

In computer programming, the term hooking covers a range of techniques used to alter or augment the behaviour of an operating system, of applications, or of other software components by intercepting function calls or messages or events passed between software components. Code that handles such intercepted function calls, events or messages is called a hook.

Hook methods are of particular importance in the Template Method Pattern where common code in an abstract class can be augmented by custom code in a subclass. In this case each hook method is defined in the abstract class with an empty implementation which then allows a different implementation to be supplied in each concrete subclass.

Hooking is used for many purposes, including debugging and extending functionality. Examples might include intercepting keyboard or mouse event messages before they reach an application, or intercepting operating system calls in order to monitor behavior or modify the function of an application or other component. It is also widely used in benchmarking programs, for example frame rate measuring in 3D games, where the output and input is done through hooking.

Hooking can also be used by malicious code. For example, rootkits, pieces of software that try to make themselves invisible by faking the output of API calls that would otherwise reveal their existence, often use hooking techniques.

Methods edit

Typically hooks are inserted while software is already running, but hooking is a tactic that can also be employed prior to the application being started. Both these techniques are described in greater detail below.

Source modification edit

Hooking can be achieved by modifying the source of the executable or library before an application is running, through techniques of reverse engineering. This is typically used to intercept function calls to either monitor or replace them entirely.

For example, by using a disassembler, the entry point of a function within a module can be found. It can then be altered to instead dynamically load some other library module and then have it execute desired methods within that loaded library. If applicable, another related approach by which hooking can be achieved is by altering the import table of an executable. This table can be modified to load any additional library modules as well as changing what external code is invoked when a function is called by the application.

An alternative method for achieving function hooking is by intercepting function calls through a wrapper library. A wrapper is a version of a library that an application loads, with all the same functionality of the original library that it will replace. That is, all the functions that are accessible are essentially the same between the original and the replacement. This wrapper library can be designed to call any of the functionality from the original library, or replace it with an entirely new set of logic.

Runtime modification edit

Operating systems and software may provide the means to easily insert event hooks at runtime. It is available provided that the process inserting the hook is granted enough permission to do so. Microsoft Windows for example, allows users to insert hooks that can be used to process or modify system events and application events for dialogs, scrollbars, and menus as well as other items. It also allows a hook to insert, remove, process or modify keyboard and mouse events. Linux provides another example where hooks can be used in a similar manner to process network events within the kernel through NetFilter.

When such functionality is not provided, a special form of hooking employs intercepting the library function calls made by a process. Function hooking is implemented by changing the very first few code instructions of the target function to jump to an injected code. Alternatively on systems using the shared library concept, the interrupt vector table or the import descriptor table can be modified in memory. Essentially these tactics employ the same ideas as those of source modification, but instead altering instructions and structures located in the memory of a process once it is already running.

Sample code edit

Virtual method table hooking edit

Whenever a class defines/inherits a virtual function (or method), compilers add a hidden member variable to the class which points to a virtual method table (VMT or Vtable). Most compilers place the hidden VMT pointer at the first 4 bytes of every instance of the class. A VMT is basically an array of pointers to all the virtual functions that instances of the class may call. At runtime these pointers are set to point to the right functions, because at compile time, it is not yet known if the base function is to be called or if an overridden version of the function from a derived class is to be called (thereby allowing for polymorphism). Therefore, virtual functions can be hooked by replacing the pointers to them within any VMT that they appear. The code below shows an example of a typical VMT hook in Microsoft Windows, written in C++.[1]

#include <iostream> #include "windows.h"   using namespace std;   class VirtualClass { public:    int number;    virtual void VirtualFn1() //This is the virtual function that will be hooked.  {  cout << "VirtualFn1 called " << number++ << "\n\n";  } };         using VirtualFn1_t = void(__thiscall*)(void* thisptr);  VirtualFn1_t orig_VirtualFn1; void __fastcall hkVirtualFn1(void* thisptr, int edx) //This is our hook function which we will cause the program to call instead of the original VirtualFn1 function after hooking is done. {  cout << "Hook function called" << "\n";    orig_VirtualFn1(thisptr); //Call the original function. }         int main() {  VirtualClass* myClass = new VirtualClass(); //Create a pointer to a dynamically allocated instance of VirtualClass.    void** vTablePtr = *reinterpret_cast<void***>(myClass); //Find the address that points to the base of VirtualClass' VMT (which then points to VirtualFn1) and store it in vTablePtr.    DWORD oldProtection;  VirtualProtect(vTablePtr, 4, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE, &oldProtection); //Removes page protection at the start of the VMT so we can overwrite its first pointer.    orig_VirtualFn1 = reinterpret_cast<VirtualFn1_t>(*vTablePtr); //Stores the pointer to VirtualFn1 from the VMT in a global variable so that it can be accessed again later after its entry in the VMT has been   //overwritten with our hook function.    *vTablePtr = &hkVirtualFn1; //Overwrite the pointer to VirtualFn1 within the virtual table to a pointer to our hook function (hkVirtualFn1).    VirtualProtect(vTablePtr, 4, oldProtection, 0); //Restore old page protection.    myClass->VirtualFn1(); //Call the virtual function from our class instance. Because it is now hooked, this will actually call our hook function (hkVirtualFn1).  myClass->VirtualFn1();  myClass->VirtualFn1();    delete myClass;    return 0; } 

