
Founding of Moldavia

The founding of Moldavia (Romanian: Descălecatul Moldovei) began with the arrival of a Vlach (Romanian) voivode (military leader), Dragoș, soon followed by his people from Maramureș, then a voivodeship, to the region of the Moldova River. Dragoș established a polity there as a vassal to the Kingdom of Hungary in the 1350s. The independence of the Principality of Moldavia was gained when Bogdan I, another Vlach voivode from Maramureș who had fallen out with the Hungarian king, crossed the Carpathians in 1359 and took control of Moldavia, wresting the region from Hungary. It remained a principality until 1859, when it united with Wallachia, initiating the development of the modern Romanian state.

Competing cultures in the future region of Moldavia

Moldavia developed in the lands between the Carpathian Mountains and the Dniester River, which had been dominated by nomadic Turkic peoples—the Pechenegs, Ouzes and Cumans—from around 900. The neighboring Principality of Halych and Kingdom of Hungary started to expand their authority over parts of the territory from around 1150, but the Golden Horde—a Mongol and later Turkicized khanate—took control of the lands east of the Carpathians in the 1240s. The Mongols promoted international commerce, and an important trade route developed along the Dniester. The circulation of Hungarian and Bohemian coins shows that there were also close economic contacts between the basin of the Moldova and Central Europe in the early 14th century.

In addition to the dominant Turkic population, medieval chronicles and documents mention other peoples who lived between the Carpathians and the Dniester, including the Ulichians and the Tivercians in the 9th century, and the Brodnici and the Alans in the 13th century. The Vlachs' presence in that territory is well documented from the 1160s. Their local polities were first mentioned in the 13th century: the Mongols defeated the Qara-Ulagh, or Black Vlachs, in 1241, and the Vlachs invaded Halych in the late 1270s.

The Vlachs—the earliest Romanians—and their neighbors

The 11th-century runestone G134 referring to "Blakumen" whom many historians identified as Vlachs (Sjonhem cemetery, Gotland, Sweden)

The Moldavian region—the lands between the Eastern Carpathians and the Dniester River—acquired a territorial identity in the 14th century.[1] During the previous millennium, the region had been subject to invasions by nomadic peoples,[2] followed by a peaceful period around 750 during the Khazar Khaganate, which led to growth of the population the region.[3] A new material culture—the "Dridu culture"—spread in the lands along the Lower Danube (in both present-day Bulgaria and Romania) and in the territory east of the Carpathians.[4] After the arrival of the Magyars to the Pontic steppes north of the Black Sea in the 830s, the local inhabitants fortified their settlements with palisades and deep moats along the Dniester in the 9th century.[5][6] The Ulichians, Tivercians,[7] "Waladj",[8] and "Blaghā"[9] are ethnic groups that have been connected with the Vlachs, or Romanians, of the region of the Carpathians.[9][failed verification][neutrality is disputed]

Victor Spinei wrote that a runestone which was set up around 1050 contains the earliest reference to Romanians living east of the Carpathians.[10] It refers to Blakumen who killed a Varangian merchant at an unspecified place.[10]

A competing group, the Magyars, left the Pontic steppes for the Carpathian Basin after a coalition of the Pechenegs and the Bulgarians defeated them at the end of the 9th century.[11][12] The Pechenegs took control of the territory, but most Dridu settlements survived their arrival.[13] Only the fortifications were destroyed in the 10th or early 11th centuries.[14] New settlements appeared along the lower course of the Prut.[14] The local inhabitants' burial rites radically changed: inhumation replaced cremation and no grave goods can be detected after around 1000.[14]

Mongol invasion and occupation

According to the Persian historian, Rashid-al-Din Hamadani, a Mongol army "proceeded by way of the Qara-Ulagh, crossing the mountains … and defeating the Ulagh peoples"[15] during the Mongol invasion of 1241.[16][17] His narrative shows that the "Quara-Ulagh," or Black Vlachs, lived in the Eastern or Southern Carpathians.[16][17] Giovanni di Plano Carpini, a papal envoy to the Great Khan of the Mongols, met a "Duke Olaha" who "was leaving with"[18] his retinue to the Mongols in 1247.[19] Victor Spinei, Vlad Georgescu and other historians identify the duke as a Vlach ruler, because his name is similar to the Hungarian word for Vlach (oláh),[20][19] but the name may have also been a version of Oleg.[21] Friar William of Rubruck, who visited the court of the Great Khan in the 1250s, listed "the Blac",[22] or Vlachs, among the peoples who paid tribute to the Mongols, but the Vlachs' territory is uncertain.[21][19] Rubruck described "Blakia" as "Assan's territory"[23] south of the Lower Danube, showing that he identified it with the northern regions of the Second Bulgarian Empire.[24]

Archaeological finds—kilns to produce pottery and furnaces to puddle iron ore—identify towns that were important economic centers of the Golden Horde.[25] At Orheiul Vechi, the ruins of a mosque and a bath were also excavated.[26] The local inhabitants used high quality ceramics (amphorae-like vessels, pitchers, mugs, jars and pots), similar to those found in other parts of the Golden Horde.[27] The Mongols supported international commerce, which led to the formation of a "Mongol road" from Kraków along the Dniester.[28] Almost 5000 Mongol coins from the first half of the 14th century have been excavated in the same region.[29][30] At the mouth of the Dniester, Cetatea Albă (now Bilhorod-Dnistrovskyi in Ukraine) developed into an important emporium.[31] It was established by Genoese merchants in the late 13th century.[31]

Weapons and harness pieces from the 13th and 14th centuries that have been found together with agricultural tools at Vatra Moldoviței, Coșna and Cozănești shows the existence of either local elites or armed peasant groups between the Carpathians and the upper courses of the Siret.[32][33] Hungarian and Bohemian coins were in circulation in the same territory during the first half of the 14th century.[30] The local inhabitants used pottery of lower quality than those used in the lands directly controlled by the Mongols.[27]

Decline of the Golden Horde

The earliest contemporary reference to Romanians in Maramureș was recorded in a royal charter in 1326.[34] In that year, Charles I of Hungary granted the "land Zurduky" (now Strâmtura in Romania) in the "district of Maramureș" to a Vlach noble, Stanislau.[35] According to the Moldo-Russian Chronicle, which was preserved in a Russian annals completed in 1505, King Vladislav of Hungary sent envoys to invite the "Old-Romans and the Romanians" to fight against the Mongols and afterwards he rewarded the "Old-Romans" with lands in Maramureș.[36][37] Historians Ionel Cândea and Dumitru Țeicu identify this event with the battle of Hód Lake (1280), Cuman opponents being substituted in the chronicle by tartars.[38] Historians Pavel Parasca and Șerban Papacostea identify "King Vladislaus" with Ladislaus IV of Hungary who reigned between 1270 and 1290.[39] With the disintegration of the Golden Horde after the death of Öz Beg Khan in 1341,[40][41] both Poland and Hungary started to expand towards the steppe zone in the 1340s.[42] Casimir III of Poland invaded the Principality of Halych already in 1340.[43] Two 14th-century chronicles—one by John of Küküllő and the other by an anonymous Minorite friar—say that King Louis I of Hungary dispatched Andrew Lackfi, Count of the Székelys, to lead an army of Székely warriors against the Mongols who had made raids in Transylvania.[44][45] Lackfi and his army inflicted a crushing defeat upon a large Mongol army on 2 February 1345.[44][45] The Székelys again invaded the "land of the Tatars" in 1346.[44] According to both chronicles, the Mongols withdrew as far as the Dniester after their defeats.[44][45] Archaeological research shows that forts were erected at Baia, Siret, Piatra Neamț and Târgu Trotuș in the late 1340s.[46]

The founding of Moldavia

Both Poland and Hungary took advantage of the decline of the Golden Horde by starting a new expansion in the 1340s. After a Hungarian army defeated the Mongols in 1345, new forts were built east of the Carpathians. Royal charters, chronicles and place names show that Hungarian and Saxon colonists settled in the region. Dragoș took possession of the lands along the Moldova with the approval of King Louis I of Hungary, but the Vlachs rebelled against Louis's rule already in the late 1350s. Dragoș was succeeded by his son, Sas, but Sas' son was expelled from Moldavia by a former voivode of the Voivodeship of Maramureș, Bogdan, in the early 1360s. Bogdan, who resisted Louis's attempts to restore Hungarian suzerainty for several years, was the first independent ruler of Moldavia. The earliest Moldavian silver and bronze coins were minted in 1377. The Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople acknowledged the Metropolitan See of Moldavia, after years of negotiations, in 1401.

