
Vaccination schedule

A vaccination schedule is a series of vaccinations, including the timing of all doses, which may be either recommended or compulsory, depending on the country of residence. A vaccine is an antigenic preparation used to produce active immunity to a disease, in order to prevent or reduce the effects of infection by any natural or "wild" pathogen.[2] Vaccines go through multiple phases of trials to ensure safety and effectiveness.

Example Polish call for vaccination against Diphtheria and Tetanus.
Global vaccination coverage 1980 to 2019 among one year olds[1]

Many vaccines require multiple doses for maximum effectiveness, either to produce sufficient initial immune response or to boost response that fades over time. For example, tetanus vaccine boosters are often recommended every 10 years.[3] Vaccine schedules are developed by governmental agencies or physicians groups to achieve maximum effectiveness using required and recommended vaccines for a locality while minimizing the number of health care system interactions. Over the past two decades, the recommended vaccination schedule has grown rapidly and become more complicated as many new vaccines have been developed.[4]

Some vaccines are recommended only in certain areas (countries, sub national areas, or at-risk populations) where a disease is common. For instance, yellow fever vaccination is on the routine vaccine schedule of French Guiana, is recommended in certain regions of Brazil but in the United States is only given to travelers heading to countries with a history of the disease.[5] In developing countries, vaccine recommendations also take into account the level of health care access, the cost of vaccines and issues with vaccine availability and storage. Sample vaccination schedules discussed by the World Health Organization show a developed country using a schedule which extends over the first five years of a child's life and uses vaccines which cost over $700 including administration costs while a developing country uses a schedule providing vaccines in the first 9 months of life and costing only $25.[6] This difference is due to the lower cost of health care, the lower cost of many vaccines provided to developing nations, and that more expensive vaccines, often for less common diseases, are not utilized.

Worldwide edit

The World Health Organization monitors vaccination schedules across the world, noting what vaccines are included in each country's program, the coverage rates achieved and various auditing measures.[7] The table below shows the types of vaccines given in example countries. The WHO publishes on its website current vaccination schedules for all WHO member states.[8] Additional vaccines are given to individuals more likely to come into contact with specific diseases through work or travel (e.g. military), or after potentially infectious exposure. Examples include rabies, anthrax, cholera and smallpox.[9][10]

