
Arab Cold War

The Arab Cold War (Arabic: الحرب العربية الباردة al-ḥarb al-`arabiyyah al-bāridah) was a political rivalry in the Arab world from the early 1950s to the late 1970s, as part of the wider Cold War. It is generally accepted that the beginning of the Arab Cold War is marked by the Egyptian revolution of 1952, which eventually led to Gamal Abdel Nasser becoming president of Egypt in 1956. Thereafter, newly formed Arab republics, defined by revolutionary secular nationalism and inspired by Nasser's Egypt, engaged in political rivalries with conservative traditionalist Arab monarchies, led by Saudi Arabia. The Iranian Revolution of 1979 is widely seen as the end of this period of internal conflict and rivalry. Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini was installed as the leader of Iran's theocratic government. A new era of Arab-Iranian tensions followed, overshadowing the bitterness of intra-Arab strife.

Arab Cold War
Part of the Cold War

Federation of Arab Republics
Arab Islamic Republic

United Arab States (1958–1961)

 Arab Federation (1958)

Supported by:
Supported by:
Commanders and leaders

Nasser espoused secular pan-Arab nationalism and socialism as a response to the perceived complicity of the Arab monarchies in Western interference in the Arab world, as well as their rentierism and Islamism. Later in his career, Nasser also embraced the Palestinian cause, albeit within the framework of pan-Arabism.[7] After Egypt's political victory in the 1956 Suez Crisis, known in the Arab world as the Tripartite Aggression, Nasser and his associated ideology quickly gained support in other Arab countries, from Iraq in the east to French-occupied Algeria in the west. In several Arab countries, including Iraq, North Yemen and Libya, conservative regimes were overthrown and replaced by revolutionary republican governments. Meanwhile, Arab countries under Western occupation, such as Algeria and South Yemen, experienced nationalist uprisings aimed at national liberation. At the same time, Syria, which was already strongly Arab nationalist, formed a short-lived federal union with Egypt called the United Arab Republic. Several other attempts were made to unite the Arab states in various configurations, but all ultimately failed.

In turn, the monarchies of Saudi Arabia, Jordan and Morocco, as well as the Gulf states following their independence in the early 1970s, formed a closer alliance to counter Egyptian influence through various means, directly or indirectly.[8] Saudi Arabia and Jordan, previously rivals over the competing claims of their respective dynasties, worked closely together to support the royalist faction in the North Yemen Civil War. The conflict had become a proxy war between Egypt and Saudi Arabia following the establishment of the Nasserist Yemen Arab Republic in 1962.

The term "Arab Cold War" was first used by Malcolm H. Kerr, an American political scientist and Middle East scholar, in his 1965 book of the same name and subsequent editions.[9] Despite its name, the Arab Cold War was not a conflict between capitalist and communist economic systems. In fact, all Arab governments, with the exception of the Marxist government of South Yemen, explicitly rejected communism and banned the activities of communist activists within their territories. Moreover, the Arab states did not seek membership of either NATO or the Warsaw Pact, as the vast majority of them belonged to the Non-Aligned Movement. The Arab Cold War was linked to the global confrontation between the United States and the Soviet Union, as the United States supported the conservative monarchies led by Saudi Arabia, while the Soviet Union supported the Egyptian-led republics that adhered to Arab socialism. This was despite the republics' suppression of internal Arab communist movements. The Arab revolutionary nationalist republican movement supported anti-American, anti-Western, anti-imperialist and anti-colonial revolutionary movements outside the Arab world, such as the Cuban Revolution. In contrast, the Arab monarchist movement supported conservative governments in predominantly Muslim countries such as Pakistan.

The Arab Cold War is thought to have ended in the late 1970s as a result of several factors. The success of the State of Israel in the Six Day War of 1967 undermined the strategic strength of both Egypt and Nasser. The resolution of the North Yemen Civil War, although brokered by Nasser and King Faisal of Saudi Arabia, was a victory for the Egyptian-backed Yemeni Republicans. The intense Egyptian-Saudi rivalry faded dramatically as attention focused on Egypt's efforts to liberate its own territory, now under Israeli occupation. After Nasser's death in 1970, Anwar Sadat became president and departed significantly from Nasser's revolutionary platform, both domestically and in regional and international affairs. In particular, Sadat sought to establish a close strategic partnership with Saudi Arabia under King Faisal, which was crucial to Egypt's success in the first part of the Yom Kippur War of 1973. Building on these early successes, Sadat completely distanced himself from Nasserism by ending Egypt's strategic alliance with the Soviet Union and aligning himself instead with the United States. In 1978, he negotiated a peace treaty with the state of Israel that required the removal of all Israeli military personnel and settlers from Egyptian land. Sadat's peace treaty not only alienated Nasserists and other secular Arab nationalists, but also enraged Islamists, who denounced him as an apostate. This eventually led to his assassination by the Egyptian Islamic Jihad in 1981. Egypt was suspended from the Arab League, leading to its virtual isolation in the region. Meanwhile, Islamism grew in popularity, culminating in the 1979 Iranian Revolution. This established Shi'a Iran as a regional power committed to overthrowing the predominantly Sunni governments of Arab states, both republican and monarchical. After the outbreak of the Iran-Iraq War in the early 1980s, Egypt, still suspended from the Arab League, joined Saudi Arabia in supporting Sunni-led Iraq against Shi'ite Iran. At the same time, the Sunni-Shi'a conflict in other parts of the region, such as Lebanon, became a new proxy conflict between the regional powers of the two Muslim sects.

