
Definition of anarchism and libertarianism

Anarchism and libertarianism, as broad political ideologies with manifold historical and contemporary meanings, have contested definitions. Their adherents have a pluralistic and overlapping tradition that makes precise definition of the political ideology difficult or impossible, compounded by a lack of common features, differing priorities of subgroups, lack of academic acceptance, and contentious historical usage.

Overview edit

"Anarchism" generally refers to the anti-authoritarian (libertarian) wing of the socialist movement.[a] "Libertarian socialism" has been a synonym for "anarchism" since 1890,[1] as has the term "libertarian" through the mid-20th century.[2]

The terms "anarchism" and "libertarianism" represent broad political ideologies with multiple historical and contemporary meanings.[3][4][5] Incompatibilities within their pluralistic tradition prove difficult or impossible to reconcile into a singular set of core beliefs.[6] The range of ideological disparities within anarchism is often paradoxical and never fully coherent.[7] Most anarchists are opposed to hierarchy and capitalism. but differ in how they believe that change should be made.[8]

Other complicating factors in defining "anarchism" include disagreement over its status as a political ideology and contention over the term's historical usage.[9] Anarchism's rejection of the state and state policy largely sits outside the purview of political scientists and in some formulations, its misconstruction as the antithesis of politics contributes to its marginalization as a political ideology.[10]

History of usage edit

Since the 19th century, "libertarian" has referred to advocates for freedom of the will, or anyone who generally advocated for liberty. The first person to call themselves a "libertarian" in the political sense was Joseph Déjacque in 1857. Shortly after, in 1858, he created the New York anarchist journal Le Libertaire.[11] Anarchist Sébastien Faure used the term later in the century to differentiate between anarchists and authoritarian socialists.[11] While the term "libertarian" has been largely synonymous with anarchism,[b] its meaning has more recently diluted with wider adoption from ideologically disparate groups.[11] For example, "libertarians" include both the New Left Marxists (who do not associate with authoritarian socialists or a vanguard party) and extreme liberals (primarily concerned with civil liberties). Additionally, some anarchists use "libertarian socialist" to avoid anarchism's negative connotations and emphasize its connections with socialism.[11]

Anarchism retains a historical association with chaos and violence.[12] In the late 1800s, prominent anarchist Peter Kropotkin noted the popular connotations of "anarchy" as a synonym for chaos and disorder, and thus a disadvantageous name for a movement. He accepted the term despite this, just as the Dutch Sea Beggars and sans-culottes had their own names conferred.[13] Anarchists throughout the 20th century have regretted the philosophy's association with chaos, explosives, wanton violence, and marauding.[14] These connotations endure contemporaneously through the popular media's association of black bloc property destruction with the movement.[12] As a result of anarchy's dual definitions, the idea of a society without central authority is endemically conflated with chaos, hampering one's ability to conceive of the former positively.[15]

Popular use of anarchist symbols have also affected the connotations of the term divorced from its theoretical background and history as a movement. The influence of anarchism in 20th-century punk subcultures led to anarchy and the circle-A symbol as a trope in the music and fashion industries to represent teen angst and shallow, youthful rebellion.[16]

The term "anarchist" is also used as a pejorative empty signifier to show abrasive disdain.[10] The term's association with societal malady has been, in part, an intentional strategy by its detractors to discredit it.[9] "Libertarian" saw a similar diffusion of purpose within the American libertarian movement as a wider group less studied and less interested in minimal government adopted the term, diluting the potency of its association with the strict rights-based libertarianism of Ayn Rand and Murray Rothbard.[17] Anarcho-capitalists and those who believe in abolition of the state have occupied the fringe of the libertarian movement.[18]

The revival of free-market ideologies during the mid-to-late 20th century came with disagreement over what to call the movement. While many of its adherents, especially in the United States, prefer "libertarian", many Conservative libertarians reject the term's association with the 1960s New Left and its connotations of libertine hedonism.[19] The movement is divided over the use of "Conservative" as an alternative.[20] Those who seek both economic and social liberty would be known as classical "liberals", but that term developed associations opposite of the limited government, low-taxation, minimal state advocated by the movement.[21] Name variants of the free-market revival movement include classical liberalism, economic liberalism, free-market liberalism and neoliberalism.[19] "Libertarian" has the most colloquial acceptance to describe a member of the movement, or "economic libertarian", based on both the ideology's primacy of economics and its distinction from libertarians of the New Left.[20]

Though many contemporary antiglobalization activists actively identify as "anarchists", many others use anarchist principles and strategies without formally adopting the label, preferring instead terms including "antiauthoritarian", "autonomist", "libertarian socialist", or no label. These activists display anarchistic sensibilities and follow in anarchism's tradition of anti-authoritarianism, anti-capitalism, anti-oppression, and anti-imperialism without explicitly defining themselves as ideologically anarchist.[22]

Relation with socialism edit

In the 19th century, "anarchism" and "socialism" were used interchangeably, both treated as similar threats to sociopolitical order despite their differences in views towards the state.[23] Similarly, classical anarchism is synonymous with "libertarian socialism" in their shared commitments to autonomy and freedom, decentralization, opposing hierarchy, and opposing the vanguardism of authoritarian socialism. Generally, libertarian socialism expands to include classical anarchism, council communism, Italian autonomists, and the Marxism of Luxemburg, Mattick, and Gramsci. While there are differences between each, including whether their adherents personally identify as fully "anarchist" or "Marxist", each still classifies as anti-authoritarian socialism.[24] Classical anarchism is distinguished from general Marxism by its opposition to centralized or authoritarian organizational structures[25] and "the dominion of man over man".[26] Socialist-aligned forms of anarchism are also known as "social anarchism".[14]

The terms "anarchist" and "Marxist" originally signified factions within the First International without a theoretical basis.[27] At this time, the anarchists were the left wing of the socialist movement.[28] The Russian anti-authoritarian Mikhail Bakunin argued that the International was an authoritarian organization controlled by Karl Marx, a German. The term "Marxist" first appeared in French in 1872 to associate the anti-Bakuninist group within the International. The Marxists, in return, used the pejorative "anarchist" to label the Bakuninists. These distinctions were further conflated across state lines, such that the French anarchists conflated "Marxist" with "German".[27] A schism between "anarchist" and "socialist" affiliation was formalized with the Second International's 1896 London Congress.[29]