Vaccines used for each infection in each country
Country Required for school Required for welfare
  Afghanistan DTwPHibHepB PCV RV BCG [9]
  Albania DTwPHibHepB MMR IIV PCV RV BCG [9]
  Algeria DTwPHib MMR IIV PCV BCG [9]
  Andorra MMR IIV PCV HPV [9]
  Angola DTwPHibHepB MR PCV RV BCG YF [9]
  Antigua and Barbuda DTwPHibHepB MMR IIV PCV HPV YF [9]
  Argentina Yes HepA DTwPHibHepB MMR IIV PCV HPV Rab RV BCG YF [9]
  Armenia HepA DTwPHibHepB MMR IIV PCV HPV Rab RV BCG [9]
  Australia Preschool and daycare in NSW, Vic and WA Yes HepA HepB DTaP Hib MMRV IIV HPV RV [9]
  Austria No HepA HepB Tdap IPV MMR IIV PCV HPV RV [11][9]
  Azerbaijan DTwPHibHepB MMR PCV BCG [9]
  Bahamas HepA DTwPHibHepB MMR IIV PCV HPV RV YF [9]
  Bahrain HepA DTwPHibHepB MMR IIV PCV Chol HPV RV BCG YF [9]
  Bangladesh DTwPHibHepB MR PCV HPV BCG [9]
  Barbados HepA DTwPHibHepB MMR IIV PCV HPV BCG YF [9]
  Belarus HepB Hib MMR IIV PCV BCG [9]
  Belgium Nurseries and daycare HepA HepB DTap Hib IPV MMR IIV PCV HPV RV [11][9]
  Belize DTwPHibHepB MMR IIV HPV Rab BCG YF [9]
  Benin DTwPHibHepB MR PCV HPV BCG YF [9]
  Bhutan DTwPHibHepB MMR HPV BCG [9]
  Bosnia and Herzegovina HepA HepB DTaPHibIPV MMR IIV PCV BCG YF [9]
  Botswana DTwPHibHepB MR PCV HPV RV BCG [9]
  Brazil No Yes HepA DTwPHibHepB MMRV IIV PCV Chol HPV RV BCG YF [9]
  Brunei HepB DTap Hib IPV MR IIV HPV BCG [9]
  Bulgaria HepB DTaPHibIPV MMR IIV PCV HPV Rab RV BCG [11][9]
  Burkina Faso DTwPHibHepB MR PCV RV BCG YF [9]
  Burundi DTwPHibHepB MR PCV HPV RV BCG YF [9]
  Cape Verde DTwPHibHepB MMR HPV BCG YF [9]
  Cambodia DTwPHibHepB MR HPV JE BCG [9]
  Cameroon DTwPHibHepB MR PCV HPV RV BCG YF [9]
  Canada In New Brunswick and Ontario HepA HepB DTaPHibIPV MMRV IIV PCV HPV RV BCG [9]
  Central African Republic HepB Hib PCV RV BCG YF [9]
  Chad DTwPHibHepB BCG YF [9]
  China HepA HepB DTaP JE BCG [9]
  Colombia HepA DTwPHibHepB MMR IIV PCV HPV Rab RV BCG YF [9]
  Comoros DTwPHibHepB PCV BCG [9]
  Congo DTwPHibHepB MR PCV RV BCG YF [9]
  Cook Islands DTaPHibHepB MR HPV BCG [9]
  Costa Rica HepB DTaPHibIPV MMR IIV PCV HPV Rab RV BCG [9]
  Ivory Coast DTwPHibHepB MR IIV PCV HPV RV BCG YF [9]
  Croatia Nurseries, preschools and kindergartens HepB DTaP MMR IIV HPV BCG [11][9]
  Cuba DTwPHibHepB MMR IIV BCG [9]
  Cyprus HepA HepB DTap Hib IPV MMR IIV PCV HPV BCG YF [11][9]
  Czech Republic HepA HepB DTap Hib IPV MMR IIV HPV BCG [11][9]
  North Korea DTwPHibHepB BCG [9]
  DR Congo DTwPHibHepB PCV RV BCG YF [9]
  Denmark No HepB DTaPHibIPV MMR IIV PCV HPV [11][9]
  Djibouti HepB Hib PCV RV BCG [9]
  Dominica HepB Hib MMR IIV HPV BCG YF [9]
  Dominican Republic HepB Hib MMR IIV PCV HPV Rab RV BCG YF [9]
  Egypt DTwPHibHepB MMR IIV PCV BCG YF [9]
  El Salvador DTwPHibHepB MMR IIV PCV RV BCG YF [9]
  Equatorial Guinea DTwPHibHepB BCG YF [9]
  Eritrea DTwPHibHepB MR PCV HPV RV BCG [9]
  Estonia No HepB DTap Hib IPV MMR IIV HPV RV BCG [11][9]
  Eswatini DTwPHibHepB MR PCV HPV RV BCG [9]
  Ethiopia DTwPHibHepB PCV HPV RV BCG [9]
  Fiji DTwPHibHepB MR HPV RV BCG [9]
  Finland No HepB DTaPHibIPV MMRV IIV PCV TBE HPV RV BCG [11][9]
  France Yes HepB DTaP MMR IIV PCV HPV BCG YF [11][9]
  Gabon DTwPHibHepB BCG YF [9]
  Gambia DTwPHibHepB MR PCV HPV RV BCG YF [9]
  Georgia HepB MMR IIV PCV HPV RV BCG [9]
  Germany No HepB DTaPHibIPV MMRV IIV PCV HPV RV [11][9]
  Ghana HepB Hib MR PCV RV BCG YF [9]
  Grenada DTwPHibHepB MMR IIV HPV YF [9]
  Guatemala DTwPHibHepB MMR IIV PCV HPV RV BCG YF [9]
  Guinea DTwPHibHepB BCG YF [9]
  Guinea-Bissau DTwPHibHepB PCV RV BCG YF [9]
  Guyana DTwPHibHepB MMR PCV HPV RV BCG YF [9]
  Haiti DTwPHibHepB MR PCV RV BCG [9]
  Honduras HepA DTwPHibHepB MMR IIV PCV HPV RV BCG YF [9]
  Hong Kong HepB DTaP IPV MMR PCV HPV BCG [12]
  Hungary No HepB DTaPHibIPV MMR IIV PCV HPV BCG [9]
  Iceland No HepB DTaPHibIPV MMR IIV PCV HPV [9]
  India DTwPHibHepB MR JE RV BCG [9]
  Indonesia DTwPHibHepB MR HPV JE BCG [13][9]
  Ireland No HepB TDaP MMR IIV PCV HPV RV BCG [9]
  Japan No HepB DTap Hib IPV MR IIV[a] HPV JE BCG [9][14][15]
  Jordan HepB Hib MMR IIV RV BCG [9]
  Kazakhstan HepA HepB DTaPHibIPV MMR IIV PCV TBE Rab BCG [9]
  Kiribati DTwPHibHepB MR IIV RV BCG [9]
  Kyrgyzstan DTwPHibHepB MMR PCV RV BCG [9]
  Lebanon DTwPHibHepB MMR IIV PCV [9]
  Lesotho DTwPHibHepB MR PCV RV BCG YF [9]
  Liberia DTwPHibHepB PCV HPV RV BCG YF [9]
  Lithuania No HepB DTaPHibIPV MMR IIV PCV HPV Rab RV BCG [9]
  Madagascar DTwPHibHepB PCV RV BCG [9]
  Malawi DTwPHibHepB MR PCV HPV RV BCG [9]
  Malaysia HepB DTaPHibIPV MR IIV HPV JE BCG YF [9]
  Maldives DTwPHibHepB MR HPV BCG YF [9]
  Mali DTwPHibHepB PCV HPV RV BCG YF [9]
  Marshall Islands DTaPHepBIPV MR IIV HPV RV BCG [9]
  Mauritania DTwPHibHepB MR PCV HPV RV BCG [9]
  Mauritius HepA HepB MMR IIV PCV HPV RV BCG [9]
  Micronesia DTaPHepBIPV MR HPV RV BCG [9]
  Monaco HepB Hib MMR IIV PCV HPV [9]
  Mongolia HepA DTwPHibHepB MR IIV BCG [9]
  Montenegro HepB DTaPHibIPV MMR IIV BCG [9]
  Morocco DTwPHibHepB MR IIV PCV RV BCG [9]
  Mozambique DTwPHibHepB MR PCV RV BCG [9]
  Myanmar DTwPHibHepB MR JE BCG [9]
  Namibia DTwPHibHepB MR PCV RV BCG [9]
  Nauru DTwPHibHepB MR BCG [9]
  Nepal DTwPHibHepB MR JE BCG [9]
  Netherlands No HepB DTap Hib IPV MMR IIV PCV HPV [9]
  New Zealand HepA HepB DTap Hib IPV MMR IIV HPV RV BCG [9]
  Nicaragua DTwPHibHepB MMR IIV PCV RV BCG YF [9]
  Niger DTwPHibHepB PCV RV BCG YF [9]
  Nigeria DTwPHibHepB PCV HPV RV BCG YF [9]
  North Macedonia HepB DTaPHibIPV MMR IIV HPV BCG [9]
  Norway No HepB DTap Hib IPV MMR IIV PCV HPV RV BCG [9]
  Pakistan DTwPHibHepB PCV RV BCG [9]
  Panama HepA HepB DTwPHib MMR IIV PCV HPV Rab RV BCG YF [9]
  Papua New Guinea DTwPHibHepB MR HPV BCG [9]
  Paraguay HepA DTwPHibHepB MMR IIV PCV HPV RV BCG YF [9]
  Philippines DTwPHibHepB MR IIV HPV BCG [9]
  Poland No HepB DTaPHibIPV MMR IIV PCV Rab BCG [9]
  Portugal No HepB DTaPHibIPV MMR IIV PCV HPV Rab BCG YF [9]
  Qatar HepA DTwPHibHepB MMR IIV PCV RV BCG [9]
  South Korea HepA HepB DTaPHibIPV MR IIV HPV JE BCG TF [9]
  Moldova DTwPHibHepB MMR IIV PCV HPV RV BCG [9]
  Romania No HepB DTap Hib IPV MMR IIV PCV RV BCG YF [9]
  Rwanda DTwPHibHepB MR PCV HPV RV BCG [9]
  Saint Kitts and Nevis DTwPHibHepB MMR IIV HPV BCG YF [9]
  Saint Lucia DTwPHibHepB MMR IIV PCV HPV BCG YF [9]
  Saint Vincent and the Grenadines DTwPHibHepB MMR HPV BCG YF [9]
  Samoa DTwPHibHepB MR BCG [9]
  San Marino HepA HepB DTap Hib IPV MMR IIV PCV Chol HPV JE Rab YF [9]
  São Tomé and Príncipe DTwPHibHepB MR PCV HPV RV BCG YF [9]
  Saudi Arabia HepA HepB DTaPHib MMR IIV PCV RV BCG YF [9]
  Senegal DTwPHibHepB MR PCV HPV RV BCG YF [9]
  Seychelles DTwPHibHepB MMR PCV HPV RV BCG YF [9]
  Sierra Leone DTwPHibHepB MR PCV HPV RV BCG YF [9]
  Singapore HepB DTaPHibIPV MR IIV HPV BCG [9]
  Slovakia No HepB DTap Hib IPV MMR IIV PCV [9]
  Slovenia No HepB DTaPHibIPV MMR IIV PCV TBE HPV Rab BCG [9]
  Solomon Islands DTwPHibHepB MR HPV BCG [9]
  Somalia DTwPHibHepB BCG [9]
  South Africa No HepB IIV PCV HPV RV BCG [9]
  South Sudan DTwPHibHepB BCG [9]
  Spain No HepA HepB TDaP MMRV IIV PCV Chol HPV JE YF [9]
  Sri Lanka DTwPHibHepB MR HPV JE BCG YF [9]
  Sudan DTwPHibHepB PCV RV BCG [9]
  Suriname DTwPHibHepB MMR IIV HPV Rab YF [9]
  Sweden No HepB DTap Hib IPV MMR IIV PCV HPV RV BCG [9]
  Switzerland No HepB DTaPHibIPV MMR IIV PCV HPV [9]
  Syria DTwPHibHepB MMR IIV BCG [9]
  Tajikistan DTwPHibHepB MR IIV RV BCG [9]
  Tanzania DTwPHibHepB MR PCV HPV RV BCG [9]
  Thailand HepB MR IIV HPV JE RV BCG [9]
  East Timor DTwPHibHepB MR RV BCG [9]
  Tonga DTwPHibHepB MR HPV RV BCG [9]
  Trinidad and Tobago DTwPHibHepB MMR IIV PCV HPV YF [9]
  Tunisia HepA DTwPHibHepB MR IIV BCG [9]
  Turkey HepA HepB DTaPHibIPV MMR IIV PCV BCG [9]
  Turkmenistan HepA DTwPHibHepB MMR IIV PCV HPV RV BCG [9]
  Tuvalu DTwPHibHepB MR IIV BCG [9]
  Uganda DTwPHibHepB MR PCV HPV RV BCG [9]
  Ukraine Yes DTwPHibHepB MMR IIV BCG [9]
  United Arab Emirates HepA DTwPHibHepB MMR IIV PCV Chol RV BCG YF [9]
  United Kingdom No HepB DTap Hib IPV MMR IIV PCV HPV Rab RV BCG [9]
  United States Yes HepA DTaPHepBIPV MMRV IIV PCV HPV RV [9]
  Uruguay HepA DTwPHibHepB MMR IIV PCV HPV BCG YF [9]
  Uzbekistan DTwPHibHepB MMR IIV PCV RV BCG [9]
  Vanuatu DTwPHibHepB MR HPV BCG [9]
  Venezuela DTwPHibHepB MMR IIV PCV Rab RV BCG YF [9]
  Vietnam DTwPHibHepB MR IIV JE BCG [9]
  Yemen DTwPHibHepB MR PCV RV BCG [9]
  Zambia DTwPHibHepB MR PCV RV BCG [9]
  Zimbabwe DTwPHibHepB MR PCV HPV RV BCG [9]
  Mandatory to all
  Mandatory to specific people
  Recommended to all
  Recommended to specific people
  Neither mandatory nor recommended to anyone
  1. ^ Category B (i.e. not even recommended but for a personal care only) for the elderly. The public insurance partially covers the vaccination cost.

By country edit

Australia edit

The Immunise Australia Program implements the National Immunization Program (NIP) Schedule. All vaccines available under the Australian immunization schedule are free of charge under the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme.[16]

Vaccine Schedule for Australia: 1 April 2019[17]
Infection Birth Months Years Preg
2 4 6 12 18 4 12–<13 14–<16 >15 >50 65+ 70
Rotavirus RV RV
Hepatitis A HepA§[a] HepA§[a]
Hepatitis B HepB DTaP-HepB-IPV-Hib DTaP-HepB-IPV-Hib DTaP-HepB-IPV-Hib DTaP-HepB-IPV-Hib DTaP-HepB-IPV-Hib DTaP-HepB-IPV-Hib[b]
Diphtheria Tdap Tdap
Polio DTaP-HepB-IPV-Hib
Haemophilus influenzae
Meningococcus MenACWY MenACWY MenACWY MenACWY[b]
Pneumococcus PCV13 PCV13 PCV13# PCV13 PCV13[b]
Measles MMR MMRV MMRV[b]
Human papillomavirus HPV x2† HPV x2‡[b]
Influenza IIV (yearly)† IIV (yearly)†
IIV (yearly)#
IIV (yearly)§
Herpes Zoster ZVL
  •   † Recommended ages for everyone.
  •   # Recommended ages for certain other high-risk groups.
  •   ‡ Recommended ages for catch-up immunization.
  •   § Recommended range of additional vaccinations for Aboriginals and Torres Strait Islanders.
  1. ^ a b c Queensland, Northern Territory, Western Australia, South Australia
  2. ^ a b c d e All people aged less than 20 years are eligible for free catch up vaccines.

