
Northeast Caucasian languages

The Northeast Caucasian languages, also called East Caucasian, Nakh-Daghestani or Vainakh-Daghestani, is a family of languages spoken in the Russian republics of Dagestan, Chechnya and Ingushetia and in Northern Azerbaijan as well as in diaspora populations in Western Europe and the Middle East. They are occasionally called Caspian, as opposed to Pontic for the Northwest Caucasian languages.

Northeast Caucasian
East Caucasian
North Caspian
Linguistic classificationOne of the world's primary language families
Proto-languageProto-Northeast Caucasian
Main areas of Northeast Caucasian languages

Name of the family

Several names have been in use for this family. The most common term, Northeast Caucasian, contrasts the three established families of the Caucasian languages: Northeast Caucasian, Northwest Caucasian (Abkhaz–Adyghean) and South Caucasian (Kartvelian). This may be shortened to East Caucasian. The term Nakh(o)-Dagestanian can be taken to reflect a primary division of the family into Nakh and Dagestanian branches, a view which is no longer widely accepted, or Dagestanian can subsume the entire family. The rare term North Caspian (as in bordering the Caspian Sea) is only used in opposition to the use of North Pontic (as in bordering the Black Sea) for the Northwest Caucasian languages.

Linguistic features


Historically, Northeast Caucasian phonemic inventories were thought to be smaller than those of the neighboring Northwest Caucasian family. However, more recent research has revealed that many Northeast Caucasian languages are much more phoneme-rich than previously believed, with some languages containing as many as 70 consonants.[1]

In addition to numerous front obstruents, many Northeast Caucasian languages also possess a number of back consonants, including uvulars, pharyngeals, and glottal stops and fricatives. Northeast Caucasian phonology is also notable for its use of numerous secondary articulations as contrastive features. Whereas English consonant classes are divided into voiced and voiceless phonemes, Northeast Caucasian languages are known to contrast voiced, voiceless, ejective and tense phones, which contributes to their large phonemic inventories. Some languages also include palatalization and labialization as contrastive features.[2] Most languages in this family contrast tense and weak consonants. Tense consonants are characterized by the intensiveness of articulation, which naturally leads to a lengthening of these consonants.

In contrast to the generally large consonant inventories of Northeast Caucasian languages, most languages in the family have relatively few vowels, although more on average than the Northwest Caucasian languages.[3] However, there are some exceptions to this trend, such as Chechen, which has at least twenty-eight vowels, diphthongs and triphthongs.[4]

Percentage of Northeast Caucasian languages by speakers

  Chechen (33.6%)
  Avar (18.9%)
  Lezgian (16.3%)
  Dargwa (12.1%)
  Ingush (8.0%)
  Lak (3.8%)
  Others (7.3%)


These languages can be characterized by strong suffixal agglutination. Weak tendencies towards inflection may be noted as well. Nouns display covert nominal classification, but partially overt cases of secondary origin can be observed too. The number of noun classes in individual languages range from two to eight. Regarding grammatical number, there may be a distinction between singular and plural, plurality itself may impact the class to which a noun belongs.[5] In some cases, a grammatical collective is seen. Many languages distinguish local versus functional cases,[6] and to some degree also casus rectus versus casus obliquus.

The inflectional paradigms are often based on partially classifying productive stem extensions (absolutive and oblique, ergative and genitive inflection.[clarification needed] Localization is mostly conveyed by postpositions, but it can be also partly based on preverbs. Noun phrases exhibit incomplete class agreement, group inflection[clarification needed] (on the noun) with partial attributive oblique marking, which may, in turn, carry a partially determining function.

Verbs do not agree with person, with a few exceptions like Lak, in which first and second persons are marked with the same suffix and verbs agree with the P argument, and Hunzib in which verbs agree with A argument. Evidentiality is prominent, with reported, sensory and epistemic moods all appearing as a way of conveying the evidence. Epistemic modality is often tied to the tense.


Most Northeast Caucasian languages exhibit an ergative–absolutive morphology.[7] This means that objects of transitive sentences and subjects of intransitive sentences both fall into a single grammatical case known as the absolutive. Subjects of transitive sentences, however, carry a different marking to indicate that they belong to a separate case, known as the ergative.[8] This distinction can be seen in the following two Archi sentences. Note that objects and subjects of intransitive sentences carry no suffix, which is represented by the null suffix, -. Meanwhile, agents of transitive sentences take the ergative suffix, -mu.

Intransitive sentence Transitive sentence
buwa- d-irxːin buwa-mu xːalli- b-ar-ši b-i
Mother- IIsg-work mother-ERG bread- IIIsg-bake-PROG IIsg-AUX
Mother works. Mother is baking the bread.


Noun classes

Northeast Caucasian languages have between two and eight noun classes.[3] In these languages, nouns are grouped into grammatical categories depending on certain semantic qualities, such as animacy and gender. Each noun class has a corresponding agreement prefix, which can attach to verbs or adjectives of that noun. Prefixes may also have plural forms, used in agreement with a plural noun.[10] The following table shows the noun–adjective agreement paradigm in the Tsez language.

