said that Americans say things like that with this big fake smile on their face and they don t really mean it 43 Not having the context of the metaphor the student took the phrase literally and was unable to discern the intended cordiality Conversely when Americans visit stores in Britain where the salespeople engage not in have a nice day salesmanship Americans regard British as lacking customer service 43 Guy Browning penned an article in 2007 titled How to have a nice day for The Guardian writing that sarcasm will creep into the discussion if the British say have a nice day 44 Browning explained that in Britain people assume that the day will be horrible even catastrophic He wrote that for the United States though nice days and the having thereof are written into the constitution 44 In Germany Schonen Tag noch the German phrase for have a nice day is being used more frequently by its vendors and waiters German author Hyde Flippo wrote that many Germans deem have a nice day to be affected and shallow Flippo further opined that the phrase is an appropriate example of culturally improper language He compared it to smiling arbitrarily at a German person which would give the impression that the smiler is a little simple minded or not quite all there Writing that Germans prefer Auf Wiedersehen or Tschuss both meaning goodbye which German shopkeepers frequently use to dubious wishes for a nice day he opined that that is why Germans generally favor visiting a small shop instead of a large department store 39 The French also concur that the phrase is insincere Author Natalie Schorr wrote that the French frequently say bonne journee good day in French and do not consider it to be insincere Schorr explains that bonne journee is a gracious formule de politesse similar to merci and s il vous plait However have a nice day sounds like a trite phrase spoken by a telemarketer 45 In Sweden Lennart Friden a member of the Parliament of Sweden lamented in a January 1995 speech to Parliament the usage of ha en bra dag have a nice day in Swedish Friden stated that the increased usage of English loan expressions like ha en bra dag impairs our sense of language and style He proposed a motion that an authoritative body working in conjunction with linguistic institutions be delegated the job of caring for the Swedish language the motion did not pass 46 The Boston born American author Edith Shillue wrote in her 2003 book Peace Comes Dropping Slow that when the Irish stereotyped Americans they tended to use the phrase have a nice day 47 While lodging at a house in Ireland Shillue found a drawing on the wall for American visitors like her Drawn by her host s daughters the picture had the phrase Have a Day with a smiley faced affixed instead of the word nice 47 Irish author Aidan Higgins wrote in his 2004 book A Bestiary that the Americanization of Ireland led the Irish to say phrases like No problem or Have a nice day even when there is drenching rain 48 In the United States edit In the United States good morning good afternoon good evening and good night were previously the normal farewell addresses for a lengthy period of time The common valediction has become have a nice day 49 According to the Handbook of Hispanic Cultures in the United States t enga un nice day is an example of Cuban Spanglish This is distinguished from Chicano Spanish in that the Chicano second generation and beyond who are inclined to code switch generally do not speak in the formal address form of tenga 50 In 1979 a New York judge sentenced a man to a seven to ten year jail term at the Auburn State Prison for committing a robbery The judge s final words were You are hereby remanded to the custody of the sheriff s department for delivery to the custody of state officials Have a nice day 2 Jack Sheehan of WKRT stated that the convict almost sank to his knees The phrase had worked its magic 2 Have a Nice Day culture editSandi Mann a business psychologist at the University of Central Lancashire defines the Have a Nice Day culture as filled with fake smiles forced bonhomie and meaningless demands by workers to have a nice day 51 Managers compel their employees to be attentive and affable with customers despite the fact that some employees do not feel these emotions 52 Sandi Mann concludes from her research that the Have a Nice Day culture will prevail becoming used by more companies and countries 53 In the service industry for example she explains that products have become more uniform over the past few decades Thus the sole way for companies to distinguish themselves is to have better customer service 54 She notes that there are positive and negative effects A positive effect is