
Nonformal learning

Non-formal learning includes various structured learning situations which do not either have the level of curriculum, syllabus, accreditation and certification associated with 'formal learning', but have more structure than that associated with 'informal learning', which typically take place naturally and spontaneously as part of other activities. These form the three styles of learning recognised and supported by the OECD.[1]

Khamla Panyasouk of Big Brother Mouse in Laos reads to children

Examples of non-formal learning include swimming sessions for toddlers, community-based sports programs, and programs developed by organisations such as the Boy Scouts, the Girl Guides, community or non-credit adult education courses, sports or fitness programs, professional conference style seminars, and continuing professional development.[2] The learner's objectives may be to increase skills and knowledge, as well as to experience the emotional rewards associated with increased love for a subject or increased passion for learning.[3]

History edit

The debate over the relative value of formal and informal learning has existed for a number of years. Traditionally formal learning takes place in a school or university and has a greater value placed upon it than informal learning, such as learning within the workplace. This concept of formal learning being the socio-cultural accepted norm for learning was first challenged by Scribner and Cole[4] in 1973, who claimed most things in life are better learnt through informal processes, citing language learning as an example. Moreover, anthropologists noted that complex learning still takes place within indigenous communities that had no formal educational institutions.[5]

It is the acquisition of this knowledge or learning which occurs in everyday life that has not been fully valued or understood. This led to the declaration by the OECD educational ministers of the "life-long learning for all"[6] strategy in 1996. This includes 23 countries from five continents, who have sought to clarify and validate all forms of learning including formal, non-formal and informal. This has been in conjunction with the European Union which has also developed policies for life-long learning which focus strongly on the need to identify, assess and certify non-formal and informal learning, particularly in the workplace.[7]

Characteristics edit

  1. Learning may take place in a variety of locations.
  2. Relevance to the needs of disadvantaged groups
  3. Concern with specific categories of person.
  4. A Focus on clearly defined purpose
  5. Flexibility in organisation and methods[citation needed]

Goals/objectives edit

[citation needed]

  1. Provides functional literacy and continuing education for adults and youths who have not had a formal education or did not complete their primary education.
  2. Provide functional and remedial education for the young people who did not complete their secondary education.
  3. Provide education to different categories of graduates to improve the basic knowledge and skills.
  4. Provide in-service, on-the-job, vocational and professional training to different categories of workers and professionals to improve their skills.
  5. Give adult citizens of different parts of the country necessary aesthetic, cultural and civic education for public enlightenment.

Countries involved in recognition of non-formal learning (OECD 2010)

Austria Denmark Italy South Africa
Australia Germany Korea Spain
Belgium Greece Malta Slovenia
Canada Hungary Mexico Switzerland
Chile Iceland Netherlands United Kingdom
Czech Republic Ireland Norway Croatia

Formal and informal learning edit

Although all definitions can be contested (see below) this article shall refer to the European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training (Cedefop) 2001 communication on 'lifelong learning: formal, non-formal and informal learning' as the guideline for the differing definitions.

Formal learning: learning typically provided by an education or training institution, structured (in terms of learning objectives, learning time or learning support) and leading to certification. Formal learning is intentional from the learner's perspective. (Cedefop 2001)[8]

Here, two groups raced to see who could complete the map first. It was the first time any of them had seen a jigsaw puzzle of any sort.

Informal learning: learning resulting from daily life activities related to work, family or leisure. It is not structured (in terms of learning objectives, learning time or learning support) and typically does not lead to certification. Informal learning may be intentional but in most cases it is not-intentional (or "incidental"/random). (Cedefop 2001)[8]

Non-formal learning: see definition above.

Contested definitions edit

If there is no clear distinction between formal and in-formal learning where is the room for non-formal learning. It is a contested issue with numerous definitions given. The following are some the competing theories.

"It is difficult to make a clear distinction between formal and informal learning as there is often a crossover between the two." (McGivney, 1999, p1).[9]

Similarly, Hodkinson et al. (2003), conclude after a significant literature analysis on the topics of formal, informal, and non-formal learning, that "the terms informal and non-formal appeared interchangeable, each being primarily defined in opposition to the dominant formal education system, and the largely individualist and acquisitional conceptualisations of learning developed in relation to such educational contexts." (Hodkinson et al., 2003, p. 314)[10] Moreover, he states that "It is important not to see informal and formal attributes as somehow separate, waiting to be integrated. This is the dominant view in the literature, and it is mistaken. Thus, the challenge is not to, somehow, combine informal and formal learning, for informal and formal attributes are present and inter-related, whether we will it so or not. The challenge is to recognise and identify them, and understand the implications. For this reason, the concept of non-formal learning, at least when seen as a middle state between formal and informal, is redundant." (p. 314)

Eraut's[11] classification of learning into formal and non-formal:

This removes informal learning from the equation and states all learning outside of formal learning is non-formal. Eraut equates informal with connotations of dress, language or behaviour that have no relation to learning. Eraut defines formal learning as taking place within a learning framework; within a classroom or learning institution, with a designated teacher or trainer; the award of a qualification or credit; the external specification of outcomes. Any learning that occurs outside of these parameters is non-formal. (Ined 2002)[12]

