
Harold Hotelling

Harold Hotelling (/ˈhtəlɪŋ/; September 29, 1895 – December 26, 1973) was an American mathematical statistician and an influential economic theorist, known for Hotelling's law, Hotelling's lemma, and Hotelling's rule in economics, as well as Hotelling's T-squared distribution in statistics.[1] He also developed and named the principal component analysis method widely used in finance, statistics and computer science.

He was Associate Professor of Mathematics at Stanford University from 1927 until 1931, a member of the faculty of Columbia University from 1931 until 1946, and a Professor of Mathematical Statistics at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill from 1946 until his death. A street in Chapel Hill bears his name. In 1972, he received the North Carolina Award for contributions to science.


Hotelling is known to statisticians because of Hotelling's T-squared distribution which is a generalization of the Student's t-distribution in multivariate setting, and its use in statistical hypothesis testing and confidence regions. He also introduced canonical correlation analysis.

At the beginning of his statistical career Hotelling came under the influence of R.A. Fisher, whose Statistical Methods for Research Workers had "revolutionary importance", according to Hotelling's review. Hotelling was able to maintain professional relations with Fisher, despite the latter's temper tantrums and polemics. Hotelling suggested that Fisher use the English word "cumulants" for Thiele's Danish "semi-invariants". Fisher's emphasis on the sampling distribution of a statistic was extended by Jerzy Neyman and Egon Pearson with greater precision and wider applications, which Hotelling recognized. Hotelling sponsored refugees from European anti-semitism and Nazism, welcoming Henry Mann and Abraham Wald to his research group at Columbia. While at Hotelling's group, Wald developed sequential analysis and statistical decision theory, which Hotelling described as "pragmatism in action".

In the United States, Hotelling is known for his leadership of the statistics profession, in particular for his vision of a statistics department at a university, which convinced many universities to start statistics departments. Hotelling was known for his leadership of departments at Columbia University and the University of North Carolina.


Hotelling has a crucial place in the growth of mathematical economics; several areas of active research were influenced by his economics papers. While at the University of Washington, he was encouraged to switch from pure mathematics toward mathematical economics by the famous mathematician Eric Temple Bell. Later, at Columbia University (where during 1933-34 he taught Milton Friedman statistics) in the '40s, Hotelling in turn encouraged young Kenneth Arrow to switch from mathematics and statistics applied to actuarial studies towards more general applications of mathematics in general economic theory. Hotelling is the eponym of Hotelling's law, Hotelling's lemma, and Hotelling's rule in economics.

Hotelling was influenced by the writing of Henry George and was an editorial adviser for the Georgist journal AJES[2] Mason Gaffney claims that Hotelling kept his lifelong beliefs about land and tax reform secret because he feared ridicule.[3]

Spatial economics

One of Hotelling's most important contributions to economics was his conception of “spatial economics” in his 1929 article.[4] Space was not just a barrier to moving goods around, but rather a field upon which competitors jostled to be nearest to their customers.[5]

Hotelling considers a situation in which there are two sellers at point A and B in a line segment of size l. The buyers are distributed uniformly in this line segment and carry the merchandise to their home at cost c. Let p1 and p2 be the prices charged by A and B, and let the line segment be divided in 3 parts of size a, x+y and b, where x+y is the size of the segment between A and B, a the portion of segment to the left of A and b the portion of segment to the right of B. Therefore, a+x+y+b=l. Since the product being sold is a commodity, the point of indifference to buying is given by p1+cx=p2+cy. Solving for x and y yields:


Let q1 and q2 indicate the quantities sold by A and B. The sellers profit are:


By imposing profit maximization:


Hotelling obtains the economic equilibrium. Hotelling argues this equilibrium is stable even though the sellers may try to establish a price cartel.

Hotelling extrapolates from his findings about spatial economics and links it to not just physical distance, but also similarity in products. He describes how, for example, some factories might make shoes for the poor and others for the rich, but they end up alike. He also quips that, "Methodists and Presbyterian churches are too much alike; cider too homogenous."[4]

Market socialism and Georgism

As an extension of his research in spatial economics, Hotelling realized that it would be possible and socially optimal to finance investment in public goods through a Georgist land value tax and then provide such goods and services to the public at marginal cost (in many cases for free). This is an early expression of the Henry George theorem that Joseph Stiglitz and others expanded upon. Hotelling pointed out that when local public goods like roads and trains become congested, users create an additional marginal cost of excluding others. Hotelling became an early advocate of Georgist congestion pricing and stated that the purpose of this unique type of toll fee was in no way to recoup investment costs, but was instead a way of changing behavior and compensating those who are excluded. Hotelling describes how human attention is also in limited supply at any given time and place, which produces a rental value; he concludes that billboards could be regulated or taxed on similar grounds as other scarcity rents. Hotelling reasoned that rent and taxation were analogous, the public and private versions of a similar thing. Therefore, the social optimum would be to put taxes directly on rent.[6] Kenneth Arrow described this as market socialism, but Mason Gaffney points out that it is actually Georgism.[7] Hotelling added the following comment about the ethics of Georgist value capture: "The proposition that there is no ethical objection to the confiscation of the site value of land by taxation, if and when the nonlandowning classes can get the power to do so, has been ably defended by [the Georgist] H. G. Brown."[6]


