

Irony, in its broadest sense, is the juxtaposition of what on the surface appears to be the case and what is actually the case or to be expected. It typically figures as a rhetorical device and literary technique. In some philosophical contexts, however, it takes on a larger significance as an entire way of life.

Socrates (c. 470BCE – 399BCE) has been central to discussions of irony from his time into the present (copy of bronze head by Lysippus in the Louvre).

Irony has been defined in many different ways, and there is no general agreement about the best way to organize its various types. This does not mean, however, that it is not a topic about which a great deal can be meaningfully said.


'Irony' comes from the Greek eironeia (εἰρωνεία) and dates back to the 5th century BCE. This term itself was coined in reference to a stock-character from Old Comedy (such as that of Aristophanes) known as the eiron, who dissimulates and affects less intelligence than he has—and so ultimately triumphs over his opposite, the alazon, a vain-glorious braggart.[1][2][3]

Although initially synonymous with lying, in Plato's dialogues eironeia came to acquire a new sense of "an intended simulation which the audience or hearer was meant to recognise".[4] More simply put, it came to acquire the general definition, "the expression of one's meaning by using language that normally signifies the opposite, typically for humorous or emphatic effect".[5]

Until the Renaissance, the Latin ironia was considered a part of rhetoric, usually a species of allegory, along the lines established by Cicero and Quintilian near the beginning of the 1st century CE.[6] "Irony" entered the English language as a figure of speech in the 16th century with a meaning similar to the French ironie, itself derived from the Latin.[7]

Around the end of the 18th century, "irony" takes on another sense, primarily credited to Friedrich Schlegel and other participants in what came to be known as early German Romanticism. They advance a concept of irony that is not a mere "artistic playfulness", but a "conscious form of literary creation", typically involving the "consistent alternation of affirmation and negation".[8] No longer just a rhetorical device, on their conception, it refers to an entire metaphysical stance on the world.[9]

The problem of definition

It is commonplace to begin a study of irony with the acknowledgement that the term quite simply eludes any single definition.[10][11][12] Philosopher Richard J. Bernstein opens his Ironic Life with the observation that a survey of the literature on irony leaves the reader with the "dominant impression" that the authors are simply "talking about different subjects".[13] Indeed, Geoffrey Nunberg, a lexical semantician, observes a trend of sarcasm replacing the linguistic role of verbal irony as a result of all this confusion.[14]

In the 1906 The King's English, Henry Watson Fowler writes, "any definition of irony—though hundreds might be given, and very few of them would be accepted—must include this, that the surface meaning and the underlying meaning of what is said are not the same." A consequence of this, he observes, is that an analysis of irony requires the concept of a double audience "consisting of one party that hearing shall hear & shall not understand, & another party that, when more is meant than meets the ear, is aware both of that more & of the outsiders' incomprehension".[15]

From this basic feature, literary theorist Douglas C. Muecke identifies three basic characteristics of all irony:

  1. Irony depends on a double-layered or two-story phenomenon for success: "At the lower level is the situation either as it appears to the victim of irony (where there is a victim) or as it is deceptively presented by the ironist." The upper level is the situation as it appears to the reader or the ironist.[16]
  2. The ironist exploits a contradiction, incongruity, or incompatibility between the two levels.
  3. Irony plays upon the innocence of a character or victim: "Either a victim is confidently unaware of the very possibility of there being an upper level or point of view that invalidates his own, or an ironist pretends not to be aware of it".[17]

According to Wayne Booth, this uneven double-character of irony makes it a rhetorically complex phenomenon. Admired by some and feared by others, it has the power to tighten social bonds, but also to exacerbate divisions.[18]

Types of irony

How best to organize irony into distinct types is almost as controversial as how best to define it. There have been many proposals, generally relying on the same cluster of types; still, there is little agreement as to how to organize the types and what if any hierarchical arrangements might exist. Nevertheless, academic reference volumes standardly include at least all four of verbal irony, dramatic irony, cosmic irony, and Romantic irony as major types.[19][20][21][22] The latter three types are sometimes contrasted with verbal irony as forms of situational irony, that is, irony in which there is no ironist; so, instead of "he is being ironical" we would instead say "it is ironical that".[23][9]

Verbal irony is "a statement in which the meaning that a speaker employs is sharply different from the meaning that is ostensibly expressed".[1] Moreover, it is produced intentionally by the speaker, rather than being a literary construct, for instance, or the result of forces outside of their control.[19] Samuel Johnson gives as an example the sentence, "Bolingbroke was a holy man" (he was anything but).[24][25] Verbal irony is sometimes also considered to encompass various other literary devices such as hyperbole and its opposite, litotes, conscious naïveté, and others.[26][27]

Dramatic irony provides the audience with information of which characters are unaware, thereby placing the audience in a position of advantage to recognize their words and actions as counter-productive or opposed to what their situation actually requires.[28] Three stages may be distinguished — installation, exploitation, and resolution (often also called preparation, suspension, and resolution) — producing dramatic conflict in what one character relies or appears to rely upon, the contrary of which is known by observers (especially the audience, sometimes to other characters within the drama) to be true.[29] Tragic irony is a specific type of dramatic irony.[30]

Cosmic irony, sometimes also called "the irony of fate", presents agents as always ultimately thwarted by forces beyond human control. It is strongly associated with the works of Thomas Hardy.[28][30] This form of irony is also given metaphysical significance in the work of Søren Kierkegaard, among other philosophers.[8]

Romantic irony is closely related to cosmic irony, and sometimes the two terms are treated interchangeably.[9] Romantic irony is distinct, however, in that it is the author who assumes the role of the cosmic force. The narrator in Tristam Shandy is one early example.[31] The term is closely associated with Friedrich Schlegel and the early German Romantics, and in their hands it assumed a metaphysical significance similar to cosmic irony in the hands of Kierkegaard.[9] It was also of central importance to the literary theory advanced by New Criticism in mid-20th century.[31][27]

Another typology

Building upon the double-level structure of irony, self-described "ironologist" D. C. Muecke proposes another, complimentary way in which we may typify, and so better understand, ironic phenomena. What he proposes a dual distinction between and among three grades and four modes of ironic utterance.

Three grades of irony

Grades of irony are distinguished "according to the degree to which the real meaning is concealed". Muecke names them overt, covert, and private:[32]

  • In overt irony, the true meaning is clearly apparent to both parties, and the only thing that makes the utterance ironic is the "blatancy" of the "contradiction or incongruity". Those instances of sarcasm that may be classified as ironic are overt. Muecke notes that this form of irony has a short half-life; what is obvious to everyone quickly loses its rhetorical effect with repetition.[32]
  • Covert irony is "intended not to be seen but detected". The ironist feigns ignorance to achieve the intended effect, and so there is a real danger that it simply goes by unnoticed. This means that a comparatively larger rhetorical context is in play. This may involve, for instance, assumptions about prior knowledge, the ability of someone to detect an incongruity between what is being said and the manner in which it is said, or the perspicuity of the audience in spotting an internal contradiction in the content of the message.[33]
  • Private irony is not intended to be perceived at all. It is entirely for the internal satisfaction of the ironist. Muecke cites as an example Mr. Bennet from Pride and Prejudice, who "enjoys seeing his wife or Mr Collins take his remarks at face value; that is to say, he enjoys the irony of their being impervious to irony".[34]

Four modes of irony

Muecke's typology of modes are distinguished "according to the kind of relationship between the ironist and the irony". He calls these impersonal irony, self-disparaging irony, ingénue irony, and dramatized irony:[32]

