
Circumscribed circle

In geometry, the circumscribed circle or circumcircle of a polygon is a circle that passes through all the vertices of the polygon. The center of this circle is called the circumcenter and its radius is called the circumradius.

Circumscribed circle, C, and circumcenter, O, of a cyclic polygon, P

Not every polygon has a circumscribed circle. A polygon that does have one is called a cyclic polygon, or sometimes a concyclic polygon because its vertices are concyclic. All triangles, all regular simple polygons, all rectangles, all isosceles trapezoids, and all right kites are cyclic.

A related notion is the one of a minimum bounding circle, which is the smallest circle that completely contains the polygon within it, if the circle's center is within the polygon. Every polygon has a unique minimum bounding circle, which may be constructed by a linear time algorithm.[1] Even if a polygon has a circumscribed circle, it may be different from its minimum bounding circle. For example, for an obtuse triangle, the minimum bounding circle has the longest side as diameter and does not pass through the opposite vertex.


All triangles are cyclic; that is, every triangle has a circumscribed circle.

Straightedge and compass construction

Construction of the circumcircle of triangle ABC and the circumcenter Q

The circumcenter of a triangle can be constructed by drawing any two of the three perpendicular bisectors. For three non-collinear points, these two lines cannot be parallel, and the circumcenter is the point where they cross. Any point on the bisector is equidistant from the two points that it bisects, from which it follows that this point, on both bisectors, is equidistant from all three triangle vertices. The circumradius is the distance from it to any of the three vertices.

Alternative construction

Alternative construction of the circumcenter (intersection of broken lines)

An alternative method to determine the circumcenter is to draw any two lines each one departing from one of the vertices at an angle with the common side, the common angle of departure being 90° minus the angle of the opposite vertex. (In the case of the opposite angle being obtuse, drawing a line at a negative angle means going outside the triangle.)

In coastal navigation, a triangle's circumcircle is sometimes used as a way of obtaining a position line using a sextant when no compass is available. The horizontal angle between two landmarks defines the circumcircle upon which the observer lies.

Circumcircle equations

Cartesian coordinates

In the Euclidean plane, it is possible to give explicitly an equation of the circumcircle in terms of the Cartesian coordinates of the vertices of the inscribed triangle. Suppose that


are the coordinates of points A, B, C. The circumcircle is then the locus of points   in the Cartesian plane satisfying the equations


guaranteeing that the points A, B, C, v are all the same distance r from the common center   of the circle. Using the polarization identity, these equations reduce to the condition that the matrix


has a nonzero kernel. Thus the circumcircle may alternatively be described as the locus of zeros of the determinant of this matrix:


Using cofactor expansion, let


we then have   where   and – assuming the three points were not in a line (otherwise the circumcircle is that line that can also be seen as a generalized circle with S at infinity) –   giving the circumcenter   and the circumradius   A similar approach allows one to deduce the equation of the circumsphere of a tetrahedron.

Parametric equation

A unit vector perpendicular to the plane containing the circle is given by


Hence, given the radius, r, center, Pc, a point on the circle, P0 and a unit normal of the plane containing the circle,   one parametric equation of the circle starting from the point P0 and proceeding in a positively oriented (i.e., right-handed) sense about   is the following:


Trilinear and barycentric coordinates

An equation for the circumcircle in trilinear coordinates x : y : z is[2]   An equation for the circumcircle in barycentric coordinates x : y : z is  

The isogonal conjugate of the circumcircle is the line at infinity, given in trilinear coordinates by   and in barycentric coordinates by  

Higher dimensions

Additionally, the circumcircle of a triangle embedded in d dimensions can be found using a generalized method. Let A, B, C be d-dimensional points, which form the vertices of a triangle. We start by transposing the system to place C at the origin:


The circumradius r is then


where θ is the interior angle between a and b. The circumcenter, p0, is given by


This formula only works in three dimensions as the cross product is not defined in other dimensions, but it can be generalized to the other dimensions by replacing the cross products with following identities:


Circumcenter coordinates

Cartesian coordinates

The Cartesian coordinates of the circumcenter   are




Without loss of generality this can be expressed in a simplified form after translation of the vertex A to the origin of the Cartesian coordinate systems, i.e., when   In this case, the coordinates of the vertices   and   represent the vectors from vertex A' to these vertices. Observe that this trivial translation is possible for all triangles and the circumcenter   of the triangle A'B'C' follow as




Due to the translation of vertex A to the origin, the circumradius r can be computed as


and the actual circumcenter of ABC follows as


Trilinear coordinates

The circumcenter has trilinear coordinates[3]


where α, β, γ are the angles of the triangle.

In terms of the side lengths a, b, c, the trilinears are[4]


Barycentric coordinates

The circumcenter has barycentric coordinates[5]


where a, b, c are edge lengths BC, CA, AB respectively) of the triangle.