Background edit

During this period, the history of the Arab states were very different. In 1956, only Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, Tunisia and Sudan were republics, and all subscribed to some degree to Arab nationalist ideology. Jordan and Iraq were both ruled by Hashemite monarchies. Morocco, Libya, Saudi Arabia and North Yemen had independent dynasties. Algeria, South Yemen, Oman and the Trucial States were either under French colonial rule or British occupation. In 1960, Iraq, Tunisia, Algeria and North Yemen had republican governments or Arab nationalist insurgencies. Meanwhile, Lebanon was experiencing a near-civil war between US-allied government factions and Soviet- and Egyptian-allied Arab nationalist factions.[citation needed]

The dates of the conflicts in this period vary from source to source. Jordanian sources date the beginning of the Arab Cold War to April 1957,[10] while Palestinian sources identify the period from 1962 to 1967 as the most significant for them, but within the wider Arab context.[11]

History edit

The Free Officers Movement overthrew King Farouk during the Egyptian Revolution of 1952. Led by Mohamed Naguib and Gamal Abdel Nasser, the Free Officers implemented a program to transform Egypt by reducing feudalism, ending British influence and abolishing the monarchy and aristocracy. In 1953 they established Egypt as a republic.[12] On 26 July 1956, Nasser nationalized the Suez Canal after Britain and the United States withdrew their offer to finance the construction of the Aswan Dam in response to Egypt's new relationship with the Soviet Union. Britain and France then made a secret pact with Israel to invade Egypt together, but were forced to back down in what became known as the Suez Crisis. Nasser emerged from the war with great prestige as the "unchallenged leader of Arab nationalism".[13]

Nasser used various political tools to increase his visibility in the Arab world. These included radio programs such as Voice of the Arabs and the use of politically active Egyptian professionals, often teachers.

Egyptian teachers seconded to Arab states by destination, (1953–1962)[14]
1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961
Saudi Arabia 206 293 401 500 454 551 727 866 1027
Jordan - 8 20 31 56 - - - -
Lebanon 25 25 39 36 75 111 251 131 104
Kuwait 114 180 262 326 395 435 490 480 411
Bahrain 15 15 18 25 25 25 26 28 36
Morocco - - - 20 75 81 175 210 334
Sudan - - - - 580 632 673 658 653
Qatar - 1 3 5 8 14 17 18 24
Libya 55 114 180 219 217 232 228 391 231
Yemen - 12 11 8 17 17 17 14 0
Iraq 76 112 121 136 63 449 - - -
Palestine 13 32 34 37 46 120 166 175 165
Somalia - - 25 23 57 69 90 109 213

In July 1958, the Hashemite Kingdom of Iraq was overthrown, with the king, crown prince, prime minister and most of the royal family killed by the nationalist revolutionaries. The Iraqi monarchy was overthrown and replaced by an Arab nationalist republic. At the time, the forces supporting Nasser and nationalism seemed to be gaining strength, while the older Arab monarchies seemed to be in danger.[13] In 1969, the Kingdom of Libya under King Idris was overthrown by the Free Officers Movement of Libya, a group of rebel military officers led by Colonel Muammar Gaddafi.

Gamal Abdel Nasser

In Saudi Arabia, some Saudi princes (led by Prince Talal bin Abdul Aziz) supported Nasser's cause of Arab socialism because of his popularity.[13] In 1962 a Saudi air force pilot defected to Cairo.[13] In 1965 and 1966 there were signs of unrest and subversion, particularly in Saudi Arabia's oil-producing region.[13] In 1969 the Saudi government uncovered a Nasserist plot involving 28 army officers, 34 air force officers, nine other military personnel and 27 civilians.[15][13]

In the early 1960s, Nasser sent an expeditionary army to Yemen to support the anti-monarchist forces in the North Yemen Civil War. The Yemeni royalists were supported by the monarchies of Saudi Arabia and Jordan. In December 1962, the Egyptian air force attacked Saudi border towns such as Najran.[13]

By the end of the 1960s, Nasser's prestige had declined due to the political failure of the union between Egypt and Syria, military setbacks in Yemen, where the civil war reached a stalemate despite his commitment of thousands of troops to overthrow the monarchists, and especially against Israel, where Egypt lost the Sinai Peninsula and suffered the loss of 10,000 to 15,000 troops in the Six-Day War. In late 1967, Egyptian President Nasser and Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Faisal signed a treaty. According to the treaty, Nasser would withdraw the 20,000 Egyptian troops from Yemen, Faisal would stop sending arms to the Yemeni royalists, and three neutral Arab states would send observers.[16]

Islamic revival edit

Although the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia had a smaller population than Egypt, it had oil wealth and prestige as the country of Mecca and Medina, Islam's two holiest cities. In 1962, Saudi Arabia sponsored an international Islamic conference in Mecca to use Islam as a counterweight to Nasser's Arab socialism. This led to the creation of the Muslim World League, dedicated to spreading Islam and promoting Islamic solidarity. The League was effective in promoting conservative Wahhabi Islam and combating radical foreign ideologies, such as Arab socialism, in the Muslim world.[17]

