

The Boykos (Rusyn: Бойко, Ukrainian: Бойки, romanizedBoiky; Polish: Bojkowie; Slovak: Pujďáci), or simply Highlanders (верховинці, verkhovyntsi or ґоралы, g̀oraly), are an ethnolinguistic sub-group of Rusyns[3] located in the Carpathian Mountains of Ukraine, Slovakia, Hungary, and Poland. Along with the neighboring Lemkos and Hutsuls, the Boykos speak a dialect of the Rusyn language. Within Ukraine, the Boykos and other Rusyns are seen as a sub-group of ethnic Ukrainians.[4][5][6][7][8] Boykos differ from their neighbors in dialect, dress, folk architecture, and customs.

Boyko family of Maniava, late 19th century
Regions with significant populations
 Ukraine131 (2001)[1]
 Poland258 (2011)[2]
Rusyn, Ukrainian
Eastern Catholic, Orthodox Christianity
Related ethnic groups
Ukrainians  · Rusyns  · Lemkos  · Hutsuls


Museum of Boyko culture, Dolyna

Regarding the origin of the name Boyko there exist several etymological hypotheses,[9] but it is generally considered, as explained by priest Joseph Levytsky in his Hramatyka (1831), that it derives from the particle boiie.[10] Specifically, it derives from the exclamation "бой!, бойє!" (< bo-i-je >), meaning "it is really so!", which is often used by the population.[11] The 19th-century scholar Pavel Jozef Šafárik, with whom Franjo Rački and Henry Hoyle Howorth agreed, argued a direct connection of the Boykos with the region of Boiki mentioned in the 10th century De Administrando Imperio,[10][12] but this thesis is outdated and rejected,[11] as most scholars, Mykhailo Hrushevsky among them, already dismissed it in the 19th century because Boiki is a clear reference to Bohemia, which in turn derives from the Celtic tribe of Boii.[13][14][15] The derivation from Boii,[9] is also disputed because there is not enough evidence.[10] They are also called Vrchovints (Highlanders).[16] As in the case of Hutsuls and Lemkos, they are recorded in historical and ethnographic sources since the 18th and 19th century.[17]


Map of Ukrainian dialects (2005). Boyko dialect (13)

Boykos are considered one of the descendants of East Slavic tribes, specifically White Croats who lived in the region,[9][10][18] possibly also Ulichs who arrived from the East,[19] and partly Vlach shepherds who later immigrated from Transylvania.[18]


In the region inhabited by Boykos, named Boikivshchyna, there lived up to 400,000 people of whom most were Boykos.[10][20] They also lived in Sanok, Lesko and Przemyśl County of the Podkarpackie Voivodeship in Poland, before the forced relocation in 1947.[21] In commemoration of Boykos, Ukraine's national parliament, the Verkhovna Rada, in 2016 renamed Telmanove Raion into Boykivske Raion where Boykos were deported from Czarna, Bieszczady County (today in Poland) after the 1951 Polish–Soviet territorial exchange. It is estimated from the evidence available that in 1970 there lived 230,000 people of Boyko origin.[21]

In Ukraine, the classification of Boykos and other Rusyns as an ethnicity distinct from Ukrainians is controversial.[22][23][24] The deprecated and archaic term Ruthenian, while also derived from Rus', is ambiguous, as it technically may refer to Rusyns and Ukrainians, as well as Belarusians and in some cases Russians, depending on the historical period. According to the 2001 Ukraine census, only 131 people identified themselves as Boykos, separate from Ukrainians.[1] However, this figure is distorted because some people otherwise identifiable as Boykos regard that name as derogatory and call themselves highlanders (verkhovyntsi).[10] This is also on top of many attempts within the USSR and modern day Ukraine to assimilate the Rusyn people into the modern Ukraine state. In the Polish census of 2011, 258 people identified their nationality as Boyko, with 14 people listing it as their only national identification.[2]


To the west of Boykos live Lemkos, east or southeast Hutsuls, northward Dnistrov'yans, Opolyans.


Most Boykos belong to the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church, with a minority belonging to the Ukrainian Orthodox Church. The distinctive wooden church architecture of the Boyko region is a three-domed church, with the domes arranged in one line, and the middle dome slightly larger than the others.

