
Arrow of time

The arrow of time, also called time's arrow, is the concept positing the "one-way direction" or "asymmetry" of time. It was developed in 1927 by the British astrophysicist Arthur Eddington, and is an unsolved general physics question. This direction, according to Eddington, could be determined by studying the organization of atoms, molecules, and bodies, and might be drawn upon a four-dimensional relativistic map of the world ("a solid block of paper").[1]

Sir Arthur Stanley Eddington (1882–1944)

The arrow of time paradox was originally recognized in the 1800s for gases (and other substances) as a discrepancy between microscopic and macroscopic description of thermodynamics / statistical Physics: at the microscopic level physical processes are believed to be either entirely or mostly time-symmetric: if the direction of time were to reverse, the theoretical statements that describe them would remain true. Yet at the macroscopic level it often appears that this is not the case: there is an obvious direction (or flow) of time.

Overview edit

The symmetry of time (T-symmetry) can be understood simply as the following: if time were perfectly symmetrical, a video of real events would seem realistic whether played forwards or backwards.[2] Gravity, for example, is a time-reversible force. A ball that is tossed up, slows to a stop, and falls is a case where recordings would look equally realistic forwards and backwards. The system is T-symmetrical. However, the process of the ball bouncing and eventually coming to a stop is not time-reversible. While going forward, kinetic energy is dissipated and entropy is increased. Entropy may be one of the few processes that is not time-reversible. According to the statistical notion of increasing entropy, the "arrow" of time is identified with a decrease of free energy.[3]

In his book The Big Picture, physicist Sean M. Carroll compares the asymmetry of time to the asymmetry of space: While physical laws are in general isotropic, near Earth there is an obvious distinction between "up" and "down", due to proximity to this huge body, which breaks the symmetry of space. Similarly, physical laws are in general symmetric to the flipping of time direction, but near the Big Bang (i.e., in the first many trillions of years following it), there is an obvious distinction between "forward" and "backward" in time, due to relative proximity to this special event, which breaks the symmetry of time. Under this view, all the arrows of time are a result of our relative proximity in time to the Big Bang and the special circumstances that existed then. (Strictly speaking, the weak interactions are asymmetric to both spatial reflection and to flipping of the time direction. However, they do obey a more complicated symmetry that includes both.)[citation needed]

Conception by Eddington edit

In the 1928 book The Nature of the Physical World, which helped to popularize the concept, Eddington stated:

Let us draw an arrow arbitrarily. If as we follow the arrow we find more and more of the random element in the state of the world, then the arrow is pointing towards the future; if the random element decreases the arrow points towards the past. That is the only distinction known to physics. This follows at once if our fundamental contention is admitted that the introduction of randomness is the only thing which cannot be undone. I shall use the phrase 'time's arrow' to express this one-way property of time which has no analogue in space.

Eddington then gives three points to note about this arrow:

  1. It is vividly recognized by consciousness.
  2. It is equally insisted on by our reasoning faculty, which tells us that a reversal of the arrow would render the external world nonsensical.
  3. It makes no appearance in physical science except in the study of organization of a number of individuals. (In other words, it is only observed in entropy, a statistical mechanics phenomenon arising from a system.)

Arrows edit

Psychological/perceptual arrow of time edit

A related mental arrow arises because one has the sense that one's perception is a continuous movement from the known past to the unknown future. This phenomenon has two aspects: memory (we remember the past but not the future) and volition (we feel we can influence the future but not the past). The two aspects are a consequence of the causal arrow of time: past events (but not future events) are the cause of our present memories, as more and more correlations are formed between the outer world and our brain (see correlations and the arrow of time); and our present volitions and actions are causes of future events. This is because the increase of entropy is thought to be related to increase of both correlations between a system and its surroundings[4] and of the overall complexity, under an appropriate definition;[5] thus all increase together with time.

Past and future are also psychologically associated with additional notions. English, along with other languages, tends to associate the past with "behind" and the future with "ahead", with expressions such as "to look forward to welcoming you", "to look back to the good old times", or "to be years ahead". However, this association of "behind ⇔ past" and "ahead ⇔ future" is culturally determined.[6] For example, the Aymara language associates "ahead ⇔ past" and "behind ⇔ future" both in terms of terminology and gestures, corresponding to the past being observed and the future being unobserved.[7][8] Similarly, the Chinese term for "the day after tomorrow" 後天 ("hòutiān") literally means "after (or behind) day", whereas "the day before yesterday" 前天 ("qiántiān") is literally "preceding (or in front) day", and Chinese speakers spontaneously gesture in front for the past and behind for the future, although there are conflicting findings on whether they perceive the ego to be in front of or behind the past.[9][10] There are no languages that place the past and future on a left–right axis (e.g., there is no expression in English such as *the meeting was moved to the left), although at least English speakers associate the past with the left and the future with the right.[6]

The words "yesterday" and "tomorrow" both translate to the same word in Hindi: कल ("kal"),[11] meaning "[one] day remote from today."[12] The ambiguity is resolved by verb tense. परसों ("parson") is used for both "day before yesterday" and "day after tomorrow", or "two days from today".[13]

तरसों ("tarson") is used for "three days from today"[14] and नरसों ("narson") is used for "four days from today".

