
Yakut scripts

There are 4 stages in the history of Yakut writing systems:

  • until the early 1920s – writing based on the Cyrillic alphabet;
  • 1917–1929 – Novgorodov's writing system, which is based on the Latin alphabet;
  • 1929–1939 – a unified alphabet on the Latin basis;
  • since 1939 – writing based on the Cyrillic alphabet.
A fragment of suruk bicik

Early Cyrillic edit

At the end of the XVII century records of Yakut words were made, and in the 19th century. A number of Cyrillic alphabets emerged. So, in the second edition of the book by Nicolaes Witsen’s “Noord en Oost Tartarye” (Northern and Eastern Tataria), with a translation of the prayer “Our Father” into the Yakut language and some of the Yakut vocabulary, written in an approximate transcription in Latin, was published in 1705.

The first real Yakut alphabet appeared in 1819 along with the translation of the "" (Abridged Catechism) published in Irkutsk. According to experts, "it was, on the whole, a primitive adaptation of the Russian alphabet for printing the Yakut text, which did not take into account the specifics of the Yakut language."[1]

von Böhtlingk's 1851 alphabet

Almost half a century later, a new Yakut alphabet developed by academician Otto von Böhtlingk and published in his famous work "Über die Sprache der Jakuten" appeared, in which all phonemes received their designation in 29 letters: А а, Ӓ ӓ, О о, Ӧ ӧ, І і, Ы ы, У у, Ӱ ӱ, К к, Х х, Г г, Ҕ ҕ, Ҥ ҥ, Т т, Д д, Н н, Ч ч, Џ џ, Н' н', П п, Б б, М м, Ј ј, Ɉ ɉ, Р р, Л л, L l, С с, Һ һ.

The scientist arranged the letters (mostly Russian) as in Sanskrit, i.e. vowels come first, then consonants, from guttural to aspirated. Consonant length is indicated by letter doubling, diphthongs by vowel combinations, and long vowels are indicated by a bar above the letter. Despite certain shortcomings, some socio-political literature, samples of folklore texts, etc. were published in this alphabet.

In 1858, D. V. Khitrov compiled a new alphabet of 29 letters: А а, Б б, Г г, Д д, Ԫ ԫ, Е е, Ё ё, И и, І і, Й й, К к, Л л, М м, Н н, Ҥ ҥ, О о, П п, Р р, С с, Т т, У у, Х х, Ч ч, Ы ы, Э э, Ю ю, Я я, ъ, ь. Vowel length was indicated by a macron over the letter.

However, the principle of "one sound – one letter" was not observed, and the same phoneme was indicated by several letters. Despite the imperfections of the alphabet, it was he who came to the taste of the ministers of the church, they used it for printing liturgical literature and teaching children in the seminary.

According to the Yakut linguist S. A. Novgorodov, the main drawback of the Bötlingk alphabet was an overabundance of superscript characters, which led to difficulties in writing and typographic typing. Khitrov's alphabet was poorly adapted to the phonetics of the Yakut language and "was adapted to the Russian reader".[2]

Novgorodov's Alphabet edit

Novgorodov's alphabet from the primer of 1929

In 1917, a Yakut student at Petrograd University, S. A. Novgorodov, compiled the Yakut alphabet based on the International Phonetic Alphabet. In the summer of the same year, the Yakut national and public organizations discussed the Novgorodov alphabet and spoke positively about it. Soon, the first primer was published in this alphabet, but since there were no necessary fonts in Yakutsk, the alphabet of the primer had to be changed based on the technical capabilities of the printing house.[2] The alphabet of this edition included the following letters: a, b, c, d, e, g, ʁ, h, i, ie, j, ɟ, k, l, ʎ, m, n, ng, nj, ɔ, oe, p, q, r, s, t, ɯ, ɯa, u, uo, w, y, з[3]

The alphabet of S. A. Novgorodov consisted of 33 letters, including ligatures for diphthongs (/ɯ͡a/ – ꭠ, /i͡e/ – ꭡ, /u͡o/ – ꭣ, and /y͡ø/ – w.[4]), and did not have any diacritics and capital letters. The length of vowels was indicated by a colon after the letters. The publication of the first Yakut primers, books for reading, school textbooks and grammar, as well as scientific, pedagogical and fiction literature began on this alphabet. The new script was used in the mass education of children at school.

