
Torchwood Institute

The Torchwood Institute, or simply Torchwood, is a fictional secret organisation from the British science fiction television series Doctor Who and its spin-off series Torchwood. It was established in 1879 by Queen Victoria after the events of "Tooth and Claw". Its prime directive is to defend Earth against supernatural and extraterrestrial threats. It is later revealed in "Army of Ghosts" that the Torchwood Institute has begun to use their findings to restore the British Empire to its former glory. To those ends, the organisation started to acquire and reverse engineer alien technology. Within Torchwood, an unofficial slogan evolved: "If it's alien, it's ours". According to one base director, Yvonne Hartman, its nationalist attitude includes refusing to use metric units.[2]

Torchwood logo, composed of hexagons arranged in the shape of the letter T. Other colored versions occur – for example, a red version appears in the intertitle for Torchwood, and a blue version appears on the show's microsite.
In-universe information
TypeIntelligence agency
FoundedScotland, 1879 by Queen Victoria
Key peopleQueen Victoria
Yvonne Hartman[2]
Captain Jack Harkness
Ianto Jones
Gwen Cooper
Pete Tyler
Dr Owen Harper
Toshiko Sato
PurposeExtraterrestrial research
Protecting Britain
Developing new technologies
Arming humanity for the future
TechnologiesDimensional transporter
Particle gun
Large energy weapon
Weight negation clamps
Huon particles
And more...
PowersTorchwood is a vastly powerful organisation, as such it possesses:
  • Wealth to build skyscraper and underground complex as headquarters
  • Influence beyond Prime Minister of the United Kingdom and UN
  • Staff given "psychic training", described as "basic mental training, level 1" which includes "psi shielding" as a defense from[3] as well as utilization of telepathy[4][5]
  • Vast array of alien technology and weaponry

While described as "beyond the UN",[1] the Torchwood Institute is seen to cooperate with UNIT to some extent.[6] There appears to have been some rapport with the Prime Minister,[6] although it is noted by Harriet Jones in "The Christmas Invasion" that she is not meant to know the existence of Torchwood.[7] Those who have come into contact with Torchwood primarily believe it to be a special forces team.[1][8] Torchwood maintains this illusion by using false witnesses,[9] or by sectioning any journalists who threaten to expose the truth,[10] and via the use of memory-altering drugs.[1] Following a major incident which led to the destruction of Torchwood One,[11] Jack Harkness rebuilds Torchwood to become less confrontational and more secretive in honour of the Doctor.[12]

Creation edit

The name "Torchwood" is an anagram of "Doctor Who", with which tapes of series 1 of the revived Doctor Who TV series were labelled to prevent the footage from being leaked.[13] While writing Doctor Who series 2, head writer and executive producer Russell T Davies established the word "Torchwood"—which was the name of an institute previously mentioned in the episode "Bad Wolf" (2005)—in his script for the 2005 Christmas Special "The Christmas Invasion", both as a motif of the series similar to the "Bad Wolf" motif in series 1, and as a lead-in to the Torchwood spin-off series Davies was planning for BBC Three.[14] Torchwood was conceived by Davies as a ruthless but professional organisation helmed by a "soulless" woman based on someone Davies had met. He originally based the Torchwood seen in the Doctor Who series 2 episodes "Army of Ghosts" and "Doomsday" (both aired 2006) over a rift in Cardiff introduced in "The Unquiet Dead" (2005), but while developing the Torchwood spin-off series over the summer of 2005, he relocated the Torchwood seen in "Army of Ghosts" and "Doomsday" to London, while maintaining the existence of a Cardiff branch for the Torchwood series he was preparing.[15]

Fictional history edit

1879–2006 edit

The institute was founded by Queen Victoria in 1879, following the events of the Doctor Who episode "Tooth and Claw".[16] While staying at Torchwood House, the Scottish estate of Sir Robert MacLeish, the Queen (Pauline Collins) was attacked by a werewolf, in reality an alien intelligence that planned to infect her with its consciousness by biting her. The werewolf was ultimately dispatched, thanks to the efforts of the Tenth Doctor (David Tennant) and the sacrifice of Sir Robert.

Having discovered that "Great Britain had enemies beyond imagination," Victoria decided to establish the Torchwood Institute in memory of Sir Robert (who lived on the Torchwood Estate). She also decided that the Doctor was a potential threat and declared that if he ever returned (against her orders never to return), Torchwood would be waiting. The Doctor's name was written into the Torchwood Foundation's charter as an enemy of the Crown. Her Majesty states in the Torchwood Charter 31 December 1879 that "Torchwood is also to administer to the Government thereof in our name, and generally to act in our name and on our behalf, subject to such orders and regulations as Torchwood shall, from time to time, receive from us through one of our Principal Secretaries of State".[17] In 1882, Victoria expanded Torchwood's role to include the acquisition of alien technology, creating the policy that "if it's alien, it's ours".[18] In 1888, Victoria reiterated the secrecy policy of the Torchwood Institute, protecting her subjects from the "evils that [Torchwood] fight[s]".[19] Not long after the foundation of the institute, a spacetime rift was identified in Cardiff, and, as a result, a smaller branch of the institute (Torchwood Three) was formed there to monitor and exploit the Rift.[20]

Torchwood Cardiff agents Alice Guppy and Emily Holroyd in 1899

As shown in the episode "Fragments", Jack Harkness (John Barrowman) came to the attention of Torchwood Three in 1899, due to visiting the rift and talking about the Doctor. He was coerced into working for the organisation. Captured by two Torchwood agents—Alice Guppy (Amy Manson) and Emily Holroyd (Heather Craney)–Jack was subjected to torture and interrogation regarding the Doctor before being put to work for the Institute as a freelance agent for over a century. A few years later (1901), whilst this Harkness was in Torchwood's employ, Guppy and Charles Gaskell (Cornelius Macarthy) found and disinterred another Harkness on a different timeline, who instructs them to immediately "cryofreeze" and store him for 107 years to avoid him meeting his other self – they comply with his request.

Old Torchwood Logo

The activities of the Torchwood Institute during the 20th century are, for the most part, yet to be revealed. It is known that the organisation "flourished down the decades, becoming stronger" and grew "more arrogant."[21] Some insights into the World War I-era organisation (such as their progressive policies regarding women's civil rights) were offered in Torchwood episode "To the Last Man". Torchwood Three's progressive stance is also shown in the episode "Exit Wounds", where a black Torchwood member called Charles Gaskell is shown in 1901, an era of widespread racial prejudice.