Petroleum products revenue in billions of dollars per annum for five major Arab petroleum exporting countries. Saudi Arabian production
Years were chosen to show payment for before (1973) and after (1974) the October 1973 War, after the Iranian Revolution (1978-1979), and during the market turnaround in 1986.[18] Iran and Iraq are excluded because their revenue fluctuated due to the revolution and the war between them.[19]

The Islamic revival strengthened throughout the Arab world, especially after the Six-day War. After Nasser's death in 1970, his successor Anwar Sadat shifted the focus to religion and economic liberalization, away from Arab nationalism and socialism. Egypt's military slogan "Land, Sea and Air" was replaced by the Islamic battle cry of Allahu Akbar in the perceived "shattering" defeat in the Yom Kippur War.[20][21] Although the October 1973 war was launched by Egypt and Syria to recover land captured by Israel in 1967, according to French political scientist Gilles Kepel, the "real victors" of the war were the Arab "oil-exporting countries". Their embargo on Israel's Western allies helped the US to pressure Israel to limit its counter-offensive.[22] The political success of the embargo enhanced the prestige of those who imposed it. In addition, the reduction in global oil supply caused the price of oil to rise from US$3 to almost $12 a barrel,[23] increasing the revenues of oil exporters. This gave the Arab oil-exporting states a dominant position within the Muslim world,[22] with Saudi Arabia by far the largest exporter (see bar chart above).[22]

In Egypt, the Muslim Brotherhood, which was supported by Saudi Arabia and had been suppressed by the Egyptian government, was allowed to publish a monthly magazine and its political prisoners were gradually released.[24] The Islamists gained control of the universities,[25] forcing left-wing and pan-Arab (anti-Sadat) student organisations underground.[26] By the end of the 1970s, Sadat described himself as 'The Believer President'. He banned most alcohol sales and ordered Egyptian state television to interrupt programs in order to broadcast the salat (Islamic call to prayer) five times a day and to increase religious programming.[27]

Conflicts of the Arab Cold War edit

1950s edit

1960s edit

1970s edit

1980s edit

1990s edit

See also edit

Notes edit

  1. ^ Some sources variously date the end of the period to c.1990, particularly Yemeni unification, the end of the Lebanese Civil War, the Gulf War or the end of the Western Sahara War. Some sources say present.

References edit

  1. ^ a b "The Dhofar Rebellion". countrystudies.us. from the original on 9 April 2016. Retrieved 5 May 2016.
  2. ^ Dr. Nimrod Raphaeli (11 February 2009). . MEMRI. Archived from the original on 11 February 2009.
  3. ^ Jonathan Chin, Lo Tien-pin and (29 January 2019). "Air force highlights secret North Yemen operations". www.taipeitimes.com. Taipei Times. Retrieved 21 July 2019.
  4. ^ Hoagl, Jim (May 28, 1979). "Taiwanese Hired By North Yemen To Fly U.S. Jets". The Washington Post. The Washington Post. Retrieved 21 July 2019.
  5. ^ "Northrop F-5E/F in Service with Taiwan". www.joebaugher.com. joebaugher.com. Retrieved 21 July 2019.
  6. ^ "DESERT SHIELD AND DESERT STORM A CHRONOLOGY AND TROOP LIST FOR THE 1990–1991 PERSIAN GULF CRISIS" (PDF). apps.dtic.mil. (PDF) from the original on 12 April 2019. Retrieved 2018-12-18.
  7. ^ Sharnoff, Michael (2021-06-01). "Nasser and the Palestinians". Middle East Quarterly.
  8. ^ Gold, Dore (2003). Hatred's Kingdom. Washington, DC: Regnery. p. 75. Even before he became king, Faisal turned to Islam as a counterweight to Nasser's Arab socialism. The struggle between the two leaders became an Arab cold war, pitting the new Arab republics against the older Arab kingdoms.
  9. ^
    • The Arab Cold War, 1958–1964: A Study of Ideology in Politics. London: Chattam House Series, Oxford University Press, 1965.
    • The Arab Cold War, 1958–1967: A Study of Ideology in Politics, 1967
    • The Arab Cold War: Gamal 'Abd al-Nasir and His Rivals, 1958–1970, 3rd ed. London: Oxford University Press, 1971.
  10. ^ Water Resources in Jordan: Evolving Policies for Development, the Environment, and Conflict Resolution, p.250
  11. ^ Bahgat Korany, The Arab States in the Regional and International System: II. Rise of New Governing Elite and the Militarization of the Political System (Evolution) at Palestinian Academic Society for the Study of International Affairs
  12. ^ Aburish, Said K. (2004), Nasser, the Last Arab, New York City: St. Martin's Press, ISBN 978-0-312-28683-5, p.35–39
  13. ^ a b c d e f g Gold, Dore (2003). Hatred's Kingdom. Washington, DC: Regnery. p. 75.
  14. ^ Tsourapas, Gerasimos (2016-07-02). (PDF). British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies. 43 (3): 324–341. doi:10.1080/13530194.2015.1102708. ISSN 1353-0194. S2CID 159943632. Archived from the original (PDF) on 2018-07-20. Retrieved 2019-07-05.
  15. ^ Internal Security in Saudi Arabia, United Kingdom, Public Record Office, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, FC08/1483, 1970
  16. ^ . Time. 1967-09-08. ISSN 0040-781X. Archived from the original on November 5, 2012. Retrieved August 26, 2008.
  17. ^ Gold, Dore (2003). Hatred's Kingdom. Washington, DC: Regnery. pp. 75–76.
  18. ^ source: Ian Skeet, OPEC: Twenty-Five Years of Prices and Politics (Cambridge: University Press, 1988)
  19. ^ Kepel, Jihad, 2002: p.75
  20. ^ Murphy, Caryle, Passion for Islam: Shaping the Modern Middle East: the Egyptian Experience, (Simon and Schuster, 2002, p.31)
  21. ^ Wright, Robin (2001) [1985]. Sacred Rage: The Wrath of Militant Islam. New York: Simon & Schuster. pp. 64–67. ISBN 0-7432-3342-5.
  22. ^ a b c Kepel, Gilles (2003). Jihad: The Trail of Political Islam. New York: I.B. Tauris. p. 69. ISBN 9781845112578. The war of October 1973 was started by Egypt with the aim of avenging the humiliation of 1967 and restoring the lost legitimacy of the two states' ... [Egypt and Syria] emerged with a symbolic victory ... [but] the real victors in this war were the oil-exporting countries, above all Saudi Arabia. In addition to the embargo's political success, it reduced the world oil supply and sent the price per barrel soaring. In the aftermath of the war, the oil states abruptly found themselves with revenues gigantic enough to assure them a clear position of dominance within the Muslim world.
  23. ^ . CBC News. Archived from the original on June 9, 2007. Retrieved May 29, 2007.
  24. ^ Kepel, Gilles. Muslim Extremism in Egypt; the Prophet and Pharoh, Gilles Kepel, p.103–04
  25. ^ particularly al-Gama'a al-Islamiyya
  26. ^ Kepel, Gilles. Muslim Extremism in Egypt: The Prophet and Pharoh, Gilles Kepel, 1985, p.129
  27. ^ Murphy, Caryle, Passion for Islam: Shaping the Modern Middle East: The Egyptian Experience, Simon and Schuster, 2002, p.36