In the 1920/21 academic year, this alphabet was officially introduced into school teaching, and the Yakut-language newspaper Manchaary was translated into it. In 1923, fonts were made for the "original" version of the Novgorodov alphabet, and book publishing was transferred to a new font. At the same time, a number of Yakut scientists and writers (in particular, Aleksey Kulakovskiy) advocated the abolition of this alphabet and the introduction of writing based on the Cyrillic alphabet.[2][5][6]

In 1924, a broad discussion took place on the improvement of the Novgorodov alphabet. Among its shortcomings were the lack of capitalization and punctuation; the presence of special characters for diphthongs, complicating the alphabet; graphic monotony of the text (for example – sɯmɯ꞉t, ɯmɯ꞉). As a result, the Yakut Writing Council decided to introduce capital letters and punctuation marks into the alphabet, as well as change the style of a number of characters. However, due to the lack of fonts, it was not possible to transfer the publishing business to a new version of the alphabet.[2]

In 1925, the inscription of three more characters was replaced in the alphabet. However, by this time a campaign had begun for the creation of a unified Turkic alphabet, and the order for new fonts was suspended. As a result of the changes in 1924 and 1925, in practice, only the handwritten text was affected, and the printed text was typed in the 1923 font. This situation continued until 1929.[2]

Unified Turkic alphabet edit

After 1929, Novgorodov's alphabet was replaced by a form of Latin script based on the Yanalif.[7] During the period of the cultural revolution, which required the maximum use of native languages, and, consequently, the exceptional flexibility of writing, the question was raised of unifying the Yakut alphabet with the "New Turkic alphabet" (Yanalif). The Committee of the Yakut Writing, created by the government, was instructed to study the issue of the new Yakut alphabet in all its aspects.

The Yakut Writing Committee set itself two tasks: 1) to unify the Yakut Latinized (Novgorod) alphabet with the Yanalif and 2) to put it into practice as soon as possible. The Committee outlined ways to resolve controversial issues. Thus the following was accepted and sanctioned:

  • Unconditionally recognize as unified those letters of the Yakut alphabet that were the same both in pronunciation and in style with the letters Yanalif (there were only 20 of them);
  • Leave in the alphabet those specific consonants that were in the Yakut language, but were absent in the Yanalif. In the opinion of the committee, these letters could not be replaced in print and writing by the letters Yanalif;
  • Leave in the alphabet specific designations of diphthong letters that were absent in the Yanalif (there were four of them) and which reflected the features of the Yakut language.
  • Leave in the Yakut alphabet the outlines of those Yakut letters that were identical in pronunciation with the letters Yanalif, but differed significantly in outline. Instead of these letters, the Committee proposed the styles adopted in the Yakut alphabet before 1917, which were free from unnecessary diacritical marks and were convenient in printing and writing.
  • Enter capital letters and punctuation marks that were not accepted when the Novgorod's alphabet was introduced in 1917.

Quite specifically, the committee raised the question of designating long vowels.

The final decision on the issue was made by the Yakut Central Executive Committee only on May 9, 1929. The adopted government decree stated that only complete unification would put a limit to the fluctuations to which the alphabet is subject and which slow down the introduction and development of the Yakut writing.

Yakut alphabet 1929–1939:[8]

A a B ʙ C c Ç ç D d E e G g Ƣ ƣ H h I i J j K k L l Lj lj
M m N n Nj nj Ꞑ ꞑ O o Ө ө P p Q q R r S s T t U u Y y  

Long vowels in this alphabet were indicated by doubling a letter, and diphthongs by a combination of two letters.