In terms of the triangle's angles α, β, γ, the barycentric coordinates of the circumcenter are[4]


Circumcenter vector

Since the Cartesian coordinates of any point are a weighted average of those of the vertices, with the weights being the point's barycentric coordinates normalized to sum to unity, the circumcenter vector can be written as


Here U is the vector of the circumcenter and A, B, C are the vertex vectors. The divisor here equals 16S 2 where S is the area of the triangle. As stated previously


Cartesian coordinates from cross- and dot-products

In Euclidean space, there is a unique circle passing through any given three non-collinear points P1, P2, P3. Using Cartesian coordinates to represent these points as spatial vectors, it is possible to use the dot product and cross product to calculate the radius and center of the circle. Let


Then the radius of the circle is given by


The center of the circle is given by the linear combination




Location relative to the triangle

The circumcenter's position depends on the type of triangle:

  • For an acute triangle (all angles smaller than a right angle), the circumcenter always lies inside the triangle.
  • For a right triangle, the circumcenter always lies at the midpoint of the hypotenuse. This is one form of Thales' theorem.
  • For an obtuse triangle (a triangle with one angle bigger than a right angle), the circumcenter always lies outside the triangle.
The circumcenter of an acute triangle is inside the triangle
The circumcenter of a right triangle is at the midpoint of the hypotenuse
The circumcenter of an obtuse triangle is outside the triangle

These locational features can be seen by considering the trilinear or barycentric coordinates given above for the circumcenter: all three coordinates are positive for any interior point, at least one coordinate is negative for any exterior point, and one coordinate is zero and two are positive for a non-vertex point on a side of the triangle.



The angles which the circumscribed circle forms with the sides of the triangle coincide with angles at which sides meet each other. The side opposite angle α meets the circle twice: once at each end; in each case at angle α (similarly for the other two angles). This is due to the alternate segment theorem, which states that the angle between the tangent and chord equals the angle in the alternate segment.

Triangle centers on the circumcircle of triangle ABC

In this section, the vertex angles are labeled A, B, C and all coordinates are trilinear coordinates:

  • Steiner point: the nonvertex point of intersection of the circumcircle with the Steiner ellipse.
(The Steiner ellipse, with center = centroid (ABC), is the ellipse of least area that passes through A, B, C. An equation for this ellipse is  .)

Other properties

The diameter of the circumcircle, called the circumdiameter and equal to twice the circumradius, can be computed as the length of any side of the triangle divided by the sine of the opposite angle:


As a consequence of the law of sines, it does not matter which side and opposite angle are taken: the result will be the same.

The diameter of the circumcircle can also be expressed as


where a, b, c are the lengths of the sides of the triangle and   is the semiperimeter. The expression   above is the area of the triangle, by Heron's formula.[6] Trigonometric expressions for the diameter of the circumcircle include[7]


The triangle's nine-point circle has half the diameter of the circumcircle.

In any given triangle, the circumcenter is always collinear with the centroid and orthocenter. The line that passes through all of them is known as the Euler line.

The isogonal conjugate of the circumcenter is the orthocenter.

The useful minimum bounding circle of three points is defined either by the circumcircle (where three points are on the minimum bounding circle) or by the two points of the longest side of the triangle (where the two points define a diameter of the circle). It is common to confuse the minimum bounding circle with the circumcircle.

The circumcircle of three collinear points is the line on which the three points lie, often referred to as a circle of infinite radius. Nearly collinear points often lead to numerical instability in computation of the circumcircle.

Circumcircles of triangles have an intimate relationship with the Delaunay triangulation of a set of points.

By Euler's theorem in geometry, the distance between the circumcenter O and the incenter I is


where r is the incircle radius and R is the circumcircle radius; hence the circumradius is at least twice the inradius (Euler's triangle inequality), with equality only in the equilateral case.[8][9]

The distance between O and the orthocenter H is[10][11]


For centroid G and nine-point center N we have


The product of the incircle radius and the circumcircle radius of a triangle with sides a, b, c is[12]


With circumradius R, sides a, b, c, and medians ma, mb, mc, we have[13]


If median m, altitude h, and internal bisector t all emanate from the same vertex of a triangle with circumradius R, then[14]


Carnot's theorem states that the sum of the distances from the circumcenter to the three sides equals the sum of the circumradius and the inradius.[15] Here a segment's length is considered to be negative if and only if the segment lies entirely outside the triangle.

If a triangle has two particular circles as its circumcircle and incircle, there exist an infinite number of other triangles with the same circumcircle and incircle, with any point on the circumcircle as a vertex. (This is the n = 3 case of Poncelet's porism). A necessary and sufficient condition for such triangles to exist is the above equality  [16]

Cyclic quadrilaterals

Quadrilaterals that can be circumscribed have particular properties including the fact that opposite angles are supplementary angles (adding up to 180° or π radians).

Cyclic n-gons

As a corollary of the annulus chord formula, the area bounded by the circumcircle and incircle of every unit regular n-gon is π/4

For a cyclic polygon with an odd number of sides, all angles are equal if and only if the polygon is regular. A cyclic polygon with an even number of sides has all angles equal if and only if the alternate sides are equal (that is, sides 1, 3, 5, … are equal, and sides 2, 4, 6, … are equal).[17]

A cyclic pentagon with rational sides and area is known as a Robbins pentagon; in all known cases, its diagonals also have rational lengths.[18]

In any cyclic n-gon with even n, the sum of one set of alternate angles (the first, third, fifth, etc.) equals the sum of the other set of alternate angles. This can be proven by induction from the n = 4 case, in each case replacing a side with three more sides and noting that these three new sides together with the old side form a quadrilateral which itself has this property; the alternate angles of the latter quadrilateral represent the additions to the alternate angle sums of the previous n-gon.

Let one n-gon be inscribed in a circle, and let another n-gon be tangential to that circle at the vertices of the first n-gon. Then from any point P on the circle, the product of the perpendicular distances from P to the sides of the first n-gon equals the product of the perpendicular distances from P to the sides of the second n-gon.[19]

Point on the circumcircle

Let a cyclic n-gon have vertices A1 , …, An on the unit circle. Then for any point M on the minor arc A1An, the distances from M to the vertices satisfy[20]


For a regular n-gon, if   are the distances from any point M on the circumcircle to the vertices Ai, then [21]


Polygon circumscribing constant

A sequence of circumscribed polygons and circles.