Hotelling made pioneering studies of non-convexity in economics. In economics, non-convexity refers to violations of the convexity assumptions of elementary economics. Basic economics textbooks concentrate on consumers with convex preferences and convex budget sets and on producers with convex production sets; for convex models, the predicted economic behavior is well understood.[8][9] When convexity assumptions are violated, then many of the good properties of competitive markets need not hold: Thus, non-convexity is associated with market failures,[10][11] where supply and demand differ or where market equilibria can be inefficient.[8][11][12][13][14][15]

Producers with increasing returns to scale: marginal cost pricing

In "oligopolies" (markets dominated by a few producers), especially in "monopolies" (markets dominated by one producer), non-convexities remain important.[15] Concerns with large producers exploiting market power initiated the literature on non-convex sets, when Piero Sraffa wrote about firms with increasing returns to scale in 1926,[16] after which Hotelling wrote about marginal cost pricing in 1938.[17] Both Sraffa and Hotelling illuminated the market power of producers without competitors, clearly stimulating a literature on the supply-side of the economy.[18]

Consumers with non-convex preferences

When the consumer's preference set is non-convex, then (for some prices) the consumer's demand is not connected. A disconnected demand implies some discontinuous behavior by the consumer as discussed by Hotelling:

If indifference curves for purchases be thought of as possessing a wavy character, convex to the origin in some regions and concave in others, we are forced to the conclusion that it is only the portions convex to the origin that can be regarded as possessing any importance, since the others are essentially unobservable. They can be detected only by the discontinuities that may occur in demand with variation in price-ratios, leading to an abrupt jumping of a point of tangency across a chasm when the straight line is rotated. But, while such discontinuities may reveal the existence of chasms, they can never measure their depth. The concave portions of the indifference curves and their many-dimensional generalizations, if they exist, must forever remain in unmeasurable obscurity.[19][20]

Following Hotelling's pioneering research on non-convexities in economics, research in economics has recognized non-convexity in new areas of economics. In these areas, non-convexity is associated with market failures, where any equilibrium need not be efficient or where no equilibrium exists because supply and demand differ.[8][11][12][13][14][15] Non-convex sets arise also with environmental goods and other externalities,[13][14] and with market failures,[10] and public economics.[12][21] Non-convexities occur also with information economics,[22] and with stock markets[15] (and other incomplete markets).[23][24] Such applications continued to motivate economists to study non-convex sets.[8]