The dates on coins found in the area indicate the change of status of Moldavia from Mongolian rule to Vlach rule. The minting of Mongol coins continued in Orheiul Vechi until 1367 or 1368, showing that a "late Tatar state" survived in the southern region between the Prut and the Dniester.[47][48] No Mongol coins minted after 1368 or 1369 have been found in the region of the Dniester, showing that the Mongol rulers did not control the territory any more.[49] Moldavia initially included a small territory between the Prut and Siret.[42] Louis exempted the merchants of "Demetrius, Prince of the Tatars" from paying taxes in Hungary in exchange for securing the tax exempt status of the merchants of Brașov in "the country of Lord Demetrius".[48]

Arrival of Dragoș in Moldavia and his "dismounting" there

The Coat of arms of Moldavia, depicting an aurochs, the probable quarry in Dragoș' hunt.
The political situation in the Carpathian Basin in the year 1359 AD after the Dismounting of Dragoș I.
Voivode Dragoș's hunt for the bison (by Constantin Lecca)

Romanian histories cite Moldavian chronicles, which credit Dragoș, a Vlach ruler, with the founding of Moldavia. According to legend, he led a hunting party to the region and dismounted from his horse at the Moldova River—hence the name of this event, descălecat or "dismounting". It was during this hunting trip that he judged the region to be more attractive for his people than the Land of Maramureș in the Kingdom of Hungary, where they were then living.[50][51][52] One theory by Nicolae Iorga suggests that the Land of Maramureș was one of the "Romanias" where Eastern Romance ethnic groups (known as Vlachs in the Middle Ages) had survived the Great Migrations.[53] A concurrent theory suggests that the Vlachs of Maramureș came from Great Vlachia (in present-day Macedonia) in the second half of the 13th century.[51]

According to the early 16th-century[36] Moldo-Russian Chronicle, the Vlachs came to Maramureș during the reign of King Vladislaus of Hungary to fight against the Mongols.[36][37] This document represents Dragoș as one of the Romanians whom "King Vladislav" had granted estates in Maramureș.[54][36] According to the various versions of the legend of his "dismounting", Dragoș left for a hunting, together with his retainers.[54][36] While chasing an aurochs or bison, they reached as far as the Moldova River where they killed the beast.[54][53][55] They liked the place where they stopped and decided to settle on the banks of the river.[54][53] Dragoș went back to Maramureș only to return with all his people "on the fringes of the lands where the Tatars roamed".[54][53][Notes 1][36] Ritual huntings which end with the establishment of a state, a town or a people are popular elements of the folklore of various peoples of Eurasia, including the Hungarians and the Lithuanians.[56]

The "dismounting" by Dragoș took place in 1359, according to most Moldavian chronicles.[57] Except that the Moldo-Polish chronicle which gives 1352 as the date.[57] However, the same chronicles add various years when determining the period between Dragoș's arrival to Moldavia and the first year of the reign of Alexander the Good in 1400.[57] For instance, the Anonymous Chronicle of Moldavia mentioned 44 years, but the Moldo-Russian Chronicle wrote of 48 years.[57] Consequently, the date of the dismounting is debated by modern historians.[57] For instance, Dennis Deletant says that Dragoș came to Moldavia soon after the establishment of the Diocese of Milkovia in 1347.[58]

Moldavia emerged as a "defensive border province" of the Kingdom of Hungary.[59] A version of Grigore Ureche's chronicle stated that Dragoș's rule in Moldavia "was like a captaincy", implying that he was a military commander.[60] King Louis I of Hungary mentioned Moldavia as "our Moldavian land".[51] The province initially included the northwestern part of the future principality (it is now known as Bukovina).[61] In 1360, Louis granted estates to a Vlach lord, Dragoș of Giulești, for subjugating the Moldavian Vlachs who had revolted against Louis.[62] The identification of Dragoș of Giulești with the first ruler of Moldavia is debated among scholars.[62][63]

Bogdan the Founder

Impression of Bogdan I, the 15th-century founder of Moldavia, by Pierre Auguste Bellet (1865–1924)

Most early Moldavian chronicles begin their lists of the rulers of Moldavia with Dragoș and state that he was succeeded by his son, Sas, who ruled for four years.[64] The only exception is the list of the voivodes, which was recorded in the Bistrița Monastery in 1407, which starts with "Bogdan Voivode".[65] Bogdan, who had been the voivode of the Vlachs in Maramureș, gathered the Vlachs in that district and "secretly passed into Moldavia", according to John of Küküllő's chronicle.[66][67] Royal charters recorded that Bogdan had come into a conflict with János Kölcsei, the royal castellan of Visk (now Vyshkovo in Ukraine), in 1343, and with a Vlach lord in Maramureș, Giula of Giulești, in 1349.[68] According to historian Radu Carciumaru, Bogdan's conflict with the royal castellan suggests that he had been opposed to the presence of the representatives of royal authority in Maramureș years before he left for Moldavia.[68]

The dating of Bogdan's departure from Maramureș is uncertain.[69] His estates there were confiscated and granted to the son of Sas, Balc, according to a royal diploma, issued on 2 February 1365.[67][70] Consequently, Bogdan must have come to Moldavia before that date.[71] Historian Pál Engel dates Bogdan's arrival as 1359, taking advantage of the power vacuum that followed the death of Berdi Beg, Khan of the Golden Horde.[72] According to Carciumaru, a lasting conflict between King Louis I of Hungary and Charles IV, Holy Roman Emperor and the Lithuanians' victory over the Tatars in the Battle of Blue Waters in the early 1360s, enabled Bogdan to come to Moldavia and expel Balc in 1363.[73] Sălăgean says that it was only in 1365 that Bogdan seized power in Moldavia with the assistance of local Vlachs.[4]

King Louis I of Hungary attempted to restore his rule in Moldavia, but the chronology of the military actions against Bogdan is uncertain.[72][74] John of Küküllő wrote that Bogdan "was often battled against" by the army of Louis, but the "number of Vlachs inhabiting that land increased, transforming it into a country".[75][48] Although Küküllő stated that Bogdan was finally forced to accept Louis's suzerainty and to pay a yearly tribute to him, modern historians – including Denis Deletant, Tudor Sălăgean, Victor Spinei, and István Vásáry – agree that Bogdan could actually preserve the independence of Moldavia.[67][74][4][76]

Successors to Bogdan

The Principality of Moldavia at its peak in 1483

The new state derived its name from the Moldova River.[77] In Latin and Slavic documents, it was mentioned as "Moldova", "Moldava" or "Moldavia".[77] On the other hand, the Byzantines, who regarded it as a new Vlachia, referred to the country as Maurovlachia ("Black Vlachia"), Rusovlachia ("Vlachia near Russia") or Moldovlachia ("Moldavian Vlachia").[77] The Turkish name of Moldavia – Kara Boğdan – demonstrates Bogdan's preeminent role in the establishment of the principality.[78]


Bogdan was succeeded by his son, Lațcu, around 1367.[48] After Franciscan friars from Poland converted him to Catholicism, Lațcu initiated the establishment of a Roman Catholic diocese in Moldavia in 1370.[79][80] His direct correspondence with the Holy See shows that he wanted to demonstrate the independence of Moldavia.[80] Upon Lațcu's request, Pope Gregory XI set up the Roman Catholic Diocese of Siret in 1371, addressing his bull to "Lațcu, Duke of Moldavia".[48][81] According to Sălăgean, the Holy See "consolidated the international status of Moldavia" by granting the title "duke" to Lațcu.[48] On 14 March 1372, King Louis I of Hungary, who had also inherited Poland in 1370, signed a treaty with Emperor Charles IV who acknowledged Louis's rights in many lands, including Moldavia.[82]