Other events in the 20th century have attributable dates. At the time of the British Raj, Torchwood also maintained a branch in Delhi. This was shut down in 1924, Torchwood anticipating Indian independence; agent Jack Harkness was sent to recover all their artifacts.[22] In 1965, agent Jack Harkness was elected on behalf of the institute (along with representatives of different government agencies) to facilitate the sacrifice of twelve children to aliens known as the 456 to save the planet at large.[23] In 1983, Torchwood became the sole proprietor of H. C. Clements, a security firm.[24] Torchwood One owned a holding facility which was then abandoned in 1995.[25] In 1996 a "Jathaa sunglider" flew into British airspace and was shot down by Torchwood. From its remains, an energy weapon was installed in London[2] and later onto the UNIT aircraft carrier Valiant.[26] On New Year's Eve 1999, the then-leader of Torchwood Three (named "Alex Hopkins" by the Torchwood website)[27] killed all the staff apart from Jack, ending with himself. He claimed that he was "saving" them, as the 21st century was when it all changed and humanity was not ready. Left in charge of Torchwood Three, Jack began severing the links with Torchwood One and their more aggressive policy on extraterrestrial life. Over the next few years, Jack recruited his own team; Suzie Costello (Indira Varma), Toshiko Sato (Naoko Mori) and Dr. Owen Harper (Burn Gorman).[28]

By 2006, the existence of Torchwood was apparently a secret known only to the British military and police. Knowledge of Torchwood was supposedly kept even from Prime Minister Harriet Jones (Penelope Wilton) and the UN. However, Jones did know about its existence anyway, and ordered Major Richard Blake (Chu Omambala) of UNIT to prepare Torchwood for the impending arrival of the Sycorax on Christmas Day.[7] On the command of Prime Minister Harriet Jones, Torchwood used the Jathaa sunglider weapon to destroy a Sycorax ship on Christmas Day 2006.[7]

2007–2012 edit

The Doctor discovered the existence of Torchwood in the 2006 series' two-part finale, "Army of Ghosts" and "Doomsday" set in 2007.[2][11] At this time, Torchwood operated software which blocked access to Internet searches about UFO activity ("School Reunion"). The TARDISODE for "Army of Ghosts" showed Torchwood agents abducting a journalist who was investigating the Institute and arranging to admit him to a psychiatric institution.

While investigating the manifestation of "ghosts" on Earth, the Doctor traced their origin back to Torchwood Tower, known publicly as One Canada Square, where Yvonne Hartman (Tracy-Ann Oberman) placed the Doctor in custody and confiscated the TARDIS. To Torchwood, the Doctor was a source of vast information and familiarity with alien technology, which they could exploit to further the organisation's aims.

The interior of the Torchwood Tower, as seen in "Army of Ghosts".

Torchwood Tower had been built to reach a spatial breach 660 feet above sea level. Unbeknownst to Torchwood, the breach had been caused by the entrance into the universe of a "void ship", a vessel designed to travel through the void between parallel universes. Torchwood had been conducting experiments on the breach, in an attempt to harness its energy and reduce Britain's reliance on Middle Eastern oil, but these experiments had caused the breach to widen. The "ghosts" turned out to be Cybermen from an alternate universe, which were using the widening breach to travel between universes. A small advance force of Cybermen infiltrated Torchwood, "upgrading" or subverting Torchwood personnel, before eventually seizing control and opening the breach wide enough for ghost-like creatures around the world to manifest fully as millions of Cybermen.

However, the void ship had nothing to do with the Cybermen and had in fact been created by the Daleks (voiced by Nicholas Briggs), four of whom had used it to escape the Time War. Caught between warring Daleks and Cybermen, many Torchwood workers were either killed or "upgraded" to Cybermen (including Hartman herself—although she retained some semblance of her identity). In the wake of these events, referred to as the "Battle of Canary Wharf", the Institute feels it must "learn by heart" a lesson about its own arrogance.[21][dead link] It was later revealed that the London branch of Torchwood, called Torchwood One, lost 796 members of staff and was ultimately ordered to close by Queen Elizabeth II.[29] The threat is ended when the Doctor and Rose Tyler use Torchwood One's equipment to banish the Daleks and Cybermen into the Void between worlds and end the invasion.

In "The Runaway Bride", it is revealed that the London-based security firm "H. C. Clements" (which employed secretary Donna Noble (Catherine Tate), who inexplicably materialised in the TARDIS just as she was about to get married) was a front company for the Torchwood Institute.[24] On a restricted basement level of the company situated beneath the Thames Barrier was a secret laboratory which the Institute used to recreate ancient "Huon particles". Over a period of months, H. C. Clements' Human Resources Manager, Lance Bennett (Don Gilet), had courted and poisoned Donna with Huon particles, intending to sacrifice her to the Empress of the Racnoss (Sarah Parish). It would appear that Lance was not acting on behalf of the institute, and the lab was in disuse since the Battle of Canary Wharf and the Queen's official closure of Torchwood One.

In 2007, following Torchwood One's closure, Torchwood Three leader Captain Jack Harkness allows former Torchwood One researcher Ianto Jones (Gareth David-Lloyd) to join his team and is no longer working under the authority of the headquarters in London; he is the de facto leader of the entire organisation. This team worked together until later the same year, when the hiring of policewoman Gwen Cooper (Eve Myles) coincided with the suicide of second-in-command Suzie Costello.

In "The Sound of Drums", Jack indicates to the Doctor that, with Torchwood One gone, fewer than ten staff remain (between Wales and Scotland). He mentions that he rebuilt the Institute "in the Doctor's honour", with a new regime and a less aggressive stance. Outside the institute's small workforce, journalists such as Vivien Rook (Nichola McAuliffe) of The Sunday Mirror investigate controversial figures such as Harold Saxon (John Simm) on behalf of the institute. Saxon sent Torchwood Three on a 'wild goose chase' to the Himalayas to prevent them from helping Jack or the Doctor.[12]

Torchwood Three later fought against the Daleks in their second invasion of Earth. Torchwood used the rift to make contact with the Doctor. Although they were incapacitated in the main battle, thanks to a time lock created by Tosh some time earlier that prevented them from escaping the Hub, Torchwood Three made a contribution to the Earth's return to the Solar System by putting a lasso of temporal energy around the Earth with the help of K-9 (voiced by John Leeson) and Mr Smith (voiced by Alexander Armstrong), allowing the planet to be towed by the TARDIS.

Sometime prior to the 456 incident, Torchwood Two had closed down. Torchwood Three was the only force on Earth posed to combat the threat of the 456 invasion. However, Home Office Permanent Secretary John Frobisher (Peter Capaldi) ordered the assassination of remaining Torchwood agents Harkness, Cooper and Jones to cover up the UK's history with the aliens. On receiving communication from the 456, the government orders the assassination of all Torchwood Three staff to stop them interfering with the operation. While they evade assassination, Jones dies in the line of duty, and Harkness abandons the planet after having to kill his grandson. According to Joshua Naismith (David Harewood) in "The End of Time", the institute is no longer functional in December 2009. For a time, Torchwood is nothing more than a legend; Harkness and Cooper essentially re-establish the institute with some Central Intelligence Agency agents in Torchwood: Miracle Day (2011),[30] although new member Rex Matheson notes at one point that 'Torchwood' is essentially just a name given their current renegade status.