Noun class Adjectival phrase Gloss Translation
I (men) Ø-igu aħo I.AGRsg-good shepherd Good shepherd
II (women) y-igu baru II.AGRsg-good wife Good wife
III (animals and inanimates) b-igu ʕomoy III.AGRsg-good donkey Good donkey
IV (other inanimates) r-igu ʕoƛ’ IV.AGRsg-good spindle Good spindle


Unusual agreement targets

In many Northeast Caucasian languages, as well as appearing on adjectives and verbs, agreement can also be found on parts of speech which are not usually able to agree in other language families – for example on adverbs, postpositions, particles, and even case-marked nouns and pronouns.[11][12] In the example from Archi below, doːʕzub ‘big’ and abu ‘made’, but also the adverb ditːabu ‘quickly’ and the personal pronouns nenabu ‘we’ and belabu ‘to us’, all agree in number and gender with the argument in the absolutive case, χʕon ‘cow’.

nena<b>u doːʕzu-b χʕon b-ela<b>u ditːa<b>u χir a<b>u


‘We quickly drove the big cow to us (home).’ [13]

This kind of clausal agreement has been labelled ‘external agreement’.[14] The same term is also used for the (cross-linguistically even rarer) phenomenon where a converb agrees with an argument which lies outside the converb's own clause. This is seen in the following example from Northern Akhvakh, where mīʟō ‘not having gone’ has a masculine adverbial suffix (-ō), agreeing with hugu ek’wa ‘the man’.

[ĩk’a ri-da-la m-īʟ-ō] hu-gu ek’wa-la w-uʟ’-u-wudi.

long time-INT-ADD N-go.NEG-M[ADV] DIST-LL man-ADD M-die-M-PF3

‘Shortly after that (lit. ‘long time not having gone’), the man died.’ [15]

Language classification

Traditional classification (Nichols (2003))
Latest attempt at internal classification (Schulze (2009))
Branching without relative chronology (Schulze (2009))

A long-time classification divided the family into Nakh and Dagestanian branches, whence the term Nakho-Dagestanian.[16] However, attempts at reconstructing the protolanguage suggest that the Nakh languages are no more divergent from Dagestanian than the various branches of Dagestanian are from each other,[17] although this is still not universally accepted. The following outline, based on the work of linguist Bernard Comrie and others, has been adopted by Ethnologue. An Avar–Andi–Dido branch was abandoned, but has been resurrected as the "New Type" languages in Schulze (2009, 2013) and Lak–Dargwa has likewise returned.

One factor complicating internal classification within the family is that the diachronic development of its respective branches is marked both by an extreme degree of diffusion and divergence followed by secondary convergence, which complicates the comparative method.[18]

Population data is from Ethnologue 16th ed.

Avar–Andic family

Spoken in the Northwest Dagestan highlands and western Dagestan. Avar is the lingua franca for these and the Tsezic languages and is the only literary language. Schulze (2009) gives the following family tree for the Avar–Andic languages:

Figures retrieved from Ethnologue.[19] These languages are spoken in the following rayons of Dagestan: Axvax, Botlikh, Buynaksk (Shura), Čarodinsky (Tsurib), Gergebil, Gumbetovsky (Baklul), Gunib, Karabudaxkent, Kazbekovsky (Dylym), Lavaša, Tsumada (Agvali), Untsukul, Xebda, Xunzaq and Zaqatala rayon in Azerbaijan.

Dargic (Dargin) dialect continuum

Spoken by 492,490 in Dagestan, as well as Azerbaijan, Central Asia and Ukraine.[20] Dargwa proper is a literary language.

Dargwa is spoken in the following rayons of Dagestan: Aquša, Kaitak, Kayakent, Kubači, Sergokala.

Khinalug (Xinalug) isolate

Spoken in Quba rayon of Azerbaijan.

Lak isolate

Spoken in the Central Dagestan highlands. Lak is a literary language.

Lak is spoken in two rayons of Dagestan: Kumux and Kuli (Vači).

Lezgic family

Spoken in the Southeast Dagestan highlands and in Northern Azerbaijan. The Lezgian language or, as the Lezgian people themselves call it, Лезги чlал (lezgi ch'al), is the biggest in terms of the number of native speakers of all the languages of the Lezgic group (other languages from this group include Tabasaran, Udi, Tsakhur and Rutul). They are spoken in the following rayons of Dagestan: Agul, Akhty, Derbent (Kvevar), Kasumxur, Kurakh, Magaramkent, Rutul, Tabasaran, Usukhchay, Khiv and Quba and Zaqatala in Azerbaijan.

Tabasaran was once thought to be the language with the largest number of grammatical cases at 54, which could, depending on the analysis, instead be the Tsez language with 64.

Lezgian and Tabasaran are literary languages.

Lezgic family tree

All figures retrieved from Ethnologue.[23]

Nakh family

Spoken in Chechnya, Ingushetia and Georgia. Chechen and Ingush are official languages of their respective republics.

Tsezic (Didoic) family

Spoken mostly in Southwest Dagestan. None are literary languages. Formerly classified geographically as East Tsezic (Hinukh, Bezta) and West Tsezic (Tsez, Khwarshi, Hunzib), these languages may actually form different subgroupings[clarification needed] according to the latest research by Schulze (2009):

All figures except for Khwarshi were retrieved from Ethnologue.[28] These languages are spoken in the Tsunta and Bezhta areas of Dagestan.