that it is beneficial for business and for people who enjoy fake displays 53 A negative effect is that emotions incompatible with the Have a Nice Day culture are repressed leading to what Mann terms the Have a Nice Day syndrome 55 In an interview for the Wall Street Journal an employee of a telemarketing company was called a son of a bitch Clenching his teeth he responded Thank you very much you have a nice day 56 The stress of suppressing their feelings and faking cheerfulness caused people like the telemarketer to feel insincere and phony 57 Individuals affected by the Have a Nice Day syndrome must carry out emotional labor 58 which could lead to diminished self esteem depression and cynicism 59 Criticism edit Have a nice day Sunnybank housewives and indeed people from other areas of Brisbane collectively reeled from the blatant American cliche that had infiltrated our suburbs Have a nice day We only heard that on Hollywood movies and American soap operas Now poor innocent Aussie teenagers were being forced to say it as if they meant it There is no sincere way to say have a nice day It s an idiom that s been mashed and mangled over the decades until any semblance of meaning has been wrung out of it It s as sincere as a game show host but tragically has a much longer shelf life Andrew Biggs of the Bangkok Post 60 Linguistically have a nice day is a command in that the subject the pronoun you is intimated 61 It could be regarded as an exhortation to achieve an outcome that the recipient has no power to influence However it is also possible to interpret the phrase as a contraction of I hope that you have a nice day Kerry LePage wrote in his 2004 book Some Day Never Comes that he chooses to have a nice day based on his own choice not that of another person 62 J Broad wrote in his 2007 book Some Day Never Comes that the phrase causes people to feel they have an obligation to have a nice day 19 Mike Royko wrote in his 2002 book For the Love of Mike that people may have a bad day not a nice one because they confront a demanding boss a nasty customer a crabby teacher 63 According to author John Tschohl the tediousness of the phrase is exemplified by employees uttering the words so faintly as to be barely audible 64 The phrase is occasionally used in an ironic manner when others have been disrespectful or have negatively impacted the speaker 24 In Detroit a supermarket started a program to have its cashiers tell every customer to have a nice day after completing their transactions After conducting surveys they realized that more than half of the customers were unaware of whether the clerk had said the phrase In addition a number of customers commented that they despised being told to have a nice day 65 In a 2006 study researchers at Frankfurt University discovered that people who must smile and say have a nice day in their jobs are more prone to illness Flight attendants waiters and call center operators as well as others who are forced to act cheerfully are more likely to become depressed This can lead to decreased immune system function 66 Australian Andrew Biggs of the Bangkok Post wrote that in the past the phrase was heard exclusively in Hollywood movies and American soap operas He lamented that by the 1970s Aussie teenagers were compelled to tell customers to have a nice day a blatant American cliche Biggs stated that have a nice day is an idiom that s been mashed and mangled over the decades 22 Jan C Snow laments that the phrase was trite and indicative of the speaker s lack of vocabulary She wrote that on Saturdays people could be asked to have a relaxing day People with highly variable jobs such as emergency room nurses may appreciate have a routine day while mothers of young children may wish to have a quiet day 61 Debbie Lundberg wrote in her 2008 book Have a Nice Day Is Not Thank You and No Problem Is Not You re Welcome that service people should say thank you instead of have a nice day She argued that thank you is shorter and is a recognition of the ability you have to thank someone which adds more worth to the purchase than something that will occur in the future 67 Paul V Marshall the bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Bethlehem concurred writing in the Reading Eagle that he prefers thank you to have a nice day or have a great day even though thank you has a host of socially acceptable responses 68 He stated that when people say thank you they admit that they are dependent on others which leads to a healthier safer society 68 J Broad wrote that the phrase have a nice day is an apt middle ground for the drop dead the cashier is thinking and the come back soon the owner wants Broad stated that the