The other side of the psychological passage of time is in the realm of volition and action. We plan and often execute actions intended to affect the course of events in the future. From the Rubaiyat:

The Moving Finger writes; and, having writ,
  Moves on: nor all thy Piety nor Wit.
Shall lure it back to cancel half a Line,
  Nor all thy Tears wash out a Word of it.

Omar Khayyam (translation by Edward Fitzgerald).

In June 2022, researchers reported[15] in Physical Review Letters finding that salamanders were demonstrating counter-intuitive responses to the arrow of time in how their eyes perceived different stimuli.[clarification needed]

Thermodynamic arrow of time edit

The arrow of time is the "one-way direction" or "asymmetry" of time. The thermodynamic arrow of time is provided by the second law of thermodynamics, which says that in an isolated system, entropy tends to increase with time. Entropy can be thought of as a measure of microscopic disorder; thus the second law implies that time is asymmetrical with respect to the amount of order in an isolated system: as a system advances through time, it becomes more statistically disordered. This asymmetry can be used empirically to distinguish between future and past, though measuring entropy does not accurately measure time. Also, in an open system, entropy can decrease with time.

British physicist Sir Alfred Brian Pippard wrote: "There is thus no justification for the view, often glibly repeated, that the Second Law of Thermodynamics is only statistically true, in the sense that microscopic violations repeatedly occur, but never violations of any serious magnitude. On the contrary, no evidence has ever been presented that the Second Law breaks down under any circumstances."[16] However, there are a number of paradoxes[which?] regarding violation of the second law of thermodynamics, one of them due to the Poincaré recurrence theorem.

This arrow of time seems to be related to all other arrows of time and arguably underlies some of them, with the exception of the weak arrow of time.[clarification needed]

Harold Blum's 1951 book Time's Arrow and Evolution[17] discusses "the relationship between time's arrow (the second law of thermodynamics) and organic evolution." This influential text explores "irreversibility and direction in evolution and order, negentropy, and evolution."[18] Blum argues that evolution followed specific patterns predetermined by the inorganic nature of the earth and its thermodynamic processes.[19]

Cosmological arrow of time edit

The cosmological arrow of time points in the direction of the universe's expansion. It may be linked to the thermodynamic arrow, with the universe heading towards a heat death (Big Chill) as the amount of Thermodynamic free energy becomes negligible. Alternatively, it may be an artifact of our place in the universe's evolution (see the Anthropic bias), with this arrow reversing as gravity pulls everything back into a Big Crunch.

If this arrow of time is related to the other arrows of time, then the future is by definition the direction towards which the universe becomes bigger. Thus, the universe expands—rather than shrinks—by definition.

The thermodynamic arrow of time and the second law of thermodynamics are thought to be a consequence of the initial conditions in the early universe.[20] Therefore, they ultimately result from the cosmological set-up.

Radiative arrow of time edit

Waves, from radio waves to sound waves to those on a pond from throwing a stone, expand outward from their source, even though the wave equations accommodate solutions of convergent waves as well as radiative ones. This arrow has been reversed in carefully worked experiments that created convergent waves,[21] so this arrow probably follows from the thermodynamic arrow in that meeting the conditions to produce a convergent wave requires more order than the conditions for a radiative wave. Put differently, the probability for initial conditions that produce a convergent wave is much lower than the probability for initial conditions that produce a radiative wave. In fact, normally a radiative wave increases entropy, while a convergent wave decreases it,[citation needed] making the latter contradictory to the second law of thermodynamics in usual circumstances.

Causal arrow of time edit

A cause precedes its effect: the causal event occurs before the event it causes or affects. Birth, for example, follows a successful conception and not vice versa. Thus causality is intimately bound up with time's arrow.

An epistemological problem with using causality as an arrow of time is that, as David Hume maintained, the causal relation per se cannot be perceived; one only perceives sequences of events. Furthermore, it is surprisingly difficult to provide a clear explanation of what the terms cause and effect really mean, or to define the events to which they refer. However, it does seem evident that dropping a cup of water is a cause while the cup subsequently shattering and spilling the water is the effect.

Physically speaking, correlations between a system and its surrounding are thought to increase with entropy, and have been shown to be equivalent to it in a simplified case of a finite system interacting with the environment.[4] The assumption of low initial entropy is indeed equivalent to assuming no initial correlations in the system; thus correlations can only be created as we move forward in time, not backwards. Controlling the future, or causing something to happen, creates correlations between the doer and the effect,[22] and therefore the relation between cause and effect is a result of the thermodynamic arrow of time, a consequence of the second law of thermodynamics.[23] Indeed, in the above example of the cup dropping, the initial conditions have high order and low entropy, while the final state has high correlations between relatively distant parts of the system – the shattered pieces of the cup, as well as the spilled water, and the object that caused the cup to drop.