  • Impersonal irony is distinguished by deadpan blankness of the ironist, a sort of affected graveness or poker-face.[35] It is associated with 'dry humor' quite generally, but also encompasses more specific ironic postures such as 'pretend agreement with the ironic victim', 'false ignorance', 'understatement', 'overstatement', and many other familiar forms of ironic utterance.[36]
  • Self-disparaging irony is distinguished by the introduction of the personality of the ironist, often with a somewhat performative dimension. This, however, is intended to be transparent, and is done in the service of directing irony against another object. For instance, when Socrates laments his misfortune of having a poor memory, the object of his irony is the overly long speech made by the fictionalized Protagoras in Plato's dialogue; his memory, we are to understand, is perfectly fine.[37]
  • Ingénue irony is distinguished by an assumed ignorance that is intended to be convincing. The canonical example is The Emperor's New Clothes. Another example is the Fool in King Lear. Muecke writes, "the effectiveness of this kind of irony comes from its economy of means: mere common sense or even simple innocence or ignorance may suffice" to break through the targeted hypocrisy or foolishness of received ideas.[38]
  • Dramatized irony is the simple presentation of ironic situations for the enjoyment of an audience. The ironist remains out of sight. The novels of Gustave Flaubert are among the many literary examples of this technique. Muecke notes an increase in this type of irony beginning in the latter half of the eighteenth century when, he says, "irony began to be attended to for its intrinsic interest and delight".[39]

The rhetorical dimension

To consider irony from a rhetorical perspective means to consider it as an act of communication.[40] In A Rhetoric of Irony, Wayne C. Booth seeks to answer the question of "how we manage to share ironies and why we so often do not".[18]

Because irony involves expressing something in a way contrary to literal meaning, it always involves a kind of "translation" on the part of the audience.[41] Booth identifies three principle kinds of agreement upon which the successful translation of irony depends: common mastery of language, shared cultural values, and (for artistic ironies) a common experience of genre.[42]

A consequence of this is that there is more at stake in whether one grasps an ironic utterance than there is in whether one grasps an utterance presented straight. As he puts it, the use of irony is

An aggressively intellectual exercise that fuses fact and value, requiring us to construct alternative hierarchies and choose among them; [it] demands that we look down on other men's follies or sins; floods us with emotion-charged value judgments which claim to be backed by the mind; accuses other men not only of wrong beliefs but of being wrong at their very foundations and blind to what these foundations imply[.][43]

This is why, when we misunderstand an intended ironic utterance, we often feel more embarrassed about our failure to recognize the incongruity than we typically do when we simply misunderstand a statement of fact.[44] When one's deepest beliefs are at issue, so too, often, is one's pride.[43] Nevertheless, even as it excludes its victims, irony also has the power to build and strengthen the community of those who do understand and appreciate.[45]

General irony, or "irony as a way of life"

Typically "irony" is used, as described above, with respect to some specific act or situation. In more philosophical contexts, however, the term is sometimes assigned a more general significance, in which it is used to describe an entire way of life or a universal truth about the human situation. Even Booth, whose interest is expressly rhetorical, notes that the word "irony" tends to attach to "a type of character — Aristophanes' foxy eirons, Plato's disconcerting Socrates — rather than to any one device".[46] In these contexts, what is expressed rhetorically by cosmic irony is ascribed existential or metaphysical significance. As Muecke puts it, such irony is that of "life itself or any general aspect of life seen as fundamentally and inescapably an ironic state of affairs. No longer is it a case of isolated victims.... we are all victims of impossible situations".[47][48]

This usage has its origins primarily in the work of Friedrich Schlegel and other early 19th-century German Romantics and in Søren Kierkegaard's analysis of Socrates in The Concept of Irony.[49][48]

Friedrich Schlegel

Friedrich Schlegel was at the forefront of the intellectual movement that has come to be known as Frühromantik, or early German Romanticism, situated narrowly between 1797 and 1801.[50] For Schlegel, the "romantic imperative" (a rejoinder to Immanuel Kant's "categorical imperative") is to break down the distinction between art and life with the creation of a "new mythology" for the modern age.[51] In particular, Schlegel was responding to what he took to be the failure of the foundationalist enterprise, exemplified for him by the philosophy of Johann Gottlieb Fichte.[52]

Portrait by Franz Gareis

Irony is a response to the apparent epistemic uncertainties of anti-foundationalism. In the words of scholar Frederick C. Beiser, Schlegel presents irony as consisting in "the recognition that, even though we cannot attain truth, we still must forever strive toward it, because only then do we approach it." His model is Socrates, who "knew that he knew nothing", yet never ceased in his pursuit of truth and virtue.[53][54] According to Schlegel, instead of resting upon a single foundation, "the individual parts of a successful synthesis formation support and negate each other reciprocally".[55]

Although Schlegel frequently does describe the Romantic project with a literary vocabulary, his use of the term "poetry" (Poesie) is non-standard. Instead, he goes back to the broader sense of the original Greek poiētikós, which refers to any kind of making.[56] As Beiser puts it, "Schlegel intentionally explodes the narrow literary meaning of Poesie by explicitly identifying the poetic with the creative power in human beings, and indeed with the productive principle in nature itself." Poetry in the restricted literary sense is its highest form, but in no way its only form.[57]

Irony is not the only literary term to which Schlegel assigns extra-literary significance. Indeed, irony itself is presented as the uneasy synthesis of allegory and wit. Summarized by scholar Manfred Frank: "As allegory, the individual exceeds itself in the direction of the infinite, while as wit the infinite allows the unity that breaks from the wholeness of the series to appear selectively."[58] According to Schlegel, allegory points beyond itself toward that which can be expressed only poetically, not directly.[59] He describes wit as a "selective flashing" (Aufblitzen); its content, he says, is "always paradoxical", its unifications of the finite and the infinite are always fragmentary.[60]

These two figures cannot exist together at once. What allegory attains indirectly by conjoining, wit attains only momentarily by total individuation, the fragmentary finitude of which contradicts the intended infinite content.[61] Schlegel presents irony as the "structural whole" sought by these two "abstract" figures. It accomplishes this by "surpassing of all self-imposed limits".[62] Frank cites Schlegel's descriptions from a variety of sources:

Irony consists in a "constant alternation (Wechsel) between self-creation and self-destruction", in a "wonderful, eternal alternation between enthusiasm and irony", between "creation and destruction", an "eternal oscillation between self-expansion and self-limitation of thought", a "reciprocal play (Wechselspiel) between the infinite and the finite", it is "the pulse and alternation between universality and individuality"—no matter how the contrasting pairs may be articulated.[63]

In this way, according to Schlegel, irony captures the human situation of always striving towards, but never completely possessing, what is infinite or true.[64]

Hegel's misinterpretation

This presentation of Schlegel's account of irony is at odds with many 20th-century interpretations, which, neglecting the larger historical context, have been predominately postmodern.[65][66] These readings overstate the irrational dimension of early Romantic thought at the expense of its rational commitments—precisely the dilemma irony is introduced to resolve.[67]

Already in Schlegel's own day, G. W. F. Hegel was unfavorably contrasting Romantic irony with that of Socrates. On Hegel's reading, Socratic irony partially anticipates his own dialectical approach to philosophy. Romantic irony, by contrast, Hegel alleges to be fundamentally trivializing and opposed to all seriousness about what is of substantial interest.[68] According to Rüdiger Bubner, however, Hegel's "misunderstanding" of Schlegel's concept of irony is "total" in its denunciation of a figure actually intended to preserve "our openness to a systematic philosophy".[69]

Yet, it is Hegel's interpretation that would be taken up and amplified by Kierkegaard, who further extends the critique to Socrates himself.[70]

Kierkegaard: irony as "infinite, absolute negativity"

Danish philosopher Søren Kierkegaard, and others, saw irony, such as that used by Socrates, as a disruptive force with the power to undo texts and readers alike.[71] The phrase itself is taken from Hegel's Lectures on Aesthetics, and is applied by Kierkegaard to the irony of Socrates. This tradition includes 19th-century German critic and novelist Friedrich Schlegel ("On Incomprehensibility"), Charles Baudelaire, Stendhal, and the 20th century deconstructionist Paul de Man ("The Concept of Irony"). In Kierkegaard's words, from On the Concept of Irony with Continual Reference to Socrates:

