

Bronchiectasis is a disease in which there is permanent enlargement of parts of the airways of the lung.[5] Symptoms typically include a chronic cough with mucus production.[3] Other symptoms include shortness of breath, coughing up blood, and chest pain.[2] Wheezing and nail clubbing may also occur.[2] Those with the disease often get lung infections.[8]

Figure A shows a cross-section of the lungs with normal airways and widened airways. Figure B shows a cross-section of a normal airway. Figure C shows a cross-section of an airway with bronchiectasis.
SymptomsProductive cough, shortness of breath, chest pain[2][3]
Usual onsetGradual[4]
DurationLong term[5]
CausesInfections, cystic fibrosis, other genetic conditions, idiopathic[3][6]
Diagnostic methodBased on symptoms, CT scan[7]
Differential diagnosisChronic obstructive pulmonary disease, Asbestosis, Tracheobronchomalacia
TreatmentAntibiotics, bronchodilators, lung transplant[3][8][9]
Frequency1–250 per 250,000 adults[10]

Bronchiectasis may result from a number of infectious and acquired causes, including measles,[11] pneumonia, tuberculosis, immune system problems, as well as the genetic disorder cystic fibrosis.[12][3][13] Cystic fibrosis eventually results in severe bronchiectasis in nearly all cases.[14] The cause in 10–50% of those without cystic fibrosis is unknown.[3] The mechanism of disease is breakdown of the airways due to an excessive inflammatory response.[3] Involved airways (bronchi) become enlarged and thus less able to clear secretions.[3] These secretions increase the amount of bacteria in the lungs, resulting in airway blockage and further breakdown of the airways.[3] It is classified as an obstructive lung disease, along with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and asthma.[15] The diagnosis is suspected based on symptoms and confirmed using computed tomography.[7] Cultures of the mucus produced may be useful to determine treatment in those who have acute worsening and at least once a year.[7]

Periods of worsening may occur due to infection.[8] In these cases, antibiotics are recommended.[8] Common antibiotics used include amoxicillin, erythromycin, or doxycycline.[16] Antibiotics, such as erythromycin, may also be used to prevent worsening of disease.[3][17] Airway clearance techniques, a type of physical therapy, are also recommended.[18] Medications to dilate the airways and inhaled steroids may be used during sudden worsening, but there are no studies to determine effectiveness.[3][19] There are also no studies on the use of inhaled steroids in children.[19] Surgery, while commonly done, has not been well studied.[20][3] Lung transplantation may be an option in those with very severe disease.[9]

The disease affects between 1 per 1000 and 1 per 250,000 adults.[10] The disease is more common in women and increases as people age.[3] It became less common since the 1950s with the introduction of antibiotics.[10] It is more common among certain ethnic groups (such as indigenous people in the US).[10] It was first described by René Laennec in 1819.[3] The economic costs in the United States are estimated at $630 million per year.[3]

Signs and symptoms

The typical symptoms of bronchiectasis are shown. Also, the change in bronchi under bronchiectasis are illustrated.

Symptoms of bronchiectasis commonly include a cough productive of frequent green or yellow sputum lasting months to years.[3] Other common symptoms include difficulty breathing, wheezing (a whistling sound when you breathe), and chest pain. Exacerbations of symptoms may occur, these exacerbations occur more frequently in advanced or severe disease.[21] Systemic symptoms, including fevers, chills, night sweats, fatigue and weight loss may be seen with bronchiectasis.[21] Bronchiectasis may also present with coughing up blood in the absence of sputum, which has been called "dry bronchiectasis."

Exacerbations in bronchiectasis present as a worsening of cough, increasing sputum volume or thickened consistency lasting at least 48 hours, worsening shortness of breath (breathlessness), worsening exercise intolerance, increased fatigue or malaise and the development of hemoptysis.[21]

People often report frequent bouts of "bronchitis" requiring therapy with repeated courses of antibiotics. People with bronchiectasis may have bad breath from active infection. On examination, crepitations and expiratory rhonchi may be heard with auscultation. Nail clubbing is a rare symptom.[3]

The complications of bronchiectasis include serious health conditions, such as respiratory failure and atelectasis: collapse or closure of a lung. Respiratory failure occurs when not enough oxygen passes from the lungs into the blood.[22] Atelectasis occur when one or more segments of the lungs collapse or do not inflate properly. Other pulmonary complications include lung abscess and empyema. Cardiovascular complications include cor pulmonale, in which there is enlargement and failure of the right side of the heart as a result of disease of the lungs.[23]


There are many causes that can induce or contribute to the development of bronchiectasis. The frequency of these different causes varies with geographic location.[24] Cystic fibrosis is identified as a cause in up to half of cases.[3] Bronchiectasis without CF is known as non-CF bronchiectasis. Historically, about half of all case of non-CF bronchiectasis were found to be idiopathic, or without a known cause.[25] However, more recent studies with a more thorough diagnostic work-up have found an etiology in 60 to 90% of patients.[24][26][27]

Cystic fibrosis

Cystic fibrosis is the most common life-threatening autosomal recessive disease in the United States and Europe.[28] It is a genetic disorder that affects the lungs, but also the pancreas, liver, kidneys, and intestine.[29] It is caused by mutations in the CFTR protein, a chloride channel expressed in epithelial cells.[28] Lung disease results from clogging of the airways due to mucus build-up, decreased mucociliary clearance, and resulting inflammation.[30] In later stages, changes to the structure of the lung, such as bronchiectasis, occur. Around 5 to 10% of all patients with cystic fibrosis develop bronchiectasis.[31]