In 1936, a draft of a new reform of the Yakut alphabet was developed. According to the project, the alphabet was to include letters: A a, B в, C c, Ç ç, D d, E e, F f, G g, H h, I i, J j, K k, L l,    , M m, N n, Ŋ ŋ, Ꞑ ꞑ, O o, P p, Q q, Ƣ ƣ, R r, S s, Ş ş, T t, U u, V v, Y y, З з, Ƶ ƶ,  , Ө ө. Long vowels were proposed to be denoted by a macron. However, this project was never implemented.[9]

Modern alphabet edit

In the second half of the 1930s, the process of translating the writings of the peoples of the USSR into Cyrillic began. In 1938, preparations began for the creation of the Yakut Cyrillic alphabet. Employees of the Yakut Research Institute of Language and Culture, as well as scientists from Leningrad, took part in the development of the project. On March 23, 1939, by decree of the People's Commissar of Education of the USSR, the new Yakut alphabet was approved.

Today, the Yakut language uses an alphabet based on the Cyrillic alphabet, which contains the entire Russian alphabet, plus five additional letters: Ҕҕ, Ҥҥ, Өө, Һһ, Үү and two digraphs: Дь дь, Нь нь. 4 diphthongs are also used: уо, ыа, иэ, үө (not included in the alphabet).

А а Б б В в Г г Ҕ ҕ Д д Дь дь Е е Ё ё Ж ж
З з И и Й й К к Л л М м Н н Ҥ ҥ Нь нь О о
Ө ө П п Р р С с Һ һ Т т У у Ү ү Ф ф Х х
Ц ц Ч ч Ш ш Щ щ Ъ ъ Ы ы Ь ь Э э Ю ю Я я

Correspondence chart edit

Table of alphabets used to write Yakut with approximate dates of use[10]
IPA 1819–1858 1851–1917
(Böhtlingk Alphabet)
(D. V. Khitrov Alphabet)
(Novgorodov Alphabet)
1929–1939 (Yañalif) 1939–Present Notes
a Аа Аа Аа a Aa Аа
b Бб Бб Бб b Бб
v Вв Вв found only in Russian loanwords
ɡ Гг Гг Гг g Gg Гг
ɣ, ʁ Ҕҕ ʃ Ƣƣ Ҕҕ
d Дд Дд Дд d Dd Дд
ɟ Џџ Ԫԫ з Çç Дьдь
e, je Ее Ее Ее found only in Russian loanwords
jo Ёё found only in Russian loanwords
ʒ Жж Жж found only in Russian loanwords
z Зз Зз found only in Russian loanwords
i Ии,Іі Іі Ии i Ii Ии
j Јј Йй j Jj Йй
ȷ̃ Ɉɉ ɟ
k Кк Кк Кк k Kk Кк
l Лл Лл Лл l Ll Лл
ʎ Ll ʎ Lj lj
m Мм Мм Мм m Mm Мм
n Нн Нн Нн n Nn Нн
ŋ Ңң Ҥҥ ŋ Ꞑꞑ Ҥҥ
ɲ Н̕н̕ ɲ Njnj Ньнь
o Оо Оо Оо ɔ Oo Оо
ø Ӧӧ Ёё Ɵɵ Өө
p Пп Пп Пп p Pp Пп
r Рр Рр Рр r Rr Рр
s Сс Сс Сс s Ss Сс
h һ h Hh Һһ
t Тт Тт Тт t Tt Тт
u Уу Уу Уу u Uu Уу
y Ӱӱ y Yy Үү
f Фф, Ѳѳ Фф found only in Russian loanwords
x Хх Хх Хх q Qq Хх
ts Цц Цц found only in Russian loanwords
Чч Чч Чч c Cc Чч
ʃ Шш Шш found only in Russian loanwords
ɕː Щщ Щщ found only in Russian loanwords
◌. Ъъ Ъъ Ъъ found only in Russian loanwords
ɯ Ыы Ыы Ыы ɯ Ьь Ыы
◌ʲ Ьь Ьь Ьь found only in digraphs (дь, нь) and Russian loanwords
e Ее Ӓӓ Ээ e Ee Ээ
ju Юю Юю Юю found only in Russian loanwords
ja Яя Яя Яя found only in Russian loanwords

