
Rogue planet

A rogue (alternately interstellar, nomad, orphan, starless, unbound, or wandering) planet, also termed a free-floating planet (FFP) or an isolated planetary-mass object (iPMO), is an interstellar object of planetary mass which is not gravitationally bound to any star or brown dwarf.[1][2][3][4]

This video shows an artist's impression of the free-floating planet CFBDSIR J214947.2-040308.9.

Rogue planets may originate from planetary systems in which they are formed and later ejected, or they can also form on their own, outside a planetary system. The Milky Way alone may have billions to trillions of rogue planets, a range the upcoming Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope will likely be able to narrow.[5][6]

Some planetary-mass objects may have formed in a similar way to stars, and the International Astronomical Union has proposed that such objects be called sub-brown dwarfs.[7] A possible example is Cha 110913−773444, which may either have been ejected and become a rogue planet or formed on its own to become a sub-brown dwarf.[8]

Name edit

The two first discovery papers use the names isolated planetary-mass objects (iPMO)[9] and free-floating planets (FFP).[10] Most astronomical papers use one of these terms.[11][12][13] The term rogue planet is more often used for microlensing studies, which also often uses the term FFP.[14][15] A press release intended for the public might use an alternative name. The discovery of at least 70 FFPs in 2021, for example, used the terms rogue planet,[16] starless planet,[17] wandering planet[18] and free-floating planet[19] in different press releases.

Discovery edit

Isolated planetary-mass objects (iPMO) were first discovered in 2000 by the UK team Lucas & Roche with UKIRT in the Orion Nebula.[10] In the same year the Spanish team Zapatero Osorio et al. discovered iPMOs with Keck spectroscopy in the σ Orionis cluster.[9] The spectroscopy of the objects in the Orion Nebula was published in 2001.[20] Both European teams are now recognized for their quasi-simultaneous discoveries.[21] In the year 1999 the Japanese team Oasa et al. discovered objects in Chamaeleon I[22] that were spectroscopically confirmed years later in 2004 by the US team Luhman et al.[23]

In October 2023, astronomers, based on observations of the Orion Nebula with the James Webb Space Telescope, reported the discovery of pairs of rogue planets, similar in mass to the planet Jupiter, and called JuMBOs (short for Jupiter Mass Binary Objects).[24][25]

Observation edit

115 potential rogue planets in the region between Upper Scorpius and Ophiuchus (2021)

There are two techniques to discover free-floating planets: direct imaging and microlensing.

Microlensing edit

Astrophysicist Takahiro Sumi of Osaka University in Japan and colleagues, who form the Microlensing Observations in Astrophysics and the Optical Gravitational Lensing Experiment collaborations, published their study of microlensing in 2011. They observed 50 million stars in the Milky Way by using the 1.8-metre (5 ft 11 in) MOA-II telescope at New Zealand's Mount John Observatory and the 1.3-metre (4 ft 3 in) University of Warsaw telescope at Chile's Las Campanas Observatory. They found 474 incidents of microlensing, ten of which were brief enough to be planets of around Jupiter's size with no associated star in the immediate vicinity. The researchers estimated from their observations that there are nearly two Jupiter-mass rogue planets for every star in the Milky Way.[26][27][28] One study suggested a much larger number, up to 100,000 times more rogue planets than stars in the Milky Way, though this study encompassed hypothetical objects much smaller than Jupiter.[29] A 2017 study by Przemek Mróz of Warsaw University Observatory and colleagues, with six times larger statistics than the 2011 study, indicates an upper limit on Jupiter-mass free-floating or wide-orbit planets of 0.25 planets per main-sequence star in the Milky Way.[30]

In September 2020, astronomers using microlensing techniques reported the detection, for the first time, of an Earth-mass rogue planet (named OGLE-2016-BLG-1928) unbound to any star and free floating in the Milky Way galaxy.[15][31][32]

In December 2013, a candidate exomoon of a rogue planet (MOA-2011-BLG-262) was announced.[14]

Direct imaging edit

The cold planetary-mass object WISE J0830+2837 (marked orange object) observed with the Spitzer Space Telescope. It has a temperature of 300-350 K (27-77°C; 80-170 °F)

Microlensing planets can only be studied by the microlensing event, which makes the characterization of the planet difficult. Astronomers therefore turn to isolated planetary-mass objects (iPMO) that were found via the direct imaging method. To determine a mass of a brown dwarf or iPMO one needs for example the luminosity and the age of an object.[33] Determining the age of a low-mass object has proven to be difficult. It is no surprise that the vast majority of iPMOs are found inside young nearby star-forming regions of which astronomers know their age. These objects are younger than 200 Myrs, are massive (>5 MJ)[4] and belong to the L- and T-dwarfs.[34][35] There is however a small growing sample of cold and old Y-dwarfs that have estimated masses of 8-20 MJ.[36] Nearby rogue planet candidates of spectral type Y include WISE 0855−0714 at a distance of 7.27±0.13 light-years.[37] If this sample of Y-dwarfs can be characterized with more accurate measurements or if a way to better characterize their ages can be found, the number of old and cold iPMOs will likely increase significantly.

The first iPMOs were discovered in the early 2000s via direct imaging inside young star-forming regions.[38][9][20] These iPMOs found via direct imaging formed probably like stars (sometimes called sub-brown dwarf). There might be iPMOs that form like a planet, which are then ejected. These objects will however be kinematically different from their natal star-forming region, should not be surrounded by a circumstellar disk and have high metallicity.[21] None of the iPMOs found inside young star-forming regions show a high velocity compared to their star-forming region. For old iPMOs the cold WISE J0830+2837[39] shows a Vtan of about 100 km/s, which is high, but still consistent with formation in our galaxy. For WISE 1534–1043[40] one alternative scenario explains this object as an ejected exoplanet due to its high Vtan of about 200 km/s, but its color suggests it is an old metal-poor brown dwarf. Most astronomers studying massive iPMOs believe that they represent the low-mass end of the star-formation process.[21]

Astronomers have used the Herschel Space Observatory and the Very Large Telescope to observe a very young free-floating planetary-mass object, OTS 44, and demonstrate that the processes characterizing the canonical star-like mode of formation apply to isolated objects down to a few Jupiter masses. Herschel far-infrared observations have shown that OTS 44 is surrounded by a disk of at least 10 Earth masses and thus could eventually form a mini planetary system.[41] Spectroscopic observations of OTS 44 with the SINFONI spectrograph at the Very Large Telescope have revealed that the disk is actively accreting matter, similar to the disks of young stars.[41]