Airway obstruction

An airway obstruction can be caused by either an intraluminal mass such as a tumor or a foreign body.[32] The presence of an airway obstruction leads to a cycle of inflammation.[3] It is important to identify the presence of an obstruction because surgical resection is often curative if obstruction is the cause.[33] In adults, foreign body aspiration is often associated with an altered state of consciousness. The foreign body is often unchewed food, or part of a tooth or crown.[34] Bronchiectasis that results from foreign body aspiration generally occurs in the right lung in the lower lobe or posterior segments of the upper lobe.[35]

Lung infections

A range of bacterial, mycobacterial, and viral lung infections are associated with the development of bronchiectasis. Bacterial infections commonly associated with bronchiectasis include P. aeruginosa, H. influenzae, and S. pneumoniae.[3] Gram-negative bacteria are more commonly implicated than gram-positive bacteria.[3] A history of mycobacterial infections such as tuberculosis can lead to damage of the airways that predisposes to bacterial colonization.[36] Severe viral infections in childhood can also lead to bronchiectasis through a similar mechanism.[37] Nontuberculous mycobacteria infections such as Mycobacterium avium complex are found to be a cause in some patients.[38] Recent studies have also shown Nocardia infections to been implicated in bronchiectasis.[39]

Impaired host defenses

Impairments in host defenses that lead to bronchiectasis may be congenital, such as with primary ciliary dyskinesia, or acquired, such as with the prolonged use of immunosuppressive drugs.[40] Additionally, these impairments may be localized to the lungs, or systemic throughout the body. In these states of immunodeficiency, there is a weakened or absent immune system response to severe infections that repeatedly affect the lung and eventually result in bronchial wall injury.[41] HIV/AIDS is an example of an acquired immunodeficiency that can lead to the development of bronchiectasis.[42]


Allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis (ABPA) is an inflammatory disease caused by hypersensitivity to the fungus Aspergillus fumigatus.[43] It is suspected in patients with a long history of asthma and symptoms of bronchiectasis such as a productive, mucopurulent cough.[44] Imaging often shows peripheral and central airway bronchiectasis, which is unusual in patients with bronchiectasis caused by other disorders.[45]

Autoimmune diseases

Several autoimmune diseases have been associated with bronchiectasis. Specifically, individuals with rheumatoid arthritis and Sjögren syndrome have increased rates of bronchiectasis.[46][47] In these diseases, the symptoms of bronchiectasis usually presents later in the disease course.[48] Other autoimmune diseases such as ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease also have an association with bronchiectasis.[49] Additionally, graft-versus-host disease in patients who have undergone stem cell transplantation can lead to bronchiectasis as well.[40]

Lung injury

Bronchiectasis could be caused by: inhalation of ammonia and other toxic gases,[50] chronic pulmonary aspiration of stomach acid from esophageal reflux,[51] or a hiatal hernia.[51]


Bronchiectasis may result from congenital disorders that affect cilia motility or ion transport.[52] A common genetic cause is cystic fibrosis, which affects chloride ion transport.[28] Another genetic cause is primary ciliary dyskinesia, a rare disorder that leads to immotility of cilia and can lead to situs inversus.[53] When situs inversus is accompanied by chronic sinusitis and bronchiectasis, this is known as Kartagener's syndrome.[54] Other rare genetic causes include Young's syndrome[55] and Williams-Campbell syndrome.[56] Tracheobronchomegaly, or Mournier-Kuhn syndrome is a rare condition characterized by significant tracheobronchial dilation and recurrent lower respiratory tract infections.[57] Individuals with alpha 1-antitrypsin deficiency have been found to be particularly susceptible to bronchiectasis, due to the loss of inhibition to enzyme elastase which cleaves elastin.[58] This decreases the ability of the alveoli to return to normal shape during expiration.[59]

Cigarette smoking

A causal role for tobacco smoke in bronchiectasis has not been demonstrated.[40] Nonetheless, tobacco smoking can worsen pulmonary function and accelerate the progression of disease that is already present.[60][61]


"Vicious cycle" theory of the pathogenesis of bronchiectasis.

The development of bronchiectasis requires two factors: an initial injury to the lung (such as from infection, auto-immune destruction of lung tissue, or other destruction of lung tissue (as seen in gastroesophageal reflux disease or aspiration syndromes)) which leads to impaired mucociliary clearance, obstruction, or a defect in host defense.[21][3] This triggers a host immune response from neutrophils (elastases), reactive oxygen species, and inflammatory cytokines that results in progressive destruction of normal lung architecture. In particular, the elastic fibers of bronchi are affected.[13] The result is permanent abnormal dilation and destruction of the major bronchi and bronchiole walls.[62]

Disordered neutrophil function is believed to play a role in the pathogenesis of bronchiectasis. Neutrophil extracellular traps (NETs), which are extracellular fibers secreted by neutrophils that are used to trap and destroy pathogens, are hyperactive in bronchiectasis. Increased NET activity is associated with more severe bronchiectasis.[21] Neutrophil elastase, which is an extracellular protein secreted by neutrophils to destroy pathogens as well as host tissue, is also hyperactive in many cases of bronchiectasis.[21] An increased neutrophil elastase activity is also associated with worse outcomes and more severe disease in bronchiectasis.[21] The initial lung injury in bronchiectasis leads to an impaired mucociliary clearance of the lung airways, which leads to mucous stasis.[21] This mucous stasis leads to bacterial colonization in bronchiectasis which leads to neutrophil activation.[21] This neutrophil activation leads to further tissue destruction and airway distortion by neutrophils in addition to direct tissue destruction by the pathogenic bacteria.[21] The distorted, damaged lung airways thus have impaired mucociliary clearance; leading to mucous stasis and bacterial colonization leading to further neutrophil activation and thus fueling a self-perpetuating "vicious cycle" of inflammation in bronchiectasis.[21] This "vicious cycle" theory is the generally accepted explanation for the pathogenesis of bronchiectasis.[40]

Endobronchial tuberculosis commonly leads to bronchiectasis, either from bronchial stenosis or secondary traction from fibrosis.[35] Traction bronchiectasis characteristically affects peripheral bronchi (which lack cartilage support) in areas of end-stage fibrosis.[63]


CT scan of the lungs showing findings diagnostic of bronchiectasis. White and black arrows point to dilated bronchi characteristic of the disease.

