
Lagrangian mechanics

In physics, Lagrangian mechanics is a formulation of classical mechanics founded on the stationary-action principle (also known as the principle of least action). It was introduced by the Italian-French mathematician and astronomer Joseph-Louis Lagrange in his presentation to the Turin Academy of Science in 1760[1] culminating in his 1788 grand opus, Mécanique analytique.[2]

Joseph-Louis Lagrange (1736–1813)

Lagrangian mechanics describes a mechanical system as a pair (M, L) consisting of a configuration space M and a smooth function within that space called a Lagrangian. For many systems, L = TV, where T and V are the kinetic and potential energy of the system, respectively.[3]

The stationary action principle requires that the action functional of the system derived from L must remain at a stationary point (a maximum, minimum, or saddle) throughout the time evolution of the system. This constraint allows the calculation of the equations of motion of the system using Lagrange's equations.[4]

Introduction edit

Bead constrained to move on a frictionless wire. The wire exerts a reaction force C on the bead to keep it on the wire. The non-constraint force N in this case is gravity. Notice the initial position of the bead on the wire can lead to different motions.
Simple pendulum. Since the rod is rigid, the position of the bob is constrained according to the equation f(x, y) = 0, the constraint force C is the tension in the rod. Again the non-constraint force N in this case is gravity.

Suppose there exists a bead sliding around on a wire, or a swinging simple pendulum. If one tracks each of the massive objects (bead, pendulum bob) as a particle, calculation of the motion of the particle using Newtonian mechanics would require solving for the time-varying constraint force required to keep the particle in the constrained motion (reaction force exerted by the wire on the bead, or tension in the pendulum rod). For the same problem using Lagrangian mechanics, one looks at the path the particle can take and chooses a convenient set of independent generalized coordinates that completely characterize the possible motion of the particle. This choice eliminates the need for the constraint force to enter into the resultant system of equations. There are fewer equations since one is not directly calculating the influence of the constraint on the particle at a given moment.

For a wide variety of physical systems, if the size and shape of a massive object are negligible, it is a useful simplification to treat it as a point particle. For a system of N point particles with masses m1, m2, ..., mN, each particle has a position vector, denoted r1, r2, ..., rN. Cartesian coordinates are often sufficient, so r1 = (x1, y1, z1), r2 = (x2, y2, z2) and so on. In three dimensional space, each position vector requires three coordinates to uniquely define the location of a point, so there are 3N coordinates to uniquely define the configuration of the system. These are all specific points in space to locate the particles; a general point in space is written r = (x, y, z). The velocity of each particle is how fast the particle moves along its path of motion, and is the time derivative of its position, thus

In Newtonian mechanics, the equations of motion are given by Newton's laws. The second law "net force equals mass times acceleration",
applies to each particle. For an N particle system in 3 dimensions, there are 3N second order ordinary differential equations in the positions of the particles to solve for.

Lagrangian edit

Instead of forces, Lagrangian mechanics uses the energies in the system. The central quantity of Lagrangian mechanics is the Lagrangian, a function which summarizes the dynamics of the entire system. Overall, the Lagrangian has units of energy, but no single expression for all physical systems. Any function which generates the correct equations of motion, in agreement with physical laws, can be taken as a Lagrangian. It is nevertheless possible to construct general expressions for large classes of applications. The non-relativistic Lagrangian for a system of particles in the absence of an electromagnetic field is given by[5]

is the total kinetic energy of the system, equaling the sum Σ of the kinetic energies of the particles,[6] and V is the potential energy of the system.

Kinetic energy is the energy of the system's motion, and vk2 = vk · vk is the magnitude squared of velocity, equivalent to the dot product of the velocity with itself. The kinetic energy is a function only of the velocities vk, not the positions rk nor time t, so T = T(v1, v2, ...).

The potential energy of the system reflects the energy of interaction between the particles, i.e. how much energy any one particle will have due to all the others and other external influences. For conservative forces (e.g. Newtonian gravity), it is a function of the position vectors of the particles only, so V = V(r1, r2, ...). For those non-conservative forces which can be derived from an appropriate potential (e.g. electromagnetic potential), the velocities will appear also, V = V(r1, r2, ..., v1, v2, ...). If there is some external field or external driving force changing with time, the potential will change with time, so most generally V = V(r1, r2, ..., v1, v2, ..., t).

The above form of L does not hold in relativistic Lagrangian mechanics or in the presence of a magnetic field when using the typical expression for the potential energy, and must be replaced by a function consistent with special or general relativity. Also, for dissipative forces (e.g. Friction) another function must be introduced alongside L.

One or more of the particles may each be subject to one or more holonomic constraints; such a constraint is described by an equation of the form f(r, t) = 0. If the number of constraints in the system is C, then each constraint has an equation, f1(r, t) = 0, f2(r, t) = 0, ..., fC(r, t) = 0, each of which could apply to any of the particles. If particle k is subject to constraint i, then fi(rk, t) = 0. At any instant of time, the coordinates of a constrained particle are linked together and not independent. The constraint equations determine the allowed paths the particles can move along, but not where they are or how fast they go at every instant of time. Nonholonomic constraints depend on the particle velocities, accelerations, or higher derivatives of position. Lagrangian mechanics can only be applied to systems whose constraints, if any, are all holonomic. Three examples of nonholonomic constraints are:[7] when the constraint equations are nonintegrable, when the constraints have inequalities, or with complicated non-conservative forces like friction. Nonholonomic constraints require special treatment, and one may have to revert to Newtonian mechanics, or use other methods.

If T or V or both depend explicitly on time due to time-varying constraints or external influences, the Lagrangian L(r1, r2, ... v1, v2, ... t) is explicitly time-dependent. If neither the potential nor the kinetic energy depend on time, then the Lagrangian L(r1, r2, ... v1, v2, ...) is explicitly independent of time. In either case, the Lagrangian will always have implicit time-dependence through the generalized coordinates.

With these definitions, Lagrange's equations of the first kind are[8]

Lagrange's equations (First kind)


where k = 1, 2, ..., N labels the particles, there is a Lagrange multiplier λi for each constraint equation fi, and

are each shorthands for a vector of partial derivatives ∂/∂ with respect to the indicated variables (not a derivative with respect to the entire vector).[nb 1] Each overdot is a shorthand for a time derivative. This procedure does increase the number of equations to solve compared to Newton's laws, from 3N to 3N + C, because there are 3N coupled second order differential equations in the position coordinates and multipliers, plus C constraint equations. However, when solved alongside the position coordinates of the particles, the multipliers can yield information about the constraint forces. The coordinates do not need to be eliminated by solving the constraint equations.

In the Lagrangian, the position coordinates and velocity components are all independent variables, and derivatives of the Lagrangian are taken with respect to these separately according to the usual differentiation rules (e.g. the partial derivative of L with respect to the z-velocity component of particle 2, defined by vz,2 = dz2/dt, is just L/∂vz,2; no awkward chain rules or total derivatives need to be used to relate the velocity component to the corresponding coordinate z2).

In each constraint equation, one coordinate is redundant because it is determined from the other coordinates. The number of independent coordinates is therefore n = 3NC. We can transform each position vector to a common set of n generalized coordinates, conveniently written as an n-tuple q = (q1, q2, ... qn), by expressing each position vector, and hence the position coordinates, as functions of the generalized coordinates and time,


The vector q is a point in the configuration space of the system. The time derivatives of the generalized coordinates are called the generalized velocities, and for each particle the transformation of its velocity vector, the total derivative of its position with respect to time, is


Given this vk, the kinetic energy in generalized coordinates depends on the generalized velocities, generalized coordinates, and time if the position vectors depend explicitly on time due to time-varying constraints, so T = T(q, q, t).

With these definitions, the Euler–Lagrange equations, or Lagrange's equations of the second kind[9][10]

Lagrange's equations (Second kind)


are mathematical results from the calculus of variations, which can also be used in mechanics. Substituting in the Lagrangian L(q, dq/dt, t), gives the equations of motion of the system. The number of equations has decreased compared to Newtonian mechanics, from 3N to n = 3NC coupled second order differential equations in the generalized coordinates. These equations do not include constraint forces at all, only non-constraint forces need to be accounted for.

Although the equations of motion include partial derivatives, the results of the partial derivatives are still ordinary differential equations in the position coordinates of the particles. The total time derivative denoted d/dt often involves implicit differentiation. Both equations are linear in the Lagrangian, but will generally be nonlinear coupled equations in the coordinates.

From Newtonian to Lagrangian mechanics edit

Newton's laws edit

Isaac Newton (1642—1727)

For simplicity, Newton's laws can be illustrated for one particle without much loss of generality (for a system of N particles, all of these equations apply to each particle in the system). The equation of motion for a particle of constant mass m is Newton's second law of 1687, in modern vector notation

where a is its acceleration and F the resultant force acting on it. Where the mass is varying, the equation needs to be generalised to take the time derivative of the momentum. `In three spatial dimensions, this is a system of three coupled second order ordinary differential equations to solve, since there are three components in this vector equation. The solution is the position vector r of the particle at time t, subject to the initial conditions of r and v when t = 0.

Newton's laws are easy to use in Cartesian coordinates, but Cartesian coordinates are not always convenient, and for other coordinate systems the equations of motion can become complicated. In a set of curvilinear coordinates ξ = (ξ1, ξ2, ξ3), the law in tensor index notation is the "Lagrangian form"[11][12]

where Fa is the ath contravariant component of the resultant force acting on the particle, Γabc are the Christoffel symbols of the second kind,
is the kinetic energy of the particle, and gbc the covariant components of the metric tensor of the curvilinear coordinate system. All the indices a, b, c, each take the values 1, 2, 3. Curvilinear coordinates are not the same as generalized coordinates.

It may seem like an overcomplication to cast Newton's law in this form, but there are advantages. The acceleration components in terms of the Christoffel symbols can be avoided by evaluating derivatives of the kinetic energy instead. If there is no resultant force acting on the particle, F = 0, it does not accelerate, but moves with constant velocity in a straight line. Mathematically, the solutions of the differential equation are geodesics, the curves of extremal length between two points in space (these may end up being minimal so the shortest paths, but that is not necessary). In flat 3D real space the geodesics are simply straight lines. So for a free particle, Newton's second law coincides with the geodesic equation, and states that free particles follow geodesics, the extremal trajectories it can move along. If the particle is subject to forces, F0, the particle accelerates due to forces acting on it, and deviates away from the geodesics it would follow if free. With appropriate extensions of the quantities given here in flat 3D space to 4D curved spacetime, the above form of Newton's law also carries over to Einstein's general relativity, in which case free particles follow geodesics in curved spacetime that are no longer "straight lines" in the ordinary sense.[13]

However, we still need to know the total resultant force F acting on the particle, which in turn requires the resultant non-constraint force N plus the resultant constraint force C,


The constraint forces can be complicated, since they will generally depend on time. Also, if there are constraints, the curvilinear coordinates are not independent but related by one or more constraint equations.