The biggest divide in the definition of anarchism is between the main individualist and socialist anarchist traditions.[14] While anarchism sits between liberalism and socialism, the definitive extent of its affiliation with either is contested.[30] Historians (Rocker and Woodcock) have described anarchism as the confluence of liberal individualism and socialist egalitarianism. Other activists and theorists have variously argued that one tradition is "genuine anarchism" and the other tradition is oppression (Bookchin vs. anarcho-capitalists) or a combination thereof (Black).[30] These contemporary distinctions trace to the time of early modern anarchism when Peter Kropotkin and Alexander Berkman either broke with groups or otherwise separated the traditions of communist anarchism from individualist, mutualist, and egoist anarchism.[30] Even the very idea of the individualist–socialist divide is contested, as some types of individualist anarchism are largely socialistic.[14] Despite these imprecise boundaries and some similarities, socialism and individualism within anarchism have a bifurcated tradition, the former associated with the history of socialism and the latter with classical liberalism and conservatism (also known as "right-libertarianism"). Even their shared belief in anti-statism does not provide a common identity, as both traditions differ in their interpretation of state-rejection in spite of the common terms.[30]

Relation with property and capitalism edit

Modern American libertarians are distinguished from the dominant libertarian tradition by their relation to property and capital. While both historical libertarianism and contemporary economic libertarianism share general antipathy towards the government, contemporary libertarianism favors free market capitalism, while historical libertarianism does not. Historically, libertarians including Herbert Spencer and Max Stirner supported the protection of an individual's freedom from powers of government and private ownership.[31] In contrast, modern American libertarians support freedoms on the basis of their agreement with private property rights.[32] The abolishment of public amenities is a common theme in modern American libertarian writings.[33]

Forms of libertarianism that put laissez-faire economics before economic equality are viewed by most anarchists as incompatible with anarchism's general tradition of egalitarianism and anti-capitalism.[c] Anarcho-capitalism, which would abolish the state and create a fully laissez-faire economy,[34] lies outside of traditional forms of anarchism, such as social anarchism.[c] It shares anarchism's antipathy towards the state[34] but not anarchism's antipathy towards hierarchy, as theorists expect from anarcho-capitalist economic power relations.[35] The ideology follows a different paradigm from most forms of anarchism and has a fundamentally different approach and goals. Despite the "anarcho" in its title,[35] some scholars consider anarcho-capitalism to be more closely affiliated with capitalism and right-wing libertarianism, than with anarchism.[c] Further, within laissez-faire libertarianism, some reject the designation "anarcho-capitalism", believing that "capitalism" may either refer to the laissez-faire market they support or the government-regulated system that they oppose.[36]

Types of definition of anarchism edit

Anarchism scholar Paul McLaughlin studies the various definitions of anarchism in his book Anarchism and Authority. According to him, there are three common types of anarchism definition:

  • etymological definitions
  • anti-statist definitions
  • anti-authoritarian definitions

But all fall short from providing a precise definition of anarchism.[37]

Etymological definition edit

"Anarchy" derives from the Greek anarkhos, meaning "without authority" (as opposed to "without government/state").[38] Hence the etymological definition of anarchism as the negation of an authority. But anarchism is generally not simply a negative stance on authority but also a positive stance about how society should be structured.[37]

Anti-statist definition edit

Anti-statist definitions place the focus of interest on the negation, and confrontation in the real world, of the state by anarchism. But as with the etymological definition, anarchism is much more than anti-statism, as it generally rejects all forms of established authority.[39]

The association between anti-statism and anarchism is both commonly understood and contested.[d]

Anarchism, according to historian Peter Marshall, exists outside standards of political theory because its aims are not based on the struggle for power within the state. It is more concerned with moral and economic theory than participation in political systems and indeed often advocates against participation in such systems.[40]

Anarchist libertarians and modern economic libertarians share opposition to the state as their only significant commonality.[41]

Anti-authoritarian definitions edit

Anti-authoritarian definitions depicts the rejection of all kinds of authorities. Even though these kind of definitions are much broader than the anti-statist ones, there are still handicaps. McLaughlin, who examines under a philosophical scope, claims that anti-authoritarianism is a conclusion of anarchist thought, not an a priori statement, therefore it can not be used as a definition.[42]

See also edit

Notes edit

  1. ^
    • Levy & Adams 2018, p. 104: "As such, many people use the term 'anarchism' to describe the anti-authoritarian wing of the socialist movement."
    • Marshall 1992, p. 641: "In general, anarchism is closer to socialism than liberalism. ... Anarchism finds itself largely in the socialist camp, but it also has outriders in liberalism. It cannot be reduced to socialism, and is best seen as a separate and distinctive doctrine."
    • Cohn 2009, p. 4: "... from the 1890s on, the term 'libertarian socialism' has entered common use as a synonym for anarchism."
    • Chomsky 2005, p. 123: Modern anarchism is "the libertarian wing of socialism".
  2. ^
    • Marshall 1992, p. 641: "For a long time, libertarian was interchangeable in France with anarchist but in recent years, its meaning has become more ambivalent."
    • Cohn 2009, p. 6: "'libertarianism' ... a term that, until the mid-twentieth century, was synonymous with "anarchism" per se"
  3. ^ a b c
    • Marshall 1992, pp. 564–565: "Anarcho-capitalists are against the State simply because they are capitalists first and foremost. ... They are not concerned with the social consequences of capitalism for the weak, powerless and ignorant. ... As such, anarcho-capitalism overlooks the egalitarian implications of traditional individualist anarchists like Spooner and Tucker. In fact, few anarchists would accept the 'anarcho-capitalists' into the anarchist camp since they do not share a concern for economic equality and social justice. Their self-interested, calculating market men would be incapable of practising voluntary co-operation and mutual aid. Anarcho-capitalists, even if they do reject the state, might therefore best be called right-wing libertarians rather than anarchists."
    • Jennings 1993, p. 143: "... anarchism does not stand for the untrammelled freedom of the individual (as the 'anarcho-capitalists' appear to believe) but, as we have already seen, for the extension of individuality and community."
    • Gay & Gay 1999, p. 15: "For many anarchists (of whatever persuasion), anarcho-capitalism is a contradictory term, since 'traditional' anarchists oppose capitalism"
    • Morriss 2008, p. 13: "Social anarchists, those anarchists with communitarian leanings, are critical of anarcho-capitalism because it permits individuals to accumulate substantial power through markets and private property."
    • Franks 2013, pp. 393–394: "Individualisms that defend or reinforce hierarchical forms such as the economic-power relations of anarcho-capitalism ... are incompatible with practices of social anarchism ... Increasingly, academic analysis has followed activist currents in rejecting the view that anarcho-capitalism has anything to do with social anarchism."
  4. ^
    • Jun 2009, p. 507: "One common misconception, which has been rehearsed repeatedly by the few Anglo-American philosophers who have bothered to broach the topic ... is that anarchism can be defined solely in terms of opposition to states and governments."
    • Franks 2013, pp. 386–387: "... many, questionably, regard anti-statism as the irremovable, universal principle at the core of anarchism"
    • Franks 2013, p. 388: "The fact that [socialist and individualist anarchisms] share a core concept of 'anti-statism', which is often advanced as ... a commonality between them ..., is insufficient to produce a shared identity ... because [they interpret] the concept of state-rejection ... differently despite the initial similarity in nomenclature."
    • McLaughlin 2007, p. 166: "[opposition to the state] is (contrary to what many scholars believe) not definitive of anarchism"