The goals of a diagnostic evaluation for bronchiectasis are radiographic confirmation of the diagnosis, identification of potential treatable causes, and functional assessment of the patient. A comprehensive evaluation consists of radiographic imaging, laboratory testing, and lung function testing.[64]

Laboratory tests that are commonly part of the initial evaluation include a complete blood count, sputum cultures for bacteria, mycobacteria, and fungi, testing for cystic fibrosis, and immunoglobulin levels.[65] Additional tests that are sometimes indicated include testing for specific genetic disorders.[62]

Lung function testing is used for the assessment and monitoring of functional impairment due to bronchiectasis. These tests may include spirometry and walking tests.[40] Obstructive lung impairment is the most common finding but restrictive lung impairment can be seen in advanced disease. Flexible bronchoscopy may be performed when sputum studies are negative and a focal obstructing lesion is suspected.[32]

A chest x-ray is abnormal in most patients with bronchiectasis. Computed tomography is recommended to confirm the diagnosis and is also used to describe the distribution and grade the severity of the disease. Radiographic findings include airway dilation, bronchial wall thickening, and atelectasis.[66] There are three types bronchiectasis that can be seen on CT scan, namely cylindrical, varicose, and cystic bronchiectasis.[67]


In preventing bronchiectasis, it is necessary to prevent the lung infections and lung damage that can cause it.[22] Children should be immunized against measles, pertussis, pneumonia, and other acute respiratory infections of childhood. Additionally, parents should stay alert to keep children from inhaling objects such as pieces of food or small toys that may get stuck in small airways.[22] Smoking and other toxic fumes and gases should be avoided by all patients with bronchiectasis to decrease the development of infections (such as bronchitis) and further complications.[68]

Treatments to slow down the progression of this chronic disease include keeping bronchial airways clear and secretions weakened through various forms of airway clearance. Aggressively treating bronchial infections with antibiotics to prevent the destructive cycle of infection, damage to bronchi and bronchioles, and more infection is also standard treatment. Regular vaccination against pneumonia, influenza, and pertussis are generally advised. A healthy body mass index and regular doctor visits may have beneficial effects on the prevention of progressing bronchiectasis. The presence of hypoxemia, hypercapnia, dyspnea level and radiographic extent can greatly affect the mortality rate from this disease.[69]


A comprehensive approach to the management of bronchiectasis is recommended.[70] It is important to establish whether an underlying modifiable cause, such as immunoglobulin deficiency or alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency is present.[70] The next steps include controlling infections and bronchial secretions, relieving airway obstructions, removing affected portions of lung by surgery, and preventing complications.[71]

Airway clearance

The goal of airway clearance therapy is to loosen secretions and interrupt the cycle of inflammation and infection.[72] Airway clearance techniques improve difficulty breathing, cough, and help patients cough up phlegm and mucus plugs.[73] Airway clearance usually uses an inhaled agent (hypertonic saline) with chest physiotherapy, such as high-frequency chest wall oscillation.[3] Many airway clearance techniques and devices exist. The choice of a technique or device is based on the frequency and tenacity of phlegm, patient comfort, cost, and the patient's ability to use the technique or device with minimal interference to their lifestyle.[74] The active cycle of breathing technique (ACBT), which can be employed with or without a flutter device, is beneficial in treating those with bronchiectasis.[75] Mucolytic agents such as dornase alfa are not recommended for individuals with non-CF bronchiectasis.[3] Mannitol is a hyperosmolar agent that is thought to hydrate airway secretions, however, clinical trials with it have not demonstrated efficacy.[74]


The two most commonly used classes of anti-inflammatory therapies are macrolides and corticosteroids.[3]

Despite also being antibiotics, macrolides exert immunomodulatory effects on the host inflammatory response without systemic suppression of the immune system.[3] These effects include modifying mucus production, inhibition of biofilm production, and suppression of inflammatory mediators.[40] Three large multicenter, randomized trials have shown reduced rates of exacerbations and improved cough and dyspnea with use of macrolide therapy.[65] The impact of adverse effects of macrolides such as gastrointestinal symptoms, hepatotoxicity, and increased antimicrobial resistance needs ongoing review and study.[17]

Inhaled corticosteroid therapy can reduce sputum production and decrease airway constriction over a period of time, helping prevent progression of bronchiectasis.[19] Long term use of high-dose inhaled corticosteroids can lead to adverse consequences such as cataracts and osteoporosis.[3] It is not recommended for routine use in children.[76] One commonly used therapy is beclometasone dipropionate.[77]


Azithromycin is a macrolide commonly used in bronchiectasis.