Jupiter-Mass Binary Objects edit

JuMBO 31 to 35 in the Orion Nebula with NIRCam

In the Orion Nebula a population of 40 wide binaries and 2 triple systems were discovered. This was surprising for two reasons: The trend of binaries of brown dwarfs predicted a decrease of distance between low mass objects with decreasing mass. It was also predicted that the binary fraction decreases with mass. These binaries were coined Jupiter-Mass Binary Objects (JuMBOs), They make up at least 9% of the iPMOs and have a separation smaller than 340 AU. It is unclear how these JuMBOs might have formed. If they formed like stars, then there must be an unknown "extra ingredient" to allow them to form. If they formed like planets and were later ejected, then it has to be explained why these binaries did not break apart during the ejection process.[25] Future proper motion measurements with JWST might resolve if these objects formed as ejected planets or as stars. Ejected planets should show a high proper motion, while a formation like stars should show proper motions similar to the Trapezium Cluster stars.

Other suspected JuMBOs are known outside the Orion Nebula, such as 2MASS J11193254–1137466 AB, 2MASS J1553022+153236AB,[42][43] WISE 1828+2650, WISE J0336−0143 (could also be BD+PMO binary) and 2MASS J0013−1143.

Total number of known iPMOs edit

There are likely hundreds[44][25] of known candidate iPMOs, over a hundred[45][46][47] objects with spectra and a small but growing number of candidates discovered via microlensing. Some large surveys include:

As of December 2021, the largest ever group of rogue planets was discovered, numbering at least 70 and up to 170 depending on the assumed age. They are found in the OB association between Upper Scorpius and Ophiuchus with masses between 4 and 13 MJ and age around 3 to 10 million years, and were most likely formed by either gravitational collapse of gas clouds, or formation in a protoplanetary disk followed by ejection due to dynamical instabilities.[44][16][48][18] Follow-up observations with spectroscopy from the Subaru Telescope and Gran Telescopio Canarias showed that the contamination of this sample is quite low (≤6%). The 16 young objects had a mass between 3 and 14 MJ, confirming that they are indeed planetary-mass objects.[47]

In October 2023 an even larger group of 540 planetary-mass object candidates were discovered in the Trapezium Cluster and inner Orion Nebula with JWST. The objects have a mass between 13 and 0.6 MJ. A surprising number of these objects formed wide binaries, which was not predicted previously.[25]

Formation edit

There are in general two scenarios that can lead to the formation of an isolated planetary-mass object (iPMO). It can form like a planet around a star and is then ejected, or it forms like a low-mass star or brown dwarf in isolation. This can influence its composition and motion.[21]

Formation like a star edit

Objects with a mass of at least one Jupiter mass were thought to be able to form via collapse and fragmentation of molecular clouds from models in 2001.[49] Pre-JWST observations have shown that objects below 3-5 MJ are unlikely to form on their own.[4] Observations in 2023 in the Trapezium Cluster with JWST have shown that objects as massive as 0.6 MJ might form on their own, not requiring a steep cut-off mass.[25] A particular type of globule, called globulettes, are thought to be birthplaces for brown dwarfs and planetary-mass objects. Globulettes are found in the Rosette Nebula and IC 1805.[50] Sometimes young iPMOs are still surrounded by a disk that could form exomoons. Due to the tight orbit of this type of exomoon around their host planet, they have a high chance of 10-15% to be transiting.[51]

Disks edit

Some very young star-forming regions, typically younger than 5 million years, sometimes contain isolated planetary-mass objects with infrared excess and signs of accretion. Most well known is the iPMO OTS 44 discovered to have a disk and being located in Chamaeleon I. Charmaeleon I and II have other candidate iPMOs with disks.[52][53][34] Other star-forming regions with iPMOs with disks or accretion are Lupus I,[53] Rho Ophiuchi Cloud Complex,[54] Sigma Orionis cluster,[55] Orion Nebula,[56] Taurus,[54][57] NGC 1333[58] and IC 348.[59] A large survey of disks around brown dwarfs and iPMOs with ALMA found that these disks are not massive enough to form earth-mass planets. There is still the possibility that the disks already have formed planets.[54] Studies of red dwarfs have shown that some have gas-rich disks at an relative old age. These disks were dubbed Peter Pan Disks and this trend could continue into the planetary-mass regime. One Peter Pan disk is the 45 Myr old brown dwarf 2MASS J02265658-5327032 with a mass of about 13.7 MJ, which is close to the planetary-mass regime.[60]

Formation like a planet edit

Ejected planets are predicted to be mostly low-mass (<30 ME Figure 1 Ma et al.)[61] and their mean mass depends on the mass of their host star. Simulations by Ma et al.[61] did show that 17.5% of 1 M stars eject a total of 16.8 ME per star with a typical (median) mass of 0.8 ME for an individual free-floating planet (FFP). For lower mass red dwarfs with a mass of 0.3 M 12% of stars eject a total of 5.1 ME per star with a typical mass of 0.3 ME for an individual FFP.

Hong et al.[62] predicted that exomoons can be scattered by planet-planet interactions and become ejected exomoons.

Higher mass (0.3-1 MJ) ejected FFP are predicted to be possible, but they are also predicted to be rare.[61]

Fate edit

Most isolated planetary-mass objects will float in interstellar space forever.

Some iPMOs will have a close encounter with a planetary system. This rare encounter can have three outcomes: The iPMO will remain unbound, it could be weakly bound to the star, or it could "kick out" the exoplanet, replacing it. Simulations have shown that the vast majority of these encounters result in a capture event with the iPMO being weakly bound with a low gravitational binding energy and an elongated highly eccentric orbit. These orbits are not stable and 90% of these objects gain energy due to planet-planet encounters and are ejected back into interstellar space. Only 1% of all stars will experience this temporary capture.[63]

Warmth edit

Artist's conception of a Jupiter-size rogue planet.