Petru Mușat

Lațcu, who died in 1375, was succeeded by Petru Mușat, according to the earliest lists of the rulers of Moldavia.[83] However, the 15th-century Lithuanian-Ruthenian Chronicle wrote that the Vlachs elected George Koriatovich—who was a nephew of Algirdas, Grand Prince of Lithuania, and ruled in Podolia under Polish suzerainty[84]—to be voivode, but later poisoned him.[85][86] In late 1377, Vladislaus II of Opole, who administered Halych in the name of King Louis I of Hungary, gave shelter to one "Vlach voivode", named George, who had fled to Halych because of the "unexpected treason of his people".[85][84] According to Spinei, George Koriatovich died in 1375, which excludes his identification with "Voivode George".[85] Spinei also says that George Koriatovich most probably ruled in southeastern Moldavia which had been liberated from Mongol rule.[85] The first Moldavian silver and bronze coins were minted for Petru Mușat in 1377.[87]

According to a record in the register of the Genoese colony in Caffa on the Black See, two Genoese envoys were sent to "Constantino et Petro vayvoda" in 1386.[88][89] Historians identified Voivode Constantino with Costea, whom the list of the voivodes of Moldavia, recorded in the Bistrița Monastery, mentioned between Lațcu and Peter.[89] The record in the Caffa register suggests that the two voivodes—Costea and Petru Mușat—had the same position.[89] The division of the medieval principality into two greater administrative units—Țara de Sus ("Upper Country") and Țara de Jos ("Lower Country")—each administered by a high official, the vornic, also implies the former existence of two polities, which were united by the Moldavian monarchs.[90][91]

Petru Mușat paid homage to Władysław II Jagiełło, King of Poland, in Kraków on 26 September 1387.[74] Upon Peter's request, Anton, the Orthodox Metropolitan of Halych, ordained two bishops for Moldova, one of them being Joseph Mușat, who was related to the voivode.[92] However, the Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople refused to acknowledge their consecration.[92] Petru Mușat expanded his authority as far as the Danube and the Black Sea.[93] His successor, Roman I Mușat, styled himself "By the grace of God the Almighty, Voivode of Moldavia and her to the entire Vlach country from the mountains to the shores of the sea" on 30 March 1392.[94][95] After years of negotiations, the Ecumenical Patriarch, Matthew I, acknowledged Joseph Mușat as Metropolitan of Maurovlachia in 1401.[92]

Growth of the principality

The Principality of Moldavia, grew to include the territory between the Eastern Carpathians and the Dniester river. It existed until 1859, when it united with Wallachia as the basis of the modern Romanian state; at various times, the state included the regions of Bessarabia (with the Budjak) and all of Bukovina. The western half of Moldavia is now part of Romania, the eastern side belongs to the Republic of Moldova, while the northern and southeastern parts are territories of Ukraine.[96]

See also


  1. ^ In the time of King Vladislav, the Tatars led by their prince, Neymet advanced from the waters of the Prut and the Moldova against the Hungarians. … King Vladislav … sent envoys to the Old-Romans and the Romanians. Thereupon we, Romanians joined forces with the Old-Romans and came to Hungary to help King Vladislav. … Before long, the decisive battle was fought between the Hungarian king, Vladislav, and the Tatar prince, Neymet, along the banks of the Tisa. The Old-Romans started the fight, preceding everybody else. They were followed by the masses of the Hungarians and the Romans who were in the Latin faith. Thus the Tatars were defeated first by the Old-Romans, then by the Hungarians and the Romanians. … Vladislav, the Hungarian king rejoiced over the divine assistance. He highly appreciated and rewarded the Old-Romans for their courage. … [T]hey asked King Vladislav not to force them to adopt the Latin faith, but to let them keep their own Christian faith according to the Greek rite and to grant them a place to stay. King Vladislav … granted them lands in Maramureș between the Mureș and Tisa at a place called Crij. The Old-Romans gathered and settled there. They married Hungarian women and led them into their own Christian religion. … There was a smart and courageous man, Dragoș, among them. One day, he left with his companions for a hunt and they came across the footprints of a bison. Following it, they crossed the snowy mountains and arrived at a wonderful and even place where they spotted the bison. They killed it under a willow and feasted on it. Then God brought the idea to his mind that he should find a new homeland and settle there. … [T]hey returned home and spoke of the beauty of that country and of its rivers and springs to the other people so that to convince them to move there. The latter also liked the idea and decided to leave for the place where their companions were staying and to search for a new homeland. It was surrounded by deserted lands and the Tatars and their cattle roamed in the borderlands. Thereupon they asked Vladislav, the Hungarian king, to let them leave, and King Vladislav graciously assented. They left Maramureș, together with all their companions and with their wives and children, to cross the high mountains. Many trees were cut down and many cliffs were pushed aside, but they crossed the mountains and arrived at the place where Dragoș had killed the bison. They liked it and dismounted there. They chose an intelligent man named Dragoș of their number and appointed him to be their lord and voivode, and thus the country of Moldavia was founded by the will of God. —Moldo-Russian chronicle (Spinei, 1986)


  1. ^ Treptow & Popa 1996, p. 135.
  2. ^ Treptow & Popa 1996, p. 7.
  3. ^ Spinei 2009, pp. 48–50.
  4. ^ a b c Sălăgean 2005, p. 135.
  5. ^ Curta 2006, pp. 124, 157, 185.
  6. ^ Spinei 2009, p. 85.
  7. ^ Cross & Sherbowitz-Wetzor 1953, p. 56
  8. ^ Spinei 2009, p. 82.
  9. ^ a b Spinei 2009, p. 83.
  10. ^ a b Spinei 2009, p. 54.
  11. ^ Sălăgean 2005, p. 153.
  12. ^ Djuvara 2014, p. 52.
  13. ^ Spinei 2009, pp. 94, 96.
  14. ^ a b c Curta 2006, p. 186.
  15. ^ Al-Dīn & Boyle 1971, p. 70
  16. ^ a b Andreescu 1998, p. 78.
  17. ^ a b Spinei 1986, p. 113.
  18. ^ di Plano Carpini & Hildinger 1996, p. 119
  19. ^ a b c Spinei 1986, p. 131.
  20. ^ Georgescu 1991, p. 17.
  21. ^ a b Sălăgean 2005, p. 196.
  22. ^ Jackson 2009, p. 139
  23. ^ Jackson 2009, p. 30
  24. ^ Vásáry 2005, p. 30.
  25. ^ Spinei 1986, pp. 148–149.
  26. ^ Rădvan 2010, p. 521.
  27. ^ a b Spinei 1986, p. 150.
  28. ^ Rădvan 2010, pp. 328–329.
  29. ^ Spinei 1986, p. 152.
  30. ^ a b Sălăgean 2005, p. 198.
  31. ^ a b Rădvan 2010, pp. 476–477.
  32. ^ Sălăgean 2005, p. 197.
  33. ^ Spinei 1986, pp. 162–163, 226.
  34. ^ Engel 2001, p. 270.
  35. ^ Carciumaru 2012, pp. 173–174.
  36. ^ a b c d e f Spinei 1986, p. 197.
  37. ^ a b Vékony 2000, p. 11.
  38. ^ Țeicu & Cândea 2008, p. 280.
  39. ^ Parasca 2011, p. 7.
  40. ^ Vásáry 2005, p. 133.
  41. ^ Spinei 1986, p. 127.
  42. ^ a b Sedlar 1994, p. 24.
  43. ^ Spinei 1986, p. 175.
  44. ^ a b c d Spinei 1986, p. 176.
  45. ^ a b c Vásáry 2005, p. 156.
  46. ^ Rădvan 2010, p. 334.
  47. ^ Rădvan 2010, p. 325.
  48. ^ a b c d e f Sălăgean 2005, p. 201.
  49. ^ Spinei 1986, p. 216.
  50. ^ Treptow & Popa 1996, p. 88.
  51. ^ a b c Vásáry 2005, p. 157.
  52. ^ Carciumaru 2012, p. 172.
  53. ^ a b c d Andreescu 1998, p. 92.
  54. ^ a b c d e Brătianu 1980, p. 129.
  55. ^ Brezianu & Spânu 2007, p. 127.
  56. ^ Spinei 1986, p. 198.
  57. ^ a b c d e Spinei 1986, p. 200.
  58. ^ Deletant 1986, p. 190.
  59. ^ Georgescu 1991, p. 18.
  60. ^ Carciumaru 2012, pp. 179–180.
  61. ^ Spinei 1986, p. 203.
  62. ^ a b Spinei 1986, p. 201.
  63. ^ Sălăgean 2005, p. 200.
  64. ^ Spinei 2009, pp. 195, 200.
  65. ^ Andreescu 1998, p. 94.
  66. ^ Spinei 1986, p. 206.
  67. ^ a b c Vásáry 2005, p. 159.
  68. ^ a b Carciumaru 2012, p. 182.
  69. ^ Carciumaru 2012, pp. 183–184.
  70. ^ Spinei 2009, p. 207.
  71. ^ Spinei 2009, pp. 207–208.
  72. ^ a b Engel 2001, p. 166.
  73. ^ Carciumaru 2012, p. 184.
  74. ^ a b c Deletant 1986, p. 191.
  75. ^ Spinei 1986, p. 207.
  76. ^ Spinei 2009, p. 211.
  77. ^ a b c Vásáry 2005, p. 143.
  78. ^ Vásáry 2005, p. 160.
  79. ^ Dobre 2009, p. 39.
  80. ^ a b Deletant 1986, p. 193.
  81. ^ Andreescu 1998, p. 95.
  82. ^ Deletant 1986, pp. 194–195.
  83. ^ Spinei 1986, pp. 195, 217.
  84. ^ a b Andreescu 1998, p. 96.
  85. ^ a b c d Spinei 1986, p. 217.
  86. ^ Deletant 1986, p. 198.
  87. ^ Georgescu 1991, p. 27.
  88. ^ Vásáry 2005, pp. 164–165.
  89. ^ a b c Spinei 1986, p. 218.
  90. ^ Spinei 1986, p. 220.
  91. ^ Brezianu & Spânu 2007, pp. 382–383.
  92. ^ a b c Papadakis & Meyendorff 1994, p. 264.
  93. ^ Treptow & Popa 1996, p. 136.
  94. ^ Sălăgean 2005, p. 202.
  95. ^ Brezianu & Spânu 2007, p. 303.
  96. ^ Bolovan et al. 1997, pp. 151–155.