phrase is meaningless because it has been castrated by excessive usage and pretense He compared the phrase to the salutation How are you and the phrase had a lovely time which are conversational space fillers that help prevent embarrassing silences 69 Usage of the term has been compared to inserting the phrase you know or the word like in sentences 23 In 1982 comedian George Carlin joked at Carnegie Hall That s the trouble with Have a nice day it puts all the pressure on you Now you ve got to go out and somehow manage to have a good time all because of some loose lipped cashier Have a nice day Maybe I don t feel like having a nice day Maybe just maybe I ve had 116 nice days in a row and I m ready by God for a crappy day 70 William Safire of The New York Times wrote that when the speaker of the phrase is genuine and maintains eye contact the act is a social asset and a note of civility in a busy world 2 However he stated that when the phrase is robotically said or said in a tone similar to get lost the utterance comes across with a resounding clank of falsity 2 Marilyn Gardner of The Christian Science Monitor wrote that the bland age of Have a nice day should come to a deserving end She opined that service could not be peddled as an image and that substance is more important than style 71 Satirical commentator Russell Baker wrote in the Chicago Tribune that he did not know Ma Bell was waning until she began using the phrase have a nice day 72 Miss Manners wrote in her 1990 book Miss Manners Guide for the Turn of the Millennium that although the phrase was trite she wondered whether there was so much deeply felt good will permeating through the world that shallow friendliness ought to desist She stated that for her saying goodbye is sufficient because it expresses the same well wishing farewell sentiment 73 Leil Lowndes wrote in her 2009 book How to Instantly Connect with Anyone that if someone says have a nice day the recipient should refrain from sarcastically responding Thanks but I have other plans or Gee I was planning on having a miserable one but now that you mention it I think I ll have a nice one Lowndes suggested that the response merely be You too 74 Defense edit Long ago I would have mocked Have a nice day as an international gold standard of American insincerity But alone ill slept and most of all charmed by its contrast with my own country s default mode of public aggression I found it soothing even kind So what if it isn t truly meant or is parroted 1 000 times a day It oils the squeaky old cogs of social interaction makes it more pleasant for millions of hard packed people to coexist in an often brutal unnaturally vertical city Manners keep public space clean and neutral provide a little much needed mental distance between us Janice Turner of The Times 60 Carol Swiderski of the Chicago Tribune wrote that although saying have a nice day may not be sincere the speaker has acknowledged that the recipient is there She argued h ave we become so analytic that we can t accept these little niceties without asking ourselves Did he really mean it Does she really care if I have a nice day 75 Writing that society has become so automated that going through a check out line at a grocery store without having made eye contact or spoken with the checker is possible Swiderski favored insincerely meant human kindness to a robot 75 She encouraged people to respond to have a nice day with you have a nice day too because she hoped that when a sufficient number of people do this there could be a time when people will sincerely intend it 75 Jeff Corbett of The Newcastle Herald defended have a nice day despite his characterization of the phrase as wincingly American and so patently false in its sing song delivery by cashiers 76 Corbett favored the phrase to the inquiries of the shopkeepers about his life he preferred have a nice day because it did not entail a response 76 Janice Turner of The Times supported the phrase writing that she is indifferent to it being used insincerely or 1 000 times a day She wrote that have a nice day is soothing even kind in that it improves the interactions among millions of people crowded together 60 William F Wyatt Jr of the Chicago Tribune wrote that have a nice day used to be new and fill ed a needed slot 77 Goodbye he stated inappropriately indicates that salespeople are intimate with customers they do not know and would seem forced Farewell Wyatt said would feel abnormal and could only be employed in an ironic context The close of a transaction needed an oral ending Have a nice day was the apt phrase for those who serve people they do not know to end a transaction 77 Notes and references editNotes