Notable people

See also


  1. ^ a b Ukrainian Census 2001
  2. ^ a b Ludność. Stan i struktura demograficzno-społeczna. Narodowy Spis Ludności i Mieszkań 2011 (National Census of Population and Housing 2011). GUS. 2013. p. 264.
  3. ^ Magocsi, Paul Robert (1997). Mapping Stateless Peoples: The East Slavs of the Carpathians (39 ed.). Taylor & Francis, Ltd. pp. 301–331.
  4. ^ Vasyl Greshchuk. Lexicographical Studies on the Southwestern Dialects of the Ukrainian Language
  5. ^ The Vanishing Galician Lexicon and How It Lingers in the Diaspora
  7. ^ [Richard T.Schaefer (ed.), 2008, Encyclopedia of Race, Ethnicity, and Society, Volume 1, Sage Publications, p. 1341.
  8. ^ James Stuart Olson, Lee Brigance Pappas & Nicholas Charles Pappas, 1994, An Ethnohistorical Dictionary of the Russian and Soviet Empires, Greenwood Publishing Group, pp. 109–110.
  9. ^ a b c d e f Войналович В.А. (2003). "БОЙКИ". Encyclopedia of Ukrainian History (in Ukrainian). Vol. 1. Naukova Dumka, NASU Institute of History of Ukraine. p. 688. ISBN 966-00-0734-5. Стосовно походження та етимології назви "Б." існує кілька гіпотез. Одні пов'язують її з особливостями психічного складу певної групи людей, ін. – з особливостями їхніх мовнодіалектичних ознак (бойківський говір – одна з пд.-зх. карпатських говірок – зберіг чимало архаїчних рис, переважно фонетичних та морфологічних). Достатньо обґрунтованою є гіпотеза, що пов'язує цю назву з етнонімом кельтських племен – "бойї", які мігрували у 6 ст. на Балкани і в Карпати. Подекуди Б. називають себе верховинцями. На Закарпатті назва "Б." мало поширена ... Гадають, що Б. – нащадки давнього слов'ян. племені білих хорватів, яких Володимир Святославич приєднав до Київської Русі
  10. ^ a b c d e f Sofiia Rabii-Karpynska (2013) [1984]. "Boikos". Internet Encyclopedia of Ukraine. Vol. 1. University of Toronto Press. ISBN 978-0802033628. The name Boiko is thought to be derived from the frequent use of the particle boiie by the population. The Boikos are believed to be the descendants of the ancient Slavic tribe of White Croatians that came under the rule of the Kyivan Rus' state during the reign of Prince Volodymyr the Great. Before the Magyars occupied the Danube Lowland this tribe served as a direct link between the Eastern and Southern Slavs. Some of the early Slav specialists, such as Pavel Šafařík and F. Rački, interpreted the remark of the Byzantine king Constantine VII Porphyrogenitus (10th century) that the 'Boiky' locality situated beyond Turkia (i.e., Hungary) was the homeland of the White Serbs as a reference to the present Boiko region. This hypothesis is possibly true, but unproved. Likewise, no evidence exists to establish a connection between the name of the Boikos and the Celtic tribe of Boii, according to Yaroslav Pasternak.
  11. ^ a b Jaroslav Rudnyckyj (1962–1972). An Etymological Dictionary of the Ukrainian Language: Parts 1–11, A–G (in English and Ukrainian). Vol. 1. Winnipeg: Ukrainian Free Academy of Sciences (UVAN). p. 162.
  12. ^ Howorth, H. H. (1878). "The Spread of the Slaves. Part I. The Croats". The Journal of the Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland. 7: 326. doi:10.2307/2841009. JSTOR 2841009.
  13. ^ Mykhailo Hrushevsky (1997) [1898]. Andrzej Poppe; Frank E. Sysyn; Uliana M. Pasiczny (eds.). History of Ukraine-Rus'. Volume 1: From Prehistory to the Eleventh Century. Translated by Marta Skorupsky. Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies Press. pp. 161–162. ISBN 978-1-895571-19-6. The second detail in Constantine's account, which supposedly points to the eastern Carpathians, is his reference to a 'place called Boiki (Boiki)' on the border with the White Serbs; for a long time this was considered — and some consider it still – to be a reference to the Ukrainian Boikos. That is very unlikely, however, because the location is too far east for the Serbs, nor is there any indication that the name of the Boikos was ever in such wide usage. So all we are left with to suggest the existence of a Rus' Croatia in the Carpathians is the Primary Chronicle ... Published by H. Jireiek, the Karten zur Geschichte (1897) also show the 'Boiki' on the Dnister (map 4). It is more likely that Boiki is a distorted variant of the name Boiohem, or Bohemia, as most scholars now believe...