Interstellar planets generate little heat and are not heated by a star.[64] However, in 1998, David J. Stevenson theorized that some planet-sized objects adrift in interstellar space might sustain a thick atmosphere that would not freeze out. He proposed that these atmospheres would be preserved by the pressure-induced far-infrared radiation opacity of a thick hydrogen-containing atmosphere.[65]

During planetary-system formation, several small protoplanetary bodies may be ejected from the system.[66] An ejected body would receive less of the stellar-generated ultraviolet light that can strip away the lighter elements of its atmosphere. Even an Earth-sized body would have enough gravity to prevent the escape of the hydrogen and helium in its atmosphere.[65] In an Earth-sized object the geothermal energy from residual core radioisotope decay could maintain a surface temperature above the melting point of water,[65] allowing liquid-water oceans to exist. These planets are likely to remain geologically active for long periods. If they have geodynamo-created protective magnetospheres and sea floor volcanism, hydrothermal vents could provide energy for life.[65] These bodies would be difficult to detect because of their weak thermal microwave radiation emissions, although reflected solar radiation and far-infrared thermal emissions may be detectable from an object that is less than 1,000 astronomical units from Earth.[67] Around five percent of Earth-sized ejected planets with Moon-sized natural satellites would retain their satellites after ejection. A large satellite would be a source of significant geological tidal heating.[68]

List edit

The table below lists rogue planets, confirmed or suspected, that have been discovered. It is yet unknown whether these planets were ejected from orbiting a star or else formed on their own as sub-brown dwarfs. Whether exceptionally low-mass rogue planets (such as OGLE-2012-BLG-1323 and KMT-2019-BLG-2073) are even capable of being formed on their own is currently unknown.

Discovered via direct imaging edit

These objects were discovered with the direct imaging method. Many were discovered in young star-clusters or stellar associations and a few old are known (such as W0855). List is sorted after discovery year.

Exoplanet Mass






Spectral type Status Stellar assoc. membership Discovery
OTS 44 11.5~ 0.5–3 554 M9.5 Likely a low-mass brown dwarf[38] Chamaeleon I 1998
S Ori 52 2–8 1–5 1,150 Age and mass uncertain; may be a foreground brown dwarf σ Orionis cluster 2000[9]
Proplyd 061-401 ~11 1 1,344 L4–L5 Candidate, 15 candidates in total from this work Orion nebula 2001[20]
S Ori 70 3 3 1150 T6 interloper?[21] σ Orionis cluster 2002
Cha 110913-773444 5–15 2~ 529 >M9.5 Candidate Chamaeleon I 2004[69]
SIMP J013656.5+093347 11-13 200~ 20-22 T2.5 Candidate Carina-Near moving group 2006[70][71]
UGPS J072227.51−054031.2 0.66–16.02[72][73] 1000 – 5000 13 T9 Mass uncertain none 2010
M10-4450 2–3 1 325 T Candidate rho Ophiuchi cloud 2010[74]
WISE 1828+2650 3–6 or 0.5–20[75] 2–4 or 0.1–10[75] 47 >Y2 candidate, could be binary none 2011
CFBDSIR 2149−0403 4–7 110–130 117–143 T7 Candidate AB Doradus moving group 2012[76]
SONYC-NGC1333-36 ~6 1 978 L3 candidate, NGC 1333 has two other objects with masses below 15 MJ NGC 1333 2012[77]
SSTc2d J183037.2+011837 2–4 3 848–1354 T? Candidate, also called ID 4 Serpens Core cluster[78] (in the Serpens Cloud) 2012[11]
PSO J318.5−22 6.24–7.60[72][73] 21–27 72.32 L7 Confirmed; also known as 2MASS J21140802-2251358 Beta Pictoris Moving group 2013[13][79]
2MASS J2208+2921 11–13 21–27 115 L3γ Candidate; radial velocity needed Beta Pictoris Moving group 2014[80]
WISE J1741-4642 4–21 23–130 L7pec Candidate Beta Pictoris or AB Doradus moving group 2014[81]
WISE 0855−0714 3–10 >1,000 7.1 Y4 Age uncertain, but old due to solar vicinity object;[82] candidate even for an old age of 12 Gyrs (age of the universe is 13.8 Gyrs) none 2014[83]
2MASS J12074836–3900043 ~15[84] 7–13 200 L1 Candidate; distance needed TW Hydrae association 2014[85]
SIMP J2154–1055 9–11 30–50 63 L4β Age questioned[86] Argus association 2014[87]
SDSS J111010.01+011613.1 10.83–11.73[72][73] 110–130 63 T5.5 Confirmed[72] AB Doradus moving group 2015[35]
2MASS J11193254–1137466 AB 4–8 7–13 ~90 L7 Binary candidate, one of the components has a candidate exomoon or variable atmosphere[51] TW Hydrae Association 2016[88]
WISEA 1147 5–13 7–13 ~100 L7 Candidate TW Hydrae Association 2016[12]
USco J155150.2-213457 8–10 6.907-10 104 L6 Candidate, low gravity Upper Scorpius association 2016[89]
Proplyd 133-353 <13 0.5–1 1,344 M9.5 Candidate with a photoevaporating disk Orion Nebula 2016[56]
Cha J11110675-7636030 3–6 1–3 520–550 M9–L2 Candidate, but could be surrounded by a disk, which could make it a sub-brown dwarf; other candidates from this work Chamaeleon I 2017[34]
PSO J077.1+24 6 1–2 470 L2 Candidate, work also published another candidate in Taurus Taurus Molecular Cloud 2017[90]
Calar 25 11–12 120 435 Confirmed Pleiades 2018[91]
2MASS J1324+6358 10.7–11.8 ~150 ~33 T2 unusually red and unlikely binary; robust candidate[72][73] AB Doradus moving group 2007, 2018[92]
WISE J0830+2837 4-13 >1,000 31.3-42.7 >Y1 Age uncertain, but old because of high velocity (high Vtan is indicative of an old stellar population), Candidate if younger than 10 Gyrs none 2020[39]
2MASS J0718-6415 3 ± 1 16-28 30.5 T5 Candidate member of the BPMG. Extremely short rotation period of 1.08 hours, comparable to the brown dwarf 2MASS J0348-6022.[93][94] Beta Pictoris moving group 2021
DANCe J16081299-2304316 3.1–6.3 3–10 104 L6 One of at least 70 candidates published in this work, spectrum similar to HR 8799c Upper Scorpius association 2021[44][47]
WISE J2255−3118 2.15–2.59 24 ~45 T8 very red, candidate[72][73] Beta Pictoris moving group 2011,2021[46]
WISE J024124.73-365328.0 4.64–5.30 45 ~61 T7 candidate[72][73] Argus association 2012, 2021[46]
2MASS J0013−1143 7.29–8.25 45 ~82 T4 binary candidate or composite atmosphere, candidate[72][73] Argus association 2017, 2021[46]
SDSS J020742.48+000056.2 7.11–8.61 45 ~112 T4.5 candidate[72][73] Argus association 2002, 2021[46]
2MASSI J0453264-175154 12.68–12.98 24 ~99 L2.5β low gravity, candidate[72][73] Beta Pictoris moving group 2003, 2023[72][73]
CWISE J0506+0738 7 ± 2 22 104 L8γ–T0γ Candidate member of the BPMG. Extreme red near-infrared colors.[95] Beta Pictoris moving group 2023