Any regular polygon is cyclic. Consider a unit circle, then circumscribe a regular triangle such that each side touches the circle. Circumscribe a circle, then circumscribe a square. Again circumscribe a circle, then circumscribe a regular pentagon, and so on. The radii of the circumscribed circles converge to the so-called polygon circumscribing constant


(sequence A051762 in the OEIS). The reciprocal of this constant is the Kepler–Bouwkamp constant.

See also


  1. ^ Megiddo, N. (1983). "Linear-time algorithms for linear programming in R3 and related problems". SIAM Journal on Computing. 12 (4): 759–776. doi:10.1137/0212052. S2CID 14467740.
  2. ^ Whitworth, William Allen (1866). Trilinear Coordinates and Other Methods of Modern Analytical Geometry of Two Dimensions. Deighton, Bell, and Co. p. 199.
  3. ^ Whitworth (1866), p. 19.
  4. ^ a b Kimberling, Clark. "Part I: Introduction and Centers X(1) – X(1000)". Encyclopedia of Triangle Centers. The circumcenter is listed under X(3).
  5. ^ Weisstein, Eric W. "Barycentric Coordinates". MathWorld.
  6. ^ Coxeter, H.S.M. (1969). "Chapter 1". Introduction to geometry. Wiley. pp. 12–13. ISBN 0-471-50458-0.
  7. ^ Dörrie, Heinrich (1965). 100 Great Problems of Elementary Mathematics. Dover. p. 379.
  8. ^ Nelson, Roger, "Euler's triangle inequality via proof without words," Mathematics Magazine 81(1), February 2008, 58-61.
  9. ^ Svrtan, Dragutin; Veljan, Darko (2012). "Non-Euclidean versions of some classical triangle inequalities". Forum Geometricorum. 12: 197–209. See in particular p. 198.
  10. ^ Gras, Marie-Nicole (2014). "Distances between the circumcenter of the extouch triangle and the classical centers". Forum Geometricorum. 14: 51–61.
  11. ^ Smith, G. C.; Leversha, Gerry (November 2007). "Euler and triangle geometry". The Mathematical Gazette. 91 (522): 436–452. doi:10.1017/S0025557200182087. JSTOR 40378417. S2CID 125341434. See in particular p. 449.
  12. ^ Johnson, Roger A. (1929). Modern Geometry: An Elementary Treatise on the Geometry of the Triangle and the Circle. Houghton Mifflin Co. p. 189, #298(d). hdl:2027/wu.89043163211. Republished by Dover Publications as Advanced Euclidean Geometry, 1960 and 2007.
  13. ^ Posamentier, Alfred S.; Lehmann, Ingmar (2012). The Secrets of Triangles. Prometheus Books. pp. 289–290.
  14. ^ Altshiller Court, Nathan (1952). College Geometry: An Introduction to the Modern Geometry of the Triangle and the Circle (2nd ed.). Barnes & Noble. p. 122, #96. Reprinted by Dover Publications, 2007.
  15. ^ Altshiller Court (1952), p. 83.
  16. ^ Johnson (1929), p. 188.
  17. ^ De Villiers, Michael (March 2011). "95.14 Equiangular cyclic and equilateral circumscribed polygons". The Mathematical Gazette. 95 (532): 102–107. doi:10.1017/S0025557200002461. JSTOR 23248632. S2CID 233361080.
  18. ^ Buchholz, Ralph H.; MacDougall, James A. (2008). "Cyclic polygons with rational sides and area". Journal of Number Theory. 128 (1): 17–48. doi:10.1016/j.jnt.2007.05.005. MR 2382768.
  19. ^ Johnson (1929), p. 72.
  20. ^ "Inequalities proposed in Crux Mathematicorum" (PDF). The IMO Compendium. p. 190, #332.10.
  21. ^ Meskhishvili, Mamuka (2020). "Cyclic Averages of Regular Polygons and Platonic Solids". Communications in Mathematics and Applications. 11: 335–355. arXiv:2010.12340. doi:10.26713/cma.v11i3.1420 (inactive 31 December 2022).{{cite journal}}: CS1 maint: DOI inactive as of December 2022 (link)

External links

  • Derivation of formula for radius of circumcircle of triangle at Mathalino.com
  • Semi-regular angle-gons and side-gons: respective generalizations of rectangles and rhombi at Dynamic Geometry Sketches, interactive dynamic geometry sketch.



