
Geodesics on an ellipsoid

The study of geodesics on an ellipsoid arose in connection with geodesy specifically with the solution of triangulation networks. The figure of the Earth is well approximated by an oblate ellipsoid, a slightly flattened sphere. A geodesic is the shortest path between two points on a curved surface, analogous to a straight line on a plane surface. The solution of a triangulation network on an ellipsoid is therefore a set of exercises in spheroidal trigonometry (Euler 1755).

A geodesic on an oblate ellipsoid

If the Earth is treated as a sphere, the geodesics are great circles (all of which are closed) and the problems reduce to ones in spherical trigonometry. However, Newton (1687) showed that the effect of the rotation of the Earth results in its resembling a slightly oblate ellipsoid: in this case, the equator and the meridians are the only simple closed geodesics. Furthermore, the shortest path between two points on the equator does not necessarily run along the equator. Finally, if the ellipsoid is further perturbed to become a triaxial ellipsoid (with three distinct semi-axes), only three geodesics are closed.

Geodesics on an ellipsoid of revolution

There are several ways of defining geodesics (Hilbert & Cohn-Vossen 1952, pp. 220–221). A simple definition is as the shortest path between two points on a surface. However, it is frequently more useful to define them as paths with zero geodesic curvature—i.e., the analogue of straight lines on a curved surface. This definition encompasses geodesics traveling so far across the ellipsoid's surface that they start to return toward the starting point, so that other routes are more direct, and includes paths that intersect or re-trace themselves. Short enough segments of a geodesics are still the shortest route between their endpoints, but geodesics are not necessarily globally minimal (i.e. shortest among all possible paths). Every globally-shortest path is a geodesic, but not vice versa.

By the end of the 18th century, an ellipsoid of revolution (the term spheroid is also used) was a well-accepted approximation to the figure of the Earth. The adjustment of triangulation networks entailed reducing all the measurements to a reference ellipsoid and solving the resulting two-dimensional problem as an exercise in spheroidal trigonometry (Bomford 1952, Chap. 3) (Leick et al. 2015, §4.5).

Fig. 1. A geodesic AB on an ellipsoid of revolution. N is the north pole and EFH lie on the equator.

It is possible to reduce the various geodesic problems into one of two types. Consider two points: A at latitude φ1 and longitude λ1 and B at latitude φ2 and longitude λ2 (see Fig. 1). The connecting geodesic (from A to B) is AB, of length s12, which has azimuths α1 and α2 at the two endpoints.[1] The two geodesic problems usually considered are:

  1. the direct geodesic problem or first geodesic problem, given A, α1, and s12, determine B and α2;
  2. the inverse geodesic problem or second geodesic problem, given A and B, determine s12, α1, and α2.

As can be seen from Fig. 1, these problems involve solving the triangle NAB given one angle, α1 for the direct problem and λ12 = λ2λ1 for the inverse problem, and its two adjacent sides. For a sphere the solutions to these problems are simple exercises in spherical trigonometry, whose solution is given by formulas for solving a spherical triangle. (See the article on great-circle navigation.)

For an ellipsoid of revolution, the characteristic constant defining the geodesic was found by Clairaut (1735). A systematic solution for the paths of geodesics was given by Legendre (1806) and Oriani (1806) (and subsequent papers in 1808 and 1810). The full solution for the direct problem (complete with computational tables and a worked out example) is given by Bessel (1825).

During the 18th century geodesics were typically referred to as "shortest lines". The term "geodesic line" (actually, a curve) was coined by Laplace (1799b):

Nous désignerons cette ligne sous le nom de ligne géodésique [We will call this line the geodesic line].

This terminology was introduced into English either as "geodesic line" or as "geodetic line", for example (Hutton 1811),

A line traced in the manner we have now been describing, or deduced from trigonometrical measures, by the means we have indicated, is called a geodetic or geodesic line: it has the property of being the shortest which can be drawn between its two extremities on the surface of the Earth; and it is therefore the proper itinerary measure of the distance between those two points.

In its adoption by other fields geodesic line, frequently shortened to geodesic, was preferred.

This section treats the problem on an ellipsoid of revolution (both oblate and prolate). The problem on a triaxial ellipsoid is covered in the next section.

Equations for a geodesic

Fig. 2. Differential element of a meridian ellipse.
Fig. 3. Differential element of a geodesic on an ellipsoid.

Here the equations for a geodesic are developed; the derivation closely follows that of Bessel (1825). Jordan & Eggert (1941), Bagratuni (1962, §15), Gan'shin (1967, Chap. 5), Krakiwsky & Thomson (1974, §4), Rapp (1993, §1.2), Jekeli (2012), and Borre & Strang (2012) also provide derivations of these equations.

Consider an ellipsoid of revolution with equatorial radius a and polar semi-axis b. Define the flattening f, the eccentricity e, and the second eccentricity e:


(In most applications in geodesy, the ellipsoid is taken to be oblate, a > b; however, the theory applies without change to prolate ellipsoids, a < b, in which case f, e2, and e2 are negative.)

Let an elementary segment of a path on the ellipsoid have length ds. From Figs. 2 and 3, we see that if its azimuth is α, then ds is related to and by


where ρ is the meridional radius of curvature, R = ν cosφ is the radius of the circle of latitude φ, and ν is the normal radius of curvature. The elementary segment is therefore given by




where φ′ = / and the Lagrangian function L depends on φ through ρ(φ) and R(φ). The length of an arbitrary path between (φ1, λ1) and (φ2, λ2) is given by


where φ is a function of λ satisfying φ(λ1) = φ1 and φ(λ2) = φ2. The shortest path or geodesic entails finding that function φ(λ) which minimizes s12. This is an exercise in the calculus of variations and the minimizing condition is given by the Beltrami identity,


Substituting for L and using Eqs. (1) gives


Clairaut (1735) found this relation, using a geometrical construction; a similar derivation is presented by Lyusternik (1964, §10).[2] Differentiating this relation gives


This, together with Eqs. (1), leads to a system of ordinary differential equations for a geodesic


We can express R in terms of the parametric latitude, β, using


and Clairaut's relation then becomes

Fig. 4. Geodesic problem mapped to the auxiliary sphere.
Fig. 5. The elementary geodesic problem on the auxiliary sphere.

This is the sine rule of spherical trigonometry relating two sides of the triangle NAB (see Fig. 4), NA = 12πβ1, and NB = 12πβ2 and their opposite angles B = π − α2 and A = α1.

In order to find the relation for the third side AB = σ12, the spherical arc length, and included angle N = ω12, the spherical longitude, it is useful to consider the triangle NEP representing a geodesic starting at the equator; see Fig. 5. In this figure, the variables referred to the auxiliary sphere are shown with the corresponding quantities for the ellipsoid shown in parentheses. Quantities without subscripts refer to the arbitrary point P; E, the point at which the geodesic crosses the equator in the northward direction, is used as the origin for σ, s and ω.

Fig. 6. Differential element of a geodesic on a sphere.

If the side EP is extended by moving P infinitesimally (see Fig. 6), we obtain


Combining Eqs. (1) and (2) gives differential equations for s and λ


The relation between β and φ is


which gives


so that the differential equations for the geodesic become


The last step is to use σ as the independent parameter in both of these differential equations and thereby to express s and λ as integrals. Applying the sine rule to the vertices E and G in the spherical triangle EGP in Fig. 5 gives


where α0 is the azimuth at E. Substituting this into the equation for ds/d σ and integrating the result gives




and the limits on the integral are chosen so that s(σ = 0) = 0. Legendre (1811, p. 180) pointed out that the equation for s is the same as the equation for the arc on an ellipse with semi-axes b1 + e2 cos2α0 and b. In order to express the equation for λ in terms of σ, we write


which follows from Eq. 2 and Clairaut's relation. This yields


and the limits on the integrals are chosen so that λ = λ0 at the equator crossing, σ = 0.

This completes the solution of the path of a geodesic using the auxiliary sphere. By this device a great circle can be mapped exactly to a geodesic on an ellipsoid of revolution.

There are also several ways of approximating geodesics on a terrestrial ellipsoid (with small flattening) (Rapp 1991, §6); some of these are described in the article on geographical distance. However, these are typically comparable in complexity to the method for the exact solution (Jekeli 2012, §2.1.4).