In the Doctor Who episode "Fear Her", set in 2012, Torchwood is public enough to be mentioned in a television broadcast during the London 2012 Olympics.[31]

The future edit

In the future seen in the novel Twilight Streets, Torchwood is no longer a private organisation and has branches all across the Torchwood Empire.[citation needed] At the center of the organisation's new image is the Cardiff branch, a new building in the center of the city.[citation needed] The Rift Manipulator has been moved to the new building and has been plugged into a permanently comatose Jack Harkness, whose immortality allows the Rift to be held open safely, thus allowing two-way travel.[citation needed] The radio drama "Asylum" also suggests that Torchwood might gain control over the Rift in the near future, using it to send a half-alien girl back to the present day. Torchwood was also mentioned in the Doctor Who episode "Bad Wolf" when Rose is forced to play on a game show and one of the questions is about the remains of a Torchwood location.[citation needed]

In the 42nd century, the Torchwood Archives sent a group of explorers to investigate a mysterious power source that kept a planet in stable orbit around a black hole.[32][33] By the 2002nd century, the Great Cobalt Pyramid has been built on the ruins of the Torchwood Institute.[34]

Parallel universe edit

In "Rise of the Cybermen", a parallel Earth Torchwood Institute is referred to.[35] It is public enough for a survey carried out by it to be reported in a news item, and for someone to be publicly asked about their work there. Prior to "Army of Ghosts", a group led by Pete Tyler (and including Jake Simmonds and Mickey Smith), which worked for the alternate world's People's Republic, took over the parallel Earth Torchwood. The people of this alternate universe discovered what was going on at Torchwood and it became a re-developed organisation run in full view of the public.[11]

In "Doomsday", it is revealed that the parallel Earth Torchwood had also been conducting experiments on the spatial breach, which led (between "The Age of Steel" and "Army of Ghosts") to it being infiltrated by the Cybermen, who used the breach to travel to Rose's universe. Following the events of "Doomsday", Rose Tyler, confined to the alternate world, goes on to work for the reformed organisation.[11] From this accelerated parallel universe, Rose's Torchwood becomes aware of "the darkness" causing the stars to go out, mentioned in the episode "Journey's End", and returns in "Turn Left" and "The Stolen Earth" to defend London and find the Doctor in his reality. She is followed shortly by Mickey and Jackie, armed with Torchwood-developed anti-Dalek weaponry, in "Journey's End".

Divisions of Torchwood edit

Torchwood One, London edit

One Canada Square, the hidden location of Torchwood One.

Torchwood One was Torchwood's head office[36] and operated out of Torchwood Tower, located within One Canada Square, the tallest of the three Canary Wharf skyscrapers, although it carried out operations across London, including beneath the Thames Barrier, and through front organisations such as "H. C. Clements".[24] To those that have come in contact with Torchwood, they are primarily believed to be a special forces team. The beam which destroyed the Sycorax ship was fired from five different locations around London, suggesting a number of properties are owned by Torchwood One in the area. The tower installations were destroyed during the events of "Doomsday". According to the Torchwood website, there were 823 members of staff, of which only 27 were known to have survived. In the wake of the "Battle of Canary Wharf", Her Majesty ordered the immediate closure of Torchwood One.[29][dead link] Some of the notable employees included:

Torchwood Two, Glasgow edit

All that is known about the Glasgow division of the Torchwood Institute is that it is run by a "very strange man".[1] In the novel The Twilight Streets (set in February 2008), Jack contacts the "very strange man" whose name is revealed as Archie, and Torchwood Two's headquarters are near the River Clyde. As with all spin-off media, the canonicity of this remains unclear. An e-mail shown in part one of Children of Earth (set in September 2009) suggests that Torchwood Two disbanded some time before the events of the first encounter with the 456, and that Torchwood Three is the only branch remaining.

Torchwood Three, Cardiff edit

Roald Dahl Plass, the exterior of Torchwood Three.

Torchwood Three, whose base is also known as the Torchwood Hub, primarily serves as a monitoring station for a rift in time and space that runs through Cardiff. The job of Torchwood Three is to monitor the rift and control and seize what comes through it.[36][dead link] Whereas the London branch is originally staffed by hundreds of individuals, the Cardiff branch is considerably smaller and employs only a small team of experts, hired by Captain Jack[38] and is described as a "renegade outpost".[21][dead link] It is located beneath Roald Dahl Plass, and may be entered via an "invisible lift" in the Plass, which can't be seen because of the perception filter that resides on that spot, or through a run-down Tourist Information Centre nearby. Torchwood Three is the setting of the eponymous Torchwood series. It is said by Jack Harkness that the Cardiff Branch has nothing to do with London and that all links were severed. In Torchwood: Children of Earth (2009), Torchwood became a fugitive organisation, the Hub was destroyed, Ianto died, and Jack abandoned Earth, leaving pregnant Gwen the only remaining Torchwood agent left. Doctor Who two-parter "The End of Time" refers to the Institute as no longer existing. Torchwood: Miracle Day (2011) shows that Gwen similarly left Torchwood Three behind after the events of Children of Earth. The Central Intelligence Agency believes all individuals previously affiliated with Torchwood to be dead.

Some notable employees include:

Whilst the Institute officially disbanded after the events of Children of Earth, Jack and Gwen work with several individuals from the United States to solve the Miracle Day phenomenon. CIA operative Rex Matheson and analyst Esther Drummond join the operation in "Rendition", but Esther dies in "The Blood Line", and Rex gets shot, only to discover that he is immortal, like Jack. Surgeon Vera Juarez allies herself to the cause in "The Categories of Life" but is killed off on her first undercover mission.

Torchwood Four, location unknown edit

Torchwood Four is described as "missing".[1] It is not specified how this happened or where it may previously have been located before its disappearance. Some evidence suggests it is linked to an energy node on a ley line in north-west Tasmania. Captain Jack stated they would find it some day. In the novel The Twilight Streets, Jack says that in 1941, Torchwood Four was still missing. In the novel Risk Assessment, Torchwood's immortal assessor Agnes Haversham refers to Torchwood Four's disappearance as having been something of a messy business.

Torchwood India, Delhi edit

An Indian branch of Torchwood introduced in the radio play "Golden Age". Torchwood India was founded by Queen Victoria to find alien technology in the British Raj. It was led by Eleanor, Duchess of Melrose, who maintained the branch's cover as a gentlemen's club named the Royal Connaught Club. It was closed down by Captain Jack in 1924, when Torchwood realised the Raj was coming to an end, and all their alien equipment was taken to Britain. In 2009 Jack and Torchwood Three trace an alien energy field to the site of Torchwood India, and discover Eleanor and the other Torchwood India agents are using a time store to prevent time passing in the Royal Connaught Club. The store is powered by taking people's potential futures, killing them. Torchwood Three prevent the Duchess's plan to turn the whole planet back to 1924, resulting in the time store overloading. The club members refuse to leave before the building is frozen in time.[22]

Cultural influence edit

Due to the popularity of Doctor Who and Torchwood, Torchwood has had an influence on popular culture. On the heels of being featured in Torchwood, Cardiff has become one of the most popular tourist destinations in the UK, in particular, the Wales Millennium Centre, with a resident commenting that tourists often jump on the paving slab that was used as the "magic lift" in the series.[42] In January 2008, such was the popularity of Torchwood that being near the "Torchwood Tower" was used in advertising for local property.[43] A January 2009 article comments on the attraction the Torchwood 'Hub' has brought to the Wales Millennium Centre, as Minister for Heritage Alun Ffred Jones announced that resultingly, "the Wales Millennium Centre building itself is now established as a symbol of modern Welsh culture".[44]

In popular culture edit

In the Sherlock episode, "The Lying Detective" a card with the Torchwood logo on it can be seen on Sherlock's mantlepiece under a magnifying glass.