[Socratic] irony [is] the infinite absolute negativity. It is negativity, because it only negates; it is infinite, because it does not negate this or that phenomenon; it is absolute, because that by virtue of which it negates is a higher something that still is not. The irony established nothing, because that which is to be established lies behind it...[72]

Where much of philosophy attempts to reconcile opposites into a larger positive project, Kierkegaard and others insist that irony—whether expressed in complex games of authorship or simple litotes—must, in Kierkegaard's words, "swallow its own stomach". Irony entails endless reflection and violent reversals, and ensures incomprehensibility at the moment it compels speech. Similarly, among other literary critics, writer David Foster Wallace viewed the pervasiveness of ironic and other postmodern tropes as the cause of "great despair and stasis in U.S. culture, and that for aspiring fictionists [ironies] pose terrifically vexing problems".[73]

Overlap with rhetorical irony

Referring to earlier self-conscious works such as Don Quixote and Tristram Shandy, D. C. Muecke points particularly to Peter Weiss's 1964 play, Marat/Sade. This work is a play within a play set in a lunatic asylum, in which it is difficult to tell whether the players are speaking only to other players or also directly to the audience. When The Herald says, "The regrettable incident you've just seen was unavoidable indeed foreseen by our playwright", there is confusion as to who is being addressed, the "audience" on the stage or the audience in the theatre. Also, since the play within the play is performed by the inmates of a lunatic asylum, the theatre audience cannot tell whether the paranoia displayed before them is that of the players, or the people they are portraying. Muecke notes that, "in America, Romantic irony has had a bad press", while "in England...[it] is almost unknown."[74]

In a book entitled English Romantic Irony, Anne Mellor writes, referring to Byron, Keats, Carlyle, Coleridge, and Lewis Carroll:[75]

Romantic irony is both a philosophical conception of the universe and an artistic program. Ontologically, it sees the world as fundamentally chaotic. No order, no far goal of time, ordained by God or right reason, determines the progression of human or natural events […] Of course, romantic irony itself has more than one mode. The style of romantic irony varies from writer to writer […] But however distinctive the voice, a writer is a romantic ironist if and when his or her work commits itself enthusiastically both in content and form to a hovering or unresolved debate between a world of merely man-made being and a world of ontological becoming.

Similarly, metafiction is: "Fiction in which the author self-consciously alludes to the artificiality or literariness of a work by parodying or departing from novelistic conventions (esp. naturalism) and narrative techniques."[76] It is a type of fiction that self-consciously addresses the devices of fiction, thereby exposing the fictional illusion.

Gesa Giesing writes that "the most common form of metafiction is particularly frequent in Romantic literature. The phenomenon is then referred to as Romantic Irony." Giesing notes that "There has obviously been an increased interest in metafiction again after World War II."[77]

For example, Patricia Waugh quotes from several works at the top of her chapter headed "What is metafiction?". These include:

The thing is this. That of all the several ways of beginning a book […] I am confident my own way of doing it is best

Since I've started this story, I've gotten boils […]

— Ronald Sukenick, The Death of the Novel and Other Stories[78]

Additionally, The Cambridge Introduction to Postmodern Fiction says of John Fowles's The French Lieutenant's Woman, "For the first twelve chapters...the reader has been able to immerse him or herself in the story, enjoying the kind of 'suspension of disbelief' required of realist novels...what follows is a remarkable act of metafictional 'frame-breaking'". As evidence, chapter 13 "notoriously" begins: "I do not know. This story I am telling is all imagination. These characters I create never existed outside my own mind. […] if this is a novel, it cannot be a novel in the modern sense".[79]

Related phenomena


A fair amount of confusion has surrounded the issue of the relationship between verbal irony and sarcasm. For instance, various reference sources assert the following:

  • "Sarcasm does not necessarily involve irony and irony has often no touch of sarcasm".[80]
  • Irony: "A figure of speech in which the intended meaning is the opposite of that expressed by the words used; usually taking the form of sarcasm or ridicule in which laudatory expressions are used to imply condemnation or contempt".[81]
  • "Non-literary irony is often called sarcasm".[82]
  • Sarcasm: "1 : a sharp and often satirical or ironic utterance designed to cut or give pain. 2 a : a mode of satirical wit depending for its effect on bitter, caustic, and often ironic language that is usually directed against an individual".[83]
  • "Irony must not be confused with sarcasm, which is direct: sarcasm means precisely what it says, but in a sharp, caustic, ... manner".[84]

The psychologist Rod A. Martin, in The Psychology of Humour (2007), is quite clear that irony is where "the literal meaning is opposite to the intended" and sarcasm is "aggressive humor that pokes fun".[85] He has the following examples: for irony he uses the statement "What a nice day" when it is raining. For sarcasm, he cites Winston Churchill, who is supposed to have said, when told by Bessie Braddock that he was drunk, "But I shall be sober in the morning, and you will still be ugly", as being sarcastic, while not saying the opposite of what is intended.

Psychology researchers Lee and Katz have addressed the issue directly. They found that ridicule is an important aspect of sarcasm, but not of verbal irony in general. By this account, sarcasm is a particular kind of personal criticism levelled against a person or group of persons that incorporates verbal irony. For example, a woman reports to her friend that rather than going to a medical doctor to treat her cancer, she has decided to see a spiritual healer instead. In response her friend says sarcastically, "Oh, brilliant, what an ingenious idea, that's really going to cure you." The friend could have also replied with any number of ironic expressions that should not be labeled as sarcasm exactly, but still have many shared elements with sarcasm.[86]

Most instances of verbal irony are labeled by research subjects as sarcastic, suggesting that the term sarcasm is more widely used than its technical definition suggests it should be.[87] Some psycholinguistic theorists[88] suggest that sarcasm, hyperbole, understatement, rhetorical questions, double entendre, and jocularity should all be considered forms of verbal irony. The differences between these rhetorical devices (tropes) can be quite subtle and relate to typical emotional reactions of listeners, and the goals of the speakers. Regardless of the various ways theorists categorize figurative language types, people in conversation who are attempting to interpret speaker intentions and discourse goals do not generally identify the kinds of tropes used.[89]

Misuse of the term

Some speakers of English complain that the words irony and ironic are often misused,[90] though the more general casual usage of a contradiction between circumstance and expectation originated in the 1640s.[91][example needed]

Tim Conley cites the following: "Philip Howard assembled a list of seven implied meanings for the word "ironically", as it opens a sentence:

  • By a tragic coincidence
  • By an exceptional coincidence
  • By a curious coincidence
  • By a coincidence of no importance
  • You and I know, of course, though other less intelligent mortals walk benighted under the midday sun
  • Oddly enough, or it's a rum thing that
  • Oh hell! I've run out of words to start a sentence with."[92]

The term is sometimes used as a synonym for incongruous and applied to "every trivial oddity" in situations where there is no double audience.[93]