Primary sources

  • Al-Dīn, Rashīd; Boyle, John Andrew (Translator) (1971). The Successors of Genghis Khan'. Columbia University Press. ISBN 0-231-03351-6. {{cite book}}: |first2= has generic name (help)
  • di Plano Carpini, Giovanni; Hildinger, Erik (Translator) (1996). The Story of the Mongols: Whom We Call the Tartars. Branden Publishing Company. ISBN 978-0-8283-2017-7. {{cite book}}: |first2= has generic name (help)
  • Cross, Samuel Hazard (Translator); Sherbowitz-Wetzor, Olgerd P. (Co-translator) (1953). The Russian Primary Chronicle: Laurentian Text. Medieval Academy of America. ISBN. ISBN 978-0-915651-32-0. {{cite book}}: |first1= has generic name (help)
  • Jackson, Peter (Translator) (2009). The Mission of Friar William of Rubruck (His journey to the cour to the Great Khan Möngke, 1253–1255. Hackett Publishing Company. ISBN 978-0-87220-981-7. {{cite book}}: |first= has generic name (help)

Secondary sources

  • Andreescu, Stefan (1998). "The making of the Romanian principalities". In Giurescu, Dinu C.; Fischer-Galați, Stephen (eds.). Romania: A Historic Perspective. East European Monographs. pp. 77–104. OCLC 237138831.
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  • Brezianu, Andrei; Spânu, Vlad (2007). Historical Dictionary of Moldova. Scarecrow Press, Inc. ISBN 978-0-8108-5607-3.
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  • Davis, Sacha (2011). "East–West Discourses in Transylvania: Transitional Erdély, German-Western Siebenbürgen or Latin-Western Ardeal". In Maxwell, Alexander (ed.). The East–West Discourse: Symbolic Geography and its Consequences. Peter Lang AG, International Academic Publishers. pp. 127–154. ISBN 978-3-0343-0198-5.
  • Deletant, Dennis (1986). "Moldavia between Hungary and Poland, 1347–1412". The Slavonic and East European Review. 64 (2): 189–211.
  • Djuvara, Neagu (2014). A Brief Illustrated History of Romanians. Humanitas. ISBN 978-973-50-4334-6.
  • Dobre, Claudia Florentina (2009). Mendicants in Moldavia: Mission in an Orthodox Land. Aurel Verlag und Handel Gmbh. ISBN 978-3-938759-12-7.
  • Engel, Pál (2001). The Realm of St Stephen: A History of Medieval Hungary, 895–1526. I.B. Tauris Publishers. ISBN 1-86064-061-3.
  • Georgescu, Vlad (1991). The Romanians: A History. Ohio State University Press. ISBN 0-8142-0511-9.
  • Papadakis, Aristeides; Meyendorff, John (1994). The Christian East and the Rise of the Papacy: The Church, 1071–1453 AD. St Vladimir's Seminary Press. ISBN 978-0-88141-058-7.
  • Parasca, Pavel (2011). "Cine a fost "Laslău craiul unguresc" din tradiția medievală despre întemeierea Țării Moldovei [Who was "Laslău, Hungarian king" of the medieval tradition on the founding of Moldavia]" (PDF). Revista de istorie și politică (in Romanian). Universitatea Libera Internationala din Moldova. IV (1): 7–21. ISSN 1857-4076. Retrieved 17 February 2015.
  • Rădvan, Laurențiu (2010). At Europe's Borders: Medieval Towns in the Romanian Principalities. BRILL. ISBN 978-90-04-18010-9.
  • Sălăgean, Tudor (2005). "Romanian Society in the Early Middle Ages (9th–14th Centuries AD)". In Pop, Ioan-Aurel; Bolovan, Ioan (eds.). History of Romania: Compendium. Romanian Cultural Institute (Center for Transylvanian Studies). pp. 133–207. ISBN 978-973-7784-12-4.
  • Schramm, Gottfried (1997). Ein Damm bricht. Die römische Donaugrenze und die Invasionen des 5-7. Jahrhunderts in Lichte der Namen und Wörter [=A Dam Breaks: The Roman Danube frontier and the Invasions of the 5th-7th Centuries in the Light of Names and Words] (in German). R. Oldenbourg Verlag. ISBN 3-486-56262-2.
  • Sedlar, Jean W. (1994). East Central Europe in the Middle Ages, 1000–1500. University of Washington Press. ISBN 0-295-97290-4.
  • Spinei, Victor (1986). Moldavia in the 11th–14th Centuries. Editura Academiei Republicii Socialiste Româna.
  • Spinei, Victor (2009). The Romanians and the Turkic Nomads North of the Danube Delta from the Tenth to the Mid-Thirteenth century. BRILL. ISBN 978-90-04-17536-5.
  • Treptow, Kurt W.; Popa, Marcel (1996). Historical Dictionary of Romania. Scarecrow Press, Inc. ISBN 0-8108-3179-1.
  • Țeicu, Dumitru; Cândea, Ionel (2008). Românii în Europa medievală (Între Orientul bizantin şi Occidentul latin). Studii în onoarea profesorului Victor Spinei. Istros. ISBN 978-973-1871-17-2.
  • Vásáry, István (2005). Cumans and Tatars: Oriental Military in the Pre-Ottoman Balkans, 1185–1365. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 0-521-83756-1.
  • Vékony, Gábor (2000). Dacians, Romans, Romanians. Matthias Corvinus Publishing. ISBN 1-882785-13-4.

Further reading

  • Bogdan, Ioan (1891). Vechile cronici moldovenești până la Ureche [Old Moldavian Chronicles before Ureche] (in Romanian). Editură Göbl.
  • Boldur, Alexandru V. (1992). Istoria Basarabiei [History of Bessarabia] (in Romanian). Editura V. Frunza. ISBN 978-5-85886-027-3.
  • Bolovan, Ioan; Constantiniu, Florin; Michelson, Paul E.; Pop, Ioan Aurel; Popa, Cristian; Popa, Marcel; Scurtu, Ioan; Treptow, Kurt W.; Vultur, Marcela; Watts, Larry L. (1997). A History of Romania. The Center for Romanian Studies. ISBN 973-98091-0-3.
  • Castellan, Georges (1989). A History of the Romanians. East European Monographs. ISBN 0-88033-154-2.
  • Durandin, Catherine (1995). Historie des Roumains [History of the Romanians] (in French). Librairie Artheme Fayard. ISBN 978-2-213-59425-5.
  • Golden, P. B. (1984). "Cumanica: The Qipčaqs in Georgia". Archivum Eurasiae Medii Aevi. Harrassowitz Verlag. IV: 45–87. ISBN 978-3-447-08527-4.
  • Knoll, Paul W. (1972). The Rise of the Polish Monarchy: Piast Poland in East Central Europe, 1320–1370. The University of Chicago Press. ISBN 0-226-44826-6.
  • Pop, Ioan Aurel (1999). Romanians and Romania: A Brief History. Columbia University Press. ISBN 0-88033-440-1.