Disputed connections to other families

North Caucasian family

Some linguists such as Sergei Starostin think that the Northeast and Northwest Caucasian languages are part of a wider North Caucasian family,[29] citing shared vocabulary and typological features as evidence.[30] This proposed family does not usually include the neighboring Kartvelian languages.[30] This hypothesis is not well demonstrated.[31]

Connections to Hurrian and Urartian

Some linguists—notably Igor M. Diakonoff and Starostin—see evidence of a genealogical connection between the Northeast Caucasian family and the extinct languages Hurrian and Urartian. Hurrian was spoken in various parts of the Fertile Crescent in the 3rd and 2nd millennia BC. Urartian was the language of Urartu, a powerful state that existed between 1000 BC or earlier and 585 BC in the area centered on Lake Van in current Turkey. The two languages are classified together as the Hurro-Urartian family. Diakonoff proposed the name Alarodian for the union of Hurro-Urartian and Northeast Caucasian.

Some scholars, however, doubt that the language families are related[32] or believe that, while a connection is possible, the evidence is far from conclusive.[33][34]


Proto-Northeast Caucasian
Reconstruction ofNortheast Caucasian languages

Below are selected Proto-Northeast Caucasian reconstructions of basic vocabulary items by Johanna Nichols, which she refers to as Proto-Nakh-Daghestanian.[35]

gloss Proto-Nakh-Daghestanian
eye *(b)ul, *(b)al
tooth *cVl-
tongue *maʒ-i
hand, arm *kV, *kol-
back (of body) *D=uqq’
heart *rVk’u / *Vrk’u
bile, gall *sttim
meat *(CV)=(lV)ƛƛ’
bear (animal) *sVʔin / *cVʔin / *čVʔin
sun *bVrVg
moon *baʒVr / *buʒVr
earth *(l)ončči
water *ɬɬin
fire *c’ar(i), *c’ad(i)
ashes *rV=uqq’ / *rV=uƛƛ’
road *D=eqq’ / *D=aqq’
name *cc’Vr, *cc’Vri
die, kill *D=Vƛ’
burn *D=Vk’
know *(=D=)Vc’
black *alč’i- (*ʕalč’i-)
long, far *(CV=)RVxx-
round *goRg / *gog-R-
dry *D=aqq’(u) / *D=uqq’
thin *(C)=uƛ’Vl-
what *sti-
one *cV (*cʕV ?)
five *(W)=ƛƛi / *ƛƛwi

Notation: C = consonant; V = vowel; D = gender affix

Possible connections to the origin of agriculture

The Proto-Northeast Caucasian language had many terms for agriculture and Johanna Nichols has suggested that its speakers may have been involved in the development of agriculture in the Fertile Crescent and only later moved north to the Caucasus.[36] Proto-NEC is reconstructed with words for concepts such as yoke (*...ƛ / *...ƛƛ’), as well as fruit trees such as apple (*hʕam(V)c / *hʕam(V)č) and pear (*qur / *qar; *qʕur ?),[35] that suggest agriculture was well developed before the proto-language broke up.