Notes edit

  1. ^ [Вопросы совершенствования алфавитов тюркских языков народов СССР, с. 208; Очерк истории якутской советской литературы. М., 1955, с . 23.]
  2. ^ a b c d e С., Донской (1932). "Илин № 1–2 1999". ilin-yakutsk.narod.ru. Власть Советов. p. 3. Retrieved 2022-02-23.
  3. ^ saqalɯ: suruk bicik. Якутск: Областная типография. В. М. Ионов, С. А. Новгородов. 1917.
  4. ^ Yevlampiev, Ilya; Jumagueldinov, Nurlan; Pentzlin, Karl (2012-04-26). "Second revised proposal to encode four historic Latin letters for Sakha (Yakut)" (PDF).
  5. ^ "Электронная библиотека Национальной библиотеки РС(Я)". e.nlrs.ru. pp. 24–27. Retrieved 2022-02-23.
  6. ^ [Кулаковский А. Е. Новая транскрипция якутского языка. – Красный Север, Якутск, 1921, №2.]
  7. ^ . Minority languages of Russia on the net. Archived from the original on 2007-04-28. Retrieved 2007-05-18.
  8. ^ Saqa tьla: Maꞑnajgь oskuolaƣa yөrener kinige: Grammaatьka uonna Orpograapьja. Bastakь caaha (Саха тыла: Маҥнайгы оскуолаҕа үөрэнэр кинигэ: Граммаатыка уонна Орпограапыйа. Бастакы чааһа)/Учебник якутского языка: Для 1 и 2 класса начальной школы. Грамматика и орфография. Часть 1. Çokuuskaj: Sudaarьstьba Saqa Sirineeƣi Beceettiir Suuta (SSSBS). Siipsep M.K. 1935.
  9. ^ Проект, разработанный Комитетом нового алфавита при ЦИК ЯАССР для внесения в Президиум ЦИК ЯАССР (1000 экз ed.). 1937.
  10. ^ Петров, Н.Е. (1972). "Алфавит Якутского Языка". In Баскаков, Н.А. (ed.). Вопросы Совершенствования Алфавитов Тюркских Языков СССР (in Russian). Moscow: Академия наук СССР.

Sources edit

In Russian
  • Исаев, М. И. (1979). "Создание якутской письменности на латинской графической основе". In Баскаков, Н. А. (ed.). Языковое строительство в СССР (процессы создания письменностей народов СССР). Москва: Наука. pp. 101–105.

Further reading edit

  • Omniglot entry
  • Minority Languages of Russia entry 2007-04-28 at the Wayback Machine
  • Yakut keyboard for iOS