External links

  • Samuelson, James (1882). "From the Foundation of the Principalities, between the Middle of the Thirteenth and of the Fourteenth Centuries to the Accession of Michael the Brave, A.D. 1593."

founding, moldavia, this, article, about, founding, medieval, principality, moldavia, establishment, modern, republic, moldova, declaration, independence, moldova, founding, moldavia, romanian, descălecatul, moldovei, began, with, arrival, vlach, romanian, voi. This article is about the founding of the medieval Principality of Moldavia For the establishment of the modern Republic of Moldova see Declaration of Independence of Moldova The founding of Moldavia Romanian Descălecatul Moldovei began with the arrival of a Vlach Romanian voivode military leader Dragoș soon followed by his people from Maramureș then a voivodeship to the region of the Moldova River Dragoș established a polity there as a vassal to the Kingdom of Hungary in the 1350s The independence of the Principality of Moldavia was gained when Bogdan I another Vlach voivode from Maramureș who had fallen out with the Hungarian king crossed the Carpathians in 1359 and took control of Moldavia wresting the region from Hungary It remained a principality until 1859 when it united with Wallachia initiating the development of the modern Romanian state Contents 1 Competing cultures in the future region of Moldavia 1 1 The Vlachs the earliest Romanians and their neighbors 1 2 Mongol invasion and occupation 1 3 Decline of the Golden Horde 2 The founding of Moldavia 2 1 Arrival of Dragoș in Moldavia and his dismounting there 2 2 Bogdan the Founder 2 3 Successors to Bogdan 2 3 1 Lațcu 2 3 2 Petru Mușat 3 Growth of the principality 4 See also 5 Notes 6 Footnotes 7 References 7 1 Primary sources 7 2 Secondary sources 8 Further reading 9 External linksCompeting cultures in the future region of Moldavia EditMoldavia developed in the lands between the Carpathian Mountains and the Dniester River which had been dominated by nomadic Turkic peoples the Pechenegs Ouzes and Cumans from around 900 The neighboring Principality of Halych and Kingdom of Hungary started to expand their authority over parts of the territory from around 1150 but the Golden Horde a Mongol and later Turkicized khanate took control of the lands east of the Carpathians in the 1240s The Mongols promoted international commerce and an important trade route developed along the Dniester The circulation of Hungarian and Bohemian coins shows that there were also close economic contacts between the basin of the Moldova and Central Europe in the early 14th century In addition to the dominant Turkic population medieval chronicles and documents mention other peoples who lived between the Carpathians and the Dniester including the Ulichians and the Tivercians in the 9th century and the Brodnici and the Alans in the 13th century The Vlachs presence in that territory is well documented from the 1160s Their local polities were first mentioned in the 13th century the Mongols defeated the Qara Ulagh or Black Vlachs in 1241 and the Vlachs invaded Halych in the late 1270s The Vlachs the earliest Romanians and their neighbors Edit Main articles Origin of the Romanians and Romania in the Early Middle Ages The 11th century runestone G134 referring to Blakumen whom many historians identified as Vlachs Sjonhem cemetery Gotland Sweden The Moldavian region the lands between the Eastern Carpathians and the Dniester River acquired a territorial identity in the 14th century 1 During the previous millennium the region had been subject to invasions by nomadic peoples 2 followed by a peaceful period around 750 during the Khazar Khaganate which led to growth of the population the region 3 A new material culture the Dridu culture spread in the lands along the Lower Danube in both present day Bulgaria and Romania and in the territory east of the Carpathians 4 After the arrival of the Magyars to the Pontic steppes north of the Black Sea in the 830s the local inhabitants fortified their settlements with palisades and deep moats along the Dniester in the 9th century 5 6 The Ulichians Tivercians 7 Waladj 8 and Blagha 9 are ethnic groups that have been connected with the Vlachs or Romanians of the region of the Carpathians 9 failed verification neutrality is disputed Victor Spinei wrote that a runestone which was set up around 1050 contains the earliest reference to Romanians living east of the Carpathians 10 It refers to Blakumen who killed a Varangian merchant at an unspecified place 10 A competing group the Magyars left the Pontic steppes for the Carpathian Basin after a coalition of the Pechenegs and the Bulgarians defeated them at the end of the 9th century 11 12 The Pechenegs took control of the territory but most Dridu settlements survived their arrival 13 Only the fortifications were destroyed in the 10th or early 11th centuries 14 New settlements appeared along the lower course of the Prut 14 The local inhabitants burial rites radically changed inhumation replaced cremation and no grave goods can be detected after around 1000 14 Mongol invasion and occupation Edit According to the Persian historian Rashid al Din Hamadani a Mongol army proceeded by way of the Qara Ulagh crossing the mountains and defeating the Ulagh peoples 15 during the Mongol invasion of 1241 16 17 His narrative shows that the Quara Ulagh or Black Vlachs lived in the Eastern or Southern Carpathians 16 17 Giovanni di Plano Carpini a papal envoy to the Great Khan of the Mongols met a Duke Olaha who was leaving with 18 his retinue to the Mongols in 1247 19 Victor Spinei Vlad Georgescu and other historians identify the duke as a Vlach ruler because his name is similar to the Hungarian word for Vlach olah 20 19 but the name may have also been a version of Oleg 21 Friar William of Rubruck who visited the court of the Great Khan in the 1250s listed the Blac 22 or Vlachs among the peoples who paid tribute to the Mongols but the Vlachs territory is uncertain 21 19 Rubruck described Blakia as Assan s territory 23 south of the Lower Danube showing that he identified it with the northern regions of the Second Bulgarian Empire 24 Archaeological finds kilns to produce pottery and furnaces to puddle iron ore identify towns that were important economic centers of the Golden Horde 25 At Orheiul Vechi the ruins of a mosque and a bath were also excavated 26 The local inhabitants used high quality ceramics amphorae like vessels pitchers mugs jars and pots similar to those found in other parts of the Golden Horde 27 The Mongols supported international commerce which led to the formation of a Mongol road from Krakow along the Dniester 28 Almost 5000 Mongol coins from the first half of the 14th century have been excavated in the same region 29 30 At the mouth of the Dniester Cetatea Albă now Bilhorod Dnistrovskyi in Ukraine developed into an important emporium 31 It was established by Genoese merchants in the late 13th century 31 Weapons and harness pieces from the 13th and 14th centuries that have been found together with agricultural tools at Vatra Moldoviței Coșna and Cozănești shows the existence of either local elites or armed peasant groups between the Carpathians and the upper courses of the Siret 32 33 Hungarian and Bohemian coins were in circulation in the same territory during the first half of the 14th century 30 The local inhabitants used pottery of lower quality than those used in the lands directly controlled by the Mongols 27 Decline of the Golden Horde Edit The earliest contemporary reference to Romanians in Maramureș was recorded in a royal charter in 1326 34 In that year Charles I of Hungary granted the land Zurduky now Stramtura in Romania in the district of Maramureș to a Vlach noble Stanislau 35 According to the Moldo Russian Chronicle which was preserved in a Russian annals completed in 1505 King Vladislav of Hungary sent envoys to invite the Old Romans and the Romanians to fight against the Mongols and afterwards he rewarded the Old Romans with lands in Maramureș 36 37 Historians Ionel Candea and Dumitru Țeicu identify this event