  • Triangle circumcircle and circumcenter With interactive animation

circumscribed, circle, this, article, about, circumscribed, circles, geometry, other, uses, circumscription, disambiguation, geometry, circumscribed, circle, circumcircle, polygon, circle, that, passes, through, vertices, polygon, center, this, circle, called,. This article is about circumscribed circles in geometry For other uses see Circumscription disambiguation In geometry the circumscribed circle or circumcircle of a polygon is a circle that passes through all the vertices of the polygon The center of this circle is called the circumcenter and its radius is called the circumradius Circumscribed circle C and circumcenter O of a cyclic polygon P Not every polygon has a circumscribed circle A polygon that does have one is called a cyclic polygon or sometimes a concyclic polygon because its vertices are concyclic All triangles all regular simple polygons all rectangles all isosceles trapezoids and all right kites are cyclic A related notion is the one of a minimum bounding circle which is the smallest circle that completely contains the polygon within it if the circle s center is within the polygon Every polygon has a unique minimum bounding circle which may be constructed by a linear time algorithm 1 Even if a polygon has a circumscribed circle it may be different from its minimum bounding circle For example for an obtuse triangle the minimum bounding circle has the longest side as diameter and does not pass through the opposite vertex Contents 1 Triangles 1 1 Straightedge and compass construction 1 2 Alternative construction 1 3 Circumcircle equations 1 3 1 Cartesian coordinates 1 3 2 Parametric equation 1 3 3 Trilinear and barycentric coordinates 1 3 4 Higher dimensions 1 4 Circumcenter coordinates 1 4 1 Cartesian coordinates 1 4 2 Trilinear coordinates 1 4 3 Barycentric coordinates 1 4 4 Circumcenter vector 1 4 5 Cartesian coordinates from cross and dot products 1 4 6 Location relative to the triangle 1 5 Angles 1 6 Triangle centers on the circumcircle of triangle ABC 1 7 Other properties 2 Cyclic quadrilaterals 3 Cyclic n gons 3 1 Point on the circumcircle 3 2 Polygon circumscribing constant 4 See also 5 References 6 External links 6 1 MathWorld 6 2 InteractiveTriangles EditAll triangles are cyclic that is every triangle has a circumscribed circle Straightedge and compass construction Edit Construction of the circumcircle of triangle ABC and the circumcenter Q The circumcenter of a triangle can be constructed by drawing any two of the three perpendicular bisectors For three non collinear points these two lines cannot be parallel and the circumcenter is the point where they cross Any point on the bisector is equidistant from the two points that it bisects from which it follows that this point on both bisectors is equidistant from all three triangle vertices The circumradius is the distance from it to any of the three vertices Alternative construction Edit Alternative construction of the circumcenter intersection of broken lines An alternative method to determine the circumcenter is to draw any two lines each one departing from one of the vertices at an angle with the common side the common angle of departure being 90 minus the angle of the opposite vertex In the case of the opposite angle being obtuse drawing a line at a negative angle means going outside the triangle In coastal navigation a triangle s circumcircle is sometimes used as a way of obtaining a position line using a sextant when no compass is available The horizontal angle between two landmarks defines the circumcircle upon which the observer lies Circumcircle equations Edit Cartesian coordinates Edit In the Euclidean plane it is possible to give explicitly an equation of the circumcircle in terms of the Cartesian coordinates of the vertices of the inscribed triangle Suppose that A A x A y B B x B y C C x C y displaystyle begin aligned mathbf A amp A x A y mathbf B amp B x B y mathbf C amp C x C y end aligned are the coordinates of points A B C The circumcircle is then the locus of points v v x v y displaystyle mathbf v v x v y in the Cartesian plane satisfying the equations v u 2 r 2 A u 2 r 2 B u 2 r 2 C u 2 r 2 displaystyle begin aligned mathbf v mathbf u 2 amp r 2 mathbf A mathbf u 2 amp r 2 mathbf B mathbf u 2 amp r 2 mathbf C mathbf u 2 amp r 2 end aligned guaranteeing that the points A B C v are all the same distance r from the common center u displaystyle mathbf u of the circle Using the polarization identity these equations reduce to the condition that the matrix v 2 2 v x 2 v y 1 A 2 2 A x 2 A y 1 B 2 2 B x 2 B y 1 C 2 2 C x 2 C y 1 displaystyle begin bmatrix mathbf v 2 amp 2v x amp 2v y amp 1 mathbf A 2 amp 2A x amp 2A y amp 1 mathbf B 2 amp 2B x amp 2B y amp 1 mathbf C 2 amp 2C x amp 2C y amp 1 end bmatrix has a nonzero kernel Thus the circumcircle may alternatively be described as the locus of zeros of the determinant of this matrix det v 2 v x v y 1 A 2 A x A y 1 B 2 B x B y 1 C 2 C x C y 1 0 displaystyle det begin bmatrix mathbf v 2 amp v x amp v y amp 1 mathbf A 2 amp A x amp A y amp 1 mathbf B 2 amp B x amp B y amp 1 mathbf C 2 amp C x amp C y amp 1 end bmatrix 0 Using cofactor expansion let S x 1 2 det A 2 A y 1 B 2 B y 1 C 2 C y 1 S y 1 2 det A x A 2 1 B x B 2 1 C x C 2 1 a det A x A y 1 B x B y 1 C x C y 1 b det A x A y A 2 B x B y B 2 C x C y C 2 displaystyle begin aligned S x amp frac 1 2 