References edit

  1. ^ Cohn 2009, p. 4.
  2. ^ Cohn 2009, p. 6.
  3. ^ Miller 1984, p. 2.
  4. ^ Levy & Adams 2018, p. 102.
  5. ^ Cornell 2016, p. 10: "The word libertarian has been historically contested alongside the term anarchism."
  6. ^ Levy & Adams 2018, p. 56.
  7. ^ Miller 1984, pp. 2–3.
  8. ^ Linthicum, Kate (January 25, 2010). "Book fair draws an array of anarchists". Los Angeles Times. Retrieved September 19, 2020.
  9. ^ a b Franks 2013, pp. 385–386.
  10. ^ a b Franks 2013, p. 385.
  11. ^ a b c d Marshall 1992, p. 641.
  12. ^ a b Evren 2011, p. 1.
  13. ^ Evren 2011, pp. 1–2.
  14. ^ a b c d Franks 2013, p. 386.
  15. ^ Long & Machan 2008, p. 111.
  16. ^ Cornell 2016, p. 10.
  17. ^ Doherty 2008, pp. 584–585.
  18. ^ Gamble 2013, p. 414.
  19. ^ a b Gamble 2013, p. 405.
  20. ^ a b Gamble 2013, p. 406.
  21. ^ Gamble 2013, pp. 405–406.
  22. ^ Williams 2018, p. 6.
  23. ^ Kemp 2018, p. 180.
  24. ^ Amster et al. 2009, p. 3.
  25. ^ Amster et al. 2009, p. 9.
  26. ^ Chomsky 2005, p. 123.
  27. ^ a b Callahan & Curtis 2009, pp. 161, 163.
  28. ^ Graham 2015, p. 227.
  29. ^ Woodcock 1980, p. 85.
  30. ^ a b c d Franks 2013, p. 388.
  31. ^ Francis 1983, p. 462.
  32. ^ Francis 1983, pp. 462–463.
  33. ^ Francis 1983, p. 463.
  34. ^ a b Gay & Gay 1999.
  35. ^ a b Davis 2019, p. 64.
  36. ^ Long & Machan 2008, p. vii.
  37. ^ a b McLaughlin 2007, p. 27.
  38. ^ Jun 2009, p. 507.
  39. ^ McLaughlin 2007, pp. 27–28.
  40. ^ Marshall 1992, p. 639.
  41. ^ McLaughlin 2007, pp. 165, n26–166.
  42. ^ McLaughlin 2007, p. 28.