See also


  1. ^ Hewitt, George (2004). Introduction to the Study of the Languages of the Caucasus. Munich: Lincom Europaq. p. 49.
  2. ^ Hewitt, George (2004). Introduction to the Study of the Languages of the Caucasus. Munich: Lincom Europa. pp. 49–54.
  3. ^ a b Matthews, W.K. (1951). Languages of the U.S.S.R. New York: Russel & Russel. p. 88.
  4. ^ Hewitt, George (2004). Introduction to the Study of the Languages of the Caucasus. Lincom Europa. p. 58.
  5. ^ Hewitt, George (2004). Introduction to the Study of the Languages of the Caucasus. Munich: Lincom Europa. p. 80.
  6. ^ Hewitt, George (2004). Introduction to the Study of the Languages of the Caucasus. Munich: Lincom Europa. pp. 81–82.
  7. ^ Dixon, R.M.W. (1987). Studies in Ergativity. Amsterdam: Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. p. 133.
  8. ^ Van Valen, Robert D. (1981). "Grammatical Relations in Ergative Languages" (PDF). Studies in Language. 5 (3): 361–394. doi:10.1075/sl.5.3.05van. Retrieved 19 April 2013.
  9. ^ Van Valin Jr., Robert D. (1983). "Grammatical Relations in Ergative Languages" (PDF). Studies in Language. 5 (3): 361–394. doi:10.1075/sl.5.3.05van. Retrieved 19 April 2013.
  10. ^ a b Plaster, Keith; et al. Noun classes grow on trees: noun classification in the North-East Caucasus. Language and Representations (Tentative). Retrieved 20 April 2013.
  11. ^ Foley, Steven (25 February 2021), Polinsky, Maria (ed.), "Agreement in Languages of the Caucasus", The Oxford Handbook of Languages of the Caucasus, Oxford University Press, pp. 843–872, doi:10.1093/oxfordhb/9780190690694.013.23, ISBN 978-0-19-069069-4, retrieved 1 July 2021
  12. ^ Aristar, Anthony (September 1992). "Greville Corbett, Gender. (Cambridge Textbooks in Linguistics.) Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1991. Pp. xix + 363". Journal of Linguistics. 28 (2): 542–547. doi:10.1017/s0022226700015449. ISSN 0022-2267. S2CID 146676617.
  13. ^ Bond, Oliver; Corbett, Greville G.; Chumakina, Marina; Brown, Dunstan, eds. (25 August 2016). "Archi". doi:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780198747291.001.0001. ISBN 978-0-19-874729-1. {{cite journal}}: Cite journal requires |journal= (help)
  14. ^ "External agreement - Surrey Morphology Group". www.smg.surrey.ac.uk. Retrieved 1 July 2021.
  15. ^ Creissels, Denis (13 January 2012), Gast, Volker; Diessel, Holger (eds.), "External agreement in the converbal construction of Northern Akhvakh", Clause Linkage in Cross-Linguistic Perspective, Berlin, Boston: DE GRUYTER, pp. 127–156, doi:10.1515/9783110280692.127, ISBN 978-3-11-028069-2, retrieved 1 July 2021
  16. ^ See Nichols (2003)
  17. ^ See Schulze (2009)
  18. ^ Wolfgang Schulze (2017). "11. The comparative method in Caucasian linguistics". In Joseph, Brian; Fritz, Mathias; Klein, Jared (eds.). Handbook of Comparative and Historical Indo-European Linguistics. De Gruyter Mouton. p. 106. ISBN 978-3-11-018614-7. The twenty-nine languages of East Caucasian are marked by both an extreme degree of diffusion/divergence and secondary convergence, which renders the application of the comparative method more difficult.
  19. ^ "Ethnologue". Retrieved 14 March 2015.
  20. ^ "Ethnologue report for Dargwa". Retrieved 18 April 2013.
  21. ^ "Ethnologue report for Khinalugh". Retrieved 18 April 2013.
  22. ^ "Ethnologue report for Lak". Retrieved 18 April 2013.
  23. ^ "Ethnologue". Retrieved 18 April 2013.
  24. ^ "Bats". Ethnologue. Retrieved 14 March 2015.
  25. ^ "Chechen". Ethnologue. Retrieved 14 March 2015.
  26. ^ "Ingush". Ethnologue. Retrieved 14 March 2015.
  27. ^ Khalilova, Zaira (2009). A Grammar of Khwarshi (PDF). University of Leiden: LOT, Netherlands. ISBN 978-90-78328-93-3.[permanent dead link]
  28. ^ "Ethnologue".
  29. ^ Pereltsvaig, Asya (2012). Languages of the World: An Introduction. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. p. 65.
  30. ^ a b Matthews, W.K. (1951). Languages of the U.S.S.R. New York: Russell & Russell. pp. 87–88.
  31. ^ Nichols, J. 1997 "Nikolaev and Starostin's North Caucasian Etymological Dictionary and the Methodology of Long-Range Comparison: an assessment". Paper presented at the 10th Biennial Non-Slavic Languages (NSL) Conference, Chicago, 8–10 May 1997.
  32. ^ Smeets, Rieks. "On Hurro-Urartian as an Eastern Caucasian language." Bibliotheca Orientalis XLVI (1989): 260-280.
  33. ^ Zimansky, Paul "Urartian and Urartians." The Oxford Handbook of Ancient Anatolia (2011): 556.[1]
  34. ^ Thomas V. Gamkrelidze, T.E. Gudava "Caucasian Languages." Encyclopaedia Britannica (1998): [2]
  35. ^ a b Nichols, Johanna. 2003. The Nakh-Daghestanian consonant correspondences. In Dee Ann Holisky and Kevin Tuite (eds.), Current Trends in Caucasian, East European and Inner Asian Linguistics: Papers in honor of Howard I. Aronson, 207-264. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. doi:10.1075/cilt.246.14nic
  36. ^ See Wuethrich 2000


  • NICHOLS, Johanna (2003), "The Nakh-Daghestanian Consonant Correspondences", in TUITE, Kevin; HOLISKY, Dee Ann (eds.), Current Trends in Caucasian, East European, and Inner Asian Linguistics: Papers in Honor of Howard I. Aronson, Amsterdam: Benjamins, pp. 207–251, ISBN 978-1-58811-461-7
  • SCHULZE, Wolfgang (21 April 2013), "The Languages of the Caucasus" (PDF), The Languages of the Caucasus, IATS University of Munich
  • SCHULZE, Wolfgang (2007), (PDF), Munich Working Papers in Cognitive Typology, IATS University of Munich, archived from the original (PDF) on 21 February 2012
  • SCHULZE, Wolfgang (2001), "Die kaukasischen Sprachen", in M. Haspelmath; et al. (eds.), La typologie des langues et les universaux linguistiques, vol. 2, Berlin/New York: Mouton de Gruyter, pp. 1774–1796
  • WUETHRICH, Bernice (19 May 2000), "Peering Into the Past, With Words", Science, 288 (5469): 1158, doi:10.1126/science.288.5469.1158, S2CID 82205296.