Austria edit

Austrian vaccine recommendations are developed by the National Vaccination Board (German: Nationales Impfgremium), which is part of the Federal Ministry of Social Affairs, Health, Care and Consumer Protection.[18]

Children aged 14 and older can be vaccinated without parental consent.[19]

Brazil edit

All recommended vaccines are provide free of charge by the public health services.

Brazilian National Vaccination Schedule: 2019[20]
Infection Gestation Birth Months Years
2 3 4 5 6 9 12 15 4 5 9 11 10–59 60+
Tuberculosis BCG
Hepatitis A HepA
Hepatitis B HepB 5V 5V 5V
Diphtheria DTPa DTP DTP dT
Haemophilus influenzae
Pneumococcus 10v 10v 10v
Meningococcus MenC MenC MenC MenC
Rotavirus RV RV
Measles MMR MMRV
Varicella VV
Yellow fever YF
Human papillomavirus HPV x2 (girls) HPV x2 (boys)
Flu IIV IIV (yearly) IIV (yearly)

Canada edit

In Canada, publicly funded immunization schedules may vary from province or territory.

Alberta edit

British Columbia edit

New Brunswick edit

Ontario edit

Quebec edit

Finland edit

Vaccination Schedule for Finland[24][25]
Infection Birth Months Years
2 3 5 6 12 18 3 4 6 11–12 14–15 25 65+
Tuberculosis BCG[a]
Rotavirus RV RV RV
Diphtheria DTaP DTaP DTaP DTaP Tdap Td (10‑yearly)[b]
Haemophilus influenzae HIB HIB HIB
Hepatitis B HepB
Pneumococcus PCV10[26] PCV10[26] PCV10[26] PCV13 + PPSV23[26][c]
Measles MMR[d] MMRV
Varicella[e] VV
Human papillomavirus HPV[27]
Influenza IIV3[f] IIV3
Tick-borne encephalitis TBE[g]
  1. ^ For specific at risk-groups only (to be given at the earliest age))
  2. ^ Thereafter Td booster every 10 years with or without vaccination against poliomyelitis (IPV) in case of travel to endemic areas and when previous IPV dose was given more than 5 years before
  3. ^ Recommended but not free of charge for those over 65 years.
  4. ^ Vaccination can be given from 6 months of age in case of travel abroad. If vaccination starts before 12 months of age, 2 doses are recommended (14–18 months and 6 years) The temporary recommendation of giving measles at 12 months of age was made a permanent recommendation; ie. now MMR should be given from 12–18 months except if travelling abroad to measles infected countries when it can be given from 6 months on. In case MMR is given at 6–11 months, the child needs a second and third dose to complete the series.
  5. ^ Varicella vaccination implemented from 1 September 2017. Catch-up to all those born on 1 January 2006 or after and with no history of varicella.
  6. ^ One or two doses administered depending on previous influenza vaccination history. Annual vaccination. IIV tri-or quadrivalent used as follows: IIV3 for all those 6–35 months. IIV4 with nonpreferential alternative to all those 24–35 months. IIV3 also recommended to medical risk group children from 36 months up.
  7. ^ TBE vaccination for to those living permanently on the island of Åland
1960: Mumps vaccinations for military recruits.
1975: Measles vaccination for 1 year old children.
1975: Rubella vaccination for 11–13 years old girls and seronegative mothers.
1982: Two doses of MMR vaccination at 14–18 months and 6 years of age were introduced in the national childhood vaccination programme.
2009: Rotavirus vaccine introduced at 2, 3 and 5 months to all children (September 2009)
2010: PCV introduced at 3, 5 and 12 months of age to all children (September 2010).
2013: HPV vaccination of girls introduced
2017: Varicella vaccination introduced (1 September 2017) at 18 months, 6 years + catch-up of all born from 1 January 2006 or after with no history of varicella.
2020: HPV vaccination of boys introduced[28]

France edit

Vaccination Schedule for France
Infection Months Years
0 1 2 4 6 11 12 13 15 16–18 23 2 5 6 11–13 25 45 65+
Tuberculosis BCG BCG#
Diphtheria D D D D D d
Tetanus TT TT TT TT TT
Pertussis acP acP acP acP acp
Haemophilus influenzae Hib Hib Hib
Hepatitis B HepB HepB HepB HepB HepB
Pneumococcus PCV PCV PCV
Meningococcus MenC
Human papillomavirus HPV
Influenza TIV
Herpes Zoster HZ
  † General Recommendation   # Recommended for specific groups only.   ‡ Catch-up

Germany edit

In Germany, a vaccination schedule is developed by the Standing Committee on Vaccination (STIKO), which operates as part of the Robert Koch Institute. The recommendations are generally adopted by the Federal Joint Committee.

Vaccination Schedule for Germany
Infection Weeks Months Years
6 2 3 4 11 12 14 15 23 2 5–6 9 14 15 17 18–45 59 >60
Rotavirus RV RV RV
Diphtheria D D D D D d d d d
Pertussis acP acP acP acP acP acP acp acp acp
Haemophilus influenzae Hib Hib Hib Hib Hib Hib
Hepatitis B HepB HepB HepB HepB HepB HepB
Pneumococcus PCV PCV PCV PCV PCV Pnc# PPSV23
Meningococcus MenC MenC
Varicella VAR VAR VAR
Human papillomavirus HPV HPV
Influenza TIV
Tick-borne Encephalitis TBE#
  † General Recommendation   # Recommended for specific groups only.   ‡ Catch-up

Hong Kong edit

In Hong Kong, Department of Health is responsible for providing free vaccinations from newborns up to primary school students.

India edit

In India, the standard vaccination schedule is recommended by the Indian Academy of Paediatrics(IAP).[29] The latest schedule was the one given in 2016.[30]

Italy edit

Vaccination Schedule for Italy
Infection Birth Months Years
3 5–6 11 13 15 5–6 11–18 65+
Diphtheria D D D D d
Tetanus TT TT TT TT TT
Pertussis acP acP acP acP acp
Haemophilus influenzae Hib Hib Hib
Hepatitis B HepB# HepB HepB HepB
Pneumococcus PCV PCV PCV
Meningococcus MenC MenC
Varicella VAR
Human papillomavirus HPV
Influenza TIV
  † General Recommendation   # Recommended for specific groups only.   ‡ Catch-up

Japan edit

The vaccination schedule in Japan is defined and partially recommended by Immunization Act [ja] (Japanese: 予防接種法) and its related cabinet order [ja] (Japanese: 予防接種法施行令).[14][15] By the combined laws, infections are categorized into two groups: Category A is recommended for vaccination to prevent pandemic whereas Category B is only for a personal care purpose.[31] As of January 2020, fourteen infections are Category A diseases and two are Category B on the legal lists.[14][15] The Act and the Order were enacted for mandatory vaccination in 1948 with punitive clauses, only the clauses were repealed in 1976 and eventually vaccination has become non-mandatory since 1994.[32]

Japan Vaccine Schedule: January 2020[14][15]
Infection Act/
Birth Months Years
2 3 6 12 24 36 60 ≧5[a] 7>[a] 7.5
(90 mo)
9 11 12[b] 13> 16[b] 60–64[c]
& 65+
Diphtheria Act (A) DTaP-IPV DT
Tetanus Act (A)
Pertussis Act (A)
Polio Act (A)
Measles Act (A) MR (1st) MR (2nd)
Rubella Act (A)
Japanese encephalitis Act (A) Japanese encephalitis (1st) Japanese encephalitis (2nd)
Tuberculosis Act (A) BCG
Haemophilus influenzae Act (A) Hib
Pneumococcus Act (A) Pneumococcal
Order (B) Pneumococcal
Human papillomavirus Act (A) HPV vaccine
Smallpox Order (A) Not specified by the act or the order
Varicella Order (A) Varicella
Hepatitis B Order (A) Hep B
Influenza Order (B) Flu
  1. ^ a b Vaccines for measles and rubella (MR vaccine) can be received anytime from 5 y/o before 7 y/o, AND the time should be also between one year and one day before the first day of schooling (quote: "五歳以上七歳未満の者であって、小学校就学の始期に達する日の一年前の日から当該始期に達する日の前日までの間にあるもの".
  2. ^ a b HPV for female students only. Vaccination can be started from the first day of school year within she turns 12, and until the last day of school year within she turns 16 (quote: "十二歳となる日の属する年度の初日から十六歳となる日の属する年度の末日までの間にある女子").
  3. ^ Age 60–64 with certain diseases: heart, kidney or respitory failures, or with an immune-related disorder due to HIV infection.