with the battle of Hod Lake 1280 Cuman opponents being substituted in the chronicle by tartars 38 Historians Pavel Parasca and Șerban Papacostea identify King Vladislaus with Ladislaus IV of Hungary who reigned between 1270 and 1290 39 With the disintegration of the Golden Horde after the death of Oz Beg Khan in 1341 40 41 both Poland and Hungary started to expand towards the steppe zone in the 1340s 42 Casimir III of Poland invaded the Principality of Halych already in 1340 43 Two 14th century chronicles one by John of Kukullo and the other by an anonymous Minorite friar say that King Louis I of Hungary dispatched Andrew Lackfi Count of the Szekelys to lead an army of Szekely warriors against the Mongols who had made raids in Transylvania 44 45 Lackfi and his army inflicted a crushing defeat upon a large Mongol army on 2 February 1345 44 45 The Szekelys again invaded the land of the Tatars in 1346 44 According to both chronicles the Mongols withdrew as far as the Dniester after their defeats 44 45 Archaeological research shows that forts were erected at Baia Siret Piatra Neamț and Targu Trotuș in the late 1340s 46 The founding of Moldavia EditBoth Poland and Hungary took advantage of the decline of the Golden Horde by starting a new expansion in the 1340s After a Hungarian army defeated the Mongols in 1345 new forts were built east of the Carpathians Royal charters chronicles and place names show that Hungarian and Saxon colonists settled in the region Dragoș took possession of the lands along the Moldova with the approval of King Louis I of Hungary but the Vlachs rebelled against Louis s rule already in the late 1350s Dragoș was succeeded by his son Sas but Sas son was expelled from Moldavia by a former voivode of the Voivodeship of Maramureș Bogdan in the early 1360s Bogdan who resisted Louis s attempts to restore Hungarian suzerainty for several years was the first independent ruler of Moldavia The earliest Moldavian silver and bronze coins were minted in 1377 The Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople acknowledged the Metropolitan See of Moldavia after years of negotiations in 1401 The dates on coins found in the area indicate the change of status of Moldavia from Mongolian rule to Vlach rule The minting of Mongol coins continued in Orheiul Vechi until 1367 or 1368 showing that a late Tatar state survived in the southern region between the Prut and the Dniester 47 48 No Mongol coins minted after 1368 or 1369 have been found in the region of the Dniester showing that the Mongol rulers did not control the territory any more 49 Moldavia initially included a small territory between the Prut and Siret 42 Louis exempted the merchants of Demetrius Prince of the Tatars from paying taxes in Hungary in exchange for securing the tax exempt status of the merchants of Brașov in the country of Lord Demetrius 48 Arrival of Dragoș in Moldavia and his dismounting there Edit Main article Dragoș The Coat of arms of Moldavia depicting an aurochs the probable quarry in Dragoș hunt The political situation in the Carpathian Basin in the year 1359 AD after the Dismounting of Dragoș I Voivode Dragoș s hunt for the bison by Constantin Lecca Romanian histories cite Moldavian chronicles which credit Dragoș a Vlach ruler with the founding of Moldavia According to legend he led a hunting party to the region and dismounted from his horse at the Moldova River hence the name of this event descălecat or dismounting It was during this hunting trip that he judged the region to be more attractive for his people than the Land of Maramureș in the Kingdom of Hungary where they were then living 50 51 52 One theory by Nicolae Iorga suggests that the Land of Maramureș was one of the Romanias where Eastern Romance ethnic groups known as Vlachs in the Middle Ages had survived the Great Migrations 53 A concurrent theory suggests that the Vlachs of Maramureș came from Great Vlachia in present day Macedonia in the second half of the 13th century 51 According to the early 16th century 36 Moldo Russian Chronicle the Vlachs came to Maramureș during the reign of King Vladislaus of Hungary to fight against the Mongols 36 37 This document represents Dragoș as one of the Romanians whom King Vladislav had granted estates in Maramureș 54 36 According to the various versions of the legend of his dismounting Dragoș left for a hunting together with his retainers 54 36 While chasing an aurochs or bison they reached as far as the Moldova River where they killed the beast 54 53 55 They liked the place where they stopped and decided to settle on the banks of the river 54 53 Dragoș went back to Maramureș only to return with all his people on the fringes of the lands where the Tatars roamed 54 53 Notes 1 36 Ritual huntings which end with the establishment of a state a town or a people are popular elements of the folklore of various peoples of Eurasia including the Hungarians and the Lithuanians 56 The dismounting by Dragoș took place in 1359 according to most Moldavian chronicles 57 Except that the Moldo Polish chronicle which gives 1352 as the date 57 However the same chronicles add various years when determining the period between Dragoș s arrival to Moldavia and the first year of the reign of Alexander the Good in 1400 57 For instance the Anonymous Chronicle of Moldavia mentioned 44 years but the Moldo Russian Chronicle wrote of 48 years 57 Consequently the date of the dismounting is debated by modern historians 57 For instance Dennis Deletant says that Dragoș came to Moldavia soon after the establishment of the Diocese of Milkovia in 1347 58 Moldavia emerged as a defensive border province of the Kingdom of Hungary 59 A version of Grigore Ureche s chronicle stated that Dragoș s rule in Moldavia was like a captaincy implying that he was a military commander 60 King Louis I of Hungary mentioned Moldavia as our Moldavian land 51 The province initially included the northwestern part of the future principality it is now known as Bukovina 61 In 1360 Louis granted estates to a Vlach lord Dragoș of Giulești for subjugating the Moldavian Vlachs who had revolted against Louis 62 The identification of Dragoș of Giulești with the first ruler of Moldavia is debated among scholars 62 63 Bogdan the Founder Edit Main article Bogdan I of Moldavia Impression of Bogdan I the 15th century founder of Moldavia by Pierre Auguste Bellet 1865 1924 Most early Moldavian chronicles begin their lists of the rulers of Moldavia with Dragoș and state that he was succeeded by his son Sas who ruled for four years 64 The only exception is the list of the voivodes which was recorded in the Bistrița Monastery in 1407 which starts with Bogdan Voivode 65 Bogdan who had been the voivode of the Vlachs in Maramureș gathered the Vlachs in that district and secretly passed into Moldavia according to John of Kukullo s chronicle 66 67 Royal charters recorded that Bogdan had come into a conflict with Janos Kolcsei the royal castellan of Visk now Vyshkovo in Ukraine in 1343 and with a Vlach lord in Maramureș Giula of Giulești in 1349 68 According to historian Radu Carciumaru Bogdan s conflict with the royal castellan suggests that he had been opposed to the presence of the representatives of royal authority in Maramureș years before he left for Moldavia 68 The dating of Bogdan s departure from Maramureș is uncertain 69 His estates there were confiscated and granted to the son of Sas Balc according to a royal diploma issued on 2 February 1365 67 70 Consequently Bogdan must have come to Moldavia before that date 71 Historian Pal Engel dates Bogdan s arrival as 1359 taking advantage of the power vacuum that followed the death of Berdi Beg Khan of the Golden Horde 72 According to Carciumaru a lasting conflict between King Louis I of Hungary and Charles IV Holy Roman Emperor and the Lithuanians victory over the Tatars in the Battle of Blue Waters in the early 1360s enabled Bogdan to come to Moldavia and expel Balc in 1363 73 Sălăgean says that it was only in 1365 that Bogdan seized power in Moldavia with the assistance of local Vlachs 4 King Louis I of Hungary attempted