
Ingush societies

Ingush societies or shahars (Ingush: ГIалгIай шахьараш, romanized: Ghalghaj šæx́æræš) were ethnoterritorial associations of the Ingush based on the geographical association of several villages and intended for conditional administrative-territorial delimitation of the Ingush ethnic group. The formation and functioning of most of them dates back to the late Middle Ages (16th – 19th centuries). During this period, their boundaries, number and names changed.[1]

The names of societies mainly came from the names of the area of their localization, that is, they were based on the geographical principle.[2][3] Despite the fact that during this period the Ingush lived in relatively closed conditions of mountain gorges, which contributed to more demarcation in terms of territoriality than rallying around a single center, they retained the self-consciousness of a single ethnic group based on a common culture and a single language.[4]

Ingush societies in the literature are sometimes called shahars[5] (Ingush: шахьар, romanized: šæx́ær, lit.'society, district'[6][7][8]) The term "shahar" meant in the ancient states of Western Asia the destinies into which they were administratively and territorially divided. Societies (shahars) of medieval Ingushetia were also territorial units.[9][a]

Etymology edit

The Ingush name for societies is shahar (шахьар)[7] which is derived from Persian word shahr (شهر).[11]

History edit

Map from the book "The assertion of Russian rule in the Caucasus" showing Ingush societies - Karabulaks, Galashians, Galgai etc.

The collapse of the Alanian state in the 13th century and the outflow of its population to the mountains, entrenched to the east and west of the Darial by building fortresses, served as the basis for the formation of new ethno-territorial communities. Villages located in the mountainous zone were grouped mainly along local gorges, which contributed to their ethnopolitical consolidation into separate territorial societies/regions (Ingush: ГIалгIай Шахьараш). By the end of the 16th century, apparently, the main territorial societies of the Ingush had already formed. Based on the data of Russian sources of the 16th-17th centuries,[12] naming several territorial communities of the Ingush, it is concluded that in Ingushetia and in the XV century. there were approximately the same number of territorial societies, each of which united several villages.[12][13]

Over time, the number and boundaries of societies changed, this happened as a result of migration processes of the Ingush population, including those associated with the return of the Ingush to the plane (plain). They began quite early, soon after Timur left the North Caucasus. At a very early stage, they were in the nature of individual military-political actions undertaken by the Ingush on the flat lands in order to counteract the consolidation of alien nomadic peoples on them.[14]

The change in the names and number of societies also occurred due to the transfer of rural governments from one village to another. So, for example, the Kist (Fyappin) society began to be called the Metskhal society, and the Ghalghaï society was divided into two - Tsorin and Khamkhin.[15]

List of societies edit

  • Akkin society[d]

Notes edit

  1. ^ For example, in Province of Sassanid Empire, Asoristan, the provinces were known as šahr.[10]
  2. ^ «Overview of the political state of the Caucasus in 1840»,[16] Caucasian Territory // "Military Statistical Review of the Russian Empire, 1851",[17] Volkonsky,[18] Pantyukhov,[19] Kovalevsky,[20] Martirosian,[21] Krupnov,[22] Volkova,[23]
  3. ^ "Overview of the political state of the Caucasus in 1840",[16] "Caucasian Territory // Military Statistical Review of the Russian Empire, 1851",[17] Volkonsky,[18] Pantyukhov,[19] Kovalevsky,[20] Martirosian,[21] Krupnov.[22]
  4. ^ Bulletin of the Caucasian Department of the Imperial Russian Geographical Society,[24] Volkonsky,[18] Terskiy Sbornik,[25] Martirosian,[21] Kusheva,[26] Hakluyt Society,[27] Krupnov.[22]
  5. ^ Malkhins as an Ingush society is indicated in the "Military Statistical Review of the Russian Empire, published by the highest order at the 1st branch of the Department of the General Staff".[17] Malkhins in the literature of the 19th-20th centuries also were known under name "Distant Kists". Under this name, they are also indicated as an Ingush society: "Overview of the political state of the Caucasus in 1840",[16] I. I. Pantyukhov,[19] G. K. Martirosian,[21] Kusheva,[28] E. I. Krupnov.[22]