Behavior of geodesics

Fig. 7. Meridians and the equator are the only closed geodesics. (For the very flattened ellipsoids, there are other closed geodesics; see Figs. 11 and 12).
Geodesic on an oblate ellipsoid (f = 150) with α0 = 45°.
Fig. 8. Following the geodesic on the ellipsoid for about 5 circuits.
Fig. 9. The same geodesic after about 70 circuits.
Fig. 10. Geodesic on a prolate ellipsoid (f = −150) with α0 = 45°. Compare with Fig. 8.

Fig. 7 shows the simple closed geodesics which consist of the meridians (green) and the equator (red). (Here the qualification "simple" means that the geodesic closes on itself without an intervening self-intersection.) This follows from the equations for the geodesics given in the previous section.

All other geodesics are typified by Figs. 8 and 9 which show a geodesic starting on the equator with α0 = 45°. The geodesic oscillates about the equator. The equatorial crossings are called nodes and the points of maximum or minimum latitude are called vertices; the parametric latitudes of the vertices are given by β = ±(12π − |α0|). The geodesic completes one full oscillation in latitude before the longitude has increased by 360°. Thus, on each successive northward crossing of the equator (see Fig. 8), λ falls short of a full circuit of the equator by approximately 2π f sinα0 (for a prolate ellipsoid, this quantity is negative and λ completes more that a full circuit; see Fig. 10). For nearly all values of α0, the geodesic will fill that portion of the ellipsoid between the two vertex latitudes (see Fig. 9).

Two additional closed geodesics for the oblate ellipsoid, ba = 27.
Fig. 11. Side view.
Fig. 12. Top view.

If the ellipsoid is sufficiently oblate, i.e., ba < 12, another class of simple closed geodesics is possible (Klingenberg 1982, §3.5.19). Two such geodesics are illustrated in Figs. 11 and 12. Here ba = 27 and the equatorial azimuth, α0, for the green (resp. blue) geodesic is chosen to be 53.175° (resp. 75.192°), so that the geodesic completes 2 (resp. 3) complete oscillations about the equator on one circuit of the ellipsoid.

Fig. 13. Geodesics (blue) from a single point for f = 110, φ1 = −30°; geodesic circles are shown in green and the cut locus in red.

Fig. 13 shows geodesics (in blue) emanating A with α1 a multiple of 15° up to the point at which they cease to be shortest paths. (The flattening has been increased to 110 in order to accentuate the ellipsoidal effects.) Also shown (in green) are curves of constant s12, which are the geodesic circles centered A. Gauss (1828) showed that, on any surface, geodesics and geodesic circle intersect at right angles. The red line is the cut locus, the locus of points which have multiple (two in this case) shortest geodesics from A. On a sphere, the cut locus is a point. On an oblate ellipsoid (shown here), it is a segment of the circle of latitude centered on the point antipodal to A, φ = −φ1. The longitudinal extent of cut locus is approximately λ12 ∈ [πf π cosφ1, π + f π cosφ1]. If A lies on the equator, φ1 = 0, this relation is exact and as a consequence the equator is only a shortest geodesic if |λ12| ≤ (1 − f)π. For a prolate ellipsoid, the cut locus is a segment of the anti-meridian centered on the point antipodal to A, λ12 = π, and this means that meridional geodesics stop being shortest paths before the antipodal point is reached.

Differential properties of geodesics

Various problems involving geodesics require knowing their behavior when they are perturbed. This is useful in trigonometric adjustments (Ehlert 1993), determining the physical properties of signals which follow geodesics, etc. Consider a reference geodesic, parameterized by s, and a second geodesic a small distance t(s) away from it. Gauss (1828) showed that t(s) obeys the Gauss-Jacobi equation

Fig. 14. Definition of reduced length and geodesic scale.

where K(s) is the Gaussian curvature at s. As a second order, linear, homogeneous differential equation, its solution may be expressed as the sum of two independent solutions




The quantity m(s1, s2) = m12 is the so-called reduced length, and M(s1, s2) = M12 is the geodesic scale.[3] Their basic definitions are illustrated in Fig. 14.

The Gaussian curvature for an ellipsoid of revolution is


Helmert (1880, Eq. (6.5.1.)) solved the Gauss-Jacobi equation for this case enabling m12 and M12 to be expressed as integrals.

As we see from Fig. 14 (top sub-figure), the separation of two geodesics starting at the same point with azimuths differing by dα1 is m12 dα1. On a closed surface such as an ellipsoid, m12 oscillates about zero. The point at which m12 becomes zero is the point conjugate to the starting point. In order for a geodesic between A and B, of length s12, to be a shortest path it must satisfy the Jacobi condition (Jacobi 1837) (Jacobi 1866, §6) (Forsyth 1927, §§26–27) (Bliss 1916), that there is no point conjugate to A between A and B. If this condition is not satisfied, then there is a nearby path (not necessarily a geodesic) which is shorter. Thus, the Jacobi condition is a local property of the geodesic and is only a necessary condition for the geodesic being a global shortest path. Necessary and sufficient conditions for a geodesic being the shortest path are:

  • for an oblate ellipsoid, |σ12| ≤ π;
  • for a prolate ellipsoid, |λ12| ≤ π, if α0 ≠ 0; if α0 = 0, the supplemental condition m12 ≥ 0 is required if |λ12| = π.

Envelope of geodesics

Geodesics from a single point (f = 110, φ1 = −30°)
Fig. 15. The envelope of geodesics from a point A at φ1 = −30°.
Fig. 16. The four geodesics connecting A and a point B, φ2 = 26°, λ12 = 175°.

The geodesics from a particular point A if continued past the cut locus form an envelope illustrated in Fig. 15. Here the geodesics for which α1 is a multiple of are shown in light blue. (The geodesics are only shown for their first passage close to the antipodal point, not for subsequent ones.) Some geodesic circles are shown in green; these form cusps on the envelope. The cut locus is shown in red. The envelope is the locus of points which are conjugate to A; points on the envelope may be computed by finding the point at which m12 = 0 on a geodesic. Jacobi (1891) calls this star-like figure produced by the envelope an astroid.

Outside the astroid two geodesics intersect at each point; thus there are two geodesics (with a length approximately half the circumference of the ellipsoid) between A and these points. This corresponds to the situation on the sphere where there are "short" and "long" routes on a great circle between two points. Inside the astroid four geodesics intersect at each point. Four such geodesics are shown in Fig. 16 where the geodesics are numbered in order of increasing length. (This figure uses the same position for A as Fig. 13 and is drawn in the same projection.) The two shorter geodesics are stable, i.e., m12 > 0, so that there is no nearby path connecting the two points which is shorter; the other two are unstable. Only the shortest line (the first one) has σ12π. All the geodesics are tangent to the envelope which is shown in green in the figure.

The astroid is the (exterior) evolute of the geodesic circles centered at A. Likewise, the geodesic circles are involutes of the astroid.

Area of a geodesic polygon

A geodesic polygon is a polygon whose sides are geodesics. It is analogous to a spherical polygon, whose sides are great circles. The area of such a polygon may be found by first computing the area between a geodesic segment and the equator, i.e., the area of the quadrilateral AFHB in Fig. 1 (Danielsen 1989). Once this area is known, the area of a polygon may be computed by summing the contributions from all the edges of the polygon.

Here an expression for the area S12 of AFHB is developed following Sjöberg (2006). The area of any closed region of the ellipsoid is


where dT is an element of surface area and K is the Gaussian curvature. Now the Gauss–Bonnet theorem applied to a geodesic polygon states




is the geodesic excess and θj is the exterior angle at vertex j. Multiplying the equation for Γ by R22, where R2 is the authalic radius, and subtracting this from the equation for T gives


where the value of K for an ellipsoid has been substituted. Applying this formula to the quadrilateral AFHB, noting that Γ = α2 − α1, and performing the integral over φ gives


where the integral is over the geodesic line (so that φ is implicitly a function of λ). The integral can be expressed as a series valid for small f (Danielsen 1989) (Karney 2013, §6 and addendum).

The area of a geodesic polygon is given by summing S12 over its edges. This result holds provided that the polygon does not include a pole; if it does, 2π R22 must be added to the sum. If the edges are specified by their vertices, then a convenient expression for the geodesic excess E12 = α2 − α1 is


Solution of the direct and inverse problems

Solving the geodesic problems entails mapping the geodesic onto the auxiliary sphere and solving the corresponding problem in great-circle navigation. When solving the "elementary" spherical triangle for NEP in Fig. 5, Napier's rules for quadrantal triangles can be employed,


The mapping of the geodesic involves evaluating the integrals for the distance, s, and the longitude, λ, Eqs. (3) and (4) and these depend on the parameter α0.