yakut, scripts, there, stages, history, yakut, writing, systems, until, early, 1920s, writing, based, cyrillic, alphabet, 1917, 1929, novgorodov, writing, system, which, based, latin, alphabet, 1929, 1939, unified, alphabet, latin, basis, since, 1939, writing,. There are 4 stages in the history of Yakut writing systems until the early 1920s writing based on the Cyrillic alphabet 1917 1929 Novgorodov s writing system which is based on the Latin alphabet 1929 1939 a unified alphabet on the Latin basis since 1939 writing based on the Cyrillic alphabet A fragment of suruk bicikThis article contains special characters Without proper rendering support you may see question marks boxes or other symbols Contents 1 Early Cyrillic 2 Novgorodov s Alphabet 3 Unified Turkic alphabet 4 Modern alphabet 5 Correspondence chart 6 Notes 6 1 Sources 7 Further readingEarly Cyrillic editAt the end of the XVII century records of Yakut words were made and in the 19th century A number of Cyrillic alphabets emerged So in the second edition of the book by Nicolaes Witsen s Noord en Oost Tartarye Northern and Eastern Tataria with a translation of the prayer Our Father into the Yakut language and some of the Yakut vocabulary written in an approximate transcription in Latin was published in 1705 The first real Yakut alphabet appeared in 1819 along with the translation of the Sokrashennyj katehizis Abridged Catechism published in Irkutsk According to experts it was on the whole a primitive adaptation of the Russian alphabet for printing the Yakut text which did not take into account the specifics of the Yakut language 1 nbsp von Bohtlingk s 1851 alphabetAlmost half a century later a new Yakut alphabet developed by academician Otto von Bohtlingk and published in his famous work Uber die Sprache der Jakuten appeared in which all phonemes received their designation in 29 letters A a Ӓ ӓ O o Ӧ ӧ I i Y y U u Ӱ ӱ K k H h G g Ҕ ҕ Ҥ ҥ T t D d N n Ch ch Џ џ N n P p B b M m Ј ј Ɉ ɉ R r L l L l S s Һ һ The scientist arranged the letters mostly Russian as in Sanskrit i e vowels come first then consonants from guttural to aspirated Consonant length is indicated by letter doubling diphthongs by vowel combinations and long vowels are indicated by a bar above the letter Despite certain shortcomings some socio political literature samples of folklore texts etc were published in this alphabet In 1858 D V Khitrov compiled a new alphabet of 29 letters A a B b G g D d Ԫ ԫ E e Yo yo I i I i J j K k L l M m N n Ҥ ҥ O o P p R r S s T t U u H h Ch ch Y y E e Yu yu Ya ya Vowel length was indicated by a macron over the letter However the principle of one sound one letter was not observed and the same phoneme was indicated by several letters Despite the imperfections of the alphabet it was he who came to the taste of the ministers of the church they used it for printing liturgical literature and teaching children in the seminary According to the Yakut linguist S A Novgorodov the main drawback of the Botlingk alphabet was an overabundance of superscript characters which led to difficulties in writing and typographic typing Khitrov s alphabet was poorly adapted to the phonetics of the Yakut language and was adapted to the Russian reader 2 Novgorodov s Alphabet edit nbsp Novgorodov s alphabet from the primer of 1929In 1917 a Yakut student at Petrograd University S A Novgorodov compiled the Yakut alphabet based on the International Phonetic Alphabet In the summer of the same year the Yakut national and public organizations discussed the Novgorodov alphabet and spoke positively about it Soon the first primer was published in this alphabet but since there were no necessary fonts in Yakutsk the alphabet of the primer had to be changed based on the technical capabilities of the printing house 2 The alphabet of this edition included the following letters a b c d e g ʁ h i ie j ɟ k l ʎ m n ng nj ɔ oe p q r s t ɯ ɯa u uo w y z 3 The alphabet of S A Novgorodov consisted of 33 letters including ligatures for diphthongs ɯ a ꭠ i e ꭡ u o ꭣ and y o w 4 and did not have any diacritics and capital letters The length of vowels was indicated by a colon after the letters The publication of the first Yakut primers books for reading school textbooks and grammar as well