

The mile, sometimes the international mile or statute mile to distinguish it from other miles, is a British imperial unit and United States customary unit of distance; both are based on the older English unit of length equal to 5,280 English feet, or 1,760 yards. The statute mile was standardised between the British Commonwealth and the United States by an international agreement in 1959, when it was formally redefined with respect to SI units as exactly 1,609.344 metres.

A milestone in Westminster showing the distance from Kensington Road to Hounslow and Hyde Park Corner in miles
General information
Unit systemBritish imperial/US customary
Unit oflength
Symbolmi. or mi or (rarely) m
1 mi. or mi in ...... is equal to ...
   SI units   1609.344 m
   imperial/US units   
   US survey mile   0.999998 survey mile
   nautical units   0.86898 nmi

With qualifiers, mile is also used to describe or translate a wide range of units derived from or roughly equivalent to the Roman mile, such as the nautical mile (now 1.852 km exactly), the Italian mile (roughly 1.852 km), and the Chinese mile (now 500 m exactly). The Romans divided their mile into 5,000 Roman feet but the greater importance of furlongs in Elizabethan-era England meant that the statute mile was made equivalent to 8 furlongs or 5,280 feet in 1593. This form of the mile then spread across the British Empire, some successor states of which continue to employ the mile. The US Geological Survey now employs the metre for official purposes, but legacy data from its 1927 geodetic datum has meant that a separate US survey mile (6336/3937 km) continues to see some use, although it was officially phased out in 2022. While most countries replaced the mile with the kilometre when switching to the International System of Units (SI), the international mile continues to be used in some countries, such as Liberia, the United Kingdom, the United States, and a number of countries with fewer than one million inhabitants, most of which are UK or US territories or have close historical ties with the UK or US.


The modern English word mile derives from Middle English myle and Old English mīl, which was cognate with all other Germanic terms for miles. These derived from the nominal ellipsis form of mīlle passus 'mile' or mīlia passuum 'miles', the Roman mile of one thousand paces.[1]

The present international mile is usually what is understood by the unqualified term mile. When this distance needs to be distinguished from the nautical mile, the international mile may also be described as a land mile or statute mile.[2] In British English, statute mile may refer to the present international mile or to any other form of English mile since the 1593 Act of Parliament, which set it as a distance of 1,760 yards. Under American law, however, statute mile refers to the US survey mile.[3] Foreign and historical units translated into English as miles usually employ a qualifier to describe the kind of mile being used but this may be omitted if it is obvious from the context, such as a discussion of the 2nd-century Antonine Itinerary describing its distances in terms of miles rather than Roman miles.


The mile has been variously abbreviated in English—with and without a trailing period—as "mi", "M", "ml", and "m".[4] The American National Institute of Standards and Technology now uses and recommends "mi" to avoid confusion with the SI metre (m) and millilitre (ml).[5] However, derived units such as miles per hour or miles per gallon continue to be abbreviated as "mph" and "mpg" rather than "mi/h" and "mi/gal". In the United Kingdom, road signs use "m" as the abbreviation for mile though height and width restrictions also use "m" as the symbol for the metre, which may be displayed alongside feet and inches.[6] The BBC style holds that "there is no acceptable abbreviation for 'miles'" and so it should be spelled out when used in describing areas.[7]


The remains of the Golden Milestone, the zero-mile marker of the Roman road network, in the Roman Forum


The Roman mile (mille passus, lit. "thousand paces"; abbr. m.p.; also milia passuum[n 1] and mille) consisted of a thousand paces as measured by every other step—as in the total distance of the left foot hitting the ground 1,000 times. The ancient Romans, marching their armies through uncharted territory, would often push a carved stick in the ground after each 1,000 paces.[citation needed] Well-fed and harshly driven Roman legionaries in good weather thus created longer miles. The distance was indirectly standardised by Agrippa's establishment of a standard Roman foot (Agrippa's own) in 29 BC,[9] and the definition of a pace as 5 feet. An Imperial Roman mile thus denoted 5,000 Roman feet. Surveyors and specialised equipment such as the decempeda and dioptra then spread its use.[10]

In modern times, Agrippa's Imperial Roman mile was empirically estimated to have been about 1,618 yards (1,480 m) in length, slightly less than the 1,760 yards (1,610 m) of the modern international mile.[11]

In Hellenic areas of the Empire, the Roman mile (Greek: μίλιον, mílion) was used beside the native Greek units as equivalent to 8 stadia of 600 Greek feet. The mílion continued to be used as a Byzantine unit and was also used as the name of the zero mile marker for the Byzantine Empire, the Milion, located at the head of the Mese near Hagia Sophia.

The Roman mile also spread throughout Europe, with its local variations giving rise to the different units below.[citation needed]

Also arising from the Roman mile is the milestone. All roads radiated out from the Roman Forum throughout the Empire – 50,000 (Roman) miles of stone-paved roads. At every mile was placed a shaped stone. Originally these were obelisks made from granite, marble, or whatever local stone was available. On these was carved a Roman numeral, indicating the number of miles from the centre of Rome – the Forum. Hence, one always knew how far one was from Rome.[12]


The Italian mile (miglio, pl. miglia) was traditionally considered a direct continuation of the Roman mile, equal to 1000 paces,[13] although its actual value over time or between regions could vary greatly.[14] It was often used in international contexts from the Middle Ages into the 17th century[13] and is thus also known as the "geographical mile",[15] although the geographical mile is now a separate standard unit.


The Arabic mile (الميل, al-mīl) was not the common Arabic unit of length; instead, Arabs and Persians traditionally used the longer parasang or "Arabic league". The Arabic mile was, however, used by medieval geographers and scientists and constituted a kind of precursor to the nautical or geographical mile. It extended the Roman mile to fit an astronomical approximation of 1 arcminute of latitude measured directly north-and-south along a meridian. Although the precise value of the approximation remains disputed, it was somewhere between 1.8 and 2.0 km.


The "old English mile" of the medieval and early modern periods varied but seems to have measured about 1.3 international miles (2.1 km).[16][17] The old English mile varied over time and location within England.[17] The old English mile has also been defined as 79,200 or 79,320 inches (1.25 or 1.2519 statute miles).[18] The English long continued the Roman computations of the mile as 5000 feet, 1000 paces, or 8 longer divisions, which they equated with their "furrow's length" or furlong.[19]

The origins of English units are "extremely vague and uncertain",[20][citation needed] but seem to have been a combination of the Roman system with native British and Germanic systems both derived from multiples of the barleycorn.[n 2] Probably by the reign of Edgar in the 10th century, the nominal prototype physical standard of English length was an arm-length iron bar (a yardstick) held by the king at Winchester;[21][23] the foot was then one-third of its length. Henry I was said to have made a new standard in 1101 based on his own arm.[20] Following the issuance of Magna Carta, the barons of Parliament directed John and his son to keep the king's standard measure (Mensura Domini Regis) and weight at the Exchequer,[20] which thereafter verified local standards until its abolition in the 19th century. New brass standards are known to have been constructed under Henry VII and Elizabeth I.[24]

Arnold's c. 1500 Customs of London recorded a mile shorter than previous ones, coming to 0.947 international miles (5000 feet) or 1.524 km.[19]


The English statute mile was established by a Weights and Measures Act of Parliament in 1593 during the reign of Queen Elizabeth I. The act on the Composition of Yards and Perches had shortened the length of the foot and its associated measures, causing the two methods of determining the mile to diverge.[25] Owing to the importance of the surveyor's rod in deeds and surveying undertaken under Henry VIII,[26] decreasing the length of the rod by 111 would have amounted to a significant tax increase. Parliament instead opted to maintain the mile of 8 furlongs (which were derived from the rod) and to increase the number of feet per mile from the old Roman value.[27] The applicable passage of the statute reads: "A Mile shall contain eight Furlongs, every Furlong forty Poles,[n 3] and every Pole shall contain sixteen Foot and an half."[29] The statute mile therefore contained 5,280 feet or 1,760 yards.[19] The distance was not uniformly adopted. Robert Morden had multiple scales on his 17th-century maps which included continuing local values: his map of Hampshire, for example, bore two different "miles" with a ratio of 1 : 1.23[30] and his map of Dorset had three scales with a ratio of 1 : 1.23 : 1.41.[31] In both cases, the traditional local units remained longer than the statute mile. The English statute mile was superseded in 1959 by the international mile by international agreement.


The Welsh mile (milltir or milldir) was 3 miles and 1,470 yards long (6.17 km). It comprised 9,000 paces (cam), each of 3 Welsh feet (troedfedd) of 9 inches (modfeddi).[32] (The Welsh inch is usually reckoned as equivalent to the English inch.) Along with other Welsh units, it was said to have been codified under Dyfnwal the Bald and Silent and retained unchanged by Hywel the Good.[33] Along with other Welsh units, it was discontinued following the conquest of Wales by the English under Edward I in the 13th century.


Edinburgh's "Royal Mile"—running from the castle to Holyrood Abbey—is roughly a Scots mile long.[34]

The Scots mile was longer than the English mile,[35] as mentioned by Robert Burns in the first verse of his poem "Tam o' Shanter". It comprised 8 (Scots) furlongs divided into 320 falls or faws (Scots rods).[36] It varied from place to place but the most accepted equivalencies are 1,976 Imperial yards (1.123 statute miles or 1.81 km).

It was legally abolished three times: first by a 1685 act of the Scottish Parliament,[37] again by the 1707 Treaty of Union with England,[38] and finally by the Weights and Measures Act 1824.[35] It had continued in use as a customary unit through the 18th century but had become obsolete by its final abolition.


Milestone on Mountbellew Bridge, erected c. 1760. Distances are given in Irish miles.

The Irish mile (míle or míle Gaelach) measured 2,240 yards: approximately 1.27 statute miles or 2.048 kilometres.[39][40] It was used in Ireland from the 16th century plantations until the 19th century, with residual use into the 20th century. The units were based on "English measure" but used a linear perch measuring 7 yards (6.4 m) as opposed to the English rod of 5.5 yards (5.0 m).[40]


Scalebar on a 16th-century map made by Mercator. The scalebar is expressed in "Hours walking or common Flemish miles", and includes three actual scales: small, medium and big Flemish miles.