References edit

  1. ^ Кодзоев 2002.
  2. ^ Горепекин 2006, p. 23.
  3. ^ Долгиева et al. 2013, p. 147.
  4. ^ Долгиева et al. 2013, p. 151.
  5. ^ Робакидзе 1968, p. 88.
  6. ^ Далгат 1972, p. 442.
  7. ^ a b Бекова et al. 2009, p. 861.
  8. ^ Кодзоев 2021, p. 467.
  9. ^ К ингушской терминологии 1999.
  10. ^ Widengren 1987.
  11. ^ Genko 1930, p. 758.
  12. ^ a b Пиотровский & Нарочницкий 1988.
  13. ^ Долгиева et al. 2013, p. 146.
  14. ^ Долгиева et al. 2013, p. 142.
  15. ^ Вертепов 1892, p. 75.
  16. ^ a b c Обзор политического состояния Кавказа 1840 года ЦГВИА Ф. ВУА, Д.6164, Ч.93, лл. 1-23.

    "V. Племя ингуш: 1) Назрановцы, 2) Галаши, 3) Карабулаки, 4) Галгаи, 5) Кистины или Кисты Ближние, 6) Джерахи, 7) Цори, 8) Дальние Кисты"

  17. ^ a b c Кавказский край // Военно-статистическое обозрение Российской империи 1851, p. 137:

    "Къ племени Ингушей, занимающих плоскость и котловины Кавказских горъ съ правой стороны Терека до верхних частей Аргуна и до теченія Фартанги, принадлежатъ: 1) Назрановцы с Комбулейскимъ обществомъ, 2) Джераховцы, 3) Карабулаки, 4) Цоринцы, 5) Ближніе Кистинцы с небольшимъ обществомъ Малхинцевъ вновь покорившимся, 6) Галгай, 7) Галашевцы, 8) Дальніе Кисты…"

  18. ^ a b c Волконский 1886, p. 54:

    «Ингушевское племя состояло из следующих обществ: кистинского, джераховского, назрановского, карабулакского (впоследствии назвавшегося галашевским), галгаевского, цоринского, акинского и мереджинского; все эти общества вместе имели свыше тридцати тысяч душ.»

  19. ^ a b c Пантюхов 1901, p. 2.
  20. ^ a b Ковалевский 1914, p. 150:

    "Ингуши длятся на пять обществъ: джираховцы, кистины, галгаевцы, назрановцы и галашевцы"

  21. ^ a b c d Мартиросиан 1928, p. 12.
  22. ^ a b c d Крупнов 1971, p. 37.
  23. ^ Волкова 1974, p. 153.
  24. ^ Извѣстія Кавказскаго отдѣла Императорскаго русскаго географическаго общества. Томъ IX. Часть I (in Russian). Отдѣл. 1885. p. 102.
  25. ^ Терскій областный статистическій комитет (1893). Терскій сборник. Выпускъ Третій. Книга Вторая (in Russian). Владикавказъ: Типографія Терскаго Областнаго Правленія. p. 100.
  26. ^ Кушева 1963, p. 69.
  27. ^ Hakluyt Society 1970, p. 23.
  28. ^ Кушева 1963, p. 65.
  29. ^ Долгиева et al. 2013, pp. 192–193.

Bibliography edit

English sources edit

  • Widengren, G. (1987). "Āsōristān". In Yarshater, Ehsan (ed.). Encyclopædia Iranica, Volume II/8: Aśoka IV–Āṯār al-Wozarāʾ. London and New York: Routledge & Kegan Paul. pp. 785–786. ISBN 978-0-71009-108-6. Retrieved 2012-12-30.
  • Hakluyt Society (1970). Keatinge, Maurice (ed.). Works Issued by the Hakluyt Society. London: The Society. pp. 1–640.