Only in the legal term in Japan, citizens get old one day before their birthdays. If a person was born on January 1, 2020, and Immunization Act specifies vaccine against measles could be received from age 12 months to 24 months, vaccination shall be practiced between December 31, 2020, and December 31, 2021 (not between January 2021 and January 2022.)[33][34] Some vaccinations are scheduled in line with the school year system, which starts from April 1 in Japan.[35] As explained, those who born on April 1 and on April 2 get old legally on March 31 and April 1, respectively. Thus, these two people are in different school years and thereby they may take vaccines in different calendar years.

Legal age counting system in Japan[33][34][35]
Recipients Birth Months Years
2 3 6 12 24 36 60 ≧5[a] 7>[a] 7.5
(90 mo)
9 11 12[b] 13> 16[b]
Person A[c] Dec 31, 2019 Feb 29, 2020[d] Mar 30, 2020 Jun 30, 2020 Dec 30, 2020 Dec 30, 2021 Dec 30, 2022 Dec 30, 2024 Apr 1, 2025 Mar 31, 2026 Jun 30, 2027 Dec 30, 2028 Dec 30, 2030 Apr 1, 2031 Dec 29, 2032 Mar 31, 2036
Person B[c] Jan 1, 2020 Feb 29, 2020[d] Mar 31, 2020 Jun 30, 2020 Dec 31, 2020 Dec 31, 2021 Dec 31, 2022 Dec 31, 2024 Apr 1, 2025 Mar 31, 2026 Jun 30, 2027 Dec 31, 2028 Dec 31, 2030 Apr 1, 2031 Dec 30, 2032 Mar 31, 2036
Person C[c] Apr 1, 2020 May 31, 2020 Jun 31, 2020 Sep 30, 2020 Mar 31, 2021 Mar 31, 2022 Mar 31, 2023 Mar 31, 2025 Apr 1, 2025 Mar 31, 2026 Sep 30, 2027 Mar 31, 2029 Mar 31, 2031 Apr 1, 2031 Mar 30, 2033 Mar 31, 2036
Person D[e] Apr 2, 2020 Jun 1, 2020 Jul 1, 2020 Oct 1, 2020 Apr 1, 2021 Apr 1, 2022 Apr 1, 2023 Apr 1, 2025 Apr 1, 2026 Mar 31, 2027 Oct 1, 2027 Apr 1, 2029 Apr 1, 2031 Apr 1, 2032 Mar 31, 2033 Mar 31, 2037
  1. ^ a b Vaccines for measles and rubella (MR vaccine) can be received anytime from 5 y/o before 7 y/o, AND the time should be also between one year and one day before the first day of schooling (quote: "五歳以上七歳未満の者であって、小学校就学の始期に達する日の一年前の日から当該始期に達する日の前日までの間にあるもの".
  2. ^ a b HPV for female students only. Vaccination can be started from the first day of school year within she turns 12, and until the last day of school year within she turns 16 (quote: "十二歳となる日の属する年度の初日から十六歳となる日の属する年度の末日までの間にある女子").
  3. ^ a b c Starts elementary schooling from April 1, 2026
  4. ^ a b 2020 is a leap year. Person B socially turns 2 months old on March 1, 2004. In the legal term, however, Person B's 2-month birthday is the day before March 1, 2004. Thus, It shall be February 29, 2004. There are no February 30 or 31 in 2020. As a result Person A and Person B have the same 2-month birthday.
  5. ^ Starts elementary schooling from April 1, 2027

New Zealand edit

New Zealand Immunization Schedule: 1 October 2020[36]
Infection Gestation Weeks Months Years
6 3 5 12 15 4 11–12 45 65+
Rotavirus RV RV
Diphtheria Tdap DTaP-HepB-IPV-Hib DTaP-HepB-IPV-Hib DTaP-HepB-IPV-Hib DTaP-IPV Tdap Tdap Tdap
Hepatitis B
Haemophilus influenzae Hib
Pneumococcus PCV10 PCV10 PCV10
Measles MMR MMR
Varicella VV VV[a]
Human papillomavirus HPV9
Herpes Zoster HZ
Influenza IIV IIV (yearly)
  1. ^ Only if the person has not previously received the varicella vaccine or had a varicella infection

Major additions, replacements and removals from the New Zealand Immunization Schedule include:[37]

1958: First Schedule: DTwP and DT
1961: Polio (OPV) added
1971: Measles, rubella and tetanus toxoid added
1979: Rubella changed to girls only
1988: HepB added
1990: MMR replaced measles and rubella
1994: HIB added; Td replaced tetanus toxoid
1996: DT dropped
1997: Influenza added
2000: DTaP replaced DTwP
2002: IPV replaced OPV
2006: MeNZB and Tdap added
2008: MeNZB dropped, PCV7 added, HPV4 added for females only
2011: PCV10 replaced PCV7
2014: RV5 added, PCV13 replaced PCV10
2017: HPV9 replaced HPV4 and extended to males, RV1 replaced RV5, PCV10 replaced PCV13, VV added.
2018: HZ added.
2020: Td dropped.

Nigeria edit

All recommended vaccines are provide free of charge by the Federal Ministry of Health.

Nigerian National Vaccination Schedule:[38]
Infection Birth Months Years
2 3 4 6 9 18 4 5
Tuberculosis BCG
Hepatitis B HepB 5V 5V<