The constraint forces can either be eliminated from the equations of motion so only the non-constraint forces remain, or included by including the constraint equations in the equations of motion.

D'Alembert's principle edit

Jean d'Alembert (1717—1783)
One degree of freedom.
Two degrees of freedom.
Constraint force C and virtual displacement δr for a particle of mass m confined to a curve. The resultant non-constraint force is N.

A fundamental result in analytical mechanics is D'Alembert's principle, introduced in 1708 by Jacques Bernoulli to understand static equilibrium, and developed by D'Alembert in 1743 to solve dynamical problems.[14] The principle asserts for N particles the virtual work, i.e. the work along a virtual displacement, δrk, is zero:[6]


The virtual displacements, δrk, are by definition infinitesimal changes in the configuration of the system consistent with the constraint forces acting on the system at an instant of time,[15] i.e. in such a way that the constraint forces maintain the constrained motion. They are not the same as the actual displacements in the system, which are caused by the resultant constraint and non-constraint forces acting on the particle to accelerate and move it.[nb 2] Virtual work is the work done along a virtual displacement for any force (constraint or non-constraint).

Since the constraint forces act perpendicular to the motion of each particle in the system to maintain the constraints, the total virtual work by the constraint forces acting on the system is zero:[16][nb 3]

so that

Thus D'Alembert's principle allows us to concentrate on only the applied non-constraint forces, and exclude the constraint forces in the equations of motion.[17][18] The form shown is also independent of the choice of coordinates. However, it cannot be readily used to set up the equations of motion in an arbitrary coordinate system since the displacements δrk might be connected by a constraint equation, which prevents us from setting the N individual summands to 0. We will therefore seek a system of mutually independent coordinates for which the total sum will be 0 if and only if the individual summands are 0. Setting each of the summands to 0 will eventually give us our separated equations of motion.

Equations of motion from D'Alembert's principle edit

If there are constraints on particle k, then since the coordinates of the position rk = (xk, yk, zk) are linked together by a constraint equation, so are those of the virtual displacements δrk = (δxk, δyk, δzk). Since the generalized coordinates are independent, we can avoid the complications with the δrk by converting to virtual displacements in the generalized coordinates. These are related in the same form as a total differential,[6]


There is no partial time derivative with respect to time multiplied by a time increment, since this is a virtual displacement, one along the constraints in an instant of time.

The first term in D'Alembert's principle above is the virtual work done by the non-constraint forces Nk along the virtual displacements δrk, and can without loss of generality be converted into the generalized analogues by the definition of generalized forces

so that

This is half of the conversion to generalized coordinates. It remains to convert the acceleration term into generalized coordinates, which is not immediately obvious. Recalling the Lagrange form of Newton's second law, the partial derivatives of the kinetic energy with respect to the generalized coordinates and velocities can be found to give the desired result:[6]


Now D'Alembert's principle is in the generalized coordinates as required,

and since these virtual displacements δqj are independent and nonzero, the coefficients can be equated to zero, resulting in Lagrange's equations[19][20] or the generalized equations of motion,[21]

These equations are equivalent to Newton's laws for the non-constraint forces. The generalized forces in this equation are derived from the non-constraint forces only – the constraint forces have been excluded from D'Alembert's principle and do not need to be found. The generalized forces may be non-conservative, provided they satisfy D'Alembert's principle.[22]

Euler–Lagrange equations and Hamilton's principle edit

As the system evolves, q traces a path through configuration space (only some are shown). The path taken by the system (red) has a stationary action (δS = 0) under small changes in the configuration of the system (δq).[23]

For a non-conservative force which depends on velocity, it may be possible to find a potential energy function V that depends on positions and velocities. If the generalized forces Qi can be derived from a potential V such that[24][25]

equating to Lagrange's equations and defining the Lagrangian as L = TV obtains Lagrange's equations of the second kind or the Euler–Lagrange equations of motion

However, the Euler–Lagrange equations can only account for non-conservative forces if a potential can be found as shown. This may not always be possible for non-conservative forces, and Lagrange's equations do not involve any potential, only generalized forces; therefore they are more general than the Euler–Lagrange equations.

The Euler–Lagrange equations also follow from the calculus of variations. The variation of the Lagrangian is

which has a form similar to the total differential of L, but the virtual displacements and their time derivatives replace differentials, and there is no time increment in accordance with the definition of the virtual displacements. An integration by parts with respect to time can transfer the time derivative of δqj to the ∂L/∂(dqj/dt), in the process exchanging d(δqj)/dt for δqj, allowing the independent virtual displacements to be factorized from the derivatives of the Lagrangian,

Now, if the condition δqj(t1) = δqj(t2) = 0 holds for all j, the terms not integrated are zero. If in addition the entire time integral of δL is zero, then because the δqj are independent, and the only way for a definite integral to be zero is if the integrand equals zero, each of the coefficients of δqj must also be zero. Then we obtain the equations of motion. This can be summarized by Hamilton's principle:


The time integral of the Lagrangian is another quantity called the action, defined as[26]

which is a functional; it takes in the Lagrangian function for all times between t1 and t2 and returns a scalar value. Its dimensions are the same as [angular momentum], [energy]·[time], or [length]·[momentum]. With this definition Hamilton's principle is

Thus, instead of thinking about particles accelerating in response to applied forces, one might think of them picking out the path with a stationary action, with the end points of the path in configuration space held fixed at the initial and final times. Hamilton's principle is sometimes referred to as the principle of least action, however the action functional need only be stationary, not necessarily a maximum or a minimum value. Any variation of the functional gives an increase in the functional integral of the action.

Historically, the idea of finding the shortest path a particle can follow subject to a force motivated the first applications of the calculus of variations to mechanical problems, such as the Brachistochrone problem solved by Jean Bernoulli in 1696, as well as Leibniz, Daniel Bernoulli, L'Hôpital around the same time, and Newton the following year.[27] Newton himself was thinking along the lines of the variational calculus, but did not publish.[27] These ideas in turn lead to the variational principles of mechanics, of Fermat, Maupertuis, Euler, Hamilton, and others.

Hamilton's principle can be applied to nonholonomic constraints if the constraint equations can be put into a certain form, a linear combination of first order differentials in the coordinates. The resulting constraint equation can be rearranged into first order differential equation.[28] This will not be given here.

Lagrange multipliers and constraints edit

The Lagrangian L can be varied in the Cartesian rk coordinates, for N particles,


Hamilton's principle is still valid even if the coordinates L is expressed in are not independent, here rk, but the constraints are still assumed to be holonomic.[29] As always the end points are fixed δrk(t1) = δrk(t2) = 0 for all k. What cannot be done is to simply equate the coefficients of δrk to zero because the δrk are not independent. Instead, the method of Lagrange multipliers can be used to include the constraints. Multiplying each constraint equation fi(rk, t) = 0 by a Lagrange multiplier λi for i = 1, 2, ..., C, and adding the results to the original Lagrangian, gives the new Lagrangian


The Lagrange multipliers are arbitrary functions of time t, but not functions of the coordinates rk, so the multipliers are on equal footing with the position coordinates. Varying this new Lagrangian and integrating with respect to time gives


The introduced multipliers can be found so that the coefficients of δrk are zero, even though the rk are not independent. The equations of motion follow. From the preceding analysis, obtaining the solution to this integral is equivalent to the statement

which are Lagrange's equations of the first kind. Also, the λi Euler-Lagrange equations for the new Lagrangian return the constraint equations

For the case of a conservative force given by the gradient of some potential energy V, a function of the rk coordinates only, substituting the Lagrangian L = TV gives


and identifying the derivatives of kinetic energy as the (negative of the) resultant force, and the derivatives of the potential equaling the non-constraint force, it follows the constraint forces are

thus giving the constraint forces explicitly in terms of the constraint equations and the Lagrange multipliers.

Properties of the Lagrangian edit

Non-uniqueness edit

The Lagrangian of a given system is not unique. A Lagrangian L can be multiplied by a nonzero constant a and shifted by an arbitrary constant b, and the new Lagrangian L′ = aL + b will describe the same motion as L. If one restricts as above to trajectories q over a given time interval [tst, tfin]} and fixed end points Pst = q(tst) and Pfin = q(tfin), then two Lagrangians describing the same system can differ by the "total time derivative" of a function f(q, t):[30]


where   means  

Both Lagrangians L and L′ produce the same equations of motion[31][32] since the corresponding actions S and S′ are related via   with the last two components f(Pfin, tfin) and f(Pst, tst) independent of q.

Invariance under point transformations edit

Given a set of generalized coordinates q, if we change these variables to a new set of generalized coordinates s according to a point transformation q = q(s, t), the new Lagrangian L′ is a function of the new coordinates


and by the chain rule for partial differentiation, Lagrange's equations are invariant under this transformation;[33]


This may simplify the equations of motion.

Cyclic coordinates and conserved momenta edit

An important property of the Lagrangian is that conserved quantities can easily be read off from it. The generalized momentum "canonically conjugate to" the coordinate qi is defined by


If the Lagrangian L does not depend on some coordinate qi, it follows immediately from the Euler–Lagrange equations that


and integrating shows the corresponding generalized momentum equals a constant, a conserved quantity. This is a special case of Noether's theorem. Such coordinates are called "cyclic" or "ignorable".

For example, a system may have a Lagrangian


where r and z are lengths along straight lines, s is an arc length along some curve, and θ and φ are angles. Notice z, s, and φ are all absent in the Lagrangian even though their velocities are not. Then the momenta


are all conserved quantities. The units and nature of each generalized momentum will depend on the corresponding coordinate; in this case pz is a translational momentum in the z direction, ps is also a translational momentum along the curve s is measured, and pφ is an angular momentum in the plane the angle φ is measured in. However complicated the motion of the system is, all the coordinates and velocities will vary in such a way that these momenta are conserved.

Energy edit

Given a Lagrangian   the Hamiltonian of the corresponding mechanical system is, by definition,


This quantity will be equivalent to energy if the generalized coordinates are natural coordinates, ie. they have no explicit time dependance when expressing position vector:  . From:


Invariance under coordinate transformations edit

At every time instant t, the energy is invariant under configuration space coordinate changes qQ, i.e. (using natural coordinates)


Besides this result, the proof below shows that, under such change of coordinates, the derivatives   change as coefficients of a linear form.

Conservation edit

In Lagrangian mechanics, the system is closed if and only if its Lagrangian   does not explicitly depend on time. The energy conservation law states that the energy   of a closed system is an integral of motion.