See also


  1. ^ a b Abrams & Harpham 2008, p. 165.
  2. ^ Preminger & Brogan 1993, p. 633.
  3. ^ Frye 1990, p. 172.
  4. ^ Colebrook 2004, p. 6.
  5. ^ OED staff 2016, sense 1.a.
  6. ^ Colebrook 2004, p. 7.
  7. ^ OED staff 2016, etymology.
  8. ^ a b Preminger & Brogan 1993, p. 634.
  9. ^ a b c d Cuddon 2013, p. 372.
  10. ^ Muecke 2023, pp. 14–15.
  11. ^ Booth 1974, pp. ix–x.
  12. ^ Colebrook 2004, p. 1.
  13. ^ Bernstein 2016, p. 1.
  14. ^ Kreuz 2020, ch. 9, § "Skunked Terms?".
  15. ^ Fowler 1994.
  16. ^ Muecke 2023, p. 19.
  17. ^ Muecke 2023, p. 20.
  18. ^ a b Booth 1974, p. ix.
  19. ^ a b Preminger & Brogan 1993, pp. 633–35.
  20. ^ Abrams & Harpham 2008, pp. 165–68.
  21. ^ Hirsch 2014, pp. 315–17.
  22. ^ Cuddon 2013, pp. 371–73.
  23. ^ Muecke 2023, pp. 42, 99.
  24. ^ Hirsch 2014, p. 315.
  25. ^ Johnson, Samuel (2021). "I'rony n.s." A Dictionary of the English Language (1755, 1773). Retrieved 21 December 2023.
  26. ^ Hirsch 2014, pp. 315–16.
  27. ^ a b Preminger & Brogan 1993, p. 635.
  28. ^ a b Abrams & Harpham 2008, p. 167.
  29. ^ Stanton, R., "Dramatic Irony in Hawthorne's Romances", Modern Language Notes, Vol. 71, No. 6 (Jun., 1956), pp. 420–426, The Johns Hopkins University Press.
  30. ^ a b Hirsch 2014, p. 316.
  31. ^ a b Abrams & Harpham 2008, p. 168.
  32. ^ a b c Muecke 2023, pp. 52–53.
  33. ^ Muecke 2023, pp. 56–59.
  34. ^ Muecke 2023, pp. 59–60.
  35. ^ Muecke 2023, pp. 64–65.
  36. ^ Muecke 2023, pp. 67–86.
  37. ^ Muecke 2023, pp. 87–88.
  38. ^ Muecke 2023, p. 91.
  39. ^ Muecke 2023, pp. 91–92.
  40. ^ Booth 1974, p. 7.
  41. ^ Booth 1974, p. 33.
  42. ^ Booth 1974, p. 100.
  43. ^ a b Booth 1974, p. 44.
  44. ^ Booth 1974, pp. xi, 1.
  45. ^ Booth 1974, p. 28.
  46. ^ Booth 1974, pp. 138–39.
  47. ^ Muecke 2023, p. 120.
  48. ^ a b Bernstein 2016, pp. 1–13.
  49. ^ Muecke 2023, pp. 119–22.
  50. ^ Beiser 2006, pp. 6–7.
  51. ^ Beiser 2006, p. 19.
  52. ^ Beiser 2006, pp. 107–08, 130.
  53. ^ Beiser 2006, pp. 128–29.
  54. ^ Bubner 2003, pp. 207–08.
  55. ^ Frank 2004, p. 202.
  56. ^ Beiser 2006, p. 16.
  57. ^ Beiser 2006, p. 15.
  58. ^ Frank 2004, p. 206.
  59. ^ Frank 2004, p. 208.
  60. ^ Frank 2004, p. 210.
  61. ^ Frank 2004, pp. 209–14.
  62. ^ Frank 2004, pp. 216–17.
  63. ^ Frank 2004, p. 217 (in-text citations to the German texts omitted).
  64. ^ Frank 2004, p. 218.
  65. ^ Beiser 2006, pp. 1–5.
  66. ^ Rush 2016, pp. 2–3.
  67. ^ Beiser 2006, p. 4.
  68. ^ Inwood 1992, pp. 146–50.
  69. ^ Bubner 2003, p. 213.
  70. ^ Bubner 2003, p. 215.
  71. ^ Kierkegaard, S, The concept of irony with continuous reference to Socrates (1841), Harper & Row, 1966, p. 278.
  72. ^ "Kierkegaard, D. Anthony Storm's Commentary on – The Concept of Irony". sorenkierkegaard.org. from the original on 9 October 2017. Retrieved 26 April 2018.
  73. ^ Wallace, David Foster. "E Unibus Pluram: Television and U.S. Fiction". Review of Contemporary Fiction. 13 (2): 151–194.
  74. ^ Muecke 2023, pp. 178–80.
  75. ^ Mellor, Anne K., English Romantic Irony, Harvard University Press, 1980, pp. 4, 187.
  76. ^ The Oxford English Dictionary, entry "metafiction".
  77. ^ Giesing, G., Metafictional Aspects in Novels by Muriel Spark, GRIN Verlag, 2004, p. 6.
  78. ^ Waugh, P., Metafiction: The Theory and Practice of Self-Conscious Fiction, Routledge, 2002, p. 1.
  79. ^ Nicol, B., The Cambridge Introduction to Postmodern Fiction, Cambridge University Press, 2009, pp. 108–109.
  80. ^ Fowler's A Dictionary of Modern English Usage (1926; reprinted to at least 2015)".
  81. ^ The Oxford English Dictionary, "irony"
  82. ^ Encyclopædia Britannica[edition needed]
  83. ^ Webster's Dictionary[edition needed]
  84. ^ Partridge in Usage and Abusage (1997)
  85. ^ Martin, R. A., The Psychology of Humor: An Integrative Approach, Elsevier Academic Press, 2007. p. 13.
  86. ^ Lee & Katz, 1998.
  87. ^ Bryant & Fox Tree, 2002; Gibbs, 2000
  88. ^ e.g., Gibbs, 2000
  89. ^ Leggitt & Gibbs, 2000
  90. ^ "Learning to love Alanis Morissette's 'irony' – The Boston Globe". bostonglobe.com. from the original on 25 November 2016. Retrieved 26 April 2018.
  91. ^ "irony – Origin and meaning of irony by Online Etymology Dictionary". www.etymonline.com. from the original on 14 June 2017. Retrieved 26 April 2018.
  92. ^ Conley, T., Joyces Mistakes: Problems of Intention, Irony, and Interpretation, University of Toronto Press, 2011, p. 81. [1] 2016-08-08 at the Wayback Machine
  93. ^ Fowler, H. W., A Dictionary of Modern English Usage, 1926.


  • Abrams, M. H.; Harpham, Geoffrey (2008). A Glossary of Literary Terms. Cengage Learning. ISBN 978-1413033908.
  • Beiser, Frederick C. (2006). The Romantic Imperative: The Concept of Early German Romanticism. Harvard University Press. ISBN 978-0674019805.
  • Bernstein, Richard J. (2016). Ironic Life. Polity Press. ISBN 978-1509505722.
  • Booth, Wayne C. (1974). A Rhetoric of Irony. University of Chicago Press. ISBN 978-0226065533.
  • Brooks, Cleanth (1947). The Well Wrought Urn: Studies in the Structure of Poetry. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. ISBN 978-0156957052.
  • Bubner, Rudiger (2003). The Innovations of Idealism. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 978-0521662628.
  • Colebrook, Claire (2004). Irony. Psychology Press. ISBN 978-0415251334.
  • Cross, Andrew (1998). "Neither either nor or: The perils of reflexive irony". In Alastair Hannay and Daniel Marino (ed.). The Cambridge Companion to Kierkegaard. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 978-0521477192.
  • Cuddon, J. A. (2013). A Dictionary of Literary Terms and Literary Theory. John Wiley & Sons. ISBN 9781444333275.
  • Frye, Northrop (1990). Anatomy of criticism: 4 essays. Princeton University Press. ISBN 978-0691012988.
  • Fowler, Henry Watson (1994). A Dictionary of Modern English Usage. Wordsworth Editions. ISBN 1-85326-318-4.
  • Frank, Manfred (2004). The Philosophical Foundations of Early German Romanticism. SUNY Press. ISBN 978-0791459485.
  • Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich (1975). Aesthetics: Lectures on Fine Art. Translated by Knox, T. M. Oxford University Press.
  • Hirsch, Edward (2014). A Poet's Glossary. Houghton Mifflin. ISBN 978-0151011957.
  • Inwood, Michael (1992). A Hegel Dictionary. Wiley. ISBN 978-0631175339.
  • Kierkegaard, Søren (1989). The Concept of Irony With Continual Reference to Socrates. Translated by Howard V. Hong and Edna H. Hong. Princeton University Press. ISBN 978-0691020723.
  • Kierkegaard, Søren (1992). Concluding Unscientific Postscript to Philosophical Fragments. Translated by Howard V. Hong and Edna H. Hong. Princeton University Press. ISBN 978-0691020815.
  • Kreuz, Roger (18 February 2020). Irony and Sarcasm (eBook ed.). MIT Press. ISBN 978-0262538268.
  • Man, Paul De (1996). Aesthetic Ideology. University of Minnesota Press. ISBN 978-0816622047.
  • Mellor, Anne Kostelanetz (1980). English Romantic Irony. Harvard University Press. ISBN 978-0674256903.
  • Muecke, D. C. (2017). Irony and the Ironic. Routledge. ISBN 978-1138229631.
  • Muecke, D. C. (2023). The Compass of Irony. Taylor & Francis Limited. ISBN 978-0367655259.
  • Nehamas, Alexander (2000). The Art of Living: Socratic Reflections from Plato to Foucault. University of California Press. ISBN 978-0520224902.
  • Newmark, Kevin (2012). Irony on Occasion: From Schlegel and Kierkegaard to Derrida and de Man. Fordham University Press. ISBN 978-0823240135.
  • OED staff (2016). "Irony, n." Oxford English Dictionary (3rd ed.). Oxford University Press. Retrieved Jan 23, 2016.
  • Preminger, Alex; Brogan, Terry V. F. (1993). The New Princeton Encyclopedia of Poetry and Poetics. MJF Books. ISBN 978-1567311525.
  • Rorty, Richard (1989). Contingency, Irony, and Solidarity. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 978-0521367813.
  • Rush, Fred (2016). Irony and Idealism: Rereading Schlegel, Hegel and Kierkegaard. Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-0199688227.
  • Vlastos, Gregory (1991). Socrates, Ironist and Moral Philosopher. Cornell University Press. ISBN 978-0801497872.