It is important to note that all virtual functions must be class member functions, and all (non-static) class member functions are called with the __thiscall calling convention (unless the member function takes a variable number of arguments, in which case it is called with __cdecl). The __thiscall calling convention passes a pointer to the calling class instance (commonly referred to as a "this" pointer) via the ECX register (on the x86 architecture). Therefore, in order for a hook function to properly intercept the "this" pointer that is passed and take it as an argument, it must look into the ECX register. In the above example, this is done by setting the hook function (hkVirtualFn1) to use the __fastcall calling convention, which causes the hook function to look into the ECX register for one of its arguments.

Also note that, in the above example, the hook function (hkVirtualFn1) is not a member function itself so it cannot use the __thiscall calling convention. __fastcall has to be used instead because it is the only other calling convention that looks into the ECX register for an argument.

C# keyboard event hook edit

The following example will hook into keyboard events in Microsoft Windows using the Microsoft .NET Framework.

using System.Runtime.InteropServices; namespace Hooks; public class KeyHook {  /* Member variables */  protected static int Hook;  protected static LowLevelKeyboardDelegate Delegate;  protected static readonly object Lock = new object();  protected static bool IsRegistered = false;  /* DLL imports */  [DllImport("user32")]  private static extern int SetWindowsHookEx(int idHook, LowLevelKeyboardDelegate lpfn,  int hmod, int dwThreadId);  [DllImport("user32")]  private static extern int CallNextHookEx(int hHook, int nCode, int wParam, KBDLLHOOKSTRUCT lParam);  [DllImport("user32")]  private static extern int UnhookWindowsHookEx(int hHook);  /* Types & constants */  protected delegate int LowLevelKeyboardDelegate(int nCode, int wParam, ref KBDLLHOOKSTRUCT lParam);  private const int HC_ACTION = 0;  private const int WM_KEYDOWN = 0x0100;  private const int WM_KEYUP = 0x0101;  private const int WH_KEYBOARD_LL = 13;  [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)]  public struct KBDLLHOOKSTRUCT  {  public int vkCode;  public int scanCode;  public int flags;  public int time;  public int dwExtraInfo;  }  /* Methods */  static private int LowLevelKeyboardHandler(int nCode, int wParam, ref KBDLLHOOKSTRUCT lParam)  {  if (nCode == HC_ACTION)  {  if (wParam == WM_KEYDOWN)  System.Console.Out.WriteLine("Key Down: " + lParam.vkCode);  else if (wParam == WM_KEYUP)  System.Console.Out.WriteLine("Key Up: " + lParam.vkCode);  }  return CallNextHookEx(Hook, nCode, wParam, lParam);  }  public static bool RegisterHook()  {  lock (Lock)  {  if (IsRegistered)  return true;  Delegate = LowLevelKeyboardHandler;  Hook = SetWindowsHookEx(  WH_KEYBOARD_LL, Delegate,  Marshal.GetHINSTANCE(  System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetModules()[0]  ).ToInt32(), 0  );  if (Hook != 0)  return IsRegistered = true;  Delegate = null;  return false;  }  }  public static bool UnregisterHook()  {  lock (Lock)  {  return IsRegistered = (UnhookWindowsHookEx(Hook) != 0);  }  } } 

API/function hooking/interception using JMP instruction aka splicing edit

The following source code is an example of an API/function hooking method which hooks by overwriting the first six bytes of a destination function with a JMP instruction to a new function. The code is compiled into a DLL file then loaded into the target process using any method of DLL injection. Using a backup of the original function one might then restore the first six bytes again so the call will not be interrupted. In this example the win32 API function MessageBoxW is hooked.[2]

