

In Marxist theory, the Lumpenproletariat (German: [ˈlʊmpn̩pʁoletaˌʁi̯aːt] ; /ˌlʌmpənprlɪˈtɛəriət/) is the underclass devoid of class consciousness.[1] Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels coined the word in the 1840s and used it to refer to the unthinking lower strata of society exploited by reactionary and counter-revolutionary forces, particularly in the context of the revolutions of 1848. They dismissed the revolutionary potential of the Lumpenproletariat and contrasted it with the proletariat. Among other groups, criminals, vagabonds, and prostitutes are usually included in this category.

The Social Democratic Party of Germany made wide use of the term by the turn of the century. Vladimir Lenin (1870–1924) and Leon Trotsky (1879–1940) followed Marx's arguments and dismissed the revolutionary potential of the group, while Mao Zedong (1893–1976) argued that proper leadership could utilize it. The word Lumpenproletariat, popularized in the West by Frantz Fanon's The Wretched of the Earth in the 1960s, has been adopted as a sociological term. However, what some consider to be its vagueness and its history as a term of abuse has led to some criticism. Some revolutionary groups, most notably the Black Panther Party and the Young Lords, have sought to mobilize the Lumpenproletariat.

Overview edit

Etymology edit

Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels are generally considered to have coined the term Lumpenproletariat.[2][3] It is composed of the German word Lumpen, which is usually translated as "ragged"[4][5] and prolétariat, a French word adopted as a common Marxist term for the class of wage earners in a capitalist system. Hal Draper argued that the root is lump ("knave"), not lumpen.[3] Bussard noted that the meaning of lump shifted from being a person dressed in rags in the 17th century to knavery in the 19th century.[6]

Definition edit

The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language defines it as "the lowest stratum of the proletariat. Used originally in Marxist theory to describe those members of the proletariat, especially criminals, vagrants, and the unemployed, who lacked awareness of their collective interest as an oppressed class."[7] In modern usage, it is commonly defined to include the chronically unemployed, the homeless, and career criminals.[8] The Communist Party USA website defines it as follows:[9]

Generally unemployable people who make no positive contribution to an economy. Sometimes described as the bottom layer of a capitalist society. May include criminal and mentally unstable people. Some activists consider them "most radical" because they are "most exploited," but they are un-organizable and more likely to act as paid agents than to have any progressive role in class struggle.

In English translations of Marx and Engels, lumpenproletariat has sometimes been rendered as "social scum", "dangerous classes", "ragamuffin", and "ragged-proletariat".[3] It has been described by some scholars and theorists, as well as the Soviet nomenclature, as a declassed (déclassé) group.[10][11][12][13][14] The term "underclass" is considered to be the modern synonym of lumpenproleteriat.[15][a] Scholars note its negative connotations.[b] Economist Richard McGahey, writing for the New York Times in 1982, noted that it is one of the older terms in a "long line of labels that stigmatize poor people for their poverty by focusing exclusively on individual characteristics." He listed the following synonyms: "underclass", "undeserving poor", and "culture of poverty".[18] Another synonym is "riff-raff".[19] The word is used in some languages as a pejorative. In English it may be used in an informal disapproving manner to "describe people who are not clever or well educated, and who are not interested in changing or improving their situation."[20]

Usage by Marx and Engels edit

According to historian Robert Bussard, Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels viewed the lumpenproletariat as:[21]

essentially parasitical group was largely the remains of older, obsolete stages of social development, and that it could not normally play a progressive role in history. Indeed, because it acted only out of socially ignorant self-interest, the lumpenproletariat was easily bribed by reactionary forces and could be used to combat the true proletariat in its efforts to bring about the end of bourgeois society. Without a clear class-consciousness, the lumpenproletariat could not play a positive role in society. Instead, it exploited society for its own ends, and was in turn exploited as a tool of destruction and reaction.

They used the term exclusively with negative connotations, although their works lack "consistent and clearly reasoned definition" of the term.[22] They used the term in various publications "for diverse purposes and on several levels of meaning."[21]

Hal Draper suggested that the concept has its roots in Young Hegelian thought and possibly in G.W.F. Hegel's Elements of the Philosophy of Right.[22] While Bussard believes that the idea was "at one and the same time, a hybrid of new social attitudes which crystallised in France, England and Germany, as well as an extension of more traditional, pre-nineteenth-century views of the lower classes."[22] Bussard noted that they often used the term as a "kind of sociological profanity" and contrasted between it and "working and thinking" proletariat.[23] According to Michael Denning by identifying the lumpenproletariat, "Marx was combating the established view that the entire working class was a dangerous and immoral element. He drew a line between the proletariat and the lumpenproletariat to defend the moral character of the former."[24]

In early writings edit

The first collaborative work by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels to feature the term lumpenproletariat is The German Ideology, written in 1845–46.[21][25] They used it to describe the plebs (plebeians) of ancient Rome who were midway between freemen and slaves, never becoming more than a "proletarian rabble [lumpenproletariat]" and Max Stirner's "self-professed radical constituency of the Lumpen or ragamuffin."[3] The first work written solely by Marx to mention the term was an article published in the Neue Rheinische Zeitung in November 1848 which described the lumpenproletariat as a "tool of reaction" in the revolutions of 1848 and as a "significant counterrevolutionary force throughout Europe."[23] Engels wrote in The Peasant War in Germany (1850) that the lumpenproletariat is a "phenomenon that occurs in a more or less developed form in all the so far known phases of society".[26][27]

In The Communist Manifesto (1848), where lumpenproletariat is commonly translated in English editions as the "dangerous class" and the "social scum",[28][29][30][31] Marx and Engels wrote:[21]

The lumpenproletariat is passive decaying matter of the lowest layers of the old society, is here and there thrust into the [progressive] movement by a proletarian revolution; [however,] in accordance with its whole way of life, it is more likely to sell out to reactionary intrigues.

In writings on France edit

A depiction of the 1848 uprising in Paris by Horace Vernet.
Louis-Napoléon Bonaparte

In an article analyzing the June 1848 events in Paris Engels wrote of the gardes mobiles, a militia which suppressed the workers' uprising: "The organized lumpenproletariat had given battle to the working proletariat. It had, as was to be expected, put itself at the disposal of the bourgeoisie."[23] Thoburn notes that Marx makes his most detailed descriptions of the lumpenproletariat in his writings of the revolutionary turmoil in France between 1848 and 1852: The Class Struggles in France 1848-1850 (1850) and The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Napoleon (1852).[32] In The Class Struggles he describes the finance aristocracy of Louis Philippe I and his July Monarchy (1830–48) as lumpenproletarian: "In the way it acquires wealth and enjoys it the financial aristocracy is nothing but the lumpenproletariat reborn at the pinnacle of bourgeois society."[33][34] He distinguished the finance aristocracy from the industrial bourgeoisie as the former became rich "not by production, but by pocketing the already available wealth of others."[35] He further suggests that the lumpenproletariat is a component of the proletariat, unlike his earlier works. He claimed that the gardes mobiles were set up "to set one segment of the proletariat against the other":[34]

They belonged for the most part to the lumpenproletariat, which forms a mass clearly distinguished from the industrial proletariat in all large cities, a recruiting ground for thieves and criminals of all kinds, living on the refuse of society, people without a fixed line of work.

In The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Napoleon Marx identified Napoleon III as the "Chief of the Lumpenproletariat," a claim he made repeatedly. He argued that he bought his supporters with "gifts and loans, these were the limits of the financial science of the lumpenproletariat, both the low and the exalted. Never had a President speculated more stupidly on the stupidity of the masses." For Marx, the lumpenproletariat represented those who were "corrupt, reactionary and without a clear sense of class-consciousness."[36] He wrote in The Eighteenth Brumaire:[37]

Alongside ruined roués with questionable means of support and of dubious origin, degenerate and adventurous scions of the bourgeoisie, there were vagabonds, discharged soldiers, discharged convicts, runaway galley slaves, swindlers, charlatans, lazzaroni, pickpockets, tricksters, gamblers, procurers, brothel keepers, porters, literati, organ grinders, rag-pickers, knife-grinders, tinkers, beggars; in short, the entirely undefined, disintegrating mass, thrown hither and yon, which the French call la bohème.

Capital edit

In Capital (1867) Marx claimed legislation which turned soldiers and peasants "en masse into beggars, robbers, vagabonds, partly from inclination, in most cases from stress of circumstances." By this he deviated from his focus on the vicious and degenerate behavior of the lumpenproletariat in his writings on France. Instead he described the lumpenproletariat as part of the what he called an "industrial reserve army", which capitalists used as times required. Thus "vagabonds, criminals, prostitutes" and other lumpenproletariat formed an element within the "surplus population" in a capitalist system.[38]

Left-wing views edit

Social Democratic Party of Germany edit

The Social Democratic Party of Germany (SPD) was one of the first to use lumpenproletariat in their rhetoric, particularly to indicate the scope of their view of a "desirable" working class and exclude the non-respectable poor.[39] By the early 20th century, the German Marxist tradition saw workers outside the SPD and/or labor unions as members of the lumpenproletariat.[1] In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, rioting and violence was often attributed by the SPD and its newspaper Vorwärts to the lumpenproletariat working in collusion with the secret police. Historian Richard J. Evans argued that the SPD, thus, lost touch with the "militancy of the classes which it claimed to represent, a militancy which found expression in frequent outbursts of spontaneous collective protest, both political and industrial, at moments of high social and political tension."[40] For many German socialists in the imperial period the lumpenproletariat—especially prostitutes and pimps—was not only a "political-moral problem, but also an objective, biological danger to the health of society." Karl Kautsky argued in 1890 that it is the lumpenproletariat and not the "militant industrial proletariat" that mostly suffer from alcoholism.[41] August Bebel, pre-World War I leader of the SPD, linked anti-Semitic proletarians to the lumpenproletariat as the former failed to develop class consciousness, which led to a racial, and not social, explanation of economic inequality.[1]

Bolsheviks and the Soviet Union edit

Vladimir Lenin called socialist attempts to recruit lumpenproletariat elements "opportunism".[42][better source needed] In 1925 Nikolai Bukharin described the lumpenproletariat as being characterized by "shiftlessness, lack of discipline, hatred of the old, but impotence to construct anything new, an individualistic declassed 'personality' whose actions are based only on foolish caprices."[17][13] In a 1932 article on "How Mussolini Triumphed" Leon Trotsky described the "declassed and demoralized" lumpenproletariat as "the countless human beings whom finance capital itself has brought to desperation and frenzy." He argued that capitalism used them through fascism.[43] The Great Soviet Encyclopedia, written from the Marxist-Leninist perspective, defined lumpenproletariat as:[44]

a declassed strata in an antagonistic society (including vagrants, beggars, and criminal elements) [which] has become particularly widespread under capitalism. It is recruited from various classes and is incapable of organized political struggle. It constitutes, along with the petit bourgeois strata, the social basis of anarchism. The bourgeoisie makes use of the lumpen proletariat as strikebreakers, as participants in fascist pogrom bands, and in other ways. The lumpen proletariat disappears with the abolition of the capitalist system.