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This article is about the Cold War between Soviet backed Arab republics and US backed Arab monarchies For the conflict between Iran and Saudi Arabia see Iran Saudi Arabia proxy conflict For the conflict between Qatar and Saudi Arabia see Qatar Saudi Arabia diplomatic conflict This article has multiple issues Please help improve it or discuss these issues on the talk page Learn how and when to remove these template messages This article needs additional citations for verification Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources Unsourced material may be challenged and removed Find sources Arab Cold War news newspapers books scholar JSTOR October 2012 Learn how and when to remove this template message This article possibly contains original research Please improve it by verifying the claims made and adding inline citations Statements consisting only of original research should be removed May 2022 Learn how and when to remove this template message This article may require copy editing for grammar style cohesion tone or spelling You can assist by editing it June 2023 Learn how and when to remove this template message Learn how and when to remove this template message The Arab Cold War Arabic الحرب العربية الباردة al ḥarb al arabiyyah al baridah was a political rivalry in the Arab world from the early 1950s to the late 1970s as part of the wider Cold War It is generally accepted that the beginning of the Arab Cold War is marked by the Egyptian revolution of 1952 which eventually led to Gamal Abdel Nasser becoming president of Egypt in 1956 Thereafter newly formed Arab republics defined by revolutionary secular nationalism and inspired by Nasser s Egypt engaged in political rivalries with conservative traditionalist Arab monarchies led by Saudi Arabia The Iranian Revolution of 1979 is widely seen as the end of this period of internal conflict and rivalry Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini was installed as the leader of Iran s theocratic government A new era of Arab Iranian tensions followed overshadowing the bitterness of intra Arab strife Arab Cold WarPart of the Cold WarDate23 July 1952 11 February 1979 a 26 years 6 months 2 weeks and 5 days LocationArab worldResultDecline of pan Arabism and Nasserism after the death of Gamal Abdel Nasser Rise of Wahhabism Salafi jihadism and Islamism after the death of Nasser International propagation of Salafism and Wahhabism in several countries financed with Saudi oil exports Creation of Gulf Cooperation Council Failed attempts of an Arab Union Arab Federation United Arab Republic United Arab States Federation of Arab Republics United Arab Kingdom Union of Arab Republics Arab Islamic Republic Successful attempts of an Arab Union Unity of seven Arab emirates to form UAE Yemeni unificationBelligerentsRepublic of Egypt 1953 1958 United Arab Republic 1958 1961 1971 Arab Republic of Egypt 1971 1973 Iraqi Republic 1958 1968 Ba athist Iraq 1968 1979 Syria 1954 1958 1961 since 1963 Libya after 1969 Algeria Sudan 1969 1971 South Yemen North Yemen 1962 1970 Mauritania until 1984 Palestine Liberation Organization State of Palestine Polisario Front Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic Somalia 1969 1977 Arab Nationalist Movement Abu Nidal Organization Ba ath Party until 1966 DLF 1 1963 1968 PFLOAG 1 1968 1974 NDFLOAG 1969 1971 PFLO 1974 1976 Hezbollah 2 from 1985 Federation of Arab Republics Arab Islamic Republic United Arab States 1958 1961 United Arab Republic Kingdom of Yemen Saudi Arabia Kingdom of Iraq until 1958 Ba athist Iraq from 1979 Jordan Morocco Kingdom of Egypt until 1953 Arab Republic of Egypt since 1974 Syria before 1954 1961 1963 Libya until 1969 Federation of the Emirates of the South Federation of South Arabia until 1967 Protectorate of South Arabia until 1967 Kingdom of Yemen until 1970 North Yemen after 1970 Muscat and Oman until 1970 Imamate of Oman until 1959 Oman since 1970 Zanzibar until 1964 Bahrain Kuwait Qatar Somalia since 1978 Sudan before 1969 since 1985 Trucial States until 1971 United Arab Emirates from 1971 Muslim Brotherhood Arab Federation 1958 Iraq JordanSupported by Soviet Union until 1989 People s Republic of China until 1966 Democratic Republic of Afghanistan from 1978 Bulgaria until 1989 Cuba since 1959 Czechoslovakia until 1989 Ethiopia from 1974 East Germany Hungary until 1989 India limited Iran since 1979 limited North Korea Poland until 1989 Romania until 1989 limited Yugoslavia limited Supported by United States United Kingdom Republic of China 3 4 5 People s Republic of China from 1972 limited France limited Afghanistan Mujahideen 6 from 1979 Canada Ethiopia until 1974 West Germany Iran until 1979 Israel limited Italy Japan South Korea Pakistan Turkey CENTO until 1979 Commanders and leadersMohamed Naguib Gamal Abdel Nasser Anwar Sadat 1970 1973 Abd al Karim