/*  This idea is based on chrom-lib approach, Distributed under GNU LGPL License.  Source chrom-lib: https://github.com/linuxexp/chrom-lib  Copyright (C) 2011 Raja Jamwal */ #include <windows.h>  #define SIZE 6  typedef int (WINAPI *pMessageBoxW)(HWND, LPCWSTR, LPCWSTR, UINT); // Messagebox prototype  int WINAPI MyMessageBoxW(HWND, LPCWSTR, LPCWSTR, UINT); // Our detour  void BeginRedirect(LPVOID);   pMessageBoxW pOrigMBAddress = NULL; // address of original  BYTE oldBytes[SIZE] = {0}; // backup  BYTE JMP[SIZE] = {0}; // 6 byte JMP instruction  DWORD oldProtect, myProtect = PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE;  INT APIENTRY DllMain(HMODULE hDLL, DWORD Reason, LPVOID Reserved)   {   switch (Reason)   {   case DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH: // if attached  pOrigMBAddress = (pMessageBoxW)   GetProcAddress(GetModuleHandleA("user32.dll"), // get address of original   "MessageBoxW");   if (pOrigMBAddress != NULL)   BeginRedirect(MyMessageBoxW); // start detouring  break;  case DLL_PROCESS_DETACH:   VirtualProtect((LPVOID)pOrigMBAddress, SIZE, myProtect, &oldProtect); // assign read write protection  memcpy(pOrigMBAddress, oldBytes, SIZE); // restore backup  VirtualProtect((LPVOID)pOrigMBAddress, SIZE, oldProtect, &myProtect); // reset protection  case DLL_THREAD_ATTACH:   case DLL_THREAD_DETACH:   break;   }   return TRUE;   }  void BeginRedirect(LPVOID newFunction)   {   BYTE tempJMP[SIZE] = {0xE9, 0x90, 0x90, 0x90, 0x90, 0xC3}; // 0xE9 = JMP 0x90 = NOP 0xC3 = RET  memcpy(JMP, tempJMP, SIZE); // store jmp instruction to JMP  DWORD JMPSize = ((DWORD)newFunction - (DWORD)pOrigMBAddress - 5); // calculate jump distance  VirtualProtect((LPVOID)pOrigMBAddress, SIZE, // assign read write protection  PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE, &oldProtect);   memcpy(oldBytes, pOrigMBAddress, SIZE); // make backup  memcpy(&JMP[1], &JMPSize, 4); // fill the nop's with the jump distance (JMP,distance(4bytes),RET)  memcpy(pOrigMBAddress, JMP, SIZE); // set jump instruction at the beginning of the original function  VirtualProtect((LPVOID)pOrigMBAddress, SIZE, oldProtect, &myProtect); // reset protection  }  int WINAPI MyMessageBoxW(HWND hWnd, LPCWSTR lpText, LPCWSTR lpCaption, UINT uiType)   {   VirtualProtect((LPVOID)pOrigMBAddress, SIZE, myProtect, &oldProtect); // assign read write protection  memcpy(pOrigMBAddress, oldBytes, SIZE); // restore backup  int retValue = MessageBoxW(hWnd, lpText, lpCaption, uiType); // get return value of original function  memcpy(pOrigMBAddress, JMP, SIZE); // set the jump instruction again  VirtualProtect((LPVOID)pOrigMBAddress, SIZE, oldProtect, &myProtect); // reset protection  return retValue; // return original return value  } 

Netfilter hook edit

This example shows how to use hooking to alter network traffic in the Linux kernel using Netfilter.

#include <linux/module.h> #include <linux/kernel.h> #include <linux/skbuff.h> #include <linux/ip.h> #include <linux/tcp.h> #include <linux/in.h> #include <linux/netfilter.h> #include <linux/netfilter_ipv4.h> /* Port we want to drop packets on */ static const uint16_t port = 25; /* This is the hook function itself */ static unsigned int hook_func(unsigned int hooknum,  struct sk_buff **pskb,  const struct net_device *in,  const struct net_device *out,  int (*okfn)(struct sk_buff *)) {  struct iphdr *iph = ip_hdr(*pskb);  struct tcphdr *tcph, tcpbuf;  if (iph->protocol != IPPROTO_TCP)  return NF_ACCEPT;  tcph = skb_header_pointer(*pskb, ip_hdrlen(*pskb), sizeof(*tcph), &tcpbuf);  if (tcph == NULL)  return NF_ACCEPT;  return (tcph->dest == port) ? NF_DROP : NF_ACCEPT; } /* Used to register our hook function */ static struct nf_hook_ops nfho = {  .hook = hook_func,  .hooknum = NF_IP_PRE_ROUTING,  .pf = NFPROTO_IPV4,  .priority = NF_IP_PRI_FIRST, }; static __init int my_init(void) {  return nf_register_hook(&nfho); } static __exit void my_exit(void) {  nf_unregister_hook(&nfho); } module_init(my_init); module_exit(my_exit); 

Internal IAT hooking edit

The following code demonstrates how to hook functions that are imported from another module. This can be used to hook functions in a different process from the calling process. For this the code must be compiled into a DLL file then loaded into the target process using any method of DLL injection. The advantage of this method is that it is less detectable by antivirus software and/or anti-cheat software, one might make this into an external hook that doesn't make use of any malicious calls. The Portable Executable header contains the Import Address Table (IAT), which can be manipulated as shown in the source below. The source below runs under Microsoft Windows.

