
Tawara Tōda Monogatari

The Tale of Tawara Tōda (俵藤太物語, Tawara Tōda monogatari) is a Japanese heroic tale recounting the legendary exploits of Fujiwara no Hidesato. It is part of the otogi-zōshi genre of tales dating to the Edo Period or earlier. Some of the fabulous accounts are also told in the military pseudo-chronicle, Taiheiki (14th century).

Dragon Woman and Tawara Tōda. Centipede of Mt. Mikami (above).
Utagawa Kuniyoshi 1845, Tokaidō gojūsantsui: Kusatsu
Hidesato aiming his shoot at the giant centipede.

Hidesato used a bow and arrow to kill a giant centipede (mukade) wrapped around a mountain near Lake Biwa, fulfilling the request of a serpent at a bridge, which turned out to be a court lady (or Dragon King) from the underwater Ryūgū-jō (龍宮城) "Dragon Palace". The hero was entertained at the palace and received rewards including armor and sword, and an inexhaustible bag of rice.[a]

"My Lord Bag-O'-Rice" is English-translated title of Basil Hall Chamberlain's retelling, published as a fairy tale (1887). This was later followed by Yei Theodora Ozaki's translation "My Lord Bag of Rice" (1903) based on Iwaya Sazanami [ja]'s retelling.

Setting edit

The story is set in Ōmi Province (Shiga Prefecture), and begins with a large serpent lying on Seta Bridge [ja] on the brink of Lake Biwa. The serpent, which later assumes human form, conveys Hidesato to the Dragon Palace, which can be reached through the depths of this Lake.[1][2]

There is a Shinto shrine near the Seta Bridge at Lake Biwa where people have venerated Tawara Tōda.[3]

Personage edit

Tawara Tōda (俵藤太, lit. 'Rice-bag Tōda') is a name that plays a pun between tawara meaning 'straw rice-bag; straw barrel' and 田原 (Tawara), a proper name (which may be a person's name or a place name). It was the nickname given to the historical Fujiwara no Hidesato who flourished in the first half of the 10th century and participated in the suppression of the rebel usurper Taira no Masakado.[4]

The nickname is sometimes styled "Tawara [no] Tōta".[5]

Summary edit

The hero's centipede-slaying legend as contained in the Tawara Tōda monogatari ("The Tale of Tawara Tōda") was widely circulated and read during the early Edo Period (17th century), when the text was being copied in picture scrolls (emaki) and appearing in Otogizōshi type woodblock-printed (and hand-copied) books.[b][7][1] A summary of the monogatari version is as follows:

Fujiwara no Hidesato confronted the large serpent which lay on Seta Bridge [ja] in Ōmi Province disrupting travelers. Undaunted by this twelve horned snake measuring 200 feet,[c] the hero stepped on its back and crossed over, continuing onward. That night he was visited by a young woman who proclaimed to be the transformation of the serpent. Near Lake Biwa where she lived, a huge centipede took up residence on Mount Mikami, and was devouring beasts and fish and even her own kindred.
Hidesato accepted her plea to eradicate this creature, and went to Seta. When the centipede came slinking down, it appeared as if two or three thousand torches were descending the mountain. Hidesato shot two arrows which failed to lodge, but when he laid spittle on the third arrow and prayed to his patron Hachiman deity it struck a grievous blow. Hidesato approached the creature[d] and hacked it to pieces.[e]
The dragon woman was elated and gave him magical gifts: undiminishing bolts of silk, inexhaustible rice bag, and a crimson copper pan of plenty (or "pot of alloyed gold and copper"[8]). It was on account of the rice bag (tawara [ja]) that Hidesato received the nickname Tawara Tōda. The dragon woman took him to the Dragon-Palace (Ryūgū), where he was entertained and lavished with additional gifts from the Dragon King.[f] Hidesato was given armor and sword, and a crimson copper bell. Hidesato subsequently donated this bell to Mii-dera temple at the foot of Mount Hiei.[9][1][6][g]

The monogatari version probably derives from earlier accounts of Hidesato's centipede slaying described in the 14th-century Taiheiki, expanded with layers of legendary and religious (Buddhist) motifs.[10] The above summary is not the entirety of Tawara Tōda monogatari, which contains a second part where the hero triumphs over Taira no Masakado, despite the latter having an iron body which was invulnerable except at the temples on his head, and having six ghostly doubles of himself.[10]