The EC (2001) Communication on Lifelong Learning: formal, non-formal and informal learning:

The EU places non-formal learning in between formal and informal learning (see above). This has learning both in a formal setting with a learning framework and as an organised event but within a qualification. "Non-formal learning: learning that is not provided by an education or training institution and typically does not lead to certification. It is, however, structured (in terms of learning objectives, learning time or learning support). Non-formal learning is intentional from the learner's perspective." (Cedefop 2001)[8]

Livingstone's[13] adults formal and informal education, non-formal and informal learning:

This focuses on the idea of adult non-formal education. This new mode, 'informal education' is when teachers or mentors guide learners without reference to structured learning outcomes. This informal education learning is gaining knowledge without an imposed framework, such as learning new job skills. (Infed, 2002)[12]

Billett[14] (2001): there is no such thing as informal learning:

Billett's definition states there is no such thing as non-formal and informal learning. He states all human activity is learning, and that everything people do involves a process of learning. "all learning takes place within social organisations or communities that have formalised structures." Moreover, he states most learning in life takes place outside of formal education.(Ined 2002)[12]

The council of Europe puts the distinction in terms of willingness and the systems on which its taking place. Non formal learning takes place outside learning institutions while informal is a part of the formal systems.[15]

Validation edit

Recently, many international organizations and UNESCO Member States have emphasized the importance of learning that takes place outside of formal learning settings. This emphasis has led UNESCO, through its Institute of Lifelong Learning (UIL), to adopt international guidelines for the Recognition, Validation and Accreditation of the Outcomes of Non-formal and Informal Learning in 2012.[16] The emphasis has also led to an increasing number of policies and programmes in many Member States, and a gradual shift from pilots to large-scale systems such as those in Portugal, France, Australia, Mauritius and South Africa.[17]

Cedefop has created European guidelines to provide validation to a broad range of learning experiences, thereby aiding transparency and comparability across its national borders. The broad framework for achieving this certification across both non-formal and informal learning is outlined in the Cedefop European guidelines for validating non-formal and informal learning; Routes from learning to certification.[18]

Different countries' approaches edit

There are different approaches to validation between OCED and EU countries, with countries adopting different measures. The EU, as noted above, through the Cedefop-released European guidelines for validating non-formal and informal learning in 2009 to standardise validation throughout the EU. Within the OCED countries, the picture is more mixed.

Countries with the existence of recognition for non-formal and informal learning (Feutrie, 2007)[19]

Full Program Partial Program Limited Program No program
Austria x
Australia x
Belgium x
Canada x
Chile x
Czech Republic x
Denmark x
Germany x
Greece x
Hungary x
Iceland x
Ireland x
Italy x
Korea x
Malta x
Mexico x
Netherlands x
Norway x
South Africa x
Spain x
Slovenia x
Switzerland x
United Kingdom x

Flexible schooling or participatory schooling edit

Non-formal education (NFE) is popular on a worldwide scale in both 'western' and 'developing countries'. Non-formal education can form a matrix with formal and non-formal education, as non-formal education can mean any form of systematic learning conducted outside the formal setting. Many courses in relation to non-formal education have been introduced in several universities in western and developing countries.

The UNESCO institute of education conducted a seminar on non-formal education in Morocco. The association for development of education in Africa (ADEA) launched many programmes in non-formal education in at least 15 countries of Sub-Saharan Africa. In 2001 World Bank conducted an international seminar on basic education in non-formal programmes. In addition to this the World Bank was advised to extend its services to adult and non-formal education.

A report on vocational education, Making Learning Visible: the identification, assessment and recognition of non-formal learning in Europe, defines non-formal learning as semi structured, consisting of planned and explicit approaches to learning introduced into work organisations and elsewhere, not recognised within the formal education and training system.[20]

Types edit

Several classifications of non-formal education have been proposed.[21][22] Willems and Andersson[23] classify non-formal education according to two dimensions: (1) "NFE in relation to formal and informal learning (Substitute-Complement)" and (2) "Main learning content of NFE (Competencies-Values)". Based on these two dimensions, they describe four types of non-formal education. The goal of their framework is to better understand the various public governance challenges and structures that very different types of non-formal education have. Similarly, Shrestha[24] and colleagues focus on the role of NFE in comparison to formal education. Hoppers[25] proposes a three-fold classification, also in comparison to formal education: "A. Supplementary provisions", "B. Compensatory provisions", and "C. Alternative provisions". Rogers[26] pinpoints to the changing role of NFE over the last five decades and makes a distinction between a first and a second generation NFE.

Community work, which is particularly widespread in Scotland, fosters people's commitment to their neighbours and encourages participation in and development of local democratic forms of organisation.

Youth work which focuses on making people more active in the society.

Social work which helps young people in homes to develop ways to deal with complex situations like fostering fruitful relationships between parents and children, bringing different groups of career together, etc...