  14. ^ Gyula Moravcsik, ed. (1949). De administrando imperio. Pázmány Péter Tudományegyetemi Görög Filoĺ́ogiai Intézet. pp. 130–131. ...should be modern Saxony, where remnants of Serbs (Sorbs) are still living. The name 'Boiki' has been much disputed over by specialists ... has proved that the 'place called Boiki' can only be Bohemia. Grégoire (L'Origine, 98) rejects Skok's proposal to read 'Boioi', and suggests 'Boimi'. C.'s account contains one serious inexactitude: namely, the statement that the Serbs lived 'in a place called by them Boiki'. Although we have documentary proof of the existence of Croats in Bohemia, we have none to suggest that Serbs lived there. Bohemia was in fact another neighbour of White Serbia
  15. ^ Łowmiański, Henryk (2004) [1964]. Nosić, Milan (ed.). Hrvatska pradomovina (Chorwacja Nadwiślańska in Początki Polski) [Croatian ancient homeland] (in Croatian). Translated by Kryżan-Stanojević, Barbara. Maveda. p. 16. OCLC 831099194.
  16. ^ "Wooden Tserkvas of the Carpathian Region in Poland and Ukraine" (PDF) (Press release). Warsaw – Kiev. UNESCO. 2011. p. 9. Retrieved 2020-08-03. The Boykos: an ethnic group using a local dialect of the Carpathian Ruthenian language inhabiting the Western Carpathians. The Boykos – also called the Vrchovints – were descendants of pastoralists who had come from the south and assimilated with the local society.
  17. ^ Вортман Д.Я., Косміна О.Ю. (2007). "КАРПАТИ КРАЇНСЬКІ". Encyclopedia of Ukrainian History (in Ukrainian). Vol. 4. Naukova Dumka, NASU Institute of History of Ukraine. ISBN 978-966-00-0692-8. Історико-етнографічні джерела кін. 18 – поч. 19 ст. фіксують наявність у К.У. субетнічних груп українців: бойків, лемків, гуцулів.
  18. ^ a b Magocsi, Paul Robert (1995). "The Carpatho-Rusyns". Carpatho-Rusyn American. XVIII (4). The purpose of this somewhat extended discussion of early history is to emphasize the complex origins of the Carpatho-Rusyns. They were not, as is often asserted, exclusively associated with Kievan Rus', from which it is said their name Rusyn derives. Rather, the ancestors of the present-day Carpatho-Rusyns are descendants of: (1) early Slavic peoples who came to the Danubian Basin with the Huns; (2) the White Croats; (3) the Rusyns of Galicia and Podolia; and (4) the Vlachs of Transylvania.
  19. ^ George Shevelov (2002) [1979]. "A Historical Phonology of the Ukrainian Language" (in Ukrainian). Retrieved 2008-07-23. Говорячи про Україну, слід брати до уваги такі доісторичні слов'янські племена, перелічені та/або згадані в Київському Початковому літописі, як деревляни (Середнє Полісся), сіверяни (Східне Полісся), поляни (Київщина, цебто ядро Русі), бужани (називані також волинянами або дулібами), уличі або улучі, тиверці (Подністров'я) та хорвати (Карпати? Перемищина?). Дуліби востаннє згадуються в записі за 907 р., уличі за 922 р., поляни й тиверці за 944 р., деревляни за 990 р., хорвати за 992 р., сіверяни за 1024 р. Дивлячись суто географічно, середньополіські говірки можуть бути виведені від деревлян, східнополіські від сіверян, західноволинські від дулібів; висловлено також гіпотезу, обстоювану — з індивідуальними нюансами — низкою вчених (Шахматовим, Лєр-Сплавінським, Зілинським, Нідерле, Кобилянським та ін.), що гуцули, а можливо й бойки, є нащадками уличів, які під тиском печенігів залишили свої рідні землі над Богом, переселившися до цієї частини карпатського реґіону. Проте нам нічого не відомо про мовні особливості, якими відрізнялися між собою доісторичні слов'янські племена на Україні, а отже будь-які спроби пов'язати сучасні говірки зі згаданими племенами ані довести, ані, навпаки, спростувати незмога.
  20. ^ Ісаєвич Я.Д. (2003). "БОЙКІВЩИНА". Encyclopedia of Ukrainian History (in Ukrainian). Vol. 1. Naukova Dumka, NASU Institute of History of Ukraine. p. 688. ISBN 966-00-0734-5.
  21. ^ a b И. А. Бойко (2016). "БО́ЙКИ". Great Russian Encyclopedia (in Russian). Bolshaya Rossiyskaya Entsiklopediya, Russian Academy of Sciences. До насильственного переселения 1947 жили также в Саноцком, Леском и Перемышльском поветах Подкарпатского воеводства в Польше. В 1970 насчитывалось ок. 230 тыс. чел. (оценка).
  22. ^ Professor Ivan Pop: Encyclopedia of Subcarpathian Ruthenia(Encyclopedija Podkarpatskoj Rusi). Uzhhorod, 2000..
  23. ^ Paul Robert Magocsi, Encyclopedia of Rusyn History and Culture . University of Toronto Press, June 2002.
  24. ^ Tom Trier (1998), Inter-Ethnic Relations in Transcarpathian Ukraine