The term was rarely used in the Soviet Union to describe any portion of the Soviet society because, Hemmerle argues, following the Russian Revolution of 1917 "millions of people passed through economic conditions that bore a resemblance to the traditional meaning of lumpenproletariat". However, it was used to label labor movements in capitalist countries which were not pro-Soviet.[1] Soviet authorities and scholars instead reserved other terms for their own lumpenproletariat groups, especially "déclassé elements" (деклассированные элементы, deklassirovannye elementy), and viewed them, like Marx, as "social degenerates, isolated from the forces of production and incapable of having a working-class consciousness." Svetlana Stephenson notes that the Soviet state "for all its ideology of assistance, cooperation and social responsibility, was ready to descend on them with all its might."[45]

China edit

Mao Zedong argued in 1939 that the lumpenproletariat (Chinese: 游民无产者, pinyin: yóumín wúchǎnzhě) in China is a legacy of the country's "colonial and semi-colonial status" which forced a vast number of people in urban and rural areas into illegitimate occupations and activities.[46] Earlier, in 1928, he asserted that "the only way" to win over these wayward proletarians was to carry out intensive thought reform "so as to effect qualitative changes in these elements."[47] He argued that the lumpenproletariat had a dual nature. Simultaneously, they were "victimized members of the laboring masses and untrustworthy elements with 'parasitic inclinations'", which made them waver between revolution and counterrevolution.[47] He believed that lumpenproletariat elements, such as triads, the organized crime syndicates, "can become revolutionary given proper leadership".[48] According to Luo Ruiqing, the Minister of Public Security, the lumpenproletariat population consisted of sex workers, vagrant gangs, and theft rings and were political problems that threatened the internal security of China. Following the Communist victory in the Chinese Civil War and the proclamation of the People's Republic of China (PRC), lumpenproletariat were interned into government-run reeducation centers. Some 500,000 people were interned into 920 such centers by 1953.[49] Historian Aminda Smith notes that the "case of lumpenproletariat reformatories suggests that anti-state resistance from members of the oppressed masses was essential to early-PRC rhetoric because it validated claims about the devastating effects of the old society and the transformative power of socialist 'truth'."[50]

Views on its revolutionary potential edit

Sociologist Daniel Patrick Moynihan, who later became a Senator, stated following the riots of 1967 that the lumpenproletariat is essentially anarchistic rather than revolutionary.[51] By the early 1970s some radicals deviated from the orthodox Marxist viewpoint that the lumpenproletariat lacks significant revolutionary potential.[22] Herbert Marcuse, an American philosopher and sociologist of the Frankfurt School, believed that the working class in the US "having been bought up by the consumer society, has lost all class consciousness" and lay the hopes for revolution on the lumpenproletariat—the social outcasts—led by intellectuals.[52] Marcuse, along with Afro-Caribbean philosopher Frantz Fanon and other radical intellectuals, proposed that elements of the lumpenproletariat are potentially leading forces in a revolutionary movement.[53] According to Michael Denning Fanon revived the term, long having been disappeared from left-wing discourse, in this book The Wretched of the Earth (1961).[24] He defined the lumpenproletariat as the peasantry in colonial societies of the Third World not involved in industrial production who are unaware of the dominant colonial ideology and are therefore, "ready, capable and willing to revolt against the colonial status quo for liberation." He described them as "one of the most spontaneous and the most radically revolutionary forces of a colonized people."[54] He was not uncritical of the lumpenproletariat due to their supposed unpredictability due to "their ignorance and incomprehension." Colonial forces could make a use of them as hired soldiers.[55]

Fanon's use of the term prompted debates and studies, including by Pierre Bourdieu and Charles van Onselen.[56] The African revolutionary Amílcar Cabral was skeptical about the lumpen being used in anti-colonialist liberation revolution.[12] His African Party for the Independence of Guinea and Cape Verde recruited déclassé, but not lumpenproletariat, groups as the latter were supportive of the Portuguese colonial police, while the former, in the absence of a developed proletariat in Guinea and Cape Verde, played a dynamic role in anti-colonialist struggle.[57] Historian Martin Meredith wrote that Ethiopian ruler Mengistu Haile Mariam used "the lumpen-proletariat of the slums" to help with his Red Terror.[58]

Black Panther Party edit

Laura Pulido argues that, historically, the lumpenproletariat in the US has mostly been African American due to the nation being racially constituted. It is primarily indicated by the high unemployment and incarceration rates among African Americans.[59] The Black Panther Party, most prominent revolutionary socialists in post-war US, "thought of much of their following as lumpenproletarian."[60] They adopted Fanon's viewpoint regarding the revolutionary potential of the group.[54] Pulido claims the emphasis the Black Panthers put on the lumpenproletariat was the party's hallmark.[16] Its co-founders Bobby Seale and Huey P. Newton viewed the African-American lumpenproletariat as a potential organized threat if the party did not mobilize them. Seale included "the brother who's pimping, the brother who's hustling, the unemployed, the downtrodden, the brother who's robbing banks, who's not politically conscious" in his definition of the lumpenproletariat.[61] Newton called them "street brothers", alienated from the system of oppression in the US, and sought to recruit them into the party.[54] Their strategy was a controversial one. Chris Booker and Errol Henderson argued that problems such as "a lack of discipline, a tendency toward violence, the importation of street culture, including crime, and the use of weapons" by Black Panthers was caused by the disproportionately high membership of the lumpenproletariat in their ranks.[62][63]

Young Lords Party edit

The Young Lords Party adopted similar views to the Black Panther Party, believing in the potential of the lumpen. They developed a Lumpen Organization within their larger organization with the goal of enlisting the people considered the lumpenproletariat, or "lumpen," in the struggle; they considered the lumpen to be "the class in our nation which for years and years have not been able to find jobs, and are forced to be drug addicts, prostitutes, etc." (p. 20) in the face of the capitalist system the Party considered an enemy.[64] Crucial to the party's view on the lumpen is that, unlike criticisms of the lumpenproletariat around a perceived lack of productivity and organization, the Young Lords Party stated that "it's a law of revolution that the most oppressed group takes the leadership position" (p. 42) and that the lumpen would be the immediate focus of the party's organizing efforts in liberating all oppressed peoples.[64]

Criticism edit

Ernesto Laclau argued that Marx's dismissal of the lumpenproletariat showed the limitations of his theory of economic determinism and argued that the group and "its possible integration into the politics of populism as an 'absolute outside' that threatens the coherence of ideological identifications."[65] Mark Cowling argues that the "concept is being used for its political impact rather than because it provides good explanations" and that its political impact is "pernicious" and an "obstacle to clear analysis."[66] Laura Pulido argues that there is a diversity in the lumpen population, especially in terms of consciousness.[59]

Anarchist criticism edit

Post-anarchist Saul Newman wrote in 2010 that classical anarchists argue that the lumpenproletariat should be designated as a revolutionary class.[67] According to Tom Brass, individualist anarchist Max Stirner "celebrated the lumpenproletariat as authentic rebels."[42] Anarchist thinker Mikhail Bakunin, who was dubbed "the lumpen prince" by Engels, wrote that only in the lumpenproletariat and "and not in the bourgeois strata of workers, are there crystallised the entire intelligence and power of the coming Social Revolution."[68] Thoburn writes that for him, the lumpenproletariat represented a "kind of actually existing anarchism."[69] Ann Robertson notes that Bakunin believed that "inherent in humanity is a natural essence which can be suppressed but never entirely extinguished. Those in society who are more distant from the State apparatus (the peasants are scattered throughout the countryside, the lumpenproletariat simply refuses to obey the laws) are accordingly natural leaders".[70] Bakunin stated:[71]

that eternal 'meat', [...] that great rabble of the people (underdogs, 'dregs of society') ordinarily designated by Marx and Engels in the picturesque and contemptuous phrase lumpenproletariat. I have in mind the 'riffraff', that 'rabble' almost unpolluted by bourgeois civilization, which carries in its inner being and in its aspirations [...] all the seeds of the socialism of the future...