In France and Italy animation in a particular form is a kind of non-formal education. It uses theatre and acting as means of self-expression with different community groups for children and people with special needs. This type of non-formal education helps in ensuring active participation and teaches people to manage the community in which they live.

Youth and community organisations young people have the opportunity to discover, analyse and understand values and their implications and build a set of values to guide their lives. They run work camps and meetings, recruit volunteers, administer bank accounts, give counselling etc. to work toward social change.[27]

Importance edit

Education plays an important role in development. Out of school programmes are important to provide adaptable learning opportunities and new skills and knowledge to a large percentage of people who are beyond the reach of formal education. Non-formal education began to gain popularity in the late 1960s and early 1970s. Today, non-formal education is seen as a concept of recurrent and lifelong learning.

Non-formal education is popular among the adults specially the women as it increases women's participation in both private and public activities, i.e. in house hold decision making and as active citizens in the community affairs and national development. These literacy programmes have a dramatic impact on women's self-esteem because they unleash their potential in economic, social, cultural and political spheres.

According to UNESCO (2010), non-formal education helps to ensures equal access to education, eradicate illiteracy among women and improve women's access to vocational training, science, technology and continuing education. It also encourages the development of non-discriminatory education and training. The effectiveness of such literacy and non-formal education programmes are bolstered by family, community and parental involvement.[citation needed] This is why the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 4 advocates for a diversification of learning opportunities and the usage of a wide range of education and training modalities in recognition of the importance of non-formal education.

Advantages edit

Non-formal education is beneficial in a number of ways. There are activities that encourage young people to choose their own programme and projects that are important because they offer the youth the flexibility and freedom to explore their emerging interests. When the youth can choose the activities in which they can participate, they have opportunities to develop several skills like decision making skills. A distinction can be made between "participant functionality" and "societal functionality" of non-formal education.[28] Participant functionality refers to the aimed advantages for the individual participants in non-formal education, while societal functionality refers to the benefits non-formal education has on society in general.

Non-formal learning has experiential learning activities that foster the development of skills and knowledge. This helps in building the confidence and abilities among the youth of today. It also helps in development of personal relationships not only among the youth but also among the adults. It helps in developing interpersonal skills among the young people as they learn to interact with peers outside the class and with adults in the community.[29]

Necessity edit

Formal education system are inadequate to effectively meet the needs of the individual and the society. The need to offer more and better education at all levels, to a growing number of people, particularly in developing countries, the scant success of current formal education systems to meet all such demands, has shown the need to develop alternatives to learning.

The rigid structure of formal schools, mainly because of rules and regulations than concentrating on the real need of the students, offering curriculum that leans away from the individual and from society, far more concerned with performing programmes than reaching useful objectives. This called for non-formal education which starting from the basic need of the students, is concerned with the establishment of strategies that are compatible with reality.[30]

Disadvantages edit

The recognition of non-formal learning through credentials, diplomas, certificates, and awards is sorely lacking,[according to whom?] which can negatively affect employment opportunities which require specific certification or degrees.[31]

Non-formal learning, due to its 'unofficial' and ad-hoc nature, may also not have a specific curriculum with a clear structure and direction which also implies a lack of accountability due to an over-reliance on self-assessment. Moreover, more often than not, the organizations or individuals providing non-formal learning tend to be teachers who were not professionally trained, thus meaning they possess less qualities than professionally trained teachers, which will negatively affect the students.[32]