  • Hotelling, Harold (September 1925). "A general mathematical theory of depreciation". Journal of the American Statistical Association. 20 (151): 340–353. doi:10.1080/01621459.1925.10503499.
  • Hotelling, Harold (September 1927). "Differential equations subject to error, and population estimates". Journal of the American Statistical Association. 22 (159): 283–314. doi:10.1080/01621459.1927.10502963.
  • Hotelling, Harold (September 1927). "Statistical methods for research workers by R. A. Fisher". Journal of the American Statistical Association. 22 (159): 411–412. doi:10.2307/2276824. JSTOR 2276824. PMC 1708459. Harold Hotelling's review of Fishers' Statistical methods for research workers.
  • Hotelling, Harold; Working, Holbrook (March 1929). "Applications of the theory of error to the interpretation of trends". Journal of the American Statistical Association. 24 (165A): 73–85. doi:10.1080/01621459.1929.10506274.
  • Hotelling, Harold (March 1929). "Stability in competition". The Economic Journal. 39 (153): 41–57. doi:10.2307/2224214. JSTOR 2224214.
  • Hotelling, Harold (April 1931). "The economics of exhaustible resources". Journal of Political Economy. 39 (2): 137–175. doi:10.1086/254195. JSTOR 1822328. S2CID 222432341.
  • Hotelling, Harold (1931). "The generalization of student's ratio". Annals of Mathematical Statistics. 2 (3): 360–378. doi:10.1214/aoms/1177732979.
  • Hotelling, Harold (October 1932). "Edgeworth's taxation paradox and the nature of demand and supply functions". Journal of Political Economy. 40 (5): 577–616. doi:10.1086/254387. JSTOR 1822600. S2CID 199140593.
  • Hotelling, Harold (September 1933). "Analysis of a complex of statistical variables into principal components". Journal of Educational Psychology. 24 (6): 417–441. doi:10.1037/h0071325. hdl:2027/wu.89097139406.
  • Hotelling, Harold (October 1933). "Note on Edgeworth's taxation phenomenon and Professor Garver's additional condition on demand functions". Econometrica. 1 (4): 408–409. doi:10.2307/1907332. JSTOR 1907332.
  • Hotelling, Harold (January 1935). "Demand functions with limited budgets". Econometrica. 3 (1): 66–78. doi:10.2307/1907346. JSTOR 1907346.
  • Hotelling, Harold (February 1935). "The most predictable criterion". Journal of Educational Psychology. 26 (2): 139–142. doi:10.1037/h0058165.
  • Hotelling, Harold (December 1936). "Relation between two sets of variates". Biometrika. 28 (3–4): 321–377. doi:10.1093/biomet/28.3-4.321.
  • Hotelling, Harold; Pabst, Margaret R. (March 1936). "Rank correlation and tests of significance involving no assumption of normality". Annals of Mathematical Statistics. 7 (1): 29–43. doi:10.1214/aoms/1177732543. JSTOR 2957508.
  • Hotelling, Harold (July 1938). "The general welfare in relation to problems of taxation and of railway and utility rates". Econometrica. 6 (3): 242–269. doi:10.2307/1907054. JSTOR 1907054.
  • Hotelling, Harold (December 1940). "The teaching of statistics". Annals of Mathematical Statistics. 11 (4): 457–470. doi:10.1214/aoms/1177731833.
  • Hotelling, Harold (1951). "A generalized T-Test and measure of multivariate dispersion". Proceedings of the Second Berkeley Symposium on Mathematical Statistics and Probability. University of California Press. 2: 23–41. Bibcode:1951bsms.conf...23H.
  • Hotelling, Harold (March 1951). "The impact of R. A. Fisher on statistics". Journal of the American Statistical Association. 46 (253): 35–46. doi:10.1080/01621459.1951.10500765.
  • Hotelling, Harold (1988). "Golden oldies: classic articles from the world of statistics and probability: 'the teaching of statistics'". Annals of Mathematical Statistics. 3 (1): 63–71. doi:10.1214/ss/1177013001.
  • Hotelling, Harold (1988). "Golden oldies: classic articles from the world of statistics and probability: 'the place of statistics in the university'". Annals of Mathematical Statistics. 3 (1): 72–83. doi:10.1214/ss/1177013002.


  • "Harold Hotelling papers, 1910-1975". Columbia University Libraries Archival Collections. Retrieved 5 December 2013.