#include <windows.h> typedef int(__stdcall *pMessageBoxA) (HWND hWnd, LPCSTR lpText, LPCSTR lpCaption, UINT uType); //This is the 'type' of the MessageBoxA call. pMessageBoxA RealMessageBoxA; //This will store a pointer to the original function. void DetourIATptr(const char* function, void* newfunction, HMODULE module); int __stdcall NewMessageBoxA(HWND hWnd, LPCSTR lpText, LPCSTR lpCaption, UINT uType) { //Our fake function  printf("The String Sent to MessageBoxA Was : %s\n", lpText);  return RealMessageBoxA(hWnd, lpText, lpCaption, uType); //Call the real function } int main(int argc, CHAR *argv[]) {  DetourIATptr("MessageBoxA",(void*)NewMessageBoxA,0); //Hook the function  MessageBoxA(NULL, "Just A MessageBox", "Just A MessageBox", 0); //Call the function -- this will invoke our fake hook.  return 0; } void **IATfind(const char *function, HMODULE module) { //Find the IAT (Import Address Table) entry specific to the given function.  int ip = 0;  if (module == 0)  module = GetModuleHandle(0);  PIMAGE_DOS_HEADER pImgDosHeaders = (PIMAGE_DOS_HEADER)module;  PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS pImgNTHeaders = (PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS)((LPBYTE)pImgDosHeaders + pImgDosHeaders->e_lfanew);  PIMAGE_IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR pImgImportDesc = (PIMAGE_IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR)((LPBYTE)pImgDosHeaders + pImgNTHeaders->OptionalHeader.DataDirectory[IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_IMPORT].VirtualAddress);  if (pImgDosHeaders->e_magic != IMAGE_DOS_SIGNATURE)  printf("libPE Error : e_magic is no valid DOS signature\n");  for (IMAGE_IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR *iid = pImgImportDesc; iid->Name != NULL; iid++) {  for (int funcIdx = 0; *(funcIdx + (LPVOID*)(iid->FirstThunk + (SIZE_T)module)) != NULL; funcIdx++) {  char *modFuncName = (char*)(*(funcIdx + (SIZE_T*)(iid->OriginalFirstThunk + (SIZE_T)module)) + (SIZE_T)module + 2);  const uintptr_t nModFuncName = (uintptr_t)modFuncName;  bool isString = !(nModFuncName & (sizeof(nModFuncName) == 4 ? 0x80000000 : 0x8000000000000000));  if (isString) {  if (!_stricmp(function, modFuncName))  return funcIdx + (LPVOID*)(iid->FirstThunk + (SIZE_T)module);  }  }  }  return 0; } void DetourIATptr(const char *function, void *newfunction, HMODULE module) {  void **funcptr = IATfind(function, module);  if (*funcptr == newfunction)  return;  DWORD oldrights, newrights = PAGE_READWRITE;  //Update the protection to READWRITE  VirtualProtect(funcptr, sizeof(LPVOID), newrights, &oldrights);  RealMessageBoxA = (pMessageBoxA)*funcptr; //Some compilers require the cast (like "MinGW"), not sure about MSVC though  *funcptr = newfunction;  //Restore the old memory protection flags.  VirtualProtect(funcptr, sizeof(LPVOID), oldrights, &newrights); } 

See also edit

References edit

  • Jonathan Daniel (2013-11-27). "Hooking explained: detouring library calls and vtable patching in Windows/Linux/MAC-OSX". Retrieved 2014-01-01.
  • Binh Nguyen (2004-08-16). "Hacking-Lexicon / Linux Dictionary V 0.16". Retrieved 2008-02-23. Hook
  • [2012-06-29: Link appears to be dead] Author: Holy Father (2002-06-10). (PDF). Archived from the original (PDF) on 2009-12-29. Retrieved 2008-02-21. {{cite web}}: |author= has generic name (help)

External links edit

Windows edit

  • Information on Import Address Table function hooking.
  • Information from Microsoft on hooking
  • Information and various techniques regarding x86 hooking.
  • APISpy32 is an application used to hook win32 API.
  • Detours is a general purpose function hooking library created by Microsoft Research which works in C / C++.
  • winspy Three ways to inject code into another process.
  • HookTool SDK (ACF SDK) Provides a comprehensive overview on API hooking and code injection. A commercial product available too.
  • madCodeHook is a commercial x86 and x64 API hooking and DLL injection library for C++ and Delphi.
  • EasyHook is an open source hooking engine supporting x86 and x64 in Windows in both user and kernel land.
  • SpyStudio Application Trace SpyStudio is an Application tracer which hook calls, displaying the results in a structured way.
  • rohitab.com API Monitor is a freeware application that can hook and display 10,000+ Windows APIs and COM Interfaces in 32-bit and 64-bit applications and services.
  • Deviare API Hook Deviare is a freeware inter-process hook framework that can be used to intercept other processes' API calls and show full-parameter information or create API monitors.
  • WinAPIOverride WinAPIOverride is a freeware for non commercial use. It can hook win32 API, COM, OLE, ActiveX, .NET in 32-bit and 64-bit processes. It includes monitoring post analysis tools.
  • urmem C++11 cross-platform library (x86) for working with memory (hooks, patches, pointer's wrapper, signature scanner etc.)