Quantum arrow of time edit

Quantum evolution is governed by equations of motions that are time-symmetric (such as the Schrödinger equation in the non-relativistic approximation), and by wave function collapse, which is a time-irreversible process, and is either real (by the Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics) or apparent only (by the many-worlds interpretation and relational quantum mechanics interpretation).

The theory of quantum decoherence explains why wave function collapse happens in a time-asymmetric fashion due to the second law of thermodynamics, thus deriving the quantum arrow of time from the thermodynamic arrow of time. In essence, following any particle scattering or interaction between two larger systems, the relative phases of the two systems are at first orderly related, but subsequent interactions (with additional particles or systems) make them less so, so that the two systems become decoherent. Thus decoherence is a form of increase in microscopic disorder – in short, decoherence increases entropy. Two decoherent systems can no longer interact via quantum superposition, unless they become coherent again, which is normally impossible, by the second law of thermodynamics.[24] In the language of relational quantum mechanics, the observer becomes entangled with the measured state, where this entanglement increases entropy. As stated by Seth Lloyd, "the arrow of time is an arrow of increasing correlations".[25][26]

However, under special circumstances, one can prepare initial conditions that will cause a decrease in decoherence and in entropy. This has been shown experimentally in 2019, when a team of Russian scientists reported the reversal of the quantum arrow of time on an IBM quantum computer, in an experiment supporting the understanding of the quantum arrow of time as emerging from the thermodynamic one.[27] By observing the state of the quantum computer made of two and later three superconducting qubits, they found that in 85% of the cases, the two-qubit computer returned to the initial state.[28] The state's reversal was made by a special program, similarly to the random microwave background fluctuation in the case of the electron.[28] However, according to the estimations, throughout the age of the universe (13.7 billion years) such a reversal of the electron's state would only happen once, for 0.06 nanoseconds.[28] The scientists' experiment led to the possibility of a quantum algorithm that reverses a given quantum state through complex conjugation of the state.[27]

Note that quantum decoherence merely allows the process of quantum wave collapse; it is a matter of dispute whether the collapse itself actually takes place or is redundant and apparent only. However, since the theory of quantum decoherence is now widely accepted and has been supported experimentally, this dispute can no longer be considered as related to the arrow of time question.[24]

Particle physics (weak) arrow of time edit

Certain subatomic interactions involving the weak nuclear force violate the conservation of both parity and charge conjugation, but only very rarely. An example is the kaon decay.[29] According to the CPT theorem, this means they should also be time-irreversible, and so establish an arrow of time. Such processes should be responsible for matter creation in the early universe.

That the combination of parity and charge conjugation is broken so rarely means that this arrow only "barely" points in one direction, setting it apart from the other arrows whose direction is much more obvious. This arrow had not been linked to any large-scale temporal behaviour until the work of Joan Vaccaro, who showed that T violation could be responsible for conservation laws and dynamics.[30]