Taiheiki version edit

The 14th-century Taiheiki records a much earlier version of this legend about Hidesato,[11][12] but instead of the dragon turning into a beautiful woman, it transforms into a "strange small man"[12] – the Dragon King himself.[h][13][14] And here, Hidesato is invited to the Dragon Palace first and thereafter combats the centipede that attacks the aquatic realm.[12][15] Here the inexhaustible silk and rice bag are received from the Dragon King,[i] but not the copper alloy pan/pot, only the copper temple-bell.[15]

Other attestations edit

A version (similar to the monogatari) appears in Honchō kaidan koji (本朝怪談故事) (1711) as pointed out by Dutch Japanologist Marinus Willem de Visser [de].[2]

The centipede coiled seven and a half turns around Mount Mikami according to popular tradition.[5] An early written mention of this occurs in the area guidebook Ōmi yochi shiryaku (1723).[16]

The name Chikushi (遅来矢) has been ascribed to the sword given by the Dragon King in the Wakan sansai zue encyclopedia (1712) and the Tōkaidō meisho zue [ja] almanac (1797).[j][17][18][19]

Hidesato's alleged armor from the Dragon Palace bore the similarly scripted name Hiraishi (避来矢) according to the Ujisatoki (before 1713[20]).[k][21][22][23] Hiraishi (平石), an armor with the same-sounding but differently written name, is listed as a gift of Dragon Palace in Arai Hakuseki's Honchō gunkikō (1709); this work mentions a second armor Muromaru (室丸) being obtained as well.[24][25]

Although not an attestation of the entire story, a sword named Mukadegiri [ja] (蚣切) "Centepede-cutter" purportedly owned by Hidesato according to the inscription borne on its tang was bequeathed to the Ise Shrine.[26] The Ise Shrine (Chōkokan Museum [ja]) also houses a kenuki gata [ja] or "tweezer type" that allegedly belonged to Hidesato.[27][l]

Benkei draggin the bell

There is a legendary incident concerning the bell donated by Tawara Tōda to Mii-dera', which was serving as the bonshō-bell to tell the hour. It happened centuries later, when Musashibō Benkei captured and dragged it up the mountain to Eizan (Enryaku-ji), but the bell failed to toll properly. Thus the bell has been returned and has so remained at the rightful temple.[29][30]

Fairy tale translations edit

An English version of the tale entitled "My Lord Bag-O'-Rice" (1887) was translated by Basil Hall Chamberlain, and published as Japanese Fairy Tale Series No. 15 by Hasegawa Takejirō.[31][32]

An otogibanashi (Japanese fairy tale) version entitled ”Tawara Tōda" (「俵藤太」), retold by Iwaya Sazanami [ja] appeared in the 1890s.[33] Subsequently, "My Lord Bag of Rice" was included in Japanese Fairy Tales (1903) anthologized by Yei Theodora Ozaki.[34][35] Ozaki's version is a retelling based on the rendition by "Sadanami sanjin",[36] the misspelled alias of Iwaya Sazanami.[37] Ozaki's book was illustrated by Kakuzō Fujiyama.[36] Iwaya's version of several fairy tales were later collected, and Hannah Riddell's translation, "Tawara Toda Hidesato (Hidesato of the Rice Bale)".[29]

"My Lord Bag of Rice" is also found in A Book of Dragons (1965) by Ruth Manning-Sanders, illustrated by Robin Jacques.[38]

Explanatory notes edit

  1. ^ Or rice sack (tawara [ja]).
  2. ^ The Tawara Tōda story is not one of the 23 pieces listed in the more stringent definition of otogizōshi. But it has been printed under the otogizōshi anthology.[6] Araki (1981) also discusses it as an otogizōshi narrative, in the broader sense.
  3. ^ 20 (丈).
  4. ^ Which had a head like an ox-demon (gyūki)
  5. ^ Presumably with his heirloom sword which he had brought.
  6. ^ The monogatari version elaborates that this was Sāgara the Dragon King who (in Buddhism) was one of the Eight Great Dragon Kings [ja] (among the Eight Legions).
  7. ^ A legend concerning Benkei is attached to the bell. See below.
  8. ^ In the Taiheiki it is not explcit that the "small man" and the "Dragon God" (not "Dragon King" in original text) are the same personage, so this must be inferred. The small man changes into wearing a kanmuri () "crown" but this headdress is worn by various officials, not just the monarch.
  9. ^ Rather than the Dragon Woman, as in the monogatari version
  10. ^ This sword was passed down the Akahori clan [ja], these sources add.
  11. ^ This armor was passed down Sano clan [ja] of Shimotsuke Province, the Ujisatoki adds.
  12. ^ The Chōkokan Museum editors surmised that this particular kenuki gata sword (Ise) [ja] was the very sword that was heirloom to the Akahori clan [ja], to which was attached the legend of it being the gift of the Dragon Palace.[28]