External links

  • Anatoliy Ponomariov. "Ethnic groups of Ukrainians" (in Ukrainian). Available online.
  • Nakonechny, Ye. "How Ruthenians became Ukrainians", Zerkalo Nedeli (the Mirror Weekly), July, 2005. Available online and .
  • Romaniuk, K. . "Domiv". 8 March 2016.

boykos, boyko, redirects, here, people, with, surname, boyko, surname, people, with, given, name, boyko, given, name, rusyn, Бойко, ukrainian, Бойки, romanized, boiky, polish, bojkowie, slovak, pujďáci, simply, highlanders, верховинці, verkhovyntsi, ґоралы, or. Boyko redirects here For people with the surname see Boyko surname For people with the given name see Boyko given name The Boykos Rusyn Bojko Ukrainian Bojki romanized Boiky Polish Bojkowie Slovak Pujdaci or simply Highlanders verhovinci verkhovyntsi or goraly g oraly are an ethnolinguistic sub group of Rusyns 3 located in the Carpathian Mountains of Ukraine Slovakia Hungary and Poland Along with the neighboring Lemkos and Hutsuls the Boykos speak a dialect of the Rusyn language Within Ukraine the Boykos and other Rusyns are seen as a sub group of ethnic Ukrainians 4 5 6 7 8 Boykos differ from their neighbors in dialect dress folk architecture and customs BoykosBojkiBoyko family of Maniava late 19th centuryRegions with significant populations Ukraine131 2001 1 Poland258 2011 2 LanguagesRusyn UkrainianReligionEastern Catholic Orthodox ChristianityRelated ethnic groupsUkrainians Rusyns Lemkos Hutsuls Contents 1 Etymology 2 Origin 3 Demography 4 Location 5 Religion 6 Notable people 7 See also 8 References 9 External linksEtymology Edit Museum of Boyko culture Dolyna Regarding the origin of the name Boyko there exist several etymological hypotheses 9 but it is generally considered as explained by priest Joseph Levytsky in his Hramatyka 1831 that it derives from the particle boiie 10 Specifically it derives from the exclamation boj bojye lt bo i je gt meaning it is really so which is often used by the population 11 The 19th century scholar Pavel Jozef Safarik with whom Franjo Racki and Henry Hoyle Howorth agreed argued a direct connection of the Boykos with the region of Boiki mentioned in the 10th century De Administrando Imperio 10 12 but this thesis is outdated and rejected 11 as most scholars Mykhailo Hrushevsky among them already dismissed it in the 19th century because Boiki is a clear reference to Bohemia which in turn derives from the Celtic tribe of Boii 13 14 15 The derivation from Boii 9 is also disputed because there is not enough evidence 10 They are also called Vrchovints Highlanders 16 As in the case of Hutsuls and Lemkos they are recorded in historical and ethnographic sources since the 18th and 19th century 17 Origin Edit Map of Ukrainian dialects 2005 Boyko dialect 13 Boykos are considered one of the descendants of East Slavic tribes specifically White Croats who lived in the region 9 10 18 possibly also Ulichs who arrived from the East 19 and partly Vlach shepherds who later immigrated from Transylvania 18 Demography EditIn the region inhabited by Boykos named Boikivshchyna there lived up to 400 000 people of whom most were Boykos 10 20 They also lived in Sanok Lesko and Przemysl County of the Podkarpackie Voivodeship in Poland before the forced relocation in 1947 21 In commemoration of Boykos Ukraine s national parliament the Verkhovna Rada in 2016 renamed Telmanove Raion into Boykivske Raion where Boykos were deported from Czarna Bieszczady County today in Poland after the 1951 Polish Soviet territorial exchange It is estimated from the evidence available that in 1970 there lived 230 000 people of Boyko origin 21 In Ukraine the classification of Boykos and other Rusyns as an ethnicity distinct from Ukrainians is controversial 22 23 24 The deprecated and archaic term Ruthenian while also derived from Rus