More precisely, let q = q(t) be an extremal. (In other words, q satisfies the Euler–Lagrange equations). Taking the total time-derivative of L along this extremal and using the EL equations leads to  

If the Lagrangian L does not explicitly depend on time, then L/∂t = 0, then H does not vary with time evolution of particle, indeed, an integral of motion, meaning that


Hence, if the chosen coordinates were natural coordinates, the energy is conserved.

Kinetic and potential energies edit

Under all these circumstances,[34] the constant


is the total energy of the system. The kinetic and potential energies still change as the system evolves, but the motion of the system will be such that their sum, the total energy, is constant. This is a valuable simplification, since the energy E is a constant of integration that counts as an arbitrary constant for the problem, and it may be possible to integrate the velocities from this energy relation to solve for the coordinates.

Mechanical similarity edit

If the potential energy is a homogeneous function of the coordinates and independent of time,[35] and all position vectors are scaled by the same nonzero constant α, rk′ = αrk, so that


and time is scaled by a factor β, t′ = βt, then the velocities vk are scaled by a factor of α/β and the kinetic energy T by (α/β)2. The entire Lagrangian has been scaled by the same factor if


Since the lengths and times have been scaled, the trajectories of the particles in the system follow geometrically similar paths differing in size. The length l traversed in time t in the original trajectory corresponds to a new length l′ traversed in time t′ in the new trajectory, given by the ratios


Interacting particles edit

For a given system, if two subsystems A and B are non-interacting, the Lagrangian L of the overall system is the sum of the Lagrangians LA and LB for the subsystems:[30]


If they do interact this is not possible. In some situations, it may be possible to separate the Lagrangian of the system L into the sum of non-interacting Lagrangians, plus another Lagrangian LAB containing information about the interaction,


This may be physically motivated by taking the non-interacting Lagrangians to be kinetic energies only, while the interaction Lagrangian is the system's total potential energy. Also, in the limiting case of negligible interaction, LAB tends to zero reducing to the non-interacting case above.

The extension to more than two non-interacting subsystems is straightforward – the overall Lagrangian is the sum of the separate Lagrangians for each subsystem. If there are interactions, then interaction Lagrangians may be added.

Examples edit

The following examples apply Lagrange's equations of the second kind to mechanical problems.

Conservative force edit

A particle of mass m moves under the influence of a conservative force derived from the gradient ∇ of a scalar potential,


If there are more particles, in accordance with the above results, the total kinetic energy is a sum over all the particle kinetic energies, and the potential is a function of all the coordinates.

Cartesian coordinates edit

The Lagrangian of the particle can be written


The equations of motion for the particle are found by applying the Euler–Lagrange equation, for the x coordinate


with derivatives




and similarly for the y and z coordinates. Collecting the equations in vector form we find


which is Newton's second law of motion for a particle subject to a conservative force.

Polar coordinates in 2D and 3D edit

Using the spherical coordinates (r, θ, φ) as commonly used in physics (ISO 80000-2:2019 convention), where r is the radial distance to origin, θ is polar angle (also known as colatitude, zenith angle, normal angle, or inclination angle), and φ is the azimuthal angle, the Lagrangian for a central potential is


So, in spherical coordinates, the Euler–Lagrange equations are


The φ coordinate is cyclic since it does not appear in the Lagrangian, so the conserved momentum in the system is the angular momentum


in which r, θ and /dt can all vary with time, but only in such a way that pφ is constant.

The Lagrangian in two-dimensional polar coordinates is recovered by fixing θ to the constant value π/2.

Pendulum on a movable support edit

Sketch of the situation with definition of the coordinates (click to enlarge)

Consider a pendulum of mass m and length , which is attached to a support with mass M, which can move along a line in the  -direction. Let   be the coordinate along the line of the support, and let us denote the position of the pendulum by the angle   from the vertical. The coordinates and velocity components of the pendulum bob are


The generalized coordinates can be taken to be   and  . The kinetic energy of the system is then


and the potential energy is


giving the Lagrangian


Since x is absent from the Lagrangian, it is a cyclic coordinate. The conserved momentum is


and the Lagrange equation for the support coordinate   is


The Lagrange equation for the angle θ is


and simplifying


These equations may look quite complicated, but finding them with Newton's laws would have required carefully identifying all forces, which would have been much more laborious and prone to errors. By considering limit cases, the correctness of this system can be verified: For example,   should give the equations of motion for a simple pendulum that is at rest in some inertial frame, while   should give the equations for a pendulum in a constantly accelerating system, etc. Furthermore, it is trivial to obtain the results numerically, given suitable starting conditions and a chosen time step, by stepping through the results iteratively.

Two-body central force problem edit

Two bodies of masses m1 and m2 with position vectors r1 and r2 are in orbit about each other due to an attractive central potential V. We may write down the Lagrangian in terms of the position coordinates as they are, but it is an established procedure to convert the two-body problem into a one-body problem as follows. Introduce the Jacobi coordinates; the separation of the bodies r = r2r1 and the location of the center of mass R = (m1r1 + m2r2)/(m1 + m2). The Lagrangian is then[36][37][nb 4]


where M = m1 + m2 is the total mass, μ = m1m2/(m1 + m2) is the reduced mass, and V the potential of the radial force, which depends only on the magnitude of the separation |r| = |r2r1|. The Lagrangian splits into a center-of-mass term Lcm and a relative motion term Lrel.

The Euler–Lagrange equation for R is simply


which states the center of mass moves in a straight line at constant velocity.

Since the relative motion only depends on the magnitude of the separation, it is ideal to use polar coordinates (r, θ) and take r = |r|,


so θ is a cyclic coordinate with the corresponding conserved (angular) momentum


The radial coordinate r and angular velocity dθ/dt can vary with time, but only in such a way that is constant. The Lagrange equation for r is


This equation is identical to the radial equation obtained using Newton's laws in a co-rotating reference frame, that is, a frame rotating with the reduced mass so it appears stationary. Eliminating the angular velocity dθ/dt from this radial equation,[38]


which is the equation of motion for a one-dimensional problem in which a particle of mass μ is subjected to the inward central force −dV/dr and a second outward force, called in this context the (Lagrangian) centrifugal force (see centrifugal force#Other uses of the term):


Of course, if one remains entirely within the one-dimensional formulation, enters only as some imposed parameter of the external outward force, and its interpretation as angular momentum depends upon the more general two-dimensional problem from which the one-dimensional problem originated.

If one arrives at this equation using Newtonian mechanics in a co-rotating frame, the interpretation is evident as the centrifugal force in that frame due to the rotation of the frame itself. If one arrives at this equation directly by using the generalized coordinates (r, θ) and simply following the Lagrangian formulation without thinking about frames at all, the interpretation is that the centrifugal force is an outgrowth of using polar coordinates. As Hildebrand says:[39]

"Since such quantities are not true physical forces, they are often called inertia forces. Their presence or absence depends, not upon the particular problem at hand, but upon the coordinate system chosen." In particular, if Cartesian coordinates are chosen, the centrifugal force disappears, and the formulation involves only the central force itself, which provides the centripetal force for a curved motion.

This viewpoint, that fictitious forces originate in the choice of coordinates, often is expressed by users of the Lagrangian method. This view arises naturally in the Lagrangian approach, because the frame of reference is (possibly unconsciously) selected by the choice of coordinates. For example, see[40] for a comparison of Lagrangians in an inertial and in a noninertial frame of reference. See also the discussion of "total" and "updated" Lagrangian formulations in.[41] Unfortunately, this usage of "inertial force" conflicts with the Newtonian idea of an inertial force. In the Newtonian view, an inertial force originates in the acceleration of the frame of observation (the fact that it is not an inertial frame of reference), not in the choice of coordinate system. To keep matters clear, it is safest to refer to the Lagrangian inertial forces as generalized inertial forces, to distinguish them from the Newtonian vector inertial forces. That is, one should avoid following Hildebrand when he says (p. 155) "we deal always with generalized forces, velocities accelerations, and momenta. For brevity, the adjective "generalized" will be omitted frequently."

It is known that the Lagrangian of a system is not unique. Within the Lagrangian formalism the Newtonian fictitious forces can be identified by the existence of alternative Lagrangians in which the fictitious forces disappear, sometimes found by exploiting the symmetry of the system.[42]

Extensions to include non-conservative forces edit

Dissipative forces edit

Dissipation (i.e. non-conservative systems) can also be treated with an effective Lagrangian formulated by a certain doubling of the degrees of freedom.[43][44][45][46]

In a more general formulation, the forces could be both conservative and viscous. If an appropriate transformation can be found from the Fi, Rayleigh suggests using a dissipation function, D, of the following form:[47]


where Cjk are constants that are related to the damping coefficients in the physical system, though not necessarily equal to them. If D is defined this way, then[47]




Electromagnetism edit

A test particle is a particle whose mass and charge are assumed to be so small that its effect on external system is insignificant. It is often a hypothetical simplified point particle with no properties other than mass and charge. Real particles like electrons and up quarks are more complex and have additional terms in their Lagrangians. Not only can the fields form non conservative potentials, these potentials can also be velocity dependent.

The Lagrangian for a charged particle with electrical charge q, interacting with an electromagnetic field, is the prototypical example of a velocity-dependent potential. The electric scalar potential ϕ = ϕ(r, t) and magnetic vector potential A = A(r, t) are defined from the electric field E = E(r, t) and magnetic field B = B(r, t) as follows:


The Lagrangian of a massive charged test particle in an electromagnetic field


is called minimal coupling. This is a good example of when the common rule of thumb that the Lagrangian is the kinetic energy minus the potential energy is incorrect. Combined with Euler–Lagrange equation, it produces the Lorentz force law


Under gauge transformation:


where f(r,t) is any scalar function of space and time, the aforementioned Lagrangian transforms like:


which still produces the same Lorentz force law.

Note that the canonical momentum (conjugate to position r) is the kinetic momentum plus a contribution from the A field (known as the potential momentum):


This relation is also used in the minimal coupling prescription in quantum mechanics and quantum field theory. From this expression, we can see that the canonical momentum p is not gauge invariant, and therefore not a measurable physical quantity; However, if r is cyclic (i.e. Lagrangian is independent of position r), which happens if the ϕ and A fields are uniform, then this canonical momentum p given here is the conserved momentum, while the measurable physical kinetic momentum mv is not.

Other contexts and formulations edit

The ideas in Lagrangian mechanics have numerous applications in other areas of physics, and can adopt generalized results from the calculus of variations.

Alternative formulations of classical mechanics edit

A closely related formulation of classical mechanics is Hamiltonian mechanics. The Hamiltonian is defined by


and can be obtained by performing a Legendre transformation on the Lagrangian, which introduces new variables canonically conjugate to the original variables. For example, given a set of generalized coordinates, the variables canonically conjugate are the generalized momenta. This doubles the number of variables, but makes differential equations first order. The Hamiltonian is a particularly ubiquitous quantity in quantum mechanics (see Hamiltonian (quantum mechanics)).