Handling the direct problem is straightforward, because α0 can be determined directly from the given quantities φ1 and α1; for a sample calculation, see Karney (2013).

In the case of the inverse problem, λ12 is given; this cannot be easily related to the equivalent spherical angle ω12 because α0 is unknown. Thus, the solution of the problem requires that α0 be found iteratively (root finding); see Karney (2013) for details.

In geodetic applications, where f is small, the integrals are typically evaluated as a series (Legendre 1806) (Oriani 1806) (Bessel 1825) (Helmert 1880) (Rainsford 1955) (Rapp 1993). For arbitrary f, the integrals (3) and (4) can be found by numerical quadrature or by expressing them in terms of elliptic integrals (Legendre 1806) (Cayley 1870).

Vincenty (1975) provides solutions for the direct and inverse problems; these are based on a series expansion carried out to third order in the flattening and provide an accuracy of about 0.1 mm for the WGS84 ellipsoid; however the inverse method fails to converge for nearly antipodal points. Karney (2013) continues the expansions to sixth order which suffices to provide full double precision accuracy for |f| ≤ 150 and improves the solution of the inverse problem so that it converges in all cases. Karney (2013, addendum) extends the method to use elliptic integrals which can be applied to ellipsoids with arbitrary flattening.

Geodesics on a triaxial ellipsoid

Solving the geodesic problem for an ellipsoid of revolution is, from the mathematical point of view, relatively simple: because of symmetry, geodesics have a constant of motion, given by Clairaut's relation allowing the problem to be reduced to quadrature. By the early 19th century (with the work of Legendre, Oriani, Bessel, et al.), there was a complete understanding of the properties of geodesics on an ellipsoid of revolution.

On the other hand, geodesics on a triaxial ellipsoid (with three unequal axes) have no obvious constant of the motion and thus represented a challenging unsolved problem in the first half of the 19th century. In a remarkable paper, Jacobi (1839) discovered a constant of the motion allowing this problem to be reduced to quadrature also (Klingenberg 1982, §3.5).[4]

Triaxial ellipsoid coordinate system

Fig. 17. Triaxial ellipsoidal coordinates.

Consider the ellipsoid defined by


where (X,Y,Z) are Cartesian coordinates centered on the ellipsoid and, without loss of generality, abc > 0.[5] Jacobi (1866, §§26–27) employed the (triaxial) ellipsoidal coordinates (with triaxial ellipsoidal latitude and triaxial ellipsoidal longitude, β, ω) defined by


In the limit ba, β becomes the parametric latitude for an oblate ellipsoid, so the use of the symbol β is consistent with the previous sections. However, ω is different from the spherical longitude defined above.[6]

Grid lines of constant β (in blue) and ω (in green) are given in Fig. 17. These constitute an orthogonal coordinate system: the grid lines intersect at right angles. The principal sections of the ellipsoid, defined by X = 0 and Z = 0 are shown in red. The third principal section, Y = 0, is covered by the lines β = ±90° and ω = 0° or ±180°. These lines meet at four umbilical points (two of which are visible in this figure) where the principal radii of curvature are equal. Here and in the other figures in this section the parameters of the ellipsoid are a:b:c = 1.01:1:0.8, and it is viewed in an orthographic projection from a point above φ = 40°, λ = 30°.

The grid lines of the ellipsoidal coordinates may be interpreted in three different ways:

  1. They are "lines of curvature" on the ellipsoid: they are parallel to the directions of principal curvature (Monge 1796).
  2. They are also intersections of the ellipsoid with confocal systems of hyperboloids of one and two sheets (Dupin 1813, Part 5).
  3. Finally they are geodesic ellipses and hyperbolas defined using two adjacent umbilical points (Hilbert & Cohn-Vossen 1952, p. 188). For example, the lines of constant β in Fig. 17 can be generated with the familiar string construction for ellipses with the ends of the string pinned to the two umbilical points.

Jacobi's solution

Jacobi showed that the geodesic equations, expressed in ellipsoidal coordinates, are separable. Here is how he recounted his discovery to his friend and neighbor Bessel (Jacobi 1839, Letter to Bessel),

The day before yesterday, I reduced to quadrature the problem of geodesic lines on an ellipsoid with three unequal axes. They are the simplest formulas in the world, Abelian integrals, which become the well known elliptic integrals if 2 axes are set equal.

Königsberg, 28th Dec. '38.

The solution given by Jacobi (Jacobi 1839) (Jacobi 1866, §28) is


As Jacobi notes "a function of the angle β equals a function of the angle ω. These two functions are just Abelian integrals..." Two constants δ and γ appear in the solution. Typically δ is zero if the lower limits of the integrals are taken to be the starting point of the geodesic and the direction of the geodesics is determined by γ. However, for geodesics that start at an umbilical points, we have γ = 0 and δ determines the direction at the umbilical point. The constant γ may be expressed as


where α is the angle the geodesic makes with lines of constant ω. In the limit ba, this reduces to sinα cosβ = const., the familiar Clairaut relation. A derivation of Jacobi's result is given by Darboux (1894, §§583–584); he gives the solution found by Liouville (1846) for general quadratic surfaces.

Survey of triaxial geodesics

Circumpolar geodesics, ω1 = , α1 = 90°.
Fig. 18. β1 = 45.1°.
Fig. 19. β1 = 87.48°.

On a triaxial ellipsoid, there are only three simple closed geodesics, the three principal sections of the ellipsoid given by X = 0, Y = 0, and Z = 0.[7] To survey the other geodesics, it is convenient to consider geodesics that intersect the middle principal section, Y = 0, at right angles. Such geodesics are shown in Figs. 18–22, which use the same ellipsoid parameters and the same viewing direction as Fig. 17. In addition, the three principal ellipses are shown in red in each of these figures.

If the starting point is β1 ∈ (−90°, 90°), ω1 = 0, and α1 = 90°, then γ > 0 and the geodesic encircles the ellipsoid in a "circumpolar" sense. The geodesic oscillates north and south of the equator; on each oscillation it completes slightly less than a full circuit around the ellipsoid resulting, in the typical case, in the geodesic filling the area bounded by the two latitude lines β = ±β1. Two examples are given in Figs. 18 and 19. Figure 18 shows practically the same behavior as for an oblate ellipsoid of revolution (because ab); compare to Fig. 9. However, if the starting point is at a higher latitude (Fig. 18) the distortions resulting from ab are evident. All tangents to a circumpolar geodesic touch the confocal single-sheeted hyperboloid which intersects the ellipsoid at β = β1 (Chasles 1846) (Hilbert & Cohn-Vossen 1952, pp. 223–224).

Transpolar geodesics, β1 = 90°, α1 = 180°.
Fig. 20. ω1 = 39.9°.
Fig. 21. ω1 = 9.966°.

If the starting point is β1 = 90°, ω1 ∈ (0°, 180°), and α1 = 180°, then γ < 0 and the geodesic encircles the ellipsoid in a "transpolar" sense. The geodesic oscillates east and west of the ellipse X = 0; on each oscillation it completes slightly more than a full circuit around the ellipsoid. In the typical case, this results in the geodesic filling the area bounded by the two longitude lines ω = ω1 and ω = 180° − ω1. If a = b, all meridians are geodesics; the effect of ab causes such geodesics to oscillate east and west. Two examples are given in Figs. 20 and 21. The constriction of the geodesic near the pole disappears in the limit bc; in this case, the ellipsoid becomes a prolate ellipsoid and Fig. 20 would resemble Fig. 10 (rotated on its side). All tangents to a transpolar geodesic touch the confocal double-sheeted hyperboloid which intersects the ellipsoid at ω = ω1.

Fig. 22. An umbilical geodesic, β1 = 90°, ω1 = , α1 = 135°.

If the starting point is β1 = 90°, ω1 = 0° (an umbilical point), and α1 = 135° (the geodesic leaves the ellipse Y = 0 at right angles), then γ = 0 and the geodesic repeatedly intersects the opposite umbilical point and returns to its starting point. However, on each circuit the angle at which it intersects Y = 0 becomes closer to or 180° so that asymptotically the geodesic lies on the ellipse Y = 0 (Hart 1849) (Arnold 1989, p. 265), as shown in Fig. 22. A single geodesic does not fill an area on the ellipsoid. All tangents to umbilical geodesics touch the confocal hyperbola that intersects the ellipsoid at the umbilic points.