References edit

  1. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m Russell T Davies, Brian Kelly (22 August 2006). "Everything Changes". Torchwood. BBC Three.
  2. ^ a b c d e f g h Russell T Davies, Graeme Harper (7 August 2006). "Army of Ghosts". Doctor Who. BBC.
  3. ^ . Torchwood Institute External Hub Interface. Archived from the original (JPG) on 11 January 2007. Retrieved 24 December 2006.
  4. ^ "Pamela's Brain (pamphlet)" (PNG). Torchwood Institute External Hub Interface. Retrieved 24 December 2006.
  5. ^ . Torchwood Institute External Hub Interface. Archived from the original on 8 February 2007. Retrieved 24 December 2006.
  6. ^ a b Russell T Davies, Toby Whithouse, Colin Teague (26 November 2006). "Greeks Bearing Gifts". Torchwood. BBC Three.
  7. ^ a b c Russell T Davies, James Hawes (25 December 2005). "The Christmas Invasion". Doctor Who. BBC.
  8. ^ Russell T Davies, Brian Kelly (22 August 2006). "Day One". Torchwood. BBC Three.
  9. ^ . Torchwood External Hub Interface. BBC. Archived from the original on 30 June 2007.
  10. ^ TARDISODE 12 – Army of Ghosts (RealMedia). BBC. [dead link]
  11. ^ a b c d Russell T Davies, Graeme Harper (8 July 2006). "Doomsday". Doctor Who. BBC.
  12. ^ a b Russell T Davies, Colin Teague (23 July 2007). "The Sound of Drums". Doctor Who. BBC.
  13. ^ Pixley, Andrew; Morris, Jonathan; Atkinson, Richard; McGowan, Alistair; Hadoke, Toby (10 February 2016). "Rose: Production". Doctor Who: The Complete History. Vol. 48. Panini Magazines/Hachette Partworks Ltd. p. 51.
  14. ^ Pixley, Andrew; Morris, Jonathan; Atkinson, Richard; McGown, Alistair; Hadoke, Toby (2 December 2015). "The Christmas Invasion: Pre-production". Doctor Who: The Complete History. Vol. 51. Panini Magazines/Hachette Partworks Ltd. p. 20.
  15. ^ Pixley, Andrew; Morris, Jonathan; Atkinson, Richard; McGown, Alistair; Hadoke, Toby (30 November 2016). "Army of Ghosts/Doomsday: Pre-production". Doctor Who: The Complete History. Vol. 53. Panini Magazines/Hachette Partworks Ltd. p. 113.
  16. ^ Russell T Davies, Euros Lyn (22 April 2006). "Tooth and Claw". Doctor Who. BBC.
  17. ^ Russell T Davies, Euros Lyn (6 July 2009). "Children of Earth, "Day One"". Torchwood. BBC.
  18. ^ . Torchwood Institute External Hub Interface. Archived from the original on 11 January 2007. Retrieved 23 January 2007.
  19. ^ . Torchwood Institute External Hub Interface. Archived from the original on 21 January 2007. Retrieved 23 January 2007.
  20. ^ . Torchwood Institute External Hub Interface. Archived from the original on 14 December 2006. Retrieved 24 December 2006.
  21. ^ a b c . Torchwood Institute External Hub Interface. Archived from the original on 19 December 2006. Retrieved 24 December 2006.
  22. ^ a b "Golden Age", writer James Goss, director Kate McAll, producers Kate McAll and Brian Minchen. Torchwood (Cardiff: BBC)
  23. ^ Russell T Davies, John Fay, Euros Lyn (9 July 2009). "Children of Earth, "Day Four"". Torchwood. BBC.
  24. ^ a b c Russell T Davies, Euros Lyn (25 December 2006). "The Runaway Bride". Doctor Who. BBC.
  25. ^ Russell T Davies, James Moran, Euros Lyn (8 July 2009). "Children of Earth, "Day Three"". Torchwood. BBC.
  26. ^ Russell T Davies, Helen Raynor, Douglas Mackinnon (3 May 2008). ""The Poison Sky"". Doctor Who. BBC.
  27. ^ . BBC. Archived from the original on 3 April 2008. Retrieved 2 March 2009.
  28. ^ a b Writer Chris Chibnall, Director Jonathan Fox Bassett, Executive producers Julie Gardner and Russell T Davies (21 March 2008). "Fragments". Torchwood. Cardiff. BBC.
  29. ^ a b . Torchwood Institute External Hub Interface. Archived from the original on 26 August 2007. Retrieved 24 December 2006.
  30. ^ "Torchwood: The New World is Coming". IGN. 7 August 2010. Retrieved 8 August 2010.
  31. ^ Russell T Davies, Matthew Graham, Euros Lyn (24 June 2006). "Fear Her". Doctor Who. BBC.
  32. ^ Russell T Davies, Matt Jones, James Strong (3 June 2006). "The Impossible Planet". Doctor Who. BBC.
  33. ^ Russell T Davies, Matt Jones, James Strong (10 June 2006). "The Satan Pit". Doctor Who. BBC.
  34. ^ Russell T Davies, Joe Ahearne (18 June 2005). "Bad Wolf". Doctor Who. BBC.
  35. ^ Russell T Davies, Tom MacRae, Graeme Harper (13 May 2006). "Rise of the Cybermen". Doctor Who. BBC.
  36. ^ a b . Torchwood Institute External Hub Interface. Archived from the original on 19 December 2006. Retrieved 24 December 2006.
  37. ^ a b Writer Chris Chibnall, Director James Strong, Producer Richard Strokes and Chris Chibnall (5 November 2006). "Cyberwoman". Torchwood. Cardiff. BBC.
  38. ^ (Press release). BBC Press Office. 3 November 2006. Archived from the original on 29 January 2007. Retrieved 4 November 2006.
  39. ^ . Torchwood Institute External Hub Interface. Archived from the original on 12 December 2006. Retrieved 24 December 2006.
  40. ^ A set of episodes, starting with "Reset", and continuing with "Dead Man Walking" and "A Day in the Death", focused specifically on an undead Owen trying to accommodate as such.
  41. ^ . BBC. 15 August 2007. Archived from the original on 11 October 2007. Retrieved 15 August 2007.
  42. ^ "Time lord tourism boost for city". BBC News. 15 March 2007.
  43. ^ . Western Mail. 12 January 2008. Archived from the original on 9 February 2008. Retrieved 12 January 2008.
  44. ^ Hutchinson, Clare (30 January 2009). "Visitor numbers to Wales Millennium Centre soar". South Wales Echo. Retrieved 31 January 2009.