External links

  • (select simple or advanced browsing)
  • CIA linguistic map of the Caucasus
  • (contain online dictionaries of various Northeast Caucasian languages)

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For other uses see Caspian languages This article needs additional citations for verification Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources Unsourced material may be challenged and removed Find sources Northeast Caucasian languages news newspapers books scholar JSTOR September 2008 Learn how and when to remove this template message The Northeast Caucasian languages also called East Caucasian Nakh Daghestani or Vainakh Daghestani is a family of languages spoken in the Russian republics of Dagestan Chechnya and Ingushetia and in Northern Azerbaijan as well as in diaspora populations in Western Europe and the Middle East They are occasionally called Caspian as opposed to Pontic for the Northwest Caucasian languages Northeast CaucasianEast CaucasianNakh DaghestanianNorth CaspianCaspianGeographicdistributionCaucasusLinguistic classificationOne of the world s primary language familiesProto languageProto Northeast CaucasianSubdivisionsAvar Andic Dargic Khinalug Lak Lezgic Nakh Tsezic Didoic Glottolognakh1245 Avar Andic Dargic Khinalug Lak Lezgic Nakh TsezicMain areas of Northeast Caucasian languages Contents 1 Name of the family 2 Linguistic features 2 1 Phonology 2 2 Morphology 2 2 1 Ergativity 2 2 2 Noun classes 3 Language classification 3 1 Avar Andic family 3 2 Dargic Dargin dialect continuum 3 3 Khinalug Xinalug isolate 3 4 Lak isolate 3 5 Lezgic family 3 5 1 Lezgic family tree 3 6 Nakh family 3 7 Tsezic Didoic family 4 Disputed connections to other families 4 1 North Caucasian family 4 2 Connections to Hurrian and Urartian 5 Proto language 5 1 Possible connections to the origin of agriculture 6 See also 7 References 7 1 Bibliography 8 External linksName of the family EditSeveral names have been in use for this family The most common term Northeast Caucasian contrasts the three established families of the Caucasian languages Northeast Caucasian Northwest Caucasian Abkhaz Adyghean and South Caucasian Kartvelian This may be shortened to East Caucasian The term Nakh o Dagestanian can be taken to reflect a primary division of the family into Nakh and Dagestanian branches a view which is no longer widely accepted or Dagestanian can subsume the entire family The rare term North Caspian as in bordering the Caspian Sea is only used in opposition to the use of North Pontic as in bordering the Black Sea for the Northwest Caucasian languages Linguistic features EditPhonology Edit Historically Northeast Caucasian phonemic inventories were thought to be smaller than those of the neighboring Northwest Caucasian family However more recent research has revealed that many Northeast Caucasian languages are much more phoneme rich than previously believed with some languages containing as many as 70 consonants 1 In addition to numerous front obstruents many Northeast Caucasian languages also possess a number of back consonants including uvulars pharyngeals and glottal stops and fricatives Northeast Caucasian phonology is also notable for its use of numerous secondary articulations as contrastive features Whereas English consonant classes are divided into voiced and voiceless phonemes Northeast Caucasian languages are known to contrast voiced voiceless ejective and tense phones which contributes to their large phonemic inventories Some languages also include palatalization and labialization as contrastive features 2 Most languages in this family contrast tense and weak consonants Tense consonants are characterized by the intensiveness of articulation which naturally leads to a lengthening of these consonants In contrast to the generally large consonant inventories of Northeast Caucasian languages most languages in the family have relatively few vowels although more on average than the Northwest Caucasian languages 3 However there are some exceptions to this trend such as Chechen which has at least twenty eight vowels diphthongs and triphthongs 4 Percentage of Northeast Caucasian languages by speakers Chechen 33 6 Avar 18 9 Lezgian 16 3 Dargwa 12 1 Ingush 8 0 Lak 3 8 Others 7 3 Morphology Edit These languages can be characterized by strong suffixal agglutination Weak tendencies towards inflection may be noted as well Nouns display covert nominal classification but partially overt cases of secondary origin can be observed too The number of noun classes in individual languages range from two to eight Regarding grammatical number there may be a distinction between singular and plural plurality itself may impact the class to which a noun belongs 5 In some cases a grammatical collective is seen Many languages distinguish local versus functional cases 6 and to some degree also casus rectus versus casus obliquus The inflectional paradigms are often based on partially classifying productive stem extensions absolutive and oblique ergative and genitive inflection clarification needed Localization is mostly conveyed by postpositions but it can be also partly based on preverbs Noun phrases exhibit incomplete class agreement group inflection clarification needed on the noun with partial attributive oblique marking which may in turn carry a partially determining function Verbs do not agree with person