Umbilical geodesic enjoy several interesting properties.

  • Through any point on the ellipsoid, there are two umbilical geodesics.
  • The geodesic distance between opposite umbilical points is the same regardless of the initial direction of the geodesic.
  • Whereas the closed geodesics on the ellipses X = 0 and Z = 0 are stable (a geodesic initially close to and nearly parallel to the ellipse remains close to the ellipse), the closed geodesic on the ellipse Y = 0, which goes through all 4 umbilical points, is exponentially unstable. If it is perturbed, it will swing out of the plane Y = 0 and flip around before returning to close to the plane. (This behavior may repeat depending on the nature of the initial perturbation.)

If the starting point A of a geodesic is not an umbilical point, its envelope is an astroid with two cusps lying on β = −β1 and the other two on ω = ω1 + π. The cut locus for A is the portion of the line β = −β1 between the cusps.


The direct and inverse geodesic problems no longer play the central role in geodesy that they once did. Instead of solving adjustment of geodetic networks as a two-dimensional problem in spheroidal trigonometry, these problems are now solved by three-dimensional methods (Vincenty & Bowring 1978). Nevertheless, terrestrial geodesics still play an important role in several areas:

By the principle of least action, many problems in physics can be formulated as a variational problem similar to that for geodesics. Indeed, the geodesic problem is equivalent to the motion of a particle constrained to move on the surface, but otherwise subject to no forces (Laplace 1799a) (Hilbert & Cohn-Vossen 1952, p. 222). For this reason, geodesics on simple surfaces such as ellipsoids of revolution or triaxial ellipsoids are frequently used as "test cases" for exploring new methods. Examples include:

See also


  1. ^ Here α2 is the forward azimuth at B. Some authors calculate the back azimuth instead; this is given by α2 ± π.
  2. ^ Laplace (1799a) showed that a particle constrained to move on a surface but otherwise subject to no forces moves along a geodesic for that surface. Thus, Clairaut's relation is just a consequence of conservation of angular momentum for a particle on a surface of revolution.
  3. ^ Bagratuni (1962, §17) uses the term "coefficient of convergence of ordinates" for the geodesic scale.
  4. ^ This section is adapted from the documentation for GeographicLib (Karney 2015, Geodesics on a triaxial ellipsoid)
  5. ^ This notation for the semi-axes is incompatible with that used in the previous section on ellipsoids of revolution in which a and b stood for the equatorial radius and polar semi-axis. Thus the corresponding inequalities are a = ab > 0 for an oblate ellipsoid and ba = a > 0 for a prolate ellipsoid.
  6. ^ The limit bc gives a prolate ellipsoid with ω playing the role of the parametric latitude.
  7. ^ If ca < 12, there are other simple closed geodesics similar to those shown in Figs. 11 and 12 (Klingenberg 1982, §3.5.19).


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  • Bagratuni, G. V. (1967) [1962]. Course in Spheroidal Geodesy. doi:10.5281/zenodo.32371. OCLC 6150611. Translation from Russian of Курс сфероидической геодезии (Moscow, 1962) by U.S. Air Force ()
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  • Bomford, G. (1952). Geodesy. Oxford: Clarendon. OCLC 1396190.
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  • Weierstrass, K. T. W. (1861). "Über die geodätischen Linien auf dem dreiaxigen Ellipsoid" [Geodesic lines on a triaxial ellipsoid] (PDF). Monatsberichte der Königlichen Akademie der Wissenschaft zu Berlin (in German): 986–997.

External links

  • Online geodesic bibliography of books and articles on geodesics on ellipsoids.
  • Test set for geodesics, a set of 500000 geodesics for the WGS84 ellipsoid, computed using high-precision arithmetic.
  • NGS tool implementing Vincenty (1975).
  • geod(1), man page for the PROJ utility for geodesic calculations.
  • GeographicLib implementation of Karney (2013).
  • Drawing geodesics on Google Maps.