Routhian mechanics is a hybrid formulation of Lagrangian and Hamiltonian mechanics, which is not often used in practice but an efficient formulation for cyclic coordinates.

Momentum space formulation

lagrangian, mechanics, physics, formulation, classical, mechanics, founded, stationary, action, principle, also, known, principle, least, action, introduced, italian, french, mathematician, astronomer, joseph, louis, lagrange, presentation, turin, academy, sci. In physics Lagrangian mechanics is a formulation of classical mechanics founded on the stationary action principle also known as the principle of least action It was introduced by the Italian French mathematician and astronomer Joseph Louis Lagrange in his presentation to the Turin Academy of Science in 1760 1 culminating in his 1788 grand opus Mecanique analytique 2 Joseph Louis Lagrange 1736 1813 Lagrangian mechanics describes a mechanical system as a pair M L consisting of a configuration space M and a smooth function L textstyle L within that space called a Lagrangian For many systems L T V where T and V are the kinetic and potential energy of the system respectively 3 The stationary action principle requires that the action functional of the system derived from L must remain at a stationary point a maximum minimum or saddle throughout the time evolution of the system This constraint allows the calculation of the equations of motion of the system using Lagrange s equations 4 Contents 1 Introduction 1 1 Lagrangian 2 From Newtonian to Lagrangian mechanics 2 1 Newton s laws 2 2 D Alembert s principle 2 3 Equations of motion from D Alembert s principle 2 4 Euler Lagrange equations and Hamilton s principle 2 5 Lagrange multipliers and constraints 3 Properties of the Lagrangian 3 1 Non uniqueness 3 2 Invariance under point transformations 3 3 Cyclic coordinates and conserved momenta 3 4 Energy 3 4 1 Invariance under coordinate transformations 3 4 2 Conservation 3 4 3 Kinetic and potential energies 3 5 Mechanical similarity 3 6 Interacting particles 4 Examples 4 1 Conservative force 4 1 1 Cartesian coordinates 4 1 2 Polar coordinates in 2D and 3D 4 2 Pendulum on a movable support 4 3 Two body central force problem 5 Extensions to include non conservative forces 5 1 Dissipative forces 5 2 Electromagnetism 6 Other contexts and formulations 6 1 Alternative formulations of classical mechanics 6 2 Momentum space formulation 6 3 Higher derivatives of generalized coordinates 6 4 Optics 6 5 Relativistic formulation 6 6 Quantum mechanics 6 7 Classical field theory 6 8 Noether s theorem 7 See also 8 Footnotes 9 Notes 10 References 11 Further reading 12 External linksIntroduction edit nbsp Bead constrained to move on a frictionless wire The wire exerts a reaction force C on the bead to keep it on the wire The non constraint force N in this case is gravity Notice the initial position of the bead on the wire can lead to different motions nbsp Simple pendulum Since the rod is rigid the position of the bob is constrained according to the equation f x y 0 the constraint force C is the tension in the rod Again the non constraint force N in this case is gravity Suppose there exists a bead sliding around on a wire or a swinging simple pendulum If one tracks each of the massive objects bead pendulum bob as a particle calculation of the motion of the particle using Newtonian mechanics would require solving for the time varying constraint force required to keep the particle in the constrained motion reaction force exerted by the wire on the bead or tension in the pendulum rod For the same problem using Lagrangian mechanics one looks at the path the particle can take and chooses a convenient set of independent generalized coordinates that completely characterize the possible motion of the particle This choice eliminates the need for the constraint force to enter into the resultant system of equations There are fewer equations since one is not directly calculating the influence of the constraint on the particle at a given moment For a wide variety of physical systems if the size and shape of a massive object are negligible it is a useful simplification to treat it as a point particle For a system of N point particles with masses m1 m2 mN each particle has a position vector denoted r1 r2 rN Cartesian coordinates are often sufficient so r1 x1 y1 z1 r2 x2 y2 z2 and so on In three dimensional space each position vector requires three coordinates to uniquely define the location of a point so there are 3N coordinates to uniquely define the configuration of the system These are all specific points in space to locate the particles a general point in space is written r x y z The velocity of each particle is how fast the particle moves along its path of motion and is the time derivative of its position thusv 1 d r 1 d t v 2 d r 2 d t v N d r N d t displaystyle mathbf v 1 frac d mathbf r 1 dt mathbf v 2 frac d mathbf r 2 dt ldots mathbf v N frac d mathbf r N dt nbsp In Newtonian mechanics the equations of motion are given by Newton s laws The second law net force equals mass times acceleration F m d 2 r d t 2 displaystyle sum mathbf F m frac d 2 mathbf r dt 2 nbsp applies to each particle For an N particle system in 3 dimensions there are 3N second order ordinary differential equations in the positions of the particles to solve for Lagrangian edit Instead of forces Lagrangian mechanics uses the energies in the system The central quantity of Lagrangian mechanics is the Lagrangian a function which summarizes the dynamics of the entire system Overall the Lagrangian has units of energy but no single expression for all physical systems Any function which generates the correct equations of motion in agreement with physical laws can be taken as a Lagrangian It is nevertheless possible to construct general expressions for large classes of applications The non relativistic Lagrangian for a system of particles in the absence of an electromagnetic field is given by 5 L T V displaystyle L T V nbsp where T 1 2 k 1 N m k v k 2 displaystyle T frac 1 2 sum k 1 N m k v k 2 nbsp is the total kinetic energy of the system equaling the sum S of the kinetic energies of the particles 6 and V is the potential energy of the system Kinetic energy is the energy of the system s motion and vk2 vk vk is the magnitude squared of velocity equivalent to the dot product of the velocity with itself The kinetic energy is a function only of the velocities vk not the positions rk nor time t so T T v1 v2 The potential energy of the system reflects the energy of interaction between the particles i e how much energy any one particle will have due to all the others and other external influences For conservative forces e g Newtonian gravity it is a function of the position vectors of the particles only so V V r1 r2 For those non conservative forces which can be derived from an appropriate potential e g electromagnetic potential the velocities will appear also V V r1 r2 v1 v2 If there is some external field or external driving force changing with time the potential will change with time so most generally V V r1 r2 v1 v2 t The above form of L does not hold in relativistic Lagrangian mechanics or in the presence of a magnetic field when using the typical expression for the potential energy and must be replaced by a function consistent with special or general relativity Also for dissipative forces e g Friction another function must be introduced alongside L One or more of the particles may each be subject to one or more holonomic constraints such a constraint is described by an equation of the form f r t 0 If the number of constraints in the system is C then each constraint has an equation f1 r t 0 f2 r t 0 fC r t 0 each of which could apply to any of the particles If particle k is subject to constraint i then fi rk t 0 At any instant of time the coordinates of a constrained particle are linked together and not independent The constraint equations determine the allowed paths the particles can move along but not where they are or how fast they go at every instant of time Nonholonomic constraints depend on the particle velocities accelerations or higher derivatives of position Lagrangian mechanics can only be applied to systems whose constraints if any are all holonomic Three examples of nonholonomic constraints are 7 when the constraint equations are nonintegrable when the constraints have inequalities or with complicated non conservative forces like friction Nonholonomic constraints require special treatment and one may have to revert to Newtonian mechanics or use other methods If T or V or both depend explicitly on time due to time varying constraints or external influences the Lagrangian L r1 r2 v1 v2 t is explicitly time dependent If neither the potential nor the kinetic energy depend on time then the Lagrangian L r1 r2 v1 v2 is explicitly independent of time In either case the Lagrangian will always have implicit time dependence through the generalized coordinates With these definitions Lagrange s equations of the first kind are 8 Lagrange s equations First kind L r k d d t L r k i 1 C l i f i r k 0 displaystyle frac partial L partial mathbf r k frac mathrm d mathrm d t frac partial L partial dot mathbf r k sum i 1 C lambda i frac partial f i partial mathbf r k 0 nbsp where k 1 2 N labels the particles there is a Lagrange multiplier li for each constraint equation fi and r k x k y k z k r k x k y k z k displaystyle frac partial partial mathbf r k equiv left frac partial partial x k frac partial partial y k frac partial partial z k right quad frac partial partial dot mathbf r k equiv left frac partial partial dot x k frac partial partial dot y k frac partial partial dot z k right nbsp are each shorthands for a vector of partial derivatives with respect to the indicated variables not a derivative with respect to the entire vector nb 1 Each overdot is a shorthand for a time derivative This procedure does increase the number of equations to solve compared to Newton s laws from 3N to 3N C because there are 3N coupled second order differential equations in the position coordinates and multipliers plus C constraint equations However when solved alongside the position coordinates of the particles the multipliers can yield information about the constraint forces The coordinates do not need to be eliminated by solving the constraint equations In the Lagrangian the position coordinates and velocity components are all independent variables and derivatives of the Lagrangian are taken with respect to these separately according to the usual differentiation rules e g the partial derivative of L with respect to the z velocity component of particle 2 defined by vz 2 dz2 dt is just L vz 2 no awkward chain rules or total derivatives need to be used to relate the velocity component to the corresponding coordinate z2 In each constraint equation one coordinate is redundant because it is determined from the other coordinates The number of independent coordinates is therefore n 3N C We can transform each position vector to a common set of n generalized coordinates conveniently written as an n tuple q q1 q2 qn by expressing each position vector and hence the position coordinates as functions of the generalized coordinates and time r k r k q t x k q t y k q t z k q t t displaystyle mathbf r k mathbf r k mathbf q t x k mathbf q t y k mathbf q t z k mathbf q t t nbsp The vector q is a point in the configuration space of the system The time derivatives of the generalized coordinates are called the generalized velocities and for each particle the transformation of its velocity vector the total derivative of its position with respect to time isq j d q j d t v k j 1 n r k q j q j r k t displaystyle dot q j frac mathrm d q j mathrm d t quad mathbf v k sum j 1 n frac partial mathbf r k partial q j dot q j frac partial