Antibiotics are used in bronchiectasis to eradicate P. aeruginosa or MRSA, to suppress the burden of chronic bacterial colonization, and to treat exacerbations.[3] The use of daily oral non-macrolide antibiotic treatment has been studied in small case series, but not in randomized trials.[65] The role of inhaled antibiotics in non-CF bronchiectasis has recently evolved with two society guidelines and a systematic review suggesting a therapeutic trial of inhaled antibiotics in patients with three or more exacerbations per year and P. aeruginosa in their sputum.[78][79] Options for inhaled antibiotics include aerosolized tobramycin, inhaled ciprofloxacin, aerosolized aztreonam, and aerosolized colistin.[40]


Some clinical trials have shown a benefit with inhaled bronchodilators in certain people with bronchiectasis.[3] In people with demonstrated bronchodilator reversibility on spirometry, the use of inhaled bronchodilators resulted in improved dyspnea, cough, and quality of life without any increase in adverse events.[64] However, overall there is a lack of data to recommend use of bronchodilators in all patients with bronchiectasis.[80]


The primary role of surgery in the management of bronchiectasis is in localized disease to remove segments of the lung or to control massive hemoptysis.[40] Additionally, surgery is used to remove an airway obstruction that is contributing to bronchiectasis. The goals are conservative, aiming to control specific disease manifestations rather than cure or eliminate all areas of bronchiectasis.[81] Surgical case series have shown low operative mortality rate (less than 2%) and improvement of symptoms in the majority of patients selected to receive surgery.[82] However, no randomized clinical trials have been performed evaluating the efficacy of surgery in bronchiectasis.[81]

Clinical trials

Results from a phase 2 clinical trial were published in 2018.[83] In a placebo-controlled, double-blind study conducted in 256 patients worldwide, patients who received Brensocatib reported prolonged time to the first exacerbation and also reduced rate of yearly exacerbation.


Two clinical scales have been used to predict disease severity and outcomes in bronchiectasis; the Bronchiectasis Severity Index and the FACED scale. The FACED scale uses the FEV-1 (forced expiratory volume in 1 second), age of the affected person, presence of chronic infection, extent of disease (number of lung lobes involved) and dyspnea scale rating (MRC dyspnea scale) to predict clinical outcomes in bronchiectasis. The Bronchiectasis Severity Index uses the same criteria as the FACED scale in addition to including criteria related to number of hospital admissions, annual exacerbations, colonization with other organisms and BMI (body mass index) less than 18.5. A decreased FEV-1, increasing age, presence of chronic infection (especially pseudomonas), a greater extent of lung involvement, high clinical dyspnea scale ratings, increased hospital admissions, a high number of annual exacerbations, and a BMI less than 18.5 lead to higher scores on both clinical scales and are associated with a poor prognosis in bronchiectasis; including increased mortality.[21]


The prevalence and incidence of bronchiectasis is unclear as the symptoms are variable.[84] The disease affects between 1 per 1000 and 1 per 250,000 adults.[10] The disease is more common in women and in the elderly.[3] In a Medicare cohort study in the United States, consisting of adults 65 years and older, the prevalence of bronchiectasis was 701 per 100,000 persons.[85] A similar prevalence rate of bronchiectasis has been reported in other countries including China, Germany, the United Kingdom, Spain and Singapore.[21] Those with a dual COPD and bronchiectasis diagnosis are more likely to be cigarette smokers and more likely to be hospitalized as compared to those with bronchiectasis without COPD.[85] It became less common since the 1950s, with the introduction of antibiotics.[10] It is more common among certain ethnic groups such as indigenous people.[10]

An estimated 350,000 to 500,000 adults have bronchiectasis in the United States.[86] Specifically, children of the indigenous populations of Australia, Alaska, Canada and New Zealand have significantly higher rates than other populations.[87] Overall, a shortage of data exists concerning the epidemiology of bronchiectasis in Asia, Africa, and South America.[87]

The prevalence and incidence of bronchiectasis has increased greatly in the 21st century. In a Medicare cohort analysis, consisting of adults 65 years and older in the United States; the annual rates of diagnosis have increased by 8.7% every year between 2000 and 2007.[3][88] This large increase in the diagnosis of bronchiectasis may be due to increased recognition of the disease (including more widespread use of CT scans) or it may be due to an increase in the underlying causes of bronchiectasis.[21]


René Laennec, the man who invented the stethoscope, used his invention to first discover bronchiectasis in 1819.[89]

The disease was researched in greater detail by Sir William Osler, one of the four founding professors of Johns Hopkins Hospital, in the late 1800s. It is suspected that Osler himself died of complications from undiagnosed bronchiectasis. His biographies mention that he had frequent severe chest infections for many years.[90]

The term "bronchiectasis" comes from the Greek words bronkhia (meaning "airway") and ektasis (meaning "widening").[91]

Society and culture

Judith Durham of the Australian band The Seekers died of bronchiectasis on August 5th, 2022, at the age of 79.[92]