See also


  1. ^ Dodge, Y. (2008). The concise encyclopedia of statistics, Springer
  2. ^ Turgeon, Lynn. Bastard Keynesianism : the evolution of economic thinking and policymaking since World War II. Westport, Conn: Praeger, 1997
  3. ^ Gaffney, Mason. "Warm Memories of Bill Vickrey". Land & Liberty. http://www.cooperative-individualism.org/gaffney-mason_warm-memories-of-bill-vickrey-1997.htm 2016-11-16 at the Wayback Machine
  4. ^ a b Hotelling, Harold (1929). "Stability in Competition". Economic Journal. 39 (153): 41–57. doi:10.2307/2224214. JSTOR 2224214.
  5. ^ Palda, Filip (2013). The Apprentice Economist: Seven Steps to Mastery. Toronto. Cooper-Wolfling Press.
  6. ^ a b Hotelling, Harold (1938). "The General Welfare in Relation to Problems of Taxation and of Railway and Utility Rates". Econometrica. 6 (3): 242–269. doi:10.2307/1907054. JSTOR 1907054.
  7. ^ Gaffney, Mason, and Fred Harrison. The corruption of economics. London: Shepheard-Walwyn in association with Centre for Incentive Taxation, 2006
  8. ^ a b c d Mas-Colell, A. (1987). "Non-convexity" (PDF). In Eatwell, John; Milgate, Murray; Newman, Peter (eds.). The New Palgrave: A Dictionary of Economics (new ed.). Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 653–661. doi:10.1057/9780230226203.3173. ISBN 9780333786765.
  9. ^ Green, Jerry; Heller, Walter P. (1981). "1 Mathematical analysis and convexity with applications to economics". In Arrow, Kenneth Joseph; Intriligator, Michael D (eds.). Handbook of mathematical economics, Volume I. Handbooks in economics. Vol. 1. Amsterdam: North-Holland Publishing Co. pp. 15–52. doi:10.1016/S1573-4382(81)01005-9. ISBN 978-0-444-86126-9. MR 0634800.
  10. ^ a b Salanié, Bernard (2000). "7 Nonconvexities". Microeconomics of market failures (English translation of the (1998) French Microéconomie: Les défaillances du marché (Economica, Paris) ed.). Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. pp. 107–125. ISBN 978-0-262-19443-3.
  11. ^ a b c Salanié (2000, p. 36)
  12. ^ a b c Pages 63–65: Laffont, Jean-Jacques (1988). "3 Nonconvexities". Fundamentals of public economics. MIT. ISBN 978-0-262-12127-9.
  13. ^ a b c Starrett, David A. (1972). "Fundamental nonconvexities in the theory of externalities". Journal of Economic Theory. 4 (2): 180–199. doi:10.1016/0022-0531(72)90148-2. MR 0449575.
  14. ^ a b c Pages 106, 110–137, 172, and 248: Baumol, William J.; Oates, Wallace E.; with contributions by V. S. Bawa and David F. Bradford (1988). "8 Detrimental externalities and nonconvexities in the production set". The Theory of environmental policy (Second ed.). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. pp. x+299. ISBN 978-0-521-31112-0.
  15. ^ a b c d Page 1: Guesnerie, Roger (1975). "Pareto optimality in non-convex economies". Econometrica. 43 (1): 1–29. doi:10.2307/1913410. JSTOR 1913410. MR 0443877. (Guesnerie, Roger (1975). "Errata". Econometrica. 43 (5–6): 1010. doi:10.2307/1911353. JSTOR 1911353. MR 0443878.)
  16. ^ Sraffa, Piero (1926). "The Laws of returns under competitive conditions". Economic Journal. 36 (144): 535–550. doi:10.2307/2959866. JSTOR 2959866. S2CID 6458099.
  17. ^ Hotelling, Harold (July 1938). "The General welfare in relation to problems of taxation and of railway and utility rates". Econometrica. 6 (3): 242–269. doi:10.2307/1907054. JSTOR 1907054.
  18. ^ Pages 5–7: Quinzii, Martine (1992). Increasing returns and efficiency (Revised translation of (1988) Rendements croissants et efficacité economique. Paris: Editions du Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique ed.). New York: Oxford University Press. pp. viii+165. ISBN 978-0-19-506553-4.
  19. ^ Hotelling (1935, p. 74): Hotelling, Harold (January 1935). "Demand functions with limited budgets". Econometrica. 3 (1): 66–78. doi:10.2307/1907346. JSTOR 1907346.
  20. ^ Diewert (1982, pp. 552–553): Diewert, W. E. (1982). "12 Duality approaches to microeconomic theory". In Arrow, Kenneth Joseph; Intriligator, Michael D (eds.). Handbook of mathematical economics, Volume II. Handbooks in economics. Vol. 1. Amsterdam: North-Holland Publishing Co. pp. 535–599. doi:10.1016/S1573-4382(82)02007-4. ISBN 978-0-444-86127-6. MR 0648778.
  21. ^ Starrett discusses non-convexities in his textbook on public economics (pages 33, 43, 48, 56, 70–72, 82, 147, and 234–236): Starrett, David A. (1988). Foundations of public economics. Cambridge economic handbooks. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 978-0-521-34801-0. nonconvex OR nonconvexities.
  22. ^ Radner, Roy (1968). "Competitive equilibrium under uncertainty". Econometrica. 36 (1): 31–53. doi:10.2307/1909602. JSTOR 1909602.
  23. ^ Page 270: Drèze, Jacques H. (1987). "14 Investment under private ownership: Optimality, equilibrium and stability". In Drèze, J. H. (ed.). Essays on economic decisions under uncertainty. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. pp. 261–297. doi:10.1017/CBO9780511559464. ISBN 978-0-521-26484-6. MR 0926685. (Originally published as Drèze, Jacques H. (1974). "Investment under private ownership: Optimality, equilibrium and stability". In Drèze, J. H. (ed.). Allocation under Uncertainty: Equilibrium and Optimality. New York: Wiley. pp. 129–165.)
  24. ^ Page 371: Magill, Michael; Quinzii, Martine (1996). "6 Production in a finance economy". The Theory of incomplete markets (31 Partnerships ed.). Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press. pp. 329–425.

External links

The following have photographs:

  • Harold Hotelling on the Portraits of Statisticians page.
  • National Academy of Sciences Biographical Memoir