Discovered via microlensing edit

These objects were discovered via microlensing. Rogue planets discovered via microlensing can only be studied by the lensing event and are often also consistent with exoplanets in a wide orbit around an unseen star.[96]

Exoplanet Mass (MJ) Mass (ME) Distance (ly) Status Discovery
MOA-2011-BLG-262L 115 or 3.6 36,550 or 1,144 1,800 or 23,000 likely a red dwarf 2013
OGLE-2012-BLG-1323 0.0072–0.072 2.3–23 candidate; distance needed 2017[97][98][99][100]
OGLE-2017-BLG-0560 1.9–20 604–3,256 candidate; distance needed 2017[98][99][100]
MOA-2015-BLG-337L 9.85 3,130 23,156 may be a binary brown dwarf instead 2018[101]
KMT-2019-BLG-2073 0.19 59 candidate; distance needed 2020[102]
OGLE-2016-BLG-1928 0.001-0.006 0.3–2 30,000–180,000 candidate 2020[96]
OGLE-2019-BLG-0551 0.0242-0.3 7.69–95 Poorly characterized[103] 2020[103]
VVV-2012-BLG-0472L 10.5 3,337 3,200 2022[104]
MOA-9y-770L 0.07 22.3+42.2
22,700 2023[105]
MOA-9y-5919L 0.0012 or 0.0024 0.37+1.11
or 0.75+1.23
14,700 or 19,300 2023[105]

See also edit

References edit

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  96. ^ a b Mróz, Przemek; Poleski, Radosław; Gould, Andrew; Udalski, Andrzej; Sumi, Takahiro; Szymański, Michał K.; Soszyński, Igor; Pietrukowicz, Paweł; Kozłowski, Szymon; Skowron, Jan; Ulaczyk, Krzysztof; Albrow, Michael D.; Chung, Sun-Ju; Han, Cheongho; Hwang, Kyu-Ha; Jung, Youn Kil; Kim, Hyoun-Woo; Ryu, Yoon-Hyun; Shin, In-Gu; Shvartzvald, Yossi; Yee, Jennifer C.; Zang, Weicheng; Cha, Sang-Mok; Kim, Dong-Jin; Kim, Seung-Lee; Lee, Chung-Uk; Lee, Dong-Joo; Lee, Yongseok; Park, Byeong-Gon; et al. (2020), "A terrestrial-mass rogue planet candidate detected in the shortest-timescale microlensing event", The Astrophysical Journal, 903 (1): L11, arXiv:2009.12377, Bibcode:2020ApJ...903L..11M, doi:10.3847/2041-8213/abbfad, S2CID 221971000
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  98. ^ a b Becky Ferreira (9 November 2018). "Rare Sighting of Two Rogue Planets That Do Not Orbit Stars". Motherboard. Retrieved 10 February 2019.
  99. ^ a b Jake Parks (16 November 2018). . Discover Magazine. Archived from the original on 16 November 2018. Retrieved 10 February 2019.
  100. ^ a b Jake Parks (15 November 2018). "Two free-range planets found roaming the Milky Way in solitude". Astronomy Magazine. Retrieved 10 February 2019.
  101. ^ "Exoplanet-catalog". Exoplanet Exploration: Planets Beyond our Solar System. Retrieved 4 January 2021.
  102. ^ Kim, Hyoun-Woo; Hwang, Kyu-Ha; Gould, Andrew; Yee, Jennifer C.; Ryu, Yoon-Hyun; Albrow, Michael D.; Chung, Sun-Ju; Han, Cheongho; Jung, Youn Kil; Lee, Chung-Uk; Shin, In-Gu; Shvartzvald, Yossi; Zang, Weicheng; Cha, Sang-Mok; Kim, Dong-Jin; Kim, Seung-Lee; Lee, Dong-Joo; Lee, Yongseok; Park, Byeong-Gon; Pogge, Richard W. (2021). "KMT-2019-BLG-2073: Fourth Free-floating Planet Candidate with θ e < 10 μas". The Astronomical Journal. 162 (1): 15. arXiv:2007.06870. Bibcode:2021AJ....162...15K. doi:10.3847/1538-3881/abfc4a. S2CID 235445277.
  103. ^ a b Mróz, Przemek; et al. (2020), "A Free-floating or Wide-orbit Planet in the Microlensing Event OGLE-2019-BLG-0551", The Astronomical Journal, 159 (6): 262, arXiv:2003.01126, Bibcode:2020AJ....159..262M, doi:10.3847/1538-3881/ab8aeb, S2CID 211817861
  104. ^ Kaczmarek, Zofia; McGill, Peter; Evans, N. Wyn; Smith, Leigh C.; Wyrzykowski, Łukasz; Howil, Kornel; Jabłońska, Maja (1 August 2022). "Dark lenses through the dust: parallax microlensing events in the VVV". Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 514 (4): 4845–4860. arXiv:2205.07922. Bibcode:2022MNRAS.514.4845K. doi:10.1093/mnras/stac1507. ISSN 0035-8711.
  105. ^ a b Koshimoto, Naoki; Sumi, Takahiro; Bennett, David P.; Bozza, Valerio; Mróz, Przemek; Udalski, Andrzej; Rattenbury, Nicholas J.; Abe, Fumio; Barry, Richard; Bhattacharya, Aparna; Bond, Ian A.; Fujii, Hirosane; Fukui, Akihiko; Hamada, Ryusei; Hirao, Yuki (14 March 2023). "Terrestrial and Neptune mass free-floating planet candidates from the MOA-II 9-year Galactic Bulge survey". The Astronomical Journal. 166 (3): 107. arXiv:2303.08279. Bibcode:2023AJ....166..107K. doi:10.3847/1538-3881/ace689.