with a few exceptions like Lak in which first and second persons are marked with the same suffix and verbs agree with the P argument and Hunzib in which verbs agree with A argument Evidentiality is prominent with reported sensory and epistemic moods all appearing as a way of conveying the evidence Epistemic modality is often tied to the tense Ergativity Edit Most Northeast Caucasian languages exhibit an ergative absolutive morphology 7 This means that objects of transitive sentences and subjects of intransitive sentences both fall into a single grammatical case known as the absolutive Subjects of transitive sentences however carry a different marking to indicate that they belong to a separate case known as the ergative 8 This distinction can be seen in the following two Archi sentences Note that objects and subjects of intransitive sentences carry no suffix which is represented by the null suffix Meanwhile agents of transitive sentences take the ergative suffix mu Intransitive sentence Transitive sentencebuwa d irxːin buwa mu xːalli b ar si b iMother IIsg work mother ERG bread IIIsg bake PROG IIsg AUXMother works Mother is baking the bread 9 Noun classes Edit Northeast Caucasian languages have between two and eight noun classes 3 In these languages nouns are grouped into grammatical categories depending on certain semantic qualities such as animacy and gender Each noun class has a corresponding agreement prefix which can attach to verbs or adjectives of that noun Prefixes may also have plural forms used in agreement with a plural noun 10 The following table shows the noun adjective agreement paradigm in the Tsez language Noun class Adjectival phrase Gloss TranslationI men O igu aħo I AGRsg good shepherd Good shepherdII women y igu baru II AGRsg good wife Good wifeIII animals and inanimates b igu ʕomoy III AGRsg good donkey Good donkeyIV other inanimates r igu ʕoƛ IV AGRsg good spindle Good spindle 10 Unusual agreement targetsIn many Northeast Caucasian languages as well as appearing on adjectives and verbs agreement can also be found on parts of speech which are not usually able to agree in other language families for example on adverbs postpositions particles and even case marked nouns and pronouns 11 12 In the example from Archi below doːʕzub big and abu made but also the adverb ditːabu quickly and the personal pronouns nenabu we and belabu to us all agree in number and gender with the argument in the absolutive case xʕon cow nena lt b gt u doːʕzu b xʕon b ela lt b gt u ditːa lt b gt u xir a lt b gt u1PL INCL ERG lt III SG gt be big ATTR III SG cow III SG ABS III SG 1PL INCL DAT lt III SG gt quickly lt III SG gt behind lt III SG gt make PFV We quickly drove the big cow to us home 13 This kind of clausal agreement has been labelled external agreement 14 The same term is also used for the cross linguistically even rarer phenomenon where a converb agrees with an argument which lies outside the converb s own clause This is seen in the following example from Northern Akhvakh where miʟō not having gone has a masculine adverbial suffix ō agreeing with hugu ek wa the man ĩk a ri da la m iʟ ō hu gu ek wa la w uʟ u wudi long time INT ADD N go NEG M ADV DIST LL man ADD M die M PF3 Shortly after that lit long time not having gone the man died 15 Language classification Edit Traditional classification Nichols 2003 Latest attempt at internal classification Schulze 2009 Branching without relative chronology Schulze 2009 A long time classification divided the family into Nakh and Dagestanian branches whence the term Nakho Dagestanian 16 However attempts at reconstructing the protolanguage suggest that the Nakh languages are no more divergent from Dagestanian than the various branches of Dagestanian are from each other 17 although this is still not universally accepted The following outline based on the work of linguist Bernard Comrie and others has been adopted by Ethnologue An Avar Andi Dido branch was abandoned but has been resurrected as the New Type languages in Schulze 2009 2013 and Lak Dargwa has likewise returned One factor complicating internal classification within the family is that the diachronic development of its respective branches is marked both by an extreme degree of diffusion and divergence followed by secondary convergence which complicates the comparative method 18 Population data is from Ethnologue 16th ed Avar Andic family Edit Main article Avar Andic languages Spoken in the Northwest Dagestan highlands and western Dagestan Avar is the lingua franca for these and the Tsezic languages and is the only literary language Schulze 2009 gives the following family tree for the Avar Andic languages Avar 761 960 Andic languages Andi Qwannab 5 800 Akhvakh Tindi Akhvakh 210 as of 2010 Karata Tindi Karata Kirdi 260 as of 2010 Botlikh Tindi Botlikh 210 as of 2010 Godoberi 130 as of 2010 Chamalal 500 as of 2010 Bagvalal Tindi Bagvalal 1 450 Tindi 2 150 Figures retrieved from Ethnologue 19 These languages are spoken in the following rayons of Dagestan Axvax Botlikh Buynaksk Shura Carodinsky Tsurib Gergebil Gumbetovsky Baklul Gunib Karabudaxkent Kazbekovsky Dylym Lavasa Tsumada Agvali Untsukul Xebda Xunzaq and Zaqatala rayon in Azerbaijan Dargic Dargin dialect continuum Edit Main article Dargin languages Spoken by 492 490 in Dagestan as well as Azerbaijan Central Asia and Ukraine 20 Dargwa proper is a literary