is ambiguous as it technically may refer to Rusyns and Ukrainians as well as Belarusians and in some cases Russians depending on the historical period According to the 2001 Ukraine census only 131 people identified themselves as Boykos separate from Ukrainians 1 However this figure is distorted because some people otherwise identifiable as Boykos regard that name as derogatory and call themselves highlanders verkhovyntsi 10 This is also on top of many attempts within the USSR and modern day Ukraine to assimilate the Rusyn people into the modern Ukraine state In the Polish census of 2011 258 people identified their nationality as Boyko with 14 people listing it as their only national identification 2 Location EditPoland southeasternmost part of Poland Podkarpackie Voivodeship Ukraine central and western half of the Carpathians in Ukraine across such regions as the southern Lviv Oblast Stryi Drohobych and Sambir Raions western Ivano Frankivsk Oblast Kalush Raion and parts of the northeastern Zakarpattia Oblast Mizhhiria Raion Northeast SlovakiaTo the west of Boykos live Lemkos east or southeast Hutsuls northward Dnistrov yans Opolyans Ethnographic groups of southeasternmost Poland Boykos in dark blue Boyko family Dolyna district 1898 Boyko family Beginning of the XX century Boyko inhabitants of Galicia lithograph from 1837 Boyko man 1925 1939 Boyko family prewar Boyko family prewar Boyko hut 1903 interior of the Boyko hut Museum of Culture and Life of BoykivshchynaReligion EditMost Boykos belong to the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church with a minority belonging to the Ukrainian Orthodox Church The distinctive wooden church architecture of the Boyko region is a three domed church with the domes arranged in one line and the middle dome slightly larger than the others St George s Church Drohobych A traditional Boyko church in Lviv Wooden Boyko church of St Onuphrius Rosolin Boyko church of Saint Michael Vyshka Boyko church of the Pentecost in Verkhnya Rozhanka Holy Spirit church in Huklyvyi Saint Demetrius church MatkivNotable people EditYuriy Drohobych 1450 1494 first doctor of medicine in Ukraine rector of the University of Bologna 1481 1482 professor at Jagiellonian University 1488 9 Petro Konashevych Sahaidachny 1582 1622 Ukrainian political and civic leader Hetman of Ukrainian Zaporozhian Cossacks 1616 1622 9 Ivan Franko 1856 1916 Ukrainian poet writer and political activist 9 See also EditRusyns Ruthenians Ukrainians Boyko SurnameReferences Edit a b Ukrainian Census 2001 a b Ludnosc Stan i struktura demograficzno spoleczna Narodowy Spis Ludnosci i Mieszkan 2011 National Census of Population and Housing 2011 GUS 2013 p 264 Magocsi Paul Robert 1997 Mapping Stateless Peoples The East Slavs of the Carpathians 39 ed Taylor amp Francis Ltd pp 301 331 Vasyl Greshchuk Lexicographical Studies on the Southwestern Dialects of the Ukrainian Language The Vanishing Galician Lexicon and How It Lingers in the Diaspora Ivanochko K M ACCENT VARIANCE OF STRUKTURAL CLASS IX VERBS IN SOUTHWESTERN SUPRADIALECT OF UKRAINIAN LANGUAGE Richard T Schaefer ed 2008 Encyclopedia of Race Ethnicity and Society Volume 1 Sage Publications p 1341 James Stuart Olson Lee Brigance Pappas amp Nicholas Charles Pappas 1994 An Ethnohistorical Dictionary of the Russian and Soviet Empires Greenwood Publishing Group pp 109 110 a b c d e f Vojnalovich V A 2003 BOJKI Encyclopedia of Ukrainian History in Ukrainian Vol 1 Naukova Dumka NASU Institute of History of Ukraine p 688 ISBN 966 00 0734 5 Stosovno pohodzhennya ta etimologiyi nazvi B isnuye kilka gipotez Odni pov yazuyut yiyi z osoblivostyami psihichnogo skladu pevnoyi grupi lyudej in z osoblivostyami yihnih movnodialektichnih oznak bojkivskij govir odna z pd zh karpatskih govirok zberig chimalo arhayichnih ris