Bibliography edit

  • Article by Stevenson similar to the Nature article but with more information.

External links edit

  • Definition of a "Planet" (Resolution B5 – IAU)
  • Strange New Worlds Could Make Miniature Solar Systems Robert Roy Britt (SPACE.com) 5 June 2006 11:35 am ET
  • press release (International Astronomical Union) 2006

rogue, planet, this, article, about, type, astronomical, object, other, uses, disambiguation, rogue, alternately, interstellar, nomad, orphan, starless, unbound, wandering, planet, also, termed, free, floating, planet, isolated, planetary, mass, object, ipmo, . This article is about a type of astronomical object For other uses see Rogue planet disambiguation A rogue alternately interstellar nomad orphan starless unbound or wandering planet also termed a free floating planet FFP or an isolated planetary mass object iPMO is an interstellar object of planetary mass which is not gravitationally bound to any star or brown dwarf 1 2 3 4 source source source source source source source This video shows an artist s impression of the free floating planet CFBDSIR J214947 2 040308 9 Rogue planets may originate from planetary systems in which they are formed and later ejected or they can also form on their own outside a planetary system The Milky Way alone may have billions to trillions of rogue planets a range the upcoming Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope will likely be able to narrow 5 6 Some planetary mass objects may have formed in a similar way to stars and the International Astronomical Union has proposed that such objects be called sub brown dwarfs 7 A possible example is Cha 110913 773444 which may either have been ejected and become a rogue planet or formed on its own to become a sub brown dwarf 8 Contents 1 Name 2 Discovery 3 Observation 3 1 Microlensing 3 2 Direct imaging 3 3 Jupiter Mass Binary Objects 3 4 Total number of known iPMOs 4 Formation 4 1 Formation like a star 4 1 1 Disks 4 2 Formation like a planet 5 Fate 6 Warmth 7 List 7 1 Discovered via direct imaging 7 2 Discovered via microlensing 8 See also 9 References 10 Bibliography 11 External linksName editThe two first discovery papers use the names isolated planetary mass objects iPMO 9 and free floating planets FFP 10 Most astronomical papers use one of these terms 11 12 13 The term rogue planet is more often used for microlensing studies which also often uses the term FFP 14 15 A press release intended for the public might use an alternative name The discovery of at least 70 FFPs in 2021 for example used the terms rogue planet 16 starless planet 17 wandering planet 18 and free floating planet 19 in different press releases Discovery editIsolated planetary mass objects iPMO were first discovered in 2000 by the UK team Lucas amp Roche with UKIRT in the Orion Nebula 10 In the same year the Spanish team Zapatero Osorio et al discovered iPMOs with Keck spectroscopy in the s Orionis cluster 9 The spectroscopy of the objects in the Orion Nebula was published in 2001 20 Both European teams are now recognized for their quasi simultaneous discoveries 21 In the year 1999 the Japanese team Oasa et al discovered objects in Chamaeleon I 22 that were spectroscopically confirmed years later in 2004 by the US team Luhman et al 23 In October 2023 astronomers based on observations of the Orion Nebula with the James Webb Space Telescope reported the discovery of pairs of rogue planets similar in mass to the planet Jupiter and called JuMBOs short for Jupiter Mass Binary Objects 24 25 Observation edit nbsp 115 potential rogue planets in the region between Upper Scorpius and Ophiuchus 2021 There are two techniques to discover free floating planets direct imaging and microlensing Microlensing edit Astrophysicist Takahiro Sumi of Osaka University in Japan and colleagues who form the Microlensing Observations in Astrophysics and the Optical Gravitational Lensing Experiment collaborations published their study of microlensing in 2011 They observed 50 million stars in the Milky Way by using the 1 8 metre 5 ft 11 in MOA II telescope at New Zealand s Mount John Observatory and the 1 3 metre 4 ft 3 in University of Warsaw telescope at Chile s Las Campanas Observatory They found 474 incidents of microlensing ten of which were brief enough to be planets of around Jupiter s size with no associated star in the immediate vicinity The researchers estimated from their observations that there are nearly two Jupiter mass rogue planets for every star in the Milky Way 26 27 28 One study suggested a much larger number up to 100 000 times more rogue planets than stars in the Milky Way though this study encompassed hypothetical objects much smaller than Jupiter 29 A 2017 study by Przemek Mroz of Warsaw University Observatory and colleagues with six times larger statistics than the 2011 study indicates an upper limit on Jupiter mass free floating or wide orbit planets of 0 25 planets per main sequence star in the Milky Way 30 In September 2020 astronomers using microlensing techniques reported the detection for the first time of an Earth mass rogue planet named OGLE 2016 BLG 1928 unbound to any star and free floating in the Milky Way galaxy 15 31 32 In December 2013 a candidate exomoon of a rogue planet MOA 2011 BLG 262 was announced 14 Direct imaging edit nbsp The cold planetary mass object WISE J0830 2837 marked orange object observed with the Spitzer Space Telescope It has a temperature of 300 350 K 27 77 C 80 170 F Microlensing planets can only be studied by the microlensing event which makes the characterization of the planet difficult Astronomers therefore turn to isolated planetary mass objects iPMO that were found via the direct imaging method To determine a mass of a brown dwarf or iPMO one needs for example the luminosity and the age of an object 33 Determining the age of a low mass object has proven to be difficult It is no surprise that the vast majority of iPMOs are found inside young nearby star forming regions of which astronomers know their age These objects are younger than 200 Myrs are massive gt 5 MJ 4 and belong to the L and T dwarfs 34 35 There is however a small growing sample of cold and old Y dwarfs that have estimated masses of 8 20 MJ 36 Nearby rogue planet candidates of spectral type Y include WISE 0855 0714 at a distance of 7 27 0 13 light years 37 If this sample of Y dwarfs can be