Linux edit

  • A student research project that utilizes hooking.
  • Functionality that allows a piece of software to observe and control the execution of another process.
  • [3] Use of LD_PRELOAD to hook shared library calls.

Emacs edit

  • Emacs Hooks Hooks are an important mechanism for customization of Emacs. A hook is a Lisp variable which holds a list of functions, to be called on some well-defined occasion. (This is called running the hook.)

OS X and iOS edit

  • Cydia Substrate is a framework for jailbroken iOS devices allowing developers to hook into any other framework or application.
  • harpoon is an OS X library for runtime function hooking.

In Depth API Hooking edit

  • x86 API Hooking Demystified Article on various API Hooking methods, for the x86 architecture.

hooking, other, uses, disambiguation, confused, with, hook, computer, programming, term, hooking, covers, range, techniques, used, alter, augment, behaviour, operating, system, applications, other, software, components, intercepting, function, calls, messages,. For other uses see Hooking disambiguation Not to be confused with Hook up In computer programming the term hooking covers a range of techniques used to alter or augment the behaviour of an operating system of applications or of other software components by intercepting function calls or messages or events passed between software components Code that handles such intercepted function calls events or messages is called a hook Hook methods are of particular importance in the Template Method Pattern where common code in an abstract class can be augmented by custom code in a subclass In this case each hook method is defined in the abstract class with an empty implementation which then allows a different implementation to be supplied in each concrete subclass Hooking is used for many purposes including debugging and extending functionality Examples might include intercepting keyboard or mouse event messages before they reach an application or intercepting operating system calls in order to monitor behavior or modify the function of an application or other component It is also widely used in benchmarking programs for example frame rate measuring in 3D games where the output and input is done through hooking Hooking can also be used by malicious code For example rootkits pieces of software that try to make themselves invisible by faking the output of API calls that would otherwise reveal their existence often use hooking techniques Contents 1 Methods 1 1 Source modification 1 2 Runtime modification 2 Sample code 2 1 Virtual method table hooking 2 2 C keyboard event hook 2 3 API function hooking interception using JMP instruction aka splicing 2 4 Netfilter hook 2 5 Internal IAT hooking 3 See also 4 References 5 External links 5 1 Windows 5 2 Linux 5 3 Emacs 5 4 OS X and iOS 5 5 In Depth API HookingMethods editTypically hooks are inserted while software is already running but hooking is a tactic that can also be employed prior to the application being started Both these techniques are described in greater detail below Source modification edit Hooking can be achieved by modifying the source of the executable or library before an application is running through techniques of reverse engineering This is typically used to intercept function calls to either monitor or replace them entirely For example by using a disassembler the entry point of a function within a module can be found It can then be altered to instead dynamically load some other library module and then have it execute desired methods within that loaded library If applicable another related approach by which hooking can be achieved is by altering the import table of an executable This table can be modified to load any additional library modules as well as changing what external code is invoked when a function is called by the application An alternative method for achieving function hooking is by intercepting function calls through a wrapper library A wrapper is a version of a library that an application loads with all the same functionality of the original library that it will replace That is all the functions that are accessible are essentially the same between the original and the replacement This wrapper library can be designed to call any of the functionality from the original library or replace it with an entirely new set of logic Runtime modification edit Operating systems and software may provide the means to easily insert event hooks at runtime It is available provided that the process inserting the hook is granted enough permission to do so Microsoft Windows for example allows users to insert hooks that can be used to process or modify system events and application events for dialogs scrollbars and menus as well as other items It also allows a hook to insert remove process or modify keyboard and mouse events Linux provides another example where hooks can be used in a similar manner to process network events within the kernel through NetFilter When such functionality is not provided a special form of hooking employs intercepting the library function calls made by a process Function hooking is implemented by changing the very first few code instructions of the target function to jump to an injected code Alternatively on systems using the