Qasim Ahmed Hassan al Bakr Muammar Gaddafi Yasser Arafat Hafez al Assad Houari Boumediene Siad Barre 1969 1977 Qahtan Muhammad al Shaabi Abdul Fattah Ismail Ali Nasir Muhammad Ali Salem al BeidhKing Faisal King Hussein Emir Jaber Sultan Qaboos King Hassan Emir Isa bin Salman Emir Khalifa bin Hamad King Farouk Anwar Sadat 1974 1981 Hosni Mubarak King Faisal II Saddam Hussein King Idris Ali Abdullah Saleh Siad Barre since 1978 Nasser espoused secular pan Arab nationalism and socialism as a response to the perceived complicity of the Arab monarchies in Western interference in the Arab world as well as their rentierism and Islamism Later in his career Nasser also embraced the Palestinian cause albeit within the framework of pan Arabism 7 After Egypt s political victory in the 1956 Suez Crisis known in the Arab world as the Tripartite Aggression Nasser and his associated ideology quickly gained support in other Arab countries from Iraq in the east to French occupied Algeria in the west In several Arab countries including Iraq North Yemen and Libya conservative regimes were overthrown and replaced by revolutionary republican governments Meanwhile Arab countries under Western occupation such as Algeria and South Yemen experienced nationalist uprisings aimed at national liberation At the same time Syria which was already strongly Arab nationalist formed a short lived federal union with Egypt called the United Arab Republic Several other attempts were made to unite the Arab states in various configurations but all ultimately failed In turn the monarchies of Saudi Arabia Jordan and Morocco as well as the Gulf states following their independence in the early 1970s formed a closer alliance to counter Egyptian influence through various means directly or indirectly 8 Saudi Arabia and Jordan previously rivals over the competing claims of their respective dynasties worked closely together to support the royalist faction in the North Yemen Civil War The conflict had become a proxy war between Egypt and Saudi Arabia following the establishment of the Nasserist Yemen Arab Republic in 1962 The term Arab Cold War was first used by Malcolm H Kerr an American political scientist and Middle East scholar in his 1965 book of the same name and subsequent editions 9 Despite its name the Arab Cold War was not a conflict between capitalist and communist economic systems In fact all Arab governments with the exception of the Marxist government of South Yemen explicitly rejected communism and banned the activities of communist activists within their territories Moreover the Arab states did not seek membership of either NATO or the Warsaw Pact as the vast majority of them belonged to the Non Aligned Movement The Arab Cold War was linked to the global confrontation between the United States and the Soviet Union as the United States supported the conservative monarchies led by Saudi Arabia while the Soviet Union supported the Egyptian led republics that adhered to Arab socialism This was despite the republics suppression of internal Arab communist movements The Arab revolutionary nationalist republican movement supported anti American anti Western anti imperialist and anti colonial revolutionary movements outside the Arab world such as the Cuban Revolution In contrast the Arab monarchist movement supported conservative governments in predominantly Muslim countries such as Pakistan The Arab Cold War is thought to have ended in the late 1970s as a result of several factors The success of the State of Israel in the Six Day War of 1967 undermined the strategic strength of both Egypt and Nasser The resolution of the North Yemen Civil War although brokered by Nasser and King Faisal of Saudi Arabia was a victory for the Egyptian backed Yemeni Republicans The intense Egyptian Saudi rivalry faded dramatically as attention focused on Egypt s efforts to liberate its own territory now under Israeli occupation After Nasser s death in 1970 Anwar Sadat became president and departed significantly from Nasser s revolutionary platform both domestically and in regional and international affairs In particular Sadat sought to establish a close strategic partnership with Saudi Arabia under King Faisal which was crucial to Egypt s success in the first part of the Yom Kippur War of 1973 Building on these early successes Sadat completely distanced himself from Nasserism by ending Egypt s strategic alliance with the Soviet Union and aligning himself instead with the United States In 1978 he negotiated a peace treaty with the state of Israel that required the removal of all Israeli military personnel and settlers from Egyptian land Sadat s peace treaty not only alienated Nasserists and other secular Arab nationalists but also enraged Islamists who denounced him as an apostate This eventually led to his assassination by the Egyptian Islamic Jihad in 1981 Egypt was suspended from the Arab