as scientific pedagogical and fiction literature began on this alphabet The new script was used in the mass education of children at school In the 1920 21 academic year this alphabet was officially introduced into school teaching and the Yakut language newspaper Manchaary was translated into it In 1923 fonts were made for the original version of the Novgorodov alphabet and book publishing was transferred to a new font At the same time a number of Yakut scientists and writers in particular Aleksey Kulakovskiy advocated the abolition of this alphabet and the introduction of writing based on the Cyrillic alphabet 2 5 6 In 1924 a broad discussion took place on the improvement of the Novgorodov alphabet Among its shortcomings were the lack of capitalization and punctuation the presence of special characters for diphthongs complicating the alphabet graphic monotony of the text for example sɯmɯ t ɯmɯ As a result the Yakut Writing Council decided to introduce capital letters and punctuation marks into the alphabet as well as change the style of a number of characters However due to the lack of fonts it was not possible to transfer the publishing business to a new version of the alphabet 2 In 1925 the inscription of three more characters was replaced in the alphabet However by this time a campaign had begun for the creation of a unified Turkic alphabet and the order for new fonts was suspended As a result of the changes in 1924 and 1925 in practice only the handwritten text was affected and the printed text was typed in the 1923 font This situation continued until 1929 2 Unified Turkic alphabet editAfter 1929 Novgorodov s alphabet was replaced by a form of Latin script based on the Yanalif 7 During the period of the cultural revolution which required the maximum use of native languages and consequently the exceptional flexibility of writing the question was raised of unifying the Yakut alphabet with the New Turkic alphabet Yanalif The Committee of the Yakut Writing created by the government was instructed to study the issue of the new Yakut alphabet in all its aspects The Yakut Writing Committee set itself two tasks 1 to unify the Yakut Latinized Novgorod alphabet with the Yanalif and 2 to put it into practice as soon as possible The Committee outlined ways to resolve controversial issues Thus the following was accepted and sanctioned Unconditionally recognize as unified those letters of the Yakut alphabet that were the same both in pronunciation and in style with the letters Yanalif there were only 20 of them Leave in the alphabet those specific consonants that were in the Yakut language but were absent in the Yanalif In the opinion of the committee these letters could not be replaced in print and writing by the letters Yanalif Leave in the alphabet specific designations of diphthong letters that were absent in the Yanalif there were four of them and which reflected the features of the Yakut language Leave in the Yakut alphabet the outlines of those Yakut letters that were identical in pronunciation with the letters Yanalif but differed significantly in outline Instead of these letters the Committee proposed the styles adopted in the Yakut alphabet before 1917 which were free from unnecessary diacritical marks and were convenient in printing and writing Enter capital letters and punctuation marks that were not accepted when the Novgorod s alphabet was introduced in 1917 Quite specifically the committee raised the question of designating long vowels The final decision on the issue was made by the Yakut Central Executive Committee only on May 9 1929 The adopted government decree stated that only complete unification would put a limit to the fluctuations to which the alphabet is subject and which slow down the introduction and development of the Yakut writing Yakut alphabet 1929 1939 8 A a B ʙ C c C c D d E e G g Ƣ ƣ H h I i J j K k L l Lj ljM m N n Nj nj Ꞑ ꞑ O o Ө o P p Q q R r S s T t U u Y y nbsp Long vowels in this alphabet were indicated by doubling a letter and diphthongs by a combination of two letters In 1936 a draft of a new reform of the Yakut alphabet was developed According to the project the alphabet was to include letters A a B v C c C c D d E e F f G g H h I i J j K k L l nbsp nbsp