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External links

bronchiectasis, disease, which, there, permanent, enlargement, parts, airways, lung, symptoms, typically, include, chronic, cough, with, mucus, production, other, symptoms, include, shortness, breath, coughing, blood, chest, pain, wheezing, nail, clubbing, als. Bronchiectasis is a disease in which there is permanent enlargement of parts of the airways of the lung 5 Symptoms typically include a chronic cough with mucus production 3 Other symptoms include shortness of breath coughing up blood and chest pain 2 Wheezing and nail clubbing may also occur 2 Those with the disease often get lung infections 8 BronchiectasisFigure A shows a cross section of the lungs with normal airways and widened airways Figure B shows a cross section of a normal airway Figure C shows a cross section of an airway with bronchiectasis Pronunciation ˌ b r ɒ ŋ k ɪ ˈ ɛ k t e s ɪ s 1 SpecialtyPulmonologySymptomsProductive cough shortness of breath chest pain 2 3 Usual onsetGradual 4 DurationLong term 5 CausesInfections cystic fibrosis other genetic conditions idiopathic 3 6 Diagnostic methodBased on symptoms CT scan 7 Differential diagnosisChronic obstructive pulmonary disease Asbestosis TracheobronchomalaciaTreatmentAntibiotics bronchodilators lung transplant 3 8 9 Frequency1 250 per 250 000 adults 10 Bronchiectasis may result from a number of infectious and acquired causes including measles 11 pneumonia tuberculosis immune system problems as well as the genetic disorder cystic fibrosis 12 3 13 Cystic fibrosis eventually results in severe bronchiectasis in nearly all cases 14 The cause in 10 50 of those without cystic fibrosis is unknown 3 The mechanism of disease is breakdown of the airways due to an excessive inflammatory response 3 Involved airways bronchi become enlarged and thus less able to clear secretions 3 These secretions increase the amount of bacteria in the lungs resulting in airway blockage and further breakdown of the airways 3 It is classified as an obstructive lung disease along with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and asthma 15 The diagnosis is suspected based on symptoms and confirmed using computed tomography 7 Cultures of the mucus produced may be useful to determine treatment in those who have acute worsening and at least once a year 7 Periods of worsening may occur due to infection 8 In these cases antibiotics are recommended 8 Common antibiotics used include amoxicillin erythromycin or doxycycline 16 Antibiotics such as erythromycin may also be used to prevent worsening of disease 3 17 Airway clearance techniques a type of physical therapy are also recommended 18 Medications to dilate the airways and inhaled steroids may be used during sudden worsening but there are no studies to determine effectiveness 3 19 There are also no studies on the use of inhaled steroids in children 19 Surgery while commonly done has not been well studied 20 3 Lung transplantation may be an option in those with very severe disease 9 The disease affects between 1 per 1000 and 1 per 250 000 adults 10 The disease is more common in women and increases as people age 3 It became less common since the 1950s with the introduction of antibiotics 10 It is more common among certain ethnic groups such as indigenous people in the US 10 It was first described by Rene Laennec in 1819 3 The economic costs in the United States are estimated at 630 million per year 3 Contents 1 Signs and symptoms 2 Causes 2 1 Cystic fibrosis 2 2 Airway obstruction 2 3 Lung infections 2 4 Impaired host defenses 2 5 Aspergillosis 2 6 Autoimmune diseases 2 7 Lung injury 2 8 Congenital 2 9 Cigarette smoking 3 Pathophysiology 4 Diagnosis 5 Prevention 6 Management 6 1 Airway clearance 6 2 Anti inflammatories 6 3 Antibiotics 6 4 Bronchodilators 6 5 Surgery 6 6 Clinical trials 7 Prognosis 8 Epidemiology 9 History 10 Society and culture 11 References 12 External linksSigns and symptoms Edit The typical symptoms of bronchiectasis are shown Also the change in bronchi under bronchiectasis are illustrated Symptoms of bronchiectasis commonly include a cough productive of frequent green or yellow sputum lasting months to years 3 Other common symptoms include difficulty breathing wheezing a whistling sound when you breathe and chest pain Exacerbations of symptoms may occur these exacerbations occur more frequently in advanced or severe disease 21 Systemic symptoms including fevers chills night sweats fatigue and weight loss may be seen with bronchiectasis 21 Bronchiectasis may also present with coughing up blood in the absence of sputum which has been called dry bronchiectasis Exacerbations in bronchiectasis present as a worsening of cough increasing sputum volume or thickened consistency lasting at least 48 hours worsening shortness of breath breathlessness worsening exercise intolerance increased fatigue or malaise and the development of hemoptysis 21 People often report frequent bouts of bronchitis requiring therapy with repeated courses of antibiotics People with bronchiectasis may have bad breath from active infection On examination crepitations and expiratory rhonchi may be heard with auscultation Nail clubbing is a rare symptom 3 The complications of bronchiectasis include serious health conditions such as respiratory failure and atelectasis collapse or closure of a lung Respiratory failure occurs when not enough oxygen passes from the lungs into the blood 22 Atelectasis occur when one or more segments of the lungs collapse or do not inflate properly Other pulmonary complications include lung abscess and empyema Cardiovascular complications include cor pulmonale in which there is enlargement and failure of the right side of the heart as a result of disease of the lungs 23 Causes EditCategory CausesAutoimmune disease Rheumatoid arthritis Sjogren syndromeImpaired host defenses Cystic fibrosis Primary ciliary dyskinesiaPrimary immunodeficiencyHIV AIDSJob s syndromePost infective Bacterial pneumonia Mycobacterium infectionViral infectionCongenital Tracheobronchomegaly Marfan syndromeWilliams Campbell syndromeYoung s syndromeAlpha 1 antitrypsin deficiencyHypersensitivity Allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosisInflammatory bowel disease Ulcerative colitis Crohn s diseaseMalignancy Chronic lymphocytic leukemia Graft versus host diseaseObstruction Tumor Foreign body aspirationLymphadenopathyOther Pneumonia Chronic aspirationAmmonia inhalationSmoke inhalationRadiation induced lung diseaseYellow nail syndromeThere are many causes that can induce or contribute to the development of bronchiectasis The frequency of these different causes varies with geographic location 24 Cystic fibrosis is identified as a cause in up to half of cases 3 Bronchiectasis without CF is known as non CF