League leading to its virtual isolation in the region Meanwhile Islamism grew in popularity culminating in the 1979 Iranian Revolution This established Shi a Iran as a regional power committed to overthrowing the predominantly Sunni governments of Arab states both republican and monarchical After the outbreak of the Iran Iraq War in the early 1980s Egypt still suspended from the Arab League joined Saudi Arabia in supporting Sunni led Iraq against Shi ite Iran At the same time the Sunni Shi a conflict in other parts of the region such as Lebanon became a new proxy conflict between the regional powers of the two Muslim sects Contents 1 Background 2 History 2 1 Islamic revival 3 Conflicts of the Arab Cold War 3 1 1950s 3 2 1960s 3 3 1970s 3 4 1980s 3 5 1990s 4 See also 5 Notes 6 ReferencesBackground editFurther information Arab Israeli conflict During this period the history of the Arab states were very different In 1956 only Egypt Syria Lebanon Tunisia and Sudan were republics and all subscribed to some degree to Arab nationalist ideology Jordan and Iraq were both ruled by Hashemite monarchies Morocco Libya Saudi Arabia and North Yemen had independent dynasties Algeria South Yemen Oman and the Trucial States were either under French colonial rule or British occupation In 1960 Iraq Tunisia Algeria and North Yemen had republican governments or Arab nationalist insurgencies Meanwhile Lebanon was experiencing a near civil war between US allied government factions and Soviet and Egyptian allied Arab nationalist factions citation needed The dates of the conflicts in this period vary from source to source Jordanian sources date the beginning of the Arab Cold War to April 1957 10 while Palestinian sources identify the period from 1962 to 1967 as the most significant for them but within the wider Arab context 11 History editThis section needs expansion You can help by adding to it March 2015 Further information History of Egypt under Gamal Abdel Nasser Iran Saudi Arabia proxy conflict Israel Saudi Arabia relations Pan Arabism Six Day War and War of Attrition The Free Officers Movement overthrew King Farouk during the Egyptian Revolution of 1952 Led by Mohamed Naguib and Gamal Abdel Nasser the Free Officers implemented a program to transform Egypt by reducing feudalism ending British influence and abolishing the monarchy and aristocracy In 1953 they established Egypt as a republic 12 On 26 July 1956 Nasser nationalized the Suez Canal after Britain and the United States withdrew their offer to finance the construction of the Aswan Dam in response to Egypt s new relationship with the Soviet Union Britain and France then made a secret pact with Israel to invade Egypt together but were forced to back down in what became known as the Suez Crisis Nasser emerged from the war with great prestige as the unchallenged leader of Arab nationalism 13 Nasser used various political tools to increase his visibility in the Arab world These included radio programs such as Voice of the Arabs and the use of politically active Egyptian professionals often teachers Egyptian teachers seconded to Arab states by destination 1953 1962 14 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961Saudi Arabia 206 293 401 500 454 551 727 866 1027Jordan 8 20 31 56 Lebanon 25 25 39 36 75 111 251 131 104Kuwait 114 180 262 326 395 435 490 480 411Bahrain 15 15 18 25 25 25 26 28 36Morocco 20 75 81 175 210 334Sudan 580 632 673 658 653Qatar 1 3 5 8 14 17 18 24Libya 55 114 180 219 217 232 228 391 231Yemen 12 11 8 17 17 17 14 0Iraq 76 112 121 136 63 449 Palestine 13 32 34 37 46 120 166 175 165Somalia 25 23 57 69 90 109 213In July 1958 the Hashemite Kingdom of Iraq was overthrown with the king crown prince prime minister and most of the royal family killed by the nationalist revolutionaries The Iraqi monarchy was overthrown and replaced by an Arab nationalist republic At the time the forces supporting Nasser and nationalism seemed to be gaining strength while the older Arab monarchies seemed to be in danger 13 In 1969 the Kingdom of Libya under King Idris was overthrown by the Free Officers Movement of Libya a group of rebel military officers led by Colonel Muammar Gaddafi nbsp Gamal Abdel NasserIn Saudi Arabia some Saudi princes led by Prince Talal bin Abdul Aziz supported Nasser s cause of Arab socialism because of his popularity 13 In 1962 a Saudi air force pilot defected to Cairo 13 In 1965 and 1966 there were signs of unrest and subversion particularly in Saudi Arabia s oil producing region 13 In 1969 the Saudi government uncovered a Nasserist plot involving 28 army officers 34 air force officers nine other military personnel and 27 civilians 15 13 In the early 1960s Nasser sent an expeditionary army to Yemen to support the anti monarchist forces in the North Yemen Civil War The Yemeni royalists were supported by the monarchies of Saudi Arabia and Jordan In December 1962 