The Dutch mile (mijl) has had different definitions throughout history. One of the older definitions was 5,600 ells. But the length of an ell was not standardised, so that the length of a mile could range between 3,280 m and 4,280 m. The Dutch mile also has had historical definitions of one hour's walking (uur gaans), which meant around 5 km, or 20,000 Amsterdam or Rhineland feet (respectively 5,660 m or 6,280 m). Besides the common Dutch mile, there is also the geographical mile. 15 geographical Dutch miles equal one degree of longitude on the equator. Its value changed as the circumference of the earth was estimated to a better precision. But at the time of usage, it was around 7,157 m. The metric system was introduced in the Netherlands in 1816, and the metric mile became a synonym for the kilometre, being exactly 1,000 m. Since 1870, the term mijl was replaced by the equivalent kilometer. Today, the word mijl is no longer used, except as part of certain proverbs and compound terms like mijlenver ("miles away").


Various historic miles and leagues from an 1848 German textbook, given in feet, metres, and fractions of a "degree of meridian"

The German mile (Meile) was 24,000 German feet. The standardised Austrian mile used in southern Germany and the Austrian Empire was 7.586 km; the Prussian mile used in northern Germany was 7.5325 km. Following its standardisation by Ole Rømer in the late 17th century, the Danish mile (mil) was precisely equal to the Prussian mile and likewise divided into 24,000 feet.[41] These were sometimes treated as equivalent to 7.5 km. Earlier values had varied: the Sjællandske miil, for instance, had been 11.13 km. The Germans also used a longer version of the geographical mile.


The Breslau mile, used in Breslau, and from 1630 officially in all of Silesia, equal to 11,250 ells, or about 6,700 meters. The mile equaled the distance from the Piaskowa Gate all the way to Psie Pole (Hundsfeld). By rolling a circle with a radius of 5 ells through Piaskowa Island, Ostrów Tumski and suburban tracts, passing eight bridges on the way, the standard Breslau mile was determined.[42][43]


The Saxon post mile (kursächsische Postmeile or Polizeimeile, introduced on occasion of a survey of the Saxon roads in the 1700s, corresponded to 2,000 Dresden rods, equivalent to 9.062 kilometres.[44]


The Hungarian mile (mérföld or magyar mérföld) varied from 8.3790 km to 8.9374 km before being standardised as 8.3536 km.


The Portuguese mile (milha) used in Portugal and Brazil was 2.0873 km prior to metrication.[45]


The Russian mile (миля or русская миля, russkaya milya) was 7.468 km, divided into 7 versts.


The Croatian mile (hrvatska milja), first devised by the Jesuit Stjepan Glavač on a 1673 map, is the length of an arc of the equator subtended by 1/10° or 11.13 km exactly.[46][47] The previous Croatian mile, now known as the "ban mile" (banska milja), had been the Austrian mile given above.[48]


The Ottoman mile was 1,894.35 m (1.17709 mi), which was equal to 5,000 Ottoman foot. After 1933, the Ottoman mile was replaced with the modern Turkish mile (1,853.181 m).


The international mile is precisely equal to 1.609344 km (or 25146/15625 km as a fraction).[50] It was established as part of the 1959 international yard and pound agreement reached by the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and the Union of South Africa,[51] which resolved small but measurable differences that had arisen from separate physical standards each country had maintained for the yard.[52] As with the earlier statute mile, it continues to comprise 1,760 yards or 5,280 feet.

The old Imperial value of the yard was used in converting measurements to metric values in India in a 1976 Act of the Indian Parliament.[53] However, the current National Topographic Database of the Survey of India is based on the metric WGS-84 datum,[54] which is also used by the Global Positioning System.

The difference from the previous standards was 2 ppm, or about 3.2 millimetres (18 inch) per mile. The U.S. standard was slightly longer and the old Imperial standards had been slightly shorter than the international mile. When the international mile was introduced in English-speaking countries, the basic geodetic datum in America was the North American Datum of 1927 (NAD27). This had been constructed by triangulation based on the definition of the foot in the Mendenhall Order of 1893, with 1 foot = 1200/3937 (≈0.304800609601) metres and the definition was retained for data derived from NAD27, but renamed the U.S. survey foot to distinguish it from the international foot.[55][n 4] Thus a survey mile = 1200/3937 × 5280 (≈1609.347218694) metres. An international mile = 1609.344 / (1200/3937 × 5280) (=0.999998) survey miles.

The exact length of the land mile varied slightly among English-speaking countries until the international yard and pound agreement in 1959 established the yard as exactly 0.9144 metres, giving a mile of exactly 1,609.344 metres. The U.S. adopted this international mile for most purposes, but retained the pre-1959 mile for some land-survey data, terming it the U. S. survey mile. In the United States, statute mile normally refers to the survey mile,[56] about 3.219 mm (18 inch) longer than the international mile (the international mile is exactly 0.0002% less than the U.S. survey mile).

While most countries abandoned the mile when switching to the metric system, the international mile continues to be used in some countries, such as Liberia, Myanmar,[57] the United Kingdom[58] and the United States.[59] It is also used in a number of territories with less than a million inhabitants, most of which are U.K. or U.S. territories, or have close historical ties with the U.K. or U.S.: American Samoa,[60] Bahamas,[61] Belize,[62] British Virgin Islands,[63] Cayman Islands,[64] Dominica,[64] Falkland Islands,[65] Grenada,[66] Guam,[67] The N. Mariana Islands,[68] Samoa,[69] St. Lucia,[70] St. Vincent & The Grenadines,[71] St. Helena,[72] St. Kitts & Nevis,[73] the Turks & Caicos Islands,[74] and the U.S. Virgin Islands.[75] The mile is even encountered in Canada, though this is predominantly in rail transport and horse racing, as the roadways have been metricated since 1977.[76][77][78][79] The Republic of Ireland gradually replaced miles with kilometres, including in speed measurements; the process was completed in 2005.

U.S. survey

The U.S. survey mile is 5,280 U.S. survey feet, or 1,609.347 metres and 0.30480061 metres respectively.[80] Both are very slightly longer than the international mile and international foot. In the United States, the term statute mile formally refers to the survey mile,[3] but for most purposes, the difference of less than 18 inch (3.2 mm) between the survey mile and the international mile (1609.344 metres exactly) is insignificant—one international mile is 0.999998 U.S. survey miles—so statute mile can be used for either. But in some cases, such as in the U.S. State Plane Coordinate Systems (SPCSs), which can stretch over hundreds of miles,[81] the accumulated difference can be significant, so it is important to note that the reference is to the U.S. survey mile.

The United States redefined its yard in 1893, and this resulted in U.S. and Imperial measures of distance having very slightly different lengths.

The North American Datum of 1983 (NAD83), which replaced the NAD27, is defined in metres. State Plane Coordinate Systems were then updated, but the National Geodetic Survey left individual states to decide which (if any) definition of the foot they would use. All State Plane Coordinate Systems are defined in metres, and 42 of the 50 states only use the metre-based State Plane Coordinate Systems. However, eight states also have State Plane Coordinate Systems defined in feet, seven of them in U.S. survey feet and one in international feet.[81]

State legislation in the U.S. is important for determining which conversion factor from the metric datum is to be used for land surveying and real estate transactions, even though the difference (2 ppm) is hardly significant, given the precision of normal surveying measurements over short distances (usually much less than a mile). Twenty-four states have legislated that surveying measures be based on the U.S. survey foot, eight have legislated that they be based on the international foot, and eighteen have not specified which conversion factor to use.[81]

SPCS 83 legislation refers to state legislation that has been passed or updated using the newer 1983 NAD data. Most states have done so. Two states (AK, MO) and two jurisdictions (GU, PR) do not specify which foot to use.[81] Additionally, two states (AL, HI) and four jurisdictions (DC, VI, AS, MP) do not have SPCS 83 legislation.[81]

In October 2019, U.S. National Geodetic Survey and National Institute of Standards and Technology announced their joint intent to retire the U.S. survey foot and U.S. survey mile, as permitted by their 1959 decision, with effect on January 1, 2023.[82][83][84]


On the utility of the nautical mile.
Each circle shown is a great circle—the analogue of a line in spherical trigonometry—and hence the shortest path connecting two points on the globular surface. Meridians are great circles that pass through the poles.

The nautical mile was originally defined as one minute of arc along a meridian of the Earth.[85] Navigators use dividers to step off the distance between two points on the navigational chart, then place the open dividers against the minutes-of-latitude scale at the edge of the chart, and read off the distance in nautical miles.[86] The Earth is not perfectly spherical but an oblate spheroid, so the length of a minute of latitude increases by 1% from the equator to the poles. Using the WGS84 ellipsoid, the commonly accepted Earth model for many purposes today, one minute of latitude at the WGS84 equator is 6,046 feet and at the poles is 6,107.5 feet. The average is about 6,076 feet (about 1,852 metres or 1.15 statute miles).

In the United States, the nautical mile was defined in the 19th century as 6,080.2 feet (1,853.249 m), whereas in the United Kingdom, the Admiralty nautical mile was defined as 6,080 feet (1,853.184 m) and was about one minute of latitude in the latitudes of the south of the UK. Other nations had different definitions of the nautical mile, but it is now internationally defined to be exactly 1,852 metres (6,076.11548556 feet).[87]

Related units

The nautical mile per hour is known as the knot. Nautical miles and knots are almost universally used for aeronautical and maritime navigation, because of their relationship with degrees and minutes of latitude and the convenience of using the latitude scale on a map for distance measuring.

The data mile is used in radar-related subjects and is equal to 6,000 feet (1.8288 kilometres).[88] The radar mile is a unit of time (in the same way that the light year is a unit of distance), equal to the time required for a radar pulse to travel a distance of two miles (one mile each way). Thus, the radar statute mile is 10.8 μs and the radar nautical mile is 12.4 μs.[89]


The geographical mile is based upon the length of a meridian of latitude. The German geographical mile (geographische Meile) was previously 115° of latitude (7.4127 km).[90]

Grid system

Cities in the continental United States often have streets laid out by miles. Detroit, Indianapolis, Chicago, Phoenix, Philadelphia, Las Vegas, Los Angeles, and Miami, are several examples. Typically the largest streets are about a mile apart, with others at smaller intervals. In the Manhattan borough of New York City "streets" are close to 20 per mile, while the major numbered "avenues" are about six per mile. (Centerline to centerline, 42nd Street to 22nd Street is supposed to be 5,250 feet while 42nd Street to 62nd Street is supposed to be[clarification needed] 5,276 ft 8 in.)[citation needed]


The informal term "metric mile" is used in some countries, in sports such as track and field athletics and speed skating, to denote a distance of 1,500 metres (0.932 miles). The 1500 meters is the premier middle distance running event in Olympic sports. In United States high-school competition, the term is sometimes used for a race of 1,600 metres (0.994 miles).[91]


The Scandinavian mile (mil) remains in common use in Norway and Sweden, where it has meant precisely 10 km since metrication in 1889.[41] It is used in informal situations and in measurements of fuel consumption, which are often given as litres per mil. In formal situations (such as official road signs) and where confusion may occur with international miles, it is avoided in favour of kilometres.