mathbf r k partial t nbsp Given this vk the kinetic energy in generalized coordinates depends on the generalized velocities generalized coordinates and time if the position vectors depend explicitly on time due to time varying constraints so T T q q t With these definitions the Euler Lagrange equations or Lagrange s equations of the second kind 9 10 Lagrange s equations Second kind d d t L q j L q j displaystyle frac mathrm d mathrm d t left frac partial L partial dot q j right frac partial L partial q j nbsp are mathematical results from the calculus of variations which can also be used in mechanics Substituting in the Lagrangian L q dq dt t gives the equations of motion of the system The number of equations has decreased compared to Newtonian mechanics from 3N to n 3N C coupled second order differential equations in the generalized coordinates These equations do not include constraint forces at all only non constraint forces need to be accounted for Although the equations of motion include partial derivatives the results of the partial derivatives are still ordinary differential equations in the position coordinates of the particles The total time derivative denoted d dt often involves implicit differentiation Both equations are linear in the Lagrangian but will generally be nonlinear coupled equations in the coordinates From Newtonian to Lagrangian mechanics editNewton s laws edit nbsp Isaac Newton 1642 1727 For simplicity Newton s laws can be illustrated for one particle without much loss of generality for a system of N particles all of these equations apply to each particle in the system The equation of motion for a particle of constant mass m is Newton s second law of 1687 in modern vector notationF m a displaystyle mathbf F m mathbf a nbsp where a is its acceleration and F the resultant force acting on it Where the mass is varying the equation needs to be generalised to take the time derivative of the momentum In three spatial dimensions this is a system of three coupled second order ordinary differential equations to solve since there are three components in this vector equation The solution is the position vector r of the particle at time t subject to the initial conditions of r and v when t 0 Newton s laws are easy to use in Cartesian coordinates but Cartesian coordinates are not always convenient and for other coordinate systems the equations of motion can become complicated In a set of curvilinear coordinates 3 31 32 33 the law in tensor index notation is the Lagrangian form 11 12 F a m d 2 3 a d t 2 G a b c d 3 b d t d 3 c d t g a k d d t T 3 k T 3 k 3 a d 3 a d t displaystyle F a m left frac mathrm d 2 xi a mathrm d t 2 Gamma a bc frac mathrm d xi b mathrm d t frac mathrm d xi c mathrm d t right g ak left frac mathrm d mathrm d t frac partial T partial dot xi k frac partial T partial xi k right quad dot xi a equiv frac mathrm d xi a mathrm d t nbsp where Fa is the ath contravariant component of the resultant force acting on the particle Gabc are the Christoffel symbols of the second kind T 1 2 m g b c d 3 b d t d 3 c d t displaystyle T frac 1 2 mg bc frac mathrm d xi b mathrm d t frac mathrm d xi c mathrm d t nbsp is the kinetic energy of the particle and gbc the covariant components of the metric tensor of the curvilinear coordinate system All the indices a b c each take the values 1 2 3 Curvilinear coordinates are not the same as generalized coordinates It may seem like an overcomplication to cast Newton s law in this form but there are advantages The acceleration components in terms of the Christoffel symbols can be avoided by evaluating derivatives of the kinetic energy instead If there is no resultant force acting on the particle F 0 it does not accelerate but moves with constant velocity in a straight line Mathematically the solutions of the differential equation are geodesics the curves of extremal length between two points in space these may end up being minimal so the shortest paths but that is not necessary In flat 3D real space the geodesics are simply straight lines So for a free particle Newton s second law coincides with the geodesic equation and states that free particles follow geodesics the extremal trajectories it can move along If the particle is subject to forces F 0 the particle accelerates due to forces acting on it and deviates away from the geodesics it would follow if free With appropriate extensions of the quantities given here in flat 3D space to 4D curved spacetime the above form of Newton s law also carries over to Einstein s general relativity in which case free particles follow geodesics in curved spacetime that are no longer straight lines in the ordinary sense 13 However we still need to know the total resultant force F acting on the particle which in turn requires the resultant non constraint force N plus the resultant constraint force C F C N displaystyle mathbf F mathbf C mathbf N nbsp The constraint forces can be complicated since they will generally depend on time Also if there are constraints the curvilinear coordinates are not independent but related by one or more constraint equations The constraint forces can either be eliminated from the equations of motion so only the non constraint forces remain or included by including the constraint equations in the equations of motion D Alembert s principle edit nbsp Jean d Alembert 1717 1783 nbsp One degree of freedom nbsp Two degrees of freedom Constraint force C and virtual displacement dr for a particle of mass m confined to a curve The resultant non constraint force is N A fundamental result in analytical mechanics is D Alembert s principle introduced in 1708 by Jacques Bernoulli to understand static equilibrium and developed by D Alembert in 1743 to solve dynamical problems 14 The principle asserts for N particles the virtual work i e the work along a virtual displacement drk is zero 6 k 1 N N k C k m k a k d r k 0 displaystyle sum k 1 N mathbf N k mathbf C k m k mathbf a k cdot delta mathbf r k 0 nbsp The virtual displacements drk are by definition infinitesimal changes in the configuration of the system consistent with the constraint forces acting on the system at an instant of time 15 i e in such a way that the constraint forces maintain the constrained motion They are not the same as the actual displacements in the system which are caused by the resultant constraint and non constraint forces acting on the particle to accelerate and move it nb 2 Virtual work is the work done along a virtual displacement for any force constraint or non constraint Since the constraint forces act perpendicular to the motion of each particle in the system to maintain the constraints the total virtual work by the constraint forces acting on the system is zero 16 nb 3 k 1 N C k d r k 0 displaystyle sum k 1 N mathbf C k cdot delta mathbf r k 0 nbsp so that k 1 N N k m k a k d r k 0 displaystyle sum k 1 N mathbf N k m k mathbf a k cdot delta mathbf r k 0 nbsp Thus D Alembert s principle allows us to concentrate on only the applied non constraint forces and exclude the constraint forces in the equations of motion 17 18 The form shown is also independent of the choice of coordinates However it cannot be readily used to set up the equations of motion in an arbitrary coordinate system since the displacements drk might be connected by a constraint equation which prevents us from setting the N individual summands to 0 We will therefore seek a system of mutually independent coordinates for which the total sum will be 0 if and only if the individual summands are 0 Setting each of the summands to 0 will eventually give us our separated equations of motion Equations of motion from D Alembert s principle edit If there are constraints on particle k then since the coordinates of the position rk xk yk zk are linked together by a constraint equation so are those of the virtual displacements drk dxk dyk dzk Since the generalized coordinates are independent we can avoid the complications with the drk by converting to virtual displacements in the generalized coordinates These are related in the same form as a total differential 6 d r k j 1 n r k q j d q j displaystyle delta mathbf r k sum j 1 n frac partial mathbf r k partial q j delta q j nbsp There is no partial time derivative with respect to time multiplied by a time increment since this is a virtual displacement one along the constraints in an instant of time The first term in D Alembert s principle above is the virtual work done by the non constraint forces Nk along the virtual displacements drk and can without loss of generality be converted into the generalized analogues by the definition of generalized forcesQ j k 1 N N k r k q j displaystyle Q j sum k 1 N mathbf N k cdot frac partial mathbf r k partial q j nbsp so that k 1 N N k d r k k 1 N N k j 1 n r k q j d q j j 1 n Q j d q j displaystyle sum k 1 N mathbf N k cdot delta mathbf r k sum k 1 N mathbf N k cdot sum j 1 n frac partial mathbf r k partial q j delta q j sum j 1 n Q j delta q j nbsp This is half of the conversion to generalized coordinates It remains to convert the acceleration term into generalized coordinates which is not immediately obvious Recalling the Lagrange form of Newton s second law the partial derivatives of the kinetic energy with respect to the generalized coordinates and velocities can be found to give the desired result 6 k 1 N m k a k r k q j d d t T q j T q j displaystyle sum k 1 N m k mathbf a k cdot frac partial mathbf r k partial q j frac mathrm d mathrm d t frac partial T partial dot q j frac partial T partial q j nbsp Now D Alembert s principle is in the generalized coordinates as required j 1 n Q j d d t T q j T q j d q j 0 displaystyle sum j 1 n left Q j left frac mathrm d mathrm d t frac partial T partial dot q j frac partial T partial q j right right delta q j 0 nbsp and since these virtual displacements dqj are independent and nonzero the coefficients can be equated to zero resulting in Lagrange s equations 19 20 or the generalized equations of motion 21 Q j d d t T q j T q j displaystyle Q j frac mathrm d mathrm d t frac partial T partial dot q j frac partial T partial q j nbsp These equations are equivalent to Newton s laws for the non constraint forces The generalized forces in this equation are derived from the non constraint forces only the constraint forces have been excluded from D Alembert s principle and do not need to be found The generalized forces may be non conservative provided they satisfy D Alembert s principle 22 Euler Lagrange equations and Hamilton s principle edit nbsp As the system evolves q traces a path through configuration space only some are shown The path taken by the system red has a stationary action dS 0 under small changes in the configuration of the system dq 23 For a non conservative force which depends on velocity it may be possible to find a potential energy function V that depends on positions and velocities If the generalized forces Qi can be derived from a potential V such that 24 25 Q j d d t V q j V q j displaystyle Q j frac mathrm d mathrm d t frac partial V partial dot q j frac partial V partial q j nbsp equating to Lagrange s equations and defining the Lagrangian as L T V obtains Lagrange s equations of the second kind or the Euler Lagrange equations of motion L q j d d t L q j 0 displaystyle frac partial L partial q j frac mathrm d mathrm d t frac partial L partial dot q j 0 nbsp However the Euler Lagrange equations can only account for non conservative forces if a potential can be found as shown This may not always be possible for non conservative forces and Lagrange s equations do not involve any potential only generalized forces therefore they are more general than the Euler Lagrange equations The Euler Lagrange equations also follow from the calculus of variations The variation of the Lagrangian isd L j 1 