geodesics, ellipsoid, study, geodesics, ellipsoid, arose, connection, with, geodesy, specifically, with, solution, triangulation, networks, figure, earth, well, approximated, oblate, ellipsoid, slightly, flattened, sphere, geodesic, shortest, path, between, po. The study of geodesics on an ellipsoid arose in connection with geodesy specifically with the solution of triangulation networks The figure of the Earth is well approximated by an oblate ellipsoid a slightly flattened sphere A geodesic is the shortest path between two points on a curved surface analogous to a straight line on a plane surface The solution of a triangulation network on an ellipsoid is therefore a set of exercises in spheroidal trigonometry Euler 1755 A geodesic on an oblate ellipsoid If the Earth is treated as a sphere the geodesics are great circles all of which are closed and the problems reduce to ones in spherical trigonometry However Newton 1687 showed that the effect of the rotation of the Earth results in its resembling a slightly oblate ellipsoid in this case the equator and the meridians are the only simple closed geodesics Furthermore the shortest path between two points on the equator does not necessarily run along the equator Finally if the ellipsoid is further perturbed to become a triaxial ellipsoid with three distinct semi axes only three geodesics are closed Contents 1 Geodesics on an ellipsoid of revolution 1 1 Equations for a geodesic 1 2 Behavior of geodesics 1 3 Differential properties of geodesics 1 4 Envelope of geodesics 1 5 Area of a geodesic polygon 1 6 Solution of the direct and inverse problems 2 Geodesics on a triaxial ellipsoid 2 1 Triaxial ellipsoid coordinate system 2 2 Jacobi s solution 2 3 Survey of triaxial geodesics 3 Applications 4 See also 5 Notes 6 References 7 External linksGeodesics on an ellipsoid of revolution EditThere are several ways of defining geodesics Hilbert amp Cohn Vossen 1952 pp 220 221 A simple definition is as the shortest path between two points on a surface However it is frequently more useful to define them as paths with zero geodesic curvature i e the analogue of straight lines on a curved surface This definition encompasses geodesics traveling so far across the ellipsoid s surface that they start to return toward the starting point so that other routes are more direct and includes paths that intersect or re trace themselves Short enough segments of a geodesics are still the shortest route between their endpoints but geodesics are not necessarily globally minimal i e shortest among all possible paths Every globally shortest path is a geodesic but not vice versa By the end of the 18th century an ellipsoid of revolution the term spheroid is also used was a well accepted approximation to the figure of the Earth The adjustment of triangulation networks entailed reducing all the measurements to a reference ellipsoid and solving the resulting two dimensional problem as an exercise in spheroidal trigonometry Bomford 1952 Chap 3 Leick et al 2015 4 5 Fig 1 A geodesic AB on an ellipsoid of revolution N is the north pole and EFH lie on the equator It is possible to reduce the various geodesic problems into one of two types Consider two points A at latitude f1 and longitude l1 and B at latitude f2 and longitude l2 see Fig 1 The connecting geodesic from A to B is AB of length s12 which has azimuths a1 and a2 at the two endpoints 1 The two geodesic problems usually considered are the direct geodesic problem or first geodesic problem given A a1 and s12 determine B and a2 the inverse geodesic problem or second geodesic problem given A and B determine s12 a1 and a2 As can be seen from Fig 1 these problems involve solving the triangle NAB given one angle a1 for the direct problem and l12 l2 l1 for the inverse problem and its two adjacent sides For a sphere the solutions to these problems are simple exercises in spherical trigonometry whose solution is given by formulas for solving a spherical triangle See the article on great circle navigation For an ellipsoid of revolution the characteristic constant defining the geodesic was found by Clairaut 1735 A systematic solution for the paths of geodesics was given by Legendre 1806 and Oriani 1806 and subsequent papers in 1808 and 1810 The full solution for the direct problem complete with computational tables and a worked out example is given by Bessel 1825 During the 18th century geodesics were typically referred to as shortest lines The term geodesic line actually a curve was coined by Laplace 1799b Nous designerons cette ligne sous le nom de ligne geodesique We will call this line the geodesic line This terminology was introduced into English either as geodesic line or as geodetic line for example Hutton 1811 A line traced in the manner we have now been describing or deduced from trigonometrical measures by the means we have indicated is called a geodetic or geodesic line it has the property of being the shortest which can be drawn between its two extremities on the surface of the Earth and it is therefore the proper itinerary measure of the distance between those two points In its adoption by other fields geodesic line frequently shortened to geodesic was preferred This section treats the problem on an ellipsoid of revolution both oblate and prolate The problem on a triaxial ellipsoid is covered in the next section Equations for a geodesic Edit Fig 2 Differential element of a meridian ellipse Fig 3 Differential element of a geodesic on an ellipsoid Here the equations for a geodesic are developed the derivation closely follows that of Bessel 1825 Jordan amp Eggert 1941 Bagratuni 1962 15 Gan shin 1967 Chap 5 Krakiwsky amp Thomson 1974 4 Rapp 1993 1 2 Jekeli 2012 and Borre amp Strang 2012 also provide derivations of these equations Consider an ellipsoid of revolution with equatorial radius a and polar semi axis b Define the flattening f the eccentricity e and the second eccentricity e f a b a e a 2 b 2 a f 2 f e a 2 b 2 b e 1 f displaystyle f frac a b a quad e frac sqrt a 2 b 2 a sqrt f 2 f quad e frac sqrt a 2 b 2 b frac e 1 f In most applications in geodesy the ellipsoid is taken to be oblate a gt b however the theory applies without change to prolate ellipsoids a lt b in which case f e2 and e 2 are negative Let an elementary segment of a path on the ellipsoid have length ds From Figs 2 and 3 we see that if its azimuth is a then ds is related to df and dl by cos a d s r d f d R sin f sin a d s R d l displaystyle cos alpha ds rho d varphi frac dR sin varphi quad sin alpha ds R d lambda 1 where r is the meridional radius of curvature R n cosf is the radius of the circle of latitude f and n is the normal radius of curvature The elementary segment is therefore given by d s 2 r 2 d f 2 R 2 d l 2 displaystyle ds 2 rho 2 d varphi 2 R 2 d lambda 2 or d s r 2 f 2 R 2 d l L f f d l displaystyle begin aligned ds amp sqrt rho 2 varphi 2 R 2 d lambda amp equiv L varphi varphi d lambda end aligned where f df dl and the Lagrangian function L depends on f through r f and R f The length of an arbitrary path between f1 l1 and f2 l2 is given by s 12 l 1 l 2 L f f d l displaystyle s 12 int lambda 1 lambda 2 L varphi varphi d lambda where f is a function of l satisfying f l1 f1 and f l2 f2 The shortest path or geodesic entails finding that function f l which minimizes s12 This is an exercise in the calculus of variations and the minimizing condition is given by the Beltrami identity L f L f const displaystyle L varphi frac partial L partial varphi text const Substituting for L and using Eqs 1 gives R sin a const displaystyle R sin alpha text const Clairaut 1735 found this relation using a geometrical construction a similar derivation is presented by Lyusternik 1964 10 2 Differentiating this relation gives d a sin f d l displaystyle d alpha sin varphi d lambda This together with Eqs 1 leads to a system of ordinary differential equations for a geodesic d f d s cos a r d l d s sin a n cos f d a d s tan f sin a n displaystyle frac d varphi ds frac cos alpha rho quad frac d lambda ds frac sin alpha nu cos varphi quad frac d alpha ds frac tan varphi sin alpha nu We can express R in terms of the parametric latitude b using R a cos b displaystyle R a cos beta and Clairaut s relation then becomes sin a 1 cos b 1 sin a 2 cos b 2 displaystyle sin alpha 1 cos beta 1 sin alpha 2 cos beta 2 Fig 4 Geodesic problem mapped to the auxiliary sphere Fig 5 The elementary geodesic problem on the auxiliary sphere This is the sine rule of spherical trigonometry relating two sides of the triangle NAB see Fig 4 NA 1 2 p b1 and NB 1 2 p b2 and their opposite angles B p a2 and A a1 In order to find the relation for the third side AB s12 the spherical arc length and included angle N w12 the spherical longitude it is useful to consider the triangle NEP representing a geodesic starting at the equator see Fig 5 In this figure the variables referred to the auxiliary sphere are shown with the corresponding quantities for the ellipsoid shown in parentheses Quantities without subscripts refer to the arbitrary point P E the point at which the geodesic crosses the equator in the northward direction is used as the origin for s s and w Fig 6 Differential element of a geodesic on a sphere If the side EP is extended by moving P infinitesimally see Fig 6 we obtain cos a d s d b sin a d s cos b d w displaystyle cos alpha d sigma d beta quad sin alpha d sigma cos beta d omega 2 Combining Eqs 1 and 2 gives differential equations for s and l 1 a d s d s d l d w sin b sin f displaystyle frac 1 a frac ds d sigma frac d lambda d omega frac sin beta sin varphi The relation between b and f is tan b 1 e 2 tan f 1 f tan f displaystyle tan beta sqrt 1 e 2 tan varphi 1 f tan varphi which gives sin b sin f 1 e 2 cos 2 b displaystyle