bronchiectasis Historically about half of all case of non CF bronchiectasis were found to be idiopathic or without a known cause 25 However more recent studies with a more thorough diagnostic work up have found an etiology in 60 to 90 of patients 24 26 27 Cystic fibrosis Edit Cystic fibrosis is the most common life threatening autosomal recessive disease in the United States and Europe 28 It is a genetic disorder that affects the lungs but also the pancreas liver kidneys and intestine 29 It is caused by mutations in the CFTR protein a chloride channel expressed in epithelial cells 28 Lung disease results from clogging of the airways due to mucus build up decreased mucociliary clearance and resulting inflammation 30 In later stages changes to the structure of the lung such as bronchiectasis occur Around 5 to 10 of all patients with cystic fibrosis develop bronchiectasis 31 Airway obstruction Edit An airway obstruction can be caused by either an intraluminal mass such as a tumor or a foreign body 32 The presence of an airway obstruction leads to a cycle of inflammation 3 It is important to identify the presence of an obstruction because surgical resection is often curative if obstruction is the cause 33 In adults foreign body aspiration is often associated with an altered state of consciousness The foreign body is often unchewed food or part of a tooth or crown 34 Bronchiectasis that results from foreign body aspiration generally occurs in the right lung in the lower lobe or posterior segments of the upper lobe 35 Lung infections Edit A range of bacterial mycobacterial and viral lung infections are associated with the development of bronchiectasis Bacterial infections commonly associated with bronchiectasis include P aeruginosa H influenzae and S pneumoniae 3 Gram negative bacteria are more commonly implicated than gram positive bacteria 3 A history of mycobacterial infections such as tuberculosis can lead to damage of the airways that predisposes to bacterial colonization 36 Severe viral infections in childhood can also lead to bronchiectasis through a similar mechanism 37 Nontuberculous mycobacteria infections such as Mycobacterium avium complex are found to be a cause in some patients 38 Recent studies have also shown Nocardia infections to been implicated in bronchiectasis 39 Impaired host defenses Edit Impairments in host defenses that lead to bronchiectasis may be congenital such as with primary ciliary dyskinesia or acquired such as with the prolonged use of immunosuppressive drugs 40 Additionally these impairments may be localized to the lungs or systemic throughout the body In these states of immunodeficiency there is a weakened or absent immune system response to severe infections that repeatedly affect the lung and eventually result in bronchial wall injury 41 HIV AIDS is an example of an acquired immunodeficiency that can lead to the development of bronchiectasis 42 Aspergillosis Edit Allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis ABPA is an inflammatory disease caused by hypersensitivity to the fungus Aspergillus fumigatus 43 It is suspected in patients with a long history of asthma and symptoms of bronchiectasis such as a productive mucopurulent cough 44 Imaging often shows peripheral and central airway bronchiectasis which is unusual in patients with bronchiectasis caused by other disorders 45 Autoimmune diseases Edit Several autoimmune diseases have been associated with bronchiectasis Specifically individuals with rheumatoid arthritis and Sjogren syndrome have increased rates of bronchiectasis 46 47 In these diseases the symptoms of bronchiectasis usually presents later in the disease course 48 Other autoimmune diseases such as ulcerative colitis and Crohn s disease also have an association with bronchiectasis 49 Additionally graft versus host disease in patients who have undergone stem cell transplantation can lead to bronchiectasis as well 40 Lung injury Edit Bronchiectasis could be caused by inhalation of ammonia and other toxic gases 50 chronic pulmonary aspiration of stomach acid from esophageal reflux 51 or a hiatal hernia 51 Congenital Edit Bronchiectasis may result from congenital disorders that affect cilia motility or ion transport 52 A common genetic cause is cystic fibrosis which affects chloride ion transport 28 Another genetic cause is primary ciliary dyskinesia a rare disorder that leads to immotility of cilia and can lead to situs inversus 53 When situs inversus is accompanied by chronic sinusitis and bronchiectasis this is known as Kartagener s syndrome 54 Other rare genetic causes include Young s syndrome 55 and Williams Campbell syndrome 56 Tracheobronchomegaly or Mournier Kuhn syndrome is a rare condition characterized by significant tracheobronchial dilation and recurrent lower respiratory tract infections 57 Individuals with alpha 1 antitrypsin deficiency have been found to be particularly susceptible to bronchiectasis due to the loss of inhibition to enzyme elastase which cleaves elastin 58 This decreases the ability of the alveoli to return to normal shape during expiration 59 Cigarette smoking Edit A causal role for tobacco smoke in bronchiectasis has not been demonstrated 40 Nonetheless tobacco smoking can worsen pulmonary function and accelerate the progression of disease that is already present 60 61 Pathophysiology Edit Vicious cycle theory of the pathogenesis of bronchiectasis The development of bronchiectasis requires two factors an initial injury to the lung such as from infection auto immune destruction of lung tissue or other destruction of lung tissue as seen in gastroesophageal reflux disease or aspiration syndromes which leads to impaired mucociliary clearance obstruction or a defect in host defense 21 3 This triggers a host immune response from neutrophils elastases reactive oxygen species and inflammatory cytokines that results in progressive destruction of normal lung architecture In particular the elastic fibers of bronchi are affected 13 The result is permanent abnormal dilation and destruction of the major bronchi and bronchiole walls 62 Disordered neutrophil function is believed to play a role in the pathogenesis of bronchiectasis Neutrophil extracellular traps NETs which are extracellular fibers secreted by neutrophils that are used to trap and destroy pathogens are hyperactive in bronchiectasis Increased NET activity is associated with more severe bronchiectasis 21 Neutrophil elastase which is an extracellular protein secreted by neutrophils to destroy pathogens as well as host tissue is also hyperactive in many cases of bronchiectasis 21 An increased neutrophil elastase activity is also associated with worse outcomes and more severe disease in bronchiectasis 21 The initial lung injury in bronchiectasis leads to an impaired mucociliary