n L q j d q j L q j d q j d q j d d q j d t d d q j d t displaystyle delta L sum j 1 n left frac partial L partial q j delta q j frac partial L partial dot q j delta dot q j right quad delta dot q j equiv delta frac mathrm d q j mathrm d t equiv frac mathrm d delta q j mathrm d t nbsp which has a form similar to the total differential of L but the virtual displacements and their time derivatives replace differentials and there is no time increment in accordance with the definition of the virtual displacements An integration by parts with respect to time can transfer the time derivative of dqj to the L dqj dt in the process exchanging d dqj dt for dqj allowing the independent virtual displacements to be factorized from the derivatives of the Lagrangian t 1 t 2 d L d t t 1 t 2 j 1 n L q j d q j d d t L q j d q j d d t L q j d q j d t j 1 n L q j d q j t 1 t 2 t 1 t 2 j 1 n L q j d d t L q j d q j d t displaystyle int t 1 t 2 delta L mathrm d t int t 1 t 2 sum j 1 n left frac partial L partial q j delta q j frac mathrm d mathrm d t left frac partial L partial dot q j delta q j right frac mathrm d mathrm d t frac partial L partial dot q j delta q j right mathrm d t sum j 1 n left frac partial L partial dot q j delta q j right t 1 t 2 int t 1 t 2 sum j 1 n left frac partial L partial q j frac mathrm d mathrm d t frac partial L partial dot q j right delta q j mathrm d t nbsp Now if the condition dqj t1 dqj t2 0 holds for all j the terms not integrated are zero If in addition the entire time integral of dL is zero then because the dqj are independent and the only way for a definite integral to be zero is if the integrand equals zero each of the coefficients of dqj must also be zero Then we obtain the equations of motion This can be summarized by Hamilton s principle t 1 t 2 d L d t 0 displaystyle int t 1 t 2 delta L mathrm d t 0 nbsp The time integral of the Lagrangian is another quantity called the action defined as 26 S t 1 t 2 L d t displaystyle S int t 1 t 2 L mathrm d t nbsp which is a functional it takes in the Lagrangian function for all times between t1 and t2 and returns a scalar value Its dimensions are the same as angular momentum energy time or length momentum With this definition Hamilton s principle is d S 0 displaystyle delta S 0 nbsp Thus instead of thinking about particles accelerating in response to applied forces one might think of them picking out the path with a stationary action with the end points of the path in configuration space held fixed at the initial and final times Hamilton s principle is sometimes referred to as the principle of least action however the action functional need only be stationary not necessarily a maximum or a minimum value Any variation of the functional gives an increase in the functional integral of the action Historically the idea of finding the shortest path a particle can follow subject to a force motivated the first applications of the calculus of variations to mechanical problems such as the Brachistochrone problem solved by Jean Bernoulli in 1696 as well as Leibniz Daniel Bernoulli L Hopital around the same time and Newton the following year 27 Newton himself was thinking along the lines of the variational calculus but did not publish 27 These ideas in turn lead to the variational principles of mechanics of Fermat Maupertuis Euler Hamilton and others Hamilton s principle can be applied to nonholonomic constraints if the constraint equations can be put into a certain form a linear combination of first order differentials in the coordinates The resulting constraint equation can be rearranged into first order differential equation 28 This will not be given here Lagrange multipliers and constraints edit The Lagrangian L can be varied in the Cartesian rk coordinates for N particles t 1 t 2 k 1 N L r k d d t L r k d r k d t 0 displaystyle int t 1 t 2 sum k 1 N left frac partial L partial mathbf r k frac mathrm d mathrm d t frac partial L partial dot mathbf r k right cdot delta mathbf r k mathrm d t 0 nbsp Hamilton s principle is still valid even if the coordinates L is expressed in are not independent here rk but the constraints are still assumed to be holonomic 29 As always the end points are fixed drk t1 drk t2 0 for all k What cannot be done is to simply equate the coefficients of drk to zero because the drk are not independent Instead the method of Lagrange multipliers can be used to include the constraints Multiplying each constraint equation fi rk t 0 by a Lagrange multiplier li for i 1 2 C and adding the results to the original Lagrangian gives the new LagrangianL L r 1 r 2 r 1 r 2 t i 1 C l i t f i r k t displaystyle L L mathbf r 1 mathbf r 2 ldots dot mathbf r 1 dot mathbf r 2 ldots t sum i 1 C lambda i t f i mathbf r k t nbsp The Lagrange multipliers are arbitrary functions of time t but not functions of the coordinates rk so the multipliers are on equal footing with the position coordinates Varying this new Lagrangian and integrating with respect to time gives t 1 t 2 d L d t t 1 t 2 k 1 N L r k d d t L r k i 1 C l i f i r k d r k d t 0 displaystyle int t 1 t 2 delta L mathrm d t int t 1 t 2 sum k 1 N left frac partial L partial mathbf r k frac mathrm d mathrm d t frac partial L partial dot mathbf r k sum i 1 C lambda i frac partial f i partial mathbf r k right cdot delta mathbf r k mathrm d t 0 nbsp The introduced multipliers can be found so that the coefficients of drk are zero even though the rk are not independent The equations of motion follow From the preceding analysis obtaining the solution to this integral is equivalent to the statement L r k d d t L r k 0 L r k d d t L r k i 1 C l i f i r k 0 displaystyle frac partial L partial mathbf r k frac mathrm d mathrm d t frac partial L partial dot mathbf r k 0 quad Rightarrow quad frac partial L partial mathbf r k frac mathrm d mathrm d t frac partial L partial dot mathbf r k sum i 1 C lambda i frac partial f i partial mathbf r k 0 nbsp which are Lagrange s equations of the first kind Also the li Euler Lagrange equations for the new Lagrangian return the constraint equations L l i d d t L l i 0 f i r k t 0 displaystyle frac partial L partial lambda i frac mathrm d mathrm d t frac partial L partial dot lambda i 0 quad Rightarrow quad f i mathbf r k t 0 nbsp For the case of a conservative force given by the gradient of some potential energy V a function of the rk coordinates only substituting the Lagrangian L T V gives T r k d d t T r k F k V r k N k i 1 C l i f i r k 0 displaystyle underbrace frac partial T partial mathbf r k frac mathrm d mathrm d t frac partial T partial dot mathbf r k mathbf F k underbrace frac partial V partial mathbf r k mathbf N k sum i 1 C lambda i frac partial f i partial mathbf r k 0 nbsp and identifying the derivatives of kinetic energy as the negative of the resultant force and the derivatives of the potential equaling the non constraint force it follows the constraint forces areC k i 1 C l i f i r k displaystyle mathbf C k sum i 1 C lambda i frac partial f i partial mathbf r k nbsp thus giving the constraint forces explicitly in terms of the constraint equations and the Lagrange multipliers Properties of the Lagrangian editNon uniqueness edit The Lagrangian of a given system is not unique A Lagrangian L can be multiplied by a nonzero constant a and shifted by an arbitrary constant b and the new Lagrangian L aL b will describe the same motion as L If one restricts as above to trajectories q over a given time interval tst tfin and fixed end points Pst q tst and Pfin q tfin then two Lagrangians describing the same system can differ by the total time derivative of a function f q t 30 L q q t L q q t d f q t d t displaystyle L mathbf q dot mathbf q t L mathbf q dot mathbf q t frac mathrm d f mathbf q t mathrm d t nbsp where d f q t d t displaystyle textstyle frac mathrm d f mathbf q t mathrm d t nbsp means f q t t i f q t q i q i displaystyle textstyle frac partial f mathbf q t partial t sum i frac partial f mathbf q t partial q i dot q i nbsp Both Lagrangians L and L produce the same equations of motion 31 32 since the corresponding actions S and S are related via S q t st t fin L q t q t t d t t st t fin L q t q t t d t t st t fin d f q t t d t d t S q f P fin t fin f P st t st displaystyle begin aligned S mathbf q int limits t text st t text fin L mathbf q t dot mathbf q t t dt int limits t text st t text fin L mathbf q t dot mathbf q t t dt int t text st t text fin frac mathrm d f mathbf q t t mathrm d t dt S mathbf q f P text fin t text fin f P text st t text st end aligned nbsp with the last two components f Pfin tfin and f Pst tst independent of q Invariance under point transformations edit Given a set of generalized coordinates q if we change these variables to a new set of generalized coordinates s according to a point transformation q q s t the new Lagrangian L is a function of the new coordinates L q s t q s s t t L s s t displaystyle L mathbf q mathbf s t dot mathbf q mathbf s dot mathbf s t t L mathbf s dot mathbf s t nbsp and by the chain rule for partial differentiation Lagrange s equations are invariant under this transformation 33 d d t L s i L s i displaystyle frac mathrm d mathrm d t frac partial L partial dot s i frac partial L partial s i nbsp This may simplify the equations of motion Cyclic coordinates and conserved momenta edit An important property of the Lagrangian is that conserved quantities can easily be read off from it The generalized momentum canonically conjugate to the coordinate qi is defined by p i L q i displaystyle p i frac partial L partial dot q i nbsp If the Lagrangian L does not depend on some coordinate qi it follows immediately from the Euler Lagrange equations that p i d d t L q i L q i 0 displaystyle dot p i frac mathrm d mathrm d t frac partial L partial dot q i frac partial L partial q i 0 nbsp and integrating shows the corresponding generalized momentum equals a constant a conserved quantity This is a special case of Noether s theorem Such coordinates are called cyclic or ignorable For example a system may have a Lagrangian L r 8 s z r 8 ϕ t displaystyle L r theta dot s dot z dot r dot theta dot phi t nbsp where r and z are lengths along straight lines s is an arc length along some curve and 8 and f are angles Notice z s and f are all absent in the Lagrangian even though their velocities are not Then the momenta p z L z p s L s p ϕ L ϕ displaystyle p z frac partial L partial dot z quad p s frac partial L partial dot s quad p phi frac partial L partial dot phi nbsp are all conserved quantities The units and nature of each generalized momentum will depend on the corresponding coordinate in this case pz is a translational momentum in the z direction ps is also a translational momentum along the curve s is measured and pf is an angular momentum in the plane the angle f is measured in However complicated the motion of the system is all the coordinates and velocities will vary in such a way that these momenta are conserved Energy edit Given a Lagrangian L displaystyle L nbsp the Hamiltonian of the corresponding mechanical system is by definition H i 1 n q i L q i L displaystyle H biggl sum i 1 n dot q i frac partial L partial dot q i biggr L nbsp This quantity will be equivalent to energy if the generalized coordinates are natural coordinates ie they have no explicit time dependance when expressing position vector r r q 1 q n displaystyle vec r vec r q 1 cdots q n nbsp From T m 2 v 2 m 2 r q i q i r q j q j m 2 a i j q i q j k T q k q k m 2 2 i j a i j q i q j 2 T q i L q i L T V E displaystyle begin aligned T frac m 2 v 2 frac m 2 sum frac partial vec r partial q i dot q i frac partial vec r partial q j dot q j frac m 2 sum a ij dot q i dot q j sum k frac partial T partial dot q k dot q k frac m 2 left 2 sum i j a ij dot q i dot q j right 2T sum dot q i frac partial L partial dot q i L T V