shared library concept the interrupt vector table or the import descriptor table can be modified in memory Essentially these tactics employ the same ideas as those of source modification but instead altering instructions and structures located in the memory of a process once it is already running Sample code editVirtual method table hooking edit Whenever a class defines inherits a virtual function or method compilers add a hidden member variable to the class which points to a virtual method table VMT or Vtable Most compilers place the hidden VMT pointer at the first 4 bytes of every instance of the class A VMT is basically an array of pointers to all the virtual functions that instances of the class may call At runtime these pointers are set to point to the right functions because at compile time it is not yet known if the base function is to be called or if an overridden version of the function from a derived class is to be called thereby allowing for polymorphism Therefore virtual functions can be hooked by replacing the pointers to them within any VMT that they appear The code below shows an example of a typical VMT hook in Microsoft Windows written in C 1 include lt iostream gt include windows h using namespace std class VirtualClass public int number virtual void VirtualFn1 This is the virtual function that will be hooked cout lt lt VirtualFn1 called lt lt number lt lt n n using VirtualFn1 t void thiscall void thisptr VirtualFn1 t orig VirtualFn1 void fastcall hkVirtualFn1 void thisptr int edx This is our hook function which we will cause the program to call instead of the original VirtualFn1 function after hooking is done cout lt lt Hook function called lt lt n orig VirtualFn1 thisptr Call the original function int main VirtualClass myClass new VirtualClass Create a pointer to a dynamically allocated instance of VirtualClass void vTablePtr reinterpret cast lt void gt myClass Find the address that points to the base of VirtualClass VMT which then points to VirtualFn1 and store it in vTablePtr DWORD oldProtection VirtualProtect vTablePtr 4 PAGE EXECUTE READWRITE amp oldProtection Removes page protection at the start of the VMT so we can overwrite its first pointer orig VirtualFn1 reinterpret cast lt VirtualFn1 t gt vTablePtr Stores the pointer to VirtualFn1 from the VMT in a global variable so that it can be accessed again later after its entry in the VMT has been overwritten with our hook function vTablePtr amp hkVirtualFn1 Overwrite the pointer to VirtualFn1 within the virtual table to a pointer to our hook function hkVirtualFn1 VirtualProtect vTablePtr 4 oldProtection 0 Restore old page protection myClass gt VirtualFn1 Call the virtual function from our class instance Because it is now hooked this will actually call our hook function hkVirtualFn1 myClass gt VirtualFn1 myClass gt VirtualFn1 delete myClass return 0 It is important to note that all virtual functions must be class member functions and all non static class member functions are called with the thiscall calling convention unless the member function takes a variable number of arguments in which case it is called with cdecl The thiscall calling convention passes a pointer to the calling class instance commonly referred to as a this pointer via the ECX register on the x86 architecture Therefore in order for a hook function to properly intercept the this pointer that is passed and take it as an argument it must look into the ECX register In the above example this is done by setting the hook function hkVirtualFn1 to use the fastcall calling convention which causes the hook function to look into the ECX register for one of its arguments Also note that in the above example the hook function hkVirtualFn1 is not a member function itself so it cannot use the thiscall calling convention fastcall has to be used instead because it is the only other calling convention that looks into the ECX register for an argument C keyboard event hook edit The following example will hook into keyboard events in Microsoft Windows using the Microsoft NET Framework using System Runtime InteropServices namespace Hooks public class KeyHook Member variables protected static int Hook protected static LowLevelKeyboardDelegate Delegate protected static readonly object Lock new object protected static bool IsRegistered false DLL imports DllImport user32 private static extern int SetWindowsHookEx int idHook LowLevelKeyboardDelegate lpfn int hmod int dwThreadId DllImport user32 private static extern int CallNextHookEx int hHook int nCode int wParam KBDLLHOOKSTRUCT lParam DllImport user32 private static extern int UnhookWindowsHookEx int hHook Types amp constants protected delegate int LowLevelKeyboardDelegate int nCode int wParam ref KBDLLHOOKSTRUCT lParam private const int HC ACTION 0 private const int WM KEYDOWN 0 x0100 private const int WM KEYUP 0 x0101 private const int WH KEYBOARD LL 13 StructLayout LayoutKind Sequential public struct KBDLLHOOKSTRUCT public int vkCode public int scanCode public int flags public int time public int dwExtraInfo Methods static private int LowLevelKeyboardHandler int nCode int wParam ref KBDLLHOOKSTRUCT lParam if nCode HC ACTION if wParam WM KEYDOWN System Console Out WriteLine Key Down lParam vkCode else if wParam WM KEYUP System Console Out WriteLine Key Up lParam