Other uses edit

Ritter with an Ordnungspolizei officer and a Romani woman, 1936

Robert Ritter, the head of Nazi Germany's efforts to track the genealogies of the Romani, considered them a "highly inferior Lumpenproletariat" as they were "parasites who lacked ambition and many of them had become habitual criminals."[72] The Romani were seen in post-World War II communist-ruled eastern and central Europe as an example of the lumpenproletariat and were, therefore, subject to an aggressive policy of assimilation.[73]

Ken Gelder noted that in cultural studies, subcultures are "often positioned outside of class, closer in kind to Marx's lumpenproletariat, lacking social consciousness, self-absorbed or self-interested, at a distance from organised or sanctioned forms of labour, and so on."[74]

In Ukraine, titushky, pro-Viktor Yanukovych thugs active during the Euromaidan protests in 2013–14, were characterized as lumpen elements.[75]

In American political discourse edit

The 1979 report of the Carnegie Council on Policy Studies in Higher Education warned that the US is in danger of creating "a permanent underclass, a self‐perpetuating culture of poverty, a substantial 'lumpen proletariat'."[76] Eleanor Holmes Norton wrote in 1985: "An American version of a lumpenproletariat (the so-called underclass), without work and without hope, existing at the margins of society, could bring down the great cities, sap resources and strength from the entire society and, lacking the usual means to survive, prey upon those who possess them."[77] According to political scientist Marie Gottschalk the tough-on-crime stance on African Americans has been caused by political manipulation of public fears of a lumpen underclass threatening the majority as African Americans were perceived to have turned to crime due to losing in the deindustrialization of the country.[78]

Mark Cowling argued that there is considerable similarity in both definition and function between the lumpenproletariat, as proposed by Marx, and the contemporary theory of the underclass by Charles Murray, an American conservative political scientist.[79] Although Murray and Richard Herrnstein did not use the term in their 1994 book The Bell Curve, Malcolm Browne noted in a New York Times review that the authors argue that the United States is being "split between an isolated caste of ruling meritocrats on one hand and a vast, powerless Lumpenproletariat on the other. Society, the authors predict, will have little use for this underclass in a world dominated by sophisticated machines and the bright human beings who tend them."[80]

Several commentators and researchers have analyzed Donald Trump's political base as modern American lumpenproletariat.[81][82][83] Trumpen Proletariat was coined by Jonah Goldberg in 2015 to describe Trump's "biggest fans", who he believed "are not to be relied upon in the conservative cause" in the same way the lumpenproletariat was not to be relied upon for a socialist revolution.[84] Daniel Henninger used the term as well in The Wall Street Journal.[85] Francis Levy compared "basket of deplorables", Hillary Clinton's phrase to characterize some Trump supporters during the 2016 presidential election campaign, to Marx's rhetoric of the lumpenproletariat.[86] In 2020 Ryan Lizza coined Biden Proletariat to describe an underclass of campaign workers and supporters – "veterans of the Biden campaign" – who were cast aside during post-election White House staffing, thus carrying on a tradition in Democratic politics of abandoning loyal-political workers in favor of well-connected, political elites.[87]

Usage in India edit

Ranjit Gupta, the Inspector General of the West Bengal Police, claimed in 1973 that the Maoist Naxalite rebels in India were made of "some intellectuals and lumpen proletariat. Their main target was policemen—and they thought that if the police force could be torn apart, so could society."[88] Political scientist Atul Kohli claimed in his 2001 book that "variety of lumpen groups, especially unemployed youth in northern India, have joined right-wing proto-fascist movements in recent years," especially the Hindu nationalist Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS).[89] In 2010s, cow vigilantism in India has been linked by Pavan Varma to "lumpen Hindu fanaticism"[90] and to "lumpen and self-appointed gau rakshaks" by Bhalchandra Mungekar.[91]

Genocides and crimes against humanity edit

Due to a desire to keep clean the hands of the larger public, paramilitary groups are often used to commit atrocities and they often recruit mainly among criminals, said to be used to violence and brutality and wanting to enjoy an occasion to loot.[92] The lumpenproletariat has been described as being more likely to adhere to doctrines calling for ethnic cleansing and to organize in militias.[93]

During the Armenian genocide, prisoners were pardoned and released from prison to serve in bands, or çetes. Criminals and other elements of the lumpenproletariat hoped to gain respectability and wealth through their participation to genocide.[92][94][95]

The Dirlewanger Brigade recruited poachers and criminals to wage the Bandenbekämpfung on the Eastern Front.[96]

In Kigali, during the Rwandan genocide, the Interahamwe and Impuzamugambi, who recruited among the poorer elements of the population, started to draw a "lumpenproletariat of street boys".[97]

The various Serbian militias of the Bosnian War such as the Serb Volunteer Guard and the White Eagles were described as recruiting among the lumpenproletariat.[98] 80% of the Bosnian Serb paramilitary troops were said to be criminals, and Croat and Bosnian units similarly drew criminals into their ranks.[92][99]

In Darfur, some Janjaweed were convicts recruited in prison or bandits who joined governmental forces.[92][100][101] Marc Lavergne, author of Le Soudan contemporain, described them as a "rural lumpenproletariat."[102][103]

Sociological research edit

Political leanings edit

Ernesto Ragionieri, an Italian Marxist historian, argued to have confirmed in his 1953 book Un comune socialista that the lumpenproletariat is essentially a conservative force based on his study of Sesto Fiorentino. He found that some 450–500 members of the working class had joined the liberal-conservative party, which was led by landowners, industrialists, and professionals in hopes of getting recommendation that would allow them to join Richard-Ginori, the largest local employer, which refused to hire socialists.[104]

Violence edit

In 1966 sociologist David Matza cited disorder and violence as two of the most prominent characteristics of the disreputable poor.[17][105] In his 1977 book Class, State, and Crime, Marxist historian Richard Quinney defined lumpen crimes (or "predatory crimes") as those intended for purely personal profit.[106] In a 1986 study sociologist David Brownfield defined the lumpen-proletariat (or the "disreputable poor") by their unemployment and receipt of welfare benefits.[107] He concluded that "while no significant effects of class can be found using a neo-Marxist conception of class, gradational measures of class (occupation and education) ... Measures of disreputable poverty—unemployment and welfare status [recipiency]—are relatively strong correlates of violent behavior."[108] He explained:[109]

The frustrations and the anger associated with unemployment and being on welfare are compounded by the lack of such fundamental necessities as food, clothing, and shelter among some of the disreputable poor. It would seem self-evident that such an environment of absolute deprivation may be the breeding grounds for discontent and violence.

Derivations edit

Several terms have been coined in imitation of lumpenproletariat such as:

  • lumpenintelligentsia, to depreciatively describe in Britain, "a section of the intelligentsia regarded as making no useful contribution to society, or as lacking taste, culture, etc. Also more generally: the intelligentsia collectively, regarded as worthless or powerless."[110]
  • the term lumpenbourgeoisie was coined by German Socialist writers in the 1920s, in part to explain the rise of Hitler and National Socialism.[111] It was reinvented and made popular again by sociologist Andre Gunder Frank in his works on dependency theory; where the so described class is complicit in maintaining a flow of resources from, and at the expense of, their own poor states at the "periphery" to a "core" of wealthy states[112]
  • lumpen militariat, coined by Ali Mazrui in 1973, to describe the newly emerging "class of semi-organized, rugged, and semi-literate soldiery which has begun to claim a share of power and influence in what would otherwise have become a heavily privileged meritocracy of the educated" in post-colonial Africa.[113]