E end aligned nbsp Invariance under coordinate transformations edit At every time instant t the energy is invariant under configuration space coordinate changes q Q i e using natural coordinates E q q t E Q Q t displaystyle E mathbf q dot mathbf q t E mathbf Q dot mathbf Q t nbsp Besides this result the proof below shows that under such change of coordinates the derivatives L q i displaystyle partial L partial dot q i nbsp change as coefficients of a linear form ProofFor a coordinate transformation Q F q we have d Q F q d q displaystyle d mathbf Q F mathbf q d mathbf q nbsp where F q displaystyle F mathbf q nbsp is the tangent map of the vector space i 1 n q i q i q q i R displaystyle left sum i 1 n dot q i cdot left partial partial q i Bigl mathbf q right biggl dot q i in mathbb R right nbsp to the vector space i 1 n Q i Q i F q Q i R displaystyle left sum i 1 n dot Q i cdot left partial partial Q i Bigl F mathbf q right biggl dot Q i in mathbb R right nbsp and F q F i q j q i j 1 n displaystyle textstyle F mathbf q bigl partial F i partial q j bigl mathbf q bigr i j 1 n nbsp is the Jacobian In the coordinates q i displaystyle dot q i nbsp and Q i displaystyle dot Q i nbsp the previous formula for d Q displaystyle d mathbf Q nbsp has the form Q F q q displaystyle dot mathbf Q F mathbf q dot mathbf q nbsp After differentiation involving the product rule d Q G q q d q F q d q displaystyle d dot mathbf Q G mathbf q dot mathbf q d mathbf q F mathbf q d dot mathbf q nbsp where G q q d q def d F q q k 1 n 2 F i q j q k q d q k i j 1 n q j 1 n q j k 1 n 2 F i q j q k q d q k i 1 n T k 1 n d q k j 1 n 2 F i q j q k q q j i 1 n T j 1 n 2 F i q j q k q q j i k 1 n d q displaystyle begin aligned G mathbf q dot mathbf q d mathbf q amp stackrel text def d F mathbf q dot mathbf q left sum k 1 n frac partial 2 F i partial q j partial q k biggl mathbf q dq k right i j 1 n dot mathbf q left sum j 1 n dot q j sum k 1 n frac partial 2 F i partial q j partial q k biggl mathbf q dq k right i 1 ldots n T amp left sum k 1 n dq k sum j 1 n frac partial 2 F i partial q j partial q k biggl mathbf q dot q j right i 1 ldots n T left sum j 1 n frac partial 2 F i partial q j partial q k biggl mathbf q dot q j right i k 1 n d mathbf q end aligned nbsp In vector notation d L Q Q t L Q d Q L Q d Q L t d t L Q F q L Q G q q d q L Q F q d q L t displaystyle begin aligned dL mathbf Q dot mathbf Q t amp frac partial L partial mathbf Q d mathbf Q frac partial L partial dot mathbf Q d dot mathbf Q frac partial L partial t dt amp left frac partial L partial mathbf Q F mathbf q frac partial L partial dot mathbf Q G mathbf q dot mathbf q right d mathbf q frac partial L partial dot mathbf Q F mathbf q d dot mathbf q frac partial L partial t end aligned nbsp On the other hand d L q q t L q d q L q d q L t d t displaystyle dL mathbf q dot mathbf q t frac partial L partial mathbf q d mathbf q frac partial L partial dot mathbf q d dot mathbf q frac partial L partial t dt nbsp It was mentioned earlier that Lagrangians do not depend on the choice of configuration space coordinates i e L Q Q t L q q t displaystyle L mathbf Q dot mathbf Q t L mathbf q dot mathbf q t nbsp One implication of this is that d L Q Q t d L q q t displaystyle dL mathbf Q dot mathbf Q t dL mathbf q dot mathbf q t nbsp and L Q F q L q displaystyle frac partial L partial dot mathbf Q F mathbf q frac partial L partial dot mathbf q nbsp This demonstrates that for each q displaystyle mathbf q nbsp q displaystyle dot mathbf q nbsp and t displaystyle t nbsp i 1 n L q i d q i displaystyle textstyle sum limits i 1 n frac partial L partial dot q i d dot q i nbsp is a well defined linear form whose coefficients L q i displaystyle textstyle frac partial L partial dot q i nbsp are contravariant 1 tensors Applying both sides of the equation to q displaystyle dot mathbf q nbsp and using the above formula for Q displaystyle dot mathbf Q nbsp yields Q L Q q L q displaystyle dot mathbf Q frac partial L partial dot mathbf Q dot mathbf q frac partial L partial dot mathbf q nbsp The invariance of the energy E displaystyle E nbsp follows Conservation edit In Lagrangian mechanics the system is closed if and only if its Lagrangian L displaystyle L nbsp does not explicitly depend on time The energy conservation law states that the energy E displaystyle E nbsp of a closed system is an integral of motion More precisely let q q t be an extremal In other words q satisfies the Euler Lagrange equations Taking the total time derivative of L along this extremal and using the EL equations leads to d L d t q L q q L q L t L t d d t L q q q L q L L t d d t L q q L d H d t displaystyle begin aligned frac dL dt dot mathbf q frac partial L partial mathbf q ddot mathbf q frac partial L partial mathbf dot q frac partial L partial t frac partial L partial t frac d dt left frac partial L partial mathbf dot q right dot mathbf q ddot mathbf q frac partial L partial mathbf dot q dot L frac partial L partial t frac d dt left frac partial L partial mathbf dot q mathbf dot q L right frac dH dt end aligned nbsp If the Lagrangian L does not explicitly depend on time then L t 0 then H does not vary with time evolution of particle indeed an integral of motion meaning that H q t q t t constant of time displaystyle H mathbf q t dot mathbf q t t text constant of time nbsp Hence if the chosen coordinates were natural coordinates the energy is conserved Kinetic and potential energies edit Under all these circumstances 34 the constant E T V displaystyle E T V nbsp is the total energy of the system The kinetic and potential energies still change as the system evolves but the motion of the system will be such that their sum the total energy is constant This is a valuable simplification since the energy E is a constant of integration that counts as an arbitrary constant for the problem and it may be possible to integrate the velocities from this energy relation to solve for the coordinates Mechanical similarity edit Main article Mechanical similarity If the potential energy is a homogeneous function of the coordinates and independent of time 35 and all position vectors are scaled by the same nonzero constant a rk ark so that V a r 1 a r 2 a r N a N V r 1 r 2 r N displaystyle V alpha mathbf r 1 alpha mathbf r 2 ldots alpha mathbf r N alpha N V mathbf r 1 mathbf r 2 ldots mathbf r N nbsp and time is scaled by a factor b t bt then the velocities vk are scaled by a factor of a b and the kinetic energy T by a b 2 The entire Lagrangian has been scaled by the same factor if a 2 b 2 a N b a 1 N 2 displaystyle frac alpha 2 beta 2 alpha N quad Rightarrow quad beta alpha 1 frac N 2 nbsp Since the lengths and times have been scaled the trajectories of the particles in the system follow geometrically similar paths differing in size The length l traversed in time t in the original trajectory corresponds to a new length l traversed in time t in the new trajectory given by the ratios t t l l 1 N 2 displaystyle frac t t left frac l l right 1 frac N 2 nbsp Interacting particles edit For a given system if two subsystems A and B are non interacting the Lagrangian L of the overall system is the sum of the Lagrangians LA and LB for the subsystems 30 L L A L B displaystyle L L A L B nbsp If they do interact this is not possible In some situations it may be possible to separate the Lagrangian of the system L into the sum of non interacting Lagrangians plus another Lagrangian LAB containing information about the interaction L L A L B L A B displaystyle L L A L B L AB nbsp This may be physically motivated by taking the non interacting Lagrangians to be kinetic energies only while the interaction Lagrangian is the system s total potential energy Also in the limiting case of negligible interaction LAB tends to zero reducing to the non interacting case above The extension to more than two non interacting subsystems is straightforward the overall Lagrangian is the sum of the separate Lagrangians for each subsystem If there are interactions then interaction Lagrangians may be added Examples editThe following examples apply Lagrange s equations of the second kind to mechanical problems Conservative force edit A particle of mass m moves under the influence of a conservative force derived from the gradient of a scalar potential F V r displaystyle mathbf F boldsymbol nabla V mathbf r nbsp If there are more particles in accordance with the above results the total kinetic energy is a sum over all the particle kinetic energies and the potential is a function of all the coordinates Cartesian coordinates edit The Lagrangian of the particle can be written L x y z x y z 1 2 m x 2 y 2 z 2 V x y z displaystyle L x y z dot x dot y dot z frac 1 2 m dot x 2 dot y 2 dot z 2 V x y z nbsp The equations of motion for the particle are found by applying the Euler Lagrange equation for the x coordinate d d t L x L x displaystyle frac mathrm d mathrm d t left frac partial L partial dot x right frac partial L partial x nbsp with derivatives L x V x L x m x d d t L x m x displaystyle frac partial L partial x frac partial V partial x quad frac partial L partial dot x m dot x quad frac mathrm d mathrm d t left frac partial L partial dot x right m ddot x nbsp hence m x V x displaystyle m ddot x frac partial V partial x nbsp and similarly for the y and z coordinates Collecting the equations in vector form we find m r V displaystyle m ddot mathbf r boldsymbol nabla V nbsp which is Newton s second law of motion for a particle subject to a conservative force Polar coordinates in 2D and 3D edit Using the spherical coordinates r 8 f as commonly used in physics ISO 80000 2 2019 convention where r is the radial distance to origin 8 is polar angle also known as colatitude zenith angle normal angle or inclination angle and f is the azimuthal angle the Lagrangian for a central potential is L m 2 r 2 r 2 8 2 r 2 sin 2 8 f 2 V r displaystyle L frac m 2 dot r 2 r 2 dot theta 2 r 2 sin 2 theta dot varphi 2 V r nbsp So in spherical coordinates the Euler Lagrange equations are m r m r 8 2 sin 2 8 f 2 V r 0 displaystyle m ddot r mr dot theta 2 sin 2 theta dot varphi 2 frac partial V partial r 0 nbsp d d t m r 2 8 m r 2 sin 8 cos 8 f 2 0 displaystyle frac mathrm d mathrm d t mr 2 dot theta mr 2 sin theta cos theta dot varphi 2 0 nbsp d d t m r 2 sin 2 8 f 0 displaystyle frac mathrm d mathrm d t mr 2 sin 2 theta dot varphi 0 nbsp The f coordinate is cyclic since it does not appear in the Lagrangian so the conserved momentum in the system is the angular momentum p f L f m r 2 sin 2 8 f displaystyle p varphi frac partial L partial dot varphi mr 2 sin 2 theta dot varphi nbsp in which r 8 and df dt can all vary with time but only in such a way that pf is constant The Lagrangian in two dimensional polar coordinates is recovered by fixing 8 to the constant value p 2 Pendulum on a movable support edit nbsp Sketch of the situation with definition of the coordinates click to enlarge Consider a pendulum of mass m and length ℓ which is attached to a support with mass M which can move along a line in the x displaystyle x nbsp direction Let x displaystyle x nbsp be the coordinate along the line of the support and let us denote the position of the pendulum by the angle 8 displaystyle theta nbsp from the vertical The coordinates and velocity components of the pendulum bob are x p e n d x ℓ sin 8 x p e n d x ℓ 8 cos 8 y p e n d ℓ cos 8 y p e n d ℓ 8 sin 8 displaystyle begin array rll amp x mathrm pend x ell sin theta amp quad Rightarrow quad dot x mathrm pend dot x ell dot theta cos theta amp y mathrm pend ell cos theta amp quad Rightarrow quad dot y mathrm pend ell dot theta sin theta end array nbsp The generalized coordinates can be taken to be x displaystyle x nbsp and 8 displaystyle theta nbsp The kinetic energy of the system is then T 1 2 M x 2 1 2 m x p e n d 2 y p e n d 2 displaystyle