irony, ironic, redirects, here, other, uses, disambiguation, broadest, sense, juxtaposition, what, surface, appears, case, what, actually, case, expected, typically, figures, rhetorical, device, literary, technique, some, philosophical, contexts, however, take. Ironic redirects here For other uses see Irony disambiguation Irony in its broadest sense is the juxtaposition of what on the surface appears to be the case and what is actually the case or to be expected It typically figures as a rhetorical device and literary technique In some philosophical contexts however it takes on a larger significance as an entire way of life Socrates c 470BCE 399BCE has been central to discussions of irony from his time into the present copy of bronze head by Lysippus in the Louvre Irony has been defined in many different ways and there is no general agreement about the best way to organize its various types This does not mean however that it is not a topic about which a great deal can be meaningfully said Contents 1 Etymology 2 The problem of definition 3 Types of irony 4 Another typology 4 1 Three grades of irony 4 2 Four modes of irony 5 The rhetorical dimension 6 General irony or irony as a way of life 6 1 Friedrich Schlegel 6 1 1 Hegel s misinterpretation 6 2 Kierkegaard irony as infinite absolute negativity 7 Overlap with rhetorical irony 8 Related phenomena 8 1 Sarcasm 8 2 Misuse of the term 9 See also 10 References 11 BibliographyEtymology Irony comes from the Greek eironeia eἰrwneia and dates back to the 5th century BCE This term itself was coined in reference to a stock character from Old Comedy such as that of Aristophanes known as the eiron who dissimulates and affects less intelligence than he has and so ultimately triumphs over his opposite the alazon a vain glorious braggart 1 2 3 Although initially synonymous with lying in Plato s dialogues eironeia came to acquire a new sense of an intended simulation which the audience or hearer was meant to recognise 4 More simply put it came to acquire the general definition the expression of one s meaning by using language that normally signifies the opposite typically for humorous or emphatic effect 5 Until the Renaissance the Latin ironia was considered a part of rhetoric usually a species of allegory along the lines established by Cicero and Quintilian near the beginning of the 1st century CE 6 Irony entered the English language as a figure of speech in the 16th century with a meaning similar to the French ironie itself derived from the Latin 7 Around the end of the 18th century irony takes on another sense primarily credited to Friedrich Schlegel and other participants in what came to be known as early German Romanticism They advance a concept of irony that is not a mere artistic playfulness but a conscious form of literary creation typically involving the consistent alternation of affirmation and negation 8 No longer just a rhetorical device on their conception it refers to an entire metaphysical stance on the world 9 The problem of definitionIt is commonplace to begin a study of irony with the acknowledgement that the term quite simply eludes any single definition 10 11 12 Philosopher Richard J Bernstein opens his Ironic Life with the observation that a survey of the literature on irony leaves the reader with the dominant impression that the authors are simply talking about different subjects 13 Indeed Geoffrey Nunberg a lexical semantician observes a trend of sarcasm replacing the linguistic role of verbal irony as a result of all this confusion 14 In the 1906 The King s English Henry Watson Fowler writes any definition of irony though hundreds might be given and very few of them would be accepted must include this that the surface meaning and the underlying meaning of what is said are not the same A consequence of this he observes is that an analysis of irony requires the concept of a double audience consisting of one party that hearing shall hear amp shall not understand amp another party that when more is meant than meets the ear is aware both of that more amp of the outsiders incomprehension 15 From this basic feature literary theorist Douglas C Muecke identifies three basic characteristics of all irony Irony depends on a double layered or two story phenomenon for success At the lower level is the situation either as it appears to the victim of irony where there is a victim or as it is deceptively presented by the ironist The upper level is the situation as it appears to the reader or the ironist 16 The ironist exploits a contradiction incongruity or incompatibility between the two levels Irony plays upon the innocence of a character or victim Either a victim is confidently unaware of the very possibility of there being an upper level or point of view that invalidates his own or an ironist pretends not to be aware of it 17 According to Wayne Booth this uneven double character of irony makes it a rhetorically complex phenomenon Admired by some and feared by others it has the power to tighten social bonds but also to exacerbate divisions 18 Types of ironyHow best to organize irony into distinct types is almost as controversial as how best to define it There have been many proposals generally relying on the same cluster of types still there is little agreement as to how to organize the types and what if any hierarchical arrangements might exist Nevertheless academic reference volumes standardly include at least all four of verbal irony dramatic irony cosmic irony and Romantic irony as major types 19 20 21 22 The latter three types are sometimes contrasted with verbal irony as forms of situational irony that is irony in which there is no ironist so instead of he is being ironical we would instead say it is ironical that 23 9 Verbal irony is a statement in which the meaning that a speaker employs is sharply different from the meaning that is ostensibly expressed 1 Moreover it is produced intentionally by the speaker rather than being a literary construct for instance or the result of forces outside of their control 19 Samuel Johnson gives as an example the sentence Bolingbroke was a holy man he was anything but 24 25 Verbal irony is sometimes also considered to encompass various other literary devices such as hyperbole and its opposite litotes conscious naivete and others 26 27 Dramatic irony provides the audience with information of which characters are unaware thereby placing the audience in a position of advantage to recognize their words and actions as counter productive or opposed to what their situation actually requires 28 Three stages may be distinguished installation exploitation and resolution often also called preparation suspension and resolution producing dramatic conflict in what one character relies or appears to rely upon the contrary of which is known by observers especially the audience sometimes to other characters within the drama to be true 29 Tragic irony is a specific type of dramatic irony 30 Cosmic irony sometimes also called the irony of fate presents agents as always ultimately thwarted by forces beyond human control It is strongly associated with the works of Thomas Hardy 28 30 This form of irony is also given metaphysical significance in the work of Soren Kierkegaard among other philosophers 8 Romantic irony is closely related to cosmic irony and sometimes the two terms are treated interchangeably 9 Romantic irony is distinct however in that it is the author who assumes the role of the cosmic force The narrator in Tristam Shandy is one early example 31 The term is closely associated with Friedrich Schlegel and the early German Romantics and in their hands it assumed a metaphysical significance similar to cosmic irony in the hands of Kierkegaard 9 It was also of central importance to the literary theory advanced by New Criticism in mid 20th century 31 27 Another typologyBuilding upon the double level structure of irony self described ironologist D C Muecke proposes another complimentary way in which we may typify and so better understand ironic phenomena What he proposes a dual distinction between and among three grades and four modes of ironic utterance Three grades of irony Grades of irony are distinguished according to the degree to which the real meaning is concealed Muecke names them overt covert and private 32 In overt irony the true meaning is clearly apparent to both parties and the only thing that makes the utterance ironic is the blatancy of the contradiction or incongruity Those instances of sarcasm that may be classified