Bibliography edit

  • Amster, Randall; DeLeon, Abraham; Fernandez, Luis; Nocera, Anthony J.; Shannon, Deric, eds. (2009). Contemporary Anarchist Studies: An Introductory Anthology of Anarchy in the Academy. New York: Routledge. ISBN 978-0415474023.
  • Callahan, Kevin J.; Curtis, Sarah A., eds. (2009). Views from the Margins: Creating Identities in Modern France. University of Nebraska Press. ISBN 978-0803215597.
  • Chomsky, Noam (2005). Pateman, Barry (ed.). Chomsky on Anarchism. Oakland, CA: AK Press. ISBN 978-1904859260.
  • Cohn, Jesse (2009). "Anarchism". In Ness, Immanuel (ed.). The International Encyclopedia of Revolution and Protest. Oxford, UK: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. pp. 1–11. doi:10.1002/9781405198073.wbierp0039. ISBN 978-1405198073.
  • Cornell, Andrew (2016). Unruly Equality: U.S. Anarchism in the Twentieth Century. Oakland: University of California Press. ISBN 978-0-520-28675-7.
  • Davis, Laurence (2019). "Individual and Community". In Levy, Carl; Adams, Matthew S. (eds.). The Palgrave Handbook of Anarchism. Cham: Springer. pp. 47–70. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-75620-2_3. ISBN 978-3319756196. S2CID 150149495.
  • Doherty, Brian (2008). Radicals for Capitalism: A Freewheeling History of the Modern American Libertarian Movement. PublicAffairs. ISBN 978-1586485726.
  • Evren, Süreyyya (2011). "How New Anarchism Changed the World (of Opposition) after Seattle and Gave Birth to Post-Anarchism". In Rousselle, Duane; Evren, Süreyyya (eds.). Post-Anarchism: A Reader. Pluto Press. pp. 1–19. ISBN 978-0745330860.
  • Francis, Mark (December 1983). "Human Rights and Libertarians". Australian Journal of Politics & History. 29 (3): 462–472. doi:10.1111/j.1467-8497.1983.tb00212.x. ISSN 0004-9522.
  • Franks, Benjamin (August 2013). Freeden, Michael; Stears, Marc (eds.). "Anarchism". The Oxford Handbook of Political Ideologies. Oxford University Press: 385–404. doi:10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199585977.013.0001.
  • Gamble, Andrew (August 2013). Freeden, Michael; Stears, Marc (eds.). "Economic Libertarianism". The Oxford Handbook of Political Ideologies. Oxford University Press: 405–421. doi:10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199585977.013.0008.
  • Gay, Kathlyn; Gay, Martin (1999). Encyclopedia of Political Anarchy. ABC-CLIO. ISBN 978-0874369823.
  • Graham, Robert (2015). We Do Not Fear Anarchy, We Invoke It: The First International and the Origins of the Anarchist Movement. AK Press. ISBN 978-1-84935-211-6.
  • Jennings, Jeremy (1993). "Anarchism". In Eatwell, Roger; Wright, Anthony (eds.). Contemporary Political Ideologies. London: Pinter. pp. 127–146. ISBN 978-0861870967.
  • Jun, Nathan (September 2009). "Anarchist Philosophy and Working Class Struggle: A Brief History and Commentary". WorkingUSA. 12 (3): 505–519. doi:10.1111/j.1743-4580.2009.00251.x. ISSN 1089-7011.
  • Kemp, Michael (2018). "Beneath a White Tower". Bombs, Bullets and Bread: The Politics of Anarchist Terrorism Worldwide, 1866–1926. Jefferson, North Carolina: McFarland. pp. 178–186. ISBN 978-1476671017.
  • Levy, Carl; Adams, Matthew S., eds. (2018). The Palgrave Handbook of Anarchism. Palgrave Macmillan. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-75620-2. ISBN 978-3-319-75619-6. S2CID 149333615.
  • Long, Roderick T.; Machan, Tibor R., eds. (2008). Anarchism/Minarchism: Is a Government Part of a Free Country?. Ashgate. ISBN 978-0754660668.
  • Marshall, Peter (1992). Demanding the Impossible: A History of Anarchism. London: HarperCollins. ISBN 978-0002178556.
  • McLaughlin, Paul (2007). "Defining Anarchism". Anarchism and Authority: A Philosophical Introduction to Classical Anarchism. Ashgate. pp. 25–36. ISBN 978-0754661962.
  • Miller, David (1984). "What Is Anarchism?". Anarchism. London: J.M. Dent & Sons. ISBN 0460100939.
  • Morriss, Andrew (2008). "Anarcho-capitalism". In Hamowy, Ronald (ed.). The Encyclopedia of Libertarianism. Sage; Cato Institute. pp. 13–14. doi:10.4135/9781412965811.n8. ISBN 978-1412965804. OCLC 191924853.
  • Williams, Dana M. (June 2018). "Contemporary anarchist and anarchistic movements". Sociology Compass. 12 (6): e12582. doi:10.1111/soc4.12582. ISSN 1751-9020.
  • Woodcock, George (1980). "Anarchist Phases and Personalities". Queen's Quarterly. 87 (1): 82–96. ISSN 0033-6041. ProQuest 1296885359.

Further reading edit

  • Béja, Alice (2019). "'Dreaming (Un)American Dreams': Anarchists and the Struggle to Define Americanism". Journal for the Study of Radicalism. 13 (1): 1–18. doi:10.14321/jstudradi.13.1.0001. ISSN 1930-1189. JSTOR 10.14321/jstudradi.13.1.0001. S2CID 151297246.
  • Carlson, Jennifer D. (2012). "Libertarianism". In Miller, Wilbur R. (ed.). The Social History of Crime and Punishment in America: An Encyclopedia. Los Angeles: Sage. pp. 1005–1009. ISBN 978-1412988766.
  • Clark, John P. (1978). "What Is Anarchism?". Nomos. 19: 3–28. ISSN 0078-0979. JSTOR 24219036.
  • Daskal, Steve (2010). "Libertarianism Left and Right, the Lockean Proviso, and the Reformed Welfare State". Social Theory and Practice. 36 (1): 21–43. doi:10.5840/soctheorpract20103612. ISSN 0037-802X. JSTOR 23558591. S2CID 144903940.
  • Davis, Laurence (2014). "Anarchism". In Geoghegan, Vincent; Wilford, Rick (eds.). Political ideologies: an introduction (4th ed.). London: Routledge. pp. 213–. ISBN 978-0415618168. OCLC 893825327.
  • De George, Richard T. (2005). "Anarchism". In Honderich, Ted (ed.). The Oxford Companion to Philosophy (2nd ed.). Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp. 31–32. ISBN 0199264791.
  • Eatwell, Roger; Wright, Anthony, eds. (1999). Contemporary Political Ideologies (reprinted, 2nd ed.). London: A & C Black. ISBN 978-0826451736.
  • Graham, Robert (2018). "(Mis)Conceptions of Anarchism". Anarchist Studies. 26 (2): 32a–55. ISSN 0967-3393. ProQuest 2123044536.
  • Guérin, Daniel (1970). "A Matter of Words". Anarchism: From Theory to Practice. New York: Monthly Review. pp. 11–13. OCLC 468750811.
  • Jun, Nathan (2011). Anarchism and Political Modernity. A&C Black. ISBN 978-1441166869.
  • Levy, Carl (2010). "Social Histories of Anarchism". Journal for the Study of Radicalism. 4 (2): 1–44. doi:10.1353/jsr.2010.0003. ISSN 1930-1197. S2CID 144317650 – via Project MUSE.
  • McLaughlin, Paul (2021). "Anarchism, Anarchists, and Anarchy". In Chartier, Gary; Van Schoelandt, Chad (eds.). The Routledge Handbook of Anarchy and Anarchist Thought. Routledge. pp. 15–27. ISBN 978-1351733588.
  • Morriss, Brian (2015). Anthropology, Ecology, and Anarchism: A Brian Morris Reader. Marshall, Peter (illustrated ed.). Oakland: PM Press. ISBN 978-1604860931.
  • Newman, Michael (2005). Socialism: A Very Short Introduction. Oxford: Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-0192804310.
  • Novak, D. (1958). "The Place of Anarchism in the History of Political Thought". The Review of Politics. 20 (3): 307–329. doi:10.1017/S0034670500033040. ISSN 0034-6705. JSTOR 1404980. S2CID 143880498.
  • Purkis, Jonathan; Bowen, James, eds. (2005). Changing Anarchism: Anarchist Theory and Practice in a Global Age. Manchester: Manchester University Press. ISBN 978-0719066948.
  • Raekstad, Paul (2016). "Understanding Anarchism: Some Basics". Science & Society. 80 (3): 407–414. doi:10.1521/siso.2016.80.3.407. ISSN 0036-8237. JSTOR 26141887.
  • Sciabarra, Chris M. (2000). Total Freedom: Toward a Dialectical Libertarianism. Penn State University Press. ISBN 978-0271020495.
  • Shantz, Jeffrey; Williams, Dana M. (2013). "Problems of Research on Radicals (Or Anarchist Movement Epistemology)". Anarchy and Society: Reflections on Anarchist Sociology. Studies in Critical Social Sciences. Leiden: Brill. pp. 158–174. ISBN 978-9004252998.
  • Walter, Nicholas (2002). About Anarchism. London: Freedom Press. ISBN 978-0900384905.