det begin bmatrix mathbf A 2 amp A y amp 1 mathbf B 2 amp B y amp 1 mathbf C 2 amp C y amp 1 end bmatrix 5pt S y amp frac 1 2 det begin bmatrix A x amp mathbf A 2 amp 1 B x amp mathbf B 2 amp 1 C x amp mathbf C 2 amp 1 end bmatrix 5pt a amp det begin bmatrix A x amp A y amp 1 B x amp B y amp 1 C x amp C y amp 1 end bmatrix 5pt b amp det begin bmatrix A x amp A y amp mathbf A 2 B x amp B y amp mathbf B 2 C x amp C y amp mathbf C 2 end bmatrix end aligned we then have a v 2 2 S v b 0 displaystyle a mathbf v 2 2 mathbf Sv b 0 where S S x S y displaystyle mathbf S S x S y and assuming the three points were not in a line otherwise the circumcircle is that line that can also be seen as a generalized circle with S at infinity v S a 2 b a S 2 a 2 displaystyle left mathbf v tfrac mathbf S a right 2 tfrac b a tfrac mathbf S 2 a 2 giving the circumcenter S a displaystyle tfrac mathbf S a and the circumradius b a S 2 a 2 displaystyle sqrt tfrac b a tfrac mathbf S 2 a 2 A similar approach allows one to deduce the equation of the circumsphere of a tetrahedron Parametric equation Edit A unit vector perpendicular to the plane containing the circle is given by n P 2 P 1 P 3 P 1 P 2 P 1 P 3 P 1 displaystyle widehat n frac P 2 P 1 times P 3 P 1 P 2 P 1 times P 3 P 1 Hence given the radius r center Pc a point on the circle P0 and a unit normal of the plane containing the circle n displaystyle widehat n one parametric equation of the circle starting from the point P0 and proceeding in a positively oriented i e right handed sense about n displaystyle widehat n is the following R s P c cos s r P 0 P c sin s r n P 0 P c displaystyle mathrm R s mathrm P c cos left frac mathrm s mathrm r right P 0 P c sin left frac mathrm s mathrm r right left widehat n times P 0 P c right Trilinear and barycentric coordinates Edit An equation for the circumcircle in trilinear coordinates x y z is 2 a x b y c z 0 displaystyle tfrac a x tfrac b y tfrac c z 0 An equation for the circumcircle in barycentric coordinates x y z is a 2 x b 2 y c 2 z 0 displaystyle tfrac a 2 x tfrac b 2 y tfrac c 2 z 0 The isogonal conjugate of the circumcircle is the line at infinity given in trilinear coordinates by a x b y c z 0 displaystyle ax by cz 0 and in barycentric coordinates by x y z 0 displaystyle x y z 0 Higher dimensions Edit Additionally the circumcircle of a triangle embedded in d dimensions can be found using a generalized method Let A B C be d dimensional points which form the vertices of a triangle We start by transposing the system to place C at the origin a A C b B C displaystyle begin aligned mathbf a amp mathbf A mathbf C mathbf b amp mathbf B mathbf C end aligned The circumradius r is then r a b a b 2 a b a b 2 sin 8 A B 2 sin 8 displaystyle r frac left mathbf a right left mathbf b right left mathbf a mathbf b right 2 left mathbf a times mathbf b right frac left mathbf a mathbf b right 2 sin theta frac left mathbf A mathbf B right 2 sin theta where 8 is the interior angle between a and b The circumcenter p0 is given by p 0 a 2 b b 2 a a b 2 a b 2 C displaystyle p 0 frac left mathbf a right 2 mathbf b left mathbf b right 2 mathbf a times mathbf a times mathbf b 2 left mathbf a times mathbf b right 2 mathbf C This formula only works in three dimensions as the cross product is not defined in other dimensions but it can be generalized to the other dimensions by replacing the cross products with following identities a b c a c b b c a a b c a c b a b c a b 2 a 2 b 2 a b 2 displaystyle begin aligned mathbf a times mathbf b times mathbf c amp mathbf a cdot mathbf c mathbf b mathbf b cdot mathbf c mathbf a mathbf a times mathbf b times mathbf c amp mathbf a cdot mathbf c mathbf b mathbf a cdot mathbf b mathbf c left mathbf a times mathbf b right 2 amp left mathbf a right 2 left mathbf b right 2 mathbf a cdot mathbf b 2 end aligned Circumcenter coordinates Edit Cartesian coordinates Edit The Cartesian coordinates of the circumcenter U U x U y displaystyle U left U x U y right are U x 1 D A x 2 A y 2 B y C y B x 2 B y 2 C y A y C x 2 C y 2 A y B y U y 1 D A x 2 A y 2 C x B x B x 2 B y 2 A x C x C x 2 C y 2 B x A x displaystyle begin aligned U x amp frac 1 D left A x 2 A y 2 B y C y B x 2 B y 2 C y A y C x 2 C y 2 A y B y right 5pt U y amp frac 1 D left A x 2 A y 2 C x B x B x 2 B y 2 A x C x C x 2 C y 2 B x A x right end aligned with D 2 A x B y C y B x C y A y C x A y B y displaystyle D 2 left A x B y C y B x C y A y C x A y B y right Without loss of generality this can be expressed in a simplified form after translation of the vertex A to the origin of the Cartesian coordinate systems i e when A A A A x A y 0 0 displaystyle A A A A x A y 0 0 In this case the coordinates of the vertices B B A displaystyle B B A and C C A displaystyle C C A represent the vectors from vertex A to these vertices Observe that this trivial translation is possible for all triangles and the circumcenter U U x U y displaystyle U U x U y of the triangle A B C follow as U x 1 D C y B x 2 B y 2 B y C x 2 C y 2 U y 1 D B x C x 2 C y 2 C x B x 2 B y 2 displaystyle begin aligned U x amp frac 1 D left C y B x 2 B y 2 B y C x 2 C y 2 right 5pt U y amp frac 1 D left B x C x 2 C y 2 C x B x 2 B y 2 right end aligned with D 2 B x C y B y C x displaystyle D 2 B x C y B y C x Due to the translation of vertex A to the origin the circumradius r can be computed as r U U x 2 U y 2 displaystyle r U sqrt U x 2 U y 2 and the actual circumcenter of