to restore his rule in Moldavia but the chronology of the military actions against Bogdan is uncertain 72 74 John of Kukullo wrote that Bogdan was often battled against by the army of Louis but the number of Vlachs inhabiting that land increased transforming it into a country 75 48 Although Kukullo stated that Bogdan was finally forced to accept Louis s suzerainty and to pay a yearly tribute to him modern historians including Denis Deletant Tudor Sălăgean Victor Spinei and Istvan Vasary agree that Bogdan could actually preserve the independence of Moldavia 67 74 4 76 Successors to Bogdan Edit Main article Romania in the Middle Ages The Principality of Moldavia at its peak in 1483 The new state derived its name from the Moldova River 77 In Latin and Slavic documents it was mentioned as Moldova Moldava or Moldavia 77 On the other hand the Byzantines who regarded it as a new Vlachia referred to the country as Maurovlachia Black Vlachia Rusovlachia Vlachia near Russia or Moldovlachia Moldavian Vlachia 77 The Turkish name of Moldavia Kara Bogdan demonstrates Bogdan s preeminent role in the establishment of the principality 78 Lațcu Edit Bogdan was succeeded by his son Lațcu around 1367 48 After Franciscan friars from Poland converted him to Catholicism Lațcu initiated the establishment of a Roman Catholic diocese in Moldavia in 1370 79 80 His direct correspondence with the Holy See shows that he wanted to demonstrate the independence of Moldavia 80 Upon Lațcu s request Pope Gregory XI set up the Roman Catholic Diocese of Siret in 1371 addressing his bull to Lațcu Duke of Moldavia 48 81 According to Sălăgean the Holy See consolidated the international status of Moldavia by granting the title duke to Lațcu 48 On 14 March 1372 King Louis I of Hungary who had also inherited Poland in 1370 signed a treaty with Emperor Charles IV who acknowledged Louis s rights in many lands including Moldavia 82 Petru Mușat Edit Lațcu who died in 1375 was succeeded by Petru Mușat according to the earliest lists of the rulers of Moldavia 83 However the 15th century Lithuanian Ruthenian Chronicle wrote that the Vlachs elected George Koriatovich who was a nephew of Algirdas Grand Prince of Lithuania and ruled in Podolia under Polish suzerainty 84 to be voivode but later poisoned him 85 86 In late 1377 Vladislaus II of Opole who administered Halych in the name of King Louis I of Hungary gave shelter to one Vlach voivode named George who had fled to Halych because of the unexpected treason of his people 85 84 According to Spinei George Koriatovich died in 1375 which excludes his identification with Voivode George 85 Spinei also says that George Koriatovich most probably ruled in southeastern Moldavia which had been liberated from Mongol rule 85 The first Moldavian silver and bronze coins were minted for Petru Mușat in 1377 87 According to a record in the register of the Genoese colony in Caffa on the Black See two Genoese envoys were sent to Constantino et Petro vayvoda in 1386 88 89 Historians identified Voivode Constantino with Costea whom the list of the voivodes of Moldavia recorded in the Bistrița Monastery mentioned between Lațcu and Peter 89 The record in the Caffa register suggests that the two voivodes Costea and Petru Mușat had the same position 89 The division of the medieval principality into two greater administrative units Țara de Sus Upper Country and Țara de Jos Lower Country each administered by a high official the vornic also implies the former existence of two polities which were united by the Moldavian monarchs 90 91 Petru Mușat paid homage to Wladyslaw II Jagiello King of Poland in Krakow on 26 September 1387 74 Upon Peter s request Anton the Orthodox Metropolitan of Halych ordained two bishops for Moldova one of them being Joseph Mușat who was related to the voivode 92 However the Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople refused to acknowledge their consecration 92 Petru Mușat expanded his authority as far as the Danube and the Black Sea 93 His successor Roman I Mușat styled himself By the grace of God the Almighty Voivode of Moldavia and her to the entire Vlach country from the mountains to the shores of the sea on 30 March 1392 94 95 After years of negotiations the Ecumenical Patriarch Matthew I acknowledged Joseph Mușat as Metropolitan of Maurovlachia in 1401 92 Growth of the principality EditMain article Moldavia The Principality of Moldavia grew to include the territory between the Eastern Carpathians and the Dniester river It existed until 1859 when it united with Wallachia as the basis of the modern Romanian state at various times the state included the regions of Bessarabia with the Budjak and all of Bukovina The western half of Moldavia is now part of Romania the eastern side belongs to the Republic of Moldova while the northern and southeastern parts are territories of Ukraine 96 See also EditFounding of Wallachia History of Maramureș Balkan Danubian culture Bulgarian lands across the DanubeNotes Edit In the time of King Vladislav the Tatars led by their prince Neymet advanced from the waters of the Prut and the Moldova against the Hungarians King Vladislav sent envoys to the Old Romans and the Romanians Thereupon we Romanians joined forces with the Old Romans and came to Hungary to help King Vladislav Before long the decisive battle was fought between the Hungarian king Vladislav and the Tatar prince Neymet along the banks of the Tisa The Old Romans started the fight preceding everybody else They were followed by the masses of the Hungarians and the Romans who were in the Latin faith Thus the Tatars were defeated first by the Old Romans then by the Hungarians and the Romanians Vladislav the Hungarian king rejoiced over the divine assistance He highly appreciated and rewarded the Old Romans for their courage T hey asked King Vladislav not to force them to adopt the Latin faith but to let them keep their own Christian faith according to the Greek rite and to grant them a place to stay King Vladislav granted them lands in Maramureș between the Mureș and Tisa at a place called Crij The Old Romans gathered and settled there They married Hungarian women and led them into their own Christian religion There was a smart and courageous man Dragoș among them One day he left with his companions for a hunt and they came across the footprints of a bison Following it they crossed the snowy mountains and arrived at a wonderful and even place where they spotted the bison They killed it under a willow and feasted on it Then God brought the idea to his mind that he should find a new homeland and settle there T hey returned home and spoke of the beauty of that country and of its rivers and springs to the other people so that to convince them to move there The latter also liked the idea and decided to leave for the place where their companions were staying and to search for a new homeland It was surrounded by deserted lands and the Tatars and their cattle roamed in the borderlands Thereupon they asked Vladislav the Hungarian king to let them leave and King Vladislav graciously assented They left Maramureș together with all their companions and with their wives and children to cross the high mountains Many trees were cut down and many cliffs were pushed aside but they crossed the mountains and arrived at the place where Dragoș had killed the bison They liked it and dismounted there They chose an intelligent man named Dragoș of their number and appointed him to be their lord and voivode and thus the country of Moldavia was founded by the will of God Moldo Russian chronicle Spinei 1986 Footnotes Edit Treptow amp Popa 1996 p 135 Treptow amp Popa 1996 p 7 Spinei 2009 pp 48 50 a b c Sălăgean 2005 p 135 Curta 2006 pp 124 157 185 Spinei 2009 p 85 Cross amp Sherbowitz Wetzor 1953 p 56 Spinei 2009 p 82 a b Spinei 2009 p 83 a b Spinei 2009 p 54 Sălăgean 2005 p 153 Djuvara 2014 p 52 Spinei 2009 pp 94 96 a b c Curta 2006 p 186 Al Din amp Boyle 1971 p 70 a b Andreescu 1998 p 78 a b Spinei 1986 p 113 di Plano Carpini amp Hildinger 1996 p 119 a b c Spinei 1986 p 131 Georgescu 1991 p 17 a b Sălăgean 