definition, anarchism, libertarianism, anarchism, libertarianism, broad, political, ideologies, with, manifold, historical, contemporary, meanings, have, contested, definitions, their, adherents, have, pluralistic, overlapping, tradition, that, makes, precise,. Anarchism and libertarianism as broad political ideologies with manifold historical and contemporary meanings have contested definitions Their adherents have a pluralistic and overlapping tradition that makes precise definition of the political ideology difficult or impossible compounded by a lack of common features differing priorities of subgroups lack of academic acceptance and contentious historical usage Contents 1 Overview 2 History of usage 3 Relation with socialism 4 Relation with property and capitalism 5 Types of definition of anarchism 5 1 Etymological definition 5 2 Anti statist definition 5 3 Anti authoritarian definitions 6 See also 7 Notes 8 References 9 Bibliography 10 Further readingOverview edit Anarchism generally refers to the anti authoritarian libertarian wing of the socialist movement a Libertarian socialism has been a synonym for anarchism since 1890 1 as has the term libertarian through the mid 20th century 2 The terms anarchism and libertarianism represent broad political ideologies with multiple historical and contemporary meanings 3 4 5 Incompatibilities within their pluralistic tradition prove difficult or impossible to reconcile into a singular set of core beliefs 6 The range of ideological disparities within anarchism is often paradoxical and never fully coherent 7 Most anarchists are opposed to hierarchy and capitalism but differ in how they believe that change should be made 8 Other complicating factors in defining anarchism include disagreement over its status as a political ideology and contention over the term s historical usage 9 Anarchism s rejection of the state and state policy largely sits outside the purview of political scientists and in some formulations its misconstruction as the antithesis of politics contributes to its marginalization as a political ideology 10 History of usage editSince the 19th century libertarian has referred to advocates for freedom of the will or anyone who generally advocated for liberty The first person to call themselves a libertarian in the political sense was Joseph Dejacque in 1857 Shortly after in 1858 he created the New York anarchist journal Le Libertaire 11 Anarchist Sebastien Faure used the term later in the century to differentiate between anarchists and authoritarian socialists 11 While the term libertarian has been largely synonymous with anarchism b its meaning has more recently diluted with wider adoption from ideologically disparate groups 11 For example libertarians include both the New Left Marxists who do not associate with authoritarian socialists or a vanguard party and extreme liberals primarily concerned with civil liberties Additionally some anarchists use libertarian socialist to avoid anarchism s negative connotations and emphasize its connections with socialism 11 Anarchism retains a historical association with chaos and violence 12 In the late 1800s prominent anarchist Peter Kropotkin noted the popular connotations of anarchy as a synonym for chaos and disorder and thus a disadvantageous name for a movement He accepted the term despite this just as the Dutch Sea Beggars and sans culottes had their own names conferred 13 Anarchists throughout the 20th century have regretted the philosophy s association with chaos explosives wanton violence and marauding 14 These connotations endure contemporaneously through the popular media s association of black bloc property destruction with the movement 12 As a result of anarchy s dual definitions the idea of a society without central authority is endemically conflated with chaos hampering one s ability to conceive of the former positively 15 Popular use of anarchist symbols have also affected the connotations of the term divorced from its theoretical background and history as a movement The influence of anarchism in 20th century punk subcultures led to anarchy and the circle A symbol as a trope in the music and fashion industries to represent teen angst and shallow youthful rebellion 16 The term anarchist is also used as a pejorative empty signifier to show abrasive disdain 10 The term s association with societal malady has been in part an intentional strategy by its detractors to discredit it 9 Libertarian saw a similar diffusion of purpose within the American libertarian movement as a wider group less studied and less interested in minimal government adopted the term diluting the potency of its association with the strict rights based libertarianism of Ayn Rand and Murray Rothbard 17 Anarcho capitalists and those who believe in abolition of the state have occupied the fringe of the libertarian movement 18 The revival of free market ideologies during the mid to late 20th century came with disagreement over what to call the movement While many of its adherents especially in the United States prefer libertarian many Conservative libertarians reject the term s association with the 1960s New Left and its connotations of libertine hedonism 19 The movement is divided over the use of Conservative as an alternative 20 Those who seek both economic and social liberty would be known as classical liberals but that term developed associations opposite of the limited government low taxation minimal state advocated by the movement 21 Name variants of the free market revival movement include classical liberalism economic liberalism free market liberalism and neoliberalism 19 Libertarian has the most colloquial acceptance to describe a member of the movement or economic libertarian based on both the ideology s primacy of economics and its distinction from libertarians of the New Left 20 Though many contemporary antiglobalization activists actively identify as anarchists many others use anarchist principles and strategies without formally adopting the label preferring instead terms including antiauthoritarian autonomist libertarian socialist or no label These activists display anarchistic sensibilities and follow in anarchism s tradition of anti authoritarianism anti capitalism anti oppression and anti