vaccination, schedule, also, vaccination, policy, country, vaccination, schedule, series, vaccinations, including, timing, doses, which, either, recommended, compulsory, depending, country, residence, vaccine, antigenic, preparation, used, produce, active, imm. See also Vaccination policy By country A vaccination schedule is a series of vaccinations including the timing of all doses which may be either recommended or compulsory depending on the country of residence A vaccine is an antigenic preparation used to produce active immunity to a disease in order to prevent or reduce the effects of infection by any natural or wild pathogen 2 Vaccines go through multiple phases of trials to ensure safety and effectiveness Example Polish call for vaccination against Diphtheria and Tetanus Global vaccination coverage 1980 to 2019 among one year olds 1 Many vaccines require multiple doses for maximum effectiveness either to produce sufficient initial immune response or to boost response that fades over time For example tetanus vaccine boosters are often recommended every 10 years 3 Vaccine schedules are developed by governmental agencies or physicians groups to achieve maximum effectiveness using required and recommended vaccines for a locality while minimizing the number of health care system interactions Over the past two decades the recommended vaccination schedule has grown rapidly and become more complicated as many new vaccines have been developed 4 Some vaccines are recommended only in certain areas countries sub national areas or at risk populations where a disease is common For instance yellow fever vaccination is on the routine vaccine schedule of French Guiana is recommended in certain regions of Brazil but in the United States is only given to travelers heading to countries with a history of the disease 5 In developing countries vaccine recommendations also take into account the level of health care access the cost of vaccines and issues with vaccine availability and storage Sample vaccination schedules discussed by the World Health Organization show a developed country using a schedule which extends over the first five years of a child s life and uses vaccines which cost over 700 including administration costs while a developing country uses a schedule providing vaccines in the first 9 months of life and costing only 25 6 This difference is due to the lower cost of health care the lower cost of many vaccines provided to developing nations and that more expensive vaccines often for less common diseases are not utilized Contents 1 Worldwide 2 By country 2 1 Australia 2 2 Austria 2 3 Brazil 2 4 Canada 2 4 1 Alberta 2 4 2 British Columbia 2 4 3 New Brunswick 2 4 4 Ontario 2 4 5 Quebec 2 5 Finland 2 6 France 2 7 Germany 2 8 Hong Kong 2 9 India 2 10 Italy 2 11 Japan 2 12 New Zealand 2 13 Nigeria 2 14 Spain 2 15 United Kingdom 2 15 1 Non routine vaccinations 2 15 2 Adult vaccinations 2 16 United States 2 16 1 During pregnancy 3 History 4 See also 5 References 6 External linksWorldwide editThe World Health Organization monitors vaccination schedules across the world noting what vaccines are included in each country s program the coverage rates achieved and various auditing measures 7 The table below shows the types of vaccines given in example countries The WHO publishes on its website current vaccination schedules for all WHO member states 8 Additional vaccines are given to individuals more likely to come into contact with specific diseases through work or travel e g military or after potentially infectious exposure Examples include rabies anthrax cholera and smallpox 9 10 Vaccines used for each infection in each country Country Required for school Required for welfare Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Diphtheria Pertussis Tetanus Haemophilus influenzae Polio Measles Rubella Mumps Chickenpox Shingles Meningococcal Influenza Pneumococcal Encephalitis Cholera Human Papilloma Virus Japanese Encephalitis Rabies Rotavirus Tuberculosis Typhoid Fever Yellow fever Sources nbsp Afghanistan DTwPHibHepB PCV RV BCG 9 nbsp Albania DTwPHibHepB MMR IIV PCV RV BCG 9 nbsp Algeria DTwPHib MMR IIV PCV BCG 9 nbsp Andorra MMR IIV PCV HPV 9 nbsp Angola DTwPHibHepB MR PCV RV BCG YF 9 nbsp Antigua and Barbuda DTwPHibHepB MMR IIV PCV HPV YF 9 nbsp Argentina Yes HepA DTwPHibHepB MMR IIV PCV HPV Rab RV BCG YF 9 nbsp Armenia HepA DTwPHibHepB MMR IIV PCV HPV Rab RV BCG 9 nbsp Australia Preschool and daycare in NSW Vic and WA Yes HepA HepB DTaP Hib MMRV IIV HPV RV 9 nbsp Austria No HepA HepB Tdap IPV MMR IIV PCV HPV RV 11 9 nbsp Azerbaijan DTwPHibHepB MMR PCV BCG 9 nbsp Bahamas HepA DTwPHibHepB MMR IIV PCV HPV RV YF 9 nbsp Bahrain HepA DTwPHibHepB MMR IIV PCV Chol HPV RV BCG YF 9 nbsp Bangladesh DTwPHibHepB MR PCV HPV BCG 9 nbsp Barbados HepA DTwPHibHepB MMR IIV PCV HPV BCG YF 9 nbsp Belarus HepB Hib MMR IIV PCV BCG 9 nbsp Belgium Nurseries and daycare HepA HepB DTap Hib IPV MMR IIV PCV HPV RV 11 9 nbsp Belize DTwPHibHepB MMR IIV HPV Rab BCG YF 9 nbsp Benin DTwPHibHepB MR PCV HPV BCG YF 9 nbsp Bhutan DTwPHibHepB MMR HPV BCG 9 nbsp Bolivia DTwPHibHepB MMR IIV PCV HPV RV BCG YF 9 nbsp Bosnia and Herzegovina HepA HepB DTaPHibIPV MMR IIV PCV BCG YF 9 nbsp Botswana DTwPHibHepB MR PCV HPV RV BCG 9 nbsp Brazil No Yes HepA DTwPHibHepB MMRV IIV PCV Chol HPV RV BCG YF 9 nbsp Brunei HepB DTap Hib IPV MR IIV HPV BCG 9 nbsp Bulgaria HepB DTaPHibIPV MMR IIV PCV HPV Rab RV BCG 11 9 nbsp Burkina Faso DTwPHibHepB MR PCV RV BCG YF 9 nbsp Burundi DTwPHibHepB MR PCV HPV RV BCG YF 9 nbsp Cape Verde DTwPHibHepB MMR HPV BCG YF 9 nbsp Cambodia DTwPHibHepB MR HPV JE BCG 9 nbsp Cameroon DTwPHibHepB MR PCV HPV RV BCG YF 9 nbsp Canada In New Brunswick and Ontario HepA HepB DTaPHibIPV MMRV IIV PCV HPV RV BCG 9 nbsp Central African Republic HepB Hib PCV RV BCG YF 9 nbsp Chad DTwPHibHepB BCG YF 9 nbsp Chile HepA DTwPHibHepB MMR IIV PCV HPV BCG YF 9 nbsp China HepA HepB DTaP JE BCG 9 nbsp Colombia HepA DTwPHibHepB MMR IIV PCV HPV Rab RV BCG YF 9 nbsp Comoros DTwPHibHepB PCV BCG 9 nbsp Congo DTwPHibHepB MR PCV RV BCG YF 9 nbsp Cook Islands DTaPHibHepB MR HPV BCG 9 nbsp Costa Rica HepB DTaPHibIPV MMR IIV PCV HPV Rab RV BCG 9 nbsp Ivory Coast DTwPHibHepB MR IIV PCV HPV RV BCG YF 9 nbsp Croatia Nurseries preschools and kindergartens HepB DTaP MMR IIV HPV BCG 11 9 nbsp Cuba DTwPHibHepB MMR IIV BCG 9 nbsp Cyprus HepA HepB DTap Hib IPV MMR IIV PCV HPV BCG YF 11 9 nbsp Czech Republic HepA HepB DTap Hib IPV MMR IIV HPV BCG 11 9 nbsp North Korea DTwPHibHepB BCG 9 nbsp DR Congo DTwPHibHepB PCV RV BCG YF 9 nbsp Denmark No HepB DTaPHibIPV MMR IIV PCV HPV 11 9 nbsp Djibouti HepB Hib PCV RV BCG 9 nbsp Dominica HepB Hib MMR IIV HPV BCG YF 9 nbsp Dominican Republic HepB Hib MMR IIV PCV HPV Rab RV BCG YF 9 nbsp Ecuador DTwPHibHepB MMR IIV PCV HPV RV BCG YF 9 nbsp Egypt DTwPHibHepB MMR IIV PCV BCG YF 9 nbsp El Salvador DTwPHibHepB MMR IIV PCV RV BCG YF 9 nbsp Equatorial Guinea DTwPHibHepB BCG YF 9 nbsp Eritrea DTwPHibHepB MR PCV HPV RV BCG 9 nbsp Estonia No HepB DTap Hib IPV MMR IIV HPV RV BCG 11 9 nbsp Eswatini DTwPHibHepB MR PCV HPV RV BCG 9 nbsp Ethiopia DTwPHibHepB PCV HPV RV BCG 9 nbsp Fiji DTwPHibHepB MR HPV RV BCG 9 nbsp Finland No HepB DTaPHibIPV MMRV IIV PCV TBE HPV RV BCG 11 9 nbsp France Yes HepB DTaP MMR IIV PCV HPV BCG YF 11 9 nbsp Gabon DTwPHibHepB BCG YF 9 nbsp Gambia DTwPHibHepB MR PCV HPV RV BCG YF 9 nbsp Georgia