frac sin beta sin varphi sqrt 1 e 2 cos 2 beta so that the differential equations for the geodesic become 1 a d s d s d l d w 1 e 2 cos 2 b displaystyle frac 1 a frac ds d sigma frac d lambda d omega sqrt 1 e 2 cos 2 beta The last step is to use s as the independent parameter in both of these differential equations and thereby to express s and l as integrals Applying the sine rule to the vertices E and G in the spherical triangle EGP in Fig 5 gives sin b sin b s a 0 cos a 0 sin s displaystyle sin beta sin beta sigma alpha 0 cos alpha 0 sin sigma where a0 is the azimuth at E Substituting this into the equation for ds d s and integrating the result gives s b 0 s 1 k 2 sin 2 s d s displaystyle frac s b int 0 sigma sqrt 1 k 2 sin 2 sigma d sigma 3 where k e cos a 0 displaystyle k e cos alpha 0 and the limits on the integral are chosen so that s s 0 0 Legendre 1811 p 180 pointed out that the equation for s is the same as the equation for the arc on an ellipse with semi axes b 1 e 2 cos2a0 and b In order to express the equation for l in terms of s we write d w sin a 0 cos 2 b d s displaystyle d omega frac sin alpha 0 cos 2 beta d sigma which follows from Eq 2 and Clairaut s relation This yields l l 0 w f sin a 0 0 s 2 f 1 1 f 1 k 2 sin 2 s d s displaystyle lambda lambda 0 omega f sin alpha 0 int 0 sigma frac 2 f 1 1 f sqrt 1 k 2 sin 2 sigma d sigma 4 and the limits on the integrals are chosen so that l l0 at the equator crossing s 0 This completes the solution of the path of a geodesic using the auxiliary sphere By this device a great circle can be mapped exactly to a geodesic on an ellipsoid of revolution There are also several ways of approximating geodesics on a terrestrial ellipsoid with small flattening Rapp 1991 6 some of these are described in the article on geographical distance However these are typically comparable in complexity to the method for the exact solution Jekeli 2012 2 1 4 Behavior of geodesics Edit Fig 7 Meridians and the equator are the only closed geodesics For the very flattened ellipsoids there are other closed geodesics see Figs 11 and 12 Geodesic on an oblate ellipsoid f 1 50 with a0 45 Fig 8 Following the geodesic on the ellipsoid for about 5 circuits Fig 9 The same geodesic after about 70 circuits Fig 10 Geodesic on a prolate ellipsoid f 1 50 with a0 45 Compare with Fig 8 Fig 7 shows the simple closed geodesics which consist of the meridians green and the equator red Here the qualification simple means that the geodesic closes on itself without an intervening self intersection This follows from the equations for the geodesics given in the previous section All other geodesics are typified by Figs 8 and 9 which show a geodesic starting on the equator with a0 45 The geodesic oscillates about the equator The equatorial crossings are called nodes and the points of maximum or minimum latitude are called vertices the parametric latitudes of the vertices are given by b 1 2 p a0 The geodesic completes one full oscillation in latitude before the longitude has increased by 360 Thus on each successive northward crossing of the equator see Fig 8 l falls short of a full circuit of the equator by approximately 2p f sina0 for a prolate ellipsoid this quantity is negative and l completes more that a full circuit see Fig 10 For nearly all values of a0 the geodesic will fill that portion of the ellipsoid between the two vertex latitudes see Fig 9 Two additional closed geodesics for the oblate ellipsoid b a 2 7 Fig 11 Side view Fig 12 Top view If the ellipsoid is sufficiently oblate i e b a lt 1 2 another class of simple closed geodesics is possible Klingenberg 1982 3 5 19 Two such geodesics are illustrated in Figs 11 and 12 Here b a 2 7 and the equatorial azimuth a0 for the green resp blue geodesic is chosen to be 53 175 resp 75 192 so that the geodesic completes 2 resp 3 complete oscillations about the equator on one circuit of the ellipsoid Fig 13 Geodesics blue from a single point for f 1 10 f1 30 geodesic circles are shown in green and the cut locus in red Fig 13 shows geodesics in blue emanating A with a1 a multiple of 15 up to the point at which they cease to be shortest paths The flattening has been increased to 1 10 in order to accentuate the ellipsoidal effects Also shown in green are curves of constant s12 which are the geodesic circles centered A Gauss 1828 showed that on any surface geodesics and geodesic circle intersect at right angles The red line is the cut locus the locus of points which have multiple two in this case shortest geodesics from A On a sphere the cut locus is a point On an oblate ellipsoid shown here it is a segment of the circle of latitude centered on the point antipodal to A f f1 The longitudinal extent of cut locus is approximately l12 p f p cosf1 p f p cosf1 If A lies on the equator f1 0 this relation is exact and as a consequence the equator is only a shortest geodesic if l12 1 f p For a prolate ellipsoid the cut locus is a segment of the anti meridian centered on the point antipodal to A l12 p and this means that meridional geodesics stop being shortest paths before the antipodal point is reached Differential properties of geodesics Edit Various problems involving geodesics require knowing their behavior when they are perturbed This is useful in trigonometric adjustments Ehlert 1993 determining the physical properties of signals which follow geodesics etc Consider a reference geodesic parameterized by s and a second geodesic a small distance t s away from it Gauss 1828 showed that t s obeys the Gauss Jacobi equation d 2 t s d s 2 K s t s displaystyle frac d 2 t s ds 2 K s t s Fig 14 Definition of reduced length and geodesic scale where K s is the Gaussian curvature at s As a second order linear homogeneous differential equation its solution may be expressed as the sum of two independent solutions t s 2 C m s 1 s 2 D M s 1 s 2 displaystyle t s 2 Cm s 1 s 2 DM s 1 s 2 where m s 1 s 1 0 d m s 1 s 2 d s 2 s 2 s 1 1 M s 1 s 1 1 d M s 1 s 2 d s 2 s 2 s 1 0 displaystyle begin aligned m s 1 s 1 amp 0 quad left frac dm s 1 s 2 ds 2 right s 2 s 1 1 M s 1 s 1 amp 1 quad left frac dM s 1 s 2 ds 2 right s 2 s 1 0 end aligned The quantity m s1 s2 m12 is the so called reduced length and M s1 s2 M12 is the geodesic scale 3 Their basic definitions are illustrated in Fig 14 The Gaussian curvature for an ellipsoid of revolution is K 1 r n 1 e 2 sin 2 f 2 b 2 b 2 a 4 1 e 2 cos 2 b 2 displaystyle K frac 1 rho nu frac bigl 1 e 2 sin 2 varphi bigr 2 b 2 frac b 2 a 4 bigl 1 e 2 cos 2 beta bigr 2 Helmert 1880 Eq 6 5 1 solved the Gauss Jacobi equation for this case enabling m12 and M12 to be expressed as integrals As we see from Fig 14 top sub figure the separation of two geodesics starting at the same point with azimuths differing by da1 is m12 da1 On a closed surface such as an ellipsoid m12 oscillates about zero The point at which m12 becomes zero is the point conjugate to the starting point In order for a geodesic between A and B of length s12 to be a shortest path it must satisfy the Jacobi condition Jacobi 1837 Jacobi 1866 6 Forsyth 1927 26 27 Bliss 1916 that there is no point conjugate to A between A and B If this condition is not satisfied then there is a nearby path not necessarily a geodesic which is shorter Thus the Jacobi condition is a local property of the geodesic and is only a necessary condition for the geodesic being a global shortest path Necessary and sufficient conditions for a geodesic being the shortest path are for an oblate ellipsoid s12 p for a prolate ellipsoid l12 p if a0 0 if a0 0 the supplemental condition m12 0 is required if l12 p Envelope of geodesics Edit Geodesics from a single point f 1 10 f1 30 Fig 15 The envelope of geodesics from a point A at f1 30 Fig 16 The four geodesics connecting A and a point B f2 26 l12 175 The geodesics from a particular point A if continued past the cut locus form an envelope illustrated in Fig 15 Here the geodesics for which a1 is a multiple of 3 are shown in light blue The geodesics are only shown for their first passage close to the antipodal point not for subsequent ones Some geodesic circles are shown in green these form cusps on the envelope The cut locus is shown in red The envelope is the locus of points which are conjugate to A points on the envelope may be computed by finding the point at which m12 0 on a geodesic Jacobi 1891 calls this star like figure produced by the envelope an astroid Outside the astroid two geodesics intersect at each point thus there are two geodesics with a length approximately half the circumference of the ellipsoid between A and these points This corresponds to the situation on the sphere where there are short and long routes on a great circle between two points Inside the astroid four geodesics intersect at each point Four such geodesics are shown in Fig 16 where the geodesics are numbered in order of increasing length This figure uses the same position for A as Fig 13 and is drawn in the same projection The two shorter geodesics are stable i e m12 gt 0 so that there is no nearby path connecting the two points which is shorter the other two are unstable Only the shortest line the first one has s12 p All the geodesics are tangent to the envelope which is shown in green in the figure The astroid is the exterior evolute of the geodesic circles centered at A Likewise the geodesic circles are involutes of the astroid Area of a geodesic polygon Edit See also Equal area map A geodesic polygon is a polygon whose sides are geodesics It is analogous to a spherical polygon whose sides are great circles The area of such a polygon may be found by first computing the area between a geodesic segment and the equator i e the area of the quadrilateral AFHB in Fig 1 Danielsen 1989 Once this area is known the area of a polygon