ABC follows as U U A displaystyle U U A Trilinear coordinates Edit The circumcenter has trilinear coordinates 3 cos a cos b cos g displaystyle cos alpha cos beta cos gamma where a b g are the angles of the triangle In terms of the side lengths a b c the trilinears are 4 a b 2 c 2 a 2 b c 2 a 2 b 2 c a 2 b 2 c 2 displaystyle a left b 2 c 2 a 2 right b left c 2 a 2 b 2 right c left a 2 b 2 c 2 right Barycentric coordinates Edit The circumcenter has barycentric coordinates 5 a 2 b 2 c 2 a 2 b 2 c 2 a 2 b 2 c 2 a 2 b 2 c 2 displaystyle a 2 left b 2 c 2 a 2 right b 2 left c 2 a 2 b 2 right c 2 left a 2 b 2 c 2 right where a b c are edge lengths BC CA AB respectively of the triangle In terms of the triangle s angles a b g the barycentric coordinates of the circumcenter are 4 sin 2 a sin 2 b sin 2 g displaystyle sin 2 alpha sin 2 beta sin 2 gamma Circumcenter vector Edit Since the Cartesian coordinates of any point are a weighted average of those of the vertices with the weights being the point s barycentric coordinates normalized to sum to unity the circumcenter vector can be written as U a 2 b 2 c 2 a 2 A b 2 c 2 a 2 b 2 B c 2 a 2 b 2 c 2 C a 2 b 2 c 2 a 2 b 2 c 2 a 2 b 2 c 2 a 2 b 2 c 2 displaystyle U frac a 2 left b 2 c 2 a 2 right A b 2 left c 2 a 2 b 2 right B c 2 left a 2 b 2 c 2 right C a 2 left b 2 c 2 a 2 right b 2 left c 2 a 2 b 2 right c 2 left a 2 b 2 c 2 right Here U is the vector of the circumcenter and A B C are the vertex vectors The divisor here equals 16S 2 where S is the area of the triangle As stated previously a A C b B C displaystyle begin aligned mathbf a amp mathbf A mathbf C mathbf b amp mathbf B mathbf C end aligned Cartesian coordinates from cross and dot products Edit In Euclidean space there is a unique circle passing through any given three non collinear points P1 P2 P3 Using Cartesian coordinates to represent these points as spatial vectors it is possible to use the dot product and cross product to calculate the radius and center of the circle Let P 1 x 1 y 1 z 1 P 2 x 2 y 2 z 2 P 3 x 3 y 3 z 3 displaystyle mathrm P 1 begin bmatrix x 1 y 1 z 1 end bmatrix mathrm P 2 begin bmatrix x 2 y 2 z 2 end bmatrix mathrm P 3 begin bmatrix x 3 y 3 z 3 end bmatrix Then the radius of the circle is given by r P 1 P 2 P 2 P 3 P 3 P 1 2 P 1 P 2 P 2 P 3 displaystyle mathrm r frac left P 1 P 2 right left P 2 P 3 right left P 3 P 1 right 2 left left P 1 P 2 right times left P 2 P 3 right right The center of the circle is given by the linear combination P c a P 1 b P 2 g P 3 displaystyle mathrm P c alpha P 1 beta P 2 gamma P 3 where a P 2 P 3 2 P 1 P 2 P 1 P 3 2 P 1 P 2 P 2 P 3 2 b P 1 P 3 2 P 2 P 1 P 2 P 3 2 P 1 P 2 P 2 P 3 2 g P 1 P 2 2 P 3 P 1 P 3 P 2 2 P 1 P 2 P 2 P 3 2 displaystyle begin aligned alpha frac left P 2 P 3 right 2 left P 1 P 2 right cdot left P 1 P 3 right 2 left left P 1 P 2 right times left P 2 P 3 right right 2 beta frac left P 1 P 3 right 2 left P 2 P 1 right cdot left P 2 P 3 right 2 left left P 1 P 2 right times left P 2 P 3 right right 2 gamma frac left P 1 P 2 right 2 left P 3 P 1 right cdot left P 3 P 2 right 2 left left P 1 P 2 right times left P 2 P 3 right right 2 end aligned Location relative to the triangle Edit The circumcenter s position depends on the type of triangle For an acute triangle all angles smaller than a right angle the circumcenter always lies inside the triangle For a right triangle the circumcenter always lies at the midpoint of the hypotenuse This is one form of Thales theorem For an obtuse triangle a triangle with one angle bigger than a right angle the circumcenter always lies outside the triangle The circumcenter of an acute triangle is inside the triangle The circumcenter of a right triangle is at the midpoint of the hypotenuse The circumcenter of an obtuse triangle is outside the triangle These locational features can be seen by considering the trilinear or barycentric coordinates given above for the circumcenter all three coordinates are positive for any interior point at least one coordinate is negative for any exterior point and one coordinate is zero and two are positive for a non vertex point on a side of the triangle Angles Edit The angles which the circumscribed circle forms with the sides of the triangle coincide with angles at which sides meet each other The side opposite angle a meets the circle twice once at each end in each case at angle a similarly for the other two angles This is due to the alternate segment theorem which states that the angle between the tangent and chord equals the angle in the alternate segment Triangle centers on the circumcircle of triangle ABC Edit In this section the vertex angles are labeled A B C and all coordinates are trilinear coordinates Steiner point the nonvertex point of intersection of the circumcircle with the Steiner ellipse b c b 2 c 2 c a c 2 a 2 a b a 2 b 2 displaystyle frac bc b 2 c 2 frac ca c 2 a 2 frac ab a 2 b 2 dd The Steiner ellipse with center centroid ABC is the ellipse of least area that passes through A B C An equation for this ellipse is 1 a x 1 b y 1 c z 0 displaystyle tfrac 1 ax tfrac 1 by tfrac 1 cz 0 Tarry point antipode of the Steiner pointsec A w sec B w sec C w displaystyle sec A omega sec B omega sec C omega dd Focus of the Kiepert parabola csc B C csc C A csc A B displaystyle csc B C csc C A csc A B dd Other properties Edit The diameter of the circumcircle called the circumdiameter and equal to twice the circumradius