M m N n Ŋ ŋ Ꞑ ꞑ O o P p Q q Ƣ ƣ R r S s S s T t U u V v Y y Z z Ƶ ƶ nbsp Ө o Long vowels were proposed to be denoted by a macron However this project was never implemented 9 Modern alphabet editIn the second half of the 1930s the process of translating the writings of the peoples of the USSR into Cyrillic began In 1938 preparations began for the creation of the Yakut Cyrillic alphabet Employees of the Yakut Research Institute of Language and Culture as well as scientists from Leningrad took part in the development of the project On March 23 1939 by decree of the People s Commissar of Education of the USSR the new Yakut alphabet was approved Today the Yakut language uses an alphabet based on the Cyrillic alphabet which contains the entire Russian alphabet plus five additional letters Ҕҕ Ҥҥ Өo Һһ Үү and two digraphs D d N n 4 diphthongs are also used uo ya ie үo not included in the alphabet A a B b V v G g Ҕ ҕ D d D d E e Yo yo Zh zhZ z I i J j K k L l M m N n Ҥ ҥ N n O oӨ o P p R r S s Һ һ T t U u Ү ү F f H hC c Ch ch Sh sh Sh sh Y y E e Yu yu Ya yaCorrespondence chart editTable of alphabets used to write Yakut with approximate dates of use 10 IPA 1819 1858 1851 1917 Bohtlingk Alphabet 1858 1917 D V Khitrov Alphabet 1917 1929 Novgorodov Alphabet 1929 1939 Yanalif 1939 Present Notesa Aa Aa Aa a Aa Aab Bb Bb Bb b Bʙ Bbv Vv Vv found only in Russian loanwordsɡ Gg Gg Gg g Gg Ggɣ ʁ Ҕҕ ʃ Ƣƣ Ҕҕd Dd Dd Dd d Dd Ddɟ Џџ Ԫԫ z Cc Dde je Ee Ee Ee found only in Russian loanwordsjo Yoyo found only in Russian loanwordsʒ Zhzh Zhzh found only in Russian loanwordsz Zz Zz found only in Russian loanwordsi Ii Ii Ii Ii i Ii Iij Јј Jj j Jj Jjȷ Ɉɉ ɟ k Kk Kk Kk k Kk Kkl Ll Ll Ll l Ll Llʎ Ll ʎ Lj lj m Mm Mm Mm m Mm Mmn Nn Nn Nn n Nn Nnŋ Ңn Ҥҥ ŋ Ꞑꞑ Ҥҥɲ N n ɲ Njnj Nno Oo Oo Oo ɔ Oo Ooo Ӧӧ Yoyo ꭢ Ɵɵ Өop Pp Pp Pp p Pp Ppr Rr Rr Rr r Rr Rrs Ss Ss Ss s Ss Ssh һ h Hh Һһt Tt Tt Tt t Tt Ttu Uu Uu Uu u Uu Uuy Ӱӱ y Yy Үүf Ff Ѳѳ Ff found only in Russian loanwordsx Hh Hh Hh q Qq Hhts Cc Cc found only in Russian loanwordstʃ Chch Chch Chch c Cc Chchʃ Shsh Shsh found only in Russian loanwordsɕː Shsh Shsh found only in Russian loanwords found only in Russian loanwordsɯ Yy Yy Yy ɯ Yy ʲ found only in digraphs d n and Russian loanwordse Ee Ӓӓ Ee e Ee Eeju Yuyu Yuyu Yuyu found only in Russian loanwordsja Yaya Yaya Yaya found only in Russian loanwordsNotes edit Voprosy sovershenstvovaniya alfavitov tyurkskih yazykov narodov SSSR s 208 Ocherk istorii yakutskoj sovetskoj literatury M 1955 s 23 a b c d e S Donskoj 1932 Ilin 1 2 1999 ilin yakutsk narod ru Vlast Sovetov p 3 Retrieved 2022 02 23 saqalɯ suruk bicik Yakutsk Oblastnaya tipografiya V M Ionov S A Novgorodov 1917 Yevlampiev Ilya Jumagueldinov Nurlan Pentzlin Karl 2012 04 26 Second revised proposal to encode four historic Latin letters for Sakha Yakut PDF Elektronnaya biblioteka Nacionalnoj biblioteki RS Ya e nlrs ru pp 24 27 Retrieved 2022 02 23 Kulakovskij A E Novaya transkripciya yakutskogo yazyka Krasnyj Sever Yakutsk 1921 2 Yakut language Minority languages of Russia on the net Archived from the original on 2007 04 28 Retrieved 2007 05 18 Saqa tla Maꞑnajg oskuolaƣa yorener kinige Grammaatka uonna Orpograapja Bastak caaha Saha tyla Maҥnajgy oskuolaҕa үorener kinige Grammaatyka uonna Orpograapyja Bastaky chaaһa Uchebnik yakutskogo yazyka Dlya 1 i 2 klassa nachalnoj shkoly Grammatika i orfografiya Chast 1 Cokuuskaj Sudaarstba Saqa Sirineeƣi Beceettiir Suuta SSSBS Siipsep M K 1935 Proekt razrabotannyj Komitetom novogo alfavita pri CIK YaASSR dlya vneseniya v Prezidium CIK YaASSR 1000 ekz ed 1937 Petrov N E 1972 Alfavit Yakutskogo Yazyka In Baskakov N A ed Voprosy Sovershenstvovaniya Alfavitov Tyurkskih Yazykov SSSR in Russian Moscow Akademiya nauk SSSR Sources edit In RussianIsaev M I 1979 Sozdanie yakutskoj pismennosti na latinskoj graficheskoj osnove In Baskakov N A ed Yazykovoe stroitelstvo v SSSR processy sozdaniya pismennostej narodov SSSR Moskva Nauka pp 101 105 Further reading editOmniglot entry Minority Languages of Russia entry Archived 2007 04 28 at the Wayback Machine Yakut keyboard for iOS Retrieved from https en wikipedia org w index php title Yakut scripts amp oldid 1159203185, wikipedia, wiki, book, books, library,


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