T frac 1 2 M dot x 2 frac 1 2 m left dot x mathrm pend 2 dot y mathrm pend 2 right nbsp and the potential energy is V m g y p e n d displaystyle V mgy mathrm pend nbsp giving the Lagrangian L T V 1 2 M x 2 1 2 m x ℓ 8 cos 8 2 ℓ 8 sin 8 2 m g ℓ cos 8 1 2 M m x 2 m x ℓ 8 cos 8 1 2 m ℓ 2 8 2 m g ℓ cos 8 displaystyle begin array rcl L amp amp T V amp amp frac 1 2 M dot x 2 frac 1 2 m left left dot x ell dot theta cos theta right 2 left ell dot theta sin theta right 2 right mg ell cos theta amp amp frac 1 2 left M m right dot x 2 m dot x ell dot theta cos theta frac 1 2 m ell 2 dot theta 2 mg ell cos theta end array nbsp Since x is absent from the Lagrangian it is a cyclic coordinate The conserved momentum is p x L x M m x m ℓ 8 cos 8 displaystyle p x frac partial L partial dot x M m dot x m ell dot theta cos theta nbsp and the Lagrange equation for the support coordinate x displaystyle x nbsp is M m x m ℓ 8 cos 8 m ℓ 8 2 sin 8 0 displaystyle M m ddot x m ell ddot theta cos theta m ell dot theta 2 sin theta 0 nbsp The Lagrange equation for the angle 8 is d d t m x ℓ cos 8 ℓ 2 8 m ℓ x 8 g sin 8 0 displaystyle frac mathrm d mathrm d t left m dot x ell cos theta ell 2 dot theta right m ell dot x dot theta g sin theta 0 nbsp and simplifying 8 x ℓ cos 8 g ℓ sin 8 0 displaystyle ddot theta frac ddot x ell cos theta frac g ell sin theta 0 nbsp These equations may look quite complicated but finding them with Newton s laws would have required carefully identifying all forces which would have been much more laborious and prone to errors By considering limit cases the correctness of this system can be verified For example x 0 displaystyle ddot x to 0 nbsp should give the equations of motion for a simple pendulum that is at rest in some inertial frame while 8 0 displaystyle ddot theta to 0 nbsp should give the equations for a pendulum in a constantly accelerating system etc Furthermore it is trivial to obtain the results numerically given suitable starting conditions and a chosen time step by stepping through the results iteratively Two body central force problem edit Main articles Two body problem and Central force Two bodies of masses m1 and m2 with position vectors r1 and r2 are in orbit about each other due to an attractive central potential V We may write down the Lagrangian in terms of the position coordinates as they are but it is an established procedure to convert the two body problem into a one body problem as follows Introduce the Jacobi coordinates the separation of the bodies r r2 r1 and the location of the center of mass R m1r1 m2r2 m1 m2 The Lagrangian is then 36 37 nb 4 L 1 2 M R 2 L cm 1 2 m r 2 V r L rel displaystyle L underbrace frac 1 2 M dot mathbf R 2 L text cm underbrace frac 1 2 mu dot mathbf r 2 V mathbf r L text rel nbsp where M m1 m2 is the total mass m m1m2 m1 m2 is the reduced mass and V the potential of the radial force which depends only on the magnitude of the separation r r2 r1 The Lagrangian splits into a center of mass term Lcm and a relative motion term Lrel The Euler Lagrange equation for R is simply M R 0 displaystyle M ddot mathbf R 0 nbsp which states the center of mass moves in a straight line at constant velocity Since the relative motion only depends on the magnitude of the separation it is ideal to use polar coordinates r 8 and take r r L rel 1 2 m r 2 r 2 8 2 V r displaystyle L text rel frac 1 2 mu dot r 2 r 2 dot theta 2 V r nbsp so 8 is a cyclic coordinate with the corresponding conserved angular momentum p 8 L rel 8 m r 2 8 ℓ displaystyle p theta frac partial L text rel partial dot theta mu r 2 dot theta ell nbsp The radial coordinate r and angular velocity d8 dt can vary with time but only in such a way that ℓ is constant The Lagrange equation for r is m r 8 2 d V d r m r displaystyle mu r dot theta 2 frac dV dr mu ddot r nbsp This equation is identical to the radial equation obtained using Newton s laws in a co rotating reference frame that is a frame rotating with the reduced mass so it appears stationary Eliminating the angular velocity d8 dt from this radial equation 38 m r d V d r ℓ 2 m r 3 displaystyle mu ddot r frac mathrm d V mathrm d r frac ell 2 mu r 3 nbsp which is the equation of motion for a one dimensional problem in which a particle of mass m is subjected to the inward central force dV dr and a second outward force called in this context the Lagrangian centrifugal force see centrifugal force Other uses of the term F c f m r 8 2 ℓ 2 m r 3 displaystyle F mathrm cf mu r dot theta 2 frac ell 2 mu r 3 nbsp Of course if one remains entirely within the one dimensional formulation ℓ enters only as some imposed parameter of the external outward force and its interpretation as angular momentum depends upon the more general two dimensional problem from which the one dimensional problem originated If one arrives at this equation using Newtonian mechanics in a co rotating frame the interpretation is evident as the centrifugal force in that frame due to the rotation of the frame itself If one arrives at this equation directly by using the generalized coordinates r 8 and simply following the Lagrangian formulation without thinking about frames at all the interpretation is that the centrifugal force is an outgrowth of using polar coordinates As Hildebrand says 39 Since such quantities are not true physical forces they are often called inertia forces Their presence or absence depends not upon the particular problem at hand but upon the coordinate system chosen In particular if Cartesian coordinates are chosen the centrifugal force disappears and the formulation involves only the central force itself which provides the centripetal force for a curved motion This viewpoint that fictitious forces originate in the choice of coordinates often is expressed by users of the Lagrangian method This view arises naturally in the Lagrangian approach because the frame of reference is possibly unconsciously selected by the choice of coordinates For example see 40 for a comparison of Lagrangians in an inertial and in a noninertial frame of reference See also the discussion of total and updated Lagrangian formulations in 41 Unfortunately this usage of inertial force conflicts with the Newtonian idea of an inertial force In the Newtonian view an inertial force originates in the acceleration of the frame of observation the fact that it is not an inertial frame of reference not in the choice of coordinate system To keep matters clear it is safest to refer to the Lagrangian inertial forces as generalized inertial forces to distinguish them from the Newtonian vector inertial forces That is one should avoid following Hildebrand when he says p 155 we deal always with generalized forces velocities accelerations and momenta For brevity the adjective generalized will be omitted frequently It is known that the Lagrangian of a system is not unique Within the Lagrangian formalism the Newtonian fictitious forces can be identified by the existence of alternative Lagrangians in which the fictitious forces disappear sometimes found by exploiting the symmetry of the system 42 Extensions to include non conservative forces editDissipative forces edit Dissipation i e non conservative systems can also be treated with an effective Lagrangian formulated by a certain doubling of the degrees of freedom 43 44 45 46 In a more general formulation the forces could be both conservative and viscous If an appropriate transformation can be found from the Fi Rayleigh suggests using a dissipation function D of the following form 47 D 1 2 j 1 m k 1 m C j k q j q k displaystyle D frac 1 2 sum j 1 m sum k 1 m C jk dot q j dot q k nbsp where Cjk are constants that are related to the damping coefficients in the physical system though not necessarily equal to them If D is defined this way then 47 Q j V q j D q j displaystyle Q j frac partial V partial q j frac partial D partial dot q j nbsp and d d t L q j L q j D q j 0 displaystyle frac mathrm d mathrm d t left frac partial L partial dot q j right frac partial L partial q j frac partial D partial dot q j 0 nbsp Electromagnetism edit A test particle is a particle whose mass and charge are assumed to be so small that its effect on external system is insignificant It is often a hypothetical simplified point particle with no properties other than mass and charge Real particles like electrons and up quarks are more complex and have additional terms in their Lagrangians Not only can the fields form non conservative potentials these potentials can also be velocity dependent The Lagrangian for a charged particle with electrical charge q interacting with an electromagnetic field is the prototypical example of a velocity dependent potential The electric scalar potential ϕ ϕ r t and magnetic vector potential A A r t are defined from the electric field E E r t and magnetic field B B r t as follows E ϕ A t B A displaystyle mathbf E boldsymbol nabla phi frac partial mathbf A partial t quad mathbf B boldsymbol nabla times mathbf A nbsp The Lagrangian of a massive charged test particle in an electromagnetic field L 1 2 m r 2 q r A q ϕ displaystyle L tfrac 1 2 m dot mathbf r 2 q dot mathbf r cdot mathbf A q phi nbsp is called minimal coupling This is a good example of when the common rule of thumb that the Lagrangian is the kinetic energy minus the potential energy is incorrect Combined with Euler Lagrange equation it produces the Lorentz force law m r q E q r B displaystyle m ddot mathbf r q mathbf E q dot mathbf r times mathbf B nbsp Under gauge transformation A A f ϕ ϕ f displaystyle mathbf A rightarrow mathbf A boldsymbol nabla f quad phi rightarrow phi dot f nbsp where f r t is any scalar function of space and time the aforementioned Lagrangian transforms like L L q r t f L q d f d t displaystyle L rightarrow L q left dot mathbf r cdot boldsymbol nabla frac partial partial t right f L q frac df dt nbsp which still produces the same Lorentz force law Note that the canonical momentum conjugate to position r is the kinetic momentum plus a contribution from the A field known as the potential momentum p L r m r q A displaystyle mathbf p frac partial L partial dot mathbf r m dot mathbf r q mathbf A nbsp This relation is also used in the minimal coupling prescription in quantum mechanics and quantum field theory From this expression we can see that the canonical momentum p is not gauge invariant and therefore not a measurable physical quantity However if r is cyclic i e Lagrangian is independent of position r which happens if the ϕ and A fields are uniform then this canonical momentum p given here is the conserved momentum while the measurable physical kinetic momentum mv is not Other contexts and formulations editThe ideas in Lagrangian mechanics have numerous applications in other areas of physics and can adopt generalized results from the calculus of variations Alternative formulations of classical mechanics edit A closely related formulation of classical mechanics is Hamiltonian mechanics The Hamiltonian is defined by H i 1 n q i L q i L displaystyle H sum i 1 n dot q i frac partial L partial dot q i L nbsp and can be obtained by performing a Legendre transformation on the Lagrangian which introduces new variables canonically conjugate to the original variables For example given a set of generalized coordinates the variables canonically conjugate are the generalized momenta This doubles the number of variables but makes differential equations first order The Hamiltonian is a particularly ubiquitous quantity in quantum mechanics see Hamiltonian quantum mechanics Routhian mechanics is a hybrid formulation of Lagrangian and Hamiltonian mechanics which is not often used in practice but an efficient formulation for cyclic coordinates Momentum space formulation a, wikipedia, wiki, book, books, library,


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