References edit

  1. ^ "the lumpen proletariat, or what today might be called the 'underclass'."[16]
  2. ^ "The Marxist term for this underclass, the lumpenproleteriat, conveys distinctly negative images."[17]
  1. ^ a b c d Hemmerle, O.B. (2006). "Lumpenproletariat". In Odekon, Mehmet (ed.). Encyclopedia of World Poverty Volume 1: A-G. SAGE Publications. pp. 655-656. ISBN 978-1-4129-1807-7.
  2. ^ Bussard 1987, p. 680.
  3. ^ a b c d Thoburn 2002, p. 440.
  4. ^ Bussard 1987, p. 675.
  5. ^ "lumpenproletariat". Collins English Dictionary. German, literally: ragged proletariat
  6. ^ Bussard 1987, p. 679.
  7. ^ "lumpenproletariat". TheFreeDictionary.com.
  8. ^ Holt, Justin P. (2014). "Class". The Social Thought of Karl Marx. SAGE. p. 105. ISBN 9781412997843.
  9. ^ . cp-texas.org. Communist Party USA Texas. Archived from the original on 8 January 2022.
  10. ^ Kernig, Claus Dieter [in German] (1972). Marxism, Communism, and Western Society: Class, Class struggle. New York: Herder and Herder. p. 3. ...declassed groups (the Lumpen- proletariat, beggars)...
  11. ^ Cheng, Lucie (1984). Labor Immigration Under Capitalism: Asian Workers in the United States Before World War II. University of California Press. p. 300. ISBN 9780520048294. ...population of declassed or lumpen proletariat....
  12. ^ a b Abdullah 2006, p. 100.
  13. ^ a b Welshman, John (2013). Underclass: A History of the Excluded Since 1880. A & C Black. p. 21. ISBN 9781780935706.
  14. ^ Thoburn 2002, p. 435.
  15. ^ Peterson, Paul E. (1992). "The Urban Underclass and the Poverty Paradox". Political Science Quarterly. 106 (4): 617–637. doi:10.2307/2151796. JSTOR 2151796. underclass, like lumpen proletariat, is also a suitable concept for those who, like Karl Marx, want to identify a group shaped and dominated by a society's economic and political forces but who have no productive role.
  16. ^ a b Pulido 2006, p. 142.
  17. ^ a b c Brownfield 1986, p. 426.
  18. ^ McGahey, Richard (12 March 1982). "Poverty's Voguish Stigma". The New York Times.
  19. ^ Carr, Edwar Hallett (1938). Karl Marx: A Study in Fanaticism. Dent. p. 60. ...Marx had a name for these proletarians who had not yet seen the light — the Lumpenproletariat or riff-raff...
  20. ^ "lumpen". dictionary.cambridge.org. Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary.
  21. ^ a b c d Bussard 1987, p. 677.
  22. ^ a b c d Bussard 1987, p. 676.
  23. ^ a b c Bussard 1987, p. 683.
  24. ^ a b Denning 2010, p. 87.
  25. ^ Marx, Karl; Engels, Friedrich (1976) [First published 1846]. The German Ideology (3rd ed.). Moscow: Progress Publishers. p. 93.
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  55. ^ Abdullah 2006, p. 104.
  56. ^ Denning 2010, p. 88.
  57. ^ Abdullah 2006, p. 101.
  58. ^ Meredith, Martin (2011). The State of Africa: A History Of The Continent Since Independence. PublicAffairs. p. 246.
  59. ^ a b Pulido 2006, p. 143.
  60. ^ Cowling 2002, p. 233.
  61. ^ Seale, Bobby (1970). Seize the Time. New York: Random House.
  62. ^ Pulido 2006, p. 144: Chris Booker, "Lumpenization: A Critical Error of the Black Panther Party," in Charles Jones, Black Panther Party Reconsidered, Baltimore: Black Classic Press, 1998, p. 341; Errol Henderson, "Black Nationalism and Rap Music," Journal of Black Studies 26 (January 1996): 308–39
  63. ^ Henderson, Errol A. (1997). "The Lumpenproletariat as Vanguard?: The Black Panther Party, Social Transformation, and Pearson's Analysis of Huey Newton". Journal of Black Studies. 28 (2): 171–199. doi:10.1177/002193479702800203. S2CID 141057732.
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  104. ^ Kohn, Margaret (2003). Radical Space: Building the House of the People. Cornell University Press. p. 194. ISBN 9780801488603.
  105. ^ Matza, David (1966). "The Disreputable Poor". In Bendix, Reinhard; Lipset, Seymour M. (eds.). Class, Status and Power. New York: Free Press.
  106. ^ cited in Smith, Brent L. (1994). Terrorism in America: Pipe Bombs and Pipe Dreams. SUNY Press. p. 153. ISBN 9780791417591.; original source: Quinney, Richard (1977). Class, State, and Crime: On Theory and Practice of Criminal Justice. New York: D. McKay Co. pp. 55–57.
  107. ^ Brownfield 1986, p. 421.
  108. ^ Brownfield 1986, p. 435.
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  110. ^ . OxfordDictionaries.com. Oxford University Press. Archived from the original on July 31, 2017.
  111. ^ Luxemburg, Rosa; Mehring, Franz; Schneller, Ernst, eds. (1925). "Zeitschrift für Praxis und Theorie des Marxismus". Die Internationale: Zeitschrift für Praxis und Theorie des Marxismus. Neue Kritik. 6: 72.
  112. ^ Frank, André Gunder (1972), Lumpenbourgeoisie: Lumpendevelopment: dependence, class, and politics in Latin America, New York, NY: Monthly Review Press, ISBN 0-85345-235-0
  113. ^ Mazrui, Ali A. (1973). "The Lumpen Proletariat and the Lumpen Militariat: African Soldiers as a New Political Class". Political Studies. 21 (1): 1–12. doi:10.1111/j.1467-9248.1973.tb01413.x. S2CID 143839657.

Bibliography edit

  • Abdullah, Ibrahim (2006). "Culture, consciousness and armed conflict: Cabral's déclassé/(lumpenproletariat?) in the era of globalization". African Identities. 4 (1): 99–112. doi:10.1080/14725840500268390. S2CID 144365791.
  • Brownfield, David (1986). "Social Class and Violent Behavior". Criminology. 24 (3): 421–438. doi:10.1111/j.1745-9125.1986.tb00384.x.
  • Bussard, Robert L. (1987). "The 'dangerous class' of Marx and Engels: The rise of the idea of the Lumpenproletariat". History of European Ideas. 8 (6): 675–692. doi:10.1016/0191-6599(87)90164-1.
  • Cowling, Mark (2002). "Marx's Lumpenproletariat and Murray's Underclass: Concepts Best Abandoned?". In Cowling, Mark; Martin, James (eds.). Marx's 'Eighteenth Brumaire': (Post)Modern Interpretations. Pluto Press. pp. 228-242. ISBN 9780745318301.
  • Denning, Michael (2010). "Wageless Life". New Left Review. 66: 79–97. (web version)
  • Hayes, Peter (1988). "Utopia and the Lumpenproletariat: Marx's Reasoning in 'The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte'". The Review of Politics. 50 (3): 445–465. doi:10.1017/S0034670500036330. JSTOR 1407908. S2CID 145258994.
  • Pulido, Laura (2006). Black, Brown, Yellow, and Left: Radical Activism in Los Angeles. University of California Press. ISBN 9780520245204.
  • Smith, Aminda M. (2013). "Thought Reform and the Unreformable: Reeducation Centers and the Rhetoric of Opposition in the Early People's Republic of China". The Journal of Asian Studies. 72 (4): 937–958. doi:10.1017/S0021911813001654. JSTOR 43553236. S2CID 162866252.
  • Stallybrass, Peter (Summer 1990). "Marx and Heterogeneity: Thinking the Lumpenproletariat". Representations (31): 69–95. doi:10.2307/2928400. JSTOR 2928400.
  • Thoburn, Nicholas (2002). "Difference in Marx: the lumpenproletariat and the proletarian unnamable". Economy and Society. 31 (3): 434–460. doi:10.1080/03085140220151882. S2CID 53466836.

Further reading edit

  • Bourdin, Jean-Claude (2013). "Marx and the Lumpenproletariat". Actuel Marx (in French). 54 (2): 39–55. doi:10.3917/amx.054.0039. (English abstract)
  • Bovenkerk, Frank [in Dutch] (1984). "The Rehabilitation of the Rabble: How and why Marx and Engels wrongly depicted the lumpenproletariat as a reactionary force". Netherlands Journal of Sociology. 20: 13–41.
  • Draper, Hal (December 1972). "The Concept of the Lumpenproletariat in Marx and Engels". Économies et Sociétés. 15: 2285–3 12. ISSN 0013-0567.
  • Mills, Nathaniel (2017). Ragged Revolutionaries: The Lumpenproletariat and African American Marxism in. Depression-Era Literature. University of Massachusetts Press. ISBN 978-1-62534-279-9.