characterized with more accurate measurements or if a way to better characterize their ages can be found the number of old and cold iPMOs will likely increase significantly The first iPMOs were discovered in the early 2000s via direct imaging inside young star forming regions 38 9 20 These iPMOs found via direct imaging formed probably like stars sometimes called sub brown dwarf There might be iPMOs that form like a planet which are then ejected These objects will however be kinematically different from their natal star forming region should not be surrounded by a circumstellar disk and have high metallicity 21 None of the iPMOs found inside young star forming regions show a high velocity compared to their star forming region For old iPMOs the cold WISE J0830 2837 39 shows a Vtan of about 100 km s which is high but still consistent with formation in our galaxy For WISE 1534 1043 40 one alternative scenario explains this object as an ejected exoplanet due to its high Vtan of about 200 km s but its color suggests it is an old metal poor brown dwarf Most astronomers studying massive iPMOs believe that they represent the low mass end of the star formation process 21 Astronomers have used the Herschel Space Observatory and the Very Large Telescope to observe a very young free floating planetary mass object OTS 44 and demonstrate that the processes characterizing the canonical star like mode of formation apply to isolated objects down to a few Jupiter masses Herschel far infrared observations have shown that OTS 44 is surrounded by a disk of at least 10 Earth masses and thus could eventually form a mini planetary system 41 Spectroscopic observations of OTS 44 with the SINFONI spectrograph at the Very Large Telescope have revealed that the disk is actively accreting matter similar to the disks of young stars 41 Jupiter Mass Binary Objects edit nbsp JuMBO 31 to 35 in the Orion Nebula with NIRCamIn the Orion Nebula a population of 40 wide binaries and 2 triple systems were discovered This was surprising for two reasons The trend of binaries of brown dwarfs predicted a decrease of distance between low mass objects with decreasing mass It was also predicted that the binary fraction decreases with mass These binaries were coined Jupiter Mass Binary Objects JuMBOs They make up at least 9 of the iPMOs and have a separation smaller than 340 AU It is unclear how these JuMBOs might have formed If they formed like stars then there must be an unknown extra ingredient to allow them to form If they formed like planets and were later ejected then it has to be explained why these binaries did not break apart during the ejection process 25 Future proper motion measurements with JWST might resolve if these objects formed as ejected planets or as stars Ejected planets should show a high proper motion while a formation like stars should show proper motions similar to the Trapezium Cluster stars Other suspected JuMBOs are known outside the Orion Nebula such as 2MASS J11193254 1137466 AB 2MASS J1553022 153236AB 42 43 WISE 1828 2650 WISE J0336 0143 could also be BD PMO binary and 2MASS J0013 1143 Total number of known iPMOs edit There are likely hundreds 44 25 of known candidate iPMOs over a hundred 45 46 47 objects with spectra and a small but growing number of candidates discovered via microlensing Some large surveys include As of December 2021 the largest ever group of rogue planets was discovered numbering at least 70 and up to 170 depending on the assumed age They are found in the OB association between Upper Scorpius and Ophiuchus with masses between 4 and 13 MJ and age around 3 to 10 million years and were most likely formed by either gravitational collapse of gas clouds or formation in a protoplanetary disk followed by ejection due to dynamical instabilities 44 16 48 18 Follow up observations with spectroscopy from the Subaru Telescope and Gran Telescopio Canarias showed that the contamination of this sample is quite low 6 The 16 young objects had a mass between 3 and 14 MJ confirming that they are indeed planetary mass objects 47 In October 2023 an even larger group of 540 planetary mass object candidates were discovered in the Trapezium Cluster and inner Orion Nebula with JWST The objects have a mass between 13 and 0 6 MJ A surprising number of these objects formed wide binaries which was not predicted previously 25 Formation editThere are in general two scenarios that can lead to the formation of an isolated planetary mass object iPMO It can form like a planet around a star and is then ejected or it forms like a low mass star or brown dwarf in isolation This can influence its composition and motion 21 Formation like a star edit Main article Sub brown dwarf Objects with a mass of at least one Jupiter mass were thought to be able to form via collapse and fragmentation of molecular clouds from models in 2001 49 Pre JWST observations have shown that objects below 3 5 MJ are unlikely to form on their own 4 Observations in 2023 in the Trapezium Cluster with JWST have shown that objects as massive as 0 6 MJ might form on their own not requiring a steep cut off mass 25 A particular type of globule called globulettes are thought to be birthplaces for brown dwarfs and planetary mass objects Globulettes are found in the Rosette Nebula and IC 1805 50 Sometimes young iPMOs are still surrounded by a disk that could form exomoons Due to the tight orbit of this type of exomoon around their host planet they have a high chance of 10 15 to be transiting 51 Disks edit Some very young star forming regions typically younger than 5 million years sometimes contain isolated planetary mass objects with infrared excess and signs of accretion Most well known is the iPMO OTS 44 discovered to have a disk and being located in Chamaeleon I Charmaeleon I and II have other candidate iPMOs with disks 52 53 34 Other star forming regions with iPMOs with disks or accretion are Lupus I 53 Rho Ophiuchi Cloud Complex 54 Sigma Orionis cluster 55 Orion Nebula 56 Taurus 54 57 NGC 1333 58 and IC 348 59 A large survey of disks around brown dwarfs and iPMOs with ALMA found that these disks are not massive enough to form earth mass planets There is still the possibility that the disks already have formed planets 54 Studies of red dwarfs have shown that some have gas rich disks at an relative old age These disks were dubbed Peter Pan Disks and this trend could