as ironic are overt Muecke notes that this form of irony has a short half life what is obvious to everyone quickly loses its rhetorical effect with repetition 32 Covert irony is intended not to be seen but detected The ironist feigns ignorance to achieve the intended effect and so there is a real danger that it simply goes by unnoticed This means that a comparatively larger rhetorical context is in play This may involve for instance assumptions about prior knowledge the ability of someone to detect an incongruity between what is being said and the manner in which it is said or the perspicuity of the audience in spotting an internal contradiction in the content of the message 33 Private irony is not intended to be perceived at all It is entirely for the internal satisfaction of the ironist Muecke cites as an example Mr Bennet from Pride and Prejudice who enjoys seeing his wife or Mr Collins take his remarks at face value that is to say he enjoys the irony of their being impervious to irony 34 Four modes of irony Muecke s typology of modes are distinguished according to the kind of relationship between the ironist and the irony He calls these impersonal irony self disparaging irony ingenue irony and dramatized irony 32 Impersonal irony is distinguished by deadpan blankness of the ironist a sort of affected graveness or poker face 35 It is associated with dry humor quite generally but also encompasses more specific ironic postures such as pretend agreement with the ironic victim false ignorance understatement overstatement and many other familiar forms of ironic utterance 36 Self disparaging irony is distinguished by the introduction of the personality of the ironist often with a somewhat performative dimension This however is intended to be transparent and is done in the service of directing irony against another object For instance when Socrates laments his misfortune of having a poor memory the object of his irony is the overly long speech made by the fictionalized Protagoras in Plato s dialogue his memory we are to understand is perfectly fine 37 Ingenue irony is distinguished by an assumed ignorance that is intended to be convincing The canonical example is The Emperor s New Clothes Another example is the Fool in King Lear Muecke writes the effectiveness of this kind of irony comes from its economy of means mere common sense or even simple innocence or ignorance may suffice to break through the targeted hypocrisy or foolishness of received ideas 38 Dramatized irony is the simple presentation of ironic situations for the enjoyment of an audience The ironist remains out of sight The novels of Gustave Flaubert are among the many literary examples of this technique Muecke notes an increase in this type of irony beginning in the latter half of the eighteenth century when he says irony began to be attended to for its intrinsic interest and delight 39 The rhetorical dimensionTo consider irony from a rhetorical perspective means to consider it as an act of communication 40 In A Rhetoric of Irony Wayne C Booth seeks to answer the question of how we manage to share ironies and why we so often do not 18 Because irony involves expressing something in a way contrary to literal meaning it always involves a kind of translation on the part of the audience 41 Booth identifies three principle kinds of agreement upon which the successful translation of irony depends common mastery of language shared cultural values and for artistic ironies a common experience of genre 42 A consequence of this is that there is more at stake in whether one grasps an ironic utterance than there is in whether one grasps an utterance presented straight As he puts it the use of irony is An aggressively intellectual exercise that fuses fact and value requiring us to construct alternative hierarchies and choose among them it demands that we look down on other men s follies or sins floods us with emotion charged value judgments which claim to be backed by the mind accuses other men not only of wrong beliefs but of being wrong at their very foundations and blind to what these foundations imply 43 This is why when we misunderstand an intended ironic utterance we often feel more embarrassed about our failure to recognize the incongruity than we typically do when we simply misunderstand a statement of fact 44 When one s deepest beliefs are at issue so too often is one s pride 43 Nevertheless even as it excludes its victims irony also has the power to build and strengthen the community of those who do understand and appreciate 45 General irony or irony as a way of life Typically irony is used as described above with respect to some specific act or situation In more philosophical contexts however the term is sometimes assigned a more general significance in which it is used to describe an entire way of life or a universal truth about the human situation Even Booth whose interest is expressly rhetorical notes that the word irony tends to attach to a type of character Aristophanes foxy eirons Plato s disconcerting Socrates rather than to any one device 46 In these contexts what is expressed rhetorically by cosmic irony is ascribed existential or metaphysical significance As Muecke puts it such irony is that of life itself or any general aspect of life seen as fundamentally and inescapably an ironic state of affairs No longer is it a case of isolated victims we are all victims of impossible situations 47 48 This usage has its origins primarily in the work of Friedrich Schlegel and other early 19th century German Romantics and in Soren Kierkegaard s analysis of Socrates in The Concept of Irony 49 48 Friedrich Schlegel Friedrich Schlegel was at the forefront of the intellectual movement that has come to be known as Fruhromantik or early German Romanticism situated narrowly between 1797 and 1801 50 For Schlegel the romantic imperative a rejoinder to Immanuel Kant s categorical imperative is to break down the distinction between art and life with the creation of a new mythology for the modern age 51 In particular Schlegel was responding to what he took to be the failure of the foundationalist enterprise exemplified for him by the philosophy of Johann Gottlieb Fichte 52 nbsp Portrait by Franz Gareis Irony is a response to the apparent epistemic uncertainties of anti foundationalism In the words of scholar Frederick C Beiser Schlegel presents irony as consisting in the recognition that even though we cannot attain truth we still must forever strive toward it because only then do we approach it His model is Socrates who knew that he knew nothing yet never ceased in his pursuit of truth and virtue 53 54 According to Schlegel instead of resting upon a single foundation the individual parts of a successful synthesis formation support and negate each other reciprocally 55 Although Schlegel frequently does describe the Romantic project with a literary vocabulary his use of the term poetry Poesie is non standard Instead he goes back to the broader sense of the original Greek poietikos which refers to any kind of making 56 As Beiser puts it Schlegel intentionally explodes the narrow literary meaning of Poesie by explicitly identifying the poetic with the creative power in human beings and indeed with the productive principle in nature itself Poetry in the restricted literary sense is its highest form but in no way its only form 57 Irony is not the only literary term to which Schlegel assigns extra literary significance Indeed irony itself is presented as the uneasy synthesis of allegory and wit Summarized by scholar Manfred Frank As allegory the individual exceeds itself in the direction of the infinite while as wit the infinite allows the unity that breaks from the wholeness of the series to appear selectively 58 According to Schlegel allegory points beyond itself toward that which can be expressed only poetically not directly 59 He describes wit as a selective flashing Aufblitzen its content he says is always paradoxical its unifications of the finite and the infinite are always fragmentary 60 These two figures cannot exist together at once What allegory attains indirectly by conjoining wit attains only momentarily by total individuation the fragmentary finitude of which contradicts the intended infinite content 61 Schlegel presents irony as the structural whole sought by these two abstract figures It accomplishes this by surpassing of all self imposed limits 62 Frank cites Schlegel s descriptions from a variety of sources Irony consists in a constant alternation