perevazhno fonetichnih ta morfologichnih Dostatno obgruntovanoyu ye gipoteza sho pov yazuye cyu nazvu z etnonimom keltskih plemen bojyi yaki migruvali u 6 st na Balkani i v Karpati Podekudi B nazivayut sebe verhovincyami Na Zakarpatti nazva B malo poshirena Gadayut sho B nashadki davnogo slov yan plemeni bilih horvativ yakih Volodimir Svyatoslavich priyednav do Kiyivskoyi Rusi a b c d e f Sofiia Rabii Karpynska 2013 1984 Boikos Internet Encyclopedia of Ukraine Vol 1 University of Toronto Press ISBN 978 0802033628 The name Boiko is thought to be derived from the frequent use of the particle boiie by the population The Boikos are believed to be the descendants of the ancient Slavic tribe of White Croatians that came under the rule of the Kyivan Rus state during the reign of Prince Volodymyr the Great Before the Magyars occupied the Danube Lowland this tribe served as a direct link between the Eastern and Southern Slavs Some of the early Slav specialists such as Pavel Safarik and F Racki interpreted the remark of the Byzantine king Constantine VII Porphyrogenitus 10th century that the Boiky locality situated beyond Turkia i e Hungary was the homeland of the White Serbs as a reference to the present Boiko region This hypothesis is possibly true but unproved Likewise no evidence exists to establish a connection between the name of the Boikos and the Celtic tribe of Boii according to Yaroslav Pasternak a b Jaroslav Rudnyckyj 1962 1972 An Etymological Dictionary of the Ukrainian Language Parts 1 11 A G in English and Ukrainian Vol 1 Winnipeg Ukrainian Free Academy of Sciences UVAN p 162 Howorth H H 1878 The Spread of the Slaves Part I The Croats The Journal of the Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland 7 326 doi 10 2307 2841009 JSTOR 2841009 Mykhailo Hrushevsky 1997 1898 Andrzej Poppe Frank E Sysyn Uliana M Pasiczny eds History of Ukraine Rus Volume 1 From Prehistory to the Eleventh Century Translated by Marta Skorupsky Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies Press pp 161 162 ISBN 978 1 895571 19 6 The second detail in Constantine s account which supposedly points to the eastern Carpathians is his reference to a place called Boiki Boiki on the border with the White Serbs for a long time this was considered and some consider it still to be a reference to the Ukrainian Boikos That is very unlikely however because the location is too far east for the Serbs nor is there any indication that the name of the Boikos was ever in such wide usage So all we are left with to suggest the existence of a Rus Croatia in the Carpathians is the Primary Chronicle Published by H Jireiek the Karten zur Geschichte 1897 also show the Boiki on the Dnister map 4 It is more likely that Boiki is a distorted variant of the name Boiohem or Bohemia as most scholars now believe Gyula Moravcsik ed 1949 De administrando imperio Pazmany Peter Tudomanyegyetemi Gorog Filoĺ ogiai Intezet pp 130 131 should be modern Saxony where remnants of Serbs Sorbs are still living The name Boiki has been much disputed over by specialists has proved that the place called Boiki can only be Bohemia Gregoire L Origine 98 rejects Skok s proposal to read Boioi and suggests Boimi C s account contains one serious inexactitude namely the statement that the Serbs lived in a place called by them Boiki Although we have documentary proof of the existence of Croats in Bohemia we have none to suggest that Serbs lived there Bohemia was in fact another neighbour of White Serbia Lowmianski Henryk 2004 1964 Nosic Milan ed Hrvatska pradomovina Chorwacja Nadwislanska in Poczatki Polski Croatian ancient homeland in Croatian Translated by Kryzan Stanojevic Barbara Maveda p 16 OCLC 831099194 Wooden Tserkvas of the Carpathian Region in Poland and Ukraine PDF Press release Warsaw Kiev UNESCO 