The Swedish mile was standardised as 36,000 Swedish feet or 10.6884 km in 1649; before that it varied by province from about 6 to 14.485 km.[41]

Before metrication, the Norwegian mile was 11.298 km.

The traditional Finnish peninkulma was translated as mil in Swedish and also set equal to 10 km during metrication in 1887, but is much less commonly used.

Comparison table

A comparison of the different lengths for a "mile", in different countries and at different times in history, is given in the table below. Leagues are also included in this list because, in terms of length, they fall in between the short West European miles and the long North, Central and Eastern European miles.

Length (m) Name Country used From To Definition Remarks
0500 mainland China 1984 today 1,500 chi in Chinese, this unit and the imperial mile are written using the same word (里), with a qualifier to distinguish between systems if needed
0960–1,152 Talmudic mil Land of Israel/Canaan Biblical and Talmudic units of measurement
01,480 mille passus, milliarium Roman Empire Ancient Roman units of measurement
01,486.6 miglio[92] Sicily
01,524 London mile England
01,609.3426 (statute) mile Great Britain 1592 1959 1,760 yards Over the course of time, the length of a yard changed several times and consequently so did the English, and from 1824, the imperial mile. The statute mile was introduced in 1592 during the reign of Queen Elizabeth I
01,609.344 mile some Anglophone countries 1959 today 1,760 yards On 1 July 1959 the imperial mile was standardized to an exact length in metres
01,609.3472 (statute) mile United States 1893 today 1,760 yards From 1959 also called the U.S. Survey Mile. From then its only utility has been land survey, before it was the standard mile. From 1893 its exact length in metres was: 3600/3937 × 1760
01,820 Italy
01,852 nautical mile international today approx. 1 minute of arc Measured at a circumference of 40,000 km. Abbreviation: NM, nm
01,852.3 (for comparison) 1 meridian minute
01,853.181 nautical mile Turkey
01,855.4 (for comparison) 1 equatorial minute Although the NM was defined on the basis of the minute, it varies from the equatorial minute, because at that time the circumference of the equator could only be estimated at 40,000 km.
02,065 Portugal
02,220 Gallo-Roman league Gallo-Roman culture 1.5 miles Under the reign of Emperor Septimius Severus, this replaced the Roman mile as the official unit of distance in the Gallic and Germanic provinces, although there were regional and temporal variations.[93]
02,470 Sardinia, Piemont
02,622 Scotland
02,880 Ireland
03,780 Flanders
03,898 French lieue (post league) France 2,000 "body lengths"
03,927 Ri Japan 12,960 shaku
04,000 general or metric league
04,000 legue Guatemala
04,190 legue Mexico[94] = 2,500 tresas = 5,000 varas
04,444.8 landleuge 125° of a circle of longitude
04,452.2 lieue commune France Units of measurement in France before the French Revolution
04,513 legue Paraguay
04,513 legua Chile,[94] (Guatemala, Haiti) = 36 cuadros = 5,400 varas
04,808 Switzerland
04,828 English land league England 3 miles
Germanic rasta, also doppelleuge
(double league)
05,000 légua nova Portugal[94]
05,196 legua Bolivia[94] = 40 ladres
05,152 legua Argentina Argentina, Buenos Aires[94] = 6,000 varas
05,154 legue Uruguay
05,200 Bolivian legua Bolivia
05,370 legue Venezuela
05,500 Portuguese legua Portugal
05,510 legue Ecuador
05,510 Ecuadorian legua Ecuador
05,532.5 Landleuge
(state league)
Prussia Obsolete German units of measurement
05,540 legue Honduras
05,556 Seeleuge (nautical league) 120° of a circle of longitude
3 nautical miles
05,570 legua Spain and Chile Spanish customary units
05,572 legua Colombia[94] = 3 Millas
05,572.7 legue Peru[94] = 20,000 feet
05,572.7 legua Antigua
old league
Spain[94] = 3 millas = 15,000 feet
05,590 légua Brazil[94] = 5,000 varas = 2,500 bracas
05,600 Brazilian legua Brazil
05,685 Fersah (Turkish league) Ottoman Empire 1933 4 Turkish miles Derived from Persian Parasang.
05,840[95] Dutch mile Holland
06,170 milltir Wales 13thC 9,000 camau ( = 27,000 troedfeddi = 243,000 inches) Eclipsed by the conquest of Wales by Edward I
06,197 légua antiga Portugal[94] = 3 milhas = 24 estadios
06,240 Persian legue Persia
06,277 Luxembourg
06,280 Belgium
06,687.24 legua nueva
new league, since 1766
Spain[94] = 8,000 varas
06,700 Breslau mile Silesia 1630 1872 Also known as Mila wrocławska in Polish
06,797 Landvermessermeile
(state survey mile)
Saxony Obsolete German units of measurement
07,400 Netherlands
07,409 (for comparison) 4 meridian minutes
07,419.2 Kingdom of Hanover Obsolete German units of measurement
07,419.4 Duchy of Brunswick Obsolete German units of measurement
Bavaria Obsolete German units of measurement
07,420.439 geographic mile 115 equatorial grads[dubious ]
07,421.6 (for comparison) 4 equatorial minutes
07,448.7 Württemberg Obsolete German units of measurement
07,450 Hohenzollern Obsolete German units of measurement
07,467.6 Russia 7 verst Obsolete Russian units of measurement
07,480 Bohemia
07,500 kleine / neue Postmeile
(small/new postal mile)
Saxony 1840 German Empire, North German Confederation, Grand Duchy of Hesse, Russia. Obsolete German units of measurement.
07,532.5 Land(es)meile
(German state mile)
Denmark, Hamburg, Prussia Primarily for Denmark defined by Ole Rømer. Obsolete German units of measurement.
07,585.9 Postmeile
(post mile)
Austro-Hungary Austrian units of measurement
07,850 Milă Romania
08,534.31 Mila Poland 1819 7146 meters before 1819, also equaled 7 verst[96]
08,800 Schleswig-Holstein Obsolete German units of measurement
08,888.89 Baden Obsolete German units of measurement
09,062 mittlere Post- / Polizeimeile
(middle post mile or police mile)
Saxony 1722 Obsolete German units of measurement
09,206.3 Electorate of Hesse Obsolete German units of measurement
09,261.4 (for comparison) 5 meridian minutes
09,277 (for comparison) 5 equatorial minutes
09,323 alte Landmeile
(old state mile)
Hanover 1836 Obsolete German units of measurement
09,347 alte Landmeile
(old state mile)
Hanover 1836 Obsolete German units of measurement
09,869.6 Oldenburg
10,000 metric mile, Scandinavian mile Norway, Sweden today still commonly used today, e. g. for road distances.; equates to the myriametre
10,044 große Meile
(great mile)
Westphalia Obsolete German units of measurement
10,670 Finland
10,688.54 mil Sweden 1889 In normal speech, "mil" means a Scandinavian mile of 10 km.
11,113.7 (for comparison) 6 meridian minutes
11,132.4 (for comparison) 6 equatorial minutes
11,299 mil Norway was equivalent to 3000 Rhenish rods.

Similar units:


Even in English-speaking countries that have moved from the Imperial to the metric system (for example, Australia, Canada, or New Zealand), the mile is still used in a variety of idioms. These include:

  • A country mile is used colloquially to denote a very long distance.
  • "A miss is as good as a mile" (failure by a narrow margin is no better than any other failure)
  • "Give him an inch and he'll take a mile" – a corruption of "Give him an inch and he'll take an ell"[97][98] (the person in question will become greedy if shown generosity)
  • "Missed by a mile" (missed by a wide margin)
  • "Go a mile a minute" (move very quickly)
  • "Talk a mile a minute" (speak at a rapid rate)
  • "To go the extra mile" (to put in extra effort)
  • "Miles away" (lost in thought, or daydreaming)
  • "Milestone" (an event indicating significant progress)

See also


  1. ^ A partitive genitive construction literally meaning "one thousand of paces".[8]
  2. ^ The c. 1300 Composition of Yards and Perches, a statute of uncertain date usually reckoned as an enactment of Edward I[21] or II,[20] notionally continued to derive English units from three barleycorns "dry and round" to the inch[21] and this statute remained in force until the 1824 Weights and Measures Act establishing the Imperial system. In practice, official measures were verified using the standards at the Exchequer or simply ignored.[22]
  3. ^ "Pole" being another name for the rod.
  4. ^ When reading the document it helps to bear in mind that 999,998 = 3,937 × 254.