lumpenproletariat, marxist, theory, german, ˈlʊmpn, pʁoletaˌʁi, aːt, ɛər, underclass, devoid, class, consciousness, karl, marx, friedrich, engels, coined, word, 1840s, used, refer, unthinking, lower, strata, society, exploited, reactionary, counter, revolution. In Marxist theory the Lumpenproletariat German ˈlʊmpn pʁoletaˌʁi aːt ˌ l ʌ m p e n p r oʊ l ɪ ˈ t ɛer i e t is the underclass devoid of class consciousness 1 Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels coined the word in the 1840s and used it to refer to the unthinking lower strata of society exploited by reactionary and counter revolutionary forces particularly in the context of the revolutions of 1848 They dismissed the revolutionary potential of the Lumpenproletariat and contrasted it with the proletariat Among other groups criminals vagabonds and prostitutes are usually included in this category The Social Democratic Party of Germany made wide use of the term by the turn of the century Vladimir Lenin 1870 1924 and Leon Trotsky 1879 1940 followed Marx s arguments and dismissed the revolutionary potential of the group while Mao Zedong 1893 1976 argued that proper leadership could utilize it The word Lumpenproletariat popularized in the West by Frantz Fanon s The Wretched of the Earth in the 1960s has been adopted as a sociological term However what some consider to be its vagueness and its history as a term of abuse has led to some criticism Some revolutionary groups most notably the Black Panther Party and the Young Lords have sought to mobilize the Lumpenproletariat Contents 1 Overview 1 1 Etymology 1 2 Definition 2 Usage by Marx and Engels 2 1 In early writings 2 2 In writings on France 2 3 Capital 3 Left wing views 3 1 Social Democratic Party of Germany 3 2 Bolsheviks and the Soviet Union 3 3 China 3 4 Views on its revolutionary potential 3 4 1 Black Panther Party 3 4 2 Young Lords Party 3 5 Criticism 3 5 1 Anarchist criticism 4 Other uses 4 1 In American political discourse 4 2 Usage in India 5 Genocides and crimes against humanity 6 Sociological research 6 1 Political leanings 6 2 Violence 7 Derivations 8 References 9 Bibliography 10 Further readingOverview editEtymology edit Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels are generally considered to have coined the term Lumpenproletariat 2 3 It is composed of the German word Lumpen which is usually translated as ragged 4 5 and proletariat a French word adopted as a common Marxist term for the class of wage earners in a capitalist system Hal Draper argued that the root is lump knave not lumpen 3 Bussard noted that the meaning of lump shifted from being a person dressed in rags in the 17th century to knavery in the 19th century 6 Definition edit The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language defines it as the lowest stratum of the proletariat Used originally in Marxist theory to describe those members of the proletariat especially criminals vagrants and the unemployed who lacked awareness of their collective interest as an oppressed class 7 In modern usage it is commonly defined to include the chronically unemployed the homeless and career criminals 8 The Communist Party USA website defines it as follows 9 Generally unemployable people who make no positive contribution to an economy Sometimes described as the bottom layer of a capitalist society May include criminal and mentally unstable people Some activists consider them most radical because they are most exploited but they are un organizable and more likely to act as paid agents than to have any progressive role in class struggle In English translations of Marx and Engels lumpenproletariat has sometimes been rendered as social scum dangerous classes ragamuffin and ragged proletariat 3 It has been described by some scholars and theorists as well as the Soviet nomenclature as a declassed declasse group 10 11 12 13 14 The term underclass is considered to be the modern synonym of lumpenproleteriat 15 a Scholars note its negative connotations b Economist Richard McGahey writing for the New York Times in 1982 noted that it is one of the older terms in a long line of labels that stigmatize poor people for their poverty by focusing exclusively on individual characteristics He listed the following synonyms underclass undeserving poor and culture of poverty 18 Another synonym is riff raff 19 The word is used in some languages as a pejorative In English it may be used in an informal disapproving manner to describe people who are not clever or well educated and who are not interested in changing or improving their situation 20 Usage by Marx and Engels editAccording to historian Robert Bussard Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels viewed the lumpenproletariat as 21 essentially parasitical group was largely the remains of older obsolete stages of social development and that it could not normally play a progressive role in history Indeed because it acted only out of socially ignorant self interest the lumpenproletariat was easily bribed by reactionary forces and could be used to combat the true proletariat in its efforts to bring about the end of bourgeois society Without a clear class consciousness the lumpenproletariat could not play a positive role in society Instead it exploited society for its own ends and was in turn exploited as a tool of destruction and reaction They used the term exclusively with negative connotations although their works lack consistent and clearly reasoned definition of the term 22 They used the term in various publications for diverse purposes and on several levels of meaning 21 Hal Draper suggested that the concept has its roots in Young Hegelian thought and possibly in G W F Hegel s Elements of the Philosophy of Right 22 While Bussard believes that the idea was at one and the same time a hybrid of new social attitudes which crystallised in France England and Germany as well as an extension of more traditional pre nineteenth century views of the lower classes 22 Bussard noted that they often used the term as a kind of sociological profanity and contrasted between it and working and thinking proletariat 23 According to Michael Denning by identifying the lumpenproletariat Marx was combating the established view that the entire working class was a dangerous and immoral element He drew a line between the proletariat and the lumpenproletariat to defend the moral character of the former 24 In early writings edit The first collaborative work by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels to feature the term lumpenproletariat is The German Ideology written in 1845 46 21 25 They used it to describe the plebs plebeians of ancient Rome who were midway between freemen and slaves never becoming more than a proletarian rabble lumpenproletariat and Max Stirner s self professed radical constituency of the Lumpen or ragamuffin 3 The first work written solely by Marx to mention the term was an article published in the Neue Rheinische Zeitung in November 1848 which described the lumpenproletariat as a tool of reaction in the revolutions of 1848 and as a significant counterrevolutionary force throughout Europe 23 Engels wrote in The Peasant War in Germany 1850 that the lumpenproletariat is a phenomenon that occurs in a more or less developed form in all the so far known phases of society 26 27 In The Communist Manifesto 1848 where lumpenproletariat is commonly translated in English editions as the dangerous class and the social scum 28 29 30 31 Marx and Engels wrote 21 The lumpenproletariat is passive decaying matter of the lowest layers of the old society is here and there thrust into the progressive movement by a proletarian revolution however in accordance with its whole way of life it is more likely to sell out to reactionary intrigues In writings on France edit nbsp A depiction of the 1848 uprising in Paris by Horace Vernet nbsp Louis Napoleon BonaparteIn an article analyzing the June 1848 events in Paris Engels wrote of the gardes mobiles a militia which suppressed the workers uprising The organized lumpenproletariat had given battle to the working proletariat It had as was to be expected put itself at the disposal of the bourgeoisie 23 Thoburn notes that Marx makes his most detailed descriptions of the lumpenproletariat in his writings of the revolutionary turmoil in France between 1848 and 1852 The Class Struggles in France 1848 1850 1850 and The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Napoleon 1852 32 In The Class Struggles he describes the finance aristocracy of Louis Philippe I and his July Monarchy 1830 48 as lumpenproletarian In the way it acquires wealth and enjoys it the financial aristocracy is nothing but the lumpenproletariat reborn at the pinnacle of bourgeois society 33 34 He distinguished the finance aristocracy from the industrial bourgeoisie as the former became rich not by production but by pocketing the already available wealth of others 35 He further suggests that the lumpenproletariat is a component of the proletariat unlike his earlier works He claimed that the gardes mobiles were set up to set one segment of the proletariat against the other 34 They belonged for the most part to the lumpenproletariat which forms a mass clearly distinguished from the industrial proletariat in all large cities a recruiting ground for thieves and criminals of all kinds living on the refuse of society people without a fixed line of work In The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Napoleon Marx identified Napoleon III as the Chief of the Lumpenproletariat a claim he made repeatedly He argued that he bought his supporters with gifts and loans these were the limits of the financial science of the lumpenproletariat both the low and the exalted Never had a President speculated more stupidly on the stupidity of the masses For Marx the lumpenproletariat represented those who were corrupt reactionary and without a clear sense of class consciousness 36 He wrote in The Eighteenth Brumaire 37 Alongside ruined roues with questionable means of support and of dubious origin degenerate and adventurous scions of the bourgeoisie there were vagabonds discharged soldiers discharged convicts runaway galley slaves swindlers charlatans lazzaroni pickpockets tricksters gamblers procurers brothel keepers porters literati organ grinders rag pickers knife grinders tinkers beggars in short the entirely undefined disintegrating mass thrown hither and yon which the French call la boheme Capital edit In Capital 1867 Marx claimed legislation which turned soldiers and peasants en masse into beggars robbers vagabonds partly from inclination in most cases from stress of circumstances By this he deviated from his focus on the vicious and degenerate behavior of the lumpenproletariat in his writings on France Instead he described the lumpenproletariat as part of the what he called an industrial reserve army which capitalists used as times required Thus vagabonds criminals prostitutes and other lumpenproletariat formed an element within the surplus population in a capitalist system 38 Left wing views editSocial Democratic Party of Germany edit The Social Democratic Party of Germany SPD was one of the first to use lumpenproletariat in their rhetoric particularly to indicate the scope of their view of a desirable working class and exclude the non respectable poor 39 By the early 20th century the German Marxist tradition saw workers outside the SPD and or labor unions as members of the lumpenproletariat 1 In the late 19th and early 20th centuries rioting and violence was often attributed by the SPD and its newspaper Vorwarts to the lumpenproletariat working in collusion with the