2011 p 9 Retrieved 2020 08 03 The Boykos an ethnic group using a local dialect of the Carpathian Ruthenian language inhabiting the Western Carpathians The Boykos also called the Vrchovints were descendants of pastoralists who had come from the south and assimilated with the local society Vortman D Ya Kosmina O Yu 2007 KARPATI KRAYiNSKI Encyclopedia of Ukrainian History in Ukrainian Vol 4 Naukova Dumka NASU Institute of History of Ukraine ISBN 978 966 00 0692 8 Istoriko etnografichni dzherela kin 18 poch 19 st fiksuyut nayavnist u K U subetnichnih grup ukrayinciv bojkiv lemkiv guculiv a b Magocsi Paul Robert 1995 The Carpatho Rusyns Carpatho Rusyn American XVIII 4 The purpose of this somewhat extended discussion of early history is to emphasize the complex origins of the Carpatho Rusyns They were not as is often asserted exclusively associated with Kievan Rus from which it is said their name Rusyn derives Rather the ancestors of the present day Carpatho Rusyns are descendants of 1 early Slavic peoples who came to the Danubian Basin with the Huns 2 the White Croats 3 the Rusyns of Galicia and Podolia and 4 the Vlachs of Transylvania George Shevelov 2002 1979 A Historical Phonology of the Ukrainian Language in Ukrainian Retrieved 2008 07 23 Govoryachi pro Ukrayinu slid brati do uvagi taki doistorichni slov yanski plemena perelicheni ta abo zgadani v Kiyivskomu Pochatkovomu litopisi yak derevlyani Serednye Polissya siveryani Shidne Polissya polyani Kiyivshina cebto yadro Rusi buzhani nazivani takozh volinyanami abo dulibami ulichi abo uluchi tiverci Podnistrov ya ta horvati Karpati Peremishina Dulibi vostannye zgaduyutsya v zapisi za 907 r ulichi za 922 r polyani j tiverci za 944 r derevlyani za 990 r horvati za 992 r siveryani za 1024 r Divlyachis suto geografichno serednopoliski govirki mozhut buti vivedeni vid derevlyan shidnopoliski vid siveryan zahidnovolinski vid dulibiv vislovleno takozh gipotezu obstoyuvanu z individualnimi nyuansami nizkoyu vchenih Shahmatovim Lyer Splavinskim Zilinskim Niderle Kobilyanskim ta in sho guculi a mozhlivo j bojki ye nashadkami ulichiv yaki pid tiskom pechenigiv zalishili svoyi ridni zemli nad Bogom pereselivshisya do ciyeyi chastini karpatskogo regionu Prote nam nichogo ne vidomo pro movni osoblivosti yakimi vidriznyalisya mizh soboyu doistorichni slov yanski plemena na Ukrayini a otzhe bud yaki sprobi pov yazati suchasni govirki zi zgadanimi plemenami ani dovesti ani navpaki sprostuvati nezmoga Isayevich Ya D 2003 BOJKIVShINA Encyclopedia of Ukrainian History in Ukrainian Vol 1 Naukova Dumka NASU Institute of History of Ukraine p 688 ISBN 966 00 0734 5 a b I A Bojko 2016 BO JKI Great Russian Encyclopedia in Russian Bolshaya Rossiyskaya Entsiklopediya Russian Academy of Sciences Do nasilstvennogo pereseleniya 1947 zhili takzhe v Sanockom Leskom i Peremyshlskom povetah Podkarpatskogo voevodstva v Polshe V 1970 naschityvalos ok 230 tys chel ocenka Professor Ivan Pop Encyclopedia of Subcarpathian Ruthenia Encyclopedija Podkarpatskoj Rusi Uzhhorod 2000 Paul Robert Magocsi Encyclopedia of Rusyn History and Culture University of Toronto Press June 2002 Tom Trier 1998 Inter Ethnic Relations in Transcarpathian UkraineExternal links Edit Wikimedia Commons has media related to Boykos Anatoliy Ponomariov Ethnic groups of Ukrainians in Ukrainian Available online Nakonechny Ye How Ruthenians became Ukrainians Zerkalo Nedeli the Mirror Weekly July 2005 Available online in Russian and in Ukrainian Short photo essay about contemporary Boiko life Romaniuk K Characteristics of Boikos dialect use in Kherson region in the mid 20th century Domiv 8 March 2016 Retrieved from https en wikipedia org w index php title Boykos amp oldid 1146410734, wikipedia, wiki, book, books, library,


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