  1. ^ OED (2002), "mile, n.1".
  2. ^ AHD (2006), "mile, 1".
  3. ^ a b Thompson (2008), B.6..
  4. ^ Weintrit, Adam (24 October 2019). . Logistyka. Archived from the original on 1 March 2018. Retrieved 24 October 2019.
  5. ^ Butcher (2014), p. C-16.
  6. ^ "Road traffic: The traffic signs regulations and general directions 2015" (PDF). Government of the United Kingdom.
  7. ^ "Numbers" 27 July 2018 at the Wayback Machine BBC
  8. ^ Lease (1905), p. 211.
  9. ^ Soren (1999), p. 184.
  10. ^ Shuttleworth.
  11. ^ Smith (1875), p. 762.
  12. ^ Lesley Adkins; Roy A. Adkins; Both Professional Archaeologists Roy A Adkins (14 May 2014). Handbook to Life in Ancient Rome. Infobase Publishing. pp. 199–. ISBN 978-0-8160-7482-2.
  13. ^ a b 1.
  14. ^ Zupko (1981), "Miglio".
  15. ^ 2.
  16. ^ Andrews (2003), p. 70.
  17. ^ a b Evans (1975), p. 259.
  18. ^ Chaney (1911), p. 484.
  19. ^ a b c Klein (1988), p. 69.
  20. ^ a b c d Chisholm (1864), p. 8.
  21. ^ a b c NPL.
  22. ^ Chisholm (1864), p. 37.
  23. ^ Chisolm (1864), p. 8.
  24. ^ Chisholm (1864), p. 4.
  25. ^ Zupko (1977), pp. 10–11, 20–21.
  26. ^ Burke (1978), Ch. 9.
  27. ^ Adams (1990).
  28. ^ Statutes at large from the first year of King Edward the fourth to the end of the reign of Queen Elizabeth. Vol. II. 1763. p. 676. Retrieved 29 November 2011.
  29. ^ Act 35 Eliz. I cap. 6, s. 8.[28]
  30. ^ Norgate (1998).
  31. ^ Morden (1695).
  32. ^ Owen (1841), Book II, Ch. XVII, §5.
  33. ^ Owen (1841), Book II, Ch. XVII, §2.
  34. ^ Edinburgh 2000 visitors' guide. Collins. 1999. p. 31. ISBN 978-0-004-49017-5.
  35. ^ a b "mile". Dictionary of the Scottish Language – Scottish National Dictionary.
  36. ^ "fall, faw". Dictionary of the Scottish Language – Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue.
  37. ^ "Act for a standard of miles" (16 June 1685). APS viii: 494, c.59. RPS 1685/4/83.
  38. ^ Union with England Act 1707 (c. 7), art. 17.
  39. ^ Rowlett (2018), "Irish mile".
  40. ^ a b Ordnance Survey Ireland. . Archived from the original on 28 February 2012. Retrieved 17 February 2009.
  41. ^ a b c Rowlett (2018), "mil 4".
  42. ^ Encyklopedia Wrocławia. Jan Harasimowicz, Włodzimierz Suleja (Wyd. 1 ed.). Wrocław: Wydawn. Dolnośląskie. 2000. ISBN 83-7023-749-5. OCLC 46420892.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: others (link)
  43. ^ Davies, Norman (2002). Mikrokosmos : portret miasta środkowoeuropejskiego : Vratislava, Breslau, Wrocław. Roger Moorhouse, Andrzej Pawelec (Wyd. 1 ed.). Kraków: Wydawn. Znak. ISBN 83-240-0172-7. OCLC 50928641.
  44. ^ (in German). Forschungsgruppe Kursächsische Postmeilensäulen e.V. und 1. Sächsischer Postkutschenverein e.V. Archived from the original on 5 February 2017. Retrieved 5 February 2017.
  45. ^ Rowlett (2018), "milha".
  46. ^ (in Croatian) "Centuries of Natural Science in Croatia : Theory and Application". Kartografija i putopisi.
  47. ^ Viličić, Marina; Lapaine, Miljenko (2016). "Hrvatska milja na starim kartama" [The Croatian Mile on Old Maps] (PDF). Kartografija I Geoinformacije (in Croatian and English). Zagreb: Croatian Cartographic Society. 15 (25): 4–22. Retrieved 8 July 2019.
  48. ^ Opačić, Nives (23 February 2003). "Mrvice s banskoga stola". Vijenac (in Croatian). No. 232. Zagreb: Matica hrvatska. Retrieved 8 July 2019.
  49. ^ "Schedule I, Part VI", Weights & Measures Act of 1985.
  50. ^ 1,760 yards × 0.9144 m/yard.[49]
  51. ^ Barbrow (1976), pp. 16–17, 20.
  52. ^ Bigg (1964).
  53. ^ Schedule to the .
  54. ^ Survey of India, "National Map Policy – 2005 2010-03-31 at the Wayback Machine".
  55. ^ Astin (1959).
  56. ^ Convert mile [statute] to mile [statute, US] "1 metre is equal to 0.000621371192237 mile [statute], or 0.000621369949495 mile [statute, US]. ... The U.S. statute mile (or survey mile) is defined by the survey foot. This is different from the international statute mile, which is defined as exactly 1609.344 metres. The U.S. statute mile is defined as 5,280 U.S. survey feet, which is around 1609.347219 metres."
  57. ^ File:Naypyitaw Tollbooth.jpg
  58. ^ "The Units of Measurement Regulations 1995", legislation.gov.uk, The National Archives, SI 1995/1804
  59. ^ Maximum posted speed limits 23 September 2011 at the Wayback Machine (US) IIHS. Retrieved 14 September 2011
  60. ^ Hayner, Jeff (29 November 2012). "ASAA planning 1.2-mile swim in Pago Pago harbor". Samoa News. Retrieved 18 January 2014.
  61. ^ . 29 August 2012. Archived from the original on 29 October 2013. Retrieved 18 January 2014.
  62. ^ Jerome Williams (30 August 2013). "Pawpa Brown Race results". Amandala.com.bz. Retrieved 18 January 2014.
  63. ^ "Mt. bikers compete in Anegada". Bvibeacon.com. 8 May 2013. Retrieved 18 January 2014.
  64. ^ a b . Cayman Compass. 4 June 2013. Archived from the original on 29 October 2013. Retrieved 18 January 2014.
  65. ^ . Penguin-news.com. 24 July 2013. Archived from the original on 24 September 2015. Retrieved 18 January 2014.
  66. ^ "Find the culprit!!!". Spicegrenada.com. Archived from the original on 16 September 2013. Retrieved 18 January 2014.
  67. ^ "Navy evacuates patient from cruise ship 50 miles off Guam". Pacific Daily News. 9 March 2013. Archived from the original on 16 September 2013. Retrieved 18 January 2014.
  68. ^ "... through Sept. 9, 2013"
  69. ^ "Dear Editor, I'm deeply concerned about the lack of public toilets around the coast ..."
  70. ^ . Thevoiceslu.com. 8 February 2008. Archived from the original on 29 October 2013. Retrieved 18 January 2014.
  71. ^ . Searchlight.vc. 16 December 2011. Archived from the original on 29 October 2013. Retrieved 18 January 2014.
  72. ^ Sthelenaonline.org. 7 October 2012. Archived from the original on 22 March 2014. Retrieved 18 January 2014.
  73. ^ . The St. Kitts-Nevis Observer. 28 September 2012. Archived from the original on 1 February 2013. Retrieved 18 January 2014.
  74. ^ "Provo has a new club". Suntci.com. 15 July 2009. Retrieved 18 January 2014.
  75. ^ AARON GRAY (Daily News Staff) (27 February 2012). "Butler outduels archrival to win 8 Tuff Miles". Virgin Islands Daily News. Archived from the original on 16 September 2013. Retrieved 18 January 2014.
  76. ^ Weights and Measures Act. Retrieved February 2012, Act current to 18 January 2012. Canadian units (5) The Canadian units of measurement are as set out and defined in Schedule II, and the symbols and abbreviations therefor are as added pursuant to subparagraph 6(1)(b)(ii).
  77. ^ Weights and Measures Act 16 October 2012 at the Wayback Machine
  78. ^ Transportation Safety Board of Canada 15 July 2012 at the Wayback Machine. Retrieved February 2012, Rail Report – 2010 – Report Number R10E0096. Other Factual Information (See Figure 1). 2. Assignment 602 travelled approximately 12 car lengths into track VC-64 and at a speed of 9 mph struck a stationary cut of 46 empty cars (with the air brakes applied) that had been placed in the track about 2+12 hours earlier. Canadian railways have not been metricated and therefore continue to measure trackage in miles and speed in miles per hour.
  79. ^ Hastings Racecourse Fact Book 18 April 2012 at the Wayback Machine Like Canadian railways, Canadian race tracks have not been metricated and continue to measure distance in miles, furlongs, and yards (see page 18 of the fact book).
  80. ^ "Appendix E. General Tables of Units of Measurement". Retrieved 14 January 2020. (links to a Microsoft Word document)
  81. ^ a b c d e U.S. National Geodetic Survey. "What are the 'official' conversions that are used by NGS to convert 1) metres to inches, and 2) metres to feet?". Frequently Asked Questions about the National Geodetic Survey. Retrieved 16 May 2009.
  82. ^ "NGS and NIST to Retire U.S. Survey Foot after 2022". National Geodetic Survey. 31 October 2019. Retrieved 4 March 2020.
  83. ^ "U.S. Survey Foot: Revised Unit Conversion Factors". NIST. 16 October 2019. Retrieved 4 March 2020.
  84. ^ "Federal Register :: Request Access".
  85. ^ Maloney (1978), p. 34.
  86. ^ Maloney (1978), pp. 34–35.
  87. ^ International Bureau of Weights and Measures (2006), The International System of Units (SI) (PDF) (8th ed.), p. 127, ISBN 92-822-2213-6, (PDF) from the original on 4 June 2021, retrieved 16 December 2021.
  88. ^ Rowlett (2018), "data mile".
  89. ^ Rowlett (2018), "radar mile".
  90. ^ Rowlett (2018), "meile".
  91. ^ Rowlett (2018), "mile".
  92. ^ Leopold Carl Bleibtreu: Handbuch der Münz-, Maß- und Gewichtskunde und des Wechsel-Staatspapier-, Bank- und Aktienwesens europäischer und außereuropäischer Länder und Städte. Verlag von J. Engelhorn, Stuttgart, 1863, p. 332
  93. ^ Pre-metric units of length
  94. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k Helmut Kahnt (1986), BI-Lexikon Alte Maße, Münzen und Gewichte, Leipzig: VEB Bibliographisches Institut, p. 380
  95. ^ IKAR-Altkartendatenbank[permanent dead link] der Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin, Kartenabteilung.
  96. ^ Gloger, Zygmunt (1898). Ksiega rzeczy polskich. Druk W.L. Anczyca i Sp. OL 23442814M.
  97. ^ Concise Oxford English Dictionary (5th edition; 1964). Oxford University Press.
  98. ^ John Heywood (1562). The proverbs, epigrams, and miscellanies of John Heywood ... Print. for subscribers, by the Early English Drama Society. pp. 95–. Retrieved 1 December 2011.