continue into the planetary mass regime One Peter Pan disk is the 45 Myr old brown dwarf 2MASS J02265658 5327032 with a mass of about 13 7 MJ which is close to the planetary mass regime 60 Formation like a planet edit Ejected planets are predicted to be mostly low mass lt 30 ME Figure 1 Ma et al 61 and their mean mass depends on the mass of their host star Simulations by Ma et al 61 did show that 17 5 of 1 M stars eject a total of 16 8 ME per star with a typical median mass of 0 8 ME for an individual free floating planet FFP For lower mass red dwarfs with a mass of 0 3 M 12 of stars eject a total of 5 1 ME per star with a typical mass of 0 3 ME for an individual FFP Hong et al 62 predicted that exomoons can be scattered by planet planet interactions and become ejected exomoons Higher mass 0 3 1 MJ ejected FFP are predicted to be possible but they are also predicted to be rare 61 Fate editMost isolated planetary mass objects will float in interstellar space forever Some iPMOs will have a close encounter with a planetary system This rare encounter can have three outcomes The iPMO will remain unbound it could be weakly bound to the star or it could kick out the exoplanet replacing it Simulations have shown that the vast majority of these encounters result in a capture event with the iPMO being weakly bound with a low gravitational binding energy and an elongated highly eccentric orbit These orbits are not stable and 90 of these objects gain energy due to planet planet encounters and are ejected back into interstellar space Only 1 of all stars will experience this temporary capture 63 Warmth edit nbsp Artist s conception of a Jupiter size rogue planet Interstellar planets generate little heat and are not heated by a star 64 However in 1998 David J Stevenson theorized that some planet sized objects adrift in interstellar space might sustain a thick atmosphere that would not freeze out He proposed that these atmospheres would be preserved by the pressure induced far infrared radiation opacity of a thick hydrogen containing atmosphere 65 During planetary system formation several small protoplanetary bodies may be ejected from the system 66 An ejected body would receive less of the stellar generated ultraviolet light that can strip away the lighter elements of its atmosphere Even an Earth sized body would have enough gravity to prevent the escape of the hydrogen and helium in its atmosphere 65 In an Earth sized object the geothermal energy from residual core radioisotope decay could maintain a surface temperature above the melting point of water 65 allowing liquid water oceans to exist These planets are likely to remain geologically active for long periods If they have geodynamo created protective magnetospheres and sea floor volcanism hydrothermal vents could provide energy for life 65 These bodies would be difficult to detect because of their weak thermal microwave radiation emissions although reflected solar radiation and far infrared thermal emissions may be detectable from an object that is less than 1 000 astronomical units from Earth 67 Around five percent of Earth sized ejected planets with Moon sized natural satellites would retain their satellites after ejection A large satellite would be a source of significant geological tidal heating 68 List editThe table below lists rogue planets confirmed or suspected that have been discovered It is yet unknown whether these planets were ejected from orbiting a star or else formed on their own as sub brown dwarfs Whether exceptionally low mass rogue planets such as OGLE 2012 BLG 1323 and KMT 2019 BLG 2073 are even capable of being formed on their own is currently unknown Discovered via direct imaging edit These objects were discovered with the direct imaging method Many were discovered in young star clusters or stellar associations and a few old are known such as W0855 List is sorted after discovery year Exoplanet Mass MJ Age Myr Distance ly Spectral type Status Stellar assoc membership DiscoveryOTS 44 11 5 0 5 3 554 M9 5 Likely a low mass brown dwarf 38 Chamaeleon I 1998S Ori 52 2 8 1 5 1 150 Age and mass uncertain may be a foreground brown dwarf s Orionis cluster 2000 9 Proplyd 061 401 11 1 1 344 L4 L5 Candidate 15 candidates in total from this work Orion nebula 2001 20 S Ori 70 3 3 1150 T6 interloper 21 s Orionis cluster 2002Cha 110913 773444 5 15 2 529 gt M9 5 Candidate Chamaeleon I 2004 69 SIMP J013656 5 093347 11 13 200 20 22 T2 5 Candidate Carina Near moving group 2006 70 71 UGPS J072227 51 054031 2 0 66 16 02 72 73 1000 5000 13 T9 Mass uncertain none 2010M10 4450 2 3 1 325 T Candidate rho Ophiuchi cloud 2010 74 WISE 1828 2650 3 6 or 0 5 20 75 2 4 or 0 1 10 75 47 gt Y2 candidate could be binary none 2011CFBDSIR 2149 0403 4 7 110 130 117 143 T7 Candidate AB Doradus moving group 2012 76 SONYC NGC1333 36 6 1 978 L3 candidate NGC 1333 has two other objects with masses below 15 MJ NGC 1333 2012 77 SSTc2d J183037 2 011837 2 4 3 848 1354 T Candidate also called ID 4 Serpens Core cluster 78 in the Serpens Cloud 2012 11 PSO J318 5 22 6 24 7 60 72 73 21 27 72 32 L7 Confirmed also known as 2MASS J21140802 2251358 Beta Pictoris Moving group 2013 13 79 2MASS J2208 2921 11 13 21 27 115 L3g Candidate radial velocity needed Beta Pictoris Moving group 2014 80 WISE J1741 4642 4 21 23 130 L7pec Candidate Beta Pictoris or AB Doradus moving group 2014 81 WISE 0855 0714 3 10 gt 1 000 7 1 Y4 Age uncertain but old due to solar vicinity object 82 candidate even for an old age of 12 Gyrs age of the universe is 13 8 Gyrs none 2014 83 2MASS J12074836 3900043 15 84 7 13 200 L1 Candidate distance needed TW Hydrae association 2014 85 SIMP J2154 1055 9 11 30 50 63 L4b Age questioned 86 Argus association 2014 87 SDSS J111010 01 011613 1 10 83 11 73 72 73 110 130 63 T5 5 Confirmed 72 AB Doradus moving group 2015 35 2MASS J11193254 1137466 AB 4 8 7 13 90 L7 Binary candidate one of the components has a candidate exomoon or variable atmosphere 51 TW Hydrae Association 2016 88 WISEA 1147 5 13 7 13 100 L7 Candidate TW Hydrae Association 2016 12 USco J155150 2 213457 8 10 6 907 10 104 L6 Candidate low gravity Upper Scorpius association 2016 89 Proplyd 133 353 lt 13 0 5 1 1 344 M9 5 Candidate with a photoevaporating disk Orion Nebula 2016 56 Cha J11110675 7636030 3 6 1 3 520 550 M9 L2 Candidate but could be surrounded by a disk which could make it a sub brown dwarf other candidates from