References edit

  1. ^ a b c Kimbrough (2018).
  2. ^ a b Visser (1913), pp. 191–192.
  3. ^ Visser (1913), p. 191.
  4. ^ Visser (1913), p. 191, 192 and note 3
  5. ^ a b Foster, Michael Dylan (2015). The Book of Yōkai: Mysterious Creatures of Japanese Folklore. University of California Press. p. 139. ISBN 978-0-520-95912-5.
  6. ^ a b Yamazaki, Fumoto, ed. (1932). "The Tale of Tawara Toda". Kōchū Nihon Bungaku Taikei 19: Otogizōshi 〔校注〕日本文学大系 19:お伽草子 他5. Kokumin Tosho. pp. 86–116. e-text (in Japanese)
  7. ^ Araki (1981), pp. 1–2.
  8. ^ Dykstra & Kurata (2000), p. 76.
  9. ^ Araki (1981), p. 2.
  10. ^ a b Araki (1981), pp. 3–4.
  11. ^ Taiheiki, Book 15 太平記 巻第十五, Chapter 118 "About the Battle of Miidera Temple, etc. 三井寺合戦並当寺撞鐘事付俵藤太事".
  12. ^ a b c Dykstra & Kurata (2000), p. 61.
  13. ^ Visser (1913), p. 192.
  14. ^ Shigehara, Hiroshi (1981), Nicchū setsuwa no hikaku kenkyū 日中説話の比較研究 (in Japanese), Kyūko Shoin, p. 52, 小男にも化ければ湖中の竜宮では竜王となる [will transform into a small-statured man, or become Dragon King in the Dragon Palace in the lake. ]
  15. ^ a b Friday (2008), pp. 157–158.
  16. ^ Sangawa, Tokikiyo 寒川辰清 (1915), "Book39: Hidesato (no) yashiro" 巻之卅九 秀郷社, Ōmi yochi shiryaku 近江輿地志略 : 校定頭註 (in Japanese), Seinō Insatsu, pp. 466–468
  17. ^ Terajima, Ryōan 寺島良安 (1910), "Hidesato [no] yashiro" 秀郷社, Wakan sansai zue 26 Jinja bukkaku meisho 和漢三才図会. 巻之26 神社仏閣名所, Naitō shoya, Gōshū (Ōmi Province) vol. 71, pp. 5–6 (in Japanese)
  18. ^ Akisato, Ritō 秋里籬島 (1910), "Hidesato no yashiro" 秀郷祠, Tōkaidō meisho zue (1) 東海道名所図会. 上冊, Yoshikawa Kobunkan, Book 2, p. 25. (in Japanese)
  19. ^ Noted by Shida (1941), p. 5
  20. ^ Owada, Tetsuo (1997), Ishida Mitsunari: chi no sanbō no jitsuzō 石田三成: 「知の参謀」の実像, PHP Kenkyūjo, p. 12
  21. ^ Shida (1941), p. 7: "the characters are extremely similar 文字が甚だよく似てゐる"
  22. ^ Kondō, Heijō 近藤 瓶城, ed. (1902), "Bekki dai 182 Ujisatoki kan-jō" 別記第182 氏郷記巻上, Kaiteishiseki shūran: bekkirui 改定史籍集覧: 別記類, Kondō Kappansho, pp. 623–624
  23. ^ Noted by Minakata Kumagusu (1916) Jūnishikō: Tawara Tōda ryūgū-iri no hanashi 十二支考 田原藤太竜宮入りの話; Nakamura (1971), p. 214
  24. ^ Hakuseki, Arai (1964). Robinson, H. Russell (ed.). The armour book in Honchō-gunkikō. Translated by Mrs. Y. Ōtsuka. C. E. Tuttle. pp. 17, 18.
  25. ^ Noted by Shida (1941), p. 7; Nakamura (1971), p. 214.
  26. ^ Yawata, Hyakuri 八幡百里 (1812), "Ise naigū hōnō tawara no tōda hidesato mukadegiri tachi no zu" 伊勢内宮奉納俵藤太秀郷蚣切太刀図, Japanese & Chinese Classics [Database] (in Japanese), Waseda University
  27. ^ Satō, Kanzan (1995). The Japanese Sword: a comprehensive guide. Translated by Joe Earle. The Overlook Press. p. 132. ISBN 9780870115622.
  28. ^ Jungu Chōko Museum Agriculture Pavillion (1941). Jingū Chōkokan chinretsuhin zuroku 神宮徴古館陳列品図録 (in Japanese). pp. 23–24.
  29. ^ a b Iwaya & Riddell tr. (1914); (reprint) Iwaya (1920)
  30. ^ Junker von Langegg (1880), pp. 155–156.