See also edit

References edit

  1. ^ Weinert, Friedel (2004-11-25). The Scientist as Philosopher: Philosophical Consequences of Great Scientific Discoveries. Springer Science & Business Media. p. 143. ISBN 978-3-540-21374-1.
  2. ^ David Albert on Time and Chance
  3. ^ Tuisku, P.; Pernu, T.K.; Annila, A. (2009). "In the light of time". Proceedings of the Royal Society A. 465 (2104): 1173–1198. Bibcode:2009RSPSA.465.1173T. doi:10.1098/rspa.2008.0494.
  4. ^ a b Esposito, M., Lindenberg, K., & Van den Broeck, C. (2010). Entropy production as correlation between system and reservoir. New Journal of Physics, 12(1), 013013.
  5. ^ Ladyman, J.; Lambert, J.; Weisner, K.B. What is a Complex System? Eur. J. Philos. Sci. 2013, 3, 33–67.
  6. ^ a b Ulrich, Rolf; Eikmeier, Verena; de la Vega, Irmgard; Ruiz Fernández, Susana; Alex-Ruf, Simone; Maienborn, Claudia (2012-04-01). "With the past behind and the future ahead: Back-to-front representation of past and future sentences". Memory & Cognition. 40 (3): 483–495. doi:10.3758/s13421-011-0162-4. ISSN 1532-5946. PMID 22160871.
  7. ^ "(6/13/2006) For Andes Tribe, It's Back To The Future". www.albionmonitor.com. Retrieved 2023-09-13.
  8. ^ Núñez, Rafael E.; Sweetser, Eve. (PDF). Department of Cognitive Science, University of California at San Diego. Archived from the original (PDF) on 21 January 2020. Retrieved 8 March 2020.
  9. ^ Gu, Yan; Zheng, Yeqiu; Swerts, Marc (2019). "Which Is in Front of Chinese People, Past or Future? The Effect of Language and Culture on Temporal Gestures and Spatial Conceptions of Time". Cognitive Science. 43 (12): e12804. doi:10.1111/cogs.12804. ISSN 1551-6709. PMC 6916330. PMID 31858627.
  10. ^ mbdg.net Chinese-English Dictionary — accessed 2017-01-11
  11. ^ Bahri, Hardev (1989). Learners' Hindi-English Dictionary. Delhi: Rajpal & Sons. p. 95. ISBN 978-81-7028-002-6.
  12. ^ Alexiadou, Artemis (1997). Adverb placement: a case study in antisymmetric syntax. Amsterdam [u.a.]: Benjamins. p. 108. ISBN 978-90-272-2739-3.
  13. ^ Hindi-English.org Hindi English Dictionary परसों — accessed 2017-01-11
  14. ^ . Archived from the original on 2021-09-11. Retrieved 2021-09-11.
  15. ^ Lynn, Christopher W.; Holmes, Caroline M.; Bialek, William; Schwab, David J. (2022-09-06). "Decomposing the Local Arrow of Time in Interacting Systems". Physical Review Letters. 129 (11): 118101. arXiv:2112.14721. Bibcode:2022PhRvL.129k8101L. doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.129.118101. PMC 9751844. PMID 36154397.
  16. ^ A. B. Pippard, Elements of Chemical Thermodynamics for Advanced Students of Physics (1966), p. 100.
  17. ^ Blum, Harold F. (1951). Time's Arrow and Evolution (First ed.). Princeton University Press. ISBN 978-0-691-02354-0.
  18. ^ Morowitz, Harold J. (September 1969). "Book review: Time's arrow and evolution: Third Edition". Icarus. 11 (2): 278–279. Bibcode:1969Icar...11..278M. doi:10.1016/0019-1035(69)90059-1. PMC 2599115.
  19. ^ McN., W. P. (November 1951). "Book reviews: Time's Arrow and Evolution". Yale Journal of Biology and Medicine. 24 (2): 164. PMC 2599115.
  20. ^ Susskind, Leonard. "Boltzmann and the Arrow of Time: A Recent Perspective". Cornell University. Retrieved June 1, 2016.
  21. ^ Mathias Fink (30 November 1999). (PDF). Archived from the original (PDF) on 31 December 2005. Retrieved 27 May 2016.
  22. ^ Physical Origins of Time Asymmetry, pp. 109–111.
  23. ^ Physical Origins of Time Asymmetry, chapter 6
  24. ^ a b Schlosshauer, M. (2005). Decoherence, the measurement problem, and interpretations of quantum mechanics. Reviews of Modern physics, 76(4), 1267.
  25. ^ Wolchover, Natalie (25 April 2014). "New Quantum Theory Could Explain the Flow of Time". Wired – via www.wired.com.
  26. ^ Univ of Bristol (26 Nov 2021) Time-Reversal Phenomenon: In the Quantum Realm, Not Even Time Flows As You Might Expect Lead: Professor Caslav Brukner: "quantum systems can simultaneously evolve along two opposite time arrows — both forward and backward in time".
  27. ^ a b Lesovik, G. B.; Sadovskyy, I. A.; Suslov, M. V.; Lebedev, A. V.; Vinokur, V. M. (13 March 2019). "Arrow of time and its reversal on the IBM quantum computer". Nature. 9 (1): 4396. arXiv:1712.10057. Bibcode:2019NatSR...9.4396L. doi:10.1038/s41598-019-40765-6. PMC 6416338. PMID 30867496. S2CID 3527627.
  28. ^ a b c "Physicists reverse time using quantum computer". Phys.org. 13 March 2019. Retrieved 13 March 2019.
  29. ^ "Home". Physics World. 11 March 2008.
  30. ^ Vaccaro, Joan (2016). "Quantum asymmetry between time and space". Proceedings of the Royal Society A. 472 (2185): 20150670. arXiv:1502.04012. Bibcode:2016RSPSA.47250670V. doi:10.1098/rspa.2015.0670. PMC 4786044. PMID 26997899.

Further reading edit

External links edit

  • , a review of historical perspectives of the subject, prior to the evolvement of quantum field theory
  • The Thermodynamic Arrow: Puzzles and Pseudo-Puzzles Huw Price on Time's Arrow
  • Arrow of time in a discrete toy model
  • Why Does Time Run Only Forwards, by Adam Becker, bbc.com