may be computed by summing the contributions from all the edges of the polygon Here an expression for the area S12 of AFHB is developed following Sjoberg 2006 The area of any closed region of the ellipsoid is T d T 1 K cos f d f d l displaystyle T int dT int frac 1 K cos varphi d varphi d lambda where dT is an element of surface area and K is the Gaussian curvature Now the Gauss Bonnet theorem applied to a geodesic polygon states G K d T cos f d f d l displaystyle Gamma int K dT int cos varphi d varphi d lambda where G 2 p j 8 j displaystyle Gamma 2 pi sum j theta j is the geodesic excess and 8j is the exterior angle at vertex j Multiplying the equation for G by R22 where R2 is the authalic radius and subtracting this from the equation for T gives T R 2 2 G 1 K R 2 2 cos f d f d l R 2 2 G b 2 1 e 2 sin 2 f 2 R 2 2 cos f d f d l displaystyle begin aligned T amp R 2 2 Gamma int left frac 1 K R 2 2 right cos varphi d varphi d lambda amp R 2 2 Gamma int left frac b 2 bigl 1 e 2 sin 2 varphi bigr 2 R 2 2 right cos varphi d varphi d lambda end aligned where the value of K for an ellipsoid has been substituted Applying this formula to the quadrilateral AFHB noting that G a2 a1 and performing the integral over f gives S 12 R 2 2 a 2 a 1 b 2 l 1 l 2 1 2 1 e 2 sin 2 f tanh 1 e sin f 2 e sin f R 2 2 b 2 sin f d l displaystyle S 12 R 2 2 alpha 2 alpha 1 b 2 int lambda 1 lambda 2 left frac 1 2 bigl 1 e 2 sin 2 varphi bigr frac tanh 1 e sin varphi 2e sin varphi frac R 2 2 b 2 right sin varphi d lambda where the integral is over the geodesic line so that f is implicitly a function of l The integral can be expressed as a series valid for small f Danielsen 1989 Karney 2013 6 and addendum The area of a geodesic polygon is given by summing S12 over its edges This result holds provided that the polygon does not include a pole if it does 2p R22 must be added to the sum If the edges are specified by their vertices then a convenient expression for the geodesic excess E12 a2 a1 is tan E 12 2 sin 1 2 b 2 b 1 cos 1 2 b 2 b 1 tan w 12 2 displaystyle tan frac E 12 2 frac sin tfrac 1 2 beta 2 beta 1 cos tfrac 1 2 beta 2 beta 1 tan frac omega 12 2 Solution of the direct and inverse problems Edit Further information Geographical distance Ellipsoidal surface formulae See also Azimuth In geodesy Solving the geodesic problems entails mapping the geodesic onto the auxiliary sphere and solving the corresponding problem in great circle navigation When solving the elementary spherical triangle for NEP in Fig 5 Napier s rules for quadrantal triangles can be employed sin a 0 sin a cos b tan w cot s cos s cos b cos w tan a 0 cot a cos a cos w cos a 0 cot s tan b sin b cos a 0 sin s cot a tan w sin w sin s sin a tan b tan a 0 displaystyle begin aligned sin alpha 0 amp sin alpha cos beta tan omega cot sigma cos sigma amp cos beta cos omega tan alpha 0 cot alpha cos alpha amp cos omega cos alpha 0 cot sigma tan beta sin beta amp cos alpha 0 sin sigma cot alpha tan omega sin omega amp sin sigma sin alpha tan beta tan alpha 0 end aligned The mapping of the geodesic involves evaluating the integrals for the distance s and the longitude l Eqs 3 and 4 and these depend on the parameter a0 Handling the direct problem is straightforward because a0 can be determined directly from the given quantities f1 and a1 for a sample calculation see Karney 2013 In the case of the inverse problem l12 is given this cannot be easily related to the equivalent spherical angle w12 because a0 is unknown Thus the solution of the problem requires that a0 be found iteratively root finding see Karney 2013 for details In geodetic applications where f is small the integrals are typically evaluated as a series Legendre 1806 Oriani 1806 Bessel 1825 Helmert 1880 Rainsford 1955 Rapp 1993 For arbitrary f the integrals 3 and 4 can be found by numerical quadrature or by expressing them in terms of elliptic integrals Legendre 1806 Cayley 1870 Vincenty 1975 provides solutions for the direct and inverse problems these are based on a series expansion carried out to third order in the flattening and provide an accuracy of about 0 1 mm for the WGS84 ellipsoid however the inverse method fails to converge for nearly antipodal points Karney 2013 continues the expansions to sixth order which suffices to provide full double precision accuracy for f 1 50 and improves the solution of the inverse problem so that it converges in all cases Karney 2013 addendum extends the method to use elliptic integrals which can be applied to ellipsoids with arbitrary flattening Geodesics on a triaxial ellipsoid EditSolving the geodesic problem for an ellipsoid of revolution is from the mathematical point of view relatively simple because of symmetry geodesics have a constant of motion given by Clairaut s relation allowing the problem to be reduced to quadrature By the early 19th century with the work of Legendre Oriani Bessel et al there was a complete understanding of the properties of geodesics on an ellipsoid of revolution On the other hand geodesics on a triaxial ellipsoid with three unequal axes have no obvious constant of the motion and thus represented a challenging unsolved problem in the first half of the 19th century In a remarkable paper Jacobi 1839 discovered a constant of the motion allowing this problem to be reduced to quadrature also Klingenberg 1982 3 5 4 Triaxial ellipsoid coordinate system Edit See also Geodetic coordinates and Ellipsoidal harmonic coordinates Fig 17 Triaxial ellipsoidal coordinates Consider the ellipsoid defined by h X 2 a 2 Y 2 b 2 Z 2 c 2 1 displaystyle h frac X 2 a 2 frac Y 2 b 2 frac Z 2 c 2 1 where X Y Z are Cartesian coordinates centered on the ellipsoid and without loss of generality a b c gt 0 5 Jacobi 1866 26 27 employed the triaxial ellipsoidal coordinates with triaxial ellipsoidal latitude and triaxial ellipsoidal longitude b w defined by X a cos w a 2 b 2 sin 2 b c 2 cos 2 b a 2 c 2 Y b cos b sin w Z c sin b a 2 sin 2 w b 2 cos 2 w c 2 a 2 c 2 displaystyle begin aligned X amp a cos omega frac sqrt a 2 b 2 sin 2 beta c 2 cos 2 beta sqrt a 2 c 2 Y amp b cos beta sin omega Z amp c sin beta frac sqrt a 2 sin 2 omega b 2 cos 2 omega c 2 sqrt a 2 c 2 end aligned In the limit b a b becomes the parametric latitude for an oblate ellipsoid so the use of the symbol b is consistent with the previous sections However w is different from the spherical longitude defined above 6 Grid lines of constant b in blue and w in green are given in Fig 17 These constitute an orthogonal coordinate system the grid lines intersect at right angles The principal sections of the ellipsoid defined by X 0 and Z 0 are shown in red The third principal section Y 0 is covered by the lines b 90 and w 0 or 180 These lines meet at four umbilical points two of which are visible in this figure where the principal radii of curvature are equal Here and in the other figures in this section the parameters of the ellipsoid are a b c 1 01 1 0 8 and it is viewed in an orthographic projection from a point above f 40 l 30 The grid lines of the ellipsoidal coordinates may be interpreted in three different ways They are lines of curvature on the ellipsoid they are parallel to the directions of principal curvature Monge 1796 They are also intersections of the ellipsoid with confocal systems of hyperboloids of one and two sheets Dupin 1813 Part 5 Finally they are geodesic ellipses and hyperbolas defined using two adjacent umbilical points Hilbert amp Cohn Vossen 1952 p 188 For example the lines of constant b in Fig 17 can be generated with the familiar string construction for ellipses with the ends of the string pinned to the two umbilical points Jacobi s solution Edit Jacobi showed that the geodesic equations expressed in ellipsoidal coordinates are separable Here is how he recounted his discovery to his friend and neighbor Bessel Jacobi 1839 Letter to Bessel The day before yesterday I reduced to quadrature the problem of geodesic lines on an ellipsoid with three unequal axes They are the simplest formulas in the world Abelian integrals which become the well known elliptic integrals if 2 axes are set equal Konigsberg 28th Dec 38 The solution given by Jacobi Jacobi 1839 Jacobi 1866 28 is d b 2 sin 2 b c 2 cos 2 b d b a 2 b 2 sin 2 b c 2 cos 2 b b 2 c 2 cos 2 b g a 2 sin 2 w b 2 cos 2 w d w a 2 sin 2 w b 2 cos 2 w c 2 a 2 b 2 sin 2 w g displaystyle begin aligned delta amp int frac sqrt b 2 sin 2 beta c 2 cos 2 beta d beta sqrt a 2 b 2 sin 2 beta c 2 cos 2 beta sqrt bigl b 2 c 2 bigr cos 2 beta gamma 6pt amp quad int frac sqrt a 2 sin 2 omega b 2 cos 2 omega d omega sqrt a 2 sin 2 omega b 2 cos 2 omega c 2 sqrt bigl a 2 b 2 bigr sin 2 omega gamma end aligned As Jacobi notes a function of the angle b equals a function of the angle w These two functions are just Abelian integrals Two constants d and g appear in the solution Typically d is zero if the lower limits of the integrals are taken to be the starting point of the geodesic and the direction of the geodesics is determined by g However for geodesics that start at an umbilical points we have g 0 and d determines the direction at the umbilical point The constant g may be expressed as g b 2 c 2 cos 2 b sin 2 a a 2 b 2 sin 2 w cos 2 a displaystyle gamma bigl b 2 c 2 bigr cos 2 beta sin 2 alpha bigl a 2 b 2 bigl sin 2 omega cos 2 alpha where a is the angle the geodesic makes with lines of constant w In the limit b a this reduces to sina cosb const the familiar Clairaut relation A derivation of Jacobi s result is given by Darboux 1894 583 584 he gives the solution found by Liouville 1846 for general quadratic surfaces Survey of triaxial geodesics Edit Circumpolar geodesics w1 0 a1 90 Fig 18 b1 45 1 Fig 19 b1 87 48 On a triaxial ellipsoid there are only three simple closed geodesics the