References edit

  1. ^ "Recognition of Non-formal and Informal Learning - Home". OECD.
  2. ^ Eaton, Sarah Elaine (22 May 2011). . Archived from the original on 30 January 2017. Retrieved 23 May 2011.
  3. ^ (PDF). 2004. Archived from the original (PDF) on 14 December 2010. Retrieved 4 October 2010.
  4. ^ Scribner, S.; Cole, M. (November 1973). "Cognitive Consequences of Formal and Informal Education". Science. 182 (4112): 553–559.
  5. ^ Lave, J.; Wenger, E. (1991). Situated Learning: Legitimate Peripheral Participation. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  6. ^ "Lifelong Learning for All". OCED. 1996.
  7. ^ Science direct, european policies (January 2012). "European policies on lifelong learning in between competitiveness enhancement and social stability reinforcement". Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences. 4th WORLD CONFERENCE ON EDUCATIONAL SCIENCES (WCES-2012) 02-05 February 2012 Barcelona, Spain. 46: 548–553. doi:10.1016/j.sbspro.2012.05.158. S2CID 154809325.
  8. ^ a b c "Glossary of key terms". 29 April 2010.
  9. ^ [McGivney, V. (1999) Informal learning in the community: a trigger for change and development (Leicester: NIACE). Cited in 'Helen Colley, Phil Hodkinson & Janice Malcolm (2002) Non-formal learning: mapping the conceptual terrain. A Consultation Report, Leeds: University of Leeds Lifelong Learning Institute. Also available in the informal education archives: http://www.infed.org/archives/e-texts/colley_informal_learning.htm]
  10. ^ Hodkinson, Phil; Colley, Hellen; Janice Malcolm (2003). "The Interrelationships Between Informal and Formal Learning" (PDF). Journal of Workplace Learning. 15 (7/8): 313–318. doi:10.1108/13665620310504783.
  11. ^ [Eraut, M. (2000) Non-formal learning, implicit learning and tacit knowledge, in F. Coffield (Ed) The Necessity of Informal Learning, Bristol: Policy Press (2000)]
  12. ^ a b c [Ined:Non-Formal Learning http://www.infed.org/archives/e-texts/colley_informal_learning.htm]
  13. ^ [Livingstone, D.W. (2001) Adults' Informal Learning: Definitions, Findings, Gaps and Future Research, Toronto: OISE/UT (NALL Working Paper No.21) at http://www.oise.utoronto.ca/depts/sese/csew/nall/res/21adultsifnormallearning.htm,(2001)[permanent dead link]]
  14. ^ [Billett, S. (2001a) Participation and continuity at work: A critique of current workplace learning discourses, paper given at the conference Context, Power and Perspective: Confronting the Challenges to Improving Attainment in Learning at Work, Sunley Management Centre, University College Northampton, 8 –10 November]
  15. ^ learning, formal. "formal non-formal and informal learning".
  16. ^ UIL. 2012. Guidelines for the Recognition, Validation and Accreditation of the Outcomes of Non-formal and Informal Learning. Hamburg, Germany, UIL.
  17. ^ Keevy, James; Chakroun, Borhene (2015). Level-setting and recognition of learning outcomes: The use of level descriptors in the twenty-first century (PDF). Paris, UNESCO. p. 114. ISBN 978-92-3-100138-3.
  18. ^ [European guidelines for validating non-formal and informal learning; Routes from learning to certification. figure 2 p. 18. http://www.cedefop.europa.eu/EN/Files/4054_en.pdf]
  19. ^ [ Feutrie M. (2007), Validation of Non-formal and Informal Learning in Europe: Comparative Approaches, Challenges and Possibilities, communication at the conference on .Recognition of Prior Learning: Nordic-Baltic Experiences and European Perspectives., Copenhagen, 8 March 07 http://www.nordvux.net/page/489/keynotesandpresentations.htm 13 March 2012 at the Wayback Machine]
  20. ^ Alan Rogers (6 March 2007). Non-Formal Education: Flexible Schooling or Participatory Education?. Springer. ISBN 978-0-387-28693-8.
  21. ^ Taylor, Edward W. (August 2006). "Making Meaning of Local Nonformal Education: Practitioner's Perspective". Adult Education Quarterly. 56 (4): 291–307. doi:10.1177/0741713606289122. ISSN 0741-7136. S2CID 144746510.
  22. ^ Don Olcott, Jr (15 January 2013). "Noves línies d'aprenentatge: potenciar l'ús de recursos educatius oberts per reforçar l'educació no formal". RUSC. Universities and Knowledge Society Journal. 10 (1): 151–169 | 327–344. doi:10.7238/rusc.v10i1.1562. ISSN 1698-580X.
  23. ^ Willems, Jurgen; Andersson, Fredrik O. (22 September 2022). "Learning New Learning: Maturing the Public Governance of Non-formal Education". SSRN 4227081.
  24. ^ Shrestha, Mona; Wilson, Steve; Singh, Michael (February 2008). "Knowledge Networking: a Dilemma in Building Social Capital Through Nonformal Education". Adult Education Quarterly. 58 (2): 129–150. doi:10.1177/0741713607310149. ISSN 0741-7136. S2CID 146781537.
  25. ^ Hoppers, Wim (1 May 2000). "Nonformal Education, Distance Education and the Restructuring of Schooling: Challenges for a New Basic Education Policy". International Review of Education. 46 (1): 5–30. doi:10.1023/A:1003910005160. ISSN 1573-0638. S2CID 142779608.
  26. ^ Rogers, Alan (3 September 2019). "Second-generation non-formal education and the sustainable development goals: operationalising the SDGs through community learning centres". International Journal of Lifelong Education. 38 (5): 515–526. doi:10.1080/02601370.2019.1636893. ISSN 0260-1370. S2CID 199154922.
  27. ^ Mr Cristian Dumitrescu (15 December 1999). "Non formal education". Report. Committee on Culture and Education.
  28. ^ Willems, Jurgen (1 September 2015). "Individual perceptions on the participant and societal functionality of non-formal education for youth: Explaining differences across countries based on the human development index". International Journal of Educational Development. 44: 11–20. doi:10.1016/j.ijedudev.2015.07.003. ISSN 0738-0593.
  29. ^ Stephen T. Russell. (PDF). Focus. The University of California, Davis. Archived from the original (PDF) on 26 September 2015.
  30. ^ Claudio Zaki Dib. "FORMAL, NON-FORMAL AND INFORMAL EDUCATION: CONCEPTS/APPLICABILITY" (PDF). stitute of Physics University of São Paulo, Brazil.
  31. ^ Aruştei, Carmen Claudia; Florea, Nelu; Manolescu, Irina Teodora (2018). "Forms of learning within higher education. Blending formal, informal and non-formal". Cross-Cultural Management Journal (1): 7–15. ISSN 2286-0452. Retrieved 13 June 2023.
  32. ^ González, Sheila; Bonal, Xavier (2021). "COVID-19 school closures and cumulative disadvantage: Assessing the learning gap in formal, informal and non-formal education". European Journal of Education. 56 (4): 607–622. doi:10.1111/ejed.12476. hdl:2445/191589. ISSN 0141-8211.