arrow, time, other, uses, disambiguation, this, article, overview, subject, more, technical, discussion, information, related, current, research, entropy, arrow, time, arrow, time, redirects, here, soundtrack, timelapse, future, timelapse, future, soundtrack, . For other uses see Arrow of time disambiguation This article is an overview of the subject For a more technical discussion and for information related to current research see Entropy arrow of time The Arrow of Time redirects here For the soundtrack for Timelapse of the Future see Timelapse of the Future Soundtrack The arrow of time also called time s arrow is the concept positing the one way direction or asymmetry of time It was developed in 1927 by the British astrophysicist Arthur Eddington and is an unsolved general physics question This direction according to Eddington could be determined by studying the organization of atoms molecules and bodies and might be drawn upon a four dimensional relativistic map of the world a solid block of paper 1 Sir Arthur Stanley Eddington 1882 1944 The arrow of time paradox was originally recognized in the 1800s for gases and other substances as a discrepancy between microscopic and macroscopic description of thermodynamics statistical Physics at the microscopic level physical processes are believed to be either entirely or mostly time symmetric if the direction of time were to reverse the theoretical statements that describe them would remain true Yet at the macroscopic level it often appears that this is not the case there is an obvious direction or flow of time Contents 1 Overview 2 Conception by Eddington 3 Arrows 3 1 Psychological perceptual arrow of time 3 2 Thermodynamic arrow of time 3 3 Cosmological arrow of time 3 4 Radiative arrow of time 3 5 Causal arrow of time 3 6 Quantum arrow of time 3 7 Particle physics weak arrow of time 4 See also 5 References 6 Further reading 7 External linksOverview editThe symmetry of time T symmetry can be understood simply as the following if time were perfectly symmetrical a video of real events would seem realistic whether played forwards or backwards 2 Gravity for example is a time reversible force A ball that is tossed up slows to a stop and falls is a case where recordings would look equally realistic forwards and backwards The system is T symmetrical However the process of the ball bouncing and eventually coming to a stop is not time reversible While going forward kinetic energy is dissipated and entropy is increased Entropy may be one of the few processes that is not time reversible According to the statistical notion of increasing entropy the arrow of time is identified with a decrease of free energy 3 In his book The Big Picture physicist Sean M Carroll compares the asymmetry of time to the asymmetry of space While physical laws are in general isotropic near Earth there is an obvious distinction between up and down due to proximity to this huge body which breaks the symmetry of space Similarly physical laws are in general symmetric to the flipping of time direction but near the Big Bang i e in the first many trillions of years following it there is an obvious distinction between forward and backward in time due to relative proximity to this special event which breaks the symmetry of time Under this view all the arrows of time are a result of our relative proximity in time to the Big Bang and the special circumstances that existed then Strictly speaking the weak interactions are asymmetric to both spatial reflection and to flipping of the time direction However they do obey a more complicated symmetry that includes both citation needed Conception by Eddington editIn the 1928 book The Nature of the Physical World which helped to popularize the concept Eddington stated Let us draw an arrow arbitrarily If as we follow the arrow we find more and more of the random element in the state of the world then the arrow is pointing towards the future if the random element decreases the arrow points towards the past That is the only distinction known to physics This follows at once if our fundamental contention is admitted that the introduction of randomness is the only thing which cannot be undone I shall use the phrase time s arrow to express this one way property of time which has no analogue in space Eddington then gives three points to note about this arrow It is vividly recognized by consciousness It is equally insisted on by our reasoning faculty which tells us that a reversal of the arrow would render the external world nonsensical It makes no appearance in physical science except in the study of organization of a number of individuals In other words it is only observed in entropy a statistical mechanics phenomenon arising from a system Arrows editPsychological perceptual arrow of time edit Main article Time perception A related mental arrow arises because one has the sense that one s perception is a continuous movement from the known past to the unknown future This phenomenon has two aspects memory we remember the past but not the future and volition we feel we can influence the future but not the past The two aspects are a consequence of the causal arrow of time past events but not future events are the cause of our present memories as more and more correlations are formed between the outer world and our brain see correlations and the arrow of time and our present volitions and actions are causes of future events This is because the increase of entropy is thought to be related to increase of both correlations between a system and its surroundings 4 and of the overall complexity under an appropriate definition 5 thus all increase together with time Past and future are also psychologically associated with additional notions English along with other languages tends to associate the past with behind and the future with ahead with