the Egyptian air force attacked Saudi border towns such as Najran 13 By the end of the 1960s Nasser s prestige had declined due to the political failure of the union between Egypt and Syria military setbacks in Yemen where the civil war reached a stalemate despite his commitment of thousands of troops to overthrow the monarchists and especially against Israel where Egypt lost the Sinai Peninsula and suffered the loss of 10 000 to 15 000 troops in the Six Day War In late 1967 Egyptian President Nasser and Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Faisal signed a treaty According to the treaty Nasser would withdraw the 20 000 Egyptian troops from Yemen Faisal would stop sending arms to the Yemeni royalists and three neutral Arab states would send observers 16 Islamic revival edit Main article Islamic revival Further information International propagation of Salafism and Wahhabism Petro Islam Salafi movement and Grand Mosque seizure Although the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia had a smaller population than Egypt it had oil wealth and prestige as the country of Mecca and Medina Islam s two holiest cities In 1962 Saudi Arabia sponsored an international Islamic conference in Mecca to use Islam as a counterweight to Nasser s Arab socialism This led to the creation of the Muslim World League dedicated to spreading Islam and promoting Islamic solidarity The League was effective in promoting conservative Wahhabi Islam and combating radical foreign ideologies such as Arab socialism in the Muslim world 17 nbsp Petroleum products revenue in billions of dollars per annum for five major Arab petroleum exporting countries Saudi Arabian production Years were chosen to show payment for before 1973 and after 1974 the October 1973 War after the Iranian Revolution 1978 1979 and during the market turnaround in 1986 18 Iran and Iraq are excluded because their revenue fluctuated due to the revolution and the war between them 19 The Islamic revival strengthened throughout the Arab world especially after the Six day War After Nasser s death in 1970 his successor Anwar Sadat shifted the focus to religion and economic liberalization away from Arab nationalism and socialism Egypt s military slogan Land Sea and Air was replaced by the Islamic battle cry of Allahu Akbar in the perceived shattering defeat in the Yom Kippur War 20 21 Although the October 1973 war was launched by Egypt and Syria to recover land captured by Israel in 1967 according to French political scientist Gilles Kepel the real victors of the war were the Arab oil exporting countries Their embargo on Israel s Western allies helped the US to pressure Israel to limit its counter offensive 22 The political success of the embargo enhanced the prestige of those who imposed it In addition the reduction in global oil supply caused the price of oil to rise from US 3 to almost 12 a barrel 23 increasing the revenues of oil exporters This gave the Arab oil exporting states a dominant position within the Muslim world 22 with Saudi Arabia by far the largest exporter see bar chart above 22 In Egypt the Muslim Brotherhood which was supported by Saudi Arabia and had been suppressed by the Egyptian government was allowed to publish a monthly magazine and its political prisoners were gradually released 24 The Islamists gained control of the universities 25 forcing left wing and pan Arab anti Sadat student organisations underground 26 By the end of the 1970s Sadat described himself as The Believer President He banned most alcohol sales and ordered Egyptian state television to interrupt programs in order to broadcast the salat Islamic call to prayer five times a day and to increase religious programming 27 Conflicts of the Arab Cold War edit1950s edit Egyptian revolution 1952 Iraqi Intifada 1952 Syrian coup d etat 1954 Jebel Akhdar War 1954 1959 Algerian revolution 1954 1962 Alleged Jordanian military coup attempt 1957 Syrian Crisis 1957 14 July Revolution 1958 Lebanon crisis 1958 Mosul uprising 1959 1960s edit Operation Vantage 1961 Bizerte crisis 1961 Syrian coup d etat 1961 North Yemen Civil War 1962 1970 Ramadan Revolution 1963 Syrian coup d etat 1963 Dhofar Rebellion 1963 1976 Sand War 1963 Aden Emergency 1963 1967 Syrian coup d etat 1966 Palestinian insurgency in South Lebanon 1968 1982 Corrective Move 1969 Sudanese coup d etat 1969 Libyan coup d etat 1969 Al Wadiah War 1969 1970s edit Black September 1970 1971 Corrective Movement 1970 Sudanese coup d etat 1971 Yemeni War 1972 Lebanese Civil War 1975 1990 Western Sahara War 1975 1991 Islamist uprising in Syria 1976 1982 Egyptian Libyan War 1977 Ethiopian Somali War 1977 1978 Chadian Libyan War 1978 1987 NDF Rebellion 1978 1982 Yemeni War 1979 Khuzestan insurgency 1979 1980s edit Iran Iraq War 1980 1988 Ethiopian Somali Border War 1982 Sudanese coup d etat 1985 South Yemen Civil War 1986 Damascus bombings 1986 1990s edit