harold, hotelling, september, 1895, december, 1973, american, mathematical, statistician, influential, economic, theorist, known, hotelling, hotelling, lemma, hotelling, rule, economics, well, hotelling, squared, distribution, statistics, also, developed, name. Harold Hotelling ˈ h oʊ t el ɪ ŋ September 29 1895 December 26 1973 was an American mathematical statistician and an influential economic theorist known for Hotelling s law Hotelling s lemma and Hotelling s rule in economics as well as Hotelling s T squared distribution in statistics 1 He also developed and named the principal component analysis method widely used in finance statistics and computer science Harold HotellingBorn 1895 09 29 September 29 1895Fulda Minnesota U S DiedDecember 26 1973 1973 12 26 aged 78 Chapel Hill North Carolina U S Alma materPrinceton University PhD 1924University of Washington BA 1919 MA 1921Known forHotelling s T square distributionCanonical correlation analysisHotelling s lawHotelling s lemmaHotelling s ruleHotelling s location modelWorking Hotelling procedureAwardsNorth Carolina Award 1972Scientific careerFieldsStatisticsEconomicsInstitutionsUniv of North Carolina 1946 1973Columbia University 1931 1946Stanford University 1927 31Doctoral advisorOswald VeblenDoctoral studentsKenneth ArrowSeymour GeisserInfluencedKenneth Arrow Seymour Geisser Milton FriedmanHe was Associate Professor of Mathematics at Stanford University from 1927 until 1931 a member of the faculty of Columbia University from 1931 until 1946 and a Professor of Mathematical Statistics at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill from 1946 until his death A street in Chapel Hill bears his name In 1972 he received the North Carolina Award for contributions to science Contents 1 Statistics 2 Economics 2 1 Spatial economics 2 2 Market socialism and Georgism 2 3 Non convexities 2 3 1 Producers with increasing returns to scale marginal cost pricing 2 3 2 Consumers with non convex preferences 3 Works 4 Papers 5 See also 6 References 7 External linksStatistics EditHotelling is known to statisticians because of Hotelling s T squared distribution which is a generalization of the Student s t distribution in multivariate setting and its use in statistical hypothesis testing and confidence regions He also introduced canonical correlation analysis At the beginning of his statistical career Hotelling came under the influence of R A Fisher whose Statistical Methods for Research Workers had revolutionary importance according to Hotelling s review Hotelling was able to maintain professional relations with Fisher despite the latter s temper tantrums and polemics Hotelling suggested that Fisher use the English word cumulants for Thiele s Danish semi invariants Fisher s emphasis on the sampling distribution of a statistic was extended by Jerzy Neyman and Egon Pearson with greater precision and wider applications which Hotelling recognized Hotelling sponsored refugees from European anti semitism and Nazism welcoming Henry Mann and Abraham Wald to his research group at Columbia While at Hotelling s group Wald developed sequential analysis and statistical decision theory which Hotelling described as pragmatism in action In the United States Hotelling is known for his leadership of the statistics profession in particular for his vision of a statistics department at a university which convinced many universities to start statistics departments Hotelling was known for his leadership of departments at Columbia University and the University of North Carolina Economics EditHotelling has a crucial place in the growth of mathematical economics several areas of active research were influenced by his economics papers While at the University of Washington he was encouraged to switch from pure mathematics toward mathematical economics by the famous mathematician Eric Temple Bell Later at Columbia University where during 1933 34 he taught Milton Friedman statistics in the 40s Hotelling in turn encouraged young Kenneth Arrow to switch from mathematics and statistics applied to actuarial studies towards more general applications of mathematics in general economic theory Hotelling is the eponym of Hotelling s law Hotelling s lemma and Hotelling s rule in economics Hotelling was influenced by the writing of Henry George and was an editorial adviser for the Georgist journal AJES 2 Mason Gaffney claims that Hotelling kept his lifelong beliefs about land and tax reform secret because he feared ridicule 3 Spatial economics Edit Main article Hotelling s Law One of Hotelling s most important contributions to economics was his conception of spatial economics in his 1929 article 4 Space was not just a barrier to moving goods around but rather a field upon which competitors jostled to be nearest to their customers 5 Hotelling considers a situation in which there are two sellers at point A and B in a line segment of size l The buyers are distributed uniformly in this line segment and carry the merchandise to their home at cost c Let p1 and p2 be the prices charged by A and B and let the line segment be divided in 3 parts of size a x y and b