Prior to have a nice day the most popular valediction was so long Other farewell phrases were see you later and see ya later which evolved into see ya later alligator In the 1960s during growing abhorrence of the Vietnam War people parted with the word peace Jack Smith of the Los Angeles Times lamented that there were no English counterparts to the graceful farewell phrases of other languages Spanish had hasta la vista French had au revoir and German had auf Wiedersehen 5 Footnotes Good day Oxford English Dictionary Oxford Oxford University Press 1989 subscription required a b c d e f g h i Safire William 1979 07 08 Have A Nice Day America s Favorite Farewell Is Driving Folks Crazy The New York Times Retrieved 2010 06 11 a b c d e f Ammer 2001 pp 177 178 Ammer 1997 p 288 Smith Jack 1973 03 30 The Inescapable Nice Day Los Angeles Times Retrieved 2010 09 10 Shepard Richard F 1984 03 01 TV Notes Role of Weathercasters The New York Times Archived from the original on 2013 10 04 Retrieved 2010 06 11 McCleary 2004 p 234 a b Robinson amp Dunn 2006 p 102 Goldman Abigail 2006 03 07 Wal Mart Vies for Right to Put On a Happy Face Los Angeles Times Archived from the original on 2012 10 25 Retrieved 2010 07 17 Adams Cecil 1993 04 23 Who invented the smiley face Chicago Reader The Straight Dope Archived from the original on 2013 05 18 Retrieved 2013 05 18 Vincent amp Fortunati 2009 p 114 Savage Jon 2009 02 21 The History of the Smiley Face Symbol The Guardian Archived from the original on 2010 11 16 Retrieved 2010 09 26 Hedrick amp Reynolds 2000 p 221 a b Hedrick amp Reynolds 2000 p 222 a b c Kime 2003 p 59 Maslin Janet 1994 07 06 Forrest Gump 1994 The New York Times Archived from the original on 2010 05 24 Retrieved 2010 09 26 Bream Jon 2005 11 05 Have a Bon Jovi day A smiley face with an edge sets the tone for the New Jersey rockers new ventures into social commentary and country music Star Tribune Archived from the original on 2012 03 27 Retrieved 2011 07 19 Yamada amp Tannen 2002 p 47 a b Broad 2004 p 27 LePage 2007 p 33 Shopland Alice 2001 07 09 Retail therapy can put dollars in your pocket The New Zealand Herald Archived from the original on 2012 10 23 Retrieved 2010 08 28 a b Biggs Andrew 2009 01 03 Have a Nice Day Krap The traditional Thai greeting is quickly losing its charm Bangkok Post Retrieved 2010 08 31 a b Snow 1992 p 32 a b c Kirkpatrick amp Kirkpatrick 1999 p 85 Royko 2002 p 22 Welt amp Herron 1990 p 167 McPherson Les 2008 09 25 Sadly the effort to ban Have a nice day fails The StarPhoenix Archived from the original on 2016 03 03 Retrieved 2010 06 11 a b Sussex Roly 2009 01 17 You can add a polite touch to statements of command The Courier Mail Archived from the original on 2012 06 03 Retrieved 2010 08 18 Mann 1999 p 34 This is a holdup have a nice day Chicago Tribune 1979 07 14 Menster Jennifer 2007 11 03 Courteous crooks tell clerk and customers Have a nice day Hickory Daily Record Fenner Austin 2009 04 07 I am Shooting Have a Nice Day New York Post Archived from the original on 2012 10 20 Retrieved 2010 08 20 Have a nice day gunman s chilling message before killing spree The Scotsman 2009 04 08 Archived from the original on 2009 04 08 Retrieved 2010 08 20 Levin 2005 p 21 Levin 2005 pp 21 22 Levin 2005 pp 22 24 a b c d Halkin Talya 2005 10 08 Have a nice day TV campaign aims to stop anti Arab prejudice The Jerusalem Post Archived from the original on 2012 11 04 Retrieved 2010 09 01 Korean Studies 1983 p 4 a b Flippo Hyde Have a Nice Day About com Archived from the original on 2012 03 02 Retrieved 2010 10 13 a b c Harling amp Jenkins 2008 p 279 Brewer s Dictionary of Phrase and Fable 18 ed Chambers Harrap Publishers 2009 ISBN 978 0 550 10411 3 Retrieved 2010 09 17 subscription required Harling amp Jenkins 2008 p 116 a b Yamada amp Tannen 2002 p 48 a b Browning Guy 2007 09 08 How to have a nice day The Guardian Archived from the original on 2009 02 21 Retrieved 2010 09 20 Schorr 2009 p 41 Friden Lennart 1995 01 25 Motion 1994 95 Kr260 Det svenska spraket Parliament of Sweden Archived from the original on 2011 02 20 Retrieved 2011 02 20 a b Shillue 2003 p 24 Higgins 2004 p 734 Ladd 1996 p 17 Kanellos amp Esteva Fabregat 1994 p 173 Mann 1999 p 21 Mann 1999 p 22 a b Mann 1999 p 36 Mann 1999 p 31 Mann 1999 p 32 Milbank Dana 1993 09 09 New Collar Work Telephone Sales Reps Do Unrewarding Jobs That Few Can Abide Wall Street Journal Mann 1999 p 88 Mann 1999 p 84 Mann 1999 p 89 a b c Turner Janice 2010 03 27 The nastiness that lies beneath have a nice day The Times Archived from the original on 2010 05 30 Retrieved 2010 08 19 a b Snow 1992 p 33 LePage 2007 p 34 Royko 2002 p 23 Tschohl 1996 p 164 Brown 1996 p 22 Hall Alan 2006 03 21 