secret police Historian Richard J Evans argued that the SPD thus lost touch with the militancy of the classes which it claimed to represent a militancy which found expression in frequent outbursts of spontaneous collective protest both political and industrial at moments of high social and political tension 40 For many German socialists in the imperial period the lumpenproletariat especially prostitutes and pimps was not only a political moral problem but also an objective biological danger to the health of society Karl Kautsky argued in 1890 that it is the lumpenproletariat and not the militant industrial proletariat that mostly suffer from alcoholism 41 August Bebel pre World War I leader of the SPD linked anti Semitic proletarians to the lumpenproletariat as the former failed to develop class consciousness which led to a racial and not social explanation of economic inequality 1 Bolsheviks and the Soviet Union edit Vladimir Lenin called socialist attempts to recruit lumpenproletariat elements opportunism 42 better source needed In 1925 Nikolai Bukharin described the lumpenproletariat as being characterized by shiftlessness lack of discipline hatred of the old but impotence to construct anything new an individualistic declassed personality whose actions are based only on foolish caprices 17 13 In a 1932 article on How Mussolini Triumphed Leon Trotsky described the declassed and demoralized lumpenproletariat as the countless human beings whom finance capital itself has brought to desperation and frenzy He argued that capitalism used them through fascism 43 The Great Soviet Encyclopedia written from the Marxist Leninist perspective defined lumpenproletariat as 44 a declassed strata in an antagonistic society including vagrants beggars and criminal elements which has become particularly widespread under capitalism It is recruited from various classes and is incapable of organized political struggle It constitutes along with the petit bourgeois strata the social basis of anarchism The bourgeoisie makes use of the lumpen proletariat as strikebreakers as participants in fascist pogrom bands and in other ways The lumpen proletariat disappears with the abolition of the capitalist system The term was rarely used in the Soviet Union to describe any portion of the Soviet society because Hemmerle argues following the Russian Revolution of 1917 millions of people passed through economic conditions that bore a resemblance to the traditional meaning of lumpenproletariat However it was used to label labor movements in capitalist countries which were not pro Soviet 1 Soviet authorities and scholars instead reserved other terms for their own lumpenproletariat groups especially declasse elements deklassirovannye elementy deklassirovannye elementy and viewed them like Marx as social degenerates isolated from the forces of production and incapable of having a working class consciousness Svetlana Stephenson notes that the Soviet state for all its ideology of assistance cooperation and social responsibility was ready to descend on them with all its might 45 China edit Mao Zedong argued in 1939 that the lumpenproletariat Chinese 游民无产者 pinyin youmin wuchǎnzhe in China is a legacy of the country s colonial and semi colonial status which forced a vast number of people in urban and rural areas into illegitimate occupations and activities 46 Earlier in 1928 he asserted that the only way to win over these wayward proletarians was to carry out intensive thought reform so as to effect qualitative changes in these elements 47 He argued that the lumpenproletariat had a dual nature Simultaneously they were victimized members of the laboring masses and untrustworthy elements with parasitic inclinations which made them waver between revolution and counterrevolution 47 He believed that lumpenproletariat elements such as triads the organized crime syndicates can become revolutionary given proper leadership 48 According to Luo Ruiqing the Minister of Public Security the lumpenproletariat population consisted of sex workers vagrant gangs and theft rings and were political problems that threatened the internal security of China Following the Communist victory in the Chinese Civil War and the proclamation of the People s Republic of China PRC lumpenproletariat were interned into government run reeducation centers Some 500 000 people were interned into 920 such centers by 1953 49 Historian Aminda Smith notes that the case of lumpenproletariat reformatories suggests that anti state resistance from members of the oppressed masses was essential to early PRC rhetoric because it validated claims about the devastating effects of the old society and the transformative power of socialist truth 50 Views on its revolutionary potential edit Sociologist Daniel Patrick Moynihan who later became a Senator stated following the riots of 1967 that the lumpenproletariat is essentially anarchistic rather than revolutionary 51 By the early 1970s some radicals deviated from the orthodox Marxist viewpoint that the lumpenproletariat lacks significant revolutionary potential 22 Herbert Marcuse an American philosopher and sociologist of the Frankfurt School believed that the working class in the US having been bought up by the consumer society has lost all class consciousness and lay the hopes for revolution on the lumpenproletariat the social outcasts led by intellectuals 52 Marcuse along with Afro Caribbean philosopher Frantz Fanon and other radical intellectuals proposed that elements of the lumpenproletariat are potentially leading forces in a revolutionary movement 53 According to Michael Denning Fanon revived the term long having been disappeared from left wing discourse in this book The Wretched of the Earth 1961 24 He defined the lumpenproletariat as the peasantry in colonial societies of the Third World not involved in industrial production who are unaware of the dominant colonial ideology and are therefore ready capable and willing to revolt against the colonial status quo for liberation He described them as one of the most spontaneous and the most radically revolutionary forces of a colonized people 54 He was not uncritical of the lumpenproletariat due to their supposed unpredictability due to their ignorance and incomprehension Colonial forces could make a use of them as hired soldiers 55 Fanon s use of the term prompted debates and studies including by Pierre Bourdieu and Charles van Onselen 56 The African revolutionary Amilcar Cabral was skeptical about the lumpen being used in anti colonialist liberation revolution 12 His African Party for the Independence of Guinea and Cape Verde recruited declasse but not lumpenproletariat groups as the latter were supportive of the Portuguese colonial police while the former in the absence of a developed proletariat in Guinea and Cape Verde played a dynamic role in anti colonialist struggle 57 Historian Martin Meredith wrote that Ethiopian ruler Mengistu Haile Mariam used the lumpen proletariat of the slums to help with his Red Terror 58 Black Panther Party edit Laura Pulido argues that historically the lumpenproletariat in the US has mostly been African American due to the nation being racially constituted It is primarily indicated by the high unemployment and incarceration rates among African Americans 59 The Black Panther Party most prominent revolutionary socialists in post war US thought of much of their following as lumpenproletarian 60 They adopted Fanon s viewpoint regarding the revolutionary potential of the group 54 Pulido claims the emphasis the Black Panthers put on the lumpenproletariat was the party s hallmark 16 Its co founders Bobby Seale and Huey P Newton viewed the African American lumpenproletariat as a potential organized threat if the party did not mobilize them Seale included the brother who s pimping the brother who s hustling the unemployed the downtrodden the brother who s robbing banks who s not politically conscious in his definition of the lumpenproletariat 61 Newton called them street brothers alienated from the system of oppression in the US and sought to recruit them into the party 54 Their strategy was a controversial one Chris Booker and Errol Henderson argued that problems such as a lack of discipline a tendency toward violence the importation of street culture including crime and the use of weapons by Black Panthers was caused by the disproportionately high membership of the lumpenproletariat in their ranks 62 63 Young Lords Party edit The Young Lords Party adopted similar views to the Black Panther Party believing in the potential of the lumpen They developed a Lumpen Organization within their larger organization with the goal of enlisting the people considered the lumpenproletariat or lumpen in the struggle they considered the lumpen to be the class in our nation which for years and years have not been able to find jobs and are forced to be drug addicts prostitutes etc p 20 in the face of the capitalist system the Party considered an enemy 64 Crucial to the party s view on the lumpen is that unlike criticisms of the lumpenproletariat around a perceived lack of productivity and organization the Young Lords Party stated that it s a law of revolution that the most oppressed group takes the leadership position p 42 and that the lumpen would be the immediate focus of the party s organizing efforts in liberating all oppressed peoples 64 Criticism edit Ernesto Laclau argued that Marx s dismissal of the lumpenproletariat showed the limitations of his theory of economic determinism and argued that the group and its possible integration into the politics of populism as an absolute outside that threatens the coherence of ideological identifications 65 Mark Cowling argues that the concept is being used for its political impact rather than because it provides good explanations and that its political impact is pernicious and an obstacle to clear analysis 66 Laura Pulido argues that there is a diversity in the lumpen population especially in terms of consciousness 59 Anarchist criticism edit Post anarchist Saul Newman wrote in 2010 that classical anarchists argue that the lumpenproletariat should be designated as a revolutionary class 67 According to Tom Brass individualist anarchist Max Stirner celebrated the lumpenproletariat as authentic rebels 42 Anarchist thinker Mikhail Bakunin who was dubbed the lumpen prince by Engels wrote that only in the lumpenproletariat and and not in the bourgeois strata of workers are there crystallised the entire intelligence and power of the coming Social Revolution 68 Thoburn writes that for him the lumpenproletariat represented a kind of actually existing anarchism 69 Ann Robertson notes that Bakunin believed that inherent in humanity is a natural essence which can be suppressed but never entirely extinguished Those in society who are more distant from the State apparatus the peasants are scattered throughout the countryside the lumpenproletariat simply refuses to obey the laws are accordingly natural leaders 70 Bakunin stated 71 that eternal meat that great rabble of the people underdogs dregs of society ordinarily designated by Marx and Engels in the picturesque and contemptuous phrase lumpenproletariat I have in mind the riffraff that rabble almost unpolluted by bourgeois civilization which carries in its inner being and in its aspirations all the seeds of the socialism of the future Other uses edit nbsp Ritter with an Ordnungspolizei officer and a Romani woman 1936Robert Ritter the head of Nazi Germany s efforts to track the genealogies of the Romani considered them a highly inferior Lumpenproletariat as they were parasites who lacked ambition and many of them