language Dargwa Dargva Kajtak Kubachi Itsari ChiragDargwa is spoken in the following rayons of Dagestan Aqusa Kaitak Kayakent Kubaci Sergokala Khinalug Xinalug isolate Edit Main article Khinalug language Spoken in Quba rayon of Azerbaijan Khinalug Xinalug 1 000 speakers 21 Lak isolate Edit Main article Lak language Spoken in the Central Dagestan highlands Lak is a literary language Lak 152 000 speakers 22 Lak is spoken in two rayons of Dagestan Kumux and Kuli Vaci Lezgic family Edit Main article Lezgic languages Spoken in the Southeast Dagestan highlands and in Northern Azerbaijan The Lezgian language or as the Lezgian people themselves call it Lezgi chlal lezgi ch al is the biggest in terms of the number of native speakers of all the languages of the Lezgic group other languages from this group include Tabasaran Udi Tsakhur and Rutul They are spoken in the following rayons of Dagestan Agul Akhty Derbent Kvevar Kasumxur Kurakh Magaramkent Rutul Tabasaran Usukhchay Khiv and Quba and Zaqatala in Azerbaijan Tabasaran was once thought to be the language with the largest number of grammatical cases at 54 which could depending on the analysis instead be the Tsez language with 64 Lezgian and Tabasaran are literary languages Lezgic family tree Edit Peripheral Archi 970 speakers Samur or Nuclear Lezgian Eastern Samur Tabasaran 128 900 Lezgian 655 000 Aghul 29 300 Udi 6 590 Southern Samur Kryts 5 000 Budukh 1 000 Western Samur Rutul 47 400 Tsakhur 23 673 All figures retrieved from Ethnologue 23 Nakh family Edit Main article Nakh languages Spoken in Chechnya Ingushetia and Georgia Chechen and Ingush are official languages of their respective republics Bats 3 420 speakers in Georgia in 2000 24 Vainakh languages Chechen 1 350 000 25 Ingush 322 900 26 Tsezic Didoic family Edit Main article Tsezic languages Spoken mostly in Southwest Dagestan None are literary languages Formerly classified geographically as East Tsezic Hinukh Bezta and West Tsezic Tsez Khwarshi Hunzib these languages may actually form different subgroupings clarification needed according to the latest research by Schulze 2009 Tsez Hinukh Tsez Dido 12 500 Hinukh Hinux Ginukh 5 as of 2010 Bezhta Hunzib Khwarshi Bezhta Kapucha 6 800 Hunzib Gunzib 1 420 Khwarshi Khvarshi 8 500 27 All figures except for Khwarshi were retrieved from Ethnologue 28 These languages are spoken in the Tsunta and Bezhta areas of Dagestan Disputed connections to other families EditNorth Caucasian family Edit Main article North Caucasian languages Some linguists such as Sergei Starostin think that the Northeast and Northwest Caucasian languages are part of a wider North Caucasian family 29 citing shared vocabulary and typological features as evidence 30 This proposed family does not usually include the neighboring Kartvelian languages 30 This hypothesis is not well demonstrated 31 Connections to Hurrian and Urartian Edit Main article Alarodian languages Some linguists notably Igor M Diakonoff and Starostin see evidence of a genealogical connection between the Northeast Caucasian family and the extinct languages Hurrian and Urartian Hurrian was spoken in various parts of the Fertile Crescent in the 3rd and 2nd millennia BC Urartian was the language of Urartu a powerful state that existed between 1000 BC or earlier and 585 BC in the area centered on Lake Van in current Turkey The two languages are classified together as the Hurro Urartian family Diakonoff proposed the name Alarodian for the union of Hurro Urartian and Northeast Caucasian Some scholars however doubt that the language families are related 32 or believe that while a connection is possible the evidence is far from conclusive 33 34 Proto language EditProto Northeast CaucasianReconstruction ofNortheast Caucasian languagesBelow are selected Proto Northeast Caucasian reconstructions of basic vocabulary items by Johanna Nichols which she refers to as Proto Nakh Daghestanian 35 gloss Proto Nakh Daghestanianeye b ul b altooth cVl tongue maʒ ihand arm kV kol back of body D uqq heart rVk u Vrk ubile gall sttimmeat CV lV ƛƛ bear animal sVʔin cVʔin cVʔinsun bVrVgmoon baʒVr buʒVrearth l oncciwater ɬɬinfire c ar i c ad i ashes rV uqq rV uƛƛ road D eqq D aqq name cc Vr cc Vridie kill D Vƛ burn D Vk know D Vc black alc i ʕalc i long far CV RVxx round goRg gog R dry D aqq u D uqq thin C uƛ Vl what sti one cV cʕV five W ƛƛi ƛƛwiNotation C consonant V vowel D gender affix Possible connections to the origin of agriculture Edit The Proto Northeast Caucasian language had many terms for agriculture and Johanna Nichols has suggested that its speakers may have been involved in the development of agriculture in the Fertile Crescent and only later moved north to the Caucasus 36 Proto NEC is reconstructed with words for concepts such as yoke ƛ ƛƛ as well as fruit trees such as apple hʕam V c hʕam V c and pear qur qar qʕur 35 that suggest agriculture was well developed before the proto language broke up See also EditNorthwest Caucasian languages North Caucasian languagesReferences Edit Hewitt George 2004 Introduction to the Study of the Languages of the Caucasus Munich Lincom Europaq p 49 Hewitt George 2004 Introduction to the Study of the Languages of the Caucasus Munich Lincom Europa pp 49 54 a b Matthews W K 1951 Languages of the U S S R New York Russel amp Russel p 88 Hewitt George 2004 Introduction to the Study of the Languages of the