imperialism without explicitly defining themselves as ideologically anarchist 22 Relation with socialism editMain article Social anarchism In the 19th century anarchism and socialism were used interchangeably both treated as similar threats to sociopolitical order despite their differences in views towards the state 23 Similarly classical anarchism is synonymous with libertarian socialism in their shared commitments to autonomy and freedom decentralization opposing hierarchy and opposing the vanguardism of authoritarian socialism Generally libertarian socialism expands to include classical anarchism council communism Italian autonomists and the Marxism of Luxemburg Mattick and Gramsci While there are differences between each including whether their adherents personally identify as fully anarchist or Marxist each still classifies as anti authoritarian socialism 24 Classical anarchism is distinguished from general Marxism by its opposition to centralized or authoritarian organizational structures 25 and the dominion of man over man 26 Socialist aligned forms of anarchism are also known as social anarchism 14 The terms anarchist and Marxist originally signified factions within the First International without a theoretical basis 27 At this time the anarchists were the left wing of the socialist movement 28 The Russian anti authoritarian Mikhail Bakunin argued that the International was an authoritarian organization controlled by Karl Marx a German The term Marxist first appeared in French in 1872 to associate the anti Bakuninist group within the International The Marxists in return used the pejorative anarchist to label the Bakuninists These distinctions were further conflated across state lines such that the French anarchists conflated Marxist with German 27 A schism between anarchist and socialist affiliation was formalized with the Second International s 1896 London Congress 29 The biggest divide in the definition of anarchism is between the main individualist and socialist anarchist traditions 14 While anarchism sits between liberalism and socialism the definitive extent of its affiliation with either is contested 30 Historians Rocker and Woodcock have described anarchism as the confluence of liberal individualism and socialist egalitarianism Other activists and theorists have variously argued that one tradition is genuine anarchism and the other tradition is oppression Bookchin vs anarcho capitalists or a combination thereof Black 30 These contemporary distinctions trace to the time of early modern anarchism when Peter Kropotkin and Alexander Berkman either broke with groups or otherwise separated the traditions of communist anarchism from individualist mutualist and egoist anarchism 30 Even the very idea of the individualist socialist divide is contested as some types of individualist anarchism are largely socialistic 14 Despite these imprecise boundaries and some similarities socialism and individualism within anarchism have a bifurcated tradition the former associated with the history of socialism and the latter with classical liberalism and conservatism also known as right libertarianism Even their shared belief in anti statism does not provide a common identity as both traditions differ in their interpretation of state rejection in spite of the common terms 30 Relation with property and capitalism editModern American libertarians are distinguished from the dominant libertarian tradition by their relation to property and capital While both historical libertarianism and contemporary economic libertarianism share general antipathy towards the government contemporary libertarianism favors free market capitalism while historical libertarianism does not Historically libertarians including Herbert Spencer and Max Stirner supported the protection of an individual s freedom from powers of government and private ownership 31 In contrast modern American libertarians support freedoms on the basis of their agreement with private property rights 32 The abolishment of public amenities is a common theme in modern American libertarian writings 33 Forms of libertarianism that put laissez faire economics before economic equality are viewed by most anarchists as incompatible with anarchism s general tradition of egalitarianism and anti capitalism c Anarcho capitalism which would abolish the state and create a fully laissez faire economy 34 lies outside of traditional forms of anarchism such as social anarchism c It shares anarchism s antipathy towards the state 34 but not anarchism s antipathy towards hierarchy as theorists expect from anarcho capitalist economic power relations 35 The ideology follows a different paradigm from most forms of anarchism and has a fundamentally different approach and goals Despite the anarcho in its title 35 some scholars consider anarcho capitalism to be more closely affiliated with capitalism and right wing libertarianism than with anarchism c Further within laissez faire libertarianism some reject the designation anarcho capitalism believing that capitalism may either refer to the laissez faire market they support or the government regulated system that they oppose 36 Types of definition of anarchism editAnarchism scholar Paul McLaughlin studies the various definitions of anarchism in his book Anarchism and Authority According to him there are three common types of anarchism definition etymological definitions anti statist definitions anti authoritarian definitionsBut all fall short from providing a precise definition of anarchism 37 Etymological definition edit Anarchy derives from the Greek anarkhos meaning without authority as opposed to without government state 38 Hence the etymological definition of anarchism as the negation of an authority But anarchism is generally not simply a negative stance on authority but also a positive stance about how society should be structured 37 Anti statist definition edit Anti statist definitions place the focus of interest on the negation and confrontation in the real world of the state by anarchism But as with the etymological definition anarchism is much more than anti statism as it generally rejects all forms of established authority 39 The association between anti statism and anarchism is both commonly understood