had become habitual criminals 72 The Romani were seen in post World War II communist ruled eastern and central Europe as an example of the lumpenproletariat and were therefore subject to an aggressive policy of assimilation 73 Ken Gelder noted that in cultural studies subcultures are often positioned outside of class closer in kind to Marx s lumpenproletariat lacking social consciousness self absorbed or self interested at a distance from organised or sanctioned forms of labour and so on 74 In Ukraine titushky pro Viktor Yanukovych thugs active during the Euromaidan protests in 2013 14 were characterized as lumpen elements 75 In American political discourse edit The 1979 report of the Carnegie Council on Policy Studies in Higher Education warned that the US is in danger of creating a permanent underclass a self perpetuating culture of poverty a substantial lumpen proletariat 76 Eleanor Holmes Norton wrote in 1985 An American version of a lumpenproletariat the so called underclass without work and without hope existing at the margins of society could bring down the great cities sap resources and strength from the entire society and lacking the usual means to survive prey upon those who possess them 77 According to political scientist Marie Gottschalk the tough on crime stance on African Americans has been caused by political manipulation of public fears of a lumpen underclass threatening the majority as African Americans were perceived to have turned to crime due to losing in the deindustrialization of the country 78 Mark Cowling argued that there is considerable similarity in both definition and function between the lumpenproletariat as proposed by Marx and the contemporary theory of the underclass by Charles Murray an American conservative political scientist 79 Although Murray and Richard Herrnstein did not use the term in their 1994 book The Bell Curve Malcolm Browne noted in a New York Times review that the authors argue that the United States is being split between an isolated caste of ruling meritocrats on one hand and a vast powerless Lumpenproletariat on the other Society the authors predict will have little use for this underclass in a world dominated by sophisticated machines and the bright human beings who tend them 80 Several commentators and researchers have analyzed Donald Trump s political base as modern American lumpenproletariat 81 82 83 Trumpen Proletariat was coined by Jonah Goldberg in 2015 to describe Trump s biggest fans who he believed are not to be relied upon in the conservative cause in the same way the lumpenproletariat was not to be relied upon for a socialist revolution 84 Daniel Henninger used the term as well in The Wall Street Journal 85 Francis Levy compared basket of deplorables Hillary Clinton s phrase to characterize some Trump supporters during the 2016 presidential election campaign to Marx s rhetoric of the lumpenproletariat 86 In 2020 Ryan Lizza coined Biden Proletariat to describe an underclass of campaign workers and supporters veterans of the Biden campaign who were cast aside during post election White House staffing thus carrying on a tradition in Democratic politics of abandoning loyal political workers in favor of well connected political elites 87 Usage in India edit Ranjit Gupta the Inspector General of the West Bengal Police claimed in 1973 that the Maoist Naxalite rebels in India were made of some intellectuals and lumpen proletariat Their main target was policemen and they thought that if the police force could be torn apart so could society 88 Political scientist Atul Kohli claimed in his 2001 book that variety of lumpen groups especially unemployed youth in northern India have joined right wing proto fascist movements in recent years especially the Hindu nationalist Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh RSS 89 In 2010s cow vigilantism in India has been linked by Pavan Varma to lumpen Hindu fanaticism 90 and to lumpen and self appointed gau rakshaks by Bhalchandra Mungekar 91 Genocides and crimes against humanity editDue to a desire to keep clean the hands of the larger public paramilitary groups are often used to commit atrocities and they often recruit mainly among criminals said to be used to violence and brutality and wanting to enjoy an occasion to loot 92 The lumpenproletariat has been described as being more likely to adhere to doctrines calling for ethnic cleansing and to organize in militias 93 During the Armenian genocide prisoners were pardoned and released from prison to serve in bands or cetes Criminals and other elements of the lumpenproletariat hoped to gain respectability and wealth through their participation to genocide 92 94 95 The Dirlewanger Brigade recruited poachers and criminals to wage the Bandenbekampfung on the Eastern Front 96 In Kigali during the Rwandan genocide the Interahamwe and Impuzamugambi who recruited among the poorer elements of the population started to draw a lumpenproletariat of street boys 97 The various Serbian militias of the Bosnian War such as the Serb Volunteer Guard and the White Eagles were described as recruiting among the lumpenproletariat 98 80 of the Bosnian Serb paramilitary troops were said to be criminals and Croat and Bosnian units similarly drew criminals into their ranks 92 99 In Darfur some Janjaweed were convicts recruited in prison or bandits who joined governmental forces 92 100 101 Marc Lavergne author of Le Soudan contemporain described them as a rural lumpenproletariat 102 103 Sociological research editPolitical leanings edit Ernesto Ragionieri an Italian Marxist historian argued to have confirmed in his 1953 book Un comune socialista that the lumpenproletariat is essentially a conservative force based on his study of Sesto Fiorentino He found that some 450 500 members of the working class had joined the liberal conservative party which was led by landowners industrialists and professionals in hopes of getting recommendation that would allow them to join Richard Ginori the largest local employer which refused to hire socialists 104 Violence edit In 1966 sociologist David Matza cited disorder and violence as two of the most prominent characteristics of the disreputable poor 17 105 In his 1977 book Class State and Crime Marxist historian Richard Quinney defined lumpen crimes or predatory crimes as those intended for purely personal profit 106 In a 1986 study sociologist David Brownfield defined the lumpen proletariat or the disreputable poor by their unemployment and receipt of welfare benefits 107 He concluded that while no significant effects of class can be found using a neo Marxist conception of class gradational measures of class occupation and education Measures of disreputable poverty unemployment and welfare status recipiency are relatively strong correlates of violent behavior 108 He explained 109 The frustrations and the anger associated with unemployment and being on welfare are compounded by the lack of such fundamental necessities as food clothing and shelter among some of the disreputable poor It would seem self evident that such an environment of absolute deprivation may be the breeding grounds for discontent and violence Derivations editSeveral terms have been coined in imitation of lumpenproletariat such as lumpenintelligentsia to depreciatively describe in Britain a section of the intelligentsia regarded as making no useful contribution to society or as lacking taste culture etc Also more generally the intelligentsia collectively regarded as worthless or powerless 110 the term lumpenbourgeoisie was coined by German Socialist writers in the 1920s in part to explain the rise of Hitler and National Socialism 111 It was reinvented and made popular again by sociologist Andre Gunder Frank in his works on dependency theory where the so described class is complicit in maintaining a flow of resources from and at the expense of their own poor states at the periphery to a core of wealthy states 112 lumpen militariat coined by Ali Mazrui in 1973 to describe the newly emerging class of semi organized rugged and semi literate soldiery which has begun to claim a share of power and influence in what would otherwise have become a heavily privileged meritocracy of the educated in post colonial Africa 113 References editNotes the lumpen proletariat or what today might be called the underclass 16 The Marxist term for this underclass the lumpenproleteriat conveys distinctly negative images 17 Citations a b c d Hemmerle O B 2006 Lumpenproletariat In Odekon Mehmet ed Encyclopedia of World Poverty Volume 1 A G SAGE Publications pp 655 656 ISBN 978 1 4129 1807 7 Bussard 1987 p 680 a b c d Thoburn 2002 p 440 Bussard 1987 p 675 lumpenproletariat Collins English Dictionary German literally ragged proletariat Bussard 1987 p 679 lumpenproletariat TheFreeDictionary com Holt Justin P 2014 Class The Social Thought of Karl Marx SAGE p 105 ISBN 9781412997843 Glossary of Communist Terminology cp texas org Communist Party USA Texas Archived from the original on 8 January 2022 Kernig Claus Dieter in German 1972 Marxism Communism and Western Society Class Class struggle New York Herder and Herder p 3 declassed groups the Lumpen proletariat beggars Cheng Lucie 1984 Labor Immigration Under Capitalism Asian Workers in the United States Before World War II University of California Press p 300 ISBN 9780520048294 population of declassed or lumpen proletariat a b Abdullah 2006 p 100 a b Welshman John 2013 Underclass A History of the Excluded Since 1880 A amp C Black p 21 ISBN 9781780935706 Thoburn 2002 p 435 Peterson Paul E 1992 The Urban Underclass and the Poverty Paradox Political Science Quarterly 106 4 617 637 doi 10 2307 2151796 JSTOR 2151796 underclass like lumpen proletariat is also a suitable concept for those who like Karl Marx want to identify a group shaped and dominated by a society s economic and political forces but who have no productive role a b Pulido 2006 p 142 a b c Brownfield 1986 p 426 McGahey Richard 12 March 1982 Poverty s Voguish Stigma The New York Times Carr Edwar Hallett 1938 Karl Marx A Study in Fanaticism Dent p 60 Marx had a name for these proletarians who had not yet seen the light the Lumpenproletariat or riff raff lumpen dictionary cambridge org Cambridge Advanced Learner s Dictionary a b c d Bussard 1987 p 677 a b c d Bussard 1987 p 676 a b c Bussard 1987 p 683 a b Denning 2010 p 87 Marx Karl Engels Friedrich 1976 First published 1846 The German Ideology 3rd ed Moscow Progress Publishers p 93 Khanna Ranjana 2013 The Lumpenproletariat the Subaltern the Mental Asylum South Atlantic Quarterly 112 1 129 143 doi 10 1215 00382876 1891287 Engels Friedrich 1978 The Peasant War in Germany In The Collected Works of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels vol 10 397 482 New York International Also in Engels Friedrich 1926 The Economic Situation and Social Classes in Germany The Peasant War in Germany Translated by Moissaye Joseph Olgin New York International Publishers web view Hayes 1988 p 447 Marx Karl Engels Friedrich 1888 Manifesto of the Communist Party Translated by Samuel Moore Chicago Charles H Kerr Publishing Company p 27 a href Template Cite book html title Template Cite book cite book a translator has generic name help Ollman Bertell 1968 Marx s Use of Class American Journal of Sociology 73 5 573 580 doi 10 1086 224531 S2CID 143725693 Lumpenproletariat marxists org Marxists Internet Archive Archived from the original on 2017 10 31 a href Template Cite web html title Template Cite web cite web a CS1 maint bot original URL status unknown link Thoburn 2002 p 441 Thoburn 2002 p 444 a b Bussard 1987 p 684 Hayes 1988 p 449 Bussard 1987 p 685 Bussard 1987 pp 685 