  • Adams, Cecil (1990), "What's the origin of miles and yards?", The Straight Dope, Chicago, retrieved 6 April 2015.
  • The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language (4 ed.), Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co., 2006 [Originally published 2001], ISBN 978-0-618-70172-8.
  • Andrews, J.H. (15 September 2003), (PDF), Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy, vol. 103C, No. 3, Dublin: Royal Irish Academy, archived from the original (PDF) on 17 February 2012, retrieved 27 October 2011.
  • Astin, A.V.; et al. (25 June 1959), Doc. 59-5442: Refinement of values for the yard and the pound (PDF), Washington, D.C.: National Bureau of Standards.
  • Barbrow, Louis E.; et al. (1976), Weights and Measures Standards of the United States—A Brief History (PDF), National Institute of Standards and Technology, doi:10.6028/NBS.SP.447.
  • Bigg, P.H.; et al. (1964), "The United Kingdom Standards of the Yard in Terms of the Metre", British Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 15, No. 3, pp. 291–300, Bibcode:1964BJAP...15..291B, doi:10.1088/0508-3443/15/3/308.
  • Burke, James (1978), Connections, Little, Brown, & Co., ISBN 0-316-11685-8.
  • Butcher, Tina, ed. (2014), "Appendix C", NIST Handbook 44: Specifications, Tolerances, and Other Technical Requirements for Weighing and Measuring Devices.
  • Chaney, Henry James (1911). "Weights and Measures" . In Chisholm, Hugh (ed.). Encyclopædia Britannica. Vol. 28 (11th ed.). Cambridge University Press. pp. 477–494.
  • Evans, I. M. (1975), "A Cartographic Evaluation of the Old English Mile", The Geographical Journal, 141 (2): 259–264, doi:10.2307/1797211, JSTOR 1797211
  • Klein, Herbert Arthur (1988) [Originally published 1974], The Science of Measurement: A Historical Survey, New York: Dover Publications (Previously published by Simon & Schuster as The World of Measurements: Masterpieces, Mysteries and Muddles of Metrology).
  • Livy (1905), Lease, Emory Bair (ed.), Ab Urbe Condita, vol. I, XXI, & XXII, New York: University Publishing.
  • Maloney, Elbert S. (1978), Dutton's Navigation and Piloting (13 ed.), Annapolis: Naval Institute Press.
  • Morden, Robert (1695), Dorsetshire, retrieved 17 August 2011.
  • "History of Length Measurement", Factsheets, Teddington: National Physical Laboratory.
  • Norgate, Martin; et al. (1998), "Morden's Hampshire 1695", Old Hampshire Mapped, Hampshire County Council, ISBN 1-85975-134-2, retrieved 17 August 2011.
  • Owen, Aneurin, ed. (1841), "The Venedotian Code", Ancient Laws and Institutes of Wales; Comprising Laws Supposed to be Enacted by Howel the Good, Modified by Subsequent Regulations under the Native Princes prior to the Conquest by Edward the First: And Anomalous Laws, Consisting Principally of Institutions which by the Statute of Ruddlan were Admitted to Continue in Force: With an English Translation of the Welsh Text, to which are Added A few Latin Transcripts, Containing Digests of the Welsh Laws, Principally of the Dimetian Code, London: Commissioners on the Public Records of the Kingdom. (in Welsh) & (in English)
  • Oxford English Dictionary, 3rd ed., Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2002.
  • Rowlett, Russ (2018), How Many? A Dictionary of Units of Measurement, Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina, retrieved 5 November 2019.
  • Shuttleworth, M., , Experiment Resources, archived from the original on 21 April 2011, retrieved 2 May 2011.
  • Smith, William, ed. (1875), Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities, London: John Murray.
  • Soren, D.; et al. (1999), "A Roman villa and a late Roman infant cemetery : excavation at Poggio Gramignano, Lugnano in Teverina", Bibliotheca Archaeologica, Rome: L'Erma di Bretschneider.
  • Thompson, Ambler; et al. (2008), Special Publication 811: Guide for the Use of the International System of Units (SI) (PDF), Gaithersburg: National Institute of Standards and Technology.
  • Zupko, Ronald Edward (1977), British weights & measures: a history from antiquity to the seventeenth century, University of Wisconsin Press, ISBN 978-0-299-07340-4, retrieved 26 November 2011.
  • Zupko, Ronald Edward (1981), Italian Weights and Measures from the Middle Ages to the Nineteenth Century, Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, ISBN 0-87169-145-0.

Further reading

  • , United States National Institute of Standards and Technology, archived from the original on 10 December 2011
  • "Tafel zur Vergleichung und Bestimmung der Wegemaasse", Naturhistorische und chemischtechnische Notizen nach den neuesten Erfahrungen zur Nutzanwendung für Gewerbe, Fabrikwesen und Landwirthschaft, Expedition der Medicinischen Centralzeitung, 1856, pp. 320–326 (Item notes: Sammlung5-6 (1856–57) Original from Harvard University Digitized 9 January 2008)
  • Smits, Jan (15 February 2013) [1996], Mathematical data for bibliographic descriptions of cartographic materials and spatial data, Personal page on website ICA Commission on Map Projections, from the original on 12 February 2014
  • Wigglesworth Clarke, Frank (1875), Weights, measures, and money, of all nations, New York, D. Appleton & Company, p. 91