clearance of the lung airways which leads to mucous stasis 21 This mucous stasis leads to bacterial colonization in bronchiectasis which leads to neutrophil activation 21 This neutrophil activation leads to further tissue destruction and airway distortion by neutrophils in addition to direct tissue destruction by the pathogenic bacteria 21 The distorted damaged lung airways thus have impaired mucociliary clearance leading to mucous stasis and bacterial colonization leading to further neutrophil activation and thus fueling a self perpetuating vicious cycle of inflammation in bronchiectasis 21 This vicious cycle theory is the generally accepted explanation for the pathogenesis of bronchiectasis 40 Endobronchial tuberculosis commonly leads to bronchiectasis either from bronchial stenosis or secondary traction from fibrosis 35 Traction bronchiectasis characteristically affects peripheral bronchi which lack cartilage support in areas of end stage fibrosis 63 Diagnosis Edit CT scan of the lungs showing findings diagnostic of bronchiectasis White and black arrows point to dilated bronchi characteristic of the disease The goals of a diagnostic evaluation for bronchiectasis are radiographic confirmation of the diagnosis identification of potential treatable causes and functional assessment of the patient A comprehensive evaluation consists of radiographic imaging laboratory testing and lung function testing 64 Laboratory tests that are commonly part of the initial evaluation include a complete blood count sputum cultures for bacteria mycobacteria and fungi testing for cystic fibrosis and immunoglobulin levels 65 Additional tests that are sometimes indicated include testing for specific genetic disorders 62 Lung function testing is used for the assessment and monitoring of functional impairment due to bronchiectasis These tests may include spirometry and walking tests 40 Obstructive lung impairment is the most common finding but restrictive lung impairment can be seen in advanced disease Flexible bronchoscopy may be performed when sputum studies are negative and a focal obstructing lesion is suspected 32 A chest x ray is abnormal in most patients with bronchiectasis Computed tomography is recommended to confirm the diagnosis and is also used to describe the distribution and grade the severity of the disease Radiographic findings include airway dilation bronchial wall thickening and atelectasis 66 There are three types bronchiectasis that can be seen on CT scan namely cylindrical varicose and cystic bronchiectasis 67 Bronchiectasis primarily in the middle lobe of the right lung Bronchiectasis secondary to a large carcinoid tumor not shown that was completely obstructing the bronchus proximally Dilation of the airways is present Prevention EditIn preventing bronchiectasis it is necessary to prevent the lung infections and lung damage that can cause it 22 Children should be immunized against measles pertussis pneumonia and other acute respiratory infections of childhood Additionally parents should stay alert to keep children from inhaling objects such as pieces of food or small toys that may get stuck in small airways 22 Smoking and other toxic fumes and gases should be avoided by all patients with bronchiectasis to decrease the development of infections such as bronchitis and further complications 68 Treatments to slow down the progression of this chronic disease include keeping bronchial airways clear and secretions weakened through various forms of airway clearance Aggressively treating bronchial infections with antibiotics to prevent the destructive cycle of infection damage to bronchi and bronchioles and more infection is also standard treatment Regular vaccination against pneumonia influenza and pertussis are generally advised A healthy body mass index and regular doctor visits may have beneficial effects on the prevention of progressing bronchiectasis The presence of hypoxemia hypercapnia dyspnea level and radiographic extent can greatly affect the mortality rate from this disease 69 Management EditA comprehensive approach to the management of bronchiectasis is recommended 70 It is important to establish whether an underlying modifiable cause such as immunoglobulin deficiency or alpha 1 antitrypsin deficiency is present 70 The next steps include controlling infections and bronchial secretions relieving airway obstructions removing affected portions of lung by surgery and preventing complications 71 Airway clearance Edit The goal of airway clearance therapy is to loosen secretions and interrupt the cycle of inflammation and infection 72 Airway clearance techniques improve difficulty breathing cough and help patients cough up phlegm and mucus plugs 73 Airway clearance usually uses an inhaled agent hypertonic saline with chest physiotherapy such as high frequency chest wall oscillation 3 Many airway clearance techniques and devices exist The choice of a technique or device is based on the frequency and tenacity of phlegm patient comfort cost and the patient s ability to use the technique or device with minimal interference to their lifestyle 74 The active cycle of breathing technique ACBT which can be employed with or without a flutter device is beneficial in treating those with bronchiectasis 75 Mucolytic agents such as dornase alfa are not recommended for individuals with non CF bronchiectasis 3 Mannitol is a hyperosmolar agent that is thought to hydrate airway secretions however clinical trials with it have not demonstrated efficacy 74 Anti inflammatories Edit The two most commonly used classes of anti inflammatory therapies are macrolides and corticosteroids 3 Despite also being antibiotics macrolides exert immunomodulatory effects on the host inflammatory response without systemic suppression of the immune system 3 These effects include modifying mucus production inhibition of biofilm production and suppression of inflammatory mediators 40 Three large multicenter randomized trials have shown reduced rates of exacerbations and improved cough and dyspnea with use of macrolide therapy 65 The impact of adverse effects of macrolides such as gastrointestinal symptoms hepatotoxicity and increased antimicrobial resistance needs ongoing review and study 17 Inhaled corticosteroid therapy can reduce sputum production and decrease airway constriction over a period of time helping prevent progression of bronchiectasis 19 Long term use of high dose inhaled corticosteroids can lead to adverse consequences such as cataracts and osteoporosis 3 It is not recommended for routine use in children 76 One commonly used therapy is beclometasone dipropionate 77 Antibiotics Edit Azithromycin is a macrolide commonly used in bronchiectasis Antibiotics are used in bronchiectasis to eradicate P aeruginosa or MRSA to suppress the burden of chronic