Sources edit

  •   This article incorporates text from a free content work. Licensed under CC-BY-SA IGO 3.0 (license statement/permission). Text taken from Level-setting and recognition of learning outcomes: The use of level descriptors in the twenty-first century​, 114, Keevey, James; Chakroun, Borhene, UNESCO. UNESCO.

External links edit

  • OECD Recognition for Non-Formal and Informal Learning home
  • Directorate General for Education and Culture on Valuing learning outside formal education and training
  • Cedefop European guidelines for validating non-formal and informal learning - 2nd edition, 2015
  • Conclusions of The Council of the European Union May 2004

nonformal, learning, formal, learning, includes, various, structured, learning, situations, which, either, have, level, curriculum, syllabus, accreditation, certification, associated, with, formal, learning, have, more, structure, than, that, associated, with,. Non formal learning includes various structured learning situations which do not either have the level of curriculum syllabus accreditation and certification associated with formal learning but have more structure than that associated with informal learning which typically take place naturally and spontaneously as part of other activities These form the three styles of learning recognised and supported by the OECD 1 Khamla Panyasouk of Big Brother Mouse in Laos reads to childrenExamples of non formal learning include swimming sessions for toddlers community based sports programs and programs developed by organisations such as the Boy Scouts the Girl Guides community or non credit adult education courses sports or fitness programs professional conference style seminars and continuing professional development 2 The learner s objectives may be to increase skills and knowledge as well as to experience the emotional rewards associated with increased love for a subject or increased passion for learning 3 Contents 1 History 2 Characteristics 3 Goals objectives 4 Formal and informal learning 5 Contested definitions 6 Validation 7 Different countries approaches 8 Flexible schooling or participatory schooling 9 Types 10 Importance 11 Advantages 12 Necessity 13 Disadvantages 14 References 15 Sources 16 External linksHistory editThe debate over the relative value of formal and informal learning has existed for a number of years Traditionally formal learning takes place in a school or university and has a greater value placed upon it than informal learning such as learning within the workplace This concept of formal learning being the socio cultural accepted norm for learning was first challenged by Scribner and Cole 4 in 1973 who claimed most things in life are better learnt through informal processes citing language learning as an example Moreover anthropologists noted that complex learning still takes place within indigenous communities that had no formal educational institutions 5 It is the acquisition of this knowledge or learning which occurs in everyday life that has not been fully valued or understood This led to the declaration by the OECD educational ministers of the life long learning for all 6 strategy in 1996 This includes 23 countries from five continents who have sought to clarify and validate all forms of learning including formal non formal and informal This has been in conjunction with the European Union which has also developed policies for life long learning which focus strongly on the need to identify assess and certify non formal and informal learning particularly in the workplace 7 Characteristics editLearning may take place in a variety of locations Relevance to the needs of disadvantaged groups Concern with specific categories of person A Focus on clearly defined purpose Flexibility in organisation and methods citation needed Goals objectives edit citation needed Provides functional literacy and continuing education for adults and youths who have not had a formal education or did not complete their primary education Provide functional and remedial education for the young people who did not complete their secondary education Provide education to different categories of graduates to improve the basic knowledge and skills Provide in service on the job vocational and professional training to different categories of workers and professionals to improve their skills Give adult citizens of different parts of the country necessary aesthetic cultural and civic education for public enlightenment Countries involved in recognition of non formal learning OECD 2010 Austria Denmark Italy South AfricaAustralia Germany Korea SpainBelgium Greece Malta SloveniaCanada Hungary Mexico SwitzerlandChile Iceland Netherlands United KingdomCzech Republic Ireland Norway CroatiaFormal and informal learning editAlthough all definitions can be contested see below this article shall refer to the European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training Cedefop 2001 communication on lifelong learning formal non formal and informal learning as the guideline for the differing definitions Formal learning learning typically provided by an education or training institution structured in terms of learning objectives learning time or learning support and leading to certification Formal learning is intentional from the learner s perspective Cedefop 2001 8 nbsp Here two groups raced to see who could complete the map first It was the first time any of them had seen a jigsaw puzzle of any sort Informal learning learning resulting from daily life activities related to work family or leisure It is not structured in terms of learning objectives learning time or learning support and typically does not lead to certification Informal learning may be intentional but in most cases it is not intentional or incidental random Cedefop 2001 8 Non formal learning see definition above Contested definitions editIf there is no clear distinction between formal and in formal learning where is the room for non formal learning It is a contested issue with numerous definitions given The following are some the competing theories It is difficult to make a clear distinction between formal and informal learning as there is often a crossover between the two McGivney 1999 p1 9 Similarly Hodkinson et al 2003 conclude after a significant literature analysis on the topics of formal informal and non formal learning that the terms informal and non formal appeared interchangeable each being primarily