External links edit

  • Torchwood Institute on Tardis Wiki, the Doctor Who Wiki

torchwood, institute, this, article, about, organisation, within, doctor, universe, spin, programme, torchwood, simply, torchwood, fictional, secret, organisation, from, british, science, fiction, television, series, doctor, spin, series, torchwood, establishe. This article is about the organisation within the Doctor Who universe For the spin off programme see Torchwood The Torchwood Institute or simply Torchwood is a fictional secret organisation from the British science fiction television series Doctor Who and its spin off series Torchwood It was established in 1879 by Queen Victoria after the events of Tooth and Claw Its prime directive is to defend Earth against supernatural and extraterrestrial threats It is later revealed in Army of Ghosts that the Torchwood Institute has begun to use their findings to restore the British Empire to its former glory To those ends the organisation started to acquire and reverse engineer alien technology Within Torchwood an unofficial slogan evolved If it s alien it s ours According to one base director Yvonne Hartman its nationalist attitude includes refusing to use metric units 2 TorchwoodTorchwood logo composed of hexagons arranged in the shape of the letter T Other colored versions occur for example a red version appears in the intertitle for Torchwood and a blue version appears on the show s microsite UniverseWhoniverseIn universe informationTypeIntelligence agencyFoundedScotland 1879 by Queen VictoriaDefunct2009LocationVarious Torchwood One London England Torchwood Two Glasgow Scotland 1 Torchwood Three Cardiff Wales Torchwood Four Missing 1 Torchwood India Delhi IndiaKey peopleQueen VictoriaYvonne Hartman 2 Captain Jack HarknessIanto JonesGwen CooperPete TylerDr Owen HarperToshiko SatoPurposeExtraterrestrial researchProtecting BritainDeveloping new technologiesArming humanity for the futureTechnologiesDimensional transporterParticle gunLarge energy weaponWeight negation clampsHuon particlesAnd more PowersTorchwood is a vastly powerful organisation as such it possesses Wealth to build skyscraper and underground complex as headquarters Influence beyond Prime Minister of the United Kingdom and UN Staff given psychic training described as basic mental training level 1 which includes psi shielding as a defense from 3 as well as utilization of telepathy 4 5 Vast array of alien technology and weaponryWhile described as beyond the UN 1 the Torchwood Institute is seen to cooperate with UNIT to some extent 6 There appears to have been some rapport with the Prime Minister 6 although it is noted by Harriet Jones in The Christmas Invasion that she is not meant to know the existence of Torchwood 7 Those who have come into contact with Torchwood primarily believe it to be a special forces team 1 8 Torchwood maintains this illusion by using false witnesses 9 or by sectioning any journalists who threaten to expose the truth 10 and via the use of memory altering drugs 1 Following a major incident which led to the destruction of Torchwood One 11 Jack Harkness rebuilds Torchwood to become less confrontational and more secretive in honour of the Doctor 12 Contents 1 Creation 2 Fictional history 2 1 1879 2006 2 2 2007 2012 2 3 The future 2 4 Parallel universe 3 Divisions of Torchwood 3 1 Torchwood One London 3 2 Torchwood Two Glasgow 3 3 Torchwood Three Cardiff 3 4 Torchwood Four location unknown 3 5 Torchwood India Delhi 4 Cultural influence 4 1 In popular culture 5 References 6 External linksCreation editThe name Torchwood is an anagram of Doctor Who with which tapes of series 1 of the revived Doctor Who TV series were labelled to prevent the footage from being leaked 13 While writing Doctor Who series 2 head writer and executive producer Russell T Davies established the word Torchwood which was the name of an institute previously mentioned in the episode Bad Wolf 2005 in his script for the 2005 Christmas Special The Christmas Invasion both as a motif of the series similar to the Bad Wolf motif in series 1 and as a lead in to the Torchwood spin off series Davies was planning for BBC Three 14 Torchwood was conceived by Davies as a ruthless but professional organisation helmed by a soulless woman based on someone Davies had met He originally based the Torchwood seen in the Doctor Who series 2 episodes Army of Ghosts and Doomsday both aired 2006 over a rift in Cardiff introduced in The Unquiet Dead 2005 but while developing the Torchwood spin off series over the summer of 2005 he relocated the Torchwood seen in Army of Ghosts and Doomsday to London while maintaining the existence of a Cardiff branch for the Torchwood series he was preparing 15 Fictional history edit1879 2006 edit The institute was founded by Queen Victoria in 1879 following the events of the Doctor Who episode Tooth and Claw 16 While staying at Torchwood House the Scottish estate of Sir Robert MacLeish the Queen Pauline Collins was attacked by a werewolf in reality an alien intelligence that planned to infect her with its consciousness by biting her The werewolf was ultimately dispatched thanks to the efforts of the Tenth Doctor David Tennant and the sacrifice of Sir Robert Having discovered that Great Britain had enemies beyond imagination Victoria decided to establish the Torchwood Institute in memory of Sir Robert who lived on the Torchwood Estate She also decided that the Doctor was a potential threat and declared that if he ever returned against her orders never to return Torchwood would be waiting The Doctor s name was written into the Torchwood Foundation s charter as an enemy of the Crown Her Majesty states in the Torchwood Charter 31 December 1879 that Torchwood is also to administer to the Government thereof in our name and generally to act in our name and on our behalf subject to such orders and regulations as Torchwood shall from time to time receive from us through one of our Principal Secretaries of State 17 In 1882 Victoria expanded Torchwood s role to include the acquisition of alien technology creating the policy that if it s alien it s ours 18 In 1888 Victoria reiterated the secrecy policy of the Torchwood Institute protecting her subjects from the evils that Torchwood fight s 19 Not long after the foundation of the institute a spacetime rift was identified in Cardiff and as a result a smaller branch of the institute Torchwood Three was formed there to monitor and exploit the Rift 20 nbsp Torchwood Cardiff agents Alice Guppy and Emily Holroyd in 1899As shown in the episode Fragments Jack Harkness John Barrowman came to the attention of Torchwood Three in 1899 due to visiting the rift and talking about the Doctor He was coerced into working for the organisation Captured by two Torchwood agents Alice Guppy Amy Manson and Emily Holroyd Heather Craney Jack was subjected to torture and interrogation regarding the Doctor before being put to work for the Institute as a freelance agent for over a century A few years later 1901 whilst this Harkness was in Torchwood s employ Guppy and Charles Gaskell Cornelius Macarthy found and disinterred another Harkness on a different timeline who instructs them to immediately cryofreeze and store him for 107 years to avoid him meeting his other self they comply with his request nbsp Old Torchwood LogoThe activities of the Torchwood Institute during the 20th century are for the most part yet to be revealed It is known that the organisation flourished down the decades becoming stronger and grew more arrogant 21 Some insights into the World War I era organisation such as their progressive policies regarding women s civil