Yemeni unification 1990 Iraqi invasion of Kuwait 1990 Gulf War 1990 1991 Iraqi uprisings 1991 Algerian Civil War 1991 2002 Yemeni Civil War 1994 See also editArab Spring Arab Winter Cold War in Asia Gulf War Iran Saudi Arabia proxy conflict Iran Iraq War Iran Israel proxy conflict Middle Eastern Cold War disambiguation Soviet Afghan War The Cold War Qatar Saudi Arabia diplomatic conflictNotes edit Some sources variously date the end of the period to c 1990 particularly Yemeni unification the end of the Lebanese Civil War the Gulf War or the end of the Western Sahara War Some sources say present References edit a b The Dhofar Rebellion countrystudies us Archived from the original on 9 April 2016 Retrieved 5 May 2016 Dr Nimrod Raphaeli 11 February 2009 The Iranian Roots of Hizbullah MEMRI Archived from the original on 11 February 2009 Jonathan Chin Lo Tien pin and 29 January 2019 Air force highlights secret North Yemen operations www taipeitimes com Taipei Times Retrieved 21 July 2019 Hoagl Jim May 28 1979 Taiwanese Hired By North Yemen To Fly U S Jets The Washington Post The Washington Post Retrieved 21 July 2019 Northrop F 5E F in Service with Taiwan www joebaugher com joebaugher com Retrieved 21 July 2019 DESERT SHIELD AND DESERT STORM A CHRONOLOGY AND TROOP LIST FOR THE 1990 1991 PERSIAN GULF CRISIS PDF apps dtic mil Archived PDF from the original on 12 April 2019 Retrieved 2018 12 18 Sharnoff Michael 2021 06 01 Nasser and the Palestinians Middle East Quarterly Gold Dore 2003 Hatred s Kingdom Washington DC Regnery p 75 Even before he became king Faisal turned to Islam as a counterweight to Nasser s Arab socialism The struggle between the two leaders became an Arab cold war pitting the new Arab republics against the older Arab kingdoms Writings by Malcolm H Kerr The Arab Cold War 1958 1964 A Study of Ideology in Politics London Chattam House Series Oxford University Press 1965 The Arab Cold War 1958 1967 A Study of Ideology in Politics 1967 The Arab Cold War Gamal Abd al Nasir and His Rivals 1958 1970 3rd ed London Oxford University Press 1971 Water Resources in Jordan Evolving Policies for Development the Environment and Conflict Resolution p 250 Bahgat Korany The Arab States in the Regional and International System II Rise of New Governing Elite and the Militarization of the Political System Evolution at Palestinian Academic Society for the Study of International Affairs Aburish Said K 2004 Nasser the Last Arab New York City St Martin s Press ISBN 978 0 312 28683 5 p 35 39 a b c d e f g Gold Dore 2003 Hatred s Kingdom Washington DC Regnery p 75 Tsourapas Gerasimos 2016 07 02 Nasser s Educators and Agitators across al Watan al Arabi Tracing the Foreign Policy Importance of Egyptian Regional Migration 1952 1967 PDF British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies 43 3 324 341 doi 10 1080 13530194 2015 1102708 ISSN 1353 0194 S2CID 159943632 Archived from the original PDF on 2018 07 20 Retrieved 2019 07 05 Internal Security in Saudi Arabia United Kingdom Public Record Office Foreign and Commonwealth Office FC08 1483 1970 Beginning to Face Defeat Time 1967 09 08 ISSN 0040 781X Archived from the original on November 5 2012 Retrieved August 26 2008 Gold Dore 2003 Hatred s Kingdom Washington DC Regnery pp 75 76 source Ian Skeet OPEC Twenty Five Years of Prices and Politics Cambridge University Press 1988 Kepel Jihad 2002 p 75 Murphy Caryle Passion for Islam Shaping the Modern Middle East the Egyptian Experience Simon and Schuster 2002 p 31 Wright Robin 2001 1985 Sacred Rage The Wrath of Militant Islam New York Simon amp Schuster pp 64 67 ISBN 0 7432 3342 5 a b c Kepel Gilles 2003 Jihad The Trail of Political Islam New York I B Tauris p 69 ISBN 9781845112578 The war of October 1973 was started by Egypt with the aim of avenging the humiliation of 1967 and restoring the lost legitimacy of the two states Egypt and Syria emerged with a symbolic victory but the real victors in this war were the oil exporting countries above all Saudi Arabia In addition to the embargo s political success it reduced the world oil supply and sent the price per barrel soaring In the aftermath of the war the oil states abruptly found themselves with revenues gigantic enough to assure them a clear position of dominance within the Muslim world The price of oil in context CBC News Archived from the original on June 9 2007 Retrieved May 29 2007 Kepel Gilles Muslim Extremism in Egypt the Prophet and Pharoh Gilles Kepel p 103 04 particularly al Gama a al Islamiyya Kepel Gilles Muslim Extremism in Egypt The Prophet and Pharoh Gilles Kepel 1985 p 129 Murphy Caryle Passion for Islam Shaping the Modern Middle East The Egyptian Experience Simon and Schuster 2002 p 36 Retrieved from https en wikipedia org w index php title Arab Cold War amp oldid 1204984277, wikipedia, wiki, book, books, library,


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