Wechsel between self creation and self destruction in a wonderful eternal alternation between enthusiasm and irony between creation and destruction an eternal oscillation between self expansion and self limitation of thought a reciprocal play Wechselspiel between the infinite and the finite it is the pulse and alternation between universality and individuality no matter how the contrasting pairs may be articulated 63 In this way according to Schlegel irony captures the human situation of always striving towards but never completely possessing what is infinite or true 64 Hegel s misinterpretation This presentation of Schlegel s account of irony is at odds with many 20th century interpretations which neglecting the larger historical context have been predominately postmodern 65 66 These readings overstate the irrational dimension of early Romantic thought at the expense of its rational commitments precisely the dilemma irony is introduced to resolve 67 Already in Schlegel s own day G W F Hegel was unfavorably contrasting Romantic irony with that of Socrates On Hegel s reading Socratic irony partially anticipates his own dialectical approach to philosophy Romantic irony by contrast Hegel alleges to be fundamentally trivializing and opposed to all seriousness about what is of substantial interest 68 According to Rudiger Bubner however Hegel s misunderstanding of Schlegel s concept of irony is total in its denunciation of a figure actually intended to preserve our openness to a systematic philosophy 69 Yet it is Hegel s interpretation that would be taken up and amplified by Kierkegaard who further extends the critique to Socrates himself 70 Kierkegaard irony as infinite absolute negativity Danish philosopher Soren Kierkegaard and others saw irony such as that used by Socrates as a disruptive force with the power to undo texts and readers alike 71 The phrase itself is taken from Hegel s Lectures on Aesthetics and is applied by Kierkegaard to the irony of Socrates This tradition includes 19th century German critic and novelist Friedrich Schlegel On Incomprehensibility Charles Baudelaire Stendhal and the 20th century deconstructionist Paul de Man The Concept of Irony In Kierkegaard s words from On the Concept of Irony with Continual Reference to Socrates Socratic irony is the infinite absolute negativity It is negativity because it only negates it is infinite because it does not negate this or that phenomenon it is absolute because that by virtue of which it negates is a higher something that still is not The irony established nothing because that which is to be established lies behind it 72 Where much of philosophy attempts to reconcile opposites into a larger positive project Kierkegaard and others insist that irony whether expressed in complex games of authorship or simple litotes must in Kierkegaard s words swallow its own stomach Irony entails endless reflection and violent reversals and ensures incomprehensibility at the moment it compels speech Similarly among other literary critics writer David Foster Wallace viewed the pervasiveness of ironic and other postmodern tropes as the cause of great despair and stasis in U S culture and that for aspiring fictionists ironies pose terrifically vexing problems 73 Overlap with rhetorical ironyReferring to earlier self conscious works such as Don Quixote and Tristram Shandy D C Muecke points particularly to Peter Weiss s 1964 play Marat Sade This work is a play within a play set in a lunatic asylum in which it is difficult to tell whether the players are speaking only to other players or also directly to the audience When The Herald says The regrettable incident you ve just seen was unavoidable indeed foreseen by our playwright there is confusion as to who is being addressed the audience on the stage or the audience in the theatre Also since the play within the play is performed by the inmates of a lunatic asylum the theatre audience cannot tell whether the paranoia displayed before them is that of the players or the people they are portraying Muecke notes that in America Romantic irony has had a bad press while in England it is almost unknown 74 In a book entitled English Romantic Irony Anne Mellor writes referring to Byron Keats Carlyle Coleridge and Lewis Carroll 75 Romantic irony is both a philosophical conception of the universe and an artistic program Ontologically it sees the world as fundamentally chaotic No order no far goal of time ordained by God or right reason determines the progression of human or natural events Of course romantic irony itself has more than one mode The style of romantic irony varies from writer to writer But however distinctive the voice a writer is a romantic ironist if and when his or her work commits itself enthusiastically both in content and form to a hovering or unresolved debate between a world of merely man made being and a world of ontological becoming Similarly metafiction is Fiction in which the author self consciously alludes to the artificiality or literariness of a work by parodying or departing from novelistic conventions esp naturalism and narrative techniques 76 It is a type of fiction that self consciously addresses the devices of fiction thereby exposing the fictional illusion Gesa Giesing writes that the most common form of metafiction is particularly frequent in Romantic literature The phenomenon is then referred to as Romantic Irony Giesing notes that There has obviously been an increased interest in metafiction again after World War II 77 For example Patricia Waugh quotes from several works at the top of her chapter headed What is metafiction These include The thing is this That of all the several ways of beginning a book I am confident my own way of doing it is best Tristram Shandy Since I ve started this story I ve gotten boils Ronald Sukenick The Death of the Novel and Other Stories 78 Additionally The Cambridge Introduction to Postmodern Fiction says of John Fowles s The French Lieutenant s Woman For the first twelve chapters the reader has been able to immerse him or herself in the story enjoying the kind of suspension of disbelief required of realist novels what follows is a remarkable act of metafictional frame breaking As evidence chapter 13 notoriously begins I do not know This story I am telling is all imagination These characters I create never existed outside my own mind if this is a novel it cannot be a novel in the modern sense 79 Related phenomenaSarcasm A fair amount of confusion has surrounded the issue of the relationship between verbal irony and sarcasm For instance various reference sources assert the following Sarcasm does not necessarily involve irony and irony has often no touch of sarcasm 80 Irony A figure of speech in which the intended meaning is the opposite of that expressed by the words used usually taking the form of sarcasm or ridicule in which laudatory expressions are used to imply condemnation or contempt 81 Non literary irony is often called sarcasm 82 Sarcasm 1 a sharp and often satirical or ironic utterance designed to cut or give pain 2 a a mode of satirical wit depending for its effect on bitter caustic and often ironic language that is usually directed against an individual 83 Irony must not be confused with sarcasm which is direct sarcasm means precisely what it says but in a sharp caustic manner 84 The psychologist Rod A Martin in The Psychology of Humour 2007 is quite clear that irony is where the literal meaning is opposite to the intended and sarcasm is aggressive humor that pokes fun 85 He has the following examples for irony he uses the statement What a nice day when it is raining For sarcasm he cites Winston Churchill who is supposed to have said when told by Bessie Braddock that he was drunk But I shall be sober in the morning and you will still be ugly as being sarcastic while not saying the opposite of what is intended Psychology researchers Lee and Katz have addressed the issue directly They found that ridicule is an important aspect of sarcasm but not of verbal irony in general By this account sarcasm is a particular kind of personal criticism levelled against a person or group of persons that incorporates verbal irony For example a woman reports to her friend that rather than going to a medical doctor to treat her cancer she has decided to see a spiritual healer instead In response her friend says sarcastically Oh brilliant what an ingenious idea that s really going to cure you The friend could have also replied with any number of ironic expressions that should