Caucasus Lincom Europa p 58 Hewitt George 2004 Introduction to the Study of the Languages of the Caucasus Munich Lincom Europa p 80 Hewitt George 2004 Introduction to the Study of the Languages of the Caucasus Munich Lincom Europa pp 81 82 Dixon R M W 1987 Studies in Ergativity Amsterdam Elsevier Science Publishers B V p 133 Van Valen Robert D 1981 Grammatical Relations in Ergative Languages PDF Studies in Language 5 3 361 394 doi 10 1075 sl 5 3 05van Retrieved 19 April 2013 Van Valin Jr Robert D 1983 Grammatical Relations in Ergative Languages PDF Studies in Language 5 3 361 394 doi 10 1075 sl 5 3 05van Retrieved 19 April 2013 a b Plaster Keith et al Noun classes grow on trees noun classification in the North East Caucasus Language and Representations Tentative Retrieved 20 April 2013 Foley Steven 25 February 2021 Polinsky Maria ed Agreement in Languages of the Caucasus The Oxford Handbook of Languages of the Caucasus Oxford University Press pp 843 872 doi 10 1093 oxfordhb 9780190690694 013 23 ISBN 978 0 19 069069 4 retrieved 1 July 2021 Aristar Anthony September 1992 Greville Corbett Gender Cambridge Textbooks in Linguistics Cambridge Cambridge University Press 1991 Pp xix 363 Journal of Linguistics 28 2 542 547 doi 10 1017 s0022226700015449 ISSN 0022 2267 S2CID 146676617 Bond Oliver Corbett Greville G Chumakina Marina Brown Dunstan eds 25 August 2016 Archi doi 10 1093 acprof oso 9780198747291 001 0001 ISBN 978 0 19 874729 1 a href Template Cite journal html title Template Cite journal cite journal a Cite journal requires journal help External agreement Surrey Morphology Group www smg surrey ac uk Retrieved 1 July 2021 Creissels Denis 13 January 2012 Gast Volker Diessel Holger eds External agreement in the converbal construction of Northern Akhvakh Clause Linkage in Cross Linguistic Perspective Berlin Boston DE GRUYTER pp 127 156 doi 10 1515 9783110280692 127 ISBN 978 3 11 028069 2 retrieved 1 July 2021 See Nichols 2003 See Schulze 2009 Wolfgang Schulze 2017 11 The comparative method in Caucasian linguistics In Joseph Brian Fritz Mathias Klein Jared eds Handbook of Comparative and Historical Indo European Linguistics De Gruyter Mouton p 106 ISBN 978 3 11 018614 7 The twenty nine languages of East Caucasian are marked by both an extreme degree of diffusion divergence and secondary convergence which renders the application of the comparative method more difficult Ethnologue Retrieved 14 March 2015 Ethnologue report for Dargwa Retrieved 18 April 2013 Ethnologue report for Khinalugh Retrieved 18 April 2013 Ethnologue report for Lak Retrieved 18 April 2013 Ethnologue Retrieved 18 April 2013 Bats Ethnologue Retrieved 14 March 2015 Chechen Ethnologue Retrieved 14 March 2015 Ingush Ethnologue Retrieved 14 March 2015 Khalilova Zaira 2009 A Grammar of Khwarshi PDF University of Leiden LOT Netherlands ISBN 978 90 78328 93 3 permanent dead link Ethnologue Pereltsvaig Asya 2012 Languages of the World An Introduction Cambridge Cambridge University Press p 65 a b Matthews W K 1951 Languages of the U S S R New York Russell amp Russell pp 87 88 Nichols J 1997 Nikolaev and Starostin s North Caucasian Etymological Dictionary and the Methodology of Long Range Comparison an assessment Paper presented at the 10th Biennial Non Slavic Languages NSL Conference Chicago 8 10 May 1997 Smeets Rieks On Hurro Urartian as an Eastern Caucasian language Bibliotheca Orientalis XLVI 1989 260 280 Zimansky Paul Urartian and Urartians The Oxford Handbook of Ancient Anatolia 2011 556 1 Thomas V Gamkrelidze T E Gudava Caucasian Languages Encyclopaedia Britannica 1998 2 a b Nichols Johanna 2003 The Nakh Daghestanian consonant correspondences In Dee Ann Holisky and Kevin Tuite eds Current Trends in Caucasian East European and Inner Asian Linguistics Papers in honor of Howard I Aronson 207 264 Amsterdam John Benjamins doi 10 1075 cilt 246 14nic See Wuethrich 2000 Bibliography Edit NICHOLS Johanna 2003 The Nakh Daghestanian Consonant Correspondences in TUITE Kevin HOLISKY Dee Ann eds Current Trends in Caucasian East European and Inner Asian Linguistics Papers in Honor of Howard I Aronson Amsterdam Benjamins pp 207 251 ISBN 978 1 58811 461 7 SCHULZE Wolfgang 21 April 2013 The Languages of the Caucasus PDF The Languages of the Caucasus IATS University of Munich SCHULZE Wolfgang 2007 Personalitat in den ostkaukasischen Sprachen PDF Munich Working Papers in Cognitive Typology IATS University of Munich archived from the original PDF on 21 February 2012 SCHULZE Wolfgang 2001 Die kaukasischen Sprachen in M Haspelmath et al eds La typologie des langues et les universaux linguistiques vol 2 Berlin New York Mouton de Gruyter pp 1774 1796 WUETHRICH Bernice 19 May 2000 Peering Into the Past With Words Science 288 5469 1158 doi 10 1126 science 288 5469 1158 S2CID 82205296 External links Edit Wiktionary has a list of reconstructed forms at Appendix Proto Nakh Daghestanian reconstructions Various Northeast Caucasian language dictionaries online from IDS select simple or advanced browsing CIA linguistic map of the Caucasus Atlas of Multilingualism in Dagestan Intercontinental Dictionary Series contain online dictionaries of various Northeast Caucasian languages Retrieved from https en wikipedia org w index php title Northeast Caucasian languages amp oldid 1125007070, wikipedia, wiki, book, books, library,


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