rights were offered in Torchwood episode To the Last Man Torchwood Three s progressive stance is also shown in the episode Exit Wounds where a black Torchwood member called Charles Gaskell is shown in 1901 an era of widespread racial prejudice Other events in the 20th century have attributable dates At the time of the British Raj Torchwood also maintained a branch in Delhi This was shut down in 1924 Torchwood anticipating Indian independence agent Jack Harkness was sent to recover all their artifacts 22 In 1965 agent Jack Harkness was elected on behalf of the institute along with representatives of different government agencies to facilitate the sacrifice of twelve children to aliens known as the 456 to save the planet at large 23 In 1983 Torchwood became the sole proprietor of H C Clements a security firm 24 Torchwood One owned a holding facility which was then abandoned in 1995 25 In 1996 a Jathaa sunglider flew into British airspace and was shot down by Torchwood From its remains an energy weapon was installed in London 2 and later onto the UNIT aircraft carrier Valiant 26 On New Year s Eve 1999 the then leader of Torchwood Three named Alex Hopkins by the Torchwood website 27 killed all the staff apart from Jack ending with himself He claimed that he was saving them as the 21st century was when it all changed and humanity was not ready Left in charge of Torchwood Three Jack began severing the links with Torchwood One and their more aggressive policy on extraterrestrial life Over the next few years Jack recruited his own team Suzie Costello Indira Varma Toshiko Sato Naoko Mori and Dr Owen Harper Burn Gorman 28 By 2006 the existence of Torchwood was apparently a secret known only to the British military and police Knowledge of Torchwood was supposedly kept even from Prime Minister Harriet Jones Penelope Wilton and the UN However Jones did know about its existence anyway and ordered Major Richard Blake Chu Omambala of UNIT to prepare Torchwood for the impending arrival of the Sycorax on Christmas Day 7 On the command of Prime Minister Harriet Jones Torchwood used the Jathaa sunglider weapon to destroy a Sycorax ship on Christmas Day 2006 7 2007 2012 edit The Doctor discovered the existence of Torchwood in the 2006 series two part finale Army of Ghosts and Doomsday set in 2007 2 11 At this time Torchwood operated software which blocked access to Internet searches about UFO activity School Reunion The TARDISODE for Army of Ghosts showed Torchwood agents abducting a journalist who was investigating the Institute and arranging to admit him to a psychiatric institution While investigating the manifestation of ghosts on Earth the Doctor traced their origin back to Torchwood Tower known publicly as One Canada Square where Yvonne Hartman Tracy Ann Oberman placed the Doctor in custody and confiscated the TARDIS To Torchwood the Doctor was a source of vast information and familiarity with alien technology which they could exploit to further the organisation s aims nbsp The interior of the Torchwood Tower as seen in Army of Ghosts Torchwood Tower had been built to reach a spatial breach 660 feet above sea level Unbeknownst to Torchwood the breach had been caused by the entrance into the universe of a void ship a vessel designed to travel through the void between parallel universes Torchwood had been conducting experiments on the breach in an attempt to harness its energy and reduce Britain s reliance on Middle Eastern oil but these experiments had caused the breach to widen The ghosts turned out to be Cybermen from an alternate universe which were using the widening breach to travel between universes A small advance force of Cybermen infiltrated Torchwood upgrading or subverting Torchwood personnel before eventually seizing control and opening the breach wide enough for ghost like creatures around the world to manifest fully as millions of Cybermen However the void ship had nothing to do with the Cybermen and had in fact been created by the Daleks voiced by Nicholas Briggs four of whom had used it to escape the Time War Caught between warring Daleks and Cybermen many Torchwood workers were either killed or upgraded to Cybermen including Hartman herself although she retained some semblance of her identity In the wake of these events referred to as the Battle of Canary Wharf the Institute feels it must learn by heart a lesson about its own arrogance 21 dead link It was later revealed that the London branch of Torchwood called Torchwood One lost 796 members of staff and was ultimately ordered to close by Queen Elizabeth II 29 The threat is ended when the Doctor and Rose Tyler use Torchwood One s equipment to banish the Daleks and Cybermen into the Void between worlds and end the invasion In The Runaway Bride it is revealed that the London based security firm H C Clements which employed secretary Donna Noble Catherine Tate who inexplicably materialised in the TARDIS just as she was about to get married was a front company for the Torchwood Institute 24 On a restricted basement level of the company situated beneath the Thames Barrier was a secret laboratory which the Institute used to recreate ancient Huon particles Over a period of months H C Clements Human Resources Manager Lance Bennett Don Gilet had courted and poisoned Donna with Huon particles intending to sacrifice her to the Empress of the Racnoss Sarah Parish It would appear that Lance was not acting on behalf of the institute and the lab was in disuse since the Battle of Canary Wharf and the Queen s official closure of Torchwood One In 2007 following Torchwood One s closure Torchwood Three leader Captain Jack Harkness allows former Torchwood One researcher Ianto Jones Gareth David Lloyd to join his team and is no longer working under the authority of the headquarters in London he is the de facto leader of the entire organisation This team worked together until later the same year when the hiring of policewoman Gwen Cooper Eve Myles coincided with the suicide of second in command Suzie Costello In The Sound of Drums Jack indicates to the Doctor that with Torchwood One gone fewer than ten staff remain between Wales and Scotland He mentions that he rebuilt the Institute in the Doctor s honour with a new regime and a less aggressive stance Outside the institute s small workforce journalists such as Vivien Rook Nichola McAuliffe of The Sunday Mirror investigate controversial figures such as Harold Saxon John Simm on behalf of the institute Saxon sent Torchwood Three on a wild goose chase to the Himalayas to prevent them from helping Jack or the Doctor 12 Torchwood Three later fought against the Daleks in their second invasion of Earth Torchwood used the rift to make contact with the Doctor Although they were incapacitated in the main battle thanks to a time lock created by Tosh some time earlier that prevented them from escaping the Hub Torchwood Three made a contribution to the Earth s return to the Solar System by putting a lasso of temporal energy around the Earth with the help of K 9 voiced by John Leeson and Mr Smith voiced by Alexander Armstrong allowing the planet to be towed by the TARDIS Sometime prior to the 456 incident Torchwood Two had closed down Torchwood Three was the only force on Earth posed to combat the threat of the 456 invasion However Home Office Permanent Secretary John Frobisher Peter Capaldi ordered the assassination of remaining Torchwood agents Harkness Cooper and Jones to cover up the UK s history with the aliens On receiving communication from the 456 the government orders the assassination of all Torchwood Three staff to stop them interfering with the operation