this work Chamaeleon I 2017 34 PSO J077 1 24 6 1 2 470 L2 Candidate work also published another candidate in Taurus Taurus Molecular Cloud 2017 90 Calar 25 11 12 120 435 Confirmed Pleiades 2018 91 2MASS J1324 6358 10 7 11 8 150 33 T2 unusually red and unlikely binary robust candidate 72 73 AB Doradus moving group 2007 2018 92 WISE J0830 2837 4 13 gt 1 000 31 3 42 7 gt Y1 Age uncertain but old because of high velocity high Vtan is indicative of an old stellar population Candidate if younger than 10 Gyrs none 2020 39 2MASS J0718 6415 3 1 16 28 30 5 T5 Candidate member of the BPMG Extremely short rotation period of 1 08 hours comparable to the brown dwarf 2MASS J0348 6022 93 94 Beta Pictoris moving group 2021DANCe J16081299 2304316 3 1 6 3 3 10 104 L6 One of at least 70 candidates published in this work spectrum similar to HR 8799c Upper Scorpius association 2021 44 47 WISE J2255 3118 2 15 2 59 24 45 T8 very red candidate 72 73 Beta Pictoris moving group 2011 2021 46 WISE J024124 73 365328 0 4 64 5 30 45 61 T7 candidate 72 73 Argus association 2012 2021 46 2MASS J0013 1143 7 29 8 25 45 82 T4 binary candidate or composite atmosphere candidate 72 73 Argus association 2017 2021 46 SDSS J020742 48 000056 2 7 11 8 61 45 112 T4 5 candidate 72 73 Argus association 2002 2021 46 2MASSI J0453264 175154 12 68 12 98 24 99 L2 5b low gravity candidate 72 73 Beta Pictoris moving group 2003 2023 72 73 CWISE J0506 0738 7 2 22 104 L8g T0g Candidate member of the BPMG Extreme red near infrared colors 95 Beta Pictoris moving group 2023Discovered via microlensing edit These objects were discovered via microlensing Rogue planets discovered via microlensing can only be studied by the lensing event and are often also consistent with exoplanets in a wide orbit around an unseen star 96 Exoplanet Mass MJ Mass ME Distance ly Status DiscoveryMOA 2011 BLG 262L 115 or 3 6 36 550 or 1 144 1 800 or 23 000 likely a red dwarf 2013OGLE 2012 BLG 1323 0 0072 0 072 2 3 23 candidate distance needed 2017 97 98 99 100 OGLE 2017 BLG 0560 1 9 20 604 3 256 candidate distance needed 2017 98 99 100 MOA 2015 BLG 337L 9 85 3 130 23 156 may be a binary brown dwarf instead 2018 101 KMT 2019 BLG 2073 0 19 59 candidate distance needed 2020 102 OGLE 2016 BLG 1928 0 001 0 006 0 3 2 30 000 180 000 candidate 2020 96 OGLE 2019 BLG 0551 0 0242 0 3 7 69 95 Poorly characterized 103 2020 103 VVV 2012 BLG 0472L 10 5 3 337 3 200 2022 104 MOA 9y 770L 0 07 22 3 42 2 17 4 22 700 2023 105 MOA 9y 5919L 0 0012 or 0 0024 0 37 1 11 0 27 or 0 75 1 23 0 46 14 700 or 19 300 2023 105 See also editRogue extragalactic planets Rogue planets that are outside the Milky Way galaxy Intergalactic star Star not gravitationally bound to any galaxy Melancholia 2011 science fiction drama arthouse film by Lars von Trier in which the titular rogue planet is on a collision course with Earth ʻOumuamua an interstellar object that passed through the Solar System in 2017 Remina 2004 5 horror manga by Junji Ito in which the titular sentient rogue planet sets its sights on Earth to consume it shortly after its discovery Rogue comet A comet not gravitationally bound to any star The Wandering Earth Tidally detached exomoon Rogue black holeReferences edit Shostak Seth 24 February 2005 Orphan Planets It s a Hard Knock Life Space com Retrieved 13 November 2020 Lloyd Robin 18 April 2001 Free Floating Planets British Team Restakes Dubious Claim Space com Archived from the original on 13 October 2008 Orphan planet findings challenged by new model NASA Astrobiology 18 April 2001 Archived from the original on 22 March 2009 a b c Kirkpatrick J Davy Gelino Christopher R Faherty Jacqueline K Meisner Aaron M Caselden Dan Schneider Adam C Marocco Federico Cayago Alfred J Smart R L Eisenhardt Peter R Kuchner Marc J Wright Edward L Cushing Michael C Allers Katelyn N Bardalez Gagliuffi Daniella C 1 March 2021 The Field Substellar Mass Function Based on the Full sky 20 pc Census of 525 L T and Y Dwarfs The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 253 1 7 arXiv 2011 11616 Bibcode 2021ApJS 253 7K doi 10 3847 1538 4365 abd107 ISSN 0067 0049 Neil deGrasse Tyson in Cosmos A Spacetime Odyssey as referred to by National Geographic The research team found that the mission will provide a rogue planet count that is at least 10 times more precise than current estimates which range from tens of billions to trillions in our galaxy https scitechdaily com our solar system may be unusual rogue planets unveiled with nasas roman space telescope Working Group on Extrasolar Planets Definition of a Planet Position Statement on the Definition of a Planet IAU Archived 16 September 2006 at the Wayback Machine Rogue planet find makes astronomers ponder theory a b c d Zapatero Osorio M R 6 October 2000 Discovery of Young Isolated Planetary Mass Objects in the s Orionis Star Cluster Science 290 5489 103 7 Bibcode 2000Sci 290 103Z doi 10 1126 science 290 5489 103 PMID 11021788 a b Lucas P W Roche P F 1 June 2000 A population of very young brown dwarfs and free floating planets in Orion Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 314 4 858 864 arXiv astro ph 0003061 Bibcode 2000MNRAS 314 858L doi 10 1046 j 1365 8711 2000 03515 x ISSN 0035 8711 S2CID 119002349 a b Spezzi L Alves de Oliveira C Moraux E Bouvier J Winston E Hudelot P Bouy H Cuillandre J C 1 September 2012 Searching for planetary mass T dwarfs in the core of Serpens Astronomy and Astrophysics 545 A105 arXiv 1208 0702 Bibcode 2012A amp A 545A 105S doi 10 1051 0004 6361 201219559 ISSN 0004 6361 S2CID 119232214 a b Schneider Adam C 21 April 2016 WISEA J114724 10 204021 3 A Free floating Planetary Mass Member of the TW Hya Association Astrophysical Journal Letters 822 1 L1 arXiv 1603 07985 Bibcode 2016ApJ 822L 1S doi 10 3847 2041 8205 822 1 L1 S2CID 30068452 a b Liu Michael C 10 November 2013 The Extremely Red Young L Dwarf PSO J318 5338 22 8603 A Free floating Planetary mass Analog to Directly Imaged Young Gas giant Planets Astrophysical Journal Letters 777 1 L20 arXiv 1310 0457 Bibcode 2013ApJ 777L 20L doi 10 1088 2041 8205 777 2 L20 S2CID 54007072 a b Bennett D P Batista V et al 13 December 2013 A Sub Earth Mass Moon Orbiting a Gas Giant Primary or a High Velocity Planetary System in the Galactic Bulge The Astrophysical Journal 785 2 155 arXiv 1312 3951 Bibcode 2014ApJ 785 155B doi 10 1088 0004 637X 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