2005 p 196 Jackson 2009 p 139 Jackson 2009 p 30 Vasary 2005 p 30 Spinei 1986 pp 148 149 Rădvan 2010 p 521 a b Spinei 1986 p 150 Rădvan 2010 pp 328 329 Spinei 1986 p 152 a b Sălăgean 2005 p 198 a b Rădvan 2010 pp 476 477 Sălăgean 2005 p 197 Spinei 1986 pp 162 163 226 Engel 2001 p 270 Carciumaru 2012 pp 173 174 a b c d e f Spinei 1986 p 197 a b Vekony 2000 p 11 Țeicu amp Candea 2008 p 280 Parasca 2011 p 7 Vasary 2005 p 133 Spinei 1986 p 127 a b Sedlar 1994 p 24 Spinei 1986 p 175 a b c d Spinei 1986 p 176 a b c Vasary 2005 p 156 Rădvan 2010 p 334 Rădvan 2010 p 325 a b c d e f Sălăgean 2005 p 201 Spinei 1986 p 216 Treptow amp Popa 1996 p 88 a b c Vasary 2005 p 157 Carciumaru 2012 p 172 a b c d Andreescu 1998 p 92 a b c d e Brătianu 1980 p 129 Brezianu amp Spanu 2007 p 127 Spinei 1986 p 198 a b c d e Spinei 1986 p 200 Deletant 1986 p 190 Georgescu 1991 p 18 Carciumaru 2012 pp 179 180 Spinei 1986 p 203 a b Spinei 1986 p 201 Sălăgean 2005 p 200 Spinei 2009 pp 195 200 Andreescu 1998 p 94 Spinei 1986 p 206 a b c Vasary 2005 p 159 a b Carciumaru 2012 p 182 Carciumaru 2012 pp 183 184 Spinei 2009 p 207 Spinei 2009 pp 207 208 a b Engel 2001 p 166 Carciumaru 2012 p 184 a b c Deletant 1986 p 191 Spinei 1986 p 207 Spinei 2009 p 211 a b c Vasary 2005 p 143 Vasary 2005 p 160 Dobre 2009 p 39 a b Deletant 1986 p 193 Andreescu 1998 p 95 Deletant 1986 pp 194 195 Spinei 1986 pp 195 217 a b Andreescu 1998 p 96 a b c d Spinei 1986 p 217 Deletant 1986 p 198 Georgescu 1991 p 27 Vasary 2005 pp 164 165 a b c Spinei 1986 p 218 Spinei 1986 p 220 Brezianu amp Spanu 2007 pp 382 383 a b c Papadakis amp Meyendorff 1994 p 264 Treptow amp Popa 1996 p 136 Sălăgean 2005 p 202 Brezianu amp Spanu 2007 p 303 Bolovan et al 1997 pp 151 155 References EditPrimary sources Edit Al Din Rashid Boyle John Andrew Translator 1971 The Successors of Genghis Khan Columbia University Press ISBN 0 231 03351 6 a href Template Cite book html title Template Cite book cite book a first2 has generic name help di Plano Carpini Giovanni Hildinger Erik Translator 1996 The Story of the Mongols Whom We Call the Tartars Branden Publishing Company ISBN 978 0 8283 2017 7 a href Template Cite book html title Template Cite book cite book a first2 has generic name help Cross Samuel Hazard Translator Sherbowitz Wetzor Olgerd P Co translator 1953 The Russian Primary Chronicle Laurentian Text Medieval Academy of America ISBN ISBN 978 0 915651 32 0 a href Template Cite book html title Template Cite book cite book a first1 has generic name help Jackson Peter Translator 2009 The Mission of Friar William of Rubruck His journey to the cour to the Great Khan Mongke 1253 1255 Hackett Publishing Company ISBN 978 0 87220 981 7 a href Template Cite book html title Template Cite book cite book a first has generic name help Secondary sources Edit Andreescu Stefan 1998 The making of the Romanian principalities In Giurescu Dinu C Fischer Galați Stephen eds Romania A Historic Perspective East European Monographs pp 77 104 OCLC 237138831 Bolovan Ioan Constantiniu Florin Michelson Paul E Pop Ioan Aurel Popa Cristian Popa Marcel Scurtu Ioan Treptow Kurt W Vultur Marcela Watts Larry L 1997 A History of Romania The Center for Romanian Studies ISBN 973 98091 0 3 Brătianu Gheorghe I 1980 Tradiția istorică despre intemeierea statelor romanești The Historical Tradition of the Founding of the Romanian States in Romanian Editura Eminescu Brezianu Andrei Spanu Vlad 2007 Historical Dictionary of Moldova Scarecrow Press Inc ISBN 978 0 8108 5607 3 Carciumaru Radu 2012 The Genesis of the Medieval State on the Romanian Territory Moldavia Studia Slavica et Balcanica Petropolitana 2 12 172 188 Curta Florin 2006 Southeastern Europe in the Middle Ages 500 1250 Cambridge University Press ISBN 978 0 521 89452 4 Davis Sacha 2011 East West Discourses in Transylvania Transitional Erdely German Western Siebenburgen or Latin Western Ardeal In Maxwell Alexander ed The East West Discourse Symbolic Geography and its Consequences Peter Lang AG International Academic Publishers pp 127 154 ISBN 978 3 0343 0198 5 Deletant Dennis 1986 Moldavia between Hungary and Poland 1347 1412 The Slavonic and East European Review 64 2 189 211 Djuvara Neagu 2014 A Brief Illustrated History of Romanians Humanitas ISBN 978 973 50 4334 6 Dobre Claudia Florentina 2009 Mendicants in Moldavia Mission in an Orthodox Land Aurel Verlag und Handel Gmbh ISBN 978 3 938759 12 7 Engel Pal 2001 The Realm of St Stephen A History of Medieval Hungary 895 1526 I B Tauris Publishers ISBN 1 86064 061 3 Georgescu Vlad 1991 The Romanians A History Ohio State University Press ISBN 0 8142 0511 9 Papadakis Aristeides Meyendorff John 1994 The Christian East and the Rise of the Papacy The Church 1071 1453 AD St Vladimir s Seminary Press ISBN 978 0 88141 058 7 Parasca Pavel 2011 Cine a fost Laslău craiul unguresc din tradiția medievală despre intemeierea Țării Moldovei Who was Laslău Hungarian king of the medieval tradition on the founding of Moldavia PDF Revista de istorie și politică in Romanian Universitatea Libera Internationala din Moldova IV 1 7 21 ISSN 1857 4076 Retrieved 17 February 2015 Rădvan Laurențiu 2010 At Europe s Borders Medieval Towns in the Romanian Principalities BRILL ISBN 978 90 04 18010 9 Sălăgean Tudor 2005 Romanian Society in the Early Middle Ages 9th 14th Centuries AD In Pop Ioan Aurel Bolovan Ioan eds History of Romania Compendium Romanian Cultural Institute Center for Transylvanian Studies pp 133 207 ISBN 978 973 7784 12 4 Schramm Gottfried 1997 Ein Damm bricht Die romische Donaugrenze und die Invasionen des 5 7 Jahrhunderts in Lichte der Namen und Worter A Dam Breaks The Roman Danube frontier and the Invasions of the 5th 7th Centuries in the Light of Names and Words in German R Oldenbourg Verlag ISBN 3 486 56262 2 Sedlar Jean W 1994 East Central Europe in the Middle Ages 1000 1500 University of Washington Press ISBN 0 295 97290 4 Spinei Victor 1986 Moldavia in the 11th 14th Centuries Editura Academiei Republicii Socialiste Romana Spinei Victor 2009 The Romanians and the Turkic Nomads North of the Danube Delta from the Tenth to the Mid Thirteenth century BRILL ISBN 978 90 04 17536 5 Treptow Kurt W Popa Marcel 1996 Historical Dictionary of Romania Scarecrow Press Inc ISBN 0 8108 3179 1 Țeicu Dumitru Candea Ionel 2008 Romanii in Europa medievală Intre Orientul bizantin si Occidentul latin Studii in onoarea profesorului Victor Spinei Istros ISBN 978 973 1871 17 2 Vasary Istvan 2005 Cumans and Tatars Oriental Military in the Pre Ottoman Balkans 1185 1365 Cambridge University Press ISBN 0 521 83756 1 Vekony Gabor 2000 Dacians Romans Romanians Matthias Corvinus Publishing ISBN 1 882785 13 4 Further reading EditBogdan Ioan 1891 Vechile cronici moldovenești pană la Ureche Old Moldavian Chronicles before Ureche in Romanian Editură Gobl Boldur Alexandru V 1992 Istoria Basarabiei History of Bessarabia in Romanian Editura V Frunza ISBN 978 5 85886 027 3 Bolovan Ioan Constantiniu Florin Michelson Paul E Pop Ioan Aurel Popa Cristian Popa Marcel Scurtu Ioan Treptow Kurt W Vultur Marcela Watts Larry L 1997 A History of Romania The Center for Romanian Studies ISBN 973 98091 0 3 Castellan Georges 1989 A History of the Romanians East European Monographs ISBN 0 88033 154 2 Durandin Catherine 1995 Historie des Roumains History of the Romanians in French Librairie Artheme Fayard ISBN 978 2 213 59425 5 Golden P B 1984 Cumanica The Qipcaqs in Georgia Archivum Eurasiae Medii Aevi Harrassowitz Verlag IV 45 87 ISBN 978 3 447 08527 4 Knoll Paul W 1972 The Rise of the Polish Monarchy Piast Poland in East Central Europe 1320 1370 The University of Chicago Press ISBN 0 226 44826 6 Pop Ioan Aurel 1999 Romanians and Romania A Brief History Columbia University Press ISBN 0 88033 440 1 External links EditSamuelson James 1882 From the Foundation of the Principalities between the Middle of the Thirteenth and of the Fourteenth Centuries to the Accession of Michael the Brave A D 1593 Retrieved from https en wikipedia org w index php title Founding of Moldavia amp oldid 1132310402, wikipedia, wiki, book, 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