While they evade assassination Jones dies in the line of duty and Harkness abandons the planet after having to kill his grandson According to Joshua Naismith David Harewood in The End of Time the institute is no longer functional in December 2009 For a time Torchwood is nothing more than a legend Harkness and Cooper essentially re establish the institute with some Central Intelligence Agency agents in Torchwood Miracle Day 2011 30 although new member Rex Matheson notes at one point that Torchwood is essentially just a name given their current renegade status In the Doctor Who episode Fear Her set in 2012 Torchwood is public enough to be mentioned in a television broadcast during the London 2012 Olympics 31 The future edit In the future seen in the novel Twilight Streets Torchwood is no longer a private organisation and has branches all across the Torchwood Empire citation needed At the center of the organisation s new image is the Cardiff branch a new building in the center of the city citation needed The Rift Manipulator has been moved to the new building and has been plugged into a permanently comatose Jack Harkness whose immortality allows the Rift to be held open safely thus allowing two way travel citation needed The radio drama Asylum also suggests that Torchwood might gain control over the Rift in the near future using it to send a half alien girl back to the present day Torchwood was also mentioned in the Doctor Who episode Bad Wolf when Rose is forced to play on a game show and one of the questions is about the remains of a Torchwood location citation needed In the 42nd century the Torchwood Archives sent a group of explorers to investigate a mysterious power source that kept a planet in stable orbit around a black hole 32 33 By the 2002nd century the Great Cobalt Pyramid has been built on the ruins of the Torchwood Institute 34 Parallel universe edit In Rise of the Cybermen a parallel Earth Torchwood Institute is referred to 35 It is public enough for a survey carried out by it to be reported in a news item and for someone to be publicly asked about their work there Prior to Army of Ghosts a group led by Pete Tyler and including Jake Simmonds and Mickey Smith which worked for the alternate world s People s Republic took over the parallel Earth Torchwood The people of this alternate universe discovered what was going on at Torchwood and it became a re developed organisation run in full view of the public 11 In Doomsday it is revealed that the parallel Earth Torchwood had also been conducting experiments on the spatial breach which led between The Age of Steel and Army of Ghosts to it being infiltrated by the Cybermen who used the breach to travel to Rose s universe Following the events of Doomsday Rose Tyler confined to the alternate world goes on to work for the reformed organisation 11 From this accelerated parallel universe Rose s Torchwood becomes aware of the darkness causing the stars to go out mentioned in the episode Journey s End and returns in Turn Left and The Stolen Earth to defend London and find the Doctor in his reality She is followed shortly by Mickey and Jackie armed with Torchwood developed anti Dalek weaponry in Journey s End Divisions of Torchwood editTorchwood One London edit nbsp One Canada Square the hidden location of Torchwood One Torchwood One was Torchwood s head office 36 and operated out of Torchwood Tower located within One Canada Square the tallest of the three Canary Wharf skyscrapers although it carried out operations across London including beneath the Thames Barrier and through front organisations such as H C Clements 24 To those that have come in contact with Torchwood they are primarily believed to be a special forces team The beam which destroyed the Sycorax ship was fired from five different locations around London suggesting a number of properties are owned by Torchwood One in the area The tower installations were destroyed during the events of Doomsday According to the Torchwood website there were 823 members of staff of which only 27 were known to have survived In the wake of the Battle of Canary Wharf Her Majesty ordered the immediate closure of Torchwood One 29 dead link Some of the notable employees included Yvonne Hartman director 2 Dr Rajesh Singh scientist 2 Samuel Mickey Smith scientist 2 Lisa Hallett 37 Adeola Oshodi scientist 2 Ianto Jones 37 junior researcher 28 Torchwood Two Glasgow edit All that is known about the Glasgow division of the Torchwood Institute is that it is run by a very strange man 1 In the novel The Twilight Streets set in February 2008 Jack contacts the very strange man whose name is revealed as Archie and Torchwood Two s headquarters are near the River Clyde As with all spin off media the canonicity of this remains unclear An e mail shown in part one of Children of Earth set in September 2009 suggests that Torchwood Two disbanded some time before the events of the first encounter with the 456 and that Torchwood Three is the only branch remaining Torchwood Three Cardiff edit nbsp Roald Dahl Plass the exterior of Torchwood Three Torchwood Three whose base is also known as the Torchwood Hub primarily serves as a monitoring station for a rift in time and space that runs through Cardiff The job of Torchwood Three is to monitor the rift and control and seize what comes through it 36 dead link Whereas the London branch is originally staffed by hundreds of individuals the Cardiff branch is considerably smaller and employs only a small team of experts hired by Captain Jack 38 and is described as a renegade outpost 21 dead link It is located beneath Roald Dahl Plass and may be entered via an invisible lift in the Plass which can t be seen because of the perception filter that resides on that spot or through a run down Tourist Information Centre nearby Torchwood Three is the setting of the eponymous Torchwood series It is said by Jack Harkness that the Cardiff Branch has nothing to do with London and that all links were severed In Torchwood Children of Earth 2009 Torchwood became a fugitive organisation the Hub was destroyed Ianto died and Jack abandoned Earth leaving pregnant Gwen the only remaining Torchwood agent left Doctor Who two parter The End of Time refers to the Institute as no longer existing Torchwood Miracle Day 2011 shows that Gwen similarly left Torchwood Three behind after the events of Children of Earth The Central Intelligence Agency believes all individuals previously affiliated with Torchwood to be dead Some notable employees include Captain Jack Harkness leader alive immortal 1 Gwen Cooper police liaison alive 1 Dr Owen Harper medical officer deceased 1 39 40 Toshiko Sato computer specialist deceased 1 Ianto Jones administrator general support deceased 1 Suzie Costello weapons specialist deceased 1 Dr Martha Jones UNIT liaison medical officer alive 41 Whilst the Institute officially disbanded after the events of Children of Earth Jack and Gwen work with several individuals from the United States to solve the Miracle Day phenomenon CIA operative Rex Matheson and analyst Esther Drummond join the operation in Rendition but Esther dies in The Blood Line and Rex gets shot only to discover that he is immortal like Jack Surgeon Vera Juarez allies herself to the cause in The Categories of Life but is killed off on her first undercover mission Torchwood Four location unknown edit Torchwood Four is described as missing 1 It is not specified how this happened or where it may previously have been located before its disappearance Some evidence suggests it is linked to an energy node on a ley line in north west Tasmania Captain Jack stated they would find