HepB MMR IIV PCV HPV RV BCG 9 nbsp Germany No HepB DTaPHibIPV MMRV IIV PCV HPV RV 11 9 nbsp Ghana HepB Hib MR PCV RV BCG YF 9 nbsp Greece HepA HepB DTaP MMRV IIV PCV HPV RV BCG 9 nbsp Grenada DTwPHibHepB MMR IIV HPV YF 9 nbsp Guatemala DTwPHibHepB MMR IIV PCV HPV RV BCG YF 9 nbsp Guinea DTwPHibHepB BCG YF 9 nbsp Guinea Bissau DTwPHibHepB PCV RV BCG YF 9 nbsp Guyana DTwPHibHepB MMR PCV HPV RV BCG YF 9 nbsp Haiti DTwPHibHepB MR PCV RV BCG 9 nbsp Honduras HepA DTwPHibHepB MMR IIV PCV HPV RV BCG YF 9 nbsp Hong Kong HepB DTaP IPV MMR PCV HPV BCG 12 nbsp Hungary No HepB DTaPHibIPV MMR IIV PCV HPV BCG 9 nbsp Iceland No HepB DTaPHibIPV MMR IIV PCV HPV 9 nbsp India DTwPHibHepB MR JE RV BCG 9 nbsp Indonesia DTwPHibHepB MR HPV JE BCG 13 9 MMR nbsp Iran DTwPHibHepB MMR IIV PCV BCG YF 9 nbsp Iraq HepA HepB DTaPHibIPV MMR IIV PCV RV BCG 9 nbsp Ireland No HepB TDaP MMR IIV PCV HPV RV BCG 9 nbsp Israel HepA HepB DTaPHibIPV MMRV IIV PCV TBE HPV JE RV BCG TF YF 9 nbsp Italy Yes HepA DTaPHepBIPVHib MMRV IIV PCV HPV RV BCG 9 nbsp Jamaica HepB DTaPHibIPV MMR IIV PCV HPV BCG YF 9 nbsp Japan No HepB DTap Hib IPV MR IIV a HPV JE BCG 9 14 15 nbsp Jordan HepB Hib MMR IIV RV BCG 9 nbsp Kazakhstan HepA HepB DTaPHibIPV MMR IIV PCV TBE Rab BCG 9 nbsp Kenya DTwPHibHepB MR IIV PCV HPV RV BCG YF 9 nbsp Kiribati DTwPHibHepB MR IIV RV BCG 9 nbsp Kuwait HepA DTwPHibHepB MMRV IIV PCV RV BCG TF YF 9 nbsp Kyrgyzstan DTwPHibHepB MMR PCV RV BCG 9 nbsp Laos DTwPHibHepB MR IIV HPV JE RV BCG 9 nbsp Latvia No HepB DTaPHibIPV MMR IIV PCV TBE HPV Rab RV BCG 9 nbsp Lebanon DTwPHibHepB MMR IIV PCV 9 nbsp Lesotho DTwPHibHepB MR PCV RV BCG YF 9 nbsp Liberia DTwPHibHepB PCV HPV RV BCG YF 9 nbsp Libya HepB DTaPHibIPV MMR IIV PCV HPV RV BCG YF 9 nbsp Lithuania No HepB DTaPHibIPV MMR IIV PCV HPV Rab RV BCG 9 nbsp Luxembourg DTaPHibIPV MMRV IIV PCV HPV RV TF YF 9 nbsp Madagascar DTwPHibHepB PCV RV BCG 9 nbsp Malawi DTwPHibHepB MR PCV HPV RV BCG 9 nbsp Malaysia HepB DTaPHibIPV MR IIV HPV JE BCG YF 9 nbsp Maldives DTwPHibHepB MR HPV BCG YF 9 nbsp Mali DTwPHibHepB PCV HPV RV BCG YF 9 nbsp Malta HepB DTaPHibIPV MMR IIV PCV HPV BCG 9 nbsp Marshall Islands DTaPHepBIPV MR IIV HPV RV BCG 9 nbsp Mauritania DTwPHibHepB MR PCV HPV RV BCG 9 nbsp Mauritius HepA HepB MMR IIV PCV HPV RV BCG 9 nbsp Mexico HepA HepB DTaPHibIPV MMR IIV PCV HPV RV BCG 9 nbsp Micronesia DTaPHepBIPV MR HPV RV BCG 9 nbsp Monaco HepB Hib MMR IIV PCV HPV 9 nbsp Mongolia HepA DTwPHibHepB MR IIV BCG 9 nbsp Montenegro HepB DTaPHibIPV MMR IIV BCG 9 nbsp Morocco DTwPHibHepB MR IIV PCV RV BCG 9 nbsp Mozambique DTwPHibHepB MR PCV RV BCG 9 nbsp Myanmar DTwPHibHepB MR JE BCG 9 nbsp Namibia DTwPHibHepB MR PCV RV BCG 9 nbsp Nauru DTwPHibHepB MR BCG 9 nbsp Nepal DTwPHibHepB MR JE BCG 9 nbsp Netherlands No HepB DTap Hib IPV MMR IIV PCV HPV 9 nbsp New Zealand HepA HepB DTap Hib IPV MMR IIV HPV RV BCG 9 nbsp Nicaragua DTwPHibHepB MMR IIV PCV RV BCG YF 9 nbsp Niger DTwPHibHepB PCV RV BCG YF 9 nbsp Nigeria DTwPHibHepB PCV HPV RV BCG YF 9 nbsp Niue DTwPHepBIPV MR IIV RV BCG 9 nbsp North Macedonia HepB DTaPHibIPV MMR IIV HPV BCG 9 nbsp Norway No HepB DTap Hib IPV MMR IIV PCV HPV RV BCG 9 nbsp Oman DTwPHibHepB MMR IIV PCV BCG TF YF 9 nbsp Pakistan DTwPHibHepB PCV RV BCG 9 nbsp Palau DTaPHepBIPV MR IIV HPV RV 9 nbsp Panama HepA HepB DTwPHib MMR IIV PCV HPV Rab RV BCG YF 9 nbsp Papua New Guinea DTwPHibHepB MR HPV BCG 9 nbsp Paraguay HepA DTwPHibHepB MMR IIV PCV HPV RV BCG YF 9 nbsp Peru DTwPHibHepB MMR IIV PCV HPV RV BCG YF 9 nbsp Philippines DTwPHibHepB MR IIV HPV BCG 9 nbsp Poland No HepB DTaPHibIPV MMR IIV PCV Rab BCG 9 nbsp Portugal No HepB DTaPHibIPV MMR IIV PCV HPV Rab BCG YF 9 nbsp Qatar HepA DTwPHibHepB MMR IIV PCV RV BCG 9 nbsp South Korea HepA HepB DTaPHibIPV MR IIV HPV JE BCG TF 9 nbsp Moldova DTwPHibHepB MMR IIV PCV HPV RV BCG 9 nbsp Romania No HepB DTap Hib IPV MMR IIV PCV RV BCG YF 9 nbsp Russia No HepA HepB DTaPHibIPV MMR IIV PCV HPV RV BCG YF 9 nbsp Rwanda DTwPHibHepB MR PCV HPV RV BCG 9 nbsp Saint Kitts and Nevis DTwPHibHepB MMR IIV HPV BCG YF 9 nbsp Saint Lucia DTwPHibHepB MMR IIV PCV HPV BCG YF 9 nbsp Saint Vincent and the Grenadines DTwPHibHepB MMR HPV BCG YF 9 nbsp Samoa DTwPHibHepB MR BCG 9 nbsp San Marino HepA HepB DTap Hib IPV MMR IIV PCV Chol HPV JE Rab YF 9 nbsp Sao Tome and Principe DTwPHibHepB MR PCV HPV RV BCG YF 9 nbsp Saudi Arabia HepA HepB DTaPHib MMR IIV PCV RV BCG YF 9 nbsp Senegal DTwPHibHepB MR PCV HPV RV BCG YF 9 nbsp Serbia HepA HepB DTaPHibIPV MMR IIV PCV BCG TF YF 9 nbsp Seychelles DTwPHibHepB MMR PCV HPV RV BCG YF 9 nbsp Sierra Leone DTwPHibHepB MR PCV HPV RV BCG YF 9 nbsp Singapore HepB DTaPHibIPV MR IIV HPV BCG 9 nbsp Slovakia No HepB DTap Hib IPV MMR IIV PCV 9 nbsp Slovenia No HepB DTaPHibIPV MMR IIV PCV TBE HPV Rab BCG 9 nbsp Solomon Islands DTwPHibHepB MR HPV BCG 9 nbsp Somalia DTwPHibHepB BCG 9 nbsp South Africa No HepB IIV PCV HPV RV BCG 9 nbsp South Sudan DTwPHibHepB BCG 9 nbsp Spain No HepA HepB TDaP MMRV IIV PCV Chol HPV JE YF 9 nbsp Sri Lanka DTwPHibHepB MR HPV JE BCG YF 9 nbsp Sudan DTwPHibHepB PCV RV BCG 9 nbsp Suriname DTwPHibHepB MMR IIV HPV Rab YF 9 nbsp Sweden No HepB DTap Hib IPV MMR IIV PCV HPV RV BCG 9 nbsp Switzerland No HepB DTaPHibIPV MMR IIV PCV HPV 9 nbsp Syria DTwPHibHepB MMR IIV BCG 9 nbsp Tajikistan DTwPHibHepB MR IIV RV BCG 9 nbsp Tanzania DTwPHibHepB MR PCV HPV RV BCG 9 nbsp Thailand HepB MR IIV HPV JE RV BCG 9 nbsp East Timor DTwPHibHepB MR RV BCG 9 nbsp Togo DTwPHibHepB MR PCV HPV RV BCG YF 9 nbsp Tonga DTwPHibHepB MR HPV RV BCG 9 nbsp Trinidad and Tobago DTwPHibHepB MMR IIV PCV HPV YF 9 nbsp Tunisia HepA DTwPHibHepB MR IIV BCG 9 nbsp Turkey HepA HepB DTaPHibIPV MMR IIV PCV BCG 9 nbsp Turkmenistan HepA DTwPHibHepB MMR IIV PCV HPV RV BCG 9 nbsp Tuvalu DTwPHibHepB MR IIV BCG 9 nbsp Uganda DTwPHibHepB MR PCV HPV RV BCG 9 nbsp Ukraine Yes DTwPHibHepB MMR IIV BCG 9 nbsp United Arab Emirates HepA DTwPHibHepB MMR IIV PCV Chol RV BCG YF 9 nbsp United Kingdom No HepB DTap Hib IPV MMR IIV PCV HPV Rab RV BCG 9 nbsp United States Yes HepA DTaPHepBIPV MMRV IIV PCV HPV RV 9 nbsp Uruguay HepA DTwPHibHepB MMR IIV PCV HPV BCG YF 9 nbsp Uzbekistan DTwPHibHepB MMR IIV PCV RV BCG 9 nbsp Vanuatu DTwPHibHepB MR HPV BCG 9 nbsp Venezuela DTwPHibHepB MMR IIV PCV Rab RV BCG YF 9 nbsp Vietnam DTwPHibHepB MR IIV JE BCG 9 nbsp Yemen DTwPHibHepB MR PCV RV BCG 9 nbsp Zambia DTwPHibHepB MR PCV RV BCG 9 nbsp Zimbabwe DTwPHibHepB MR PCV HPV RV BCG 9 Mandatory to all Mandatory to specific people Recommended to all Recommended to specific people Neither mandatory nor recommended to anyone Category B i e not even recommended but for a personal care only for the elderly The public insurance partially covers the vaccination cost By country editAustralia edit The Immunise Australia Program implements the National Immunization Program NIP Schedule All vaccines available under the Australian immunization schedule are free of charge under the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme 16 Vaccine Schedule for Australia 1 April 2019 17 Infection Birth Months Years PregWomen2 4 6 12 18 4 12 lt 13 14 lt 16 gt 15 gt 50 65 70Rotavirus RV RV Hepatitis A HepA a HepA a Hepatitis B HepB DTaP HepB IPV Hib DTaP HepB IPV Hib DTaP HepB IPV Hib DTaP HepB IPV Hib DTaP HepB IPV Hib DTaP HepB IPV Hib b Diphtheria Tdap Tdap PertussisTetanusPolio DTaP HepB IPV Hib Haemophilus influenzaeMeningococcus MenACWY MenACWY MenACWY MenACWY b Pneumococcus PCV13 PCV13 