  31. ^ My lord Bag-o'-Rice (Basil Hall Chamberlain translation) in libraries (WorldCat catalog) (1887)
  32. ^ Reprint: Chamberlain, Basil Hall (1892–1896), My lord Bag-o'-Rice, London and Sydney: ondon : Griffith, Farran & Co. ; Sidney
  33. ^ Iwaya (1896); Iwaya (1927), pp. 147–158
  34. ^ Ozaki, Yei Theodora (1903). "My Lord Bag of Rice". Japanese Fairy Tales. Westminster: Archibald Constable & Co. pp. 1–11.
  35. ^ Dunne, Aidan (2018-07-21). Art in Focus: The Tale of Tawara Toda – Japanese story painters: History meets fantasy in 17th-century scrolls at the Chester Beatty Library, in Dublin. {{cite book}}: |newspaper= ignored (help)
  36. ^ a b Ozaki (1903), p. v.
  37. ^ Herring (1988), p. 100: "..»Sadanami«. This name is a misprint of the nom de plume of Sazanami Iwaya".
  38. ^ Manning-Sanders, Ruth (1965). "My Lord Bag of Rice". A Book of Dragons. Dutton. pp. 38–42. ISBN 9780416581102.
  • Araki, James T. (1981). "Otogi-zōshi and Nara ehon: A Field of Study in Flux". Monumenta Nipponica. 36: 1–20. doi:10.2307/2384084. JSTOR 2384084. JSTOR 2384084
  • Dykstra, Yoshiko K.; Kurata, Yoko (2000). "Tales of Medieval Japan". The Journal of Intercultural Studies. 27: 57–89.
  • Friday, Karl (2008). "The Tale of Tawara Toda". The First Samurai: The Life and Legend of the Warrior Rebel, Taira Masakado. John Wiley & Sons. pp. 157–158. ISBN 9780471760825.
  • Iwaya, Sazanami 巌谷小波, ed. (1896), Tawara Tōda―tsuki:Kamibina to takasago 俵藤太-附・紙雛と高砂, Nihon mukashibanashi 8 (in Japanese), Hakubunkan;
  • Herring, Ann King (1988). "Early Translations of Japanese Fairy-Tales and Children's Literature". Phaedrus: 97–112.
  • Iwaya, Sazanami 巌谷小波, ed. (1927), "Tawara Tōda" 俵藤太, Nihon otogibanashishū 日本お伽噺集, Nihon jidō bunko 10 (in Japanese), Ars, pp. 147–158
  • Iwaya, Sazanami (1914) [1903]. "Tawara Toda Hidesato (Hidesato of the Rice Bale)". Iwaya's Fairy Tales of Old Japan. Translated by Riddell, Hannah. Toyoda Bun'yōdō.
    • (Reprint) Iwaya, Sazanami (29 May 1920) [1914]. "Tawara Toda Hidesato" (PDF). The Japanese-American News: English supplement. No. 7378.
  • Junker von Langegg, Ferdinand Adalbert [in Japanese] (1880), "Omi-hasu-kei .. der Hiyei San", Midzuho-gusa, segenbringende reisähren: nationalroman und schilderungen aus Japan (in German), vol. 3, Lepzig: Breitkopf und Härtel, pp. 155–159</ref>
  • Kimbrough, R. Keller (2018). "The Tale of Tawara Tōda". Monsters, Animals, and Other Worlds: A Collection of Short Medieval Japanese Tales. Columbia University Press. ISBN 9780231545501.
  • Nakamura, Setsu (1971), "Tawara Tōda Ryūgū iri densetsu no ichi mondai" 田原藤太竜宮入り伝説の一問題, Kokubungaku: kaishaku to kanshō (in Japanese), 36 (2): 214–220
  • Shida, Gishū 志田義秀 (1941), "1 Tawara Tōda no densetsu 一 俵藤太の傳說", Nihon no densetsu to dōwa 日本の伝説と童話 (in Japanese), Daitō Shuppansha, pp. 3–24, doi:10.11501/1453466, JPNO 53009832
  • Visser, Marinus Willem de (1913), The dragon in China and Japan, Amsterdam: J. Müller, pp. 191–193