Russian sources edit

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  • "Кавказский край" [Caucasian territory]. Военно-статистическое обозрение Российской империи: издаваемое по высочайшему повелению при 1-м отделении Департамента Генерального штаба [Military Statistical Review of the Russian Empire: published by the highest command at the 1st branch of the Department of the General Staff] (in Russian). Vol. 16: Part 1. СПб.: Тип. Департамента Генерального штаба. 1851. pp. 1–274.
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ingush, societies, shahars, ingush, Гiалгiай, шахьараш, romanized, ghalghaj, šæx, æræš, were, ethnoterritorial, associations, ingush, based, geographical, association, several, villages, intended, conditional, administrative, territorial, delimitation, ingush,. Ingush societies or shahars Ingush GIalgIaj shaharash romanized Ghalghaj saex aeraes were ethnoterritorial associations of the Ingush based on the geographical association of several villages and intended for conditional administrative territorial delimitation of the Ingush ethnic group The formation and functioning of most of them dates back to the late Middle Ages 16th 19th centuries During this period their boundaries number and names changed 1 The names of societies mainly came from the names of the area of their localization that is they were based on the geographical principle 2 3 Despite the fact that during this period the Ingush lived in relatively closed conditions of mountain gorges which contributed to more demarcation in terms of territoriality than rallying around a single center they retained the self consciousness of a single ethnic group based on a common culture and a single language 4 Ingush societies in the literature are sometimes called shahars 5 Ingush shahar romanized saex aer lit society district 6 7 8 The term shahar meant in the ancient states of Western Asia the destinies into which they were administratively and territorially divided Societies shahars of medieval Ingushetia were also territorial units 9 a Contents 1 Etymology 2 History 3 List of societies 4 Notes 5 References 6 Bibliography 6 1 English sources 6 2 Russian sourcesEtymology editThe Ingush name for societies is shahar shahar 7 which is derived from Persian word shahr شهر 11 History edit nbsp Map from the book The assertion of Russian rule in the Caucasus showing Ingush societies Karabulaks Galashians Galgai etc The collapse of the Alanian state in the 13th century and the outflow of its population to the mountains entrenched to the east and west of the Darial by building fortresses served as the basis for the formation of new ethno territorial communities Villages located in the mountainous zone were grouped mainly along local gorges which contributed to their ethnopolitical consolidation into separate territorial societies regions Ingush GIalgIaj Shaharash By the end of the 16th century apparently the main territorial societies of the Ingush had already formed Based on the data of Russian sources of the 16th 17th centuries 12 naming several territorial communities of the Ingush it is concluded that in Ingushetia and in the XV century there were approximately the same number of territorial societies each of which united several villages 12 13 Over time the number and boundaries of societies changed this happened as a result of migration processes of the Ingush population including those associated with the return of the Ingush to the plane plain They began quite early soon after Timur left the North Caucasus At a very early stage they were in the nature of individual military political actions undertaken by the Ingush on the flat lands in order to counteract the consolidation of alien nomadic peoples on them 14 The change in the names and number of societies also occurred due to the transfer of rural governments from one village to another So for example the Kist Fyappin society began to be called the Metskhal society and the Ghalghai society was divided into two Tsorin and Khamkhin 15 List of societies editSmall IngushDzherakh