vkCode return CallNextHookEx Hook nCode wParam lParam public static bool RegisterHook lock Lock if IsRegistered return true Delegate LowLevelKeyboardHandler Hook SetWindowsHookEx WH KEYBOARD LL Delegate Marshal GetHINSTANCE System Reflection Assembly GetExecutingAssembly GetModules 0 ToInt32 0 if Hook 0 return IsRegistered true Delegate null return false public static bool UnregisterHook lock Lock return IsRegistered UnhookWindowsHookEx Hook 0 API function hooking interception using JMP instruction aka splicing edit The following source code is an example of an API function hooking method which hooks by overwriting the first six bytes of a destination function with a JMP instruction to a new function The code is compiled into a DLL file then loaded into the target process using any method of DLL injection Using a backup of the original function one might then restore the first six bytes again so the call will not be interrupted In this example the win32 API function MessageBoxW is hooked 2 This idea is based on chrom lib approach Distributed under GNU LGPL License Source chrom lib https github com linuxexp chrom lib Copyright C 2011 Raja Jamwal include lt windows h gt define SIZE 6 typedef int WINAPI pMessageBoxW HWND LPCWSTR LPCWSTR UINT Messagebox prototype int WINAPI MyMessageBoxW HWND LPCWSTR LPCWSTR UINT Our detour void BeginRedirect LPVOID pMessageBoxW pOrigMBAddress NULL address of original BYTE oldBytes SIZE 0 backup BYTE JMP SIZE 0 6 byte JMP instruction DWORD oldProtect myProtect PAGE EXECUTE READWRITE INT APIENTRY DllMain HMODULE hDLL DWORD Reason LPVOID Reserved switch Reason case DLL PROCESS ATTACH if attached pOrigMBAddress pMessageBoxW GetProcAddress GetModuleHandleA user32 dll get address of original MessageBoxW if pOrigMBAddress NULL BeginRedirect MyMessageBoxW start detouring break case DLL PROCESS DETACH VirtualProtect LPVOID pOrigMBAddress SIZE myProtect amp oldProtect assign read write protection memcpy pOrigMBAddress oldBytes SIZE restore backup VirtualProtect LPVOID pOrigMBAddress SIZE oldProtect amp myProtect reset protection case DLL THREAD ATTACH case DLL THREAD DETACH break return TRUE void BeginRedirect LPVOID newFunction BYTE tempJMP SIZE 0xE9 0x90 0x90 0x90 0x90 0xC3 0xE9 JMP 0x90 NOP 0xC3 RET memcpy JMP tempJMP SIZE store jmp instruction to JMP DWORD JMPSize DWORD newFunction DWORD pOrigMBAddress 5 calculate jump distance VirtualProtect LPVOID pOrigMBAddress SIZE assign read write protection PAGE EXECUTE READWRITE amp oldProtect memcpy oldBytes pOrigMBAddress SIZE make backup memcpy amp JMP 1 amp JMPSize 4 fill the nop s with the jump distance JMP distance 4bytes RET memcpy pOrigMBAddress JMP SIZE set jump instruction at the beginning of the original function VirtualProtect LPVOID pOrigMBAddress SIZE oldProtect amp myProtect reset protection int WINAPI MyMessageBoxW HWND hWnd LPCWSTR lpText LPCWSTR lpCaption UINT uiType VirtualProtect LPVOID pOrigMBAddress SIZE myProtect amp oldProtect assign read write protection memcpy pOrigMBAddress oldBytes SIZE restore backup int retValue MessageBoxW hWnd lpText lpCaption uiType get return value of original function memcpy pOrigMBAddress JMP SIZE set the jump instruction again VirtualProtect LPVOID pOrigMBAddress SIZE oldProtect amp myProtect reset protection return retValue return original return value Netfilter hook edit This example shows how to use hooking to alter network traffic in the Linux kernel using Netfilter include lt linux module h gt include lt linux kernel h gt include lt linux skbuff h gt include lt linux ip h gt include lt linux tcp h gt include lt linux in h gt include lt linux netfilter h gt include lt linux netfilter ipv4 h gt Port we want to drop packets on static const uint16 t port 25 This is the hook function itself static unsigned int hook func unsigned int hooknum struct sk buff pskb const struct net device in const struct net device out int okfn struct sk buff struct iphdr iph ip hdr pskb struct tcphdr tcph tcpbuf if iph gt protocol IPPROTO TCP return NF ACCEPT tcph skb header pointer pskb ip hdrlen pskb sizeof tcph amp tcpbuf if tcph NULL return NF ACCEPT return tcph gt dest port NF DROP NF ACCEPT Used to register our hook function static struct nf hook ops nfho hook hook func hooknum NF IP PRE ROUTING pf NFPROTO IPV4 priority NF IP PRI FIRST static init int my init void return nf register hook amp nfho static exit void my exit void nf unregister hook amp nfho module init my init module exit my exit Internal IAT hooking edit The following code demonstrates how to hook functions that are imported from another module This can be used to hook functions in a different process from the calling process For this the code must be compiled into a DLL file then loaded into the target process using any method of DLL injection The advantage of this method is that it is less detectable by antivirus software and or anti cheat software one might make this into an external hook that doesn t make use of any malicious calls The Portable Executable header contains the Import Address Table IAT which can be manipulated as shown in the source below The source below runs under Microsoft Windows include lt windows h gt typedef int stdcall pMessageBoxA HWND hWnd LPCSTR lpText LPCSTR lpCaption UINT uType This is the type of the MessageBoxA call pMessageBoxA