mile, several, terms, redirect, here, other, uses, scandinavian, mile, nautical, mile, disambiguation, disambiguation, mile, sometimes, international, mile, statute, mile, distinguish, from, other, miles, british, imperial, unit, united, states, customary, uni. Several terms redirect here For other uses see Scandinavian mile nautical mile Mile disambiguation and Miles disambiguation The mile sometimes the international mile or statute mile to distinguish it from other miles is a British imperial unit and United States customary unit of distance both are based on the older English unit of length equal to 5 280 English feet or 1 760 yards The statute mile was standardised between the British Commonwealth and the United States by an international agreement in 1959 when it was formally redefined with respect to SI units as exactly 1 609 344 metres mileA milestone in Westminster showing the distance from Kensington Road to Hounslow and Hyde Park Corner in milesGeneral informationUnit systemBritish imperial US customaryUnit oflengthSymbolmi or mi or rarely mConversions1 mi or mi in is equal to SI units 1609 344 m imperial US units 63360 inches5280 ft1760 yd80 ch8 fur US survey mile 0 999998 survey mile nautical units 0 86898 nmiWith qualifiers mile is also used to describe or translate a wide range of units derived from or roughly equivalent to the Roman mile such as the nautical mile now 1 852 km exactly the Italian mile roughly 1 852 km and the Chinese mile now 500 m exactly The Romans divided their mile into 5 000 Roman feet but the greater importance of furlongs in Elizabethan era England meant that the statute mile was made equivalent to 8 furlongs or 5 280 feet in 1593 This form of the mile then spread across the British Empire some successor states of which continue to employ the mile The US Geological Survey now employs the metre for official purposes but legacy data from its 1927 geodetic datum has meant that a separate US survey mile 6336 3937 km continues to see some use although it was officially phased out in 2022 While most countries replaced the mile with the kilometre when switching to the International System of Units SI the international mile continues to be used in some countries such as Liberia the United Kingdom the United States and a number of countries with fewer than one million inhabitants most of which are UK or US territories or have close historical ties with the UK or US Contents 1 Name 1 1 Abbreviation 2 Historical 2 1 Roman 2 2 Italian 2 3 Arabic 2 4 English 2 4 1 Statute 2 5 Welsh 2 6 Scots 2 7 Irish 2 8 Dutch 2 9 German 2 10 Breslau 2 11 Saxon 2 12 Hungarian 2 13 Portuguese 2 14 Russian 2 15 Croatian 2 16 Ottoman 3 International 4 U S survey 5 Nautical 5 1 Related units 6 Geographical 7 Grid system 8 Metric 9 Scandinavian 10 Comparison table 11 Idioms 12 See also 13 Notes 14 References 14 1 Citations 14 2 Bibliography 15 Further readingName EditThe modern English word mile derives from Middle English myle and Old English mil which was cognate with all other Germanic terms for miles These derived from the nominal ellipsis form of mille passus mile or milia passuum miles the Roman mile of one thousand paces 1 The present international mile is usually what is understood by the unqualified term mile When this distance needs to be distinguished from the nautical mile the international mile may also be described as a land mile or statute mile 2 In British English statute mile may refer to the present international mile or to any other form of English mile since the 1593 Act of Parliament which set it as a distance of 1 760 yards Under American law however statute mile refers to the US survey mile 3 Foreign and historical units translated into English as miles usually employ a qualifier to describe the kind of mile being used but this may be omitted if it is obvious from the context such as a discussion of the 2nd century Antonine Itinerary describing its distances in terms of miles rather than Roman miles Abbreviation Edit The mile has been variously abbreviated in English with and without a trailing period as mi M ml and m 4 The American National Institute of Standards and Technology now uses and recommends mi to avoid confusion with the SI metre m and millilitre ml 5 However derived units such as miles per hour or miles per gallon continue to be abbreviated as mph and mpg rather than mi h and mi gal In the United Kingdom road signs use m as the abbreviation for mile though height and width restrictions also use m as the symbol for the metre which may be displayed alongside feet and inches 6 The BBC style holds that there is no acceptable abbreviation for miles and so it should be spelled out when used in describing areas 7 Historical Edit The remains of the Golden Milestone the zero mile marker of the Roman road network in the Roman Forum Roman Edit The Roman mile mille passus lit thousand paces abbr m p also milia passuum n 1 and mille consisted of a thousand paces as measured by every other step as in the total distance of the left foot hitting the ground 1 000 times The ancient Romans marching their armies through uncharted territory would often push a carved stick in the ground after each 1 000 paces citation needed Well fed and harshly driven Roman legionaries in good weather thus created longer miles The distance was indirectly standardised by Agrippa s establishment of a standard Roman foot Agrippa s own in 29 BC 9 and the definition of a pace as 5 feet An Imperial Roman mile thus denoted 5 000 Roman feet Surveyors and specialised equipment such as the decempeda and dioptra then spread its use 10 In modern times Agrippa s Imperial Roman mile was empirically estimated to have been about 1 618 yards 1 480 m in length slightly less than the 1 760 yards 1 610 m of the modern international mile 11 In Hellenic areas of the Empire the Roman mile Greek milion milion was used beside the native Greek units as equivalent to 8 stadia of 600 Greek feet The milion continued to be used as a Byzantine unit and was also used as the name of the zero mile marker for the Byzantine Empire the Milion located at the head of the Mese near Hagia Sophia The Roman mile also spread throughout Europe with its local variations giving rise to the different units below citation needed Also arising from the Roman mile is the milestone All roads radiated out from the Roman Forum throughout the Empire 50 000 Roman miles of stone paved roads At every mile was placed a shaped stone Originally these were obelisks made from granite marble or whatever local stone was available On these was carved a Roman numeral indicating the number of miles from the centre of Rome the Forum Hence one always knew how far one was from Rome 12 Italian Edit The Italian mile miglio pl miglia was traditionally considered a direct continuation of the Roman mile equal to 1000 paces 13 although its actual value over time or between regions could vary greatly 14 It was often used in international contexts from the Middle Ages into the 17th century 13 and is thus also known as the geographical mile 15 although the geographical mile is now a separate standard unit Arabic Edit Main article Arabic mile The Arabic mile الميل al mil was not the common Arabic unit of length instead Arabs and Persians traditionally used the longer parasang or Arabic league The Arabic mile was however used by medieval geographers and scientists and constituted a kind of precursor to the nautical or geographical mile It extended the Roman mile to fit an astronomical approximation of 1 arcminute of latitude measured directly north and south along a meridian Although the precise value of the approximation remains disputed it was somewhere between 1 8 and 2 0 km English Edit See also yard The old English mile of the medieval and early modern periods varied but seems to have measured about 1 3 international miles 2 1 km 16 17 The old English mile varied over time and location within England 17 The old English mile has also been defined as 79 200 or 79 320 inches 1 25 or 1 2519 statute miles 18 The English long continued the Roman computations of the mile as 5000 feet 1000 paces or 8 longer divisions which they equated with their furrow s length or furlong 19 The origins of English units are extremely vague and uncertain 20 citation needed but seem to have been a combination of the Roman system with native British and Germanic systems both derived from multiples of the barleycorn n 2 Probably by the reign of Edgar in the 10th century the nominal prototype physical standard of English length was an arm length iron bar a yardstick held by the king at Winchester 21 23 the foot was then one third of its length Henry I was said to have made a new standard in 1101 based on his own arm 20 Following the issuance of Magna Carta the barons of Parliament directed John and his son to keep the king s standard measure Mensura Domini Regis and weight at the Exchequer 20 which thereafter verified local standards until its abolition in the 19th century New brass standards are known to have been constructed under Henry VII and Elizabeth I 24 Arnold s c 1500 Customs of London recorded a mile shorter than previous ones coming to 0 947 international miles 5000 feet or 1 524 km 19 Statute Edit Statute mile redirects here For the current statute mile in the United Kingdom see International For the statute mile in the United States see U S survey The English statute mile was established by a Weights and Measures Act of Parliament in 1593 during the reign of Queen Elizabeth I The act on the Composition of Yards and Perches had shortened the length of the foot and its associated measures causing the two methods of determining the mile to diverge 25 Owing to the importance of the surveyor s rod in deeds and surveying undertaken under Henry VIII 26 decreasing the length of the rod by 1 11 would have amounted to a significant tax increase Parliament instead opted to maintain the mile of 8 furlongs which were derived from the rod and to increase the number of feet per mile from the old Roman value 27 The applicable passage of the statute reads A Mile shall contain eight Furlongs every Furlong forty Poles n 3 and every Pole shall contain sixteen Foot and an half 29 The statute mile therefore contained 5 280 feet or 1 760 yards 19 The distance was not uniformly adopted Robert Morden had multiple scales on his 17th century maps which included continuing local values his map of Hampshire for example bore two different miles with a ratio of 1 1 23 30 and his map of Dorset had three scales with a ratio of 1 1 23 1 41 31 In both cases the traditional local units remained longer than the statute mile The English statute mile was superseded in 1959 by the international mile by international agreement Welsh Edit The Welsh mile milltir or milldir was 3 miles and 1 470 yards long 6 17 km It comprised 9 000 paces cam each of 3 Welsh feet troedfedd of 9 inches modfeddi 32 The Welsh inch is usually reckoned as equivalent to the English inch Along with other Welsh units it was said to have been codified under Dyfnwal the Bald and Silent and retained unchanged by Hywel the Good 33 Along with other Welsh units it was discontinued following the conquest of Wales by the English under Edward I in the 13th century Scots Edit Edinburgh s Royal Mile running from the castle to Holyrood Abbey is roughly a Scots mile long 34 The Scots mile was longer than the English mile 35 as mentioned by Robert Burns in the first verse of his poem Tam o Shanter It comprised 8 Scots furlongs divided into 320 falls or faws Scots rods 36 It varied from place to place but the most accepted equivalencies are 1 976 Imperial yards 1 123 statute miles or 1 81 km It was legally abolished three times first by a 1685 act of the Scottish Parliament 37 again by the 1707 Treaty of Union with England 38 and finally by the Weights and Measures Act 1824 35 It had continued in use as a customary unit through the 18th century but had become obsolete by its final abolition Irish Edit Main article Irish mile Milestone on Mountbellew Bridge erected c 1760 Distances are given in Irish miles The Irish mile mile or mile Gaelach measured 2 240 yards approximately 1 27 statute miles or 2 048 kilometres 39 40 It was used in Ireland from the 16th century plantations until the 19th century with residual use into the 20th century The units were based on English measure but used a linear perch measuring 7 yards 6 4 m as opposed to the English rod of 5 5 yards 5 0 m 40 Dutch Edit Scalebar on a 16th century map made by Mercator The scalebar is expressed in Hours walking or common Flemish miles and includes three actual scales small medium and big Flemish miles The Dutch mile mijl has had different definitions throughout history One of the older definitions was 5 600 ells But the length of an ell was not standardised so that the length of a mile could range between 3 280 m and 4 280 m The Dutch mile also has had historical definitions of one hour s walking uur gaans which meant around 5 km or 20 000 Amsterdam or Rhineland feet respectively 5 660 m or 6 280 m Besides the common Dutch mile there is also the geographical mile 15 geographical Dutch miles equal one degree of longitude on the equator Its value changed as the circumference of the earth was estimated to a better precision But at the time of usage it was around 7 157 m The metric system was introduced in the Netherlands in 1816 and the metric mile became a synonym for the kilometre being exactly 1 000 m Since 1870 the term mijl was replaced by the equivalent kilometer Today the word mijl is no longer used except as part of certain proverbs and compound terms like mijlenver miles away German Edit Various historic miles and leagues from an 1848 German textbook given in feet metres and fractions of a