and contested d Anarchism according to historian Peter Marshall exists outside standards of political theory because its aims are not based on the struggle for power within the state It is more concerned with moral and economic theory than participation in political systems and indeed often advocates against participation in such systems 40 Anarchist libertarians and modern economic libertarians share opposition to the state as their only significant commonality 41 Anti authoritarian definitions edit Anti authoritarian definitions depicts the rejection of all kinds of authorities Even though these kind of definitions are much broader than the anti statist ones there are still handicaps McLaughlin who examines under a philosophical scope claims that anti authoritarianism is a conclusion of anarchist thought not an a priori statement therefore it can not be used as a definition 42 See also editDefinition of fascism Definition of terrorism Floating signifier Libertaire and LibertarioNotes edit Levy amp Adams 2018 p 104 As such many people use the term anarchism to describe the anti authoritarian wing of the socialist movement Marshall 1992 p 641 In general anarchism is closer to socialism than liberalism Anarchism finds itself largely in the socialist camp but it also has outriders in liberalism It cannot be reduced to socialism and is best seen as a separate and distinctive doctrine Cohn 2009 p 4 from the 1890s on the term libertarian socialism has entered common use as a synonym for anarchism Chomsky 2005 p 123 Modern anarchism is the libertarian wing of socialism Marshall 1992 p 641 For a long time libertarian was interchangeable in France with anarchist but in recent years its meaning has become more ambivalent Cohn 2009 p 6 libertarianism a term that until the mid twentieth century was synonymous with anarchism per se a b c Marshall 1992 pp 564 565 Anarcho capitalists are against the State simply because they are capitalists first and foremost They are not concerned with the social consequences of capitalism for the weak powerless and ignorant As such anarcho capitalism overlooks the egalitarian implications of traditional individualist anarchists like Spooner and Tucker In fact few anarchists would accept the anarcho capitalists into the anarchist camp since they do not share a concern for economic equality and social justice Their self interested calculating market men would be incapable of practising voluntary co operation and mutual aid Anarcho capitalists even if they do reject the state might therefore best be called right wing libertarians rather than anarchists Jennings 1993 p 143 anarchism does not stand for the untrammelled freedom of the individual as the anarcho capitalists appear to believe but as we have already seen for the extension of individuality and community Gay amp Gay 1999 p 15 For many anarchists of whatever persuasion anarcho capitalism is a contradictory term since traditional anarchists oppose capitalism Morriss 2008 p 13 Social anarchists those anarchists with communitarian leanings are critical of anarcho capitalism because it permits individuals to accumulate substantial power through markets and private property Franks 2013 pp 393 394 Individualisms that defend or reinforce hierarchical forms such as the economic power relations of anarcho capitalism are incompatible with practices of social anarchism Increasingly academic analysis has followed activist currents in rejecting the view that anarcho capitalism has anything to do with social anarchism Jun 2009 p 507 One common misconception which has been rehearsed repeatedly by the few Anglo American philosophers who have bothered to broach the topic is that anarchism can be defined solely in terms of opposition to states and governments Franks 2013 pp 386 387 many questionably regard anti statism as the irremovable universal principle at the core of anarchism Franks 2013 p 388 The fact that socialist and individualist anarchisms share a core concept of anti statism which is often advanced as a commonality between them is insufficient to produce a shared identity because they interpret the concept of state rejection differently despite the initial similarity in nomenclature McLaughlin 2007 p 166 opposition to the state is contrary to what many scholars believe not definitive of anarchism References edit Cohn 2009 p 4 Cohn 2009 p 6 Miller 1984 p 2 Levy amp Adams 2018 p 102 Cornell 2016 p 10 The word libertarian has been historically contested alongside the term anarchism Levy amp Adams 2018 p 56 Miller 1984 pp 2 3 Linthicum Kate January 25 2010 Book fair draws an array of anarchists Los Angeles Times Retrieved September 19 2020 a b Franks 2013 pp 385 386 a b Franks 2013 p 385 a b c d Marshall 1992 p 641 a b Evren 2011 p 1 Evren 2011 pp 1 2 a b c d Franks 2013 p 386 Long amp Machan 2008 p 111 Cornell 2016 p 10 Doherty 2008 pp 584 585 Gamble 2013 p 414 a b Gamble 2013 p 405 a b Gamble 2013 p 406 Gamble 2013 pp 405 406 Williams 2018 p 6 Kemp 2018 p 180 Amster et al 2009 p 3 Amster et al 2009 p 9 Chomsky 2005 p 123 a b Callahan amp Curtis 2009 pp 161 163 Graham 2015 p 227 Woodcock 1980 p 85 a b c d Franks 2013 p 388 Francis 1983 p 462 Francis 1983 pp 462 463 Francis 1983 p 463 a b Gay amp Gay 1999 a b Davis 2019 p 64 Long amp Machan 2008 p vii a b McLaughlin 2007 p 27 Jun 2009 p 507 McLaughlin 2007 pp 27 28 Marshall 1992 p 639 McLaughlin 2007 pp 165 n26 166 McLaughlin 2007 p 28 Bibliography editAmster Randall DeLeon Abraham Fernandez Luis Nocera Anthony J Shannon Deric eds 2009 Contemporary Anarchist Studies An Introductory Anthology of Anarchy in the Academy New York Routledge ISBN 978 0415474023 Callahan Kevin J Curtis Sarah A eds 2009 Views from the Margins Creating Identities in Modern France University of Nebraska Press ISBN 978 0803215597 Chomsky Noam 2005 Pateman Barry ed Chomsky on Anarchism Oakland CA AK Press ISBN 978 1904859260 Cohn Jesse 2009 Anarchism In Ness Immanuel ed The International Encyclopedia of Revolution and Protest Oxford UK John Wiley amp Sons Ltd pp 1 11 doi 10 1002 9781405198073 wbierp0039 ISBN 978 1405198073 Cornell Andrew 2016 Unruly Equality U S Anarchism in the Twentieth Century Oakland University of California Press ISBN 978 0 520 28675 7 Davis Laurence 2019 Individual