not be labeled as sarcasm exactly but still have many shared elements with sarcasm 86 Most instances of verbal irony are labeled by research subjects as sarcastic suggesting that the term sarcasm is more widely used than its technical definition suggests it should be 87 Some psycholinguistic theorists 88 suggest that sarcasm hyperbole understatement rhetorical questions double entendre and jocularity should all be considered forms of verbal irony The differences between these rhetorical devices tropes can be quite subtle and relate to typical emotional reactions of listeners and the goals of the speakers Regardless of the various ways theorists categorize figurative language types people in conversation who are attempting to interpret speaker intentions and discourse goals do not generally identify the kinds of tropes used 89 Misuse of the term Some speakers of English complain that the words irony and ironic are often misused 90 though the more general casual usage of a contradiction between circumstance and expectation originated in the 1640s 91 example needed Tim Conley cites the following Philip Howard assembled a list of seven implied meanings for the word ironically as it opens a sentence By a tragic coincidence By an exceptional coincidence By a curious coincidence By a coincidence of no importance You and I know of course though other less intelligent mortals walk benighted under the midday sun Oddly enough or it s a rum thing that Oh hell I ve run out of words to start a sentence with 92 The term is sometimes used as a synonym for incongruous and applied to every trivial oddity in situations where there is no double audience 93 See alsoAccismus Apophasis Auto antonym Double standard Hypocrisy Ironism Irony punctuation Meta communication Oxymoron Paradox Post ironyReferences a b Abrams amp Harpham 2008 p 165 Preminger amp Brogan 1993 p 633 Frye 1990 p 172 Colebrook 2004 p 6 OED staff 2016 sense 1 a Colebrook 2004 p 7 OED staff 2016 etymology a b Preminger amp Brogan 1993 p 634 a b c d Cuddon 2013 p 372 Muecke 2023 pp 14 15 Booth 1974 pp ix x Colebrook 2004 p 1 Bernstein 2016 p 1 Kreuz 2020 ch 9 Skunked Terms Fowler 1994 Muecke 2023 p 19 Muecke 2023 p 20 a b Booth 1974 p ix a b Preminger amp Brogan 1993 pp 633 35 Abrams amp Harpham 2008 pp 165 68 Hirsch 2014 pp 315 17 Cuddon 2013 pp 371 73 Muecke 2023 pp 42 99 Hirsch 2014 p 315 Johnson Samuel 2021 I rony n s A Dictionary of the English Language 1755 1773 Retrieved 21 December 2023 Hirsch 2014 pp 315 16 a b Preminger amp Brogan 1993 p 635 a b Abrams amp Harpham 2008 p 167 Stanton R Dramatic Irony in Hawthorne s Romances Modern Language Notes Vol 71 No 6 Jun 1956 pp 420 426 The Johns Hopkins University Press a b Hirsch 2014 p 316 a b Abrams amp Harpham 2008 p 168 a b c Muecke 2023 pp 52 53 Muecke 2023 pp 56 59 Muecke 2023 pp 59 60 Muecke 2023 pp 64 65 Muecke 2023 pp 67 86 Muecke 2023 pp 87 88 Muecke 2023 p 91 Muecke 2023 pp 91 92 Booth 1974 p 7 Booth 1974 p 33 Booth 1974 p 100 a b Booth 1974 p 44 Booth 1974 pp xi 1 Booth 1974 p 28 Booth 1974 pp 138 39 Muecke 2023 p 120 a b Bernstein 2016 pp 1 13 Muecke 2023 pp 119 22 Beiser 2006 pp 6 7 Beiser 2006 p 19 Beiser 2006 pp 107 08 130 Beiser 2006 pp 128 29 Bubner 2003 pp 207 08 Frank 2004 p 202 Beiser 2006 p 16 Beiser 2006 p 15 Frank 2004 p 206 Frank 2004 p 208 Frank 2004 p 210 Frank 2004 pp 209 14 Frank 2004 pp 216 17 Frank 2004 p 217 in text citations to the German texts omitted Frank 2004 p 218 Beiser 2006 pp 1 5 Rush 2016 pp 2 3 Beiser 2006 p 4 Inwood 1992 pp 146 50 Bubner 2003 p 213 Bubner 2003 p 215 Kierkegaard S The concept of irony with continuous reference to Socrates 1841 Harper amp Row 1966 p 278 Kierkegaard D Anthony Storm s Commentary on The Concept of Irony sorenkierkegaard org Archived from the original on 9 October 2017 Retrieved 26 April 2018 Wallace David Foster E Unibus Pluram Television and U S Fiction Review of Contemporary Fiction 13 2 151 194 Muecke 2023 pp 178 80 Mellor Anne K English Romantic Irony Harvard University Press 1980 pp 4 187 The Oxford English Dictionary entry metafiction Giesing G Metafictional Aspects in Novels by Muriel Spark GRIN Verlag 2004 p 6 Waugh P Metafiction The Theory and Practice of Self Conscious Fiction Routledge 2002 p 1 Nicol B The Cambridge Introduction to Postmodern Fiction Cambridge University Press 2009 pp 108 109 Fowler s A Dictionary of Modern English Usage 1926 reprinted to at least 2015 The Oxford English Dictionary irony Encyclopaedia Britannica edition needed Webster s Dictionary edition needed Partridge in Usage and Abusage 1997 Martin R A The Psychology of Humor An Integrative Approach Elsevier Academic Press 2007 p 13 Lee amp Katz 1998 Bryant amp Fox Tree 2002 Gibbs 2000 e g Gibbs 2000 Leggitt amp Gibbs 2000 Learning to love Alanis Morissette s irony The Boston Globe bostonglobe com Archived from the original on 25 November 2016 Retrieved 26 April 2018 irony Origin and meaning of irony by Online Etymology Dictionary www etymonline com Archived from the original on 14 June 2017 Retrieved 26 April 2018 Conley T Joyces Mistakes Problems of Intention Irony and Interpretation University of Toronto Press 2011 p 81 1 Archived 2016 08 08 at the Wayback Machine Fowler H W A Dictionary of Modern English Usage 1926 BibliographyAbrams M H Harpham Geoffrey 2008 A Glossary of Literary Terms Cengage Learning ISBN 978 1413033908 Beiser Frederick C 2006 The Romantic Imperative The Concept of Early German Romanticism Harvard University Press ISBN 978 0674019805 Bernstein Richard J 2016 Ironic Life Polity Press ISBN 978 1509505722 Booth Wayne C 1974 A Rhetoric of Irony University of Chicago Press ISBN 978 0226065533 Brooks Cleanth 1947 The Well Wrought Urn Studies in the Structure of Poetry Houghton Mifflin Harcourt ISBN 978 0156957052 Bubner Rudiger 2003 The Innovations of Idealism Cambridge University Press ISBN 978 0521662628 Colebrook Claire 2004 Irony Psychology Press ISBN 978 0415251334 Cross Andrew 1998 Neither either nor or The perils of reflexive irony In Alastair Hannay and Daniel Marino ed The Cambridge Companion to Kierkegaard Cambridge University Press ISBN 978 0521477192 Cuddon J A 2013 A Dictionary of Literary Terms and Literary Theory John Wiley amp Sons ISBN 9781444333275 Frye Northrop 1990 Anatomy of criticism 4 essays Princeton University Press ISBN 978 0691012988 Fowler Henry Watson 1994 A Dictionary of Modern English Usage Wordsworth Editions ISBN 1 85326 318 4 Frank Manfred 2004 The Philosophical Foundations of Early German Romanticism SUNY Press ISBN 978 0791459485 Hegel Georg Wilhelm Friedrich 1975 Aesthetics Lectures on Fine Art Translated by Knox T M Oxford University Press Hirsch Edward 2014 A Poet s Glossary Houghton Mifflin ISBN 978 0151011957 Inwood Michael 1992 A Hegel Dictionary Wiley ISBN 978 0631175339 Kierkegaard Soren 1989 The Concept of Irony With Continual Reference to Socrates Translated by Howard V Hong and Edna H Hong Princeton University Press ISBN 978 0691020723 Kierkegaard Soren 1992 Concluding Unscientific Postscript to Philosophical Fragments Translated by Howard V Hong and Edna H Hong Princeton University Press ISBN 978 0691020815 Kreuz Roger 18 February 2020 Irony and Sarcasm eBook ed MIT Press ISBN 978 0262538268 Man Paul De 1996 Aesthetic Ideology University of Minnesota Press ISBN 978 0816622047 Mellor Anne Kostelanetz 1980 English Romantic Irony Harvard University Press ISBN 978 0674256903 Muecke D C 2017 Irony and the Ironic Routledge ISBN 978 1138229631 Muecke D C 2023 The Compass of Irony Taylor amp Francis Limited ISBN 978 0367655259 Nehamas Alexander 2000 The Art of Living Socratic Reflections from Plato to Foucault University of California Press ISBN 978 0520224902 Newmark Kevin 2012 Irony on Occasion From Schlegel and Kierkegaard to Derrida and de Man Fordham University Press ISBN 978 0823240135 OED staff 2016 Irony n Oxford English Dictionary 3rd ed Oxford University Press Retrieved Jan 23 2016 Preminger Alex Brogan Terry V F 1993 The New Princeton Encyclopedia of Poetry and Poetics MJF Books ISBN 978 1567311525 Rorty Richard 1989 Contingency Irony and Solidarity Cambridge University Press ISBN 978 0521367813 Rush Fred 2016 Irony and Idealism Rereading Schlegel Hegel and Kierkegaard Oxford University Press ISBN 978 0199688227 Vlastos Gregory 1991 Socrates Ironist and Moral Philosopher Cornell University Press ISBN 978 0801497872 Retrieved from https en wikipedia org w index php title Irony amp oldid 1205102853 Cosmic irony, wikipedia, wiki, book, 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