defined in opposition to the dominant formal education system and the largely individualist and acquisitional conceptualisations of learning developed in relation to such educational contexts Hodkinson et al 2003 p 314 10 Moreover he states that It is important not to see informal and formal attributes as somehow separate waiting to be integrated This is the dominant view in the literature and it is mistaken Thus the challenge is not to somehow combine informal and formal learning for informal and formal attributes are present and inter related whether we will it so or not The challenge is to recognise and identify them and understand the implications For this reason the concept of non formal learning at least when seen as a middle state between formal and informal is redundant p 314 Eraut s 11 classification of learning into formal and non formal This removes informal learning from the equation and states all learning outside of formal learning is non formal Eraut equates informal with connotations of dress language or behaviour that have no relation to learning Eraut defines formal learning as taking place within a learning framework within a classroom or learning institution with a designated teacher or trainer the award of a qualification or credit the external specification of outcomes Any learning that occurs outside of these parameters is non formal Ined 2002 12 The EC 2001 Communication on Lifelong Learning formal non formal and informal learning The EU places non formal learning in between formal and informal learning see above This has learning both in a formal setting with a learning framework and as an organised event but within a qualification Non formal learning learning that is not provided by an education or training institution and typically does not lead to certification It is however structured in terms of learning objectives learning time or learning support Non formal learning is intentional from the learner s perspective Cedefop 2001 8 Livingstone s 13 adults formal and informal education non formal and informal learning This focuses on the idea of adult non formal education This new mode informal education is when teachers or mentors guide learners without reference to structured learning outcomes This informal education learning is gaining knowledge without an imposed framework such as learning new job skills Infed 2002 12 Billett 14 2001 there is no such thing as informal learning Billett s definition states there is no such thing as non formal and informal learning He states all human activity is learning and that everything people do involves a process of learning all learning takes place within social organisations or communities that have formalised structures Moreover he states most learning in life takes place outside of formal education Ined 2002 12 The council of Europe puts the distinction in terms of willingness and the systems on which its taking place Non formal learning takes place outside learning institutions while informal is a part of the formal systems 15 Validation editRecently many international organizations and UNESCO Member States have emphasized the importance of learning that takes place outside of formal learning settings This emphasis has led UNESCO through its Institute of Lifelong Learning UIL to adopt international guidelines for the Recognition Validation and Accreditation of the Outcomes of Non formal and Informal Learning in 2012 16 The emphasis has also led to an increasing number of policies and programmes in many Member States and a gradual shift from pilots to large scale systems such as those in Portugal France Australia Mauritius and South Africa 17 Cedefop has created European guidelines to provide validation to a broad range of learning experiences thereby aiding transparency and comparability across its national borders The broad framework for achieving this certification across both non formal and informal learning is outlined in the Cedefop European guidelines for validating non formal and informal learning Routes from learning to certification 18 Different countries approaches editThere are different approaches to validation between OCED and EU countries with countries adopting different measures The EU as noted above through the Cedefop released European guidelines for validating non formal and informal learning in 2009 to standardise validation throughout the EU Within the OCED countries the picture is more mixed Countries with the existence of recognition for non formal and informal learning Feutrie 2007 19 Full Program Partial Program Limited Program No programAustria xAustralia xBelgium xCanada xChile xCzech Republic xDenmark xGermany xGreece xHungary xIceland xIreland xItaly xKorea xMalta xMexico xNetherlands xNorway xSouth Africa xSpain xSlovenia xSwitzerland xUnited Kingdom xFlexible schooling or participatory schooling editNon formal education NFE is popular on a worldwide scale in both western and developing countries Non formal education can form a matrix with formal and non formal education as non formal education can mean any form of systematic learning conducted outside the formal setting Many courses in relation to non formal education have been introduced in several universities in western and developing countries The UNESCO institute of education conducted a seminar on non formal education in Morocco The association for development of education in Africa ADEA launched many programmes in non formal education in at least 15 countries of Sub Saharan Africa In 2001 World Bank conducted an international seminar on basic education in non formal programmes In addition to this the World Bank was advised to extend its services to adult and non formal education A report on vocational education Making Learning Visible the identification assessment and recognition of non formal learning in Europe defines non formal learning as semi structured consisting of planned and explicit approaches to learning introduced into work organisations and elsewhere not recognised within the formal education and training system 20 Types editSeveral classifications of non formal education have been proposed 21 22 Willems and Andersson 23 classify non formal education according to two dimensions 1 NFE in relation to formal and informal learning Substitute Complement and 2 Main learning content of NFE Competencies Values Based on these two dimensions they describe four types of non formal education The goal of their