where x y is the size of the segment between A and B a the portion of segment to the left of A and b the portion of segment to the right of B Therefore a x y b l Since the product being sold is a commodity the point of indifference to buying is given by p1 cx p2 cy Solving for x and y yields x 1 2 l a b p 2 p 1 c displaystyle x frac 1 2 left l a b frac p 2 p 1 c right y 1 2 l a b p 1 p 2 c displaystyle y frac 1 2 left l a b frac p 1 p 2 c right Let q1 and q2 indicate the quantities sold by A and B The sellers profit are p 1 p 1 q 1 p 1 a x 1 2 l a b p 1 p 1 2 2 c p 1 p 2 2 c displaystyle pi 1 p 1 q 1 p 1 left a x right frac 1 2 left l a b right p 1 frac p 1 2 2c frac p 1 p 2 2c p 2 p 2 q 2 p 2 b y 1 2 l a b p 2 p 2 2 2 c p 1 p 2 2 c displaystyle pi 2 p 2 q 2 p 2 left b y right frac 1 2 left l a b right p 2 frac p 2 2 2c frac p 1 p 2 2c By imposing profit maximization p 1 p 1 1 2 l a b p 1 c p 2 2 c 0 displaystyle frac partial pi 1 partial p 1 frac 1 2 left l a b right frac p 1 c frac p 2 2c 0 p 2 p 2 1 2 l a b p 1 2 c p 2 c 0 displaystyle frac partial pi 2 partial p 2 frac 1 2 left l a b right frac p 1 2c frac p 2 c 0 Hotelling obtains the economic equilibrium Hotelling argues this equilibrium is stable even though the sellers may try to establish a price cartel Hotelling extrapolates from his findings about spatial economics and links it to not just physical distance but also similarity in products He describes how for example some factories might make shoes for the poor and others for the rich but they end up alike He also quips that Methodists and Presbyterian churches are too much alike cider too homogenous 4 Market socialism and Georgism Edit As an extension of his research in spatial economics Hotelling realized that it would be possible and socially optimal to finance investment in public goods through a Georgist land value tax and then provide such goods and services to the public at marginal cost in many cases for free This is an early expression of the Henry George theorem that Joseph Stiglitz and others expanded upon Hotelling pointed out that when local public goods like roads and trains become congested users create an additional marginal cost of excluding others Hotelling became an early advocate of Georgist congestion pricing and stated that the purpose of this unique type of toll fee was in no way to recoup investment costs but was instead a way of changing behavior and compensating those who are excluded Hotelling describes how human attention is also in limited supply at any given time and place which produces a rental value he concludes that billboards could be regulated or taxed on similar grounds as other scarcity rents Hotelling reasoned that rent and taxation were analogous the public and private versions of a similar thing Therefore the social optimum would be to put taxes directly on rent 6 Kenneth Arrow described this as market socialism but Mason Gaffney points out that it is actually Georgism 7 Hotelling added the following comment about the ethics of Georgist value capture The proposition that there is no ethical objection to the confiscation of the site value of land by taxation if and when the nonlandowning classes can get the power to do so has been ably defended by the Georgist H G Brown 6 Non convexities Edit Hotelling made pioneering studies of non convexity in economics In economics non convexity refers to violations of the convexity assumptions of elementary economics Basic economics textbooks concentrate on consumers with convex preferences and convex budget sets and on producers with convex production sets for convex models the predicted economic behavior is well understood 8 9 When convexity assumptions are violated then many of the good properties of competitive markets need not hold Thus non convexity is associated with market failures 10 11 where supply and demand differ or where market equilibria can be inefficient 8 11 12 13 14 15 Producers with increasing returns to scale marginal cost pricing Edit In oligopolies markets dominated by a few producers especially in monopolies markets dominated by one producer non convexities remain important 15 Concerns with large producers exploiting market power initiated the literature on non convex sets when Piero Sraffa wrote about firms with increasing returns to scale in 1926 16 after which Hotelling wrote about marginal cost pricing in 1938 17 Both Sraffa and Hotelling illuminated the market power of producers without competitors clearly stimulating a literature on the supply side of the economy 18 Consumers with non convex preferences Edit When the consumer s preference set is non convex then for some prices the consumer s demand is not connected A disconnected demand implies some discontinuous behavior by the consumer as discussed by Hotelling If indifference curves for purchases be thought of as possessing a wavy character convex to the origin in some regions and concave in others we are forced to the conclusion that it is only the portions convex to the origin that can be regarded as possessing any importance since the others are essentially unobservable They can be detected