and Community In Levy Carl Adams Matthew S eds The Palgrave Handbook of Anarchism Cham Springer pp 47 70 doi 10 1007 978 3 319 75620 2 3 ISBN 978 3319756196 S2CID 150149495 Doherty Brian 2008 Radicals for Capitalism A Freewheeling History of the Modern American Libertarian Movement PublicAffairs ISBN 978 1586485726 Evren Sureyyya 2011 How New Anarchism Changed the World of Opposition after Seattle and Gave Birth to Post Anarchism In Rousselle Duane Evren Sureyyya eds Post Anarchism A Reader Pluto Press pp 1 19 ISBN 978 0745330860 Francis Mark December 1983 Human Rights and Libertarians Australian Journal of Politics amp History 29 3 462 472 doi 10 1111 j 1467 8497 1983 tb00212 x ISSN 0004 9522 Franks Benjamin August 2013 Freeden Michael Stears Marc eds Anarchism The Oxford Handbook of Political Ideologies Oxford University Press 385 404 doi 10 1093 oxfordhb 9780199585977 013 0001 Gamble Andrew August 2013 Freeden Michael Stears Marc eds Economic Libertarianism The Oxford Handbook of Political Ideologies Oxford University Press 405 421 doi 10 1093 oxfordhb 9780199585977 013 0008 Gay Kathlyn Gay Martin 1999 Encyclopedia of Political Anarchy ABC CLIO ISBN 978 0874369823 Graham Robert 2015 We Do Not Fear Anarchy We Invoke It The First International and the Origins of the Anarchist Movement AK Press ISBN 978 1 84935 211 6 Jennings Jeremy 1993 Anarchism In Eatwell Roger Wright Anthony eds Contemporary Political Ideologies London Pinter pp 127 146 ISBN 978 0861870967 Jun Nathan September 2009 Anarchist Philosophy and Working Class Struggle A Brief History and Commentary WorkingUSA 12 3 505 519 doi 10 1111 j 1743 4580 2009 00251 x ISSN 1089 7011 Kemp Michael 2018 Beneath a White Tower Bombs Bullets and Bread The Politics of Anarchist Terrorism Worldwide 1866 1926 Jefferson North Carolina McFarland pp 178 186 ISBN 978 1476671017 Levy Carl Adams Matthew S eds 2018 The Palgrave Handbook of Anarchism Palgrave Macmillan doi 10 1007 978 3 319 75620 2 ISBN 978 3 319 75619 6 S2CID 149333615 Long Roderick T Machan Tibor R eds 2008 Anarchism Minarchism Is a Government Part of a Free Country Ashgate ISBN 978 0754660668 Marshall Peter 1992 Demanding the Impossible A History of Anarchism London HarperCollins ISBN 978 0002178556 McLaughlin Paul 2007 Defining Anarchism Anarchism and Authority A Philosophical Introduction to Classical Anarchism Ashgate pp 25 36 ISBN 978 0754661962 Miller David 1984 What Is Anarchism Anarchism London J M Dent amp Sons ISBN 0460100939 Morriss Andrew 2008 Anarcho capitalism In Hamowy Ronald ed The Encyclopedia of Libertarianism Sage Cato Institute pp 13 14 doi 10 4135 9781412965811 n8 ISBN 978 1412965804 OCLC 191924853 Williams Dana M June 2018 Contemporary anarchist and anarchistic movements Sociology Compass 12 6 e12582 doi 10 1111 soc4 12582 ISSN 1751 9020 Woodcock George 1980 Anarchist Phases and Personalities Queen s Quarterly 87 1 82 96 ISSN 0033 6041 ProQuest 1296885359 Further reading editBeja Alice 2019 Dreaming Un American Dreams Anarchists and the Struggle to Define Americanism Journal for the Study of Radicalism 13 1 1 18 doi 10 14321 jstudradi 13 1 0001 ISSN 1930 1189 JSTOR 10 14321 jstudradi 13 1 0001 S2CID 151297246 Carlson Jennifer D 2012 Libertarianism In Miller Wilbur R ed The Social History of Crime and Punishment in America An Encyclopedia Los Angeles Sage pp 1005 1009 ISBN 978 1412988766 Clark John P 1978 What Is Anarchism Nomos 19 3 28 ISSN 0078 0979 JSTOR 24219036 Daskal Steve 2010 Libertarianism Left and Right the Lockean Proviso and the Reformed Welfare State Social Theory and Practice 36 1 21 43 doi 10 5840 soctheorpract20103612 ISSN 0037 802X JSTOR 23558591 S2CID 144903940 Davis Laurence 2014 Anarchism In Geoghegan Vincent Wilford Rick eds Political ideologies an introduction 4th ed London Routledge pp 213 ISBN 978 0415618168 OCLC 893825327 De George Richard T 2005 Anarchism In Honderich Ted ed The Oxford Companion to Philosophy 2nd ed Oxford Oxford University Press pp 31 32 ISBN 0199264791 Eatwell Roger Wright Anthony eds 1999 Contemporary Political Ideologies reprinted 2nd ed London A amp C Black ISBN 978 0826451736 Graham Robert 2018 Mis Conceptions of Anarchism Anarchist Studies 26 2 32a 55 ISSN 0967 3393 ProQuest 2123044536 Guerin Daniel 1970 A Matter of Words Anarchism From Theory to Practice New York Monthly Review pp 11 13 OCLC 468750811 Jun Nathan 2011 Anarchism and Political Modernity A amp C Black ISBN 978 1441166869 Levy Carl 2010 Social Histories of Anarchism Journal for the Study of Radicalism 4 2 1 44 doi 10 1353 jsr 2010 0003 ISSN 1930 1197 S2CID 144317650 via Project MUSE McLaughlin Paul 2021 Anarchism Anarchists and Anarchy In Chartier Gary Van Schoelandt Chad eds The Routledge Handbook of Anarchy and Anarchist Thought Routledge pp 15 27 ISBN 978 1351733588 Morriss Brian 2015 Anthropology Ecology and Anarchism A Brian Morris Reader Marshall Peter illustrated ed Oakland PM Press ISBN 978 1604860931 Newman Michael 2005 Socialism A Very Short Introduction Oxford Oxford University Press ISBN 978 0192804310 Novak D 1958 The Place of Anarchism in the History of Political Thought The Review of Politics 20 3 307 329 doi 10 1017 S0034670500033040 ISSN 0034 6705 JSTOR 1404980 S2CID 143880498 Purkis Jonathan Bowen James eds 2005 Changing Anarchism Anarchist Theory and Practice in a Global Age Manchester Manchester University Press ISBN 978 0719066948 Raekstad Paul 2016 Understanding Anarchism Some Basics Science amp Society 80 3 407 414 doi 10 1521 siso 2016 80 3 407 ISSN 0036 8237 JSTOR 26141887 Sciabarra Chris M 2000 Total Freedom Toward a Dialectical Libertarianism Penn State University Press ISBN 978 0271020495 Shantz Jeffrey Williams Dana M 2013 Problems of Research on Radicals Or Anarchist Movement Epistemology Anarchy and Society Reflections on Anarchist Sociology Studies in Critical Social Sciences Leiden Brill pp 158 174 ISBN 978 9004252998 Walter Nicholas 2002 About Anarchism London Freedom Press ISBN 978 0900384905 Portals nbsp Anarchism nbsp Libertarianism nbsp Philosophy nbsp Politics Retrieved from https en wikipedia org w index php title Definition of anarchism and libertarianism amp oldid 1209569069 Relation with socialism, wikipedia, wiki, book, books, library,


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