RealMessageBoxA This will store a pointer to the original function void DetourIATptr const char function void newfunction HMODULE module int stdcall NewMessageBoxA HWND hWnd LPCSTR lpText LPCSTR lpCaption UINT uType Our fake function printf The String Sent to MessageBoxA Was s n lpText return RealMessageBoxA hWnd lpText lpCaption uType Call the real function int main int argc CHAR argv DetourIATptr MessageBoxA void NewMessageBoxA 0 Hook the function MessageBoxA NULL Just A MessageBox Just A MessageBox 0 Call the function this will invoke our fake hook return 0 void IATfind const char function HMODULE module Find the IAT Import Address Table entry specific to the given function int ip 0 if module 0 module GetModuleHandle 0 PIMAGE DOS HEADER pImgDosHeaders PIMAGE DOS HEADER module PIMAGE NT HEADERS pImgNTHeaders PIMAGE NT HEADERS LPBYTE pImgDosHeaders pImgDosHeaders gt e lfanew PIMAGE IMPORT DESCRIPTOR pImgImportDesc PIMAGE IMPORT DESCRIPTOR LPBYTE pImgDosHeaders pImgNTHeaders gt OptionalHeader DataDirectory IMAGE DIRECTORY ENTRY IMPORT VirtualAddress if pImgDosHeaders gt e magic IMAGE DOS SIGNATURE printf libPE Error e magic is no valid DOS signature n for IMAGE IMPORT DESCRIPTOR iid pImgImportDesc iid gt Name NULL iid for int funcIdx 0 funcIdx LPVOID iid gt FirstThunk SIZE T module NULL funcIdx char modFuncName char funcIdx SIZE T iid gt OriginalFirstThunk SIZE T module SIZE T module 2 const uintptr t nModFuncName uintptr t modFuncName bool isString nModFuncName amp sizeof nModFuncName 4 0x80000000 0x8000000000000000 if isString if stricmp function modFuncName return funcIdx LPVOID iid gt FirstThunk SIZE T module return 0 void DetourIATptr const char function void newfunction HMODULE module void funcptr IATfind function module if funcptr newfunction return DWORD oldrights newrights PAGE READWRITE Update the protection to READWRITE VirtualProtect funcptr sizeof LPVOID newrights amp oldrights RealMessageBoxA pMessageBoxA funcptr Some compilers require the cast like MinGW not sure about MSVC though funcptr newfunction Restore the old memory protection flags VirtualProtect funcptr sizeof LPVOID oldrights amp newrights See also editCallback computer science Delegation programming Terminate and stay resident program User exit WinAPIOverride32References edit psyfl For more information see http ntvalk blogspot nl 2013 11 hooking explained detouring library html Jonathan Daniel 2013 11 27 Hooking explained detouring library calls and vtable patching in Windows Linux MAC OSX Retrieved 2014 01 01 Binh Nguyen 2004 08 16 Hacking Lexicon Linux Dictionary V 0 16 Retrieved 2008 02 23 Hook 2012 06 29 Link appears to be dead Author Holy Father 2002 06 10 Hooking Windows API Technics of hooking API functions on Windows 1 1 english PDF Archived from the original PDF on 2009 12 29 Retrieved 2008 02 21 a href Template Cite web html title Template Cite web cite web a author has generic name help External links editWindows edit Information on Import Address Table function hooking Information from Microsoft on hooking Information and various techniques regarding x86 hooking APISpy32 is an application used to hook win32 API Detours is a general purpose function hooking library created by Microsoft Research which works in C C winspy Three ways to inject code into another process HookTool SDK ACF SDK Provides a comprehensive overview on API hooking and code injection A commercial product available too madCodeHook is a commercial x86 and x64 API hooking and DLL injection library for C and Delphi EasyHook is an open source hooking engine supporting x86 and x64 in Windows in both user and kernel land SpyStudio Application Trace SpyStudio is an Application tracer which hook calls displaying the results in a structured way rohitab com API Monitor is a freeware application that can hook and display 10 000 Windows APIs and COM Interfaces in 32 bit and 64 bit applications and services Deviare API Hook Deviare is a freeware inter process hook framework that can be used to intercept other processes API calls and show full parameter information or create API monitors WinAPIOverride WinAPIOverride is a freeware for non commercial use It can hook win32 API COM OLE ActiveX NET in 32 bit and 64 bit processes It includes monitoring post analysis tools urmem C 11 cross platform library x86 for working with memory hooks patches pointer s wrapper signature scanner etc Linux edit 1 A student research project that utilizes hooking 2 Functionality that allows a piece of software to observe and control the execution of another process 3 Use of LD PRELOAD to hook shared library calls Emacs edit Emacs Hooks Hooks are an important mechanism for customization of Emacs A hook is a Lisp variable which holds a list of functions to be called on some well defined occasion This is called running the hook OS X and iOS edit Cydia Substrate is a framework for jailbroken iOS devices allowing developers to hook into any other framework or application harpoon is an OS X library for runtime function hooking In Depth API Hooking edit x86 API Hooking Demystified Article on various API Hooking methods for the x86 architecture Retrieved from https en wikipedia org w index php title Hooking amp oldid 1211999539, wikipedia, wiki, book, books, library,


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