only by the discontinuities that may occur in demand with variation in price ratios leading to an abrupt jumping of a point of tangency across a chasm when the straight line is rotated But while such discontinuities may reveal the existence of chasms they can never measure their depth The concave portions of the indifference curves and their many dimensional generalizations if they exist must forever remain in unmeasurable obscurity 19 20 Following Hotelling s pioneering research on non convexities in economics research in economics has recognized non convexity in new areas of economics In these areas non convexity is associated with market failures where any equilibrium need not be efficient or where no equilibrium exists because supply and demand differ 8 11 12 13 14 15 Non convex sets arise also with environmental goods and other externalities 13 14 and with market failures 10 and public economics 12 21 Non convexities occur also with information economics 22 and with stock markets 15 and other incomplete markets 23 24 Such applications continued to motivate economists to study non convex sets 8 Works EditHotelling Harold September 1925 A general mathematical theory of depreciation Journal of the American Statistical Association 20 151 340 353 doi 10 1080 01621459 1925 10503499 Hotelling Harold September 1927 Differential equations subject to error and population estimates Journal of the American Statistical Association 22 159 283 314 doi 10 1080 01621459 1927 10502963 Hotelling Harold September 1927 Statistical methods for research workers by R A Fisher Journal of the American Statistical Association 22 159 411 412 doi 10 2307 2276824 JSTOR 2276824 PMC 1708459 Harold Hotelling s review of Fishers Statistical methods for research workers Hotelling Harold Working Holbrook March 1929 Applications of the theory of error to the interpretation of trends Journal of the American Statistical Association 24 165A 73 85 doi 10 1080 01621459 1929 10506274 Hotelling Harold March 1929 Stability in competition The Economic Journal 39 153 41 57 doi 10 2307 2224214 JSTOR 2224214 Hotelling Harold April 1931 The economics of exhaustible resources Journal of Political Economy 39 2 137 175 doi 10 1086 254195 JSTOR 1822328 S2CID 222432341 Hotelling Harold 1931 The generalization of student s ratio Annals of Mathematical Statistics 2 3 360 378 doi 10 1214 aoms 1177732979 Hotelling Harold October 1932 Edgeworth s taxation paradox and the nature of demand and supply functions Journal of Political Economy 40 5 577 616 doi 10 1086 254387 JSTOR 1822600 S2CID 199140593 Hotelling Harold September 1933 Analysis of a complex of statistical variables into principal components Journal of Educational Psychology 24 6 417 441 doi 10 1037 h0071325 hdl 2027 wu 89097139406 Hotelling Harold October 1933 Note on Edgeworth s taxation phenomenon and Professor Garver s additional condition on demand functions Econometrica 1 4 408 409 doi 10 2307 1907332 JSTOR 1907332 Hotelling Harold January 1935 Demand functions with limited budgets Econometrica 3 1 66 78 doi 10 2307 1907346 JSTOR 1907346 Hotelling Harold February 1935 The most predictable criterion Journal of Educational Psychology 26 2 139 142 doi 10 1037 h0058165 Hotelling Harold December 1936 Relation between two sets of variates Biometrika 28 3 4 321 377 doi 10 1093 biomet 28 3 4 321 Hotelling Harold Pabst Margaret R March 1936 Rank correlation and tests of significance involving no assumption of normality Annals of Mathematical Statistics 7 1 29 43 doi 10 1214 aoms 1177732543 JSTOR 2957508 Hotelling Harold July 1938 The general welfare in relation to problems of taxation and of railway and utility rates Econometrica 6 3 242 269 doi 10 2307 1907054 JSTOR 1907054 Hotelling Harold December 1940 The teaching of statistics Annals of Mathematical Statistics 11 4 457 470 doi 10 1214 aoms 1177731833 Hotelling Harold 1951 A generalized T Test and measure of multivariate dispersion Proceedings of the Second Berkeley Symposium on Mathematical Statistics and Probability University of California Press 2 23 41 Bibcode 1951bsms conf 23H Hotelling Harold March 1951 The impact of R A Fisher on statistics Journal of the American Statistical Association 46 253 35 46 doi 10 1080 01621459 1951 10500765 Hotelling Harold 1988 Golden oldies classic articles from the world of statistics and probability the teaching of statistics Annals of Mathematical Statistics 3 1 63 71 doi 10 1214 ss 1177013001 Hotelling Harold 1988 Golden oldies classic articles from the world of statistics and probability the place of statistics in the university Annals of Mathematical Statistics 3 1 72 83 doi 10 1214 ss 1177013002 Papers Edit Harold Hotelling papers 1910 1975 Columbia University Libraries Archival Collections Retrieved 5 December 2013 See also EditCournot competitionReferences Edit Dodge Y 2008 The concise encyclopedia of statistics Springer Turgeon Lynn Bastard Keynesianism the evolution of economic thinking and policymaking since World War II Westport Conn Praeger 1997 Gaffney Mason Warm Memories of Bill Vickrey Land amp Liberty http www cooperative individualism org gaffney