External links edit

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tawara, tōda, monogatari, tale, tawara, tōda, 俵藤太物語, tawara, tōda, monogatari, japanese, heroic, tale, recounting, legendary, exploits, fujiwara, hidesato, part, otogi, zōshi, genre, tales, dating, period, earlier, some, fabulous, accounts, also, told, militar. The Tale of Tawara Tōda 俵藤太物語 Tawara Tōda monogatari is a Japanese heroic tale recounting the legendary exploits of Fujiwara no Hidesato It is part of the otogi zōshi genre of tales dating to the Edo Period or earlier Some of the fabulous accounts are also told in the military pseudo chronicle Taiheiki 14th century Dragon Woman and Tawara Tōda Centipede of Mt Mikami above Utagawa Kuniyoshi 1845 Tokaidō gojusantsui Kusatsu Hidesato aiming his shoot at the giant centipede Tsukioka Yoshitoshi 1890 Hidesato used a bow and arrow to kill a giant centipede mukade wrapped around a mountain near Lake Biwa fulfilling the request of a serpent at a bridge which turned out to be a court lady or Dragon King from the underwater Ryugu jō 龍宮城 Dragon Palace The hero was entertained at the palace and received rewards including armor and sword and an inexhaustible bag of rice a My Lord Bag O Rice is English translated title of Basil Hall Chamberlain s retelling published as a fairy tale 1887 This was later followed by Yei Theodora Ozaki s translation My Lord Bag of Rice 1903 based on Iwaya Sazanami ja s retelling Contents 1 Setting 2 Personage 3 Summary 3 1 Taiheiki version 3 2 Other attestations 3 3 Fairy tale translations 4 Explanatory notes 5 References 6 External linksSetting editThe story is set in Ōmi Province Shiga Prefecture and begins with a large serpent lying on Seta Bridge ja on the brink of Lake Biwa The serpent which later assumes human form conveys Hidesato to the Dragon Palace which can be reached through the depths of this Lake 1 2 There is a Shinto shrine near the Seta Bridge at Lake Biwa where people have venerated Tawara Tōda 3 Personage editTawara Tōda 俵藤太 lit Rice bag Tōda is a name that plays a pun between tawara meaning straw rice bag straw barrel and 田原 Tawara a proper name which may be a person s name or a place name It was the nickname given to the historical Fujiwara no Hidesato who flourished in the first half of the 10th century and participated in the suppression of the rebel usurper Taira no Masakado 4 The nickname is sometimes styled Tawara no Tōta 5 Summary editThe hero s centipede slaying legend as contained in the Tawara Tōda monogatari The Tale of Tawara Tōda was widely circulated and read during the early Edo Period 17th century when the text was being copied in picture scrolls emaki and appearing in Otogizōshi type woodblock printed and hand copied books b 7 1 A summary of the monogatari version is as follows Fujiwara no Hidesato confronted the large serpent which lay on Seta Bridge ja in Ōmi Province disrupting travelers Undaunted by this twelve horned snake measuring 200 feet c the hero stepped on its back and crossed over continuing onward That night he was visited by a young woman who proclaimed to be the transformation of the serpent Near Lake Biwa where she lived a huge centipede took up residence on Mount Mikami and was devouring beasts and fish and even her own kindred Hidesato accepted her plea to eradicate this creature and went to Seta When the centipede came slinking down it appeared as if two or three thousand torches were descending the mountain Hidesato shot two arrows which failed to lodge but when he laid spittle on the third arrow and prayed to his patron