framework is to better understand the various public governance challenges and structures that very different types of non formal education have Similarly Shrestha 24 and colleagues focus on the role of NFE in comparison to formal education Hoppers 25 proposes a three fold classification also in comparison to formal education A Supplementary provisions B Compensatory provisions and C Alternative provisions Rogers 26 pinpoints to the changing role of NFE over the last five decades and makes a distinction between a first and a second generation NFE Community work which is particularly widespread in Scotland fosters people s commitment to their neighbours and encourages participation in and development of local democratic forms of organisation Youth work which focuses on making people more active in the society Social work which helps young people in homes to develop ways to deal with complex situations like fostering fruitful relationships between parents and children bringing different groups of career together etc In France and Italy animation in a particular form is a kind of non formal education It uses theatre and acting as means of self expression with different community groups for children and people with special needs This type of non formal education helps in ensuring active participation and teaches people to manage the community in which they live Youth and community organisations young people have the opportunity to discover analyse and understand values and their implications and build a set of values to guide their lives They run work camps and meetings recruit volunteers administer bank accounts give counselling etc to work toward social change 27 Importance editEducation plays an important role in development Out of school programmes are important to provide adaptable learning opportunities and new skills and knowledge to a large percentage of people who are beyond the reach of formal education Non formal education began to gain popularity in the late 1960s and early 1970s Today non formal education is seen as a concept of recurrent and lifelong learning Non formal education is popular among the adults specially the women as it increases women s participation in both private and public activities i e in house hold decision making and as active citizens in the community affairs and national development These literacy programmes have a dramatic impact on women s self esteem because they unleash their potential in economic social cultural and political spheres According to UNESCO 2010 non formal education helps to ensures equal access to education eradicate illiteracy among women and improve women s access to vocational training science technology and continuing education It also encourages the development of non discriminatory education and training The effectiveness of such literacy and non formal education programmes are bolstered by family community and parental involvement citation needed This is why the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 4 advocates for a diversification of learning opportunities and the usage of a wide range of education and training modalities in recognition of the importance of non formal education Advantages editNon formal education is beneficial in a number of ways There are activities that encourage young people to choose their own programme and projects that are important because they offer the youth the flexibility and freedom to explore their emerging interests When the youth can choose the activities in which they can participate they have opportunities to develop several skills like decision making skills A distinction can be made between participant functionality and societal functionality of non formal education 28 Participant functionality refers to the aimed advantages for the individual participants in non formal education while societal functionality refers to the benefits non formal education has on society in general Non formal learning has experiential learning activities that foster the development of skills and knowledge This helps in building the confidence and abilities among the youth of today It also helps in development of personal relationships not only among the youth but also among the adults It helps in developing interpersonal skills among the young people as they learn to interact with peers outside the class and with adults in the community 29 Necessity editFormal education system are inadequate to effectively meet the needs of the individual and the society The need to offer more and better education at all levels to a growing number of people particularly in developing countries the scant success of current formal education systems to meet all such demands has shown the need to develop alternatives to learning The rigid structure of formal schools mainly because of rules and regulations than concentrating on the real need of the students offering curriculum that leans away from the individual and from society far more concerned with performing programmes than reaching useful objectives This called for non formal education which starting from the basic need of the students is concerned with the establishment of strategies that are compatible with reality 30 Disadvantages editThe recognition of non formal learning through credentials diplomas certificates and awards is sorely lacking according to whom which can negatively affect employment opportunities which require specific certification or degrees 31 Non formal learning due to its unofficial and ad hoc nature may also not have a specific curriculum with a clear structure and direction which also implies a lack of accountability due to an over reliance on self assessment Moreover more often than not the organizations or individuals providing non formal learning tend to be teachers who were not professionally trained thus meaning they possess less qualities than professionally trained teachers which will negatively affect the students 32 References edit Recognition of Non formal and Informal Learning Home OECD Eaton Sarah Elaine 22 May 2011 Formal Non Formal and Informal Learning Archived from the original on 30 January 2017 Retrieved 23 May 2011 Quality guide to non formal and informal learning processes PDF 2004 Archived from the original PDF on 14 December 2010 Retrieved 4 October 2010 Scribner S Cole M November 1973 Cognitive Consequences of Formal and Informal Education Science 182 4112 553 559 Lave J Wenger E 1991 Situated Learning