PCV13 PCV13 PCV13 b PCV13 a PPSV23 PPSV23 PPSV23 PPSV23 Measles MMR MMRV MMRV b MumpsRubellaVaricellaHuman papillomavirus HPV x2 HPV x2 b Influenza IIV yearly IIV yearly IIV yearly IIV yearly Herpes Zoster ZVL Recommended ages for everyone Recommended ages for certain other high risk groups Recommended ages for catch up immunization Recommended range of additional vaccinations for Aboriginals and Torres Strait Islanders a b c Queensland Northern Territory Western Australia South Australia a b c d e All people aged less than 20 years are eligible for free catch up vaccines Austria edit Austrian vaccine recommendations are developed by the National Vaccination Board German Nationales Impfgremium which is part of the Federal Ministry of Social Affairs Health Care and Consumer Protection 18 Children aged 14 and older can be vaccinated without parental consent 19 Brazil edit All recommended vaccines are provide free of charge by the public health services Brazilian National Vaccination Schedule 2019 20 Infection Gestation Birth Months Years2 3 4 5 6 9 12 15 4 5 9 11 10 59 60 Tuberculosis BCGLeprosyHepatitis A HepAHepatitis B HepB 5V 5V 5VDiphtheria DTPa DTP DTP dTTetanusPertussisHaemophilus influenzaePolio IPV IPV IPV OPV OPVPneumococcus 10v 10v 10vMeningococcus MenC MenC MenC MenCRotavirus RV RVMeasles MMR MMRVMumpsRubellaVaricella VVYellow fever YFHuman papillomavirus HPV x2 girls HPV x2 boys Flu IIV IIV yearly IIV yearly Canada edit In Canada publicly funded immunization schedules may vary from province or territory Alberta edit Alberta Vaccine Schedule 2015 21 Infection Months Years2 4 6 12 18 4 10 13 15 17 65 Hepatitis B HepBDiphtheria DTaP DTaP DTaP DTaP DTaP TdapTetanusPertussisHaemophilus influenzae HIB HIB HIB HIBPneumococcus PneuC13 PneuC13 PneuC13Polio IPV IPV IPV IPV IPVMeasles MMRV MMRVMumpsRubellaVaricellaMeningococcus MenC MenC MenC ACYWHuman papillomavirus HPV HPV boys Flu IIV yearly British Columbia edit British Columbia Vaccine Schedule 2015 21 Infection Months Years2 4 6 12 18 4 10 13 15 17 65 Hepatitis B HepB HepB HepBRotavirus RV RVDiphtheria DTaP DTaP DTaP DTaP TdapTetanusPertussisHaemophilus influenzae HIB HIB HIB HIBPneumococcus PneuC13 PneuC13 PneuC13Polio IPV IPV IPV IPV IPVMeasles MMR MMRVMumpsRubellaVaricella VVMeningococcus MenCCV MenCCVHuman papillomavirus HPV girls Flu IIV yearly New Brunswick edit New Brunswick Vaccine Schedule 2015 21 Infection Birth Months Years2 4 6 12 18 4 10 13 15 17 65 Hepatitis B HepB HepB HepBDiphtheria DTaP DTaP DTaP DTaP DTaP TdapTetanusPertussisHaemophilus influenzae HIB HIB HIB HIBPneumococcus PneuC13 PneuC13 PneuC13Polio IPV IPV IPV IPV IPVMeasles MMRV MMRVMumpsRubellaVaricellaMeningococcus MenCCV MenC ACYWHuman papillomavirus HPV girls Flu IIV yearly Ontario edit Ontario Vaccine Schedule 2017 21 Infection Months Years2 4 6 12 15 18 4 10 13 15 17Hepatitis B HepBRotavirus RV RVDiphtheria DTaP DTaP DTaP DTaP DTaP TdapTetanusPertussisHaemophilus influenzae HIB HIB HIB HIBPneumococcus PCV13 PCV13 PCV13Polio IPV IPV IPV IPV IPVMeasles MMRV MMRVMumpsRubellaVaricella VVMeningococcus MenC MenC ACYWHuman papillomavirus HPV girls Quebec edit Quebec Vaccine Schedule 2019 22 23 Infection Months Years2 4 6 12 18 4 6 9 14 16 Adult 50 65 75Hepatitis A HepAHepatitis B HepB HepB HepB HepBRotavirus RV RVDiphtheria DTaP DTaP DTaP DTaP Tdap Tdap Tdap TdapTetanusPertussisHaemophilus influenzae HIB HIB HIB HIBPneumococcus PCV10 PCV10 PCV10 PPV23Polio IPV IPV IPV IPV IPVMeasles MMR MMRVMumpsRubellaVaricella VVMeningococcus MenCC MenCCHuman papillomavirus HPVFlu IIV IIV IIV IIV yearly Finland edit Vaccination Schedule for Finland 24 25 Infection Birth Months Years2 3 5 6 12 18 3 4 6 11 12 14 15 25 65 Tuberculosis BCG a Rotavirus RV RV RVDiphtheria DTaP DTaP DTaP DTaP Tdap Td 10 yearly b TetanusPertussisPolio IPV IPV IPV IPVHaemophilus influenzae HIB HIB HIBHepatitis B HepBPneumococcus PCV10 26 PCV10 26 PCV10 26 PCV13 PPSV23 26 c Measles MMR d MMRVMumpsRubellaVaricella e VVHuman papillomavirus HPV 27 Influenza IIV3 f IIV3Tick borne encephalitis TBE g For specific at risk groups only to be given at the earliest age Thereafter Td booster every 10 years with or without vaccination against poliomyelitis IPV in case of travel to endemic areas and when previous IPV dose was given more than 5 years before Recommended but not free of charge for those over 65 years Vaccination can be given from 6 months of age in case of travel abroad If vaccination starts before 12 months of age 2 doses are recommended 14 18 months and 6 years The temporary recommendation of giving measles at 12 months of age was made a permanent recommendation ie now MMR should be given from 12 18 months except if travelling abroad to measles infected countries when it can be given from 6 months on In case MMR is given at 6 11 months the child needs a second and third dose to complete the series Varicella vaccination implemented from 1 September 2017 Catch up to all those born on 1 January 2006 or after and with no history of varicella One or two doses administered depending on previous influenza vaccination history Annual vaccination IIV tri or quadrivalent used as follows IIV3 for all those 6 35 months IIV4 with nonpreferential alternative to all those 24 35 months IIV3 also recommended to medical risk group children from 36 months up TBE vaccination for to those living permanently on the island of AlandHistory 1960 Mumps vaccinations for military recruits 1975 Measles vaccination for 1 year old children 1975 Rubella vaccination for 11 13 years old girls and seronegative mothers 1982 Two doses of MMR vaccination at 14 18 months and 6 years of age were introduced in the national childhood vaccination programme 2009 Rotavirus vaccine introduced at 2 3 and 5 months to all children September 2009 2010 PCV introduced at 3 5 and 12 months of age to all children September 2010 2013 HPV vaccination of girls introduced 2017 Varicella vaccination introduced 1 September 2017 at 18 months 6 years catch up of all born from 1 January 2006 or after with no history of varicella 2020 HPV vaccination of boys introduced 28 France edit Vaccination Schedule for France Infection Months Years0 1 2 4 6 11 12 13 15 16 18 23 2 5 6 11 13 25 45 65 Tuberculosis BCG BCG Diphtheria D D D D D d Tetanus TT TT TT TT TT Pertussis acP acP acP acP acp Polio IPV IPV IPV IPV IPV Haemophilus influenzae Hib Hib Hib Hepatitis B HepB HepB HepB HepB HepB Pneumococcus PCV PCV PCV Meningococcus MenC Measles MEAS MEAS Mumps MUMPS MUMPS Rubella RUMBE RUMBE Human papillomavirus HPV Influenza TIV Herpes Zoster HZ General Recommendation Recommended for specific groups only Catch upGermany edit In Germany a vaccination schedule is developed by the Standing Committee on Vaccination STIKO which operates as part of the Robert Koch Institute The recommendations are generally adopted by the Federal Joint Committee Vaccination Schedule for Germany Infection Weeks Months Years6 2 3 4 11 12 14 15 23 2 5 6 9 14 15 17 18 45 59 gt 60Rotavirus RV RV RV Diphtheria D D D D D d d d d Tetanus TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT Pertussis acP acP acP acP acP acP acp acp acp Polio IPV IPV IPV IPV IPV IPV IPV IPV Haemophilus influenzae Hib Hib Hib Hib Hib Hib Hepatitis B HepB HepB HepB HepB HepB HepB Pneumococcus PCV PCV PCV PCV PCV Pnc PPSV23 Meningococcus MenC MenC Measles MEAS MEAS MEAS MEAS Mumps MUMPS MUMPS MUMPS