degree of meridian The German mile Meile was 24 000 German feet The standardised Austrian mile used in southern Germany and the Austrian Empire was 7 586 km the Prussian mile used in northern Germany was 7 5325 km Following its standardisation by Ole Romer in the late 17th century the Danish mile mil was precisely equal to the Prussian mile and likewise divided into 24 000 feet 41 These were sometimes treated as equivalent to 7 5 km Earlier values had varied the Sjaellandske miil for instance had been 11 13 km The Germans also used a longer version of the geographical mile Breslau Edit The Breslau mile used in Breslau and from 1630 officially in all of Silesia equal to 11 250 ells or about 6 700 meters The mile equaled the distance from the Piaskowa Gate all the way to Psie Pole Hundsfeld By rolling a circle with a radius of 5 ells through Piaskowa Island Ostrow Tumski and suburban tracts passing eight bridges on the way the standard Breslau mile was determined 42 43 Saxon Edit The Saxon post mile kursachsische Postmeile or Polizeimeile introduced on occasion of a survey of the Saxon roads in the 1700s corresponded to 2 000 Dresden rods equivalent to 9 062 kilometres 44 Hungarian Edit The Hungarian mile merfold or magyar merfold varied from 8 3790 km to 8 9374 km before being standardised as 8 3536 km Portuguese Edit The Portuguese mile milha used in Portugal and Brazil was 2 0873 km prior to metrication 45 Russian Edit The Russian mile milya or russkaya milya russkaya milya was 7 468 km divided into 7 versts Croatian Edit The Croatian mile hrvatska milja first devised by the Jesuit Stjepan Glavac on a 1673 map is the length of an arc of the equator subtended by 1 10 or 11 13 km exactly 46 47 The previous Croatian mile now known as the ban mile banska milja had been the Austrian mile given above 48 Ottoman Edit The Ottoman mile was 1 894 35 m 1 17709 mi which was equal to 5 000 Ottoman foot After 1933 the Ottoman mile was replaced with the modern Turkish mile 1 853 181 m International EditThe international mile is precisely equal to 1 609344 km or 25146 15625 km as a fraction 50 It was established as part of the 1959 international yard and pound agreement reached by the United States the United Kingdom Canada Australia New Zealand and the Union of South Africa 51 which resolved small but measurable differences that had arisen from separate physical standards each country had maintained for the yard 52 As with the earlier statute mile it continues to comprise 1 760 yards or 5 280 feet The old Imperial value of the yard was used in converting measurements to metric values in India in a 1976 Act of the Indian Parliament 53 However the current National Topographic Database of the Survey of India is based on the metric WGS 84 datum 54 which is also used by the Global Positioning System The difference from the previous standards was 2 ppm or about 3 2 millimetres 1 8 inch per mile The U S standard was slightly longer and the old Imperial standards had been slightly shorter than the international mile When the international mile was introduced in English speaking countries the basic geodetic datum in America was the North American Datum of 1927 NAD27 This had been constructed by triangulation based on the definition of the foot in the Mendenhall Order of 1893 with 1 foot 1200 3937 0 304800609601 metres and the definition was retained for data derived from NAD27 but renamed the U S survey foot to distinguish it from the international foot 55 n 4 Thus a survey mile 1200 3937 5280 1609 347218694 metres An international mile 1609 344 1200 3937 5280 0 999998 survey miles The exact length of the land mile varied slightly among English speaking countries until the international yard and pound agreement in 1959 established the yard as exactly 0 9144 metres giving a mile of exactly 1 609 344 metres The U S adopted this international mile for most purposes but retained the pre 1959 mile for some land survey data terming it the U S survey mile In the United States statute mile normally refers to the survey mile 56 about 3 219 mm 1 8 inch longer than the international mile the international mile is exactly 0 0002 less than the U S survey mile While most countries abandoned the mile when switching to the metric system the international mile continues to be used in some countries such as Liberia Myanmar 57 the United Kingdom 58 and the United States 59 It is also used in a number of territories with less than a million inhabitants most of which are U K or U S territories or have close historical ties with the U K or U S American Samoa 60 Bahamas 61 Belize 62 British Virgin Islands 63 Cayman Islands 64 Dominica 64 Falkland Islands 65 Grenada 66 Guam 67 The N Mariana Islands 68 Samoa 69 St Lucia 70 St Vincent amp The Grenadines 71 St Helena 72 St Kitts amp Nevis 73 the Turks amp Caicos Islands 74 and the U S Virgin Islands 75 The mile is even encountered in Canada though this is predominantly in rail transport and horse racing as the roadways have been metricated since 1977 76 77 78 79 The Republic of Ireland gradually replaced miles with kilometres including in speed measurements the process was completed in 2005 U S survey EditFor the detailed calculations of international miles to survey miles and feet above see International The U S survey mile is 5 280 U S survey feet or 1 609 347 metres and 0 30480061 metres respectively 80 Both are very slightly longer than the international mile and international foot In the United States the term statute mile formally refers to the survey mile 3 but for most purposes the difference of less than 1 8 inch 3 2 mm between the survey mile and the international mile 1609 344 metres exactly is insignificant one international mile is 0 999998 U S survey miles so statute mile can be used for either But in some cases such as in the U S State Plane Coordinate Systems SPCSs which can stretch over hundreds of miles 81 the accumulated difference can be significant so it is important to note that the reference is to the U S survey mile The United States redefined its yard in 1893 and this resulted in U S and Imperial measures of distance having very slightly different lengths The North American Datum of 1983 NAD83 which replaced the NAD27 is defined in metres State Plane Coordinate Systems were then updated but the National Geodetic Survey left individual states to decide which if any definition of the foot they would use All State Plane Coordinate Systems are defined in metres and 42 of the 50 states only use the metre based State Plane Coordinate Systems However eight states also have State Plane Coordinate Systems defined in feet seven of them in U S survey feet and one in international feet 81 State legislation in the U S is important for determining which conversion factor from the metric datum is to be used for land surveying and real estate transactions even though the difference 2 ppm is hardly significant given the precision of normal surveying measurements over short distances usually much less than a mile Twenty four states have legislated that surveying measures be based on the U S survey foot eight have legislated that they be based on the international foot and eighteen have not specified which conversion factor to use 81 SPCS 83 legislation refers to state legislation that has been passed or updated using the newer 1983 NAD data Most states have done so Two states AK MO and two jurisdictions GU PR do not specify which foot to use 81 Additionally two states AL HI and four jurisdictions DC VI AS MP do not have SPCS 83 legislation 81 In October 2019 U S National Geodetic Survey and National Institute of Standards and Technology announced their joint intent to retire the U S survey foot and U S survey mile as permitted by their 1959 decision with effect on January 1 2023 82 83 84 Nautical Edit On the utility of the nautical mile Each circle shown is a great circle the analogue of a line in spherical trigonometry and hence the shortest path connecting two points on the globular surface Meridians are great circles that pass through the poles Main article Nautical mile The nautical mile was originally defined as one minute of arc along a meridian of the Earth 85 Navigators use dividers to step off the distance between two points on the navigational chart then place the open dividers against the minutes of latitude scale at the edge of the chart and read off the distance in nautical miles 86 The Earth is not perfectly spherical but an oblate spheroid so the length of a minute of latitude increases by 1 from the equator to the poles Using the WGS84 ellipsoid the commonly accepted Earth model for many purposes today one minute of latitude at the WGS84 equator is 6 046 feet and at the poles is 6 107 5 feet The average is about 6 076 feet about 1 852 metres or 1 15 statute miles In the United States the nautical mile was defined in the 19th century as 6 080 2 feet 1 853 249 m whereas in the United Kingdom the Admiralty nautical mile was defined as 6 080 feet 1 853 184 m and was about one minute of latitude in the latitudes of the south of the UK Other nations had different definitions of the nautical mile but it is now internationally defined to be exactly 1 852 metres 6 076 11548556 feet 87 Related units Edit The nautical mile per hour is known as the knot Nautical miles and knots are almost universally used for aeronautical and maritime navigation because of their relationship with degrees and minutes of latitude and the convenience of using the latitude scale on a map for distance measuring The data mile is used in radar related subjects and is equal to 6 000 feet 1 8288 kilometres 88 The radar mile is a unit of time in the same way that the light year is a unit of distance equal to the time required for a radar pulse to travel a distance of two miles one mile each way Thus the radar statute mile is 10 8 ms and the radar nautical mile is 12 4 ms 89 Geographical EditMain article Geographical mile The geographical mile is based upon the length of a meridian of latitude The German geographical mile geographische Meile was previously 1 15 of latitude 7 4127 km 90 Grid system EditCities in the continental United States often have streets laid out by miles Detroit Indianapolis Chicago Phoenix Philadelphia Las Vegas Los Angeles and Miami are several examples Typically the largest streets are about a mile apart with others at smaller intervals In the Manhattan borough of New York City streets are close to 20 per mile while the major numbered avenues are about six per mile Centerline to centerline 42nd Street to 22nd Street is supposed to be 5 250 feet while 42nd Street to 62nd Street is supposed to be clarification needed 5 276 ft 8 in citation needed Metric EditThis section does not cite any sources Please help improve this section by adding citations to reliable sources Unsourced material may be challenged and removed April 2020 Learn how and when to remove this template message Main article Metric mile The informal term metric mile is used in some countries in sports such as track and field athletics and speed skating to denote a distance of 1 500 metres 0 932 miles The 1500 meters is the premier middle distance running event in Olympic sports In United States high school competition the term is sometimes used for a race of 1 600 metres 0 994 miles 91 Scandinavian EditMain article Scandinavian mile The Scandinavian mile mil remains in common use in Norway and Sweden where it has meant precisely 10 km since metrication in 1889 41 It is used in informal situations and in measurements of fuel consumption which are often given as litres per mil In formal situations such as official road signs and where confusion may occur with international miles it is avoided in favour of kilometres The Swedish mile was standardised as 36 000 Swedish feet or 10 6884 km in 1649 before that it varied by province from about 6 to 14 485 km 41 Before metrication the Norwegian mile was 11 298 km The traditional Finnish peninkulma was translated as mil in Swedish and also set equal to 10 km during metrication in 1887 but is much less commonly used Comparison table EditA comparison of the different lengths for a mile in different countries and at different times in history is given in the table below Leagues are also included in this list because in terms of length they fall in between the short West European miles and the long North Central and Eastern European miles Length m Name Country used From To Definition Remarks0 500 lǐ mainland China 1984 today 1 500 chi in Chinese this unit and the imperial mile are written using the same word 里 with a qualifier to distinguish between systems if needed0 960 1 152 Talmudic mil Land of Israel Canaan Biblical and Talmudic units of measurement0 1 480 mille passus milliarium Roman Empire Ancient Roman units of measurement0 1 486 6 miglio 92 Sicily0 1 524 London mile England0 1 609 3426 statute mile Great Britain 1592 1959 1 760 yards Over the course of time the length of a yard changed several times and consequently so did the English and from 1824 the imperial mile The statute mile was introduced in 1592 during the reign of Queen Elizabeth I0 1 609 344 mile some Anglophone countries 1959 today 1 760 yards On 1 July 1959 the imperial mile was standardized to an exact length in metres0 1 609 3472 statute mile United States 1893 today 1 760 yards From 1959 also called the U S Survey Mile From then its only utility has been land survey before it was the standard mile From 1893 its exact length in metres was 3600 3937 17600 1 820 Italy0 1 852 nautical mile international today approx 1 minute of arc Measured at a circumference of 40 000 km Abbreviation NM nm0 1 852 3 for comparison 1 meridian minute0 1 853 181 nautical mile Turkey0 1 855 4 for comparison 1 equatorial minute Although