686 Hayes 1988 p 458 Stewart Michael 2002 Deprivation the Roma and the underclass In Hann C M ed Postsocialism Ideals Ideologies and Practices in Eurasia Routledge p 149 ISBN 9781134504459 Evans Richard J 1979 Red Wednesday in Hamburg Social democrats police and Lumpenproletariat in the suffrage disturbances of 17 January 1906 Social History 4 1 25 26 doi 10 1080 03071027908567437 Fleiter Andreas 2014 Class Youth and Sexuality in the Construction of the Lustmorder Punishment on the Path to Socialism In Wetzell Richard F ed Crime and Criminal Justice in Modern Germany Berghahn Books pp 67 68 ISBN 9781782382478 a b Brass Tom 2017 Labour Markets Identities Controversies Reviews and Essays 1982 2016 Brill Publishers p 174 ISBN 9789004322370 Trotsky Leon 2005 Banerjee Aninda Sarkar Saurobijay eds Fascism What It Is And How To Fight It Delhi Aakar Books p 18 ISBN 978 81 87879 44 2 Lumpen Proletariat TheFreeDictionary com original Russian text Stephenson Svetlana 2006 Soviet Outcasts Displacement Expulsion and Self expulsion Crossing the Line Vagrancy Homelessness and Social Displacement in Russia Ashgate Publishing p 110 ISBN 978 0 7546 1813 3 Smith 2013 pp 939 940 a b Smith 2013 p 940 Cowling 2002 pp 233 241 cited in Zedong Mao 1967 Analysis of the Classes in Chinese Society Selected Works Volume 1 Peking Foreign Languages Press p 19 Smith 2013 p 945 Smith 2013 pp 950 951 Hofmann Paul 25 July 1967 Moynihan Blames Low Status Not Race for Riots The New York Times Winter Mary May 1974 Class Consciousness and the British Working Class Marxism Today 18 155 Maisano Chris March 2011 Letter to the Next Left Jacobin a b c Hayes III Floyd W Kiene III Francis A 1998 All Power to the People The Political Thought of Huey P Newton and The Black Panther Party In Jones Charles E ed The Black Panther Party Reconsidered Baltimore Black Classic Press pp 160 161 ISBN 9780933121966 Abdullah 2006 p 104 Denning 2010 p 88 Abdullah 2006 p 101 Meredith Martin 2011 The State of Africa A History Of The Continent Since Independence PublicAffairs p 246 a b Pulido 2006 p 143 Cowling 2002 p 233 Seale Bobby 1970 Seize the Time New York Random House Pulido 2006 p 144 Chris Booker Lumpenization A Critical Error of the Black Panther Party in Charles Jones Black Panther Party Reconsidered Baltimore Black Classic Press 1998 p 341 Errol Henderson Black Nationalism and Rap Music Journal of Black Studies 26 January 1996 308 39 Henderson Errol A 1997 The Lumpenproletariat as Vanguard The Black Panther Party Social Transformation and Pearson s Analysis of Huey Newton Journal of Black Studies 28 2 171 199 doi 10 1177 002193479702800203 S2CID 141057732 a b Enck Wanzer Darrel The Young Lords a Reader New York New York UP 2010 Web McMillan Chris 2012 Zizek and Communist Strategy On the Disavowed Foundations of Global Capitalism On the Disavowed Foundations of Global Capitalism Edinburgh University Press p 127 ISBN 9780748646654 Cowling 2002 pp 237 238 Newman Saul 2010 The Politics of Postanarchism Edinburgh University Press p 117 ISBN 9780748654161 Thoburn 2002 p 445 Thoburn 2002 p 446 Robertson Ann Marxism and Anarchism The Philosophical Roots of the Marx Bakunin Conflict PDF 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Just the Drug War Jacobin Cowling 2002 p 228 Browne Malcolm 16 October 1994 What Is Intelligence and Who Has It The New York Times Clyde W Barrow 2020 The Dangerous Class University of Michigan ISBN 978 0 472 12808 2 Jonathan Russo December 9 2020 The Lumpenproletariat The Long Discarded Economic Theory That Helps Explain An Increasingly Divided America Talking Points Memo Retrieved January 1 2022 Clyde W Barrow August 30 2020 Donald Trump A New Emperor of the Lumpenproletariat Retrieved January 21 2022 Goldberg Jonah 5 September 2015 Donald Trump s Popularity It s Corrupting Conservatism National Review Henninger Daniel 6 July 2016 The Trumpen Proletariat The Wall Street Journal Levy Francis 30 March 2017 The Final Solution The Lumpenproletariat HuffPost Lizza Ryan 2020 11 24 People are pissed Tensions rise amid scramble for Biden jobs Politico Weinraub Bernard 25 April 1973 Terror Is Past but Calcutta Is Uneasy Over Repression The New York Times Kohli Atul ed 2001 Introduction The Success of India s Democracy Cambridge University Press p 16 ISBN 9780521805308 A variety of lumpen groups especially unemployed youth in northern India have joined right wing proto fascist movements in recent years such as RSS Varma Pavan K 30 July 2016 BJP s faultline stands exposed Hindutva preaches Hindu unity yet attacks Dalits in the name of cow protection The Times of India Archived from the original on 28 January 2017 a href Template Cite news html title Template Cite news cite news a CS1 maint bot original URL status unknown link Mungekar Bhalchandra 28 June 2017 Dalit vs Dalit The Indian Express Archived from the original on 1 December 2017 a href Template Cite news html title Template Cite news cite news a CS1 maint bot original URL status unknown link a b c d Anderson Kjell 2017 11 23 Perpetrating Genocide A Criminological Account Routledge p 134 ISBN 978 1 317 23438 8 Conesa Pierre 2011 09 15 La Fabrication de l ennemi ou Comment tuer avec sa conscience pour soi in French Groupe Robert Laffont p 122 ISBN 978 2 221 12736 0 Le lumpenproletariat s identifie a ce discours populiste contre une victime proche et constitue la force de frappe de ces milices aux noms fleuris les Tigres d Arkan les Scorpions serbes les Interahamwe ceux qui sont ensemble du Rwanda les milices MAS Muerte a los secuestradores et les groupes paramilitaires en Colombie les groupes Mai Mai du Congo ou les cavaliers Janjawid du Soudan Kevorkian Raymond 2011 03 30 The Armenian Genocide A Complete History Bloomsbury Publishing p 184 ISBN 978 0 85771 930 0 Kieser Hans Lukas Anderson Margaret Lavinia Bayraktar Seyhan Schmutz Thomas 2019 04 25 The End of the Ottomans The Genocide of 1915 and the Politics of Turkish Nationalism Bloomsbury Publishing p 298 ISBN 978 1 78672 598 1 The formation of the cetes bands offered even deprived strata of society a lumpenproletariat the possibility of gaining visibility and patriotic dignity and of claiming their own portion of the Armenians abandoned wealth however restricted that might be Bell J Bowyer 1966 Besieged Seven Cities Under Siege Madrid 1936 1939 London 1940 1941 Singapore 1941 1942 Stalingrad 1942 1943 Warsaw 1939 1943 1944 Jerusalem 1947 1949 Berlin 1945 1949 Chilton Books p 190 Prunier Gerard 1998 The Rwanda Crisis History of a Genocide Hurst p 231 ISBN 978 1 85065 372 1 As soon as they went into action they drew around them a cloud of even poorer people a lumpenproletariat of street boys rag pickers car washers and homeless unemployed For these people the genocide was the best thing that could ever happen to them Griffin Gabrielle Braidotti Rosi October 2002 Thinking Differently A Reader in European Women s Studies Zed Books pp 136 137 ISBN 978 1 84277 003 0 It was mainly the poorer strata of Serbian society the lumpenproletariat or rural poor who gave birth to Bokan s and Arkan s volunteers as well as to many members of the Eagles and Arkan s Tigers a href Template Cite book html title Template Cite book cite book a CS1 maint date and year link Ruggiero Vincenzo South Nigel Taylor Ian 2002 09 11 The New European Criminology Crime and Social Order in Europe Routledge p 291 ISBN 978 1 134 71480 3 Flint Julie Watch Organization Human Rights Rone Jemera Lefkow Leslie 2004 Sudan Darfur Destroyed Ethnic Cleansing by Government and Miltia Forces in Western Sudan Human Rights Watch pp 48 49 Ungor Ugur Umit 2020 Paramilitarism Mass Violence in the Shadow of the State Oxford University Press pp 109 111 ISBN 978 0 19 882524 1 Simon Catherine February 2005 In the Misery of Darfur Index on Censorship 34 1 197 201 doi 10 1080 03064220512331339733 ISSN 0306 4220 Dans la misere du Darfour Le Monde fr in French 2004 09 04 Retrieved 2023 08 11 Kohn Margaret 2003 Radical Space Building the House of the People Cornell University Press p 194 ISBN 9780801488603 Matza David 1966 The Disreputable Poor In Bendix Reinhard Lipset Seymour M eds Class Status and Power New York Free Press cited in Smith Brent L 1994 Terrorism in America Pipe Bombs and Pipe Dreams SUNY Press p 153 ISBN 9780791417591 original source Quinney Richard 1977 Class State and Crime On Theory and Practice of Criminal Justice New York D McKay Co pp 55 57 Brownfield 1986 p 421 Brownfield 1986 p 435 Brownfield 1986 p 429 lumpenintelligentsia OxfordDictionaries com Oxford University Press Archived from the original on July 31 2017 Luxemburg Rosa Mehring Franz Schneller Ernst eds 1925 Zeitschrift fur Praxis und Theorie des Marxismus Die Internationale Zeitschrift fur Praxis und Theorie des Marxismus Neue Kritik 6 72 Frank Andre Gunder 1972 Lumpenbourgeoisie Lumpendevelopment dependence class and politics in Latin America New York NY Monthly Review Press ISBN 0 85345 235 0 Mazrui Ali A 1973 The Lumpen Proletariat and the Lumpen Militariat African Soldiers as a New Political Class Political Studies 21 1 1 12 doi 10 1111 j 1467 9248 1973 tb01413 x S2CID 143839657 Bibliography editAbdullah Ibrahim 2006 Culture consciousness and armed conflict Cabral s declasse lumpenproletariat in the era of globalization African Identities 4 1 99 112 doi 10 1080 14725840500268390 S2CID 144365791 Brownfield David 1986 Social Class and Violent Behavior Criminology 24 3 421 438 doi 10 1111 j 1745 9125 1986 tb00384 x Bussard Robert L 1987 The dangerous class of Marx and Engels The rise of the idea of the Lumpenproletariat History of European Ideas 8 6 675 692 doi 10 1016 0191 6599 87 90164 1 Cowling Mark 2002 Marx s Lumpenproletariat and Murray s Underclass Concepts Best Abandoned In Cowling Mark Martin James eds Marx s Eighteenth Brumaire Post Modern Interpretations Pluto Press pp 228 242 ISBN 9780745318301 Denning Michael 2010 Wageless Life New Left Review 66 79 97 web version Hayes Peter 1988 Utopia and the Lumpenproletariat Marx s Reasoning in The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte The Review of Politics 50 3 445 465 doi 10 1017 S0034670500036330 JSTOR 1407908 S2CID 145258994 Pulido Laura 2006 Black Brown Yellow and Left Radical Activism in Los Angeles University of California Press ISBN 9780520245204 Smith Aminda M 2013 Thought Reform and the Unreformable Reeducation Centers and the Rhetoric of Opposition in the Early People s Republic of China The Journal of Asian Studies 72 4 937 958 doi 10 1017 S0021911813001654 JSTOR 43553236 S2CID 162866252 Stallybrass Peter Summer 1990 Marx and Heterogeneity Thinking the Lumpenproletariat Representations 31 69 95 doi 10 2307 2928400 JSTOR 2928400 Thoburn Nicholas 2002 Difference in Marx the lumpenproletariat and the proletarian unnamable Economy and Society 31 3 434 460 doi 10 1080 03085140220151882 S2CID 53466836 Further reading editBourdin Jean Claude 2013 Marx and the Lumpenproletariat Actuel Marx in French 54 2 39 55 doi 10 3917 amx 054 0039 English abstract Bovenkerk Frank in Dutch 1984 The Rehabilitation of the Rabble How and why Marx and Engels wrongly depicted the lumpenproletariat as a reactionary force Netherlands Journal of Sociology 20 13 41 Draper Hal December 1972 The Concept of the Lumpenproletariat in Marx and Engels Economies et Societes 15 2285 3 12 ISSN 0013 0567 Mills Nathaniel 2017 Ragged Revolutionaries The Lumpenproletariat and African American Marxism in Depression Era Literature University of Massachusetts Press ISBN 978 1 62534 279 9 Retrieved from https en wikipedia org w index php title Lumpenproletariat amp oldid 1187308788, wikipedia, wiki, book, books, library,


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