Have a nice day and a short life The Age Archived from the original on 2012 07 05 Retrieved 2010 08 20 Lundberg 2008 p 12 a b Marshall Paul V 2004 09 24 Let us give thanks Reading Eagle Archived from the original on 2010 09 20 Retrieved 2010 09 09 Broad 2004 p 28 7 uncensored words about George Carlin Times Herald Record 2005 10 28 Archived from the original on 2012 02 21 Retrieved 2010 06 11 Gardner Marilyn 1993 10 07 When Service Means More Than a Smile The Christian Science Monitor Archived from the original on 2012 10 19 Retrieved 2010 09 17 Baker Russell 1983 11 26 Come back Ma Bell please Chicago Tribune Martin 1990 p 71 Lowndes 2009 p 219 a b c Swiderski Carol 1984 11 12 Once more with feeling Chicago Tribune a b Corbett Jeff 2009 10 16 Put a sock in it junior The Newcastle Herald a b Wyatt Jr William F 1993 06 16 Have A Nice Day Usually Doesn t Call For A Protracted Response Chicago Tribune Archived from the original on 2012 06 03 Retrieved 2010 09 12 BibliographyAmmer 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of Hispanic Cultures in the United States Houston Arte Publico Press ISBN 1 55885 102 X King Alan 2005 Matzo Balls for Breakfast And Other Memories of Growing Up Jewish New York Simon amp Schuster ISBN 0 7432 6074 0 Kirkpatrick Betty Kirkpatrick Elizabeth McLaren 1999 Cliches Over 1500 Phrases Explored and Explained New York St Martin s Press ISBN 0 312 19844 2 Korean Studies Vol 7 Manoa University of Hawaii at Manoa 1983 Ladd Barry 1996 Reflections of a Country Doctor Lakewood CO Glenbridge Publishing ISBN 0 944435 37 8 LePage Kerry 2007 Some Day Never Comes Apex NC Klaatu Enterprises ISBN 978 1 4243 2855 0 Levin Jerry 2005 Observations from a Broad Annotated Edition Pasadena CA Hope Publishing House ISBN 1 932717 03 X Lowndes Leil 2009 How to Instantly Connect with Anyone 96 All New Little Tricks for Big Success in Relationships New York McGraw Hill ISBN 978 0 07 154585 3 Lundberg Debbie 2008 Have a Nice Day Is Not Thank You and No Problem Is Not You re Welcome Tampa Lulu ISBN 978 0 615 16917 0 Mann Sandi 1999 Hiding What We Feel Faking What We Don t Understanding the Role of Your Emotions at Work Shaftesbury Element Books ISBN 1 86204 464 3 Mansour David 2005 From Abba to Zoom A Pop Culture Encyclopedia of the Late 20th Century Kansas City Andrews McMeel Publishing ISBN 0 7407 5118 2 Martin Judith 1990 Miss Manners Guide for the Turn of the Millennium New York Simon amp Schuster ISBN 0 671 72228 X McCleary John Bassett 2004 The Hippie Dictionary A Cultural Encyclopedia of the 1960s and 1970s Berkeley Ten Speed Press ISBN 1 58008 547 4 Olofsson Gwyneth 2004 When in Rome or Rio or Riyadh Cultural Q amp As for Successful Business Behavior Around the World Yarmouth M Intercultural Press ISBN 1 931930 06 6 Robinson Melissa B Dunn Maureen 2006 The Search for Canasta 404 Love Loss and the POW MIA Movement Boston University Press of New England ISBN 1 58465 486 4 Royko Mike 2002 For the Love of Mike More of the Best of Mike Royko Chicago University of Chicago Press ISBN 0 226 73074 3 Schorr Natalie 2009 Tune Up Your French with MP3 Disc Chicago McGraw Hill ISBN 978 0 07 162795 5 Shillue Edith 2003 Peace Comes Dropping Slow Conversations in Northern Ireland Amherst University of Massachusetts Press ISBN 1 55849 368 9 Snow Jan C 1999 You May Already Be a Winner and Other Marginal Considerations Kent OH Kent State University Press ISBN 0 87338 467 9 Tschohl John 1996 Achieving Excellence Through Customer Service Minneapolis Best Sellers Publishing ISBN 0 9636268 4 1 Vincent Jane Fortunati Leopoldina 2009 Electronic Emotion The Mediation of Emotion Via Information and Communications Technologies Oxford Peter Lang ISBN 978 3 03911 866 3 Welt Sheila Rouslin Herron William G 1990 Narcissism and the Psychotherapist New York Guilford Press ISBN 0 89862 398 7 West Russell 2000 This is a Man s Country Masculinity and Australian National Identity in Crocodile Dundee In West Russell Lay Frank eds Subverting Masculinity Hegemonic and Alternative Versions of Masculinity in Contemporary Culture Amsterdam Rodopi p 46 ISBN 90 420 1234 X Yamada Haru Tannen Deborah 2002 Different Games Different Rules Why Americans and Japanese Misunderstand Each Other Oxford Oxford University Press ISBN 0 19 515485 1 Further reading edit nbsp Wikimedia Commons has media related to Have a nice day Roeper Richard 2006 04 17 Go ahead Have a nice day or at least what s left of it Chicago Sun Times Archived from the original on 2011 09 19 Retrieved 2011 02 15 Retrieved from https en wikipedia org w index php title Have a nice day amp oldid 1163438587, wikipedia, wiki, book, books, library,


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