Legitimate Peripheral Participation Cambridge Cambridge University Press Lifelong Learning for All OCED 1996 Science direct european policies January 2012 European policies on lifelong learning in between competitiveness enhancement and social stability reinforcement Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences 4th WORLD CONFERENCE ON EDUCATIONAL SCIENCES WCES 2012 02 05 February 2012 Barcelona Spain 46 548 553 doi 10 1016 j sbspro 2012 05 158 S2CID 154809325 a b c Glossary of key terms 29 April 2010 McGivney V 1999 Informal learning in the community a trigger for change and development Leicester NIACE Cited in Helen Colley Phil Hodkinson amp Janice Malcolm 2002 Non formal learning mapping the conceptual terrain A Consultation Report Leeds University of Leeds Lifelong Learning Institute Also available in the informal education archives http www infed org archives e texts colley informal learning htm Hodkinson Phil Colley Hellen Janice Malcolm 2003 The Interrelationships Between Informal and Formal Learning PDF Journal of Workplace Learning 15 7 8 313 318 doi 10 1108 13665620310504783 Eraut M 2000 Non formal learning implicit learning and tacit knowledge in F Coffield Ed The Necessity of Informal Learning Bristol Policy Press 2000 a b c Ined Non Formal Learning http www infed org archives e texts colley informal learning htm Livingstone D W 2001 Adults Informal Learning Definitions Findings Gaps and Future Research Toronto OISE UT NALL Working Paper No 21 at http www oise utoronto ca depts sese csew nall res 21adultsifnormallearning htm 2001 permanent dead link Billett S 2001a Participation and continuity at work A critique of current workplace learning discourses paper given at the conference Context Power and Perspective Confronting the Challenges to Improving Attainment in Learning at Work Sunley Management Centre University College Northampton 8 10 November learning formal formal non formal and informal learning UIL 2012 Guidelines for the Recognition Validation and Accreditation of the Outcomes of Non formal and Informal Learning Hamburg Germany UIL Keevy James Chakroun Borhene 2015 Level setting and recognition of learning outcomes The use of level descriptors in the twenty first century PDF Paris UNESCO p 114 ISBN 978 92 3 100138 3 European guidelines for validating non formal and informal learning Routes from learning to certification figure 2 p 18 http www cedefop europa eu EN Files 4054 en pdf Feutrie M 2007 Validation of Non formal and Informal Learning in Europe Comparative Approaches Challenges and Possibilities communication at the conference on Recognition of Prior Learning Nordic Baltic Experiences and European Perspectives Copenhagen 8 March 07 http www nordvux net page 489 keynotesandpresentations htm Archived 13 March 2012 at the Wayback Machine Alan Rogers 6 March 2007 Non Formal Education Flexible Schooling or Participatory Education Springer ISBN 978 0 387 28693 8 Taylor Edward W August 2006 Making Meaning of Local Nonformal Education Practitioner s Perspective Adult Education Quarterly 56 4 291 307 doi 10 1177 0741713606289122 ISSN 0741 7136 S2CID 144746510 Don Olcott Jr 15 January 2013 Noves linies d aprenentatge potenciar l us de recursos educatius oberts per reforcar l educacio no formal RUSC Universities and Knowledge Society Journal 10 1 151 169 327 344 doi 10 7238 rusc v10i1 1562 ISSN 1698 580X Willems Jurgen Andersson Fredrik O 22 September 2022 Learning New Learning Maturing the Public Governance of Non formal Education SSRN 4227081 Shrestha Mona Wilson Steve Singh Michael February 2008 Knowledge Networking a Dilemma in Building Social Capital Through Nonformal Education Adult Education Quarterly 58 2 129 150 doi 10 1177 0741713607310149 ISSN 0741 7136 S2CID 146781537 Hoppers Wim 1 May 2000 Nonformal Education Distance Education and the Restructuring of Schooling Challenges for a New Basic Education Policy International Review of Education 46 1 5 30 doi 10 1023 A 1003910005160 ISSN 1573 0638 S2CID 142779608 Rogers Alan 3 September 2019 Second generation non formal education and the sustainable development goals operationalising the SDGs through community learning centres International Journal of Lifelong Education 38 5 515 526 doi 10 1080 02601370 2019 1636893 ISSN 0260 1370 S2CID 199154922 Mr Cristian Dumitrescu 15 December 1999 Non formal education Report Committee on Culture and Education Willems Jurgen 1 September 2015 Individual perceptions on the participant and societal functionality of non formal education for youth Explaining differences across countries based on the human development index International Journal of Educational Development 44 11 20 doi 10 1016 j ijedudev 2015 07 003 ISSN 0738 0593 Stephen T Russell The Developmental Benefits of Nonformal Education and Youth Development PDF Focus The University of California Davis Archived from the original PDF on 26 September 2015 Claudio Zaki Dib FORMAL NON FORMAL AND INFORMAL EDUCATION CONCEPTS APPLICABILITY PDF stitute of Physics University of Sao Paulo Brazil Arustei Carmen Claudia Florea Nelu Manolescu Irina Teodora 2018 Forms of learning within higher education Blending formal informal and non formal Cross Cultural Management Journal 1 7 15 ISSN 2286 0452 Retrieved 13 June 2023 Gonzalez Sheila Bonal Xavier 2021 COVID 19 school closures and cumulative disadvantage Assessing the learning gap in formal informal and non formal education European Journal of Education 56 4 607 622 doi 10 1111 ejed 12476 hdl 2445 191589 ISSN 0141 8211 Sources edit nbsp This article incorporates text from a free content work Licensed under CC BY SA IGO 3 0 license statement permission Text taken from Level setting and recognition of learning outcomes The use of level descriptors in the twenty first century 114 Keevey James Chakroun Borhene UNESCO UNESCO External links editOECD Recognition for Non Formal and Informal Learning home European Cultural Center for Non formal education in Egypt Directorate General for Education and Culture on Valuing learning outside formal education and training Cedefop European guidelines for validating non formal and informal learning 2nd edition 2015 Conclusions of The Council of the European Union May 2004 Department of Education Education and Workplace Relations Australia Government Country Report Retrieved from https en wikipedia org w index php title Nonformal learning amp oldid 1200233185, wikipedia, 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