the NM was defined on the basis of the minute it varies from the equatorial minute because at that time the circumference of the equator could only be estimated at 40 000 km 0 2 065 Portugal0 2 220 Gallo Roman league Gallo Roman culture 1 5 miles Under the reign of Emperor Septimius Severus this replaced the Roman mile as the official unit of distance in the Gallic and Germanic provinces although there were regional and temporal variations 93 0 2 470 Sardinia Piemont0 2 622 Scotland0 2 880 Ireland0 3 780 Flanders0 3 898 French lieue post league France 2 000 body lengths 0 3 927 Ri Japan 12 960 shaku0 4 000 general or metric league0 4 000 legue Guatemala0 4 190 legue Mexico 94 2 500 tresas 5 000 varas0 4 444 8 landleuge 1 25 of a circle of longitude0 4 452 2 lieue commune France Units of measurement in France before the French Revolution0 4 513 legue Paraguay0 4 513 legua Chile 94 Guatemala Haiti 36 cuadros 5 400 varas0 4 808 Switzerland0 4 828 English land league England 3 miles0 4 8000 4 900 Germanic rasta also doppelleuge double league 0 5 000 legua nova Portugal 94 0 5 196 legua Bolivia 94 40 ladres0 5 152 legua Argentina Argentina Buenos Aires 94 6 000 varas0 5 154 legue Uruguay0 5 200 Bolivian legua Bolivia0 5 370 legue Venezuela0 5 500 Portuguese legua Portugal0 5 510 legue Ecuador0 5 510 Ecuadorian legua Ecuador0 5 532 5 Landleuge state league Prussia Obsolete German units of measurement0 5 540 legue Honduras0 5 556 Seeleuge nautical league 1 20 of a circle of longitude 3 nautical miles0 5 570 legua Spain and Chile Spanish customary units0 5 572 legua Colombia 94 3 Millas0 5 572 7 legue Peru 94 20 000 feet0 5 572 7 legua Antiguaold league Spain 94 3 millas 15 000 feet0 5 590 legua Brazil 94 5 000 varas 2 500 bracas0 5 600 Brazilian legua Brazil0 5 685 Fersah Turkish league Ottoman Empire 1933 4 Turkish miles Derived from Persian Parasang 0 5 840 95 Dutch mile Holland0 6 170 milltir Wales 13thC 9 000 camau 27 000 troedfeddi 243 000 inches Eclipsed by the conquest of Wales by Edward I0 6 197 legua antiga Portugal 94 3 milhas 24 estadios0 6 240 Persian legue Persia0 6 277 Luxembourg0 6 280 Belgium0 6 687 24 legua nuevanew league since 1766 Spain 94 8 000 varas0 6 700 Breslau mile Silesia 1630 1872 Also known as Mila wroclawska in Polish0 6 797 Landvermessermeile state survey mile Saxony Obsolete German units of measurement0 7 400 Netherlands0 7 409 for comparison 4 meridian minutes0 7 419 2 Kingdom of Hanover Obsolete German units of measurement0 7 419 4 Duchy of Brunswick Obsolete German units of measurement0 7 420 40 7 414 9 Bavaria Obsolete German units of measurement0 7 420 439 geographic mile 1 15 equatorial grads dubious discuss 0 7 421 6 for comparison 4 equatorial minutes0 7 448 7 Wurttemberg Obsolete German units of measurement0 7 450 Hohenzollern Obsolete German units of measurement0 7 467 6 Russia 7 verst Obsolete Russian units of measurement0 7 480 Bohemia0 7 500 kleine neue Postmeile small new postal mile Saxony 1840 German Empire North German Confederation Grand Duchy of Hesse Russia Obsolete German units of measurement 0 7 532 5 Land es meile German state mile Denmark Hamburg Prussia Primarily for Denmark defined by Ole Romer Obsolete German units of measurement 0 7 585 9 Postmeile post mile Austro Hungary Austrian units of measurement0 7 850 Milă Romania0 8 534 31 Mila Poland 1819 7146 meters before 1819 also equaled 7 verst 96 0 8 800 Schleswig Holstein Obsolete German units of measurement0 8 888 89 Baden Obsolete German units of measurement0 9 062 mittlere Post Polizeimeile middle post mile or police mile Saxony 1722 Obsolete German units of measurement0 9 206 3 Electorate of Hesse Obsolete German units of measurement0 9 261 4 for comparison 5 meridian minutes0 9 277 for comparison 5 equatorial minutes0 9 323 alte Landmeile old state mile Hanover 1836 Obsolete German units of measurement0 9 347 alte Landmeile old state mile Hanover 1836 Obsolete German units of measurement0 9 869 6 Oldenburg10 000 metric mile Scandinavian mile Norway Sweden today still commonly used today e g for road distances equates to the myriametre10 044 grosse Meile great mile Westphalia Obsolete German units of measurement10 670 Finland10 688 54 mil Sweden 1889 In normal speech mil means a Scandinavian mile of 10 km 11 113 7 for comparison 6 meridian minutes11 132 4 for comparison 6 equatorial minutes11 299 mil Norway was equivalent to 3000 Rhenish rods Similar units 1 066 8 m verst see also Obsolete Russian units of measurementIdioms EditEven in English speaking countries that have moved from the Imperial to the metric system for example Australia Canada or New Zealand the mile is still used in a variety of idioms These include A country mile is used colloquially to denote a very long distance A miss is as good as a mile failure by a narrow margin is no better than any other failure Give him an inch and he ll take a mile a corruption of Give him an inch and he ll take an ell 97 98 the person in question will become greedy if shown generosity Missed by a mile missed by a wide margin Go a mile a minute move very quickly Talk a mile a minute speak at a rapid rate To go the extra mile to put in extra effort Miles away lost in thought or daydreaming Milestone an event indicating significant progress See also Edit Science portalBiblical mile Chinese mile 里 Data mile Food miles Four minute mile Geographical mile Medieval weights and measures Mile run Scandinavian mile Section linesNotes Edit A partitive genitive construction literally meaning one thousand of paces 8 The c 1300 Composition of Yards and Perches a statute of uncertain date usually reckoned as an enactment of Edward I 21 or II 20 notionally continued to derive English units from three barleycorns dry and round to the inch 21 and this statute remained in force until the 1824 Weights and Measures Act establishing the Imperial system In practice official measures were verified using the standards at the Exchequer or simply ignored 22 Pole being another name for the rod When reading the document it helps to bear in mind that 999 998 3 937 254 References EditCitations Edit OED 2002 mile n 1 AHD 2006 mile 1 a b Thompson 2008 B 6 Weintrit Adam 24 October 2019 History of the Nautical Mile Logistyka Archived from the original on 1 March 2018 Retrieved 24 October 2019 Butcher 2014 p C 16 Road traffic The traffic signs regulations and general directions 2015 PDF Government of the United Kingdom Numbers Archived 27 July 2018 at the Wayback Machine BBC Lease 1905 p 211 Soren 1999 p 184 Shuttleworth Smith 1875 p 762 Lesley Adkins Roy A Adkins Both Professional Archaeologists Roy A Adkins 14 May 2014 Handbook to Life in Ancient Rome Infobase Publishing pp 199 ISBN 978 0 8160 7482 2 a b 1 Zupko 1981 Miglio 2 Andrews 2003 p 70 a b Evans 1975 p 259 Chaney 1911 p 484 a b c Klein 1988 p 69 a b c d Chisholm 1864 p 8 sfnp error no target CITEREFChisholm1864 help a b c NPL Chisholm 1864 p 37 sfnp error no target CITEREFChisholm1864 help Chisolm 1864 p 8 sfnp error no target CITEREFChisolm1864 help Chisholm 1864 p 4 sfnp error no target CITEREFChisholm1864 help Zupko 1977 pp 10 11 20 21 Burke 1978 Ch 9 Adams 1990 Statutes at large from the first year of King Edward the fourth to the end of the reign of Queen Elizabeth Vol II 1763 p 676 Retrieved 29 November 2011 Act 35 Eliz I cap 6 s 8 28 Norgate 1998 Morden 1695 Owen 1841 Book II Ch XVII 5 Owen 1841 Book II Ch XVII 2 Edinburgh 2000 visitors guide Collins 1999 p 31 ISBN 978 0 004 49017 5 a b mile Dictionary of the Scottish Language Scottish National Dictionary fall faw Dictionary of the Scottish Language Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue Act for a standard of miles 16 June 1685 APS viii 494 c 59 RPS 1685 4 83 Union with England Act 1707 c 7 art 17 Rowlett 2018 Irish mile a b Ordnance Survey Ireland Frequently Asked Questions Archived from the original on 28 February 2012 Retrieved 17 February 2009 a b c Rowlett 2018 mil 4 Encyklopedia Wroclawia Jan Harasimowicz Wlodzimierz Suleja Wyd 1 ed Wroclaw Wydawn Dolnoslaskie 2000 ISBN 83 7023 749 5 OCLC 46420892 a href Template Cite book html title Template Cite book cite book a CS1 maint others link Davies Norman 2002 Mikrokosmos portret miasta srodkowoeuropejskiego Vratislava Breslau Wroclaw Roger Moorhouse Andrzej Pawelec Wyd 1 ed Krakow Wydawn Znak ISBN 83 240 0172 7 OCLC 50928641 Historie der Postsaulen in German Forschungsgruppe Kursachsische Postmeilensaulen e V und 1 Sachsischer Postkutschenverein e V Archived from the original on 5 February 2017 Retrieved 5 February 2017 Rowlett 2018 milha in Croatian Centuries of Natural Science in Croatia Theory and Application Kartografija i putopisi Vilicic Marina Lapaine Miljenko 2016 Hrvatska milja na starim kartama The Croatian Mile on Old Maps PDF Kartografija I Geoinformacije in Croatian and English Zagreb Croatian Cartographic Society 15 25 4 22 Retrieved 8 July 2019 Opacic Nives 23 February 2003 Mrvice s banskoga stola Vijenac in Croatian No 232 Zagreb Matica hrvatska Retrieved 8 July 2019 Schedule I Part VI Weights amp Measures Act of 1985 1 760 yards 0 9144 m yard 49 Barbrow 1976 pp 16 17 20 Bigg 1964 Schedule to the Standards of Weights and Measures Act 1976 Survey of India National Map Policy 2005 Archived 2010 03 31 at the Wayback Machine Astin 1959 Convert mile statute to mile statute US 1 metre is equal to 0 000621 371 192 237 mile statute or 0 000621 369 949 495 mile statute US The U S statute mile or survey mile is defined by the survey foot This is different from the international statute mile which is defined as exactly 1609 344 metres The U S statute mile is defined as 5 280 U S survey feet which is around 1609 347219 metres File Naypyitaw Tollbooth jpg The Units of Measurement Regulations 1995 legislation gov uk The National Archives SI 1995 1804 Maximum posted speed limits Archived 23 September 2011 at the Wayback Machine US IIHS Retrieved 14 September 2011 Hayner Jeff 29 November 2012 ASAA planning 1 2 mile swim in Pago Pago harbor Samoa News Retrieved 18 January 2014 The Nassau Guardian 29 August 2012 Archived from the original on 29 October 2013 Retrieved 18 January 2014 Jerome Williams 30 August 2013 Pawpa Brown Race results Amandala com bz Retrieved 18 January 2014 Mt bikers compete in Anegada Bvibeacon com 8 May 2013 Retrieved 18 January 2014 a b Paddling 300 miles for NCVO Cayman Compass 4 June 2013 Archived from the original on 29 October 2013 Retrieved 18 January 2014 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Figure 1 2 Assignment 602 travelled approximately 12 car lengths into track VC 64 and at a speed of 9 mph struck a stationary cut of 46 empty cars with the air brakes applied that had been placed in the track about 2 1 2 hours earlier Canadian railways have not been metricated and therefore continue to measure trackage in miles and speed in miles per hour Hastings Racecourse Fact Book Archived 18 April 2012 at the Wayback Machine Like Canadian railways Canadian race tracks have not been metricated and continue to measure distance in miles furlongs and yards see page 18 of the fact book Appendix E General Tables of Units of Measurement Retrieved 14 January 2020 links to a Microsoft Word document a b c d e U S National Geodetic Survey What are the official conversions that are used by NGS to convert 1 metres to inches and 2 metres to feet Frequently Asked Questions about the National Geodetic Survey Retrieved 16 May 2009 NGS and NIST to Retire U S Survey Foot after 2022 National Geodetic 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Dimetian Code London Commissioners on the Public Records of the Kingdom in Welsh amp in English Oxford English Dictionary 3rd ed Oxford Oxford University Press 2002 Rowlett Russ 2018 How Many A Dictionary of Units of Measurement Chapel Hill University of North Carolina retrieved 5 November 2019 Shuttleworth M Building Roman roads Experiment Resources archived from the original on 21 April 2011 retrieved 2 May 2011 Smith William ed 1875 Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities London John Murray Soren D et al 1999 A Roman villa and a late Roman infant cemetery excavation at Poggio Gramignano Lugnano in Teverina Bibliotheca Archaeologica Rome L Erma di Bretschneider Thompson Ambler et al 2008 Special Publication 811 Guide for the Use of the International System of Units SI PDF Gaithersburg National Institute of Standards and Technology Zupko Ronald Edward 1977 British weights amp measures a history from antiquity to the seventeenth century University of Wisconsin Press ISBN 978 0 299 07340 4 retrieved 26 November 2011 Zupko Ronald Edward 1981 Italian Weights and Measures from the Middle Ages to the Nineteenth Century Philadelphia American Philosophical Society ISBN 0 87169 145 0 Further reading EditNIST General Tables of Units of Measurement United States National Institute of Standards and Technology archived from the original on 10 December 2011 Tafel zur Vergleichung und Bestimmung der Wegemaasse Naturhistorische und chemischtechnische Notizen nach den neuesten Erfahrungen zur Nutzanwendung fur Gewerbe Fabrikwesen und Landwirthschaft Expedition der Medicinischen Centralzeitung 1856 pp 320 326 Item notes Sammlung5 6 1856 57 Original from Harvard University Digitized 9 January 2008 Smits Jan 15 February 2013 1996 Mathematical data for bibliographic descriptions of cartographic materials and spatial data Personal page on website ICA Commission on Map Projections archived from the original on 12 February 2014 Wigglesworth Clarke Frank 1875 Weights measures and money of all nations New York D Appleton amp Company p 91 Retrieved from https en wikipedia org w index php title Mile amp oldid 1137650376 U S survey mile, wikipedia, wiki, book, books, library,


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