Hachiman deity it struck a grievous blow Hidesato approached the creature d and hacked it to pieces e The dragon woman was elated and gave him magical gifts undiminishing bolts of silk inexhaustible rice bag and a crimson copper pan of plenty or pot of alloyed gold and copper 8 It was on account of the rice bag tawara ja that Hidesato received the nickname Tawara Tōda The dragon woman took him to the Dragon Palace Ryugu where he was entertained and lavished with additional gifts from the Dragon King f Hidesato was given armor and sword and a crimson copper bell Hidesato subsequently donated this bell to Mii dera temple at the foot of Mount Hiei 9 1 6 g The monogatari version probably derives from earlier accounts of Hidesato s centipede slaying described in the 14th century Taiheiki expanded with layers of legendary and religious Buddhist motifs 10 The above summary is not the entirety of Tawara Tōda monogatari which contains a second part where the hero triumphs over Taira no Masakado despite the latter having an iron body which was invulnerable except at the temples on his head and having six ghostly doubles of himself 10 Taiheiki version edit The 14th century Taiheiki records a much earlier version of this legend about Hidesato 11 12 but instead of the dragon turning into a beautiful woman it transforms into a strange small man 12 the Dragon King himself h 13 14 And here Hidesato is invited to the Dragon Palace first and thereafter combats the centipede that attacks the aquatic realm 12 15 Here the inexhaustible silk and rice bag are received from the Dragon King i but not the copper alloy pan pot only the copper temple bell 15 Other attestations edit Further information Fujiwara no Hidesato Legendary arms A version similar to the monogatari appears in Honchō kaidan koji 本朝怪談故事 1711 as pointed out by Dutch Japanologist Marinus Willem de Visser de 2 The centipede coiled seven and a half turns around Mount Mikami according to popular tradition 5 An early written mention of this occurs in the area guidebook Ōmi yochi shiryaku 1723 16 The name Chikushi 遅来矢 has been ascribed to the sword given by the Dragon King in the Wakan sansai zue encyclopedia 1712 and the Tōkaidō meisho zue ja almanac 1797 j 17 18 19 Hidesato s alleged armor from the Dragon Palace bore the similarly scripted name Hiraishi 避来矢 according to the Ujisatoki before 1713 20 k 21 22 23 Hiraishi 平石 an armor with the same sounding but differently written name is listed as a gift of Dragon Palace in Arai Hakuseki s Honchō gunkikō 1709 this work mentions a second armor Muromaru 室丸 being obtained as well 24 25 Although not an attestation of the entire story a sword named Mukadegiri ja 蚣切 Centepede cutter purportedly owned by Hidesato according to the inscription borne on its tang was bequeathed to the Ise Shrine 26 The Ise Shrine Chōkokan Museum ja also houses a kenuki gata ja or tweezer type that allegedly belonged to Hidesato 27 l nbsp Benkei draggin the bell There is a legendary incident concerning the bell donated by Tawara Tōda to Mii dera which was serving as the bonshō bell to tell the hour It happened centuries later when Musashibō Benkei captured and dragged it up the mountain to Eizan Enryaku ji but the bell failed to toll properly Thus the bell has been returned and has so remained at the rightful temple 29 30 Fairy tale translations edit An English version of the tale entitled My Lord Bag O Rice 1887 was translated by Basil Hall Chamberlain and published as Japanese Fairy Tale Series No 15 by Hasegawa Takejirō 31 32 An otogibanashi Japanese fairy tale version