three principal sections of the ellipsoid given by X 0 Y 0 and Z 0 7 To survey the other geodesics it is convenient to consider geodesics that intersect the middle principal section Y 0 at right angles Such geodesics are shown in Figs 18 22 which use the same ellipsoid parameters and the same viewing direction as Fig 17 In addition the three principal ellipses are shown in red in each of these figures If the starting point is b1 90 90 w1 0 and a1 90 then g gt 0 and the geodesic encircles the ellipsoid in a circumpolar sense The geodesic oscillates north and south of the equator on each oscillation it completes slightly less than a full circuit around the ellipsoid resulting in the typical case in the geodesic filling the area bounded by the two latitude lines b b1 Two examples are given in Figs 18 and 19 Figure 18 shows practically the same behavior as for an oblate ellipsoid of revolution because a b compare to Fig 9 However if the starting point is at a higher latitude Fig 18 the distortions resulting from a b are evident All tangents to a circumpolar geodesic touch the confocal single sheeted hyperboloid which intersects the ellipsoid at b b1 Chasles 1846 Hilbert amp Cohn Vossen 1952 pp 223 224 Transpolar geodesics b1 90 a1 180 Fig 20 w1 39 9 Fig 21 w1 9 966 If the starting point is b1 90 w1 0 180 and a1 180 then g lt 0 and the geodesic encircles the ellipsoid in a transpolar sense The geodesic oscillates east and west of the ellipse X 0 on each oscillation it completes slightly more than a full circuit around the ellipsoid In the typical case this results in the geodesic filling the area bounded by the two longitude lines w w1 and w 180 w1 If a b all meridians are geodesics the effect of a b causes such geodesics to oscillate east and west Two examples are given in Figs 20 and 21 The constriction of the geodesic near the pole disappears in the limit b c in this case the ellipsoid becomes a prolate ellipsoid and Fig 20 would resemble Fig 10 rotated on its side All tangents to a transpolar geodesic touch the confocal double sheeted hyperboloid which intersects the ellipsoid at w w1 Fig 22 An umbilical geodesic b1 90 w1 0 a1 135 If the starting point is b1 90 w1 0 an umbilical point and a1 135 the geodesic leaves the ellipse Y 0 at right angles then g 0 and the geodesic repeatedly intersects the opposite umbilical point and returns to its starting point However on each circuit the angle at which it intersects Y 0 becomes closer to 0 or 180 so that asymptotically the geodesic lies on the ellipse Y 0 Hart 1849 Arnold 1989 p 265 as shown in Fig 22 A single geodesic does not fill an area on the ellipsoid All tangents to umbilical geodesics touch the confocal hyperbola that intersects the ellipsoid at the umbilic points Umbilical geodesic enjoy several interesting properties Through any point on the ellipsoid there are two umbilical geodesics The geodesic distance between opposite umbilical points is the same regardless of the initial direction of the geodesic Whereas the closed geodesics on the ellipses X 0 and Z 0 are stable a geodesic initially close to and nearly parallel to the ellipse remains close to the ellipse the closed geodesic on the ellipse Y 0 which goes through all 4 umbilical points is exponentially unstable If it is perturbed it will swing out of the plane Y 0 and flip around before returning to close to the plane This behavior may repeat depending on the nature of the initial perturbation If the starting point A of a geodesic is not an umbilical point its envelope is an astroid with two cusps lying on b b1 and the other two on w w1 p The cut locus for A is the portion of the line b b1 between the cusps Applications EditThe direct and inverse geodesic problems no longer play the central role in geodesy that they once did Instead of solving adjustment of geodetic networks as a two dimensional problem in spheroidal trigonometry these problems are now solved by three dimensional methods Vincenty amp Bowring 1978 Nevertheless terrestrial geodesics still play an important role in several areas for measuring distances and areas in geographic information systems the definition of maritime boundaries UNCLOS 2006 in the rules of the Federal Aviation Administration for area navigation RNAV 2007 the method of measuring distances in the FAI Sporting Code FAI 2018 help Muslims find their direction toward MeccaBy the principle of least action many problems in physics can be formulated as a variational problem similar to that for geodesics Indeed the geodesic problem is equivalent to the motion of a particle constrained to move on the surface but otherwise subject to no forces Laplace 1799a Hilbert amp Cohn Vossen 1952 p 222 For this reason geodesics on simple surfaces such as ellipsoids of revolution or triaxial ellipsoids are frequently used as test cases for exploring new methods Examples include the development of elliptic integrals Legendre 1811 and elliptic functions Weierstrass 1861 the development of differential geometry Gauss 1828 Christoffel 1869 methods for solving systems of differential equations by a change of independent variables Jacobi 1839 the study of caustics Jacobi 1891 investigations into the number and stability of periodic orbits Poincare 1905 in the limit c 0 geodesics on a triaxial ellipsoid reduce to a case of dynamical billiards extensions to an arbitrary number of dimensions Knorrer 1980 geodesic flow on a surface Berger 2010 Chap 12 See also EditEarth section paths Figure of the Earth Geographical distance Great circle navigation Great ellipse Geodesic Geodesy Map projection Map projection of the triaxial ellipsoid Meridian arc Rhumb line Vincenty s formulaeNotes Edit Here a2 is the forward azimuth at B Some authors calculate the back azimuth instead this is given by a2 p Laplace 1799a showed that a particle constrained to move on a surface but otherwise subject to no forces moves along a geodesic for that surface Thus Clairaut s relation is just a consequence of conservation of angular momentum for a particle on a surface of revolution Bagratuni 1962 17 uses the term coefficient of convergence of ordinates for the geodesic scale This section is adapted from the documentation for GeographicLib Karney 2015 Geodesics on a triaxial ellipsoid This notation for the semi axes is incompatible with that used in the previous section on ellipsoids of revolution in which a and b stood for the equatorial radius and polar semi axis Thus the corresponding inequalities are a a b gt 0 for an oblate ellipsoid and b a a gt 0 for a prolate ellipsoid The limit b c gives a prolate ellipsoid with w playing the role of the parametric latitude If c a lt 1 2 there are other simple closed geodesics similar to those shown in Figs 11 and 12 Klingenberg 1982 3 5 19 References EditArnold V I 1989 Mathematical Methods of Classical Mechanics Translated by Vogtmann K Weinstein A 2nd ed Springer Verlag ISBN 978 0 387 96890 2 OCLC 4037141 Bagratuni G V 1967 1962 Course in Spheroidal Geodesy doi 10 5281 zenodo 32371 OCLC 6150611 Translation from Russian of Kurs sferoidicheskoj geodezii Moscow 1962 by U S Air Force FTD MT 64 390 Berger M 2010 Geometry Revealed Translated by Senechal L J Springer doi 10 1007 978 3 540 70997 8 ISBN 978 3 540 70996 1 Bessel F W 2010 1825 Translated by Karney C F F Deakin R E The calculation of longitude and latitude from geodesic measurements Astronomische Nachrichten 331 8 852 861 arXiv 0908 1824 Bibcode 2010AN 331 852K doi 10 1002 asna 201011352 S2CID 118760590 English translation of Astron Nachr 4 241 254 1825 Errata Bliss G A 1916 Jacobi s condition for problems of the calculus of variations in parametric form Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 17 2 195 206 doi 10 1090 S0002 9947 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geodesics on the ellipsoid Bulletin Geodesique 37 1 12 22 Bibcode 1955BGeod 29 12R doi 10 1007 BF02527187 S2CID 122111614 Rapp R H 1991 Geometric geodesy part I Ohio State Univ hdl 1811 24333 Rapp R H 1993 Geometric geodesy part II Ohio State Univ hdl 1811 24409 RNAV 2007 Appendix 2 Order 8260 54A The United States Standard for Area Navigation PDF Technical report Washington D C U S Federal Aviation Administration Sjoberg L E 2006 Determination of areas on the plane sphere and ellipsoid Survey Review 38 301 583 593 doi 10 1179 003962606780732100 UNCLOS 2006 A Manual on Technical Aspects of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea 1982 PDF Technical report 4th ed Monaco International Hydrographic Bureau Archived from the original PDF on 2013 05 24 Retrieved 2013 08 15 Vincenty T 1975 Direct and inverse solutions of geodesics on the ellipsoid with application of nested equations PDF Survey Review 23 176 88 93 doi 10 1179 sre 1975 23 176 88 Addendum Survey Review 23 180 294 1976 Vincenty T Bowring B R 1978 Application of three dimensional geodesy to adjustments of horizontal networks PDF Technical report NOAA NOS NGS 13 Weierstrass K T W 1861 Uber die geodatischen Linien auf dem dreiaxigen Ellipsoid Geodesic lines on a triaxial ellipsoid PDF Monatsberichte der Koniglichen Akademie der Wissenschaft zu Berlin in German 986 997 External links EditOnline geodesic bibliography of books and articles on geodesics on ellipsoids Test set for geodesics a set of 500000 geodesics for the WGS84 ellipsoid computed using high precision arithmetic NGS tool implementing Vincenty 1975 geod 1 man page for the PROJ utility for geodesic calculations GeographicLib implementation of Karney 2013 Drawing geodesics on Google Maps Retrieved from https en wikipedia org w index php title Geodesics on an ellipsoid amp oldid 1136435473 Triaxial ellipsoid coordinate system, wikipedia, wiki, book, books, library,


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