mason warm memories of bill vickrey 1997 htm Archived 2016 11 16 at the Wayback Machine a b Hotelling Harold 1929 Stability in Competition Economic Journal 39 153 41 57 doi 10 2307 2224214 JSTOR 2224214 Palda Filip 2013 The Apprentice Economist Seven Steps to Mastery Toronto Cooper Wolfling Press a b Hotelling Harold 1938 The General Welfare in Relation to Problems of Taxation and of Railway and Utility Rates Econometrica 6 3 242 269 doi 10 2307 1907054 JSTOR 1907054 Gaffney Mason and Fred Harrison The corruption of economics London Shepheard Walwyn in association with Centre for Incentive Taxation 2006 a b c d Mas Colell A 1987 Non convexity PDF In Eatwell John Milgate Murray Newman Peter eds The New Palgrave A Dictionary of Economics new ed Palgrave Macmillan pp 653 661 doi 10 1057 9780230226203 3173 ISBN 9780333786765 Green Jerry Heller Walter P 1981 1 Mathematical analysis and convexity with applications to economics In Arrow Kenneth Joseph Intriligator Michael D eds Handbook of mathematical economics Volume I Handbooks in economics Vol 1 Amsterdam North Holland Publishing Co pp 15 52 doi 10 1016 S1573 4382 81 01005 9 ISBN 978 0 444 86126 9 MR 0634800 a b Salanie Bernard 2000 7 Nonconvexities Microeconomics of market failures English translation of the 1998 French Microeconomie Les defaillances du marche Economica Paris ed Cambridge MA MIT Press pp 107 125 ISBN 978 0 262 19443 3 a b c Salanie 2000 p 36 a b c Pages 63 65 Laffont Jean Jacques 1988 3 Nonconvexities Fundamentals of public economics MIT ISBN 978 0 262 12127 9 a b c Starrett David A 1972 Fundamental nonconvexities in the theory of externalities Journal of Economic Theory 4 2 180 199 doi 10 1016 0022 0531 72 90148 2 MR 0449575 a b c Pages 106 110 137 172 and 248 Baumol William J Oates Wallace E with contributions by V S Bawa and David F Bradford 1988 8 Detrimental externalities and nonconvexities in the production set The Theory of environmental policy Second ed Cambridge Cambridge University Press pp x 299 ISBN 978 0 521 31112 0 a b c d Page 1 Guesnerie Roger 1975 Pareto optimality in non convex economies Econometrica 43 1 1 29 doi 10 2307 1913410 JSTOR 1913410 MR 0443877 Guesnerie Roger 1975 Errata Econometrica 43 5 6 1010 doi 10 2307 1911353 JSTOR 1911353 MR 0443878 Sraffa Piero 1926 The Laws of returns under competitive conditions Economic Journal 36 144 535 550 doi 10 2307 2959866 JSTOR 2959866 S2CID 6458099 Hotelling Harold July 1938 The General welfare in relation to problems of taxation and of railway and utility rates Econometrica 6 3 242 269 doi 10 2307 1907054 JSTOR 1907054 Pages 5 7 Quinzii Martine 1992 Increasing returns and efficiency Revised translation of 1988 Rendements croissants et efficacite economique Paris Editions du Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique ed New York Oxford University Press pp viii 165 ISBN 978 0 19 506553 4 Hotelling 1935 p 74 Hotelling Harold January 1935 Demand functions with limited budgets Econometrica 3 1 66 78 doi 10 2307 1907346 JSTOR 1907346 Diewert 1982 pp 552 553 Diewert W E 1982 12 Duality approaches to microeconomic theory In Arrow Kenneth Joseph Intriligator Michael D eds Handbook of mathematical economics Volume II Handbooks in economics Vol 1 Amsterdam North Holland Publishing Co pp 535 599 doi 10 1016 S1573 4382 82 02007 4 ISBN 978 0 444 86127 6 MR 0648778 Starrett discusses non convexities in his textbook on public economics pages 33 43 48 56 70 72 82 147 and 234 236 Starrett David A 1988 Foundations of public economics Cambridge economic handbooks Cambridge Cambridge University Press ISBN 978 0 521 34801 0 nonconvex OR nonconvexities Radner Roy 1968 Competitive equilibrium under uncertainty Econometrica 36 1 31 53 doi 10 2307 1909602 JSTOR 1909602 Page 270 Dreze Jacques H 1987 14 Investment under private ownership Optimality equilibrium and stability In Dreze J H ed Essays on economic decisions under uncertainty Cambridge Cambridge University Press pp 261 297 doi 10 1017 CBO9780511559464 ISBN 978 0 521 26484 6 MR 0926685 Originally published as Dreze Jacques H 1974 Investment under private ownership Optimality equilibrium and stability In Dreze J H ed Allocation under Uncertainty Equilibrium and Optimality New York Wiley pp 129 165 Page 371 Magill Michael Quinzii Martine 1996 6 Production in a finance economy The Theory of incomplete markets 31 Partnerships ed Cambridge Massachusetts MIT Press pp 329 425 Arrow Kenneth J 1987 Hotelling Harold The New Palgrave A Dictionary of Economics 2 670 71 I Olkina and A R Sampsonb 2001 Hotelling Harold 1895 1973 International Encyclopedia of the Social amp Behavioral Sciences pp 6921 6925 Abstract External links EditHarold Hotelling at the Mathematics Genealogy Project New School Harold Hotelling American Statistical Association Harold Hotelling Harold HotellingThe following have photographs Harold Hotelling on the Portraits of Statisticians page National Academy of Sciences Biographical Memoir Retrieved from https en wikipedia org w index php title Harold Hotelling amp oldid 1122292554, wikipedia, wiki, book, books, library,


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