expressions such as to look forward to welcoming you to look back to the good old times or to be years ahead However this association of behind past and ahead future is culturally determined 6 For example the Aymara language associates ahead past and behind future both in terms of terminology and gestures corresponding to the past being observed and the future being unobserved 7 8 Similarly the Chinese term for the day after tomorrow 後天 houtian literally means after or behind day whereas the day before yesterday 前天 qiantian is literally preceding or in front day and Chinese speakers spontaneously gesture in front for the past and behind for the future although there are conflicting findings on whether they perceive the ego to be in front of or behind the past 9 10 There are no languages that place the past and future on a left right axis e g there is no expression in English such as the meeting was moved to the left although at least English speakers associate the past with the left and the future with the right 6 The words yesterday and tomorrow both translate to the same word in Hindi कल kal 11 meaning one day remote from today 12 The ambiguity is resolved by verb tense परस parson is used for both day before yesterday and day after tomorrow or two days from today 13 तरस tarson is used for three days from today 14 and नरस narson is used for four days from today The other side of the psychological passage of time is in the realm of volition and action We plan and often execute actions intended to affect the course of events in the future From the Rubaiyat The Moving Finger writes and having writ Moves on nor all thy Piety nor Wit Shall lure it back to cancel half a Line Nor all thy Tears wash out a Word of it Omar Khayyam translation by Edward Fitzgerald In June 2022 researchers reported 15 in Physical Review Letters finding that salamanders were demonstrating counter intuitive responses to the arrow of time in how their eyes perceived different stimuli clarification needed Thermodynamic arrow of time edit Main article Entropy as an arrow of time The arrow of time is the one way direction or asymmetry of time The thermodynamic arrow of time is provided by the second law of thermodynamics which says that in an isolated system entropy tends to increase with time Entropy can be thought of as a measure of microscopic disorder thus the second law implies that time is asymmetrical with respect to the amount of order in an isolated system as a system advances through time it becomes more statistically disordered This asymmetry can be used empirically to distinguish between future and past though measuring entropy does not accurately measure time Also in an open system entropy can decrease with time British physicist Sir Alfred Brian Pippard wrote There is thus no justification for the view often glibly repeated that the Second Law of Thermodynamics is only statistically true in the sense that microscopic violations repeatedly occur but never violations of any serious magnitude On the contrary no evidence has ever been presented that the Second Law breaks down under any circumstances 16 However there are a number of paradoxes which regarding violation of the second law of thermodynamics one of them due to the Poincare recurrence theorem This arrow of time seems to be related to all other arrows of time and arguably underlies some of them with the exception of the weak arrow of time clarification needed Harold Blum s 1951 book Time s Arrow and Evolution 17 discusses the relationship between time s arrow the second law of thermodynamics and organic evolution This influential text explores irreversibility and direction in evolution and order negentropy and evolution 18 Blum argues that evolution followed specific patterns predetermined by the inorganic nature of the earth and its thermodynamic processes 19 Cosmological arrow of time edit See also Entropy Entropy as an arrow of time and Past hypothesis The cosmological arrow of time points in the direction of the universe s expansion It may be linked to the thermodynamic arrow with the universe heading towards a heat death Big Chill as the amount of Thermodynamic free energy becomes negligible Alternatively it may be an artifact of our place in the universe s evolution see the Anthropic bias with this arrow reversing as gravity pulls everything back into a Big Crunch If this arrow of time is related to the other arrows of time then the future is by definition the direction towards which the universe becomes bigger Thus the universe expands rather than shrinks by definition The thermodynamic arrow of time and the second law of thermodynamics are thought to be a consequence of the initial conditions in the early universe 20 Therefore they ultimately result from the cosmological set up Radiative arrow of time edit Waves from radio waves to sound waves to those on a pond from throwing a stone expand outward from their source even though the wave equations accommodate solutions of convergent waves as well as radiative ones This arrow has been reversed in carefully worked experiments that created convergent waves 21 so this arrow probably follows from the thermodynamic arrow in that meeting the conditions to produce a convergent wave requires more order than the conditions for a radiative wave Put differently the probability for initial conditions that produce a convergent wave is much lower than the probability for initial conditions that produce a radiative wave In fact normally a radiative wave increases entropy while a convergent wave decreases it citation needed making the latter contradictory to the second law of thermodynamics in usual circumstances Causal arrow of time edit A cause precedes its effect the causal event occurs before the event it causes or affects Birth for example follows a successful conception and not vice versa Thus