entitled Tawara Tōda 俵藤太 retold by Iwaya Sazanami ja appeared in the 1890s 33 Subsequently My Lord Bag of Rice was included in Japanese Fairy Tales 1903 anthologized by Yei Theodora Ozaki 34 35 Ozaki s version is a retelling based on the rendition by Sadanami sanjin 36 the misspelled alias of Iwaya Sazanami 37 Ozaki s book was illustrated by Kakuzō Fujiyama 36 Iwaya s version of several fairy tales were later collected and Hannah Riddell s translation Tawara Toda Hidesato Hidesato of the Rice Bale 29 My Lord Bag of Rice is also found in A Book of Dragons 1965 by Ruth Manning Sanders illustrated by Robin Jacques 38 Explanatory notes edit Or rice sack tawara ja The Tawara Tōda story is not one of the 23 pieces listed in the more stringent definition of otogizōshi But it has been printed under the otogizōshi anthology 6 Araki 1981 also discusses it as an otogizōshi narrative in the broader sense 20 jō 丈 Which had a head like an ox demon gyuki Presumably with his heirloom sword which he had brought The monogatari version elaborates that this was Sagara the Dragon King who in Buddhism was one of the Eight Great Dragon Kings ja among the Eight Legions A legend concerning Benkei is attached to the bell See below In the Taiheiki it is not explcit that the small man and the Dragon God not Dragon King in original text are the same personage so this must be inferred The small man changes into wearing a kanmuri 冠 crown but this headdress is worn by various officials not just the monarch Rather than the Dragon Woman as in the monogatari version This sword was passed down the Akahori clan ja these sources add This armor was passed down Sano clan ja of Shimotsuke Province the Ujisatoki adds The Chōkokan Museum editors surmised that this particular kenuki gata sword Ise ja was the very sword that was heirloom to the Akahori clan ja to which was attached the legend of it being the gift of the Dragon Palace 28 References editCitations a b c Kimbrough 2018 a b Visser 1913 pp 191 192 Visser 1913 p 191 Visser 1913 p 191 192 and note 3 a b Foster Michael Dylan 2015 The Book of Yōkai Mysterious Creatures of Japanese Folklore University of California Press p 139 ISBN 978 0 520 95912 5 a b Yamazaki Fumoto ed 1932 The Tale of Tawara Toda Kōchu Nihon Bungaku Taikei 19 Otogizōshi 校注 日本文学大系 19 お伽草子 他5 Kokumin Tosho pp 86 116 e text in Japanese Araki 1981 pp 1 2 Dykstra amp Kurata 2000 p 76 Araki 1981 p 2 a b Araki 1981 pp 3 4 Taiheiki Book 15 太平記 巻第十五 Chapter 118 About the Battle of Miidera Temple etc 三井寺合戦並当寺撞鐘事付俵藤太事 a b c Dykstra amp Kurata 2000 p 61 Visser 1913 p 192 Shigehara Hiroshi 1981 Nicchu setsuwa no hikaku kenkyu 日中説話の比較研究 in Japanese Kyuko Shoin p 52 小男にも化ければ湖中の竜宮では竜王となる will transform into a small statured man or become Dragon King in the Dragon Palace in the lake a b Friday 2008 pp 157 158 Sangawa Tokikiyo 寒川辰清 1915 Book39 Hidesato no yashiro 巻之卅九 秀郷社 Ōmi yochi shiryaku 近江輿地志略 校定頭註 in Japanese Seinō Insatsu pp 466 468 Terajima Ryōan 寺島良安 1910 Hidesato no yashiro 秀郷社 Wakan sansai zue 26 Jinja bukkaku meisho 和漢三才図会 巻之26 神社仏閣名所 Naitō shoya Gōshu Ōmi Province vol 71 pp 5 6 in Japanese Akisato Ritō 秋里籬島 1910 Hidesato no yashiro 秀郷祠 Tōkaidō meisho zue 1 東海道名所図会 上冊 Yoshikawa Kobunkan Book 2 p 25 in Japanese Noted by Shida 1941 p 5 Owada Tetsuo 1997 Ishida Mitsunari chi no sanbō no jitsuzō 石田三成 知の参謀 の実像 PHP Kenkyujo p 12 Shida 1941 p 7 the characters are extremely similar 文字が甚だよく似てゐる Kondō Heijō 近藤 瓶城 ed 1902 Bekki dai 182 Ujisatoki kan jō 別記第182 氏郷記巻上 Kaiteishiseki shuran bekkirui 改定史籍集覧 別記類 Kondō Kappansho pp 623 624 Noted by Minakata Kumagusu 