societyFyappiy society b Khamkhin societyTsorin societyGalashian societyNazranian societyOrstkhoy society c Akkin society d Malkhin society e 29 Notes edit For example in Province of Sassanid Empire Asoristan the provinces were known as sahr 10 Overview of the political state of the Caucasus in 1840 16 Caucasian Territory Military Statistical Review of the Russian Empire 1851 17 Volkonsky 18 Pantyukhov 19 Kovalevsky 20 Martirosian 21 Krupnov 22 Volkova 23 Overview of the political state of the Caucasus in 1840 16 Caucasian Territory Military Statistical Review of the Russian Empire 1851 17 Volkonsky 18 Pantyukhov 19 Kovalevsky 20 Martirosian 21 Krupnov 22 Bulletin of the Caucasian Department of the Imperial Russian Geographical Society 24 Volkonsky 18 Terskiy Sbornik 25 Martirosian 21 Kusheva 26 Hakluyt Society 27 Krupnov 22 Malkhins as an Ingush society is indicated in the Military Statistical Review of the Russian Empire published by the highest order at the 1st branch of the Department of the General Staff 17 Malkhins in the literature of the 19th 20th centuries also were known under name Distant Kists Under this name they are also indicated as an Ingush society Overview of the political state of the Caucasus in 1840 16 I I Pantyukhov 19 G K Martirosian 21 Kusheva 28 E I Krupnov 22 References edit Kodzoev 2002 Gorepekin 2006 p 23 Dolgieva et al 2013 p 147 Dolgieva et al 2013 p 151 Robakidze 1968 p 88 Dalgat 1972 p 442 a b Bekova et al 2009 p 861 Kodzoev 2021 p 467 K ingushskoj terminologii 1999 Widengren 1987 Genko 1930 p 758 a b Piotrovskij amp Narochnickij 1988 Dolgieva et al 2013 p 146 Dolgieva et al 2013 p 142 Vertepov 1892 p 75 a b c Obzor politicheskogo sostoyaniya Kavkaza 1840 goda CGVIA F VUA D 6164 Ch 93 ll 1 23 V Plemya ingush 1 Nazranovcy 2 Galashi 3 Karabulaki 4 Galgai 5 Kistiny ili Kisty Blizhnie 6 Dzherahi 7 Cori 8 Dalnie Kisty a b c Kavkazskij kraj Voenno statisticheskoe obozrenie Rossijskoj imperii 1851 p 137 K plemeni Ingushej zanimayushih ploskost i kotloviny Kavkazskih gor s pravoj storony Tereka do verhnih chastej Arguna i do techeniya Fartangi prinadlezhat 1 Nazranovcy s Kombulejskim obshestvom 2 Dzherahovcy 3 Karabulaki 4 Corincy 5 Blizhnie Kistincy s nebolshim obshestvom Malhincev vnov pokorivshimsya 6 Galgaj 7 Galashevcy 8 Dalnie Kisty a b c Volkonskij 1886 p 54 Ingushevskoe plemya sostoyalo iz sleduyushih obshestv kistinskogo dzherahovskogo nazranovskogo karabulakskogo vposledstvii nazvavshegosya galashevskim galgaevskogo corinskogo akinskogo i meredzhinskogo vse eti obshestva vmeste imeli svyshe tridcati tysyach dush a b c Pantyuhov 1901 p 2 a b Kovalevskij 1914 p 150 Ingushi dlyatsya na pyat obshestv dzhirahovcy kistiny galgaevcy nazranovcy i galashevcy a b c d Martirosian 1928 p 12 a b c d Krupnov 1971 p 37 Volkova 1974 p 153 Izvѣstiya Kavkazskago otdѣla Imperatorskago russkago geograficheskago obshestva Tom IX Chast I in Russian Otdѣl 1885 p 102 Terskij oblastnyj statisticheskij komitet 1893 Terskij sbornik Vypusk Tretij Kniga Vtoraya in Russian Vladikavkaz Tipografiya Terskago Oblastnago Pravleniya p 100 Kusheva 1963 p 69 Hakluyt Society 1970 p 23 Kusheva 1963 p 65 Dolgieva et al 2013 pp 192 193 Bibliography editEnglish sources edit Widengren G 1987 Asōristan In Yarshater Ehsan ed Encyclopaedia Iranica Volume II 8 Asoka IV Aṯar al Wozaraʾ London and New York Routledge amp Kegan Paul pp 785 786 ISBN 978 0 71009 108 6 Retrieved 2012 12 30 Hakluyt Society 1970 Keatinge Maurice ed Works Issued by the Hakluyt Society London The Society pp 1 640 Russian sources edit Bekova A I Dudarov U B Ilieva F M Malsagova L D Tarieva L U 2009 Ingushsko russkij slovar Ingush Russian Dictionary in Ingush and Russian Nalchik Respublikanskij poligrafkombinat im Revolyucii 1905 g pp 1 990 ISBN 978 5 88195 965 4 Vertepov G A 1892 Ingushi Istoriko statisticheskij ocherk Ingush Historical and statistical essay In Maksimov E Vertepov G A eds Tuzemcy Severnogo Kavkaza Istoriko statisticheskie ocherki Vypusk pervyj Osetiny ingushi kabardincy Natives of the North Caucasus Historical and statistical essays First issue Ossetians