can be computed as the length of any side of the triangle divided by the sine of the opposite angle diameter a sin A b sin B c sin C displaystyle text diameter frac a sin A frac b sin B frac c sin C As a consequence of the law of sines it does not matter which side and opposite angle are taken the result will be the same The diameter of the circumcircle can also be expressed as diameter a b c 2 area A B B C C A 2 D A B C a b c 2 s s a s b s c 2 a b c a b c a b c a b c a b c displaystyle begin aligned text diameter amp frac abc 2 cdot text area frac AB BC CA 2 Delta ABC 5pt amp frac abc 2 sqrt s s a s b s c 5pt amp frac 2abc sqrt a b c a b c a b c a b c end aligned where a b c are the lengths of the sides of the triangle and s a b c 2 displaystyle s tfrac a b c 2 is the semiperimeter The expression s s a s b s c displaystyle scriptstyle sqrt s s a s b s c above is the area of the triangle by Heron s formula 6 Trigonometric expressions for the diameter of the circumcircle include 7 diameter 2 area sin A sin B sin C displaystyle text diameter sqrt frac 2 cdot text area sin A sin B sin C The triangle s nine point circle has half the diameter of the circumcircle In any given triangle the circumcenter is always collinear with the centroid and orthocenter The line that passes through all of them is known as the Euler line The isogonal conjugate of the circumcenter is the orthocenter The useful minimum bounding circle of three points is defined either by the circumcircle where three points are on the minimum bounding circle or by the two points of the longest side of the triangle where the two points define a diameter of the circle It is common to confuse the minimum bounding circle with the circumcircle The circumcircle of three collinear points is the line on which the three points lie often referred to as a circle of infinite radius Nearly collinear points often lead to numerical instability in computation of the circumcircle Circumcircles of triangles have an intimate relationship with the Delaunay triangulation of a set of points By Euler s theorem in geometry the distance between the circumcenter O and the incenter I is O I R R 2 r displaystyle overline OI sqrt R R 2r where r is the incircle radius and R is the circumcircle radius hence the circumradius is at least twice the inradius Euler s triangle inequality with equality only in the equilateral case 8 9 The distance between O and the orthocenter H is 10 11 O H R 2 8 R 2 cos A cos B cos C 9 R 2 a 2 b 2 c 2 displaystyle overline OH sqrt R 2 8R 2 cos A cos B cos C sqrt 9R 2 a 2 b 2 c 2 For centroid G and nine point center N we have I G lt I O 2 I N lt I O O I 2 2 R I N displaystyle begin aligned overline IG amp lt overline IO 2 overline IN amp lt overline IO overline OI 2 amp 2R cdot overline IN end aligned The product of the incircle radius and the circumcircle radius of a triangle with sides a b c is 12 r R a b c 2 a b c displaystyle rR frac abc 2 a b c With circumradius R sides a b c and medians ma mb mc we have 13 3 3 R a b c 9 R 2 a 2 b 2 c 2 27 4 R 2 m a 2 m b 2 m c 2 displaystyle begin aligned 3 sqrt 3 R amp geq a b c 5pt 9R 2 amp geq a 2 b 2 c 2 5pt frac 27 4 R 2 amp geq m a 2 m b 2 m c 2 end aligned If median m altitude h and internal bisector t all emanate from the same vertex of a triangle with circumradius R then 14 4 R 2 h 2 t 2 h 2 t 4 m 2 h 2 displaystyle 4R 2 h 2 t 2 h 2 t 4 m 2 h 2 Carnot s theorem states that the sum of the distances from the circumcenter to the three sides equals the sum of the circumradius and the inradius 15 Here a segment s length is considered to be negative if and only if the segment lies entirely outside the triangle If a triangle has two particular circles as its circumcircle and incircle there exist an infinite number of other triangles with the same circumcircle and incircle with any point on the circumcircle as a vertex This is the n 3 case of Poncelet s porism A necessary and sufficient condition for such triangles to exist is the above equality O I R R 2 r displaystyle overline OI sqrt R R 2r 16 Cyclic quadrilaterals Edit Cyclic quadrilaterals Main article Cyclic quadrilateral Quadrilaterals that can be circumscribed have particular properties including the fact that opposite angles are supplementary angles adding up to 180 or p radians Cyclic n gons Edit As a corollary of the annulus chord formula the area bounded by the circumcircle and incircle of every unit regular n gon is p 4 For a cyclic polygon with an odd number of sides all angles are equal if and only if the polygon is regular A cyclic polygon with an even number of sides has all angles equal if and only if the alternate sides are equal that is sides 1 3 5 are equal and sides 2 4 6 are equal 17 A cyclic pentagon with rational sides and area is known as a Robbins pentagon in all known cases its diagonals also have rational lengths 18 In any cyclic n gon with even n the sum of one set of alternate angles the first third fifth etc equals the sum of the other set of alternate angles This can be proven by induction from the n 4 case in each case replacing a side with three more sides and noting that these three new sides together with the old side form a quadrilateral which itself has this property the alternate angles of the latter quadrilateral represent the additions to the alternate angle sums of the previous n gon Let one n gon be inscribed in a circle and let another n gon be tangential to