it some day In the novel The Twilight Streets Jack says that in 1941 Torchwood Four was still missing In the novel Risk Assessment Torchwood s immortal assessor Agnes Haversham refers to Torchwood Four s disappearance as having been something of a messy business Torchwood India Delhi edit An Indian branch of Torchwood introduced in the radio play Golden Age Torchwood India was founded by Queen Victoria to find alien technology in the British Raj It was led by Eleanor Duchess of Melrose who maintained the branch s cover as a gentlemen s club named the Royal Connaught Club It was closed down by Captain Jack in 1924 when Torchwood realised the Raj was coming to an end and all their alien equipment was taken to Britain In 2009 Jack and Torchwood Three trace an alien energy field to the site of Torchwood India and discover Eleanor and the other Torchwood India agents are using a time store to prevent time passing in the Royal Connaught Club The store is powered by taking people s potential futures killing them Torchwood Three prevent the Duchess s plan to turn the whole planet back to 1924 resulting in the time store overloading The club members refuse to leave before the building is frozen in time 22 Cultural influence editDue to the popularity of Doctor Who and Torchwood Torchwood has had an influence on popular culture On the heels of being featured in Torchwood Cardiff has become one of the most popular tourist destinations in the UK in particular the Wales Millennium Centre with a resident commenting that tourists often jump on the paving slab that was used as the magic lift in the series 42 In January 2008 such was the popularity of Torchwood that being near the Torchwood Tower was used in advertising for local property 43 A January 2009 article comments on the attraction the Torchwood Hub has brought to the Wales Millennium Centre as Minister for Heritage Alun Ffred Jones announced that resultingly the Wales Millennium Centre building itself is now established as a symbol of modern Welsh culture 44 In popular culture edit In the Sherlock episode The Lying Detective a card with the Torchwood logo on it can be seen on Sherlock s mantlepiece under a magnifying glass References edit a b c d e f g h i j k l m Russell T Davies Brian Kelly 22 August 2006 Everything Changes Torchwood BBC Three a b c d e f g h Russell T Davies Graeme Harper 7 August 2006 Army of Ghosts Doctor Who BBC Safe handling of alien objects Torchwood Institute External Hub Interface Archived from the original JPG on 11 January 2007 Retrieved 24 December 2006 Pamela s Brain pamphlet PNG Torchwood Institute External Hub Interface Retrieved 24 December 2006 Instant messenger transcript Torchwood Institute External Hub Interface Archived from the original on 8 February 2007 Retrieved 24 December 2006 a b Russell T Davies Toby Whithouse Colin Teague 26 November 2006 Greeks Bearing Gifts Torchwood BBC Three a b c Russell T Davies James Hawes 25 December 2005 The Christmas Invasion Doctor Who BBC Russell T Davies Brian Kelly 22 August 2006 Day One Torchwood BBC Three False witness list Torchwood External Hub Interface BBC Archived from the original on 30 June 2007 TARDISODE 12 Army of Ghosts RealMedia BBC dead link a b c d Russell T Davies Graeme Harper 8 July 2006 Doomsday Doctor Who BBC a b Russell T Davies Colin Teague 23 July 2007 The Sound of Drums Doctor Who BBC Pixley Andrew Morris Jonathan Atkinson Richard McGowan Alistair Hadoke Toby 10 February 2016 Rose Production Doctor Who The Complete History Vol 48 Panini Magazines Hachette Partworks Ltd p 51 Pixley Andrew Morris Jonathan Atkinson Richard McGown Alistair Hadoke Toby 2 December 2015 The Christmas Invasion Pre production Doctor Who The Complete History Vol 51 Panini Magazines Hachette Partworks Ltd p 20 Pixley Andrew Morris Jonathan Atkinson Richard McGown Alistair Hadoke Toby 30 November 2016 Army of Ghosts Doomsday Pre production Doctor Who The Complete History Vol 53 Panini Magazines Hachette Partworks Ltd p 113 Russell T Davies Euros Lyn 22 April 2006 Tooth and Claw Doctor Who BBC Russell T Davies Euros Lyn 6 July 2009 Children of Earth Day One Torchwood BBC Queen Victoria s speech July 1882 Torchwood Institute External Hub Interface Archived from the original on 11 January 2007 Retrieved 23 January 2007 Queen Victoria on secrecy December 1888 Torchwood Institute External Hub Interface Archived from the original on 21 January 2007 Retrieved 23 January 2007 The Rift Torchwood Institute External Hub Interface Archived from the original on 14 December 2006 Retrieved 24 December 2006 a b c Welcome to Torchwood Torchwood Institute External Hub Interface Archived from the original on 19 December 2006 Retrieved 24 December 2006 a b Golden Age writer James Goss director Kate McAll producers Kate McAll and Brian Minchen Torchwood Cardiff BBC Russell T Davies John Fay Euros Lyn 9 July 2009 Children of Earth Day Four Torchwood BBC a b c Russell T Davies Euros Lyn 25 December 2006 The Runaway Bride Doctor Who BBC Russell T Davies James Moran Euros Lyn 8 July 2009 Children of Earth Day Three Torchwood BBC Russell T Davies Helen Raynor Douglas Mackinnon 3 May 2008 The Poison Sky Doctor Who BBC Torchwood Episodes BBC Archived from the original on 3 April 2008 Retrieved 2 March 2009 a b Writer Chris Chibnall Director Jonathan Fox Bassett Executive producers Julie Gardner and Russell T Davies 21 March 2008 Fragments Torchwood Cardiff BBC a b Report Closure of Torchwood One Torchwood Institute External Hub Interface Archived from the original on 26 August 2007 Retrieved 24 December 2006 Torchwood The New World is Coming IGN 7 August 2010 Retrieved 8 August 2010 Russell T Davies Matthew Graham Euros Lyn 24 June 2006 Fear Her Doctor Who BBC Russell T Davies Matt Jones James Strong 3 June 2006 The Impossible Planet Doctor Who BBC Russell T Davies Matt Jones James Strong 10 June 2006 The Satan Pit Doctor Who BBC Russell T Davies Joe Ahearne 18 June 2005 Bad Wolf Doctor Who BBC Russell T Davies Tom MacRae Graeme Harper 13 May 2006 Rise of the Cybermen Doctor Who BBC a b Transcript online counselling session Torchwood Institute External Hub Interface Archived from the original on 19 December 2006 Retrieved 24 December 2006 a b Writer Chris Chibnall Director James Strong Producer Richard Strokes and Chris Chibnall 5 November 2006 Cyberwoman Torchwood Cardiff BBC Torchwood pushes all the right buttons for Naoko Press release BBC Press Office 3 November 2006 Archived from the original on 29 January 2007 Retrieved 4 November 2006 Psych evaluation Torchwood Institute External Hub Interface Archived from the original on 12 December 2006 Retrieved 24 December 2006 A set of episodes starting with Reset and continuing with Dead Man Walking and A Day in the Death focused specifically on an undead Owen trying to accommodate as such A new face for Torchwood and a new look for Martha BBC 15 August 2007 Archived from the original on 11 October 2007 Retrieved 15 August 2007 Time lord tourism boost for city BBC News 15 March 2007 Buyers snap up Quayside apartments Western Mail 12 January 2008 Archived from the original on 9 February 2008 Retrieved 12 January 2008 Hutchinson Clare 30 January 2009 Visitor numbers to Wales Millennium Centre soar South Wales Echo Retrieved 31 January 2009 External links editTorchwood Institute on Tardis Wiki the Doctor Who Wiki Retrieved from https en wikipedia org w index php title Torchwood Institute amp oldid 1212944661 Torchwood Three Cardiff, wikipedia, wiki, book, books, library,


, read, download, free, free download, mp3, video, mp4, 3gp, jpg, jpeg, gif, png, picture, music, song, movie, book, game, games.