causality is intimately bound up with time s arrow An epistemological problem with using causality as an arrow of time is that as David Hume maintained the causal relation per se cannot be perceived one only perceives sequences of events Furthermore it is surprisingly difficult to provide a clear explanation of what the terms cause and effect really mean or to define the events to which they refer However it does seem evident that dropping a cup of water is a cause while the cup subsequently shattering and spilling the water is the effect Physically speaking correlations between a system and its surrounding are thought to increase with entropy and have been shown to be equivalent to it in a simplified case of a finite system interacting with the environment 4 The assumption of low initial entropy is indeed equivalent to assuming no initial correlations in the system thus correlations can only be created as we move forward in time not backwards Controlling the future or causing something to happen creates correlations between the doer and the effect 22 and therefore the relation between cause and effect is a result of the thermodynamic arrow of time a consequence of the second law of thermodynamics 23 Indeed in the above example of the cup dropping the initial conditions have high order and low entropy while the final state has high correlations between relatively distant parts of the system the shattered pieces of the cup as well as the spilled water and the object that caused the cup to drop Quantum arrow of time edit Quantum evolution is governed by equations of motions that are time symmetric such as the Schrodinger equation in the non relativistic approximation and by wave function collapse which is a time irreversible process and is either real by the Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics or apparent only by the many worlds interpretation and relational quantum mechanics interpretation The theory of quantum decoherence explains why wave function collapse happens in a time asymmetric fashion due to the second law of thermodynamics thus deriving the quantum arrow of time from the thermodynamic arrow of time In essence following any particle scattering or interaction between two larger systems the relative phases of the two systems are at first orderly related but subsequent interactions with additional particles or systems make them less so so that the two systems become decoherent Thus decoherence is a form of increase in microscopic disorder in short decoherence increases entropy Two decoherent systems can no longer interact via quantum superposition unless they become coherent again which is normally impossible by the second law of thermodynamics 24 In the language of relational quantum mechanics the observer becomes entangled with the measured state where this entanglement increases entropy As stated by Seth Lloyd the arrow of time is an arrow of increasing correlations 25 26 However under special circumstances one can prepare initial conditions that will cause a decrease in decoherence and in entropy This has been shown experimentally in 2019 when a team of Russian scientists reported the reversal of the quantum arrow of time on an IBM quantum computer in an experiment supporting the understanding of the quantum arrow of time as emerging from the thermodynamic one 27 By observing the state of the quantum computer made of two and later three superconducting qubits they found that in 85 of the cases the two qubit computer returned to the initial state 28 The state s reversal was made by a special program similarly to the random microwave background fluctuation in the case of the electron 28 However according to the estimations throughout the age of the universe 13 7 billion years such a reversal of the electron s state would only happen once for 0 06 nanoseconds 28 The scientists experiment led to the possibility of a quantum algorithm that reverses a given quantum state through complex conjugation of the state 27 Note that quantum decoherence merely allows the process of quantum wave collapse it is a matter of dispute whether the collapse itself actually takes place or is redundant and apparent only However since the theory of quantum decoherence is now widely accepted and has been supported experimentally this dispute can no longer be considered as related to the arrow of time question 24 Particle physics weak arrow of time edit Main article CP violation Certain subatomic interactions involving the weak nuclear force violate the conservation of both parity and charge conjugation but only very rarely An example is the kaon decay 29 According to the CPT theorem this means they should also be time irreversible and so establish an arrow of time Such processes should be responsible for matter creation in the early universe That the combination of parity and charge conjugation is broken so rarely means that this arrow only barely points in one direction setting it apart from the other arrows whose direction is much more obvious This arrow had not been linked to any large scale temporal behaviour until the work of Joan Vaccaro who showed that T violation could be responsible for conservation laws and dynamics 30 See also editA Brief History of Time Anthropic principle Ilya Prigogine Loschmidt s paradox Maxwell s demon Quantum Zeno effect Royal Institution Christmas Lectures 1999 Samaya Time evolution Time reversal signal processing Wheeler Feynman absorber theoryReferences edit Weinert Friedel 2004 11 25 The Scientist as Philosopher Philosophical Consequences of Great Scientific Discoveries Springer Science amp Business Media p 143 ISBN 978 3 540 21374 1 David Albert on Time and Chance Tuisku P Pernu T K Annila A 2009 In the light of time Proceedings of the Royal Society A 465 2104 1173 1198 Bibcode 2009RSPSA 465 1173T doi 10 1098 rspa 2008 0494 a b