that circle at the vertices of the first n gon Then from any point P on the circle the product of the perpendicular distances from P to the sides of the first n gon equals the product of the perpendicular distances from P to the sides of the second n gon 19 Point on the circumcircle Edit Let a cyclic n gon have vertices A1 An on the unit circle Then for any point M on the minor arc A1An the distances from M to the vertices satisfy 20 M A 1 M A 3 M A n 2 M A n lt n 2 if n is odd M A 1 M A 3 M A n 3 M A n 1 n 2 if n is even displaystyle begin cases overline MA 1 overline MA 3 cdots overline MA n 2 overline MA n lt n sqrt 2 amp text if n text is odd overline MA 1 overline MA 3 cdots overline MA n 3 overline MA n 1 leq n sqrt 2 amp text if n text is even end cases For a regular n gon if M A i displaystyle overline MA i are the distances from any point M on the circumcircle to the vertices Ai then 21 3 M A 1 2 M A 2 2 M A n 2 2 2 n M A 1 4 M A 2 4 M A n 4 displaystyle 3 overline MA 1 2 overline MA 2 2 dots overline MA n 2 2 2n overline MA 1 4 overline MA 2 4 dots overline MA n 4 Polygon circumscribing constant Edit A sequence of circumscribed polygons and circles Any regular polygon is cyclic Consider a unit circle then circumscribe a regular triangle such that each side touches the circle Circumscribe a circle then circumscribe a square Again circumscribe a circle then circumscribe a regular pentagon and so on The radii of the circumscribed circles converge to the so called polygon circumscribing constant n 3 1 cos p n 8 7000366 displaystyle prod n 3 infty frac 1 cos left frac pi n right 8 7000366 ldots sequence A051762 in the OEIS The reciprocal of this constant is the Kepler Bouwkamp constant See also EditCircumcenter of mass Circumgon Circumscribed sphere Circumcevian triangle Inscribed circle Japanese theorem for cyclic polygons Japanese theorem for cyclic quadrilaterals Jung s theorem an inequality relating the diameter of a point set to the radius of its minimum bounding sphere Kosnita theorem Lester s theorem Tangential polygon Triangle centerReferences Edit Megiddo N 1983 Linear time algorithms for linear programming in R3 and related problems SIAM Journal on Computing 12 4 759 776 doi 10 1137 0212052 S2CID 14467740 Whitworth William Allen 1866 Trilinear Coordinates and Other Methods of Modern Analytical Geometry of Two Dimensions Deighton Bell and Co p 199 Whitworth 1866 p 19 a b Kimberling Clark Part I Introduction and Centers X 1 X 1000 Encyclopedia of Triangle Centers The circumcenter is listed under X 3 Weisstein Eric W Barycentric Coordinates MathWorld Coxeter H S M 1969 Chapter 1 Introduction to geometry Wiley pp 12 13 ISBN 0 471 50458 0 Dorrie Heinrich 1965 100 Great Problems of Elementary Mathematics Dover p 379 Nelson Roger Euler s triangle inequality via proof without words Mathematics Magazine 81 1 February 2008 58 61 Svrtan Dragutin Veljan Darko 2012 Non Euclidean versions of some classical triangle inequalities Forum Geometricorum 12 197 209 See in particular p 198 Gras Marie Nicole 2014 Distances between the circumcenter of the extouch triangle and the classical centers Forum Geometricorum 14 51 61 Smith G C Leversha Gerry November 2007 Euler and triangle geometry The Mathematical Gazette 91 522 436 452 doi 10 1017 S0025557200182087 JSTOR 40378417 S2CID 125341434 See in particular p 449 Johnson Roger A 1929 Modern Geometry An Elementary Treatise on the Geometry of the Triangle and the Circle Houghton Mifflin Co p 189 298 d hdl 2027 wu 89043163211 Republished by Dover Publications as Advanced Euclidean Geometry 1960 and 2007 Posamentier Alfred S Lehmann Ingmar 2012 The Secrets of Triangles Prometheus Books pp 289 290 Altshiller Court Nathan 1952 College Geometry An Introduction to the Modern Geometry of the Triangle and the Circle 2nd ed Barnes amp Noble p 122 96 Reprinted by Dover Publications 2007 Altshiller Court 1952 p 83 Johnson 1929 p 188 De Villiers Michael March 2011 95 14 Equiangular cyclic and equilateral circumscribed polygons The Mathematical Gazette 95 532 102 107 doi 10 1017 S0025557200002461 JSTOR 23248632 S2CID 233361080 Buchholz Ralph H MacDougall James A 2008 Cyclic polygons with rational sides and area Journal of Number Theory 128 1 17 48 doi 10 1016 j jnt 2007 05 005 MR 2382768 Johnson 1929 p 72 Inequalities proposed in Crux Mathematicorum PDF The IMO Compendium p 190 332 10 Meskhishvili Mamuka 2020 Cyclic Averages of Regular Polygons and Platonic Solids Communications in Mathematics and Applications 11 335 355 arXiv 2010 12340 doi 10 26713 cma v11i3 1420 inactive 31 December 2022 a href Template Cite journal html title Template Cite journal cite journal a CS1 maint DOI inactive as of December 2022 link External links EditDerivation of formula for radius of circumcircle of triangle at Mathalino com Semi regular angle gons and side gons respective generalizations of rectangles and rhombi at Dynamic Geometry Sketches interactive dynamic geometry sketch MathWorld Edit Weisstein Eric W Circumcircle MathWorld Weisstein Eric W Cyclic Polygon MathWorld Weisstein Eric W Steiner circumellipse MathWorld Interactive Edit Triangle circumcircle and circumcenter With interactive animation An interactive Java applet for the circumcenter Retrieved from https en wikipedia org w index php title Circumscribed circle amp oldid 1130906963, wikipedia, wiki, book, books, library,


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