Rubella RUMBE RUMBE RUMBE Varicella VAR VAR VAR Human papillomavirus HPV HPV Influenza TIV Tick borne Encephalitis TBE General Recommendation Recommended for specific groups only Catch upHong Kong edit Main article Immunisation Programme in Hong Kong In Hong Kong Department of Health is responsible for providing free vaccinations from newborns up to primary school students India edit In India the standard vaccination schedule is recommended by the Indian Academy of Paediatrics IAP 29 The latest schedule was the one given in 2016 30 IAP Immunization Timetable 2016 30 Infection Birth Months Years1 5 2 5 3 5 6 9 9 12 12 15 16 18 18 2 4 6 10 12Tuberculosis BCGPolio OPV OPV OPV OPVHepatitis B HepB HepB HepBRotavirus RV RV RVDiphtheria DTwP DTwP DTwP DTwP DTwP TdapTetanusPertussisHaemophilus influenzae HIB HIB HIB HIBPneumococcus PCV PCV PCV PCVPolio IPV IPV IPV IPVMeasles MMR MMR MMRMumpsRubellaTyphoid TCV TCVHepatitis A HepA HepAVaricella VV VVHuman papillomavirus HPV girls Italy edit Vaccination Schedule for Italy Infection Birth Months Years3 5 6 11 13 15 5 6 11 18 65 Diphtheria D D D D d Tetanus TT TT TT TT TT Pertussis acP acP acP acP acp Polio IPV IPV IPV IPV Haemophilus influenzae Hib Hib Hib Hepatitis B HepB HepB HepB HepB Pneumococcus PCV PCV PCV Meningococcus MenC MenC Measles MEAS MEAS MEAS Mumps MUMPS MUMPS MUMPS Rubella RUMBE RUMBE RUMBE Varicella VAR Human papillomavirus HPV Influenza TIV General Recommendation Recommended for specific groups only Catch upJapan edit The vaccination schedule in Japan is defined and partially recommended by Immunization Act ja Japanese 予防接種法 and its related cabinet order ja Japanese 予防接種法施行令 14 15 By the combined laws infections are categorized into two groups Category A is recommended for vaccination to prevent pandemic whereas Category B is only for a personal care purpose 31 As of January 2020 fourteen infections are Category A diseases and two are Category B on the legal lists 14 15 The Act and the Order were enacted for mandatory vaccination in 1948 with punitive clauses only the clauses were repealed in 1976 and eventually vaccination has become non mandatory since 1994 32 Japan Vaccine Schedule January 2020 14 15 Infection Act Order Category Birth Months Years2 3 6 12 24 36 60 5 a 7 gt a 7 5 90 mo 9 11 12 b 13 gt 16 b 60 64 c amp 65 Diphtheria Act A DTaP IPV DTTetanus Act A Pertussis Act A Polio Act A Measles Act A MR 1st MR 2nd Rubella Act A Japanese encephalitis Act A Japanese encephalitis 1st Japanese encephalitis 2nd Tuberculosis Act A BCGHaemophilus influenzae Act A HibPneumococcus Act A PneumococcalOrder B PneumococcalHuman papillomavirus Act A HPV vaccineSmallpox Order A Not specified by the act or the orderVaricella Order A VaricellaHepatitis B Order A Hep BInfluenza Order B Flu a b Vaccines for measles and rubella MR vaccine can be received anytime from 5 y o before 7 y o AND the time should be also between one year and one day before the first day of schooling quote 五歳以上七歳未満の者であって 小学校就学の始期に達する日の一年前の日から当該始期に達する日の前日までの間にあるもの a b HPV for female students only Vaccination can be started from the first day of school year within she turns 12 and until the last day of school year within she turns 16 quote 十二歳となる日の属する年度の初日から十六歳となる日の属する年度の末日までの間にある女子 Age 60 64 with certain diseases heart kidney or respitory failures or with an immune related disorder due to HIV infection Only in the legal term in Japan citizens get old one day before their birthdays If a person was born on January 1 2020 and Immunization Act specifies vaccine against measles could be received from age 12 months to 24 months vaccination shall be practiced between December 31 2020 and December 31 2021 not between January 2021 and January 2022 33 34 Some vaccinations are scheduled in line with the school year system which starts from April 1 in Japan 35 As explained those who born on April 1 and on April 2 get old legally on March 31 and April 1 respectively Thus these two people are in different school years and thereby they may take vaccines in different calendar years Legal age counting system in Japan 33 34 35 Recipients Birth Months Years2 3 6 12 24 36 60 5 a 7 gt a 7 5 90 mo 9 11 12 b 13 gt 16 b Person A c Dec 31 2019 Feb 29 2020 d Mar 30 2020 Jun 30 2020 Dec 30 2020 Dec 30 2021 Dec 30 2022 Dec 30 2024 Apr 1 2025 Mar 31 2026 Jun 30 2027 Dec 30 2028 Dec 30 2030 Apr 1 2031 Dec 29 2032 Mar 31 2036Person B c Jan 1 2020 Feb 29 2020 d Mar 31 2020 Jun 30 2020 Dec 31 2020 Dec 31 2021 Dec 31 2022 Dec 31 2024 Apr 1 2025 Mar 31 2026 Jun 30 2027 Dec 31 2028 Dec 31 2030 Apr 1 2031 Dec 30 2032 Mar 31 2036Person C c Apr 1 2020 May 31 2020 Jun 31 2020 Sep 30 2020 Mar 31 2021 Mar 31 2022 Mar 31 2023 Mar 31 2025 Apr 1 2025 Mar 31 2026 Sep 30 2027 Mar 31 2029 Mar 31 2031 Apr 1 2031 Mar 30 2033 Mar 31 2036Person D e Apr 2 2020 Jun 1 2020 Jul 1 2020 Oct 1 2020 Apr 1 2021 Apr 1 2022 Apr 1 2023 Apr 1 2025 Apr 1 2026 Mar 31 2027 Oct 1 2027 Apr 1 2029 Apr 1 2031 Apr 1 2032 Mar 31 2033 Mar 31 2037 a b Vaccines for measles and rubella MR vaccine can be received anytime from 5 y o before 7 y o AND the time should be also between one year and one day before the first day of schooling quote 五歳以上七歳未満の者であって 小学校就学の始期に達する日の一年前の日から当該始期に達する日の前日までの間にあるもの a b HPV for female students only Vaccination can be started from the first day of school year within she turns 12 and until the last day of school year within she turns 16 quote 十二歳となる日の属する年度の初日から十六歳となる日の属する年度の末日までの間にある女子 a b c Starts elementary schooling from April 1 2026 a b 2020 is a leap year Person B socially turns 2 months old on March 1 2004 In the legal term however Person B s 2 month birthday is the day before March 1 2004 Thus It shall be February 29 2004 There are no February 30 or 31 in 2020 As a result Person A and Person B have the same 2 month birthday Starts elementary schooling from April 1 2027 New Zealand edit New Zealand Immunization Schedule 1 October 2020 36 Infection Gestation Weeks Months Years6 3 5 12 15 4 11 12 45 65 Rotavirus RV RVDiphtheria Tdap DTaP HepB IPV Hib DTaP HepB IPV Hib DTaP HepB IPV Hib DTaP IPV Tdap Tdap TdapTetanusPertussisPolioHepatitis BHaemophilus influenzae HibPneumococcus PCV10 PCV10 PCV10Measles MMR MMRMumpsRubellaVaricella VV VV a Human papillomavirus HPV9Herpes Zoster HZInfluenza IIV IIV yearly Only if the person has not previously received the varicella vaccine or had a varicella infectionHistoryMajor additions replacements and removals from the New Zealand Immunization Schedule include 37 1958 First Schedule DTwP and DT 1961 Polio OPV added 1971 Measles rubella and tetanus toxoid added 1979 Rubella changed to girls only 1988 HepB added 1990 MMR replaced measles and rubella 1994 HIB added Td replaced tetanus toxoid 1996 DT dropped 1997 Influenza added 2000 DTaP replaced DTwP 2002 IPV replaced OPV 2006 MeNZB and Tdap added 2008 MeNZB dropped PCV7 added HPV4 added for females only 2011 PCV10 replaced PCV7 2014 RV5 added PCV13 replaced PCV10 2017 HPV9 replaced HPV4 and extended to males RV1 replaced RV5 PCV10 replaced PCV13 VV added 2018 HZ added 2020 Td dropped Nigeria edit All recommended vaccines are provide free of charge by the Federal Ministry of Health Nigerian National Vaccination Schedule 38 Infection Birth Months Years2 3 4 6 9 18 4 5Tuberculosis BCGLeprosyHepatitis B HepB 5V 5V, wikipedia, wiki, book, books, library,


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