Esposito M Lindenberg K amp Van den Broeck C 2010 Entropy production as correlation between system and reservoir New Journal of Physics 12 1 013013 Ladyman J Lambert J Weisner K B What is a Complex System Eur J Philos Sci 2013 3 33 67 a b Ulrich Rolf Eikmeier Verena de la Vega Irmgard Ruiz Fernandez Susana Alex Ruf Simone Maienborn Claudia 2012 04 01 With the past behind and the future ahead Back to front representation of past and future sentences Memory amp Cognition 40 3 483 495 doi 10 3758 s13421 011 0162 4 ISSN 1532 5946 PMID 22160871 6 13 2006 For Andes Tribe It s Back To The Future www albionmonitor com Retrieved 2023 09 13 Nunez Rafael E Sweetser Eve With the Future Behind Them Convergent Evidence From Aymara Language and Gesture in the Crosslinguistic Comparison of Spatial Construals of Time PDF Department of Cognitive Science University of California at San Diego Archived from the original PDF on 21 January 2020 Retrieved 8 March 2020 Gu Yan Zheng Yeqiu Swerts Marc 2019 Which Is in Front of Chinese People Past or Future The Effect of Language and Culture on Temporal Gestures and Spatial Conceptions of Time Cognitive Science 43 12 e12804 doi 10 1111 cogs 12804 ISSN 1551 6709 PMC 6916330 PMID 31858627 mbdg net Chinese English Dictionary accessed 2017 01 11 Bahri Hardev 1989 Learners Hindi English Dictionary Delhi Rajpal amp Sons p 95 ISBN 978 81 7028 002 6 Alexiadou Artemis 1997 Adverb placement a case study in antisymmetric syntax Amsterdam u a Benjamins p 108 ISBN 978 90 272 2739 3 Hindi English org Hindi English Dictionary परस accessed 2017 01 11 Meaning of तरस in Hindi Hindi meaning of तरस तरस ka Hindi Matlab Archived from the original on 2021 09 11 Retrieved 2021 09 11 Lynn Christopher W Holmes Caroline M Bialek William Schwab David J 2022 09 06 Decomposing the Local Arrow of Time in Interacting Systems Physical Review Letters 129 11 118101 arXiv 2112 14721 Bibcode 2022PhRvL 129k8101L doi 10 1103 PhysRevLett 129 118101 PMC 9751844 PMID 36154397 A B Pippard Elements of Chemical Thermodynamics for Advanced Students of Physics 1966 p 100 Blum Harold F 1951 Time s Arrow and Evolution First ed Princeton University Press ISBN 978 0 691 02354 0 Morowitz Harold J September 1969 Book review Time s arrow and evolution Third Edition Icarus 11 2 278 279 Bibcode 1969Icar 11 278M doi 10 1016 0019 1035 69 90059 1 PMC 2599115 McN W P November 1951 Book reviews Time s Arrow and Evolution Yale Journal of Biology and Medicine 24 2 164 PMC 2599115 Susskind Leonard Boltzmann and the Arrow of Time A Recent Perspective Cornell University Retrieved June 1 2016 Mathias Fink 30 November 1999 Time Reversed Acoustic PDF Archived from the original PDF on 31 December 2005 Retrieved 27 May 2016 Physical Origins of Time Asymmetry pp 109 111 Physical Origins of Time Asymmetry chapter 6 a b Schlosshauer M 2005 Decoherence the measurement problem and interpretations of quantum mechanics Reviews of Modern physics 76 4 1267 Wolchover Natalie 25 April 2014 New Quantum Theory Could Explain the Flow of Time Wired via www wired com Univ of Bristol 26 Nov 2021 Time Reversal Phenomenon In the Quantum Realm Not Even Time Flows As You Might Expect Lead Professor Caslav Brukner quantum systems can simultaneously evolve along two opposite time arrows both forward and backward in time a b Lesovik G B Sadovskyy I A Suslov M V Lebedev A V Vinokur V M 13 March 2019 Arrow of time and its reversal on the IBM quantum computer Nature 9 1 4396 arXiv 1712 10057 Bibcode 2019NatSR 9 4396L doi 10 1038 s41598 019 40765 6 PMC 6416338 PMID 30867496 S2CID 3527627 a b c Physicists reverse time using quantum computer Phys org 13 March 2019 Retrieved 13 March 2019 Home Physics World 11 March 2008 Vaccaro Joan 2016 Quantum asymmetry between time and space Proceedings of the Royal Society A 472 2185 20150670 arXiv 1502 04012 Bibcode 2016RSPSA 47250670V doi 10 1098 rspa 2015 0670 PMC 4786044 PMID 26997899 Further reading editLebowitz Joel L 2008 Time s arrow and Boltzmann s entropy Scholarpedia 3 4 3448 Bibcode 2008SchpJ 3 3448L doi 10 4249 scholarpedia 3448 Boltzmann Ludwig 1964 Lectures On Gas Theory University Of California Press Translated from the original German by Stephen G Brush Originally published 1896 1898 Carroll Sean 2010 From Eternity to Here The Quest for the Ultimate Theory of Time Dutton Website Coveney Peter Highfield Roger 1990 The Arrow of Time A voyage through science to solve time s greatest mystery London W H Allen Bibcode 1990atvt book C ISBN 978 1 85227 197 8 Feynman Richard 1965 The Character of Physical Law BBC Publications Chapter 5 Halliwell J J et al 1994 Physical Origins of Time Asymmetry Cambridge ISBN 978 0 521 56837 1 technical Mersini Houghton L Vaas R eds 2012 The Arrows of Time A Debate in Cosmology Springer 2012 06 22 ISBN 978 3 642 23258 9 partly technical Peierls R 1979 Surprises in Theoretical Physics Princeton Section 3 8 Penrose Roger 1989 The Emperor s New Mind Oxford University Press ISBN 978 0 19 851973 7 Chapter 7 Penrose Roger 2004 The Road to Reality Jonathan Cape ISBN 978 0 224 04447 9 Chapter 27 Price Huw 1996 Time s Arrow and Archimedes Point Oxford University Press ISBN 978 0 19 510095 2 Website Zeh H D 2010 The Physical Basis of The Direction of Time Springer ISBN 978 3 540 42081 1 Official website for the book BaBar Experiment Confirms Time Asymmetry External links editThe Ritz Einstein Agreement to Disagree a review of historical perspectives of the subject prior to the evolvement of quantum field theory The Thermodynamic Arrow Puzzles and Pseudo Puzzles Huw Price on Time s Arrow Arrow of time in a discrete toy model The Arrow of Time Why Does Time Run Only Forwards by Adam Becker bbc com Retrieved from https en wikipedia org w index php title Arrow of time amp oldid 1188834412, wikipedia, wiki, book, books, library,


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