1916 Junishikō Tawara Tōda ryugu iri no hanashi 十二支考 田原藤太竜宮入りの話 Nakamura 1971 p 214 Hakuseki Arai 1964 Robinson H Russell ed The armour book in Honchō gunkikō Translated by Mrs Y Ōtsuka C E Tuttle pp 17 18 Noted by Shida 1941 p 7 Nakamura 1971 p 214 Yawata Hyakuri 八幡百里 1812 Ise naigu hōnō tawara no tōda hidesato mukadegiri tachi no zu 伊勢内宮奉納俵藤太秀郷蚣切太刀図 Japanese amp Chinese Classics Database in Japanese Waseda University Satō Kanzan 1995 The Japanese Sword a comprehensive guide Translated by Joe Earle The Overlook Press p 132 ISBN 9780870115622 Jungu Chōko Museum Agriculture Pavillion 1941 Jingu Chōkokan chinretsuhin zuroku 神宮徴古館陳列品図録 in Japanese pp 23 24 a b Iwaya amp Riddell tr 1914 reprint Iwaya 1920 Junker von Langegg 1880 pp 155 156 My lord Bag o Rice Basil Hall Chamberlain translation in libraries WorldCat catalog 1887 Reprint Chamberlain Basil Hall 1892 1896 My lord Bag o Rice London and Sydney ondon Griffith Farran amp Co Sidney Iwaya 1896 Iwaya 1927 pp 147 158 Ozaki Yei Theodora 1903 My Lord Bag of Rice Japanese Fairy Tales Westminster Archibald Constable amp Co pp 1 11 Dunne Aidan 2018 07 21 Art in Focus The Tale of Tawara Toda Japanese story painters History meets fantasy in 17th century scrolls at the Chester Beatty Library in Dublin a href Template Cite book html title Template Cite book cite book a newspaper ignored help a b Ozaki 1903 p v Herring 1988 p 100 Sadanami This name is a misprint of the nom de plume of Sazanami Iwaya Manning Sanders Ruth 1965 My Lord Bag of Rice A Book of Dragons Dutton pp 38 42 ISBN 9780416581102 Bibliography Araki James T 1981 Otogi zōshi and Nara ehon A Field of Study in Flux Monumenta Nipponica 36 1 20 doi 10 2307 2384084 JSTOR 2384084 JSTOR 2384084 Dykstra Yoshiko K Kurata Yoko 2000 Tales of Medieval Japan The Journal of Intercultural Studies 27 57 89 Friday Karl 2008 The Tale of Tawara Toda The First Samurai The Life and Legend of the Warrior Rebel Taira Masakado John Wiley amp Sons pp 157 158 ISBN 9780471760825 Iwaya Sazanami 巌谷小波 ed 1896 Tawara Tōda tsuki Kamibina to takasago 俵藤太 附 紙雛と高砂 Nihon mukashibanashi 8 in Japanese Hakubunkan Herring Ann King 1988 Early Translations of Japanese Fairy Tales and Children s Literature Phaedrus 97 112 Iwaya Sazanami 巌谷小波 ed 1927 Tawara Tōda 俵藤太 Nihon otogibanashishu 日本お伽噺集 Nihon jidō bunko 10 in Japanese Ars pp 147 158 Iwaya Sazanami 1914 1903 Tawara Toda Hidesato Hidesato of the Rice Bale Iwaya s Fairy Tales of Old Japan Translated by Riddell Hannah Toyoda Bun yōdō Reprint Iwaya Sazanami 29 May 1920 1914 Tawara Toda Hidesato PDF The Japanese American News English supplement No 7378 Junker von Langegg Ferdinand Adalbert in Japanese 1880 Omi hasu kei der Hiyei San Midzuho gusa segenbringende reisahren nationalroman und schilderungen aus Japan in German vol 3 Lepzig Breitkopf und Hartel pp 155 159 lt ref gt Kimbrough R Keller 2018 The Tale of Tawara Tōda Monsters Animals and Other Worlds A Collection of Short Medieval Japanese Tales Columbia University Press ISBN 9780231545501 Nakamura Setsu 1971 Tawara Tōda Ryugu iri densetsu no ichi mondai 田原藤太竜宮入り伝説の一問題 Kokubungaku kaishaku to kanshō in Japanese 36 2 214 220 Shida Gishu 志田義秀 1941 1 Tawara Tōda no densetsu 一 俵藤太の傳說 Nihon no densetsu to dōwa 日本の伝説と童話 in Japanese Daitō Shuppansha pp 3 24 doi 10 11501 1453466 JPNO 53009832 Visser Marinus Willem de 1913 The dragon in China and Japan Amsterdam J Muller pp 191 193External links edit nbsp English Wikisource has original text related to this article My Lord Bag of Rice Retrieved from https en 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