bacterial colonization and to treat exacerbations 3 The use of daily oral non macrolide antibiotic treatment has been studied in small case series but not in randomized trials 65 The role of inhaled antibiotics in non CF bronchiectasis has recently evolved with two society guidelines and a systematic review suggesting a therapeutic trial of inhaled antibiotics in patients with three or more exacerbations per year and P aeruginosa in their sputum 78 79 Options for inhaled antibiotics include aerosolized tobramycin inhaled ciprofloxacin aerosolized aztreonam and aerosolized colistin 40 Bronchodilators Edit Some clinical trials have shown a benefit with inhaled bronchodilators in certain people with bronchiectasis 3 In people with demonstrated bronchodilator reversibility on spirometry the use of inhaled bronchodilators resulted in improved dyspnea cough and quality of life without any increase in adverse events 64 However overall there is a lack of data to recommend use of bronchodilators in all patients with bronchiectasis 80 Surgery Edit The primary role of surgery in the management of bronchiectasis is in localized disease to remove segments of the lung or to control massive hemoptysis 40 Additionally surgery is used to remove an airway obstruction that is contributing to bronchiectasis The goals are conservative aiming to control specific disease manifestations rather than cure or eliminate all areas of bronchiectasis 81 Surgical case series have shown low operative mortality rate less than 2 and improvement of symptoms in the majority of patients selected to receive surgery 82 However no randomized clinical trials have been performed evaluating the efficacy of surgery in bronchiectasis 81 Clinical trials Edit Results from a phase 2 clinical trial were published in 2018 83 In a placebo controlled double blind study conducted in 256 patients worldwide patients who received Brensocatib reported prolonged time to the first exacerbation and also reduced rate of yearly exacerbation Prognosis EditTwo clinical scales have been used to predict disease severity and outcomes in bronchiectasis the Bronchiectasis Severity Index and the FACED scale The FACED scale uses the FEV 1 forced expiratory volume in 1 second age of the affected person presence of chronic infection extent of disease number of lung lobes involved and dyspnea scale rating MRC dyspnea scale to predict clinical outcomes in bronchiectasis The Bronchiectasis Severity Index uses the same criteria as the FACED scale in addition to including criteria related to number of hospital admissions annual exacerbations colonization with other organisms and BMI body mass index less than 18 5 A decreased FEV 1 increasing age presence of chronic infection especially pseudomonas a greater extent of lung involvement high clinical dyspnea scale ratings increased hospital admissions a high number of annual exacerbations and a BMI less than 18 5 lead to higher scores on both clinical scales and are associated with a poor prognosis in bronchiectasis including increased mortality 21 Epidemiology EditThe prevalence and incidence of bronchiectasis is unclear as the symptoms are variable 84 The disease affects between 1 per 1000 and 1 per 250 000 adults 10 The disease is more common in women and in the elderly 3 In a Medicare cohort study in the United States consisting of adults 65 years and older the prevalence of bronchiectasis was 701 per 100 000 persons 85 A similar prevalence rate of bronchiectasis has been reported in other countries including China Germany the United Kingdom Spain and Singapore 21 Those with a dual COPD and bronchiectasis diagnosis are more likely to be cigarette smokers and more likely to be hospitalized as compared to those with bronchiectasis without COPD 85 It became less common since the 1950s with the introduction of antibiotics 10 It is more common among certain ethnic groups such as indigenous people 10 An estimated 350 000 to 500 000 adults have bronchiectasis in the United States 86 Specifically children of the indigenous populations of Australia Alaska Canada and New Zealand have significantly higher rates than other populations 87 Overall a shortage of data exists concerning the epidemiology of bronchiectasis in Asia Africa and South America 87 The prevalence and incidence of bronchiectasis has increased greatly in the 21st century In a Medicare cohort analysis consisting of adults 65 years and older in the United States the annual rates of diagnosis have increased by 8 7 every year between 2000 and 2007 3 88 This large increase in the diagnosis of bronchiectasis may be due to increased recognition of the disease including more widespread use of CT scans or it may be due to an increase in the underlying causes of bronchiectasis 21 History EditRene Laennec the man who invented the stethoscope used his invention to first discover bronchiectasis in 1819 89 The disease was researched in greater detail by Sir William Osler one of the four founding professors of Johns Hopkins Hospital in the late 1800s It is suspected that Osler himself died of complications from undiagnosed bronchiectasis His biographies mention that he had frequent severe chest infections for many years 90 The term bronchiectasis comes from the Greek words bronkhia meaning airway and ektasis meaning widening 91 Society and culture EditJudith Durham of the Australian band The Seekers died of bronchiectasis on August 5th 2022 at the age of 79 92 References Edit Bronchiectasis Definition of Bronchiectasis by Lexico Lexico Dictionaries English Archived from the original on November 9 2019 a b c What Are the Signs and Symptoms of Bronchiectasis NHLBI June 2 2014 Archived from the original on 23 August 2016 Retrieved 10 August 2016 a b c d e f g h i j k l 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United States 2000 to 2007 Chest 142 2 432 439 doi 10 1378 chest 11 2209 ISSN 0012 3692 PMC 3425339 PMID 22302301 Roguin A 2006 Rene Theophile Hyacinthe Laennec 1781 1826 The Man Behind the Stethoscope Clin Med Res 4 3 230 35 doi 10 3121 cmr 4 3 230 PMC 1570491 PMID 17048358 Wrong O 2003 Osler and my father J R Soc Med 96 6 462 64 doi 10 1177 014107680309600914 PMC 539606 PMID 12949207 Bronchiectasis Definition of Bronchiectasis by Lexico Lexico Dictionaries English Archived from the original on November 9 2019 Retrieved 2019 11 21 Graham Jackson 2022 08 06 Judith Durham lead singer of The Seekers dies aged 79 WAtoday Retrieved 2023 08 10 External links Edit Wikimedia Commons has media related to Bronchiectasis Wikisource has the text of the 1911 Encyclopaedia Britannica article Bronchiectasis Retrieved from https en wikipedia org w index php title Bronchiectasis amp oldid 1170070028, wikipedia, wiki, book, books, library,


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