Ingush Kabardians in Russian Vladikavkaz Tip Oblastnogo pravleniya Terskoj Oblasti pp 71 138 Kavkazskij kraj Caucasian territory Voenno statisticheskoe obozrenie Rossijskoj imperii izdavaemoe po vysochajshemu poveleniyu pri 1 m otdelenii Departamenta Generalnogo shtaba Military Statistical Review of the Russian Empire published by the highest command at the 1st branch of the Department of the General Staff in Russian Vol 16 Part 1 SPb Tip Departamenta Generalnogo shtaba 1851 pp 1 274 Volkova N G 1974 Gardanov V K ed Etnicheskij sostav naseleniya Severnogo Kavkaza v XVIII nachale XX veka Ethnic composition of the population of the North Caucasus in the 18th early 20th centuries in Russian Moskva Nauka pp 1 276 Volkonskij N A 1886 Vojna na Vostochnom Kavkaze s 1824 po 1834 gody v svyazi s myuridizmom War in the Eastern Caucasus from 1824 to 1834 in connection with Muridism In Chernyavskij I S ed Kavkazskij sbornik Caucasian collection in Russian Vol 10 Tiflis Tip Okruzhnogo shtaba Kavkazskogo voennogo okruga pp 1 224 Gorepekin F I 2006 Kratkie svedeniya o narode ingushi Brief information about the people Ingush In Albogachieva M S G Martazanov A A eds Trudy Fomy Ivanovicha Gorepekina Works of Foma Ivanovich Gorepekin in Russian SPb Ladoga pp 1 204 ISBN 5 98635 011 1 Genko A N 1930 Iz kulturnogo proshlogo ingushej From the cultural past of the Ingush PDF Zapiski kollegii vostokovedov pri Aziatskom muzee Notes of the College of Orientalists at the Asian Museum PDF in Russian Vol 5 Leningrad Izd vo Akademii nauk SSSR pp 681 761 Dalgat U B 1972 Dahkilgov I A ed Geroicheskij epos chechencev i ingushej Issledovanie i teksty The Heroic Epos of the Chechens and Ingush Research and Texts in Russian Moskva Nauka pp 1 466 Dolgieva M B Kartoev M M Kodzoev N D Matiev T H 2013 Kodzoev N D ed Istoriya Ingushetii History of Ingushetia 4th ed Rostov na Donu Yuzhnyj izdatelskij dom pp 1 600 ISBN 978 5 98864 056 1 Kovalevskij P I 1914 Narody Kavkaza Peoples of the Caucasus in Russian SPb Tip M I Akinfieva pp 1 346 Kodzoev N D 2002 Glava 4 Chapter 4 Istoriya Ingushskogo naroda The History of the Ingush people in Russian Magas Serdalo Archived from the original on 2012 05 11 Kodzoev N D 2021 Hajrova R R ed Russko ingushskij slovar Russian Ingush dictionary in Ingush and Russian Rostov na Donu Tipografiya Laki Pak pp 1 656 ISBN 978 5 906785 55 8 K ingushskoj terminologii terminy rajon gorod ulica To the Ingush terminology the terms district city street Materialy nauchnoj konferencii posvyashyonnoj kulture i istorii ingushskogo naroda Gӏalgӏajche Ho So MocagӀe Daimle 1 ed Nazran 1999 Krupnov E I 1971 Srednevekovaya Ingushetiya Medieval Ingushetia in Russian Moskva Nauka pp 1 211 Kusheva E N 1963 Narody Severnogo Kavkaza i ih svyazi s Rossiej vtoraya polovina XVI 30 e gody XVII veka The peoples of the North Caucasus and their relations with Russia the second half of the 16th 30s of the 17th century PDF in Russian Moskva Izd vo Akademii nauk SSSR pp 1 368 Martirosian G K 1928 Nagornaya Ingushiya Upland Ingushiya in Russian Vladikavkaz Gosudarstvennaya tipografiya Avtonomnoj Oblasti Ingushii pp 1 153 Pantyuhov I I 1901 Ingushi Antropologicheskij ocherk Ingush An anthropological essay in Russian Tiflis Tip K P Kozlovskogo pp 1 35 Piotrovskij B B Narochnickij A L eds 1988 Istoriya narodov Severnogo Kavkaza s drevnejshih vremyon do konca XVIII v The history of the peoples of the North Caucasus from ancient times to the end of the 18th century in Russian Moskva Nauka pp 1 544 ISBN 5 02 009486 2 Robakidze A I ed 1968 Kavkazskij etnograficheskij sbornik Ocherki etnografii Gornoj Ingushetii Caucasian ethnographic collection Essays on the ethnography of Mountainous Ingushetia in Russian Vol 2 Tbilisi Mecniereba pp 1 333 Tankiev A H 1991 Mohk vӀashagӀtoharah Reunification of the country Ingushskij folklor Ingush folklore in Ingush Groznyj Checheno Ingushskoe kn izd vo Retrieved from https en wikipedia org w index php title Ingush societies amp oldid 1193557569, wikipedia, wiki, book, books, library,


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